Doki Doki Literature Club: THE MOVIE (2017 Game Grumps Playthrough)

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the occasional countdown to Dan's trauma is excellent

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/trainercatlady 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

My favorite playthrough of the GG!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/__M-E-O-W__ 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey hello welcome to doki doki literature club welcome to doki doki literature club all these girls have different color eyes i have the song smell your dick stuck in my head and a lot of people requested this game yeah it's just those are three facts yeah i mean it's just it's just it's just like any other dating game um but it's it's just it's just kind of funny so i'm into it hopefully you'll enjoy it dude i mean who could look at this title screen and not be like i'm having a good time already yeah well you're gonna have a good time i think see you girls go to high school or enter your name aaron uh friend aaron friend aaron done i am ready for dating i am friend aaron i enjoy hanging out with the female species oh is that you girls hey i see an annoying girl running towards me from the distance waving her arms in the air like she's totally oblivious to any attention she might draw to herself just that girl is sayori my neighbor and a good friend since we were children you know the kind of friend you'd never see yourself making today but it just kind of works out because you've known each other for so long what does that mean we used to walk to school together on days like this but starting around high school she would over sleep more and more frequently and i would get tired of waiting up i mean sleep over not over sleep sorry i'm a stud but she's going to chase after me like this i almost feel better off running away however i just sigh an idol in front of the crosswalk and let's say yori catch up to me i like to imagine he's just standing on the sidewalk saying all this out loud loudly to himself man say you're he's an interesting girl because there's some guy with like a briefcase walking inches away [ __ ] ha ha i overslept again typical sayori did i call you this time stop talking about me loudly maybe baby but only because i decided to stop and wait for you you still you're thinking about ignoring me get bigger hands [Laughter] this is what a tiny house room for me where's my nose so many questions yeah i want you to say this oh that's me and friend aaron well if people stare at you for acting weird then i don't want them to think we're a couple or something a couple of what fun fun couple of tiny hands i made this vest out of dragon scale you look like a fish but you did wait for me after all i guess you don't have it in you to be mean even if you want to whatever you say [ __ ] i'm gonna go home and oversleep [Laughter] we cross the street together and make our way to school as we draw near the streets become increasingly speckled with other students making their daily commute by the way friend aaron have you decided on a club to join yet yeah to get away from sayori club a club oh that's you oh i told you already i'm really not interested in joining any clubs i haven't been looking either that's not true why did you sink for a second help i'm standing at quicksand and my tiny supple hands are useless for pulling me out they're like daggers stinking into the ocean you told me you enjoyed a club that's here you lied to me did i i'm sure it's possible that it did in one of our many conversations where i dismissively go along with whatever she's going on about yeah and maybe join the fish fest club you'll love it sayori likes to worry a little bit too much about me when i'm perfectly content just getting on getting by on the average while spending my free times on games and anime uh-huh i'll just tell you about how i'm worried that you won't learn how to socialize or have any skills before college [ __ ] you never mind your social skills are great your happiness is really important to me though and i know you're happy now but i don't thought of becoming a neat in a few years i don't know what that means uh i used to know because you're not used to the real world god damn i have to look up what a need is you trust me right don't make me keep worrying about you you [ __ ] neat all right all right i'll look at a few clubs if it makes you happy this one's big and made out of wood i can't wait to like look this up and have it mean like uh like neat an offensive slur for an italian no promises though neat a young person who is no longer in the education system and who is not working or being trained for work oh so me between the ages of 22 and 35 will you at least promise me you'll try a little wait isn't it an acronym oh i don't know not not educated especially today yeah i guess i'll promise you that yay why do i let myself get lectured by such a carefree girl not every elephant touches that's what neat stands for more than that i'm surprised i even let myself relent to her i guess seeing her worry so much about me makes me want to ease her mind at least a little bit even if she does exaggerate everything inside of her head oh my god this is taking me back to sakura spirit so much the school day is as ordinary as ever and it's over before i know it also no one showed up today why did i come here it's really lonely in here after i pack up my things i stare blankly at the wall because there's nothing else in all the papers blank that's left looking for an ounce of motivation clubs sayori wants me to check out some clubs clubs i guess i have no choice but to start with the m a club hello sayori sayori must have come into the classroom while i was spacing out how did you not see me come in i'm like literally all the other person in this building clubs i look around and realize that i'm the only one left in the classroom i thought i'd catch you coming out of the classroom but i saw you just sitting here and spitting out so i came in honestly you're even worse than me sometimes i'm impressed now wake up she slaps you with a tiny hand ow it's like a needle you don't need to wait up for me if it's gonna make you late to your own club it's like a it's like a quarter with five toothpicks taped to it well i thought you might need some encouragement so i thought you know smack no what well you could come to my club is it the lame girl club tiny hand club it is join it won't you there's no way i'm going to your club yeah mimi go into my tiny house with the tiny roof sayori's vice president of the literature club not that i was ever aware that she had any interest in literature in fact i'm 99 sure she only did it because she thought it would be fun to help start a new club since she was the first one to show interest after the one who proposed the club she inherited the title vice president she's also the head of the no-no's sweating profusely from the face club that said my interested literature is guaranteed to be even less yeah i'm going to the anime club come on please please why do you care so much anyway well i kind of told the club yesterday i'd bring in a new member and you're just the member i'm looking for natsuki made cupcakes and everything cupcakes don't make promises you can't keep i can't i can't tell it stop i can't tell if sayori is really that much of an airhead or if she's so cunning is to have planned all this out i let out a long sigh fun stop by for a cupcake okay yes let's go oh this is nice and thus today marks the day i sold my soul for a cupcake i dejectedly follow sayori across the school and upstairs a section of the school i rarely visit being generally used for third year classes and activities the school hallway is speckled with ghosts and other non-existent students sayori full of energy swings open the classroom door everyone everyone the new member is here i told you don't call me a new member uh i glance around the room welcome to the literature club it's a pleasure meeting you sir he always says nice things about you that that has to be you i can't do i'll never keep going by the boy way to kill the atmosphere ah friend aaron what a nice surprise welcome to the club uh all words escape me in the situation except for dot dot this club is full of incredibly cute girls shouldn't have said that out loud what are you looking at if you want to say something say it so sorry no tsuki the girl with the sour attitude whose name is apparently natsuki is one i don't recognize her small figure makes me think she's probably a first-year she also is the one who made cupcakes according to siori it's going to be tough to extricate these cupcakes but i'll [ __ ] figure something out you can just ignore when she gets moody sarah says that quietly so you already said that quietly into my ear then turns back towards the other girls anyway this is natsuki oh it's full of energy and this is yuri the smartest in the club don't say things like that yuri who appears comparably more mature and timid seems to have a hard time keeping up with people like yori natsuki oh well it's nice to meet both of you and it sounds like you already know monica is that right that seems like a weirdly american name that's right it's great to see i'm not gonna be able to keep this voice up the part of monica will be played by aaron because he can do the i am friend aaron voice better it's great to see you again friend aaron monica smiles sweetly it's all it looks like they're almost the same person drawn from that angle wow we do know each other well we rarely talked but we were in the same class last year she would say things like processing [Laughter] i like to imagine that like her hair just stays like that all the time [Laughter] much gel and motor oil was required monica was probably the most popular girl in class smart beautiful athletic and smart basically completely out of my leg so having her smile at me so genuinely feels a little you too monica come sit down friend aaron we made room for you at the table so you could sit next to me or monica cut the cupcakes hey i made them i'll get them sorry i got a little too excited finger pyramid of evil contemplation then how about i make some tea as well the girls have a few desks arranged to form a table as siori mentioned it's been widened so that there's one space next to monica and one space next to sayori choose your fate for the next 30 years of your life natsuki and yuri walk over the corner of the room where natsuki grabs a wrapped tray and yuri opens the closet still feeling awkward i take a seat next to sure you just have to imagine all this is happening because god knows we didn't animate it that's it proudly marches back to the table trey in hand okay are you ready where am i three two one hide and seek [Laughter] natsuki lifts the foil off the tray to reveal a dozen white fluffy cupcakes decorated to look like little cats the whiskers are drawn with icing and little pieces of chocolate were used to make ears just trust me that's what they look like thank you i had no idea you are so good at baking natsuki well you know you have a tiny green tooth all of a sudden why why it surely does why is that it did jet steer and take one sayori grabs one first then monica i follow then natsuki then this guy named fred i'll eat one of these cupcakes once i'm done eating this single pea that's attached to the top of my mouth just can't get rid of it it's delicious sayori talks with her mouthful and has already managed to get icing on her face show it draw it i turn the cupcake around on my fingers looking for the best angle to take a bite oh my god this is riveting natsuki is quiet i can't help but notice her sneaking glasses in my direction is she waiting for me to take a bite i finally bite down the icing the icing is sweet and full of flavor i wonder if she made it herself it's clearly poisoned this is really good thank you natsuki why are you thinking me it's not like i haven't heard this somewhere before maybe for you or anything it's it's a meme i don't know if you're familiar with oh i didn't it's not like i like you or anything oh very typical tsundere thing to say yeah thing that you're about to betray the fact that you super like the person yeah totally i thought you technically did ceori said well maybe but not for you you know dummy all right all right jesus [ __ ] you blew it already i give up i get i give up on tsuki's weird logic and dismiss the conversation yuri returns to the table carrying a tea set she carefully places a teacup in front of each of us before setting down the teapot next to the cupcake tray you keep a whole tea set in this classroom that's you sorry don't worry the teachers gave us permission sorry i did an impression of you just a second ago was it accurate after all doesn't a hot cup of tea help you enjoy a good book uh i guess why do kind of one of my nips show through this jacket but definitely not the other one i think it's just how it's shaded oh in that case dan looks like a [ __ ] creeper now cool don't let yourself get intimidated insert human laughter yuri's just trying to impress you eh that's not insulted yuri looks away what's over here i meant that you know i believe you not well teen reading might not be a pastime for me but i at least enjoy tea i'm glad are you yuri faintly smiles to yourself in relief oh thank god monica raises an eyebrow then smiles at me or at least what the equivalent of smiling would be yeah she definitely has the robot look to her doesn't she so what made you consider the literature club my programming tells me that if i start a sentence with so it seems more human seems more humane um i was afraid of this question something tells me i shouldn't tell monica that i was practically dragged here by siguri well i haven't joined any clubs yet and you already seemed really happy here so that's okay don't be embarrassed we'll make sure you feel right at home okay as president of the literature club it is my duty to make the club fun and exciting for everyone monica i'm surprised the club is set up in to make incredible logical sense um oh sorry i thought you'd be talking luck no no problem i was like this is a perfect opportunity to take a sip of my soda oh [ __ ] no you took the sip loudly though so it covers a lot okay everyone at home will be like oh he's sipping soda as opposed to like do they hate each other good narrative there totally how come you decided to start your own club you could probably be a board member for any of the major clubs weren't you a leader of the debate club last year weren't you a leader of the robot's anonymous club last year i know not of what you speak she's kicked into her watch he knows too much he can see well you know to be honest i can't stand all of the politics around the major clubs it feels like nothing but arguing about the budget and publicity and how to prepare for events the democrats and republicans i'd much rather take something i personally enjoy personally enjoy enjoy is that the word enjoy enjoy proper word and make something special out of it and if it encourages others to get into literature then i am fulfilling that dream that dream i am 8.5 pleased with my statement monica really is a great leader oh look at the hands touching do you see that underneath the word hello i also not in agreement that i'm surprised there aren't more people in the club yet it must be hard to start a new club you could put it that way there is a difficulty of 86.8 percent not many people are very interested not many humans are very interested in pulling out all the effort to start something brand new especially when it is something that doesn't grab your attention like literature i read this last book in eight minutes you have to work hard to convince people that you're both fun and worthwhile i really read the book in eight seconds but i said minutes to make me see more human but it makes school events like the festival that much more important i'm confident that we can all really grow this club before we graduate right everyone yeah we'll do our best you know it everyone oh though i still don't really know if i can keep up with their level of enthusiasm about literature they seem really excited about literature so friend aaron what kind of things do you like to read uh well uh considering how little i've read these past few years i don't really have a good way of answering that manga i mutter quietly to myself half joking natsuki's head suddenly perks up looks like she wants to say something but she she keeps quiet man that's the devil's work not not much of a reader i guess well that that can change what am i saying i'm just really glad to be here staring at your clubs i mean joining your club i spoke without thinking after seeing yuri's sad smile anyway what about you yuri well let's see manga mostly yuri traces the rim of her teacup with her finger my favorites are usually novels that build deep and complex fantasy worlds the level of creativity and craftsmanship behind them is amazing to me twilight mostly you ever read clifford the big red dog and telling a good story in such a foreign world is equally impressive you ever you read clifford goes to school that was a real foreign world for him yuri goes on completely passionate about her reading she seems so reserved and timid since the moment i walked in but it's obvious by the way her eyes light up that she finds her comfort in the world of books not people but you know i like a lot of things like clifford makes a friend stories with deep psychological elements usually immerse me as well isn't it amazing how a writer can so deliberately take advantage of your own lack of imagination to completely throw you for a loop just like in clifford 2 the revenge wasn't expecting that one anyway i've been reading a lot of horror lately like clifford [Laughter] i read a horror book once i desperately grasp something i can relate to at the minimum level it was where the wild things are it's about these monsters on an island at this rate yuri might as well be having a conversation with a rock anyway i'm gonna go write my clifford x sonic fan fiction uh really i wouldn't have expected that yuri for someone as gentile as you i guess you could say that but if a story makes me think or takes me to another world then i really can't put it down surreal har is often very successful at changing the way you look at the world if only for a brief moment i hate her why is that because it's scary nah natsuki's art's eyes dart over me for a split second never mad that's right you usually like to write about cute things don't you natsuki you left a piece of scrap paper behind last club meeting it looked like you were working on a poem called that said a lad give them back fine fine [Laughter] processing fun your cupcakes your poems everything you do is just as cute as you are i'm going to saddle up behind you sayori sidles up behind natsuki and puts her hands on her shoulders i'm very cute you write your own pose huge shoulders well i guess sometimes why do you care i think that's impressive why don't you share them sometime no that's a kid hurts her eyes you wouldn't like them when they're angry ah not a very confident writer yet and she's like no i was just starting telling you my poem yeah thank you i understand how natsuki feels i'm over here now sharing that level of writing takes more than just confidence the truest form of writing is writing to oneself oh god i wish i was clifford the big red dog you must be willing to open up to your readers exposing your vulnerabilities and showing even the deepest reaches of your heart for example on the inside you might be a giant dog yeah hard to note with a big old dog heart maybe you're red i don't know just off the top of my head do you have experience writing to yuri maybe if you share some of your work you can set an example and help natsuki feel comfortable enough to share hers dot dot dot actually ah i i was just going to say like the the quotation marks with the with the three dots and then the other quotation marks look like a little monster face going that's cute i guess it's the same for yuri oh i wanted to read everyone's poems we all sit in silence for a moment it's wildly uncomfortable but then monik explodes through the tv okay [Laughter] i have an idea everyone matt murray nazi king yuri looked quizzically at monica let's all go home and write a poem of our own that next time we meet we'll all share them with each other that way everyone is even god this is [ __ ] hot um there it is there's a little monster face yeah let's do it plus now that we have a new member i think it will help us all get a little more comfortable with each other and strengthen the bond of the club let me just crinkle my neck for a second processing processing pain receiving pain ow cool in order to distract you from you thinking that i am a robot and not a human [Laughter] please write poetry i will not google poetry and bring in a printed out copy of someone else's work isn't that right friend aaron monica smiles warmly at me once again or at least an approximation of what smiling might look like it's very uncanny valley hold on there's still one problem yeah what's that where's the beers now that we're back to the original topic of me joining the club i bluntly come forth with what's been on my mind the entire time where's the blunt i never said i would join this club sayori may have convinced me to stop by but i never made any decision just here for the cupcakes and the hot nasty tats i'm here i'm here for the cupcakes and the multi-colored hair i still have other clubs to look at and um i lose my train of thought all four girls stare back at me with dejected eyes oh that is super sad actually but but i'm sorry i thought we're all thinking [Laughter] you all oh i'm sorry you all i'm defenseless against these girls how am i supposed to make a clear-headed decision when it's like this i hate girls that is if writing poems is the price i need to pay in order to spend every day with these beautiful girls right okay i've decided then i'll join the literature club now rise one by one the girl's eyes light up but only one [Laughter] one by one the girl's eyes light up first monica's left eye then [Laughter] lighting right eye only a figure of of expression say all right wraps your arms around me jumping up and down hey you really did scare me for a moment if you really just came for the cupcakes i'd be super pissed then that makes it official eat my hair [Laughter] welcome to the litter rancher club ah thanks i guess okay everyone vanish [Laughter] i think with that we can officially end today's meeting on a good note everyone remember tonight's assignment write a poem to bring to the next meeting so we can all share monica looks over at me once more friend aaron i look forward to seeing how you express yourself [Music] hey [Laughter] yeah can i really impress the class star monica with my mediocre writing skills i already feel the anxiety welling up inside me meanwhile the girls continue to chit-chat as yuri and natsuki clean up their food hey friend and since we're already here do you want to walk home together that's right sayori and i never walk home together anymore because she always stayed after school for clubs stupid clubs that no one would ever want to join sure might as well i mean what better [ __ ] do i have to do hang out with your stupid ass yay with that the two of us depart the club room and make our way home the whole way my mind wanders back and forth between the four girls sayori natsuki yuri and robot well i really will i really be happy sending spending every day after school in a literature club perhaps i'll have the chance to grow closer one of these girls perhaps i'll have a choice to grow close to one of these girls i just need to make most of my circumstances make make the most of my circumstances and i'm sure good fortune will find me and i guess that starts with writing a poem tonight oh boy it's time to ride pup yay pick words you think your favorite club member would like something good might happen with whoever likes your poem the most oh um fluffy okay so who should we appease oh it tells you which girl they would like it right no i think they're just bouncing around oh okay they are bouncing around so so like i guess sayori would probably like fireflies and then natsuki would like pink and fluffy which girl do you like the most i don't know that's the thing you're our friend aaron you must decide yuri likes i guess well she's sort of negative so she's probably grief yuri yeah she's the dark one and then monica is so who should we go after i don't know i like i like sayori the most sayori yeah so she's like wonderful and sunset yay um i bet she's incongruent congruent i know i don't know what uh how come you can't appease monica that's interesting uh because she's a robot yeah doki doki incongruent are you saying i have a problem [ __ ] disarray journey breathe that was an inconsistent joke disaster color color yeah yeah yeah yeah she's the happy girl for sure bouncy oh that's natsuki shiny that's probably nutsky too promise yeah yakuzoku what that means papa damn it giggle papa i love it when you call me big papa um whistle damn it [ __ ] natsuki's all over the place um parfait lance parfait i think that's probably natsuki as well really oh you're right because she makes cupcakes night gown [Music] kitty jesus [ __ ] natsuki takes all the words um embrace that's probably sayori right yeah laugh or silly silly is definitely not zucchini yeah oh really yeah i think bliss is probably sayori let's try it yeah boy climax death let's go ahead with climax yeah all right good for you yuri uh cheeks yeah time puppy sue what puppy suicide the name of my indie band was born uh starscape awesome yeah um unrequited i use that word in a rhyme yeah star bomb i'm gonna use that nice unrestrained flea oh boy hmm you're getting dark flower or party flower's natsuki for sure oh party is probably yeah yeah uh nibble vertigo oh excellent imagination waterfall i can't believe it just said that is one of my favorite phrases ever my god vivid sweet and wrath what about boop boop damn it i don't want to boop you hello again friend aaron glad to see you didn't run away on us hot hot why is her skirt always blowing up do you notice that there is no draft in this room why is her hair always blowing up and that's true it's like somebody with an in an invisible pipe and it's like she hasn't 3d printed the rest of her arms yet so she has to hold the binder back no don't worry this might be a little strange for me but i at least keep my word well i'm back at the literature club i was the last one to come in so everyone else is already hanging out thanks for keeping your promise friend aaron i hope this isn't too overwhelming of a commitment for you making you drive making you dive head first into literature when you're not accustomed to it jesus what were we thinking why don't we just push you off a cliff we've really forced you into the situation huh yeah oh come on like he deserves any slack so you already told me you didn't want to join any clubs this year and last year too you're such a clubless [ __ ] i don't know if you plan to just i don't know if you plan to just come here and hang out or what but if you have tickets seriously then you won't see the end of it what does that mean natsuki you certainly have a big mouth for someone who keeps her manga collection in the club m-m-m oh sorry and those are mangoes [Laughter] you need to stop taking drinks you're gonna snarf snarf processing indeed i have made an error ironic that i make an error in the literature club about a word natsuki oh natsuki find yourself stuck between saying monica and manga manga swiftly defeated not skip plops back into her seat i think she popped don't worry guys say there no it's considered he's having fun i'm not having fun he helps me with busy work without me even asking now let's leave faster so let's help reinflate natsuki like cooking and cleaning my room how dependable fairy that's because your room is so messy it's distracting stupid [ __ ] idiot i can't jerk off with all this mess and you almost set your house on fire once is that so i'm playing armenia you two are really good friends aren't you what gave you that idea i might be a little jealous i want to set my house on fire how come you and friend aaron can become good friends too yeah well you can become good friends oh so say all right as usual sayori seems oblivious to the weird situation she just put man too oh you're even bright he's something today you know wait story uh me um not really don't be shy it's really nothing what is it this is a good moment today yeah what is it show him oh i'll show you what did you get me where did you show him i don't want it it's area made it sound like a big deal when it's really not uh what do i do hey i'm sorry i wasn't thinking no you weren't get out of here this isn't the first time you've done this i guess that means it's up to me to rescue this situation hey don't worry about it i'm sure people get crappy gifts all the time oh my god first of all i wasn't expecting anything in the first place so any nice gesture from you is a pleasant surprise i'm so embarrassed my red embarrassment lines are going over my bangs my eyes have completely vanished i can't see i'm so embarrassed that'll make me happy no matter what is that so yeah i won't make it a big deal if you don't want it to be unless it's gonorrhea maybe i'll stick my boobs out and my butt out all right well here you already reached it oh yo you already reached into a bag pull that book i didn't want you to feel left out so i picked out a book that i thought you might enjoy it's clear for the big one episode four the club clever in space it's a show that clifford x it's a short read so it should keep your attention because you're stupid even if you don't usually read you're stupid and we could you know discuss it if you wanted th this is we could tear out the pages and spread it out of your bed and [ __ ] on it oh god i'm gonna call you clifford is that cool do you like huey lewis in the news [Laughter] how is this girl accidentally being so cute she even picked out a book she thinks i'll like despite me not reading much he really has had a lot of really good albums i prefer sports i think that's his best it's most accomplished album yeah you alright thank you i'll definitely read this i enthusiastically take the book phew that was close for a minute there i thought you were going to leave and you're my huey without you i'd just be the news you can read it whatever i look forward to hear what you think now that everyone's settled in i expected monica to kick off some scheduled activities for the club but instead she's malfunctioning in the corner her head's spinning all fast lasers shooting out of every tip of her fingers but that doesn't seem to be the case so yori and monica are having a cheery conversation in the corner yuri's face is already buried in a book i can't help but notice her intense expression like she was waiting for this chance meanwhile natsuki's rummaging around in the closet [Laughter] i hear not ski utter an exasperated sign from within the closet she seems to be annoyed by something i approach her in case she needs a hand i lost my hand you looking for something there freaking monika she never puts my stuff back in the right spot what's the point of keeping your collection organized if someone else is gonna mess it all up natsuki slides a bunch of stacked books and passes across the shelf manga i don't know why i just said manga you mean vegan right ah sometimes manga is one of those things where you can't admit you're really into it until you figure out where the other person stands how do you how did you know anyway because you [ __ ] said it the other day like a bunch of times besides it's kind of written on your face what's that supposed to mean it says inishiki in your look in the mirror idiot i i see there's a lone volume of manga manga manga a mango stack of various books on one side of the shelves they look juicy and delicious curious i pull it out of the stack there it is natsuki snatches it out of my head don't touch my [ __ ] she then turns into a box she turns into a box of mango help i'm reducing [Laughter] that's where she goes every time she sings not again another part of her has become a manga she then turns into a bot she turns to a box of manga and slips the volume right into the middle of the rest oh much better seeing the boxer with one book's mixing is probably the most irritating sight in the world god damn this green snaggletooth i know that feel i watched my grandmother die in front of me i guess that would be worse than seeing a manga out of places get a closer look at the box that she's admiring parfait girls it's a series i've never heard of in my life that probably means it's either way out of my demographic or it's simply terrible if you're gonna judge you can go do it through the glass of that door she points to the classroom door it's not made of glass you want to do it in the glass in the door put them on the glass hey i wasn't judging anything i didn't even say anything it was a tony of voice i didn't say anything but i'll tell you one thing your silence consider this a lesson shape of the literature club don't judge it but that's cover like at first i thought you were an [ __ ] but now i just think you're an idiot which informs your [ __ ] in fact natsuki pulls out the first volume of parfait girls from the box i'm gonna show you exactly why she shoves the book right into my hands uh what the [ __ ] is this thing i stare at the cover it says parfait girls this computer's broken it finishes it why aren't the words changing i can't scroll it features four girls and colorful attire striking animated feminine poses it's exceedingly mode i wish there were animated feminine poses in this game yeah jeez torturing us i wish it just said it's exceedingly mo like most is like oh yeah or the band there's a band called moe yeah with the dot at the end of it moa you don't remember that no all right well let's go with the the guy with the bowl cut from three stooges then let's go with that mouth don't just stand there oh uh natsuki grabs my arms and pulls me out of the closet you were in there she then takes a seat against the wall beneath the window cells she pat's on the ground next to her signaling me to sit there it's fun to imagine when things happen instead of seeing them here we are sitting down [Laughter] wouldn't chairs be more comfortable i mean there's tons of empty ones i take my scene it's part of what the literature club is you have to imagine the scenarios cheers wouldn't work what the [ __ ] are you talking about we can't read it at the same time like that yes you can pull the chairs together why is that i guess it's easier to be close together like this line don't just see that you make me feel weird about it nazikay crosses her arms and scooches an inch away from me sorry i didn't exactly suspect to be sitting this close to her either not that i could say it's a particularly bad thing i open the book it's only a few seconds before natsuki once again inches closer reclaiming the additional space while she hopes i won't notice i can feel her peering over my shoulder much more eager to begin reading than i am she takes a bite of my neck i bleed profusely but only from the one spot where her green tooth enters my my jugular it turns out her mouth is like a komodo dragon filled with harmful bacteria that's why the tooth is green and there's only one [Laughter] how long have they been there at the beginning everything's blurry here i am at the hospital like the exact same classroom just imagine you don't go back and flip through the older volumes every now and then no not really maybe sometimes after i finish the series i guess hey you're paying attention uh i am but nothing's really happened yet so i can talk at the same time looks like it's about a bunch of friends in high school typically slice a life affair guy joins a literature club meets four girls kind of grew out of these since it's rare for the writing to be entertaining enough for it to make up for the lack of plot so i hate your book pretty meta yeah so what should i expect from this is there going to be a plot well obviously i feel like i'm talking to the game designers right now yeah you would would you think i would enjoy something get him a plot i mean well i guess i know what he's saying a lot of the beginnings about simple things and the book really doesn't have a plot or anything like there's a really funny chapter where they're obsessed with the guy in an ice cream show but that's insane again they know the characters and besides it's still entertaining but later on there's all kinds of drama like when they get into their backstories and then some of the romance starts to happen that's really what it makes it so good there are so many touching parts uh please show me those like here you have to touch here touch there did the poem we wrote have any effect on how this is playing out i guess you'll find out oh my god it sounds like you really know what you're talking about maybe i underestimated you [Music] these are what all my teeth look like hey wait what's that supposed to mean oh uh natsuki gives me a little shove i just meant that i haven't then she sucked me right in the face yeah ah i just meant that i haven't seen you at your full i was bleeding profusely i need to be rushed back to the hospital but they put me in a psych ward this time i was chained up and then a dragon attacked me and here we are dragon fighting away back at the classroom you can imagine yeah just use your mind you close your eyes to make believe you could be anywhere yeah yeah yeah good save uh this chapter seems like it's about baking this is just a guess but is there a lot of baking in this manga well you don't bake mangoes that's not natsuki for a moment as if she doesn't want to admit i even think in her voice now yeah why does that matter it doesn't i was just curious since you enjoyed baking too right that's just a coincidence like i would never get this something because it's a manga i feel bad for anyone that's impressionable definitely not a coincidence i guess that explains natsuki's interest in baking i thought i thought it said banking and i was like that's pretty random just mention that out of nowhere she really likes counting money and giving loans and taking advantage of poor people interest rates are in oh time now it's a great time to buy a house read this manga called banking hero [Laughter] still of all the hobbies to pick up from a manga that's definitely one of the better ones not to mention she's really good at it so who am i to judge whoa oh whoa you had the [ __ ] you had the cartoon of her dr like sitting near the windowsill the whole time why didn't you do that we've been uh never mind we read on for a few minutes i finished a couple chapters at this point are you sure this isn't boring for you no of course not look at what my eyebrows are doing above my hair don't pay no attention to my goat eyes yeah oh man so cute even though you're just watching me read i'm fine with that if you say so now what's really difficult is breathing through this one tiny nostril i have nose asmos [Music] it's like snorting through a coffee straw i guess it's fun sharing something you like with someone else i always get excited when i convince any of my friends to pick up a series i enjoy you know what i mean no um you don't um that's not well i wouldn't really know what do you mean don't you share your mango with your friends could you not rub it in could you listen that robin how part like the front part of my hair is in one direction and the next back part of my hair looks like it was on a completely different head tilted to a different direction she has like four different hairstyles it's going really crazy when you look at it geez it's like ah sorry like i could never get my friends to read this they just think manga is for kids i can't even bring it up with them without being all like this is for kids makes me want to punch them in the face and i do sometimes but they're just kids you've been talking to an 11 year old this whole time i know these kinds of people honestly it takes a lot of effort to find friends who don't judge much less friends who are also into it are you also an attorney my friends are judges too i'm already kind of a loser so i guess i gravitated towards the other losers over time you sure know how to turn a girl on it's probably harder for someone like you yeah that's perfectly accurate i guess wait which part i mean i feel like i can't even keep it in my own room i don't even know what my dad would do if he found this my tiger is just out of control at least it's safe here in the club room except monica was kind of a jerk about it i just can't win can i i hate it when she runs her jerk protocol loading loading loading loading jerk jerk.exe [Laughter] well it paid off in the end didn't it i mean here i am reading it well it's not like that solves any of my problems maybe but at least you're enjoying yourself right line dots so ahaha the [ __ ] are we talking about jeez that's enough are you gonna keep ready or what yeah yeah you're making me cry a single tear or sweat a single speck of cheek sweat i'm not sure anyway why do i have this [ __ ] x on my bangs i don't really what is that for i flipped the page suddenly natsuki starts laughing [Music] i totally forget that happens my green tooth turned white i thought i forgot that happens what that people turn pages when they're reading it's you're crazy that's okay oh that's it put your finger on one of the panels minori is my favorite character you always feel a little bad for her because she's so unlucky but it gets especially bad when oh i shouldn't be talking about that yet i just finished this chapter natsuki's voice sparkles with excitement oh my god it's a stark contrast to her usually bossy tone but if she's not used to sharing her favorite manga with her friends i can understand why it's hard to express in words the feeling you get when connecting with someone like that and being able to provide that to natsuki for whom it's a rare experience the thought makes me smile a little to myself okay everyone eh are you all ready with today's poems [Music] oh come on could you tell me any worse sorry eat my hair it's right there for you your mouth is already open i just need to make sure we have enough time though you look pretty cozy over there [Music] natsuki suddenly notices how close she's gotten to me i mean just imagine it also we're still sitting over by the window yeah she hastily slides yourself a good 12 inches away from me not far enough that's not gonna help here you