What Happened To Behind The Meme? A Victim Of The Hate | TRO

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hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the right opinion over two are too much free time and today we need to take a meme and go behind it wow I'm so excited no [ __ ] you pyro and em both already did that joke today's topic is not going to make you enthusiastic or happy or anything like kyle or behind the meme seems to attempt to or attempted to convey through his videos no today we're dealing with topics that aren't inherently happy so i'm sorry to anyone who came to my channel looking for happy smiley person my life is misery soon yours will be too because today we're dealing with the tragic tale of behind the meme and issues surrounding semantics regarding that i'm boy do we have a lot to discuss because i'm gonna be talking about a lot of concepts some of them a bit more philosophical even because i think it encompasses an interesting element of content creation and we'll get to that in a bit but first behind the mean who is he to all those who may not be aware of his infamy so essentially behind the meme is a meme channel set up by crater carl Bryce don't worry his name is public but he brands it as having the intention of educating those who are unfamiliar with memes providing the audience with a resident light explanation of the origin of the meme and applications of it to take a quick example Harambee Harambee is a deceased gorilla who eventually became a meme after that meme connoisseurs decided it would be and in this instance behind the meme explains how Harambee has came to be you know whole enclosure instant satirize ation of people's reaction and so on these videos rapidly picked up steam with views coming in from the first upload this wasn't Carl's first child oh he knew how to make his video semi-competent he quickly upgraded and realized the business opportunity it was all gone right video after video was a hit with the audience and he was flying high with a group of people who had his back yet fast-forward less than two and a half years later and it's almost like we've stepped into a different dimension the happy colorful behind the meme is gone and ins place is a shell a shell that is the draw of multiple controversies over the span of just over a year well after a spell where his videos were performing abysmal evil with views and ratings alike he took a break now we'll delve into the details of why this flat line in a bit stay patient my friends however with every break came the return and behind the meme came back too fanfare of broken brass however the video he posted what happened to behind the meme seemed to represent a perspective of hope one in which he had been dragged down by so much but now he was in a better place ready not to fumble this situation but I have done a tremendous amount of growing over the last few months while away from this channel growing that has only been able to happen thanks to the luxuries YouTube has afforded me this personal development wouldn't have happened had I not taken a bit of time to myself to attempt to discover who I am and what happiness means to me yet almost 800,000 subscribers most of us will never receive that opportunity he was a new man ready to take on the world but then he posted his five-part series which would dark in their presentation and disturbing in their context with mental breakdowns vague foreshadowing language a far cry from his initially rather innocent child friendly content of his meme synopsis videos this understand we had people concerned eventually at the end of this five-part series a fellow to say was staged this has understandably caused a whirlwind of reactions within the community ranging from sympathy to criticism what we're going to do today is break it all down because honestly it is an absolute [ __ ] and it's hard to work out who's right who's wrong and if anyone is right to be honest today I have a lot of questions that many people have why did this happen why did the innocent meme reviewer end up in what must be some sort of delusional state of mind what were the cause of this were these causes justified how could such a cheerful person so intent on spreading knowledge turn into one most twisted characters online I also want to pro with the usual statement that although it's important to be sympathetic to anyone's mental conditions as they may influence their behavior it equally doesn't alleviate actions as a public figure they ensure responsibility that is enabled by their families I will be criticizing the actions on an observational basis or I see and what I think I don't think I have too much to add but there's a lot to discuss so he might as well get into it do you ever wonder the meaning of today's popular memes do you wonder about the history of some of the classics do you sometimes feel left out when you see others using a term you've never heard before don't worry we have you covered in his draw my life video Kyle which is what I'll call it when addressing him personally noted that he was drawn to make a me review channel Harambee craze where people were wondering what the meme was about exactly something that crossed all of our minds undoubtably during the discovery of memes I think this is an interesting element his channel was born out of something innate a curiosity that was found in many other people which is arguably why it grows so quickly professors videos almost encompassed a growing curiosity now if we are to pull up the Google trend mechanism we can see that if we date behind the memes challenge ception at around August 2016 as a trend memes were about to reach that peak now trend themselves encompass information very interestingly because for me a trend like anything has phases now there may be a scientific theory behind this but let me just formulate my own hypothesis to simplify it we have a phase of ignorance where we don't know anything about the topic the discovery