Game Grumps: Best of Sonic Adventure DX!

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hey welcome okay I have my hat down I have not seen what game this is it's a surprise that iron is excited about and I'm looking at all God goddammit it's Sonic the Hedgehog oh geez what game is this it's Sonic Adventure excellent is it good No okay look at this nightmare this game is right here we go we're gonna play the best game ever all right let's do it cool that's that's that's how I thumbs up every time I do yeah I just have a little muscle spasm yeah oh good its day night time of the day tonight New York is this clearly supposed to be nerd oh boy Jesus Christ are you kidding me with this well yeah what is up wait amazing question there he goes the blue blur himself something that chug oh you're fighting nightmare she's wow I didn't even know this one existed it was the first three decent well the first of its style of 3d Sonic wow so this is the launched a thousand ships did you see the ground how do you even know I even know what to do exactly right I guess when he's doing an attack oh I died I guess I died sweet I got one ring that's going on this finger whose [ __ ] flips off the camera please play a keyboard yeah and now starring Robotnik as recorded in a bathroom having a seizure consistently do I have like a cup in here that yeah yeah oh yeah please do your end is near Sonic if only we're gonna form a couple of bits of soundproof foam in order to make this recording a little easier for us [Laughter] severely compressed yeah but I'm talking into an echo chamber yeah what tails by you flying a biplane oh my god it created an earthquake yeah who would now that you're dead what am I gonna do with your corpse ah geez yeah what if I was just like I was just like they were like no runnings I mr. know-it-all here's the clue grab the spinning rings it's important what is this all yeah oh and don't worry if the view suddenly changes it does yes we program that we've meant to do it yeah don't worry if you [ __ ] glitch out and disappear for 20 minutes that's uh that's normal yeah we did that on purpose we obviously did that purpose you idiot I love how the kid is like don't don't don't mind it if the game like sucks at points it was just I mean really ballsy oh just come out and say that whoa whoa oh my god it's uh these games it's how many of these were there Oh tons that I really don't I don't know what just happened but it did don't mind if everything goes blue and you die I mean whatever right it's just a video game we could only work so hard on this again were you falling I'm not fall I'm just running into wall and then suddenly I [ __ ] can you slow it down there and see if there's anything that actually you're running into it's just like when you hit the wall Jesus Christ man this is a retroactive outrage oh this is gonna be good Oh Aaron what a gift you've given me on this day the objective here is to rescue tales but as far as I'm concerned that the objective is to rescue yourself yeah okay let's try one more okay yeah we go there we go I can feel the speed just the [ __ ] that that [ __ ] sold the Dreamcast right there oh my god holy crap I want to I want you guys to know that I have the sonic knowledge you know like I'm good at this what the [ __ ] I got this [ __ ] down I do not know anything that's going on oh god this is so awkward [Laughter] [Music] [Music] my god all right let me try this again please do well can I get up there yeah Sonic sly dog whoa whoa whoa Jesus crazy or too fat this game goes between like kind of slow and far too fast for the human eye to [ __ ] appreciate geez [ __ ] dude sonic boom was a massive improvement on then I mean there's really no doubt people still say this game is fantastic really yeah me I mean I'm sure that they they believe what they're saying look at their look at their seizure faces when they talk chorus singing louder than they're talking this is a [ __ ] show in every sense of let's get together and have a meet here here act like you're having a meeting now it's like Oh Dan well let's get together for this meeting okay for the first things first yes go ahead and state that your new business mine I don't know what we're talking about having a meeting right now what's your new business new business well I'm floating now you can play with tails did you see yeah is that what they call it [Music] yeah that's my horse impression yeah there's two Sonic's is two Sonic's what was that it's just like the reflection engine oh boy terrible don't wait to see yeah that's what that's what water reflections look like we don't want to talk to these folks what they thought the future would look like lalala we were in love yeah I know that feeling I feel like when like when they brought this up to the [ __ ] guy who like financed it he was like looking at it he was like oh man this is gonna be so awesome when they finish the graphics and they were like I came out today so awesome right no totally they're like holding the magazine wait what is it listen his music like a bastardization of African culture what the [ __ ] is happening this looks like a montage of when someone in an 80s movie is cleaning their house just trying to make sense of this [ __ ] yes he is floating yeah let's talk to this room all right right here before we go into the wind zone let's do this and go alright what I mean sure that was as likely as any significant alright here we go again okay oh Jesus oh hi I'm dang it I don't I don't know what I'm trying to economise you you're burning through sonic lives like nobody's business now to jump into here oh yeah there you go oh I got it alright I think you just have to keep flying right yes so okay here we go jump into the [ __ ] thing so yeah oh [ __ ] I [ __ ] it now I'm dead again Sojin is just littered with sonic bodies they find him washed up on shore and they're like oh man must've been a windy Valley see I'm getting a fine dude you sure yeah it's just you need to [ __ ] finagle it okay follow the leash there you go okay just they can't [ __ ] around [ __ ] around oh it's yeah it's hard though right just tell you about that you know they try to make sense of this whole world but it's like nobody would be able to traverse this world ever yeah no you would have broken all of your body ten seconds into this and in this world is filled with like humans with whoops hang in there tails life is fleeting Sonic I know yeah no make that a [ __ ] it would be the same if you like bought this at Game Stop and like you pay 50 bucks or whatever and then like a dude jumps out of the box when you open it and punches you in the face 100 times it just be it would be equally disorienting and then the before the last punch he just goes no gotta go fast and he just walks out of your front door casually like grabs his coat that was there for some reason thing well another day's work done oh god man Christ God just chill the [ __ ] out Sonic good God hey it's Kasimir right oh yeah we got it okay my god this background was made in ms paint yeah what colors I know I've got this [ __ ] walkthrough right here with this [ __ ] rooster cursor my buh-buh-buh-buh-buh icecap alright I did that get light speech used use the trail of rings to get out head to the area near the casino stand on the switch then use your new ability to do what is it near the see No yeah what the [ __ ] does that mean there's no I don't see a casino do you sonic adventures all the fun of a shitty action game mixed with a terribly boring role-playing game did you see a casino yeah no no where the hell else would this should be okay there's only two places to be this and that well watch out buddy jeez you almost hit me whew the class 1 man it's almost like he's been there the whole time we should probably pause this we're the [ __ ] okay we're pausing aah there's a [ __ ] thing up here Oh God Oh Sonic Sonic I just ate don't be afraid if the camera goes absolutely batshit crazy that's part of the charm oh geez yeah nice nice nice Oh Sonic this game is challenging go go go so help me God you're gonna get through that door today that's what today is all about here we go yes holy crap whoa what the [ __ ] with that awesome Wow oh yeah jeez finally I oh boy alright welcome back to Sonic Adventure hello someone told me that the the voice actors in this game had absolutely no direction they were receiving their orders from people who barely spoke English so they just had the scripts and and no idea what the context of what they were saying was really yes so they were just saying their lines and that's why everything sounds so completely like disjointed and weird yeah I can imagine a lot of stuff out of context would be weird yeah like and they just end up putting random stuff in the game that they were saying in the booth like I'll take an egg and cheese sandwich with two ketchups Eggman what are you doing I'll take a ham and cheese sandwich yeah okay what what oh no you are serpent baby I can't probably run faster yeah this is a ridiculous change of pace yeah was I just in the Netherlands for a second yes is that how fast I'm going yes and like now I'm in Sweden speeding have you ever been in the Netherlands and now I'm jurgen Shire no you got to go yeah yeah I got the [ __ ] best but I don't get high oh that's not what it's about I mean I'll be high when we're there but like it's a [ __ ] beautiful beautiful country sweet dude I'd love to see it I could go there and I'm go go deal somebody's money and hey there's Chaos Emerald in there yeah this is my favorite thing sounds like when you're trying to park at the mall it's coming the other direction you see them turn your blinker on you're like ah no oh and then the people in your car or like there's a spot there and you're like there's not there's a motorcycle park there yeah you can't see it but I can see it right there just go straight just go straight there's a spot right here then somebody else takes the street spot they're like we took our they took our spot it's like this bar right here I did a lot of [ __ ] Kraft Macaroni and ramen noodles in my twenties Oh bro I had a super Mack phase a Mac and Chee yeah a Mac and chief is yeah yeah me too it lasted from the ages of 12 to 23 it lasted from when I was born to right now yeah almost eight minutes ago who does not love a good mac and cheese everybody loves mac and cheese chicken alfredo mac and cheese [ __ ] lasagna mac and cheese with some meat in it it's all mac and cheese dude rigatoni well that's just a noodle whip if you put cheese on it then it becomes mac and cheese do you see what I'm going with this Billy what is your favorite game Gramps episode [Laughter] going in for your surgery today [Laughter] good job Sonic you sank to the bottom yeah poor Billy Wow Oh Billy you are the best hang in there buddy yeah he'll be fun he's got a he's got a good brother yeah it's like three years older than Billy we're just gonna freeze you until they could figure out the cure for bash wounds today after watching episode 8 of is that a bonus space or where you going shut up I'm DJ where did that come from it was in his hangar the whole time really yeah duh oh look at his ridiculous tail symbol world's would you oh and it forms a tea yeah I see where well you don't know that I know it for sure it could be for terrible tornado yes the name of his airplane could touch my butt well you know I really don't have a lot of Secrets I'm realizing that now I [ __ ] bared my soul on this show so much that like it's not too much to tell I wonder like sometimes I don't even because there's something someone's like Tommy's secret I'm like I don't know but I bet there's something that I'm always gotta be tons that I'm just not thinking of right yeah how about like I've peed in the sink a bunch oh yeah I didn't know you were talking about today oh well I didn't do it today okay I mean I could yeah I've eaten a lot of sinks but not kitchen sinks there's something I've peed in the kitchen sink anything really oh yeah oh that's where food goes Aaron that's [ __ ] gross disgusting bacteria goes that's where your hands go to get clean under the faucet that's always the bathroom sink mmm you got me there the whole difference you're right pee on everything in fact just pee on your hands save time pee is sterile so it's not gross there are like old school catchers in baseball like the way they would rough up their hands and get a stoppers by peeing on them what ain't that some [ __ ] no way like they don't do it anymore and now they have stuff but like artificial pee now yeah yeah now they get another guy their rich ballplayers make a lot more these days yeah wait so what god bless your soul thank you maybe I'm trying to get [ __ ] pee out of my nose cuz I [ __ ] was got stuff that you're saying could you waterboard yourself with P and the P particles bending my nostrils Ross is out there I think it was on the stream actually Ross it's the charity stream we just did and raised $80,000 way to go way to go sorry I couldn't be there no big deal that's great he was like oh he needed to wake up so he poured water on himself he was laying down that's a form of torture he is are you serious with this Atari sound effect it's charming can I be honest with you yeah I think I'm starting to love this game no yeah I think I'm legit starting to love it it's yeah you want