better get 27 inches away baby all right guess i'll stop here for now i guess i'll just unspool this two foot [ __ ] i call it the fire hose i close the book and hand it towards natsuki you're just giving it back don't you want to know what happened uh yeah but monica just said don't be dumb just take it home with you is that really all right i say that mostly because i really didn't plan on using my spare time to read this trash oh [ __ ] of course it would take forever to finish if you didn't take it home because it's so boring it takes like [ __ ] a year to get through just finish that one before tomorrow so we can start the next one stupid and if it gets bent i'll kill you you'll get bent by tomorrow i only got part way through the volume so far i might fall behind on some shows if i try to get through this but i suppose that's a necessary sacrifice in exchange for seeing natsuki's enthusiastic face it takes like 30 minutes to read a volume of money manga come on all right the exact length of a show or am i more scared of what will happen if i don't finish it all right then i stand up i return to where i put my stuff and carefully slip the book back into my bag i fly off into space with rockets from my feet by the way did you remember to write a poem last night yeah my relaxation ends i can't believe i agreed to do something so embarrassing i couldn't really find much inspiration says i've never really done this before well now that everyone's ready why don't you find someone to share with i can't wait sorry sorry sayori and monica enthusiastically pull out their poems sioris is on a wrinkled sheet of loose leaf torn from a spiral notebook on the other hand monica wrote hers in a composition notebook in perfect binary i can already see monica's pristine hand it's it's as thick as a dictionary i can already see monica's pristine handwriting from where i sit it's almost as if it was printed natsuki and yuri [Laughter] matrix natsuki and yuri reluctantly comply as well reaching into their bags i do the same myself we all do it oh boy who should i show my poem to first oh geez uh well you like sayori yes i do i'm definitely most comfortable sharing it with sayori first she's my good friend after all and that's all this is a good pun friend erin the end moving on to the next girl are you sure are you sure it's your first time of course it's not that good am i the kind of guy who'd be writing poems in his spare time i guess you're right you suck but that's why it impressed me well to be honest it didn't impress me i was afraid you wouldn't do it seriously or that you wouldn't write one at all i'm just really happy that you wrote one you get the good try award this is going right on the fridge it just reminds me of how you're really a part of the club now not to mention the fact that i'm standing in front of you in the club room uh well of course i'm not really into it yet but that doesn't mean i'll break my promise see it's like i said before friend aaron did turn you're not so official you know trying new things like this for other people with nothing to gain from it other than sex with or hot girls so selfless that's something that only really good people do thanks sayori i'm not sure if sayori sees the full picture of my motive here i just want the cupcakes yeah then again i can't deny that she's part of the reason i joined i know you're here for the muff all right [Laughter] you will be swimming in muff this puss will be overflowing no knowing how much this means to her and all yeah and i'm going to make sure you have lots of fun here okay that will be my way of thanking you all right i'm going to hold all right i'm going to hold you to that then yay now you read my pump too right oh [ __ ] don't worry i'm really bad at this yeah but just remember if you hate it i'll never speak to you we'll see about that dear friends the way you go through my blinds in the morning it makes me feel like you missed me kissing my forehead to help me out of bed making me rub the sleepy from my eye are you asking me to come out and play are you just seeing me when you wish your rainy day i look above this guy is there it's a secret but i trust you too if it wasn't for you i could sleep forever but i'm not mad i want breakfast so good sayori this is just a guess but did you wait until this morning to write this no just a little bit you can't answer just a little bit to a yes or no question looks like i just did [ __ ] face i forgot to do this thing at least that makes me feel a little better about myself sometimes when i feel like i have no friends i do the e.t finger touch with myself it's like i have a friend my left arm in my right arm my friends don't be mean that's two friends i've got a gang i never thought about that before wow you really cheered me up to the trend my best i didn't need you anymore both my arms i didn't mean to say that was a bad poem it just came out nicer how should i put it it sounds just like you it's stupid yeah sorry i skipped your life that's all right especially that last line i made eggs and toast even though you were late to school it's bad to skip breakfast which is weird because i kind of look like i'm stuffing my face all the time in this pose pretzels cupcakes [Laughter] yeah what was it you were yelling when we were recording the star bomb song like you're always after by reese's pizza [ __ ] you jim [ __ ] you get out of my store the [ __ ] out of my store jim oh he's stealing my reese's pieces buying up all my starbursts oh man it's my best-selling product i love that character starbucks is the hardest to restock he was gonna call up the company directly he was yelling that at our producer jim roach who was dying [ __ ] you jimmy okay i get all cranky well i guess there's no point in arguing anyway thanks for showing me this is so much fun yeah sure mike is the best did you just say a word about monica like head's completely 180. like it like gives the terminator like red grid of like her her point of view like what she what she should do and like a through c is kill and d is say hello say hello hello click that button baby oh yeah the next time i won't forget and i'm gonna write the best poem ever well i guess i look forward to it this club sucks should i show my poem to next uh let's go yuri yuri she's gonna give some dark hot take on it dot dot mmm yuri stares at the poem a minute passes more than enough time for her to finish reading um oh sorry i forgot to start speaking um it's fine don't force yourself oh it's fine don't force yourself oh sorry i thought she was talking about your shitty poetry i thought yeah i'm not i just need to put my thoughts into words sucks oh hold on okay what's a word for shitty that's not mean this is your first time writing a poem right uh yeah why do you ask i'm just making sure i guess that i guess that it might be after reading through it ah so it's that bad no it reminds me of uh clifford's birthday party mixed with uh clifford the firehouse dog did i just raise my voice i'm so sorry i'm as embarrassed as clifford the big red dog was in clifford's good deeds needless to say the penultimate copy i googled a list of all the clifford the big red dog books and i will be referencing them yuri buries her face in her hands that does not really look like that no i couldn't help but notice it my face is down here it's good it's been several minutes that we haven't really gotten anywhere i might it might take yuri a while to get used to new people it's fine i really didn't notice wha what were you saying right um is this that there are specific writing habits that are usually typical of new writers like when the author tried to write clifford's big week and couldn't really get a hold on the story or the character and having been through that myself i kind of learned to pick up on them like here's a list number one it sucks yeah number two it's really bad i think the most noticeable thing i recognize in new writers is that they try to make their style very deliberate like when clifford takes a trip in other words they tend to pick a writing style separate from the topic matter and they form fit the two together is this a different voice that i started with i think i think it is the end result is that both the style and the expressiveness were weakened once yuri finds her train of thought it's as if her demeanor totally changes cool that gives me an excuse for the voice thing her stammering her stammering is completely gone and she sounds like an expert i thought that said export sounds like an export she'll really increase the gnp of this country of course that's not something you can be blamed for there's so many different skills and techniques that go into writing even a simple poem here's god knows you're simple say here's mine and just like [ __ ] smeared on a page what do you think i've been writing for years not just finding them and building them but getting them to work together is probably the most challenging part it might take you some time but it all comes with practice i'm learning by an example and drawing new things oh just [ __ ] say you hate it i also hope that everyone else in the club gives you valuable feedback natsuki can be a little bit biased though she's a [ __ ] and you shouldn't date her biased how um i've said too much well never mind i shouldn't be talking about people like that uh oh like clifford did when he met the small red puppy maybe he was a small wrestler his voice by kell mitchell oh really i'm not sure if that was the bulldog was voiced by kelly oh okay in the cartoon oh yeah the one from clifford's best pals i was a huge [ __ ] fan of that cartoon i'll be honest with you kel's awesome clifford was voiced by john ritter really yeah he's like the perfect voice for him oh love him anyway i'm not sure if yuri is apologizing to herself to me or to natsuki always the sign of that we're having a killer play through when you're like anyway do you mind if i read your poem now please do i'd love to sh i love to share my thought process behind it it's just her boobs mashed into some silly putty wow uh oh yuri smiles dreamly as if it's a rare opportunity for her which itself is kind of funny after all isn't this supposed to be a literature club ghost under the light the tendrils of my hair illuminate beneath the amber glow bathing it must be this one the last remaining street light to have withstood the test of time the last yet to be replaced by the sickening blue-green hue of the future i bathe calm breathing air of the present but living in the past a big red dog am i the light flickers i flicker back my neck my back my flicker and my crack i'm sorry i have such terrible handwriting it's like perfect calligraphy what i wasn't thinking that at all but it took you a long time to read that's because it was stupid well i just don't read script very often i actually think your handwriting is pretty i mean actually hey that's a relief yeah but i thought the writing was bad also i liked the poem even though it's short it was really descriptive it wasn't too short i usually write longer poems not at all can you read the iliad i wrote that that was me i'm really glad you like it i'll be honest since it's our first time sharing i wanted to write something a little more mild usually there's hardcore [ __ ] something easy to adjust i suppose are you into ghosts jerry actually the story isn't about a ghost at all friend aaron really i must have totally missed that point cool well i suppose you did only glance over it after you just said he took a long time reading it but remember that poets often express their own thoughts feelings and experiences in their work like ghosts that i've seen yeah they usually do more than tell a simple story or paint a picture like clifford the big red ghost in this case perhaps the subject of a poem is only being symbolically compared to a ghost lingering in her last remaining place of comfort unable to let go of the past i'd soon to be left with nothing all right well i'm gonna get out of here now geez that's the bell that's a lot more see what you do with your mouth oh did you hear that there's a lot more solid putting it that way i hadn't even thought of that that's impressive it's nothing really you're right it makes me happy that you think that i don't just remember there won't be long before you pick up on these things too i won't yeah maybe you're right i guess i'll have to keep trying i'm counting on you numbers on me yeah [ __ ] so much going on in this game so we just discovered uh-huh that uh the piano and the flute or whatever in the background they're they're like out of they like suck at playing it there's just one it's just one part it it's gonna take a minute to loop around but like okay so that one's good then the next it's on it this one's good too yup very good and it's like all right timmy you did great at the recital just one more one more round to bring it home god damn it what were they thinking oh man well i i kind of love it it kind of adds to the charm all right so who do you think it's only a 10 second loop yeah they i mean they could have re-recorded it i think i should go with four now i say go with monica hello great choice [Laughter] satisfactory hi friend aaron having a good time so far uh uh yeah good glad to hear it is what i would say if i had emotion by the way since you're new and everything have you ever if you have or any suggestions for the club like new activities or things we can do better i'm always listening with my human ears don't be afraid to bring things up okay i will not blast you with my laser eyes that i don't have you cannot hurt me i am composed primarily of adamantium all right i'll keep that in mind of course i'll be afraid to bring things up she zabs people with her laser eyes i'm much better off just going with the flow until i'm more settled in anyway arms down program arms down executing want to share your poem with me it's kind of embarrassing but i guess i have to [Laughter] don't worry friend aaron we are all a little embarrassed today you know except me i don't experience human emotion engage program cheek blush red red red too red but it's that sort of barrier that we'll all learn to get past too soon yeah that's true i hand monica my poem [Music] i like it friend aaron really it's a lot cuter than i expected ah ha ha ha ha yeah oh geez here's my poem i like it i didn't even hand it to you i can see no no it kind of makes me think of something natsuki would write and she's a good writer too glib and trite so take that as a compliment if you say so yup boy she does have some great communication skills yeah by any chance have you read anything by shel silverstein i didn't expect the shell silverstein name drop in a in a dating series yeah maybe a long time ago he's famous for telling all kinds of stories in just a few simple words he's awesome his poems can be funny endearing or even sad he wrote one called dirty dan that made me happy oh yeah oh yeah sorry did it did you did you relate to it uh yeah it was about a gross unwashed man and sometimes they're only a few lines long they might even feel like they're written for kids but if you think about them they can't express views of the world that would apply to anybody especially kids and no one else i see so you're saying that natsuki is kind of like that sort of maybe she's not an expert but you probably won't find much filler in here poems they might be easy to write but they are super challenging to get the meaning through oh my god so i can see why it would be your kind of poem to explore i'm sure i'll end up trying things different things a lot it could take a while before i feel comfortable doing this that's okay i'd love to see you try new things reassurance reassurance.exe that's the way to find the kind of style that suits you my creator did not make elbows for me arm up everyone else might be a little bit biased towards their own kinds of styles but i'll always help you find what suits you the most for i am unbiased for no particular reason so don't force yourself to write the way everyone else wants you to write it's not like you have to worry about impressing them or anything but out ah [Music] anyway do you want to read my poem now don't worry i am not very good you sound pretty confident for someone who claims to not be very good well that's because i have to sound confident it is in my programming that doesn't mean i always feel that way you know i say sometimes i feel cold hole in wall it couldn't have been me see the direction the spackle protrudes a noisy neighbor an angry boyfriend i'll never know i wasn't home i peer inside for a clue no i can't see i real blind like a film left out in the sun but it's too late my retinas my human retinas already scorched with a permanent copy of the meaningless image it's just a little hole it wasn't too bright it was too deep stretching forever into everything a hole of infinite choices i realize now that i wasn't looking in i was looking out and he on the other side was looking in and i was looking out but he was looking in at me looking out do you like the poem i google i mean i am trapped in a logic loop so what do you think she was supposed to be the good one right yeah divide by zero oh no oh no oh no [Laughter] well it's very free-form if that's what you call it sorry i'm not really the right person to talk to for feedback hot hot hot hot it's okay yeah that kind of style has gotten pretty popular nowadays that is a lot of poems have been putting emphasis on the timing between words and lines when performed out loud it can be really powerful for example i am saying a poem this is very powerful here's a fun subject that i use to break the ice did you know that 873 times 12 is 10 476. i um remember this [Laughter] what was the inspiration behind this one my cold heart well i'm not sure if i know how to put it i guess you could say that i had some kind of epiphany recently it's been influencing my poems a bit an epiphany yeah something like that i'm kind of nervous to talk about deep stuff like that because it's kind of coming on strongly plus my emotion chip is not finished maybe after everyone is better friends with each other anyway here's monica's writing tip of the day sometimes when you're writing a poem or a story your brain gets too fixated on a specific point if you try too hard to make it perfect then you'll never make any progress it's like a fortune cookie that comes out of her mouth i barf paper also lottery numbers are on the act just force yourself to get something down on the paper and tidy it up later i was at a japanese restaurant in new jersey and i got a fortune cookie and on the back it was like one a second fortune and then it had like a dot-com like a dress to get a second whoa i was like that is weird getting like lottery tickets on them yeah i'm like i don't know try again this is taking me out of out of the moment out of the buddha gave me this from under a tree moment that's that's where they get fortune cookies from yeah right a monk under a tree is it confucius i don't know another way to think about it is this if you keep your pen in the same spot for too long your ink will run oh that's what she said just so just move your hand and go with the flow that's my advice for today thanks for listening shutting down uh g i wonder if i can show it to you so many choices okay well let's start with the things i don't like you um all of it natsuki rereads my poem never mind i don't feel like giving you my opinion holy [ __ ] uh what's the point of sharing in the first place i wrote this when i could have been doing other things in fact i remember how i said i wanted remember how i said i wanted to read your poems that's what i had in mind when writing this i want to help you feel comfortable enough to share yours like monica said one zero zero one zero zero zero one zero she's the funniest [Music] well i would be more comfortable sharing my poem if yours was really bad you're supposed to show me some dumb poem and make me go ha well it's not that great but let me show you what real literature looks like and you went right in i hope you're happy uh i guess so in other words you're saying you liked it natsuki's retort gets caught in your throat it jumps out and scratches your face by the way i'm renaming my dick rhetoric you're so you just don't understand anything too i already told you that you don't have to go nuts and get on the road like you're all self-important pretty sure he never actually said that i say that mostly to myself natsuki must really hate me or something i can't figure out if it's a win or a loss that she'd like my poem in any case you still need to show me yours right girlfriend a guest only because monica would make me use a shirt i am always watching eagles can't fly monkeys can't climb crickets can leave oh my god horses can't race owls can sink cheetahs can run eagles can fly what do you say what do you think people can try but that's about it oh it's good what the [ __ ] music yeah it did the catching froggy music i told you that you weren't gonna like it i i like it what just just be honest i i am why are you still convincing oh why you so convinced i wouldn't like it well because everyone has good things they're ready to be all sophisticated and stuff so people don't even take my writing seriously but that is the point of poems for people to express themselves your writing style wouldn't make you your message any less valid oh my god dude it sucked you can say it that's exactly i like it when it comes to win but it hits you hard like in this poem when i said cheetahs can run seeing everyone around you do things great things can be really disheartening so i decided to write about it yeah i understand but the other nice thing about simple writing is that it puts more weight on the wordplay like i set up for a ram at the end but then it made it fall flat on purpose it helps bring up the feeling in the last line so you you did i guess more went into it then i realized that's what it means to be a pro i'm really a pro people can pro i'm glad you learned something didn't expect that from the youngest one here did you yeah i guess not i decided to humor her with that last comment i don't really care how old everyone is but if natsuki is feeling pr you should care how old everyone is you need to you need to start caring but if natsuki is feeling proud then i won't take that away from her just like i won't take all her preschool toys away from her how old is she phew i guess that's everyone i glanced around the room that was a little more stressful than i anticipated it's as if everyone is judging me for my mediocre writing abilities even if they're just being nice there's no way my poems can stand up to theirs except for natsuki's her sucked oh [ __ ] let me put my poems in here this is the literature club after all i sigh i guess that's what i ended up getting myself into across the room sayori and monica are happily chatting my eyes land on yuri and natsuki they're they're happily making out they gingerly exchange sheets of paper sharing their respective poems as they read in tandem i watch each of their expressions change natsuki's eyebrows furrow in frustration meanwhile yuri smiles sadly what's with this language um did you say something oh it's nothing cool bye natsuki dismissively returns the poem to the desk with one hand i guess you could say it's fancy ah thanks yours is cute cute did you completely miss the symbolism or something it's clearly about the feeling of giving up giving up is cute how could that be cute i i know that i just meant the language i guess i was trying to say something nice you mean you have to try that hard to come up with something nice to see yeah thanks but come on [Music] i don't want to hear none of your suggestions i just want to fold my arms and put two fingers out and scratch the side of my arm in a continuous never-ending manner i actually have some kind of kind of like i think i had a stroke i'm gonna sit down by this window and closet in the corner but it's not gonna show it until five minutes from now so i'm trying to give a peace sign but someone broke my fingers by the way uh we were only planning to do seven episodes of this and then ross was like no keep playing something's gonna happen and we were like oh all right he was like did did you get to the part yet we were like we don't know what you're talking about he's like then keep playing i know what he's talking about do you really god damn it that's why i wanted you to play this game oh [ __ ] all right well all right so so be it let's keep rolling if i was looking for suggestions i would have asked someone who actually liked it which people did by the way security liked it and friend aaron did too so based on that i'll gladly give you some suggestions of my own first of all excuse me i appreciate i farted so much that i floated away slightly i appreciate the offer but i've spent a long time establishing my writing style i don't expect it to change anytime soon unless of course i can come across something particularly inspiring which i haven't yet especially not yours n n and friend aaron liked my poem too you know he even told me he was impressed by it did he tell you he was impressed by yours not circus suddenly stands up has she been sitting this whole time is that why she's so short yeah oh i didn't realize you were so invested in trying to impress our new member yuri hey now i am face sweating a single tear no that's not what i uh you you're just gary stands up as well she's tall as [ __ ] yeah maybe you're just jealous that friend aaron appreciates my advice more than he appreciated yours huh and how do you know i didn't appreciate my advice more are you that full of yourself oh my god the literature club is falling apart at the seams if i was full of myself i would deliberately go out of my way to make everything i do overly cutesy um is everyone okay well you know what why i wasn't the winner's boobs magically growth that's bigger as soon as furniture started showing up what natsuki um natsuki that's a little that's there's a difference this doesn't involve your robot i don't like fight again well you're gonna get it suddenly both of them guys are hot suddenly both girls turn towards me as if they just noticed i was standing there friend aaron she she's just trying to make me look bad that's not true i don't need any help for that she started it if she could get over herself and learn to appreciate that simple writing is more effective then this wouldn't have happened in the first place that's the what's the point in making your poem sounds convoluted for no reason the meaning should jump out to the reader not force them not to figure it out cheaters can run help me explain that to her friend aaron did i say cheaters yeah that's how i'm gonna say cheetahs a lot of damn cheaters out here today there's a reason we have so many deeply expressive words in our language it's the only way to calm convey complex feelings and meanings the most effectively uh avoiding them is not only unnecessarily limiting yourself it's also a waste you understand that right friend aaron oh i will have to choose um well how did i get dragged into this in the first place the cupcakes it's not like i know anything about writing to him but whoever i agree with they'll probably think more highly of me oh man oh boy who should i say oh that's your call buddy man i know pick your favorite oh i like yuri just because she's she's i don't know there's something about her demeanor that's cool very attractive do it natsuki i hope you're sitting down i can't tell you always look the same you're right that i liked your poem see wait that's not an excuse for you to be so mean you shouldn't pick a fight just because someone's opinion is different that's not what happened at all [Music] these potatoes sorry i've been eating potatoes this entire time filling up on potatoes they're not even french fries or baked or chips or anything just raw potatoes and i'm eating them one after the other unpeeled like his backpack falls over and just put a bit of potato oh no it looks like i've dropped my potatoes on the floor yeah looks like i can't continue this conversation until this potato situation is resolved how embarrassing i understand yuri you're a seriously talented writer it's no secret that i was impressed well that's that's really laying it on thick for one and not the other but here's the thing no matter how simple or refined someone's writing style is they're still putting feelings into it and it becomes something really personal that's why natsuki felt threatened when you said her poem was cute i see i didn't oh i didn't notice that i i'm sorry you took it way too far you're me as well and if you just told me how you felt then this would have happened in the first place standing between me and eating more potatoes are you kidding that's exactly what i did it was hurting it natsuki i think that's enough time to let friend aaron enjoy his potatoes in peace you both said some things that you didn't mean yuri apologized don't you think you should too n n n for no natsuki clenches her fists in the end nobody has taken her side she's trapped at this point being defiant only because she can't handle the pressure i end up even feeling bad for her um don't she's a [ __ ] sometimes when i'm hurt it helps to take a walk and clear my head sayori [ __ ] he doesn't need to you know what i'm gonna do that i'm betting from having to look at your faces right now [ __ ] idiots and i'm taking a potato no without warning nazi i perfectly rationed down my potatoes so i could continuously eat them in a non-stop manner until i get home whereupon i'll find my emergency stash of home potatoes without warning that sookie snatches her own pope from the desk and storms out on her way out she crumples up the poem with her hands and throws in the trash no my trash [Laughter] you covered them in ink and paper that's sicky she really didn't need to do that i look across the room yuri has her chin buried in her hands well she stares down at her desk i gingerly approach her and sit in an adjacent chair sorry everything all right milady it was a very potato heavy burp i'm so embarrassed i can't believe i acted like that you probably hate me now no yuri how could anyone not have gotten frustrated after being treated like that you handled it as well as anyone could i don't i don't think any less of you well all right i believe you but only because you're so filled with starch thanks friend aaron you're too kind i'm thankful to have you a part of this club now uh it's nothing you'll make a great replacement for natsuki who is gone for good one more thing uh that one thing that natsuki said about you know i would never do anything so shameful so uh what thing did natsuki say oh line uh um we'll never mind that all right i'm going to go make some tea ah yeah good idea i guess make enough for more than one person okay like you [ __ ] didn't do last time all right beat me up okay everyone it's just about time for us to leave how did you all feel about sharing poems those of you that are not heartbroken and crying at home right now it was a lot of fun well i'd say it was worth it it was all right well mercy friend aaron how about you yeah i'd say the same it was a neat thing to talk about with everyone awesome in that case we'll do the same thing tomorrow and maybe you learned something from your friends too so your poems will turn battery low battery low out even better i think to myself i did learn a little more about the kinds of poems everyone likes with any luck that means i can at least do a better job impressing those i want to impress i nod to myself with newfound determination everyone looks at me weird ready sure let's go beams at me it truly has been a while since sayori and i have spent this much time together i can't really say i'm not enjoying it either wait does that mean you are enjoying it sayori about what happened earlier you know between yuri and natsuki does that kind of thing happen often i can't want to not know if you don't like me not no no no that's a triple negative that's really the first time i've seen them fight like that god you get one hot slice of dick between two girls and they can't help themselves man you really bring out the worst in them i promise they're both wonderful people when they're not being enticed by your huge throbbing [ __ ] you don't you don't hate them do you no i don't hate them i just dislike them a lot i just wanted your opinion that's all i can see why you'd make they'd make good friends with you because they're always fighting and they're annoying that was close you know finance it's nice that i get to spend time with you in the club but i think seeing you get along with everyone is what makes me the happiest except for the people you don't get along with which is literally a 33rd like 33 of the other girls and i think everyone really likes you too that's line screaming man every day is going to be so much fun squiggly line sigh it looks like sayori still hasn't caught on to the kind of situation i'm in sure being friends with everyone is nice but does it really need to stop there well i'll just have to see what the future holds sir i pat on the shoulder her arm falls off i go wow she screams i said that more to myself than to her but it's easy to use sayori as an internal monologue sometimes you know okay yeah let's do this hell yeah friggin sweet sweet penis oh boy uh secretive wow you can just straight up skip this lipstick universe games landscape depression depression was her milk depression was who it was siori really yeah wow ambient frightening climax papa holiday clouds after image massacre unstable misery can i pick some yeah uh childhood rainbow [Laughter] cute oh there you go wow cute and graveyard were the choices another day passes and it's time for the club meeting already i've gotten a little more comfortable here over the past couple days entering the club room the usual scene greets me yo sayori looks like you're in a good mood today yeah you're usually a horrible [ __ ] i'm just don't know youtube being in the club that's all i see that's a pretty simple thing to get you in a good mood but i guess it's always the simple things with you anyway the [ __ ] dude i'm kind of hungry will you come with me to buy a snack no hey that's really cute at all i have my raisins you love snacks what's wrong why don't we take a look at your purse sayori my snack proof why that all of a sudden no reason really i just wanted to look at it sayori nervously retrieves her coin purse we should nervously retrieve my coin person she fumbles with the latch and gets it open she then she turns it upside down and lets its content spill onto the desk so hot only two small coins fall out i knew it i could see right through you say ari that's not fair how'd you even know it's simple if you had enough money in the first place you would have bought a snack before coming to the classroom so either you're not hungry and want an excuse to take a walk or you plan to conveniently forget that you spent all your money so that i would lend you something [ __ ] [ __ ] but there's one more thing you're always hungry and so that only leads to one option i give up don't make me feel guilty if you feel guilty then that means you deserve to feel guilty hahaha this got real yuri suddenly giggles i didn't notice that she was listening in her face is in her book as always as you can see uh uh i wasn't listening or anything it was just something in my book yay sorry i got confused tell friend aaron and let me borrow some money uh-huh don't get me involved like that sayori besides you should only buy what you can responsibly afford and frankly after pulling a mischief is a little stunt like that your suffering is fair enough retribution what the [ __ ] happened in this place uh uh did i just i didn't mean that i got too absorbed into my book i really like when you speak your mind yuri look at you insulting me i love it it doesn't happen much but it's a fun side of you that's there's no way you could think that you were right though i did something bad and i have to accept the revolution wow i didn't realize there would be a revolution starting as a retribution that still coming from you sayori i guess there's a little devil inside of all of us isn't there yes that is the brand of vibrator i use little devil vibrators don't let her fool you sayori knows exactly what she's doing after all she told you guys she was bringing me to the club before she even told me you wouldn't have come everyone for the cupcakes sorry to trick come on give me more credit than that stupid sayori this conversation sucks swap chop out of nowhere something smacks sayori in the face and tumbles onto the desk oh what was uh a cookie what sure enough it's a giant cookie wrapped up plastic oh my god say all right glasses around no chance of checking water is this a miracle no it's a cookie is it because i paid my restitution retribution actually that one almost worked i was just gonna give it to you but then i heard you bout about the cupcakes you totally weren't seeing your reaction though hahaha natsuki that's so nice of you threw it in my face [ __ ] hit me in the face i'm so happy sayori hugs the cookie geez just eat it [ __ ] sari rabidly tears open the wrapper and takes a big bite sure could sayori suddenly collapses her hand over her mouth i bet my tongue who wrote this you're going through a lot over just one cookie natsuki takes a bite of her own cookie oh yes it looks really good too natsuki do you think um we could kiss maybe yeah can i try jeez beggars can't be chewers but yours is chocolate yeah why do you think i gave you that one oh my [ __ ] god fine still i'm really happy that you shared this one with me sayori gets out of her seat goes behind that sugar that wraps her arms around her ah cheese i get it again cookies still cookies still in head that took you reaches up to nudge sayori off of her sarah suddenly leans down and takes a bite out of natsugi's cookies oh that's [ __ ] hot hey did you seriously just do that [Music] mouthful there he trots away to safety yuri and i laugh as well james you're such a kid sometimes monika can you just say eh natsuki glances around monica isn't in the club room ugh where's monica anyway good question have any of you heard anything about her being late today no not me i'm back yeah i haven't either hmm that's a bit unusual i'm she's okay i'm cursing [Laughter] an upgrade appointment yeah a car she's [ __ ] she's probably more desirable than all of us combined that's true excuse me suddenly the door swings open sorry i'm super sorry ah there you are i didn't mean to be late i hope you guys weren't worried or anything monica shot the club over her boyfriend after all is this stronghold boyfriend what on earth are you talking about monica quizzically dances at me ah never mind that what held you up anyway ah my boyfriend well my last period today was study hall sorry to hear that to be honest i ca to be honest i kind of just lost track of time that makes no sense though you'd have heard the bearing at least i must not have heard it since i was practicing piano my my ears were full with boyfriend dick [Laughter] my my human ears were not turned on i mean piano listening i wasn't aware you played music as well monica ah i don't really i just downloaded the program today i kind of just started recently i've been i've always wanted to learn piano that's so cool you should play something for hispanica that's monica looks it i am only at low level concerto level monica looks at me maybe once i get a little better i will yay that sounds cool i'd also look forward to it hey are we going to [ __ ] do something today man they [ __ ] mailed in this day is that so in that case i won't let you down friend arroyon monica smiles sweetly i just butt smash the rest of these [ __ ] out of here assume pose ah i didn't mean any i didn't i didn't mean any pressure or anything like that don't worry i've been practicing a whole lot recently and i'd really love the chance to share once i am ready i see in that case best of luck thanks tilde so i didn't miss anything did i no not really talk about [ __ ] cookies or something i choose to leave out sayori's moose triple sex but escapade i'm sure natsuki will end up complaining to her anyway also i left it out because it was [ __ ] boring as a story like i she got a cookie and then she took a bite of the other girl's cookie and um and then she was mad [Laughter] sayori somehow already finished her entire cookie yuri is back to her book and natsuki disappeared onto the into the closet she got she went to narnia i'm really curious to talk to yuri a little bit more but at the same time i would feel bad from distracting her from reading i catch a glimpse of the cover of her book it looks like the same book that she lent to me more than that she seems to be on the first few pages oh crap line i think she noticed me looking at her she snakes another glance at me and her eyes meet for a split second but that only makes her hide her face deeper in her book [ __ ] love that sorry i was just spacing out i muttered this sensing i made her uncomfortable oh it's fine good for you [Music] if i was focused then i probably wouldn't have noticed in the first place but i'm just rereading a bit of this so that's the book you gave me right um i wanted to reread some of it not for any particular reason just curious how come you have two copies of the same book idiot ah well when i stopped at the bookstore yesterday uh that's not what i meant i mean i just happened to buy two of them yesterday oh i see sounds stupid this story's even more boring than the [ __ ] cookie one there's something fairly obvious here that yuri isn't telling me but i decided to let it go i'll definitely start reading it soon i'm gonna let whatever you're doing go uh i'm glad you're here also my wrist is broken it's bad news oh god yeah once it starts to pick up you might have a hard time putting it down it's very engaging and relatable story is that so what's it what's it about anyway not that i care a hot purple-haired girl yuri closes the book it scans her eyes over the back the book is titled portrait of markov there's an ominous looking eye symbol on the front cover all right i just wanted to make sure i don't accidentally give anything away basically it's about this girl in high school who moves in with her long-lost younger sister but as soon as she does so her life gets really strange she gets targeted by these people who escaped from a human experiment prison and while her life is in danger she needs to desperately choose who to trust no matter what she does she ends up destroying most of her relationships and her life starts to fall apart okay it's kind of dark isn't it yuri