What Did This Drama Channel Have To Hide? - Spill | TRO

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hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to the right pinion the home of a with too much free time and who is the man behind this channel Who am I well to be honest it's not really of great importance and I'd prefer to keep my identity mostly private but at this point it's a bit late for that big shout out to the news website you published my name however it doesn't have much significance in the general discussion because I'm just one person presenting what they know and what they think and honestly people behind respective YouTube channels aren't that important in the grand scheme of things and therefore it seems so bizarre in a way that today's situation comes across as much more important too many craters than it would appear on the surface but let's go back to the tea community because what's wrong with a bit of tea the tea community has a lot of players in its complex game firstly the large beauty creators who produce content for millions of individuals this content is fairly unproblematic on principle but as observed their demeanor can be quite melodramatic and as a reason why the word melodramatic has the word drama in it along with drama came people with opinions on that drum and people who would look at the drama and analyze the drama who would have thought you might even say that some of these channels provided commentary now typically the people who provided commentary were individuals with some level of proficiency in the reporting of this drama the style may not exactly be for everyone but they have an audience and it seems that many of them are legitimately invested in the outcome of this drama may these craters are quite tabloid and some are as dramatic as the genre they cover and honestly that's all right as long as people don't come to expect anything more from those channels that's what commentary is opinion based ideas and if you disagree with that person that's okay too however at the same time some people may want a more in-depth perspective on you too drama a lot of commentators aren't the most involved in that and that's perfectly normal to not everyone has the time to sit down for a 30 minute summary of something that really isn't the most consequential in their life nonetheless there is a demand and that demand exists in every genre so as natural within the beauty community eventually a channel would emerge with a bit more focus on creating long-form content the focuses on the delivery and the depth of the information rather than nearly the gut reaction to it childhood appear to answer these prayers was created by the name of spill like the fairly simplistic name that content never assumes too much about the subjects that they're covering and focuses more on the delivery of this information in a journalistic and well sited way with the conclusions often being well-informed to providing some sort of additional insights they started their channel on the 5th of September 2018 and in the following year have accumulated a pretty healthy 930 thousand subscribers they often received praise from many audiences and creators for representing information in an unbiased and thorough fashion spill also appeared to be creating this more deeply rooted Nexus which is our word of the day by the way this was represented by three additional channels brew Grill and on the hill which will have their own dynamic they were good at what they did however perhaps a little too good in the last couple months suspicions have been aroused regarding spills existence and if everything is as you would typically assume it would be what do I mean well as said many people have expectations for these channels and commentary channels are typically expected to be a bit more personal because it's hard to exactly represent opinions of a corporation with that said spill wort the line of actual opinions are now as straight too far from the safety of what they could present as actual evidence however some felt that their content although of good quality was not what should be representing a community for reasons that we will debate in due time a few youtubers including D'Angelo and Patti Page publish videos where they express concerns regarding spills channel origins and the idea that they actually represented this corporatization of even YouTube's most independent genres the Sanitary family-friendly nature was somewhat discomforting and people then began to create further hypotheses about the nature of their existence were they being planted by YouTube themselves to deal with these pesky independent creators or to create the perception that YouTube is just this squeaky-clean platform for advertisers or the media given their incredible growth it was an unsettling thought and has led many to theorize about the origins of such a channel paired with the deep monetization and censorship that has been vented by prostrate creatures within this community this led many to believe that there may be a greater agenda at stake however with all the uncertainty swelling decide to explain their origins in a video themselves spill started out as a two-person passion project one of us has a background in journalism the other has a background in illustration and video editing we both love YouTube news and drama who doesn't we wanted to create a channel that had a more journalistic approach to YouTube drama a thorough recap of all sides of a story with proper citations on top of that we wanted to give something back to the community by contributing to the conversation with an educational approach keeping tabs on celebrities and influencers is something many of us like to do it's a guilty pleasure but it can get toxic so that's why we discuss the big issues and open the conversation in this video they state the spill originated as a two-person passion project which is more focused on presenting drama from a neutral perspective this meant that often when covering these topics given the immense workload they would have to go through to create this when they realized that they were actually ascertaining a significant level of success they decide that more people would be necessary to help expand on this project