Greg Paul: A Family Affair - The Truth Behind Logan And Jake’s Vlogdad | TRO (ft. WoollyOne, Benji)

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[Music] [Applause] as a hater sink you're having an effect on us and if the haters knew how much love was out there how much support was out there they'd shut their freaking mouth hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the right opinion the hum of a [ __ ] with too much free time and today we're gonna be reacting to Danielle Virgo Leon dr. Phil [ __ ] do you think you're doing here Betty well no do you think you do shut up well dude since the change in your content recently I thought I wouldn't modernize it I saw what you use right modernize oh look at me I'm the right opinion in this mutiny of my contact creation of is a travesty if you let me publish a thesis on this catastrophe I'd love to use a prolific amount of big boy words because I'm insecure about my monocle you are not an invited guest goodbye this is a right opinion video not a democracy and although topics have changed I'll still be covering some more serious issues that you're familiar with basically I'll be doing what I find fun and somewhat original and I hope you guys in the TRO family will find it fun too but let's talk about family for a moment where that family is biological adopted or just a group of people that you share a unique connection with they play a real role in shaping you as a person and can help you through some of your hardest times that should never be underrated or if that family's great pool well that's a scenario the Jake and Logan find themselves and it makes sense he's their biological father but he's not your normal dad of a youtuber the one who stands hopefully supportively on the sidelines he clearly enjoys bask in the spotlight and on principle there is nothing wrong with that I'm of the belief that age should not constrain one's capacity and even if the doorway is via nepotism they may still have the character independent from the familial factor to redeem that's the 54 year old is a character without a doubt but he clearly does want to involve himself in his son's lives and will touch on this later Jake am Logan Poole have established clout within their own rights but still appear to appreciate the presence of their father in one event which I won't be discussing today Gregory here featured in one of Jake's videos are made out with a fan and although it's weird and marginally unsettling is been rounding to the ground by everyone under the Sun and I think people have mostly made their mind up on it however it is important that we provide some background for what inspired this video it was May the earth was rotating on its axis like any normal day but it wasn't any normal day for Team 10 in fact it was quite an eventful period of time for Jake Poole and his comrades because on May the 5th the CEO of team 10 Nick Crompton you know the person who claimed that England was his City step down Nick Crompton had been noted for his staunch devotion to Jake Poole and even in his divorce statement he kept it relatively civil and urged people not to blindly hate on Jake however an indirect recipient of the underlying message within the letter seemed to be mr. Gregory Paul himself it was also not long before chance Sutton another highly distinguished member of the troupe decided it was time for him to part ways and eventually after a fair bit of digging various hypotheses were stated the main one being that Greg Poole in question had assumed control of many of Jake's assets within the team 10 business and had since been making some ruthless cut to put it quietly he had taken up the role of team tens own personal human resources department there were some elaborate stories some that included barest details of possible merger and more individual developments that we'll discuss later but that is the core story that is mostly confirmed from both sides I follow this vaguely and often it's something I would not rather touch on but I do believe there is a greater commentary that can be made out of Greg Paul his demeanor and various relationships that this story encompasses both Jake and Logan have their fair share of controversies Logan with the obvious and Jake with the consistency and once again I stress that Jake and Logan can act how they want and the public will judge them as they do but if they want to be slightly more positive role models than the ones they're currently a mediating actor could be genuinely beneficial however what I found today tends to lend support to the fact that this could actually be rather detrimental no one's obliged to be great human beings however if you want to lecture people on what's right and what's wrong you better practice what you preach something that I find fundamentally lacking for all parties involved today I never do things like wait here and although I'm leading very heavily on the trending topics on remor over than I ever have in the past do not expect any less of a serious analysis with various hypotheses integrated this is what we do here on the right [ __ ] opinion so without further ado let's get to it I think it's best to start analysis with a bit of background Greg Poole started up his vine in light of Logan and Jake's success and although the vine account doesn't appear to be up anymore I found a compilation of clips that seemed to reflect sort of content that he made given the fact that obviously his sons had vine accounts to is fairly easy to compare and contrast the sort of content that they produced Logan Oh Jake had a high energy style that whether you find funny or not clearly had its appeal it was well produced the punchlines were mostly on point and their choice of topics were diverse enough to have a novelty or similar enough to retain audience Greg's content tended to revolve around a few things either