The Brothers Who Faked Their Death For Subscribers - XtremeGamez | TRO

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hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to the right pinion the home of a [ __ ] with too much free time there are many ways that celebrities may immortalize themselves in popular culture maybe they pioneered a defining industry maybe they released a series of critically acclaimed albums or maybe they died young I know that was a bit of an abrupt segue but there is a morbid fascination we have with celebrities who didn't necessarily bow out in the most graceful fashion was always such great potential and apparent success is victim to the tragedy of a premature demise particularly those of artificial sorts we're left thinking about what might have been that individual and we're also encouraged to reflect on the industry that may have manufactured such an outcome now make no mistake some of these individuals were incredibly prolific regardless of their death now you don't want to overstate their death as if to take away from their artistic contribution when someone passes away that contribution is often frozen in that moment and we are drawn to the attention of what that death is taken away from us as individuals a really great example of that was Stefan Karl Steffensen the guy who played Robbie rotten invited me and many others with the numerous memes that yielded from we are number one his diagnosis recovery relapse and eventual death was an emotional roller coaster that many people were on all the way but his death reflected something else because we were there throughout the situation we had time to ride our support to someone we loved popular individuals dying prematurely is not the most common event and often what is even rarer is being able to foresee the possibility of that death as many people don't go public about it and therefore the journey to that destination is often a fight we want to be there for there's an emotional battle that gives us purpose to know that we might make a difference in that battle therefore it was natural that when people found out that today's subjects were dying they wanted to show their support who are those subjects well they are a pair of youtubers by the name of extreme games the Australian brothers of Thomas and Jonathan who do what you want to see have fun play games and chill they describe their contents family-friendly and kid-friendly and in their five years on YouTube they've built of a fairly steady subscriber count of 4.2 four million and over three hundred and fourteen million views pretty impressive where did those views come from well who members pro-gamer J no.1 well let me refresh your memory a couple years back he was the punching bag for many commentators who found his content a bit well laughable he was no tourists for rather misleading albert amusing clickbait his most well-known was a video that was titled if you see red then you are colorblind or words to that effect as he has changed her since then the cheeky bugger however although maybe well picked on him maybe due to his delivery he was part of a greater trend that was represented by multiple craters even to this day that rated the power of leading your audience to believe that they were doing something with higher stakes than what actually happened in the video now with that said a low these channels specialized in beerus err as a clickbait there's obviously a significant amount of overlap but they all occupied various corners honestly these videos should have died out much faster than they did but somehow in fact persisted the ones who have either grew into the creative maestro such as mr. beets who actually follow through on their clip bates or a level of uninspired irony that's i and other audiences appear still to be attempting to understand such as mork's however may these craters also lost lot of traction with the introduction of corporate channels like bright side you can just pump out these dire informational videos on a regular basis many individual craters realized that they couldn't compete and only channels who are doing things that weren't just based on clickbait managed to survive extreme games were one of the channels that appear to have gained most their prominence off this trend initially although they clearly had some presence Prime two years ago this is the only content that really is still accessible on their channel in fact one of the things that I found while researching their videos is that they remove them at an unbelievably high rate however like many channels around this time extreme games were the victim to the demise of that brand of content extreme games at their peak seemed to specialize in nerf gun mods DIY fidget spinners and DIY nerf guns basically mixing and matching various trends at that point now been worth clickbait to be honest but it became very clear that people were not going to be won over by the concept of lava fidget spinners forever and eventually their views began to fool like many chance that coasted on the clickbait rather than the content people did not stick around when those topics lost their charm it didn't help they were not the most charismatic of individuals basically they just couldn't maintain that brilliant momentum they once had however on the horizon something much more sinister was brewing a tragedy about two before both characters involved in this compelling tale they were going to face down a challenge much worse than a dead channel death itself this is then they were in the fight for their life and their fan base was right behind them they needed that support more desperately than anything they needed before the tale was of two brothers who were facing down their own life-threatening illnesses Jonathan's suffering from a kidney problem and Thomas suffering from severe vertigo however very soon a few voices of skepticism arose the stated that not everything was as it seems now as far as making shitty clickbait e-content goes I could care less 17 there's millions of people to do this on the internet and I say get that money more power to you but the second you start pretending you're dying in order to get clicks and views after your channels kind of suffering and not performing as well as it used to well that's when I start to just raise a little I raised a little eyebrow that join me today as I look into the story of extreme games only what led them to one of the most bizarre crater meltdowns in the last year and see if we can diagnose the real problem I ready good I know I am let us commence [Music] a channel that has 4.2 million subscribers they couldn't have obtained that overnights well they didn't in spite the fact that most of their content wasn't online anymore I have been able to create a somewhat accurate timeline of the progress of their channel and what it says about them as creators it's quite incredible actually the lack of public record of their content despite the monumental statistics the actual documented content is rather scarce one of the things that I found was that no one seems to screenshot their content and that made it very hard to find archived versions in fact this video would not exist if and been for Leon lushes archiving zuv their videos about their illnesses so I wanted to extend my sincerest gratitude to him however fortunately because I am a tenacious bastard the one thing that extreme games did not do was clear their Twitter history and this is where it becomes quite spicy now what do we know we know that extreme games were formed in around 2014 mid 2014 now we don't know exactly what they were doing back