The Story of Arin's FAVORITE POKEMON (Part 1) - Game Grumps Compilations

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That glorious moment at 50:30 when Dan's past and present laughter echo within each other

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/NotYourAverageOrange 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

Nate C, my man.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/DireTaco 📅︎︎ Jul 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Man, I’d honesty love another Pokemon playthrough.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Headytexel 📅︎︎ Jul 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

I lost my shit at Sad Simba

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/2percentnotthemilk 📅︎︎ Jul 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone my name is aaron great and i am dan uh and given how uh my lack of recording equipment over at my house has worked out i'm probably looking like i'm coming to you from a highly pixelated 1994 commodore 64 computer it looks okay it looks okay i mean you're always handsome it's just oh you're always handsome uh i remember someone uh referred to me as jewish bigfoot in these videos so hopefully uh it's it's reasonably okay yeah i can't wait till we get on a well-lit stage again we're watching a compilation of uh uh beedrill moments and uh with which are interspersed with some of your comments that we're also going to be looking at so i hope you enjoy let's get to it time to bring out the big guns [Music] [Laughter] so they can suck it hard often found in forests and grasslands weedles oh my my bad i'm gonna give a nickname to weedle oh wow what a memory uh beetle no i'm gonna name him uh bun bundle bunt buns oh like the cake but backwards yeah i like it a sponge you know i honestly couldn't remember if the comment if the comma was deliberate or not so i'm glad i was reminded that yes it was indeed deliberate yeah god i mean like the first thing that jumps out at me is how young we were when we were doing this like that was what seven years ago gosh it feels like a different lifetime now well according to this comment the first comment three years ago this comment was posted three years ago yeah yeah and so the legend of that b drill begins yeah it's true it's beautiful something beautiful let's take a look at another comment oh shauna sahoda said if only a weedle was a grass pokemon that would be a weedle [Music] 420 blaze it but responsibly and only in states where it's legal please and then also uh indigo dancer i'm gonna catch a weedle just out of spite apparently i said that and uh well that was the beginning it was the beginning of the end for us in that playthrough for those who don't for those who don't know uh this this bee drill you're gonna you're gonna learn pretty quickly uh this bee drill was the love of my life um so so wonderful so beautiful so powerful so chill so fresh so dozer yeah it um i don't know like at the time i think we've since surpassed it with uh mario maker but at the time this was the longest running game grump series ever uh pokemon fire red and uh it was a real journey we were like different people by the end of it than when we started yeah like like in lord of the rings where they're like we can't go back to who we were i've never seen that but i understand that sentiment so so much um trevor kelly um i'm sorry it's pronounced bunted comma yeah i forgot about the comma oh yeah it's a very very pronounced part of the name yeah wow boppo vivo said how oh how beautifully that turned out two weeks ago they said that wow holy crap that's amazing people still calling back to those those beedrill episodes that's wonderful that soon that is wonderful you're really happy geodude [Laughter] not very effective oh no oh that's not good i think oh damn i think i might immediately die phil slowly chip [Music] unprepared yeah yeah what what is evolving he just turns into a huge penis bunt is sailing in the ball whoa it's a huge huge penis barf it's a huge penis oh wow what it i mean it really does look like it was no yeah he gets really cute later though he turns into b-drill he also learned harden um [Laughter] don't even boy it's amazing like seeing those old names like nerd and splurt yeah god because that's before we um our our lives were different back then it was much more like we would stay up till 4 a.m and and play game grumps because we were living across the street from each other uh so logistically it was different um that was the series where i was like hanging upside down on the bed at one point yes yes uh whereas now we've we we lead a healthier lifestyle dare i say it uh with vegetables and sleep um and and but god the so so there was some kind of uh loopiness that would come with doing an episode at 3 a.m where uh it like we would just watch them back later and we were like what were our brains even doing yeah seriously there was there were some moments where it was just like you would watch it you'd watch something because sometimes you watch something and then you're like oh my brain goes to the same place like i'm about to say this and then i do and it's like okay that makes sense but like during pokemon it was like what yeah yeah it was really funny but it almost killed us so it was sort of a give and take yeah yeah it's like a glass cannon almost oh yeah let's see these comments approves this comment says i completely understand aaron's love for