Reading comments from our most INFAMOUS co-op moments! - Game Grumps Compilations

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"John you dumb fucking bastard.." killed me.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/dexxin 📅︎︎ Mar 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

Dan's friend sounds amazing.

Anybody know what Arin meant by "the Snorlax guy"? Google isn't helping.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/The_Erik_B 📅︎︎ Mar 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

Super Mario 3D World was from like 2014. I remember because that's when I had my job that I fucking hated and 3D World is what was getting me through the hard days.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/BigMax55 📅︎︎ Mar 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

That bit from 3D World where Dan is messing around is my favorite bit from any episode ever.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/KindlyOlPornographer 📅︎︎ Mar 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

Oh man Arin shouldn't have drunk water throughout this he was trying so hard not to laugh and spill it/choke on it lol

Edit: Someone needs to animate the John/Jason stories

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/TurboJonezz 📅︎︎ Mar 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

Oh MAN Arin was talking about a similar co-op game to A Way Out and the same developer just put out another game called It Takes Two! They REALLY should play that one too!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/aniforprez 📅︎︎ Mar 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

Motherfucker. Now that Macho Madness song is gonna be stuck in my head for a week.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/AmbushIntheDark 📅︎︎ Mar 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

God we miss Molly

Oh boy.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Akesgeroth 📅︎︎ Mar 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