captioning videos on the Internet interacting with family or yoga it's an interesting compilation now as intriguing as the yoga might be I'm more interested in the second point there you see through these red Paul built his reputation as Logan and Jake Paul's dad do I hear you say well that's who he is but it's not that simple for example I assume most of the audience watching this video have parents but those parents don't go around branding themselves as your parents although it is factually true a significant proportion of Greg Paul's vine and subsequent YouTube content is dedicated to the misadventures with his two sons it makes sense and I'm not saying it's a necessarily bad thing but it has set up premises for later statements it means that instead of really growing his own Klout nearly all of his followers are confined within the poor brothers circle this also means it makes a lot of interactions between the Poole family public which is okay again considering Greg doesn't seem to enjoy when dealing with certain levels of Drumm although it is family nature defend the ones you love other times responding can just make you look worse and trying to justify unjustifiable actions becomes much harder when you have journalistic attention now on the surface a fair majority of his content is fairly harmless however you can see how a mindset is created in most of his quote harmless content the follows into some of the more challenging videos of his particularly those surrounding drama so to get to the crux the matter we have to brush away at the surface first I think it's time to discuss the manufactured love everyone needs a bit of love in their life but Greg Bull milks that simple fact until the cows come home it's kind of a meme the more senior individuals within society act slightly unnaturally online but Greg Paul seems to be a victim of that theory he bases his actions on the notion of bluff he's the sort of guy who would punch you in the name of love haters knew how much love was out and how much support was out there they'd shut their freaking mouth there's one video that kind of pushes this example is the video in which Greg Poole confronts paparazzi now it would take someone Vatanen turd to make me feel sorry for individuals who follow you around everywhere and take pictures and I'm not sure Greg Poole quite achieves that but I'll give him points for trying being loud and obnoxious being all in your face it's all for the love mum and gotta have that love I've been talking about intentions a lot on this channel recently I said am i Nicole Arbour video the good causes do not absorb terrible execution I do believe that many of these adults are quite aware of that they're not stupid I think read Paul's expression of this notion is excessively transparent but nonetheless in spite of its contrivance 'as some people still eat that [ __ ] up despite the simple truth that if he'd done all the same things just out of anger or vitriol he wouldn't be given the same treatment why is this well people like to justify their actions even when the actions may seem illogical to the individual in question now I have no doubt there is a rationale behind the way the gray pool behaves but love is not that rationale love is what he uses as a shield to deflect the idea that sometimes he behaves in a less than socially aware manner this becomes increasingly transparent when you turn to some of the more controversial statements that he put outs my favorite video being the one he posted on his Instagram in response to the scrutiny Logan received many of it I'd argue justifiably so he made this statement GP coming at you a couple things while I let everybody know that Logan is coming back that is a definite little bit of the bus update I put a new insulated floor in I've got some kitchen candidates going in I got a couple dressers I'm gonna use for storage and it's coming along nice I'm having fun with this thing also the amount of love that has been coming it's been unbelievable the amount of people showing support is unbeliev and I am now calling you guys superfans because you know it's crazy is a haters think they're having an effect on us and if the haters knew how much love was out there how much support was out there they'd shut their freaking mouths the haters will never ever have an effect on the Paul family in the way that they want to make it happen cuz the love is too strong we all make mistakes dr. Phil even said hey Logan's a good kid he's made a mistake he's 22 years old push through it get over it and keep moving on anyways I love you guys love his support gp's out well greg has Donnie is create a dichotomy from his earlier content where he preaches love and kindness and therefore what he does here is equivocate his being to love and therefore if you are opposed to the pools you are thus opposed to love and on top of that you're not just opposed to love you are a hater there is no clarification on the sort of hate he doesn't qualify it with any statement it's just the haters won't get to him because he's got all this love inside of him listen they were clearly people who poorly responded to Logan's actions as irresponsible as they were in an irrational and disproportionate manner but Greg doesn't concern himself to clarify that he may be addressing a fringe group he's more interested in blanket statements and labels to give his fans that validation and even if he was addressing a fringe group it would seem like a deflection anyway especially if you're not going to directly address it also general terminology it's saying that people who you claim to be haters would quote shut their freaking mouths if they knew about all the love you have is a bit of a contradiction Greg always appeals to these basic emotional concepts as a way to distract from the fact there's no real way to defend how people act sometimes