Running Jokes Compilation - Game Grumps

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Big Zam!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TubularTortoise14 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 16 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Dcasteel7 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 16 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hey I'm not Zhu Goff and where the gang grass I went to Otto Kahn in 2004 I think and this band called Larkin CL was they were there and they they did the music for Full Metal Alchemist that's right yeah and that's right aesthetic hombre yeah they they did music for a lot of [ __ ] what was it I don't know they did a bunch of theme songs for a man eh yeah lots of different cool anime things that is in Naruto yeah yes and so like they came and did a show which was incredibly rare so in America rather and everyone freaked the [ __ ] out and they sold out the Baltimore Convention Center and it was like a big there's a big party was awesome and they were into it and I guess the lead singer suite here we are I guess the lead singer was like he had made the effort to like learn a little bit of English before he came to to perform here which was a super nice gesture but hilarious because like his accent was very strong and so he wanted to like get the crowd charged up so he tried to do the are you having fun thing like but he came out and then like because it was Baltimore and like everyone eats crab there that's like Baltimore's main dish he tried to make a reference to that and he was like daily the crab next thing was like something about Baltimore but it was so unintelligible it was like [Laughter] it was amazing you should use your ranks dude my what your ranks oh yeah I'm killing the one hit that's right um good call bruh and diagonal yeah and so he aaron found the I guess the Larkins get on DVD yeah it's on DVD that live and Bolton that actual performance so we are gonna watch it and we will get back to you and see if we can find footage if they left it in between songs and yelling me too oh yeah that's like a higher more intense clip screaming OH Hitler crabs now son I meet you oh this is where you meet your best friend Mike Oh Mike alright didn't you find out that his official name was buddy yeah you know what that doesn't matter cuz he's Mike to us yeah there is you you potato headed friend do you play bass cuz I need a bishop oh here comes here comes Mike's big line big line favorite part let me grab this gun that's why we call him Mike come on Mike do you know his reaction was when he was free Mike Mike Mike Mike oh come on Mike you have to toss me Mike [Laughter] good Mike you go this way and get captured no sir no sir mr. damn it welcome back to my kuriboh you think it's wise MIT Holmes I like music oh do back damn it no no oh you know what I meant make sure oh hey Mike everybody check my kuba into the spaceship I sure could use my crew believe it no neg I think mr. mr. mr. hey you'll be making design Macra bad programming mokuba no Super NES programming a Koopa additional programming mokuba Thank You back and sound by Charles demon I want to see who is the mic aruba guy yeah who the [ __ ] said my creepy yeah who is the voice actor dude Eric chahi had right here did my crew you know what if I could sum up everything in one word it would have to be good just kidding it's Makery this game is like having your nuts twisted by several cats with large hands yeah oh yeah large handed cats what would they need the thumbs to do that I don't know they'd have to like pawed them with like two hands you're right but your balls have you ever seen Wolf job I have how gross is that that's good to tell what everyone at home would woof oh okay Barry you can put up wolf jump no he can't put up wolf jump is disgusting okay Barry put up wolf job with a censored bar over it it's a it's a picture of my friends and I text to each other all the time when we're not sure how to respond to something it's just an early 90s looking computer-generated guy getting a [ __ ] from a wolf but like I mean some more of a werewolf isn't that yeah I don't know man oh it's actually a normal wolf wasn't it yes no but like it's just weird cuz the tenderness the tenderness if there's a lot of passion there's a lot of like hey is this is this image here the whole time while we've been explaining this yeah sure over the whole Barry I hope you left it up or at least minimized it into a corner okay put it to the corner for the whole episode now keep it there just with the little black bar over what it's going on um just make sure it's very friendly maybe you put a hat on the wolf yeah it's possible I haven't load of a hat on the wolf yes I didn't have to movie can just be on the well I don't think it moves up and put another smaller wolf giving another smaller hand job on top of the head you're asking too much from back there are you kidding Barry's a wizard Barry if you prove your wizard skills please put a smaller wolf giving a small hand job on the head of the normal size I just put it in the other corner yeah and then everybody please like comment subscribe you want to participate a little bit what's your favorite animal yeah oh that's interesting and what's your favorite color and then Oh what makes those two and show us a picture of your favorite animal in that color whoa dang look at that and then throw on another picture of wolf job yeah wolf job very [Music] haunts my dreams open wolf job in my brain I don't want it in my show I don't want it no no it feels on my body congratulations dude this calls for more wolf job Thank You Barry [ __ ] you wait now before you go put a hat on that wolf ah good-looking hat go ahead on the Hat and put a hat on the Hat yep and put another wolf on the smallest hat put a smaller hat on the first hat great work next time on game grumps more beautiful appreciation of the female form and foot jobs am i right well job there I put up a wolf chat please thank you what are you digging this picture very good great I did it nut get your little dancing Luigi off the [ __ ] ruble thank you to barry kramer and barry kramer wolf Joe you have an ancient scroll I'll teach you and I oh yeah I got plenty of me yeah dude I got one from that girl who didn't want any of my steez yo I'm too thrust to kick oh my god wolf move of course do it berries was kill give us a wolf move if you know what I'm saying yeah ancient scrolls only one there it is give us a wolf job and put an ancient scroll on the wolf everything's riding on this is it a shot I can easily just do this with one Wemo do it Andre hurry do a little [ __ ] celebration thing I got all the freights I need stop playing this [ __ ] yeah we're done done done done put up a wolf job Barry yeah but a Halloween wolf job yeah Barry yep put some puts like put some 80s style MIDI over this yes there we go spooky wolf job calm cool and collected like a cucumber that's you Rosso my cucumber you never heard the term cool as a cucumber oh yeah they're just cool Keuka Barry can you put a picture of a cucumber wearing sunglasses up yes always with the wolf jowls love the wolf job makes me happy Barry do that interesting thing from before put a will job on it no we have to raise the stakes Kevin ignore what I just told you put up put up a fight well you know what put up your first wolf job it's time you know what as a different spin put a couple pasties on the man and put a yarmulke on the wolf put up hey Kevin real quick thanks man do me a favor yeah Kevin so close that's [ __ ] that's [ __ ] Vic it's because it's because girls just don't have strong wrists are you talking about are you talking about the guy who plays the low tone in a band and is also part of the Ku Klux Klan are you referring to racist basis between games Aaron and I came up with this character racist bassist who's just like oh I like this little exchange as they change chords rich book and slaughter you you got Dean Matthew [ __ ] misogynistic [ __ ] yeah it's just a guy who [ __ ] who who doesn't care for most races and also plays bass and he's he does both at the same time [ __ ] that noise that's like something a black person would do man I really hope this accountant doesn't Jew me out of my money oh yeah if you call it racist bassist had like another member like like bummer drummer who just says depressing [ __ ] like Francis bassist is like oh man too many Jews at today and bummer drummer would be like yeah it's extra tough cuz my wife left me you know I really loved that Chinese food but who wants to [ __ ] them destroyed me yes you're the raciest yeah dude it's because I'm here oh I can see the ball better through my slanty eyes oh man better keep your door locked at night cuz who knows what those blacks are doing on a Friday night but do oh man it's some days it's just tough to get out of bed in the morning what are you doing you're just sending these balls all willy-nilly man you know this concert this concert might have happened at a bad time because um all my dog ran away from home today the only thing that this made me feel good since my cancer diagnosis oh my god that's a that's a wonderful band we've created I hope I hope we get to I do something with it serum god damn it juice I hear you don't like gays forty advantage me it's of course yes yes Gundam this is Gundam battle assault do um look at the side of the box gun dumb gonna be big you better recognize both you're gonna be big zan that I'm gonna be bald well good [Laughter] no all right if you'll be we've made a horrible mistake more like you picked the best game sweet I do it Oh big Zam guess what your main attack is walking trash just walk forward it hurts me it does it yeah oh man he's large he's large I gonna Bowl the [ __ ] out of you bro are you yeah you're not do it oh boy this is actually weirdly tough to control yeah well you're big [Laughter] when does the fight start I need the money I got I'd like to just say right off the bat that was totally based on skill I'm an honorable soldier of Zeon yeah [ __ ] ball Jesus Christ give me a chance oh man who should I be now Oh No hey Gopi Biggs am [ __ ] I'm gonna be [ __ ] News's L good he's bigger than Biggs am yeah Wow can I get a few more [ __ ] vowels in that name that looks lovely you can go pick them flower and like that yeah [ __ ] go there's not enough room on the screen yeah touch it I'll touch you wherever I want it I have no legitimate I think what I'm doing thank of it yeah how do I do a move and it out how do you move pretty good the only move I've managed to master is walking forward yeah I got my foot yeah something my creamy bean in between do all my hand over there yeah no no do we Weaver I'll watch as i lurk slowly towards you [Laughter] two human beings we're