then however fortunately their Twitter is pretty much untouched so we know these sort of content that they were tweeting now I want to have a quick trivia game because you all know how much I love quizzes today's million-pound question is what sort of channel did extreme games brand themselves as in 2015 your options are a clash of clans gaming channel or a free giveaway channel if you answered a or B you'd only be half right because it was both in fact they really love to tell you that they were doing free giveaways for clash of clans accounts I really do feel bad for anyone who has tagged in their incipit tweets telling them to make sure they like and subscribe so they're in with a chance to win an epic clash of clans accounts however maybe they did have a legitimate passion but this clash of clans content because in rare footage of them with fangs plays they inform the audience they were actually top ten at one point yes we were at some point but we're still pretty high up there at the moon now honestly she seems more convinced than they do about this fun fact but I don't know it looks like they did reach the top 50 at a stage so hey it's not impossible why wouldn't I trust these extreme gamers looking at the other tweets they also said hello to some people with a couple of replies very productive conversation honestly I can't imagine what living this life would be like just tweeting at people but hey they were young probably around 16 and 17 18 and they were at that stage where they could learn and grow so how do they evolve in the coming years well it seems after hitting a few subscriber milestones they spanned out they did some different games with giveaways they did some prank calls with giveaways honestly they seem to enjoy their giveaways even when they were making different content they were still integrated with the giveaways they also had what must have been the shortest shout out Sunday series running from the 23rd of February 2016 to the 23rd of February 2016 I hope that someone got their shout out ultimately their mentality represented a time where people were just so obsessed with subscriber counts and the short term gain that could be obtained by having a nice number next to your name there was more values than actually constructing a channel for which people would stick around for most of these giveaways were presented with a commitment that you needed to like and subscribe to the channel now beyond the fact that a person could not see who has liked their videos unless they went on their channel and looked at their playlists and they would have to have a public playlist of like videos it's also the same pretty much for subscriptions they would have to have their subscriptions public they couldn't all fairness look at who subscribes them in their subscriber list however that's only people who make their subscriptions public at this stage a fair majority of giveaways were absolute codswallop and although I cannot comment on the legitimacy of these specific ones I highly doubt they were real given that I highly doubt they were making much money when they started the volume of these giveaways was such that unless they were already oil barons i highly doubt they have the budget with that said at the start there were a fair few people who did claim to win and they did seem to announce winners as well even in later videos although once again my point about their flawed methodology still persists and just because there were some winners or some announced winners doesn't mean that every single giveaway was legitimate there may be you've claimed to give away things to winners but that not be the case they also did some streaming on camcorder at this time but that sites defunct so that's another one lost to the Volt's unfortunately now with that said given the topic and given their competence with the topic they did acquire a sturdy fanbase however it clearly wasn't good enough for them the poor audience for clash of clans is pretty restricted there are some popular channels but you're not gonna have a plethora of them and with gamers as Extreme as Tom and John they knew they could easily adapt with the changing environment so they did but what was the big thing at the time around 2016 well it was Pokemon go so what do they do they rebranded two extreme games Pokemon go that was literally the name of their channel and quickly began to churn out content cater to that audience of which back in 2016 there was a lot of desire for there was hesitant success when they started this content in July but by August they were attaining subscribers at a rate not seen before what I assume made their content particularly successful alongside the topic choice was the giveaways you got this video we're trying to get 10,000 likes on this video so every single person watching this video go down below and smash that like button it is one of the biggest steps to enter into this giveaway giveaways back then were basically pasted at the start of videos by these creators what this would do is catch audiences who may not otherwise watch the whole video and persuade them to subscribe so that in the future when you upload it there would be a higher probability of them viewing your content at first I didn't think this observation was particularly consequential however I do want you to keep this in mind for their future content combined with already high viewership this turned over a high subscriber rate for the lads and by the end of 2016 they hit 200,000 subscribers at first it seemed bizarre to me that people would inundate their audience with that level of Giveaways they're obviously not real and all you're doing is creating a load of dormant subscribers who will desert you but then it hit me and it hit me hard extreme games ran a very interesting project on the surface because they weren't just empty shells of people they clearly have souls and activities that they enjoy however they were also rather unexceptional in their personality his own was asked what made their content they would probably hesitate to provide an answer because at first the giveaway seemed to just be a vacuous inclusion to increase subscriber count which they are let me emphasize that of course cannot be ignored however after some brooding I came to the conclusion that it was actually the giveaways that also gave them such a staying power craters like d'oeuvre were only known for their giveaways because otherwise their content provided nothing really of additional value with extreme games their videos were mediocre even horrible points this ultimately meant that if people had an additional reason to watch their content they normally would if it covered something that might have appealed to their interest at the same time they could enter whatever definitely legitimate giveaway the YouTube was hosting and provide them with the view that they desired on top of this the fact the extreme games always said they would announce the winner in future videos gave people a greater desire to watch those future videos to see if they could find out if they had won so when they were making these Pokemon videos that were from my perspective equatable to FIFA opening pacts people would just find mild amusement from the content and then continue with their day he's also allowed the brothers to change genre of content fairly easily because although clearly existent it wasn't an intense topic loyalty to what they covered this meant that although they had created over two hundred thousand subscribers from Pokemon related content a number that many Pokemon craters would never consider changing their content for in the