to play it no no no not even remotely I think I think the fact that I love it is completely dependent on the fact that I'm not playing it no there's no Amy dude yeah there's no [ __ ] Amy what the hell walk through what the [ __ ] do you want me to do well [ __ ] it then I'm just gonna [ __ ] play as tails we better okay alright I don't even give a [ __ ] about Sonic anymore change of course we're changing course so suck my nuts for all I care okay that's really very intense I'm gonna go on an adventure a sonic adventure tails here I come so will we be able to pick up the sonic part later I don't [ __ ] know oh that's not the Sonic Adventure DX to decide whoa why do I get the feeling that something bad is gonna happen midair no no everything's going great nothing bad could possibly happen and that's just the plot yeah he just flies away absolutely flying whoa Sonic the Hedgehog how did you get here nice landing [ __ ] oh that was the end of the first level Wow how charming herring could you tell me about the time you had to take an emergency [ __ ] in a police station oh sure thank you this is what we were discussing off screen yeah this is actually the actually the first time that John was ever introduced to my horrible [ __ ] spree he didn't realize how like bad my intestines were it's it's a sight to behold um but like we were just driving and we were about to get on the highway and there were like no places nearby and then we it was like it was like 10 minutes - oh hang on all right so you're just getting on the highway and it was if we were like really close really seven minutes from where we needed to be but dude when it's [ __ ] hat when it do and it shows up you've experienced it I'm just like nope gotta stop ya got to stop and you're like I don't get it but you you get it if you're in my shoes man it's not yeah it's not it's not important for me to understand that the point is that you feel it and you [ __ ] feel so we were about to get on the highway and I was like no we gotta [ __ ] we gotta find a place that I can [ __ ] and then he's like what are you talking about man and I'm like no dope kid on that Highway I have to [ __ ] now and there was no place nearby except the [ __ ] police station and so I was like whatever I'll go in there and I go in the police station in there like they're like uh how can I help you and I'm like I gotta go to the bathroom and they're like we don't really do that yeah we arrest people and I'm like you don't understand this is an emergency and they're like okay do heroin in there you have any idea how bad heroin addiction is it's so they let me [ __ ] in their police bathroom and it was just like a normal bathroom Wow that's my story what did you think it was gonna be well they can have target practice well cuz they wouldn't let me use it and I was like what what is it really fancy they don't want me to gussy it up no because the [ __ ] think of the people that end up in a police station these are the dregs of society but he's got a [ __ ] sometime it's like a fire hose on my hands oh god Aaron come on it's like when you take it stuff it's like when you take a garden hose oh god no no put your thumb over it please no more I beg you I beg you and it has like a weird fan texture to it you know what my like I know tails get back flip like that Oh badass there's a lot of stuff you don't know about tails yeah I think the fact it is it doesn't have a mouth never check under his bed yeah just a little word of caution unless you want to see his collection of human hands yeah [ __ ] okay where we got stuck with Sonic like shouldn't that Nami girl be there to be like hey do this thing now oh yeah y-yeah just nothing I guess I just forgot that she existed well geez why not do that then I'm gonna do it go go back to Sonic well [ __ ] fine then yeah it won't play casino ah Polly I can't I can't do it so fine I'll do that then okay [ __ ] wizard all right cool can wizard if making me miserable I have to say playing with tails is cool but it just doesn't it doesn't feel the same doesn't have the same effect as Sonic going it's impossible for me to know okay it's supposed to is wrong all right yeah personality is girl now you can play with Amy sweet thanks for that hmm I love squid diners this is just a good food you want some [ __ ] good eats you prick yeah I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna tell you what you have some of this school Oh let's give it a shot oh we gotta go to twinkle Park oh I have we're couple now [Laughter] man what a girl girls am i right girls girls cooties yeah geez he's so bad in the boardroom where they were storyboarding and planning out this game did they just have a post-it note like on the wall that just said like [ __ ] it right wait excitement just doesn't wear off man I can't I would love for Sonic to sit behind me on a roller coaster yeah and we're done can you please can you keep it down I'm on a roller coaster I'm trying to have fun could you not could you not you're not liking this I think this is getting significantly more awesome this time though I dude I'm loving it just like the McDonald's slogan and that always is the thing about slogans you're so cheesy and over-the-top that I always wonder if there's someone out there that's like they eat McDonald's and they're just like I'm loving it yeah and like just with that you mean not ironically yeah well completely non ironically it's gotta be neat thank you one of you is just like [ __ ] me [ __ ] boss I just love everything about this game it is cool it really just it just turns me back into a kid again I wish I could like slow-motion select parts of this game like that how whoa okay okay that's really a pretty cityscape how old were you in 1998 oh no this game came out in 2003 2003 so I was three plus three 16 oh yeah you oughta be big wait no way that was 16 mm no this game came out in 1999 did it it says 2003 in the copyright book oh that's big that's for this port I say sonic adventure came out 1999 if you came out it came out 9 9 99 Wow Dreamcast came out and how old were you then I was 12 Oh 12 year-old Aaron yeah little patoot and I was I was so impressed I remember I played this at [ __ ] Disney because we just moved to Florida and our landlord worked at Disney and gave us free passes cuz [ __ ] house we wouldn't been able to enforce a good of Disney right Ike then No quiet down I'm trying to find Amy wow you think now that things are more intense and one of your closest dearest friends possibly your love interest has been kidnapped in this under the threat of murder that they change up the music but it's just same it's just like she gonna date your friends bad kid just hanging round with [ __ ] Rubin she's probably gonna die so I guess I'm going in here oh god no she's dead and I never got to tell her I loved her [Music] whoa you and your [ __ ] overzealous leaps into Jesus Christ I'd love to see the scripta version of that I love you and your overzealous leaps into Jesus Christ I swear it made more sense in context father I will never forgive you it was like fine print in the Bible you like zoom in like it's like the Santa Claus you look good the magnifying glass of the business card he's like oh [ __ ] no I'm Santa I accidentally killed Santa no I'm Santa did you kill Santa yeah he killed Santa he kills him yeah his roof and Santa dies oh my god really and then the Claus is like if thou shalt ever kill Santa then you shall become Sam's you can't be [ __ ] Syrian and then like he kept like he gets back with him later oh he's dead and like deflates in his yard badly and grossly and then he just like gets fat and a beard and become Santa I have to watch this no you don't [ __ ] see dead accent oh and they do show it they just like it's like animated he like deflated his yard and then like his kids all like traumatized that's act 1 oh my god that has to be [ __ ] you to babble oh yeah alright [ __ ] scene in Santa Clause look that [ __ ] up it seemed like a great movie at the time I'm sure it did but you know now I'm sure it's not so great maybe it is maybe it's like an elf situation where like people were like oh whatever Wolfeboro is over let me watch it now and you're like oh that's pretty is it funny yeah it's a decent movie I grew up in the real world but maybe if I'd had that sweet elf action like way early on it would have been different he's a sweet belt back hard to [ __ ] Saturn also why is crisscross playing in the background I'm gonna get a me get me get me get in the back what what make it a negative negative me get him back what what like seriously what is this this music is like dated even for the time that it came out yeah is that the canary that goes in to test caves to see if they die yeah they're safe to go into those are the Canaries that go into a game and test as if they're [ __ ] come on come on now if it stays alive and goes yeah then you know you're in [ __ ] [ __ ] right oh stop I'm enjoying this I think the Panzer Dragoon team worked on this because dang this is great I love Panzer Dragoon yeah it's a great game I've said it a thousand times it's like this only interesting and fun Oh Aaron I swear to god you are such a [ __ ] talker alright I'm in a [ __ ] level with you lovelies out there yeah we have heard your messages and we are reacting to them in slightly different ways I decided you know what you're right this game is 17 years old and this is my first exposure to it so I will not judge it so harshly I will look at it in its context and come up with a fresh eye and I have to say I have been enjoying riding along for this playthrough much more since then sure you on the other hand uh-huh have decided to circle the wagons and [ __ ] on this game 40 times as hard which I think shows a very fundamental difference in personalities well dude I mean come on well I mean that's the thing like you honestly believe everything you're saying yes but with distinct exaggeration oh sure oh sure um I think this this game is okay it's competent yes at some points dude that feels great have you have you never done that on a pole don't worry about it much to look for anyway oh poor guy what what the hell what I don't understand what's happening is that you doing that or is that I'm not doing a single thing okay all right there we go welcome back game gross where things happen no no and stuff goes down definitely one of the better Sonics with the glitch and Ally crazy okay and if I hit these Springs I'll get some extra ray it look like I was gonna mess it up I like to imagine like some of the lovely goes [Laughter] all right check it it's gonna [ __ ] aim back at me what for a [ __ ] death cannon it's very coy right here no no no don't look at me here we go yeah banging on all cylinders that's a nice effect that looks really good actually what there's a rainbow and I'm just gonna climb this ladder oh man there's a little rainbow effect on the quills or whatever oh I thought you're talking about balloons what happened here I don't I'm hitting there I'm pressing up and now what is up right now are you looking down I'm stuck I'm stuck I'm lit you can okay next time I get Gramps oh are you really like all the directions for a totally frozen okay oh there you go okay we're good we're good so as you can see on the right side you'll witness the egg in its miracle of birth awaiting the sperm and just being like can't wait can't wait can't wait yeah I don't like I'm trying to like what is that what is that thing and why is it unfazed by your pause button I don't know everything else is paused including that particle effect over there on the left yeah it seems weird vast whatever it is it definitely loves the pulse a just gotta get going I gotta get going great night nothing good night it just like decides what direction I'm going in yeah and then just like locks my my joystick to that direction I also don't have pupils apparently oh how disturbing oh my god I'm Sonic the time of the awakening suppose monkey boss gonna destroy you all tails like sorry you okay he's like yeah you did it I guess you did it hey Cave canary welcome back I posed whoa tails your ass out of the camera [ __ ] you know I'm always gonna be me girl get out of the way me the ship is a sassy as ever you wanna take a dip in that water cuz I do I do don't they just make people who are like burn baby burn don't take it away from me little bit yeah give me those [ __ ] 1ups and [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't even care [ __ ] stone snake is gonna loop around I'm gonna [ __ ] like it's gonna land on its neck and see what happens great super fun no you're gonna die oh he's got a really long neck oh this is where I was before sure sure y'all have a nice few of em s you guys fine I need to find out where that backing [ __ ] the the square plus dou Aran okay well we'll get back we'll get back here next time on game ready to marry new boy [ __ ] you yeah I'm trying to [ __ ] figure this out you being such a testy right now such testing one single testing go [ __ ] yourself if this whole game is just gonna be a trial of me listening to my little guy then fine I'll do what the what's happened don't think that was supposed to happen you just flew into space but you were on the ground yeah I don't think that was supposed to happen okay nice nice I guess that was nice my brain can register pieces like