phase where we're exposed to the topic and then we have the rejection or assimilation phase where we either choose not to pursue such culture or we throw ourselves in there what may follow afterwards which isn't really documented here is the forgetting phase which is where people begin to withdraw from such a topic now memes is such a general culture that it's unlikely to die soon however if these specific memes do have that these are all important factors to consider because at the time that behind the meme started up we can see that the trend search for meme was heading in an upward projection if we were to apply my theory an upward trend can only occur if more people are in the discovery phase now the discovery phase is marked by the transition from ignorance to knowledge and people being interested but not really knowing where to start now that stage many people need entry level understandings of memes and I know I'm talking about it like it's a fine art but there is a craft to it and these things often exist on tiers even when they're particularly subtle so we're witnessing an influx of people into this culture and that's partly why behind the meme works so well it was aided by the fact that he started his channel during one most fertile periods for these memes and honestly I watched the Harambee video and although the production values were fairly cheap welcome to behind the mean as videos in general go it didn't seem bad it was a fairly easy video to open with he was dealing with something that he knew people felt and as channels go that aid the discovery phase it was totally consistent in its presentation it was simple it straightforward it had a demographic and it knew its demographic like the back of his hand bright colors a high-energy voice which we'll discuss more later he knew exactly who was appealing to the sort of people who want an explanation in the most reduced fashion we're not necessarily interested in dissecting the intricacies the other thing that we noticed by looking at Google Trends is that even though it's gradient was going upwards it was already a strongly established genre with a committed fan base now memes differ in their size and longevity on the platform and there are some memes that still have relevance today in our conversation some memes that outlast the rest I want you to hold this thoughts it's going back to the discovery phase typically the memes that we discover are the most popular rather than the most modern now it's true that a modern meme may be popular at the same time but there will always be ones that are more iconic this is important as what behind the meme tended to do was go back to a lot of popular old memes that may have existed before harambe and cover them while the landscape was a tad dry whether it was that boy a meme from may 2016 a few months before or even once there were a few years before like Doge which I'm not gonna call dodge dodge I think that's frankly disgraceful thank you pronounce it Doge don't put pineapples on pizza two simple principles and I don't want to hear it again mr. price anyhow Doge came from 2013 and he was covering it this was a smart business move on his behalf he knew which topics to choose to keep the fans coming back for more and how to draw in people who had just discovered the wondrous concepts of them me as mentioned earlier behind the meme was as inoffensive as he channels came in fact cacao seemed a fairly harmless person just trying to provide an insight on the source of a meme and this was an inherently positive facet for a channel like his he was completely after the drama how could someone like behind the meme end up in drama he also distance himself from any other form of commentary and didn't think to comment on such affairs now I will explain why this eventually came back to hurt him but being an independent crater allowed him to just hustle away on its own spreading memes to people who were probably drifting - with regards to content behind the meme almost branded himself as a semi commercial Channel maybe we'll compared Kyle to eight watch mojo as epitomized by that energetic commercial and this is definitely not an unwarranted comparison but he did attempt to build a closer brand with his viewers whereas WatchMojo kind of accepted that most of their viewers are gonna be in and out he did attempt to build a stronger bond often trying to integrate a few more jokes even though they were a bit [ __ ] and sigh comments that would establish his character almost trying to mimic Matthew Santoro and on the Creator who tried to integrate fairly generic ideas with his own persona image Lee he didn't quite do it as well lacking facecam just kind of mutes the delivery on such expressive comments but I can understand what he was going for and for a while it definitely worked for some people his first video on Harambee was just a basic explanation with every video he tried to extend it and make it a bit longer and taking the moments to add those extra bits of banter fast-food America's favorite pastime next to apple pie baseball and watching porn you better clear your search history before your mom comes into their room we have this channel that have this huge backlog of timeless memes and a consistent style and presentation and clear theme it was an algorithms dream so it jumped from strength and strength while at the same time you have this guy at the helm although not overflowing personality quirky enough he could bring an audience back and he had tapped in trends they were on the rise all these things carried him forward and by being a very Placid fellow it seemed impossible that anyone would want to hate him for what he was doing I mean it was completely harmless was it not the content may have been simple but who cares who was helping people discover memes how could anyone ever stop someone when all they're doing is entertaining others well let's talk about culture [ __ ] right so how on earth could someone like behind the meme ever