Watching ourselves RAGE QUIT games! - Game Grumps Compilations

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Mario 64 Green Demon Challenge: I forget that they don’t often see what their editors do. They got a good laugh out of the one beat of Eye of the Tiger when Dan asked Matt and Ryan to play as much of the song they could without getting a copyright strike.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/elemjay πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 21 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Danny says "Ending the Game Grumps show, as a show" during the Punchout part. Is this something they've talked about preparing for?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jethro_McCrazy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 21 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Did Arin get a haircut?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/trainercatlady πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

If only we all could be even 1% as eloquent and inspirational as Dan comforting Arin after reliving his harrowing moment shitting himself during Parodius.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chaoticcranium πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Rescue Rangers 2 gets me every time man, I've beaten this game 10+ times and it's sucn a nostalgia for me. So bummed out that Arin couldn't figure it out.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nuarted πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello everybody welcome to another compilation sorry let me get stuff out of my teeth man oh sorry it's okay i said we were starting hmm it's cool oh hello everyone dang mind what's going on with your hair dude you're it's out of control it's it's the way the headphones matted it down and pushed it forward it i can't do anything about it we gotta go we gotta do this i don't have anything like a like a comb what is this i don't i don't own any combs yeah today we're doing a new compilation uh it is called the aaron and danny give up compilation yeah we're going to celebrate some of our failures yeah and it was that'll be nice made by the wonderful lesmo best of um who actually has already uploaded this compilation um and it's already gotten a significant amount of views but they were kind enough to sort of donate it to to our channel for us to react to thank you lesmo um so let's get into it yeah this will be a painful trip down memory lane nah so excited holy [ __ ] yeah so i think this is the hardest level in all of mario maker what the [ __ ] even do you do well you guys look this up real quick that took one minute and 15 seconds essentially you have to throw the turtle shell into the spring [ __ ] christ jump off the turtle shell as the it springs back at you oh damn my dick is hard as [ __ ] bro oh [ __ ] i almost made that [ __ ] you did not did you see that dude my dick is lifting up the table oh my gosh so you go and you jump off the thing land on the yoshi eat the thing shoot the thing oh my god kidding me you have to eat the guy shoot the guy at the pow and then jump out that's [ __ ] well let me make sure i can let me make sure i got that again and then jump off the p block jesus [ __ ] christ oh [ __ ] me [ __ ] me in the butt [ __ ] me in the butthole dude oh you trickster oh you jexter i'll give you five more tries you flotsam and jetsam okay here we go yep there's one here is [Laughter] nipples running through my mind no seven seven sorry everybody's like oh you should play pina panga put up anger you should play it right yeah everybody hey cause it's like the most famously hard stage in the [ __ ] planet you know you should play pita pig you should do it no it'd be really funny yeah i'll be fine you'll be fighting [ __ ] you be funny for you nine this is it would be funny for me it wouldn't be fighting for you you don't even think about my feelings last chance make it count all right one super fine chance super final chance this is it ah dick stick stick stick sticks yes [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it next time on game grumps wow man you got me with that tits in my eye song it's my eyes tits in my eyes oh man i miss i missed the era of not just knock it like that that era can continue any time you want it to man i guess that's true i could the people are here for it could just recall it back from my memory and relive those days god who knows how old i was 36 36 i don't know i guess that's all you were i was what 29 i don't know i couldn't tell you i don't know i don't even know how old you are now yeah same cool what's next you're about to die yeah it's fine though is it check it [ __ ] [ __ ] out of my [ __ ] yeah answer probably no damn it signs point to uh [ __ ] i'm doing so well you are not he'll die any second now well then isn't that all right you couldn't even finish responding next time on game reps no no no no no no no we're doing it what you've got a ton of guys left i do yeah how much guys do i have two really yeah i see it but i'm honest i'm literally about to die you're oh my god you're you really think you're gonna be consistently die somebody even killed me there there's no way i would last a whole episode on one guy all right maybe so if we if we continue and we come back here next time on gangram's okay if we continue and we go back to the first [ __ ] stage but then this is over continue oh i have six continues stage one from where next time i gave you another [ __ ] game yeah you better believe it god damn it jesus christ i'm a [ __ ] man you kidding me with that i like i like that you actually said literally my life something good did i when referring to i'm about to die i don't know if those were the exact words but what ran through my head was like literally my life is i'm always about to die [Laughter] man you know i really i was so excited for that game too because i bought