We watch a compilation where we talk about MOVIES - Game Grumps Compilations

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Arin isn't wrong, I screenshotted this comment 2 years ago and it still applies https://i.imgur.com/Ir1NA5Q.png

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/Rouge_means_red 📅︎︎ May 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

I haven't seen that movie

You haven't seen that movie?!

Ha ha I still haven't seen that movie

You still haven't seen that movie?!

For an hour...

I still enjoyed it.

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/MalionX 📅︎︎ May 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is an interesting concept. I'm all for trying something new, I felt like this worked

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/RinneganUser 📅︎︎ May 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Yeah, it was a bit repetitive but as someone who has GG compilations on as background noise constantly it was a nice addition.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/anon1984 📅︎︎ May 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

Any idea why the SMG2 bit at around 53 minutes was sped up slightly? It's irritating me a bit.

Otherwise I love this idea and they should keep doing it!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/D4rk_N1nj4 📅︎︎ May 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

Past Dan: Watch Lord of the Rings

Past Arin: Ok fine

Present Dan: ...Watch Lord of the Rings.

Present Arin: Ok fine

repeat 10x

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/AmbushIntheDark 📅︎︎ May 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

Yeah, this works for me. It's almost like a DVD commentary thing. Very nice.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/organik_productions 📅︎︎ May 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is GREAT! This is the kind of thing I can get into! I love these fan compilations and to have them add cuts of reactions/commentary between clips it really makes it worth watching! Tenouttaten!

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/wiikendwarrior84 📅︎︎ May 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

I agree this is really great. It's like director's commentary. Love to see more!