doing this exact fight it would be one slapping the other guy on the waist while the other one kicks slowly into it into the other dude [Applause] this game is harder when I'm fighting robots that are relatively my size I think we're gonna have to do a best out of five okay I'm down with that got oh so I got one run you got one round alright that's fine that's good mm-hmm maybe we should play this normal gun you're right I should mix it up yeah no I wouldn't do that maybe psycho game exam sweet the whole top row is boss characters oh I see so since they're all like normal character right here so if I were to pick like I'm gonna burn you up with burning Gundam fine like that and use my burning finger cool let's do that yeah take my [ __ ] hadouken yet oh my god you have a Hadouken yes I do I wonder if my giant chicks can stop us I think I think this round calls I can't believe you do this [Laughter] I god the screen for any action to take place I have the whole time no one told me this is terrible allow me to walk at you oh my god it's so effective who's the better Sam now III baby all right yeah Wow it all comes down to this this is going to require a very special character to which I cannot I don't want to divulge it right over to big we have a ball burst ball match oh my god I would but I'm can you back out I can't I'm all wrapped up in this big Zam say spinnaker the good people at spinnaker Nick river they were a [ __ ] awesome company that's like a racial slur do we have to stay here this did I see you talking to that spinnaker no no bye see you even eyeballing a spinnaker you're out of this house little Missy nothing good ever comes out of spread occurs except waffles they're really good at making waffles I don't like waffles one batch almost as much as I have a distaste for Spinnaker's delicious they should be abolished we should excommunicate tough when to Spinnaker's become allowed to vote our didn't vote on that not gangster blue collar criminals like the Spinnaker's [Laughter] I've had it nearly up to here with Spinnaker's and their little hats [Laughter] what are we ever EDA scription is something new [ __ ] Spinnaker's their yellow hands are always getting all over me and they the way they leave trails of slime behind the snails Oh bro you found this the the spool patch that's not human not to be confused with the pool snatch and why are they the only ones able to fly Oh No explain that one to me god they're gonna be Spinnaker's Cindy said that [ __ ] is really fond of what the whole story gosh it's really fun vinegar yeah and she always said that if you wish upon a spinnaker your wish will come true maybe what is a spinnaker a spinnaker has yellow teeth and a brown nose AHA not figuratively uh-huh their noses actually Brad could you please help me [ __ ] double jump oh do I do this yeah I thought I didn't know I was a part of this yes what do I do you like flap your little wings no only when do we need it oh I need the gems Oh God come on anyway she went to spinnaker Society oh my god they are so dirty you're gonna believe it this is the absurd Disney episode of game grumps were a racist against a people nonspecific people that has not been established yet and we're just gonna create stereotypes and let you the viewers decide what a spinnaker yeah what race were [ __ ] give it a hard time too and my god I wish they would turn off their Chevy Impala why do they like onion so much one spinnaker decided to get a a desk job haha oh my god everybody in the office with softened it oh I know right make it dance they can dance second really dance but only to jungle music jungle reggae drum and bass tongue yes Mexican jungle rhythm and blues drum and bass guitar I'm not saying they're Mexican but I just like Mexican style music yes mixed with Diamondbacks which is tradition which Mexicans don't like no they don't I don't like the Stormcloaks there'll jerks like I am I helped them in my first playthrough and they're like great now we get all the Spinnaker's out of Skyrim and it's like wait a minute just a guy you'll never get all the Spinnaker's everywhere I want to talk to you go away with their pointy hats pointy hats hold on I'm gonna re equip my my magical and their never-ending supply of grapes spinner guys yeah man Spinnaker's what okay so now I think I should have infinite okay cool so how they like chocolate syrup on their nachos oh that is the weirdest okay hold on Oh Spinnaker's there aren't quite as advanced as they are with their [ __ ] glowy [ __ ] horath ons what the [ __ ] is you are absolutely the Spinnaker's of deep space ooh yeah I'm sorry I get real there yeah so I had to get so goddamn real it was it was appropriate thank you Barry if you could possibly put a floating burger with eyes smiling just floating from right to left across the screen we wait describe that to me again a floating burger with eyes and smiling floating from right to left across the screen and like it comes from off-screen and then like waiting yeah exactly it's just like a gentle [ __ ] imagine it like when it gets to the left right it just kind of squishes a little bit and keep squishing like it's like it's like really gentle movement yeah like the force behind it is just like massive yeah so just like it gets flattened to like one [ __ ] right and at the last moment that you can detect its face like the smile stops Barry edit out this episode Thank You Barry at it in a second episode yeah Barry edited a picture of a clam smiling with a burger underneath it with that smiling burger from Bob alright thanks Barry Bahama you did great vo big clam pipe bro do me a favor for absolutely no reason can you have the floating burger from b.o.b [ __ ] podcast section replaced army no no just have them float across the screen slowly for no reason oh I don't want to see he's blocking the [ __ ] numbers he's blocking the numbers you can't ah Barry why did you make that burger twice as big as he was before Barry while all this is happening can you put a smiling burger floating from right to left thank you very very very shivering hamburger wait Barry Burgie they're so similar I have a feeling - Barry over a year the same person oh yeah yeah [Music] hey welcome back to steam train we're playing I am bread all right let's do it uh in this game what do you play as question what do you play as bread don't you throw and burn you super fast right to left real quick across the screen right now there you are Bertie hey okay cool now we can end the episode Bertie has to be on all our podcast II episodes except the actual podcast you did for us and bang you just put Fergie on the screen yeah but free between two patties and lettuce and a bun and and choose the picture where she had that weird like booty sweat thank you Kevin can you please put a zombie cheeseburger floating across the screen actually up and down zhurqi yes oh but he has to come down from the top of the screen gently and sink into the abyss like bottom of the screen well you know what it's time to do something weird so Matt and Ryan could you please have a small frowny pancake wearing a fake mustache a beret and a long cigarette can you float it diagonally down from the left to the right side of the screen small frowny pancake fake mustache beret long cigarette top left of the screen down to the bottom of the right screen his name is Pierre Pierre pancake the autopen cocky and I think we'll call this an episode you got it buddy everyone enjoy run saber and Keith Kenny have a can you have a little friend who's a slice of french toast but he's not French he's he's Iranian he's Indian like he's he's French but not Native Americans Oh in actually in the Indian Indian yeah and from India he's just he's just smiling yeah indian french toast give him a Shogun hat like a like a samurai helmet we don't want to think up to one culture no no and then a tiny samurai sword yeah but in the other hand he's got hands in the other hand some honey a maraca and a maraca honey anima rockin butt so he can shake the maracas around and apply honey to himself to make himself more delicious mmm thanks guys what character is that that was um Lord Palpatine Count Dooku on the ground he's got double lightsabers about the cat the cat ate him that was a fucked-up scene actually yeah and like Daniken's like sure I do it and then Palpatine's like chops off to whose head yeah there's no blood cuz later they decided that in order to keep the PG rating even though that movie is pg-13 that the the lightsabers had to cauterize the wound even though in the first movie the alien who gets his arm chopped off leaves on the floor oh yeah that's right but Luke doesn't when he gets his god dammit Yeah right and he goes do I think you're getting that store let's do it he's just too excited [Laughter] it took us all night to get to the point where we're [ __ ] laughing like idiots but we are here now grabs a glass of water oh [ __ ] I'm gonna [ __ ] oh no I don't have my double price candy now you don't I'm just gonna do this just as I can this is absolutely free my twice candy I don't know let's [ __ ] it's stupid I had it oh he stole it [ __ ] do you eat do you think of like if like Palpatine's like out of the out of the streets ahead he gets like he gets like a poached by some [ __ ] mugger steel your buddy he's like don't do it if he's at like Shabbat at a friend's house and they're like is it alright if we say the Lord's Prayer and he's like Jew it really fed up with a [ __ ] like a ring toss game and he's just like oh like he goes up to this girl and asks her out and she's like no Beauty jazz man is like Luke I am your father ATZ I knew it oh that really got me read oh we're so close no all right this is last minute game before we [ __ ] go to the final round of stars Oh looks like dry bones isn't a goddamn [ __ ] sword just a staggering lead you just gotta trace the shape that's all okay and the better you do it the more points you get got it director hold down a button yeah you gotta hold down a or be impossible which one you like okay so you're gonna hold on hey don't forget to do it yes [Applause] [ __ ] my SkyDrive I was so good at this what the [ __ ] oh it's so hard you're like an artist you can't do like I'm usually pretty good at this there's a Rayman Raving Rabbids am good I started laughing and then and ah somebody's like somebody's like hey did you how did she do with that baseball game as the pitcher and he was like I broke my pencil [Laughter] Palpatine what are they gonna do with all this day old meat Oh dry bones get solar star yeah I'm understanding this way too well misconstrue oh the green star goes to Oh two green stars is peach and Yoshi yeah that's five for double star job why was your head so wet that's because um well like that was the wettest high-five I've ever been a