In a few days, I will get the first of the earplugs to protect me from the Backstreet Boys Reunion Tour tickets. I hope that they will soon be eligible to do the same. Thankfully California is doing well with the earplug distribution, but I imagine that they are not high on the priority list.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/NeoMegaRyuMKII 📅︎︎ Mar 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey everybody we're here it's back to compilations baby boom hello how's it going thank you for joining us i gotta make you big on the screen there we go oh wait hold on i gotta watch stream and then make you big on the screen there we go make me big dawg i just want to see your beautiful face which is right there in front of me in glorious hd yeah yeah i'm basically coming to you live from a calculator can you believe can you believe this is what dan actually looks like in real life he just walks around compressed all day yeah that's that's a mitch hedberg joke isn't it like what if bigfoot himself is just blurry and all these pictures are in perfect focus um i'm still in my monokuma onesie i haven't changed out of it um days weeks yeah and since i believe this compilation is gonna be a two-parter i guess i'm just in this thing now i guess it's just it's just how i roll it's fine you gotta do what you gotta do there's worse fashion choices i've made in my life uh this compilation is going to be us in cooperative situations so clips from games where we played together at the same time cooperatively and i guarantee you that all of these clips are the opposite of cooperative yeah us just annoying each other yes excellent let's do it oh god yes welcome to super mario 3d world welcome back to dan sucks at mario and son of a [ __ ] you can get one of those get one of them hurry up dude can you tell me how to play this game please before we play i was telling you and you didn't go back you were in the process of killing me and stealing my [ __ ] what's that this [Laughter] did is and i got an extra five star for my crown so son of a [ __ ] oh man what a bummer yeah that is it's a shame that's gotta hurt having a super good time inside can i try toad or something like that yeah sure luigi's the best though boom boom boom boom boom yeah what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] major league gaming uncool on 360 now was that you and that clue i think so because i heard you laughing yeah i think that i think that was that was you that was a great toad thank god someone was recording it and that's never to be repeated seriously i i am so impressed by how i mean we just did the song titles one which was which felt like a very mellow compilation and like this right out the gate is so frantic oh yeah yeah well this game in particular like really drove a wedge between us like not not in the real world but very much in the like while we were recording the episodes we were just really having fun with uh not having fun is it weird that i immediately miss it like the moment i saw us playing it and i was like ah man i wanna we have all those levels we have to complete yeah we could we could do it like we there's that that invisible clear bonus level area oh we got to do it maybe next time we uh we get tested for backstreet boys tickets and we can get together uh maybe we'll play that and they release dlc for it yes [Laughter] wow yeah i want to raise up from the like bottom of the screen but there's too much stuff hello everybody cool you like them better i think i do only because like i'd like luigi more if i was just playing this game by myself uh but the fact that i play it with a [ __ ] maniacal douchebag see he's faster oh yeah yeah the [ __ ] toad baby do not go in there do not go in there don't go in there [ __ ] [ __ ] whoa whoa all right all right all right cool just chill just chill the [ __ ] out why did you do that why did you do that god okay all right keep going right no no keep going right and don't go left just keep going right okay jump over this thing okay [Laughter] it's so unnerving oh i'm gonna get five peaches oh my god oh yeah five peaches oh [ __ ] [Laughter] this is so much so much screaming god i miss it so badly it was very intense and and and frantic and wild and and a good time oh so good how long ago was this it's been a couple years for sure i mean we were in the we were in the blue room in the office before it got repainted right good golly miss molly i don't even remember maybe 2017 something like that again i never remember these i i remember locations that's how i was do you remember years i remember locations so if it's like we recorded something in some particular space when it was weird i'd be like oh yeah that was when we had the new chair or whatever which location did we film this in was in the grump room in the office i was hoping you'd go i don't remember [Laughter] she's trying to set up the volleyball so you could spike it down no we were just setting up the the streaming area because i remember we were like oh we should stream the rest of it so yeah yeah anyway oh jeez nice memories good times let's watch some more terrible memories okay you'll never win oh [ __ ] [Laughter] don't shoot fireballs with me you got to get ready to go to the flag go go go go go go ah [ __ ] no we messed up oh we screwed it we only have three lives we have to be serious i gotta have the rabbit i don't care about the wrath don't care about the rabbits wait no i do care about the rabbit let's go get the rabbit though why keep wasting our lives bro i'm not trying to all right let's get the rabbit get the [ __ ] rabbit oh we already got the star great boom we got to go hurry it up what the [ __ ] is wrong with you we don't have any live despair stop interrupting me [Music] all right