bidro even if it might be sarcastic i mean him in every game you could catch him in just because he looked awesome plus the mega evolution looks badass that's so true he's a bee with needles on his hands it's so dope you beat the elite four basically just with him i did i i i'm pretty sure i don't have to use somebody else well i guess i think maybe you tried to do that and failed spectacularly yeah oh yeah yeah i was i i have a feeling it might have ended sadly it's weird that i can't remember exactly how it went so this is gonna be fun to rewatch yeah absolutely uh but yeah the cocoona is sort of disgusting looking yeah a little at least in this version penis-esque yeah by by the buttocks i know buzz is evolving scandalous is evolving into my favorite pokemon right now oh [ __ ] for real he's one of my favorites oh my god [ __ ] uh [ __ ] pedro this is so cool it's real [ __ ] wow he's [ __ ] awesome actually yeah he's a bee and he has drills for arms yeah well yeah that's why his name's beedrill he's got many beads around him like a craft project i don't know where the real comes from whatever like a craft project what's that deep thought where he breaks up the word incorrectly people often wonder why mankind is such a mystery in order to figure this out you have to break it down into its two trace words mank and eind what do these words mean no one knows and therefore mankind is a mystery it's so [ __ ] stupid man can i oh man yeah i i forgot about his uh when he first shows up he's got like both his arms up like what yeah he's so splayed out like he's like come at me bro i'm [ __ ] beedrill yeah a lot of things came at him we threw him into a lot of battles yeah that was well i mean you know if you if you uh if if you come out looking like this the world comes at you fast right that's true um so seth blizzard says he quotes you saying beedrill's my man he's like oh boy here we go i hope that was a comment like not having seen any of this like he's watching it for the first time and he's like oh chase here we go like just knowing how hard i'm gonna commit to this oh yeah oh this one this next one's small you want to read this for me yeah sure uh rain dance oberts says hey aaron there's a pokemon named stunky it is a skunk pokemon with a face that looks like a butt i thought you would be interested yes i am a big fan of stunky i i think stuff oh yeah snunky's great look him up stunky okay hold on sorry sorry everyone just hold please while i you've got to be kidding me yeah dude they made his whole face look like a legit ass [Laughter] yo it's the whole ass it's yeah wow yeah it's beautiful i mean i'm surprised they even did that they get creative man they they do what they can to make the kids happy wow and the the ass face skunk like his face is not even the stank part of the skunk well you don't know that he could have like face stink as a move you're right yeah you're right now [ __ ] oh sweet oh yeah nice son [ __ ] zubat doesn't know [ __ ] about my [ __ ] bee drill whoa you gotta watch out for my drill hands yo yo if he gets too close i'm proud of you that's what he does now i made him look weirder yeah by the way chances of you ever being god slim slim zero oh i forgot you had beedrill yeah beedrill's the bomb dude it's been a little while since i don't know there might be like a seamless like just pokemon's pokemons pokemons every day but it's been a little while since we played this from the last episode yo hold on for a second yeah go back in yo that [ __ ] wasn't super effective all right okay [ __ ] zubat up in here right it's all like huh yeah i mean that's it that's all i wanted to say dude uh interrupt my soliloquies i mean look at his [ __ ] face the whole time he's like kick your [ __ ] he's adorable well he might kick my [ __ ] because he looks very short well he can probably only get to poop height on the ground well the the the best thing about him is that he's not odd he's oddish he's just kind of go bunts i always forget you put the comma in there oh my evasiveness it smells like you're invasive what the [ __ ] with the [ __ ] missing attacks this is definitely like a very tired chance you're saying everything oh yeah when i [ __ ] missed it is he the um is he the last of clark scott you sound drunk i know you won't be clark did you really i completely zoned out while i was telling that that church story dude yeah i could fall like two trainers said you're serious yeah that's amazing i am so lost was that clark's first guy wait i'm gonna level up bunt because i think he's cool please dude check it out yo bunt time yo i want him to learn like a bug move and stuff but he ain't got no bug moves you know what i'm saying you know what i thought it was weird that i just realized what didn't he come out of a cocoon yeah bees don't come out of cocoons not in real life right this is pokemon yeah you know what i guess the argument could be made that bees don't have drills on their arms either yeah they're not the size of people yeah you know what i stand corrected nothing makes [ __ ] sense good good i'm glad that you understand what pokemon is good i'm glad finally oh [ __ ] yo poison sting time no [ __ ] poisoned nitrogen's like hey um i've been meaning to tell you something you're like yeah what he's like [Laughter] oh i have one tooth [Laughter] cheese man it's so it's so wild because like pokemon got really popular in america right around the time where i went to college uh i