We watch the MOST POPULAR Game Grumps Animations - Game Grumps Compilations

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My only problem with these compilations is that the volume of the actual animateds is so low. I understand why, so Arin and Dan can talk over them, but they seldom actually talk over the video. So if I turn my volume up to listen to the animated, I get blown out when Arin and Dan start talking again.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/theSeanO 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

*sees Brandon Turner on the list\* Subway?

*Watches the video\* Subway.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/kdebones 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

Arin's "Jokester Yoda" voice sounds a lot like a Mirror-dimension Kermit The Frog. 🤣

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Xirema 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

Wait there is a shoocharu monopoly video? Arin mentioned one.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Tronz413 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

"[animator] actually did this one on his own"

Ngl I thought that's how they were all done - just fan submissions. Are all the animateds commissioned?

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/g0_west 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

My question: Where’s this Denny’s video with Jacob Anderson?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/elemjay 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

Not the most exiciting stuff around - someone here said they muted their mics for the animations, and honest to God I didn't notice. With that said, I hope this video motivates the fanbase to throw more love towards the animators - not that this community doesn't do already.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/new_is_good 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

the best part about the facecam being muted is that you can see that dan is laughing the exact same way as he is in the animated footage like he did for the fire red one.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/trainercatlady 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

The one major one that I feel was missing was a Mark Zuckerberg one.