it at in japan at nakano broadway at some like random game retailer and i was like dude yes because it's really rare so i was like oh yes we'll bring home a game from should be awesome and then we just it's like 10 minutes in and we're like i don't think no yeah there are some games i'm i'm not surprised that game never became the blockbuster international smash hit that they were hoping it would be um shit's too hard man it's just too hard sometimes my friends say when their mom is annoying them they they picture her as a an old bald man and then they said how i should picture this this one up yes it's harassing me yes and then i'm gonna have [ __ ] nightmares yeah the sun all right one more chance aaron this is the one yeah oh yeah it's the one i totally believe in myself matt ryan can you play just enough of eye of the tiger for us to not get copyright strike i'm [Laughter] i don't care i just want this to end i wish i we're so dead yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] god okay aaron's a broken man aaron you know what i commend you for trying for five episodes i couldn't do a single one two two things that strike me right off the bat one is like when you get years removed from these playthroughs and you you take everything out of context like i hear myself saying sometimes my friends when their moms get annoying they picture them as an old bald man i'm like what the hell am i talking about and the other thing i wanted to say was i love that like every time you'd fail matt and ryan would do the same sound effect like the smashing sound effect but leave a long decay echo on it so it lasts for like 20 seconds perfect uh yeah really punctuates it um i'm actually surprised i didn't clear any of them although there is part of me that's not surprised as well it was very hard as i recall try it at home folks green demon challenge yeah or don't that's those are two great choices yeah i gotta fight the no face guy oh friend man hello friend man wear a mask okay so this is as far as i got in the game look at that [ __ ] ugly ass horse yeah this was immediately the point where i was like this is impossible he's wicked overpowered and your weak dragon sword is no match for him straight up what it says in the water that's [ __ ] awesome if he uses the ground stab jump to avoid damage then a pool of dark will spread outwards ah so you'll know when to jump thank goodness the pool of dark will show up because yes then rush in for a combo oh my god stop [ __ ] breathing like you're on life support gish oh the camera oh the camera oh yes come boy come to me oh oh no i'm definitely going to die that's that's stinking thinking aaron oh you're [ __ ] definitely going to die okay okay well definitely time on game grumps we're gonna collect ourselves should beat this dude really i don't know or not or we're done do you guys want us to keep playing ninja games they don't wow yeah that game that was a shame with that game because that game was beautiful visually um and we both really liked it but just too dang hard yeah i really just love the resignation like before it was even close to being over it was just like i i'm i'm gonna die i'm just gonna die like that's all there is to it yeah i mean i knew it was gonna happen someday but i didn't think like this afternoon oh that kind of game that game just does it to you it just doesn't yeah it was super rough but uh luckily we're greener pastures are ahead because i see that at the next game up is freaking zelda's adventure oh yeah what a romp what a tire fire here we go let's do it just end it in my life step back step back step back step i have to leave he just had me cornered oh goodness gracious it's like when you're you're all hot at a friend or something because you like did something i have to leave i have to leave right now oh god what fresh hell awaits watch this there's three of them oh my god are you serious but but oh oh oh so tantalizing it's so tantalizingly close oh and it's gone oh it's okay it's god oh god why can't you just walk on whatever no no no next time on game grumps we're pretty close to uh the next door is the last boss are you [ __ ] serious dude i remember like i don't remember anything from that game to people i remember stuff from that game but i don't remember that part and i but i do remember the like level of frustration that that imagery just evoked in me like yeah it's just that not being it like really specifically like not having a whole lot of control over my movement and like just being really desperate that like my actions are making a difference and [ __ ] yeah it's amazing that we made it through 15 episodes of that uh even the thumbnail with the doofy like 20 year old guy in the old man makeup was like it uh it was everything about that experience was shockingly weird and bad um especially it was great the only thing that was positive about it was i joined that discord group and everyone was really nice looking at that footage because you talked about that discord group recently that is still around um it's it's really shocking that they still talk about that game still active still eager to beat that that high score god bless them i'm so happy for them maybe one of them will send us like what the ending of the game looks like because i am curious about that yeah maybe we should yeah we'll hit him up yeah posting the discord hey what's up guys what's up players long time no chat i love it pelicans can't fly backwards i'm sorry i can't fly backwards dogs can't look up i don't want to what the [ __ ] man mega man villain what the [ __ ] [ __ ] man oh it's what the [ __ ] yeah you seeing this [ __ ] oh god oh god jesus pelicans everything oh no i don't know don't ask me dudes this is candy cane clown football players well whatever that was joyous that was a fun time see you later everybody i want to give you a present what's that it's turning this game off i accept i