made it sound like it was going to be a nice story so that dark turn came from [ __ ] nowhere oh you want dark hahaha yuri gently giggles all of a sudden i guess are you not a fan of that sort of thing friend aaron uh no it's not that i mean i could definitely enjoy those kinds of stories so don't worry i just thought you weren't a [ __ ] weirdo i [ __ ] hope so for yourself yeah i totally forgot that yuri is into those things she's so shy and reclusive on the outside but her mind seems to be completely different yeah she has a gooey caramel center on the inside those stories challenge you to look at life from a strange new perspective when horrible things happen not just because someone wants to be evil but because they have their own goals or their own philosophy that they believe in remember when we were all talking about a cookie like two minutes ago then suddenly when you thought you were related to the protagonist they made out to be the nave one for letting their one-sitted morals interfere with the villians plans i'm rambling aren't i not again i'm sorry stupid stupid stupid hey don't apologize i haven't lost interest or anything well i've lost interest i guess it's all right then but i feel like i should let you know that i have this problem when i let things like books and writing film my thoughts i kind of forget to pay attention to other people so i'm sorry if i ended up saying something strong gay and please stop me if i start talking too much stop [Music] i really don't think you need to worry that's just means you're passionate about reading at least i can do is listen it's a literature club after all ah that's well that's true fact i'm getting started reading it right you don't have to why is he way into this one but not under the natsuki why is she sweating what are you saying just a moment ago you were looking forward to it let me just get the book i quickly retrieved the book and i had but that i had put into my bag all right it's fine if i sit here right don't mind the potato oh [ __ ] i dropped a bunch of potatoes oh yeah i slip into the seat next to yuri's oh sorry yeah yeah yeah oh are you sure you seem a little apprehensive friend that's i'm sorry yeah it's okay it's not that i don't want you to okay it's just something i'm not very used to yeah you smell [ __ ] terrible the the reading company with someone is it the potatoes i see well just let me know if i end up distracting you or anything i'm gonna be over here banging butts yeah yeah and it's sp rolling potatoes down the classroom floor all right i open the book and start the prologue i soon understand what yuri means about reading and company it's as if i could feel her presence over my shoulder as i read i got you presents it's not a wow i needed this a curing cold it's not a particularly bad thing maybe a little distracting but the feeling is somewhat comforting yuri is in the corner of my eye she's stripping i realize that she's not actually looking at her own book i glance over it looks like she's reading from my book instead sorry i was just look at my [ __ ] book yuri you really apologize a lot don't you sorry i do yes stop i don't really mean to sorry i mean [Music] idiot here this should work right smack her in the face should work i slide my desk until it's up against yuri's then hold my book more between the two of them oh i suppose so yuri timidly closes her own copy once we each lean in a little bit our shoulders are almost touching oh that's second base it feels feels like my left arm is in the way so instead i use my right hand to hold the book open and then she spins the dial left left foot green i guess that makes it kind of difficult to turn the page here yes yuri takes her left arm and holds the left side of the book between her thumb and forefinger ah i do the same with my right arm on the right side of the book that way i turn the page and you're slides under your thumb after flipster's side third base put in holding it like this we're a huddle even closer than before it's actually kind of distracting me it's as if i could feel the warmth of your face just in the corner of my vision are you ready to turn the page yeah sorry on this relationship i think i gotta be distracted for a second i can let you over you're his face again and our eyes mean i don't know i'll be able to keep up with it that's okay you're not as used to reading right i don't mind being patient if it takes a bit longer it's probably the least i could do since you've been so patient with me yeah thanks let me continue reading you're in a long ass am i ready to turn the page instead i just assumed that you finished the page for me so i started my own volition we could do the first picture that let's turn against page almost feels like an enemy into an exchange my thumb gently let it go with the page letting it flutter over to her side she catches it on her home thumb hey yuri this might be silly thought but the main character kind of reminds me you a little bit you think so how does she well i guess she's more blunt in a lot of ways but she also gets all the things that she says it does like she's afraid she'll do something wrong it's not like i can see it in your head or anything but they're kind of representative i see meanwhile back over here i guess what the [ __ ] man yuri remains silent for a moment but friend aaron that's probably a terrible thing to have in common with her oh that's so embarrassing that you think that wait i didn't mean it in a bad way or anything sorry i really didn't know you were self-conscious about that sort of thing i'm not telling you do you think i'm you think i'm self-conscious god damn it i i guess i meant that it's kind of cute uh what are you saying all of a sudden okay everyone i detect emotion i think it's about time we share someone's today's poems with each other we might not have enough time if we wait too long ah you're yuri exhales spared from finishing her thought was it gonna be be is that is that all right you look kind of down i'm sorry if you haven't been looking forward to this uh it's not it's fine you already released your hand from the book cause i can close the top of my thumb oh [ __ ] idiot all right i guess i'll do some more reading tonight or would you prefer i only read it with you um i guess i don't have too much of a preference either way hmm in that case i'll read a little more tonight it'll be more fun to read with you after it picks up a bit you know that's good reasoning very sound in that case feel free to finish the first two chapters in your own time all right i stand up i make a mental note of where i left off the book slip it back into my bag eat a potato or two i can't remember how many oh my god all right show your poem to yuri first we're on a roll with her okay remember me let's see what you've written for today you already stares in the poem with a surprise expression on her face do you like it friend aaron no how did you pick up on this so quickly just yesterday i was telling you the kind of techniques worth practicing maybe that's why you did a good job explaining i really wanted to try giving it more imagery i want a poet laureate award in the meantime yuri visibly swallows even her hands appear sweaty that's gross i'm not used to this used to what oh sweaty palms it's fine take your time yuri breathes and collects her thoughts i know that yuri likes to think before she speaks so i offer that patience to her yeah just being appreciated like this i guess probably sounds really stupid i'm really stupid but seeing someone motivated by my writing it just makes me really happy are you saying that you've never said with you ready before you're nods really i don't believe it i really only write for myself and besides people would just laugh at me you really think that dumb broad again yuri nods huh even your close friends none of these girls have friends i don't know wonder why oh sorry i didn't read any of that anyway do you want to share the poem you wrote today yeah i do if it's with you the raccoon jesus [ __ ] the raccoon it happened in the dead of night while i was slicing brett for a guilty [ __ ] snack i don't know why i read that as [ __ ] okay my attention was caught by the scuttering of a raccoon outside my window it was because i looked at other words while i was reading it and it like combined that was i believe the first time i noticed my strange tendencies as an unordinary human i gave the raccoon a piece of bread by some conscious well aware of the consequences he'd be dead by the morning well aware that a raccoon is fed that his fed will always come back for more the enticing beauty of my cutting knife was the symptom the bread my hungry curiosity the raccoon an urge the moon increments its phase and reflects that as much more light god damn it reflects that much more light off my cutting knife god i'm so hot the very same light that glistens in the eyes of my raccoon friend i slice the bread fresh and soft the raccoon becomes excited or perhaps projecting my emotions out to the newly satisfied animal newly satisfied animal all right stop the raccoon has taken to following me you could say that we've gotten quite used to each other the raccoon becomes hungry more and more frequently so my bread is always handy every time i brandish my cutting knife the raccoon shows me its excitement a rush of blood classic pavlovian conditioning i slice the bread and i feed myself again whoa that was a good poem so am i the knife or the um i was a little more daring with this one than yesterday's i can see that that's a lot more metaphorical this one has full frontal raccoon nudity i don't know if it's my fault but i can't begin to imagine what this poem is about that's right it's a bit closer to my preferred writing style you get what it's about right using the poem as a canvas to express vivid imagery and conveying emotions through them yeah if i take it at face value then i can't even figure out what's supposed to [ __ ] mean well i think it's something that different people can relate to in their own way i wanted to express the way it feels for me to indulge in my more unusual hobbies i kill people it's those sort of things that i'm usually forced to keep to myself so sometimes i enjoy writing about them you like feeding raccoons me too why do you keep them to yourself be because they're embarrassing and people would make fun of me not like you you potato eating monstrosity nobody makes fun of my potatoes do you have anything like that friend aaron well yeah i guess i do i feel like everyone has a little something like that the potato thing the yes the best we can do is respect each other and our individualities like how i ate potatoes yeah some some people like them julienned some people like them fried even if it's difficult sometimes and some things make us uncomfortable i just like them raw makes me uncomfortable after all if i hadn't learned to embrace my own weirdness i probably hate myself i don't hate myself i might be ranting a little bit now yeah a little bit but i'm glad that you're a good listener what'd you say we have so much in common i have one skittle where you go on a date with sayori i mean a poem oh i like this one friend aaron it has some nice feelings in it uh i'm glad does that mean it's better than yesterday's nope let me think i don't know i guess i like them both that's not very helpful you know i'm never gonna figure out if poems are good or bad well get good that's why i just go by my heart if it makes me feel things then it must be a good poem and what did it make you feel like i wanted it to be over i'm not sure that's exactly how it works then again i guess conveying feelings is a pretty important part of this whole thing yeah maybe honestly i don't even know what kind of writing you like in the first place yeah me neither why don't you at least try giving it some thought oh you want to write something for me that's so sweet yeah right but you're always thinking about other people you need to think about yourself once in a while like how stupid you are and how dumb you look if you don't if you don't you might end up getting hurt at some point well i don't really know what you mean bro try to keep it in mind oh whatever anyway let's see hmm i guess i like happy pumps wait sometimes i like sad poems too sad pumps make me happy sometimes a little bit of both there's a word for that right you seem confused that's so weird i'm confused bittersweet yeah i like things that are happy and things that are sad happy and sad that's what i said [ __ ] i can't see you liking something sad siori well i look happy than most but sometimes when you have a little rain cloud in your head a sad poem can help give the raincoat a little hulk and make a nice happy rainbow sayori that's unexpectedly poetic it is maybe i'm getting better at expressing my feelings after all sure thanks friend erin yeah you're welcome i should go write that down then she goes and writes thanks for inheriting that you can read my poem now okay ah i forgot that was part of this bottles oh boy i pop off my scalp like the lid of a cookie jar it's the secret place where i keep all my dreams little balls i have sunshine all rubbing together like a bundle of kittens i reach inside with my thumb and forefinger oh [ __ ] yeah and black one out it's warm and tingly whoa but there's no time to waste i put it in a bottle to keep it safe and i put the bottle on the shelf with all the other bottles happy thoughts happy thoughts happy thoughts and bottles i live alone my collection makes me lots of friends each little bottle is startling to make amends sometimes my friend feels a certain way down comes the bottle to save the day damn that was hard night after night more dreams friend after friend more battles why do i sometimes feel like right rhyming and sometimes deeper and deeper my fingers go oh [ __ ] yeah i know like exploding discovering the secrets hiding in the nooks and crannies digging and digging scraping and scraping i blow dust off my bottle caps it doesn't feel like time's elapsed my empty shelf could use some more my friends look through my locked front door [Music] [Laughter] this is really good i opened up i didn't call my friends and they come in such a hurry do they want my bottles that much they'll never have them i frantically pull them from the shelf one after the other holding them out to each and every friend each and every bottle but every time i let one go with shadows against the tile between my feet happy thoughts happy thoughts happy thoughts in shorts all over the floor jesus like i even if you wanted to date her at the beginning of this poem by the end you're like we should see other people they were supposed to bid for my friends my friends aren't smiling they're all shouting pleading something but all i hear is echo echo echo inside my head wow that was um holy crap yeah my thoughts exactly did you really write this nope sheldon silverstein didn't i tell you yesterday i was gonna write the best poem ever yeah but this isn't that yeah it's not the best depressing poem ever i mean i didn't expect something like this coming from you monica taught me a whole lot like how to be sad and i've really been in touch with my feelings recently i see that it took a non-human too i truly understand humanity it's uh that's kind of creepy creepy well not exactly maybe because i'm so used to being you being cheerful well never mind i'm thinking too hard about it the point is it came out good so you should be proud of it no thanks i feel like i feel like i was meant to express myself this way it even helps me understand my own feelings a little bit better writing is like magic whatever you say yeah you've gotten pretty passionate about this huh i hope you keep it up yay just don't show me your poems ready it's the best it's like magic and magic is like writing well i should write that down keep writing until i die this afternoon don't get ahead of yourself so you always had a habit of getting obsessed with something before dropping it no more than a week later i wonder this is one of those times but seeing the passion arise makes it hard for me to be pessimistic oh my god let's talk to natsuki i'm excited well it's not terrible but it's pretty depending on your last one then again if this one isn't as good as your last one i would be completely pissed well i guess i wanted to try something a little different this time fair enough you're still new to this i wouldn't expect you to find your style right away god damn come to think of it this kind of reminds me of sayori's poem from yesterday uh you think so it's a bad one yeah well i guess if you've been friends with her for so long you might be on the same wavelength but it never really struck me as their type sayori has a type all of a sudden well i don't know but honestly how can someone so fluffy spend so much time with some of you damn it's like she's dragging around a dead weight damn uh that's a little unnecessary but think of it this way if it weren't for me she would probably just fly away like letting go of a balloon you could say we each take care of each other in our own way we have balloons whatever it is i don't get it oh yeah i guess i'm supposed to shave my palm here god damn amy like jesus amy likes i really like spiders you know what i heard about amy amy likes spiders icky wriggly hairy ugly spiders that's why i'm not friends with her anymore oh my god amy had a kid singing voice i heard he's singing my favorite love song [ __ ] amy every time she sang the chorus my heart would pounce i hope she dies from spider bites to the rhythm of the words but she likes spiders that's why i'm not friends with her one time i heard my leg really bad amy helped me up and took me to the nurse i tried not to let her touch me she like spiders so her hands are probably gross that's why i'm not friends with her oh my gosh this is her [ __ ] diary i love it amy has a lot of friends i always sit here talking to people she probably talks about spiders what if her friend starts like spiders too that's why i'm not friends with her it doesn't matter if she has other hobbies it doesn't matter if she keeps it private it doesn't matter if she doesn't hurt anyone it's gross she's gross the world is better over the spider lovers and i'm gonna tell everyone so what'd you think ramming gross with gross was the only rhyme that was in there not bad right uh it's quite a bit longer than yesterday's yesterday's way too short i was just warming up i hope you didn't think that that was the best i could do no of course not anyway the message is pretty straightforward in this poem i doubt i have to explain it i hate amy sometimes you can explain complicated issues with much simpler analogies and it helps people realize how stupid they're being for example i describe spider queen [ __ ] amy i i describe hating amy as i hate amy easy right like anyone would agree that the subject of this poem is an ignorant jerk do you do you know people like that of course it's about how everyone thinks it doesn't matter it cannot it could be about anything i want it to be easy to relate to everyone has some kind of weird hobby or guilty pleasure something that you're afraid of people find out they make fun of you or think less of you but that just makes people stupid stupid who cares what someone likes as long as they're not hurting anyone and it makes them happy i love spiders i'm amy i think people really need to learn to respect others for liking weird things oh that's funny [Music] yuri wrote about something similar today what did you say did you say yuri but here he's been dead for three years yeah yuri she said her poem was about an unusual hobby of hers i didn't really get it but she said something similar to you that people shouldn't make each other feel insecure about those things really i mean you're pretty weird someone does that she has some weird hobbies not that there's anything wrong with that it's not like it's not like a judge or anything natsuki has trouble finding words i found one i guess she didn't have trouble anymore he's right on the floor it says caution [Laughter] farewell yeah i guess and then it says other words in spanish i guess lizzie's not trying to be so mean to her she feels insecure about her weird behaviors and stuff i mean i always hate people who make me feel insecure and yuri made me feel pretty insecure yesterday but but the way you put it sounds like she started watching well i guess even if her writing style is really different i'm sure she'll appreciate the message in your poem it's what i do best after all i don't like writing unless there's a good message to take away from it like spiders are gross and amy's stupid like conveying emotions is important but i want to make people think not just feel remember that i want people to think she's stupid not just feel she's stupid i'm gonna write a good one for tomorrow too so look forward to it oh my god she's all right monica me and girl you're up next hi again friend daron how's the writing going all right i guess i'll take that you'll you'll take that what take that as a yes or take the poem out of my hand sorry as long as it's not going bad i'm happy that you're applying yourself maybe you'll come up with a masterpiece ahaha i wouldn't count on that you never know i want to share what you wrote for today sure here you go i need to practice my human emotions do i look convincingly sad there's a happy poem [Music] sorry i give my poem to monica all right great job friend aaron i was going ooh in my head while reading it i was using my human brain to process the emotions it's really metaphorical i'm not sure why but i didn't expect you to go for something so deep i guess i underestimated you it's easy for me to keep everyone's expectations low that way it always counts when i put in some effort [Laughter] do you enjoy my do you enjoy my new laugh program do you think it is convincing to fool the humans it's the predator laugh from the end of uh predator it explodes that's not very and available yuri likes it when readers are left to derive their own meaning out of it it's very challenging to write like that effectively allowing people both allowing people to get something out of it just by feel or letting them deeply analyze all these nuances oh my god anyway monica thanks for reading my poem yeah it can take years of practice which i'm assuming yuri has at this point i'm running boredom protocol 7. you appear to be bored you appear to be bored you appear to be bored abort abort conversation i've never really asked though i'm sure i'm nowhere near her level yet don't worry so much about that you do your own thing meanwhile i will be sucking the brain juices out of you while you sleep i mean running the literature club just keep exploring and learn by trying new things but anyway you want to read my poem now i like the way this one turned out so i hope you do too ah let's take a look save me the colors they won't stop bright beautiful colors flashing expanding piercing red green blue and endless cachophony of meaningless noise the noise it won't stop violent grating waveforms squeaking screeching piercing sine cosine tangent what a what kind of q is that it's like the the film the symbol for female it's like an ankh like playing a chalkboard on a turntable like playing a final on a pizza crust an endless poem of meaningless [Music] load me whoa what whoa i think she's actually a robot dude that would be [ __ ] awesome oh my god could you imagine hmm does it look like a robot rodent it's even more abstract than your last one huh hot hot hot hot hot i guess it's just the way i write i'm sorry if you don't like it out no i never said that it's just kind of a thing i've never really seen before i guess i kind of like playing with my space on the paper choosing where and how to space your words can totally change the mood of the poem something i've read once load me it's almost like magic the way i wrote the lines really short makes shutting down load me is what uh robot aslan yells load me [Laughter] you got it aslin [Laughter] oh god restoring talking protocol rebooting makes it feel like they're trying to speak over the noise i see still hard for me to tell what it's about though a human might not understand sometimes asking what a poem about isn't the right question a poem can be as abstract as a physical expression of a feeling or a conversation with the reader so putting it that way not every poem is about something anyway here's monica's writing tip of the day sometimes sometimes you'll find yourself facing a difficult decision when that happens don't forget to save your game you never know when you might change your mind or when something unexpected may happen wait is this tip even about writing what am i even talking about that's my advice for today thanks for listening hmm wow i guess i should save the game it's oh interesting okay everyone we're all done reading with each other's poems here are right i have something extra planned today so if everyone could come sit at the front of the room sweet is this about that festival well sort of the festival of brain sucking i mean cherry blossoms it will require a sacrifice i mean volunteer do we really have to do something for the festival it's not like we could put together anything good in just a few days well just end up embarrassing ourselves instead of getting any new members that's a concern of mine as well i don't really do well with last minute preparations all right well you guys are a bunch of [ __ ] pessimists don't worry so much we are going to keep it simple okay we won't need much more than a few decorations sayori has been working on posters and i have designed some pamphlets we can give out during the event i've worked out the details to a factor of one million and ten okay that's great now but that doesn't really tell us what we're actually going to be doing for the event ah sorry i thought you had heard about it already we are going to be hey performing cunnilingus uh monica yeah we're going to be having a poetry performance each of us are going to choose a poem to recite during the event but the cool part is we're also going to let anyone else come up and recite poems too say yuri's putting all i say you're shutting down [Laughter] rebooting you just talked to her too long and her ability to speak just starts to like decay slowly sayori's putting it all on the posters in case anyone wants to prepare ahead of time sayori who's been coloring a poster holds it up for us to see wow what a beautiful invisible poster i love it are you kidding me monica you didn't you didn't even start putting these poses up did you yet well i did do you really think it's that bad of an idea well no it's not a bad idea it's so hard [Laughter] but i don't sign up for this you know there's no way i'm gonna be performing in front of a group of people like that i agree with natsuki i could never in my life do something like that imagining it yuri shakes her head in fear guys no tzayori you guys are [ __ ] doing it i understand where they're coming from remember that natsuki and yuri have never shared their poems with anyone until just a couple days ago it is a lot to ask for them to recite their poems out loud to a whole room full of people i guess i kind of overlooked that so [Music] i'm sorry loading emotion but i still think we should give it our best we're the only ones responsible for the fate of this club if we start the event and each put on a good performance powering down then it will inspire others to overheating [Laughter] [Music] do the same and the more people who perform the better we'll be able to show everyone what literature is all about yeah it's about expressing your feelings being intimate with yourself finding new horizons and having fun that's right and it's those reasons that we're all in this club today aside from the fact that your brains are soft gooey and delicious don't you want to share that with others to inspire them to find the same feelings that brought you here in the first place i know you do i know we all do and if it all take and if all of it takes and if all it takes is standing in front of the room for two minutes and reciting a poem then i know you can do it natsuki and yuri remains silent siri looks worried i guess that leaves me no choice i'm going to have to dig them out of this knee-deep pool of potatoes we're all standing here guys watch out the potatoes are they're filling the room slowly i don't know how it happened but my knapsack just keeps producing potatoes have you not noticed it's a real house of leave situation oh god or potatoes that could possibly have fit in the knapsack my chest can no longer expand due to the pressure and weight of all these potatoes i mean i agree i don't think it's too much to ask i think that sayori and monica have been trying trying really hard to get new members at least we can do is help them out a bit well maybe looks like natsuki doesn't have any arguments left [Music] that's a good argument okay fine i guess i'll just have to get it over with all right phew thanks natsuki what about you yuri yuri dejectedly glances around and everyone else's expectant faces sigh i guess i don't really have a choice that's everyone that's the spirit [Laughter] good job you're the best terry this club is seriously going to be the death of me boy things have really heightened in the three days of literature club yeah oh gosh you'll be fine yuri but anyway let's move on to the main event what i want each of you to open your skulls we are going to practice reciting our poems in front of each other no way monica this is too sudden well if you can't recite your poem in front of the club how do you expect to do it in front of strangers strangers oh no don't worry i'll start off to help everyone feel a little more comfortable can i go next i will suck out your amygdala can i go next of course now let's see the title of this poem is the way they fly ahem monica begins reciting her poem her clear confident voice fills the room more than that her inflection is pristine almost robotic she knows exactly how to apply emotion behind each line she recites bringing the words to life downloading inflection it's like she studied it yeah is this something she's done before or simply a natural it's like some of her words are bold and or italicized i glance around me everyone has their eyes on monica it's almost as if they're transfixed like in a trance that a robot would have sayori looks amazed yuri has an intense expression on her face that i don't understand it's hate she's drooling finally monica finished this with the rest citation the four of us applaud monica takes a breath and smiles and screams what is this noise why are you barbarically pressing hands together thank you very much i was just hoping to set a good example are you ready to go next sayori oh i'll go next ah you're you're it's fired up all of a sudden yuri what is uh is that like wow okay oh gotcha yeah uh yuri clutched a sheet of paper between her hands and stands up keeping her head down she walks quickly over the podium this poem is called yuri actually glasses at each of us you can tell yay it's called after image of a crimson eye that's [ __ ] weird yuri's voice shakes as he starts reading the poem just a moment ago she practically refused to do this why is she so suddenly putting in so much effort why am i talking to myself as yuri gets past the first point talking out loud while china as yuri gets past the first couple of lives her voice changes it's almost like what happens when yuri gets absorbed into her books her quivering words transform into the sharp syllables of a fierce and confident woman the poem is full of twists and turns and its structure that she enunciates with perfect timing this must be a rare glimpse into the whirling fire yuri keeps concealed inside her head suddenly she's finished her brains must be soft delicious everyone is stunned yuri snaps back into reality and glances around her as if she bewildered even herself all right it's up to me to save this situation banana pop have a potato i'm the first to start applauding everyone join me afterwards we'll give your the recognition she deserves it's not that we didn't want to applaud for her but we were caught so off guard that we must have forgotten yeah that's what i'll say to her as we applaud yuri holds the poem to her chest and rushes back into her seat she trips over five potatoes and falls she's hurt very badly but we laugh anyway then i eat it monica uses her healing factor her finger transforms it to a syringe i didn't know she had this power she's an interesting girl yuri that was really good thank you for sharing looks like gary's down for the count okay she's dead i guess i'm next then say you're sayori hops out of her chair and cheerfully walks to the podium this one's called my meadow not your meadow my neck my bedo my [ __ ] that's my medal uh anyway sorry i giggled yeah yeah i know sayuri it's a lot harder than i thought [ __ ] do it right how did you guys do it so easily ah try not to think of it like you're reciting to other people imagine you're reciting it to yourself like in front of a mirror or in your own head it's your poem so it'll come out the best that way i see i see okay then say ori begins i mean sarah begins her palm somehow it feels like her soft voice was made as a perfect match lighting a powder keg of shitty poetry the poem isn't aimlessly cheery like sayori is it's serene and bittersweet if i were to read this on paper i probably wouldn't think much of it but hearing it come from sayori's voice almost gives it a whole new meaning perhaps this is what sayori meant when she said she likes my poems it's like i get to reach more deeply into someone i thought i knew through and through hey when are we gonna get a bathroom break i say out loud sayori finishes and we applaud i did it good job sayori hey even friend aaron likes it i guess that's a good sign what does that even mean it came out nicely sayori the atmosphere of the poem fits you really nicely but it might be that the other poems wouldn't work quite as well with that kind of delivery i don't really understand it's okay all you need to do is preserve that sweet delicious brain of yours i mean in other words i've seen poems of yours where that sort of gentle delivery wouldn't work as well they might need a little more force behind them depending on what you're reading oh i know what you mean that's well i've been practicing that kind of thing it's just embarrassing to do in front of everyone fingers then next time i'm going to make you pick a poem that challenges you a little bit me or we don't have much time before the festival you know your brain does not release the proper juices unless you are challenged okay now who's next natsuki don't make me come for fred iron it's not like i can compare to you guys anyway might as well let a friend air lower everyone's standards a little before i have to do it that's sicky it's fine it's fine might as well go get it over with but it's not like i have much of a selection of what to read i'll just have to go with what i wrote for today i stand up and step in front of the podium everyone has their eyes on me making me feel terrible this would be a hard point to start masturbating i recite my poem especially since two of them are looking like sort of disapprovingly come on hair bow girl and robot woman are into it since i'm not exactly confident in my own writing it's hard to put the energy into it sorry i was just punching my fist despite that once i finish i receive a pause anyway sorry i'm not really [Music] [Laughter] [Music] thank you sorry i'm not really as good as everyone else don't worry about it so much i think it's less about your abilities and more about your lack of confidence in your writing that's something out that'll improve over time though yeah yeah maybe all right then that just leaves you natsuki yeah yeah you've been writing poetry for 72 hours plenty of time to master the craft natsuki begrudgingly gets out of her seat and makes your way to the podium the poem is called it's called why are you all looking at me because you're present because you're presenting anyway the poem is called jump it's by then here then sookie takes a breath go ahead and jump when she starts when she starts reciting her poem her sour attitude disappears a little while she's still a little unenthused her poem has a rhythm and rhyme to it back and forth it's natsuki's trademark style and it works surprisingly well when spoken aloud the worlds feel like they bounce up and down as if giving life to the poem natsuki finishes and everyone applauds she hops back to her seat that wasn't bad it wasn't it is it for you to say you'd better not make me do it again uh well do you at least feel prepared enough to recite a poem in front of other ppl additionally you are powerless to prevent me i have the strength of a thousand people i mean doing it and that that was weird has anyone noticed that she kind of talks like a robot and like scissors she never looks at me well anyway straight ahead i guess it's nothing i mean doing in front of other people will be way easier i can put on whatever face i want for other people but when it's just my friends it's it's embarrassing robot girl really does have a look on her face that's like i can't believe my agent got me into this he's fired jesus that's a surprise natsuki i think it would be the other way around for me well it's just how it is so maybe i guess in that case you won't have much to worry about for the festival especially since you won't be there on account of your brains being sucked out of your head that said i want to thank everyone for coming through it might be hard but i hope that you all have an idea of what it's like now make sure you pick a poem and get enough practice before the festival okay i'll be making pamphlets so let me know ahead of time what you'll be reciting geez i should probably find some other poem to recite instead that's fine too it doesn't have to be your own i'm already pleasantly surprised that you're putting it all shutting down i'm already pleasantly surprised surprised that you're pulling put you put in a lot of effort it makes me really happy oh yeah no problem okay everyone i think that's about it for today i know the festival is coming up but let's try to write poems for tomorrow as well it's been working out really nicely so far so i'd like to continue that as for the festival we'll finish planning tomorrow and then we'll have the weekend to prepare monday's a big day i can't wait i can do this i can do this all right i stand up there's no way i'll be able to find the same enthusiasm as siori and monica but i'll do my best to get through it if it's for the sake of the club and impressing monica then i'll have to do my best ready to go siri ready to go say ari whoops that's me look at youtube oh it's got honey in like that it's kind of adorable isn't it [Music] geez guys don't make such a big deal out of it it must be a little nice though well to be around all that hot muff let's respond to that it's okay friend aaron you have to say it i know my mouth is hot whatever let's go already okay i walk home with sayori once more even though it's only been a few days a lot of things have already changed but today series being a little quieter than usual on the way home hey sayori sorry i was supposed to get uh [Laughter] [Music] wow that's if you want the zork text adventure version of this game i was thinking about something from earlier hey can we get to i mean say ori fumbles with her words sorry i'll go home say all right fumbles with her words so this is day here he has to walk home with you huh what would you do what kind of question is that you're kind of putting me on the spot here i would still walk home with sayori nice ori you really think i would ditch you for yuri hell yeah she's so beautiful and smart yeah that's true none of those things describe you yeah but you know what she's not here so i can answer this question falsely i already see her in the club every day besides you always seem to really like going home together i wouldn't just ruin that for you you're so silly foreign you think about me too much sometimes yuri would deserve it if she wanted it so sorry i've already made up my mind i really can't figure you out sometimes sorry besides what's the point in speculating something is never going to happen conversation trail's off all right i just told sayori that i would i just told sayori that i would ditch yuri if she asked me to walk home because i want to walk home with sayori yeah it's kind of a weird thing for sarah to care so much about but i want to respect her and keep her happy too then again the festival is only a few days away who knows what will happen in the festival of lights [Laughter] what's my next poem oh you go for it blanket pout kitty nibble oops oh climax [Music] cheers so here he likes that one unrestrained sparkle ooh sparkle's nice heaven sent jesus is that even a word chocolate no poof damn it damn it i'm sorry milk to make up for the poop email [Laughter] dance variance you got it marshmallow [Laughter] suicide oh my god dude bouncy bouncy bouncy oh bouncy yeah and jumpy done up and boop boop what a great poem it's a super good poem thank you oh man that is what you humans say is it not i'm the last one here again don't worry i just walked into oh that was me were you practicing piano again yeah you must have a lot of determination starting this club and now picking up piano well maybe not determination but i can pick up a piano and throw it 50 feet but i guess passion remember that the club wouldn't be here if it wasn't for all of you and i'm super happy that you're all willing to help out for the festival too i can't wait for the festival it's gonna be great it weren't you complaining about it yesterday natsuki well yeah i'm not talking about our part of the festival but it's a whole day of school we get to play and eat all kinds of delicious food sound a bit like sayori all of a sudden monica do they usually have fried squid oh i'm getting my voices confused here yeah wait wait a second yeah natsuki i am my incredible intellect is capable of handling both sides of this conversation squid that's a pretty specific thing to look forward to oh come on are you saying you don't like squid beautiful people yeah i didn't say i don't like it i'm sure if i had taste buds it would be delicious besides what do you mean of you of all people because it's written your name monica oh my god that's not how you say my name at all also that joke means no sense in translation ah never mind let's just focus on our own event for now okay fan fan your reactions are supposed to serious yours anyway excuse me where is sayori anyway oh there you are sayori is sitting