And I am also sad that my favorite moment (the one in my flair), while having two animateds of it, neither is on the GG channel, nor are the two as popular or prolific as I would have wished.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/NeoMegaRyuMKII 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
welcome hello to the wonderful world of game grumps animated compilations we're we're gonna be watching and reacting to most viewed game grumps animateds of all time it'll be wonderful aaron is coming to you uh from his house and i am coming to you from pixel hell from the discord capture screen all right let's do this i'm excited i'm having a good time already [Music] friend aaron i know how fed up you are with these two by now we can just natsuki shut your [ __ ] mouth and let him decide for himself you shut your mouth jesus christ this is never going to end just make the choice okay uh well i am not doing that oh my god whoa oh god uh it's going back to monica does it automatically every time it's going back to monica [Music] oh boy i picked yuri oh boy hey uh monica then yeah monica yeah [Music] yeah salvador you sick son of a [ __ ] you picked me just stop talking to yuri play with me instead it's all i have play with me play with me oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] you've unlocked a special poem thank you are you sure yeah all right i guess oh boy i hate this game tell me friend aaron tell me you want to be my lover do you accept my confession oh boy she's [ __ ] if you say yes [Music] oh boy oh my god oh please don't maybe maybe don't do that yeah that's uh oh oh no it's a bad time oh god it's clever with the big red stab what a great animated um wow really stitched together from so many episodes to create like one cohesive hole yeah well that game throws pretty consistently awful stuff at you over and over it's all from doki doki literature club like i had a real problem with that game it like it messed with my head for days afterwards oh really oh yeah you told me you like couldn't sleep after the like the psyche no it was one of the scariest experiences i'd ever had because uh playing a game at least because for the first i don't want to give away spoilers but i guess that whole thing was spoilers for the first 20 episodes or whatever it's just a doofy dating sim kind of thing there's this twist and you think it's going to be like a fun like uh-oh pool party twist you know but it ended up being the most horrific thing in the world i still remember like the heart dropping like chills over the shoulder kind of feeling that that gay game gave me like multiple times i wanted to play it with susie when i got home and i just i couldn't like i couldn't because i was like afraid you didn't want to put yourself through it again i get it it's a scary ass game love uh thank you to lovely sherbies for that one sherby's also responsible for making one of our gingram's tour posters and i think is working on a new game as animated as we speak thank you sherbes yeah you really captured um so much awfulness in my life [Music] he's having fun i'm not having fun he helps you with busy work without me even asking so you leave faster you two are really good friends aren't you what gave you that idea i hope this isn't too overwhelming of a commitment for you making you dive head first into literature when you're not accustomed to it jesus what were we thinking why don't we just push you off a cliff i didn't want you to feel left out so i picked out a book that i thought you might enjoy it's cool for the big one in space it's a short clifford x it's a short read so it should keep your attention because you're stupid now that everyone settled in i expected monica to kick off some scheduled activities for the club but instead she's malfunctioning in the corner her head's spinning all fast lasers shooting out of every tip of her fingers manga i don't know why i just said manga you didn't make it right uh there's a lone volume of manga they look juicy and delicious she then turns into a box she turns into a box of mangoes [Laughter] and slips the volume right into the middle of the rest if you're gonna judge it don't do it through the glass of that door i know that feel i watched my grandmother die in front of me she pat's on the ground next to her signaling me to sit there it's fun to imagine when things happen instead of seeing them here we are sitting down that one's killed wow yeah ryan storm is really good at the floppy like turnarounds like when the bullet whizzes by us and we're like whoa and the whole body's turned there's something about like how it's just the pace and like the weird movements they're so funny and like the expressions and then just like cutting together all the the weird like my favorite part is what i'm just like nervously laughing and he like makes my eyes dart back yeah it really reminds me how many um how much time that game spent um tricking us into thinking we were just playing a silly fun uh dating sim kind of thing oh yeah that was like as innocent as it gets in that scene it was like just hanging out with some girl and learning she likes manga yeah yeah we're reading together yeah no no later her face is gonna blank out she's gonna break her own neck and attack you through the screen yeah i feel like it was pretty fun spoilers everyone sorry about that i feel like it was pretty amazing that we uh we sort of called that monica was a robot though yeah you were on top of that was that just a random joke choice completely random joke choice that was just a commitment and then like oh how interesting we committed to a lot of clifford the big red dog jokes as well [Music] that's shockingly like what it's like i mean almost word for word i eat ribs every day and i love it but i'll tell you what one more thing about what how much ribs i eat a lot i'm layering a cable guys eat brown sick [Music] almost positive he doesn't phrase it like that