wrapped it in a beautiful box i wrapped it and shut up oh well classic for anyone who doesn't know the noid was a pizza monster from the 90s for domino's pizza and he was an annoying guy that um i can't remember what did he represent other pizza companies or was he just this thing that ate your pizza he was uh go on okay i only bring it up because he he was just this weird monster that was in uh domino's pizza commercials and um that game was made for domino's pizza and i just i love that as much care and attention and heart and soul went into that game as goes into every slice of domino's pizza you can taste the quality yeah you really can and you could taste the quality of that game if you licked it i'm sure you can taste the quality both going down and coming back up yeah yeah it's it's a two-tiered experience yeah i shed two tears when i eat them okay what's next uh it's just me here we go oh yeah i cannot now believe that you will ever feel better but this is not true you're sure to be happy again and knowing this truly believing it will make you less miserable now oh my god oh no no no no no no [Music] oh my god my god no no no what can i not oh no no no no no oh my god all right how about this how about i pull this move no not like that i can't swing it that way fast enough how did i get up there to be good no no no not back here no ah catch it oh my god oh my god oh my god ah i did it who plays it on their own time free time crazy person that's who it's a crazy person knowing how [ __ ] relent oh no don't you [ __ ] dare yes back up we go baby now what is this what what is this situation here what is this how does one even it seems impossible and it seems almost as if mr foddy knows for that voice line where he proclaims proudly i kept coming up with obstacles and i didn't think as a designer i should [ __ ] [Music] i should change them because oh no no no no no no no no no no oh it's hilarious what a funny gag song to play no whoops a doodle whoops a [ __ ] doodle [ __ ] you bennett foddy suck my [ __ ] dick wow that's really something man oh boy what i was saying in the middle of that and i remember very distinctly was um it's like who plays that for that's like such a it's such a game that's like perfect for like a streamer or a youtuber to play or like at parties where you're messing with someone yeah but like somebody who's like alone and they're like yo i heard this game is like quite a challenge and they just like download it and they're like all right here we go like i would i would turn it off after five seconds without question um i have no idea i have no earthly idea who could possibly derive joy from that game it was pure frustration and anger um it's mostly it's a game that's mostly made for the people watching you play it who can laugh at you while you do it absolutely great great idea for a game though yeah speak speaking of pure torment and anger whoa that one just straight killed me it's been minutes but you just got the can opened up on you son incredibly proud of you i don't know that you're being honest right now i'm totally honest i think you're being super facetious super two million percent honest yeah what makes you think i'm overselling it i'm being two million percent honest wow you only made it through five episodes of dark souls remastered yeah not very far i do like dark souls but um quite difficult yeah was i specifically doing a no armor run or something why was i nude hollowed or yeah i i couldn't tell you um well yeah guess i guess it's certainly not to go back and watch it yeah it certainly didn't help you against the dragon fire no it seared my flesh all right let's watch the next one damn it i didn't save it i should have saved it oh i'm a [ __ ] idiot oh no no no no no again no frank's gonna get me [Applause] [Laughter] tub uh yeah run into the hot tub he won't be oh god people beat you in the hot tub i'm sorry i'm trying to run away no no no no no no no no no no no no no no we're gonna make it run up we'll never be able to complete vicky's quest so we can get her panties and then we can finish amy's side quest of getting the scavenger hunt ross we've been at this for [ __ ] hours yeah we gave the old game grumps dude oh my god aaron look at your pit stairs yeah teal isn't really the best shirt color oh good good memories i we never actually did i mean we went back to house party but we never did vicky we didn't do the vicky mission we didn't do vicky's quest we didn't we did finish amy's quest but we didn't uh stephanie the the dancer person uh that you were talking about yep uh and um yeah i guess there's a lot more work to be done the it's funny seeing the old house the way it was before the updated version because now the updated version is the one that's in my head you know wait what was updated about it like all the shading on the walls everything just looks way nicer in the new version yeah well [ __ ] there's the just chill neon sign in the back yeah full respect man oh man poor people maybe maybe we'll go back to a house party and finish those quests that we didn't do i would love to you kidding me yeah it'd be really fun so that may be picked up again soon oh also i just caught a glimpse of our next game which is uh jackie chan stunt master where you're like this squat squared off little jackie chan it's so funny i don't remember this at all let's do it really it's good wow gordon has a monopoly on chinatown he really likes this place oh no have we frozen i think it was floating or it's not loading every [ __ ] time with these games well thanks for joining us on jackie chan's uh stunt master adventure uh this is aaron and this is dan signing out thank you so much everybody oh boy that's too bad i could have gone a lot longer on this wow jackie chan that game was terrible i mean wonderful but wonderful terrible i don't remember a damn thing about it i didn't even remember that it froze i didn't remember