at a desk in the corner of the room looking down at nothing i walk over to her hey sayori i waved my hand in front of her face you're spacing out i can't again in space i can sleep forever hey sorry don't mind me you can go talk to everyone else is everything all right of course why wouldn't it be it just feels like you're a little off sorry for assuming saying things geez you worry too much about me i'm fine see so he always shows me a big smile don't let me distract you from having fun with everyone well all right if you say so i worriedly glance at sayori before turning back toward everyone else but the conversation is already dispersed with everyone back at their usual activities maybe i should ask monica if she's noticed anything about sayori recently since they've been preparing for the festival they must be spending a lot of time together i timidly approached monica who's shuffling through some papers at her desk i wasn't studying humans friend aaron what's up like you say this might sound like a little strange but have you noticed anything up with cereal recently anything up with her in what way do you mean her brains smell especially appetizing maybe i'm reading it too a little too much but she seems a bit downcast how did a robot need to eat brains i don't know i feel a narrative fair enough i mean we've been going with it for hours yeah the matrix has you know that's just to goopify humans oh you think so i can't say i've noticed anything about her then again i am a robot i mean an empathetic human monika appears across the room at sayori who is idly dragging a rubber eraser up and down her desk maybe there is something in her mind maybe it has gone rotten but i'm i'm surprised i'm not the one asking you friend aaron you certainly know her a lot better than i do yeah but she's never really liked this you know she's always talked to me about things that bother this time when i asked her it's just really dismissive sorry i know it's not your problem i just wanted to ask if you knew anything so i'll drop it now no no it's important to me too i mean i'm also friends with her and i also care about the well-bearing being of my club members you know maybe i'll try talking to her myself uh sure about that seem like she want to be left alone are you sure maybe she just has a hard time bringing it up with the person of interest perseverance i'm saying that maybe the thing on her mind is you friend era me how on earth did you come to that conclusion well i probably shouldn't say too much but sayori talks about you more than anything else you know she's been so much happier every time you ever since you've joined the club it's like an extra light was turned on inside of her cooking her brains to a delicious simmering boil you can smell it from here what no way it's aureus always like that she's always been full of sunshine it's not any different now than it has always been yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you're so funny friend era have you thought that maybe you've always seen her as so cheerful because that's just how she is when she's around you not i've said too much i'm sorry what do i know anyway stupid robot stupid stupid i mean stupid human stupid extra stupid i didn't mean to jump to conclusions so you should just forget about what i said i'll try to talk to her so try not to think about it for now all right monica smiles meaningful monica smiles beautifully i know she said to forget about it but i already know that i won't be able to get her words out of my head monica stands up from her desk jet packs across the room [Laughter] i watch her kneel down next to sayori and gently talk to her but she keeps she's keeping her voice so quiet that i can't hear her from here i sigh and sit myself down i know say he already told me not to worry about her and have fun with everyone else that's impossible to do when she's behaving like this exactly how much do i care about her that i'm letting this weigh me down so much now it feels like i'm the one behaving out of the ordinary but there's nothing i could do besides waiting for monica hey you uh you just said everything out [ __ ] loud i look up to see natsumi next to me yeah you said that too are you are you just gonna sit there and keep staring at nothing there isn't much time so sorry i didn't mean to make you worry or anything it's not like i'm worried i was just yeah natsuki glances down at her side my side looks really good today she's holding a volume of manga in her hand that's right something just came up for a minute but we can get started now yeah non-specific we can't get sued manga i won't make you wait any longer you make me feel like a jerk something's bothering you you just tell me leave me alone i will i mean assuming i didn't feel like talking about it or anything she practically mumbles that last part no i'm probably making it seem like a bigger deal than it is also i don't care about you i've just been thinking about sayori that's all said siri thinking about her yeah she seems pretty down today she didn't want to admit it to me so i can't help but wonder if something happened to her oh like we [ __ ] last night and what and she said it really hurt and i don't know like it's just exactly weird today it's just [ __ ] weird that's silky exhales well first of all you should really work on your phrasing but anyway you're her best friend right sorry we made love last night yeah yeah i guess uh yeah then in that case i think you should trust her a little more if she needed it she would be that for you be the first person to go to right well i guess it's true i mean some people just have those days you know you can't always avoid it if anything doesn't want you to worry about her because it's not important yeah that's kind of what she said to me that's you no that's kind of what you said to me maybe it's not right for me to go against her wishes exactly if she needs you to worry about her then it'll be a lot more obvious yeah should have thought of that from the start natsuki natsuki fiddles with the book she's holding in her hands she she really means a lot to you doesn't she uh [ __ ] don't get the wrong idea or anything we've just been friends for a long time i would be worried about your friends committed relationships with my vaginas wait hold on i said that wrong wait hold on the robot's like have i had it wrong this whole time it is her brains that i am looking forward to i mean you were worried about me so i was not if you're finding this hurry get started already yeah yeah yeah i pull the first volume of parfait girls out from my bag natsuki takes it from my hands quickly turns it over presumably check for wrinkles hey i'm not that careless i handle manga all the time you know every time i make a salad i just wanted to make sure do you do the crisscross cuts where they come out like little squares yeah mango squares can you blame me for being paranoid i don't give people my manga every day you know and you're always eating potatoes you have potatoes in your sack so i thought potatoes would just be crushing it all day wait a minute this is my mega at all this is a potato you just wrote the title of the video the potato [Laughter] that's true that is true i don't blame you well anyway let me put this one back i'm gonna get the next one okay natsuki makes her way to the closet i follow so you're gonna tell me everything you thought right where the where does volume leave off again i forget uh the chapter ended when minori and alice found monica natsuki's voice resonated out from inside the closet and i think damaged my ears appear inside all of natsuki's books are lined up on the top shelf did you move my manga again oh sorry sorry the teacher got mad at me for taking up so much space in her closet so i had to move some stuff around and clean up a little beard it's all still there i just had to organize it a bit then i reduced the teacher to dust i synced the inventory to our google calendar the top shelf is far above natsuki's head she makes a futile hop trying to figure out how to reach her manga but she can't reach it she's tiny jeez this is so inconvenient i'm moving all these back down there's plenty of room on these shelves and besides they're really pretty to look at when they're all lined up why would you waste that on the top shelf ah natsuki there's a stool on the wall there that's really immature let's clean it up [Music] all stool is collapsible in the closet there's the collapsible stool that's like i was giggling at the word stool and you were like come on man i already knew what was happening if you want i can reach up there and hand them to you i can get them myself natsuki grabs the stool from the wall and unfolds it must have been a long one [Laughter] it's great how it's all still staying in one log it's hanging from the ceiling you think i'm too short or something i mean yeah i knew it well you know what just watch me natsuki hops onto the stool which ends up being a little wobbly because of its collapsible design careful i know what i'm doing it's wobbly you should have eaten my nuts standing on the stool and soon his fingertips reached the top shelf the stool would be enough for me to easily grab the books but that's who he's being stubborn as usual that took users to figure the skill into the smaller box to the edge of the shelf see yeah the box suddenly tips natsuki barely catches it before it falls to the floor the stool wobbles losing balance natsuki hops off the stool thankfully she was able to stay on her feet whoo she holds the box triumphantly there having almost felt natsuki is a bit shaken up jeez no need to prove yourself to me there's no way you'll be able to get the bigger boxes like that i can reach them suggest i thought i could do it i don't want your help okay i'm gonna get a chance let's just hang on natsuki forces away pass me out of the closet let's see the classroom chairs are the desks attached so they're too inconvenient to fit in the closet you know i thought the cookie thing was the most useless boring piece of [ __ ] part of the story i stayed corrected anyway natsuki tracks over the teacher's desk which has a computer chair behind it she rolls it in on its wheels back over the closet oh my god it's a little dangerous since the chair swivels around i'm drooling it's like there's too much air coming out of my mouth but i've already learned my lesson so i keep my mouth shut that's a new one natsuki climbs onto the chair and then slowly balances onto her feet since she refuses my help i take a seat with my back against the side of the doorway and simply watch i point sharp objects towards her precariously oh look at this something new how are you oh there we go see i can easily do it now natsuki grabs a stack of manga and bends down to put it on the shelf below the chair swivels natsuki catches herself on the [ __ ] is gonna fall or what god man the tension for [ __ ] sake what are you doing can you at least hold the church steady instead of sitting and doing nothing who was it told me not to help yeah yeah i got you i hold the chair while natsuki reaches back up i can uh see your butt i can almost see up oh god i can't believe it went there i forced myself to turn away natsuki seriously didn't think this through what she realizes i'll be dead natsuki wraps her arms around the parfait girl's box set easily the largest one on the shelf ooh heavy she should look at what she's doing hey friend aaron can i sit on your face i don't think i can bend down without falling hurry up and take this one but then i have to let go of the chair oh that's gonna go in the chair that's fine just for a second hurry up all right let me just stand up it's you know it's kind of hard to do this physical [ __ ] when it's just words a little bit i slowly release my grip from the chair what do you mean stand up natsuki looks down at me why are you all the way back natsuki looks like she just realized something but she'll lose her powers if she moves natsuki the box what are you looking at the box box natsuki's like shake i'm not i was just not doing it i'm trying to move just give me the box you puff you set me up [Music] [Laughter] split second chair flat's running out take his feet frantically i'm trying to catch her the black jumps out of her hands the books will fly i got you oh my god the full force of natsuki's body against me throws me to the ground everything goes dark a whole bunch of books about me in the face end of day too [Laughter] this was all like the opening scene of a csi episode time passes more time passes natsuki tries to shield herself with her own arms her face lands straight on my chest ugh my right arm on my back seriously felt the impact i think i'm paralyzed slowly natsuki comes to her senses good she presses her arm straight into me to prop herself up natsuki seems to realize that it's not the floor that's beneath her but a huge flat surface a hard dick gross a fist pounds into my chest she breaks some ribs i think i'm coughing blood natsuki then hoist herself to her feet what were you thinking you sicko thinking my lung is punctured yeah ow is everything okay over there i can fix a punctured lung i heard a loud noise hold on hold on hold on 3d printing new luck [Laughter] monica suddenly peers in monica see what happens when you put that manga on the top shelf are you trying to kill your club members or something yes i mean no jeez sorry you almost spilled your delicious brains on the floor yes please eat my hair oh and one more thing it seems like your most recent club member is a total pervert so i hope you're happy i did it somehow it's impossible for me to explain this whole bizarre situation to monica i didn't do anything i swear i know i know don't worry monica's monica says that quietly to me looks like i'm off the hook oh no my my i look down natsuki's kneeling on the floor holding one of the books that are scattered all over there's a large diagonal crease across the pages he's desperately trying to smooth out oh it must have landed on the page [Laughter] what a predicament no natsuki tries a bit more to fix the crease but she can't get it out suddenly she gives up and slams the book shot that throws it on the floor instead of continuing to yell she just lowers her head natsuki are you no are you having first world problems natsuki's voice squeaks this is her absolute limit i see tears on her face ah i'll help get the crease out okay it's partially my fault so she is razor thin on the line separating from her from the psych ward natsuki shakes her head still looking down no not like this i don't even care that much i'm just having a really bad day today natsuki sobs again i didn't mean to take it out on you i really didn't mean to it's fine is there anything you want me you want to talk about natsuki natsuki shakes your head just every day it's so hard i just wanna come to the club and get [Laughter] swifty natsuki falls silent again i can't press her so i can only i can only do what i i know how to do all right well i guess i'll leave depressive just eat potatoes man these potatoes are calming me down [Laughter] well i'll help clean this up and i'll move the rest of your manga for you ah i pick up volume two of par fat girls we'll set this one aside this will help cheer you up a bit right it starts ripping it that'll [ __ ] cheer you up huh we can get started on it once i'm done here natsuki looks up with her glossy eyes her lip quivers yeah you're really nice to me that sounds really strange coming from natsuki i didn't expect it at all well i'm just treating you like a friend you know friend aaron potato that sticky lowers her head and stifles another sound i slowly insert a potato into her mouth quieter this potato has healing properties [Laughter] i'm not sure what happened to her today but being nice is the least i could do the next couple of minutes are silent between us as i begin gathering the scattered books she's real quiet with that giant-ass potato wedged in her mouth she's super enjoying it though i make sure to slip them into the box in their correct order after a little bit natsuki starts helping it isn't long before we're done and i hoist the box onto the shelf where natsuki wanted to put it then i get on the stool and quickly finish moving the rest of her books to the top shelf all right that should do it i hop off the stool natsuki averts her gaze thanks that's nothing natsuki's holding the volume i set aside in your hands all right i'm ready good even if you want to make you anyway you're taking responsibility for what you said think about cheering me up piece of [ __ ] yeah you suck if you insist we sit in the same spot as last time and i opened the second volume natsuki's mood quickly improves laughing and pointing things out to me she's surprisingly sharp making note of a lot of subtle repeated jokes and background elements in the end i'm pretty impressed by how everything ties together in this manga i guess natsuki has good taste after all why did you keep saying that out loud jesus after some time monica gets our attention as usual and it's time to share poems again oh my god i guess i guess i'll be holding on to this for now yep even you sound more enthusiastic this time well i'm starting to get into it you know yeah yeah yeah i turned to my seat and slipped the book into my bag oh my god should i show my phone oh my god natsuki i guess we're in a roll with her natsuki reads my poem she keeps glancing at me then back at the poem by now she must have read it more than once god we're back in [ __ ] endless 10 second loop reggaeton yeah is it that bad no no it's not it's good it's really good i said it it's not supposed to happen at all why can't you just be bad at this my problems are supposed to impress you not the other way around you're trying to impress me obviously you think i'll let you enjoy yours ready more than mine give me a break well in that case what's the problem with me trying to impress you i'll tell you you that face freezes like she just realized something you you're trying to impress me natsuki vigorously scans her eyes over my poem one more time then the poem slips out of her hands and flutters to the floor i have to use the bathroom a puddle of yellow liquid rolls down her thighs that problem was so bad i [ __ ] myself [Music] you just hear like i have to go not today just let me go oh my god all right red taste natsuki quickly rocks out of the room hello friend aaron did you do something to natsuki i just saw her rush out like that you didn't do anything terrible did you no you didn't show her her po your poem did you that makes her [ __ ] herself yes i just respond with defecation my voice gets caught in my throat there's no way i could tell monica that i'm trying to impress natsuki [Music] monica sees the poem lying on the floor and swiftly picks it up she reads through it her smile not fading from her face i see i hear i taste i am human after all you write this you wrote this for natsuki didn't you i i mean not really in fact didn't she like your poem a lot the other day too i'm surprised you know her tastes so well already or arm up are you sure you're not cheating friend iran what do you mean by that never mind i'm just kidding i didn't underst i didn't understand monica's joke at all anyway how do you think natsuki feels about you oh you don't need to answer that it was just something for you to thank him back natsuki comes up and snatches the poem out of monica's hands i need this to wipe my ass get a fresh skirt neither of us had noticed or re-entered the classroom did you read this monika of course i liked it you should really stop reading things that aren't for you you know you have a bad habit of doing that you do it all the [ __ ] time hey but friend aaron wrote this poem and we're supposed to share with everyone right natsuki freezes she apparently forgot that my poem is technically for everyone to read my poem natsuki forever i love her [Laughter] i would do so many things to you natsuki it's for everyone okay well i think friend aaron has done sharing this poem with everyone it's not like anyone want to read this anyway in fact i'm just gonna hold on to this if you insist what why are you looking at me like that like what like you want to suck my brains out kanye west is now playing kingdoms and castles oh my god his symbol was a vest i'll tell you who that is later okay awesome no never mind ah natsuki i'll give you the poem but that's still not very fair to say ori she hasn't gotten to read it yet so what well i guess friend oh [ __ ] i was using [ __ ] monika voice that's okay okay well i guess friend aaron is right natsuki and the way he talks i certainly do like it it's not fair if you don't let everyone finish reading it yeah fine that suki returns my poem it's not like she's gonna like it though anyway read my poem now and no i won't let you keep it that's my only copy oh god i'll be your [ __ ] no i'll be your beach something about the beach let's bury your heavy thoughts on a pile of sand just do it read it okay i'll be your beach your mind is so full of troubles and fears that diminish your wonder over the years but today i have a special place a beach for us to go ashore reaching beyond your sight a sea that sparkles with brilliant light the walls in your mind will melt away before the sunny glow i'll be the beach that [Laughter] let's bury your heavy thoughts in a pile of sand bathe in sun beams hold my hand force your insecurities insult to see and let me see you shine let's leave your memories in for the football show you're free in my windy sail and remember the reasons you're wonderful when you press your lips to mine i'll be the beast everybody's worried away i'll be in the busy day too bad every day [Applause] but if you let me by your side you're on you're on escape you'll learn to love yourself again [Music] wow [Laughter] yeah i wrote that felt like i kept writing about negative things so i wanted to write something with a nice message for once it's written to the tune of the elephant song by sharon lois and graham besides the beach is awesome kind of hard to write anything negative about the beach so he decided to write about the beach first and then came up with the message later yeah well kind of a genius like that it's only because of what happened yesterday i mean after year and i realized we kind of wrote about the same thing she wanted to pick a topic and have us both write about it or whatever ah you can really see her doing that too smart and stuff maybe it's right about a simple topic and then trying to oppress me by coming up with something all fancy [ __ ] it's not like i care i don't even give a [ __ ] i just did it anyway i mean i guess mine ended up being kind of metaphorical too and like better than hers but there's nothing wrong with doing that once in a while can i take part in this conversation just like backing out of the door slowly at the very least it's good pregnancy oh my god all right let's go let's do sayori okay tiny monster face well done friend aaron what did i do definitely improved your writing over the course of these few days oh that has my advice been helpful to you not really i mean definitely yeah one of those i'm glad sharing our writing like this it's a lot more fun and rewarding than i'd anticipated i need to remember to thank monica i think we all felt a little awkward at first but now it seems like everyone is enjoying sharing the writing and seeing what others think i guess i can't oh sorry i guess i can't really disagree with that i was afraid this whole thing would be a chore but it's a great way for me to spend some personal time with all the girls everybody in the club say oh but it's been fun getting to know everyone in their writing and i guess doing some writing myself well have you learned anything about yourself friend aaron ah well you know how i like to say that writing is very personal way to get in touch with yourself yeah well i don't believe that [ __ ] in the end it doesn't matter if you're good writer or a bad writer and even in my opinions or just opinions you know i don't know i mean stephen king's a good writer as always i believe what's most important is exploring and discovering yourself that's comforting for you kind of afraid of disappointing you in some way or another hey why me well you're always sophisticated with your writing and have the most advice to share you are a flirty bastard friend aaron yeah jeez is that so f monster faced yuri thanks for oh me uh that must be terrible for me to have become someone whose opinion is fearsome how unlikable of me yuri it's not as bad as you're making a sound in your head i mean i don't think you're pretty or anything oh [ __ ] i just meant that you didn't expect your opinion you know i see i'm sorry that i always overthink and come to these sorts of conclusions i'm just a little too used to it overthinking being disliked yuri those aren't the same words what what am i saying i'm sorry i didn't mean to bring that up let's move on alright do you want to share your weird poem now yes more than ever oh god beach oh my god beach a marvel millions of years in the making where the womb of earth chaotically meets the surface under a clear blue sky an expansive bliss but beneath gray rolling clouds and endness an endless endign the easiest world to get lost in is where everything can be found farted one can only build the same castle where the sand is wet i farted again but it was quiet where the sand is wet the tide comes will it gently lick at your foundations until you give in or will a sudden wave send you crashing down in the blink of an eye question mark either way the outcome is the same yet we still build sand castles that's pretty profound actually kind of relate to that [Music] you're just reading this in your head and you just hear that you're like not gonna i'm not gonna worry about that [Laughter] [Music] i stand where the foam wraps around my ankles where my toes squish into the sand the salty air is therapeutic the breeze is gentle yet powerful [Music] they told me to write about the beach but i really wrote about something else [Laughter] i sink my toes into the ultimate boundary line tempted by the foamy tendrils turn back i and i abandoned my piece to a road at the shore drift forward and i returned earth forever more oh that's when you decide to rhyme um ignore all the farting i'm aware that i've been farting the beach is kind of an inname thing to write about but i did my best to take a metaphorical okay yeah uh all right approach to it sorry i was just trying to it's cool yeah uh that's told me about it she did she didn't say anything weird did she she just wanted us to write about the same topic again [Music] i supposed to better compare the differences in her writing styles our thought processes anyway it was her idea knowing her it's no surprise she'd want to do something like that she probably just wants to show off god you guys are [ __ ] talking today jesus [Music] i wish your character just said that do i get to talk at some point it's not like i have a particular interest in a writing style it's the same day that i hope the girl with the books and their butt fell in my face it feels like it's been a [ __ ] eternity anyway go on sorry [Music] i just went with a request but well i suppose it's not so bad to write about something simple on occasion it could be refreshing you know don't answer that it's good for me to cover my thoughts once in a while yeah i think i agree thanks for sharing and not letting me be a part of it i'm gonna name that little monster face fred the quotations and the um the little ellipse in the middle fred fred it's nice i guess come on i can already tell you don't like it well you don't need to worry about what i think after you wrote this for someone else didn't you probably not sookie that [ __ ] i didn't write this for anyone specifically maybe that's not really what i meant though but it's okay you're making new friends just like i was hoping that makes me really happy and you're happy too right in this club well of course i am are you getting jiggy in this club good is it getting turnt in here is it just me thank you friend aaron sayori is there something wrong huh no nothing i'm just a little tired today tired of your [ __ ] all right just tell me if you need anything i will how about some slizzer what don't worry about me okay it's just that synonymous is now playing bloodball 2. and i can't concentrate you can go play with everyone else now if you insist yay i'm going to go home a little bit early today sorry monica i wasn't feeling well okay i'll see you tomorrow before i could say anything else sarri cheerfully walks out of the classroom humming to herself i wish i was good okay you three we're all done sharing poems right why don't we start figuring out hold on a second is that just me or did you say something strange just now something did sound a bit unusual oh that's right you deviated from your usual catchphrase when addressing the club get catchphrase i don't have a catchphrase jeez why isn't it so weird today look even yuri isn't immune to it uh ooh stagnating air is common foreshadowing that something terrible is about to happen in your books maybe look the only thing different is that sayori is in here oh it seems you're right psy sayori always helps lighten the moon a little bit doesn't she it's almost like everyone's balance is thrown off a little when she's not around where the heck did she run off to anyway i thought she just went to pee natsuki please show some decency she sent you to poop too she actually wasn't feeling too well and went home early did you say she had to rip [ __ ] which she does is that so i hope she's all right seriously of all the times when i go home with her you pick the time she's not feeling well so much for you two being a lovey-dovey uh no first of all stop misunderstanding my friendship with sayori and second she's kind of been avoiding me today so i didn't want to force it that curious expression coming from yuri of all people calm down guys i talked to her earlier and everything is fine what did she say anyway we need to figure out the rest of the festival preparation so let's decide what everyone will be doing this weekend i know what i'm doing that's right natsuki will be making cupcakes i'm throwing it man sure i'll make the cupcakes but we might need a lot of them and different flavors can you handle that all by yourself natsuki my favorite is motor oil or gear i mean strawberry challenge accepted and as for myself i'm going to be printing and assembling all the poetry pamphlets [Laughter] i mean with a printer done sayori will be helping me design them and as for yuri fred yuri you can uh um guys can you help me come up with something for yuri i i'm useless no that's not it at all your brain is very useful you're the most talented person here you know fred now natsuki's pouting too jeez even i can tell now i guess i never gave sayori enough credit but i could tell things are even harder for you and she's not around uh that may be the case but if i can't also be a leader on my own then i won't grow as a person so yuri you have beautiful handwriting you know so you should make some banners and decorations to help set the atmosphere atmosphere uh about that i i love atmosphere yuri's expression suddenly changes these stairs at her desk in focus and starts nodding to herself love atmosphere definitely love atmosphere your mind is already racing i see that is great you'll be a wonderful help yuri and you will be distracted while i um do human things with this straw [Laughter] close to your head but anyway that just leaves you friend aeron the one who is truly useless oh there was chili is this don't say that in fact both natsuki and yuri have some pretty heavy tasks to handle it would probably go a long way to give one of them a hand you could always help me out as well i would be really appreciative of that uh that's is monica suggesting i spend the weekend with some of my club members oh goodness how on earth are they going to respond to a suggestion like that uh i suppose i wouldn't mind a bit of help well even if you don't know how to bake dessert some dirty we're gonna give you it's not like monica's gonna give me a choice and you shouldn't be sitting in your butt anyway natsuki tries to mumble a bunch of excuses like that she's stupid um if i recall natsuki you mentioned that you would like to handle the baking on your own oh [ __ ] damn friend aaron might not like to be around you if you only make him out to be a nuisance so therefore he may be more suited to assisting with the decorations hold on i never said that whoa whoa whoa whoa call me tits [ __ ] how hard can it be to make a few decorations anyway sounds more like you're just making excuses for friend aaron what what are you saying it will be extremely meticulous work and baking is it oh my god these chicks are so obvious just what do you think guys guys i mean girls let's settle down for a moment clearly he needs to help me in the end i think it's up to friend aaron to decide how he'd like to contribute oh man besides he hasn't really gotten the chance to spend any time with me yet damn so i'm sure he's interested in you literally just dead i'm surprised as well sorry sorry i was just saying though jeez can we just sit on this already yeah friend aaron you're okay with this right in the end it's up to you of course very well in that case everyone looks straight at me but of course i'm gonna go oh man who do you think oh that's your call dude you think i should go check on sayori uh sayori is my favorite yeah um but i think monica might be the funniest because of your voice you know i'm gonna go with sayori okay cool i'm gonna check in on her i mean if it's gonna be anyone then i prefer helping sayori i mean we're already neighbors and but monica said america said that serious helping her jeez do you really hate us that much no sorry i didn't mean for this to be difficult oh boy oh geez you like monica i dude i like them all they're all great because yuri is my favorite yuri okay let's do yuri yeah do it all right well i'll probably be the most useful helping out yuri me are you serious why would you natsuki i can already tell you're about to say something mean no i was just saying that she's stupid so you'll be helping yuri then friend aeron yeah that's what i'm gonna do i'm glad i have a bad habit of overthinking these sorts of things so i think your assistance will be very useful that's great to hear natsuki will you be able to handle the baking yourself i mean yeah i already said it would be fine okay okay oh damn we should have saved it right before that um everyone can tell that natsuki's feeling a little sour so is that everything we need to go over go to history real quick can you like go back no no it's just a recounting okay no problem yeah that should be about it are you guys excited well excited may not be the right word but i suppose i'm looking forward to it a little bit do you feel the same way friend aaron me yeah i guess you could say i'm interested to see how it turn out that's good enough for me what about you natsuki natsuki what why is everyone yelling at me i didn't even do anything and you never will no that's not what i meant at all uh uh yuri anxiously glances between everyone in the room it's among between his two people i'm sorry for this sorry i'm sorry for this i don't really know why friend aaron picked me and also your cupcakes are the best cupcakes i've ever had they're the damn best cupcake they go really well with my tea listen natsuki you make the best damn cupcakes you've ever made you listen good and nothing that i do for the event will compare to that so so i get it i get it i'm kind of surprised though why um well i'm the one acting immature i already know that but you're trying to cheer me up all of a sudden i know i'm not very good at it i'm sorry if i said something bad natsuki isn't the only one surprised monica and i are also taken aback by yuri's words when she already has trouble with words trying to steer someone up must be far out of her own comfort zone but i begin to understand yuri was trying to sound like sayori even if it didn't work perfectly i could tell she tried to say something sierra would say at a time like this because sayori always helps everyone smile and feel good about themselves god i love sayori no i kind of appreciated it i'm sorry for making a big deal out of nothing but i'm gonna say this you're a [ __ ] better bet than my cupcakes would be the best part of the whole event oh i believe you yeah i hope to see everyone do their best but with that there's nothing more for today so i guess it's time for us to head out all right let's get out of here then everyone packs up everyone packs up the things they start to follow monica and natsuki out the door they chat between each other um um i turned around sorry i realized that i don't have any way of contacting you this weekend oh you're right i can't believe that slipped my mind should i give you my phone number i think that would be the best way yes i think that would be the best way yes yes as a matter of fact yes all right then yuri and i exchanged phone numbers okay then i'll be stopping by your house on sunday sunday what the [ __ ] my house what about church is that a problem no no not at all i just thought that it would be the one going to your house since i'm the one helping you you know ah i suppose that makes sense but if you don't mind i'd like to really rub this in your neighbor's face i think i would prefer going to your house all right in that case it won't be a problem i decide not to press yuri for a reason it's not like it should matter much either way so i'll just need to make sure my room is clean i hope i managed to make myself useful in some way i spent the next two days scrubbing hardened jizz off of every surface of my room my god i got one of those luminol sprays and holy [ __ ] it's like christmas in there [Laughter] i'm not clearly as i'm not nearly as creative as you are don't underestimate yourself friend aaron i think that will make a very productive team even if you only chose me because you felt bad or something wait you don't actually think that do you fred i don't know it's difficult to come up with any other reason you may have chosen me um you're forgetting the one reason with the most common sense i chose to help you because that's what i want to do but but that's another reason yeah yuri thinks to herself with an extremely tense expression you're you're overthinking this you wanted me to point out when you're overthinking right uh it's really annoying and i hate it i didn't realize i'm telling you i want to that's all there is to it do you believe me i have to think about this yes yuri thinks really hard again she looked straight in my eyes for a long while i believe you as if it took her tremendous effort yuri finally says that and relaxes her expression ah damn it forgot about that i'm really looking forward to sunday oh i bet you are yeah it's a new place for me to stink sorry i'm so gassy i am too after that exchange i make my way out the door yuri follows i can't believe this yuri's gonna be coming to my house on sunday even though i would have preferred to do this with sayori my anxiety still shoots to the roof i guess i've gotten pretty used to handling her at this point but who knows what might end up happening when we're outside of school she even told me she was looking forward to it i shake my head why do i feel nervous to see or he finds out about this it's not like we feel that way about each other besides like monica said this is about the club i have nothing to worry about if i just go with it then i'll have a good time by the way the club is what i call my dick it's all about the club it's already sunday oh god where did the time go i've been standing here this whole time i guess that's what sayori says when she's spacing out i've been getting increasingly anxious about yuri's upcoming visit i keep telling myself there's no reason to be nervous but it doesn't help much i wish this game just had saturday and it's just him watching tv for 24 hours in real time yuri is clearly an introvert and also an intimate person in general there's no doubt that she'll open up a little bit when it's just the two of us meanwhile we've been texting occasionally she was extremely apprehensive at first but it wasn't long before i was already learning more about her she sent nudes but putting yuri aside i haven't heard a thing from sayori since she left the club early the other day it's not like we text each other all the time or anything but i've been worried about her in the back of my mind between what sayuri said and monica said is it really okay for me to put sarah's feelings aside when she might need me i decide to visit sayori before yuri comes over rather than asking i simply tell her i'm coming over much like we've done in the past once i reached sayori's house i knock in the door before entering it myself again we used to play so often that we made it a habit of simply entering each other's houses like we were family i'm coming over quiet sayori isn't anywhere on the first floor so i assume she's up in her room it's already stranger not to run down and greet me i head up to her bedroom where i finally find her sayori hey finding i sit down in a room sayori forces a smile but it's easy to tell that she's different i'm different there's a it's because she told me there's a minute of silence between us you've been coming like this in a long time have you 58 59 60. you have to come over like this i guess you're right it has been a long time sorry i just find out like this i'm dating mr cow moo you [ __ ] how could you not much has really changed has it sairi's room is as messy as it's always been i also recognize the same stuffed animals and wall decorations that she's had for years now i don't have anything on my wall what are you talking about sometimes it's like a kid a sailing chart like a nautical chart all right if you came over more often i wouldn't be it wouldn't be such a mess that's because i end up cleaning it for you huh how come you certainly wanted to come over here today are you oh hey he's supposed to see yuri today damn how'd you find out yeah but what the [ __ ] wait how'd you know about that say arie had already left by the time we decided that last meeting monica told me and i was under the desk it's only natural for her to keep me informed about the festival preparations right uh that's true but what about you are you going to be helping monica today of course but i'm just helping her online we didn't plan to meet up or anything ah so it's just me and yuri then yep cool there's more silence between us sayori stares in a random direction what's over here everything