and eventually this led to their own side projects including brew grill and on the hill ultimately the core principle that they start off believing in still stood true their commitment to delivering content from those principles had not changed they note that they have incorporated themselves however this was only from the perspective that they would have a lot of people and that it was easier to incorporate themselves for tax purposes it initially started as a side project but once bill started to grow the team group - this way we can put up more high quality videos at a faster pace but at the end of the day we're still individual content creators who love what we do and are proud of the work we put into our videos as soon as more than one person is working on a big project together it's legally the best option to register as a corporation in Canada there are three types of business structures sole proprietorship partnership and corporation a sole proprietorship is an unincorporated business owned by one person like a graphic designer a partnership is a joint relationship between two or more individuals working on a business together but each person is personally responsible for profits and losses the final option the corporation tends to be the best option for teams of more than one person because among other reasons it offers limited risk for the owners of the company basically you're only on the hook for what you invest in the company rather than everything you own as an individual so for many self-employed people or small businesses it makes more sense to incorporate for tax reasons they provide a few sources that justifies their reasoning and state they have no contacts to YouTube and there's no evidence to disprove this it all seems very reasonable on the surface and in a regular surface level world we would be able to continue with our daily lives but behind the scenes something was brewing and it wasn't just tea join me today as I tell you an interesting little story about a child that wasn't quite as crystal clear as they could have been and exactly why that might have been and if it even matters at all but I wouldn't begin to make such a video if it didn't matter would i well there's only one way to find out let us begin on the surface it seems bizarre that someone would not be entirely honest about their channels origin unless they were money laundering or something so you'd really need the evidence that things aren't as they seem however one of the people I mentioned earlier Patti Page released another video rebutting this reveal video and presenting some interesting information herself in her video she outlines how in fact the corporation at spill appears to be registered under is not their own but in fact another corporation named odd or aw II D whose existence seems to have been conceived around 2013 this evidence can be found on the Canadian websites what makes Patti think that this specific corporation is the one in charge of spill well there is a lot of considerable evidence relating to the employees and most notably those who have themselves as working for both spill and odd I agree the most incriminating factor was the fact that the voices spill a person named Taylor Barrett had spill listed under odd core there was also some pretty compelling circumstantial observations such as the bat that in this time the brew was set up there was a decrease in posting on other auto owned sites such as good good and their relative Facebook pages that energy must have been going into something however that didn't necessarily prove the odd set up the channel a few months ago I covered a situation regarding Smosh and how they were bought out by another network if that was the case why did they claim in their video that they had incorporated themselves with emphasis on tax perspectives rather than just saying they had contracted with the larger corporation the corporation that spell is listed under is called Awet call now I looked online and found out that AWD court became incorporated in 2013 I even paid the Canadian government to get Awet Corp certificate of incorporation meaning that the person behind spell taylor would have been 17 / 18 years old when it became a corporation so something wasn't adding up on top of this the fact that the two people who were alleged to have founded the channel was still working inside jobs to suffice income on a child that could perspectively be making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year told people that had to be some main beneficiary because it really didn't make sense otherwise I'm not want to overstate the potential right now but these people are throwing money away but we'll get to that in a bit regardless of outcome whether ordered involved themselves prior after many believe this would still go against the general tone of their video which frame them as being rather in control of their channels Canadian small businesses who want limited risk need to register as a corporation and we aren't the only youtubers to be incorporated many other individual creators and small teams are registered as either corporations or LLC's like shane dawson simply no logical the try guys and philip defranco so you can see registering as a corporation is complicated you may be thinking that all sounds really boring well the truth is it is legal stuff is boring even for me even for you are you one who did the legal work to incorporates it doesn't seem like it and I really wanted to give spill the benefit of the doubt but this is a neutrally ambiguous language if you watch the original video you receive the impression that they as individuals start the channel and then incorporated it afterwards themselves something that just isn't true but it wasn't quite over you see spill responded in a second video which was much more comprehensive they open up stating that they did not feel the details they have left out of their original video work completely relevant to the spill story and honestly this video does clear up a fair few things but at the same time I think it's right to take a few issues they follow their intro by showing us a man known as rollin or a spill refers to him as the man who made this all possible what happens next is an inspiring