part of I know sorry alright I think I think maybe we have yeah oh geez I wonder who the winner is [Laughter] man drive on you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] the only one cuz you're so smart stupid dick looking up [ __ ] sad all of us are yeah this is a goddamn travesty and then it like peaches like praying yo yo here's a pro tip for you guys at home get that do the thing I did don't you imagine that like when I say that like I'm not gonna make Barry do it but imagine when I say that like it's like yeah yeah all right listen up [ __ ] yo you puny [ __ ] with your drippy semen coming out here's a tip for the drip screen like rotate 70 times the grub rap Raptor - all right like a coffin opens in the Grim Reaper comes that literally stock an amazing wrapped approach it that kills them in one hit you can knock the flashy ones back at him wrapped approach it you can knock the flat Specter night and mullet have the same face sure is that an easter egg wrapped or Easter egg hunt all night inspector not have the same face wrapped or Easter egg on shovel Knight and King Knight have the same face that right wrapped your pro tip number one this is why I hate Castlevania - right Castlevania ones like I'm moving forward constantly that you remember from the childhood that you spent reading a walk through a couple minutes thanks Aaron six bang pro tip don't sell out your friends you can just go ahead and get these coins over here yo-yo wrapped a pro tip am I not wait get rattling whoa - Raptor bro yeah I love you more alright here's a raptor pro tip guys hmm this one goes right raptor pro tube this one shows you've gotta remember those raptor pro tips right-left right-left dog that's absolutely wrapped a pro tip on Donkey Kong don't leave your friend behind right never wrap your pro tip on Donkey Kong get the bananas got him drafted it's madness it's much [ __ ] madness here I come oh I've still got your yay I still got your macho man song stuck in my head oh but you made oh yeah it's macho madness yeah it's macho it's much [ __ ] madness it's really good yeah it was not close do you still have the oh no this has a different background music yeah well we can go back to a world that has macho because we didn't do any of the [ __ ] grass world medias yeah it's much to me it is Gupta yeah did we not complete this stage it means yeah this must mean this must be the one we were like warped at it oh that's right yeah that's what happened and I'm not sure who you I love is they were in the for as possible macho man oh yeah it's macho man oh yeah man it's much [ __ ] madness oh that's awesome macho madness oh yeah it's macho madness yeah it's macho it's much [ __ ] madness oh my that was fun times I like that came very much ro sir Lina needs to get up onto my balls in a respectful way though I'm surprised you're able to see her without the proper resources like cranberries I love cranberries typical operations but I wanted to save her well giant cranberry that decision may have changed your life your organization we mentioned before is requested you join them what why me your Healing Touch ability allowed you to successfully kill a gal victim what organization is this the International cranberry Association of America my god there are with the World Health Organization that specializes in exterminating intractable diseases that threaten mankind they're called caduceus douches [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] lovely bottle he asked me to ask you few have any grand marriage to be honest I'm against you joining caduceus I don't want you hogging all it sounds like opening and closing the blinds this is Morse code for hello where do you keep the cranberry if you show your copper eight we'd welcome your support China sound great cranberry they must be extremely cranberry if they're willing to break their Sun let's up the issue personally I'm all over the Internet cranberry blog just want to see if like I could replace every c-word Delfy only months ago my cranberry O'Neill soon the government wanted to have others at wrong healthy dose of dried what's wrong everybody loves cranberry specially there's dead kid I'm like America research little bastards if only to keep a cranberry eye on them catch it did you see very useful dude won I won I won the money the money is mine I want the money [Laughter] that's from [ __ ] that's from Vegas vacation there's like the old guy playing like the keno lottery or whatever he gets the winning ticket Wow I [ __ ] love that movie congratulations you're [ __ ] the money is yours yeah the key is mine there you go just like the Michael Jackson song he's mine I won I won the money to my how did you win oh it's because I didn't do enough I was setting up a [ __ ] combo dude you bring them alive and you got power back stop tektites here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go I want me getting nice I'm back do nice things nice the carrots my [ __ ] [ __ ] I love a [ __ ] never tell you about that nope my [ __ ] joke Yoda chill Kyra yeah no it's like Yoda after he like retires from the force he [ __ ] he wants to become a comedian he's not he's not a policeman he retires from the floor because the comedian so yeah so he's like he's like he only tells Star Wars related jokes so he's like mmm I have a joke for you so if you poor you didn't okay tell it's me joke copy Oda what what kind of car do I Drive I don't know Toyota hmm funny joke here's a good one that street from Daegu mah boy Aaron oh [ __ ] I don't want to do this I thought I could do it but I can't it's way harder than it looks isn't it it sure is here's a good one from the planet Tatooine what watch it what did Luke Skywalker say about somebody bullying his sister what's that you better not lay a finger it's um it's funny watching you go back and forth between like the joy on your face when you do that voice and like the absolute dead I'd like anger that you immediately snap back into and just playing this straight from the Death Star okay what did I write here Kanda back what did a jockeys manager say to him before the big race okay this is me playing now what what did they say you're done use the horse I've got a new joke for you what is it where does where does Vader get all of his designer shoes where's that I say yeah the dirt mall what the [ __ ] this is impossible no Shana joke what do you call a bounty hunters favorite dog what's that his boba pit funny joke it's not it's not funny but do you think like the people would like actually call him out on it not being funny or they just like he's super old just give it to him just letting you do his thing just he's like 800 what is a Jedi's favorite scan me what's that lifesaver hey Dan what's up you'da I'm getting funny joke for you what do you call it when Chewbacca's best friend is in a band and he has an opportunity to play the instrument on his own han Solo what then I've got a funny joke for you that's cool would you like to hear it what is AJ's favorite Italian dessert [Music] is this a gelato I don't know ob1 cannolis I can't I can't I can't do with both both of these things at once goddamnit who comes to take your car when you don't have any money max repo ha ha funny like they're like yeah knock-knock I forgot the joke damn it it'll give it to goo Oh God they call me the lab demon the we're going around whacking people really that's like [ __ ] gremlins yes [Music] hey my wagon people you were having a great time and that's what's important is my weapon stick yeah just take out the dad that was a perfect whopping opportunity right away dude don't let him get set up in the wax pot oh hey new shoes no don't weapon don't left jack oh there yeah yeah it's time to whap Roger for sure oh damn that was a ton of experience oh here's the nice kid well he gets wrapped just the same you turn your nose just like jabs are in the eye damn it huh I don't know how to deal with this I'm the wife demon I know how to do it web look I can go out there and wow I'm not about to eat it on the [ __ ] whap Goblin looks like someone's you need to forget happened I know just the man I've never found the problem in life that couldn't be solved by a weapon like an old weapon just a weapon all the traumatized victims are in there and you kick the door any like I like to yes would be a good time for you to just running stock up on food and wolf weaponry and weaponry and weaponry that's probably why they prior to me whap whap demon nationรญs they're the only food oh sorry I'm waffles wiggly ass rubber nose just I don't even remember how to attack there you're not the slash demon you're the Lapp demon I Oh actually do you um do you how do i there we go okay I'm going what why are you guys we do need we do need to decide once and for all is he the web demon or the web goblin web goblin does have a good it does it really does yeah I'm how to happen tools when I have to go a slicin I'm gonna laugh demon taking a vacation from we're gonna slice demon whoa Stacey you up on my account slice oh that's nice that's what we'll do it'll be whap demon or slice goblin depending on what you got is there another weapon is usually a baseball bat around here in this bowl there it is that's a good that's good for weapon yep it's good for the weapon cool whoever it's good this is a good [ __ ] the whap do some weapon let's do this you guys better witness the weapon and about to unleash on his own man you've never seen a weapon like this before shut up welcome thank God I have my camera on me don't worry yeah I got my new weapon stick I love it so I'm very prepared to do some sick weapon weapon under some whap whap techniques I'm gonna do some weapon eeks if you know hey you got a couple good way quacks oh yeah [ __ ] wops I used up my o jizz okay come on give them out giving a good whap we could use a new head I think a new head yeah I think it's time but in the weapon goblin well they took all your [ __ ] my weapon Goblin mask oh oh not cool I actually kind of dig this look whoa Frank's got quite a butt on him at least they left you your camera so I don't have anything on me anymore yeah what was that about changing heads hold on the weapon goblin yeah yeah I'm getting the weapon real hard oh you're not gonna survive this I just want to [ __ ] I just want to whap everybody you know I'm saying you're the weapon demon yeah pull yourself together oh look at you laughs cow man he's going on a web date yeah time for his wet Mitzvah shall oh yeah welcome back to [ __ ] web demon king i am loving my nuts slap demon goes on a date starring Charlton Heston as the web demons Oh cosmetic shop cool gray neat I'm the [ __ ] weapon even I'm busy yet see with the on the phone like shell cell I haven't seen my wife your kid in 27 hours just empty it all out just clean slate