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/James_Chimney 📅︎︎ May 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
this is a compilation where we share our movie opinions and we're gonna interstitially be in between where we share our movie opinions yeah that's what this compilation is what does that mean oh it's a cut its clips of all the times that we've like talked about movies okay this movie's cool that makes sense yeah sorry I wasn't paying attention when you told me that before we started recording oh that's cool let's get to it well I don't know what I'm missing is that really the worst thing in the world I sort of envy people who aren't like hyper critical of things cuz they could just say that was fun yeah wow what a great life to live I guess I guess it's cool it's just I I feel bad because I recommend movies to people and they're like that was terrible okay cuz it's the one downside yeah but I mean seriously especially my uncle my uncle like I recommended Pacific Rim to him because I think loved that movie well that and he has not let me live it down for like six years that bad okay I I agree I like does he like monster movies I don't know I don't know what his deal is I mean he loves predator and alien I mean not in the same vein I meant like kaiju movies I don't know I'm thinking it much experience oh and he surely he surely didn't like that one like oh is that how it works buddy like we agree on a hundred and thirty movies but there's one that you don't like and then I'm an [ __ ] forever you should get that heart yeah my uncle freakin hated Pacific Rim he still gives me crap about that it's like seven years later geez yeah but hey what are you gonna do I thought it was good I did too I thought it was great that um did it did it did Tom Morello right doing the guitar really yeah posed by Ramin Jodi that's yeah that's all I knew and Tom Morello was the chicka-chicka really yeah oh no wonder it's so cool I don't know why I said it was such a wonder really I'm up even further check this out watch this [ __ ] what's happening whoa where was that that really whoa man that's very Goonies is it blowing a blowing up the rock wall in the hole and the such is he gonna die so the pirate-ship can you know what I won't give Goonies spoilers just see that movie it's wonderful whoa I don't see it I see you know I got my blu-ray of jaws the other day so we go Oh awesome I'll [ __ ] watch that with you this we promised me yep did I mean like we should watch Lord of the Rings it's just such a time investment but jaws is just like BAM you just watch it and that's it jaws is BAM aye jaws was BAM we watched that together it was really good it's one of the that movie was responsible for creating the summer blockbuster that's right because it was he thought it would sell better because it was when everyone was going to the beach and they would be reminded of that shark movie yeah yeah meanwhile he gave me a lifelong crippling phobia of sharks and yes I know they serve a vital function to our ecosystem and I love them for that everything else about them not a fan what's the next clip okay this guy makes me think of like the ents you've never seen Lord of the Rings it's like you intentionally like looked at all my favorite movies and you were like no Dan like that not gonna happen you've got to see it before we go to New Zealand because oh that's right yeah it's all sweeping gorgeous shots at that country that's right all right guess I'll do with them gay oh I'll do it with you and I guarantee I will start crying within the first like half hour of the first movie really yeah they have like a little party at the beginning and I'm just gonna be like such an adventure that movie kills me dude really well all of them Speed Racer makes me cry pretty immediately dad yeah then Lord of the Rings is my 12 hour medieval speed racer the best way I can put it that's a pretty good way to put it yeah I mean it definitely makes me understand you have still never seen Lord of the Ring and I've still never been in New Zealand that was seven years ago that recording come on man do do both of those things Oh God shooting arrows it's like a lego loss oh yeah I understand that reference you do Oh Aaron and I finally watched jaws Aaron fine yay congratulations I finally showed Aaron jaws which means Lord of the Rings is next sweet dude yes you enjoy jaws yes yeah it was great yay there's all slowed up parts I feel like there are parts on the boat that didn't need to exist and maybe it was just like it's because I was thinking about it and I was like oh it might be like a skinner box because there's like all these moments that I feel like are kind of unnecessary a skinner box yeah what does that mean was thinking like the jaws moments where it was just kind of like oh this is kind of the same thing happening over and over again right it's like trying and failing and trying and failing and it really doesn't amount to anything right it was sort of Skinner boxy right cuz they want to be a surprise when [ __ ] [ __ ] starts going down yeah that makes sense yeah cuz I mean there's there's a ton of stuff put in there to [ __ ] with you as a viewer yeah definitely oh well then that was a long long drop Wow it's funny to watch failures of so many years ago come back and be like oh yeah I remember when you fell off that that beam that support beam for the ceiling and Dark Souls it or blood-borne rather it um most are souls that was dark Olson yeah we've we've been through a lot together yeah I love it I love revisiting all of my failures let's go to the next clip okay jaws is good you're making me disrespect you bro I don't want you to disrespect me I'm losing disrespect for you by the minute I still could not be that guy like you know on the train or like in a line they would like get up in somebody's face you know yeah it is astonishing the degree to what which I will put up with something that is unless I'm with other people who are also suffering as the result of someone's actions then I'll be like hey you know like I'll I'll make a move oh yeah you know what I'm saying I think the only situation I've ever done then is a movie theater situation yeah I've had to tell people it's super easy to just be like hey shut up yeah oh god dude I did it one time like I remember so good and this is so you know me this is not like me at all it was just I was so mad it was the first Lord of the Rings movie and I've been waiting four years for that movie because they were my favorite books along with Last Unicorn like as a teenager and there were some there were some guys sitting behind me that were like they clearly knew the books back to front and they were just like saying lines before the characters would say them like like something ring to find them like a lot of people speaking like poetry in those books yeah and then it's like and then one ring to bind them but like before he said it the guy behind me was like to bind them and I was like I was just like yo shut the [ __ ] up my god where did that even come from the Jersey came is so much nerd rage yeah I sometimes superfans can be more annoying than than like just inconsiderate dudes there's three guys following me right now there is oh it's because it was the third time I had to tell him first two times I was like um dude come on and and the second time I was like guys seriously I've waited a long time for this movie and the third time busted out their best tfv oh yeah it felt great what is he gonna do I think it's the only time I've ever said that to somebody say it to Ross on almost a daily basis the fact that it was preceded by a yo she also shows the state I was in oh man and now I want a grumps compilation of all the times you've said shut the [ __ ] up on the show oh yeah well the show doesn't count we're talking real life with people who might actually think I'm serious yeah yeah what can you do man like sometimes on very rare occasions you just got to get the point across just gotta get it out there especially with that punctuated yo yeah it probably helped him maybe maybe he took that as a moment to be like you know what maybe I should be considerate of other people far more likely now if he was like that guy was a jerk yeah screw that guy and he's on his own let's play Channel being like man I was in a theater and I was just enjoying the movie and this [ __ ] kept telling me to shut up it's 17 years ago like comment and subscribe well I forgive