Why This Fallout YouTuber Couldn't Avoid Drama - Oxhorn | TRO

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hello knees gentlemen and welcome to the right opinion the home of a [ __ ] with too much free time and I like videogames in fact back in the day I used to be a big gamer however contrary to the slogan which I pretty much retained for branding purposes at this point I do not have much free time and therefore I do not play as many video games as I'd like one of the games or series of games I've always wanted to play but never quite got round 2 was fallout it seems like a fascinating concept the dystopian open-world adventure really captures my attention fallout as a game series has been going on for a few decades and with critical acclaim and popularity it quickly obtained a substantial fanbase which spilled over into the internet gaming scene and launched the careers of a lot of craters it's not just the gameplay a fallout that seems to attract a lot of attention but it's also the law the stories and the mystery in a way when playing games you might experience something that provokes a question in our head makes us think I wonder what the story is behind them and like creators who delve into the mysteries of the internet for example the gamer equivalent of these craters gained prominence with the same sort of approach to about the mysterious backgrounds of some characters and out of the roots came a youtuber known as oxhorn befall outlaw investigator with a creamy voice his videos delving into various cases stories and features most promptly gained traction over the 2017 to 2018 period now this was an ox horns first venture on the platform in fact he is one of the older creators as the platform's history goes prior to the oxhorn channel he had a channel named box horn movies in which he uploaded world of warcraft related content which was certainly interesting to say the least [Music] wrathful mouth this has 17 million views by the way good luck ever obtaining that sort of success with this sort of content he made the comment that he started making movies in around 2004 and therefore he must have pre-existed the platform with his interests however in 2013 he decided it was time to move on from this brand of content and into other ventures he had a podcast that he called scotch and smoke rings he also had a website where he advertised bid care grow a beard now and he had his own personal blog blogging with class comm now when someone's on the internet for such a long time it's natural that they've probably got a lot of history a little pages up there the documents their journey however sometimes when we look over a person's journey we see a few potholes they may have encountered and we want to know how they would address it these are two separate processes that can definitely shape the perception of a crater and the possible implications regarding their reputation there's a lot more to the drama than meets the eye but I found myself being contacted a lot about this and I was to be honest quite confused because drama has a brother straightforward formula one side presents their case another side presents their case and then the beleaguered the wilded audience try and pick a side on the basis of what troops they can hopefully take away and this isn't anything particularly huge on the surface why would people want me to do a video on this bloke as far as I could see a fairly inoffensive fool out child that isn't pulling so many views these days well when I began to spend more time researching content on watching the videos on it I very quickly realised why people were messaging me because the truths that I just spoke about they're not really clear the videos on him were long I mean very long and summer you craters clearly didn't get the memo because only I am allowed to do long videos with pretentious rants but I watched them because the right opinion is a trooper out on the frontlines watching the videos so you don't have to but now we set the scene I want to lay out the situation because I know a lot of you guys will probably not have a clue what I'm talking about don't worry papa James is here to enlighten you so Ox Wan has appeared to have been embroiled in drama over a rather murky time period at first it appeared to just be criticism of his content and some of the coverage of Fallout games but his response to this criticism which we'll get into in a moment appear to rub people the wrong way and what happens is what you'd expect he made a few enemies and internet history and enemies don't go too well what these people found was his blog which had some fairly questionable views and propaganda published they found some of his old tweets some articles that he had written himself on various matters including homosexuality and on top of this they found other videos that showed him not quite as this sort of person he presents himself today this was part alongside what many thought was his biased coverage of games such as fallout 76 and fallout 4 and that led to suspicions of whether he had ulterior motives for supporting it on the surface it created a narrative that he might be a homophobe with a bad taste in games but digging deeper some people felt it made much of his content disingenuous and he was just an opportunist he's bouncing the views that got him the address at first there was little public response from oxhorn however as the pressure continued to mount and people began to question whether he still held some of his positions he decided to upload a public response replying to the allegations and going on the counter on many points claiming that his critics were mostly bad faith actors obsessed with bringing a harmless guy who made a few mistakes down this was met with support from many viewers who praised him for his calm collected response to criticism power there was still a sect of people who were unconvinced about his response and claim that actually he had a habit of being quite authoritarian towards criticism and actually had not just taken down videos but whole channels over this matter pretty much attempting