rags to riches story so growing up we ran under rich family I mean we had everything we needed but like any extra toys or games or anything I really wanted one when I was growing up was not something that was easy for you know for my parents to get so I was felt like hey if I have more money I could just just get whatever I wanted right rollin got his first job as soon as he was old enough to work but he quickly realized it wasn't for him but when I go my first job I'd like 15 years old I hated it so much I hated having like a boss I guess the first boss I had it was my first job he was such a I just hated working for him and I remember thinking like that's what it is like to have a job but like I don't want a job I want to figure out my own things I mean it's very lovely to hear but it doesn't really change much although pro Rouge does pervade the upper echelon of many industries there are many people with rags to riches stories as well it doesn't necessarily make you a great person but good for you at least you know I hated having bosses too but it doesn't make a company less corporate it's good to know there's a human at the center but that's also why can be a problem and I'll discuss that later with all that in mind it's a pretty inspiring story if it is sincere and I'm happy this bill has provided Ronan with levels of success but let's get back to the grits throughout the video there is this tone that kind of tries to undercut the notion of incorporating as this fairly normal regular thing and it feels like they're trying to combat the negative stigma that comes with the process of incorporation the three of them were sure they would outshine reddit so rollin incorporated fever eyes we incorporated fever eyes because we thought it was gonna be the next big thing so why wait just let's just do it right right away we were a team of three obviously like as a partner you know what partners you have to make sure that everything is this closed we did at corporation I actually don't think there's a problem with incorporating if you want to do that fine by me but I think the problem isn't spill knows this that how people define corporation run channels is very different to a channel that has been started up by an individual / individuals and incorporated after otherwise they wouldn't have framed it as the latter in the original video when it clearly wasn't the case and while a lot of people choose to do creative projects while being self-employed as soon as more than one person is working on a big project together its legally the best option to register as a corporation in Canada there are three types of business structures sole proprietorship partnership and corporation a sole proprietorship is an unincorporated business owned by one person like a graphic designer a partnership is a joint relationship between two or more individuals working on a business together but each person is personally responsible for profits and losses the final option the corporation tends to be the best option for teams of more than one person because among other reasons it offers limited risk for the owners of the company basically you're only on the hook for what you invest in the company rather than everything you own as an individual so for many self-employed people or small businesses it makes more sense to incorporate for tax reasons this is something that I would say was still dishonest even with the new information that's what was relevant to be upfront about I'll discuss why this distinction is important at how spilled does fall into these traps very soon but spills video is a nice story for the origins of a channel however it is mostly about Roland who as a person I never had an issue with I'd rather have a channel like spill than most but it doesn't mean that I can't take a fair few problems with their dealings and how they represented those dealings you can say that the information wasn't viewed as relevant to you but the fact remains that it wasn't really a case of additional information that doesn't change the context of your channel at all the additional information here does change the context for being these smart creators they are bill or Rowland knew how to embed it in such a mode of additional information that honestly wasn't the most relevant you kind of just forget that they even implied a different story in the first place it's the polar opposite of going from not enough information to too much information but honestly I'd rather have too much than not enough because at least people with the critical eye can extract the information that they need so you can see spill and all our other projects were self-made and started from scratch there was a lot of experimenting before we got to where we are today so by the end of this story I became quite confused by this comment because sure they've generally put to bed some of the more out there ideas that they were funded by YouTube which were on the more conspiratorial side and I personally wasn't persuaded by them for reasons that I'll state later but if you're going to go into depth about all the processes that led up to the creation of the channel and the company behind it to suddenly say see it was made from scratch guys seems rather defensive in a tonal shift that hasn't really been earned before this video I totally accounted for this being a situation being a possibility and although I will defend them on some behalfs I also feel like they're trying to dance out of some untruths and avoid being the center of a discussion that is quite important what is that discussion well let's go there now after some deep thought I really can't by the fact that they admitted certain details because they didn't believe it was relevant obviously we have the real elephant in the room that was the misleading notion of incorporation I don't want to go into too much more detail about that because hopefully it's quite self explanatory at this point where the contradiction comes but also the framing of a two person passion projects did some people now if what they're saying is true the people working on this project certainly had an interest in the topic themselves once again that doesn't necessarily undermine all the points being made against them I would say that