you now man it's okay water under the bridge yeah but if that happened today you just I would absolutely yeah well it depends on how many people are with you yeah you know that you get a lot more brave when there's a lot of people on your side that are your friends and and online Wow online when you're anonymous that's when people are braver than ever I drop a yo STFU like on the daily on yeah we got we got some real like Trojan heroes when it comes to the safety of online comments every day is the Spartacus extra light I haven't even seen the new doom is it super tasty guys awesome I was too busy watching a horror movie from my youth that I hadn't seen in forever hey check out Jacob's Ladder everyone if you're in the mood for a good rom-com love that earlier yeah that my god the the commercials for that movie terrified me when I was a kid but really yeah it's it's a scary movie it's about a Vietnam veteran who is wounded in action and when he returns home he starts seeing demons everywhere Oh neat yeah it's fun it's a light-hearted romp are they actually demons or is it all in his head what an excellent question Aaron I guess you'll just have to watch the movie but it's totally worth watching it's it's a it's a great film as long as you're not severely disturbed or upset by stuff like that which many of you will be so approach with caution that's like I was hearing about that movie green room or whatever and it's like really like Walsh well made but it's like a really upsetting yeah a lot of them are that's like do I want to see it yeah yes how come there's like shitty goombahs and then there's like regular goombahs thank you notice that these are like shitty goombahs yeah they're like bootleg goombas yeah they're goombas but they're not they're not galloon bus' which are a different thing right right they're just like goombahs that look dumb they're a little garbagey but then but earlier there were regular goombahs aaron you're appreciate acquirement man it's been driving me insane that Goomba bit yeah I like it's weird cuz when we're doing the show it just feels like a normal stream of consciousness conversation but when you watch it back you're like how did they go from talking about Jacob's Ladder to shitty goombahs in like 10 seconds and when I say they I mean us by the way that there's a part where you were like I was asked it was like was all in a head or something and then you were like you gotta watch the movie and it's like and I'm like ah but like I appreciate that deep down but but like that that happened like a couple weeks ago and I have no recollection like if you if you were like it's all in his head I would I would completely forgot yeah not that I'm saying that's what it is just boy that that movie is severely disturbing though a lot of I I don't know if we talked about it on the show we probably did the guys who made Silent Hill mm-hmm cite that as a huge influence on like their idea of like how to make a scary world and he didn't talk about that cool yeah so there is a connection to videogames there get we make me station card scale we here I guess not I told me and she's a wild piece of luck it's just one of those it's like the [ __ ] wood how did you know the flute was there three well because of the Wizards yeah yeah of course because he explicitly says here's the flute anyway how would the wizard know yes how would he know the game just came out it's an excellent question there's no strategy guides how would he know oh man I want to watch that movie again no no do you think it's bad I own it do you yeah let's [ __ ] watch it that's I so a friend of ours suggested that like because Aaron and I have said probably in the hundreds of times like hey let's watch that movie together or like you've never heard that movie let's watch it and and sometimes we do so like perhaps we should do an occasional podcast where we talk about movies that we watch together okay yeah that could be cool sounds good to me we really should like create a running list of all the movies that we claim we need to see together and then never do yeah like jaws was somehow for some reason had like a target on it and we were just like all right yes we're focusing on jaws yeah that's what's happening but and then we made it happen and I don't remember how long it took I think it took a while yeah well we did we were watching Game of Thrones very religiously that's true so for four years there there would be entire seasons worth of time where it's like well we can't watch this we got to watch kind of even thrown yeah it's kick we can't take any of the other six days out of the week to get together and watch a movie that would be a waste are what you are running like a [ __ ] yeah I'm running like a fugitive this way a THAAD word I didn't kill my wife I don't care you seen a fugitive right no what no no that's a classic movie who's Harrison Ford Tommy Lee Jones oh it's so good what the [ __ ] is this where am I we got to watch that together put it on the list fugitive is it the mood in the right place came at the same year as Jurassic Park so like 90 III oh so that's why I've never heard of it yeah I was balls-deep and dinosaurs that dude I was obsessed me too I was [ __ ] obsessed with dinos same I mean I know you were still a school for it and [ __ ] yeah I still are Fusion is a good movie man you should see it maybe we should get together sometime it's in it's interesting how like a lot of these are zeldas and Mario's like it it seems as though they just allow like a stream of consciousness you know yeah you just go through the levels and keep going and going and doing 75 episodes yeah per game episode 26 breath of the wild yeah that was my favorite one oh I remember it like it was yesterday that's the one with the link never make it we made it hey was that money put Pithom no that's plate of Conchords I don't need to see man stop referencing [ __ ] I don't know okay thank you Wow very kind yeah trying to think of a good Lord of the Rings reference but you've never seen that either nah my god [ __ ] again with the Lord of the Rings yeah I won't get too close this time and in fact the fighter Conchords reference I made was a Flight of the Conchords making a Lord of the Rings reference oh really yeah it was like a multi-leveled sandwich of [ __ ] that you don't understand cool yeah no problem it's still funny though it is that must be a testament to how truly talented those two men are they are goes to New Zealand men New Zealanders I love New Zealand my favourite Castle yeah I got one of the terminals yay the only one more to go this is a lot easier than I remembered way to go I was making a little over there there's a part in Flight of the Conchords I feel like I might have told you this before but Will Forte is in it in one of the episodes and he's like this total like American do bag and he comes up to them after they do a show in American little rolled tongue thing yeah well Will Ferrell comes up to them after they do well Forte sorry comes up to them after a show and it's like man I really love you guys stick you know like you you pick a country no one cares about you pretend like New Zealand and pretend to be from there so where you guys where you guys tough from you get trained at Juilliard and he's like they're like New Zealand and he's like New Zealand I love it Lord of the Rings favorite all-time douche lines in anything boy that clip one places yeah he's wonderful Will Forte I he came to back when Upright Citizens Brigade existed in New York I think it just went under sadly but we did you do like a little improv show at the end of your class for your family and friends and stuff and Will Forte happened to be the cousin of one of the kids in the class and so he went out for drinks with us afterwards super cool and I know what drinks for Will Forte yeah very random morning you text me it this was 2010 Oh 2010 before net yeah so he was he was very cool like I talked to him cuz at the time he'd been a Saturday Night Live Flav the Conchords and Tim and Eric mmm so he had exactly the career that I was hoping to have in comedy did I make a fool out of yourself no it was really cool like I asked him for advice and what he thought about the end P idea and he was like that sounds cool you know just keep working at it and gradually you'll hone in on your comedic voice and he said if you if you keep working at it you'll get there and meaning being able to make a living at doing comedy