to erase all history of his questionable behavior this is a lot to digest and honestly the journey through the drum is one like a huge roller coaster and if you get to a point in my video where you think you know which son I'm gonna take I might suggest a little longer but do that I think we need to get back into the right style are you ready let's go [Music] I'm going to preface this by saying I'm not going to talk about fallout a lot because it's not my main area of expertise and frankly there is so much discussion on it already know what I'm going to do is break down this drama into these section of allegations starting with the stuff that I don't think is raised strongest but the oldest and you'll understand why I do that by the end of this part as mentioned when you've been on the internet for a long time like oxhorn chances are you've said some things that you wouldn't say in the present day this may be due to a change in ideology or just the acknowledgment that it's inappropriate for your current formats this recently came about with his blog posts a few topics stuck out firstly about porn secondly about homosexuality and thirdly about substances now ox1 at the time of these posts while looks of it was a person who was pretty invested in Christianity however he takes the sort of Shapira approach doesn't reuse the God said so and tries to find some logical explanation in this instance some of the basis of his arguments are applied through the perspective of prevention of societal decay and others are applied through Darwinism and used to explain why the behavior is immoral or undesirable as it's not evolutionarily preferable anyway so that from a dorm or Darwinistic perspective Darwinist Darwinistic perspective from the perspective of an animal that has evolved from approaches ooh or whatever to the creature that stands before you naked and shivering now the man that is a man who has failed at being an animal animals don't run around and look at other naked animals and get their jollies that way they really don't that's really something that is only in mankind you know you don't see nude badger periodicals in the bookstore you don't I mean this is weird yeah you're not gonna find badgers lined up to buy the latest edition of badger boy or whatever play badger I mean primates can masturbate to mate but I wouldn't go too far into that the content criticizing homosexuality was written over a decade ago on camera of truth on blogspot way basically posted articles that read like Frankie knew transcripts the other content was published around 2013 time in ops horns very quaintly named manifesto which appears to be a guide on how to behave with class like ox horn of course he was the embodiment of a refined gentleman now I'm being quite jovial about this because I find it quite funny not gonna lie maybe it's just the sentiment of it there is this guru of class passing on his wisdom to the onlooking plebeians such as thou shalt not beat their meat but I'll put this on hold to go to the homosexuality point so he wrote a few posts back in the day about homosexuality I found them quite amusing but the central tone is that homosexuality is immoral and if society deems it immoral then they can discriminate it on the basis of morality this led to claims that he held outdated bigoted views he also tweeted out some articles and responses on his Twitter at the time I'm not here to debate it because he's already retracted it the thing is although he comes across as rather self-righteous it's easy to forget the gay marriage and even remote acceptance of homosexual relationships has only really become mainstream in the last few years and therefore I don't think it's really a thing worth exposing someone over because it wasn't an uncommon belief back then especially if you've been raised in a very restrictive environment with that said I think people who may feel alienated by such views can take up their concern with him and he can explain how he feels today a bridge we will cross soon the whole porn and substances thing led to a lot of allegations that he was hypocritical the porn theme because he has mods that enable nudity in his Fallout games of food caps and water while sitting on European descent you tributes of tributes and tributes of his comments on substances because he is a frequent drinker and smoker now as far as the porn goes I mean he did kind of qualify his statements a few years back there are people in real life who do get sex and still watch pornography and mysteries but that's where different discussion we're not talking about sex in general we're talking about satisfying sex and and I get that into the article when we talk about marriage and it's hard to say if they're completely equivalent although it's still a bit strange given his dispositions he does comment on it in his response video after the comments on substances although fairly disagreeable for myself it's a case of what society is constructed and a lot of rock swans views are clearly rooted in traditionalism of what is best for society and a lot of these substances that ops worn frowns upon are those ones that are classically ostracized for reasons some more rational than others it's not exactly hypocritical to decry them as snobbish as it might see now what his reasoning for sacrificing these views over the last year we've heard a few responses from him in his response video that will break down later this moment changed many beliefs that I held after all if I could have been so wrong about homosexuality I could be just as wrong about the politics that I held and my views on other social issues making nearly everything that I wrote in my 20s and early 30s outdated and not an accurate representation of the person I am today and people can say that he's being disingenuous then he's afraid of losing fans but as it stands currently I could not say for certain but those were his motives and although I do find the posts amusing I wouldn't advocate dragging someone over them if they have expressed regret for them those were his opinions he doesn't hold them anymore and