was like 17 i think when it it started to get big and um so i sort of missed it i sort of missed the boat but you being a little bit younger than me you were like right in there you know and so playing this game was my education uh on pokemon and at the end i was quite well versed you know in in how everything goes but man it's it's interesting to look back and and and watch me learn all the things that i'm like yeah of course now it's it's an iditarons like obviously you know but or nadoran's i don't know how to say it um annie merrell's coming at you with that uh those those cold hard facts bees actually do come from cocoons they're just embedded oh danny in the beehive what it's a bit different but bees have the same larva to pupa metamorphosis and look at me and six years after he or she made that comment i learned something there you go it's all about sharing that knowledge wait so honey contains bee cocoons if before we eat it yeah so if i'm too um if i'm to remember this correctly they're the way that they lay their eggs is in tears so there's um there's there's like a long pit and then so they'll lay the female bees uh far into the pit and so they'll lay one female bee little pupa egg whatever um and then they'll put what they call bee bread in with the the little egg so that when it hatches it has something to eat and then they'll put like a layer of hive to just like completely cover it off and then they'll in the next layer they'll put like another female with like a slightly a little less b bread and then as it goes on and it continues and continues and then it gets to males um because the females are more valuable to like the sustainability of the hive than the males are um and then the males get less and less bred so their biggest threats are wasps so wasps will come in and they'll dig into the holes and they'll eat like a lot of the males as it goes down and then they'll be like all right i'm done and then they'll leave like the valuable females yeah wow man hive mind stuff is crazy because who with independent thought would sign up for that like yeah i'll be in the eat me level you just you just put me there that's cool i mean it's all part of the it's all part of the duty of the hive to keep it alive yeah she said duty we've really grown as people i think so too uh ricardo pereira de paula this series is so inspiring makes me feel like playing the game all over again and form the shittiest team possible just to attempt the same level of aggravation okay it started off so so complementary man dude i love this i love watching them be idiots and not know anything about what they're doing yeah we're happy to know we've inspired you to aggravate yourself by being as stupid as we are it's not it's not the most fun thing it is fun though i will admit yeah yeah we had a good time all right here we go okay oh damn don't kill me don't kill me now don't do that okay okay yes okay okay oh [ __ ] he's getting absorbed in [ __ ] [ __ ] all up in there are we doing well it doesn't seem like we're actually making progress here's what's happening right now i'm gonna switch to bunt okay oh [ __ ] i'm gonna drain out his swift pp right okay check i'm gonna use my [ __ ] potions on this on [ __ ] oddish you know what i'm saying oh damn oh my god beedrill i know he hung in there you're so good people's so [ __ ] good dude oh two head points left this is very exciting oh rapid spin yo that's a super effective move if it's more than two he's done oh snap this golden is gonna get [ __ ] up by my bee drill my bun oh [ __ ] yeah so much punctuation good run [Laughter] come on man yo give me some credit yo i gotta come up with jokes on the fly dog not on the beat damn damn all right [Laughter] good one [Laughter] you also denied my [ __ ] i wasn't i wasn't ready for it i'm ready for it now though oh okay has the moment passed can we still high five probably damn it gosh man oops what a different vibe i can't i was just gonna say i can i can actually feel the old couch underneath me and i can feel your old house you know and and just go into the kitchen and that giant bag of like no the box of skittles exclusively lucky charms mushrooms and a box of skittles did i say lucky charms mushrooms i meant marshmallows sorry jesus i remember the bag of the marshmallows i would i would uh supplement my bowls of lucky charms with more marshmallows yeah that's how it was in those early days man it was the wild west it really was and we just like that we just god we just did not take care of ourselves back then it was purely like now now i i'm grateful we can still do the show um while also maintaining a lifestyle that isn't destroying our bodies oh yeah yeah i i i just started a diet today so i'm like that all this all this quarantine of all this quarantine fluff i'm shaving off baby the quarantine 15 as they call it [Laughter] it's already been hearing that a lot i guess it's been four months so yeah sure that's plenty of time pixel is it pixel tricks yep pixel trick says probably the highest level beedrill i've ever seen that's a man without willpower i can tell you that well or someone with a life uh i think i think is one of life's greater pleasures um that needs to be experienced by all of uh humankind do you think and i don't know if these folks still watch the show uh all these years later but do you think any of them are expecting that one of the comments they made six years ago will suddenly be highlighted on one