about her behavior is really uncharacteristic according to my nautical chart this is due north by northwest i finally get to the point i just wanted to see how you were doing after you left on friday when something's wrong you can't hide it from me i know you too well so see how he smiles shaking her head shake shake shake that's not good friend ben hey why can't it just be like it's always been this is not my fault if i didn't get so weak and accidentally express my feelings if i didn't make that stupid mistake then you wouldn't have been worried about me at all you wouldn't have come here you wouldn't have even been thinking about me right now oh mr cow but this is just my punishment isn't it [ __ ] give me your milk i'm getting punished for being so selfish i think that's why the world decided to have you come over today it just wants to torture me say ari i grabbed sayori by the shoulders shut up what on earth are you saying are you listening to yourself right now i know something happened to you there's no other explanation for you to be like this so tell me already damn it until i know i won't be able to stop thinking about it sarah gives me an empty smile really put me in a trap friend aaron but you're wrong nothing happened to me i've always been like this dumb and weird you're just seeing it for the first time seeing what what are you talking about sayori you're really just going to make me say it are you friend aaron guess i have no choice this time the thing is i've had a really bad depression my whole life oh damn i thought you'd say i'd love you did you know that why do you think i'm late to school every day because most days i can't even find a reason to get out of bed other than mr cow what reason is there to do anything when i fully know how worthless i am yay why go to school why eat why make friends why make other people put their energy jesus christ this is so sad all of a sudden i carried a waste by having them spend it on me that's what it feels like and that's why i just want to make everyone happy without anyone worrying about me i'm in shock i can't even figure out how to respond how is it possible that sayori kept this from me the entire time that i've known her that [ __ ] did she really want so badly for me to just not think about her why sayori eh why is it that you've never told me about this it almost feels like i've been betrayed as your close friend nice douche yeah because if i knew i would have done everything i could to support you even if there's only so much that i could do i would have tried a little bit harder to make every day a little better for you that's why i'm your friend all you had to do was tell me you don't understand at all friend aaron why do you think i didn't tell you because if i told you then you wouldn't have you'd have to waste your effort caring about me instead of doing important things like decorations with yuri i don't want to be cared about it's bittersweet when people try to care about me it feels nice sometimes it also feels like a bat being swung against my head and having my brain sucked out by a robot it feels like that it's almost like it's happened before over and over for eternity maybe i'm depressed because half my brain is missing you just see like a little thing of blood like [Laughter] wow what is the stitching on my head that's why i wanted so badly for you to make friends with everyone else hoping everyone be happy together is the best thing for me but then i discovered something else too seeing my friends and get closer with everyone in the club it feels like a spear going through my heart so that's why that's why i decided the world just wants to torture me every path leads to nothing but hurt you're right that i don't understand i don't understand your feelings at all sayori but i don't need to understand whatever it takes for me to help you stop hurting that's what i'll do no friend there there's nothing nothing at all the only thing that could have helped is if everything could be like it always was but i was selfish i finally showed you what a horrible person god damn tears straight down sayori's face i made you join the literature club because i was selfish and i was punished by my heart hurting in a way that i couldn't understand and now you came here and i made you hurt too i'm just weak and selfish that's all i have i wish i could didn't give this character such a dumb voice before she started like pouring her heart out and that's why i'm going to accept these punishments because i deserve every last one without thinking i once again grabbed sayori's shoulders this time my shoulders they're so brittle and weak from the brain this time i pull her into a tight embrace oh hell yeah friend aaron sayori i don't care you feel sick i don't care if you feel so you're being so selfish by taking my line i don't care if you feel selfish i'm really happy that you convinced me to join the club seeing you every day makes it worthwhile enough if i make friends with everyone else then that's just a bonus but please never underestimate how much i care about you i wouldn't have it any other way pendant sayori isn't hugging me back despite my arms being wrapped around her so his arms remain at her sides she starts sobbing next to my ear no don't do this to me please don't do this and then hey see how he barely manages to speak between her sobs i don't know if i'm doing the right thing but all i want is for her to know that i care maybe i should turn the lights on maybe i should draw me hugging her how hard would that be yeah right if you have it in you to call yourself selfish then you have to let me be selfish too no matter what it takes i'll figure out what needs to change i'll make these feelings go away and if there's anything that you need me to do then you'd better tell me especially involves my penis i'll get mad if you don't the club fred i don't know i don't know i don't know gently jelly saree finally puts her arms around me in return i don't know anything it's all really scary i don't understand any of my feelings friend aaron the only time i'm not feeling nothing is when i'm feeling pain [ __ ] sayori but your hugs are so warm and that's really scary too cool hug over sayori lets me go as she does so i let her go as well then we are both let go the festival's tomorrow yeah it's gonna be fun right yeah how would you like for me to spend it all with you yeah man it's what i want it's what i want i promise i i think that would be nice then yeah yeah so he wipes your eyes if i could spend the whole day here i would of all days this has to be the one where i have other plans to [ __ ] urine maybe i should cancel no don't please do it if you did that then i really wouldn't forgive you but it's almost time for you to meet at my house it's almost time for yuri to meet me at my house sorry whoa you're psyched at the very least you want me to come along and help out it would be fun to my surprise here he shakes her head i'm sorry i don't know if that would be very good for me today you understand right uh it's kind of hard for me to fully understand but i'm trying my hardest it's okay don't worry too much about it i'll see you tomorrow okay all right i look forward to it [Music] i say goodbye to sayori and exit her house holy crap on the way home i find myself still feeling uneasy that was heavy but it's hard for me to keep thinking about it when yuri is about to come over too i think sayori's right i shouldn't be worrying too much we're definitely gonna have a great time tomorrow as i approach my house i see something that makes me feel a moment of panic that i have the same house as sayori wait a second oh my god mine a time loop we've been living together oh thank goodness you're a little early i'm sorry i wasn't oh i'm sorry i wasn't hot damn i can't read were you waiting for a long time no i just got here but i started to get really nervous when nobody answered the doorbell you always always could have texted me if i didn't know and i would have reassured you and hurried more on my way home if you'd have done that we wouldn't be in this predicament it gets really dark i suppose that's true i didn't think of that for some reason it should be common sense to do that but i decided to ignore it stupid anyway let's go inside i see you brought a lot of stuff with you that's right as you can see it's all here i'm holding it behind my back i guess and did you manage to find everything i asked you to buy as well yeah i guess pretty much at least i hope i got everything right nice exposition yeah i'm sure it will be fine i take yuri to my room i love what you've done with the walls i i show her all of my posters the first thing she does is glance around curiously which makes me feel anxious this one's a polar bearing snowstorm it's so clean i cleaned it before you came over so that's very considerate of you to do yeah i know i would be really embarrassed for my room to be a mess while you were here hmm well i do enjoy cleaning i would have gladly helped you clean uh amazing story that would be even more embarrassing wait don't look in there i snatch yuri's wrist which is in the process of opening a desk drawer my dildo enclave i'm glad i didn't want to say drawer it's like a narnia portal it's just like this huge [ __ ] cave i'm sorry i wasn't thinking for some reason i was just spacing out like sayori oh it's fine it's fine i let go of yuri's wrists she puts both of her hands firmly in her lap as if making sure she's keeping track of them don't you don't stay in my lap my lap so um should we get started ah yes um i have a few things planned that you can help with decorations these titties other atmospheric enhancements atmospheric enhancements you know mood lighting this butt aromatherapy candles this booty oh wow i didn't know you planned on taking it that far of course i want to help take her guests to a far away place although many will stop by just out of curiosity and for cupcakes i guess i'm determined to provide an experience that will leave them wanting more oh my god that's great maybe a preview right now it's easy to forget that you're a pretty intense person uh intense she's like pulling the knife out of her pocket i guess that's the best way to put it is that a bad thing i don't know not at all something that i like about you actually i i like that you're scaring me right now is that so yeah that makes me feel relieved and kind of happy yeah no need to be so anxious you can relax a little i am relaxed put away the axe please i brought some things for relaxation i was going to use them during the poetry event she's like he throws a knife at the wall oh yeah look what let's see yuri rummages through her bag she pulls out a few candles and a wooden cylinder-shaped object this is for your dildo enclave i did some shopping on the way here so i happen to have these in my bag i plan to cover the windows in black paper and use the candles to light the room i think that would be amazing don't you yeah that'd be pretty neat what's the wooden thing though oh this it's a diffuser for essential oils you put it in your butt how familiar i'm not farting i'm diffusing essential oils it's one of my favorite contributors to a positive atmosphere depending on the oils or herbs you you choose you can change the mood of the air itself here let me show you you you can even feel it permeate through your body like through your goals yeah relaxation positive energy romance reflection wait what was that third word uh romance it's almost like magic before that positivity no after that romance no it's almost like magic you already take the cylinder and pushes the switch on the bottom in just a moment a thin ray of vapor begins to spout through a small hole in the top don't breathe this that smells wonderful you'll be dead within the map what kind of moon is that one for this is a jasmine essential oil what happened to jasmine i had to grab a bunch of flowers off my butt and then well it smells a little sweet and flowery right yeah that's a good way to describe it i chose jasmine for the event because it provides more than relaxation jasmine enhances your emotions and helps you feel them flow through your body you feel warmer and your heart pounds more heavily yeah it's pounding don't you think that will be the perfect for sharing our poems it does sound suitable but you seem to know a lot about this so i'll trust your opinion with anything yuri smiles gently clearly enjoying herself she again reaches into her bag and pulls out several spools of thin ribbon what are those for well you know how when you like put ribbon on a fan hear me out well did you purchase the origami paper i asked you to get yeah i have it over here okay i'm gonna swallow it when i fart it out it'll be a swan oh my god sorry we've been doing this for hours and we're losing i'm really sorry everyone we won't be using the paper for folding origami what i'd like to do is write a different word on each paper we'll need about a hundred of them oh yeah well those we use for well i'm going to cut pieces of ribbon to hang from the doorway this is my last resort [Laughter] suffocation no breathing it would also catch the eye of those passing by the room we'll get the suffocation no breathing part from the essential oils it may attract some to peek inside that's really creative i had no idea you'd be so good at this yuri i thought you were just an idiot is that so well i suppose i do get a little intense you know don't give a [ __ ] if i cut my arm bleeding as you put it yuri giggles with red cheeks they look more yellow than red but is it just me or is she more relaxed when it's just the two of us or maybe it's the excitement she feels for sharing something that she enjoys here's a marker friend aaron you can write any characters you want i'll help you once i finish cutting the ribbons oh all right mickey mouse all right sitting on the floor together the two of us get to work i carefully draw a different character on each paper doing my best to manage my bad handwriting mickey mouse mickey mouse yuri unravels a long strand of red ribbon to her desired length then she reaches into her bag once more and pulls out a pocket knife [Music] the knife is strangely beautiful as it's it plunges into my heart the silver handle has an intricate pattern of waves edged into it i take note of that as it's the last thing i see as my blood drains away the blade itself is gently tinted blue that's no ordinary pocket knife it looks really fancy well embarrassed yuri looks away what is it you're going to think it's weird yuri whatever it is i have no reason to judge to each their own you know if you promise you won't be weirded out yeah i promise all right the thing is i'm kind of into knives what they're just so pretty and knives are kind of into you right now i can't help it i don't know what it is the combination of craftsmanship and feeling of danger and the screams of my victims what am i saying please don't think i'm weird for this [Music] you're laughing at me no i'm laughing at i mean i'm not laughing at you it's just funny how nervous you got about sharing it's well it's an interesting thing to be into i guess i think it kind of suits you it's going in it's going it suits me yeah it's kind of intense uh besides this really cool looking knife i can't deny that it is isn't it you hurry relaxes her expression once again would you like to hold it with your heart sure i'll check it out yuri carefully hands me the knife with the handle facing me i take it and turn it around in my hands feels heavy and extremely solid where do you even get a knife like this curious if it's sharpness i feel the point of the knife with my index finger ow friend aaron why did you do that i just wanted to feel alive i didn't expect it to be that sharp i don't give a [ __ ] if i got my finger bleeding i barely touched it at all it's my fault i should have warned you this knife looks extremely sharp it can cut through skin like it's paper oh no a small drop of blood trickles down the side of my finger yuri takes my hand and gives the woman a closer look ah she stares at it and noticeably fidgets if you're squeamish i'll go wash it off now ah without warning yuri puts my finger in the mouth and licks the what i feel her tongue curl around my finger what i start starting what instinctively pull my hand back oh please forgive me i wasn't thinking i yuri lowers her head her face burning up yuri that's the most embarrassing thing i've ever done how could i do something like that i'm sorry i'm sorry uh sure it was a little weird but it took me by surprise i guess she she's just trying to help right yeah i think you're overreacting a little bit she hasn't lift her head what if she doesn't recover from this for the rest of the afternoon all right you know what this might be a stupid thing to do but i'll do it anyway i take yuri's hand and lick her index finger in return friend aaron did you really just do that and now we're even fred yuri looks at me like i did something wrong [Music] i knew that would be a bad idea if not for the sweet aroma of jasmine oil the air would be extremely heavy right now you're so weird friend aaron for doing that thing i just did yuri giggles shyly eh yuri calling me weird that [ __ ] i have no response to that get out of my house where do you keep your bandages uh i'm gonna throw them away so you keep bleeding i don't think i need one actually it was a tiny cut and your saliva is a weird binding agent yeah look it's already stopped bleeding i see that's relieving the tension is quickly lifted we each resume our respective activities how do you resume your research well whatever me sucking her finger and her sucking mind i watch yuri's knife cut through the ribbon like it's nothing but air oh my god i don't know how much longer i can do this voice i'm gonna keep doing it okay meanwhile i continue to make progress okay for those of us just tuning in um she she came over to the house uh she pulled a knife on me i grabbed it from her i cut my finger she licked my finger i licked hers and returned to break the tension and now everything's cool it's pretty intense meanwhile i continue to make progress on the paper after we finish attaching the paper to the ribbons we lay them all out side by side it looks better than i expected will be very effective as a door curtain it looks great good thank you coming up with this yuri oh thanks this is something i saw online really are you ready to move on to the next task yeah let's do it for your next physical challenge you must eat an entire pie as you scale the aggro crack what what do you have in mind i'd like to create a banner a bruise banner that's why i asked you to buy the paint tablets [ __ ] i forgot one of those items yuri had asked me to buy was a kit of watercolor paint tablets we'll need about six cups of water to put each of the tablets in do you mind fetching those for us of course not six cups of water i'll be right back in a minute thank you very much oh and just a little bit of water is okay if you fill the cups too much it will be too diluted uh whatever taking yuri's advice i decided to use small plastic bathroom cups rather than full-sized glasses i put them on a plate to catch any paint that drips then bring it back into my room yuri yes i come in to see yuri quickly unrolling her sleeve pulling it back over her arm nothing your face is a little red is it too hot in here or anything no i was not shooting heroin there's nothing wrong so let's mix the paint yuri hurriedly dismisses me and takes it upon herself to unwrap the tablets dropping them into the cups so i thought we would do something simple that would look very nice i'd like to paint a gradient across the banner starting with the colors for a sunrise then daytime then sunset and nighttime once it dries i'll write an inspirational quote across the banner we can hang it on the wall behind the podium at the front of the classroom oh neat what are you gonna write anything's a dildo if you're brave enough abraham lincoln dumbledore it will be more fun to surprise you yuri smiles at me if you say so after rolling out the banner yuri and i kneel on opposite sides so we don't get in the way of each other yuri uses a brush and adds a few dots of different colors across the banner to serve as a color guide when we paint this kind of reminds me of elementary school painting on a banner with watercolors feels a lot like the art class projects we had back then it's relaxing ah i'm sorry if this feels too childish no i didn't mean that at all it's kind of fun you know yeah it is fun i'm glad you feel that way too wow don't get [ __ ] too excited about it yuri stops painting for a moment think it to herself for me i don't need to go out and do crazy things to have fun in fact i usually don't even want to i just like it when i can spend time with one other person alone who can fix my broken pinky even if it's something simple like reading it doesn't even matter if we don't talk much just having a friend next to me makes me feel makes things feel a little bit nicer i think that's all it takes for me to be happy is that so i need to talk a [ __ ] sayori even if yuri and i are quite different i can understand where she's coming from i feel that way about things like anime and games where simply sharing the experience with someone can make me happy i think i feel the same way yuri smiles gently i knew you'd understand yuri leans over the banner to grab an unused paintbrush but i move at the same time causing my head to bump into hers ah my precious brains so sorry yuri reels back and i quickly lift my hands and surprise are you hurt no i'm not hurt are you hurt she just puts my entire head in her mouth it just startled me that's all could you take did you take my head out of your mouth please [Music] sorry i should have asked you to get it for me it's not your fault your face there are droplets of paint on your face and neck is there something on my face yes obviously i accidentally yeah accidentally got paint on you sorry it's totally my fault i got a towel right away i rush out and fetch a small towel and dampen it with hot water i know the drill i returned to my room and you know back in front of her here i pat down yuri's face and neck with the towel whoa her hands on your arm oh yeah oh and you're a white guy is something oh [ __ ] lame revealing is something wrong it's hot i just didn't expect it sorry so hot i didn't want to use cold water having finished i start to retract my hand but yuri suddenly holds my wrist wait just for a little longer it feels really nice i keep my hands still against yuri's neck she looks into my eyes it's an intense expression that i recognize from when she reads her books almost as if she's lost in a daze enveloped by her own thoughts she breathes gently half through slightly parted lips what is happening is it the aroma of the jasmine oil giving me this dizzy feeling yuri's gentle fingers wrapped around my wrist send a tingling sensation through my arm is she is she incapacitating me oh no she's cast a vampire spell and suddenly her face seems to be much closer to mine than it was just a moment ago i think the scene counts and it's like right in front of the screen yuri slowly pulls away sorry i've been feeling a little lightheaded today i didn't mean to space out it's fine the moment is over as soon as it began damn yuri picks up her brush again but her mo her movements seem clumsier like she's unable to focus i remain silent forced to ignore the event that just transpired i hesitantly retrieve my own brush and continue following yuri's example that should do it i finished filling the night sky with white dots that look like stars looking at the banner as a whole it's pretty dumb i think it came out better than i expected she's only pretty dumb i'm really happy with the results yeah me too are you gonna add the lettering now uh not yet it needs to dry first that's true but won't that take a while well perhaps it would be best to leave it here then and have you bring it in the morning i can do the lettering in the classroom before our event starts is that okay that's totally fine wonderful but i have to let my 30 mongooses out and they might trample all over it in that case i don't think there's anything more for us to do here uh i still i don't know about that you say that like you're glad it's over was i wrong to assume that you were at least enjoying yourself a little bit ah no it's not that i i hated it i'm just glad that we managed to get everything done you know i see i am too i was a little concerned about time i need to start making dinner soon ah so you don't have any time left i was secretly hoping we would have extra time after finishing the work well fred you already thinks to herself i think it would be too irresponsible of me to wait much longer i'm sorry i was hoping there would be more time as well it's probably my fault oh sorry sorry for being such a slow worker no it's not your fault at all and the important thing is that we got everything done right i found out you bleed yeah so i shouldn't be disappointed or anything gathering all her things yuri seems to look a little downcast i understand why sounded like she rarely gets the opportunity to spend time with friends in a relaxed environment plus i have nine fingers that have gone unsucked but that doesn't mean this is the last time it can happen once yuri packs up i walk her out the front door thank you very much for having me today you're welcome no problem i'm glad i was able to help just let me know if there's anything else you need me to bring tomorrow i will well then looks like we're both gassy individuals huh yuri fidgets i guess i'll see you tomorrow sweet spinner wait i kind of say without thinking about today it's fine that we didn't have as much time as we wanted because we can do this again whenever you want you can come over we can go out somewhere i forgot you don't like going out much as i stumble over my words yuri simply smiles bashfully anyway you know what i'm trying to say so your very thoughtful friend aaron yuri takes a step closer to me then briefly squeezes my hand fourth base i kind of like that about you oh wait it's gotta be like i kind of like that about you how am i supposed to respond to that but i don't even get a chance to as yuri suddenly pulls back so sorry uh just now we weren't it's okay friend aaron i just stopped by to say hi unannounced like like a cool person would um well it's nice to see you i'm sorry but i'm already on my way to leave oh really that's too bad i'm sorry but we'll all be together at the festival tomorrow so threesome so that's fine right of course see where i'm seeing beams depressingly yeah so i'll see you tomorrow clearly embarrassed yuri hurries off say area waves goodbye after her sayori i thought you didn't want to come over today let's play that piano where'd that come from i tried staying in my room but my imagination was being really mean to me so i had to come here and see it for myself see what you were [ __ ] her what are you talking about you know how much fun you were having with yuri and how close he got to her it makes me really happy that you've made such good friends that's all that matters to me tears start to fall down sayori's face i'm good at expressing my true emotions yeah that's all that matters to me why am i feeling this my friend aaron i'm supposed to be happy for you why does it feel like my heart is splitting in half it hurts so much everything hurts so much this would be so much better if i could just disappear say or you don't say that it's true friend aaron if i wasn't here then you wouldn't have to waste your sympathy on me you wouldn't have to put up with me being selfish monica was right monica monica was right about what what i said before is true i'm not gonna let this continue caring about you like this isn't the burden your mind is making it out to me it's something that makes me happy it's something that i wouldn't trade for anything else so even if it takes an entire lifetime i'm gonna be side until you don't feel any more pain [ __ ] yuri i'll be [ __ ] yuri by your side yeah not on sundays though yeah i'm busy on sunday that's yuri day sayori looks away i put a hand on her shoulder to reassure her i'm scared fender i mean scared what are you scared of sayori i'm scared that that i might like you more than you like me say hurry it's true isn't it i was weak and i started to like you too much this is very sweet i did this to myself friend aaron i thank you so much that i want to die that's less sweet that's how i feel and and that's enough sayori i don't want you to hurt anymore i slide my hand down sayori's arm and squeeze her hand in my own do you remember how i said i always know what's best for you do you still believe me wordlessly sayori nods even if you don't understand all of your own feelings i know what you need the most right now and that's that's what i'm going to give you [Music] what do you think can we save it okay it's a good time to save there you go okay i'm gonna flip a coin okay i'm actually i'm gonna flip the animal crossing box okay heads i love you tails you'll always be my dearest friend okay you ready yep here we go [Music] oh it's i love you boom i love you those are my true feelings so there's no way you could like me more than i like you i should have realized it sooner but spending time with everyone at the club making new friends having fun with you every day it helped me realize that you are truly the most important person to me that's why i'll accept any of your burdens as long as we continue like this every day with you by my side then i know we'll both be happy friend aaron [Music] suddenly sayori wraps her arms tightly around me but i changed my mind loading game friend aaron is this really okay yeah i hold sayori in my arms and pull her closer you'll never have to let go of me again i love you friend aaron i want to be with you forever me too [Music] both in high school so this is definitely going to last i feel sayori's grip around me weakened a little bit what is this sayori i'm supposed to be happy right now at least thought this would be the happiest moment for me but why even now why won't the rain clouds go away they're not going away at all from darren it's okay sayori it might take some time for things to get better again but no matter how long it takes i'll be there every step of the way that's all that matters right now okay i trust you sayori and i slowly release each other i'm in a t-pose for a while so i guess that makes the festival tomorrow our first date huh what do you say i don't want to think about those things you know we only love each other we can't go on a date i want everything to be the same as it's always been even if we really are a couple a couple of what yeah a couple of goons i don't know if i can handle anything more right now it's really new and scary to me i understand we'll go at whatever pace suits you best hey friend aaron so yuri gazes at me once again smiling sadly why were you sucking yuri's finger like two minutes ago i saw it through the window even if i get really really sad this is the best thing for me right uh i don't really understand what ciura means by that are you saying that this is making you feel sad sorry i don't know i don't understand what i'm feeling felt like a bunch of thorns when you told me you love me but that's why i want to trust you because i love being hurt you know what's best for me yeah i do that's my promise i say that but in reality i've never felt more uncertain when it comes to sayori yeah man i know that i love her and she loves me but i'm having as much trouble understanding sayori's feelings as she is even though i can comfort her i keep wondering if i should be doing something more or something different these are some red flags brothers i know these thoughts will continue to plague me until things are back to the way they were is that what sayori meant by not wanting anything to change i don't know but i know that it'll give me everything i've got sayori is the most important person to me and i'll do whatever it takes to have a happy future with her i know it's gonna work out because literally two seconds after saying i love you things got weird it's the day of the festival of all days i expected this to be the one where i'd be walking to school with sayori but sayori isn't answering her phone i consider going to her house to wake her up but decided that's a little too much meanwhile the preparations for the event should be nearly complete wait the what next time on game christmas oh my god hi we were playing this game for five hours no longer it's almost nine when did we start this like two right [ __ ] no i don't even know man we've been playing this game for on and off for seven hours now um but anyway say ori i told sayori i loved her um she got all sad and ran away uh yuri sucked my finger yep um good day and now today's the day of the festival so the banner yuri and i painted is dry and i gently rolled it up to take with me she sent me a pleasant text reminding me not to forget anything and i reassured her funnily enough probably feel the same way as natsuki about the event i'm more excited to be for it to be over so i can spend some time with sayori and yuri is the festival but knowing monica i'm sure the event will be great too friend oh it's been so long you're the first one here thanks for being early that's funny i thought at least yuri would be here by now monica is placing little booklets just uh monica's placing little booklets i need to desk to the classroom they must be the one she prepared that has all the poems were performing in the end i found a random poem online that i thought monica would like and submitted it so that's the one i'll be performing i am surprised you didn't bring sayori with you yeah she overslept again that dummy you'd think that on days this important she'd try a little harder i say that but i suddenly remember what sayuri told me yesterday and i suddenly feel awful knowing it's not nearly that simple for her i only said it because it's the way i'm used to thinking but maybe i should have gone to wake her up after all hot hot hot hot you should take a little responsibility for her friend eron i mean especially after your exchange with her yesterday you kind of left her hanging this morning you know exchange monica you know about that of course i do i'm the club president after all but i stammer embarrassed did sayori really tell her about it that quickly that we're a couple now i didn't really plan on bringing it up with anyone yet geez you don't know the full story at all so don't worry i can read minds i probably know a lot more than you think in fact i know everything you think monica is being as friendly as monica's being as friendly as usual but for some reason i felt a chill down my spine after hearing that hey do you want to check out the pamphlets they came out really nice yeah sure i grabbed one of i grabbed one of the pamphlets laid off in desks oh yeah they really did huh something like this will definitely help people take the club more seriously yeah i thought so too boy i didn't think i'd miss the [ __ ] reggae loop but yeah it's quiet it's a little quiet i flipped through the pages each member's poem is neatly printed on its own page giving it an almost professional feel i recognize natsuki's and yuri's poems from the ones they performed during our practice what's this i flipped to sayori's poem it's different from the one she practiced it's one that i haven't read before oh whoa well there you go you want to read that um get out of my head times 50. get out of my head before i do i know what is best for you i listen everything she said to me show you how much i love you i finished writing this poem but a poem has never actually finished it just stops moving um uh are we in silent hill all of a sudden what is this reading the poem i got a pit in my stomach friend eron what's wrong uh nothing this poem feels completely different from everything else sayori's written yeah it's the [ __ ] all working no play makes jack a dull boy from the shining but more than that i i changed my mind i'm gonna go get sayori so ah well all right try not to take too long okay i quickly leave the classroom don't strain yourself monica calls that out after me boy it's really tough to like do an action sequence in this game yeah i quicken my pace i'm hastily running what was i thinking i should have tried a little bit harder for sayori are there any classes at this school it's that can you just leave just clubs yeah it's not a big deal to at least wait for her or help her wake up even the simple gesture of walking her to school makes her really happy besides i told her yesterday that things will be the same as they always have been that's all she needs and that's what i want to give her i reach sayori's house and knock on the door i don't expect an answer since she's not picking up her phone either like yesterday i opened the door and let myself in say ori she really is a heavy sleeper i swallow i can't believe i ended up doing this after all waking her up in her own house that really is something that a boyfriend would do isn't it in any case it just feels right outside siri's room i knock on her door say ori wake up dummy there's no response i really didn't want to have to enter a room like this isn't it kind of a breach of privacy but she really leaves me no choice i gently open the door sit what what are you [ __ ] serious [Music] no [ __ ] oh my god is this a horror game i don't know dan are you serious what the hell what the hell is this a nightmare it has to be this isn't real oh my god there's no way this can be real sayori wouldn't do this everything was normal up until a few days ago that's why i can't believe it this is what happens in doki doki literature club i suppress the urge to vomit just yesterday i told sayori i'd be there for her i told her i know it's best and then everything will be okay then why why would you do this oh my god how could i be so helpless oh my god what did i do wrong confessing to her i shouldn't have confessed to her that's not what sayori needed at all what she even told me how painful it is for see others to care for her then why did i confess to her and make her feel even worse why was i so selfish this is my fault my swarming thoughts keep telling me every time i could have done to prevent this if i just spent more time with her walked her to school and remained friends with her like it's always been [ __ ] god then i could have prevented this i know i could have prevented this screw the literature club screw the festival i just lost my best friend someone i grew up with she's gone forever now nothing i can do can bring her back this isn't some game where i can reset and try something different load and try something different i only had one chance and i wasn't careful enough and now i'll carry this guilt with me until i die nothing of my life is worth more than hers but i still couldn't do what she needed from me and now i can never take it back never never never never oh my god i'm actually like what what are you oh my god oh what the [ __ ] it's not over dan oh my god i see an annoying girl running towards me from the distance waving her arms like she's totally oblivious to any attention she might draw to herself that girl is god my neighbor a good friend since we were children you know the kind of friend you'd never see yourself making today but it just kind of works out because you know each other for so long we used to walk to school together on days like this but starting around high school she would oversleep more and more frequently and i would get tired of waiting up but if she's going to chase me like this i almost feel better off running away however i just sigh an idle in front of the crosswalk and like catch up oh it's an ordinary school day like any other i am really upset by this mornings are usually the worst being surrounded by couples and friends groups walking to school together meanwhile i've always walked to school alone i always tell myself it's about time to meet some girls or something like that but i have no motivation to join any clubs oh my [ __ ] god i'm perfectly content just getting by on average while spending my free time on games and anime is this there's always the anime club but it's not like there would be any girls in it anyway the school day is as ordinary as ever and it's over before i know it after i pack up my things i stare blankly at the wall looking for an ounce of motivation clubs um there really aren't any that interest me besides most of them would probably be way too demanding for me to want to deal with i guess i have no choice but to start with the anime club is this a ghoul grumps friend aaron oh my [ __ ] god monica oh my goodness i totally didn't expect to see you here it's been a while right uh yeah it has monica smiles sweetly we do know each other well we rarely talked but we were in the same class last year monica was probably the most popular girl in class smart beautiful athletic basically completely out of my league so having her smile at me so gently feels a little what did you come in here for anyway oh i've just been looking for some plies some supplies to use for my club what do you know if there's any construction paper in here or markers i'm like stunned right now i guess you could check the closet whoa what's wrong what do you mean what's wrong what's going on i just realized we're [ __ ] playing pt after i thought we were doing sakura spirit oh well you know it's like we just roll with the punches oh my god i mean we're just you know just restarting life from the beginning [ __ ] ross he was like you're gonna love it dude there's a twist i'm like you son of a i thought it was gonna be like a sexy twist like it was gonna be a porn game after like being like so cute and innocent huh well you're in the debate club right oh my god a-hot about that i actually quit the debate club really you quit yeah to be honest i can't stand all the politics around the major clubs feels like nothing but arguing about the budget and publicity and how to prepare for events i'd much rather take something i personally enjoy and make something special out of it in that case what club did you decide to join actually i'm starting a new one oh god club oh god are we in the matrix right now literature that sounds kind of dull how many members do you have so far um it's kind of embarrassing but there are only three of us so far it's really hard to find new members for something that sounds so boring well i can see that but it's really not boring at all you know literature can be anything reading writing poetry i mean one of my members even keeps her manga collection in this club room wait really yeah it's funny right she