the other day when I'm doing any sort of activist work my ultimate goal would be to convince people to change and if he's outwardly changed his views than that at least as a message that he's conveying to his audience and that's a positive at least there was also a lot of criticism that he shells for Bethesda basically due to some misinformation in his videos particularly in the fact that he was defending fallout 4 and even 76 I said I can't really comment on it there's not really much that can be proved either way we don't have any Bank receipts unfortunately he might have his reasons for supporting it but it's not the central issue here there were also some people criticizing him for not making a video unprovoked having to see all these allegations to actually respond and although I do understand that perspective it would seem weird to me to make a video unprovoked on previous views if no one was really thinking about them I think many people have had views they don't stand by in the past however they were published online so I do understand that perspective if I was in his position I would have just released a public statement on Twitter or the community tab when they first arose just got something out there but when something was going as public as it was for him a video must kinda come into play even if it was left a bit too late I think the purpose of a video at that point would be if done right to make sure that the other perspectives don't outshine his own because these criticisms were gaining traction and people want to know if he genuinely still held those views there was also an old video going round of him allegedly fat shaming someone would quote too much personality a rather mean-spirited video in which he mocked someone purchasing some food the video was around six years old and posted on to his YouTube channel and he was revealing stick for this as well this is what happens when you have too much personality the reason that I've covered these topics from earlier on in his career are because these are things that could easily be quashed if these were the only claims then his response would be straightforward he's a changed man he realizes the errors of his ways and he won't be doing it again and in a way that did happen but it was missing some details so let's discuss his response so the first thing that ox Haun did was removed the incriminating evidence now on principle that is the right thing to do as keeping them up can be seen as an implicit endorsement and when some people started criticizing him for it some fans and their defenses of him were Martley concerning why would I be scared of a [ __ ] boo [ __ ] if you don't have the same ideology you wouldn't want it spreading or providing the impression that you think that way how I got as I'm sure many of you know these articles are typically archived by people so the information is still out there however for his domain which contained his manifesto I went to search it up as you do and he actually placed a special request with the web archives to make sure you couldn't archive it which is admittedly a bit of a it move I mean all right you don't want something out there but as long as people already have screenshots it seems strange that you would try and completely bury its existence especially when it was just a fraction of the criticism it does make you wonder what else was on there but I digress we cannot prove anything how are with the existence of questions surrounding his mentality he may sense that he'd finally do a video addressing his claims as mentioned it should have been a fairly simple dispatch of various points against him and the comprehension that your positions have changed and on first glance the video does that when I watched it first I was pretty much done with the drama it seems many commenters would one over to who when I returned one more time things didn't seem quite right I mean he deals with the previous positions on homosexuality fairly reasonably as mentioned although he could have dealt with it sooner place an explanation in some we're not doing so doesn't make him a bad person if he considered those views in the past and given the very rapid expansion of his YouTube channel he might just not really want to bring attention to it so with that one other way suddenly something clicked many years ago I once pulled out my phone and recorded a person who I thought had made a poor outfit decision I didn't talk to this person I didn't bully this person I was in my car with a friend we were eating our dinner and I chose at the time to express my befuddlement at the way this person chose to dress and that was wrong that wasn't kind that's not the kind of person I am it's not the kind of person I want to be I realized my mistake almost as soon as I published the video to Facebook some viewers told me that this wasn't very kind and upon reflection I agreed and so I deleted the video it got only a handful of views before I deleted it but as is the nature of the Internet nothing ever truly disappears from the internet and so trolls have dug up this very old video in an attempt to harm me okay but that's almost completely false there in claims about the girls age but that's not verifiable what we do know is that this video was uploaded to YouTube and quickly became one of his most viewed videos at the time and was still up on his channel after three days this is not ambiguous this is archived which makes me wonder if he knew it was archived and sure people confuse details when you're making comments as if they're solidified responses and playing it down as if that's a defense then you cannot allow for that it's also noteworthy that all the details that oxhorn gets wrong are details that would immediately play down the severity of such incidents and honestly there is an inkling of suspicion in me that he does actually know how the incident went down the only thing that completely bewildered me is why on earth would he lie about it as far as I can tell even if what he did has stayed up for a year and got 50,000 views an apology would have perfectly quelled