Why This YouTuber Can't Stop Eating - Amberlynn Reid | TRO

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The combination of that sexy accent and the slick editing makes this whole channel a 10/10 would sub again

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ May 17 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the right opinion the home of a [ __ ] with too much free time and honestly weight is not something that I have touched on that often despite it being a pretty common topic in discussion all over the internet because in case hasn't been apparent the whole concern surrounding obesity has been one of the problems arising over the last few decades with the shift in culture made by many people it appears that access to consumption and 7-3 lifestyle has created what many of you as an epidemic to Cle in countries like the US where a beasty has ballooned there are main reasons for why this is considered to have happened and there are many hypotheses but at the end the day what we can confirm is that obesity exists and with the existence of fat people comes the existence of fat youtubers obese overweight youtubers are nothing particularly new you're dealing with a platform that is based online many people on the platform aren't the most active and some people might even find appeal within their great weight [Music] however from this transpired a new genre this mainly revolved around weight loss the reason should be fairly obvious we as viewers typically look for some element of ourselves in the Creator whether that's something we currently have or whether that's something we aspire to be now when you have a weight loss youtuber this is someone that we should follow their journey with we find inspiration in their progress maybe you're an overweight person yourself but at the same time you're an introvert or an agoraphobic you don't want to show your body at a Weight Watchers meeting maybe those people online can give some advice on how to lose weight from the realms of the screen although it may not be sufficient to make you lose weight on its own they may provide that inspiration may provide you with that extra motivation and then you can maybe document your journey online too and inspire other people to come along with you the problem is that this vision doesn't always happen and sometimes people themselves aren't strong enough to create that art through their own volition and thus the story changes very significantly and because they're documenting all of it on YouTube suddenly this augments into something much uglier and we can see a bigger scarier picture this is where we've reached today's crater the crater known as Amblin reach it was a late evening and I had worked on a video only to make decision that actually although I wasn't a fan of the craters content there wasn't enough to follow through on it so I designed to watch a few videos I knew one of my fellow creators known as Dan aqui and released a compliment on these youtubers who were rather no tourists of the handling of their weight on the platform and so in my crisis I decided to sit down and watch them and although he was a tad too insulting for my rather polite demeanor he touched on some very important points but I definitely feel could be expanded on in a write opinion video his content definitely does a great job at individually calling out the youtubers in question but what is there beneath the surface let's talk about the youtuber of the day this is Amblin reach she is a 28 year old youtuber from the United States of America she recently became a target for a lot of youtubers for a multitude of reasons typically the cycle consists of her doing something people reacting people noting her rather counterproductive efforts to lose weight people noting various other negative traits such as her apparent compulsion to lie and deceive her audience and allege manipulation of certain situations how there is a whole channel dedicated to exposing Ambler that is some spicy commitment considering that many of these videos received more views than Amber's videos themselves ambolyn appears to be a dubious character for more reasons than just her weights and although I do consider many of them valid criticisms and would definitely implore people to look into them that would severely be a secondary narrative of this video because although I will definitely touch on that there's a lot of detail to these stories that I think you can only really see from the testimonies and I don't plan on dressing all of those though if you are interested I'll definitely reference and link some of the more controversial instance sooner or later on the video because there is a lot to cover one term I saw thrown around a lot was the word Laurel count this is a strange word and one that I have only encountered rather recently but rather often relating to this specific case I thought it might be a derogatory term relating to her size but in fact it's a catch-all phrase that explains an individual whose behavior is being mocked and yet is completely oblivious to it and they continue to behave in this way but I'm not sure that's completely the case in the past few months Ambulance channel has grown significantly and this has essentially snowball which has brought her the attention of many commentators who decide to call her out and yet in spite of this she has persisted paying little attention or just doing the classic youtuber blocking out the haters technique however none of these antics are particularly new and anyone who's been along for the ride will be aware of that however how long has it really been going on for today's video we'll discuss the riser Amblin read and why her appeal is rather different than many others and explain what this means both her and many of her peers but from what I've seen a lot of the video so far that they do a great job in presenting these various instance that in a way don't seem too connected but I'd argue there is a connection that we can put together so join me the right opinion as we take a dive into the very twisted reality of ambolyn