but as long as he holds down that love sector these people they're just haters and he's got the love right here to hold them off so what was Greg referring to when he mentioned that transcendent concept of love that was just out there well one of the other observations I made was how great likes reflect and discuss all the people that he and Jake have assisted and local of course I believe he uses this as mental justification in his own head for the wrongdoings that may be committed I have had dm's with a lot of people talking about issues talking about them trying to commit suicide and I've responded to a lot of people said hey be strong appreciate your writing things like that I also noticed there's on one of Jake's diss tracks in which he responds to criticism by talking about the great stuff he does [Music] I was in the kitchen with meals [Music] if you [ __ ] up and you accept you [ __ ] up the best thing to do is remember that you have the capacity to do good with that influence rather than attempting to retell all the times that you've done good or noting it as some general love because by doing that it immediately trivializes the actions that you have committed and the motivations for committing them as the famous philosopher kool Kat once said I'd also like to bring attention to what I call the loyalty card which isn't exactly the one you use in the super mushy I see no I mean the sort of one that's used by people when they thank those for standing by them through the tough times in this instance reg Paul's use of the loyalty cards upgrades the fans to super fans and I am now calling you guys super fans which of course means absolutely nothing to anyone above the age of 12 but is a sort of emotional reward that may gratify the sort of unconditional supporter of the pool's it's always nice to experience appreciation from those weird mind however most of us are at that age where we realize the impersonal a of YouTube celebrities saying it through the screen basically it probably doesn't mean much but if there's anything that the pool fanbase has taught us is that people are still very easily influenced now the loyalty card isn't an intrinsically bad asset plenty of craters have it and use it on a regular basis it is natural in a way but when you abused it to the level of Greg Paul the Lord he becomes a tool to override logic and I want you to hold on to this point for later it's been a while since I've had a guest on so I thought I'd mix it up and bring in my good friend herb OTT also known as woolly one and he did some research into grapples cyber bullying escapades not sure what that is well you're in for a treat take it away my friend hello everyone I'm woolly one contributing apologist on the right opinions Channel so Greg Paul being a 54 year old man has found it difficult to fit in on the internet from some of his videos it's clear he simply does not understand how basic things that youtubers deal with everyday work and it's not just through his somewhat cringy persona it's through the ideas that he has suggested the example we are gonna look at today is cyber bullying now cyber bullying is a very new form of harassment because it takes place on a very new medium the Internet it's also an incredibly easy form of harassment because you can get the satisfaction of speaking your mind about another person without having to see their reaction live louis c.k you know the comedian the guy who yeah he put it best in an interview with Conan O'Brien though kids are mean and it's cuz they're trying it out they they look at a kid they go you're fat and then they see the kids face scrunch up and they go ooh that doesn't feel good to make a person do that but they got to start with doing the mean thing because these insults are bite send data seemingly posted by one person and received by another Greg Paul thinks this issue can easily be solved about a year ago Greg Paul posted a very interesting video titled cyberbullying is real my thoughts on everything Logan and Jake Paul ashtag the second verse he starts off by addressing some of the hot rumors at the time particularly the Elissa violet situation which James will touch on later he makes a really weird point about perception versus reality where he calls out Jake and Logan's own pranks by name and he tells you that they were staged just remember a lot of same people coming at me really believe Jake was in the White House they really believed wharf Mambo was shipped in an airplane none of it was true but then he tries to connect it back to the truth and how the viewers perceived the truth and a lot of it is somebody's perception of how they saw things he basically leaves you with the impression that it was the viewers fault that they didn't understand that the pranks were staged and in the similar way they don't understand the Elissa violet situation it's a very loose connection that doesn't really seem to help his case after all if Jake and Logan Paul wanted their viewers to get the right idea about their concen why don't they just not lie to them about five minutes in though he switches gears you see in his coverage of this Elissa violet situation he's received a great deal of hate now most youtubers would probably just block and ignore them but Greg Paul has a different idea instead he proposes a cyberbullying database where people are named and branded as cyber bullies guess what folks it's already too late she can't defend herself so what I'm gonna do and when I'm partner I'm partnering with some people that specialize in cyberbullying we're gonna try to create a database where these boys can be put into one location for future employers colleges boyfriends girlfriends moms dads whoever if they want to look into person and see if they've been cyber bullying anybody all they need to do is put that in and this database can be accessed by well pretty