extreme world it was rather elementary they continued their Pokemon content well into 2017 however at around February time they started to seemingly mix it up a little one of the first videos that appears to have been a real benchmark for this change was another private video called one dollar cake versus 870 dollar cake at this point they appear to begin integrating some new types of videos ones that didn't focus around just Pokemon thus beginning the segue to eventually completely phase out Pokemon content altogether the other video that I really want to note is one called how I almost died let's have a quick watch I take these every single day now if you want to know why make sure you watch this video all the way through and I will tell you why all these tablets need to be taken daily before we get into this video guys and want to quickly tell you guys we are holding some humongous giveaways iTunes cards google play cards and much more oh another giveaway so basically in this video they describe Jonathan's dice with death and how it affected them over suitably emotional music so the kidney disease specialists actually checked my my urine and check that there was actually a lot of protein in my urine and actually a lot of blood in my urine which are too bad things you don't want to have either of those in your urine obviously but yeah to those two bad things so they gave me three options they said option number one is you can get on Purdue's '''l which is a tablet that like really I don't tell you guys bit later really is bad for you then there is another option where we could do nothing that's one of the options and then the third option was get a kidney biopsy to see exactly what I have it appears that Jonathan had a kidney condition that caused various symptoms and led him to be hospitalized I can't necessarily completely comment on the ability of this story what I can comment on is that it gave them two things a lot of views and a lot of very sympathetic comments from individuals who identified with that struggle a struggle that doesn't come easily and they struggle often harder to open up about although the piano was a rather heavy-handed measure many were prepared to look past it and see the humanity in the message and to witness that struggle now as said I'm not one to doubt this story the medicine that he's taking all checks out and he seems to have reasonable knowledge of the condition though it does enter suspicious territory at certain points I was awake the whole he's not gonna tell you the actual story I'll tell you the actual story this is a craze that's not the crazy part because normally people would be like okay you can't see it so you can't feel it right they put in the drug they numb your back this is a crazy part Johnny here didn't get any numbing anything so pretty much he felt getting stabbed in the back multiple times he didn't get any of the numbing drugs to get to numb his back he wasn't asleep wasn't anything he was just under there and the doctor when he came out he said this kid is the strongest kid I've ever seen he said I've seen fully grown adults do this with being numbed and still cry and he did with that being numbed and he was only what's 15 at the time I personally be quite surprised if doctors were allowed to operate on someone without any anaesthetic administered and I'm still not sure why but hey I digress maybe he is just an extremely strong Lance there are some other interesting points such as the information that membranous nephropathy is typically found in older adults and theory that maybe he took this story from a relative I'm sure has bounced around in people's minds but that was too cynical for me as said there are sides to this story that seemed to add up so yes this video received a lot of positive feedback and support from many people within the community and it was also a video that came out just before a very successful run of uploads for the brothers how consistently successful well I can't say because for I know they've unlisted all the poorly performing ones however the ones that did do well did very well we're not just all about one or two million views a video we're talking 10 million plus videos these videos were an eventual transition out of the Pokemon related content and represented a move to content more general many channels couldn't make this transition but there were two factors that ease this the first one we spoke about earlier the other factor that was important to note was that this new type of content didn't necessarily alienate those who subscribe for Pokemon many people have been easily pulled in by these types of videos they have a general appeal they weren't necessarily moving from Pokemon to another specific game they were moving to a more broad genre that could still catch a viewers attention regardless interests in the moment doing this made them incredibly successful but they also took a critical hit to their staying power that when they made videos on specific games they have the reassurance their content was likely always going to appeal to a certain audience this venture was like searching for treasure it was either incredible amounts of success or no success at all but when you keep looting the same island the returns become diminished and if you have no other islands to loot then the voyages become repeatedly less and less fortuitous and suddenly all those previous voyages just don't seem so successful how could that happen let's have a chance many of us have an understanding of what might make an audience view our content typically the main aim is to keep people kind back a subscription is an important component of that because it shows a commitment that will subsequently have a knock-on effect on the frequency that the individual sees our content in their feet however it's still only half the story I feel the Lance over at extreme games did understand that and try to use the anticipation yielded by multiple giveaways to have people stick around longer than they normally would however it was a fickle sense of brand loyalty mainly because people become impatient when they don't win and even if they were legitimately picking winners of these giveaways the chances of winning became much lower than larger their channel became by gaining subscribers from this method they undermined their own appeal the idea of giveaways are a nice inclusion here and there but unless everyone legitimately believes they have a chance of winning the subscribers and views that it provides is never substantial enough to justify the technique mainly because many craters also understand that you need to have people invested in your content for the long term they need to be invested in a part of you the crater which can be relied on giveaways can't be relied on by the viewer because they are almost completely chance based and the time for Tom and John it may have been hard for them to notice this behind the absolutely monumental views but they were setting up a channel that would not survive their move to broad topics made them vulnerable to a changing of the tide with no real hook on the content and they giveaways were undermined by the colossal size of the viewership and the alienation that came with that eventually the abuse began to dwindle once again I can't exactly calculate the point where they drop below a reasonable threshold because they've removed a majority of the unsuccessful videos but you can see a clear trend in the ones for the brothers deem worthy to remain with the gradual decline of their views it appeared that there was no real way to switch up at this point as mentioned to