of our shows and they're just sitting at home and they're like you know yeah finally oh my god that would be that would be marvelous i would be so into that can i get some substandard pizza and a look at an anima and i'm not an animatronic puppet and the guy's like and then he gets fired because he's not supposed to talk true story wow oh he was in a costume yeah i thought he just had a problem [ __ ] [ __ ] can you still beat this guy yeah man i have dude i have [ __ ] no i meant with blunt bunt is a [ __ ] beast dude bunt is my best pokemon that's a lie i just wanted to lie to you i'm sorry you told me three different ones i forgot about him it's a really long commitment to this bit like it's like i already i i wasn't paying attention to what episode that was but i'm sure it was episode like 30 something and it's like just full commitment to this like how dare you talk [ __ ] about pedro oh yeah and in real time it was like months to get to that episode um yara gorham says i'm fine with beedrill and all but the fact that they have a charmeleon and aren't using it is driving me bonkers oh oh you are a gorham so yeah so yes my sweet summer child [Laughter] driving charmeleon driving our fans and ourselves bonkers is what this show is all about and um you know i can't i can't claim to know what i was thinking six or seven years ago but i do like to think that i probably was deliberately not using the charmeleon just because it was like no b drills cooler i guarantee that's what it was you you are a uh you are a man uh who who marches to the beat of his own insane drummer real ski says aaron goes into pokemon menu selects the switch pokemon picks bee drill makes goal to beat gym leader during episode purposefully goes out of his way to fight other trainers i don't know what i expected this person gets it oh yeah this is this is this right here encapsulates all of the game grumps experience right here is i'm just i'm just making a claim breaking the claim not doing it doing something else messing with people messing with the game yeah i i actually can't say if we do that as much anymore but that was certainly 2013 style oh yeah that 2013 style oh those are the days staying up amazing oh dear god i'll go [ __ ] up and around like an [ __ ] like an [ __ ] i couldn't even i could have just gone up here and cut the tree oh come on you look at the trees okay is pedro the only one that can do that yeah he's got he's the only one who knows cut really so he's super helpful to have pedro's my best [ __ ] [Music] destroyer of worlds yeah or at least one single tree the same tree over and over no dude whoa it's a [ __ ] pidgeotto dude god damn that it's a massive dude pigeon check out [ __ ] beedrill's guns dude yeah look at them [ __ ] [ __ ] those pythons are sick oh my god all of that do you [ __ ] lift beedrill do you lift bro he just like paints he lifts [Laughter] oh gosh they're able to like maintain that level of like excited energy dude that's episode 61. dude dude you have no idea for like [ __ ] eight hours straight what dedication to the craft it's it's inspiring james obern said oh boy can't wait to see how useful that beedrill is going to be late game useful in quotes oh james james oh burn you have no idea what you're in for right now well he does this was six years ago okay well i mean i'm talking to james six years ago okay i'm speaking through a time portal that's this vague and i'm like james james you have no idea what you what is this because they posted that game groups comment no d oh nate c says no dan i'm pretty sure you misunderstood but that's okay i'll teach you almost all pokemon can learn cut beedrill is just the only one aaron taught it to if he does ever choose to stop using beedrill he could teach it to another who am i kidding dan's never going to read this oh bud he'll never notice me never know how much i love him oh nate c oh no i'm so sorry you had to go six years without knowing it i love you man it's cool oh that's so sad what a journey that's so sad that's like those movies where the person finds like a love letter from someone they thought like it's like the notebook yeah i wrote you i wrote you every year oh actually i've only i've only seen the version of this scene where they use the goofy voices uh over over rachel mcadams he's like i wrote you every day for a year you wrote me i've only seen the version where uh kevin james is doing the sound test yeah yeah like i'm just trying i'm just trying to get a sound test what do you want i'm just trying to just need to get sound oh my god all right sorry but anyway nate c yeah um consider yourself noticed buddy yeah lotm says aaron every other pokemon in your party is stronger than bunt let him go you'll be better off you see that's a quitter's mindset i was just gonna say this person does not know aaron hansen on a personal level like why why would you give up on something that you've put so much effort into for so long and you want to be true and isn't true but you wish were true why would you give up on something like that and someone saying that to you only ensures that you will redouble your efforts to do it twice as much so it's true it's like oh let him go huh huh let's see how you like this yeah i need to get i need to heal my bedroll though because you're gonna be in a bad spot okay he's the one who's gonna beat koga is he yeah koga [ __ ] sucks against my bee drill not against anything else israel's gonna [ __ ] him up do it you don't believe me i do no you don't believe me i don't but i might start once the [ __ ] up begins seriously dude yep i'm a run for his monet oh bunt was the one that was gonna [ __ ] everyone up right yeah and bun died yeah plumber i know well um [ __ ] well i don't [ __ ] man i mean i do [ __ ] but sure you better finish this because this episode's done after you knock this guy out i know but i'm gonna use beedrill because he's the best character do it his name is bunted i'm sorry i'm sorry bunt he's he's the best uh pokemon except for the other that are like considerably better in your own group standing next to him thereby making the comparison extremely easy no he's he's he's just the best in general he could beat mewtwo he could beat um arceus i don't know if that's the arceus is this is this perhaps a swing back at the the small amount of people who have said you should not have hitched your wagon to making a b drill your main pokemon is that perhaps what you're trying to suggest here beedrill is the best pokemon and please don't ever suggest otherwise [Music] i'm very sensitive about it no i uh yeah it's fine i'm sure i'm sure pin missile is probably the penultimate weapon in any game pin ultimate and next time on game grumps first of all i just wanted to comment it's so interesting to hear us where we're going in and out of being sick all the time oh yeah i totally forgot that was the thing that we were always sick all the time and now because we were taking horrible care of ourselves that's right and yep ever since i stopped using mouthwash that's haven't gotten sick that's pretty amazing that's pretty amazing i never really used it so i can't confirm or deny that that's a thing i just thoroughly brushed so hmm did you say i floss who cares no i said i i said floss too oh okay like fluffy yeah trooper troll said uh absolutely right beedrill's the best pokemon ever thank you thank you patrol i mean they have the word troll writing their name so maybe they're not that serious about it but you never know and then jet's team responded except it's not okay jet stream sorry sorry yeah made him wait for that sorry too like hit return a couple of times it's pretty good oh i guess i guess computers don't really say return anymore they just say enter yeah yeah they still haven't earned symbol though yeah it says return on the on the imac okay cool yeah yeah yeah all of my um keyboards say enter yeah yeah yeah oh whole cakes to two million subs when this came out two million subs can you believe that that that meant yeah that meant a great deal to us because there were there was about one million when i first joined the show so to like to to reach two was like a like a milestone in our lives i remember there was a lot of like hugging and high fiving that was that was a nice day it was a nice day it was it was proof that you the best baby you the best no you the best stop jim oh my god yup yup use cut you sound god damn i am done oh good a sky uppercut no it's no big deal israel can take it oh damn see that [ __ ] good job and i'm burned oh that's unfortunate yeah well whatever nobody cares about pedro anyway i mean oh no oh [ __ ] dude oh boy not beedrill do it i actually am kind of upset yeah no that's that's that's your point man yeah beedrill beedrill takes the [ __ ] hits man great job of censoring the wrong thing oh psyduck mr martin i forgot [Music] [Laughter] whoa what is that whoa whoa whoa [ __ ] priming dude frost shop come on all right time to bring out the big guns [Laughter] wow you're going [ __ ] down primate look at that you see how much damage that did yeah man oh good a seismic toss whatever he's he's seismic tossing a [ __ ] bee last time my seismic tossed a b i [ __ ] went home crying to my mom yeah stop doing that cut power mist bell ow what the [ __ ] oh god just another just another strong showing for bunt and beedrill's everywhere is [ __ ] great [Laughter] come on beetroot's my best pokemon you know it i i do i do aside from [ __ ] blue pool he's the best at fainting that's for sure who i haven't used in a while yeah [ __ ] it yeah blooper could [ __ ] i have a funny feeling yeah what does that feel like yeah that golbat may not survive this what makes you say that i don't know his death [Music] was just like yeah anyone else want a piece i forgot you had bloopl and like other really excellent rare characters but you'd still just shove bunt into the into the frame he was eager that's true that's true he was ready for competition because he's incredibly strong and he's confident in his abilities man your eyebrows go up when you're intense like that like what i don't know did you see that just full like full like like i will [ __ ] jason roof wrote aaron and dane should really give beedrill bunt a mega stone did we do that i don't think that's the thing that you can do in this game oh okay it's only in the other ones emily einhorn says are you serious i can't tell if this is sarcasm of course it's not sarcasm you fool yeah jason roof responded no dude it increases beedrill stats wow oh he's talking about the mega stone yeah and then poketears wrote at jason roof it is not in this game nate wrote lol mate that's another game dj smooth 116. am i the only one that actually wants aaron and dan to get nerd we left nerd in the daycare for like oh yeah yeah that's right that was a big joke of ours he's going to come out of daycare like all jacked up and huge he said