What Happens When Your Channel Goes To The Dogs - Brooke Houts | TRO

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hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the right pinion the home of a [ __ ] with too much free time and care something that I would argue is very important in YouTube videos my content has been a long journey from 2016 where I would rant about domestic UK politics and figures who most people in this video probably wouldn't even know in the slightest and now we're here where I make long-form videos on drum and conflicts and the sorts of mentalities that lie behind them however one thing has never changed the fact that I do care deeply about the topics I discuss I every now and then I get the comment about how I've changed from what I used to do and honestly I have and it has brought me considerable success over previous topics of interest but honestly if I wasn't interested in the topics that I spoke about if I wasn't invested in it if I didn't think I had something to say then I probably wouldn't have the tolerance to talk about it for half an hour in multiple videos make no mistake you don't have to like my videos but I do care about them and that's the thing I've always loved talking in case you don't have that impression already I love hearing opinions too and honestly if I don't have an opinion on something it probably means I just haven't other time to look into it I've always loved looking up things and establishing what I actually feel about it and then communicating it to a greater audience I've always argued that it is important to care about the content that you're actually making I obviously can't sit here and look into the mind of every single person that I'm analyzing in my videos which is why I don't tend to state intent but I obviously have my own opinions on why I feel some people make their videos but it would be such a level of conjecture that I seldom include that speculation personally it's always saved aside on the benefit of the doubt when making videos about people's intent because I think a false negative is much more harmful than a false positive if we will take the assumption that a person is good then that may still have grounds to be changed in the future if that person behaves out of order more obviously however if the community assumes a person is bad but I do think it gives the person a tough a job to grind down to a redemption arc nonetheless when someone behaves in a way that I do feel underlines a much deeper mentality of a crater then we should definitely take the chance to call them out not just for audience awareness of the specific situation but to understand the underlying mentality that can often drive these incidents now there's little dispute of certain contents guarding the character at the center of today's topic however that's definitely not the entirety of what I want to look at because stating that animal abuse is bad doesn't really add much even though it undoubtedly is so that's in mine let's talk about a person at the center of today's controversy Brook house Brook house is a crater who has been on the YouTube platform for a good five years in her time she's made a variety of content however like every crater she definitely experienced her fair share of peaks and troughs covering story times true crime and her daily life which is from the aspirations of an acting girl living it up in LA she's chasing her dreams she's kneading that dough and she's gonna turn that shizzle into Brett's overall research learned that she had been a fairly on controversial figure covering topics with a fairly unexceptional approach there was a Compton surrounding what she made and when combined with the market of clip baked content this would provide mild spikes of success but it hadn't been so hot a lot the time for her however recently Brooke had actually began to turn her channel around with some decent momentum this was mainly because she had a pet a Doberman Pinscher named Sphinx which has been typically bred to be a guard dog people like videos about animals and her videos on the line for her dog were doing significantly better than any of her other content at the time it was appealing to her existing audience and appealing to a new demographic of viewers as well success was back on the Carter acting career was abuzz and she was living life as good as she could what could possibly go wrong well as per it seems that Brooke wanted to upload some dog related content because her dog was a real draw for the view counter at the time and it was obviously natural that you want to make the most of it but these pranks is out into dwell we don't know but we do know that there were some outtakes that probably shouldn't have been public however to be honest I'm quite glad they were [Music] [Music] we love you we love you or whatever we love you we love you yes not good at all there are few topics that people unite greater on then on the maltreatment of animals especially pets we observed it recently with the illinit e divine situation an incident there was much tamer for what she did the job it will make people side with Peter for goodness sake which is an achievement in itself people received pets as loyal to you and therefore when you not only disregard that loyalty but actively exploit it it is cancellation time and people really showed up for this one the internet coming out in its hundreds and thousands probably even millions in larger numbers than our actual subscriber count' which had gone from moderate green to a very deep shade of alazhari crimson Bob Ross has taken over the YouTube craters obtained the story and with its popularity it was impossible to ignore plenty of videos were made some reporting and some providing their opinions it didn't just stop there though it went pretty mainstream too with many news outlets covering it and the additional