I didn't see oh oh my god so stupid all right whatever Aaron I figured this out when I was negative for four years before I was born that's right all right so that switches that and that switches just these two so if I do that then switch that and do that and then switch that and do this I switch that yeah okay [ __ ] do that this one turns on all of these and then this one just these two okay so if I do that and then and then this one and that one and then that one wait wait hold on ah this one no that one and then this one my my thoughts one by entertaining thoughts yeah I did it this finale er rapidly disappeared yeah okay oh gosh is that what's happening there I think the ground is just that I haven't gonna party someone might need to go back in time to 1998 and fire someone for that well they already did they created the 1999 International Version the superior version that we should be playing Wow but instead we're playing the buggy version that would be hilarious do we have that Oh hmm do we have the other version yeah really yeah what fun is that it's true I like [ __ ] yeah don't you wanna play the hilarious buggy version I do instead of the like I don't need to be proved anything I still don't like this game yes so if we play the better version it's like okay so there's less hilarity this game is growing on me tremendously yeah yeah you wanna play it no no just from like a an observing kind of view okay sweet I hope this video goes viral I made it 1 minute 30 second Oh God in heaven did I write into the ceiling tonight is that bad yeah I'm feeling right oh geez okay good then it's just oh boy oh boy oh yeah then it's just a function of his subscriber being right god I wouldn't say that every video the Marco says hi I'm Sonic the Hedgehog an unusual dream I do was squirting [ __ ] all over my face whoa welcome whoo alright welcome back yeah I think case you were worried between last episode in this episode that our skills weren't still intact oh you can rest easy my dearest friend it's not it's it's you know it's Jesus Jesus oh yes this does feel familiar I think this is a real yeah hey there you go the shrinks as I will again all the way back here that's rough come on Sonic Adventure that was a protest death just so everybody knows that yeah really you dying I did it out of anger yeah have you ever been watching like heterosexual porn and you're just clicking around and you're already kind of jacket off and then you come across gay porn and you feel weird because you're already hard now the worst is when you're watching heterosexual porn uh-huh and then you're like you're you're at at the moment of climax yes and then it just it just decides like it's gonna show the guy it's never [ __ ] ever shown the guy just his face yeah yeah for forever through the whole video and then suddenly he's just like stop and you're like trying to hold it in yeah your balls just explode a little bit hands back that is a conundrum and next time on game grumps more very insightful yeah conversation what an informative episode all right oh god oh god oh [ __ ] is this the ultimate showdown it's the egg grinder it looks like a big dick like a big upside-down floppy dick I remember when my uncle used to call himself like syphilis why do you mean he's hung in video games like when you play a competitive video game and then you would kill somebody it'd be like you were killed by syphilis and he thought that was funny son of a [ __ ] he thought that was funny you've gotta beat this guy before the end of this episode when I was really young you know he did that and then I'd be like what syphilis and he was like he was a pilot so he's like oh it's it's a disease that pilots get okay I mean it can be later in life like oh that's what's all right it's a sexually transmitted disease yeah but exclusively for people in the mile-high club you should have just told me that I can't wonder like if I have a kid if I'm just gonna be you know when he's like five and I'd say like oh you know yes I ADEs he's Santa Claus real quick no no I give you presents why should he get all the [ __ ] yeah right did Santa buy your [ __ ] Xbox one yeah I remember being I couldn't have been older than like four years old and like my first tooth came out that I can remember you know and I remember like believing in the tooth fairy so I like stayed up late to see if like the Tooth Fairy would show up right and I do remember like having my eyes like mostly closed and seeing like my mom come in and like put a dollar under my pillow or something I just remember thinking like I didn't say anything but I remember thinking like I [ __ ] knew it there is no magic in the world it was like a really silent breakfast then yeah yeah so the Tooth Fairy bring you something yep yeah it sure did well I don't know about that but I got a dollar mom yeah oh that's nice I guess the Tooth Fairy came then uh-huh yeah but she did um yeah you just like pull the parental like role reversal yeah so do you uh do have anything you want to tell me like what do you mean oh I I think I think you know yeah I think you know what I mean I don't think dollars find themselves uh underneath pillows on their on their own very often Palos hellos whoa get on the spinning needle Thank You Navi you could have told that ho [ __ ] it's not an obvious vlog it's Navi it's not my original character blobby ah its AVI hey get on this being top nice job you'll do it you'll be like and so I'm putting this out there right now yeah you have one more shot to beat this enemy this episode yeah if you do it yep I will applaud you and everyone on the internet will be like [ __ ] yeah Erin everyone comment [ __ ] yeah Erin if he wins at this time oh [ __ ] another stick sir if he doesn't I encourage all of you to write an email account Oh detailing why he's terrible one [ __ ] morning I'm just gonna get up and I'm gonna wake up on the wrong side of the bed you have 48 thousand just gonna be like man I just don't want and it's gonna be like a Saturday to like it's bigger I don't think about it man you know what I'm feeling stressed but I'm gonna try to you know go through today with with high spirits just the head what you hate and I'm like oh that seems really beautiful to me and I respond to every single one and I'm like you know what [ __ ] you write that email and you will receive a personalized [ __ ] you I've never done that he's never do that of course not no yeah [ __ ] yeah Erin [ __ ] yeah you did it great [ __ ] chance right uh-uh-uh he's up to something he hasn't been dying oh oh god oh geez is that it nice watch out he's up to something and just explodes midair yeah Oh like is he he made fire yeah great [ __ ] job Erin yeah so comments let me let me hear them yeah this is the goddamn finale did you just beat the game No okay now this draw with God there's so many more [ __ ] parts of this game huh oh [ __ ] yeah oh my god no I won't give in whoa is he sitting here oh my god okay all right let's I can't believe it's called butt Rock is that right that's what it's called it was once called that by I said by a person listen to this [ __ ] song [ __ ] guys I don't remember the lyrics wait here comes a chorus it doesn't matter now what happens I will never give up the fight oh God you've never heard this song that what when would I have heard this this was top of the charts of No yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] New York hot 97 all the way to heaven we got a hot new [ __ ] sonic Jam this actually has a sweet [ __ ] guitar riff yeah you can hear it it's like I can't do it but it's because it's a guitar sound right damn [ __ ] yeah do any Japanese people have a last name with less than 5 syllables damn it shintaro hot is gonna show up raising huh huh what do you think yeah I'm Haruyuki Abe go [ __ ] yourself um it's a Bey first of all oh man this is [ __ ] there are a lot of people involved in making this game no way chop Scott Hall way to hold down Johnny jelly Wow look at all those vocalists and guitarists and bassists Lenny Kravitz odes FCAT every basis you need I don't know man I'll get parts awesome it's like oh no I'm right there with you yeah I wish I could do chords with my mouth you know that's impossible actually it's not there are those [ __ ] of the throat singers yeah the Gregorian chant monks dude and sing chords I wish I could just [ __ ] like like bust it out just be like hey what's up and then just be like alright I'm calling this next time I get reps yes next time I get girls play a different character what we won't we won't spoil the surprise there was a Chaos Emerald in the windy valley our search is going well huh I'm hungry what's for dinner oh I want that toy [Music] just because I am something that is frequently roadkill doesn't mean okay this is pretty sweet [Laughter] whoa yeah like you take a step on the wait a sec well there's a box on there y'all like an action movie star yeah yes objective mystery sonic and I am you are killing it just touching his [ __ ] and I'm coming almost there see you later [ __ ] no god that looks so much like a butthole slash vagina you know what it doesn't look like what rocks falling hang out with my buddy sonic why did you put me in this dangerous situation Sonic you are not a good friend that is really terrifying so forget Sonic is that friend who's like let's go throw trash cans at the police station we're gonna die I gotta go fast yeah whatever see it tails maybe she'd grow his head balls yeah whatever two balls to match the sales tip all right tails is the slower ones so that he gets caught by the police every time sonic runs away oh sure yeah and then they're like well we caught one of them might as well let the other one go yeah there's one in every group so cool - Sonic thanks just [ __ ] breaks crap tubular that is not cool Sonic you're at kids-friendly care nice Oh oh dear oh I'm back cutscene okay dramatic hello hello whoa this is a tote I think this is the first totally tail specific theme my name's chance really Wow you stopped me in my tracks when I met you Sonic [ __ ] that guy seriously though I can't stand his [ __ ] wait tails that's a funny like chest first run doesn't he oh yeah like his arms are just flopping around no you don't breathe through your mouth tails you'll dehydrate that way it also get like several insects I [ __ ] told you requiem for a dream yeah huh where am I meth kills tails you wanted a ten-week bender [Music] were you sleeping the kind of memories that I don't need to open my mouth to say the word yeah I we know you worship sonic dude it's clear it's not there he was in your dream hmm we're selling sonic sonic Slyke oh my god oh my god please don't let him notice I'm here Jesus what the [ __ ] is wrong with you tails does he always do that oh no it was just for that moment now is weird a little bit slower when you [ __ ] yeah somehow some are acceptable when he's when it's a little bit slower where the [ __ ] am I going I that is a question only you can answer god dammit [ __ ] ancient world oh no big deal I can just come in here and walk around the end nothing happens yeah don't want any [ __ ] there are any emeralds alright cool well I guess I'll just leave even there's no music either no like what you [ __ ] got the [ __ ] designer walks in like oh hey sorry you're not supposed to be here yeah we didn't finish this stage back to the means wait what the [ __ ] but the hip did you lick that frog and hallucinate that entire thing oh hey big what is happening oh my god what a dumb [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] why do we hang out with this guy I don't know but that [ __ ] guitar is out of control this is big cats theme we're gonna need you to just go crazy on the guitar really shred Thanks thanks Brian age 15 yeah it's taeil's themed tales fix the plane but we don't show I was like this singing backing vocals were just like [ __ ] up [ __ ] that are really masked by the action like weird Jesus teachings [Laughter] here you are dead ahead is that supposed to be like a fire or a jewel in my Montand super unclear on ass we got a man why did sonic need to jump off seems like an unnecessary risk what do you say we nail those guys geez I'm just gonna get the Chaos Emerald you can do whatever you want [Laughter] Jesus I know you were like they just [ __ ] it stops being obsessed with Sonic after a while where can you get no we're that is what all British people sound like oh do you I'm glad you know that what are you writing writing rickety bird but you know it didn't break because night nothing's gonna ever stop you V don't stir and we do stop yourself inside of me you don't stop my why I'm saying walking row is never died it's only pursue where our sky dark [ __ ] barren thought it's an action static [ __ ] Dale you're a duck oh my god the other day I just couldn't stop doing that [ __ ] voice is what that [ __ ] not that one boys like the whiny [ __ ] like [Music] oh my god that is the worst man and it's a terrible that's that's what I do whenever something like wrong goes bad in the kitchen uh-huh like if I like if I turn the blender and I'm like making a smoothie huh and then I put too much ice in there and like it gets stuck I'm like [ __ ] god I'm never getting a good review on Yelp oh my god you are what that's it you know you gotta make you gotta keep things interesting in life or