reach let's go ambolyn Reid opened her channel on YouTube on the 17th of September 2011 however she didn't start posting until two years later 17th of November 2013 this first video was an interesting one because it showed ambolyn without a cause exactly I think making these YouTube videos at night I just think it would really help me I watched so many people who make videos and they're so inspirational maybe I could be an inspiration for somebody I don't know I just I'm not really doing this for other people and moreso doing it for myself but if I can help somebody along the way then that's even better when we open our YouTube channels it's fairly typical that we don't know how to provide an introduction and yet in this video in many ways you could see how things might take shape in a positive direction weight loss craters in many ways are very polished well produced individuals with a clear plan and it sells in a way you're throwing in some inspirational music a riling speech and you might end up with a few CS sort of video which even though isn't my cup of tea it is a lot of people's especially the internet casuals [Music] to understand where I'm at you have to understand where I started from a couple of years ago I was in the best shape of my life mentally physically and spiritually then mine we've already got the thing is that in spite of all this I can see the appeal of the more insecure individual putting their story up on websites for the world to see and I think that it's important that people like that are represented that's the most real you're gonna get and that's the thing what you see right here is a different person the whole mentality how she thinks herself there is no real agenda here no real plot right now it's just a person documenting their life that is classic mute you in fact although I wouldn't necessarily say that her videos are exactly the epitome of a vlog she brands herself as a blogging channel and they're characterized by that sort of journey but never having too much of a purpose just having a little arc inside the video and this is the thing although it's very niche and not exactly something that masses of audiences are gonna see in you to trending because it isn't done up all nicely I can see how this content would be important for some people and judging by a couple of the comments it clearly was one of the biggest problems is that people often feel like they're alone in their experiences and therefore it's important the people who do have the courage to speak about them you know maybe should although of course it's their own discretion and although Ambulance channel was inherently bleak in its tone when you talk about your quote past it comes with the implication that it's in the past then there is this notion of being able to move forward now I'm going to discuss why eventually Ambulance decision of her channel direction would soon show these videos in a problematic light but honestly videos like an emotional look into my past back then without the turn in her content would have been powerful videos for some people at the time so this video is gonna be about my childhood and what led me up to where I am now and I hope you stick around to watch it while she was doing this she do like this weekly weigh-in where she would keep her subscribers up to date with exactly how weight was heading now it seems that typically when she started a channel it fluctuated around the 360s pounds that is which for any of you metric lads is around 160 kilogram sometimes these weigh-ins went well other times they didn't but the only person I can really blame it on as me I put the food on the fork and put it in my mouth it's that simple it is vegetable completely I'm with her earlier child days her response seemed genuine and it seemed genuine in a way that it didn't have to gain anything from its audience there wasn't any overwhelming success and when she did put on weight she held her hands up and said that she could do better she talked about the time when she'd lose weight 89 pounds to be exact to give that hope and motivation was on a weight-loss journey before and I lost 89 pounds my starting weight was 420 I feel like I really hold that story to my heart the fact that I was down 89 pounds at one point in my life is very is a very big accomplishment none of it seemed like the content that people are observing today it seems completely different her diet was very bad before but a lot of the time the food she did present was alright if we can date the start of the child at around 2013 by April 2014 her weight was pretty similar yesterday I was 350 8.0 and today I was 350 6.4 so that means I'm down 1.6 that means my total loss is 64 point two and to get to two ninety-nine point eight is 56 point six more pounds to go I make this observation I say it's important because I think it's necessary to understand the context and present to you the dilemma it seems apparent to me that unless she is one of the most calculated craters in the history of YouTube she didn't start the channel with the intent of amassing the weight she has now in fact honestly very little change in weight is one of the very common outcomes for many people trying to lose weight the content was not dramatic the content was not created with the antagonistic intent the witness later that means something has happened in her life that has changed her mentality to Wars his career path and listen she's lousy at keeping two goals and clearly in Compton two points without a doubt and the cycle that people talk about is clear still here but she seems to believe what she says even if it's just in the moment that's the difference a lot of people seem to identify with her earlier content just looking at the comment sections so that's why I hope I've made the point with the guards to this individual if you feel like you need to go watch more of our channel and arrange those videos from oldest to newest and hopefully you'll see the perspective that I'm presenting right now with this in mind I want to go forward and see if we can put a date on any change in her