developments are followed including a full-blown police investigation with many calling for her custody of the dog to be forfeited altogether with some offering to pick the dog up themselves anyhow when we have a conflict in which someone is unquestionably in the wrong like any other Brook felt it was time to respond to power two responses one thanking those who were being kind and understanding and the others who were fully responding to those who had been dealing out the criticism in her direction they were not well received and her account has gone dark since we will discuss the nature of these responses in the video but I also want to have a look into what came before and what can be drawn from the obvious sure so released a video response recently which I'll briefly breakdown too although it does not change too much else I think we should start from the start I do not have anything else to add so I suggest we jump right in you Brook out started a channel in 2014 now I know there were definitely some uploads in that time however unfortunately they have been lost a great sadness indeed I don't know exactly why she were deleted these but maybe she just didn't feel that they were part of what she wanted her channel to be so what did she want her child to be well it seems that she wanted it to be about Dora x and boy do I love a good story when I say story times in this instance I don't mean any of the actual story times there's someone telling you about something that legitimately happened nowhere to mount the Tarna Mungo type story times they're basically about as real as my sex life I spoken about these briefly before but basically people like hearing about stuff because people's lives can be a bit boring and to hear these crazy things from a YouTube out some wild tale where all these shenanigans took place seems appealing you know it's not my idea of an afternoon in front of the telly but each to their own I understand the appeal however what happened is that people realize that they could gradually escalate these stories for the sake of views and clickbait which essentially led to a race to the bottom in which people's stories became more and more outlandish equally this meant that there was a lot more leverage in the clickbait if you had a story that was crazy I mean think how crazy you can make the thumbnail suddenly a story about mowing the lawn became a story about how your dad fought a dangerous parasitic plant attack on your household am I doing this right maybe I don't know and yes it is an exaggeration but you understand what I'm hinting at but maybe just maybe Brook would defy this stereotype not really of course there were some videos that were more faithful to their titles such as the very riveting title of her being catfished but a lot of them were visibly rubbish from a mile away one of the first observable videos on a channel was psycho hairdresser story okay so firstly honey you don't need to put a space between hair and dresser though you can if you want each their own but you know it's one word you might as well just put it together have a bit of fun secondly when you see a title like that what do you think I'm thinking Sweeney Todd or something like that someone who's plot completely they've gone psycho let's see what Brookes going to reveal like well if you want your hair to get to platinum we should leave it on but we don't want to damage your hair or anything like that and I was like okay yeah that's reasonable like whatever just leave it on listen to this next part okay I say just leave it on unless it is going to either fall out or turn blue so they're getting kind of sassy with me right like at this point they're being a little like agitated and I was like I'm just trying to get my hair after rinsing my hair out I can tell that something's wrong they are kind of looking at it they're calling people over they're calling like the headmaster over there like what like what's happening and I'm like oh my god what's happening they blow-dry it it's chill it's tulle we're blow-drying my hair I was really paying attention but when the blow-drying is done the hair kind of underneath she like pulls it forward what does it look like it is freaking blue and here is the real punchline guys here's the nice flapper when the lady the headmaster moves my hair in front so I can see the blue she's like is that cool toned enough for you I forget what it's called but they put this stuff on my hair and they turn it back to blonde and it was fine it was just a really stressful time okay it was it was not it was not so basically she went to Dyer hair it went wrong but it was fixed but nothing particularly psychotic whatever probably just a load of stressed-out hair students who are probably working overtime to sort Brookes hair out and given the fact that it was resolved very shortly after I don't Ricci this particularly warranting a story particularly one way you imply the blame is on the hairdresser I'm no hair expert but I highly doubt platinum hair is an easy job it's a bit of a lack of empathy on Brookes part and I'm sure the people who dealt with her hair could have a story of their own but anyway that's not although it does reek of entitlement which we might touch on later in another video my teacher caught me you might be surprised to find out her teacher did not actually cut her I was almost impressed by the depths of clip eight she'd stoop to get the views she's growing a third nipple she pissed herself in a library and don't get us started out all the period disasters she has her most embarrassing period story her period horror story another period story but this time in a church what I found interesting is when one of her stories relating to a certain topic did well she suddenly recalled multiple stories on similar events somehow they managed a mess her hair up again and then she all kicked