whatever stay there press both buttons oh back and forth it'll you'll do it faster oh [ __ ] we gotta go oh man i'm i'm so used to you not being so full of beans but you were explicitly full of beans in this playthrough i mean this must have been the time when we were like ordering mocha frappuccinos from starbucks uh do you do you remember when we were there was a time when we were getting um uh coffee from postmates and then brent was like shutting it down this is too expensive yeah i think this was that brief window because i mean you know me i hate screaming so like but that's a lot of screaming next happens now that we're out alive i gotta beat the level and we gotta go and [ __ ] farm live somewhere it sucks yes why'd you [ __ ] die so many times oh man [Laughter] on the screen where you pick your save point it tells you how many how many times you've died how many times you know how many times we've died how many almost 600. are you serious yeah that's incredibly impressive i know what you meant much [Music] is that the russian spelling of jerkoff i think it is watch oh man this baby i forgot this one had comments in it it was very reactive six years ago wow okay so that was longer than i thought that's 2015. wow 2015. it's been a hot minute for 2015 was six years ago yeah it's 20 21 dude we're in the future now no wonder i have grays 2015 was a long ass time ago toadscreen is the new wilhelm scream excellent that was very funny it was a good time thanks king of red lions thanks for taking an uh a break from being a boat so you can post on youtube for a little bit i'm a king no you're a boat oh [ __ ] oh my gosh tori vega says i think bowser's a furry he puts tails on his bonsai bills that don't even make them more powerful he's probably not even a turtle he's just wearing a costume koopas probably don't even exist they're all just normal dudes in suits wake up sheeple says the intangible yeah fits with the theory that mario is a play wait what is what is oh and mario is is a play like is mario 3 the aesthetic of mario 3 like everything has like shadows casting shadows oh that's right and the theory and then when when the game opens up the curtains part yes i remember that the whole aesthetic behind mario 3 is that it's a play at this point mario 2 is a dream oh dude you know can i can i read you something this was not i did not intend on doing this and i know this is a little not exactly what this uh compilation is about yeah but i found that you just reminded me um i found this old journal of mine from like 20 years ago and uh i used to write down funny things my friends would say to each other and uh i forgot that one of my friends jason um i had two buds jason and john and jason would absolutely go off on john for no reason and he would just like um just these in insane stream of consciousness things they were always video game related and you just reminded me because we were playing um let's see uh my favorite moments of the month came when john would make a negative comment about a nintendo game and jason would completely flip his [ __ ] like when jon suggested that it was pointless to make the mario brothers plumbers so this is what jason said and he's he's stoned while he's saying this so he's like oh so being a plumber isn't a respectable job now i [ __ ] i'd [ __ ] love to see your toilet explode what would you do then john what the [ __ ] would you do then would you fix the toilet no you'd call a plumber you piece of [ __ ] you are a piece of [ __ ] [Laughter] [Music] and then there was another one or when jon found out that the plot of super mario bros 2 takes place in mario's dream what the hell is luigi doing in mario's dream john you dumb [ __ ] bastard luigi's luigi is mario's best friend he's taking like a [ __ ] spaceship into his best friend's dream to help him that's what best friends do john i guess you don't care cause you don't give a [ __ ] about your friends i hope i hope you slip into a dream world tonight you just see how [ __ ] fast i come to help you you just see who are these guys i mean i'm still close friends with jason i haven't seen john a long time but they were wonderful guys it's so funny the um i have to i have to call him and tell him i found that because he will find that hysterical god that's so funny this is such a great that reminds me of this guy or they just i guess it's a jersey thing right they just [ __ ] argue with each other yes yes immediately go to a 10 for no reason oh god like i just remember cry laughing like when he would go on those tangents he did it all the time those are the only two i wrote down though but that was a daily occurrence you just see how [ __ ] fast i'm going to rock it i hope it always it always turned into something like i hope blank happens to you based on what you say i hope you slipped into a dream world today jesus all right that was a great tangent i love that yeah sorry about that oh man that was wonderful i'm so glad i got to share that yeah hey oh snipperclip one two three yeah we did [Laughter] thanks okay i'll go ahead and steal that from you just wait wait okay here we go again i got it there you go you know would you no just you you ran into me all right chill taking up so much space now get out of my way [Laughter] oh [ __ ] wait there he goes [Applause] this is freaking delightful it's making me so happy whoa dude don't jump the gun man i is there a way i can projectile this thing yeah rotate i know but i'm afraid that won't do it um okay oh no that will do it no i might not do it there we go yeah now we're again i'll cut you out [Laughter] you keep hitting the eraser dude oh i was like we're doing that all right got it all right here we go aaron something's happening watch watch watch you're not watching all right