if you if you go to a football sports game and you run out of chips eat prala sick it'll bring you joy it's brilliant it's a brilliant [ __ ] thought that loads of calories and it'll give you a heartburn like crazy oh man that's awesome i've never seen that one before what you've never seen if i have to consume prilosec no i don't think so i really love it that's our um one of our i mean as evidenced by that it's in this compilation it's one of our most viewed animateds of all time i like how my nose starts like high in my hairline i like how my eyes are like picasso'd out where like one is higher than the other i just i love it the adding the bed music and then having it cut immediately while like the background cuts to us on the couch yeah funny i also like the way that when you face plant on the floor your mustache spreads out like an octopus suzy loves the way that people draw like when when they just make my mouth like that like little mustache curl yeah like many cat faces yeah it's adorable like who's the guy from futurama the squid guy dr zoidberg dr zoidberg it's like the president is choking on my gas bladder what an honor all right let's watch the next one [Music] the rumor come out does bruno mars is gay i don't know does he well i i said they said that uh to my friend ashley so she went deeper down the rabbit hole and like read the article and sent it back to me and she was like you're going to want to read this so allow me to take the next 20 seconds to read you an excerpt of the does bruno mars is gay rumor mill yeah because i've thought the same thing myself yeah does bruno mars is gay i have to know um i does is have to know bruno mars is gay is the most discussed in the media in the few years ago even it has happened in 2012 but some of the public still curious about what is exactly happening and to be the reason there is a rumor comes out about his gay oh my god i can't believe this is real dude at that time he became the massive social networking rumor the public especially his fans are shocked he just came out with his bad rumor which is spread massively this time is not about his music career but his bad rumor the rumor is out of standardize of hoax what according to the last reported this singer revealed himself as homosexual do you still believe or not this rumor is really much talked by people even in a person of his fans so i hope that i hope that cleared that up for you so did he actually come out as gay i don't [ __ ] know you could glean anything from that really my god that was like is does bruno mars it does bruno mars is gay it's it's a question that will haunt me for the rest of my every day my life excellent job tori tommy beautiful beautiful another classic wow this is this is really like going through the hits man like yeah that's such an iconic bit that yeah that's one of the best memes anyone has ever sent me like it it was the first exposure to um computer generated ai articles later and um terrible translation articles of which that might actually be both the the first time you hear something like that it's so unbelievably funny does bruno mars what was the one line that was like it talked about his gay i could never remember it carries it in his pocket like having a stroke hello hey find gizmo ducks remote control then he can blast the wall also i need an oxygen tank [Music] huey louie i have terrible news i don't i don't remember which one that one was me neither huey louis i'm dewey oh oh which one's the red one that died then i oh [ __ ] i'm sorry well i guess i just made it easier on myself breaking the news to you all right see you later hey can i use your bathroom yes whoa what is going on yeah i don't know oh oh oh okay all right hey oh i'm out of here yeah oh he's already dead [Applause] that was just like real space that was just some [ __ ] that would happen in real space don't just sit there above the d and smile at me [Music] okay all right okay wow you're one remaining son is like at the bottom like well next time on game grumps looks like i'm gonna have to find a new uncle and new brothers yeah looks like the keyboard player died and it's like face down on that one chord oh wow wow yeah that was really good realizing all of those like those glitches as like animated moments this is so so beautiful doonan yeah very well done um very a doki doki literature club there's something inherently freaky about glitches like that like when you're a kid even if it's for a goofy game there's just something like oh no like the whole world is wrong now you're within this like rule set world and then suddenly it's like the need not apply there's no rules anymore everything's broken yeah i also like that there were multiple scrooge mcducks yeah i like the gag where it was the the green one and he says a thing and then it scrolls over to another green one and the previous green one just like glitches away yeah oh yeah it's all wrong so funny [Music] she's in a kaimono and next time on game grumps i'll be in a gaimono that's my fake laugh do you buy it it's like you don't have a phone yeah or a daughter jesus jesus god we don't use vhs for a reason anymore [Laughter] damn it goddammit whoa jesus [ __ ] christ whatever boats your floats all-american hero more like all-american zero i like that he farts uncontrollably when he's nervous yes i don't do that by the way i'm just using that as a random example [Laughter] [Laughter] this is a war of attrition very quick the entire history of the war of 1812 a war of attrition if i ever saw one high five okay it's the worst one ever by the way it just occurred to me that like that entire like soul bearing episode that we just did for the last one i had no pants on during that entire time really oh yeah yeah that's right no it's it's hot in here straight up in your box it is hot in here well yeah it got hotter once the pants came up [Laughter] [Music] cut it out seriously [Applause] that was super scary