and I was always grateful for him saying that because it was a good thing for me to hear at a time when it seemed very unclear whether I'd be able to make a living doing this Wow yeah and then you did it yeah so all of your success can be attributed to Will Forte I mean okay sure kind of put me in a weird spot there let's just call him up for babe's ya know 50% of my earnings - you know he was rad thanks will you're not watching but thank you so I'll just put it out into the universe and hope he gets a big snap cut to what he's doing and he's just like murdering so good you know he's just watching us and he's like oh speaking of gross nasty tongues that's a lot of ways that could go I guess you know what else I saw that was actually really good movie wise what's a Kong Scott Skull Island oh yeah I heard that was like a lot of fun it was great I was super surprised I the reason I saw it was because uh well I was on a plane so I had to watch something yeah and but also because I'd to do something to keep the demons out of my head obviously I do something to calm down my brain from wanting me to jump up and yell Brian head said he loved it and Brian doesn't care for most things yeah so I was very very true yeah I was very surprised but I gave it a shot and sure enough it was great nice yeah kind of surprising like it was by the same people who did the Godzilla movie that you don't much care for anymore yeah well it's part of a like a cinematic universe oh really yeah they King Kong and there's Skull Island and the Godzilla movie are in the same universe so they're gonna meet they're gonna try to yeah yeah into it but yeah and it was kind of like it was kind of like Godzilla that movie Godzilla in a sense that uh just without the boring people storyline the the stuff involving the people is much more interesting and engaging that's good yeah so I think you'll like it give it a shot won't you it's got the john c reilly in it john c reilly samuel l.jackson a lot of people with initials for their middle name oh boy oh it's bloody or is that cat actually with this game Dead Rising 1 is a really fun zombie game it's clever yeah and also completely rips off Dawn of the Dead does it yeah it was like the same [ __ ] exactly the same [ __ ] I did not know that I've never seen doubt of the Dead really you never seen the what was it Zack Snyder that's the way Oh No kidding he did that it's the one where they're in the mall I want to say I'm 50% on that Wow way to [ __ ] hedge your bets holy crap true dat true true true baby he's got that true true [Laughter] no it's got that true true was it good oh yeah it's [ __ ] great movie wow really yeah what am I thinking of that's not good Oh Jupiter ascending oh yeah yeah okay well I never saw it so I don't know if it's bad kill yourself some cultists cuz they don't get stronger at night it doesn't have Jupiter ascending doesn't have that cult following that Speed Racer does so right i assuming that like okay maybe it is a [ __ ] fest but i don't know i still want to give it a chance I love the Wachowski 's oh boy I think almost everything they make is good except for the two Matrix sequels be firm is good good yeah here comes the exploding into the begonias what else do they make was that it V for Vendetta and then Speed Racer and then Cloud Atlas and then Jupiter ascending they did you for Vendetta yeah that was good they're good they're Kalin did he [ __ ] kick ass I have since seen Jupiter ascending really how was it it's it's bananas really I didn't hate it like it's it's like it's it's not awesome okay but it was very entertaining and I enjoyed it all the way through and it's very sweet in the end is it's very like because it's a it's supposed to be like a fairy tale and I don't know I mean it's you know it's got a tea Redmayne going like like that's the I'm not exaggerating that's how he sounds in the movie Wow and you're supposed to be able to understand him it cuts to him and it's like a whole man he was the villain like he's gonna see some dramatic sees it like a bane okay yeah okay I guess I collected information from that scene continued but what what what set of circumstances led you to just sit down and be like today's the day I'm gonna watch Jupiter ascending Ross really wanted me to see it because he hates it really yeah so he was like you gotta watched it because he knows I love Speed Racer so he's like dude this movie sucks though you gotta see it like I don't know what happens and then I watched it and he was like so what did you think and I was like like this he must have been like what he hates it when well I shouldn't I shouldn't generalize but like I can see him like really being bummed out that you didn't hate it as much as he did yeah how do you react i he doesn't talk to me anymore yeah well okay you had a good run his friends it wasn't that good to be honest Jupiter ascending or your friendship with Ross this time bang bang I'm gonna fall over like a Jiminy Cricket cheese and now he's gonna spit out acid oh my god maybe really is he not going to oh yeah so if I walk into your hand we'll get poisoned it's a it's a real damn shame it kind of reminds me of um do we see the movie them old old like 40s or 50s okay giant ants yep you you have seen it nope okay I was just saying yep - there's a confirmation that I was listening to super classic horror movie I'm sure it looks really dumb now they just look like a big ant puppets but it scared me as a little kid they make this crazy noise like whoa anyway this this just reminds me of that because it's like this huge [ __ ] ant coming up to like a police officer and he keeps shooting it with a handgun it's just just not doing [ __ ] yeah well I'm glad you enjoyed that movie then I did and you enjoyed telling that story well it's a classic it's it's like it's got like a look dad all right yeah Jill come on what just enjoying the view like some again gross okay there's a little girl in it that lake screams like ah she like comes out of her catatonic state that's so it's okay but that's like that's where they got the inspiration for Newton aliens well the screaming it's it's a it's a class if you like if you like seeing like the primitive places like horror movies came from yeah then it's a pretty cool movie that I'll check it out yeah have a lovely evening all right not to be confused with the New Jersey version damn damn yeah that is a that is a classic horror movie it's funny if you watch the like the YouTube trailer for it they're like here in this age of possible nuclear disasters you know like it's very 1955 whatever for the BLA what oh yeah long before the blonde like in every movie trailer they would just let the the terrifying possibility of nuclear holocaust replace the scary sound effect mm-hmm which is much scarier when you think about it it's like what's so scary about a blah I don't know cloud it must be effective though cuz they use it like 18 times the trailer oh sure and every time you're like gee whiz wish we all died in a nuclear fire good one dad on the wiki you were like [ __ ] you're like Mario Van Peebles in Jaws for I've never seen jaws for nor have I seen one never seen jaws for the revenge I've never seen jaws oh stop are you serious yeah that that's the only movie that ever gave me a [ __ ] phobia I know it told me them and very well done it's very well done we I've watched I'd watch it anytime it's very upsetting um oh the turtle [ __ ] but like jaws 4 is seemingly about the shark that is killed in the earlier jaws movies right has come back to take revenge on the family members so not the original cast the people who killed it yeah yeah the family members yeah yeah well there's one member of the original cast like the one who really needed the money yeah and Michael Caine's Michael Caine's in it what yeah in fact he was asked it's widely regarded as one of the hello I deem you lame-o my lipstick stylish and cool tiger the hell was I saying oh yeah someone asked him if he's ever actually seen the final movie of jaws 4 and he was like I saw the house it bought me look at you with the honesty yeah seriously I like that oh [ __ ] damn dude what if he still lives in it he wasn't the jaws for house Michael thank just spell my name right on the check jaws for more like see you I'm going to boy am a sight bass oh yeah so and it like roger ebert has the most amazing review of that movie cuz like he's just going through like all the logic behind it or the lack of