that it froze either uh i guess perhaps it didn't make that much of an impression on me but look at how much life you had yeah you had your hook at that look at that thumbnail your whole jackie chan life ahead of you yeah you kicking forward i had a full jackie life ahead of me yeah so many hijinks and capers and stout kicks ah i love it i'm definitely doing something wrong because this is out of control that is stupidly hard we'll be right back this isn't fun i know this isn't fun i'm reading a walkthrough that says exactly how to kill him and i still can't figure out how to kill him and [ __ ] me right i'm an idiot okay fine that's fair but there's so many other people out there that are idiots who didn't have walkthroughs and you just die because he does a thousand health when he kills you and then it sends you back to the beginning of the temple and you gotta go through that whole flippy floppy [ __ ] again it's the idea that this is fantastic that just frustrates me more than the game frustrates me right i think that's the source of my ultimate frustration that's understandable it's understandable it's like it's like getting kicked in the nuts by someone and then having a bunch of other people run up and instead of being like oh you poor guy you got kicked in the nuts they look at the guy who kicked you in the nuts and be like nice shoes those would be good for kicking nuts it's like ow i got kicked in the nuts and people are like what it's awesome [Laughter] you what you don't like getting kicked in that you're an [ __ ] stop being such an [ __ ] on my show getting kicked in the nuts with my child it's funny because um i actually spent all weekend playing majora's mask so that i could get back to the point that we were at that's right you're gonna pick it up again yeah and uh i'm really dreading it and uh i did have a like neutral experience like it wasn't super positive but it wasn't super negative i think i think just being on the show sort of heightens the emotions a little bit because oh dude absolutely there's plenty of stuff where i was replaying it where i was like very frustrated but it's just kind of like ah damn it well it's it's a really unique set of circumstances doing a show like this and getting frustrated with the game because uh it's not it's not just the game the game is annoying in itself because the they're they're made to be frustrating in certain ways um but it's because you've been through it before you know that everybody's watching you you know that you'll be judged quite harshly and like when you do it long enough like you can just hear the comments in your head and you're just like oh god it's happening which makes you like all like tight in the chest in the moment you know and it makes you like seize up it it happens to me with monopoly a lot where like you know you and i have played monopoly in tons of games by ourselves just in the privacy of our own lives and you know it's just fun it's just like oh darn it you know that kind of stuff but when when it happens on the show it there's there's so many extra layers of like just infuriating circumstances and it it becomes the self-fulfilling prophecy of you're like oh people are gonna call me an [ __ ] and then you're like god damn it on the show and then people in the comments are like what an [ __ ] [Laughter] so it it's it's just one of those things man it's just like a very like unusual and i mean whatever i'm not complaining like we were very lucky to get to do this for a living but like it there is a level of frustration when you lose at certain games where you know how it's gonna feel and how bad it's gonna feel and how people are gonna let you live it down for a long period of time and then that exact thing happens yeah absolutely but um i'm gonna try to keep an open mind there's there's a lot of things when i was replaying it that uh i i learned like i learned how to do the dampy part properly oh way to go it was still very frustrating but i made it happen and it was smooth proud of you buddy we're getting we're we're getting to that point so big moment i'm excited real boxers telegraph they're described real boxers telegraph their moves like this have a completely different [ __ ] show to watch yeah absolutely let's reclaim that bill claim that belt lay that belt aim that belt that fell more action coming promise promise yeah well i i did promise and we we were uh it was my plan we've talked about this on the show before so excuse me if you've heard it already uh the plan was to finish a link between worlds and then finish we punch out um and we did a link between worlds albeit with some small uh audio difficulties and um i was all set to start practicing punch out because you dropped your wii off at my house and then the backstreet boys reunion tour hit um extra hard and we had to separate uh doing the show together so unfortunately i don't have any capture equipment at my house so it's all at aaron's house so um the the completion of punch out will have to wait until the backstreet boys stop touring and they love they love touring so um it's gonna be a hot minute but it will happen with that as uh that is i i would feel very weird about ending the game grumps show as a show until a few things a few loose ends are tidied up and that is absolutely one of them i'm excited to see it yeah we got we got to do it it'll happen what is this uh it's getting over it with bennett foddy okay and you're going to be playing it oh my god can you just get me over this tree please if you can't get over this tree you're not gonna get over the next part are you [ __ ] serious oh dude oh no no oh no watch it watch it [Laughter] all right i'm just gonna hand this to i'm gonna hand this to you real fast no no no no no no no no okay all right next time on game grumps i'm just glad i i got i got you i'm just glad i got to share this with you the misery wow just so yeah so what it's so