he's going to be eradicated he's just going to keep me in a rattata just huge inject inside of seashell chomping on that guy's ass and he's like [Laughter] more of that please one guest to tell you what my fetish is oh [ __ ] did i just beat that slow bro with a [ __ ] bee drill yeah i [ __ ] did internet he's like fine i'm taking my ass chomp with me that just means i could be on the ground and get my ass chopped yeah oh oh down and out you think i'm you could turn around like we're the only other people in this room no he wants to look badass yeah i guess you're right oh seth blizzard once again beautiful uh bistro's just average the joke's getting old aaron it's snowing on mount fuji oh it's snowing on mount fuji wow that's interesting because it's snowing on mount fuji happened in a sonic playthrough i think in 2014 so now this is a year later and you're still doing the pedro joke [Laughter] oh my god man those were the days man it was just like that the it was just omnipresent like the the pokemon play through we would just like go back to it every so often it really was in our lives a long time so strange anderson smith writes beedrill's his best pokemon even aaron said so [Laughter] gotta take the man at his word i am the authority on all big illness oh there's a response to this haiku i do like beedrill the joke is never leaving it's snowing on mount fuji sovereign snorlax wrote slow bro is weak to beedrill oh dewatcha 25 wrote i had one of those high alert poops last night heading home after dinner and drinks with friends my stomach revolted against me was it the thai slash beer slash whiskey combo i don't know what i do know is that it was the longest 15-minute drive home ever but i made it and that poop was horrendous oh hey pokemon what the [ __ ] that's that's like something you would write that's a great comment i'm gonna pin that yeah i'm gonna put that i love it from five years ago yeah i'm gonna pin that on the upload [Laughter] you know what it was just in time yeah just so it appears on top for everybody well time to surf well no i'm not gonna surf i gotta i gotta [ __ ] use bunt dude he's the best yeah oh he really is actually everybody knows everybody knows very strong check it out watch this twin needle kick his ass super damn yeah and people said beedrill wasn't great crit hit [ __ ] that was a [ __ ] cadaver dude that was a top tier pokemon and i just [ __ ] wrecked it with my beedrill is he topped here well his evolution is it's abraham cadabra then alaka [ __ ] zam dude oh [ __ ] yo that's what part of that is a shack movie don't second-guess it i won't uh yeah so you see how beedrill is [ __ ] wrecking everything yeah he really is kicking ass why is that hmm oh it's interesting right it's almost like he's a good pokemon when there's like an ounce of confirmation i just i i'm just like swimming in it i'm like i told you yeah i get the feeling that all this praise from aaron is going to give bunt a security comp a superiority complex um good he deserves it exactly see you get it dan you understand well i've long since just given up from fighting it just uh simba said simba writes beedrill kicks more butt than my dad i wish my dad could tear through wildebeest like that beedrill is tearing through those psychic types then maybe he wouldn't be dead and it wouldn't be all my fault what is this like are people are peeing in our in our comments this is my sad simba rp account that i used to comment on youtube videos this is so good she was sad man i recently watched the lion king and i cried i definitely cried oh oh it's terribly sad that's why simba's so sad matthew capo bianco says psychic is weak to bug dark and ghost it's really clever because those are the three primal fears oh that's really sweet interesting ah bug are they really primal fears i don't know they are pretty scary though gore 619 forever uh says yeah aaron beedrill is totally a good pokemon it can't be because he is nine levels above everything yeah that part's irrelevant and then 61 people replied but what a [ __ ] i can't go can't go down that rabbit hole it has little to nothing to do with levels says lwb's dreams it's a bug type pokemon using bug type moves against psychic type pokemon exactly that's what i'm saying wow you wanna you wanna get in there and reignite that that flame war that lit up a little while ago fight me in the comments five years ago yeah yeah all right uh sammy bowl semible i can't read it too well yes aaron was totally being serious when he said beedrill is the best pokemon it can't be that he was just joking around nah oh damn this guy this guy heated do i look like i'm joking to you you fools umbrella says how about you can use all pokemon how about it is not about what is overpowered but what you like now get in your van and get the [ __ ] out of this town oh my god this is like this is like that thing we've talked about that phenomenon with youtube comments where it starts off with like yeah you know what beedrill is the best pokemon and then there's 150 replies and like you get to the 150th and it's like hitler missed a few jews you know like it's just like whoa what geez how did it get here yeah it's just crazy skit ninjas responded heatedly to oh maybe we play competitive pokemon how about you get into your van oh dang and then carne guisada wrote why don't you all settle this over a pokemon battle like real trainers oh [ __ ] damn yeah this has been going on the whole time in