it and he's like yes and what self-respecting shark wouldn't want revenge on the family members of the people who killed it very [ __ ] scathing in one line it's and so like but there is a scene in it where Mario Van Peebles who plays Jake the dreadlock dude goes out on the bow of the boat and like is trying to like I can't even remember he's trying to put like a transceiver in the shark that'll [ __ ] with it or something and so like they gets it in there and then like they press a button and it upsets the shark and the shark lake jumps out of the water and roars which is super interesting because sharks don't have lungs yeah and you need lungs to roar right they have gills uh-huh and that's just one of the many let's say tiny plot holes maybe he did a gill roar that's what that would sound like what if they developed would have suddenly fish developed vocal cords and their gills and then they kept in super weird gets sing their own harmonies and backups because each gill is like a different mouth that's an amazing question for muth a different mouth wow so many moves to choose from and then suddenly we're going to like fish concerts around the globe oh sure hmm good bit that never appeared in any other games oh yeah that's what the Godzilla fans love like it's got Jet Jaguar in it a Jaguar yeah it's um I guess it's supposed to just be Jade Jaguar but uh the in the 1972 dub of Godzilla versus Megalon the kids like really yeah oh yeah oh man it's really it's really tough to listen to her actually dude we need to have a [ __ ] Godzilla night I would love that well first you got to see Lord of the Rings which a little first peoples people are actually mad at me for not showing you go to the Rings but they just don't realize how [ __ ] like goddamnit like we just don't have 12 hours to string together yeah I can barely find four hours to grind and Pokemon no guy alone twelve hours to watch The Lord of the Rings yes any day now with that any day with that yeah maybe we should do it some day no not some day but while the Backstreet Boys tour is wrong we might we might be able to actually find the time to do it now do you know that I've had Lord of the Rings on blu-ray for like the entire time that this has gone on like I have all of it well this is gonna really Kim that like Dan why aren't you showing it to it so let's let's make life easy on me and watch one of my favorite movies okay all right into it why why why thank you for taking me on a tour around this come of course why that was the probably the worst decision I've ever made you achieved no stars zero zero stars here comes the power yeah pieces of power did I just watch The Goonies the other day really holy [ __ ] I've never seen it really never completed The Goonies I'm sure I told you that yeah I'm sure you did and I've much like so many things I've forgotten it forever but like that movie is a [ __ ] treasure it's exactly as wonderful as I remembered yeah it's a I was about to come yeah tell me all about it iron well let me tell you it's a movie it was produced yes and it's starred characters mm-hmm it had an arc of some kind so that's an arc an arc with characters and a protagonist are you just gonna follow me around like a douche if I get like changing all my [ __ ] two hundred percent yes dick a tree beyond belief Wow still haven't seen the Goonies what really never I don't watch movies I don't like movies the last movie I saw was Star Wars last night with Ray Skywalker you finally saw it guys yeah what do you think there's a resident good moments sweet yeah that's about as good as we're gonna get from you so yeah I'm okay with that that's like I was like watch that cool there were parts where I was like oh my god for the most part it was like cool and then at the end you know and she's like you know whatever I was like I had like that cool shot yeah I loved parts of it um but the Goonies I would watch any time of any day it's just a feel-good movie I mean it's pretty dated now I'm sure but it's 35 years old maybe I have seen the Goonies man I don't know anymore you are you just messing with my head I don't have a brain my memory is gone it's not in its but somewhere else that is what I want on your tubes doing I don't have a brain it's gone it's not in it's somewhere else Aaron Hanson they said that after I'd done 1987 maybe have already died too 4550 eighth it's just air coming out yeah so you're gonna live for 2000 years so that's great I'm into it did you get punched in the gut and face ah now they're sleepy right goodbye scaly man on the tree top juicy event horizon no that is the scariest [ __ ] movie yeah and this is reminding me of it's at about space it's about scientists who travel through a wormhole and like in space what and while they're going through the wormhole oops they stopped in a Hell dimension and brought back some hell with them whoa yeah it's like totally doomed yeah it's very and yeah I guess it is it scared the living [ __ ] out of me that's [ __ ] cool it's really gross actually it's not a good movie it's not good maybe it's a good movie and you just thought it was gross I just I hated it so much because it made me feel so bad but maybe I mean that is what it's set out to do so maybe it's good there's a like a lot of practical effects of monsters uh no it was 1997 so like stop running this game could do with a lot more practical effects honestly this game was I playing that one that doom no I think was me really yeah I don't know I I think it might have been me because I could be wrong but I hear like a level of frantic pitch heightening in my voice which I usually do when which I usually do unconsciously what I'm nervous so freaking out over a game running yeah it sounds that sounds like freaked out me but event horizon was very scary yeah and the new doom is amazing really yeah well we were just talking about because as doom came out before event horizon yeah render rise was 1987 I think Doom was like I need three years yeah definitely definitely by 94 Wow yeah I don't know who knows I mean with Hollywood scripts like they can get kicked around for 10 years before they get made into a movie so who knows which came first but yeah the idea was that in event horizon they were like we can create a new ship that can go the fastest place from point A to point B by folding space itself and and going through the wormhole and then just being where we want to be so you can get anywhere almost instantly but while they fold space they accidentally go to a dimension of Hell and when they pass through and when they get to the other spot like the ship's possessed it's a dumb plot when I say it out loud but it was really scary in fact my friend who is a physicist not Brian a different physicist fell asleep while watching it and I'm there like sweating and pale and petrified and scared and there's one part where Sam I think sam neill is like it's a dimension of ultimate evil and my physics friend was like he woke up for a second that's [ __ ] it's stupid fell back asleep so I was very upset by that film I've come back to game grab welcome back to game grumps well it's hard to do an Alan Rickman from the Harry Potter movies when I've never seen the Harry Potter movies all you have to say is part I ought to do right it wasn't close that altar boy he's gonna it's got a majestically deep voice it's like we can go so he does I gotta see those movies there they're fun what if um the best one is the third one iMHO there's seven right there yes wait yes wait no there's eight movies there's seven books damn because the second movie is split into two parts that's crazy well oh good god I do have to say yay garbage bomb if you watch the extended version of the Lord of the Rings movies yeah and I watched all the Harry Potter movies they come out to about the same amount of time so maybe that's what we should do just go into separate rooms shake hands before hand and then just to merge 12 hours later more knowledgeable about culture as a whole that's a great idea dan also let's never be friends when the [ __ ] have you and I had 12 free hours in the last like five years that is true I mean we didn't make time for Game of Thrones yes we did but again only an hour a night well you know mm-hmm we do have 12 three hours almost daily now yeah I did see the first three Harry Potter movies at this point oh you got to the third one knew who my favorites well wrong yeah I enjoyed it very much yeah those excellent and I don't