We review the WEIRDEST games we played (Part 1) - Game Grumps Compilations

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I'll post this here as well. I follow a Tiwtch streamer who plays Mohawk and Headphone Jack and finally, after seven years and fourteen total rejections, got it into AGDQ last year.

  1. The game was programmed by one man, D. Scott Williamson, and he is still around*.
  2. If they would have pressed the map button, they would have seen each map is HUGE. The maps are loaded all at once (instead of dynamically) for each of seven stages.
  3. Each 8x8 pixel square of map tile is also a gravity vector that changes Mohawk's (and Headphone Jack) oriebtation. Each gravity vector can have one of 32 directions.
  4. The game does end ambiguously, asking the player if they discovered all the secrets. This happens if you do all the warp zones and find all the big CDs. There is no other ending.
  5. Speaking of CDs, the story is that General Headslot (the blue dude with the red hair on the score screen) stole all of the Party Planet'a music, greatly reducing the funk levels of rhe inhabitants, the Morphs (or Morfs). Mohawk (yellow) and Headphone Jack (pink) go into the planet to rescue the tunes.
  6. You have full control over the soundtrack, the big CDs add new songs you can play.
  7. The password system has a bunch of nerd/math jokes built in (type in the number and the text pops up):
    000042 SECRET OF LIFE
    314159 YES, THAT IS PI.

*the streamer in question, PJ Dicesare (TheSuperSNES on YouTube), reached out to D. Scott Williamson, and asked him to sign his copies of the game. DSW sent him back a beta build of the game along with, which is where a lot of this info came from.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/RogueNine 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Dan: Arin, you look beautiful.

Arin: "Oh thanks! Yeah, I have really nice lighting and a good camera."

Dan: /Shooting on a greasy potato Cool. What's that like?

e also, the last game they're talking about is DecapAttack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMGfK0SWyuc

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/trainercatlady 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

Monster Party was originally supposed to be full of references to horror movies, but I guess they couldn't afford to release it or were afraid to get sued, so they obscured all of the references and then released it anyway, now making basically no sense.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/grievre 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

That yoshi edit was perfect.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Redwood671 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello i have maleficent here today and aaron you look beautiful oh thanks yeah i have a really nice lighting and a good camera cool what's that like this is a compilation about what i don't what is it i forgot oh this is the weirdest games that we've played uh it's a compilation of all the weird strange games that we've played um and i thought it would be fun if we uh rated them based on their weirdness um after we watch each clip i'm into it let's do it all right there's no shortage of material for this one yeah this is going to be good i'm excited uh cool let's let's just jump into it captain novolen it's a game that teaches you about diabetes are you serious doesn't tell you how to manage your diabetes the doctor will tell you about your individual care this is wild aliens have landed a mountain way up they're disguised as sugary junk foods and have been ordered by blubberman the leader to take over the earth oh my god and now it's a game now it's a game whoa whoa whoa whoa these are weird mechanics oh good these are whoa these are weird what is that that's a glass of milk oh we didn't have it before breakfast it is milk that's a donut you can't have that that's too much sugar i can't have it it's too much sugar oh my god dude you're going in a diabetic shot it made me you can have a banana dizzy fine that's natural sugars your body can break down you need to get some food in you he's gonna jump soon he didn't joke wow okay captain novolin i for i forgot about that one yeah me too uh i i i definitely love because i've been learning a lot about like bad sugars and in good sugars it's all bad it's just whatever you eat with sugar that makes it better um right but that's uh i would love to revisit that and be like hey i know all that stuff yeah this is those mean looking cookies they had there mm-hmm they're really coming at you oh yeah we're gonna see look i mean in real life we'd all eat healthy it's like a attack of the killer tomatoes but uh but cookies okay if if you had uh a rating for that what would it be based on weirdness that was way up there that i i'd give that well i'd give that a seven because at least it was grounded by the fact that it had a point you know i could see where they were trying to go with it trying to help people yeah yeah it wasn't just like balls to the wall weirdness it was like one thing and it stuck to it if it didn't if it didn't have the diabetes angle it'd be way higher yeah um yeah i'm feeling six or seven man like that's uh that's a tough one six i'd say six yeah i mean it was super freaking weird but we gotta leave some room because [ __ ] definitely has been weirder yeah we can't stop we can't start at a ten out of ten so true all right here we go this game is ridiculous all