any irritation that people felt about the incident it seemed like a way to frame his mentality as impulsive rather than what it actually was you can regret mentalities you don't have to bend the truth on top of this prior to the video when asked about it in his discord he said it was a Twitter video is he trolling this is a bro moment alright so that was a bit of a strange explanation it had my suspicions raised a little but life goes on can't just throw so on to the dogs for a little misinformation he then launches into this attack against the people who have been trying to fabricate the claims against him some very malicious actors by the looks of it some people decided that I needed to be punished for that and so they organized with their friends to harass me and to spread lies about me they started by raiding my live streams one guy used a donation to try and get me to say a racial slur which he then edited into a video and then tried to spread around as if I had actually said it another guy fabricated a conversation between himself and another big YouTube channel using the inspect element option of Google Chrome he was able to just swap out the HTML to have the other YouTube channel say whatever he wanted that YouTube channel to say in this way he started creating screenshots spreading lies saying that this YouTube channel was working on a hit piece against me and that I had tried to bribe him to not publish that video these are all lies and this particular user was even punished but the other members of his discord server for lying to them but even though they know that it was a lie this hasn't stopped other youtubers from creating video content about these lies as if they could be true that's just the way many of these trolls are they'll use homosexuality and misogyny as weaponized tools to attack another person but when they're alone their everyday conversations are rife with racism sexism and homophobia these organized attacks have taken a number of forms over the past few months the original discord server where much of this went on - due to internal struggles and so they've taken up a bunch of other discord servers where the exact same thing is going on it's an organized campaign to try and spin a story that puts me in a negative light he basically suggests this encompasses this little toxic mentality against him and although I would certainly agree that those people engaging in such behavior shouldn't be empowered in any sort of way whatsoever it's also important to look at the criticism and how it might have arisen auslan says he doesn't have any sort of problem with fair criticism and people are free to disagree with me about lore I'll even hop into the comments section and have vigorous debates with people about specific lore topics as long as everyone is respectful and kind to each other these can turn into wonderful conversations and I would say this has been playing a lot of videos I've seen on it they're all just loaded with the fact that these people do not like ox horn and if you as a youtuber believe he's manipulating his audience into thinking you're inherently toxic you really want to make sure those videos don't come across that way fans will always go into the innocent until proven guilty mindset even more strongly than most people and therefore you have to put forward a decent case without going into too many ad hominem even if it's something that lights a fire that's just a side note and one that I'd try and keep in mind for the future with that said even though I don't think they were presented correctly I wouldn't brand all those who have criticized him as quote trolls and we'll continue that live discussion in a moment let's continue to watch this there was one time for example when I was doing a video on the sunset sasparilla headquarters where I saw a Brotherhood of Steel decal on a manila envelope and I didn't realize at the time that it came from one of my mods instead I assumed that obsidian had just reused assets from fallout 3 obsidian did reuse assets from fallout 3 they reused a ton of assets if you go into Michelangelo's sign shop for example we find science from the capital wasteland that should not be in New Vegas at all however once viewers made me aware that it was a mod I immediately went to the comments section and posted a comment correcting my mistake and I pinned it to the top of the comments section alright so this is referring to the criticism that he was just looking to hate on obsidian thus shilling for Bethesda and although he admits he was wrong about the certain detail it seems he didn't immediately change it like he said although it might look like that you can see they pinned moment has been quote edited now people edit pinned comments all the time I do that's not a big deal but that also doesn't mean that the coin was posted immediately before any of these videos at all there's a screen shot of him replying dude Wow just wow in a rather condescending tone to someone who brings this up which once again makes you wonder with that said a majority of his other responses are fairly straightforward they're mostly relating to fallout and I do think a lot of the allegations he received on that front will fairly difficult to really do anything about and therefore not really worth their weight in discussion however he does end the video on a bit of a strange note I'm publishing this video because people have asked why they've been seeing a flurry of antioxidant it to them on YouTube and it's because I'm under a coordinated attack from people who are trying to punish me for playing Fallout 76 some people are in it for the cause other people are in it to try and grow their channels but all of them just want to see me destroy it well don't worry ox on I don't give a [ __ ] about for now 76 let's talk about what I do give a [ __ ] about [Music] the thing is although his response sufficed many people some felt like he had to omitted certain details he does address them in the pinned comment eventually but let's discuss the accusations first and then bring it back to that people have been