behavior so my journey continued October 2014 and down I weighed in at 360 2.0 so I'm down 4.8 pounds February 2015 February 9th 2015 my starting weight is 388 point 8 May 2015 we didn't a 405 point - it's bittersweet I wish I was at my lowest weight still can't keep holding on to that here we have it this is the start of Amblin slippery slope into weight oblivion [Music] when I look at youtubers I find it very interesting to see if they've just snatched or if there was a gradual disintegration of their persona and to question what the causation of that was as we've seen here is quite apparent that at the start of these videos there was some semblance of a more goal and by the end it's fallen apart as observed by multiple commentators this is certainly a process that is elapsed over time however the time where this was initiated was 2015 and this was a bad year for Amblin in general however what I noticed is that although she may be still rather softly spoken a lot of her rhetoric doesn't feel as genuine anymore for example she's still using the 89 pound story a lot but it now feels like a deflection rather than self-assurance I ate fried rice when I lost 89 pounds because that's exactly how I felt years ago when I lost 89 pounds I used to eat these all the time when I was first weight when I was down to 89 pounds which actually you see these are all done the famous 89 lbs if you guys didn't know I have lost 89 pounds in the past I used to go to the gym all the time that lost those believer because I do lose 200 pounds hundred pounds by eating rice and potatoes although it's important to keep in mind one's achievements to remind them of their capability the reputation that handling crates constantly seems like a self justification mechanism to try and hold on something that she's clearly having trouble retaining do I believe the story well that's something that we'll reach soon but the problem is believable or not it's not relevant and in fact promotes an unhealthy mindset that masquerades the problem in previous accomplishments equally this is where you get to see Abe rise in that cycle that we've observed from many other commentators just wanted to make a real quick video another weight-loss of Diaries if you will I'm currently not on track I thoroughly believe that my journey and a lot of other people's journey is about 90% mental my mentality right now is just horrid I do not understand what is happening to me and listen it's fairly normal for someone to try a diet then give up because it's not working out for them ambolyn is definitely towards the extreme ends of the bell curve for failed diets but she genuinely may be that weak will to follow through at the same time the sheer number of times this happens makes you start to doubt be legitimacy there's a reason for that though and it's not because she fails the diets but it's always because you were caught and publicizes the taking on and the subsequent failure of the diets in exactly the same way I have slip-ups every night but that doesn't stop me even though I've been tracking my calories I'm still going over I'll start the day amazing I'll be doing everything great and then at night I'm just like possessed I want to devour everything because I did all or nothing so many times in the last couple of years that I failed every single time I tried to be a vegetarian I tried to be a vegan I tried to do 1,200 calories I tried just so much crap and I was like I'm over it I want to live like a normal person but still watch what I eat and still allow myself those cheat days and those cheat meals the problem is that ambolyn doesn't seem to listen to our own advice and the shift that we're observing is one that has come from the lack of change in a way and I've always said this one of the greatest ways to generate views is conflict conflict arises constantly and people have a natural interest oh my who broke up who cheated on who who with ambolyn the problem was not just the fact that these conflicts never changed but her reaction never changed the point where you'd experience deja vu these striking similarities for example between her breakup videos were noticed by many audiences I said to myself I wouldn't feel right uploading that video um I don't want to come on here and cry the whole video we decided to break up I made a video on April 3rd two days after the breakup I literally cried the whole video it was 14 minutes long I cried the whole video I was literally a mess and in a way you'd expect some similarity in the reaction after all it's the same person and these same life events but as an audience member if you are genuinely like what I'd hoped I do appear to be a person rooting for an individual success in their goals yet critical when necessary this is going to be exceptionally comfortable for you because as creators we are expected to evolve and move forward make it personal the problem was the ambulance child began to feel less and less about specific struggles and more like a soap opera where rhetoric and emotional response is valued over actual evolution and actual working towards goals and personal connection with that viewer in light of that and everyone knows that success a manufactured content and with the repetition and similarity people began to doubt the honesty of Ambulance content and as I was watching I did too you're having this cycle of conflict that generates views you make a video tour Matt how it's going to change this in theory is meant to gain the sympathy of the viewer it's a moment of respect you're trying to combat your challenges of your weight and something you do a video and I don't know you relapsed and sorry you've put on another 20 pounds and it happens again and again and again it's a downward spiral on top of this something that many people haven't spoken about is the fact that videos about gaining weight do numbers partly because there is this very CD audience who find that content attractive you'll see them occasionally in the comments but a lot of the time I'm sure they don't want to make their presence known the amount of weight