attract hate he's wholesome friendly and completely harmless or is he now he hasn't touched any kids hasn't made any racist tweets and he certainly hasn't sold any unreasonably priced Christmas Candice so what the hell happened one word commentary you see in commentary we're a bunch of judgmental bastards that's not always a bad thing but oh my god was behind the meme the epitome behind the notion that no channel is beyond the concept of criticism and that you can't just masquerade yourself with a friendly persona but how do people root out criticism out of something so perceptively objective well to do that we have to understand culture without fundamental concepts of value everything is subjective and as abstracts they still are to an extent however once culture embeds ideas with them they can obtain relative levels of success to take an example is maths or math as you American [ __ ] call it's maths makes sense because we have assigned clear values to numbers we have rationalized them through culture and this is important now I'm not saying that culture is just this completely social construct it may come from evolutionary traits but the point is that from these basic fundamental premises yield many different cultures and each of them are based in different ideas that set up what is viewed as acceptable and what isn't and that's typically a good thing however this competition does create something more objective and that's how successful a culture is with regards to its premises how well the people are doing in it relative to not just themselves but to other cultures in amp lemons video you can see how clearly he contrasts the culture of what he calls outsiders people who are well-educated in the notion of the meme with normies the people who aren't the normies are and have always been the majority the mainstream the hump of the bell curve outsiders include anyone who rejects mainstream media in favour of content which matches their more niche and unconventional tastes in the 80s the outsiders were mocked and outcasts by the normies only able to seek safety in the odd comic book store or sci-fi convention now based in this quote outside culture as a generality probably has its aims these aims are subjective to the normies however these are the aims that unite people into this culture and this is the one thing that behind the meme didn't understand that there was a culture and that too many people his videos contradicted that culture to the casual observer it was just a guy talking about memes to someone like implement it was an assault on everything that he stood for as a proud Mema and he had to send a message to everyone who didn't understand what he felt so he made that video so I just want to take these last few minutes to tie up some loose ends first of all I want to say that I do not hate behind the meme I just hate this idea that what he's doing is perfectly okay and that we have some sort of obligation to make sure that no Normie gets left behind no he has to understand that there are negative consequences to what he's doing this represents will I brand meme patriotism which sounds kind of bizarre but let me explain there's a culture that many people believe is the best way to go it creates the best memes creates the best banter in a majority of their opinions and people are happy with it and then you have someone like behind the meme coming in and executing the ideas in a different way that contradicts how people view it and it's an affront to them but most of all it's an affront to the culture in general and those meemers who have always been ostracized from the Normie world now have the same normal world turning up and trying to co-opt their sacred memes which is what is part of their identity basically it's meme cultural appropriation can't believe I just said that and I'm definitely exaggerating there but you get what I'm saying and because these people entered this culture and what counterproductive to these values people felt that their memes were being effective and lemons concern was that the quality of these memes was being degraded and their lifespan decreased now I don't think behind the meme as an individual was front and center to that idea and honestly the thought that this guy could somehow ruin the length and trend of meme seems a bit far-fetched particularly given how memes had a variability but I could see when applying these standards that behind the meme does run counter intuitively to those cultural fundamentals emblems video arguably did over dramatize the implications but I say comprehensive criticism of content it served its purpose fairly well and that's what commentary is it was the same with jinx same with Lele pons on the surface they never did anything obscenely awful but make content that by our standards was bad but when you look deeper people feel that content like that behind the meme included has implications on how culture is beaut how people engage with it themselves and how that conflicts with their views and how that affects their enjoyment the commentary community is a savage Bunch and if there's a set of creators who make what many commentators view as subpar content and they don't receive criticism which there are few it's only because those graters have times the community and half the commentators are also hypocrites who don't want to upset ties the Craters who they may be associated with but don't tell them I said that anyhow my point is don't ever believe the community merely goes after the criminals behind the meme is a prime example of that they went against what had been established culture and they were torn apart for that on top of this it didn't help the behind the memes content was as safe and commercial as it could be something that meme content is antithetic to so it's only the idea that he used stock photos became an insult and so many other elements it's not offensive but it's unoriginal uninspired generic cookie cutter content which would make someone