out of a salon I mean Jesus Christ boys even going on with her it does make me wonder what I need to do to have such an inked sighting howbeit embarrassing life I mean of course I don't expect to have periods that would be a bit concerning but everything else asides Brooke content was pretty fake I don't use that as a particular insult but the stories are so clearly exaggerated with such hilarious titles that is almost reaching the point of self parody I mean imagine be one of Brookes friends and seeing that she has 80,000 views talking about how she pissed herself in a library now I digress eventually with enough clickbait and wacky stories she did kick the momentum up on her channel her videos received a good few hundred thousand views at least but the thing is that none of what Brooke did was particularly unique plenty of people were making similar content and when all she had done was latched on to a concept with moderate but not exactly substantial success Brooke stories were clickbait and although you can have an infinite number of stories with clip eight you get a bit more limited and when you use bait and switches they will tune out however there is something so humiliating about a lot of these stories and their rather tepid delivery that makes me think as you might have some experience when you look at some of these we really should have picked it up she burned down her friend's house I mean with all these stories it does make me wonder why she isn't in jail already the stories just don't stop coming it just keeps happening to our poor old friend Brooke but here's the thing when your marriage to make a storytime Channel about all these terrible things that just keep on happening to you all these horror stories it must reach a point where you want if the problem is really with all these people around you knees psycho hairdressers or if the problem was actually with you I feel like there is likely a compromise to be made to that there are a lot of these stories that might have an element of truth to them because stories do tend to reflect our lives in our experiences but I also think an unbelievably high amount of them are just completely off the rails exaggerated I don't think that's particularly healthy not the brook Annelise after the story time trend ended up in the gutter brook changed around little tried a few things before jumping onto the true-crime Huber trend now I love true crime I've literally binge watch channels like Investigation Discovery for hours upon end but Brooks videos unfortunately weren't particularly great if you want someone whose tone actually matches what they talk about I'd recommend Ellen Anil she's the queen not literally the queen just you know the queen I don't really have too much to add here however it does lead on to my next point which is what I call a a fresh face one of the biggest problems is that a lot of the child that she had cultivated at this point was on dormant subscribers that she had roped in using rather overtly transparent tactics that would never make people stick around anyway she embarrassed herself for views basically people only stick around when they really do admire a crater and nothing that Brooke did was particularly admirable sometimes when craters want to make an evolution they'll make a video saying they want things to change which is what Brooke decided that she was going to do providing that nothing you've done the past was terribly evil a simple refresh can be good for the channel you might lose some subscribers who may be disappointed that you're not maintaining the content that they subscribe for but at the end the day you have to make what you enjoy this is something she says herself I don't care if it gets two views I don't care if it gets two million views I don't care because I'm gonna love it and I'm so excited for anyone who wants to be on this journey with me of course YouTube is my job and I've had to make some tough decisions and I've had to really think about this a lot of people love my story times a lot of people love my true-crime videos at the end of the day I'm not gonna make videos that don't make me happy you'd watch this new thing you know what the fair enough she wants to make content that she loves fantastic hooray as a side note I feel life developed a psychic ability to detect announcement videos because I saw that and it popped out immediately to me even though it could have been basically anything but who wants to hear about psychic abilities let's talk about Brooke Moore a refresh is a great thing but you have to believe it yourself the problem with Brookes all content is that from any perspective I can see it becoming psychologically grating exaggerating story times doesn't seem like a huge thing on the surface but basically creating an idea very much more exciting life that you yourself weren't living would be deeply unfulfilled crazing a persona that she had to keep up at least with people like Tana they could go and live out their crazy fantasies after talking about them if they wanted to Brooke was never really successful enough to do that and true-crime stuff I mean my parents used to become concerned for me when I watched that stuff for periods of time because of how grim it can truly be and that's the thing although an audience might have been able to give Brooke a fresh start she was never really prepared to forget a formula that had worked out so much in her head before that's the thing I don't think Brooke was used to being real on her channel no matter how many times she was prepared to tell herself that she was she was used to presenting an idealized version of herself or whatever fit the template for the content that she was making and when something worked she'd milk it until it was dry I'm not trying to be sympathetic to her hair because I have no sympathy for anything that she's done but what she