gained content on some websites is concerning as reasonable human beings we all have a line we draw for what we deem as a set or justification for a situation occurring weight gain can happen it's happened to me it'll probably happen to me again it's difficult sometimes completely monitoring your diets if you can do that fair play to you but sometimes people just the thing is the ambulance shower relies on her audience having sympathy for her situation and although we can be reasonable sometimes and listen to people talk about their struggles when someone says oh I can't stop eating let me just consume some Ben & Jerry's Oh worries me we become suspicious of that person's actual drive to change their lifestyle and yes of course it's important to document your weaknesses but at the same time you have to know how to frame them and the titles were becoming more clickbait and it no longer felt like a weight loss channel where the weight becomes part of the gimmick and that's okay if you want to do that but you have to understand that all these channels are a journey and if amberlynn by some miracle lost the weight that she actually claims she would the journey would end and she'd lose the viewers I mean people are there for the weights and if the weight is gone so is the appeal weight loss channels are not known for longevity some large youtubers have lost weight but that's different they established themselves before you're gonna have a much harder time significantly establishing yourself on the idea of loosing weight alone so why not losing it but yet continuously committing to it she maintains the limbo of viewer interest the whole storyline represents a dangerous precedent be content see is much more self indulgent and reflective and here's the thing it's okay to show weakness it's okay to be human in your videos but at the same time you can't glorify those flaws like they're [ __ ] clickbait and although she never explicitly stated that she a created content who was implicitly affirming a lifestyle that was counterproductive to the notion of weight loss and you can see that in our titles you can see that in her clickbait you can see that in her presentation an attitude is changing and it was only going to get worse for her which is where I introduce you to the year that ruined Amblin reads [Music] as said when Amblin started up her child she had a handful of anecdotes that she would throw around here and there ones about her family ones about her relationships ones about her childhood and how it shaped who she is today and at the time they seemed genuine they didn't seem too dishonest in their presentation she didn't appear to have too much of a motivation to lie about these circumstances however as time went on and people started probably becoming disinterested in these same stories she would continuously espouse she decided to do two things firstly she made her own stories this was done by generating melodrama throughout her vlogs but also she retold stories that seemed less likely and more dishonest and just involved downright lying to justify what might be considered questionable activities for example she claims that she's bipolar or was bipolar or probably is bipolar it seems like she's not quite sure that she was starting to notice binge eating disorder back in 2007 when it comes to scrambled eggs I'm gonna be honest they sometimes make me feel nauseous and it's because I have an allergy to them how do you like your eggs this escalated to a point where she made a video addressing the multiple lies some which were fairly harmless others not so much so if you guys remember my aunt situation this was a while ago though this was probably oh no it was months ago months to be honest when I uploaded a video about how my aunt doesn't talk to me anymore because I'm dad I was vulnerable and I was upset and I really felt like blaming my weight on everything was just like the easiest way to go and if she's watching this I am so sorry and I really just I wish I could change who I am as a person because I really want my back um my weight I wouldn't say I've lied to you guys per se about it but I definitely haven't been like very into like telling you guys my weight I'm fluctuating a lot okay so totally else I've lied about is the job I had in Florida I told you guys that I was a PCA worker at a system living facility full-time and I wasn't I was a PC a worker at assisted living facility but I was not full-time I did not want to live off a destiny and when I was living in Florida at the beginning I did not make enough money on YouTube I lied about that I did not make enough money on YouTube to support us something else I have lied about is my blood pressure on several occasions I have said I don't have diabetes and high blood pressure I don't have high cholesterol I don't have to serve that whatever all of that is true besides the blood pressure I don't have high blood pressure but I have borderline high blood pressure the problem was these lines were escalating further and further and when you're a person with only so much to you like Amblin region you're going to have a limited scope in your bility to captivate the audiences so what can you do apart from exacerbate already exist in trauma and this was already hurting people such as that relationship with her aunt whether those tears were real or not you get the feeling that either way someone's losing out on a possibly beneficial relationship if it existed and at the end of the day I feel that ambolyn is probably needing that more than anyone else in this situation and first of all I just want to say that's the sad thing about these lies Amblin thinks she can put on a brave face shed a few tears and use that to gain audience sympathy but all she's doing is undoing any flavor of genuineness her old content once had with the drama that followed the year after you not only through any audience bond into contention but all those people who might have once said Wow that's so relatable I feel that way too are now questioning themselves because you've turned out to be rather disreputable