positive i'm just glad i got to share this with you that is nice that is nice i'm glad we got to share it together it's so excited when when you were gone for that week and i recorded that episode i was like oh man i wish i was playing this with dan right now it's very sweet of you it um it was horrible yeah yeah but a fun horrible mostly horrible most yeah let's yeah i can't lie about that mm-hmm let's go downtown outside of the school cause it's not a real fire are you done are you done the the controller has been thrown onto the ground i'm gonna pick it up and i'm gonna play it until we're dead all right all right have a flash bomb oh well that did a whole [ __ ] dog [ __ ] hell of a lot oh god it's the perfect storm of crappy enemies oh karnov we barely knew ye it's like that game over because oh wait say the names of the nice people who sent us this oh thanks to um john weber and mike valestar for ruining our lives oh no no thank you very much because it was fun for uh exactly 21 minutes wow thank you mike and john for sending us karnov seven years ago yeah that was beautiful man i'm i mean i i've never beaten karnov i don't think i ever will but you know what i have beaten his cousin chelnov the atomic runner oh is that right that were they were they related oh yeah that was a superior game too in my opinion part of the greater nav family yes the of the of the yes yeah karnov was one of those games where like i remembered it so clearly from my childhood because it was always in the video store like it was the one that no one would rent and uh really for me that was john mack yeah yeah very similar kind of situation um and so uh i i clocked in some karnoff time as a kid and uh dude yeah clockwise dude that's that's what i'm not brother what a waste of a life yeah let's go what is hap what is going on what you have to finish it off in a single block what was that i don't know what was that what is happening what was that what is this what was that what keeps happening i don't get it i'm so confused what was that oh no did you see that i don't know that was some kind of weird cutscene please don't tie i'm trying i'm trying and he hits me and he hits me what the [ __ ] even what even with this this is such garbage [Applause] and he's gonna do the chin move unavoidable [Laughter] i think this might be the end of ours like in the black knight play through i i tried you know i tried i clearly tried hey aaron hey how's it going it's going okay brother everything's [ __ ] honky dory man oh man what uh what an experience dude i the unavoidable chin move was such a it was such a legend that like people were using their their questions at game grumps it's like out of like thousands of people in the audience like you're picked to ask a question of like 10 in the entire night and they were using their questions to give me advice on how to beat the unavoidable chin move yeah yeah that's really something special i remember you screaming fill me up with your seed baby and it was it was it was a real moment and i guess everyone kind of knew hold on what is she eating camilla what you got in your mouth okay it's fine um yeah i just remember you yelling that and uh it was not it clearly made an impression on the fans that like you were in emotional distress so i mean my emotional distress is for everyone's amusement it's pretty wonderful this is probably like the best i've ever done in any game is that right because just the level of hardness come on with the [ __ ] jellyfish i shot it like three times i shot it like three [ __ ] times and it wasn't dying i think i sharded myself let's just wrap this up so you can go take care of that situation which shall go unnamed but i just got a green bell i know i'm really kicking ass now dude you know what when you shat yourself yeah everything else has to go on the back burner i realize you got a sweet power up in this game but let's maybe get the breath i yeah wow it's funny because listening back to that because i knew that was i was like this is the sharded moment um the when i stand up and i'm like i shot it like three times i shot it three times you can hear me like start smiling because i'm like i'm like okay i think i just sharted myself should i just keep going or should i draw attention to it that's really the the million-dollar question isn't it i don't know just like whatever i'll just let it go i don't care i think you did the right thing thanks man yeah it's it's amazing looking at parodius and just being like i can't ever see this game again without thinking of you [ __ ] yourself and how that did not immediately signal the end of our recording session or that game you were just like no we we ride on we ride on d did did the frontiersmen manifest destinying their way across to california and the oregon trail did they stop to pull over to the side of the road when they [ __ ] themselves on their horses no they rode on like heroes that's what you are aaron you're a hero yeah i'm just as good as the people that um founded california or whatever because i started i [ __ ] farted myself yeah [Laughter] we all make our mark somehow i made a mark in my underwear dude a lot of them died of dysentery and and cholera like all those oregon trail diseases like they they were basically [ __ ] yourself until you die diseases so that you you're you're you're you stand in solidarity with the heroes of the the founders of this nation there was guaranteed a lot of [ __ ] farting on the oregon train okay okay rouge i can't remember from the uh from the cartoon was he an [ __ ] oh yeah well he had his moments right right he was like he was hardly a douche heart of gold deep down yeah but he like cared about the kids and everything right deep down inside whoa what is going on yeah i don't know oh oh oh okay all right hey oh i'm out of here yeah oh he's already dead okay all jesus christ that was just like real space that was just some [ __ ] that would happen in real space don't just sit there above the d and smile [Applause] [Laughter] next time on game grumps wow fantastic the the inspiration for that carl doonan cartoon that we just watched on another compilation that's right it's um it's interesting though those those types of glitches are so specific to the nes you know and there's such a part of my childhood where you're just like oh the universe is collapsing you know it's it was you know 10 or 12 years before the movie the matrix came out so no one ever said there's a glitch in the matrix but it was that vibe you know it was it was that vibe yeah hold on okay we're back we moved yeah that was that was wild doing that kind of stuff i i honestly didn't remember that he was like flying around the stage like that i thought it was just like like mad mappy yeah yeah what was it mappy matt it was mappy mappy land yeah mappy land yeah i remember because that was like just pure chaos you saw the insanity like creeping in from the edge of the screen yeah it was like a tidal wave of suck um that's kind of what it's kind of what this show is sometimes hey we know what you know it's fine though we have fun we do if she says no that has to be it okay i can't take anymore we've been playing this for hours oh okay come on helen oh my god come on this has to this is the moment of truth this has to be it dude that's not it oh she's happy she's in a good mood yeah let's see oh my god a bracelet gotta take that hint bro i am in love with you gotta let it go i know i know she said she'd think about it don't nestle into my head she's thinking about it and she didn't think about it she just went out and took her shower guys oh it's too so she wouldn't get hot anymore she shoot herself from the sun okay she can make tea with her friends not me obviously stop stop enough okay it's gonna be all right oh man wow wow classic yeah uh that that was one of my favorite playthroughs we've ever done for sure i i mean so funny and so like just just the unrequited love was just so a because i i like literally looked it up didn't i like what you should buy her oh yeah you did a lot of research she was like not into it at all not having it not having it at all that was that i think that i don't think that was the first time i ever called you big cat but like it was the first time people sort of caught on that like when you're in emotional distress i'll call you big cat sometimes and uh it that that really made it a special moment and and i love that people still occasionally call you that um like it's gonna be all right but cat like you got this oh i mean in all like furry iterations of us i am a big cat is that right yeah because it makes me happy isn't that wonderful what's a furry just kidding it's me it me look up fury in the dictionary you see a picture of dan i like talking animals man i can't i can't help it gerrymandering politicians always get their way unless you veto their vote in a voting booth you have the power as a citizen of the united states register to vote at your local dmv so that you can control the fate of your country at least somewhat i mean there's the electoral college and everything but i don't know i don't know much about how politics work god [ __ ] i'm done i'm [ __ ] done holy [ __ ] it's been amazing buddy you can do it he can't do it you can do it no one can do it yeah ross believes in me yeah ross believes in you i've got one more shot oh okay with our boss's magic this is the raw shot this is the one ross no i hit end that is such a like that is such a like microcosm of game grumps just like what i'm just like anger and failure and like like doubling down on the failure yeah it's certainly like one aspect of the show like a lot of people consider that that one battle kid episode three to be like the quintessential game grumps episode after all these years um wow it just had a little bit of everything you know and uh it i really feel as though there was my life before that day and my life after that day and they were just never the twain show me never the twain [ __ ] you i'm fighting are you serious yeah man oh my god fighting this thing dude you're gonna die first yes do it scorch him guard oh nice nice holy crap please die wow dude that was not a lot of damage god he's so hard to give up he doesn't even care he's like yeah of course i won you dropped the fifth street oh my goodness i didn't even know that was possible oh this game sucks my life sucks you're still technically winning though you have more money than i do not winning oh your salary went up too oh i got a bonus though of like 2 000 what the [ __ ] cause i have towns my god look at how much funny that is [Music] holy how's the weather down there [Music] thanks so much for something totally different aaron wins no i don't win you won congratulations just because you're making bad decisions going to zeeshan all the time what a great job when you can easily take two turns to level up go back to z sean win it have a town win another town and you'll be at the same level that i'm at next time [Laughter] we have to play dokaban kingdom again first of all yeah i'd be happy to like we we played um billion road uh although i don't know if those episodes will be up by the time this this compilation goes up um and it had some dokapon kingdom vibes well it's not by the same people is it maybe it is no i don't is it i don't know i mean that graph chart where they show you like um that looks very very similar uh well [ __ ] yeah i don't know maybe it is but um either way uh now that it's been a couple years and i've had a chance to cool off i'd be happy to dude i was a hotline computer who you were i think i think i was a hot little potato that i that i experienced that and i was like oh did i make my friend damn mad i was so angry i i don't even remember why i i mean like i was probably just having a bad day outside of the show