they certainly have more character than many of the corporate channels and do completely say they're the same would be unreasonable but I'd also argue that there is an element of corporate cluelessness that pervades what they do sometimes people's concerns about corporations is that given their pre-existing status as a business they may obtain unfair advantages and likely genuine investment in what they're doing and thus lead to takes that aren't in completely good faith or partially had that and I'm going to go through all of these factors in this vid but I want to start by focusing on their foundation as Rolen explained earlier everything started with one person and no outside help we had no financial support then and we don't have financial support now and yes D monetization affects us a lot we make just enough to run the company and slowly grow the Spill universe whether you would consider spills channel made from quote scratch I personally don't know many youtubers who start their channel on the back of a business specifically committed to that channel with a salary already supporting them that is definitely the design of a company for many people they start making content because they're interested in a topic even with the personal interests of the individuals in the video noted the story this bill tells us as genuinely told it is still one of sourcing a channel for the purpose of greater company based interest they obviously frame it very earnestly talking about employee morale and I remember going under the second side of the room and seeing everybody working a good good super you know depressed feeling like they were working on like lifeless projects and I was like damn like that's actually unfair right what if they could also do something they like and although I respect that I feel that there has been a bit of sugar coating in the motives here particularly given in the previous video they had spoken about Spillers if it was the main controlling factor which seems to be no longer true obviously to take into consideration the fact that other old pages weren't the most successful at the point of those other channels starting up either and I'll talk about that in a bit but I feel that their story is still rooted in the industry when we will see that I can understand the concern and that behavior hasn't exactly embraced the from-scratch approach the individual at the top of odds our good friend Roland numeron seems to have a history of running these sorts of businesses he has multiple businesses to do with networking and presentation set up in the past and it's understandable why someone we know would want to include his expertise although some have been more successful than others but alas that is the business life after all I personally felt that whatever had happened the current set up was quite reflective of corporate involvements rather than the two persons of passion projects in fact in many ways they were behaving exactly like a corporation what many of these businesses do include or good good brand is that they have one successful page or channel and then begin to extend that brand that is something they even cover in the video in good goods instance they would just stick a new suffix on the enter outline what topic they would be covering good good food good good gifts good good dildos I don't know what they're doing in this bill universe is much of the same praising these new brands that are different but also the same same style same approach same cross promotion and even the same ballpark of personality because they let that hot beverage Brewer and talk about the topic that they just can't get enough of there's something somewhat unsettling about it to be honest with that noted it does seem that grill is slightly different in his approach though honestly I'm not sure if I like it simile peach please your wheat guy might not have seen it but you certainly did don't panic Jeff but your pants are on fire I personally don't really see the appeal that does give me an insight into what roasts content would be like if it was done by a Canadian however I am sure though I definitely dislike on the hill which seems to be the sort of thing that it corporation would undoubtedly greenlight and produce my name is Jack and well I guess welcome I've never done one of these before but I'd like to do a whole lot more of them you see I want to be a content creator just like my parents never wanted they're not doing themselves any favours I mean that voice acting hello fellow youtubers I do YouTube my parents do not want me to do YouTube I am defying my parents I am definitely a three-dimensional fleshed out character did I mention I want to be a youtuber please help me please also I read a spy's strong word I know how all the characters resemble pop vinyls pop vinyls are bad and emotionless enough as they are they're even less effective when you try to actually give them personalities that contrasts with that vacuum of a face I'm going off-piste it what I mean is that it all seems to me in its current form to be a bit too corporate for my liking and I'll go into more detail about that in a bit now of course it is possible that that behavior has developed from the individuals working with the corporation and their experience has taught them how to develop such a network but even then that doesn't really counteract the other points that have been brought up and at best they've emitted information to paint a misleading image of their business at worst they've actually lied but that's why we should move to our next few questions why would they would anyone have cared if they were a corporation would anyone have cared if they were working for a corporation should anyone have cared well these are all interesting questions and I want to talk about all of them too I'm gonna play you a clip that was found in research for another video that isn't happening now which is a great shame it's unfair to even consider t-series a big youtuber and this has been a huge problem on YouTube for so long corporations and businesses essentially taking over YouTube I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with businesses being on YouTube it's smart YouTube is a huge platform why not take advantage of