else you're gonna stay are you alone in this scenario like are you alone in the room sometimes that's neither here nor there it's very much there and here sometimes the difference between making a joke and being insane insane probably talking to yourself or talking to the toaster or whatever yeah I'm talking with a blender he had a blender that's what I meant because the blenders being an [ __ ] so it needs to get a little [ __ ] sass you know you're absolutely right I don't I'm sorry I called you crazy had Doug tell you tell that one you never [ __ ] sass eared like that's right I beat Sonic at his own [ __ ] game he's gonna show up and be like whoa [ __ ] it tails what the hell did you take steroids they'll be like yes obviously I wanted to be better than you yeah I mean what like as you're injecting like pure steroids into your into your Fox buttocks yeah and he's like did tails I don't know if you should be that's not very healthy doesn't put the [ __ ] do you know Sonic you were blessed with this [ __ ] I have to work for it like some other people and son gently drop into the egg carrier bridge would you get that [ __ ] metal tea please you got your friendship bracelets honey who's that from you told me you'd tell me every woman you talk to Oh God oh you're so lucky Suzy's not the jealous type oh yeah totally I I had one girlfriend who like would just flip her mind apart when like I I remember like one time I just went over to coffee at Starbucks and the girl behind the counter is like do you like she's just asking me the normal questions like cream or sugar or whatever like and I'm just talking to her like that and I come back and my girlfriend is just like did you like her don't you I saw that I said I'm like what what what that's like immediately grounds for I was maybe we should take a break if I take a break do you mean forever yes I do and break it off yeah really yeah maybe we should break me off a piece of that Kit Kat bar anyway I broke up with that girl because she was [ __ ] nuts yeah she was [ __ ] nuts it'll gross ya thought she was mad at me for talking to girls man I'm [ __ ] starving well oh yeah and then we made a joke about how the ship is looting attitude oh yeah I we had some good time yeah okay and then just like 30 seconds of I can do this without sonic [ __ ] the police man this city is extremely useless I know I was just thinking the same thing like you never encountered any of this place Jesus it's like way way high up in the sky scrapers yeah like what what city is this it's got its it looks like the [ __ ] like economical epicenter of the world and you get there and it's like we have one casino we call this town town we've got a toy store and a hotel whoa whoa a train station that goes to ancient ruins or something so a Pyrrhic victory is intrinsically ironic wait a minute it's this tale singing no no maybe he like let out the sound and then now the rest of the song is it echoing among was at the end of tales is game yeah dude he's he wants to fly high oh boy hold on I guess gotta get to that part do you think it's just a steady stream of farts that keeps his tails doing that yeah why is he [ __ ] always talking wait here comes here comes the chorus okay I'm ready come on what the [ __ ] here comes what does he want what does she want to do the piggies with an ass I want a full eight walruses oh man oh it's playing it again Oh God the ROI with the credits it comes it's almost there so ready alright here it is okay this is the bridge oh my god I should we go okay here we go whoa I didn't know there was like wicked religious [ __ ] go that's ridiculous so I can meet my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ it sounds like it's one of those melody lines that sounds like someone's making it up oh it was default lyrics ever that is I wanna go far so I can see was like to achieve my destiny or whatever Jesus Christ man why are these commercials so and commercials why are these credits so long and they know we have to watch them five times yeah of course that is a derpy Tales face I shouldn't be flying a plane 23 23 days of your life you spent playing this that you'll never get back this is more hip who is next that is Canucks okay they they go in order of relevance to anybody's interests so it's like we're big the cat yes it's like Sonic Tails knuckles Amy Big E so yeah now it's knuckles turn yeah instruction don't need it okay and sloosh Oh God don't you hate it when a flying island falls from the sky into an ocean and creates a huge tsunami killing everything around it bro preacher have you met the choir boy you are close I guess [ __ ] this [ __ ] [ __ ] this [ __ ] so hard where you ask the Nami of the sonic levels are you better quick where's and where's a it's it's around here [ __ ] somewhere it's it's probably right under my goddamn nose and I can't go right foot inside the guy it was inside the guy didn't know that was a thing inside which guy it was inside the [ __ ] enemy guy oh really there was a duty and emeralds item some people like to put things inside themselves bro I just don't judge yeah I know I was 16 1 do you even know how hard it is to get keys out of your rectum dr. Fred my very good at keeping secrets doctor probably not a real doctor we're not in a hospital in an alleyway behind the CVS that was easy do you remember that you remember those commercials that were that they press the button then it goes that was easy yeah they're from like one year ago no staples yeah they're from like six years ago really yeah man that shit's old damn just like my cousin who's six all this [ __ ] get a job those things shoot you farther away why do they are they here they don't help me with my don't you mean why [Laughter] oh we're losing it I can't I can't man oh I'm getting close all right you know what maybe we'll just find this thing off-screen and catch up with you next welcome to the next [ __ ] five episodes dude this shit's ridiculous no [Laughter] wow you killed that guy kill them so we're using a walkthrough now yeah it's a text-based watch me [ __ ] videos and there was no I went to a wiki page that was like laid out perfectly he was like the sonic wiki walkthrough wiki it's like the knuckles action stage level 3 casino appa let's click here and I'm like [ __ ] yeah and I click it and then it's just like this page hasn't been created yet yeah any day now the game is 17 years old yeah alright so read to me the the stage overview yeah if this level is fairly small so finding the pieces shouldn't be much trouble oh cool there is however one tricky place that an emerald may be located at head to the second floor and face the lion wait is this not it no it just probably back here oh no was there any other thing in the in the walkthrough no what it just says fighting the pieces shouldn't be much trouble because his level is fairly small you're fairly small that is not true first of all oh my god I'm gonna have a [ __ ] legit heart attack boss the blood vessel or something yes oh [ __ ] man okay Jesus Christ things are looking good that one was the easy one I mean that would [ __ ] you Stage three Red Mountain this area is large I know I can make emerald hunting a pain there are no secret places the pieces are hidden in just glide around until you locate the ball man worst walkthrough my baby walkthrough I want to open up a walkthrough from Mario and it's just like play do the things until the credits happen games are supposed to be fun duh Oh what the [ __ ] okay oh alright yeah you guys just chill there for a second yeah hey Sonic yeah it looks like he's trying to you know I get a little D action and that woman in the background is like I'll just let this play out yes like slow zoom in her Faisal [ __ ] hanging out it's just like room 403 thank you good way can I get room service don't bother me knuckles I just want to play some sliced he's gone he's gone like oh I could follow him he took 14 steps basically in place and then just vanished oh I don't think I [ __ ] that one we are at a Godzilla in the 70s level of dubbing right now I guess No here I come oh my god [ __ ] scene like are you what the [ __ ] was that oh my god is this some kind of brilliant avant-garde film I [ __ ] that was like right out of a pretentious like black-and-white French film from the nineteen fifties that is it's fine it's fine a lot of Kevin can you just get a still of knuckles [ __ ] sideways falling down that thing thank you what is the oh it's the [ __ ] Chow monkey destruction oh my god Wow is that really what the solution was even though I have [ __ ] blades on my goddamn hands yeah you don't you're a [ __ ] Wolverine claws that I could easily go like oh no that I could easily use this Oh Oh Red Mountain you did it yay now with this super helpful walkthrough Do It Yourself okay walkthrough completed oh they're underground try digging for them wherever you see dirt oh that's that would be super helpful if there was a walkthrough to tellement and tell me exactly where they were okay wouldn't it wouldn't this level be the first one that would it would be super useful to have a walkthrough here here come's here's the entirety of the walkthrough for this part this area is large which can make emeral hunting a pain there's no secret place as the pieces are hidden in just glide around until you locate them all there's no secret place the Emeralds are hidden in you just go just do stuff except under the ground for all three of them yeah alright on the other hand you know [ __ ] you I didn't see way come on next time I got it why did she say try digging for them when none of them were buried oh my god did that just really get your gander Oh looks like you have sweet you're making roster hair that the plants even pulsate at the same rate that you breathe weirdly oh no is it really is there a counter on the top of the screen yeah that showed how many hits it would take to kill him yeah that cannot be like a final thing they had to have left that in like it's like a debug thing you think so I think so they totally it didn't look very professional Wow boy I wish you could just hit this guy one more time oh how sweet would that make tiny a man like mmm I'm gonna [ __ ] lick my own [ __ ] when I do it horrible horrible triumph not win but I had to lick my own [ __ ] well look at it fly what happened skip that's crazy [Laughter] for you to shut the [ __ ] up yeah looks like I might be waiting a long time come on alright time to find the silver key this feels feels very walkthrough II but this isn't an action stage so it won't be in that walkthrough alright I'll look up another walkthrough perhaps a decent walker sonic adventure cold-hearted dude that guy really tried there stop it's just it's just leaves dude just walk on the man crunch that's the extent of the do me a solid here knuckles do you dare ask what your old walkthrough says about these emeralds sure you can use the lid up panels on the wall to climb up but why bother just glide into the wall and climb up there isn't a lot to say about this stage all this oh my god it isn't particularly large so you shouldn't have much trouble locating memorable pieces what the [ __ ] is wrong with him like what is actually wrong with this guy hold on I'm [ __ ] help does he think he's providing anybody I'm gonna look I'm gonna say the name out loud because people are gonna think that yeah it's the fact through by debates I only say this because [Music] people will think we're making [ __ ] up it's oh it's embarrassing this FAQ is dedicated to my friend Michelle who has stuck with me laughed at all my lame jokes and humor me a lot more than I actually deserve and she was also really impressed when I wrote this walkthrough I mean he must have hated her considering the quality of his walkthrough this is dedicated to Michelle oh the worst yeah that's not a cool nickname yeah that's true actually they call me beats it because my walk they call me because my walk throughs are like driving a car pedal to the metal into a brick wall oh I wonder if he married Michelle how old do you think wouldn't that be beautiful wow what a poetic in a world where nothing's [ __ ] makes sense and the laws of physics don't apply this echidna is gonna walk real slow a sweeping camera man you okay are you okay I did this always happens though with games like I start off being like whoo this looks terrible and then but oh come on yeah now while I'm trying to pay you a compliment Sonic Adventure here's a wall but buy it like once we get like this far into it like 75% done I always get like emotionally attached and I'm sorry it's gonna be over soon happens every time so little heads-up I rocked out in a concert yesterday with your [ __ ] out I did well no more so than usual but it was present and Steel Panther my friggin favorite rock band and slash friends they had Ryan and I come on stage and sing with them at the House of Blues last night and it was a crazy party and it was super awesome but I my voice body and soul are all shattered right now so yeah I can I can tell based on your your quiet demeanor yeah so I apologize if for the next however many episodes we do today I guess seven for the next seven episodes I seem just a touch drained but please know that it was one of the happiest experiences of my life and I [ __ ] super loved it bro you know your happiness means a lot to me thank