in your behavior this is the thing I want to show a more sympathetic side of ambling research we can now contrast that with what she has become in her old videos she was more restrained and I'd read less emotive and that actually worked because when you're not altering anything it doesn't feel like you're trying to push any emotion or deceive your audience one thing I noticed is that Amblin actually became much more disingenuous because a character became much more extroverted much more expressive and it felt like she was constantly trying to sell her audience a message and agenda and these vaguely conflictive x' youtube rewards gluttony clickbait and train wrecks and you can probably tell that this is what she cares about now giving them out of AD she puts on it's borderline parody and I'll save that point for the end because her lies escalated in the summer of 2016 in a very interesting move where she decided to try and extend or revive that deep relationship which she had done in the past by talking about her past but she decided that she was going to lay claim to the story about an abusive partner now experiences that have happened in our lives can be very difficult to talk about mainly because of the emotional trauma that we may have experienced due to it however if you speak about a person who may no longer be there or may not be aware that you're speaking about them or may not have the platform to defend themselves it is also very easy for your claims to go unchallenged and therefore much of the judgment comes down to your perception I know that I can't necessarily prove many of the things that I've spoken about that happened to me in my childhood and therefore it comes down to personal credibility and in some ways this seems like a smart idea on Ambulance part because someone of her caliber at this point seems immoral enough to purposely talk about these subjects without fear of repercussions because if you deny it you're denying her traumatic experience how dare you how you do that you see it seems like a safe move on our part but it wasn't her favorite spot was my stomach she would punch me really hard in my stomach she punched me like around right here a lot she had punched me on my arms and she would continuously do it until I agreed to make love to her or have sex whatever you want to consider it no in fact her ex partner Casey who was identifying as a female during the original relationship as Cassidy released a video documenting his experiences with Amblin refuting her claims and arguing that he was the victim of the abuse bruises my friends asked me eventually they figured it out so every time I would come to school upset in tears bruised on my arms and cut stars much of this comes down to one word against another so in many ways Amblin had many opportunities to respond to his claims maybe she'd argue maybe she brings some evidence for but no she just removed her original video and kept quiet however there is a reupload which can quite clearly show how manipulative she is upon judgment of these events is correct she hooks the audience in with that anecdote of her parents and how intimate this was to her and then leads into this elaborate story about her experience the one thing that she did do was this very strange poetry reading which I suppose was meant to be some kind of cryptic response but that's the best she can do she's trying to be in a position of vagueness so the person can't respond Raheem and petals eavesdrop she used the wrong word rain and petals east trough I used the wrong word rain and petals East drop I used the wrong word my Mental Hygiene is the rotten and stirred not quite Tennyson is it and that's another thing I wanted to note ambulance seems to use these tropes like poetry and literature that are typically seen as channeling one's feelings into a higher emotive plane to circumvent criticism and try and add depth to a character using art to convey false feelings is manipulative because we typically look to the implicit messages of art to indirectly convey the character of a person that they may not express directly it's like an outlet so that we may look back on one day say what a troubled mind but ambolyn takes advantage of that and she tries to convey sentiments that aren't really true and now she's trying to portray experiences that aren't really true fortunately people saw through it and this is the thing if this was true this is the most vulnerable and open you can get and let me explain why that's important if I'm late to some appointments some people might not trust me when I commit to arriving at a certain time but they might still trust me if I decide to talk about more personal matters because they will assume that you have a degree of respect for the sensitivity of those subjects I will not take advantage of that if a personal gain this is exactly what ambolyn has done and that she has sacrificed all of her credibility you cannot trust her when she tries to open up about more personal content in the future and it brings into question everything she's ever spoken about what if this content the once bonded people was just a fraud all a lot I don't know if it was all a fraud because I don't know if she had the same goal at the start of her channel but I'm sure that's what it's descended to now and it's generally sad the few people that she may have given hope to at one point have probably seen that desolated by a famed of an appeal to a populace who are watching a train wreck 2016 was also the year that introduced her to mukbang by now she'd already started doing food reviews which clearly wasn't a good decision but mukbang was really straw that broke the camel's back and I think that's what annoyed allured people the simple fact is that no one who is actually trying to lose weight can simultaneously create brand of eating large amounts of food at once sitting unless it's sesame seeds the only way you could do that is if you were exercising an equal amount of time to burn off the calories which Amblin was clearly not doing but it gave her some of the best views in her career so