its insane reach plus as a fan of TV shows I really like being able to rewatch interview sketches and performances after the show airs that being said the increasing presence of major corporations forces up independent creators the people who made YouTube what it is today this has become increasingly stressful for independent creators because they can't keep up with YouTube that's why we've been seeing more and more youtubers leaving or going on a break they're burnt out and that's not the only discouraging thing take a scroll through the trending page the majority of it is late night shows companies and music videos and heavy notice celebrities are taking over the platform too it's so smart corporations know we love celebrities so they make stars seem more accessible to us by putting them on YouTube but in reality there's a huge production team behind it so you can see t-series taking over as a top YouTube channel is really more symbolic of how YouTube has become more corporation friendly hurting the independent creators who made it big it's not hard to be someone amused at the irony of such a statement and honestly I feel that this is one of the key problems straight out the gate as said on principle bar exceptional circumstances it doesn't matter the foundations that I found at this channel is the journey that has led me here today and I'd hoped that people would be able to judge me on the basis of that but if I was to make a story about my origins and I left out certain details that were kind of important and it paints a picture that was very different to the one that was the actual case but I think people would have reason to feel misled or annoyed however it does go deeper than that because when we create a channel often based off our own personality we do create a connection and as a principle as a case a morality here I would expect people to create connections of genuine information off genuine beliefs now there is a stigma around corporations which we'll discuss in a moment but I would have rather Spill make it clear what the picture resembles first time round rather than being selective with the information that they presented especially their channel which prized themselves on presenting all signs as a principal being straight with your audience about such information will follow through into statements on general integrity as they are underlined by the same principles it's clear to me that spill were aware of the problems that presenting themselves as more corporate than many assume may have brought but with that said I can understand why they may have been hesitant to be forthcoming about that information nonetheless people are persistent and whether you tell them or not they're gonna find out for themselves so what are the problems obviously there has been an active reason that corporations are taking over YouTube and that has caused concern within many communities in certain communities craters have been completely ejected by the big machine with YouTube channels like Jimmy Kimmel Live basically monopolizing the YouTube homepage and pushing out more independent creators whose content may be less wholesome or family friendly but no less quality in its content the corporate craters have great production values and everything looks shiny and nice and people may be distracted by that but it ultimately doesn't change the fact that these smaller crater with more emphasis on the actual comedy may be a lot funnier and provide audiences with a lot more entertainment we like to think that YouTube is somewhat of an equal playing field and although that's far from the truth it's when craters are just unconditionally pushed with no means to compete that people become frustrated understandably so in their first video at a certain point spill shows a list of videos that were demonetized in an attempt to show that they go through the same vs that other craters do but none of them are appealed that led many to believe that they might just have a separate arrangement with YouTube that they're promoted regardless of monetization but I think it's a much simpler explanation I think that corporations just don't think sometimes about their monetization status because corporations don't think about that stuff if you've ever gone over some mainstream news showers on YouTube many videos will not have ads on them at all it's not because they couldn't be monetized on appeal it's probably because they never appealed them which sounds bizarre because it's a lot of monetary difference but for a lot of these channels it's a publicity game that will ultimately create the most bonafide long-term income however that's one of the biggest things that bothers people too about corporations they can withstand the deep monetization BSB they have money and investments elsewhere with new corporate channels taking the place of independent creators it gives you two grounds to roll out harsh adi monetization prerequisites because corporate channels couldn't survive that while still being the face the platform this has led to a lot of controversy particularly on certain topics that many feels should be open to independent commentary and yet may those topics are so frustrating if you don't have that monetization not just on money but on views too that it deters the independent craters it has been researched and shown that deep monetization has a negative effect on views and corporations are a lot more resilient to that system one of the genres that have been constantly affected is drag content in fact another creates Jake Beyonce and these Beyonce but with Jake he was completely demonetised and without community attention on it probably would have remained he monetized to people perceived corporations as having a main goal of maximizing monetary income as opposed to the independent creator who just wants to express themselves and although not who weighs necessarily true and although obviously not done to the most efficient extent as shown by my previous comments of our appeals there are certain factors that do often cause this perspective to be somewhat accurate emphasis on this somewhat the problem is that we don't want to create his opinion to be based on the amount of money it can make them we want to create this opinion