dude that went from like jovial to just a bad time oh you know what i'm going to continue this hammer brother situation next time on game grumps that's kind of a big problem you must have large aspirations man my dick is huge [Laughter] [Music] oh my god there's a funny story behind that um borja actually did that on his own i believe he emailed us and was like hey i'm making this hope you like it and i was like can can we have this one that's amazing i hope we paid him oh yeah of course i mean okay good i'm just gonna be like it's mine now cool neat thanks a ton of work must have gotten put into that because it's from all different episodes oh yeah i guess you can tell because usually when i don't know too much about the animated process but don't we usually give them the the audio with no game audio in it if they ask for it right but that had all the game the audios from the different games in the background so yeah you can tell he just cut it together himself you can also hear like the distant sound of our old recordings from many years ago at your house it was just one microphone like a mile in front of us yeah yeah those were the days mahomey days now it's right up in here now i always have this microphone right here it's really it's now it's why is there a plant here what is he doing what's his purpose why do you have to open up when i showed up here he could have just been hanging out and i could have just shot him in the [ __ ] bud it would have been fine nip it in the bud they say that's the term i'm getting close why do i have to point that out it always makes me worse [ __ ] i was so god damn close possibly did you see that there's also the possibility that it goes through like 12 more iterations sure that's what they want you to think oh my god i think so okay oh [ __ ] damn it damn it god [ __ ] it i'm done i'm [ __ ] done this is bold [ __ ] red plan purple plan blue planet oh you missed some [ __ ] man through the window oh you haven't okay terrible it's amazing holy [ __ ] it's been amazing you can do it he can't do it you can do it no one can do it oh my god ross believes in me yeah ross believes in you i've got one more shot oh okay lost this magic this is the roth shot this is the one ross no i hit end i hit end you piece of hair and garbage i'll [ __ ] kill your whole family oh that is such legit rage didn't go well [Laughter] oh man oh dude cat fat man that was i was i was dying that was one of the funniest things i'd ever seen it's very legit yeah well oh no question i mean i could see your face it was i think you were wearing a red shirt that day and like your whole face like i couldn't tell where the face ended and the shirt began i remember when we got this i and i saw it um i was like oh my god our fans are so [ __ ] talented yeah yes certainly it's really amazing they draw us so cute oh yeah yeah you're so adorable even though you're so angry across like the monsters that we are well some of them do and that's hilarious too i've always wondered what was going through your head like in that moment where you you're just i've never watched a video game really drive someone to losing their mind that was one of them that was probably the time how lucid were you in that moment um i was like semi-lucid i just remember thinking like how can i cause the most destruction the most audibly yeah yeah i sensed you were like in that mode of like this game has put something inside me and i need to scream right now or i'm gonna hold on to it for like a week it needs to come out right right at this moment but i'm glad you got it out buddy thanks man yeah it's not within me at all anymore caught a big old case of the [ __ ] used a big old case of the [ __ ] you that's what i'm talking about i get that every time i order a sandwich at subway what do you mean just like if there's somebody but like everything about subways is like infuriating really yeah it's like the people in front of you take too long and like there's no drive through and like it's it's just all i don't know i'm over exaggerating obviously but subways like the land of inconveniences yeah it's i mean because it's like i have to be okay and they're like what do you want and i'm like uh sweet onion chicken teriyaki foot long on flatbread and then they're like what bread and flatbread and they're like oh okay and then they they [ __ ] take and they're like did you say foot long yes i said foot long yeah and like you want cheese you already have so many like bad experiences with the place that like it becomes self-fulfilling prophecy like the second you walk in they're like hi how can i help you and you're like oh with this [ __ ] it's like you want cheese it's like yeah can i get um swiss cheese and they're like what kind and it's like you yeah you know the kind i just said ugh and they're like toasted and it's like of course you can't have the flat bread and not toast it it's it's like spongy gross starchy ass [ __ ] bread it's made to be toasted wow of course i want it toasted and then they [ __ ] toast it and then they start helping the people behind you and then it sits in the toaster for like 20 seconds longer than it's supposed to whoa and you're like i just want lunch you are they [ __ ] take it out and it's like another person and then you have to [ __ ] get a read on their personality it's like god damn it and they're like what do you want and i'm like uh spinach and then they just [ __ ] destroy it with spinach just like an avalanche of spinach and you're like i want like five other things you can't just fill it up with spinach and think that's all it's gonna be wow wow and then you [ __ ] it and then you're like onion and they're like okay and they put like two onions on it and it's like more onion please and then when you like get some weird combination like [ __ ] can i get mayonnaise and also sweet onion sauce they finally they like throw up their eyeball eyebrows a little bit like and you're