well all right here we go again yes yes yes yes queen no no we got this watch this okay done let's play select all right get it back we did it before oh [Music] son of a [ __ ] okay i bet i could do it if i didn't hesitate [Music] hey i don't i don't know i don't know i'm sitting here and i'm like you idiots well there is plenty of that in the comments yeah it's just it's always easier said than done man like i remember doing our absolute best at snipperclips and we were garbage yeah it was fun though what a cute game seriously more nudging bro all right i gotcha sweet [ __ ] nudging get [ __ ] get [ __ ] teal fish god damn nudge super nudge yeah with the assist alternative knife [Laughter] that's a lot of prey all right everyone everyone in give me your comments [Laughter] i just want to say i love i love hearing that because you can you we must have been saying give me your cummies daddy a lot at the time because it just made both of us laugh really hard right now because it's like completely out of our lives and lexicon but we were it didn't even like move the needle for us back then which means we said it 50 times a day [Laughter] that's so true what a great metric don't worry that one will just be resting there in the in the in the here you want to save him save his life who the little blue guy oh yeah he's right there he's right there all right do it as your last action no he's right there put him back back in the ocean home is we're gonna eat these things oh thank god you'd be dooming yeah that is what happened playing all the hits work together tanner if you get cutting each other really it's fantastic i mean it's fine that you have like you get the opportunity to cut up your friend into a million little pieces you're gonna do it oh yeah period yeah every every time he says i really want a mod of this game where the giggles are replaced with pained screaming it's a great idea look at that look at that icon oh yeah rainbow barfing skull yeah blippity's full of all kinds of good ideas yeah jedi queer aaron gets it wrong every time daddy every suggestion made us correct aaron no no no listen to me i got this yeah so what i didn't say it shut up dan somebody is listening to you 1.2 000 people agree [Laughter] [ __ ] uh i gotta i gotta be more i gotta be less combative in my old age oh it's okay it it makes for good television oh gosh wow this game is hard as dicks uh yeah [ __ ] who's gonna hurt a co-op game oh gee oh my god he hurt my cup my controller won't stop vibrating oh god ow it feels so good i also have my cup and [ __ ] these people you'd think we'd put like lids on our cups yeah we're spilling out milk or semen or whatever we're filled with with the left trigger but the button above the left trigger i'm doing it that's the button i'm hitting but it's not doing it no it's not doing [ __ ] yeah oh man and there's [ __ ] man this game's hard as dicks the [ __ ] she came out of nowhere oh my god this is hard as [ __ ] oh you're so close oh man come on wow this game is hard yeah but as long as we have each other we'll always be [ __ ] we'll be good ah [ __ ] oh no titty sprinkles uh-oh hello goofy are we killing him yeah yeah oh god holy [ __ ] whoa dude whoa oh oh oh yeah yeah good job oh no he's still oh he's still alive oh what a [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] die we just [ __ ] died already just hit the left trigger man your spreadshot's way better in this part okay oh oh oh did you equip it oh you got him oh lordy oh sweet lord split him right in twain oh i spit robin's arrow in twice oh god this is a [ __ ] nightmare oh good is she upset she feels like she has a headache [Music] whoa [ __ ] god god why can't people just stay dead jordan [Music] oh they're homing stars are they oh [ __ ] they are ah [ __ ] no no that's wrong you tint monster not actually that close covered in tits i'm going in oh god get me get me no baby baby baby save my i know gotcha jesus it's so hard all of a sudden ah huh ah now i'm dead oh my god how are you supposed to avoid this you got to get in the half moon to protect yourself what ah i like to watch the dancers take off their clothes because i never get to see a man's penis in any other situation [Laughter] what were you saying [Laughter] sometimes you know what's funny is i was clearly like getting over a cold or something when we recorded this and there's just there's just something about that tone of voice that made it so much funnier it's like super snotty i like to see them i like to see the dances thing off their clothes to see a man's penis that's where i lost it i didn't hear anything after that i never get to see a man's penis under any other circumstances oh boy thanks oh sorry that's okay it's like so focused i know do your thing you're doing great yeah oh thank god oh man i i do appreciate cuphead for how authentic it was to the look of what it was going for man i hate that style of art really it just did that betty boop old school cartoon style like it always scared me as a kid because they would just throw in all kinds of weird skeletons and stuff and i i don't know it just it always freaked me out yeah i mean it's in terms of like sticking to the aesthetic of like the rubber hose i mean it's charming in its own way but like just the fact that they matched it totally and there's like that the screen grain and stuff is so cool yeah the the sound effects are very they they have that that sound of them too from there on one of those [ __ ] microphone knockouts yeah it's really impressive um oh please go ahead general kenobi daily every time aaron says [ __ ] take a shot edit i just woke up in a hospital bed i'd steady and he actually did edit you can see it says edited next to three years ago way to go fantastic jotaku 27 says cuphead