making videos on oxhorn for a while and on principle that's unsurprising if you're a large crater with some hot opinions and dirty laundry then yes people are gonna want to talk about it and when I watch some of these videos on him I wasn't particularly compelled like as far as I could tell they were the sort of small youtuber content that you will find on anyone I doubt your wife would be okay with you using thumbnails like this or like this or like this or even this one Oxana stating these videos to not give in to vices all while smoking and drinking scotch but it is easy to let it slide strictly because it's because most people usually don't consider alcohol or smoking to be a drug I mean it's not the most persuasive stuff and as a large youtuber it is fairly harmless which is why it's confusing the OPP's form has allegedly taken such a hard-line stance against it there are multiple creators who have come forward claiming the ox1 has placed community and/or copyright strikes against their videos and on top of that has been silencing criticism over this in his comment sections the first discussed case is the one relating to a youtuber by the name of logical underscore fallacy now named Thomas Beckett he made a video in response to aux forms video defending Fallout 4 as an outsider it was a fairly confusing video with melodramatic rhetoric that didn't quite feel like it had earned its tone maybe oxhorn could ban me from his channel but he cannot ban the truth and this is a new year this this is the year 2018 and this is the year that we fight back this is the year that we take a stand against frauds like oxhorn but I said it's a video by a very small youtuber this should already have too much of impacts and yet surprisingly enough he was given a community strike for bullying which is rather what is even stranger is then that his channel was taken down despite supposedly not having any additional content on the matter and with logical receiving no further information than these emails which attributed the removal to aux Juan's complaints now it seems strange to me personally that YouTube would actually disclose the plaintiff so I sought verification of this nidus beat logical c.a.p still had a copy of the email which he said he didn't but not deterred I decide to reach out to YouTube and although they were hesitant at first once I told them I had permission for the owner and it was pretty much all public they did confirm it was legit so it's not looking good for our friend Brandon hit however I do say that with the reservation that in their first response to me they say they don't typically name people who report other Creators then maybe the guy responding is confused here I don't know I'll let you make your own conclusions regardless one thing that I would say is that in ox Warren's response in his pinned comment he showed a general ignorance of the reliability of YouTube's system at the end of the day we're not trying to necessarily make the judgement of whether the report was right or wrong we're trying to work out whether this was in good or bad faith and then we have to discuss the copyright system now aux Wan has made a flurry of copyright claims in the last few years most them on reuploads of clips and although I don't necessarily agree with preventing people from being able to see these clips see my video on pokey vane for that he's still within his right to take them down however one situation stood out this is one with a crater named sign and Mercer now he posted to Bri uploads of certain clips on to his channel ox1 decided that he was going to get these videos removed but rather than just claiming them like many youtubers do he filed straight-up DMCA takedowns which deals one strike per video now as said he is in his right to do this but it's pretty aggressive and gives them much less channel mobility but maybe he just perceived the uploader as having ill intent against him and therefore it was warranted so clearly annoyed receiving two strikes sign and then uploads a more regular quote exposed video as expected it's not quite a Content call what I find ironic about the whole thing though is that a real man would admit and fix his mistakes which oxhorn doesn't do despite him claiming he's that he's so man and what ox1 does is he goes in for the kill he files a third takedown notice that would have terminated sign-ins account altogether now fortunately through some miracle you've actually intervened and stated that it was fair use which given how broken the system is is almost incredible and with this ox will have [ __ ] up big time in fact out of anything worth quote exposing over this is the closest you get to affirmation that he has the ability to be malicious now oxen did not address this in the video but he did respond to this in they pinned comments after stating that all critical chance on him are still up which is a strange thing to say on principle because you'll only be able to see the channels that are Stila he then speaks about this specific situation related to sign-on he states the reason he made the strike was because the video included the use of an animated short that completely removed any real reason to watch his own video because it used the content in almost all its entirety and it was fine anyhow because YouTube saved him and therefore he didn't necessarily need to look up the legality himself so I watched silence video I'm surprised surprised oxhorn statement on it is false in sign-ins video the animated clip that he uses is just over a minute out of the video which is 8 minutes long and ironically enough uploaded in its entirety on someone else's channel where it's been for the last 10 years and to add insult to this injury in the complaint that YouTube intervened in oxhorn gave different time stamps which didn't even match where sign and used the animated short in his video the clip he was complaining about was one where he was just talking in front of a camera I feel that a defense from optin is rooted in the point of view that you would have to be pretty petty to go after this sort of exposed