like don't [ __ ] judge me all you would i can make my own sandwich don't [ __ ] judge me wow next time on game run wow some real rage brandon turner is a genius that that's yeah that's as classic as it gets that was uh that was linked to the past remember so vividly like all of the locations me too it was a green dungeon yeah it was a dungeon with the wizards and they kept yes thing i remember most about that is i was so unprepared for you to just go off like that and because you there's one moment like sort of towards the beginning where i'm kind of thinking of what to say i say something like yeah i mean um and it's at the slower pace that we usually speak but then you just like jumped in and just kept going and you were like no i got some [ __ ] to say and i remember about halfway through it i think when you got to like the spinach stuff i was like just like looking over at you and be like dude you all right it was it was inspiring to watch i was i i just had it in me i just needed to let it out and like it's funny because after that and after that went out i like really avoided going to subway from that point like i only had it like so in my brain because i was like going to subway so much and then after i had let it out i was like oh yeah i hate going there i'm not going there yeah yeah well you can see the moment where it happens cause like you're talking about it and then all of a sudden it clicks like wait a minute i got a lot of [ __ ] [ __ ] i need to say about subway it's so funny oh my god of course well turner thank you for making you know god i don't even know how many animators you've made at this point but yeah he's very prolific a genius and a quick worker i'll tell you that do you remember the time we saw him at one of our shows and someone was like that's brandon turner and he was like in the audience we were on stage we were like what's up brandon he was like what's up just like cool as you can be like yeah i do genius [ __ ] and i was like dude what the you should have told you should message me so you're gonna be here and it's just like it's like this is very cool i'm gonna [ __ ] create some new curse words [ __ ] mahogany table [Laughter] ralph macchio [Laughter] carrot cake squirtle cadillac convertible dang doodles freaking half no [ __ ] cannonball brick and bracken betamax ah dill pickle no [ __ ] fingers jellyfish [Laughter] ah dark hawk [ __ ] ass kid [Laughter] damn moon knight i'm just gonna yell like d-list marvel characters hey moon knight's getting a resurgence i love moon knight and i love dark hawk the sleepwalker rainbow man speed ball [Laughter] what was the impetus for man that's making up non swears i can't remember i mean all of these things are from so long ago but i think what we were talking about was how how strange it is that some words are considered uh curses just because we agree that they're curses you know it's they're all just sounds we make with our mouths you know and i think that led to you saying [ __ ] is such a powerful one because it's it's got like hard consonant stops and it's like [ __ ] you know and then we were like i wonder if other things would sound like curse words if you just give it the inflection of a curse word oh so when you said you don't remember you actually exactly remembered that's my guess i don't know i don't know if it might have been something totally different but that's what i think it was that was that was that was a good one i love the bit with your hair growing yeah me too i i love the way these artists uh draw my hair because it's such a weird bird's nesty mess that is never the same thing twice it's unwieldy faster yeah it only looks kind of calm now because i've got headphones tamping it down oh that's true yeah same mine's all yeah push back yeah look lucky us beautiful all right let's go to the next one did we did we start the episode yeah oh come [Music] my dick's falling off oh no that one doesn't count that one doesn't count [ __ ] absolutely don't you [ __ ] dare do that [ __ ] to me you [ __ ] freak you're a freak [Laughter] [Music] let's say all right let's say four left am i right [Laughter] [Music] three nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing this is nothing nothing don't believe me look at my resume 30 years experience and check it off no last one don't [ __ ] question my [ __ ] oh oh oh oh oh it's starting to hurt like it hurts when i eat taco bell too much at late at night and i wake up in the middle of the night and have to bomb stop play next time my game grows don't give me that gee whiz that one's hysterical art man that's art shoe true's expressions always kill me there was one that recently went out that was like a monopoly clip and it's just what do you slap me and then i realized that i like lost all my money or something like just just staring at it oh so funny shoe tree man shooter's on another level entirely he um he's done a bunch of nsp videos right uh yeah he did mansion party um and he's he's doing another one right now actually um yeah exciting right but we haven't announced the song yet so he the stuff he comes up with is just so out of left field and um i love the heads growing out of your mouth it's just like oh oh and he's supe he's super like down to earth like you just ex you meet him and you expect him to be a crazy person just based on the animation and and then he's like hello don that is like super nice get it out man you get it out with art how's your reese's cup i haven't eaten it yet well tell me how it is once you eat it i'm gonna i'm like taking the weird cupcake like brown wrapping paper off of it right now i literally hate that a 100 hate what do you mean the [ __ ] rapper around the reeses it's like another step of rapping that i have to [ __ ] deal with why don't they remove it why don't they [ __ ] remove it it's like i get they have to make the shape of it you know why would they remove it they're the ones that put it on