much anyone parents teachers employers significant others and yes the police if this idea sounds extremely Orwellian and horrible you're thinking at least a little more rationally than great here there are so many problems with a database of this nature that become immediately apparent for example that most threats are made anonymously and without an extremely invasive police investigation the only identification people would have access to would be their general location if that at all but let's assume as Gregg does that one would be able to easily log this information he still essentially wants a nine-year-old telling you to [ __ ] to be treated with the same severity and seriousness as a 60 year old homeless man whipping his dick out in front of preschoolers on a playground even to most of the technologically inept this sounds incredibly stupid and ineffective not to mention how easy it would be to fake the evidence with inspect element or photoshop to things that Gregg probably hasn't even heard of it just wouldn't work and while Gregg may be a seasoned human being he's not a seasoned youtuber so he just doesn't get it well fast forward a year and prepubescent YouTube commenters with anime profile pictures have not been rounded up in Xiamen to mass graves yet so what happened well nothing I guess for a few months after his video he continued talking on Instagram about how he was definitely going to create this database and how he was going to do it right like his video he also mentioned working with the LAPD to get it off the ground and each time he promised to do away with these vile cyber bullies who'd been sending hate to him but it just never happened there still is no database and I doubt there ever will be why well maybe he realized how much of an idiotic concept this was from the numerous comments and dislikes on the video or maybe he never had any intention of creating such a database and only conceived of it as a threat to freak out those who were insulting him perhaps he was just doing it to make himself look better especially considering it was in a video about an already highly controversial topic using it as yet another means to shove his love down your throat and evade criticism I think that one of the conclusions that can be drawn from the great Paul cyber-bullying saga is that the man himself seems deeply concerned about others when something happens to him now what do i mean by this well in the video he states constantly about how he doesn't care about all the hate he's received that's what I don't care what you call me doesn't matter of fact that you're calling me a [ __ ] and you think it's offensive where are you living in 1952 this is 2017 if you got an issue with somebody in their sexual orientation that's too bad for you those aren't my issue the fact that you're calling me old and bald I don't really care why you guys said you know why why Pam and I got divorced listen fifty percent of the couples out there get divorced the 50 percent that are married another 25 percent want to get divorced so trying to slam me because I get divorced it doesn't bother me it has no value it's all water off a duck's back for him he's so resolute that you can call him a [ __ ] and if you're not down with the gays in 2017 well that's your problem however Greg Paul is so concerned that it might happen to someone else that isn't as strong and resolute as him that he wants to set up this database that takes down everyone who says something need all you folks that sent me the hate mail I think you're gonna be the first ones that I expose and let the general public know that you guys are out there trying to be bullies and listen there's nothing wrong with looking out for other people but when you suddenly start caring about something for the sole reason of it happening to you saying that you don't care about the fact that it happens to you seems fairly hard to believe and it seems like a real attempt to switch the fact that he's upset about what someone did to him as a way to simultaneously look better like a crusader against all those bad nasty bullies but this is just indicative of how Greg Poe really tries to find anything that's happened to him as a way to pole-vault himself into relevancy he needs the spotlight to be on him so by seizing the opportunity to do something revolutionary in his head it would give him that attention even when his reaction as I showed earlier is completely irrational and symptomatic of his technological naivety anyway back to you Jimbo as noted earlier this was part of a greater video on the Elissa violets situation in which she left the team 10th house both Jake and illicit all very contrasting stories about what exactly happened within the premises but Greg Poole then decided to join in and tell his own story which is interesting to say the least in this story he declared that Lissa wasn't kicked out for cheating as Jake claimed or anything else but she was removed for not paying rents Melissa wasn't kicked out of the house she was asked to leave because she wasn't paying around and at the center of this bizarre story is the father mr. Greg Paul himself who in spite of barely turning up in either of the other members Testaments apart from a cameo in letters where she claimed he verbally abused her in public a leading role in his story in this retelling Elissa violet was belligerently remaining in the team tenth house and she would not budge Greg Poole the gracious cogent gentleman sat down with her and gave her some top-notch advice on that Greg Poole the man himself mash to bring her time at team 10 to an end she agreed to leave to me through me in case you'd noticed an undertone of sarcasm in my voice is because I am being [ __ ] sarcastic and frankly this is some of the thickest [ __ ] that I've heard in a while [Music] Greg Poole claims the lot of Elissa violets