know you but oh my God look how pink this looks like I'm drinking like soap dispenser fluid from a restaurant I mean you could be it could be dr. Bronner's attitude cocktail okay indiscretions goddamn it rat copters you look so [ __ ] adorable until you warm me up in your motorboat don't miss it I didn't don't Oh jump I'm super good at shoveling I don't know if you've never noticed that what's the Futurama we're like they're trying to get out of some kind of situation and I'd like the ship isn't working and fries like fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it and it's just a huge dick about it I don't know I've never seen so people you've never what it seemed like one episode are you [ __ ] serious you'd love that show seen a couple good really good maybe I seem like two seasons worth but it's good to seasons that's a [ __ ] ton 26 episodes good show it's all right it's all right okay don't [ __ ] crucify me and I didn't I didn't care for it I've watched 30 or 40 over there's not it's not for me well Susie just puts on shows I said and they just run and whether or not I like them I have to watch them oh I don't have to but in the room usually fair enough but right now her obsession is freezer for the third time would you switch all the episodes yeah whoa which honestly I do not mind because that shows [ __ ] brilliant it's smart it's a smart show come over here sucks to be you it does do it the right way you [ __ ] clod and come over here go over to the CMC book speaking of Frasier I actually and movies I just watched a movie last night say anything with John Cusack um and that has the dad from Frasier he's one of the main characters oh he's much younger Wow and alive true he's wonderful in that movie that movies great Wow I this this clip in particular made me think like see the comments in the future and it's like this video was basically Dan makes reference Erin I've never seen it did you ever seen it we should watch it together yeah I never wanted yeah yeah but we already didn't watch it together so this this is just us realizing how how frivolously we've wasted or we frittered away are alive yeah and after the fact our valuable friendships that we could be monetizing on YouTube for friendships all about I guess can snail taken whoa yo you gotta chill the [ __ ] out yeah right quick get his revenge just like the predator when his like thing goes off he's like nice I used my I Corps hold on I gotta change my [ __ ] is I just thought that was a weird part of predator when they laugh see whoa whoa yeah and it turns into like a maniacal human laugh yeah it turns into Billy's laugh the Indian dude from him laughing at the joke at the beginning oh well that's because he was like recording I know why it happened but it's weird and it's creepy seeing a man's voice come out of that creepy finger face good supposed to be weird predator is a [ __ ] lunch all go to the right don't go to the right alright I got a I got a I got something I got to do yeah do you want me to get ready to go to the right as soon as you take my hand off the button alright well let's use another thing well nevermind synonymous comes from the word synonym what yeah no [ __ ] dude oh [ __ ] off like you didn't have that later in life like you heard synonymous and you were like sitting in when you were like four it's the same word no it's not it sounds different synonym is that's not how you say it's stupid [Music] yeah dude it's sitting in us with this other well-known thing it's stupid I didn't have that thought until just now that's cool you ever see k-pax oh yeah I did see it he has an ad-lib line where he's like hospital hospitable cuz he's like real a he's like oh that's the same [ __ ] root word got it don't kill me alright I'll kill you I sacrificed myself so you could get the Red Coins k-pax is a great book it's very it's very well wishi though what what does that mean well wishy it like makes you feel good well it was your whole point is it's like it's like an environmentalist story okay cuz Prout comes from a planet called k-pax yes and k-pax is like a perfect planet okay and the idea is that like is the perfect planet k-pax in like a figment of his imagination because he dealt with trauma as joe is he like a crazy person or is he really an alien and they and in all four books yes there's four of them oh my god I've read them all cheese really yes they are that good no oh the first one is okay the second one's okay and the third ones pretty bad okay but in in all four books they really throw it the three for a loop they're like is he an alien or is he a person and for I think he's an alien right I think they make that pretty clear but they still let you question it oh god no oh god no Oh who's the daddy of the man it's me but he talks about the planet k-pax and he's like we have power plants that give off weight the battalion I don't care we only have zero he's like we have power plants that feed off of the excess of the other power plants so they loop forever and it's like it's not it works oh he's stupid but it's it's such a like middle school yeah but what if but you can't it always creates waste that's the point wait Aeryn where are you going I don't know man I mean angry about k-pax wasn't no [Laughter] isolated no look at the blue baby oh she okay okay still laughing about that one all these years later go so much in that one no yeah yeah like that's the only are we not fun times it's also funny because you know the premise of this compilation is is like movie stuff so it's in that clip in particular it's just sick going one way and then I'm just like he's in k-pax yeah just freaking out and getting nervous and getting mad and out of nowhere oh by the way yeah like 30 minutes into this video it's it's like it's a bit at this point where it's like doo doo doo doo Mario hey if you see Lord of the Rings like it is so funny to like look back and see how our speech patterns have changed over the years yeah you know there's a certain mode of speech that we had and then it changed and then it changed again and now I feel like we're right back to where we were when we were 12 yeah I can't form words and I can't speak good which was me when I was 12 I've made an amazing cockadoodle I would've been awesome if you liked gived just like oh that's like flew out into space slowly yeah and just like it's like Jim right and just chunks of gore are pouring onto the ground like after mr. Stay Puft the marshmallow man blows up and Ghostbusters you know to the movie I watched recently no evolution with David Duchovny David Duchovny and Julianne Moore and Orlando Jones I really enjoyed it it is ghostbusters is it really I mean it is like almost like note-for-note ghostbusters I saw it in theaters yes I actually and I don't remember a damn thing I just remember there was a very like Jurassic Park esque like sort of paleontology kind of like tent situation and like a desert yeah good memory that's all I remember yeah it's just a meteor hits the earth and everything that slouches off of the meteor goes through the entire series of evolutions super fast so like it start like the next day there's fungus everywhere and then flat worms and then like little creatures and it's all happening in a matter of days instead of millions of years and so they have to combat that to save the earth and it's pretty fun it's a it's a fun silly movie was it was it funny was it a comedy yes it was a comedy that the computer graphics hold up pretty well considering his 20 years old really yeah I wasn't like the Jurassic Park t-rex were think this looks good the Jurassic Park t-rex still looks amazing I don't know how they did that 25 years ago yeah Steven Spielberg yeah you're having trouble with the t-rex but like the animatronic as it was like falling or something um and I I fighter I thought like thought you're trying to say that's what Jurassic Park tier was gonna be called the trouble with t-rex oh wow wait a full out all the intrigue in excitement yeah really yeah what happens in this one the problem with pterosaurs I had the P is silent but I had to try to make it work but it was made out of some kind of foam or whatever and it was like really water absorbent and so like when they did like the rain scenes it just got we would get like waterlog and all that like the animatronic to [ __ ] up cuz it got so heavy really there's a fish the only reason I know this is because I did it did you know movies episode about Jurassic