right so we're gonna do well first of all we're going to turn it to hard oh god damn really why because it makes it much better okay it's this is we're doing oh god i'm already like out of control my my brain sure why not we're doing it what's happening press the same color button um and then you just gotta get rid of them oh okay all right we got it uh do we i don't have [ __ ] yeah oh [ __ ] yeah what the [ __ ] oh eat all the dicks [ __ ] you're whoa how did you get so good because my [ __ ] tea kettle has game like you would not believe oh [ __ ] master sounds funny what is happening oh yeah oh god it's so hard to concentrate on this i know okay oh yeah did you oh you won why [ __ ] yeah because i'm a master guitar player i'm gonna [ __ ] smash my i'm a bassist don't you know i learned under the best i learned under eric clapton in vae malmsteen eric lapton prince eric left it oh my god oh please god no what the [ __ ] oh my god oh i got the hula girl i'm having such a terrible time right now okay that was weird that bishibashi looked like i don't know if i don't know how common this is outside of la but you know when restaurants um will leave some kind of pamphlet or flyer in your door and it's like a thousand menu items each one in a little square and there's just complicated pictures and a million colors on every one of them yeah and you're you're like i'm gonna throw this away immediately that that was that in game form that's that is true there's like too much going on um but i don't you know i i feel like that was one of those games that it's it's like a mini game game so like of course the mini games are like very varied and weird and stuff so i don't know i don't know if i would give it that high of a i'd say like a five for bishop five i was going to give it a five as well yeah um interesting it's weird but weird in a way that a lot of things are weird yeah exactly it's like when you think of like like japan and them like making a minigame game that's exactly what i would picture totally all right deadly creatures deadly creatures deadly creatures the deadliest creature wait is man is that the twist do i play as a spider and then the humans are the enemy oh that's ridiculous i really hope so oh oh my god that's what's happening oh damn yo fight fight fight fight oh [ __ ] communications with the remote have been interrupted these creatures were too deadly oh holy [ __ ] damn dude that's [ __ ] dan i think we may have found the perfect game is this [ __ ] happening every day in [ __ ] no just outside of la and we don't know about it uh if you haven't noticed i am a tarantula fighting a scorpion right now yeah yeah you really are yeah yeah [ __ ] off oh my my house jesus christ house wait am i the scorpion now oh yes you [ __ ] are woo hoo squares jeez this game is oh no no no no stop it's like hey scorpion and he's like no i'm shy or they're like today in pe we're playing dodgeball oh there's a real standoff we've got here you first you know you first hey guys you guys fighting great i'll join oh my god finish him and then yes ah dude you did the correct chest [ __ ] this [ __ ] game dude yes oh yeah yes smash that piece of [ __ ] can i just like do it always yeah yes oh that's very satisfying oh man [ __ ] you you [ __ ] see yeah you in the [ __ ] thorax you piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] stupid shield ass bug [ __ ] you i don't know if i like this scorpion oh wow i i forgot how like good that game was me too me too that that was a strange one that was one of those games where we played it all the way through ghoul grumps that week because we weren't we were just fascinated with it we couldn't stop playing it and the entire week many many comments were along the lines of i wish they'd stop playing this stupid [ __ ] bug game and then when we stopped playing it many comments were like are you guys going to push deadly creatures and so i i now i understand a little bit looking at it again it was pretty wild and weird i just watching that again like channeled the joy that i was deriving from such an experience it really was like it's very satisfying to watch these bugs just like smash on each other i mean there are youtube channels that do nothing but that they're just they put two bugs in a jar and they're like fight and then terrible things happen generally because insects are savage to each other i have seen like the video of like the praying mantis eating the like the black yeah the black oh man amazing it's gross it's gross um i actually wouldn't rank that one to be that weird to be honest with you i felt like it was very cohesive it it would have been weirder if it wasn't well done but it was a surprisingly well-made game and so it just seemed like a normal it just seemed like a unique spin on a fighting game um maybe a three maybe a three in weirdness but like i was gonna give it a three yeah the the the score would be way higher if the question was how good was it because i thought it was really cool it's a 10 out of 10. best game ever oh my god i if i was trapped on a desert island i would only choose deadly creatures i wouldn't even bring the game system i just that would take up more room in my backpack which could be used for extra copies of deadly creatures or just kiss the discs all right here we go what the [ __ ] is going on dude sneaking this is absurd gotcha baby gotcha baby regular surprise what do you think of that [ __ ] omelette challenge or whatever is madness here it comes oh my