was doing was an addiction she was the prime embodiment of the idea that every time something works you had a chase after it and run it into the ground that can be found in today's situation because as we noted earlier she had a pet a dome and pinch o lovely guard dogs who are extremely loyal and you know what I love dogs I literally love dogs dogs are easily my favorite pets especially pastoral or guard dogs they are so committed it feels an emotional void within me I love them I get excited as then when it comes to playing fetch and it seems a lot of people are the same pet videos have been performing excellently on YouTube recently there's a life in dogs that we really do appreciate and then Brooke had a light bulb moments she can make a video but this time make the dog the center of attention in case you haven't noticed Brooke isn't a very interesting person this could easily be proven back in the day when she had to rely on the craziness of her stories and clickbait to coast on views and when she uploaded other videos that weren't actually so focused on that well her views weren't tippity-top so in an attempt to revive her channel she seemed to alter the perspective of the title and the video from herself to her pet doe vermin named Sphinx this was a good concept and the video was nice it was well cut and it carried a lot of energy I agree this was one of the best ideas that Brooke had for a while especially considering that regardless of the level of their success her true crime videos were almost certainly demonetised this video was called day in the life of a Doberman puppy and well it did what it said in the tin no active deception occurring there either so we had the perfect combination and friendly content that people wanted to watch the formula was right and finally for the first time in months people were tuning in on mass to view content all eyes on Brooke what would she do next well what she always knew best milk it's milk it milk it until it's dry on top of this ever since her quotes refresh phase she'd adopted this minimalist matter-of-fact star titling which I guess was meant to convey that sort of Emma Chamberlain candidness I don't really buy time once again with the follow-up videos for her dog they were kind of exaggerated to almost parody levels as if she was preparing for the inevitable controversy yourself a very honest video my real morning routine every time she is rebranded she once presented as her real self but all it revealed to me was a Content chameleon trying to be recognized and throwing various ideas at the wall and then spamming them when it's stuck and that's not healthy not productive and only plays into a cycle when that inevitably dies the only way you can cope with that sort of mental strain is if you're completely void of any emotional connection to the content which is also a terrible way to go about it because then it doesn't matter how you actually feel about that content all that matters is views which will never fulfill you because nothing like that will ever fully maintain itself but when you've had your chance to make some views nothing really matters not even the resources that were the reason you had those views in the first place a lot of people only know about the fact the brick house of beers this dog which was on principle bad enough however with the additional information that we have unearthed today what we know is that this same dog was giving Brooke houses dead channel a new lease of life the dog actually revived her channel this John was built on a constant evolution of character and every change that she implemented didn't really show any hints of originality it just bit from other more successful formulas already held by other craters that's the problem though although she said in a video that she wants to make content that she cared about I do wonder if she ever cared about any of the content she made given the way she went about it now making follow-up videos to a video that has done well is not rare in fact many sensible businessman may do that I have any grudge against people who want to make the most of a successful video however there is a line and if creating a video is either of great detriment to you or anyone around you then you should definitely think twice unfortunately Brooke clearly doesn't have the capacity to think twice if we even grant her the capacity to think at all this is what I was saying at the start of the video about caring about your content unless it's really low effort really lightweight then you have to be invested in the actual creation of it and what it took to get there and not just the views it may yield as exciting as they are because if that's the case then I do believe you begin to fall out of touch with your own humanity just mindlessly churning out what works and if Brooke was ever humane at all then she clearly lost that grip I don't know what on earth she was thinking even considering uploading that video to YouTube I know she didn't intentionally put it public but the fact they even have the possibility of being exposed almost seems like the perfect Karma for what she actually did in the video as mentioned earlier the video shows her behaving extremely aggressively to a dog behaving fairly unexceptional II in many ways in extremely friendly and affectionate manner the video is particularly bad and I'll tell you why because you have someone who may react in the moment to a pet catching them off guard or pissing them off and although the reaction would still not be justified they have the brief moment to snap out of any rage they may be in at that point Brookes behavior was extremely confrontational and incessant to the point where she had the chance to think about how she was treating her dog she actively pursues it and persists in abusive behavior against it there was very little dispute about what actually