and like you know sometimes it hits you worse than it normally would but uh i i remember being super frustrated at that game well that game is like famously known as the like friendship ender game we our friendship cannot be ended by a game it's we've played so many of those games and had so many of those moments and then it's like we'll be mad at each other for like eight seconds and it's like ah [ __ ] it it's a video game yeah yeah i love you boo i love you too boo dude oh that hurts that's not good you get all the bodies oh god oh god oh god i'm stuck i'm dead okay here we go i'm not very good at chippendale i'm sorry it's a secret little time to put that one up to use time to do it i believe in you abraham here because you're putting your ball all right i'm gonna get him i wrote that song just for you oh [ __ ] yeah that's right [ __ ] dude this is [ __ ] impossible how the [ __ ] am i supposed to do this hold me in the in the genital region there's no way man there's no way wait oh i can throw diagonal up so dude what have i been doing my whole life all right great job do we still have one more continue i don't think we do yeah sweet [ __ ] failure sweet [ __ ] failure baby love that turn let's put that on her shirt yeah what could be better what could be better than two grown-ass men just resigning themselves to failure at chip and dale rescue rangers too for nes a game that's worth like 200 or something is it really yeah that's why i wanted to play it because it's so rare wow and i had a copy of it and i was like hell yeah let's play this [ __ ] and uh was it worth it yeah five episodes what is that like 50 minutes mm-hmm yeah it's almost an hour of chipmunky goodness of throwing throwing junk at a thing yeah looks like fun i can't get that [ __ ] song out of my head i have a feeling this is our last kid across this episode next time yeah we're gonna get up to the top no no yes really yes really yes listen to my sacred words come on [ __ ] it this is [ __ ] you did it wow i love kid icarus i love that game is super nostalgic for me and i love um the music and the the idea and everything about it it's hard as dicks it's so hard and it's very repetitive yes yes and unforgiving because it it throws you right to the bottom of the mountain after you die that i feel like that it was coming off of an era of games like um ice climber or like bubble bobble where you don't it's it's like you just see a screenshot of it and you're like oh it's that game but you can't it's like what level i don't know like 50 one i don't know like yeah they all look the same but like at the progression it feels like it's oh it's a little harder and the stage is a little different i guess yeah i think it was like 1987 88 like that range and so like metroid it was following like um it just was at a time where it was still acceptable to make impossibly hard games because people just didn't really have an idea of what a game should be yeah exactly hey man we know now because we got super the empire strikes back oh yeah absolutely good luck with this jump so nice of you whatever happens happens good come on do you want you want to have a girl oh i'd love to i'd love to [ __ ] you well time for me to use up that continue try again you will yeah losers you are trying to write it down all right there we go you want to continue [ __ ] kidding me you must be come on [ __ ] endless sea of crystal spots this is the biggest load of [ __ ] on planet earth and with the time i know i'm at a loss for words i'm i'm trying as hard as i can to keep my cool and [Laughter] all the way to the beginning no all the way no no more we're wasting our lives we get one life aaron and look how we're spending it all the way next time on game grumps never never this again i just love no no well it was it was a weird thing because like we couldn't even be mad about it because it was so so over the top impossible that it was kind of funny um but yeah that was that game was one of the most intentionally brutal i've ever played oh so brutal so and like with kid icarus i don't think they knew i don't think they thought like this is gonna be insanely hard um i think it just ended up that way like with with empire strikes back i think they were like let's make the hardest game of all time well i also think kid icarus controls better so it's hard but it feels like kind of fair but empire strikes back just it controls like ass like you're just it's like you're on a roller coaster of slip and slide garbage and you're just [ __ ] swinging a lightsaber around and then crystals spawn out of nowhere and it's like i don't need control over this man yeah it's interesting with that and zelda's adventure it's kind of interesting to see like how loose some of these corporations were with their like hot properties you know and what they would allow to be officially licensed games hot props bro oh my god what the [ __ ] okay [Music] [Applause] [ __ ] no okay shooting delicious peppermint sticks at me yeah you're going to want to take oh no no no no oh god oh god oh god oh god no it's so hard i'm a good person deep down and this these things shouldn't be happening to me but they just happen they keep happening over and over and over i can't do anything about it it feels like you know people say that you just manifest destiny you can make anything if you want that's not what that is um let's hit that fast forward button no [ __ ] you okay god damn it i'm the one who has to write it on the [ __ ] pad every time and i gotta start and stop the timer it's [ __ ] [ __ ] man and i can't fill an episode with like two seconds of me like fighting with that [ __ ] boss and then dying immediately i can't fill an episode with that man you're right i'm sorry it's so [ __ ] rough i don't care if i can break down for me end of the line hey it's the boss oh yay red alert alert there's that boss that's gonna decimate you in [ __ ] three seconds okay