to be based on what they genuinely feel at the time whether that feeling is popular or unpopular well backed up or far-fetched when they put up videos that their hand even appealed to the sentiment of hello fellow youtubers it is unsettling now not saying that spill is exactly stating the most monetarily popular option or even pandering in fact I'd argue they appeal less to people's reactionary emotions than many other channels however if they're willing to bend the truth about some of these matters for the sake of their own reputational protection some may say well what else could they be influenced by and that's the thing about corporate involvement vested interest it's the same with politics it's the same with mainstream media people aren't saying what they genuinely think and I understand why that bothers people the corporate takeover of YouTube isn't just about corporations competing with craters it's about how sanitized meir these craters appear because they know they're appealing to the YouTube guidelines to gain a foot up while still trying to maintain the masquerade of related creator things this is what frustrates me because I like what's bill do in many ways I don't have a problem with them having ties to corporations because I know that a single person really couldn't do what they're doing and they are filling a gap that no one else has been prepared to fill which is why they're probably doing so well however they have to be aware of the fact that they're in a community that values being upfront about those ties rather than actually not having those ties even if those ties have some stigma because it underlies a greater integral principle and that's something not worth betraying even for the dog but let's talk about that dollar and House bill are kind of messing up to spill as a channel is not working as well as it could and I know that sounds crazy to people because they have gained almost a million subscribers and around a year and after a year I had barely cracked a thousand but this is one of the greater problems about corporate channels that is overlooked because it's not exactly relevant to the content but more to the people behind it and the socio-political environment that surrounds it it seems sad to me that a child would that many subscribers and views has their main creators the people who claim to take credit for this production still on other jobs still claiming to struggle to make a living from time to time now from the video Roland seems like a lovely great guy and I'm going to assume he is for the sake of the video but even with that noted if he is making the money that he can and he shirts then he could be offering a lot more to his employees we're a small group of people without a lot of money or the most ideal set up space or tools but we care about the quality of the work we put out and we put all of our effort into making sure each video is the best we've ever done that is a channel not functioning properly or a channel we're far too much money is going to the top now it could be the case that actually the Spill voiceover an artist don't spend too much time the channel but that's Beverly not how they framed it and if they're lying they're lying but it also doesn't change the amount of wasted potential that is occurring here they're not just behaving like a corporation in how they create this network of channels but they are behaving like a corporation in the idea that they are so distant from the actual sources of income they only reference it when people begin to doubt their credentials as creators and ultimately that's what gives me the opinion that spill is a pretty corporate venture because I personally believe that if it started off as a two-person passion product with a genuine investment well they would have been much more familiar with the actual technical cops of YouTube and how to maximize income because when you are struggling student that sort of stuff matters to you unless you're really complacent which I don't think they are they're probably lovely people too but I have to stress you're missing out on a lot right now and you definitely worth more than the payroll that you're on at this moment in time because people value the voice of the channel that's the other thing about corporations it's just people placed here and there and they generate income for the person the top who owns this idea but that person the top may not necessarily be that familiar with the inner workings of YouTube channels and it's soulless and can be often quite inefficient Spill barely has any alternative social media presence their twitter is a wasteland they have 6,000 followers for a nine hundred and thirty thousand subscriber channel and their posts are basically restricted to video publications there's no additional attempt to branch out any personality their child doesn't have any linked social media account they have much I think stickers of sorts but they were a task to find looking over their videos I think they've only done a few sponsorships in the last six months to a Skillshare and to with clue which considering that output content and popularity is strikingly low especially given how tight or money they frame themselves as their last monster ship was over three months ago and since then they've uploaded almost 30 videos sponsorships for a channel that size could easily equate a month's salary they might have their reasons but it seems like a missed opportunity how people expect these people to be in contact with YouTube when they can't even contact rain shadow legends is beyond me I understand why I might not get many sponsors but I still receive offers and Spill are much more advertiser friendly and once again I stress if this is a real personal venture of two passionate people who are invested in the YouTube community which I'm more than willing to take on board that it is you've got to know how big's initiatives work by seeing them in other craters videos and why they would benefit you from taking some inspiration at the end the day one fact we know is that they are currently involved in corporate business whenever regardless of the circumstances and if they are applying people and therefore they should want to make not just for themselves but for