you right welcome Billy Ray Cyrus and Miley Cyrus were there that's weird and they they walked by I didn't where they were with Reggie Watts yeah yeah it was really trippy the only one we talked to was Billy Ray Cyrus and he was super [ __ ] cool I was like my god man I danced to the achy-breaky heart in my sixth grade school dance really 1991 sure I I can't even remember the last time I heard a key Breaky Heart well I mean you got a we've all experienced the feeling so you just gotta like cure the breaky give it and that will help with the AAP I don't I don't for some reason that's not like the tune that plays in my heart very sad when you're going through heartache it's probably like the soundtrack to requiem for a dream that said yeah heartbreak is very difficult to deal with but I find if I just listen to country music sung by a man with a mullet then things really really turn around for me eventually philia with that end time it takes time it was the last night of the House of Blues it's getting demolished the one on Sunset Strip yeah very sad actually great honor to play play that show and so like I asked the door man like in all of his experiences cos he was one of those like 20-year dudes and I was like who was the coolest and who was the douchiest guy you ever encountered and she the douchiest was someone I didn't recognize it was Tiger Tiger something like that he was a rapper guy with the last name tiger Tiger how he's looking avid game gross things like I find that somewhat unlikely but he said the coolest guy was Chad Kroeger [ __ ] Nickelback so I had to find out that the two people I rag on most in this world just for my own personal fun Chad Kroeger and [ __ ] Dane Cook are actually super chill cool guys and now I have to stop and I have to just stop with it well because also like the reason he got so popular was because he was he sort of act as its own publicist right like that's sure he started the homeland space thing yeah they're like you know you guys that shows how long ago was yeah using myspace as a promotional tool he finally like really used Friendster to its full ability and and brought it brought it to the forefront you use geo cities free website service totally the way it should be man [ __ ] I'll never forget how Dane Cook harnessed CompuServe to really [ __ ] dude you are flying all around this thing you remember when Dane Cook used Usenet in order to distribute his news groups I forgot all about that oh my god what did they call that what did they call the internet like the army internet before it was the internet I can't even remember Dane Cook used this series of tubes yeah yeah [ __ ] knuckles joon-kook used the Xanadu hypertext project from the 1960s dude this is this is really you're lucky we've been talking about something else to distract people this is a shameful display well I mean there's really [Music] it's not easy man well how do I get to that crane now yeah well you gotta fly with this why are you doing this to me there's something so like witty lists about there's like no wit to anything they're saying you know it doesn't it feel like someone's mom wrote this and like it's like function only yeah what is that something has scared me not again what is the meaning of this well nobody has any personality and it's just weird I think it's also knuckles personality though is he's just kind of like whatever no this has been something I've been thinking about for a while really like dr. Robotnik is like hahaha now I have all the emeralds they came and my father like just [ __ ] feel like you've heard this like so many times before yeah one more thing about that show last night I saw ron jeremy get kicked the [ __ ] out of nasa please please tell that story well not too much of a story Brian ninja Brian our buddy Brent my friend Joe we're all hanging out and hitting the CIP section I don't mean to brag it's just important for the story eyesore and I guess Ron Jeremy tried to come through uh-huh and he was like ants this one tried yeah yeah and he walks in and they're like I don't think you can come through here man he's like but I'm ron jeremy like alright so he starts to walk in and then the big like security dude comes in he's like I don't care who the [ __ ] it is they're not coming in this way and they kicked ron jeremy the [ __ ] out right in front of us and i was like oh my god this is so weird and it's extra weird cuz he's very small and my friend was like wow he's so tiny and i'm where it counts oh yeah it's gross sorry but it's fascinating to watch in person and we were like are we having like the ultimate la experience right now does he have a big fat monster down yeah I've never actually seen a ron jeremy pornography how have you missed it he's been making him since the 70s I know but why would I want to play this gross he's the hedgehog bro yeah little respect I mean a little respect because he has boned many women I don't know I don't know I just I just feel anyone who's like dedicated decades to their craft deserves a little [ __ ] is he good at it like super good I don't know I don't know Hornig Rafi kind of fell off pornography for a while I mean I mean I got nothing against the guy I'm just saying argh not again I hate year I don't want to watch pornos I want that is a lie I want to see like a big just like I was lying when I said I'd fallen off I can't believe I ate the whole thermonuclear device was that like an old pepto-bismol commercial oh yeah believe I ate though cause it sounds familiar yeah it's a very classic alka-seltzer commercial uh it's just a No it's just an old guy like sitting on the edge of his bed in like a wife beater at night it's like late at night he's like I can't believe I ate the whole thing this is one of those things where like my grandma like I'm sure it's like 35 years old now but when she talks about it she still like chuckles you know huh so I mean advertising is super effective Oh totally plop plop fizz fizz [ __ ] I almost dropped an N bomb I just meant to get very rappy but like I was like oh that can't work yeah yeah dude my mom still remembers like advertisements from when she was like like 5 years old from like the early 50s advertisements yeah like there's this um what was he called it's like a weird-looking dog puppet triumph the insult comic oh no the the great-great great-grandfather of triumph but it's like this is you piece of [ __ ] it's for Nestle chocolate meze like the song is n est le yes Nestle's makes the very best and then the dog is like my mom still laughs what you talked about it I'm sure now like if you watch it it's like all black and white what the [ __ ] I love sugar bear he's my favorite old commercial sugar bear what was he golden it was smacks Honey Smacks yeah no that was Jacob sugar smack well that was before dig'em real yeah look up just look up sugar bear it's the same cereal it's gonna take me to a pimp I'm thinking of Huggy Bear No yeah sugar bear is like it's high as [ __ ] oh yeah remember you're the half-open eyes yeah he's just like [Music] golden crisp golden crisps whoa all right golden crisp history I think this has changed a bunch of times let's say this is right from the golden crisp website should under sugar bears legacy of cool yeah yeah he was quote-unquote cool no that quote unquote highest [ __ ] all the time you [ __ ] know it like and he's got like in the 90s version he's got the backwards cap there's a 90s version yeah check this out whatever the cereal is it's just puffed wheat coated and honey it's the same thing as smacks yeah yeah it's exactly the same thing smacks that is [ __ ] with a tuft Oh super golden crisp glazed and sugar yeah Wow fantastic that weird flavor when you eat it with milk it's like a dry flavor Farkle that's the dog that's the farfel farfel the dog he's so crazy looking he looks like something from five nights at freddys Lucy hold on I'm just gonna play it oh my wasted a weightless hey farfel oh that was the space version yeah never mind [Laughter] well I hope I hope what other like foreign alien civilizations try to contact us it's not the first thing they hear let's keep moving they seem to worship this actually that's not entirely untrue yeah I gotta have my chance Oh farfel never [ __ ] remember what was it a pops yeah I gotta have my back yeah they just [ __ ] over their friends and pops it's just like like a textbook like schizophrenic paranoid attack yeah it's like no guys just like dude I'll just give you the pops and he's saying you got my pops Janet yeah it's yeah they clip a jaws to even yeah so weird look at all those well I was gonna say after-effects but don't think after-effects existed back then X plus C no it is your question it's clearly did not exist that should do it perfect all is well now credits roll I've reassembled the Emerald things are great whoa and now with Clearasil I can see clear eyes awesome the sky is bluer than ever it makes green emerald shine and has ingredients to moisturize Wow hey you beat the game yeah great job beating knuckles his game right now it's a me time yeah yeah I'm excited well nobody wants to watch this [ __ ] credits so next time I'll game grumps yeah bring it back a play a me looking forward to it baby girl oh yeah rap breakdown [ __ ] gonna get a puss eat a [ __ ] yo don't matter if you shave dog get the hair and you throw it stop joke ah that's the sound of Maceo [Laughter] crystals yeah Oh gonna slam my dick in a puss yo don't care if it smells bad whoa so I I don't know anything about Amy's part of the game other than that I've been told by several fans that it's extremely tedious so excited we'll get rid of here like a thousand time that sounds awesome yeah I'm gonna do it sweet sweet girl sweet I love a woman with giant feet what hey Sonic is her hero what the [ __ ] is what the hell that's literally just like a background painting yeah would accept be a stereotypical girl but shop til I can't wait to get the latest fashions oh my god my hero he's like oh [ __ ] Amy no she did say my hero oh Jesus I gotta get out of here she's like I'm too slow to catch him yeah she's sploosh secretly a stalker man her knees don't work correctly ah do the words restraining order mean nothing to you Amy oh my god does she leave a trail of Valentine's in the air yeah it's the heart sting okay we should do that we should set up with a Valentine's Day party and then just like to hang real hearts like a robot like a robot gag in a sitcom I'm so down with that plan yeah like you know like in a sitcom where somebody's like you know hey George the robot set up um this Valentine's Day party for us because I don't want to do it he's like I've gosh and he like looks up how to decorate Valentine's Day on the internet information it says to decorate with hearts just like bloody and this is what gonna hurt so it's like George the robot because like I sounds really good that everyone claps and then the show gets canceled after two episodes even though they shot six I'm sure we've discussed this fact and my apologies to any Amy's out there in our audience cuz I'm sure you're lovely but like in my experience I've known a bunch of Amy's and almost every one of them have been batshit crazy that's funny because every Amy I've ever known has been super cool really yeah I can Nate I can I think I can think of three I can name three of them Amy Amy Sarah Dixon I've actually had two ex-girlfriends name sir one with an H on the end and one not I know mixing it up and I was so afraid I was so afraid of calling one in bed later [ __ ] it's like triangulating lasers much easier you love doing this you are so immature where's the game Amy Amy we need you on set furious have you heard that song I have not oh man that's the theme for fast and furious fast what is it really yeah oh man we should look it up after this episode do they say dick yeah why it's like this it's like this they got the most [ __ ] like stereotypical Japanese sounding girl mm-hmm and she's like yeah that's awesome and [ __ ] dead serious you should listen to it oh yeah cuz there's Tokyo Drift yeah that explains the Asian s so they have to make it as [ __ ] Asian yeah as possible and they know it's not at all like that well they also probably like wanted to appeal to an a from more Asian audience and hook them in like being as stereo like if if I was in Japan and I was an American guy at what I would like go see a movie that was like I love hamburgers yeah yeah guns probably probably would too this is the most boring [ __ ] can't believe I said yes to this Jesus why the fool who cares thirteen surprising Japanese translations of American movie titles really oh wow this is interesting night Museum Napoleon Dynamite is known as bus man Wow us man Despicable Me who is known as mysterious thief Gru's moon theft 3d what the [ __ ] I'm not kidding mysterious thief grooves moon yep bring it on with cheers Cheers yep fast and furious was wild speed max yeah they just they just named [ __ ] completely wild speed max is way cooler than fast and furious Freaky Friday was fortune cookie Karate Kid was best kid best kid and Ferris Bueller's Day Off was Ferris suddenly one morning oh [ __ ] I hit go again whoa and it's oh man up was known as grandpa Carl's flying house what the [ __ ] that's more the opposite of and they just call it a foo yeah that'd be wonderful up wild speed max there you