god here comes somebody want coffee before you get here i command you to want coffee murder him want coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee boy you sure look ah damn it why did i not startle him [Laughter] i'm quite upset dan oh my god well who am i going to startle now this is very difficult it went from [ __ ] easy mode to hard mode [ __ ] dude it's the hardest game i've ever played i just love the idea of the king being in there just thinking to himself like [ __ ] it dude oh my god oh my god oh my god we got a lot oh go go go go faster go faster yes yes yes oh my god i've done it oh [ __ ] oh just a regular surprise that's okay you got it at least she got her i'm still happy i had a really i gotta really concentrate into the haystack into the haystack quickly quickly oh my god oh my god oh my god run run run run run dive oh i can't i can't i'm within view oh i've been spotted look he's pointing at me as if i'm some kind of circus freak [Music] please please want something for the love of god please want something suddenly want something oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] ass [ __ ] blue light ass [ __ ] oh sneak king i forgot how funny that was yeah me too that's exactly i was like wow that was really funny i don't remember being that funny that it did wrong with us yeah i mean it was that was strange that one gets a seven from me because they leaned into the weirdness it's a weird enough concept as it is but the way the king moves and the way he belly flop dives into the leaf piles i really really enjoyed that game i'm gonna you know i'm gonna say innate uh because it it just it has like why you know and it was more it was because like i was a hardcore gamer when that game came out and it was very much like like you had to go to burger king to get that game like you had to order a meal and then be like also can i get sneaking um and they would and they'd give it to you it was like two bucks or something and then so you take well spent honestly like it's kind of fun oh yeah so i'll give it an eight just that the the world worldly implications mmo simulator that seems silly well we got tank we got rogue okay got magician hunter this is amazing and microwave oh god in heaven you're terrified oh god why i don't want to be the microwave and create pizza is that an ability i have i can create pizza for real oh look at that oh you can make pizzas sweet dude there's another pizza oh that's great he's got my pizza oh dude there there you go into the circle no stop making pizzas sorry sorry questions there's adventuring to be done oh i'm gonna get them pizza pizza pizza this is quite the battle pizza pizza pizza i don't think it's helping i don't think so if i grab them i don't think it's intimidating oh you oh he got me yeah you took some damage bro oh but i got him oh [ __ ] what are you doing well i'm beating the [ __ ] out of two strangers in their own home okay what the [ __ ] does it look like what the [ __ ] does it look like i'm a microwave with legs and i'm headbutting the [ __ ] out of random people and leveling up because of it i'm being rewarded would you please i think she's still at the beach could you please go talk to her you seem like a good guy wow i yeah i forgot we played that and now i'm reminded and i kind of want to like revisit it goat simulator i mean that was maybe the second or third time we played some iteration of it uh i've never recalled at least when i first joined the show i never recalled a game coming out where so many of my friends who didn't even care about game grumps just said you have to play this it was powerful it was powerful stuff yeah really took the internet by storm it was one of those games that like defined that like three-month chunk 2014 2013 something around there 20-something teen yeah it's it's been a little while now but uh the the their goat majesty lives on um i'd give that maybe like a like a six it was weird but weird in a very acceptable pleasant way oh interesting uh yeah i'd say yeah i'd say like a like a six because wow weird um it was weird on purpose yes like very purposely um which makes it a little less weird yeah the weirdest ones are always the ones where they were 100 serious it's the room like tommy why so the room kind of yeah kind of mentality uh speaking of 100 serious um and getting freaking weird here's mohawk and headphone jacks oh i'm having a flashback to 2004. my sorted past is coming back what the [ __ ] [ __ ] dude oh my god the [ __ ] this is the game this is [ __ ] bananas oh my god this is how it starts it's just like a music video from the 80s oh this is no this is what music videos from the 80s could never be i bet you a million bucks if you just take note of what you're seeing right now and then close your eyes whatever you say is what's happening okay let me try it yeah go ahead and give it a challenge uh you're jumping you're yellow your face is moving from your head to your dick and weird [ __ ] is going on well yeah i guess i don't know what's happening in the top left corner that's been happening this whole time oh oh oh oh oh oh oh god progress [ __ ] vomit where am i it doesn't matter am i in some kind of [ __ ] like city oh yeah we go look at your balls look at your genitalia is that a thumb or a finger why would you wear sunglasses if you have no eyes and no oh god look at you just melting into the floor is that supposed to be like dr robotnik i don't know it's like a stress ball that came to life oh no i'm