happened in the video it's clear that she makes physical contact with the animal and yells at the dog at multiple points in an extremely aggressive manner the only thing that seems to be in any dispute is the claim that she spat on her dog and even then it's a minority mostly comprised a Brooke and her fans unfortunately for Brooke that view was just too incriminating for there to be any real denial she moves her head and away and makes a sound that resembles spitting people are gonna call a spade a spade as if the video wasn't bad enough as it was it's nasty and you think she treat any pet with dignity let alone one that has actually brought her success that she could not provide herself I think the dog should receive its own YouTube channel to be honest what the motives for doing this I mean I watched enough of Brooke houses content now and I don't think she necessarily did it for pleasure she didn't seem to be taking much enjoyment in it although you really have to be quite a nasty person already to be capable of this I would still probably expect a greater circumstantial motive what that is I don't know but I do know the dog should not be in her possession I think that's a pretty open-and-shut case if she is capable of doing that on camera then heaven knows what she might be capable of doing off camera and often I do think in some cases people shouldn't necessarily lose their pets if I think that what they were doing was just incredibly ill thought out like I did with a lunacy but the absolute visceral hatred in Brookes eyes I mean it seemed like she genuinely resented the dog to me it just felt like she hated the fact that she had to make a video with this pet she thoroughly forcing yourself through regardless there is no way she is enjoying this in her video she says she's gonna be pranking the dog and at first I thought she was just pandering to the trends you know combining dogs with pranks epic style law but what if she saw it as a way to get back at the dog I mean pranks typically involve targeting some individual or putting them through something and it doesn't seem like the most benign of prank everyone is you're over here today in this video I wanted to break and put plastic wrap on the door I'm gonna have him run outward I don't know I doubt the dog will fully be able to understand the comedy side of it because normally when the pranks over you know to explain it to the person they laugh or it's just faking the other person's in on it regardless neither are particularly practical in this instance when the subject is a dog it makes me wonder if she does have some level of repressed hatred toward her dog for basically becoming the star of her channel which I know is a wacky theory but the amount of contempt January seems like she loathes the dog and although there may be some other reason that we're not aware of there's nothing that can justify this she its dilemma she either uploads a video with her dog and gains those views but sacrifices focus on her content on you know her or she tries to make videos about herself has that feeling of validation but is sending her child back to the era of well not the most overwhelming success she chose success but sacrifice the one thing she cared about herself what if she was just angry she was losing a grip on that now that's just my theory my perspective I'm sure there I play thourough at the end of it all theories and explanations are important because then we can work out the consequences for that person and also the motivation so that we can prevent it in the future but as mentioned earlier the consequences are pretty clear she is not fit to have a dog whatever mentality she is in right now to hurt an animal as genuinely loyal there's no two ways about it regardless of theories the conclusion doesn't change so I won't dwell on it for much longer however as mentioned earlier she responded and if there's one thing we love on the right opinion it's a good response but if there's one thing we love more it's a bad one [Music] now Brookes career was already over there was literally nothing that could save her you channel it was finished done ended fini closed the curtains the fat lady is singing unless she had an evil doppelganger who was the product of a failed experimental project take over from her and punish the dog but that just sounds like a wacky film plot honestly I was grudgingly impressed by the fact that she even put out response but it doesn't make it good of course obviously you have to ignore her first response which thanks people for being understanding which is unbelievably hilarious as I don't think understanding is exactly the adjective I'd used to capture the moment I mean if she does generally feel their understanding then their understanding of the situation is that she deserves to face much harsher consequences than she has when realizing that people weren't quite as sympathetic towards her case as she thought they were she started to put out a more lengthy statement addressing her little mishaps so firstly I hate to be pedantic but when writing a formal apology try and get the spelling and grammar correct please I don't expect perfect spelling and grammar a lot of the time hell I can't even expect it from my own editors half a time but when you're writing a serious apology you get someone to read it through read it through yourself whatever perf exits you want to make sure that you show yourself as taking this as seriously as possible so confusing effective with affected is not good for those who aren't aware affected with an a at the start implies a verb a doing word I affected your emotions if you have an effect with an easy a noun then it would be you having an effect on someone the only time you use affected with an e is when you've carried out something so for example I effected a policy in which I sacked my editors for spelling words