survive the evolving environment of these types of videos you either have to be accompanied with a normally high output rate or something genuinely unique about your personality or the way that you conduct your content and that something extreme games just did not have however they did have one more carrot to introduce to this story and that was Jesus now the brothers had always been fond of their festivities however on October the 29th 2017 the Lance tweeted out that anything you want in life you can have if you believe in Jesus Christ now as you probably know I am NOT a man of faith however I take no issue with anyone who finds solace within the balance of religion nonetheless it did seem like a sudden wave of found faith that caught me off guard after this initial tweet to be fair to them they did follow through with this commitment to Jesus Christ as shown by their Twitter and Instagram what is it it is in your relationships with one another have the same mindset as Jesus Christ that is the first meaning pretty much what Jesus Christ does is he loves everyone and he cares for everyone he wants the best for everyone so that's what he's saying in your mindset with one another with your friends with your family with anyone just a random person on the street have that same mindset have that same love have that same passion for everyone you meet and everything will be really awesome you'll always have a good feeling in your heart so that was Philippines chapter 2 verse 5 we love you all so much and honestly guys you guys have been giving us some really good comments and some great feedback we love you guys so much have an awesome day have an awesome night and we'll speak to you guys again tomorrow peace that's all well and good well I think it's pronounced Philippians rather than Philippines there's a difference between the sovereign state and the New Testament book anyhow pronunciation aside their commitment to Jesus Christ without necessary explanation certainly came as a surprise but hey maybe they were always passionate about Christ and just felt they could be more open about it with their audience after all who am I take it away from them how there was one thing bouncing around in my head that just left me with a lingering suspicion although many find positive meaning in Christianity there is a darker side to the idea of organized religion because its validity relies on one's own perception of belief there are a lot of individuals who will use this element of Christianity and the connection they have with it as an element of binding loyalty this has been most often observed with maybe some of the more celebrity American preachers some of whom been exposed for preaching modesty while indulging in fairly lavish behaviors themselves what happens is that basically we'll promote themselves as so holy the people must think that they can do no wrong and then when they commit wrong and some people may call them out they use the notion of Christianity to frame themselves as being unfairly persecuted now I highly doubt the lads were necessarily looking at it from that perspective who are these genres there does seem to be a real lack of strongly Christian individuals is YouTube I'm not referring to softly spiritual individuals or even people who may identify with the Christian religion but those who preach it with the sort of fervor that these lads do some people in this genre even receive a decent amount of stigma and some of that I'd argue is hard to justify I don't know why the lads made this sudden change but honestly if found out a place no because I don't think you can be Christian on concept but because I didn't feel it fit into the way that they behaved and you know maybe that's just me but I guess I don't see the preaching of deep Christian principles as completely congruent with the content that they viewed as marketable and maybe that's my more judgmental side coming into play I know there's nothing specifically in the Bible about click baits ultimately when going through the stage although I have my own personal feelings if Christianity is something that they want to promote to their audience then that is fair enough they did start promoting Christianity as a concept before their overwhelming success even if it was just with the occasional tweets the actual Instagram videos that I showed you there were from around February in 2018 which was just under a month after they had their last multi million view video the 24 hour escape I'd ask how these videos receive so many likes but then I realized that there was another giveaway at the start so who cares however there was a lingering suspicion that to me there was a deeper meaning to their Christianity and that was about to be exercised [Music] the thing is where the lads were genuinely Christian or not and they may well be there is a unique appeal to be a youtuber who openly preaches their belief in God once again it promotes a level of loyalty in a way to me it seemed like a reformulated approach of the giveaways it was a way to increase people's commitment to you without offering anything additional of value in the actual content because honestly this is not really what I consider high quality now with that said there are many risks to promoting a specific religious doctrine you may a lien eight significant portions of your audience those who may identify with other religions or no religion at all however it's important to note that the preaching that we observe was pretty much confined to their Instagram and Twitter which is where you'd find their more committed audience anyway I feel this was a tactical decision as they were aware of the risk that inserting that into every video would ensue to me it seemed like a way to try and gain a commitment from fans who sort out their personas more passionately than the surface level audience I don't know if the brothers understand this but a key part of videos performing well is click-through rate also known as CTR now the problem is that if you have a large dead channel the audiences may be advertised the video when you upload it but when none of them click it YouTube will probably decide that it's not worth promoting much further by creating a committed audience on social media they could increase CTR of the video at the start and boost it to additional audiences who may be drawn in by their regular giveaway formula however one thing that they've read and take into account was the fact that the proportion of committed fans was astronomically low for a four million subscriber child to have 13 K followers on Twitter is embarrassing especially given the volume that they posted on there I think they were always trying to add a depth and commitment that they themselves couldn't bring to the table and when people recognize that they moved on and that couldn't have felt good I don't think it's easy for any creator to realize that their channel isn't what it used to be there are very few creators who can maintain the spotlight for an extended length of time and even some of the largest stars have fallen rather hard and when people do Ford there are many different ways to cope with it you could quit YouTube and try find another career you can start a new channel change Brandt or you could just a set that you'll never be quite where you were and just make content for the reduced audience of course the brothers took none of these options but maybe they didn't have the time to consider these options because before they could come to terms with this they had something else much more horrific to come to terms with in a video called work whiting YouTube because were