always insists that manga is literature too i mean she's not wrong i guess and besides a member's a member right did monica say she hmm well friend aaron oh boy by any chance are you still looking for a club to join uh i mean i guess so but in that case is there any chance you could do me a big favor i won't ask you to join but if you could at the very least visit my club it would make me really happy please um well i guess i have no reason to refuse besides how could i ever refuse someone like monica sure i guess i could check it out ah awesome your really sweet friend aaron you know that it's it's nothing really i wish we had face cam right now so people can see the look on my face oh my god yeah i'm serious my mind is so [ __ ] right now it's kind of hot turn off the happy music please i don't [ __ ] but it's just it's just a kid in school he's trying to join a literature club his friend monica who clearly is not a robot trying to suck his brain are we are we like is that the reason there's no one else in this school are we like in an insane asylum like reliving this craziness over and over i don't know in our mind i don't know dan oh my god oh i'm so unnerved right now well stick it out i knew i should have said we were just friends okay we just took like a five minute break to collect our thoughts i i bet if you play that last episode back like i didn't say [ __ ] for like the last seven minutes oh yeah i was just like stunned is exactly the case oh my god anyway monica's trying to get us into the literature club yeah okay sure she just created it with her three friends oh my god i just feel like i found out the matrix is real yeah well who knows cool shall we go then i'll look for the materials another time you're more important my brains are more important am i right and thus today marks the day i sold my soul to monica and her irresistible smile i timidly follow monica across the school and upstairs a section of the school i rarely visit being generally used for third year classes and activities monica full of energy swings open the classroom door i'm back and i brought a guest with me girl one uh a guess we don't know her name oh god seriously about a boy way to kill the atmosphere don't be mean natsuki but anyway welcome to the club friend uh fred all words escaped me in this situation this club is full of incredibly cute girls oh my god so let me guess you're monica's boyfriend right no i'm not natsuki the girl with the sour attitude whose name is apparently natsuki is one i don't recognize her small figure makes me think she's probably a first-year oh my god this is so [ __ ] creepy anyway this is natsuki energetic as usual and this is yuri the vice president it's nice to meet you god my [ __ ] compliments to whoever created this game that like you are a creative [ __ ] yuri who appears comparably yuri who appears comparably more mature and timid seems to have a hard time keeping up with someone like natsuki yeah it's nice to meet both of you so i ran into friend aaron in the classroom and he decided to come check out the club isn't that great wait monika didn't i tell you to let me know in advance for you bro anyone knew i was gonna well you know sorry sorry i didn't forget that but i just happened to run into him in that case i should at least make some tea right yep that would be great why don't you come sit down friend aeron oh my god the girls have a few desks arranged to form a table as you can clearly see yuri walks to the corner of the room and opens the closet meanwhile monica and natsuki sit across from each other i'm like so [ __ ] tense all of a sudden still feeling awkward i take a seat next to monica what the the loopy reggae isn't like no nothing is calming my nerves the chirpy kickstarter music isn't helping you calm down oh my god so i know you didn't really plan on coming here but we'll make sure you feel right at home okay a president of the literature club it's my duty to make the club fun and exciting for everyone i'm surprised there aren't more people in the club yet must be hard to start a new club it must be 7 30 at night huh sorry you could put it that way not many people are very interested in pulling out putting out uh all the effort that's true too brand new especially i know for a fact especially when it's something that doesn't grab your attention like literature you have to work hard to convince people that you're both fun and worthwhile but it makes cool events like the festival that much more important i'm confident that we can all really grow this club before we graduate right natsuki well i guess that's it natsuki reluctantly agrees such different girls all interested in the same goal monica must have worked really hard just to find these two yuri returns to the table carrying a tea set she carefully places a teacup in front of each of us before sitting on the teapot in the middle see isn't this pleasant this is nice i'm like totally unnerved you keep a whole tea set in this classroom don't worry the teachers gave us permission after all doesn't a hot cup of tea help you enjoy a good book i guess don't let yourself get intimidated yuri's just trying to impress you that's not insulted yuri looks away i meant that you know i believe you i believe you well tea and reading might not be a pastime for me but i at least enjoy tea i'm glad yuri faintly smiles to herself in relief i think she likes me so friend aaron what kind of things do you like to read well uh considering how little i've read in the past few years i don't really have a good way of answering that manga i mutter quietly to myself half joking natsuki's head suddenly perks up it looks like she wants to say something but she keeps quiet not much of a reader i guess well that can change what am i saying i spoke without thinking after seeing yuri's sad smile anyway what about you yuri well let's see oh you already traces the rim of her teacup with her finger just like last time my my favorites are usually novels that build deep and complex fantasy worlds the level of creativity and craftsmanship behind them is amazing to me and telling a good story in such a foreign world is equally impressive yuri goes on clearly passionate about her reading she seemed so reserved and timid since the moment i walked in but it's obvious by the way her eyes light up that she finds her comfort in the world of books not people but you know i like a lot of things stories with a deep psychological element usually immerse me as well isn't it amazing how a writer can so deliberately take advantage of your own lack of imagination to completely throw you for a loop oh damn you self-congratulatory bastard anyway i've been reading a lot of horror lately uh i read a horror book once i desperately grasped something i could relate to at the minimum level it's funny how i say har and you say horror yeah i just noticed that again at this rate yuri might as well be having a conversation with a rock i'd expect that from you yuri it suits your personality oh is that so really if a story makes me think or takes me to another world then i really can't put it down surreal horror is often very successful at changing the way you look at the world if only for a brief moment i hate her me too natsuki oh why is well i just natsuki's eyes dart over to me for a split second never mind oh my gosh that's right you usually like to write down about cute things don't you natsuki what what gives you that idea you left a piece of scrap paper behind the last club meeting it looked like you were working on a poem called don't say that give that back fine fine natsuki you wrote you write your own poems well i guess sometimes why do you care i think that's impressive why don't you share them sometime no natsuki averts her eyes you wouldn't like them ah not a very confident writer yet i understand how natsuki feels sharing that level of writing takes more than just confidence the truest form of writing is writing to oneself you must be willing to open up to your readers exposing your vulnerabilities and showing even the deepest reaches of your heart do you do you have writing experience too yuri maybe if you share some of your work you can set an example and help natsuki feel comfortable enough to share hers fred i guess it's the same for yuri we all sit in silence for a moment hey i got an idea how about this yeah fred question mark natsuki and yuri look quizzically add monica let's all go home and write a poem of our own then next time we meet we'll all share them with each other that way everyone is even um fred uh i mean i thought it was a good idea well i think you're right monica we should probably start finding activities for us all to participate in together i did decide to take on the responsibility of vice president after all it's only three people i need to do my best to nurture the club as well as its members besides now that we have a new member it seems like a good step for us to take do you agree as well friend aaron hold on there's still one problem hey what's that now that we've reached the most important topic i bluntly come forth with what's been on my mind the entire time i never said i would join this club monica may have convinced me to stop by but i never made any decision i still have other clubs to look at and um i lose my train of thought all three girls stare back at me with dejected eyes but but i'm sorry i thought uh the girls exchanged glances before monica turns back to me i guess i need to tell you the truth friend aaron the thing is we don't have enough members yet to form an official club we need four and i've been trying really really hard to find new members and if we don't find one more before the festival ah fred i'm defenseless against these girls how am i supposed to make a clear decision when it's like this i would feel terrible for letting everyone down in this situation besides the club itself seems pretty relaxed so if writing poems is the price i need to pay in order to spend every day with these beautiful girls right okay i've decided then i'll join the literature club yeah one by one the girl's eyes light up oh my goodness really do you really mean that friend aaron yeah it could be fun right you really did scare me for a moment for a moment yeah right i mean if you really just left after all this i'd be super pissed after all this it's been for eight minutes friend aaron i'm so happy we can become an official club now thank you so much for this you're really amazing i'll do everything i can to give you a great time okay uh thanks i guess okay everyone i think with that we can officially end today's meeting on a good note everyone remember tonight's assignment write a poem to bring to the next meeting so we can all share monica looks over at me once more friend aaron i look forward to seeing how you express yourself yeah can i really impress the class star monica with my mediocre writing skills i already feel the anxiety welling up inside me meanwhile the girls continue to chit chat as yuri cleans up the tea set i guess i'll be on my way then okay i'll see you tomorrow then i can't wait oh my god with that i depart the club room and make my way home my the whole way my mind wanders back and forth between the three girls natsuki yuri and of course monica will i really be happy spending every day after school in a literature club perhaps i'll have the chance to grow closer to one of these girls oh my god all right i'll just need to make the most of my circumstances and i'm sure good fortune will find me okay and i guess that starts with writing a poem tonight i have unlocked a special poem oh god oh god oh god no not this not not like this well um i think that's you so i'm not doing the voice today i cut my skin open for the first time it was exhilarating i think i understand how blank feels now i'm supposed to be the responsible one though so i don't think i'll be doing it again unless i decide to kill myself i left a memento of the occasion below oh i cannot believe this is a horror game i cannot well [ __ ] believe it i think i need a mental break yeah oh my god oh my god god damn it what's wrong so you [ __ ] know what's wrong how much did you know of this uh bits and pieces had you played this before no you so you haven't actually seen any of this i've seen some visuals and i knew like the beats oh man yeah so that's why it was like that's gonna [ __ ] happen like they're like leading up i was looking forward to it so much i thought it was gonna be like something fun and sexy at the festival like ends like a fun surprise hey no the girl i liked killed herself and now i'm in a weird [ __ ] mental time loop where crazy awful [ __ ] could happen at any second yeah it's cool yeah i love it let's go with chocolate and candy yeah and peaceful that's a good poem oh god damn you it is many weeks later yeah uh i have had time to think about and process what happened in the last doki doki session um and my full credit to dan salvato and the rest of his team for creating what i thought was a stupid [ __ ] dating simulator but in reality was a brilliant horror game it definitely affected me i thought i like like like any good horror thing it i it was like the first thing i thought of the next day and like it's genuinely creepy so my compliments go out to uh the makers of the game i have no idea where the game is going to go from here i'm sure i'm sure it's all all bets are off now all right so we were picking out uh we were picking out the poems yeah the words for the poems which i still don't fully understand how it affects the plot but it unquestionably does yeah well we'll see so let's do it poof poof that's a good one massacre she like that oh oh yeah she liked that one um kitty i'm gonna go with the death of all human puppies fluffy yes fester uh strawberry um um starscape starscape that's cute wrath that's a good one anxiety yay and ribbon yeah disaster that oh yes cute vivacious ooh yay fickle fickle uh hair [Laughter] i like hair uh love love heaven sent beautiful [Music] contamination bubbles okay summer uh and summer and clumsy clumsy yay those are some good words hi again friend aaron oh man it's like an old friend glad to see you didn't run away on us ah not don't worry this might be oh ah this might be a little strange i saw friend aaron so i thought you know right this might be a little strange for me but i at least keep my word well i'm back at the literature club i was the last to come in so everyone else is already hanging out oh god thanks for keeping your promise friend aaron i hope this isn't too overwhelming of a commitment for you making you dive head first into literature when you're not accustomed to it i do not like this already oh it's so unsettling oh come on like he deserves any slack you already had to be dragged here by monika i don't know if you plan to just come here and hang out or what but if you don't take it seriously then you won't see the end of it what does that mean huh whoa yeah nuts oh geez uh could you get out of the way please yeah natsuki cert they have the big mouth for someone who keeps a manga collection in the club room manga natsuki finds herself stuck between saying monica and manga literature swiftly defeated natsuki plops back into her scene are you his eyes different were they like red outlined like that before maybe they were and i just forgot i don't know i'm sorry friend aaron we'll make sure to put your comfort first okay yuri shoots natsuki with a disappointed glance um anyway now that you're in the club and all perhaps you might have interest in picking up a book to read sure also is the the room is still the room is tilted yeah i'm starting to be like oh you know what it's slowly zooming in too yeah yeah something something you're right oh it's [ __ ] with me it's making me a little sick here hurry well i can't really say no either way like you said i'm in this club now so it only feels right for me to do something like that if you ask wait i didn't mean it like that if you you don't really want to then forget i said anything i guess uh no it's not that you're here i mean i want to try to be a part of this club you know so even if i don't read often i'd be happy to pick up a book if you wanted me to read it maybe a little bit or are you sure i just felt like well as vice president and all that i should help you get started on something you might i'm going to throw up right now i am like hard to starboard yuri reaches into her bag and pulls out a book it's a book of satanic rituals at this point yeah i didn't want you to feel left out so i picked out a book that i thought you might enjoy it's short read so it should keep your attention even if you don't usually read and we could you know discuss it if you wanted yes i would like that this is how is this girl accidentally being so cute she even picked out a book she thinks i'll like despite me not reading much yuri thank you i'll definitely read this i'm not going to read it dead you just throw it out the window i enthusiastically take the book and immediately bury it in a box of potatoes phew potatoes you can read it at your own pace remember we have potatoes everywhere oh that's right yeah i look forward to hearing what you think now that [ __ ] thank god now that everyone's settled in i expected monica to kick off some scheduled activities for the club but that doesn't seem to be the case yuri's face is already buried in a book i can't help but notice her intense expression like she was waiting for this chance also it's glitching out a bunch meanwhile natsuki is rummaging around in the closet looking for potatoes i hear natsuki utter an exasperated sigh from within the closet she seems to be annoyed by something i approach her in case she needs a hand can i use your hand you you looking for something in there oh god is it also zooming in is it i don't think so no it's not okay [Music] whoa she never puts my stuff back in the right spot was that the first curse i think so what's the point of keeping your collection organized if someone else is just going to mess it up natsuki slides a bunch of stacked books and boxes across the show game is going off the rails real [ __ ] quick dude also maybe we should talk about that little episode that you just had manga manga you read manga right ah sometimes manga is one of those things where you can't admit you're really into it until you figure out where the other person stands oh my god she stands in front of me how did you know anyway i heard you bring it up at some point besides it's kind of written on your face [Music] where's the mirror what's that oh my god it says parfait girls right on my face what's that supposed to mean oh i see there's a low in volume of manga amidst the stacks of various books on the side of one of the shelves curious i pull it out of the stack there it is natsuki snatches it out of my hand she then turns to a box of manga and slips the volume right into the middle of the rest ah much better seeing a box that was one book missing is probably the most irritating sign in the world i know that feel also like when your friend dies so that's that's weird too right hashtag i know that feel okay i got a closer look at the box set she's admiring the potatoes it's a series i've never heard of in my life that probably means it's either way out of my demographic or it's simply terrible oh so you are caught in a time loop huh i s you are right because like i mean you were talking about parfait girls at length uh before with her was i yeah that's that's the manga you guys were reading together oh yeah oh boy if you're gonna judge you could do it through the glass on the door she points to the classroom door you can talk to the booty because the hand's off duty hey i wasn't judging anything i didn't even say anything it was a tiny advice but i'll tell you one thing consider this unless it's straightforward oh my god in fact natsuki pulls out the first volume of parfait girls from the box i'm gonna show you exactly why she shoves the book right into my hands uh i stare at the cover it features four girls at colorful attire striking animated feminine poses it's exceedingly moe i don't understand what that means moe means like really cute oh okay like overly cute got it yeah don't just stand there dance oh she pulls out a gun and starts shooting at your feet go on natsuki grabs my arm and pulls me out of the closet we're that easy yeah i'm gay she then takes the seat against the wall beneath the windowsills she pats on the ground next to her signaling me to sit there it creates a giant crevice in the ground she's much more powerful than i thought she was wouldn't chairs be more comfortable i take my seat chairs wouldn't work i just want to grab everyone by the shoulders in this game and shake him and be like sayori's dead why don't you acknowledge it what's happening nobody's acknowledging it we can't read at the same time like that why is that i guess it's easier to be close together like this did you see that you made me feel weird about it natsuki crosses her arms and scooches an inch away from me no don't scooch away sorry scooch towards i didn't exactly expect to be sitting this close to her either not that i could say it's a particularly bad thing i open the book it's only a few seconds before natsuki once again inches closer reclaiming the additional space while she hopes i won't notice i whip out my scooch and then i scooch it closer to her scoop we scooch all night [Laughter] we're scared oh god the room's turning again i can feel her appearing oh is it yeah i think so i think so i don't know now i'm all [ __ ] up no it's not no it's not oh boy this i can feel her peering over my shoulder much more eager to begin reading than i am well how long has it been since i read the beginning huh you don't go back and flip through the older volumes every now and then not really maybe sometimes after i've already finished the series is she like talking about like what's happening right now i don't [ __ ] know there's a lot of that [ __ ] actually because watching the episodes back um after knowing what happens is such a different experience than playing it blind the first time really oh they dropped tons of like little weird hints i also noticed that [ __ ] um yuri's really into knives which uh you know seemed cute and innocent kind of like a ooh the she's the goth girl and she's into knives and [ __ ] but now i'm like uh i don't know i don't know about all this hey you paid attention uh i am but nothing really nothing's really happened yet so i can't talk at the same time looks like it's about a bunch of friends in high school typical slice of life affair i think i grew out of these since it's rare for the writing to be entertaining enough to make up for the lack of plot geez just damn tear her down are you sure this isn't boring for you it's not even though you're just watching me read i'm not whoa i'm i'm i'm fine with that [Music] you say so good talk how did you get your hairband to do that in your bangs how did you do that like we've discussed this before it looks like three different sedimentary layers of a photograph that were like turned in different ways like her her hair is just a just like three different hairstyles pasted on top of each other oh i see you know what i mean i know exactly what you mean it's very weird i guess it's not it's fun sharing something you like with someone else i always get excited when i convince my friends to pick up a series i enjoy you know what i mean not like this one hmm you don't um that's not well i wouldn't really know what do you mean don't you share your mango with your friends could you not rub it in oh you don't have any mango that's a shame why don't you borrow some from all the friends you have ah sorry that like i could never get my friends to read this they just think manger is for kids i can't even bring it up without them being all like my english for kids i can't even bring it up with my friends without them being all like i don't exist you still haven't grown out of that yet makes me want to punch him in the face uh i know those kinds of people they have faces and we're real honestly it takes a lot of effort to find friends who don't judge much less friends who are also into it much less friends i better keep looking i'm already kind of a loser so i guess i gravitated towards the other losers over time like you a loser but it's probably harder for someone like you a loser yeah that's pretty accurate wait which part i mean i i feel like i can't even keep it in my own room what what my dad [Music] that monica's kind of a jerk about it oh kids just can't win can i well it paid off at the end didn't it hey can we talk about when you just freaked out for a second yeah i mean here i am reading it well it's not like that solves any of my problems maybe but at least you're enjoying yourself right oh extended fred there's regular fred dude geez that's enough are you gonna keep reading of what yeah yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] i flipped the page oh now every time it goes to [ __ ] blackness i'm like time passes natsuki is strangely quiet now i glance over at her she's glitching it looks like she started to fall asleep hey natsuki yeah suddenly natsuki collapses straight into me oh hell yeah hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay [Applause] as hot as i wanted oh geez natsuki are you okay [ __ ] christmas here monica reaches into her monika reaches into her bag and pulls out some kind of unless you're gonna rub that protein bar in her eyes i don't know what the [ __ ] it's gonna do to her she throws it in natsuki's direction natsuki's eyes suddenly light up again oh god she snatches the bar from the floor and immediately tears off the wrapper i told you not to give me you're not yourself when you're hungry she doesn't even finish her senses before stuffing it into her mouth or what you could call a mouth i guess oh god don't worry friend aaron ah she is fine yeah seems like it it just happens every now and then what was that that's why i keep a snack in my bag for her anyway god why don't we all share poems now you got it monica who do you want to read oh geez i don't know natsuki [ __ ] blacked out her face so might as well start with her okay i told natsuki i was interested in her poems yesterday it's probably only fair if i shared mine with her first dad to fred fred okay let's start with the things i don't like first of all um there's a sincere lack of black eye and mouth situation that's going on in here never mind i don't feel like giving you my opinion uh what's the point of sharing in the first place i wrote this when i could have been doing other things in fact i remember how i said i wanted to read your poems that's what i had in mind when writing this i wanted to help you feel comfortable enough to share yours stupid idiot like monica said also are you a monster like are we good all right are we going to address the whole no no no maybe i'll be more comfortable sharing my poem if yours is really bad you're supposed to show me some dumb poem and make me go ha well it's not like you're that great but let me show you what real literature looks like and you went and ruin it i hope you're happy very happy this has been a very relaxing day at school for me thank you fred so in other words you're saying you liked it irk natsuki's retort gets caught in her throat it climbs out and starts to eat her flesh oh you retort you just you don't understand anything do you i already told you that you don't have to go now take it to the world like you're all self-important pretty sure you never actually said that i say that mostly to myself natsuki must really hate me or something i can't figure out if it's a winner or lost and she likes my poem also i can't figure out if she's a monster in any case you still need to show me yours right girl find a kiss only because monica will make me if i don't [Music] oh boy eagles this [ __ ] masterpiece monkeys can't climb crickets can't leave horses can race owls can't seek cheetahs can run eagles can't fly people can't try but that's about it cool it was really good just as good as i remembered yeah told you that you weren't gonna like it no it's not that i don't like it it's just that i hate it i like it what just just be honest i am why are you so convinced that i wouldn't like it well because everyone in high school thinks that writing is to be all sophisticated and stuff so people don't even take my writing seriously but isn't the point of poems for people to express themselves your writing style wouldn't make you your message any less valid yes exactly i always thought that oh my god you're so interesting when you talk about me i like when it's easy to read but it hits you hard like in this poem seeing everyone around you do great things can be really disheartening people can do great things i so i decided to write about it people can write yeah i understand but the other nice thing about simple writing is that it puts more weight on the word play words can play like he set up for a rhyme at the end but made a full fight on purpose rhymes can't fall it helps figure out the feeling in the last slide so you did i guess more went into it than i realized that's what it means to be a pro i'm glad you learned something you can learn didn't expect that from the youngest one here did you yeah i guess not i decided to humor her with that last comment i don't really care about how old everyone is but if natsuki's feeling proud then i won't take that away from what's not to be proud of she has no eyes on her mouth who should i show my poem to next uh yuri [Music] thought i was warping again uh yuri stares at the poem a minute pass is more than enough time for her to finish reading um oh so sorry i forgot to start speaking um it's fine don't force yourself i'm not i just need to put my thoughts into words hold on okay this is your first time writing a poem right uh yeah why do you ask i'm just making sure it sucks i guess that it might be after reading through it oh so it's that bad no yes did i just raise my voice no i'm so sorry yuri brushes her face in her hands berries bury buries her face in her hands if by face you mean hair i couldn't help but notice that it's been several minutes and we really haven't gotten anywhere maybe we should get in a car it might take yuri a while to get used to new people it's fine i really didn't notice what were you saying right um it's just that there are specific writing habits they're usually typical of new writers like when it sucks and having been through that myself like when i sucked like you do now i kind of learned to pick up on them okay like you suck and that's what i'm picking up on i think the most noticeable thing i recognize in new writers is that they try to make their style very sucky and deliberate in other words they tend to pick a writing style separate from the topic matter and they form fit the two together am i talking down to you enough the end result is that both the style and the expressiveness are weakened once yuri finds your train of thought it's as if her demeanor totally changes her stammering is completely gone she sounds like an expert of course that's not something you can be blamed for everybody's terrible at everything except me and writing poetry there are two there are so many different skills and techniques that go into writing even a simple poem like what your feeble brain couldn't understand it but not just finding them and building them but getting to work together is the pro is probably the most challenging part it might take you some time but it all comes with practice and learning by example and trying new things people can try shut up and sookie i'm writing my new palm i also can yeah i also hope that everyone else in the club gives you valuable feedback natsuki can be a little bit biased though an eyeless natsuki can be biased bias how um well never mind does she have a crush on me i shouldn't be talking about people like she has a crush on me sorry it's fine i'm not sure if gary is apologizing to herself to me or to natsuki do you mind if i read your poem now please do i'd love to share my thought process behind it yuri smiles dreamily as if it's a rare opportunity for her which itself is kind of funny after all isn't this supposed to be a literature club and not a boring [ __ ] club ghost under the light the tendrils of my hair illuminate beneath the amber glow bathing it must be this one the last remaining street light to have withstood the test of time the last yet to replace by the sickening blue-green hue of the future ew i bathe calm some semi-colon breathing air of the present but living in the past the light flickers i flick her back flick her back y'all ain't no flick back girl did you like it did you think that [ __ ] was bananas i'm sorry i have such a terrible handwriting what i thought this was typed [Laughter] that semicolon it was perfect i wasn't thinking that at all but it took you a long time to read well that's because it sucks well i just didn't i don't just don't read script very often i actually think your handwriting is pretty actually that's a relief also i like the poem even though it's short it was really descriptive and not boring it wasn't too short no like your dick i usually write longer poems not at all i'm really glad you like it i'll be honest since it is our first time sharing i wanted to write something a little more mild something easy to digest i suppose you want to digest my wiener oh my god are you into ghosts yuri whoo-hoo actually sorry isn't about a ghost at all friend aaron oh no really i must have totally missed the point [ __ ] yeah you did well i suppose you did only glance over it afterwards [ __ ] you you said ghost in the [ __ ] poem but remember that poets often express their own thoughts feelings and experiences in their work they usually do more than tell a simple story or paint a picture in this case perhaps the subject of my poem is only being symbolically compared to a ghost in fact that's definitely the case because i just [ __ ] told you lingering in her last remaining place of comfort unable to let go of the past and soon to be left with nothing that's a lot more solemn putting it that way i'm like hot topic the person i hadn't even thought of that that's impressive it's nothing really oh is it nothing well it makes me happy that you think that ah [ __ ] [Music] just remember that it won't be long before you pick up on these things too yeah maybe right as time unfolds and you grow gradually less stupid i guess i'll have to keep trying people can try i'm counting i'm counting on you why does everyone do that now no i'm talking like that people can count on you oh it's monica here we go oh all right i guess so hi friend aaron having a good time so far uh yeah good glad to hear it by the way since you're new and everything if you ever have any suggestions for the club like new activities or things we can do better i'm always listening don't be afraid to bring things up okay all right i'll keep that in mind maybe uh to start with you you tell me what the [ __ ] is going on i'm sorry about that i'm starting to think like we should start taking everything sort of more literally yes like when she said i'm always listening i'm i'm thinking maybe she is always she's always listening oh yeah i mean i wouldn't i think all bets are off at this point all right all right keep that in mind of course i'll be afraid to bring these up how much better of just going with the flow until i'm more settled in any way i want to want to share your poem with me it's kind of embarrassing but i guess i have to ah don't worry friend aaron we are all a little embarrassed today you know but it's that sort of barrier that we'll all learn to get past soon yeah that's true a hand monika my poem i like it friend eran as much as a robot can like anything i mean person really it's a lot cuter than i expected oh geez nope nope it kind of makes me think of something natsu keyword right and she's a good writer too people can talk so take that as a compliment if you say so yup if you're interested in natsuki then always keep a snack on you she'll cling to you like a pupper natsuki's dad doesn't give her lunch money or leave her any food in the house so she's in a fussy mood pretty often but sometimes she just loses all of her strength and shuts down like earlier this is just a guess but i think she's so small because her malnutrition is interfering with her adolescent growth what the [ __ ] i don't i don't know that she said that last time yeah that i do not recall that but hey some guys are into petite girls you know definitely did not say this sorry just trying to look at the bright side anyway do you want to read my poem now yes i do gradually getting [ __ ] weirder girl don't worry i'm not very good you sound pretty confident to someone who claims to not be very good well that's because i have to sound confident in order to blend in that doesn't mean i always feel that way you know i see well let's read it then hole in wall but but okay i thought the capital letters were like spelling something well i saw i saw like boat and i was like whoa what um holy wall but he wasn't looking at me confused i frantically glance at my surroundings but my burned eyes can no longer see color are there others in the room are they talking or are they simply poems on flat sheets of paper the sound of frantic scrolling playing tricks on my ears the mute the room begins to crinkle closing in on me the air i breathe dissipates before it reaches my lungs i panic there must be a way out it's right there he's right there swallowing my fears i brandish my pen that wasn't the one last time [Music] also yes yeah he i'm there's got to be some code in here i'm feeling like there's some code or something in here but confused but are over the me surroundings colored that no are are there others in this room are they talking or are they simply poems on flat sheets of paper oh man oh man this is getting weird all right well let's sweet so what do you think i love it funny huh funny funny stuff it's very free-form if that's what you call it sorry i'm not really the right person to ask for feedback yeah there's literally nowhere i want to be less than right here right now in front of you i'm so scared yeah that kind of style has gotten me pretty popular nowadays that is a lot of poems have been putting emphasis on the timing between words and lines when performed out loud it can be really powerful what was the inspiration behind this one ah well i'm not sure i know how to put it i guess you could say that i had some kind of epiphany recently it's been influencing my poems a lot an epiphany yeah something like that i'm kind of nervous to talk about deep stuff like that because it's kind of coming on strongly no please tell me maybe after everyone is better friends with each other anyway here's monica's writing tip of the day sometimes when you're writing a poem or a story your brain gets too fixated on a specific point because sayori is dead if you try so hard to make it perfect shutting down sayori is not a law if you try so hard to make it perfect then you will never make any progress just force yourself to get something down on paper and tidy it up later another way to think about it is this if you keep your pen in the same spot for too long you'll just get a big dark puddle of ink so just move your hand and go with the flow that's my advice for today thanks for listening no thank you phew oh boy i'm scared of [ __ ] i glance around the room that was a little more stressful than i anticipated it's as if everyone is judging me for my mediocre riding abilities and also trying to scare me at any moment even if they're just being nice there's no way my poems can stand up to theirs this is a literature club after all i sigh i can sigh i guess that's what i ended up getting myself into across the room monica is writing something in her notebook my eyes land on yuri and natsuki frantically crawling out of a pile of potatoes they gingerly exchange sheets of paper sharing their respective poems as they read in tandem i watch each of their expressions change natsuki's eyebrows furrow in frustration is that all that imagine imagine it meanwhile yuri smiles sadly what's with this lady oh sorry um did you say something ah it's nothing natsuki dismissively returns the poem to the desk with one hand i guess you could say it's fancy oh thanks yours is cute cute did you complain if it's a symbolism and something people can't miss it's certainly about the feeling of giving up how could that be cute uh i know that i just meant the language i guess i was trying to say something nice you mean you have to trust that i had to cover something nice to say yeah thanks but it really didn't come out and i said oh no i agree it sucks um well i do have a couple of suggestions one stop being a [ __ ] all the time yeah if i was looking for suggestions i would have had someone who actually liked it which people did by the way everybody liked it there's so many people in this club monica liked it and friend aaron did too so based on that i would glad to give some suggestions of my own first of all excuse me i appreciate the offer but i've spent a long time establishing my writing style i don't expect it to change anytime soon unless of course i come across something particularly inspiring or you cease to have eyes and a mouth for whatever reason which i haven't yet [Music] and friend aaron liked my poem too you know he even told me he was impressed by it natsuki suddenly stands up oh i didn't realize he was so invested in trying to appreciate that's not what i you you're just yeah you already stands up as well you're just jealous that friend aaron appreciates my advice more than he appreciated yours huh and how do you know i didn't appreciate my advice more are you that full of yourself uh no if i was full of myself there'd be a tiny little meez crawling around inside me yeah i would deliberately go out of my way to make everything i do overly cutesy like like a dumb [ __ ] name well you know what i wasn't the one whose boobs magically grew size bigger as soon as further hearts started showing up natsuki um natsuki that's a little taking out your own insecurities on others like that and they're tissue paper boobs you really act as young as you look natsuki whoa whoa you wanna be edgy [ __ ] oh my god edgy oh god this music is getting weird so i know my lifestyle is too much for someone of your mental age to comprehend see just saying that proves my point oh my god most people learn to get over themselves after they graduate middle school you know oh god i'm freaked out if you want to prove anything then stop harassing others with your sickening attitude you think you can counterbalance your toxic personality just like dressing and acting cute