who's ingrained in the culture feel insulted by these people who are discovering memes are gonna be introduced to this sky as some sort of quote teacher as he likes to brand himself they would take a step back and look at the big picture of things they would see that I'm just a teacher it's like fraud to some of his harshest critics he's selling himself as a connoisseur but the truth is far from that pitch so instead of really having this person who made wholesome harmless content people felt suddenly their main culture was under attack from people like behind the meme who was simplifying and misrepresenting their work commercializing it and essentially Norma fiying it and as many of these people on the website found themselves there because they were alienated by the same main street culture it was like a kick in the face it's sentimentally based argumentation but I understand it so what would be a Content critique was turned into an actual movement against a crater for what he represents the selling out of memes and boy does that open a whole new can of worms for mr. Bryson [Music] now as said behind the meme so desperately tried to avoid involving himself in anything drum related so when the drama did finally transpire he had no clue how to react properly aunt lemons video was extremely influential but he wasn't the first prominent crater to cover him as he Fanta no host of the now-defunct that is the plan another meme review channel made a video satirizing behind the meme torching on its commercialism and lack of originality and personality and today we take a look at no rickroll from the comments on my channel that aren't thoughted I have received many requests for the rickroll mean every time I have come across this meme online I have liked the mean I like memes you guys please accept me it was pretty funny and exactly the sort of bait but only an insecure fool would fall for however behind the meme is an insecure fool and trying to respond placing him in a position that was completely out of his comfort zone now this already compromised two core elements of him and left him savagely exposed as mentioned earlier he had always tried to create a more personal connection with his audience now when combining this with his content although his personality was definitely contrived it was possible it kind of came with the territory when you're stepping out your comfort zone responded someone in a way where you're not just providing information like your other content and you're actually trying to express legitimate argumentative points you can't just do it in a happy jolly tone especially when trying to convey other emotions it sounds unhealthy so why on earth did he respond like this it's the classic problem of being a stranger to criticism for so long when we all received harsh criticism for the first time around it feels huge it takes a massive toll on us like everything it just knocks us back and whenever we face it down everything in the moment just seems bigger than it actually is we feel it's coming for our reputation and our standing and we feel the need to defend ourselves with that said responding to a satire is pretty far fetched and through this karl exhibited extensive insecurity in the content that he was making possibly validating the criticisms being leveled at him by Fantana when you watch a serious matthew santoro vid it's not done with the tone welcome back guys Matthew Santoro and today we have to talk about domestic abuse which makes me very sad the videos are a completely different tone and they allow Santoro to open up a new site to the audience which more successfully builds a relationship than any transfer of persona that's what Bryce needed to do and instead we got this in all seriousness this video was all in good fun I just had to respond to Anthony's video because he randomly decided to attack me and my viewers and I didn't like that Jesus Christ and one sent lemon on videos that follow from other craters showed up how fragile his persona was it put him on borrowed time the problem was he hid a characteristic contradiction his tone was too much like a WatchMojo host as mentioned earlier and you can't create a deeper persona for that in fact watching the videos although he did attempt to deepen his character in ways we'll address soon one of the very awkward changes was he progressively up his persona to 11 if we go from one of his first videos hello internet and welcome to behind the meme where we take a look at the meaning and the origin of your favorite memes today we have a look at dog 2 this hello internet and welcome to behind the meme today we have a look at Gru's plan the only change is the increasingly insipid tone he seems to have wrongly attributed his quirky persona to the success of the channel and he so continues to up the gears and it becomes nauseating and so transparently fake this will become particularly problematic for your viewer base who are going to be drawn in by your rod the juvenile tone because they'll inevitably grow out of it in spite the criticisms the least you could say is that your Harambee video could be watched by people of all ages any of the newer stuff seems specifically aimed at the youngest denomination who will never stick around anyway what in flames the scenario is the zeitgeist as said multiple times before this was the era where happy-go-lucky personas died we want brooding deeper characters and his persona became outdated very quickly equally when trying to develop character he often turned to a very sensitive topic like Stefan Karl and once again I can't look into a person's mind and decipher their motivations for making a video like that but it seemed more of a way to prove that he was a good guy and although I don't necessarily think showing that your kind person is a bad thing if you go out of your way to make video the divert from your normal startle and on top of it immediately after you receive criticism as documented by my best mate pyro it seems