because when it's when it's shaped already [ __ ] it should be removable um actually what you're saying like it's it's already the shape of the chop you don't see a [ __ ] weird brown wrapper around snickers bars to keep their shape yeah and those are packed with peanuts packed one hundred percent really satisfied according to them hungry yeah that's what i say to to ladies sometimes like i really really really i'm packed with peanuts caramel and nougat yeah you know that's the thing is like a jewy caramel center [Laughter] mmm count me in they're delicious uh oh my god first of all thank you esquire bob there's a very generous censor bar of which i am not deserving the only true part of that entire thing that statement was that i i get packed with peanuts because i don't digest them well esquire bob man it's just it just goes to show how different these animations can be you know it's it's amazing just the acting that he that he does with the where like where i'm really getting into it and i like sit down with you and then you're kind of like oh he's sitting down such such beautiful little moments in that that that only animation can do it's so special can i confess something please yeah uh no one's gonna ever want to interview me again now when i have to do like phoners like in the states or just you can't make it work you're jerking off the whole time right no i'm playing i'm playing on mario kart 8. genuinely because it's really good like the thing that i think it's different parts of your brain yeah exactly yeah it's like when you walk and talk it's really good because your brain is concentrating on walking which means that everything else is almost subconscious right totally and you just do what i just did no no no no no no have you ever been in a phone interview and then and then they're just like i'm sorry what did you say and then you don't know what you said yeah yeah sorry can you you said something like [ __ ] i wanted to be yoshi like if you get if you get like this one you're just like chilling out like when you're on a phone interview is it just kind of like like so tell us more about your role as grayworm like yeah well uh things were going [ __ ] [ __ ] off come on man come on sorry but i'm quite good at mario kart 8. so i'm really good that's a challenge is that one of the ones where there's not enough [ __ ] that's not a challenge wait can you imagine you missed that man me too that's what i was going to say as well yeah i miss him very much we haven't talked to him in a long time yeah it's he's awesome it's just how it happens you know he busy busy lives i hope he's doing all right i haven't talked to him since backstreet boys tour started the new album i don't know if we ever told this story on grumps we probably did one of those nights after he came by and recorded with us he uh asked us to take him to denny's after we were done recording because he wanted to try like classic american food and we were like you don't want to go to denny's man and he was like yes i do i really do and so he he went there and we filmed him as performing as grey worm uh at denny's and he he would just like take a bite and look up at the camera and be like this is not good food he was awesome that yeah that was a very surreal moment and if you ever get wherever you are man we miss you buddy you ever get the chance to see riley richie live as well please do it's a fantastic show alexa play sans well susie was actually she was like play sandstorm how does it go again [Music] dude [Music] again you're a pilot and i'm a co-pilot you're like hey all right we're going to be cruising at an altitude of 30 000 feet i'm like captain aaron how does sandstorm go everyone starts panicking on the plane it's sound activated walls aaron whatever you do don't play dude sorry again sorry again [Music] you really went for it on that i didn't remember you going so hard oh you got it sandstorm i still get that to this day i still get people had a sandstorm go and uh you know i have to keep switching it up because it's like it's not funny anymore to just go like right away so i have to like forget or like i don't know just something like oh i don't know like that kind of thing yeah exactly that's pretty great me like crawling on the walls is so funny it's the anyway you think the wolf is causing the accident i love her voice for some reason yeah it's great not a doubt in my mind everything was a-okay till it showed up so i fired again and i missed and then i missed again and then i fired again and then i missed and then i fired and then i fired and i missed i missed both times and then i fired and i missed this went on for several hours and then i fired and then i missed it and then i was out of bullets and then i got sad yeah i had a popsicle and then i passed out in the snow then i woke up and then i reloaded and then i fired and then i missed i missed again i'm fired i hit something but it wasn't what i was going for so i guess i missed i'll pass that again i had another popsicle i had a dream that i was fired at something i missed i reached into the fridge for another popsicle i missed i got the cabbage i put it back but i missed i dropped it on the floor long story short yes okay oreozima and shadow was it i believe moon shadow he always puts that little puppet in here and he does yeah yeah uh i i love that that might be like when all is said and done when we look back on the show that might be my favorite moment of the entire show the i fired and i missed thing just cause like it was i don't know it just it just really takes me back to everything about like life at that time you know which is quite a quite a while ago now um across the street hanging out all the time yeah yeah yeah what happened i mean we got quarantined that's what happened yeah i'd like i'd love to drive over to your house right now uh but yeah so it i don't know that's that that one is very very special to me yeah that one's that