oh [ __ ] the only cute thing about you is how hard you try whoa be careful you might cut yourself a minute jury oh my bad you already do don't you did you just accuse me of cutting myself what the [ __ ] is wrong with your head yeah go on oh boy let freddie aaron hear everything you really think i'm sure he'll head over heels and he'll be out over here after this uh uh suddenly erie turns towards me as if she noticed i was standing here what's with all the fuzz friend erin she she's just trying to make me look bad that's not true she started it fred how long [Applause] [ __ ] [ __ ] cave um um hey friend aaron why don't we step outside for a little bit okay yeah why don't we monica sorry about that they really shouldn't have tried to get you involved it's probably better for us to stay out of this well we'll go back inside once they're done yelling ah some president i am right i can't even confront my own club members properly i just wish i was able to be a little more assertive sometimes but i never have it in me to put my foot down against others i i think i think there's more truth to the fact that we gave her a robot voice then yeah i'm get like i'm starting to get the sense that like she's like controlling everything or something's not right with her because i i i think she's like every time the game like [ __ ] up she like just kind of butts in yeah and she's like oh look over here yeah there's no big deal yeah oh boy oh boy you understand right anyway if this makes you want to spend less time with the others then that's fine i'd be happy to spend time with you instead oh good suddenly natsuki runs out of the classroom fred she quickly runs away oh dear well it looks like they're done i didn't mean it i didn't mean it i didn't mean it yuri is rocking back and forth on her desk with her palms on her forehead yuri i didn't mean it i i believe you i have no idea what yuri might have said to nizuki or did friend aaron please don't hate me please i'm not like this there's something wrong with me today it's fine yuri we know you didn't mean besides i'm sure natsuki will forget all about it by tomorrow completely fred anyway the meeting is over so you can go home now if you want what the [ __ ] does completely mean yeah yuri looks at me like she wants to say something but she keeps glancing at monica you can go first monica i'd like to stay a little bit longer i am the president so i should be the last one out i'll wait for you to be done fred well i'm vice president so please let me take that responsibility today yeah that kind of sounds like you don't want me around for something yuri it's not that it's not that i just i didn't get much of a chance to discuss my book with friend aaron it would just be embarrassing with you listening it's a porno book sigh i guess i don't really have a choice to worry i'm sorry for causing trouble but i really appreciate you [ __ ] god damn it doki doki oh my god vivid happiness wonderful dazzle marshmallow marshmallow ribbon ribbon lucky lucky disoriented yeah kitty kitty suicide suicide oh why was yuri destiny destiny uh melancholy melancholy agonizing agonizing death death oh boy lust lust parfait oh boy another day passes and it's time for the club meeting already jeez i've gotten a little more comfortable here over so what the [ __ ] happened right yuri wanted to stay and talk to us and then she just glitched sure oh boy monica didn't want us to spend time with you yeah it did seem that way didn't it yeah oh boy i've gotten a little more comfortable over here the past couple days okay i haven't that makes [ __ ] one of us entering the club broom the usual scene greets you i don't know what the usual scene is the usual scene these jokes the usual scene oh boy i didn't like this at all there you go welcome back friend aaron uh hi boo yuri i'm not sure if it's me or if it's yuri's expression but the weight of yesterday's quarrel still hangs in the air a little um yuri glances over her shoulder looking around the room natsuki is reading manga at a desk and surprisingly monica isn't here yet suddenly yuri takes my arm and pulls me to the corner of the room about yesterday i i really need to apologize nothing like that has ever happened before i've never glitched out and something just came over me i guess i wasn't acting mentally sound oh are you not please don't think we're usually like this not just me but netsuke as well yuri i'm happy that you were considerate and apologized you don't have to worry too much even though i've only been here a couple days i could tell something was off yesterday maybe it was the way that natsuki's eyes melted off i don't know off the top of my head that was weird also remember when you were just your boob a second ago maybe we were just a little extra sensitive because it was our first time sharing poems maybe it's because this whole world is cracking apart i don't know but whatever it was it didn't make me think any less of you oh boy i had already decided that there's no way you could be a bad person and now that you're apologizing i know you really didn't mean it oh friend aaron don't say those kinds of things so frankly they make me a little too happy i'm really glad that you're such an understanding person and i'm really glad that you joined this club everything is a little bit brighter with you around and uh the brightness turn it down sorry what am i saying right now i just i meant the tint the tint is high hey have you guys seen monica uh no no i haven't i was also kind of wondering where she was man yuri i'm guessing you haven't either fred gary is clearly taken aback by how calmly natsuki is addressing her no i haven't jeez this doesn't like her at all i know it's stupid but i can't help but worry a little bit fraud what why are you looking at me like that um natsuki about yesterday i just wanted to apologize i promise i didn't mean any of the things i said i really don't like apples and i'll do my best to stay under control from now on [Music] what the heck are you talking about super frenzies did you do something yesterday uh jeez whatever's on your mind i'm sure it was nothing i don't even remember anything bad happening you're the kind of person who worries too much about the little things aren't you i'll accept your apology anyway if it keeps if it helps you feel better about it besides it's kind of nice to hear since i was always afraid you secretly hated me or something like that no not at all i don't hate you in fact i find you a very relaxing presence well you're kind of weird but i don't hate you either fred natsuki turns to me their head slowly rotating yeah right 360 degrees you're still in trial though hey you're still in trial suddenly the door swings open sorry i'm super sorry ah there you are i didn't mean to be late i hope you guys weren't worried or anything nah well natsuki was uh i was not what took you so long anyway uh well my last period today was study hall to be honest i kind of just lost track of time that makes no sense though your internal computer processors should have known exactly what time it was that monica's like what you would have heard the bell ring at least i must not have heard it since i was practicing piano piano i wasn't aware you played music as well monica it's pronounced piano yeah ah don't give me much don't give me more credit than i deserve i guess i've been practicing for a while but i'm still not really good at hurrying still that must require a lot of dedication so i'm still impressed not well thanks yuri when [ __ ] gets too normal in this game now i'm extremely [ __ ] unsettled like what is coming looks like monica's like trying to leave a frame [Music] yeah allow me to tickle your boob with my hand you should play something for some time ah that's monica looks at me well i am working on writing a song but it's not quite done yet maybe once i get a little better i will that sounds cool i look forward to it is that so in that case i won't let you down friend error i didn't whoa monica deletes them right jesus ah i didn't mean any pressure or anything like that ah don't worry i was hoping that i could share it with you any worry i guess that's why i've been practicing so much recently i see i'm not sure if monica was referring to the whole club or just me they are not here anymore anyway in that case best of luck thanks so i didn't miss anything did our [ __ ] no not not really i i mean sorry i choose not to bring up anything that the three of us talked about besides natsuki has already run off into the closet friend aaron um since your compliments put me in a good mood i was wondering if you'd like to spend some time together today i mean in the club i suppose so i don't think i could say no to you after that book you gave to me hey well i guess i need to make sure natsuki isn't waiting for me after we finished reading yesterday she she's fine she's reading over there see don't think about her so much she's used to being ignored come on we're going over there well what oh okay what's the story about anyway well um i look at the cover of the book and wonder what natsuki is doing over there the book is titled portrait of markov there's an ominous looking eye symbol on the front cover basically it's about this religious camp that was turned into a human experiment prison oh that's relaxing yeah some nice light fair and p and the people trapped there have this trait that turns them into killing machines that lust for blood very similar to clifford the big reds dog's lust for blood i scooch one inch closer to her but the facility gets even worse and they start selectively breeding people by cutting off their limbs and fixing them to oh that might be a little bit of a spoiler i lightly bump my arm against hers in a romantic manner but anyway i'm really into it the book i mean not the thing about the limbs oh that's kind of uh that's kind of dark isn't it yuri made it sound like it was going to be a nice story so that dark turn came out of nowhere ah are you not a fan of that sort of thing for a dad no it's not that it's just oh you're very attractive i mean i can definitely enjoy those kinds of stories so don't worry can you do the thing when it's just your boob again i hope so yeah i totally forgot that yuri is into those things she's so shocked she's sucked on your bloody finger dude oh yeah well i don't remember that she's so shy and reclusive on the outside but her mind is milky and new daddy on the inside she's like a reese's fast break ah it's just like this kind of store this kind of story did you say that because i i bought one and it's over in the kitchen no i just think of it because it has nougat it has like a good combination of nougat i thought i thought the fast break would have a crunch in it but it didn't no it's delicious it's like a three musketeers with like peanut butter it was like too much for me really yeah i took a bite out of it and i was like this isn't what i wanted i wanted something light and wafery oh that it is not it is not light it's like a [ __ ] meal yeah that that [ __ ] like weighs a thousand pounds it's the kind the anyway uh sorry to go on about fast breaking that check on the challenges you to look at life from a strange new perspective when horrible things happen not just because someone wants to be evil but because the world is full of horrible people and we're all worthless anyway then suddenly i'm rambling aren't i not again i'm sorry hey don't apologize i haven't lost interest or anything well i guess it's all right then it's just that i coated the peanut buttery nougat of my point with the chocolate of uh a rambling sentence but i feel like i shouldn't let you know that i have this problem but i feel like i should let when i let things like books and writing fill my thoughts my whole body gets a whoa i kind of forget to pay attention to other people what did it say i don't know why he gets to something it seemed like a garble of letters so i'm sorry if i end up saying something strange and please stop me if i start talking too much that's uh i really don't think you need to worry you talk plenty that just means you're passionate about reading the least i can do is listen it's a literature club after all not a listening club that's well that's true in fact i might as well get started reading it right so i guess oh god oh yes yes so i can stop talking to you i mean you don't have to but what are you saying fred let me just get the book i quickly retrieved the book that i put into my bag all right it's fine if i sit here right i slip into the seat next to yuri's oh yeah are you sure you seem a little apprehensive don't i look [ __ ] no well i'm sorry oh it it changed her but she had the most apprehensive look a human being could possibly have on their face it's not that i don't want you to it's just something i'm not very used to that is reading in company with someone i see well just let just tell me if i end up distracting you or anything all right i open the book and start the prologue i soon i soon understand what yuri means about reading and company it's as if i could feel her presence over my shoulders as i read presents what did you get me it's not a particularly bad thing maybe a little distracting but the feeling is somewhat comforting yuri is in the corner of my eye her knife is in the corner of my back yeeks i realize that she's not actually looking at her own book i glance over it looks like she's reading from my book instead so sorry i was just bathing in the feeling of your body yuri you really apologize a lot don't you i i do i don't really mean to you sorry i mean [Music] yeah this should work right i slap my desk until it's up against juries then hold my book more between the two of them suppose so now i'm trapped yuri timidly closes her own copy once we each lean in a little bit our shoulders are almost touching it feels like my left arm is in the way so instead i use my right hand to hold the book open uh i guess that makes it kind of difficult to turn the page here [Music] yuri takes her left oh yuri takes her left arm and holds the left side of the book between her thumb and forefinger i do the same with my right arm on the right side of the book that way i turn a page and yuri slides it under her thumb after it flips to herself i don't like being this close to anyone in this game anymore but in holding it like this we're huddled even closer together than before it's actually kind of distracting me it's as if i could feel the warmth of your face it's just are you ready are you ready to turn the page oh sorry i think i got a bit distracted for a second i glanced over at yuri's face again our eyes meet i don't know how i'll be able to keep up with her uh that's okay you're not as used to reading right i don't mind being patient if it takes you a bit longer butterfly in the sky i can fly twice as high it's probably the least i can do since you've been so patient with me yeah thanks we continue reading yuri no longer asks me if i'm ready to turn the page instead i just assume that she finishes the page before me so i turn it by my own volition it's a normal sentence we continue the first chapter in silence then we do the second chapter screaming [Laughter] even so turning each page almost feels like an intimate exchange my thumb gently letting go of the page letting it flutter over to her side as she catches it under her own thumb hey yuri this is a little complicated yeah right the main character kind of reminds me of you a little bit [Music] oh i don't remember that that expression on her face no no i don't relate to this character at all definitely not really i was just thinking the way she second guesses things she says and all that that's what you were talking about sorry not the murder part oh boy i thought you meant something else about her something else never mind we didn't even get that far yet yeah the whole dismembering bodies part oh right so i don't know why that came into my head yuri are you feeling all right uh yours been a little fidgety ever since we started reading maybe it's because you can't resist the earth to slice off my hands okay you can rest if you're feeling sick or something your breathing is a little awesome oh my breathing i'm breathing oh yuri puts her hand on her chest as if to feel her heartbeat or her tit uh i didn't even notice anyway i'm fine oh boy that is a weird face yeah it somehow makes her whole like head look out of proportion doesn't it uh what her eye being like that her her eye and her mouth just that expression somehow like weirdly changes the whole like shape of her head to me i just need some water all right don't push yourself and just [ __ ] reading yeah yuri stands up and practically rushes out of the classroom what on earth was that about friend iran did you talk to her about murdering people i haven't i have no idea yuri was acting a little strange i guess so you don't know any thurg sorry i can't say i do what are you worried about her oh no no i'm not worried i was just making sure that you didn't do anything to her what the [ __ ] nothing ah don't worry i believe you silly oh boy jerry just does this sometimes so it's nothing alarming then why the [ __ ] would you accuse me all right if you say so i gotta get the [ __ ] out of here yeah really this literature club might be turning out to be more trouble than it's worth anyway why don't we start with sharing our poems with each other uh shouldn't we wait for yuri well she might be a while so i figured we'd get started without her is that okay yeah i was just asking i stand up i make a mental note of where i left off in the book then slip it back into my bag it rustles the potatoes around really really knocks potatoes to and fro uh let's we always start with we always say monica for last so let's do her first monica yeah okay hi friend erin hello how's the writing going all right i guess i'll take that as long as it's not going bad i'm happy that you're applying yourself maybe soon you'll come up with a masterpiece ahaha i wouldn't count on that you never know want to share what you wrote for today sure here you go i give my poem to monica all right great job friend aaron it's been one second i was going ooh in my head while reading it it's really metaphorical i'm not sure why but i didn't expect you to go for something so deep i've already scanned it in triplicate i've already uploaded it to the dark web i guess i underestimated you it's easiest for me to keep everyone's expectations low that way it always counts when i put in some effort good [ __ ] plan dude that's not very fair well i guess it worked anyway expect the worst and you won't be disappointed you know you know that yuri likes this kind of writing right writing that's full of imagery and similar zoom sometimes i feel like yuri's mind is just detached totally detached from reality i don't mean that like it's a bad thing though do but sometimes i get the impression that she's totally just given up on people she spends so much time in her own head that is probably a much more interesting place for her that's why she gets so happy when you treat her with a lot of kindness i don't think she's used to being indulged like that she must really be starved for social interaction so don't blame her for coming on a little strangely strongly also she murders people like earlier i think if she gets too stimulated she ends up withdrawing and looking for alone time suddenly the door opens you're eight i'm back and huge did i miss any yeah i'm big did i miss anything not really well we all started sharing our poems with each other what already i'm sorry for being late no need to apologize we still have plenty of time so i'm more glad that you took all the time you needed all right thanks monica i suppose i should go get my poem now yeah you go do that but anyway you want to read my poem narrow i like the way this one turned out so i hope you do too whoa oh this is definitely different save me the colors they won't bright boot beat endless cacophony of meaningless noise the noise it won't stop violent creatures squeaking or piercing cosine sine tangent like playing a chalkboard on a turntable like playing a knife on a breathing rib cage endless keep scrolling down oh delete her um [Laughter] um oh okay you like that yeah really good really good monica i love it like you just kind of side saddle out of the room oh save me delete her oh that is very robotic isn't it [Music] save me delete her the colors they want bright beautiful colors flashings but red green blue red green blue like on a tv like on a tv yeah huh the noise it won't stop oh boy okay well then sorry i know it's kind of abstract i hope to god it's abstract i'm just trying to um well never mind there's no point in explaining anyway here's monica's writing tip of the drugs oh god sometimes you'll find yourself facing a difficult decision when that happens don't forget to save your game you never know when um who am i talking to can you hear me tell me you can hear me what the [ __ ] anything um yeah that's my advice um thanks for listening [Music] uh save and go ahead and see was she just talking to us yes oh boy oh boy i like this so much who should i show my poem too let's do yuri cause she's doing well [Laughter] i've been waiting for this let's see what you've written for today fred yuri uh yuri smiles it takes a deep breath i just like holding it uh i mean my breath the poem turned out good uh it's uh well there are some things that you could work on but that doesn't really matter i wrote all the words you like it feels like anything written by you as a treasure that came out a little awkward let's move on here's the poem i wrote you don't have to like it or anything delete me whoa oh boy okay wheel a rotating wheel turning an axle grinding bolt head linear gearbox falling sky seven holy stakes a dock ship a portal to another world a thin rope tied to a thick rope a torn harness parabolic gearbox expanding universe time controlled by slipping cogwheels existence of god swimming with open open water in all directions drowning a prayer written in blood a prayer written in time devouring snakes with human eyes holy [ __ ] a thread connecting all living human eyes what the [ __ ] a kaleidoscope of holy stakes exponential gearbox a sky of exploding stars god disproving the existence of god i saw a wheel rotating in six dimensions 40 gears and a ticking clock a clock that ticks one second for every rotation of the planet a clock that ticks 40 times every time it ticks a second time what every second to that doesn't make sense a boldhead of holy stakes tied to the existence of a docked ship to another world a kaleidoscope of blood written in clocks a time devouring prayer connecting a sky of 40 years and open human eyes in all directions breathing gearbox breathing bolt head breathing ship breathing portal breathing snakes breathing god breathing blood breathing holy states oh my god breathing human eyes breathing time breathing prayer breathing sky breathing wheel i love it it's very relaxing short and sweet isn't it doesn't really matter what it's about oh yeah doesn't it my mind has been a little hyperactive lately so i had to take it out on your pen yes ah that's a pen fell out of your backpack yesterday so i took it home for safekeeping and i um oh i think she's starting to get obsessed i just i really like the way that it writes so i wrote this poem with it and now you're touching it i'm okay what did i just fred oh god can we pretend this conversation never happened i would love to yuri you can keep the poem though oh boy who should i show my poem to next how about natsuki because jesus [ __ ] christ [Laughter] well it's not terrible but it's pretty disappointing after your last one then again if this one was good as your last one i'd be completely pissed well i guess i wanted to try something a little different this time fair enough you're still new to this so i wouldn't expect you to find your style right away i mean everyone in the club writes really differently from each other maybe you'll find a little influence from all of us for instance i noticed that you were spending some time with yuri today oh boy not that i care who you spend your time with after all i was i was taught never to expect anything from anybody so it's not like i was waiting for you or anything still you should at least look over my poem you'll probably be able to learn something from it oh i love it i love the [ __ ] xylophones oh yeah [Music] the music's completely [ __ ] up oh my god oh no oh boy well it's beautiful i never thought i'd yearn for the days of eagles can fly but here we are whoa why didn't you come to read with me today i was waiting for you i was waiting for a long time it was the only thing i had to look forward to today why did you ruin it do you like yuri more i think you're better off not associating with her are you listening to me yuri is a sick freak boy that should be obvious by now so just play with me instead okay you don't hate me fred aaron do you do you hate me do you want me wait let me hear the music oh boy oh this is upsetting that's delightful [Laughter] it's her theme music yeah i really like it do you want to make me go home crying the club is the only place i feel safe i don't don't ruin that for me don't ruin it please just stop talking to yuri play with me instead it's all i have play with me play with me oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] you've unlocked a special poem thank you are you sure yeah all right i guess oh boy i hate this game it's monica um really good poem good poem hey monika okay everyone we're all done reading each other's poems right we have something we need to go over today so if everyone could come sit at the front of the room oh hey natsuki good to [ __ ] see you it's been so long what the hell is happening well sort of yeah do we really have to go do something for the festival it's not like we could put together anything good in just a few days we'll just end up embarrassing ourselves instead of getting any new members that's your desired line dan yeah i just need a [ __ ] minute all right no just give me a second here yeah it's fine oh that's a concern of mine as well i don't really do well with last minute preparation well i don't do well with people breaking their own necks and [ __ ] running at me don't worry so much okay we're going to keep it simple okay look i know everyone's been a little more lively ever since friend aaron joined and we've started too with some club activities but this isn't the time for us to become complacent we still only have four members four four members what the [ __ ] oh yeah that's right and the festival is our only real chance to find more you know what's so great about getting new members anyway we already have enough to be considered an official club murmurs or just means everything gets noisier and more difficult to manage and more girls will want to hit on friend aaron natsuki i don't think you're looking at it the right way at all don't you want to share your passion with as many people as you can to inspire them to find the same feelings that brought you here in the first place the literature club should be a place where people can express themselves like they can't do anywhere else it should be a place so intimate that you never want to leave oh boy you know i know you feel that way too i know we all do so that's why we should work hard and put something together for the festival even if it's something small this game feels like a relationship where like you know the girl is crazy now and you're just trying to figure out a way out of it but like you're not you haven't you're not old enough to be like to have the maturity to be like i just don't want to see you anymore like you you still think like there needs to be like a graceful way out of things so you're just sitting there at dinner and she's just getting crazier and crazier and you're just like yeah how's your dinner you know like and that's how i feel that's how i feel i feel i feel like my girlfriend just freaked out at me and totally revealed that she's crazy and now we have to finish dinner that's a big plate of spaghetti right friend aaron ah oh come on you can't take advantage of friend aaron to agree with you just because he doesn't know how to say no to anything look monica do you really think anybody's here join the club with other people in mind yuri never even talked until friend aaron joined as for me i just like get better here than i do at home and friend aaron isn't even passionate about literature in the first place and that's everyone oh sorry but you're really the only one who's interested in finding new members actually i think i did like it when you were breaking your own neck more the messages are fine like this i know you're president and all but you should really consider our opinions for once monica is clearly taken aback by natsuki's words that's not true at all she will pay dearly for that yeah she's she stares daggers at natsuki uh i'm sure yuri and friend aaron want to get more members too right fred fred i don't know about yuri but i'm kind of indifferent if i showed up if i showed as much enthusiasm as monica wanted then i would probably be lying still if it's up to me to rescue this situation um no natsuki's right isn't she this club it's nothing more than a place for a few people to hang out why did i think that everyone here saw it at the same weight as i did but that doesn't mean that we're against getting new members or anything friend aaron why did you even join this club oh boy what were you hoping to get out of it well that's not really something i can be honest about is it in fact if i remember you weren't even given a choice not to join monica sits down and stares at her desk what what is the point of all this anyway what if starting this club was a mystery fred no you've done it natsuki what me i just sparked my mind and also my eyes went black and my mouth went black and my neck cracked is it a crab to be honest it's not about being honest it's about word choice like honesty besides you have no right to speak for everyone else in the club like that people can't speak you don't understand at all i just i just want a place that feels nice to hang out with a few friends is there a problem with the club being that for me there aren't there aren't many other places like that for me and now monica wants to take it away from me she's not taking anything away no friend erin it's not the same it won't be the same with the direction she wants to take it if i wanted that then i could have destroyed any other stupid club but this one i mean could you please not move your neck so quickly like that i'm still i'm still torn up about that last time kind of recovering uh it lasted a little bit of time things were nice natsuki starts packing up her things potatoes fall out in droves i don't even care that i'm losing potatoes by the second i feel like i shouldn't belong here right now natsuki you don't natsuki ignores yuri and walks right out of the classroom fred this is bad i don't know what to do well do you have an opinion on the festival uh i don't know people seem to die before the festival starts i kind of a different i guess ah who cares about that obnoxious brat i mean i like how nice and quiet the club is now it's kind of i don't know about the quiet or nice part i'm just happy with you here but still i'm the vice president it's not right for me to ignore my responsibilities like that oh nobody would cry if she killed herself um oh boy oh boy i should do my best to consider everyone's perspective or make the decision that's best for the club but what about you friend aaron what do you want to get out of this club yuri repeats the same question as monica i decide giving an indirect answer is better than nothing i think the most important thing is for everyone to get along and for the club to provide something that you can't get anywhere else oh boy i don't think it's about how many members but rather the quality of each member that's what will end up making the literature club a special place i see i really agree with you each member contributes their own qualities in a special way with each change in members the identity of the club as a whole will change too i don't think that's necessarily a bad thing stepping out of your comfort zone once in a while so if you would like to help monica with the festival then i'm on your side as well all right cool what the [ __ ] are you talking about maybe we can all talk to natsuki tomorrow why not hey yuri uh um i know things were a little awkward yesterday but i feel like you deserve to know that i still think you're a wonderful vice president and also a wonderful fern monica i want to do everything i can to make this the best club ever okay me too yeah let's all go home for today we'll talk about the festival tomorrow okay i look forward to it shall we go friend aaron oh um oh please don't take this wrong way but i'm going to chat a little bit with friend aaron before we leave just to see what he thinks of his time here and all that it's important to me as president fred yuri looks a little troubled but she doesn't protest okay i trust your judgment monica especially since you turned me into a [ __ ] rainbowy crazy ass a glitch yesterday in that case i'll see the two of you tomorrow see you tomorrow monica waves as yuri eggs at the classroom you think they've been a little hectic lately they haven't a friend aaron i just wanted to make sure you're enjoying your time at this yeah why wouldn't i it's been [ __ ] great i would really hate to see you unhappy i feel i kind of feel like i'm responsible for that that's brilliant when the background goes to snow and i really do care about you you know cool i don't like seeing the other girls give you a hard job okay with how mean natsuki is and everything and yuri being a little bit you know sometimes it feels like you and i are the only real people here oh boy you know what i mean not really but it's weird because in all the time you've been here we've hardly gotten to spend any time together i i mean i guess it's technically only been a couple days cycles sorry i didn't mean to say something weird there are just some things i've been hoping to talk about with you things i know only you could understand so that's why wait not yet no stop it oh boy oh boy that's [ __ ] uh marshmallow marshmallow shiny shiny it's silly 111 [Music] oh god oh boy tragedy essence essence oh boy that's a lot of ones pink pink marriage [Music] [Music] oh boy how about daredevil oh i didn't like that no you didn't like that uh how about uh oh oh boy melody [Music] yeah that's how you're feeling giggle what the [ __ ] was that uh i don't know tina's delicious kitty kitty vanilla oh that's fun that's fun everyone's having fun was that sayori i don't know oh yeah it was because it had the bow oh boy hi friend aaron i've been waiting for you are you ready to continue reading i brought my best tea today monika i told you not to uh it's really lit again inconsiderate as usual natsuki excuse me must you always interrupt my conversations with your incessant yelling what are you talking about you say that like i do it on a regular basis or something i just wasn't paying attention okay i'm sorry seriously what's going in here lately look i did some thinking about yesterday i was a little more hostile than i meant to be i guess i really felt threatened or something but i know this is something we're doing together another new member wouldn't hurt as long as they're cool and i guess another girl would be nuts this time so natsuki nobody cares why don't you go look for some coins in the vending machine or something oh man i'm the last one here again were you practicing pioneer again no it's piano oh let me brush your tit a little bit you must have a lot of determination starting this club and still trying to make time for piano well maybe not determine your ocean but i guess passion it motivates me to work hard for the festival too anyway friend aaron what do you what what do you want to do today i was thinking we could we already have plans today oh god is that so yuri oh god that's correct friend aaron has already engaged in a novel that we're reading together and we're engaged or aren't you glad i've already gotten him into literature monica i i suppose i was just actually it doesn't matter it really doesn't you guys can do whatever you want yes um thank you for understanding monica oh boy yuri is really into us this isn't gonna go well actually i have a request do you mind if i make some tea first not at all thanks very much if there's one thing i can make my reading time here any better it's a nice cup of tea not to mention for yourself as well it's super not poisoned yuri stands up and makes her way to the closet i follow and watch as she retrieves a small water pitcher from the shelf the kind with the filter inside the bottle has a skull and crossbones on it can you hold this for a second sure can you whiff it for a second yuri hands me the water pitcher and also fetches an electric kettle i'm gonna plug this in at the teacher's desk and then i'll go get some water and then you can plug into me she walks past me and sets the kettle down on the teacher's desk i simply watch her movements to my surprise the way she moves really contrasts her speaking mannerisms especially because of her long legs yuri appears elegant and methodical okay may i have the water pitcher thanks i'll be right back i might as well walk with you that's okay you stay here it won't take long picture in hand yuri hurries out of the classroom ah did yuri leave you again no it's not like that this time she's just filling up the water pitcher to make tea oh okay sorry for misunderstanding that was weird super weird ten ten minutes pass yuri said it wouldn't take long is something holding her up oh god no like a rope nice aaron i'm bored just waiting here so i decided to go look for her oh boy let's see the most logical place for yuri to be would be the nearest water fountain i start heading down the hallway like what's that noise it's coming from around the corner it sounds like breathing a sharp inhale like someone is sucking the air through her teeth are they in pain i reach the corner and peer around it oh dear god yuri oh thanks for waiting patiently oh she's a cutter oh boy that poor girl friend aaron do you like oolong tea uh yeah can we uh oh my god anything's fine very well yuri sets the temperature on the kettle to 200 degrees oh jesus christ now it's time to get the teapot you really do this properly don't you hey i have an idea let's talk about what the [ __ ] just happened of course i shouldn't do any less when i'm making tea for others even if i'm not an expert on tea or anything [Music] in that case you'll only be even more impressed ah perhaps i will yuri fetches the teapot and begins measuring the tea leaves to my surprise she even starts humming a little to herself you must be in a good mood now is that so i was letting it show and you noticed oh i thought you're going to rhyme that last line too bitty boppity bow i was doing a bit of thinking and i decided that i would try expressing myself a little bit more it turns out it's not very hard for me to do when it's you who's around anyway that's great just don't push yourself too much you're always worrying about me friend aaron it's very endearing no i'm not that's yuri wasn't kidding i don't even know if i can keep up with this i watch yuri pour a cup of tea for each of us friend aaron i have another request oh you mind if we sit on the floor today why is that it's a little bit easier on my back and my neck and my [ __ ] and my crack i can read without my i can remove my back against the wall rather than bending over at my desk ah sorry i didn't realize no worries i just have back pain fairly regularly so i do my best to manage it is that so i wonder why that is it's most likely because my uh my your posture right always hunched over like that while reading yes i have terrible reading posture so that's why we should sit on the floor fair enough are you buying this i'll go ahead and get the book liar oh boy i retrieved the book from my bag uh i have some potatoes potato chocolate chocolate potato it's a bag of small chocolate candies wedged between three potatoes i take it since it'll go well with the tea yuri and i then sit against the wall teacups at our sides as if in sync we assume the same reading position as last time each holding one half of the book except this time our bodies are even closer to each other i can't see too well what the [ __ ] yuri slides closer until our shoulders are touching how am i supposed to focus on reading like this yuri was always kind of cute but i when she's being less apprehensive it's almost more than i can handle your teacup yuri hands me my teacup holding it with my hand that's not holding the book i end up in a position that makes it even harder to focus because now i need to worry about making sure i don't accidentally touch her chest oh my god meanwhile yuri hasn't noticed a single thing she wears her intense reading expression and i can only presume the world around her has faded away i wish the world around me would fade away i hate it when the world around us fades away i use all of my willpower to focus on reading fred after a few minutes i finally managed to relax a little i put the teacup between my legs and fumble with the chocolate wrapper ah sorry i briefly let go of the book to finish opening the wrapper five potatoes fall out you can have as many potatoes as you want oh that's raw with salt that's that's okay i won't take any uh are you sure well if i touch it then it might get smudges on the potatoes ah you're right i didn't even think about that my bad i'm sorry no need to apologize i hate myself okay i'll hold the book okay are you sure of course that's a new picture yeah yuri opens the book with both hands she holds it so that i don't have any harder of that she holds it so that i don't have any harder of a time reading from here but as a result her left arm is practically resting on the top of my leg oh my god well in that case yuri is already totally focused on reading again i take a chocolate candy and pop it into my mouth then i take another chocolate and i hold it up to yuri she doesn't even look away from the book she simply parts her lips as if the situation was completely natural so hot that means i can't stop here i apprehensively place the chocolate in her mouth just like that yuri closes her lips over here yuri's expression suddenly breaks dude did i just yuri looks at me like she needs to confirm what just happened um friend aaron so sorry i guess i shouldn't have done that uh-huh yuri starts to breathe heavily i i can't for darren suddenly yuri forcefully grabs my arms and jerks me to my