wrong you see what I did there editors you see good [Music] the side notes now I've spoken about the aesthetics of apologies but it means nothing in this instance unfortunately for example in my Pokemon video I spoke about how it's important to frame your mental state as not exactly excusing your actions but as explaining them if you can show your judgment as diminished to the point where it may lead you to make a bad call people may be more forgiving Brooke does actually employ this but completely fails to recognize that she doesn't satisfy the amount of diminished judgement that would be required to abuse your dog which is the key problem here having a bad week having a bad month having a bad year having a bad decade does not justify her actions and although she does acknowledge that it does bring into contention why she's posting that at all another problem with her response is that she seems to focus on the fact that she shouted and although the hostility was rightfully criticized by many people I think people were also much more focused on the physical behavior exerted by our good friend Brooke here however to counter this she refutes the notion that she is an abuser stating that she did not physically put the dog in pain or audibly put the talk in pain I don't know how you audibly measure pain I guess the dog didn't shout enough but a dog doesn't have to scream for pain to be elicited this seems like an extremely weak defense she also disputes the claim that she spat on him which once again is hard to argue with the glaring evidence but if she generally feels that she didn't well what can I say it seems obvious but what can she do she then goes into a fairly incoherent ramblings a dog held some responsibility for provoking the response from Brooke this is also referenced at the start of the response where she says that it was necessary that she reacted in a way that enforced acceptable behavior such as not jumping up in your face with the mouth open I mean that is a pretty natural thing that many dogs do unless it was occurring on an excessive basis that I don't think you need to take any action let alone what you did they're all talking about all the lessons the dog is taking just seems insulting really when the spotlight is on what she can do as a dog owner to improve despite a thing that she's messed up she doesn't seem to want to talk about what she's going to do to improve herself talking about untrained dogs so he doesn't provoke her again I mean that's just a bad look on her part because it makes it seem like she's trying to avoid the situation provoking her reaction again which implies she doesn't have faith in her own patience now of course she does say briefly towards the end that she's going to be working on her own side but I feel the whole there's two sides this narrative doesn't work when the other side is a literal dog and we've already observed the actual side through the lens of a camera the other thing that Brooke constantly turns to in this instance is the appeal to Authority the idea that anyone who truly knows her knows that everything's fine and she's a loving dog Pam which is a bad argument if no one's really willing to back it up themselves on top of this some people who claim to know you don't seem very fearful at all but me and Brooke Howard just a date about like two years ago and this thing called super power couple it was done it was stupid it was pointless yeah so she came to visit me in Florida for about a week and just set there out there to she's vegan and she did not shower one time while she was there and we gave her all the necessities that she needed to shower and she just did not do it my mom even said something to me it was absolutely disgusting but I'm not here to talk about that I'm here to talk about how she had treated my dog I have a mini fish analogy she's small she would throw my dog around as if it was a cat and I didn't see anything of it at the time but now that this dog stuff is coming out and makes so much sense that she does not a fan of animals or she just doesn't like to treat animals with the same respect as if you would treat a human being you know but she didn't let the dog asleep near us at all while she stayed there or anything like that it's very messed up and I do not think she deserves that dog now he might have just said this for the clown for I know but it's risky business saying that anyone who knows you will be on your side because then someone who knows you who subsequently calls you out would invalidate your arguments unless you suddenly claim that they actually aren't your real friends no true Scotsman style she also makes the bold statement that anyone who is witnessed or heard an abuse will be able to see that her behavior did not actually fit the criteria of abuse once again an awful things to say because you completely open yourself arm to pee people with experience in the area contradicting you and then you just look like an idiot it also seems very manipulative implying that if you've seen animal abuse then you must be able to see that this ain't the same the sad thing is she seems so convinced that she's just out here doing her best and this small blip is something that she'll emerge from it's not as a statement it seems like she wants present more context but saying I'm the good guy I promised to a rabid horde of angry viewers doesn't work she says she doesn't want to defend her actions but there's no other way to look at this other than an attempt to explain or justify she tries to act as a third-person observer into this situation that she was directly involved in as if she's the one fact-checking and correcting I'm sorry girl you don't receive that Liberty he lost the game as mentioned briefly at the start she also released a video titled a message for you she doesn't really add too much other than stating that she's now