video they used information from other exposed videos and was recorded on a potato he clearly watched it all through he is reaching keemstar levels of obsessed I could barely get through 10 minutes of that video it seems almost unbelievable but he clearly did his point of view is also mixed with the idea that YouTube's system is just working fine and therefore it's not a big deal nothing bad happened even though his strike could have led to channel deletion the system is completely dysfunctional and this has been broken for ages even PewDiePie's been struck and YouTube didn't magically detectives and this has happened again again again anyone in commentary knows this the difference is when larger channels are stronger they can stand up for themselves smaller channels don't have that and someone like Simon would have never got their channel back and that whole attempt to strike was reckless at best it makes an out of that he'd do that to another channel much more plausible and his retrospective framing of the situation is misleading more than forgetfulness can explain and speaking of misleading a lot of videos that have attacked oxhorn have focused on a lots which in my opinion is explainable even if ox Warren himself has not explained them the best on principle I don't think that someone should have their career ended for a load of odd content that we've discussed a day even if in hindsight it was done in rather poor taste there was a video uploaded called defending ox walrus by youtuber average betas who brand themselves as comedians anyhow in this one video it is just a single bloke and throughout the first half of video he makes these sorts of Defense's that I've referred to and although I think they could have been a bit more well researched and people were giving him far too much credit for a line that was Jack from The Simpsons I think anyways nobody's perfect that's why they put a racers on pencil everybody makes mistakes that's why they put a racers on pencils his points weren't really that incorrect that is until he gets two copyrights and a lot people have been going around citing this as a defense against the attacks that Oxfam has been receiving and I don't think I can quite do justice for how bad I personally believe this next set of argumentation is so I think it's time to turn this into a little club and who else better serve to cover this than my good friend John Swan I suggest we bring him in take it away my friend hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the writer pit wait that is not the intro hello everyone TRO is asked me to cover this joke of a video specifically the points relating to fair use I've studied copyright law quite extensively so it's only fitting that the person who made this video averaged batters starts off this section talking about copyright stating that he's not a lawyer but that he can give a youtubers perspectives on the events surrounding oxhorn and his copyright related incidents specifically on matters related to fair use let's watch along and see what he has to say I'm sure it's incredibly insightful however I can't speak from a youtubers perspective and give you what I know about striking channels okay and what I know about fair use test a for instance someone steals my content and tries to pass it off as their own that I can strike their channel can we have exam on my paid content like for instance something I put on patreon and they show it on their channel for free I can strike their Channel if a person takes private content of mine in chose it on their channel I can strike their channel way but what that's completely untrue now his language is a bit convoluted here he uses the word show and doesn't specify whether this showing involves the content being used in an expose work of some kind or whether the content is just re uploaded however judging from statements further on in the video I'm gonna have to go with the conclusion that he means showing in any capacity whatsoever so let's break this down he is very correct when he says that these cases are not necessarily against fair use because these users are definitely fair in many contexts but he's completely incorrect in stating that these users are against YouTube's Terms of Service if we read of YouTube's Terms of Service we see nothing here relation to the topics which he has discussed but let's just say he made a mistake and he meant to say the Community Guidelines terms but wait nothing in there says anything about these topics either in fact no document published by YouTube says anything about posting content behind a paywall or posting content that is not publicly available aside from their copyright related documents of which fair use is a valid defense let's keep on watching here this means that if someone went back and got Oxford's private video from years ago from his Facebook and put it on their channel to [ __ ] on him aksaram would be in the right to strike the channel as they are using content that isn't theirs to use and isn't protected under fair use as it's not publicly shared anywhere meaning it's private property okay this is a major problem with these points I think average batters is under the impression the content that is not published isn't protected by the same copyright laws as a published work in which case he would be unconditionally wronged unpublished works hold the same copyright status as published works and therefore are governed by the same fair use clauses as published works furthermore this is also be proved by multiple court cases on the subject he goes off on a similar tangent here therefore only public works that receive monetary Rumer ation would be considered under copyright law and are protected under fair use this means a private video of me at the beach with my family is not fair use nor is any other private footage I don't make publicly available for entertainment consumption and copyright the works just like how a deleted video on Facebook isn't under fair use as far as I'm aware I'm not a lawyer yeah mate we can easily tell that you're another lawyer and again completely