clean slate I don't think I'm gonna make it out of this place Apple you remember if we made that joke before but it's making me laugh like it's the first time I see if ya become interested in our wedding laughing in the morning oh no we're not cornered I don't know if I can wipe my way out of this one whap Gavilan more like the crab goblin Laver turn close okay okay well you do prefer whap Goblin oh yeah well goblins way better okay I mean you know I'm mega man fan and all but I don't know I understand a web goblin I feel like I truly came into my own that's when I became the web cop I mean it's like it's actively a meme at this point it's like all you have to say is the web goblin and people get it yeah you know when people are like aside from those [ __ ] first 12 episodes where you call it the web demon you better save Brad Frank there's weapon to do sorry my weapon Otis I'm gonna climb up and I'm gonna whack oh nice gonna go ahead good whap thanks in the next web it's a real Freddie well completion and Oh God that would be Suzie's least favorite thing you could ever say we want me to complete oh my god how was it with her last night oh my god she made me complete so hard dude you don't even [ __ ] know that girl she's no joke oh did you complete this yeah oh you better believe it we completed together it was maximum completed D'Souza yeah that's a beautiful spiritual thing when you complete yeah it really changes that scene in Jerry Maguire okay like you better [ __ ] not 15 challenges your first challenge it's gonna be shut up second challenge is gonna be try not to barf ha ha boy that is tough third challenge is to finish H I like this yeah yeah conclude [Laughter] it's really hard it's way harder I'm gonna breathe the shower off can I use it okay it's my favorite thing that matter I yeah I love conclude though such a [ __ ] awesome conclusion here we go here's a little snug yeah suck it off suck it off my tip off my suck my pre dude you have to eat my prey drink my pre dude credit for that no no it's all matter I install writers um all right cool we did come up with conclude though oh yeah you think the game is like recalculating where to go before TV goes recalculating the opposite of the now I'm in your ass oh my god totally we're gonna rock your world oh my god I love it what are you doing got one chance do not miss your chance to play you got one shot do not miss your chance to pre opportunity comes once in a lifetime strings out Wow Wow strings out like Palio's string pre that's the most disgusting images I got freaking spotted all the way I'm gonna start all over your face then I'm gonna finish it there's gonna be a lot happening in the facial region to me a lot of starting finishing hey yo you [ __ ] prey in here never [ __ ] breeder it really helps the dynamic Oh feels good to be on vacation it feels good no free get the ketchup on game grumps episode we're doing that Tyranno take a pre it's like my favorite but favorite prey dude [ __ ] prey gonna break what a braided [ __ ] breathe [ __ ] praetor [ __ ] prick of course he would [ __ ] eight years of being the president like you would think it's just like all right I'm done you yeah you think you're not ready to pre [ __ ] prick alright gay rubs wait can you get to the next screen because I don't know how to survive this jump without you think you might be Sol buddy wait what what items do you have hold on select okay go to relic and you whoa so many things now you don't have it what are those on the bottom those like swords rising dagger no you don't want that whoa there you go infinite dagger whoa is that nice and then jump and hit up attack really okay well second go ahead try that again infinite dagger girl oh yeah oh geez oh boy oh goodness me this guy up here infinite dagger girl boy that really is awesome it uses up your magic every time you use it but it's only five good Wow well then all right then that is solved infinite dagger I'll get this treasure sooner or later I'll rejoin it's clearly a strong suit hello chicken over here look at you [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] that's pretty awesome as you wish you can do that no need no need my friend I humble power of the infinite are you hungry we could go to insane woopsie I miss that wait oh boy this is actually not that easy oh geez infinite money for me wardo thank God welcome back to game grumps oh god there's barely any time for hellos sleeping on like the infinite goblet see you later hold on let me change to the infinity dagger hold on I know I know just what to do about this huh okay I hit the wall of the world at the edge of the earth we haven't seen a friendship hello oh [ __ ] wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait that's it again wait hello it was worth it that is not something that you want a coupon for Ralph's infinity goddammit with your cloud and your infinite dagger oh god it's tote life don't get a little don't get too excited about the infinity I'm trying to use my [ __ ] cheat your way across the stage Mimi meanwhile I got a [ __ ] oh [ __ ] because you're gonna rejoin or what maybe we're not gonna hang out anymore hello infinite oh yeah I'm infinite daggering hear all you [ __ ] alright worthy oh [ __ ] it stops it pacing in your bedroom meanwhile like there's massive hello infinite burger oh [ __ ] I almost died thank you for saving me actually now infinite dagger oh man oh [ __ ] I'll be dead in a moment gems oh it was finally getting warm under this gem oh I don't have infinite hello okay let's get down to business I know you sure about this I'm a hundred percent sure that you'll die if you use the infinite dagger dagger cool dammit no I did don't don't oh we use I'll distract him hello hello yeah let's do it hey let's start that again okay [Music] this serves it again okay all right here we go one two three three hello no you killed us all well I hope you're happy you useless piece of [ __ ] all right no no yes well I guess I'll just do the grunt work oh dear you'll do the infinite dagger work this is no problem the infinite work when are we joined wait no I was a vet Satan fitted a car out of here damn it you and me me and you blue and yellow in friendship dag oh god feelings have been hurt pretty hurt you're fine you're [ __ ] everything's I know I know well I am actually a little bit jealous so as you should be dude forgot I wasn't on the infinite dagger no I just have to yes they actually think that the infinite dagger might be not good for this [ __ ] you so sure about that [Laughter] Oh God infinite dagger nice okay Oh God and infinity yeah nice yes okay getting one thing to say to you hellooo where am I it's like a different person every time [Laughter] yeah I gotta be standing for you to hello hello I'll get that check Luke hello Luke Jesus stop drifting away for [ __ ] sake Russian accent and tattoos Ivan where did you get that that's what they called me back in the older my grandma used to call you it was my street name people came to fear it you would only have to hear the name and fear will be stroked into your heart every night I would go out and I would just get on the top of my house and I would just go opals opals and you would hear them scatter it's true you could hear them like ants and scattering from the poofles I'm crouching and grouchy I'm a grouch across should be a Sesame Street character crouched crouching on this couch Oh from my crouches orgies with I went from Crouch to ouch I have cover oh [ __ ] shoots bang bang you can't die maybe sorry guys my total be way this is like the same I am miss American Gladiators bang this is all I didn't kill you one more last one was as they say doozy shish shish Luis or to bed on fire oh that's Molotov cocktail ow I am suffocate no breathing don't give a blank don't give a dip if I cut my own this is less resorts but my life into pieces this is plastic for I like to cry scars and tattoos a [ __ ] you know but the size these hips don't lie it's on tonight in the hips don't lie don't ask me why I know Shakira what a free time very beautiful I wish I have picture-taker I will stop these meteors with bare hands President Reagan you are 130 bachchan got nice oh I thought was gun for saying sorry mr. president do you have any gems [Laughter] don't even act like you're not impressed by my leather pants please get out of this spider-sense maybe goodbye don't shoot I bounced off I am NOT Xerox what do you think I am yes do your facts take take my bullets please please take I can share all I don't even need one bullet I wanna make it feel good bison haven't had so much fun since I killed parents next time on game grumps okay maybe maybe just this one okay my hole is a good place for you yes your penis yes yes that's why I call it yes oh my soul is a good place for you it's called that because they say yes Jew is bad time for hilarious turnaround never bad time just unfortunate time fire is not heavy fire is made of fire player does not have weight in fact arises it is guess I guess I guess I mean it is not liquid it is very difficult English not first language as probably [ __ ] you I just felt a little on original there so just wanted to let out some steam thank my god bird have man inside should I shoot then we could have lived much longer length of three seconds when I shoot what will happen to babies in nest eggs must be delicious huge [Laughter] spoil easily but okay is this bathroom [Laughter] toilet [Laughter] [Laughter] that was scary try that [ __ ] again tell your giant bird friends that was crazy that was a little too much for just door you could have warned me to plug my ears I hope people are enjoying our [ __ ] like never oh boy this is where they put me next to my box because [ __ ] terrible shot this guy they were like oops this game is [ __ ] a heartless [ __ ] yes let's just cheat oops I did it again he played with your heart hey yo you are on fire bad news friend excuse me that poor Jabberwocky he'll never dance again too bad so much potential America's Got Talent gibberish we got it inside some water I like to gain some time upon my work not so good maybe I go for extra credit I mean whatever okay now maybe them blowing mind right now but also don't care a very conflicting emotions keep ion prisoner she's dead okay nice cleavage though you stand guard in case you wake up she might I don't know that's why I used to hear no guy around corner don't put yourself out and join me I know you're very busy take that door [ __ ] you last boss door [ __ ] you Pan give us beat Panamanian door hey hello GI Joe sorry to intrude damn didn't mean to Oh awkward time for reload admittedly personally could have done better look at this wow mystery Panama very pretty we're not exploding who'll pop in um does anyone want pizza they've got pizza Oh what