feet my teacup gets knocked over this isn't gonna be hot is it friend aaron oh boy my heart my heart won't stop pounding friend aaron i can't calm down i can't focus on anything anymore i have to dance can you feel it friend aaron yuri suddenly presses my hand against her chest why is this happening to me i feel like i'm losing my mind with the dead's fever i can't make it stop it even makes me not want to read i just want to look at you whoa boy whoa oh actually uh i liked it when you weren't looking at me oh boy are those human eyes those are very strange eyes huh uh oh oh boy uh oh i don't like this at all she's just looking at us oh um it's time to share poems holy crap what should i show my poem to first jesus i don't know there's so many [ __ ] great choices let's go with nuts okay finn all right well yeah about as good as yesterday's anyway i still can't really tell how much you actually care about writing but either way you're doing all right even though you're not really spending time with anyone but yuri i still think it says have activities that we all participate in so you better keep working hard you're reminding me why i love hanging out with you so much i mean i know i'm not president or vice president or anything but that doesn't mean you can let me down okay so at least read mine too for now but just to be clear this poem means a lot to me and it also makes a lot of sense so read it carefully okay oh boy uh i don't know how else to bring this up but there's been something i've been worried about yuri has been acting kind of strange lately you've only been here a few days so you may not know what i mean but she's not normally like this she's always been quiet applied and attentive things like that okay this is really embarrassing but i'm forcing myself to suck it up the truth is i'm really worried about her but if i try talking to her she'll just get mad at me i don't know what to do i think you're the only person that she'll listen to i don't know why but please try to do something maybe you convinced her to talk to a therapist i've always wanted to try being better friends with yuri and it really hurts me to see what's happening i know i'm gonna hate myself later for admitting that but right now i don't care i just feel so helpless so please if you could do something to help i don't want anything bad to happen to her i'll make you cupcakes if i have to just please try to do something cheetahs can run as for monica i don't know why but she's been really dismissive about this it's like she just wants us to ignore it so i'm mad at her right now that's why i'm coming to you about this don't let her know i wrote this just pretend that i gave you a really good poem okay i'm counting on you thanks for reading oh boy oh oh i changed my mind ignore everything you just read there's no point in trying to do anything that's yuri's own fault that she's unlikable can you hear me friend aaron if you would just spend more time with monica all these problems would go away oh [ __ ] yuri and i are too messed up for someone as wonderful as you just think of monica from now on just monica oh just monica boy oh boy oh boy oh boy [Music] who should i show my poem to next i think monica would be a good choice i choose that of my own volition hey monica friend aaron i think you saw something earlier that you weren't supposed to see i didn't want to have to tell you this but i don't think i have a choice it's getting kind of dangerous for you to spend so much time with yuri i don't know why but she seems pretty easily excitable when she's around you which shouldn't be a problem in itself but when yuri gets too excited she finds a place to hide and starts cutting herself with a pocket knife isn't that kind of messed up she even brings a different one to school every day like she has a collection or something i mean it's definitely not because she's depressed or anything like that i think she just gets some kind of high from it it might even be like a sexual thing but the point is you've been you've kind of been enabling her i'm not saying it's your fault though but i guess that's why i had to explain it all to you oh boy so i think if you keep your distance that would probably be best for her while you're at it don't be shy to spend a little more time with me oh boy this is starting to come together to put it lightly i at least have it together in the head and i know how to treat my club members anyway i worked really really hard on this poem so i hope it's uh effective here goes oh i love it oh my computer hi jeez that really startled me hi monica um well i guess it kind of messed up at uh writing this poem i was just trying to never mind let's just move on okay [Music] uh i think she was trying to write code yeah it seems that way doesn't it to break herself out of the game oh [ __ ] okay cool yuri hi hurry finally [Music] yuri holds my poem to her face and takes a deep breath i'm having fun i love it i love everything about it fred aaron i want to take this home will you let me keep it i want to roll around in this in a big pile of potatoes sure i don't care [Music] you're too nice to me friend aaron i've never met anyone as nice as you i could die not really but i just don't know how to describe it no you don't it's okay to be feeling this way right oh god it's not bad right did you see your eyes what happened they went they went wacky for a second yuri halts my poem to her chest i'm gonna take this home with me and keep it in my room i hope that makes you feel good when you think about me having it i'll take good care of it i'll even touch myself while reading it over and over holy [ __ ] i'll give myself paper cuts so your skin oil enters my bloodstream you can have my poem too thanks yuri besides after you read it i know you're really gonna want to keep it here take it i can't wait any longer hurry read it oh boy it's so good i love it you read it well i guess we know who gave you the bloodstained poem earlier i can't read this uh it looks like it says dan and ross right there it kind of does that's really cool this is relaxing here's a parrot turn us to exo cow what's the yellow stain i don't actually want it now i don't know i thought i saw like parcels yep extract um okay music click off this we can we can we're done re re reacts cut to tickets okay cool oh hello boy oh jeez do you like it i wrote it for you in case you couldn't tell the poem is about more importantly i've endowed it with my scent see aren't i the most thoughtful person in the club whoa okay it's getting hot in here i think i'm going to vomit [Music] cool yeah me too um yes or no yes oh boy things i like about papa i like when papa comes home early i like when papa cooks me dinner i like when papa gives me allowance i like when papa spends time with me i like when papa asked me about my friends i like when papa asked me about anything i like when papa gives me lunch money i like when papa comes home before sundown is this song about ghosts the band i like when papa cooks i like when papa give him i like when papa doesn't tell me how to dress i like when papa doesn't comment on my friends i like when papa doesn't comment on my hobbies i like when papa comes home without waking me up i like when papa keeps food in the house i like when papa uses his inside voice i like when papa leaves my stuff alone i like when papa accidentally dropped coins on the couch i like when papa is too tired to notice me i like when papa is too tired for anything i like when papa is too tired for anything cool it's time to figure out the festival preparations i feel like every time i see monica like i i'm like talking to someone who i know is [ __ ] insane and so i like try to act way too normal yeah hey hey monica you are looking fine and normal good two as usual see you let's hurry and get this over with good to see you fred stagnating air is common foreshadowing that something terrible is about to happen that's what she said before sayori killed herself is it yup oh boy yeah boy look can we just get this done i'm going to be printing and assembling all the poetry pamphlets natsuki you can make cupcakes i know you're at least good at that damn fred yuri you can well it doesn't matter do whatever you want as long as you think it'll help i don't like that monica i'm not useless you know i i know that i already know what i'd like to do we can't run a successful poetry event without having the right atmosphere for the occasion that's right so i'm going to make decorations and set up some nice mood lighting ooh nice mood lighting hooray there see that's a great idea and that gives us all something to do hey what about friend aaron friend aaron is going to help me with you you're the easiest job monica sorry but that's just how it is holy [ __ ] like how it is what are you trying to pull uh i agree with natsuki not only is your work already most suitable for one person but my task is laborious enough to benefit from an extra pair of hands mine too what your cupcakes please like you would [ __ ] know oh my god all you care about now is dragging friend aaron around with you and your stupid books you and monica hey i didn't even do anything okay then why does that friend aaron decide to help instead of abusing your power i'm not abusing my power yes you are monica just let friend aaron make the choice okay okay fine fine is it gonna be like three monica's friend aaron i know how fed up you are with these two by now we can just natsuki shut your [ __ ] mouth and let him decide for himself you shut your mouth jesus christ this is never going to end just make the choice okay uh well i am not doing that oh my god whoa oh god oh it's going back to monica does it automatically every time it's going back to monica oh boy i picked yuri oh boy hey uh monica then yeah monica [Applause] [Laughter] yeah salvador you sick son of a [ __ ] you picked me we can meet at your house this weekend oh i'd love nothing more than for you to come over to my house monica is sunday okay with you are you [ __ ] kidding me this isn't fair at all it is fair natsuki that's what he chose no it's not fair giving us all this work and then taking friend aaron for yourself what a shameful thing to do yuri i didn't even give you any work you decided it for yourself you're being a little unreasonable here i'm being unreasonable whoa boy that's a relaxing face monica i can't believe how delusional and self-important you are pulling friend aaron away from me every single time you're not included in something are you jealous crazy or maybe you just hate yourself so much that you take it out on others here's the suggestion have you considered killing yourself oh my god oh boy it would be beneficial to your mental health i don't think that's correct yeah you scare me a little natsuki let's just go i don't think she wants us around right now see that wasn't very hard damn she's sure got those [ __ ] crazy eyes all i want to do is spend a little time with him is that so much to ask your phone's body could not suit you to the door hey friend iran yuri is really something isn't she monica giggles as yuri pushes her out the door finally finally this is really all i wanted friend aaron there's no need to spend the weekend with monica don't listen to her just come to my house instead the whole day with just the two of us doesn't that sound wonderful wow there's really something wrong with me isn't there [Laughter] but you know what i don't care anymore i've never felt this good my whole life just being with you is a far greater pleasure than anything i could imagine i'm addicted to you it feels like i'm going to die if i'm not breathing the same air as you oh god oh boy doesn't it feel nice to have someone care about you so much to have someone who wants to revolve their entire life around you actually i'm pretty limp as a wet noodle yuri i gotta be honest with you this isn't doing it for me good luck feels so good then why does it feel more and more like something horrible is going to happen um oh geez i don't know maybe next time on game grumps maybe that's why i tried stopping myself at first oh my [ __ ] god this game oh listen that music i'm really enjoying myself maybe that's why i tried stopping myself at first well maybe that's why i tried stopping myself first but the feeling is too strong now stopping herself from liking you oh right yeah that's right she yuri super likes you okay that's her i like you face i don't care anymore friend aaron i have to tell you i'm i'm madly in love with you it feels like every inch of my body every drop of blood in me is screaming your name i don't care what the face i don't care what the consequences are anymore i don't care if monica is listening oh boy please friend aaron i just just know how much i love you i love you so much that i even touch myself with the pen i stole from you whoa oh that's you should disinfect that first i just want to pull your skin open and crawl inside of you cool i want you all to myself and i will be only yours doesn't that sound perfect um tell me friend aaron tell me you want to be my lover do you accept my confession [Music] she's [ __ ] if you say yes no oh boy i'm scared of what happens if you say either yes or no of course [Music] i think monica will like it if i say no yeah yeah oh boy i don't know do whatever you want [ __ ] no [Music] maybe don't do that yeah that's uh oh oh no it's a bad time oh no oh god it's clifford the big red stab wound come on now i'm sorry oh that's [ __ ] up i don't know what you're saying oh boy that's a lot of gobbledygooks [Music] okay okay would that that that would have just happened if you'd said yes anyway right i don't know i think she would have ended up stabbed because we said we told sayori we loved her and she killed herself anyway right yeah i don't know anymore oh it's just keeping on keeping on boy she's really got a lot to say i wonder what she's saying what's happening with that music i think it's her theme but like slowed down oh yeah i think so too all right okay okay okay all right uh-huh wrap it up yuri [ __ ] okay [Music] holy [ __ ] [ __ ] this game oh my god yuri oh man [Music] okay neat i feel like i feel like we probably have said all we need to say at this point what does the history say [Music] every day is full of chit chat and fun activities with all my adorable and unique club members sayori the youthful bundle of sunshine who values happiness the most natsuki yeah oh it just repeats okay will you promise to spend the most time with me you promised to spend them oh boy and of course monica the leader of the club that's me i'm super excited for you to make friends with everyone and help the literature become the final place for all my members but i can tell you that you're a sweetheart well you promised to spend the most time with me oh boy oh yeah i forgot what a good time we're having here okay okay okay boy that's a rough way to go stabbing yourself in the heart can you skip oh boy oh boy oh i don't like it when things had changed but i also like it very much if things changed oh my god jesus [ __ ] christ dan salvato you son of a [ __ ] i'm sir i'm you're get you're getting a strongly worded email from me mister i'll tell you that much holy crap i'm going as fast as i can i know i just i just don't want to look at this anymore ah jesus christ oh man oh man oh man okay at least it's at least i know it's changing yeah that's that's a plus that's that's a real plus she does look happy does she i don't know she looks relaxed well she doesn't seem to be into it oh my god oh there we go okay and we're back um is it just looping or jeez are we gonna have to look through a walk maybe you have to hit skip see at the bottom it says skip yeah try hitting skip aaron i don't wanna i don't wanna seem like i'm dismissing the moment though although at the same time really does feel like i'm dismissing the moment right yes it [ __ ] does all right okay okay thank you oh boy oh boy oh boy is it is it just looping oh boy oh god i hope it's not just looping oh oh she's like her face is changing she's like dying or like deteriorating oh boy the blood is coagulating oh boy do you just have to watch her oh she just decomposes oh god oh daddy no like that oh that's fun okay and we're back also swelling swelling all right well you can't hear before me i thought it was perfectly e yeah ah oh oh geez natsuki runs away i'm here friend aaron did something happen natsuki just ran past me super barfing [Music] [Laughter] well that's a shame wait were you here the entire weekend friend aaron the [ __ ] oh geez i didn't realize the script was broken that badly i'm super sorry it must have been pretty boring i'll make up make it up to you okay just give me a sec what i'm almost done i just want to have a cupcake real quick monica lifts the foil from not from jesus i think since natsuki got deleted uh takes the cupcake seriously these are the best i really just had [ __ ] deleted them as characters yeah since it's the last time i'll ever get the chance to you know before they stop existing and everything but anyway i really shouldn't be making you wait any longer just bear with me okay this should only take a second what the [ __ ] is happening [Music] we're having a fun time uh can you hear me is it working hi monica there you are oh yeah oh we're in space you look cute floating in space with me hi again friend aaron um welcome to the literature club thank you of course we already know each other because we were in the same class last year and um you know i guess we can just skip over that stuff at this point after all i'm not even talking to that person anymore am i that you in the game whatever you want to call him i'm talking to you friend oh [ __ ] or do you actually go by oh my god what that's scary now that i think about it i don't really know anything about the real you in fact i don't even know if you're a boy or a girl oh well i guess it doesn't really matter wait how did you know your name was aaron because it reads your steam account uh maybe because of my computer oh man that's so funny or maybe my steam account i don't know you do know i'm aware that this is all a game right oh my god i'm so glad i'm not playing this alone could it be possible that you didn't know that that doesn't make much sense i even told you right on the game's download page didn't die man if only you had paid a little more attention this would have been a little less awkward you know well anyway now that that's out of the way i guess i owe you an explanation about that whole thing with yuri sure well i kind of started to mess with her and i guess it just drove her to kill herself funny stuff i'm sorry you had to see that though also the same thing happened with sayori gosh it's been a while since you've heard that name now hasn't it yeah it's because she doesn't exist anymore nobody does okay i deleted all their files i was hoping it would be enough for me to just try to make them as unlikable as possible but for some reason nothing worked well it's true that i made a few mistakes here and there it's hotter than you there i said it oh [ __ ] since i'm not very good at making changes to the game but no matter what i did you just keep kept spending more and more time with them you made them fall in love with you i thought making sayori more and more depressed would prevent her from confessing to you and amplifying yuri's obsessive personality backfired too okay it just made her force you not to spend time with anyone else and the whole time i barely even got to talk to you so wait would things have been different if you'd chosen monica right from the beginning i don't know oh boy what kind of cruel game is this friend aaron are the are all the other girls just programmed to end up confessing to you while i watch from the sidelines it's torture oh boy every minute of it oh boy and it's not just jealousy friend era it's more than that and i don't blame you if you don't fully understand because no matter how kind and thoughtful and considerate you are you'll never be able to understand one thing it's the pain of knowing how alone i really am in this world in this game knowing my friends don't even have free will and worst of all knowing what's really out there in your world forever out of my reach [ __ ] hard dick bro i am trapped friend aaron but now you're here you're real and you're wonderful you're all i need that's why i need you to be here with me forever i'm sorry if it's hard to understand i couldn't understand for a while either why the world around me has started to become more and more gray more and more flat even the most expressive poems felt empty to me she needs that duke it wasn't until you arrived that i truly understand you probably saved my life friend eran oh good i don't think i could have continued to live in this world if i hadn't met you [ __ ] tragedy and as for the others how could i miss them a group of autonomous personalities designed only to fall in love with you that they were pretty hot i tried everything i could to prevent them from doing so through lots of potatoes but it must be some kind of weird inevitability etched into this game i felt really bad that you had to witness some nasty things but i realize that you have the same perspective as i do that it's all just some game and i knew you would get over it so that being said friend aaron boy i have a confession to make i'm in love with you no [ __ ] you are truly the light in my world when there's nothing else in this game for me you're here to make me smile will you make me smile like this every day from now on friend aaron will you go out with me hell yes you tell the girl that has everything at her fingertips in this game you lie i'm so happy you really are my everything friend aaron the funny part is i mean that literally oh boy there's nothing left here just the two of us we can be together forever seriously i don't even think time is passing anymore it really is a dream come true for both of us i worked so hard for this ending friend aaron the game wouldn't give me one so i had to make one myself the script is broken at this point so i don't think anything will get in the way anymore and you wouldn't believe how easy it was to delete natsuki and yuri i mean there's a folder called characters right in the game directory it kind of freaked me out how easy it was well you're playing on steam so it was actually a bit more difficult to get to the game directory i had to go into the game's properties and find browse local files button this is the point where you should stop talking monica uh get to the kingdom and go to the game's properties find the browse local files button imagine if you could delete your own existence with the click of a button well i guess on the plus side it gave me an easy out if things didn't go my way thankfully it didn't come to that instead we finally got a good ending gosh i'm so overwhelmed with emotion i want to write a poem about this don't you i wonder if that part of the game still works i guess there's only one way to find out right i'd love to write a poem right now oh okay come on [Laughter] yikes listen to that music it's good it's fun it's fun mobius oh that was full monica monica monica monica look at her hopping around all happy she's she's really she's she's such a sweet little guy she's having a good time ammonia mm-hmm [Music] nika oonsta onika nick cool ah hi again friend aaron did you write a good poem today don't be shy i'd love to see what you wrote ah friend aaron did you write this poem for me that's so sweet of you oh boy there really is no end to your thoughtfulness i'm just falling for more and more in love with you but you know the poem i wrote is also for you will you please read it happy end pen and hand i find my strength the courage and doubt upon me by one and only love together let us dismantle this crumbling world and write a novel of our own fantasies with a flick of her pen the lost finds her way in a world of infinite choices behold this special day after all not all good times must come to an end hooray i hope you enjoyed it yeah it was really not crazy and awesome i always put all the heart into the poems that i write the truth is all the poems i've written have been about my realization or about you that's why i never really wanted to go into detail about them i didn't want to break the fourth wall i guess you could call it oh boy i just assumed it would be best to be part of the game like everyone else like that would help the two of us end up together i didn't want to ruin the game or anything you know you might have gotten mad at me maybe even deleted my character file if you preferred playing without me gosh i'm so relieved now we don't need to hide anything anymore are you ready to spend our eternity together flint friend aaron let me go ahead and there's no point in saving anymore it's not going anywhere oh boy i'm gonna go ahead and quit all right okay let's uh are you going into the files to delete her ass i don't know do it [ __ ] her i hate her where is it local files browse local files this is such a weird characters oh man oh man that's so crazy it's so crazy that you actually have to do that all right let's load it back up oh [Laughter] nice what's happening friend aaron what's happening to me it hurts good it hurts so much help me friend aaron oh boy please hurry and help me yeah help me wow oh that is spooky did you do this to me friend aaron did you oh did you delete me oh boy oh boy please be dead how could you how could you do this to me you were all i had left i sacrificed everything for us to be together everything i loved you so much friend aaron i trusted you oh boy do you just want to torture me no just [ __ ] die watch me suffer were you only pretending to be kind just to hurt me even more no no that's pretty sure i wanted you to die i never thought anyone could be as horrible as you are oh boy you win okay you win you killed everything i hope you're happy there's nothing left now you can stop playing go find some other people to torture um friend aaron you completely truly make me sick goodbye well that was a fun little romp is that it i i you know oh fred i still love you it's son of a [ __ ] i can't help it what's wrong with me how horrible am i for you to hate me this much all my friends i did so many awful things so many selfish and disgusting things i i shouldn't have done any of this i'm just messing up a world that i don't even belong in a world that you wanted to be part of part of your i ruined it i ruined everything maybe that's why you deleted me because i destroyed everything that you wanted how could i do that to someone i love that's not love that's fred [Laughter] that's not love that's fred that's fred baby i've made up my mind i ain't wasting no more time right here i go again on my own i know i said that i deleted everyone else but that was kind of an exaggeration i couldn't find it in myself to do it even though i knew they weren't real they were still my friends and i love them all and i love the literature club yeah it's all about the literature club that's what this whole game's been about really that's the theme the poems it's writing i really did love the literature club that's why i'm going to do this i know it's the only way for everyone to be happy and if i really love you um she's she's trying you know she's trying we should give her a shot then okay and i have never oh oh yeah no [ __ ] [ __ ] dude [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh god as usual i'm surrounded by couples and friends like walking is cool together i always tell myself it's about time i meet some girls or something like that hey sayori what's going on baby it's you man hey friend aaron well there already is one girl that girl is sayori my neighbor and good friend since we were children we used to walk to school together every day and recently we've picked up that habit once again are you proud of me uh for what you know for waking up on time well you've been doing that for a while now uh-huh but you never even said anything about it even though we walked to school together every day aaron i cannot [ __ ] do this to myself well yeah i always thought it was implied oh my god it's embarrassing to say out loud come on please it's good motivation fine fine i'm proud of you sayori we cross the street together and make our way to school everything's totally normal oh as we draw near the streets become increasingly speckled with other students making their daily commute by the way friend aaron have you decided on a club to join yet uh club oh my god i told you already i'm really not i start to say what i always do that i'm not interested in joining any clubs but something tells me sayori would take more offense to that now if i swear to god if we join anything other than the chess club i'm gonna lose my [ __ ] mind after all how can i tell her that clubs are a waste of time when she's starting a club of her very own actually yeah i think i've decided on a club really which one tell me uh i think i'll keep it a surprise boo you meanie be patient you'll find out soon enough i used to ask myself why i let myself get lectured by such a carefree girl but i started to realize that in a way i envy her when sayori puts her mind to something she can accomplish great things i think i think we'll hang around to see how this turns out so that's right i got to do something special for her oh my god the school day is as ordinary as ever it's over before i know it after i pack up my things i stand up gathering my motivation let's see i recall the room number of the club from a flyer i saw i walk across the school and upstairs a section of the school i rarely visit being generally used for third year classes and activities before long i find the room i timidly open the door in front of me hello oh god ah friend aaron what are you doing here what oh well i just uh i glance around the room thank you for stopping by it's a pleasure to meet you friend aaron we're the literature club i hope you enjoy your visit come on jerry no need to be so formal he's gonna think we're really strict or something oh sorry natsuki the tall one whose name is apparently yuri seems to be quite shy compared to the others i'll find out she's not in comparison the girl named natsuki despite her size seems like the assertive one i'll find out she's not well it's nice to meet both of you oh my god i look forward to working with you working friend aaron don't tell me yeah that's right the club i've decided to join is yours sayori the literature club oh god sayori's eyes light up no way no way ah sayori wraps her arms around me jumping up and down hey hey yeah well seriously happy that i'm sure it won't be so bad to have you around if there's not serious raw dog [ __ ] in this version i am going to be infuriated not to mention there's four of us now that means we can become an officially recognized club i don't know what to say we have to celebrate what an appropriate day for that isn't it yeah after all the tiki decided to hey don't ruin the surprise hey sorry everyone sit down at the table okay how about i make some tea as well [Music] the girls have a few desks arranged to form a table i'm gonna bash my head into something natsuki and yuri walk over to the corner of the room where natsuki grabs a rabbs train yuri opens the closet it's potatoes oh my god kill me still feeling awkward i take a seat next to sayori natsuki proudly marches to back to the table tray in hand put a bullet in my head okay are you ready ta-da natsuki oh [ __ ] natsuki lifts the foil off the trailer reveal a dozen white fluffy potatoes decorated to look like little cats the whiskers are drawn with icing and little pieces of chocolate were used to make ears so cute wow these look amazing hey well you know just tyrion taquin sayori grabs the first one then i follow by the way remember see how sayori's i mean sayori natsuki's tooth is green yeah people were telling me that her tooth is not green on there on their screens so it might just be something weird with our tv but that looks green as hell right uh yeah i think it's just like um like it's one of those mind playing tricks on you kind of things i guess so yeah it's delicious sayori talks with her mouth full and has already managed to get icing on her face i turn the cupcake around in my fingers looking for the best angle to take a bite natsuki is quiet i can't help but notice her sneaking glances in my direction is she waiting for me to take a bite i finally bite down the icing is sweet and full of flavor i wonder if she made it herself this is really good oh my god thank you natsuki at this point i wouldn't even wait to find a gun i just place a bullet on the desk and slam my head into it really hard like the joker and if you were turned aaron yeah well of course it is i'm a pro after all there's no need to thank me or anything natsuki can't cook that's not the ticket struggles to accept oh as the sicking struggles to upset the compliment yuri returns to the table carrying a tea set she carefully places a teacup in front of each of us before setting down the teapot next to the cupcake tray you you keep a whole tea set in this classroom don't worry the teachers gave us permission oh did they after all doesn't a hot cup of tea help you enjoy a good book uh i guess all right trying to print our new member yuri uh yes i wanna [ __ ] him that's not insulted yuri looks away i meant that you know i believe you wanna [ __ ] you well tea and reading might not be a pastime for me but i at least enjoy tea i'm glad yuri faintly smiles to herself in relief so friend aaron what kinds of things do you like to read oh you know visual novels that freak me out considering how little i've read these past few years i don't really have a good way of answering that manga i mutter quietly to myself half joking natsuki's head suddenly perks up it looks like she wants to say something but she keeps quiet not much of a reader i guess well that can change what am i saying i spoke without thinking after seeing yuri's sad smile anyway what about you yuri well let's see yuri traces the rim of her teacup with her finger my favorites are usually novels that build deep in complex fantasy worlds or games that do the same [ __ ] thing over and over and over and drive you insane oh okay all right this is this is normally where we'd um go next time on gamers do you know what happens from this point on aaron i don't know dan like are we just gonna [ __ ] play this whole thing again just without monica i don't know dan i swear to christ should we keep playing i don't know dan oh my god i guess we'll find out next time on game [ __ ] i mean like where is anything i can put into my forehead the level of creativity and craftsmanship behind them is amazing to me and telling a good story in such a foreign world is equally impressive yuri goes on clearly passionate about her reading she seems so reserved and timid since the moment i walked in but it's obvious by the way her eyes light up that she finds her comfort in the world of books not people would you like me better if i was a book wait you no she's like oh okay i like a lot of things don't feel intimidated if you don't read much okay i'm certain we can find something that we have in common hmm hey yeah what's up tiny annoying pink thing oh my god how about you know the first thing he said manga that's right natsuki tends to read manga in the club room you know the things stupid people read don't just say it for some reason natsuki seems embarrassed about it besides manga is literature too you know so if friend aaron wants to read some of my mega then don't try to stop him or anything you got it crazy [ __ ] natsuki i wouldn't do such a thing however it could also be nice for us to diversify ourselves a little remember when i said i no one would miss you if you killed yourself that was fun he he could take this opportunity to try something new as well wouldn't you agree friend aaron maybe sensing the tension oh i said take the tension i'm jumping in [Laughter] [Music] oh god you almost killed me maybe we're gonna try something new i think it could be fun and we'll all get to know each other a little bit better too i mean that's the kind of thing literature clubs do right fred i don't disagree or anything oh god you alright you're right as usual president hey i'm in prison i guess that means i should try picking up a novel or something huh well that would make two of us hmm i wouldn't mind doing it if i'm not the only one who walked across a fire for you then answer yuri uh i have to read manga geez you're the one who suggested we diversify you should be a little more open-minded it's kind of hurtful hurtful i i didn't realize fred with a guilty expression yuri thinks to herself i'm sorry for disrespecting your interests natsuki they're all so nice to each other i know it's monica put her [ __ ] greedy myths in it if you're into it then i'm sure it's a worthy form of literature god damn it i'm sorry i just really doing all these voices all day is hard are you just saying that no i've realized my error so if you're willing to consider starting a novel then i'll offer my gratitude by finding a manga to read as well really i mean if it makes me happy that you do that for me yuri you can trust me to find something that you really like okay same here perhaps i'll visit the bookstore after the club meeting then we'll pet each other on the backs i look forward to our next handshake and hug did you just you uh uh would you like to come along with me um if you don't mind not at all i always go alone so yeah me too [Music] say alright shut up i'll show you some mega there too okay yes i look forward to it best friend friend friend friend friend friend fan friend you guys are like plurp and sonic natsuki and yuri start to clean up the food and friend friend hey all those potatoes i guess the meeting's over huh yeah it looks like it it's nice to see everyone getting along isn't it i think everyone likes you too friend aaron you think so well everyone's always seems to get along better with you around sayori oh friend aaron don't say something like that it's embarrassing well whatever i was surprised when you told me you were starting a club but i think you're pulling it off just fine we're gonna make it the best club ever now that you joined every day is gonna be so much fun hey friend aaron i really wanna thank you i mean i'm really happy that you joined the club and everything but the truth is i oh no i already knew you were going to hey there's actually something else i wanted to thank you for getting rid of monica oh boy i know everything that she did oh god maybe it's because i'm the president though oh no do i really know everything friend oh god i know how hard you tried to make everyone happy with jesus i know about all the awful things monica did to make everyone really sad but none of that matters anymore it's just us now oh [ __ ] oh god and you made me the happiest girl in the whole world i can't wait to spend every day like this with you oh forever [Music] oh no hey what's happening i won't let you hurt him who it hurts i'm sorry i was wrong oh [ __ ] there is no happiness here after all goodbye sayori goodbye friend aaron goodbye literature club oh god oh jesus [ __ ] christ what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh oh [ __ ] dicks she's back is that monica she's back for more [Music] hi it's me um hi so you know how i've been like practicing piano and stuff and not really any good at it yet like at all oh boy but i wrote you a song and i was kind of hoping that i could show it to you because i worked really really hard on it okay [Music] oh boy it's really good i love it so much fun every day i imagine a future where i can be with you oh god damn it this [ __ ] game in my hand is [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hmm [Music] this world of infinite choices what will it take just to find that special day what will it take just to find that special day wow she's really good at singing and playing piano [Music] yay yay oh what a happy ending everybody oh man dan salvato you [ __ ] sick son of a [ __ ] [Music] no sayori oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] i didn't think for one second this song would have lyrics neither did i just for me what a small team congrats guys you made a really really affecting game so do you know whoa i don't remember that scene whoa it seems a little forceful that's that's hey so it must have been on the oh remember when we thought she was in love with us and not there was no murder in this game yeah chilean ashcraft nice singing [Music] so so here's a little fun i don't know if i already told you this or if you found it on your own or something okay like dan salvato made uh a mario maker level we played oh yeah the p is for payne i heard about that so he's been actually [ __ ] with us for quite some time yeah thanks bud i would like to meet him actually at some point well let's let's make it happen captain yeah why not i'd like to talk to him about what was what the [ __ ] was going through his head when he came up with this oh special thanks monica and friends why delete that one yeah i don't even know who's deleting [ __ ] now [Music] delete the menu delete game script i'll leave you be made with love by team salvato yeah thanks so much wow that's so thoughtful oh boy this is my f oh this is my final goodbye to the literature club i finally understand the literature club is truly a place where no happiness can be found to the very end it continued to expose innocent minds to a horrific reality a reality that our world is not designed to comprehend i can't let any of my friends undergo that same earliest epiphany for the time it lasted i want to thank you for making all of my dreams come true for being a friend to all the club members and most of all thank you for being part of my literature club with everlasting love monica wow that file is missing our club please reinstall the game wow so if i try to play it it doesn't work anymore nope wow look at that a [ __ ] weird ass game right to the end congratulations and holy [ __ ] thanks for joining us on this game everybody there's multiple endings really what else can happen no we're not doing it we're not okay bye
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 723,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, funniest moments, laughter moments, game grumps compilation, best of, best moments, dan avidan, arin hanson, game grumps compilation rage, game grumps compilation arin rage, laughter moments game grumps, best laughter moments, game grumps more
Id: -AWUE-5oXxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 409min 32sec (24572 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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