allegations cannot be backed up Alysha says a lot of things they can't be backed up before making a number of unsubstantiated claims himself I'm just saying well it's the truth she did miss auditions because of not being able to wake up and make it on time these things are all the truth these things actually happened I also find it amusing he has to interject multiple times in the video to remind the viewer that he is telling the truth and reminds us all that everyone in team 10 likes him because he's hard-working for those people I know the truth these things are all the truth these things actually happened course a lot of you guys out in cyber-land don't know that because you don't know the truth I know the truth incidentally another team ten members have an issue with me because they know I help everybody out elicit true truth be told she knows I always looked out for her I always try to help her out I'm not saying that he's not but the self validation is pretty suspicious to prove its moral worth he says that his level of truth is so strong there are lawyers who have offered to take his case for free against ELISA violets but he's not gonna do that because he's above all the petty drama he's above the lying and the hatred he's so morold and we all wish we could beat like Gregory here not quite right this tells me two things firstly the Greg Poole is a pretty bad liar there are multiple cues for lying most notably the disturbing amount of times he licks his lips in that video [Music] which in comparison to his other videos is quite disproportionate boo who cares maybe it was a hot day Greg's lips have just been so dry in need of that constant moisturizing maybe a boy just thirsty after all the biggest indicator that he's chatting [ __ ] is the story doesn't even match the one taught by his son jakey here Jake claimed that Alyssa cheated on him but maybe he was wrong too maybe Greg is actually Thanos and he's using the reality stone to manipulate the world that team 10 lives in is still more plausible than any of the stories that Greg is actually telling Greg also has his perfect way of twisting what people say he say it's Alyssa - saying that she thought he was gonna pull a gun out was unfair which as a point a standalone point I guess stands but then goes on to say this now please keep in mind that this is the same person who said in her own video she wanted to kill somebody and she thought she was insane which given the additional context is a blatantly dishonest way of framing it and anyone who understands basic rhetorical devices knows exactly what she's implying you like love and then you can just hear them like banging another girl upstairs and that's happened so many times like it's not something clicks in your head like you want to kill someone but you want to cry I think you do too Greg all I'm saying is you're not making a good case for yourself here buddy in fact in another video where he once again truthfully recollects a story of the Martinez winds on their departure he drops the disclaimer the often makes very little eye contact with the camera and that is normal behavior so don't try and investigate him for lying now she's now rehearse and just gone raw and for any of you knuckleheads they're going I look left or look right and you're gonna try to analyze what I'm saying or if I'm lying or telling the truth or blah blah blah after all if you act like a lie all the time people can't specifically call out the lies although the licking lips are pretty excessive tasty what I found from all these videos is that Greg likes to insert himself into these situations and be as intimate to the drama as possible he takes credit for the savage shirt that Leigh Martinez twins wear says that they were referring to him as a dad and wanted him to be their manager before this other manager came in and disrupted the whole situation at some point they're like yeah you'd be my father you know they wanted league they talked to me as if I wasn't there every story involves him despite many of the anecdotes from other individual the team ten how seldom including him the details the gray provides would lead you to believe that he's actually a member of team ten let alone involved in it why this level of involvement well one reason appears pretty obvious that is good for views and interaction and people always want to hear the hottest takes from those in the know and Greg pool is definitely in the note he's just not entirely in the tell the other idea is that he likes to see himself as involved in his children's lives which isn't a completely unreasonable explanation either as I said the start he brands himself as the father to these two icons above all other representations of his character and his content plays into this narrative but I want to reintroduce a couple of points that I mentioned briefly earlier a lot of the issue that the pool family tends to culminate is that their interactions are out in the public eye and that's not a huge issue as principal but as families we are more likely to defend each other because we believe we know the character of the individual better than the criticism from the outsiders and these people are intimate to our lives we don't want conflict by publicly shouting them down and frankly I wouldn't expect great pool to go around publicly lambaste and his children and if you want to defend them then that's not necessarily a bad thing either but there comes a point where defending an individual not just comes at a detriment to you but to them and other individuals around them it is one thing that Jake and logos behavior has taught us is that they are really in desperate need of some real-world experience their harly children but you be hard-pressed to find behavior that matches their respective maturity whether it's obnoxiousness or just plain insensitivity they seem to have all