game grumps gameplay a summary and then crossed it out aaron does a thing dan how do i do that thing you just did aaron aaron i don't know left trigger damn press left trigger left trigger does not do the thing dan dot dot dot dan dies show less that is uh that is a little bit of our lives oh man yeah well you know i'm not i'm not a genius i don't know all the things what am i supposed to do know all the things yeah i mean the only reason i'm asking you is because you're the only other person in the room no no kevin says i really hope they get to the battle kid like flower boss because i want to see aaron's reaction invader tool says jennifer will dump him again yeah absolutely god there was a battle kid like flower boss we did not get far in that game it was extremely difficult it's too too hard but apparently very funny although there were the moments like what we were fighting the moon where it was just like it's just too focused because it's like you just can't there's a point where you have to just like put your nose to the grindstone and just get it done yes meanwhile my dead spirit is slowly floating up the screen oh well i'll just scout out the rest of this level oh there's spikes aaron be careful that was right in your [ __ ] anus oh stop what do you want from me i want the carrot [ __ ] [ __ ] kick kick kick kick kick kick kick [Laughter] oh oh [Music] [Laughter] oh oh my gosh yes [Music] [Laughter] okay oh my god dudes the super body men is absolutely like you said before why do people watch our show i completely get why people watch this one because god this series is so funny even when we're in the moment we it it's so funny yeah i i quite enjoy super bunny man and if people want us to keep playing super bunny man let us know in the comments below it got so difficult though remember when we were in the mines and just like every half hour long episode of our show would be dedicated to getting through like one quarter of the mind yes oh that's true it was rough it was right what a nightmare okay maybe don't leave a comment if you want us to and if you already did leave a comment that's fine i forgive you but but don't [ __ ] up next time okay perfect i'm watching you up well no never mind all right you jump up whoa oh oh teach me oh master okay so just get inside and now and now we jump in okay okay let's ride it let's ride it oh my god see what happens hang in there hang in there hang in there everything's good okay okay okay okay oh thank goodness okay all right carrot the carrot though no don't don't please don't let's just beat this once okay okay okay i can't believe we both said the carrot oh i feel like we could do it i feel like we could do well we feel like we can do it teamwork back here there's always doing this okay there's always doing this now aaron you just pushed me into the [ __ ] spikes [ __ ] messing with my goddamn steez do you need to be safe no i'm fine are you sure yes i'm working my way up how are you yes i think you're in exactly the same place as you were no all right yeah oh i've got the [ __ ] carrot dude dude okay can i trust you with it no lord okay yes hang on i'm coming please [Laughter] oscar the milkman says i've never seen two straight men in a relationship flirt more than this it's just super bunny man man like you're you're rolling around with another dude and your your face and his butt are usually near each other in some way there's just no way around it yeah you gotta talk about it or else it gets more awkward and yeah then or you're gonna do a kiss maybe you kiss a little though yeah 2 000 likes view 40 replies scroll 247 says the slow spike descends kills me every time oh and it's like oh yeah it's so funny it's so funny and the legs like start displaying different directions it's just it's they built a game that produces they built an improv comedy game like it just produces comedy when you play it it's amazingly funny beautiful i love that game uh jenny lock says when the 10 minute power hour comes back you guys really need to do an obstacle course dressed as bunnies that's a solid idea that is really fun that's a solid idea from from j-lock one of the ideas that we wanted to do for the power hour was there is like a real-life parkour like obstacle course that you can go to near here that we absolutely need to do yeah that's an excellent idea absolutely so good prison is so annoying i [ __ ] walked in the tar this is another one of my favorites oh [ __ ] i walked in the door you're such a dumbass oh man i got the tar on my feet dude what are you doing man i got that oh [ __ ] there's water everywhere do you hear that storm's coming stop talking to metaphors it means we're bringing out a prison [Laughter] looks at them really slowly with eyes like super wide you just see the camera shift to every corner of the prison like birds fly up people turn their heads what are you doing i'm shot over oh god no stop it oh my god they're so mean they're so meat please i'm trying to get away from you guys don't you get it you guys are unbelievable oh no no no no no keep going keep going keep going oh [ __ ] oh yeah [ __ ] off oh that was amazing oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] here we pause it i just want to say after so many months of playing danganronpa look at how active video games are yeah i know uh dude it's so weird i don't i remember absolutely loving the way out play through and like just i was so excited for the episodes to come out and they were so funny and i don't remember a goddamn thing from this game yeah i remember like certain moments and certain jokes but like i i remember your son was a helicopter and like all kinds of various random things but god like the a way out absolutely was one of my all-time favorites that we've ever