volunteering at at shelter I'm now a volunteer at a local animal welfare organization and so I'm really happy and excited about that and since the matter I have invested in professional dog training I'm learning so much and I promise you that my pet owner relationship is stronger than ever good for her I guess but one of the really annoying things was this to me actually thank you for that and I also want to apologize to anyone who was offended it has never been and will never be my intention to hurt or offend anyone ever I'm not gonna sit here and try to justify my actions I'm just not gonna do that I really hate this phrase it's one of my least favorite phrases why is she sorry if you were offended for me why is it so hard to just apologize for the action rather than the reaction it's not like you said an edgy joke and so on they've taken it the wrong way you actually made physical contact with a dog on camera why is it so hard to take responsibility she also says she welcomes the discussion about this little incident I want to say thank you to anyone who has reached out about this topic or engaged in this discussion over the past month or so I just want to genuinely say thank you because I think as a society it is so important that we continue to talk about things we feel need to be talked about and discuss issues we feel need to be discussed and I would love for you to get to know me and for any youtuber or other influencers or other public figures even who have commented on this situation I pray I pray that one day we can meet because I would love to show you who I really am now would love to show you my true heart and personality once again with this tone as if she is the moderator of a debate rather than the subject of an animal abuse scandal please give it a rest you can say that you'd love to meet everyone who's made a video on you and change their mind but the simple fact is you won't change their mind people can pretend to be nice you know that was the point of why people have turned on you I think many have seen enough and that brings us to our final part [Music] there are two simple points I want to emphasize here though there is nothing wrong with presenting things from your perspective and there's nothing wrong with even correcting misconceptions but you can't make it the center of that when there are much greater claims to be addressed Brooke needs to understand that the video has done all the reputational damage that cannot be rectified with a matter-of-fact response there have definitely been worse responses but I think the problem was that there was no text response that communicates the level of remorseful that many would perceive as necessary to vindicate her but maybe even no response at all I said I think it would have been a near-impossible cell as it was and if she had shown too much emotion it probably would have been seen as pity Bates but there still a balance and you can't come in with a tone that says to people you know I really shouldn't shout it that way but the dog was in my face and I was in a bad mood and the dog has been adding up reason they said we're gonna get it training don't worry it won't happen again anyone who really knows me knows this isn't how I'm normally please don't take too many implications from it unfortunately for Brooke leaked videos that aren't intended for the public eye are probably the sort of content that people take the most implications from because at that point you're not playing a character in her response she defends her regular persona the bubbly friendly Brooke as a standard mood but whether she was in a good or bad mood cannot really justify such actions that's the point we've all done irrational stuff when we're pissed off but there's a line for many people and you know a pet dog isn't just for the good days but it's also for the bad days when we're feeling down and when we're feeling down we shouldn't try and force ourselves or our pets through another video for the sake of ad revenue sit it out spend some time with your talk cute dog is meant to cheer you up when you're feeling bad the video didn't just tell us about Brookes mentality in the moment but to me it said a lot about her own perception of content creation don't make content that under no circumstances you could see yourself caring mouts don't view sentient beings as view traffic don't tell people that this is your honest true videos if that is not the case and don't put it in your titles I mean how much what obvious could you be we all know that people's lies particularly when represented through the highlight reel of a blog are exaggerated but we still like to imagine that a person has some investment in how they carry themselves and we still like to imagine how they behave in less than ideal environments behind the scenes even if they're having a bad day even if they make a bad call even if they lash out from time to time there was nothing that could suddenly justify the sort of person that we observed in that video and nothing that gave us the implications that she was like that at all in her statement she said she wasn't trying to convince people who thought she was a bad person otherwise but I think that's definitely what she should have been trying to do it's all good saying I know myself kind of thing but I think people believe in you're a decent person is a good thing to communicate as well particularly when I'm pretty sure you've tried to convey that message through your content unless you was implying that people who thought she was a bad person were just too unreasonable but I think that would be a rather unearned argument at this stage I think it was a case that reasoning led people to believe you were a bad person but you know what she is right to an extent as mentioned earlier there wasn't much you could have said this stage that would have changed people's perception