was beautiful and so much so much added to it by the animation i started this new thing where i do like an hour of vocal exercises before i um do game grumps and it's uh paying tremendous dividends and you were saying it'd be cool if i just started getting weird with it yeah if you just like walked into a room and you were like you're like uh i'm sorry do you mind if i do some vocal warm-ups it really helps and they're like oh yeah yeah no problem and you're just like [Laughter] yeah i guess i just won't bother him i mean yeah if that's what he needs and that's what he needs i mean he's on game grumps so he must know what he's doing you're an [ __ ] stacy stacy you're an [ __ ] stop oh god my name's stacy yeah no no it's just part of the ex yeah it's just stacy dennings wait i'm stacy jennings it's just it's just the exercise don't think too much about it i hate stacy denny this is the only word that i can communicate it to her now you're being really specific oh that's awesome wow i love mike bed soul animations there's something about the way he draws mouths like that really clean like tooth tooth tooth kind of thing i just i like it's very appealing to me very like beautiful polish it looks like it could be on television you know what i mean like i could watch the stacey denning show yeah yeah i didn't realize how much like when i'm in like an uncontrollable laughing fit i tell you to stop yes stuff i get i think i get that from my mom but yeah it's yeah it's it's funny man like i just it like hurts my stomach and i'm like please god you're killing me make it stop too much joy and i know it's so funny i just remembered what's up here um wait where um um wait how do i is it up dog oh there it is glasses boom now i can see the secret thing and get my football helmet thank you oh wow is that up dog thank you so much ow is that dude was there a dog in there what are you talking about i don't know what up dog is what are you saying what is up dog oh god well aren't you proud of yourself my god that's the happiest i've ever seen you [Laughter] i have never in my life ever gotten that torque what is up though oh well i hope you are proud you certainly seem to be oh man another classic from oriazima that was from our goonies 2 play through which um was one of my favorite games as a little kid like eight years old something like that and i was so excited to share it with the game grumps audience and now the only thing anyone remembers from it is me falling for the up dog joke that's life man i can't remember why i had such a bug up my butt about getting you to stay off top it worked it worked it made a lot of people happy and it's kind of like it was one of those moments early on because that was very early with game grumps where i was like well you know what i'm just gonna have to swallow my pride here like if it's making people happy who cares if it's embarrassing it was just and it was it was so and you can tell i was so flabbergasted by the fact that it actually worked that like i didn't it's you're supposed to follow up with nothing much what's up with you yeah yeah and i did it it was just like i can't believe that just worked the the way oriazema drew you like ha like laughing like right in my face is so close to what it actually was like oh man good times baby i have a joke for you then okay uh tell it to me what kind of car do i drive [Music] [Music] it's not it's not funny it's done i've got a funny joke for you that's cool would you like to hear it yeah go ahead what is a jedi's favorite italian dessert um i don't know [Music] obi-wan cannolis please i can't i can't i can't deal with both both of these things at once funny joke god damn it [Music] hey dan i've got a new joke for you what is a yoda where does where does vader get all of his designers shoes where's that where's that yeah at the dearth mall what the [ __ ] this is impossible no shut up yoda you joking like you there's nothing you can do man oh god don't throw the wrenches that was good oh my god that was a good one oh awesome i i still i still try to keep a yoda joke in the back pocket just in case anyone comes up to you yeah in case anybody ever tries to do it do you want to say it right now um oh did i just put you on the spot i'm sorry um it's the one i always use hey dan yes yoda i've got even a joke for you [Music] do you want to hear it i would love to [Music] this one comes all the way from the cloud city of bespin what kind of car does boba fett drive a toyota delorean funny joke that is pretty good man that is pretty good hey man can't deny it you can't have it back our compilation yeah that was that was wonderful gosh all different parts of our lives just scrunched into one [ __ ] yeah just squished into one half hour of majesty oh well i'm thank you to all the animators for taking the time out of your schedules to to work on stuff like that that's i can't imagine what animating is like can you never just kidding i wouldn't know anything about that [Laughter] but yeah thanks thanks to all of you um animators for supporting us and donating your time and uh thanks to everyone for watching and appreciate it i hope you hope you stay tuned for the next one i can't tell where my hand is on the screen but thank you bye
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 2,586,752
Rating: 4.966877 out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, funniest moments, laughter moments, game grumps compilation, best of, best moments, dan avidan, arin hanson, game grumps compilation rage, game grumps compilation arin rage, laughter moments game grumps, best laughter moments, game grumps animated, gg animated, game grumps animation, game grumps animation meme, egoraptor animation, funny animation, best animation, animation
Id: 8AdocwLhADo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 4sec (2884 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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