all the way back here next time on game i can't take anymore are you [ __ ] kidding me i'm gonna barf soup and i haven't even eaten soup i don't even know where i am relative to where i was yeah i went left the whole time and then suddenly i was going right again and like i don't know how could you possibly know how could anyone know there's no frame of reference you're flipping around left and right well willy nilly who the [ __ ] are you how do you even how what does the level map look like for this game it's gotta be just like a [ __ ] algorithm of pain and anguish aaron i can't look at this anymore it is making me a little barfy oh man okay the ten first of all ten wow full on 10. yeah maybe nine but yeah it's up there because that that was exactly what we were talking about in the last video that was pure sincerity they were like fully committed to like this is cool and dope and like what a great idea and like sonic the hedgehog is popular this [ __ ] is gonna blow the heads off of kids that that's what i was gonna say i would give it a high score maybe an eight just because of what they expected it to be versus what it ended up being like clearly they wanted that to be a franchise they wanted many many mohawk and headphone jack games um and it just it was such a [ __ ] show it's it's incomprehensible dude i can't even imagine it's been so long like i can't imagine playing it looking at that footage like it looks like the the state that i was in is the state that i imagine i would be in having played that again you know what i mean that game came out in 1995 so 25 years ago i i wonder i wonder if we could find the people who made it and ask them what they think about it a quarter of a century later oh my goodness because it's so good yeah i'm sure it's one of those it seemed to make sense at the time kind of situations yeah unbelievable okay that's that's that's our winner right now that that's our mohawk and headphone jack that's that's the one to beat all right let's do it i haven't seen this game in forever man i haven't thought of it forever okay my friend dave used to have it watch out um there's a bull i if i remember correctly a large shrimp will be flying by there it is look out baby here i come oh it's the shrimp it's the shrimp what the [ __ ] fighting the shrimp i'm fighting the shrimp the [ __ ] it's it's a big old golden shrimp man no [ __ ] what the [ __ ] going on with the alien pods oh i don't know what's going on with the spaceships the hell's even happening i don't know but she wins you better believe that shrimp's not getting out of here alive especially since it's already crispy tempura fried to a golden brown goddamn it sounds so good i can see that aaron it's just one it's just one don't you know when i'm being attacked by a giant onion ring from space i sure as [ __ ] do look at oh man okay did you see the skulls with the vines growing through the eye holes as the texture of the background yeah that sounds awesome you want to go back and look at it i mean i'm sorry there was just too much oh yeah yeah that is what's going on okay monster party was very weird i how much of it is sincere and how much of it is on purpose i wonder well it was the 80s this was the era of nintendo when you had things like the back to the future game where you're fighting hamburgers yeah coming at you video games just were not there was no such thing as a gamer back then no one identified themselves as a gamer video games were just a thing that people did sometimes and as a result i think it was just the wild west in terms of how weird they could be or what the point was this was definitely this definitely had a lot of japanese influence it felt very foreign you know what i mean yeah yeah um the the ideas did not feel native to our upbringing at all i do feel like it's very japanese like the fact that it's like tempura shrimp and yes [ __ ] like that like the alien spit there's just so much it has a theme it it has like a clear like aesthetic and then there's so many things that break that aesthetic like right away um on per uh man i don't know i like i want to give it like an eight or nine yeah it i remember it thinking it was very weird at the time but also it made more sense in context of what nes games were because a lot of games from that era had that giger kind of influence metroid and contra had a lot of those twisty veiny um weird background alien living things happening yeah but even even when you look at those games though like there's nothing in those games that feels like thematically off like everything feels like this belongs here like monster party is filled with stuff that's like this isn't right yeah i don't think they knew what that what it was supposed to be i think they just threw a bunch of [ __ ] at the wall and and a lot of it stuck more than any any uh right it had any right to i'm gonna give him i'm gonna give monster party an eight yeah eight eight feels right okay very bizarre good i'm glad we can agree on something cool oh my god you [ __ ] ready for sheep i'm sorry i called you [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this use the sheep to put the ball in the opposite goal okay they're gonna lead your sheep dude oh crap you can't hit the ball with you stupid escape wait no yeah yeah no yeah no oh [ __ ] god damn get up there sheep yo these shoes no that is the wrong way blue sheep oh you are a piece of crap why are my sheep my sheep are scared dude yeah yeah super scary oh yeah yeah pick up [ __ ] oh my god wake up you're beating your sheep i didn't know i could do that that's horrible why would you you son of a [ __ ] my sheep were scared damn it no no no no no no no no what are you doing blue sheep what are you doing george go pig sheep yeah [Laughter] i gotta make this many points in that many time i can't do it it seems unlikely got my children go sheep do good yeah they'll never take freedom wow i don't remember being like that at all yeah i i think that game was pretty normal it was just made weirder by how strange the control choices were yeah where you have to like what i mean you have to align the planets in order to move the soccer ball yeah basically um so i'd give that like a three or four oh okay yeah yeah yeah i give it like a [ __ ] because it wasn't just that right like there was a that was like a mini game wasn't it there were there were several sheep related mini games as i recall hmm oh that is tough yeah i give it a four because it's yeah it it they they came up with like a control scheme and it worked and they just went with it and then they were like what else can we do with this control scheme and that was it was it was completely like methodically made i think uh and didn't have a whole lot of like off-the-wall stuff and it worked and it was good and it was fun yeah yeah our lives on game grumps got a lot weirder after that oh yeah yeah i think so too uh all right next one shoot him up ha oh what am i even looking at i don't know what the [ __ ] is the thing oh god this is insanity yeah but at least i got the [ __ ] at least i got the laser oh come on whoa 70 points wow you want to change your bushy boxy score based on that oh no that was exactly the amount of weirdness that we had before i think sorry i couldn't i couldn't hear you um the audio cut out for a second and you're such a tiny icon when we watch on the stream all i all i see is you mustache twiddling i think that's what you're doing i am yes i'm beard twiddling actually mustache is a different thing okay fair enough um but yes uh it was a weird game but just like you said once you've been in a pachinko parlor no amount of japaneseness shocks you in a video game you know what i mean true yeah yeah yeah i agree speaking of japaneseness here's supermonk yay oh god yes what the [ __ ] is going on oh boy okay first of all i've never played this game you're a caveman and you bash things with your head that's what you do it doesn't look very no very good what is happening he's sleeping on your head what is going on what is happening what is the purpose of anything what is it what is it what the [ __ ] is happening i'm sorry no you're angry why am i shooting arrows [Laughter] whoa what what what i can't say i hate this i know honestly i'm starting to get a little into it what is happening what is wrong with me but i have some sort of disease the bunk has way too many things that can happen it is really hard to keep track scared i can't jump no milan that's fine okay oh well whoa okay okay those are some very [ __ ] dangerous drippings this game really throws a lot of [ __ ] at you yeah you don't know what's a friend and an enemy we don't know how long of a series this is go oh god in heaven i am [ __ ] totally speechless this game is really interesting i can't stop i just can't stop it's like a total world oh my god it's exactly how i feel what are those teeth lips i don't know dan oh i wish they weren't please don't get near me just [Music] oh that's so okay oh you're a crap i don't know what's happening i don't think there's anything happening what is this truth what is this your craft these aren't even sea creatures aren't as weird as this it's almost like they took like classic platformer games and we're like let's just ignore like anything yeah at all like let's let's kind of use some of the things that worked with them but also like do completely do oh oh no oh my god what wow i'm inside of it oh my god are you [ __ ] does anything kill you in this game oh that's a fly pretty good what is that oh god i did not even notice that that was a thing it's baxter stockman i'm scared why is it upset i don't want here anymore oh god your teeth are weirder now it's cause i'm uh you're a what aaron tell me what you are i think i'm a heart oh like that and that's a ventricle your ear is like a oh my god am i really is this what's happening oh you know it is what oh yeah why is the dinosaur's mouth yeah because he was the one drinking the orange juice from dinosaur world yup and i'm living uh material oh god i can't anymore there's a certain point where it's just exhausting oh [Laughter] god let's get into space into space into [ __ ] lunar mystery i mean wow i can't go anywhere except it says rage it says rage what is i'm sorry what a thing that i can do what i don't know what that is what the [ __ ] you can jump on are you [ __ ] kidding me that is bananas this game is [ __ ] banana sandwiches man [Music] soft boiled hard shell what the [ __ ] is that i don't know i don't okay okay all right all right i'm out oh actually it's spat pieces of itself oh no wow man what a trip uh i yeah i know how you feel that's interesting to watch that game again because all i remembered about it was how much we came around on it yeah uh i remembered being baffled at first and then loving it and bonk bonk was designed the character i mean was designed to be sort of the super mario or sonic the hedgehog of the turbo graphic 16 system so so someone at some point had very