incorrect and just shows how much this particular individual knows about fair use he didn't even bother to do a quick Google search to verify what he's talking about another misinformed statement that completely manipulates the narrative is this one if I were to try to strike a channel that was using my content under fair use or wasn't doing anything wrong and YouTube reviewed the strength and saw I was in the wrong that I was falsely claiming something against that channel I would risk losing my channel this is once again completely incorrect to submit a DMCA strike on YouTube you have to acknowledge that the strike is being made in good faith no one aside from the individual who submitted the strike can genuinely verify whether the strike was made in good faith especially when it is a gray area YouTube can't generally step in when strikes are made since they have to maintain their safe harbor status safe harbor is a provision in u.s. copyright law that states that services like YouTube are not legally responsible for the uploading of unlicensed content by their users there have been circumstances where it was pretty easily determined that a strike was not made in good faith specifically if an account has been deemed as suspicious however for the most part it doesn't occur since it is difficult to tell whether a strike was made in good faith the channels that submit the strikes don't usually have consequences leveled against them and thus this claim made by average batters is a big stretch to say the least have someone posted a video about me and how they don't like my videos then who cares have at it go nuts I just had at it it was very entertaining thank you for being a buffoon and gracing us with this discrepant conglomeration of balderdash much appreciated thank you so much John I hope he's cleared up any qualms that can be found in the video I'm going to leave his child in the pinned comment I definitely recommend checking his work out if you enjoy that sort of analysis though he needs to upload more so make sure you go and let him know that to average basis I apologize for John's butchering of your name but you did butchered copyright law so we'll consider it even however with all this in mind I want to begin to tie things up though admittedly it's quite a lot to do [Music] in his response video ox warm placed his critics into a collective who were all conspiring against him and although I would agree that some of these guys clearly have ties to each other I think they'd more been united by their negative experiences with ox horn rather than being United prior to simulating negative experiences and maybe originally it was borne out of his opinions on fallout when you say something that is unpopular and kind of siding with the corporation you're gonna get people who think you're shills and we're watching some of the oldest videos on him that's certainly how it comes across but eventually this manifested when people start to think that he'd overstepped his jurisdiction in responding to these and his attempt to finish off sign and Mercer's channel was probably where the cynicism peaked he really doesn't like people bring attention to this stuff and on principle I get it if you have something you're ashamed of then you don't want to be continuously dragged over it equally you don't want people to look you up and that to be their first impression of you you want an out of do be clear that's not what you believe I think that's happened to a majority of craters on this platform myself included but there's nothing you can redo them release a statement and roll with a few punches here and there there will be people with perceptions of you that aren't quite current what accurate just make sure that doesn't become prevalent twisting the truth in subsequent responses will inevitably come back to harm you because people will perceive as dishonesty and trying to cover up these things makes people question if you really understand the gravity or the consequences or even feel remorse for them in the first place there's a lot of evidence the ops one is deleting comments on his newest video when people present counter narratives such as the disparity between the YouTube Cohen count and social blade comment counts as social blade updates after employing the comments were being deleted post publication even once this seemed reasonable just coincidentally being against him assumedly a lot of people are being hidden from the channel too and it seems he really wants to restrict the scope of what's being said to those who are basically praising him and although it's his channel he can do what he wants when you're so desperate to hide something rather than just making sure the public understands all the context people wonder what you've got to her on top of this there was another account that has been defending up thorn in comment sections named K K which was funnily enough created four days after the option Chao and it's only subscribed to him with no other activity in the last eight years and although it's not impossible so our might have just come over from the Ox war movies channel it is probably an alt loads of youtubers set them up under brand accounts because back in the day it was an easy way to up vote videos in case they got bombs as a side note can people start referencing in the description or the pinned comment why did you put it on screen are you a Boomer mates I think oxhorn like some other craters I've encountered in the past really overestimate the sensitivity of an audience and just try and completely shield them from possible transgressions they may have committed it started as an attempt to remove some of the incriminating videos and it's clearly gone over the line and then when the videos became too much to handle he made response video and a response comments where he somewhat addresses the claims but similarly downplays some and misrepresents others to preserve the image but I really think if he just said what had happened and just apologized then this wouldn't have prolonged any further most audiences just want to enjoy the craters