Park there's a lot of cool did you know stuff about it did you know that Adam Jones the guitarist from tool was working on special effects for that movie and then left the movie to start tool what yeah oh yeah he's a special effects guy that's why all tools early videos have those crazy little claymation things going on oh yeah that's all Adam Jones brilliant guy he's the minutes loose yeah it's all him oh he's responsible for all the visuals I don't know if he still is but yeah at least in the early days Wow I know is that amazing oh wow you can unpitched them off yeah you knock some sense into them Billy yeah I'll bop you one hmm I don't care about the other ones in the guns that's cool yeah yeah good I mean that was amazing apparently Steven Spielberg tried to dissuade him he was like come on man what are you doing this is a once in a lifetime opportunity so Steven Spielberg almost made tool not happen get on Twitter and [ __ ] cancel him oh my god that's ridiculous no but like that's the I was shocked to hear that but Jurassic Park turned out fine yeah you bet your ass it's good nice the density videogame jostling in your job and I mean honestly it was good I remember being whatever I was you know 14 13 but that scene where they see the first dinosaur and Samuel turns Laura Dern's head and she just gets that look on her face like oh I I still get like the like the heebie-jeebies the chills when I think about it it's an amazing movie it's fantastic you know and it's like and even back in the day it was like that was a [ __ ] like popcorn movie like people is that old lecher best part Sherlock you know yeah I remember when at the time everywhere the the hip thing to say was Jurassic Park is like for the dumb masses and the fugitive nice the fugitive with Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones that's like that's the real great movie of the summer and that is an awesome movie but I think I think a lot fewer people are going around saying man the fugitive as opposed to like due to Jurassic Park and it's seven sequels yeah people like make fun of like the Marvel movies or whatever it's black panther part of the Marvel Universe yeah yeah I'm okay sorry I know my area of expertise and then and then people are like you know it gets all loud allowed as a positive one right I believe so it gets all loaded or you know being like oh you know black superhero movies and female empowerment superhero lawd it lauded yeah and but then people are like oh but you know whatever it's like this corporate [ __ ] like it's they're only doing it because it makes money right and all that stuff mm-hmm which like yes and also those are the movies that [ __ ] thousands of millions of people see yes of course and it's it's like people are those are things that people will remember remember you know like like maybe there are movies that are more artful about that [ __ ] that are more like profound and have like a better message that's more like succinct and more like beautifully said or whatever these the movies that people see right and these are the movies that like you know that normalize it because like everybody sees them right so I it's like yes it is like corporate schlock but also that's a big deal and I think you're Jurassic Park thing like speaks to that of like you know fugitive was a better movie or whatever like everybody remembers her ass apart and it was like a it was like a well crafted movie lots of wonderful minute like meant a lot to a lot of people yeah yeah it's kind of like oh look at this so you can be a bit of an arch not art it's not about or whatever movie right I don't know it's the fact that like a ton of people are affected by a thing is not like yeah not part of the art well why does it make you mad that people are happy yeah you rang [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh my god the smaller B does like mom you know I learned a new piece of trivia about Jurassic Park what's that when the t-rex would get waterlogged and it would shut down you would have to like crawl inside of it to do something and then and but like you had the risk of like getting crushed by the machinery so it was like a dude who like did that and then like the t-rex like turned on again and he like had to get out and they like like pulled him out of his mouth and like he didn't die but like he could have been crushed oh my god yeah what a five nights at Freddy's nightmare on you must not be fooled by appearances you must rely on your feelings now when to the shrine something that will aid you in your quest lies within use that item when returning from here by the way Darth Vader is Luke's father dammit I hate your spoiler ow I thought your regular information giving owl but in fact you're the famous spoiler owl god damn it spoiled and spoiled again spoiler is the [ __ ] funniest idea for a character except we can't like make him a regular thing or else we will tons of [ __ ] for people and they'll get super mad the greatest people did its spoiler owl I still haven't seen that yet got the lens of truth whatever whatever you look through it you see the truth oh [ __ ] I knew it it's spoiler ow don't get near me Jesus I actually didn't know that Aaron what I've never seen the Harry Potter movies thanks you actually [ __ ] spoiled something for me with spoiler ow sorry ah are you serious what you [ __ ] dick what happily so I repeated it no oh man see you're not an Internet goer any other [ __ ] internet go or be like yeah cuz that was a meme for a while cool it's a meme it's not the truth I chose a Citizen Kane spoiler because that movie 70 years old Harry Potter's but not for like 20 years it has not spit out for long you're my own personal spoiler owl look I'm sorry if I could turn back time I would if I could turn back time if I could find a way I've forgiven you it's okay I I knew for from the first second that you were totally serious and the second you were like that's not what happened cuz like don't don't just don't even bother but it was I thought it was safe because it was like an internet meme for the longest time right so I can't figured at least you had seen that but grandpa calculator over here doesn't use the Internet as much as others but yeah that's and that must happen later cuz I never got to that part in the movies or the books but hey it's a bummer it's a bummer for my boy my boy dum dum bleah you don't know if that's a see what happens though it was just it would it's a moment in a book that might like I'm just saying like before we started recording you turn to me and you said yeah that actually happens and then we laughed about it I didn't screw the next clip Oh Terry okay so sorry for those of you who are watching this in order and not waiting up like a day or whatever for the next episode Aladin oh right yes sorry you asked me about the live-action Aladdin for some reason yes because I I'm curious because the consensus between people who love like classic Disney animation is that all these remakes are just sacrilegious awfulness the only decent one was the jungle book like was like the first one ish and each one of them is making billions of dollars oh absolutely I think the Lion King wasn't like gold all Adhan [ __ ] killed it yeah yeah that was like number one for like quite a while but anyway yeah the movies [ __ ] sucks and did you see it um I didn't but I watched have you ever heard of this guy Ralph the movie maker no he's a youtuber I enjoy his his videos but I only watch red letter media you know what it's kind of a similar vibe but very entertaining and good breakdown to that film and I was like this is exactly what I wanted because I now feel like I saw it without actually having to sit through and watch it oh man did didn't he not enjoy it no he was dead set against it yeah it's it's not great man the the the thing that really bugs me about it is the editing for one it's terrible remember there was specifically a part like in the finale mm-hmm how this action was going down that like this the Sultan gets like knocked down or whatever you know with spoilers for ya he everybody gets knocked down by like Genie what's-his-face Jafar or whatever right and then the Sultan's like Jasmine like it cuts to him and he's a like Jasmine Oh like that ko and then after that it cuts the carpet dying and it's like what huh where's Jasmine yeah yeah why did he say that it's really it's the whole movies filled with like strange moments like that where