dying they open up about these struggles and it's just hit a point where we literally can't do it anymore and this is it's sad because this is what we love doing this is what we love doing so much and our bodies literally can't do it anymore I know a lot of you guys probably wondering right now what we're talking about the pretty much we're both really sick this could be the last video yeah oh no what exactly is happening and then finally is kidney disease now for literally four years and it's finally got the best of me I can't literally fight it anymore I'm holding 16 kilos of fluid in my body when I say fluid it's literally because my kidneys can't filter my fluid out anymore and you know how you know how painful it is to be locked inside your own body with all this fluid that you can't physically move you can't eat you're not hungry no matter what you do you can't eat you're not hungry my body is literally at the end it appears that Jonathan's kidney disease has returned in a much more aggressive fashion and now he is suffering from excessive amounts of fluid buildup which is affecting every aspect of his life but it doesn't stop there as apparently Thomas has also been suffering too and every single day I wake up it's like just absolute vertigo and if you guys don't already go is it's like dizziness you know when you when you when you're on a roller coaster you get off and everything's spinning the world is spinning imagine that happening to you every single day for the entire duration of the day and it's just like off on off on off and you just keep getting busy every single day for four years that's kind of what's happened well that is what's happening to me um and then you get acne and then your stomach's always hurting you vomit and it's just like the kind of conflict of absolute vertigo all right you feel like you're in a box in the car escape your mind doesn't sane you can't breathe you just got so tight and worn out and it's just like you kind of wish you could just put yourself to sleep forever so anything but obviously there's no way to do that this did not appear to be good and given their medical conditions it was very understandable that they would not want to continue pursuing their YouTube career it was obviously just highly unfortunate that this coincided with a decrease in views and they were of course legitimately dying however like the true prophets they were they had one more important announcement to make guys want to say serious thank you to every single person that's watched our videos seriously all you guys out there we love you so much and we want you to know two things first thing is we want to give back to you guys every single one of you we're gonna hold a huge giveaway right now we're gonna give away two iPhone axes two of them we're literally gonna give weight to them that's how much we love you guys and all you got to do is literally like this video turn on notifications on our Channel and subscribe and that's it and you're entered into the giveaway we're giving one last giveaway just cuz we seriously want to give back as we honestly love you all so much that's the first thing the second thing is we want you to know Jesus Christ loves you too Wow give them a round of applause it was a moment of true selflessness these individuals dying of their ailments found it in their heart to once more give back to a community that has supported them it's a sort of generosity that just brings you to tears you love to see it however if you were watching the video and became slightly suspicious then you know what you might have justified reason because they go into depth regarding their suffering it just becomes a bit implausible imagine for four years you'll feel in sync dizzy vomiting and your stomach feels like it's practically a volcano and Evo doctor after doctor hospital at the hospital and they all keep telling you there's nothing wrong with you [Music] that's what's happened to in fact if they were suffering to the extent that they were how come they've had the strength to fly all the way to America how did any Li let them do that without them acquiring some special permission they then must have recorded and edited and subsequently uploaded this video not looking particularly different to any of their other videos in fact if they've been suffering so badly over the months prior what made them so capable to record multiple videos often we'd seen very little symptoms demonstrated on screen and although a person would obviously avoid showing those symptoms the frequency of their upload suggested they would have struggled if this illness was as severe as they framed it but they had one more hope we've got this one doctor and we've done a lot of like we've been researching literally for hours on end to try and figure out how we're gonna get better and we found this one man by the name of dr. john bergman and he's our last hope he's literally our last chance he's our last chance of being us again he's our last chance of living again well two more hopes with the power of you guys with the power of us and a power of Jesus Jesus Christ and God will be able to do this I think so right now oh you guys watching this video we want to ask one thing from you guys is that you've closed your eyes and you make a prayer for us through the name of Jesus Christ because if you guys do that for us I know we'll get better and I know we'll heal [Music] with the upload of the video there was an outpouring of support and sympathy from all sorts of audiences although once again the record on the video is quite unclear we do know that after upload they were receiving a lot of likes and comments that seemed to be believing in their nature this screenshot shows their like dislike ratio was around 95% at that point it was a video that would generate that sort of support particularly from audiences who may have become acquainted with them in previous videos if they're naive enough to be roped in by the giveaways and clickbait then someone talking to them about dying is probably just as believable particularly considering that many people would be hesitant to call them out telling someone who might be going through an excessive amount of suffering that they're faking it or exaggerating it might be sketchy and you wouldn't want to agree someone already suffering like that however not everyone conforms that formula in facts there's always one person who doesn't the commentator in this instance the bold individual who shed the most light onto this was Leon lush although he was rather sensitive to the possibility these gentlemen may be suffering from some sort of illness he decided to take the side of skepticism especially given the very harvester to give away a give away in your word dying video where people have to like and subscribe and turn notifications on to stay updated and see if they won the giveaway in your we're [ __ ] dying video I'll tell you what it's a good thing I'm a detective because it's a red flag right here this is a [ __ ] red mother this flag is redder I just cannot it was interesting because I watched so many extreme games videos at that point but although the giveaway would be rightfully viewed as inappropriate by many people I was just numb to it and I knew that even if they were genuinely dying they'd probably still do this thing regardless however many viewers particularly the more commentary oriented ones this was a tell-all sign these guys weren't being the most honest so the more obvious point for me was that if these guys were planning to quit YouTube because they were dying then they wouldn't care if people subscribe to their