the boxes ticked much of their behavior seems to lean onto the fact they don't recognize the implications that their actions have on those around them as implied by this video I find read Paul's rhetoric rather dishonest but on top of that I find it quite hawkish it's one thing to defend your children but it's another to then try to assassinate the characters of those who make these allegations Grover is preaching all this love while simultaneously making highly questionable and unsubstantiated claims against people attacking their character with anecdotal evidence which given the additional context seems rather doubtful but even then consistently dismissing his detractors on all front does not look good by any means and most warmly it creates an atmosphere in which no lessons are already learned the whole way to right your wrongs begins with accepting that you may have committed those wrongs here they're all this little investigation has shown to me is that our mate Gregory here doesn't really wish to acknowledge that in response to the Logan Paul scenario the best he could say was we all make mistakes and appeal to dr. Phil which once again is not false but it's under playing these circumstances you also write a paragraph in the description about how they sometimes do stuff you disagree with this is not a case of agreement or disagreement and portraying it that way is very myopic the thing is in the context of modern society many people have standards of how they should treat others everyone's kind of differs a bit but there is a baseline most of what has been discussed today is not a case of different strokes for different folks is about showing some respect to a fellow human being the issue that Greg Poole crates is when he dismisses those who confront him and being prepared to seemingly lie about these situations that he cements himself as a constant scapegoats for whatever destructive actions Jake or Logan may commit it enables them knowing that they have that unconditional parachute but sometimes they need to freefall you don't have to publicly [ __ ] on them but you just have to stop trying to make up these very transparent excuses for what is fairly deplorable behavior as I noted at the start of the video Greg Poole had recently been called in and he was conducting an audit and Nick Crompton leaving was a huge moment Leonce amla and the differences seemed fairly obvious from the inception of this incident however very shortly after this team 10 put out a very bizarre statement on their Twitter which seemed to echo much of the attitude reflected in Greg Paul's behavior in a warring totalitarian attitude known as the excessive and transparent use of the loyalty card and this is sign that grey Paul clearly values himself above all other aspects in his video over the Martinez twins he lamented the fact that he was right about max another foreign team team member first day I met max I told Jake do not use max do not trust him and you know what max ended up leaving and everybody found out later that I was right about him I was right about Morgan I am totally shot despite the fact that max left because he was uncomfortable with how the pools representing a possible assault case against faze banks one that seemed incredibly dishonest yet Greg Paul sees max as a negative actor despite the fact that Max's move was one of the most arguably moral in the history of team 10 Greg saw it as a selfish action how could he do that to people who gave him such an opportunity that's because Gregory sees its influence as a collective everything good that has come from Team ten outweighs the bad and from his perspective if people stop trying to milk all these negative actions than the collective could just carry on spreading this joy and this love through this love premise greg has always the loyalty card to maximum gain telling us about how he knows all the people who have had their lives enhanced by team ten you are there for team ten you are subservient to team ten also I thought it'd be interesting to note how the little text started much like the Instagram video with that chunk of gratitude to the fans for their support it's contrivance almost nauseating the aura that this statement gave off was much alike to a cult if you are disloyal to what team ten represents then you are struck off but that would premise that team ten is a positive force which is a bit more up for debate than Greg presents it to be he forgets that although team ten Maher supposedly enhanced some people's lives it could also negatively affected others the other factor that Greg doesn't seem to take into consideration is the alternate reality where team ten doesn't exist now it's here sure some people may have found purpose within it but they may have found a different purpose in something more productive if team ten didn't exist and it may not be beneficial for them long term but Greg doesn't work on that level of reasoning and therefore because team ten is so helpful people should respect it regardless of what they do the ends justify the means in his mind but his idea of means are different to many of his critics so it doesn't matter how allegedly rude or aggressive he is it's for team ten it's for love judging from its language I think it's fair to assume this little message had at least a bit of Greg sprinkled on it and this takes me to my next point Jake Poole made a video himself address in the situation in what was 20 minutes of unbelievable waffle that would put me on my most drunken to rate to shame he stumbles through an explanation of how there's a future and how he's planning for it and how the people who left were afraid of his visions amongst the filler that was clearly done for the ad Rev I did find some statements of meaning and I think they can tell something about the sorry situation he finds himself in two parts stood out