it's like wait what yeah it just looks like a lot of crapping jammed into every frame and and it's and it's and here's the thing that is I don't like talking about this stuff but I will because it's something that they do care about okay there's like a shoehorn like like women empowerment thing uh-huh which is not what the movies about right like and and by the way like jasmine was already like a pretty empowered like characters whose bed and the original film mm-hmm like she was like I don't want to be [ __ ] locked up anymore what if I can go out and live my life right but there's this this whole thing they added a new song called speechless which is terrible hmm and it like doesn't fit at all and it like doesn't make any sense like where it is in the movie it's just it's really strange I did not like yeah it's not like imaginative like the original Aladdin is like perfect yeah it's an amazing movie so it's like it's tough to live up to but man yeah they were they really screwed up and weirdly Guy Ritchie was the director yeah that is bizarre hey um I mean I sort of have to base my opinion of the movie off of this video that I watched but this kid Ralph his his his way of saying it was I think this is the movie he was talking about I watched a lot of his movies in a row so please forgive me anyone if this wasn't the one he was talking about when it came to this but I think he was saying like this is what happens when every studio is so concerned with not being offensive not doing anything that challenges anyone you know just essentially making movies about nothing that just like keep people you know drooling and entertained for for an hour and a half and he's like you get movies like this that movies that just like don't really say or mean anything and like you're no better for having the experience of having seen it you know that kind of stuff yeah that seems to be what you're saying as well but I don't know I feel like the original Aladdin was like what's a softball anyway like it's not like it was like a hard-hitting [ __ ] towel from the 90s or something it was just a family film right had Robin Williams cracking improv jokes yeah probably a little edgier I guess how he was making like movie references from the 20s I get I mean yeah I don't know I don't know it's I need to see the movies before I talk too much about it I don't mean to pry or anything but what's that thing over there I'm embarrassed don't look at it yes 30 seconds there we go all right 2 minutes and 30 seconds look at that baby purr can you see that now that's excellence right in there happening I just watched gremlins the other day where they blow the thing up in the microwave it's like ding that's a good movie why always action movies that are relevant to what we're doing oh just always watching movies and that my brain makes the connections Tang dude I need to watch more movies last movie I saw Katie remember really Independence Day in theaters I was 1996 yeah I saw it though and it's just funny to watch a clip of when we were filming power hours at Brent's house yeah because we were between offices well the new one was getting set up mm-hmm and we were just talking about how displaced we felt and we man we don't have a home anywhere yeah and then the Backstreet Boys man we just we were so young we had no idea I missed the stability yeah the stability of just being displaced from your office nah man well I missed the I missed my production crew set up this camera on my own yeah we love you guys hope you're all well we miss you Tucker Chris Ali Sarah Dean today miss anyway well you got like the editing team you're like been yeah been sweet Ben yeah that's it we don't miss anyone else serious it adds precious seconds to the verse [Music] forget the slowdown get the speed up I added in a code that makes all the slow down turn into speed up now I'm not making fun of speedrunners by the way I [ __ ] love sploosh yeah they're amazing some of my friends are speedrunners move and your favorite movies Speed Racer that's true but that's got nothing to do with speedrunning uhm so says you I think there's a single scene in that movie where somebody runs I think it was a single scene in that movie where they're racing for speed there is a scene in it where they're reluctantly crouched at the starting line huh their engines are pumping and thumping in time [Laughter] it's my weapon as I was watching that rewatching that I was like uh yeah it's kind of like the distance from my cake yeah my cake and then I started quoting I was like oh wow I'm on the same wavelength yeah yeah we've talked about that before how when we watch clips that are fairly recent we can predict what we were gonna say because our thought patterns are still similar but then when you watch stuff from like 2013 2014 it's like who the hell were those guys I don't I don't even know who's speaking that what a strange thought pattern that was yeah it's it's it's funny that way an alien man the bathroom over here I'm gonna I'm gonna protest fart right now just gonna drop a drop break some wind like as that yeah drop a ziggity Zach go for it I can't now I'm too scared it's it's building up that no like that that's my favorite fart onomatopoeia did I take the key I thought is that that's the name of that old-school low-budget science-fiction movie zat yeah zah a where the guys in like a really dumb lizard costume it's pretty great like dumb lizard costume well like a sea monster constant costume oh that's funny yeah and they're like one of the shots is too wide and that you can see his sneakers in the shot it's a classic it's a classic you can't have a back lasers everywhere now your life is a game or our amusement that's fine I've ever seen Logan's Run No is that anything like the running man I don't know I've never seen it as someone who hasn't seen it goddamn you know I'm trying to I did that on my speedrun I just ran through no but oh well whatever the running man is a movie about it's it's like Smash TV it's like yeah it's like a television show where people fight each other right the entertainment of others and and then it's a guy like trying to break out of the game and Logan's Run is about a guy named Logan who jogs in the morning to get you know rid of that pot-bellied that his wife doesn't like it I also think the running man is about criminals it's like it's criminals and that's like what they do in order to punish them yeah is to make them compete each other in these games and if they win then like they get some money or something or whatever so it's like okay duck hunt dog with a duck not really doing a very good job is he with a duck - [ __ ] I know it's too late now but like for anyone watching this back you can [ __ ] me know what was that not too late was that last room like a recreation of the original Mario Brothers with the POW in the center I think it was similar watching that clip made me want to watch gamer you ever seen gamer that sounds familiar Gerard Butler oh I do remember the commercials now but I don't remember what it was about and I had Michael Hall Michael C Hall the guy who played Dexter hmm but he was like a Texan you say I'm gonna mastermind behind all day that's awfully weird and that it was like it was like scrawny gamer kids you know like but then they're like in the minds of criminals and the criminals are like in a game and it's it's it's ridiculous and I remember there's a dance number that sounds really good there's we should we should watch that movie where they're like if you die in the game you die for what is that I don't know I don't know it can't be that hard to find we just have to type it in but in any case let us know if you enjoyed this format I'm just trying something different keeping it interesting yeah while the Backstreet Boys tour goes and just chatting about some compilation stuff yeah comment what you think we want to know your opinions yeah if you hate it we won't do it again if you love it we'll do it again it's just that simple or not by is by
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 1,264,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, game grumps compilation, compilation, best moments, funny moments, movies, reviews, best of, funniest moments, dan avidan, arin hanson, sleep aid video
Id: Ub6kIEdpPUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 46sec (4426 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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