go I love wild speed notes and Being John Malkovich was Malkovich's hole yeah that's crazy that skirt is really short yeah dude and it kind of like and you can see your panties yeah underneath wow that's a surprising move well how is it [ __ ] that there's so many people who are way into Sonic sexually yeah I guess you're right but I didn't think the game developers themselves oh it's I think it's not a game of out there just catering to their audit they know who [ __ ] by Sonic games all right fair enough remember she saves him when Sonic is kicking his ass and she's like he was nice to me [Music] yeah you know what you're totally right about this dialogue oh yeah it's very weird I'm oh it's extremely stilted did the camera just push him back the camera just pushed him back yeah oh man she really looks like she meant that finally a flying target get aiming are we playing whack-a-mole right now yeah yeah you are is that what we're [ __ ] doing oh it's supersonic that's nice sweet what the [ __ ] you beat my scars decimate the planet Earth will be scorched you get the warrior brother Jesus my eyes couldn't even concentrate on that yeah that's a little that's the funniest thing I've seen all day that's funny watching you drink that liquid pee roll oh I have to jerk off obviously I need to stay here and masturbate yeah I'm gonna start you better go it's already starting kind of awkward that you're still here I'm looking at you whoa it's contagious your humans have taught me much too fast did you know that tails his name is actually miles yeah I never quite understood that it's tails his nickname yeah or is he miles tails no we well no no his last name is per hour his name is miles per hour yep like like by day he's like mild mild mannered miles that's really weird why is he um why because he's got the nickname tails it's cute yeah that's adorable but I mean like [ __ ] wise and Sonic like Jeff tool does have a name really yeah do you want to know what's so Sonic's canon name is please tell me why don't you take a guess I already gave it Jeff tool who also happened to be the third string quarterback of the Buffalo Bills a couple I'm gonna get well Dan you'll be surprised to know yes I'll give you three guesses okay and I'll tell you if it's like closer now okay cliff nurp Lee no not even close sponge nicely it's punch is definitely gonna be the name of my firstborn son sponge Avedon no and worse though your room sponge where's your third whoo kids like I would have discipline problems if you Davey Greg we left off on the last episode okay um it's probably confusing for the home my final guess is sport sponge Li man well is running dry today the Hedgehog but sponge sponge Li yes yeah that was gonna be my fourth guess about s punch was that correct no even further so just tell me this Nick don't maybe jump through hoops all right spongy spongy hoops his name is Ogilvy you can't be [ __ ] serious I always meant to guess that what like Ogilvy Ogilvy something last name or just overlay Ogilvy Sonic Ogilvy no I don't know what the food was that established it's in one of the comics in one of the comics yeah so the writer of some random-ass sonic comic can just [ __ ] do that [ __ ] yep with Sonic like defensive about a because I can't go goofy oh gee al vi8 wow you can spell it yeah I just super [ __ ] like yeah Osvaldo OSB al diem I yeah it's Ogilvy well I like when did that come up I don't know somebody was like Sonic is your name really Sonic and he's like no way man really that's it yeah I guess I don't [ __ ] know it'll read the sonic comics well [ __ ] you knew enough that it happened like what would see the other I think as Ross was like did you know Sonic had a real name and I was like what is it and he was like oh it's like Bill and I was like okay and then we looked it up and it was [ __ ] Ogilvy and I was like who's knuckles like there's not Oh Kobe huh Wow wow that's a cool name yeah rhymes with sounds kind of like Ovaltine yeah it does a little bit which is a disgusting beverage if anyone's ever drinking that there you go see you later it's lifting forever and ever and ever I I would like it much more if she was like being chased down by enemies that she's like see you later [ __ ] and the balloon lives our one foot off the ground [Laughter] poor Amy she doesn't belong in this kid yeah she really doesn't honestly to everybody girls and boys the vagina is God oh yeah you ever see that painting like all right like wait am I having a seizure or was that that was the game right okay did it okay go to bigs house I don't even know if this is where I'm supposed to go I'm just going here okay because this is in here before yeah but in another playthrough in like a sonic or tails or whatever okay that's bigs house all right so nothing's here nothing's here I wasted my time I don't even know where I'm going to begin with I'm [ __ ] Amy and I'm lost this is really big house there's a shitty [ __ ] house yeah he could die from living there this isn't a house this is just a place to sleep yeah that's a bed and some stairs oh my god they would totally be gross giant mosquitoes here yeah and they'd suck Amy's gross hedgehog non-human blood [ __ ] the green she's weird whoa Wow oh boy her panty shots are so hot that I'm not even bothered by her monster hands her panty shots are getting me so dang hot oh my god I guess I'd better just bend over robots like oh [ __ ] yes yo your panty shots are getting me so Randy right now you idiot how could you do this that is really absurd again my father was a game boy my mother was a I'm off to heaven like a shark okay that was the funniest thing this game has thrown at us this entire time it looks like when I jerk off huge day this one's a worker Oh goodbye birds I bet you are now you sure look happy yeah oh yes yeah I'm sure first first trick to respect [ __ ] straight-up badge it looks like a diaper at this point yeah that's it there were three levels three levels when they just sold Amy's part of the game and they were like Amy sonic will never respect no hell no when if they had like a section for like panty programmers and latch design jerking off to dicks animator that was Takahiro ha mano he's well-known in many Japanese circles as being the premier Hedgehog jackoff artist oh man in the Nintendo world he's super good at it we shouldn't what we shouldn't spend the next like four minutes of this episode watching these same goddamn credits Oh Dan yeah yeah if only that were possible oh really we can't stop this [ __ ] oh no we stopped it once before oh never then we gonna see who did the field art support these [ __ ] credits go on forever yeah but see there was a chaos programmer his name was Holly cheeto yeah Jesus Christ you and I are like people have been dating for like many years now and it's just like whenever we have to just like so what do you wanna talk about and it's just like how can I guess such ego come on where is the artist can I please [ __ ] someone new to see that sign boy sign you see that sign for the Church's Chicken I think they changed the sign Church's Chicken what are you talking about I think they change the same six just like a [ __ ] couple conversation if they change the church ticket sign I don't know what the hell you're talking about used to be the old Church's Chicken sign but now it's a new one well in what and what are we talking about when couples talk to each other in the car there's nothing to say is that a Mexican restaurant I thought you meant in the [ __ ] Sonic game oh cheese man Church's Chicken in there they couldn't land that kind of brand this is like five of them in South Carolina oh man now go you got your oka everywhere boy this is like torture it really like they really have to tell you everybody that was ever involved in anything sonic do we really need to know that mark horn F was the commercial manager of the Sega localization team Sega of Europe Oh special thanks to Akira Nishikawa though yeah he really pulled it out yeah these are the guys who wrote the credits yeah it required a team of 17 people oh this is the guy that applied the Gaussian blur to the edges of that image Wow Wow oh my god yes I remember when all this [ __ ] happened I remember I don't care pick up your own [ __ ] app yeah boom yeah pick it up Priya [ __ ] hog Wardrop in there produce like a bunch of I can't I wasn't I was about to drop a very serious racial slur oh my god these are natural stripes a disease where the [ __ ] is he be oh [ __ ] man like that pot leaf right Jesus where's my doobie doobie yeah wow you pick up all your [ __ ] drug Rijn ocular from 1945 I'm going to go smoke the doobies you boys smoking the Leafs God they really made him like he has some issues yeah he's got a problem mm-hmm Britain you know what the car screeching is not necessary he walks five miles an hour he looks pretty fast for yeah actually he's crazy kind of crank up a big cat named big the cat well done stop the [ __ ] car mother big it up big just flips the [ __ ] take me for a ride yeah I bet I bet you'd keep driving I toss 700 where did he go [ __ ] that guy probably some dirty Armenian the carriage is big it clearly has a problem with that group of people ah why can't they fit in hole Oh big more racial yeah yeah more racially tinged unnecessary jabs and humor hooray see you later adios everybody we love you Armenia to do there's a G on my belt it stands for the G on my belt stands for Big Dance poor cat alright let's do a thing why my tail looks like exploding Dalton Aaron turn your huge purple ass around and [ __ ] find navi please okay okay he looks like he's terrified 24/7 yeah he does he looks like he's tripping balls it's a cool good Oh God shouldn't've eaten the whole [ __ ] bag all right so go park here we go yay first action stage was big the cat here we go everyone's favorite cat oh [ __ ] the Fisher and catch froggie oh are you ready for this yeah welcome to bigs game dan you are in for a treat that fish really wants it oh my god happy well it's not getting it you can't have known dis dude this is [ __ ] hard apparently yeah it's hard and boring welcome to [ __ ] big the cat everyone's favorite part of the game yeah it's a [ __ ] frog he's right that just grab him just [ __ ] grab him what's wrong with you big good cast my line with you dude where the [ __ ] a goddamn it froggy seriously giving me [ __ ] agita huh there is I can move the lure whoa really make oh yeah yeah yeah soggy froggy [ __ ] frog pieces [ __ ] can't even grab on to a [ __ ] hooker you're older can pet you keep use a [ __ ] slave whoa that Gabrielle frog garbage I just like to imagine the band playing this music off to the side being like look at each other like wool oh there is we could be doing this already froggy froggy he always turns away froggy got one I just have to catch one of these [ __ ] catch one [ __ ] God just catch him just catch him dude six five six five Oh getting close get [ __ ] just get up this is AG man oh boy you know I thought the Sonic levels will be I'm not pressing a single button this camera is just freakin all on its own sometimes it's got a water effect sometimes it doesn't come from the left thing what the [ __ ] is this like requiem for a door you're going bass to bad boy [Music] froggy froggy holy [ __ ] [ __ ] froggy he just doesn't give it goddamn no yeah buddy this froggy froggy get what the [ __ ] man I think he's gone 400 yeah just a nibble just a boy that was like straight-up [ __ ] Algebra three to get that [ __ ] as well god [ __ ] damnit [ __ ] froggy piece of [ __ ] froggy I swear to [ __ ] god froggy holy [ __ ] oh you [ __ ] Oh froggy Oh froggy Oh frog frog frog frog frog frog dude is there's something you need to do try doing nothing when it when when he puts it in his mouth okay great what are you [ __ ] oh what's happened to the fish he just became the wall it's fine I'm not a religious man but if hell exists I think you can't imagine smutch different than this oh man on froggy what the [ __ ] even my god please please let it happen please let it happen let it happen bring him in bring that [ __ ] in No you son of a [ __ ] get away why is he fighting it three pounds my man ran home it's 45 minutes later I'm looking at the clock and it was so pissed if I don't catch this mofo here do it holy [ __ ] I'm looking at the clock that was nearly an hour oh well that was level one time to start the episode what did you do differently that last time literally nothing it just happened I love this game more and more with each passing day who I do of course man walkthrough okay there's such a defeated tone to everything you're saying level to icecap this level is many [ __ ] god Deus not the page sorry I'm going not porno let's look at my tabs the other tab porno sub stopping I'm holding up traffic Oh big the cat oh oh I found it I found it digits over here for some reason okay I found it okay that's good it's always in the last place you look because you find it in the last place you look it's too [ __ ] stupid hey [ __ ] boy catch froggie what what else yeah oh that's so great yeah I think I'm stuck forever in here for real there's abyss and you can't even drown yeah he's not liking drone really that's that music means saw no what the [ __ ] man like what the [ __ ] you did it where am I now we made it hooray yeah [ __ ] man oh boy oh just you [ __ ] on a ledge