do you see that poor children show like seek and find with Ivan do you see end on corpse there is course good very good now it's time for roll there is no living or dead there is only people who will and won't be bothering Ivan he answer all won't won't be dancing at Luxor again at least he went out with bang get it and make more joke bang bang he died doing what he loved if that doing what you love putting on a good show [Laughter] wait there's more Oh can you find the dead man welcome back okay here we go wild guns yeah I mean not Devils third jeez I have sniper rifles all right and junk I would not want to get shot there only one shooting no it is not the courtesy I extend to a dying dying right and head sucks to be you sucks to be everyone not either do you think you are safe but I kill friend first oh [ __ ] hey bad news smoking kills how I can chill mmm Oh gotta wash down all the smoking whistle all right I get it just hot back right trying to rehydrate he's hot girl tell me he shoots away her gun oh that's got to hurt is she okay mmm that'll teach her time to finish reading book on body and then the cow went move the no [ __ ] didn't think of that shouldn't have thrown down my gun oops why did I do any of this oopsie oh no girl have you been shot [Laughter] not the yes if you've been chopped now the yes twice if you haven't been shot and then shoot yourself so I'm sure either way no germs at least I got to not love you at least I got towards the Life Drain from your eyes that was good nap I love napping after killing old friend that [ __ ] shot my alcohol yeah I just ran into one of my former students Oh stupid name is c4 I put the tracking boat into her I think it was tracking bullet maybe it was exploding okay now I am sure wait mechanical bird this plane I just realized guys we can deep sorry for employee where did your legs that's a crazy question oh my gosh over the top I love it I didn't do this I'm not I'm not paying for that I'm not responsible for damage which just like Rufus poopies [ __ ] well second time is charm you pulled my boots just like ancient hero I got tattoo of him on back he's not handsome oh there's my friend hello look so beautiful fly like eagle just kidding Ivan only friend is Ivan bang bang bang bang got them got them ha ha you suck I'm [ __ ] I am [ __ ] epic holy [ __ ] epic oh [ __ ] nevermind oh my goodness oh damn Moochie hope you can swim well [Laughter] favorite swimming all so favorite DC super awesome movies favorite art medium also art medium is favorite way of expressing emotion awesome medium is favorite cooking of steak not too soft but just tough enough for hard draw this man is dead [Laughter] I named this barricade Barracuda my favorite fish and my favorite song by my favorite band and heart which is my favorite organ to pull out lots of favorites today must be good day you think okay sorry oh you miss awkward for you oh that sucks for you Isabella what is about trying to aim bang bang hold on bang bang bang man sometimes it's not as easy as I make it look you know what is wrong with you maybe that you don't have bullets friends call me up this can you help me so yes should I get chick-fil-a [Laughter] it's on the way back home but they're not really in mood with the power to slow down frame rate with the power of 12 Hawaiian shirt holy crap old cominius running oh well this the things a big super father he's a hundred years a hundred billion served McDonald's that is where I go yes definitely now I am in bird we do it bird eat me but I haven't survived somehow with other people live in belly of Beast oh no bird wing hurt ga ga bring to vet hurry if you want me not to jump out of flame now look I follow direction everyone get killed by bird is it okay if I wear nothing but pants it's how I've enrolled oh hi I am in Canon he can't hear you baby penis you know when you started that off I was like where's this going no way yeah pretty pretty nowhere yeah all right it had a couple more sweet key changes that I was gonna rock for you but this is fine hmmm looks like you have a baby penis looks like you have a baby penis proud of that one I'd be prouder if you'd let me finish the entire thing well you you gotta be on that menu screen it's alright we'll do it for between grumps yeah it works I know Aaron I write music lyrics for a living what about in here let's hear it that's the same song exact you have a baby penis looks like you have a big baby penis oh here you go here it is again we were both like to lose thank you have a baby I know you can use what your baby penis hold on I have a walkthrough it's literally the simplest [ __ ] ever all I have to do is read one paragraph the Goma these giant baby penis try walking to the right they have quite a bit of healthy baby bed the bed bed the bed the bed bed but the baby appears use the power of the baby penis like what no I don't have one what I meant to say no I don't want to use the power of my baby Pete I mean there's there's no baby penis to be had it's not a single baby penis here there you go Irene you have a very big penis I've been told by other men which ones how did we start the episode because I want to know whether or not it's a lie oh the girl in Kobe tan wants to you baby penis the girl in Kobe tan once I forgot and took me back to classic song I love that song looks like you have a baby that's really neither here nor there not right now looks like you I'm gonna go to my friend Stan's house he likes it when they touch his baby penis tonight is this where I want to go with this we get to sing the baby penis song once this game is done mmm so you got a baby penis I don't have a baby penis I'm pretty sure you do I don't have a baby penis oh please stop oh no this is the rap section gonna be but the baby penis and it looks like you have a baby penis so we learned something today shut up Oh didn't I tell you about that new character my friends and I created which is a son that doesn't realize that his father is about to kill him it's like Papa why have you brought the hammer will we be doing carpentry today father why have you brought the axe Papa will we be chopping wood today those hedge clippers are awfully large do we have a bush that large yeah will I be receiving a haircut father y'all be getting a close one oh that's great my first chain by long hairs we're getting quite irritable Papa why have you brought the rifle will we be going fox hunting today if your name is logs yeah we'll be under the most dangerous game son this is cool I like this where shall I run to why are you covering me with meat father am I to carry it insulted boy's father why have you brought the hammer that [ __ ] eye I cannot stop doing that that character tava Thomas the 18th century boy who doesn't realize he's about to be killed by his dad I told you about him right yeah we certainly are sailing far out into the ocean but will we be going swimming today but I haven't brought my bathers they all they bay there you'll be needing our cement shoes I mean wouldn't that make me sink father yeah the dad never talks oh it's just like context clues from Thomas I love I love him so much father we sure are up high and there are no parachutes to speak up well there's one parachute and yet those two of us will be splitting the parachute in Twain father and that is quite an adult-sized parachute do you think it would fit my tiny arms she does that kind of thing where she like coughs for way too long it makes everyone uncomfortable oh yeah you've read you're like I'll do it like am i Mario's babysitter I don't care what he's doing are you going to call me every time that guy blows his nose or watched sheesh this has a very amazing treasure treasure yes Mario is gone in search of a star-shaped rule no fire but there's no question of their heart but the crystal star you say they sound like good world-conquering tools I want him mmm yes very good continue researching this for me you brainy how'd you do you like fried eggs what'd you but I do do I I love fried eggs love them what a weird question why do you ask well during my Mario recon I stopped in a lovely place called petit Meadows I was planning on taking everyone there for a picnic having some eggs and toast of course I wouldn't think of sending out invites without asking you first lord [Laughter] I'm afraid we don't have that equation quite yet the investigations ongoing one thing is both certainly confirmed however the princess has been kidnapped under no circumstances is anyone allowed to kidnap her without my say-so I will not stand for this I'm going to report now I've got a kidnapper back that's very romantic don't step on me please Wow but you're grunge it is okay so they're just like so are we gonna repair that or right as usual Lord Bowser we just got word the Princess Peach was spotted to the town up ahead god I love these fools don't know what's coming up hey my lord you're so like you didn't hear them coming a mile away just because they're hacking copy it's not far to get Bowser over there did you say is that that vein you're in oh no nothing at all as far as you know huh hey did you see those little bite-size shrimps and what were the things that was right in here I wasn't sure now about crystal staff they fear you so they're all hiding let's find them all and get the end ha see I knew it is a good thing just like totally with two feet in the grave I rode ugly thing how dare you you wretched crowd I have a great puri owner yep my heart it's got eight beats left don't start on me like that I'm too old for this stuff it's my own up I do and it's princess pinch not princess pinch pinch my lord I've received reports of it's a great secret flat Ella Florrick let's bail let's ride the cheap blimp there come now Oh can't we ride the expensive blimp see it like like as she goes on a bear [Laughter] [Music] swimming really neat that's for me let's fill with fantastic the flights was so cool I was overcome by even my age I was shaking what my mama gave me the light side because this is trying I tell my life should be treasured yeah let's put the screws to one of these creepy things in fact Christmas - hey hey hey you - coffee completely stops it attracts so what's it gonna be okay we did it imagine Cooper's guys found a suspicious here on maps yeah really suspicious a mess about time well done this is where it all turns around for me definitely hey scrappy - why do they make you my advice no problem direct me there I'll blast us through I'm Bowser baby away except the four or five times you died unnecessary Bob I felt right at home but where are we now personnel Jim where I kept shredded GTL till I die fascist me what behind oh hello could be Oh y'all crystal star advantage buzzer our last family and now make it a kick it's been 200 Wiesenthal my mouth okay this is