who cared and it made her put on weight and then she could bring attention to away which also generated views and you create this cycle that runs again and again and again but this channel shouldn't be about views it's about ambling and there are so many problems to observe here [Music] I can't speak for everyone here but I've often found my behavior a somewhat conscious response to the environment around me when I found myself in situations where my reputation might be viewed badly by those in my circle I have an option to work hard to realign that view of me or I could fall into fulfilling what they view of me and not bother what they think I've often worked hard to take the former option because firstly because I'm a paranoid person who does enjoy being on good terms with those around me and secondly because I think it's a better thing to do it's a more positive impact being self conscious isn't a blessing in some ways it causes a lot of stress in social situations but the same time being self-aware is important because you not just look after yourself but you look after the message that you might be portraying to your audience actions like these have greater consequences I feel that in this situation Amblin has eventually found herself in so much drama and found it so profitable that she has completely disregarded honor that has made a more daesh's outgoing and perhaps even confident but it also makes her more fake more toxic and more destructive when Jihan heartily tries to create a bond with any viewers that might actually be there for her personality which I'm high doubtful of she's found it much easier to fall into the worst perception that people have of her rather than actively challenging it as her personality has changed so has her lifestyle and she put on more and more weight while supposedly lamenting it in my opinion although they don't receive much airtime in developing their character she has surrounded herself with people who don't challenge that mentality and they actually affirm it scroll you are 60 pounds away from 600 pounds go for a walk I'm not true [Music] somebody's are accurate like I don't know studies show thee you're much more likely to conform to those around you in person than if they're impersonal like over the wet walk over the phone in the original video she's clearly much more conscious about what people think but now she's clear comfortable in her real-life situation and that's all she sees herself as having to answer to now there's a load of pointing fingers about who's caused who to gain weight and so on and I don't know who is doing what specifically I don't know what goes on behind the scenes exactly other than it involves food what I do know is that it's happening and regardless of the excuses that Amblin tries to spew she has put on a significant amount of weight weight that when we look at her old content she didn't put on and she didn't put it on for a while this was content that regardless of whether you believe it was legitimate or not showed that ambling doesn't have the world's slowest metabolism and can't do anything at all to prevent her weight gain in the last couple years the amount of hate she has been receiving her steadily increased probably due to people calling out that cycle and yet I think by going through that cycle she has just found herself falling further and further into it and she has responded to this by doing these reading hate comments this successfully alienates herself from the audience and the genuine criticism that she might be receiving whether people's tone is right or not does not discount the genuine problems here she act views D criticism to the fact that she is fat and not the fact that she has continuously failed to sort herself out despite the fact that she's acknowledged this many times before so much that people don't believe that she is taking her owns criticism seriously but Weight Watchers for someone like me I don't know I wanna be eating lots of vegetables and everything is just gonna be completely fresh and homemade big bag of Cheetos I am getting this Dove chocolate and I'm getting any ramen noodle so I'm eating this tonight this night in this there are so many videos documenting these constant contradictions that one can be found on the binge monsters Channel I'll leave it in the pinned comment and I think how the thought of just firstly her lack of care in these actions and then the thought that she recorded edited and uploaded it we thought that this is a good message to be sending it doesn't feel real it feels like she's taking advantage and then the next day she'll express regret which will just seem as insincere harass you just screams to me someone who doesn't care anymore whatever there was in the past just isn't there I think that's the most dishonest factor that comes into this is the fact that she still wants to care and now she does cater to people who want to watch the disaster unfold and count up those pounds 400 pounds 500 pounds approaching 600 pounds which would be around 270 kilograms I think ambling came on to YouTube for the weight loss I mean in her old video she said she wanted to do this because you wanted an audience to hold her account but the problem is that when that audience decided to hold it to account regardless of whether they may have been hostile or not she clearly didn't handle it well and YouTube became about a different goal she realized that she could foster that hostility and garner more views she shifted the responsibility of her diet on to the audience response and since has continued to gain weight at a rate that has not been noted before on her channel continuously committing to change but failing and now whenever she has those song speeches where she promises to do better it feels like a political ruse rather than actually any genuine commitments even if in the early days her commitments were futile it felt like she believed them at the time does she really believe them now I hope she does but if she does change it will not be with the mindset that she currently has which is a self-destructive