the people working around them these aren't just freelance individuals on one-time payments maybe a business can afford that but you know love employees can't they're creating a whole universe over here but don't have some basics of YouTube 101 down when corporations don't work best for the people involved it's not just a detriment to the communities that they identify with it's a detriment to everyone who is working for them and wasting precious opportunities to do more and I like to think the person associated with the delivery of that information and the delivery of those opinions could make a living of that especially when that's the appeal of the channel I take for someone else to own my means of production and that's just a general qualms of why I don't like too many corporate channels because ultimately their core is so disconnected that even if their content is good I wouldn't trust it on the basis of credibility alone who is accountable when a story is wrong that's another important reason why people fur transparency people want the right person to hold accountable and that's especially important in a genre like commentary I think Spiller is an interesting chalice in many capacities they definitely have more personality than the average corporate channel I think that's what's allowed them to pass without scrutiny for such a long time at the same time I can understand why this may be more threatening if businesses are now being able to pose as regular individuals appealing to audiences that previously were beyond their grip while simultaneously pandering to YouTube's selective algorithms while taking deep monetization in places that many other craters could not withstand I understand why people are worried that eventually every genre will be orchestrated in this corporate way and nothing that anyone watches will be remotely real with that said that's also the detail that has planted a seed of doubt in my mind about the center of control of this channel because someone like Taylor bark must understand the amount of control she has right now over her character due to that personality to work where it couldn't really belong to anyone else she's a powerful position whether she has control of the channel or not I could be wrong but she does seem to be a pretty integral element to point where on the unassuming service their origin story made sense it's just the details didn't quite add up beyond that is why I feel it's important to tread carefully here because although there are clearly some disparities in their story and honestly content the they should have been more transparent about they may well be happy with what they're doing and be pretty invested because they haven't conducted a see John Brolin and they seem to be on good terms that gives me some faith in their content however it's important to note that they are missing out on a lot of money that could probably help out individuals working for them and even themselves there does seem to be this level of corporate disengagement in the way that they behave and I'm sure that everyone could benefit from some revaluation of that and that's all I'm suggesting just take a look into it however this is a problem much more rezident to their actual channel themselves and not exactly what other creators who are the competitors rather than the employees are concerned about what threat do they pose in that regard well let's wrap this up in many ways recently YouTube has been screwing over a law they're independent creators who can't afford it where that's the monetization censorship unnecessary termination corporations can't afford it but remember nation though they grow just sue YouTube at that point and they can circumvent it in many ways and we know those rules impact us more than them I don't think spill are a plant by YouTube themselves I'm sure YouTube would give them much easier treatment than the one that they have allegedly been receiving and honestly I think a child like spill would be a bit of an elaborate plan I think it's just another company trying to get a piece of the pie better and for worse however I don't think corporations can ever recreate the sort of personality than an individual in front of the microphone can capture because it requires levels of consistency and understanding of the actual communities the out-of-touch businesses filled with employees would have trouble capturing and the fact that spill tried to spin their origin story in such a way originally is proof that they are not as in touch as they'd like to present themselves as and I do think audiences identified that I don't think corporations can ever wholly replace individual craters fortunately because they don't have a monopoly on the means of production in many genres a lot of people have access to a semi-decent microphone or camera that will enable them for content creation that's a strange thing about spill although they could be a concern in that they reflect the fat a corporate owned entity has more access to behave in a more human fashion I also think that underlines their weakness if at the creation of persona relies often so much on an individual that the individual could then just say well you give me more control or else I leave seems to be an important bargaining chip for channels that are more persona oriented therefore corporation's always have to be somewhat restrained in the relationships that they create with their audience in ways that independent creators can work around corporations have to make sure their ingredients are somewhat replaceable because if the creation of that character comes from anything unique to a person's surrounding that channel then that person could perceptibly gain more control in the actual corporation there's a lot of things businesses can switch in and switch out but persona is a tough one spill does great research and great formulation of content they have many animations but that's not what audiences are looking for alone there will always be an appeal for people with a bit more sass a bit more personality a bit more edge to them and YouTube can pour all the algorithmic strings to give that sort of content and advantage have I compared you choose behaviors to the metaphor of taking a horse to water they can