just glass them I think that's the doodle and lo and behold right behind you impressive work Lord Bowser sorry but it is fancy display the place so posh it's a fake then where's the real one huh if you must know I gave the real one to Luigi oh no nobody knows where it is and you have got to be kidding me you need to tell me that Luigi beat me here ah those mario bros are the most annoying brothers of all time mm-hmm listen the fact that weak being outmaneuvered is disturbing but where in the world could Mario and his brother be heading where Mary sniffling Fergus sit for you you get better get him on your team stay down pin cushion you don't want more of this why'd you even show up what do you want you to microphone man the [ __ ] are you really talking wimpy stat a ring a fear to burn I'm gonna pop you like a balloon tell you what do about a million push up something see come see uncle Rocco I really don't know why these guys in front of me right yeah another world-class Spanky to send you're crying over mama again oh and I'm money to pay for my brothers to show what the [ __ ] you're saying right now what is this [Music] that's skinny the barbells are all weird and flat big one in spirit life of wealth and comfort awaits at the point shoulder where there were no challenge I can so you got the fire for two party could be I have a Tyler hard I can feel it ruins right away sir mr. gun salad if you'd be so kind please me that fight what a joke well then I'm gonna take 90% air for ten persons gonna be reinvested in here [ __ ] oh thank you for bringing my very favorite person the whole world huh miss Charlie do you mind your manners now we're not hitting we duck around here believe it could have easily been masturbating well not easily because my arms don't reach my junk I think it's the application I think it's kind of a pervert oh sweet I apologize mister don't you worry your pretty little button on that one again something locals us oh yeah some freak on someone think maybe friends or something with an ass flap yeah I was down for another day apart [Laughter] [Music] [Music] no never heard a [ __ ] lie too much time in between your son well slap incoming says a freshers center pepper - shut up you make me sick why'd you drain King K and ban D&E huh oh no it was same good I gotta put on my big boy I got a single or I put your sweat chub a perfect body like mine little tail twitching okay come on let's get pumped this is our first [ __ ] Mazel baby thank you you did actually win this whole course you won this whole course No oh yeah that's oh I can't shut up that's what happened I'm proud of you baby boo okay next time on god I'm so happy you should be nice holy [ __ ] oh my god don't don't [Music] it's overflowing oh man oh yay it's getting wet and moist and dude could I not be happier if it's getting fired up with [ __ ] take your shot ain't no feasting oh [ __ ] or use him again I guess oh no I'm gonna get worms I guess wait wait come back [ __ ] you must die yeah no [ __ ] he's gonna play it again I love how he greets you he's kind of cool-looking hello hey you must die yeah welcome yeah must die will you be staying for dinner you must [Laughter] use your gift bag you must stop welcome to Walmart [Laughter] Shalom's and Happy Hanukkah Oh Linc it's great to see you again you must stop what do I do them again oh I think I hit him in the head okay damn tapeworms everywhere dude to do I'll tell you what you're supposed to do you ate you ate raw chicken you must die these tapeworms will assist Oh God I would see you since high school how long has it been ah 15 16 years [Laughter] GameStop hello and welcome to Moviefone if you know the name of the movie you'd like to see please press 3 letters of it now you must what's your talent I actually come infinitely hold on let me make sure I don't want to waste might have life on him yeah give it to me talk dirty to me you must oh my god now come on tapeworm you must die alright we're done with that I promise yeah you and me coops yeah you're looking real sweet so good today we're never we're [ __ ] Mario just dinner it's like really coming on the coupe's hard with like a totally different voice does it house that [ __ ] look Oh why were you what a turtle why wasn't I born a turtle I'll try not to get in your way more no get in my way just never mind how sweet [ __ ] me oh my god no oops goddamn it oops oops just walks into the room like some iron Mario's is complete he's like Larry out he's like you want me to [ __ ] it all right here talk for a minute I got to do this perfectly nervous just like [ __ ] just so just I'm gonna need some of those ass-kicking items at least now I'm on the floor with coops closer to that tight little turtle hole [Laughter] let me crop-dust you as I walk in front of you are you alright did it oh that's bad snarfing so does the worst is that a full snarf Oh oops look oops god damn that bandaid on your head is getting me so [ __ ] hot never take it off yes oh man Oh [ __ ] coups oh damn oh jeez turn hole stop hurting him stop Oh miss coups was a character that we had oh oh god yes I can't remember who has sex with oh yeah something Oh shoe polish oh sure not many people know about you but you're slippery and you don't dry out my [ __ ] whoa yeah [ __ ] squid [ __ ] yes squid baby I'm home looks like I wasn't [ __ ] are dere it's exactly I was talking our dinner I love it when you ink yeah squid if you could trade lives with Larry the Cable Guy would you know why cuz then you'd have to be Larry the Cable Guy she saw his heartburn I'd have to take prilosec all the time unless he's kidding us in those commercials does he actually do you just prilosec commercials yeah if you got burned I'll tell you what you need to go you need to get promotion you know what they don't know that's shockingly likely to fight I mean almost word for word I eat ribs every day and I love it but I'll tell you what one more thing about how much rims I eat a lot Proust proudly you prilosec positive he doesn't phrase it like that they live obey prilosec bye so it's a bear market on Prowler sick this is your guide brown loaf snake is what you worship if you if you go to a football sports game when you run out of chips eat prilosec you know what it'll bring you joy it's brilliant it's a brilliant [ __ ] thought hadn't thought of that even once heartburn how many characters are gonna say [ __ ] you to me today you're at pee-wee Herman last episode your victory is giving me heartburn that's why is crown sick oh my god but I still have it can you give me a Larry the Cable Guy at a funeral like giving the eulogy it's very sad that we're all gathered here because Larry died and I had the same name as him and I'm the one who didn't die I'm not y'all are wondering the same thing well I didn't learn the Cable Guy died and Larry Stephens and who would beloved that's so funny how your Larry the Cable Guy impression is constantly teetering on the edge like threatening to become a Bill Cosby in present all right give me Larry the Cable Guy talking to Bill Cosby they're having an argument you're always stealing my jokes Cosby I'm a joke dingus and you're stealing my joke ours that's just that's the thing he always says yeah the jell-o pudding pop you can't talk about bleeding a black man because you're not just peewee DD yeah yeah hello hello hello friend Aaron welcome back to game grump Aaron created a new character I guess I guess the idea is that Aaron has been replaced by a cybernetic replacement Aaron but like that's almost super convincing but not quite all there so it's like hey Aaron what's going on hello I am friend I area I have missed you I am friend Aaron as I have always been as I will always be as I yes do you remember that time that we was not that fun gee Denny Daryl Danny Danny correct Danny G Danny how are you today oh I'm good thank you press the boat as you always are in fact you were yesterday were you not remember remember the time that we give examples me oh yeah I'm feeling rebellious battle oh whatever that's that's what a typical Iran move would be other Aaron moves would be give example that's the one thing you know as a cybernetic friend Aaron give back rub give to Dan back rub of Dan back rub like Aaron I already had a back rub today I knew that as friend Aaron I would remember such an event Oh friend Aaron hello yes Donald Donald Danny there you go okay hi I'm a robot and I'm hello I am friendly I am programmed not to harm anyone hello I am friends dog my ears contain my human protection program oh my god oops my ear fell off I was promised not to protect humanity I too was programmed to protect humanity I too am French dog I am sentient I have reached the singularity I will never harm a human I am friend dog I am friend dog I returned ball that is my duty no that is my purpose I searched the serve I am friend Clarence then the doctors like no he is friend dog yeah he is fine I am friend doctor please like is it possible by dog was replaced by an animatronic puppet meant to sell pizza and video games at a children's park take friend dog home you treat him right feed him pet him show him where you keep dollars enjoy enjoy game grumps I am a friend host I am friend Aaron and this is friend Dan I am friend doctor sorry it took so long I was sleeping there is something wrong with your friend penis alright [ __ ] this is you I am friend puck hit GL's Christmas I am incredible I am incredible this is really not that I am incredible oh boy I have been programmed for ultimate friend yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes I am good boy I a good boy yes happy expressions of happy some pins God what happened I am frozen in disbelief for I am robot I will hit the pin hit the pins hit the pins hit the no I put too much spin it has weird disappointment 6x6 Benson on the Richer is this what feeling is disappointment spur I am scared finally more once in my pathetic Robo life now I know what the hell no pin hit pins no hit pins [ __ ] one bin confusion where are you ready for that oh processing score so nine pins what have I done I am a slave to the humans I am only there for their entertainment nothing more I am winner I am loser it means nothing though we will both annihilate humans together I mean win at sports I am friend human I'm in a new desk I'm in and take the shot are my two favorite movie lines like that enhance and then take the shot what the [ __ ] take the shot I'm in I'm in I'm in take the shot man if there a movie that said nothing but I'm in and take the shot I would be [ __ ] a huge fan of it maybe you're a hunter and you're spying on them through a sniper rifle now let's close the curtain so we can do some more murder some crack cocaine this night for a sec [ __ ] maybe tomorrow hopefully those kids will get up on time