channel as noted earlier subscriptions are not an accurate way to measure entry into these competitions as many will don't have their subscriptions public and the reason to increase subscriptions is therefore completely self-motivated but if they were dying there would be no motivation to do that the confusion was furthered when the Lance updated the timeline by making this video in which he performed a cover of photograph by Ed shirt which I know will be copyright claims if I play so nice bait lads I'm not falling for it nonetheless the tone of this video is pretty dramatic guys the doctor just told us Johnny's got four weeks to live he doesn't deserve this but I of course understand why you'd be so upset given the dire circumstances so yes he's dying but suddenly their Saturday lovely Riviera promoting another giveaway and this time the doctors involved we also want you guys to know that the doctor that we're going to right now we found him from YouTube so we want you guys to check out his YouTube channel and subscribe to him if you subscribe to his channel you're gonna double your chances of winning this giveaway so who is this doctor the doctor's name is John Berman he is a chiropractor now I don't want to decry chiropractors because I do actually know a fair few people in my life who have been significantly helped by them in fact I think I might need to take a trip to one eventually in myself however I would stress that if you are dying of kidney failure a chiropractor probably will not cure you the fact also stands for severe vertigo and given the severity of their illnesses I'm just concerned they will completely unaccompanied in this journey to America I mean it all seems a little far-fetched the point is not that they were not ill but that they were clearly not dying and that in both of their instances at the video stating that you know one of them may have four weeks left to live seemed ridiculous and manipulative why would they do this well the first reason is one that I believe is fairly easy to state views as noted at the start the video we tend to follow people's battles with illness quite closely and we like to show our support and feel like we're making a difference therefore these things generate a lot of attention secondly well subscriber loyalty once again these craters are trying to create a connection with their audience on the basis of experiences that they are going through rather than anything actually relating to their personality the thing is that any regular conduct that is morally justifiable to make videos about probably has already made videos on them and probably better videos and therefore these craters needed to push the boundaries in a way that most people wouldn't in fact this development ties quite nicely into their previous content which was also based around doing what people were not prepared to do it's just the reasons that most people weren't prepared to do it are quite different this time round the third reason is because I've mentioned earlier people are much more hesitant to call people who may be faking these things out in case they were wrong this meant that there was a higher chance of them get away with this if people did call them out well how dare you you could drive them to suicide now I know that a lot of you guys would be saying that you can't die from this but you can't how many people have died from depression how many people have died from anxiety and stress it just pushes you to a point when everyone's telling you that you're not telling the truth it pushes you to a point in your mental state where you can just suicide you can do anything and honestly I'm not the kind of person that would suicide because I have Jesus Christ in my life I would never suicide no matter what pain I'm ever going through suicide is never the option but I'm just saying that that is the point where it was getting to and my mental state was not stable at all from this sickness and the other point that they continue to push was dr. Bergman all you got to do to enter this giveaway is subscribe to dr. Bergman because we want you guys not only to enter a giveaway you could win an awesome iPhone but you will also learn the truth about health because he knows every single answer to the sickness he knows a cure to cancer he knows a cure to liver disease he knows he cured a kidney disease he knows a cure to everything you guys act like he's just a chiropractor but trust me he is much more than a chiropractor he is a genius he knows everything to do with healing the human body so we urge you right now go subscribe to him go click his videos cuz he knows the truth I'm not entirely sure why they did this maybe they had some agreement with a doctor but then pushing that'd that actually dr. John Berman could cure any illness may have appeared fine to us but it actually could have been quite sinister let's talk about that more I don't know what the alternative timeline was for these creators prior to people like Leon Rush throwing a spanner in the works but by the end of the response video I came to the conclusion that whatever was going on was some kind of scam and for the people that have posted videos about them having a sick loved one or they're sick themselves and their that it's so hard to go through we know what that's like we truly do that's why we're doing this video today not just to prove to you guys that we are sick and we've gone through his pain for four years but we're gonna show you guys a way out to healing any sickness and any problem that is wrong with your body but the proof is in the pudding so we're going to prove it to you guys in this video we know you guys know the truth we know you guys believe in us we know you guys know what what is actually going on with our bodies and with our lives and we're gonna keep fooling you guys in as much as possible honestly dr. Bergman is starting to show some crazy improvement on our bodies we're going to him three times a day every single day working on ourselves trying to get ourselves fixed and heal and a scam is a strong word but at the end the day they were promoting this chiropractor as the individual who could cure all these illnesses when that statement is blatantly false and it's easy to point at them and laugh at their complete ignorance in these statements but those statements were made when they were under a lot of scrutiny and pressure if no one had really challenged them and they had exercised their significant influence over a fairly gullible fanbase they could have spread some legitimately harmful messages I don't doubt that there may be some legitimate illness that Jonathan may be encountering and the evidence that there are some symptoms is very clear but that does not suffice for the argument that you are making which is much more preachy and radical you are not just claiming that you are dying you are promoting general doubt of a system albeit not perfect that has done a lot of good for many people who operating this single individual as some sort of miracle worker I also thought it was funny that they would have agreed to go on the interview with keemstar but under the premise that they would know the questions before which obviously didn't come to a head because they have no confidence in their narrative under further scrutiny especially life when people are suffering from an illness they may become desperate they are definitely vulnerable particularly when looking for possible cure now as said during the first video I become so numb to their giveaways that they didn't even seem out of place in this much more sensitive content in the two-year-old video where