rather insincere we bringing up the topic but the fact how he's got himself involved in controversy and then the upload after is something that you're not really allowed to hate him for because it's a serious topic it kind of borders on fouseytube manipulation but let's give him the benefit of the doubt and say that he's just a nice guy giving a shout-out to Stefan Karl it doesn't seem like character development it seems like a construction of what he wants people to see the topics of your videos should not solely be dictating your character however none of this mattered as long as he was still pulling views as noted on my Zoe Berger video providing you have a positive light to dislike ratio your video typically tends to maintain rotation with the YouTube algorithms if it's on a trending meme we're all quits in you see in a way behind the meme situation I created a very strange dynamic the criticism from commentators like amp Fantana and pyro meant that there was this sway the people who were completely out for blood whenever he uploaded he'd gained a level of infamy equally though if he could reach beyond there and hit a demographic of casual viewers he'd probably be able to alleviate the hatred as those people aren't really concerned with the culture and at first this seemed to be the case he seemed to be able to scrape the views to keep a positive ratio over those who were verily against him however barely a year after all this had began in August the dislikes began to win out and it began to kill him probably one of the most ironic tails to this is that people who he introduced means - who provided in the views and support at the initial stage then likely were the ones who became more educated and were then the ones to come back and contribute to his channels demise that's the thing if you're an unassuming citizen and discovering memes then behind the meme is perfect once you're in the culture you don't need him and in fact you may come to loathe him equally as the popularity of the meme stops its Ascension you have less people to introduce it to and increased accessibility online - memes further meant that he had even less utility than before on top of this he used his get-out-of-jail-free meme Khan's early on by covering all the more timeless memes already he had nothing left and he had to rely on the modern memes to be popular and his amp rightfully noted although we definitely experienced an increase in the number of memes and some of them do seem popular in the moment they're not lasting the way that many of the old ones did and that just doesn't bode well for a channel like behind the meme the markets have been flooded his time was up there was nothing his personality gave us nothing his content gave us nothing and the audience response had soured and the demand had plateaued it was a timely death and eventually after a run with diminishing returns behind the meme stopped but it wasn't over today we have a look at mean return and sent Kyle clearly viewed himself as being able to rebrand his min review was dead but what if he changed his content did something else he was passionate about there were so many opportunities out there him that he could pursue he made the return video we spoke about there made a tribute video to Stefan Kahn after his passing and then came his little series now I'm not going to detail every single thing but I am gonna give a quick summary just so people know what this is about if you want to watch the videos they're still up on his channel it begins with the trip to the store in which he buys the most familiar brand of vodka Smirnoff implying that there will be intoxicated antics occurring in a second video he has consumed some vodka truther shits talks vaguely about the future of his channel showing you around his house and making random comments and so on the third episode includes him driving intoxicated and then talking about some deep stuff while contemplating so here is the character development we're getting a bit deeper bit darker now there are some details I'm going to leave out because I think they're important for the judgement but you can tell that his tone is changing and becoming more disturbed the fourth episode is morph it's just him back in an indoor environment crying drinking more and so on and the final episode is the fateful moments where he takes his own life truly tragic of course it was a ruse but why did he do something like this well to prove a point he was telling his story of how he felt and the hate he received but through my experience it caused me to take a step back and have look at our society as a whole how we treat each other unfairly how quick we are to turn our backs on another human how easily it is to forget we're all in the same boat just trying to get by sadly all these negative characteristics seem to be amplified on the Internet where people think they are anonymous it sucks but that is how our society seems to conduct itself lately it's clear through this he felt a lot of it was unwarranted and you did unnecessary consequences so how do I feel is he right was the hate too much well I think it's a double-edged sword the problem is we as public figures have to be prepared to take criticism the thing about behind the meme is that he never read out criticism as he said he was just spreading positivity how can you hate someone for spreading love under one hand I don't think the hate messages cruel comments and so on are justified if they're directed in a personal fashion they're very seldom justified and I'll stand by that and if you want to challenge them and take them on and more power to you things like daxing also absolutely terrible and I think calling out people like that is reasonable on the other hand the sort of vague narrative that was constructed through this seems to encompass all the culture as hate and whether you meant it to come across that way the sort of very forced comments that were inserted in the build up was the one identifiably