damn tickets day today can you let me out please let me know there yeah are you serious yeah yeah dude damn I think I've discovered my favorite game of all - Aaron useless shoes shoes --less well now it's like hard to control thank you cuz you're wearing so I'm gonna shoot it alright I went up for this one you have like four pairs of shoes on [Laughter] [Laughter] are you [ __ ] insane I'm sorry I shouldn't abandon you in your time of need but wow dude not only if you fall off the same ledge but fell off it in exactly the same way because this game is [ __ ] ridiculous dude whoever that fence does nothing but exactly you fell right through that [ __ ] go talk to Navi she's just like are you [ __ ] kidding me use the Boomers to break the ice there you go oh there I go you go progress oh right right right yes yes yeah pull them in pull them in oh my god [Music] yes oh yeah you did pick up the frog I forgot about that [Music] Oh My Jesus all right I would be scared shitless oops [Music] you can't talk to it you're okay yeah [Laughter] [ __ ] cracks hold on tight to your [ __ ] neck all right let's see how easy yes see how easy it is could catch froggie in the whole [ __ ] ocean yeah it's gonna be super easy gonna be a breeze yay Beach fun we are we are on a mission and that mission is to find a single [ __ ] frog that mission myself from pulling the trigger getting harder and harder oh cool I'm like alright alright according to Navi there's a god damnit big the cat I found him did you buddy oh [ __ ] there he is maybe you should be on land while fishing I mean I don't I'm not a master fisherman but I think that's traditional looked in shut the [ __ ] up no you know what I maybe I'll do that maybe we'll see how good your [ __ ] precious let's play is huh son of a [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] I've been nibbling on my lure for [ __ ] days now you can't even [ __ ] to have the decency to bite down on that hook and let me kill you I'm like I'm lay down live it as I could ever be I know you are irate I can feel the heat coming off of your food I'm a straight irate gamer Oh excellent froggy froggy where did you go did you do a lot of casting where like the Frog just never comes into the spring I cants right in front of his face and I never shoot just the cameras the worst you can't control the camera while you're casting it's so stupid it's the only time that you would ever need the camera it's [ __ ] garbage man you just got [ __ ] fish bought you you just got Cod blocked that's what it is get it get it like it want it have it need it why why it's right here it's right frog it's right here it's right here you can see it you can smell you can taste it it's real it's in front of your face you Oh grab it grab it huh [Laughter] [Music] [Music] nope [Music] when you're just drifting off to sleep today I would have come into your room and sing the music from this [Music] that's right here yeah you want it no one he does not want it what he wants he wants it he wants it he's into it second bite he's going in for a second coming in for another nibble and leave froggy froggy froggy mmm that one went through him why wait wait wait maybe the controller has been tossed away no one has the controller right now that this is a rudderless ship we are on here we go this one fifteenth one's a charm brings back the good old memories of like a detuned slide come on froggy don't frog you don't play that way oh he's playing that oh he's coming he comes nibble nibble nibble nibble it done dude it do you think they make people at Guantanamo Bay [Laughter] sorry buddy come on froggy boy hey buddy here you go here he comes no never mind oh you think his tail is just a giant green middle finger growing out of his ass see he's come for it is he I think so how do you know oh wow good job this is where I am right now in life I'm gonna throw everything that I've ever accomplished in life has led to this exact moment it has everything to do with all of the accomplishments that have ever happened in my life just say you know what and I'm gonna say it I got a good feeling about this dude froggy [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I'm gonna see you okay wait just wait for it's beautiful yeah other why it speaks to my soul please please oh my god bring him in I hope you will hook him through his [ __ ] eyeball oh my god he feels this frog ey dude oh my god among the top villains of videogame history like by a long chase in space oh my god he is really fighting you come on dude you didn't do anything differently to catch him that up it's completely random sorry I didn't mean to upset you oh you're right there victory throws rug and now to release him in so he could be caught once again Oh is there a fourth one of this yes yes awesome Oh cutscene this is frog light power diamond fuel or some [ __ ] oh my god dude this episode has been my [ __ ] favorite of this playthrough by a mile by a country mile oh boy hey [ __ ] you welcome back nope oh man froggy you're on my [ __ ] last catty nerve you know my [ __ ] list get it get it for Aggie oh my god nothing has ever made me this mad ever dude oh yes oh oh god yes I'm so exhausted you love this music it's so like you gotta [ __ ] like wear him out or something I don't know but I'm about to give up on life if you don't catch him right now cuz he's not fighting like at all oh yes froggy is the seventh Chaos Emerald oh my god they'd be amazing if you'd like swallowed it or something Froggy's they actually Sonic the Hedgehog just like opens his mouth and Sonic's head comes down wait that's cool I was just trying to go fast damn oh my god yes Aaron this is a this is another day it is that we're recording game grumps right now and you are fired up I'm fired up I just kind of I turn the wheel from Sonic to big first of all it opened up Kevin play that clip and I'm just dreading I'd say I know it says 90% but it's 10% of agony and torment oh dude like listening to you describe cuz Ross came up to us earlier in the day he was like oh did you get to the big the cat parts yet hmm I'm a cat my name is big I was like yes dude it's been [ __ ] hysterical Aaron Aaron has been having like an insane meltdown as he plays BIG's parts and Ross says Ross came over to you and he was like dude really is that true have you been having trouble with big and you were like I didn't even look up from the fridge you're just like okay you just fed it dude what the [ __ ] froggy no no froggy is going inside and you have to catch I bet you a million dollars I have this fish inside of Kaos body you catch froggie yep I got a fish yeah fish fight here we go oh no I mean am I going insane right now I feel like the most intense game of [ __ ] this is amazing huh I got oh yes that's it you [ __ ] did it fifty seconds of pleasure credits roll I would really love to sit down with the people who are in charge of making this and just ask them a lot of questions do you think they're like there they have a really nice family and like a nice house and they like you they invite you in they're like have some tea and then you're like so I'd like to talk to you about Sonic Adventure and they just they just slowly put their hand on their face and they're like oh I like to imagine the opposite I'd like to imagine that they put sunglasses on and they're like why don't we discuss it as I take you in my private jet that I bought with my Sonic's DX money yeah you'll dine on the finest caviar that was brought to you by specifically big the cat's playthrough would you like some froggy legs but everything on this everything on the other end in my flying yard oh oh head I don't think I ever told that story in game groves what's that we were flying I don't remember it was like we were flying a Magfest or like somewhere but we were going there like as star bomb and we were gonna make an appearance at star bomb and then like I was on the I was on the plane and I was just making like horrible rafts I was like yo yo these people gotta move yo yo let's get out of here some [ __ ] like that and then this guy was like who's clearly also going to manifest it was like wow man you're great rapper you should do some you should you some brass professionally like sarcastically maybe I will trap too well here we are it's like just in case like you're falling asleep don't take a nap oh wait listen to this [ __ ] song [Music] I have no idea any of the words that he's saying no no it's actually as if like someone called him like that morning whoa wacky and was like listen we need this recorded by lunch just [ __ ] make it up as you go on like whatever [Music] well bigs playthrough is done and I have to say it was maybe the highlight of game grumps 2015 for me personally yeah you think so oh dude I know so I enjoyed the [ __ ] out of it all right well someone game gross-looking eg 2:09 I hope you had fun Aaron yeah did you have fun no did you have fun though no but fun did you have it so you're asking me the same question no I don't think we've addressed fun though yeah we did and my answer would that no I did not have any of that but the question about the fun was specifically did you have it no the answer is no okay but of the things you had uh-huh was fun one hey you know I'm really racking my brain for for like a way that you could possibly be stupid enough to ask the same question over and over again oh man I'm just not coming up with one it's it's still no hey oh man yeah it's robot time next time oh [ __ ] destroy the song oh that's what these things oh my god can I can I please have these forever these are the funniest does anybody make this book of course explode them all this is so much fun come on this actually looks pretty cool it does it here you want to give it a shot nope all right then maybe you shut the [ __ ] up I just don't want to step on your toes man this is your baby yeah is that really the excuse he gonna get float it down the river leave it on a doorstep of a bad orphanage like one that I know is like like not on the up and up Bob's fried chicken in the way I said he enjoys looking around at all like the weird abortive like creatures in the [Laughter] mecha sonic and Metal Sonic and whatever I don't know [Applause] okay all right IG 88 like oh my god really time for some R&R next time a girl's emerald coast action stage I'm excited it's gonna be lots of action and stage catch froggie oh your dream wait watch out there robot monkeys on the on the umbrella yeah but I'm a robot - so now Ren's oh that's right so not even don't even worry about him so check it out I can say hi to them like what's up monkeys and they're like then I can just [ __ ] [Music] [Laughter] program for destroying monkey oh God and they're just chilling out - yeah anybody target acquired your face is bothering my face I can't I can't go through the loop-d-loop come on I can go to the whoop-dee-doo just give me just give me a chance desperately program - we didn't catch froggie yeah I did nevermind is all I have to do is squeeze a broad betrayed oh he's like a really deep voice it does the problem oh dude we should get Chris in here to do his Chris in here Adam do you mind okay okay hold on one sec yeah ah thank god you're here Dan this shit's going crazy okay so our buddy oneis here he does the most Amit Jesus Christ maybe a bad time oh my god they're going to say make yourself comfortable yeah okay so we just need you to do your awesome robot voice what do I say oh just read what he says now gonna get any closer I don't know if you remember the cheese pizza from a long time ago but you must not be one of them would you say it's Trey's epic robot Kratz these blue things can you say suck on my hot robot nut [ __ ] look in my robot nuts [Laughter] I am a cool guy my name is Chris I have a big dick I am eco okay my name is Chris I have a big big problem that's the most amazing voice I've ever witnessed anyone make under any circumstances goodbye Chris I love him they [ __ ] hate that good oh damn it well really go - go and take your piano player with you he is loud I don't want to see you again sir you've broken my heart what - many times because I I can't stand this contemporary jazz it follows you everywhere you go fifteen thousand ways to die or I will choose for you be warned I always choose worst on last where do you say to go up down the deck yes yeah okay I'll do that then [ __ ] hey I'm walking here walking this [ __ ] place what your robots arguing it like in New York [Music] yeah oh hey get the [ __ ] outta here what I mad are you yeah mr. say Amy you exquisite creature come with me run away with me thanks again for saving me Sonic and thank you for being so damn handsome love floating floating is fun ah yes my three memories they were sweet know that one can go a raging David [Music] dad's dad can't tell if falling or floating downward it's what he did he deleted his [ __ ] memory Wow god I wish I could [ __ ] self delete my memory yeah God like all of high school would be gone gone I say winds down looks like ki destroy this must be the key to Amy's heart yeah I will this goes into your chest remember what a crazy [ __ ] show this level was when it was Sonic with sanic sit oh god that feels so long ago yeah sometimes this game is like stupid impossible for whatever reason right and sometimes it's like I can't believe how easy this big just in general this