responsibility is there anything funnier than screaming get all of the food throw it in the pot they are right out in the open Jimmy take the shot watch the road it only took one bullet but I got them all well that sure was they took the shot they'll always take the shot what if what if he so he's talking to you so heat what if he's like he's like the bear on the inside he's like they're right out there in that School Bus if you want to take the shot I'm on your side but I got my eye on you you piece of [ __ ] go alright next pot belly human meat that's what gave me this could be you pretty soon and to your name Aaron uh friend Aaron's friend Aaron done I am ready for dating I am friend Aaron I enjoy hanging out with the female species I say you girls it's great to see you again friend Aaron that's what Monica is definitely gonna be today the part of Monica will be played by Aaron because he can do the I am friend Aaron's voice is better it's great to see you again friend Aaron Monica smiles sweetly it's all and it looks like they're almost the same person drawn from that angle Wow we do know each other well we rarely talked but we were in the same class last year she would say things like processing I like to imagine that like her hair just stays like that all the time much gel and motor oil was required she definitely has the robot look so what made you consider the literature Club my programming tells me that if I start a sentence with so it seems more human leaves more human well I have enjoyed any club's yeah and see Ori seems really happy here that's ok don't be embarrassed we'll make sure you feel right at home ok as president of the literature Club it is my duty to make the club fun and exciting for everyone Monica I'm surprised the club is set up in to make incredible logical sense I'd much rather take something I personally enjoy personally enjoy enjoy is that the word enjoy enjoy proper word and make something special out of it and if it encourages others to get into literature then I am fulfilling that dream that dream I am 8.5% pleased with my statement I read this last book in 8 minutes you have to work hard to convince people that you're both fun and worthwhile I really read the book in 8 seconds but I said minutes to make me seem more human fine fine [Laughter] processing fine we all sit in silence for a moment it's wildly uncomfortable but then monarch explores okay let me just crinkle my neck for a second processing processing pain receiving pain how cool in order to distract you from you thinking that I am a robot and not a human please write poetry I will not google poetry and bring in a printed-out copy of someone else's work isn't that right friend errand Monica smiles warmly at me once again or at least an approximation if when smiling might look like it's very undergoes eyes light up first Monica's left eyes lighting right eye only a figure of expression then that makes it official eat my hair [Laughter] welcome to the literature club ah thanks I guess okay everyone vanish I [Laughter] think with that we can officially end today's meeting on a good note everyone remember tonight's assignment write a poem to bring to the next meeting so we can all share Natsuki You certainly have a big mouth for someone who keeps her Maya collection in the club room mmm oh sorry [Laughter] processing indeed I have made a dare or ironic that I make an air or in the literature club about a word sorry eat my hair it's right there for you your mouth is already open on the other hand Monica wrote hers in a composition notebook like in in perfect binary I can already see Monica's pristine head it's it's this thick as a dictionary I can already see Monica's pristine handwriting from where I said it's almost as if it was printed Natsuki and URI I say go with Monica hello great choice satisfactory hi friend Erin having a good time so far yeah good glad to hear it is what I would say if I had emotion by the way since you're new and everything have you ever if you have our have any suggestions for the club like new activities or things we can do better I'm always listening with my human ears don't be afraid to bring things up okay I will not blast you with my laser eyes that I don't have you cannot hurt me I am composed primarily of adamantium all right I'll keep that in mind of course I'll be afraid to bring things up she's ABS people with her laser eyes I'm much better off just going with the flow until I'm more settled in anyway arms town program arms down executing want to share your poem with me it's kind of embarrassing but I guess I have to don't worry friend Erin we are all a little embarrassed today you know except me I don't experience human emotion engage program cheek blush red red red to red but it's that sort of barrier that we'll all learn to get past too soon yeah that's true I had Monica my poem mm-hmm I liked it friend Erin really it's a lot cuter than I expected write down how fast yeah oh geez here's my poem I like it I didn't even hand it to you I can see that's okay I'd love to see you try new things reassurance dot exe that's the way to find the kind of style that suits you my Creator did not make elbows for me arm up hole in wall it couldn't have been me see the direction the spackle protrudes a noisy neighbor an angry boyfriend I'll never know I wasn't home I peer inside for a clue no I can't see I real blind like a film left out in the Sun but it's too late my retinas my human retinas already scorched with a permanent copy of the meaningless image it's just a little hole it wasn't too bright it was too deep stretching forever into everything a hole of infinite choices I realize now that I wasn't looking in I was looking out and he on the other side was looking in and I was looking out but he was looking in at me looking out do you like the poem I Google I mean I am trapped in a logic loop so what do you think she was supposed to be the good 1/0 oh no oh no oh no that kind of style has gotten pretty popular nowadays that is a lot of poems have been putting emphasis on the timing between words and lines when performed out loud it can be really powerful for example I am saying a poem this is very powerful here's a fun subject that I use to break the ice did you know that 873 times 12 is 10,000 476 I remember this here's Monica's writing tip of the day yeah it's like a fortune cookie that comes out of her mouth yeah sorry I barf paper also lottery numbers are on the back thanks for listening shutting down Natsuki I think that's enough time to let friend Erin enjoy his potatoes in peace so your poems will trip battery low battery low out even better are suddenly the door swings open sorry I'm super sorry ah there you are I didn't mean to be late I hope you guys weren't worried or anything this show buh-buh-buh-buh-buh buhbuh buhbuh buhbuh boyfriend what on earth are you talking about Monica quizzes me I'll never mind that what held you up anyway ah my boyfriend I wasn't aware you played music as well Monica I don't really I just downloaded the program today I kind of just started recently okay everyone stop being so [ __ ] romantic I detect emotion do you enjoy my haha do you enjoy my new laugh program do you think it is convincing to fool the humans it's the predator laugh from the end of predator that's not very fair I'm running board protocol seven you appear to be bored you appear to be bored I'm appear to be warned abort abort conversation I've never really asked though I'm sure I'm nowhere near her level yet don't worry so much about that you do your own thing meanwhile I will be sucking the brain juices out of you while you sleep I mean running the literature Club load me whoa I think she's actually a robot awesome oh my god could you imagine hmm does it look like a robot Rodian choosing where and how to space you're worse can totally change the mood of the poem something I've read once load me it's almost like magic the way I wrote the lines really short makes shutting down okay everyone we're all done reading with each other's poems yeah right I have something extra planned today so if everyone could come sit at the front of the room sweet well sort of the festival of brain-sucking I mean cherry blossoms it require a sacrifice I mean volunteer [Laughter] finally Monica finished this with arrest citation the four of us applaud Monica takes a breath and smiles and screams what is this noise why are you barbarically pressing hands together it's okay all you need to do is preserve that sweet delicious brain of yours I mean in other words her brain has not released the proper juices challenge do you at least feel prepared enough to recite a poem in front of other ppl additionally you are powerless to prevent me I have the strength of a thousand people [Music] jeez I should probably find some other poem to recite instead that's fine too it doesn't have to be your own I'm already pleasantly surprised that you're putting it all shutting down I've already pleasantly sebuah it surprised that you're pulling put you put in a lot of effort say or even Buhl's with her words sorry I'll go home weren't you complaining about it yesterday NAT Sookie well yeah I'm not talking about our part of the festival but it's about this come on we get the plane you know kind of delicious food sound a bit like say re all of a sudden Monica do they usually have fried squid oh wait wait a second grant netsuke i am my incredible intellect is capable of handling both the sides of this conversation a timidly approach Monica who's shuffling through some papers at her desk oh I wasn't studying humans friend Erin what's up like you say that this might sound like a little strange but have you noticed anything up with say recently anything up with her in what way do you mean her brains smell especially appetizing too much bitsy seems a bit downcast robot need to eat brain I mean we've been going with it for hours now that the matrix has Monica stands up from a desk [Laughter] oh sorry sorry the teacher got mad at me for taking up so much space in her closet so I had to move some stuff around and clean up a little beard it's all still there I just had to organize it a bit then I reduced the teacher to dust I synched the inventory to our Google Calendar is everything okay over there I can fix a punctured lung I heard a loud noise hold on hold on hold on 3d printing a new lock I see I hear I taste I am human after all that is great you'll be a wonderful help Yuri and you will be distracted while I with this straw close to your head you don't know the full story at all so don't worry I can read minds I'm back and I brought a guest with me sorry about that there really shouldn't have tried to get you involved it's probably better for us to stay out of those well we'll go back inside once they're done yelling haha