done it's so nice it's so nice to see like favorites back to back you know go for it oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i'll miss you you're all wet [Laughter] oh my ribs look at us a couple of cards oh you you son of a [ __ ] are we arm wrestling each other oh it's me are we gonna tap it oh that's right we broke our arms doing this [Music] [Music] yes oh my god oh my [ __ ] abs matt ryan can you put in some [ __ ] intense music no no no no no no [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm a [ __ ] arm wrestling machine oh god what a [ __ ] war jeez one final sprint god i'm ruining my hand i gotta switch i gotta switch i'm not nearly as good of my left hand oh my god that was the hardest [ __ ] oh [ __ ] my arm hurts so bad oh oh god that was not worth it at all [Laughter] it's so good i love it shoot it leo shoot it i remember i was [ __ ] losing my mind to think it's so funny oh man i got so attached to these guys yeah seriously leo and what's his face george they're like old friends victor victor yes yes yeah i think i think so shoot it leo shoot it hold on you got to crouch to get your health back oh shoot the thing all right let me say two seconds two seconds oh my god i could have been around and shot the thing myself i'll shoot it for [ __ ] sake few seconds [Laughter] hold on i've almost got the shot say what what i'm sorry leo what that was crazy he was a cop stop stop i'm a policeman oh my god aaron i'm trying to uphold the law you are unbelievable like well i'm sorry you know this is a [ __ ] betrayal of our friendship are we actually gonna kill each other we're gonna have a shootout vincent not victory man [Music] typical leo couple of cards i don't know where you are i don't know where i am either [Laughter] maybe not [Music] oh man yeah your perspective faded away that's so [ __ ] dude i gotta tell you um i remember like we we were laughing and we were having a good time i was legitimately very upset at the way that game ended i mean now now that i got over it emotionally i think it's awesome and different and cool but man it puts you through it when you're doing it did we was there an alternate ending where you don't where leo doesn't kill vincent well we there's an alternate ending where uh leo kills vincent instead of vincent killing leo but that game ends with one of you having to kill the other so cool yeah it really was i mean i've never seen anything like it like and it was especially weird because the guy who played leo looks exactly like leo in real life uh so it was it was extra weird like looking up the character actor and being like oh he's a real real human being oh that's him i should yeah should stop whatever big bad fox 99 two men building a steady friendship like a house but in the end it all falls down just like a couple of cards wow what a great comment big bad fox 99. that's why it's got 2 and 600 uh yeah um freaking two years ago but still full credit to you big bad fox first time i'm seeing that one daniel filizzola ruiz says during one of the most emotional parts of the game literally everyone crying aaron and dave i'm gonna get you [Laughter] well it was funny just just sneaking around trying to get each other i mean we're doing a comedy show and we're also inept at video games so it did it did we we had to keep it light because otherwise like i i think i actually would have gotten emotional on the show mm-hmm moosie fate great the intensity of the arm wrestling was maybe my most anticipated part of this playthrough i wasn't disappointed it was so because i get so like the button mashing stuff i'm good at it but it really gets super painful after like 30 seconds of it and man i was all in i hated that experience yeah i i like i i i remember i remember giving up and and thinking like if i could probably do this for another 30 seconds but if i do my body is telling me there will be serious repercussions yeah seriously there's there's a mini game of that the exact same thing in monster hunter but it has a time limit on it so it's like whoever sort of like won overall by like the five second mark just wins right um but with this one it just goes on until one of you actually gives out so it's like more like a real arm wrestling match but like you said it was like i don't know maybe you'll cause some arm damage just from playing a video game who knows yes yeah things can hear real real bad yeah what happened that died the doctor what happened man what did you do is it a sporting incident was it a construction no that's playing a playstation game yeah my friend and i were being a couple cards omar pixel 9 says there is no perfect game crime series a way out says hold my beer oh that's very sweet yeah i mean it really did lend itself to the show uh format for sure um it was it was an awesome experience i i would if if i'm if i'm feeling nostalgic someday maybe i'll sit down and watch that all the way through i would really love if there was another game like that because i mean i feel like there's i feel like there's so few games that are like narrative and like co-op like that um i was thinking of like a resident evil game because we can play that remotely so i could that could be fun but it's spooky maybe a scary valentine's day kind of thing home alone so hey that was that was fun uh we got a bunch of more co-op clips to go look at on the next time we do this yes we'll be wearing the exact same things no it'll be a month later for real right see ya bye
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 1,396,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming
Id: _mOWV8mEDcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 35sec (2615 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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