the part in which he discusses his father and the one that follows on from this but what does he say about Greg specifically well he said he needed someone to unconditionally fight his corner with the increasingly ambitious visions and ideas he needed someone with more life experience to step in and help with possible individuals who might suck away that Jay Paul exuberance and you know what I'd probably do the same thing in his position however the issue that this creates is a character evolution because what Jake has in mind is more daesh's and likely more bombastic behavior one moment that I found distinctly symbolic was how he almost said he wanted to become the best person before suddenly changing and qualifying statement to the best Jake Ball as I want to be the best below and perfect like the best Jay Paul like I said for you guys the thing is that these two are distinctly different statements and Jake realizes that I spoke about respect and decency earlier and Jake needs someone to change that attitude rather than condoning it especially if he doesn't want to burn out there is no doubt that Jake will continue to be successful and let's say team 10 is a positive force if it has brought joy to many people's lives then fair enough we can always do better and when people call our individuals like Jake for his destructive and reckless behavior where the team 10 is a net positive it's kind of regardless when it comes to these issues if you can do better why wouldn't you do better Greg just doesn't accept this and under the premise that team 10 is a force for good publicly dismisses and attempts to smear other individuals in the name of that good course but most importantly not encouraging self-reflection not just within your family but within fans who for some reason then see you justifying actions and using the loyalty and false notion of positivity to blow off others as haters or formulating your own plot lines I'm sorry but for someone with life experience you should know better what Greg ball is up to in team 10 I cannot be certain it is not mine to prove but although it may provide Jake with some business grounding I can't see being wholly beneficial for many other aspects Jay Paul needs someone who is gonna support him but it's also gonna correct him he's been in this world 21 years and he needs the right guidance now he's actually trying to deal with life unfortunately or fortunately life is not one long vine clip equally as unfortunate Greg does not seen the person to alleviate the problems that have been observed by multiple commentators on the contrary his behavior seems to lead to reinforcement which I personally believe will not lead to faithful outcomes this brings me to my second point about Jake's video the idea that it was best for Jake from is that Greg is solely concerned with Jake but what is best for Jake is not necessarily best for team ten and when you continuously cause people from team tend to leave people inside will inevitably become expendable and lose the draw that they gave to the squad becomes Jake Poole and his background dancers and it will inevitably lead people to question whether there even is a necessity for team ten so although people saying team 10's falling apart is an exaggeration it does cause a possible loss of identity the starting line of established identity for themselves the new ones appear to lack that but either gray Poole doesn't know or doesn't care once again loyalty matters but so does logic it will inevitably become the Jake Poole show which if that's what you want them fair enough but I don't want more Jay Paul in my life the idea of Jay Paul havoc complete free rein is slightly concerning well the Jake Poole is conscious of this himself is a different question but either way I do not see Gregg benefiting Jake as an individual nor team ten as a collective I'm not saying it's gonna happen soon but if it does we know why and the center of the pool family we find a man who although may not be the image of the brand is certainly exerting influence on a day to day basis either over sons over an audience or over others around him where our influence is positive as I present today is highly tentative and the means that he uses to exert it even more dubious that man is great Paul what do you think of the situation what is exactly going on here I would love to hear what you think leave your comments down below I'm always interested to hear you can also reach me on twitter at the write pinion you can reach me on Facebook I'll leave the links there and you can also reach me on discord to up my server in the link below you can reach out to me through any of those mediums I tend to respond to all of them I do my best to be a responsive gentleman also big shout out to the editors they've once again done a stellar job and I'm just imagining right now how this is gonna look and oh yes that's very pleasing indeed also big thanks to woody 1 & Rd Benji weather invited or uninvited I appreciate them nonetheless anyhow love to hear your thoughts once again until then however I'm the right opinion and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: The Right Opinion
Views: 1,014,317
Rating: 4.9129925 out of 5
Keywords: greg paul, logan paul, jake paul, paul, greg, vlogdad greg paul, logan paul vlogs, logan paul dad, team 10, ksi, logan paul is back, jake paul diss track, logan paul brother, logan paul vlog, logang, greg paul martinez twins, greg paul hits team 10, vlog dad greg paul, greg paul instagram, greg paul update, Tro, Tro Greg paul, The Right Opinion, The Right Opinion Greg Paul, Greg Paul A family Affair, Jake Paul dad, Nick Crompton, Tro Jake Paul, Tro Benji
Id: oAjn3L_wCnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 51sec (2211 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 09 2018
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