high hopes for bonk the character and you can see how much work went into that world yeah it was it was a totally realized thing it was very weird but also very cool and full of interesting ideas i uh you know i don't i don't want to preemptively uh say anything about the the because there's there's a lot more to get through but but i do feel like bonk is has the potential to be a winner in this race yeah yeah i'm i'm definitely thinking it's between a nine or a ten with bonk because yeah i was gonna give it a nine full full commitment and like variety and like obviously it was a it was a game that was meant to be weird but it's so realized in its weirdness that i i i feel like it puts it above like a monster party or something because of yeah just like there's no explanation for basically anything uh it's it's it's like exhaustingly weird yeah we we felt like we'd travel to another dimension and it just kept topping itself that that's the difference because monster party was weird but it stayed at the same level funk really took you all over the experience of life just just that situation where like you're underwater and then the ceiling falls on you and then you're a crab it's like that was that was like an hour into the game yeah or when the dinosaur like sneezes you out of his nose like sneezes christ and then you go into the into space because you're reborn in a lunar world so so fantastic it's beautiful nine nine or ten 9.5 i'd say brock is the leader right now yeah i'll give it a 9.5 as well let's do one more okay the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] jesus christ you shall all be my slaves and i shall reign over your world damn they really just don't [ __ ] pull me oh oh did god just [ __ ] on everybody [Laughter] oh no it's crowning a father each day we strike farther from god's turns to spread some water or vomit on the ground one at the screen with the wii remote and hold down the b button i forgot look at your vial of vomit what hey what in the world is that an air walking chicken now i'm really hungry i um and i have a headache me too well i remember having a headache i actually was like well i have really bad memories of spray and i can't remember why and then when it said i have a headache i was like oh i did i totally did have a headache when we played that yeah it's freaking bizarre man uh it ju just the fact that you're using puking as a mechanic which and it's not the first game we've had that did that right didn't mario sunshine mar no that's flood flood flood isn't puking no when you're on yoshi and he eats fruits he vomits up the fruit juice oh my god no i have no memory of that for some reason and then you can spin and he goes like and then like vomit goes everywhere maybe you're right but i assume in mario sunshine it was so adorably done that it didn't feel weird at all metal slug metal slug you can vomit as a zombie maybe it was metal slug i feel like there was also cranium something wasn't there a game where you've got a head coming out of your stomach or something all i remember about the game is us talking about the father who was working on it coming home to his soon-to-be estranged wife and child trying to explain what he's doing with their life savings was it like a classic game no well yes it was an old game i but i i can't for the life of me remember it was so weird i'm sure someone will remember yeah if somebody remembers leave it in the comments now yeah spray i would say overall not so weird i would i would give it like four um yeah there were moments that were weird but overall sort of a normal game it looked like a normal game that had been modded to have one or two really weird things in it interesting um but yeah nowhere nowhere even in the ballpark of bonker um or goat simulator or any of those is so good um all right well at the end of this compilation i would say bob bonk takes it man bonk takes it yeah a bonk is definitely up there mohawk and headphone jack is yeah a close second um uh i although i think you gave that one a 10 and bonk 9.5 but that's fine when you average them out i think i said 19 in i because i was like nine or a 10 and then i said nine or ten for bonk as well maybe i didn't but you you can change your vote right now i mean no one's stopping you i i want to give it to bonk because bonk has more variety yes mohawk block and jack is like a weird pit and then bonk is like a weird pit plus all the fruit around it is weird yeah mohawk and jack we couldn't even stand to play long enough to see where it goes yeah um but bonk was so absorbing that we i think we did seven episodes of it um and i wouldn't mind going back to it one day uh if there was interest gasp we might have to start from the beginning though because geez i don't remember much of anything it was years and years ago none of it none of it yeah everything's gone everything uh but yeah i i guess there's more to this compilation so we'll watch um we'll watch more of it next time huh hell yeah let's do it next time on game grumps compilations more weird games oh i'm catching flashes of definite weirdness it's all coming back there's good [ __ ] in here awesome goodbye bye everyone
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 497,665
Rating: 4.9621067 out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming
Id: SHyVa4K6VN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 8sec (2348 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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