and becomes well knowing they're supporting people who aren't terrible most people's bars aren't that high for past political and moral standards especially if you're a full-out youtuber to answer this I understand why there are a surprised the high number of people who want me to cover this and I don't doubt they've probably reached out to get other craters as well but I think that people have been hesitant to pick this up because a lot of the videos are hard to follow in exactly what they've been trying to say and bogged down in these sort of trivial points which tend to suppress the impact it's kinda loud Ochs want to jump on and out of these people are toxic and although some people clearly are they're not without their legitimate criticisms and going as far to end channels over it it's quite ridiculous considering the quality of these videos in question I have a hunch if he'd never reacted in the first place we wouldn't be sitting here having this discussion today and this isn't say I think oxhorn is a fantastic bloke who just needs a bit of good advice some of his old articles could be somewhat reflective of a mentality might still hold they come across as brah narcissistic and as someone who personally also deals the bit too much narcissism from time to time I understand that you get the impression that people are completely out for you with bad intent I just want to wish they were shown up presenting this perspective which just isn't you anymore I completely get that but striking is not the answer you've got to channel that into something better and showing them that you are better than them striking doesn't do that it does completely the opposite and what has been done I would apologize and be grateful that you still have your channel but hey that's just what I think maybe it's not easy to have sympathy for people who you perceive as acting within intents for me though I would never assume that someone has that intent inside of them just because they're against me have I dealt with people with ill intent sure but it's not worth making that assumption I know a lot of people have a real emotional connection to their channel and to these causes and I wouldn't risk depriving them of that just because they said some mean things about me which is what it came down to and I've tried to be nice to oxhorn to Dave because I don't want to present a binary choice to people who may enjoy his content and his personality they either have to agree with the criticisms and thus hate him or disagree with all of them and love him because then people will reverse the formula and derive their positions on the criticisms from how much they like their youtubers and you can never really find any resolution there the truth is when these things are brought up people are prepared to forgive if people are calling you out most audiences won't just hear that and assume you're evil from now on they want to hear your perspective this situation has spiraled beyond anyone's comprehension and I want to address it because there are some real messages to take away from it if you're not or not or other variances audiences aren't gonna crucify you if you're honest and upfront about your mistakes don't try and destroy smaller channels because they make videos on you smaller channels aren't gonna destroy your career they're more just a way to casually keep your ego in check even if their criticisms aren't the best they're normally rooted in some sentiment that you can link back to a point if those criticisms aren't legitimate then you can ignore them and chances are they won't gain traction if they are legitimate they probably won't gain that much traction either just keep them in mind address them in a post if you need to that at least you've established your position I don't support canceled culture you can't go in the absolute opposite direction and attempt to just wipe up any evidence of these things happening because it doesn't change the fact that they happened and people will still reflect on them there is a lot that I haven't spoken about that other channels have and generally that's because I don't think it adds the narrative people have said and done stuff on the internet which we will be asked about sometimes called out for what matters is that we don't try and let the paranoia about presenting a squeaky-clean image drive us to attempt to silence those voices even if we think those voices are wrong or mislead so yes we are at the end of the video again I want to give a big shout out to the editors who've done a fantastic job as ever under leave their links in the pinned comment below definitely go and check them out also we'd love to hear your thoughts on this video on the topic is an interesting one for sure I'm sure a lot of my viewers do not know about it but I wanted to have a discussion there for it because sometimes it's good to bring these things to light even if it's not too much for common occurence on my channel I also want to give a big shout out to my patreon thank you again someone on screen right now you got most great thanks to my $50 patreon not some hullabaloo and my $200 patreon Brandon and evening steel your generosity is truly appreciated thank you guys very much I don't have too much else to add today if you want to find me you can reach me on Twitter at the rice pinion Facebook to discord as well I'm fairly accessible I like to think so at least but other than that I don't really have too much else to say so I guess I'll just leave it here I'm the right opinion and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: The Right Opinion
Views: 1,911,765
Rating: 4.2635798 out of 5
Keywords: oxhorn, helping oxhorn, oxhorn defence, oxhorn response, defending oxhorn, the oxhorn response, sticking up for oxhorn, averagebaters oxhorn, i decided to defend oxhorn, why oxhorn isn't a bad person, tro oxhorn, tro, fallout 4, fallout, fallout 76, oxhorn fallout
Id: Dken54PZsvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 45sec (2685 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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