put a load of family-friendly mediocre mainstream content on people's home page but that will not satisfy some of every truth room bright side looper WatchMojo there'll be a mr. beast in idubbbz and I hate everything so I want to represent that more organic vision of YouTube I wouldn't say that they're all tour de forces of personality in what they do but the connections that they create with their audiences are much more direct and genuine and audiences recognize that I think in many ways that's what people come on YouTube for YouTube could take away every means of support and I think we'd find a way to persevere and although we should always fight for fair treatment we should have some confidence in our own self-sufficiency let's conclude this tale ban I do think it's pretty clear that spill weren't completely honest with how they presented themselves in their origins and I do understand why they wanted downplay certain elements of their story you know corporation is a word with a lot of negative connotations within the YouTube community but all the video did was show they were kind of out of touch with what the community wanted the way they utilized certain common creator struggles as ways to boost those credentials felt this level and I think if they just provide a bit more context to their story people would have been okay with that instead it seemed like an attempt to cover up those ties which led to more anxiety within the community with people wondering what ulterior motives they had to hide it I feel it was just a clumsy attempt to retain an image that they may not have earned though I understand that given the recent situation regarding YouTube's treatment of craters people may be a bit more on edge and as noted it's clear to me that spill isn't quite as masked for the game as youtubers they might appear and are quite clunky in certain aspects of Management which can have negative effects on their own it is completely viable for criticism however with my previous points in mind I'd also like to say that they might be running quite a good business fatten the voice the channel Taylor seems to be happily working on the project despite having heavy negotiating power over the brand tells me that maybe they're just doing something good for themselves and those around them however I'd also emphasize that currently they do seem to be a bit out of touch and probably missing out on a lot of potential income you can all do better and if you need any thoughts my DMS are open as to the effects on the community spill clearly have a way of confusing positively to the discussion and I really do rate that it's nice to have someone who uses citations and research the maximum effect and there were a couple of instances in the past where it spilled were interacting positively with those in the community but recently people who've been calling them out for this escapade been framed more antagonistically by certain followers of spill people have been head of storing them and stating these critics are just upset they're not as good or successful and I don't think it's about that as stated in this video I think it's the fact that people feel that their careers are threatened by this empty shell and they don't have the resources to stand up in that capacity and it just gives you two more power to steam roll out harsher changes that don't affect these large conglomerates and create this completely sanitized website it is a worrying thought at the same time I don't think spill pertain those specific intentions though it would be cool if they were a bit more involved in the community I think the alienation has built up some disconnect between them and other craters which has probably led to this situation and we don't want that I don't think audience demand for other people in the community will decrease and I am hopeful that YouTube will be able to recognize the contribution that in depend craters do make and how many viewers they bring in I think it's a principle of YouTube that they would themselves in attempting to wipeout they wouldn't want to take that risk in my opinion and I don't think there's any way to fully plant corporations in the place of the individual crater although they have given many people rough treatment of recent but that's also gonna be a topic for another time for the moment keep making the content you love and try and be honest about who you are people don't mind that much as long as you haven't spat on any docs so yes that was the video I hope you enjoyed my lateral battery is almost dead now and I left the charger upstairs so I need to get through this as quickly as possible I want to give a big shout-out to my editors who've done a fantastic job please go and check them out they're beautiful people and I also want to give a big shout out to my patreon $10 patreon on screen right now $50 patreon some hullabaloo Specter angel rocket rau Sara Elizabeth Caroline thank you so much and my hundred dollar patrons Brandon Adam Michael and Christopher caress and they mean a lot to me you know you guys are fantastic please keep up the great work if you want to contact me socials twitter at the rice pinion face with the right facial I really need to check my DM that actually I probably haven't done that for a long time and discord in the pinned comment you can find all the links there I don't think I have too much else to ants hopefully you know we'll be having a good time when this video comes out I guess we'll see but until then take care of my friends on the right pinion and I'll see you in the next one [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Right Opinion
Views: 1,856,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spill, Who is Spill, Spill opinion, spill petty paige, spill d'angelo, spill tro, drama channel, spill drama, how the spill universe started, Time to Talk About the Rumors Behind Spill, grill, on the hill, team behind spill, truth spill, awed corp, awed corp spill, spill fake, tea spill, spill the tea, let's talk about spill, tro, d'angelo wallace, the truth behind spill
Id: m_s04_z5Ri0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 26sec (2666 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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