maybe she just did it as a public statement due to the impending police investigation maybe with everything considered it was the best thing to do however even with that considered it was a pretty poor statement because police and authorities are swayed by emotional sentiments like remorse or regret - and she just overall fails to show that being able to blame circumstances may work when you're talking about a psycho hairdresser but not a bloody dog the whole statement just seems too distant from the situation itself and that distance is something that perhaps she's felt for too long we've all had the case where we asked ourselves why we're doing YouTube that sort of existential crisis that will eventually be answered when we find our creative flair but I was constantly asking myself why Brooke was doing YouTube when watch your content and there's nothing wrong with doing a variety of content but from the start it constantly seemed like a grapple with trends that were so fleeting and insubstantial that they can never yield the lasting success that Brooke clearly aspired for every time something did work she'd maximize it and then it had died and she'd be back to square one and this time the dog revived her channel in some ways that would be an inspiring tale for someone who sees the interaction as a positive outcome but a behavior wasn't of someone who genuinely appreciated that it was the same sort of rancid entitlement that pervaded sanfur earlier story times you know story times really do appeal to the inner nasty sister because it's talking about yourself and unlike other story times like animation which can appeal to artistic creativity it's all about number one one of the things I noticed was that out of a 10 minute video Brooke would sometimes spent two or three minutes just talking about herself and at first I thought she was just filling up the run time to insert the mid frawls but maybe she's literally that self-obsessed she talks about this a lot of the time as well you can't watch at least maybe that's just me maybe I'm just weird and like have an addiction like that but I have really loved story time videos I don't think I've ever done an intro so fast can we just applaud right now like applause please standing ovations like let me hear it oh come on I'm so annoying literally I'm so sorry I like how I'm not even acknowledging the fact that I look like literal ass right now not figuratively literally literally like what like what is happening caring is important and it's clear the Brooke cared about something but it wasn't the content it wasn't the output it was a status that she constantly chased and whatever motivation for her cruel spiteful behavior towards a dog who was so clearly loyal to her it's clear that what she cared about was greater than the content she was creating at the time if I was revealed to or not actually believe a lot of my opinions if I was real to actually love a bit of dog on dog then I think people would have the right to feel misled these videos were meant to be honest snapshots of a person or dog's life but they weren't and the one time we see something that we're not meant to see it's unbelievably very negative and it wasn't even leaked by someone who may be trying to bias that perception it was Brooke herself she made a career of being exaggerative and being fake it's only ironic that her one moment of honesty is her downfall Brookes career as a youtuber I think is over her status as a dog owner is hopefully over now too but I always use these situations as a message to audiences and even friends and family of these people to make sure those you support are real genuinely care about these things I know it's hard to judge and I'm not saying we can often do that but when it is exposed hold them to a standard because when you don't know what someone's really like and you give them something that they want to keep it all costs then this can happen they'll do it when they're feeling good when they're feeling bad and regardless of who gets hurt even if it's man's best friend so yes that was the video I want to give a big shout-out to my editors who once again probably died fantastic legendary job I'm going to leave their links in the pinned comment and send them all the love they deserve fantastic fantastic people I'd also like to give a big thanks to my patreon the ten dollar patreon czar up on screen right now I have to thank my 50.83 on personally though and that is some hullabaloo The Spectre angel bow right Nikko Deschamps Sara Elizabeth and Caroline fantastic thank you so much it really makes difference I'd also like to extend a very special thank to my hundred dollar patrons Brandon Adam Michael and Christopher caress thank you so much I can't express it enough you know it makes a whole lot of difference if you want to hit me up on Twitter I'm at the right opinion Facebook the right opinion official and my discord will be in the pinned comment - I have a new Instagram I'm trying to use Instagram honestly are a bit confused by it not because I'm a Boomer I promise mainly because I guess it's for people whose lives are interesting and my life just isn't interesting I feel bad for saying I'm probably the most interesting aspect about my own life and that's only because I'm a bit insane I don't think I have too much else to add I hope you guys that have in a a decent week I'll send my love as always and on the right opinion and I will see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: The Right Opinion
Views: 1,150,942
Rating: 4.9369702 out of 5
Keywords: tro, brooke houts, brooke houts apology, a message for you, tro brooke houts, brooke, brooke houts dog, brooke houts dog video
Id: 57nMtBqUNFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 21sec (2721 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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