game is like all over the map like in a lot of ways like some parts feel very well thought out other parts like are totally slapdash yeah it's it's weird yeah I have 40 for whatever that is it kind of feels like they thought they had two years to work on it and then they like took their time like caring about it for a year and then like they were like actually your time limit is a year in five days they're like oh finish the game yeah and then like and they told them that like five days before exactly exactly if only my metal yarmulke could catch my head I would have made some like Jewish prayer or something but I don't know any I could drop one on yeah it's even Ola Harlech their shel hanukkah wow that was a Jewish prayer I know some [ __ ] Hebrew man I grew up with that stuff bro in my household I know so much here ooh yeah yeah here's one Yom Kippur now it's not yom kippur why not you eat at the end of it at the yeah once it's over yeah a little point of it is not to eat you have a big feast and it's delicious I seem to remember the place I will own existential crisis approaching downloading exists enterprises 40% complete feeling inner sadness vague sense of doom urge to buy Porsche increasing midlife it's a good gauge of how long their life cycle is taking [ __ ] [Laughter] do not have human BOTS halt God get me out of here Jesus I'm amazed that they've [ __ ] bothered to create toilets and toilet paper in this game what is going on in there there's like a clue to everyone's struggling mmm have to take wicked pass to take wicked pass try attempt number two this is how I do the peak two other guys taking pisses yeah until snapshot of genitalia but I am a robot so actual snapshot yeah ever since I watched that red letter media total destruction of - [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it's the end I got the Jimmy jams that wait wait wait Oh they've like a robot that like a fish what no I really don't know what's happening right now he doesn't like him yeah he pushing away cuz he didn't want you to die in the explosion that's probably what it is he said there's a bird I quote unquote helped him come with me tiny bird so yo what the [ __ ] [ __ ] you be what my robot body [ __ ] you know what was using that to get mad puss don't understand for what yo yeah you remember me memory supplanted remember the [ __ ] man there's some arthouse [ __ ] or what like wow oh no now he's for exploding I got so attached to him we like the most wait what I've seen in the serious it's like the end of a Japanese movie just like nothing good not nothing nobody's happy and then as he disappears in the distance oh oh we're all little birds yeah the bird was freed oh okay what a twist did we just [ __ ] fully beat this game like is there a crazy ending that happens now because we've hundred percent completed all the characters and [Music] do you know something I don't and I do really do why don't you tell me what it is we've got one more episode are you [ __ ] serious yup it is the it is the Sonic Adventure finale oh my god there's and there's one more character one more level that we have to play through okay the secret unlocked mode that will blow your [ __ ] mind it'll make you jizz all over my face and possibly your face that's how much is there will be a lot of jizz I know so do it super sonic that's question mark looks very tasty yeah it looks like buttered pop hey you know what it looks like when you put like you know a spree in your mouth mm-hmm and then you kind of suck on it for a little bit you take it back out and like a little bit of the coloring is color but then the white is coming through and you're like this has a lot of vitamins in it yep and there's Sonic yeah man sometimes I just want to go slow and out floating down the river with n-word Jim Mann and we're Jim you're one of my best minority friends not the best just one of them we better hurry indeed tails okay angel Islands I'd like to put everyone's mind at ease who was afraid that maybe we just restarted the episode from the cutscene because the first time we weren't paying attention to what tails said and we ran around the world for like 20 minutes not knowing where to go in the [ __ ] finale you know then yeah that did not happen no no no no no that's crazy talk I know right dan yes I'm gonna be honest with you uh-huh I'm gonna be real [ __ ] honest is the art now and I really want you to really want you to sort of sympathize with what's going on with me I would love that I have no idea where angel island is he's [ __ ] kidding me I don't yeah actually that doesn't ring a bell for me so this is Angel Island they how'd it go over here no no not okay he's right why is everybody lying down all of a sudden what G all right everybody see you later like the new like me follow Sol Tito what the hell gotcha it's not a dream after all maybe it is yeah I'm just in Hershey's chocolate Park in Pennsylvania nope everything's on fire hi how many times how many times you been in a dream and you're like oh [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [ __ ] he's cold part of the kidness yeah right you really want to tug on my heartstrings yeah the red one is now loading oh boy what's happens is the most dramatic it's ever been oh I thought my head was the sky for a second [Laughter] over and yes you collapsed into a fugue state you could have been dead chuckles left he was like well [ __ ] this and now I'm gone so there's that so what goddamnit tails what the [ __ ] did just say you serious Aaron go with the tornado too so I got to go to his thing I'm gonna fly oh man here we are Oh cutscene in Sydney Australia yeah pretty much in the thriving metropolis that is not the city that you've been in this entire game yeah what what is yeah this looks nothing nothing like the city we've been in oh no jitters - over all over again goddamn it oh let let us tsunami just wash these people away little do we know we're about to get killed and this is how it feels when I eat Taco Bell oh oh Jesus this makes no sense by the way I've been holding this in for so long why would he explode out of the buildings was it just overflowing toilets yeah yeah I guess so it's yeah oh damn [ __ ] got [ __ ] up yeah shake out like immediately [ __ ] up and now it's raining well we wet out dude kick us while we're down don't - Jesus Christ [Music] he's like goddamn dude what that's chaos it's his final form this [ __ ] like suddenly became absolutely no joke you think guys no this is my city I really don't know what's happened and just dies yeah his head explodes lose a egg man just got scrambled am i right he's actually dead wow they just walk like a big dramatic as he goes yeah I'm like of course he has to fly away yeah yeah sink GI Joe sonic remember what you told me oh yeah I remember I have a name it's Claire literally never told me that tikal would be fine should've known wait is it her what is she the floaty knobby thing oh my god she's been communicating with you oh she was way hotter than you thought this game is a thousand times better than I said it was I'm freaking out right now yeah oh no everybody who's dead their spirits are calling it yeah oh my god it's just like Ghostbusters - oh my god this is great he's [ __ ] rads going super saiyan yeah Super Saiyan Sonic yeah Jake finally I've used all the positive energy to become evil as [ __ ] yeah now I will destroy you oh damn oh damn yeah now it's time to fight perfect chaos oh stop you know I'm seeing a couple imperfections thank you possibly I don't know about that perfect thing oh boy so now I just got a rush at him that's it literally all really yeah that's awesome well I listen to the sweet jam oh yeah see it's [ __ ] badass wrong you know what actually if I was a kid playing this I would have [ __ ] loved it dude I'm telling you man yeah you know you know like this part especially I'm all I'm all like a [ __ ] [ __ ] sonic but this is when I played this as a kid is so [ __ ] pumped up yeah you're you kidding I'd be losing my mind right now [ __ ] rock music never let go no I'll never let go oh my god I know my can't handle it you know I'm I need you to take the controller because this is too much as great as the like orchestrated cinematic music is I kind of was feeling that oh man that's my favorite part of this game yeah well looks like I'm not hitting max speed anymore max speed I want to turn into a lightning bolt I didn't know you turned to a lightning bolt that's [ __ ] cool bam bam to go down for something like that I love that neighbor and water and I exploded to get more water making me stronger [Laughter] why do that lightning bolt [ __ ] I'll do that [ __ ] God turns oh yeah baby boy oh you just [ __ ] did it he's exploding sucky chaos they call me order just kidding I put in an order of fries and I did it you did it hello it's like you beat chaos and then the water all drains and they're just all these dead bloated bodies and it's just like yeah appropriate to have my thumb's up right now yeah the end of the game oh we did it Sonic for this is awkward yeah now I understand the true friendship yeah oh god oh god they've come so it's mutiny is that that's an adorable mutiny what are those sounds yeah they're all saying kill kill kill yeah isn't it cute let's watch them devour him in tradition with the ancient ways [Music] super son I'm right here yeah you don't have to tell you about me in the third person things I wouldn't I didn't protect anybody it's my soul at the centre offered up to the aegis once only to be torn in twain he does it so we were protecting eight Chows as opposed to the entire population of this city okay we saved the child yeah yeah the city is destroyed now they can leave peacefully with the humans not really they're all yeah they can live peacefully without humans then the world is destroyed you just take my word for it the Harmony I said harmony is restored and the water is still there oh jesus H Christ oh no that us she's just talking to us what the [ __ ] also I can fly should I have mentioned that earlier that have been helpful knowledge - now [ __ ] but that may harmony profile my god she's beautiful she looks oh god no what are you doing I'm scared you're coming with me here just grabs his neck she becomes the sea dragon wow what a beautiful story I think I'll break my own neck see you later I must rebuild one building at a time all right like the big thumbs-up from God nice job Hedgehog smash cut them sitting like Indian style like sorting through girders alright we did it oh my god of Sonic that was on believable the end there's nothing more I guess it goes without saying shout out to our boy Leadfoot ol Leadfoot you turned out to be [ __ ] awesome and we love [ __ ] there you are the best rock and roll baby and [ __ ] thanks for joining us on this journey I'd have to say it was a it's been emotional this walkthrough says now you're done with the main game but there's really so much more to do ciao game gear and the emblem chase how about those about a married my fingers already on the power button he really does look evil well yeah I look like a fun dude to be around they give you if you like tap them on the shoulder he'd be like what alright sorry I'm sorry I didn't notice you were yellow I'll come back later man get your attention and I'm gold yellow to me but it's a little more like orange yellow so we have a mustard anything anyway thanks for joining us on this on this uh on this finale of sonic what's next I don't know I I have no earthly idea like I kinda I guess it might be Stockholm Syndrome but I kind of thought this would just go on forever and that was cool if it I was I was cool with that honestly and then [ __ ] now cuca had to be like let's end the game yeah seriously thanks or Yuki Miyazaki we can get your generic ass name out of here yeah Chris Gilbert we got to be getting close to the end because now they're showing scenes that were literally right before the credits like man this is taking so long and then the song is like only time will tell but Rock master cuts sato what's the name of the guy who sang this Judas Inouye oh god we gotta find him I'm gonna [ __ ] on the earth with my light rays well I'm God I don't care oh my god I love that the [ __ ] nice I love that the lead singer was like at the end after the [ __ ] instruments [Music] alright next time on grumpy games yeah yeah we're gonna play another game yeah Wow love you everybody good thanks for joining us on this one yes me too I am drained you too ooh see you babies bye and so closes another chapter in our lives Aaron I know how do you feel I'd rather shove shards of glass in my eyes than have experienced this monstrosity I don't know what you're talking about but honestly it was a lot of fun cool sonic adventure DX is a game
Channel: Grump Clips
Views: 1,871,780
Rating: 4.7955537 out of 5
Keywords: game grumps, game grumps sonic adventure, game grumps sonic adventure dx, game grumps sonic the hedgehog, game grumps sonic, sonic the hedgehog, sonic, sonic adventure, sonic adventure dx, sonic froggy, game grumps arin froggy, game grumps big the cat, game grumps froggy, game grumps fishing, game grumps nibble and run
Id: 5WbjLruc8jI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 20sec (10700 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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