one if she really does care about getting her weight down then she has to change if she doesn't want to lose weight well there's nothing I can say to her with ghast an on principle I mean it's not what I'd recommend and you are putting an awful lot of stress onto an already struggling healthcare system at the same time you need to stop promoting this arc this cycle to possibly vulnerable people the your mentality is justifiable to someone who might want to lose weight even though you apparently want to lose weight to a majority of the audience it might seem obvious that this is not the way that someone should live but there will always be people who are questioning their own responsibility and although it's definitely possible that some people are weaker than others because your situation is not like any other ambolyn you have an audience that is now watching a person and Counting up their weight until something terrible happens and you're placing 8 mid-roll ants and you're probably making a decent amount of money from that other people don't have that so don't try and frame your mentality from a moral standpoint because most other people who might be in a similar weight position don't have all these motivations that have become so obvious in your recent content they do not have that safety net I mean come on look at those mid ropes and the list of stuff she does goes on and on and on and it's not worth documenting them all right now because at the end the day they can be explained by the amenity we've discussed more lying animal maltreatment some kind of pyramid scheme she apparently created a fake account to defend herself from criticism in a Facebook and apparently discord group - it's generally frustrating because well she was genuine in her first videos or not it's clear they meant something to people and now it's just come to here and I wish it hadn't do you know how many puns I can make now but you see I'm a man of a frame because I accept that life is not easy and when we deal with serious problems in our lives we might let go some of the things that we are meant to take care of but at the same time it's important that we acknowledge the consequences our actions might have and I think that's what bothers people you're a public figure there is this mentality that people are gonna hate on you just because you're fat and sure a few people are like that at the same time being overweight does promote an insecurity many people and I think you understand that insecurity - your old videos definitely seem that way other YouTube related factors that you might be experiencing may override that now but that's not the case for anyone else that you're sending these messages to you are the exception not the rule in our first ever video Amblin says she's doing this for herself it's clear what that means to her now this is the problem ambolyn cannot stop the cycle of failure and food and consumption or as she will lose her subscribers regardless of their motivation to stay and she'll continue to push as further and further until something terrible happens and she loses that audience that she gained in the first place and all she'll be left with is a lot of weight and the security is gone and all that drama all that deception that you took part in that hurt people the clearly affected people would be for nothing you're on thin ice as it is people don't stick around for the credibility because they know you have none of that you've destroyed that for the sake of clickbait and views and talking about people who you thought couldn't defend themselves maybe we'll just see how far you can push yourself and I sure as hell hope you turns around for everyone's sake because I don't see many positive outcomes from this situation as it is to the audience having idols a weight loss is important it's sometimes hard and I really do deeply empathize with that struggle but Amblin Reid is not an idol and the fact that she might be quote trying it's not really a defense against the very serious criticism she is facing down because it's clear there is a level of consciousness to what she's doing I just want people to get better so yeah there's the video passionate passionate pattern I hope the passion came across I would love to give a big shout out to the editors they have done a fantastic job stellar stellar job my friends make sure you follow them check out their videos some of them berrytown to people who definitely go in places and one day they'll look back and they'll say I hated for that idiot once also big shout-out to my patreon there up on the screen now and special shout out to my $50 patrons Connor great chap and some hullabaloo whose name should be correctly spelled this time I apologize sincerely for my terrible error first time round also one more $50.00 patreon evening steal who has only recently signed up thank you very much all you $50.00 patreon czar beautiful people much love and also to my hundred dollar patreon so Ryan and Brandon who have blessed me with their generosity if you want to hit me up twitter at the right pinion facebook discord all links in the pinned comment just click the see more it will be quite a long comment because I'll have my references there too I don't think I have too much else to talk about love to your comments on this it situation leave them there otherwise I'm the right opinion and I will see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: The Right Opinion
Views: 2,511,655
Rating: 4.9070883 out of 5
Keywords: amberlynn reid, amberlynn, amberlynn reid weight loss, amberlynn reid food, amberlynn reid drama, amberlynn reid pewdiepie, amberlynn reid latest update, reid, amberlynn reid meme, amberlynn reid lies, amberlynn reid diet, amberlynn reid tweets, amberlynn reid reacts, amberlynn reid twitter, i became amberlynn reid, amberlynn reid excuses, amberlynn reid mukbang, amberlynn reid optavia, Tro, Tro amberlynn reid
Id: J9W8jLKTu-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 48sec (2508 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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