our comment section i had no idea delivers the final blow how can butts be real if our tongues aren't what an incredible question thank you for putting everything in perspective skyler i was just about to comment so like now that we don't have a walkthrough are we [ __ ] up oh that was a critical hit dude that's how the [ __ ] bee drill is everyone's [ __ ] on me for bedroom i had some guy come up to me at the at the the last unicorn thing oh the last unicorn thing let's talk about that yeah all right in a minute tell your thing which was really nice but like he came he came up to me well he came up to you with his friend and clearly didn't give a [ __ ] about me and then and then he was all like oh man you're great dan you're the best oh you're the coolest and you were like oh thanks man and i was like i was like oh that's nice then he like took a picture with you and then he like walked away and then his friend walked up to me and was like [ __ ] bidro man what it's like hurting your standing in the community do they do did they not know that you're trolling people uh i don't know okay i i don't know anymore yeah i think i think it started off as trolling and now you're like no no i'm gonna make this work no beedrill's not a troll he's my favorite pokemon is he really no no i'm trolling what's wrong with it so stupid why do you always believe everything i tell you like [ __ ] flinched oh my god all right so the last unicorn thing that we were referring to was a screening of the last unicorn where we actually met peter beagle who was the the author of the book who is so wonderful such a nice guy um but that was in january of 2015. so now we have been playing this game for two calendar years wow yeah i mean like that's that's really amazing to like watch this whole progression all the way through i did not realize that it was like that and like the full commitment to these bits wow how impressive oh just your your commitment to annoying people was unbelievable my commitment to my commitment to being passionate about my creatures dan [Laughter] so lozander says i didn't expect my friend to lie either but he told me beedrill was a good pokemon and then a sad face oh um your friend is uh really right and you just are using him wrong pot roast says what he doesn't actually like beedrill i was so happy about that because i love bee drill and i thought i was the only one i'm about to cry now no pot roast you don't understand the the part about me saying it was a bit was a bit wow that that person was crying a lot with semicolons a lot of crying faces side by side sharing each eyeball i hope it hurts you aaron it does it does actually to see that i hurt somebody by them not being sure if i'm serious about beedrill or not you don't understand i love beedrill my god they were out of yeah and uh i i you remember when i took it apart you remember when i remember when they lost their minds i took it upon myself there's something so [ __ ] ah nevermind i took i took it upon myself to go to two island they were on one island so now i'm on two oh okay oh it looks like a big cut very if only you had the sweetest pokemon of ulta yeah i mean who the [ __ ] else could cut but beedrill can anyone learn cut no i honestly don't know oh hello welcome to my shop he has drill hands so oh i see it helps him cut better because he's my namesake the lobster hey bro i could replace beedrill oh yeah of course look at that [ __ ] ditto he's like frantically like if he'd happen to have had a condom in his pocket like we'd have a pokemon that was like ribbed for your pleasure i think he's yeah sorry i just wanted beedrill to do something he's doing great are you kidding is he the one constant pokemon we've had since we got him like in our group yes wow the only pokemon that hasn't changed wow aaron you are like when you are dedicated to something you will [ __ ] you will run with it for a hundred episodes beedrill is the best pokemon do it blue nobody understands his true power his nature meanwhile we've just replaced him with a legendary pokemon well he knows fly fly is strong against machoke oh is it really yeah so guess you can't choke something if it's flying exactly yeah makes sense couples night dude they [ __ ] make out they straight up make out ugh i want to see it i love how they have to just like be like yeah it's she's got two cups she's a girl she's got boobies [Music] little king's got pecs like a man dude you just [ __ ] up your bee yeah beedrill's all right man he's good he's good that one oh [ __ ] you've got your [ __ ] now you got both your uh legendary jams yeah i'm gonna lose [ __ ] i thought we were i thought it was just like the other badge where like you fight one and then regroup this is actually perfect because i'm gonna lose first of all and second of all um this is the last episode we're doing today so i'm gonna train off screen cool and uh get uh get blunt up to up to speed can i just say like as an aside i'm really i'm really get point up to speed yeah dude yeah no not get the third legendary [ __ ] bird that you can get no i gotta get my b [ __ ] really jacked up for this yeah two straight b oh god damn it don't you use your [ __ ] [Music] level 32. i wonder he sucks but oh no no way it'll never kill him you wait why am i here [Laughter] all right bun it's your turn if only we had a bee that could have flown over that wave right you just got served hit two times and each time was two things that that's