that was two seconds at least i tried okay here we go again god help me help i did exactly the same thing i did before next time on game grumps hang in there buddy possibly a different game possibly what a hot mess yeah oh boy metal storm what to say about that i think i've beaten it in my in my real life and not my fake game grumps life but but it uh it apparently is really hard and i don't remember being yeah i don't know like it really stands out the the the pukey wall color with the ever repeating tiles it's just a good looking game it's the pink gotta love it nes graphics i love yeah it's gorgeous speaking of the pinnacle of nes graphics oh boy some batman ahead of us let's do it oh [ __ ] oh my god it's a jogger did you just pause to collect yourself yes okay duck immediately really all right thank you [Music] that's good uh no it's fine oh okay you won right is that yeah that's the congratulations that's the song of victory dude so this is the last guy of the game yeah well it's [ __ ] the joker yeah but who's razael it just felt really fast yeah well he runs fast jesus what the [ __ ] am i supposed to do oh come on yeah [Music] [Music] you know one more trying on before i have to [ __ ] continue again oh my god that gun takes so much damage i know it's ridiculous okay electricity don't worry your fists uh yeah all right looks like i'm just failure [Music] this is me wrestling with the mic at the end yeah you strangling the bike in fury that's really funny i've uh i've been through that experience myself wow i don't it's it's amazing how many of these games did we say this before like how many of these games we made it to the very end and then just the final boss was too much for us yeah that's jackal yes jackal you love jackal um yeah and ninja gaiden was like that for me growing up and gunsmoke a lot a lot of these games and it's uh it's it's nice it's nice to celebrate our failures and i hope people appreciate it a trauma center trauma center is a big one gaiden dude i remember the day that we finished ninja gaiden on game grumps i was like beaming yeah i've never seen the ending before and i grew up with that game amazing it's i just felt so good and like i had accomplished something that's what those games do to you man they're so [ __ ] hard that like by the time you get to the end you're like i really did it i can't believe i did it it's so special um just do this yeah and and and you do get to walk around and feel good about yourself for uh at least a week or two it's just really nice there's a little bonus oh wow really really special just thank you for making sure everyone heard the rest of your [ __ ] joke oh yeah i just wanted to make sure that everyone understood that i did i sharted myself i didn't actually though just so people know that did i say that is that i can't remember um i didn't actually sharpen myself i i thought i did it was it was it was an explosion of air and wetness which what felt like wetness this feels like a good time to say something heartfelt so i'm gonna do that uh i just just to say like we've been getting a lot of um uh a lot of letters recently i don't actually i don't know if i'm saying too much by saying this but like i don't actually run my instagram um that's the only social media i use uh i have an assistant who does that and i just pass on to him uh what he puts up and stuff and uh he takes it from there but sometimes he does pass on the messages that uh you guys send directly and there's been a lot lately of um uh people who are like kind of struggling extra hard right now because of the backstreet boys tour um and it's a drag we agree uh but um you know we're with you and uh be you know go easy on yourselves forg forgive yourself if if you're if you're uh mad at yourself for being bummed out or depressed about it because it sucks man it totally sucks and uh and uh we're happy to help in in whatever way the the show does help that's all i had to say okay that's beautiful yeah i i feel the same way you know that was that was one of the things that was most important to us um when we sort of went into this and you know we were having you know we had to do it at our house and then you know remotely and then it was it was just like how can we keep the show going every day so that people you know at the very least because like [ __ ] we're comedians right like we're not we're not doctors or anything like the best we can do we're not essential workers yeah like we're the best we can do is try to cheer people up the best that we can in these times so um that's that's that's what we're trying to do yeah happy to do it man seriously it's it feels good um to help out and and we're not immune to it either like this [ __ ] sucks for us too um but uh you know you make your own joy in life within the parameters of what life throws at you you know so uh this is this is what 2020 is and uh we'll we'll keep doing whatever we can together we're all you know we're all in this together hell yeah uh everybody at home love love love to you love to everybody in your life um glad hope you enjoyed this compilation there's many more coming every week yeah and i hope our failures uh are successful in making bringing you joy oh nice way to wrap it up into a little bow perfect my head itches okay bye okay bye you
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 1,067,823
Rating: 4.9610686 out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, funniest moments, laughter moments, game grumps compilation, best of, best moments, dan avidan, arin hanson, game grumps compilation rage, game grumps compilation arin rage, laughter moments game grumps, best laughter moments, game grumps more, react, reaction, reacting to, we watch, reaction video
Id: 0Q_UeXYYx4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 9sec (3729 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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