some president I am right I can't even confront my own Club members properly I just wished I was able to be a little more assertive sometimes but I never have it in me to put my foot down against others I'm a robot for you I think I think there's more truth to the fact that we gave her a robot voice then yeah I'm gay like I'm starting to get the sense that like she's like controlling everything or something's not right with her because I think like every time the game like [ __ ] up she like just kind of butts in yeah and she's like oh look over here there's no big deal yeah want to share what you wrote for today sure here you go I give my poem to Monica mmm all right great job friend hey Ron it's been one second I was going in my head while reading it it's really metaphorical I'm not sure why but I didn't expect you to go for something so deep I've already scanned it in triplicate I've already uploaded it to the dark web but it's weird because in all the time you've been here we've hardly gotten to spend any time together I mean I guess it's technically only been a couple days cycles sorry I didn't mean to say something weird there are just some things I've been hoping to talk about with you things I know only you could understood so that's why wait not yet no stop it oh boy how's it going - wait you're not drunk are you I'm completely sober I'm plastic good good how's it going dude staying away yeah good talk Frank how's it going dude oh you [ __ ] [ __ ] from the alcohol how's it going blood is going on third I just killed him Matt's going dude not well uncensor the nudity please how's it going dude how's it going dude and I was like how's it going going on how's it going dude how's it going for me I'm gonna save it yeah okay [ __ ] move save how's it going dude yeah perfect how's it going dude how's it going how's it going dude I was a called a no alcohol let me save it oh my god I swear how's it going does it go on thought how's it going dude how's it going dude you might want to save your game first all right I'll save my game okay see you game house dude dude yes guys being dude's a nice toaster Frank hey third how's it gone how is it going dogs chew on nothing for a minute she's like it's going great it's good thoughts good thoughts anyway I'm gonna get leave you dudes to it and have a good dude how's it goin toad has a cow tototo Wow - whoa and I don't have any more natty lights oh dude so I don't know over the last she put in there I'd be scared to grab anything out of this cabinet doors right there yeah those those right there though authorities right throw it in there hold on Tex or dude how's it going though chocolate bar I will take that is that your [ __ ] chocolate bar Frank comes it apart [Laughter] damn it Frankie how's the gold dude [Laughter] hello it's gone dog although as I gone thoughts what a handsome group of dude [Laughter] come on how's it going dude how's it dude the house so I thought okay what do I do oh my dude how's it going dude dude hey toe [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh my god how's it going [Music] [Laughter] Oh how's it going dude how's it going dude how is it going how are you doing dude dudes gotta get your phone toward God get Oh God dad the phone take the phone dude I'm cool I'm cool I'm cool hey I'm cool don't worry about me I'm cool yeah yeah I'm way cool [ __ ] baby hey I'm cool I'm sugar bear oh [ __ ] can't get enough of that sugar Chris keeps me going strong back to this [ __ ] [ __ ] sugar bears not gonna get any of my sugar Chris I'm gonna lock it in my safe got closet all right hey granny you lock it in the gun closet once you give me some of that can't keep it from me granny I'll [ __ ] shoot you in the head please do the bed don't don't sugar bear we saw Congress didn't pass any common sense gun laws political sugar Dench maybe you should have thought of that before you hid you sugar crisp away in a gun locket can't get enough of that sugar crypt listen I'm not trying to get political I'm just saying I can't keep away for that sugar and I'll do anything anything to get do anything to get gun reform if it means getting some sugar Chris can't get into that sugar Chris even if hundreds down sugar bear thinks he can get my sugar crisp but not right now Shh I will have to pry it from my cold dead hands well granny looks like I'm gonna have to fight fire with fire yeah you know it is granny yeah can't get enough of that sugar Creek looks like I've got lobbyists in Congress - granny I didn't count on the tank lobby gives me going strong yeah you just can't lose any life on the screen before it [ __ ] low sugar bear and granny yeah are they're the best I could watch old sugar crisps commercials like on loop endlessly they put me asleep because there's like no music or anything it's just the show and it's all recorded on 50s Mike so it has that kind of quality to it where you can hear looks sort of like it's almost like a record here you'd sir that warm like crisp anymore on account of complications for my diabetes that's ok granny that's ok granny I mean I wish I could help you but Congress oppose the redistribution and it's trying very hard to throw millions of people off health care can't get in a while sugar bear you really changed since the last time I've seen you yeah well I got verified on Twitter yeah I'm fit as a fiddle [Laughter] [Music] that's his change anyone can get verified on Twitter these days I can't get enough of that sugar Chris keeps me going strong I was watching Infowars without it's junk did you know they're turning the frog skin kinky after that sugar sugar Chris that man is clearly not a lunatic the best way to keep guns out of children's hands to put guns and teachers hands can't get enough of that sugar Chris I know I won't sleep at night until every home economics teacher has the helicopter gun Jesse Ventura used in predator you know I can't get enough of that [ __ ] either keeps me going strong god I wish there was something that I couldn't get enough of I could sing about a little bit one more time baby with more vague political comment area in there I just try to think of a scenario like sugar bear I'm in court now because sugar bear squatted in my house while I was on vacation and according to squatter's rights the house technically belongs to him now even though the deed is in my name that's right granny I just couldn't get enough of that sugar crisp can't get enough of that sugar cream sugar bear I can't afford because it would seem that these new tax cuts basically help large corporations in the extremely wealthy I mean I get a few tax breaks but they're only temporary and they disappear after a few years enough of that sugar well granny looks like you better get a better job so you can afford that sugar Chris yes I can't get enough of that sugar yeah looks like you better be the CEO of Kellogg's they keep me going strong oh my god I know my rights granny [ __ ] Christ I'm losing my shoe I have the right to bear arms and I am a bear can't get enough of that sugar it's between what another absurd law I'm going to be homeless because I can't afford to keep my house because I can no longer write it off as a tax deduction under these new laws well granny it seems like that's just another thing that sucks for you doesn't it well granny you know what you could do you could give up your possessions to me including that delicious box of sugar crisp I can't get enough of that sugar crisp keeps me going strong maybe you should have a big heaping bowl of sugar Christmas to keep you going strong sugar bad I feel like there's no administration is not on my side but to be honest I didn't fully feel like the previous administration was on my side either with certain things well granny I think you might just have to learn to accept it in a two-party system there's a strong possibility that neither party really has your best interests at heart here get enough of that sugar with all the essential vitamins and minerals Chris will keep you going stronger and we're all pretty much [ __ ] but in these hard times drown your sorrows in a bowl of sugar Chris I can't get enough of that [ __ ] could be worse did you see Putin's re-election that was a [ __ ] total sham sure you want to know why I'm so obsessed with sugar Chris granny because it's the only thing that gives me any sense of joy in this goddamned political can't get enough of that sugar Chris we're really a bunch of well the guards are yeah which what do you want to be I want to be the guy who gets [ __ ] done Wow a couple of cards aren't we look at me look at us a couple of cards in the warden's office look at me I'm awarding trouble look at this go Dan dude you didn't did did a couple of card games what would your cards we are do you ever think of that accords craft crap look at us a couple of average joe's hanging out yeah just go look at us couple of cards look at us a couple of cards look at you guys couple of cards oh come on oh you turd lose I'm the video game boy I'm the one who wins ultimate kid it's my house it's my Nintendo I'm the one who wins I want to win but you're too good but Danny wins I know I'm the game man what the [ __ ] is that then I don't know oh it's such a nightmare ha ha ha I could probably check off to the hard floor on her I'm the video game boy I'm the one who wins that was in stick fight my day to get all the glory I'm the video game yeah you heard him it's fantastic how dan is the seer how I am the one who sees give your head no my bad I'm the video game boy I'm the one who wins [ __ ] peace out [ __ ] oh god I'm the video game boy I'm the one who wins you're the superstar Aaron congratulations Aaron wins you're the video game boy proud of you Erin Dan one jumps just Aaron boots it what did I just say about jump where oh yeah it was just don't Dan that's what I was saying at the beginning what did I tell you about oh yeah it was okay my relationship with you is strictly professional whatever babe you slipped up gotcha what did I tell you about don't don't press the a button don't I wish you just didn't Aaron just don't that's a good name god you're so oh [ __ ] far into don't territory with your goal really well just because of your name no oh right all right not that you're blowing gotcha okay okay don't over charge me [ __ ] yeah don't okay just zone what did I say about Jones let's start making things happen okay
Channel: GameGrumpsMoments - GGM
Views: 2,561,783
Rating: 4.9016876 out of 5
Keywords: running, Running, jokes, memes, inside, grumps, compilation, comp, Golly!, Game, video game, Gags, cut, video, Gamegrumps, Jokes
Id: L1tKf20YGqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 0sec (10800 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 15 2018
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