four times right well i am dead damn dude yeah laura lay is not gonna be impressed by you wow what a marathon that's funny okay afroman uh says i can't wait for tomorrow's episode i want to see how much leveling aaron's done off screen and if he's changed out any of his pokemon to challenge the elite four seriously splurt oh seriously splart has to go has got to go yeah well they're not wrong yeah i'm not sure how much leveling off screen i did i think it might have been zero big boss giga says if aaron beats the elite four with a [ __ ] bee drill i'll admit he's one of the best pokemon trainers out there that's right wow yep it's right big boss giga full respect i'm gonna get your respect by the end of this compilation what's up babies hey babies babies babies this is the next uh this is the next filming session um you can see that i have teleported to the power plant look at you uh those of you in the know in the pokemon world know what a legendary bird sorry go on you're talking about me what legendary bird lies inside the power plant that's greg by the way the what the bird no this guy oh okay i would can we name the bird greg yes okay sweet um i have switched out my pokemon uh oh [ __ ] uh just the pikachu he is now [ __ ] again yeah you you cut out uh you cut out all the [ __ ] useless [ __ ] except for that rule well actually he's the he's the best pokemon really yeah okay oh [ __ ] it's greg greg you son of a [ __ ] why you came all the way here maybe you're a pokemaniac too want to see my collection don't ever say that to me [Laughter] back in we go all right next time on gamer i don't know i don't know what's next oh yeah all that's left is the le4 well we gotta keep like is there another uh pokemon out there that we could use to improve our crew let me see what do we got i got all three legendary god knows they kicked the [ __ ] out of you when you tried to fight him and i'm going to get rid of golduck for zapdos so i'm going to have the best pokemon i'm not going to get rid of people what the [ __ ] why would i do that i don't know that's a really silly thing to say i mean didn't all right snack okay okay you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna see what i can do to get turnt snako to be more than he can be okay if you catch my drift yeah all right so what i think is gonna happen um i think we're gonna have to take a break from pokemon okay uh because i gotta train because this this team aside from the b drill is not gonna take on the elite four right um because i think [ __ ] gary is like level 70. oh my god are you serious yeah so what the hell have we been doing this whole time we've been playing this game for like a year and a half do you laugh do you laugh in my pants you just sound like every comment i've ever written but we have we've been playing this since like 2013. yeah [Laughter] yeah about that um so yeah uh we'll take a little break we'll come back and i will smash the elite four all right into juice and deliciousness masticate the illuminati pokemon dawson clark noticed that this episode was published on february 15 2015 next episode coming soon current date april 12 2016. 2016. this went into 2016. oh man do you remember it was the whole fiasco we played this game for four years well somebody was gonna you one of your friends was gonna power level all my pokemon that's right and that's right and it was it was a promise that we kept making on other episodes of game grumps like don't worry pokemon's coming we're gonna power level and it just took so long she did it though yeah she did yeah god bless her she she i i could i could text her right now and congratulate her uh on a job well done because i but didn't she only make bedroll strong wasn't there something like that this has been this is so long ago well i mean i don't remember well i guess we'll find out i guess we will i guess we will here's to the fire red finale in 2016 says crap oh my god yeah oh yeah that's uh oh now now it's now it's oh man now we're going to dimensions of in other series oh my god well we'll we'll catch up on this next time on the next compilation um for the second yeah i'm sorry yeah i guess it'll be mentions of of beedrill in other playthroughs and then eventually when we did finally finish it i cannot believe we started in 2013 and ended in 2016 maybe it might have been 2017. i don't even know three glorious years of bee drill baby unreal how wonderful well tune in i said yeah i said four because i was actually counting 2013 as one of the years no that's 2013 14 15 16. but yeah it's bananas it's bananas well join us join us next week where you will see the conclusion of this beedrill saga um and we will be right there with you wow thanks for joining us what what a trip what a journey such a journey such a long journey later see it
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 1,097,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, funniest moments, laughter moments, game grumps compilation, best of, best moments, dan avidan, arin hanson, game grumps compilation rage, game grumps compilation arin rage, laughter moments game grumps, best laughter moments, game grumps more, pokemon, beedrill, buntd, pokemon fire red, reaction, react, story time, reacting to comments, commentary
Id: pFDJWmotTqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 32sec (3272 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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