We watch the MOST POPULAR Game Grumps Animations - Game Grumps Compilations
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 2,586,752
Rating: 4.966877 out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, funniest moments, laughter moments, game grumps compilation, best of, best moments, dan avidan, arin hanson, game grumps compilation rage, game grumps compilation arin rage, laughter moments game grumps, best laughter moments, game grumps animated, gg animated, game grumps animation, game grumps animation meme, egoraptor animation, funny animation, best animation, animation
Id: 8AdocwLhADo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 4sec (2884 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
My only problem with these compilations is that the volume of the actual animateds is so low. I understand why, so Arin and Dan can talk over them, but they seldom actually talk over the video. So if I turn my volume up to listen to the animated, I get blown out when Arin and Dan start talking again.
*sees Brandon Turner on the list\* Subway?
*Watches the video\* Subway.
Arin's "Jokester Yoda" voice sounds a lot like a Mirror-dimension Kermit The Frog. 🤣
Wait there is a shoocharu monopoly video? Arin mentioned one.
"[animator] actually did this one on his own"
Ngl I thought that's how they were all done - just fan submissions. Are all the animateds commissioned?
My question: Where’s this Denny’s video with Jacob Anderson?
Not the most exiciting stuff around - someone here said they muted their mics for the animations, and honest to God I didn't notice. With that said, I hope this video motivates the fanbase to throw more love towards the animators - not that this community doesn't do already.
the best part about the facecam being muted is that you can see that dan is laughing the exact same way as he is in the animated footage like he did for the fire red one.
The one major one that I feel was missing was a Mark Zuckerberg one.
And I am also sad that my favorite moment (the one in my flair), while having two animateds of it, neither is on the GG channel, nor are the two as popular or prolific as I would have wished.