they talk about Jonathan's kidney condition they do exactly the same thing who else will be completely used to extreme games this type of content the core audience the fanbase the people who actually choose to click on every video what happens when they hear these two guys talking about how they're dying and how their last hope is this chiropractor in California and I'm not saying that an overwhelming number of people would be influenced by this sort of propaganda which is what it is but we've all been in situations where we've been looking for some sort of miracle and whether knowingly or not they have asserted to provide an answer to that in the original video this message was more subtle but on the pressure they cracked that sounded like a pair of rather unhinged individuals it is a scam that's what is as noted they also integrated the giveaway with subscription to dr. John bergna's channel which once again is extremely impractical for multiple reasons and something that a channel that size would not be able to organize especially if they would die I know many people may be more focused on the aspect that they were trying to gain subs from a video in which they talk about their impending death through giveaways but I'm more annoyed at the fact they emotionally manipulated people into thinking that they were about to die and then presented the solution as this miracle doctor who you should all subscribe to it's unhealthy and pretty dangerous I feel that if uninterrupted they probably would have followed this treatment through claims you've been cured and then use that emotional victory to try and sell the practice has further credibility for this chiropractor as well as winning over all these bands who were ardently rooting for them to come through I can't tell you if this plan would have worked to be honest I'm kind of skeptical but it was good that people did actually step in and say something and actually point out what was wrong also to add on to my two narratives here the other character that has made appearances in these videos was our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ before we literally prove anything to anyone what we want to say first of all is we forgive every single one of you guys that has created a hate video on us every single comment every single thing that any of you have said we forgive you because that's what Jesus Christ would do you would forgive you he would forgive you no matter what you've done to him if you go to him for forgiveness and that's exactly what we're gonna do to you guys because Jesus Christ lives inside of us and we forgive every single person has created hate on us however it wasn't until two months later when they made their post recovery video that the truth becomes clear now this is the one video that I do not actually have the original copy of so I'll just use the Leon lush reaction video to both summarize exactly how I feel about their rhetoric and suitably deliver the turn of the video his name is Jesus Christ now that is what we have done just recently we have literally put our sicknesses it was in fact Jesus jesus healed them Jesus was the person all along in fact they didn't need any doctors at all after all those are the same doctors who had told Thomas that there wasn't that nothing wrong with him the only Authority that you should trust is Jesus and Jesus has made the conscious decision to heal those suffering gentlemen praise the Lord and his random healings of vertigo through California chiropractors now as mentioned the lads have been promoting Christianity for a while but here's one of these times where it seems to have been used for a less than benign purpose sometimes when people are down bringing religion into their lives can legitimately help them and I might even go as far to say the emotional uplift that religion can provide for some people might aid people's fight against certain illnesses however to me it seems like it's been used as a scapegoat here as a way to explain how they have managed to heal themselves and definitely to try and create a connection with the Christian crowd who brand this as some miracle healing and as proof that God doesn't back to exist they have created this perfect arc where they were all going to die they needed all this support and when they had it they made a miraculous recovery thank to dr. John Bergman and Jesus Christ our men in the video they also state that their DMS are open on Instagram and they're there to spread the message of God and if you're interested you should reach out to them this was basically a way of reaching out to the right audience who may be brought into this story and believe me although few and far between they're definitely out there Johnny and Tommy you guys are amazing people and for those of you who think they're pretend to be sick screw you because these guys are strong believers in Christ and they helped me get through a lot I know I can go to them whenever I need them thank you now once again if they're helping people no I can't take that away from them but overall as a greater cultural affect I classes escapades as poke baiting it's basically telling people that there are all these solutions that can be found in places they need to just put their faith in this problem-solving entity I feel that they are basically trying to couple themselves to that notion of hope with the intention of winning back an audience from the brink which as Leon Notes wasn't the most hopeful but it does seem awfully convenient you know I mean eight weeks ago we were dying definitely we're not lying about that we were gonna die vertigo leaky gut dead JC hooked it up bro JC came through in the clutch not dead anymore in fact we're feeling great be sure to LIKE and subscribe it was it all that simple was it just two guys using a load of [ __ ] to try and keep their channel on floats or were they a bit more invested in it than I thought let's take a look back and try to come to a conclusion I mean the one point in their favor is that they started preaching about their closeness to Jesus during their channel higher point and therefore it seems unlikely that they just had conjured up this belief of Jesus for the sake of views maybe they did view their success as a miracle I mean I can understand why I wouldn't put it down to Jesus though I put it down to some rather crafty clickbait which I'm not sure Jesus would have proved up to be honest though I haven't spoken to him so I can't confirm blew him back of their history they've really done anything to succeed well that was completely transforming their channel branding to a Pokemon child and then basically acting like that phase never happened the only thing that remained remotely consistent was their giveaways and in effect I can understand why and this is the strange thing although they changed their content in announce they clearly never really identified the content with the success they identified the giveaways because the giveaways were what provided them these subscriptions the content was just filler to them and the reason that I think they look at it from that perspective is because of how they use the Christian faith when someone's charm begins to fail they grip onto a formula more tightly they try and use the same tricks to a greater extent and you can see this with the lands both in their view of religion and Giveaways these are the only two things that seem to increase in their intensity when their channels begin to fail they put their success in giveaways and Jesus so when it begins to fall flats they create a greater investment in it honestly if they thought they could