fake element although it was implausible it was otherwise well done here's the points as a guy you may be lovely you may be delightful and although some of em Plemons criticism seem slightly doubtful to me they weren't based in impossible outcomes and they were delivered in a way that separated the crater from the content and they weren't particularly harsh although they did imply some strong consequences at the end of the video MP even says this himself that he's not there to hate on behind the meme the person not hate on car so whether it was Carr's intention to turn criticism onto em poor pyro or anyone else who kind of led this cultural war or not the fans who are interpreting it that way right now we need to think about this as creators we can have a responsibility with how we deal our message if we feel someone is making bad content or can do better we shouldn't hold our tongues if we can turn it into a good video then how we should go for it I don't know why and equally there will always be people who take up a cause with the sole purpose of hating what we need to make sure is that we don't rile people up unnecessarily I don't think any of the critics that we spoke about today did that equally em did actually see behind the means Channel as an actual threat to a culture very intimate to him of course he was going to make a video on it he wants to see his community thrive behind the meme stood against that to him and so of course it became a discourse of what's best for a community and that's a complex conversation and people misinterpret it but it didn't make his points less balanced equally I find the notion of why can't we all just be positive utterly pretentious and everyone knows I've never liked it criticism isn't always meant to be positive imagine that being the case for movies the Transformers films entertained a lot of people made a lot of people happy doesn't mean that people can't find reasonable explanations to bash on it and deal out criticism rae sremmurd i am not a fan but some people really enjoy it but it doesn't mean I shouldn't hate it do I endorse sending hate messages to the lanced no not at all they're making music but you have to separate those two elements or else it just seems like you're using suicide to get back at your critic which is never a good look positivity can be a dangerous fail for very sketchy behavior and if you don't go after someone simply because they seem nice on the surface you may be looking over some very seedy business which there have been many examples of criticism doesn't always make us feel good but we're not entitled to a bubble of happiness and smiles and when I deal criticism I'll do my best to be honest and fair at the same time I know someone might still be offended by it it's down to them to harness that criticism and that's something behind the meme never did he never changed his content for the better he never listened to what people were saying and he paid the price VAT in the subsequent ratings I can't really feel bad for him on that behalf at the end the day someone made better argument for why his content wasn't that good regardless of who it pleased or how positive it was Khan wants behind the meme mostly in the past and I think that's sensible it's hallux day and as concepts his channel was on its way out regardless even without the hate I don't know if he's gonna have trouble restarting as I feel like a lot of his critics will stick around but maybe we can become familiar with a different side of a person who we've really only gone after that one persona in the past I feel it's time is behind the mean a victim it depends how you define victimhood if being subject to diss record a hate makes him a victim then yeah he might well be it seemed unnecessary but at the same time it's a consistent principle applied across all realms of commentary we've all received death threats and looking at the actual craters who've criticized them they haven't been particularly harsh and attacking them for merely having narratives that contradict your image doesn't wash with me at the end of the day they're just creators who wanted you to do your genre more justice and I hope that you will keep that in mind when taking your content in a future direction so yeah those my fairly extensive thoughts on behind the meme interesting bloke I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below please tell me what you think also I want to give a big shout out to the editors as always I'm going to leave their links in the pinned comment to go check them out have a subscribe they do a lot of good work for me these videos would not be as top-notch as they are without the help of these editors so definitely check them out if you can you want to reach me on twitter at the right opinion Facebook I'll leave my links there in pinned comment to discord also in the pinned comment everything's in the pinned comment I want to give everyone some love anyhow I don't think I really have too much tales to add I don't know exactly when this is gonna be out but over it's out in time to at least maintain some of your interest anyhow we'll just have to find that out until then I'm the right opinion and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: The Right Opinion
Views: 1,430,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: behind the meme, behind the meme rant, meme, behind the meme must be stopped, what happened to behind the meme, memes, behind the meme arg, behind the meme end, behind the meme exposed, emplemon behind the meme, behind the meme spongebob, behind the meme face reveal, pyrocynical behind the meme, behind the meme anthony fantano, behind the scenes, behind, The Right Opinion, Tro Behind The Meme, Behind The Meme Opinion, Tro, Pinely, behindthememe, what happened to
Id: mZhRusZeqTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 24sec (1944 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 24 2018
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