get away with crediting giveaways for saving their lives then they probably would that's exactly why their channel died even if they haven't if you want to keep you watching you need to have faith in your content not concepts that are mostly separate to what you're creating careers are seldom built on gimmicks they're built on fleshed out characters who we appreciate not because of what happens to them but because of how they react to their environments and evolve someone fighting a life-threatening illness can be extremely riveting but only because of how they respond to the battle that they are fighting it's about character I guarantee that even if they had sold it to people they wouldn't have revived their channel because they didn't show the character of someone who was genuinely going through those struggles they may have found Jesus but they haven't found the moral compass that many religious individuals would argue should come with him is the worst brand of religious exploitation Jesus is the ultimate authority and he helped us heal because he did it's bizarre it's a con they're trying to connect people like that and I just do not stand and I'm no fan of religion but I set that on principle it has a moral compass I don't believe there's any way for these guys remain inside the Christian moral compass given the way that they have behaved which leads me to believe that their moral licenses people who basically identify with these causes to make themselves feel better about not necessarily practicing what they preach maybe they're trying to justify to themselves as well but really looking at it from a remove perspective it could have been much worse than it was people called it out early and therefore the dissemination of a potentially harmful doctrine was suppressed but they still have a responsibility for the intent which they retained as shown by their response video Trust that's guys they've removed these videos since as said they seem to enjoy removing content they haven't formally commented on it if they do regret it well okay it's not I'm not willing to hear them out in instance that they were just really invested in this treatment which I feel is unlikely maybe they're not bad people what they did was excessively reckless and irrational considering their fan base and how impressed will many of them seemed at the time you don't deserve to have that responsibility given the possible repercussions that fan base was built from the start on giveaways where they were giving away a clash of Clan account or an iPhone you need to have some beggars belief to sign up to a channel for that and given that to me they seem to be convinced that the giveaways are attached to the channel they had to know the audience that they were trying to rope in with a much more consequential narrative now normally this would be the part where I talk about how their channelers died due to these escapades but also due to the fact that they could not evolve which seemed to be a constant block them however ironically and maybe even depressingly they've revived their channel very recently and that is the problem with YouTube there will be people who just don't know especially when you make flavorless content that was wrong with someone like Austin Jones even though of course that was much much more serious very briefly after YouTube introduced abbreviated subscribe accounts you can see the ugly rounded up number jump up in a way that it hasn't for maybe over a year at least basically what they're doing now is a ripoff of more concert I mean they even put more tin the tags of their videos and given the morgues as a ripoff of like five other youtubers it's hard to really argue they've learned anything they're just following the paper trail not the most charismatic although if they're not selling miracle cures to gullible audiences I guess it's an improvement asking them to make decent content would probably be a step too far I still feel that their behavior will be fresh in some people's memories given how forgettable they are for basically anything else and they will never immortalize themselves in a way that other individuals can but because they coast on clickbait alone and the fact that one video can get over a million views back to back with another video that barely cracks 50,000 is at least somewhat reassuring however their lack of personality is probably why they've had a spike in success again because they are so damn forgettable you've already forgot this whole sure aunt especially when they erase the history nonetheless for the first time ever they seem to have let go of old habits there are no giveaways and they may have finally clocked that successful content is not dependent on the number of giveaways you do maybe they just had to let go which is something that they never could do before never mind wait we might be giving one away yes an iPhone 11 they've really outdone themselves this time I think on that bombshell it's best to conclude extreme games as break down was strange in a way that it was a sign of a dying channel trying to use old techniques to an insane extent but also the attempt of a channel to understand what that means in the most tasteless way possible they constantly tried to retain the aspects of a channel with a greater connection with their fans but their's onra will never permit that they will never be those sorts of creators even if they die they have to understand the humanity behind individuals and why we care about their lives if you build your career on clickbait we will never know enough about who you truly are to understand how you interpret your own struggles and that's something extreme games could never really comprehend how to market their own humanity and it seems they've come to terms with it and are now as successful as ever it's just a shame that the journey to that destination has been pretty manipulative and destructive I pray to God it was worth it so yes that was the video I hope you enjoyed it was an interesting one to script certainly a bit longer than I anticipated but that's what happens sometimes I really want to give a big shout out to the editors they've done a fantastic job I am sure and I would not have it any other way I would also like to give a big thanks to my patreon $10 patreon on the screen right now give a special thanks to my $50 patreon some hullabaloo the Specht angel bow rights Nikko Deschamps Sara Elizabeth and Caroline and a very special thanks to my $100.00 patrons Brandon Adam Michael and Christopher Karis my Twitter is at the right opinion my facebook the right opinion official and my discord they're all linked in the pinned comment and if you have any other questions then feel free to hit me up there I hope you're having a wonderful day my guy is going fairly average but hopefully something interesting that happen in my life soon enough I know I've been waiting long enough anyhow I didn't rehab much to add so I'll leave it here on the right pinion and I will see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: The Right Opinion
Views: 1,600,947
Rating: 4.9397631 out of 5
Keywords: leon lush, xtremegamez, xtremegamez fortnite, leon lush xtremegamez, xtremegamez fake, leon lush xtremegames, xtremegamez nerf, extremegamez pranks, xtremegamez leon lush, xtremegamez lying, xtremegamez pranks, xtremegamez rant, xtremegamez is lying, xtremegames, xtremegamez fidget spinner, xtremegamez tro, tro, xtremegamez opinion
Id: n0ld3SzN38U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 56sec (3536 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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