These games are so bad they hurt our brains (PART 2) - Game Grumps Compilations

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okay everybody don't tell Dan this video suppose every Skillshare just don't tell him okay just so talented I'm right here all right school shares an online learning community with thousands of classes for creative and curious people if he knows if he knows the world comes to an end there won't be any engine the horrid torment of that he'll be able to inflict on the world what he'll learn too much he'll know too much he needs to practice self-care all the time so creativity is an option that he can use skill share fondling classes he's talking about man you can you can you can do something at some productivity to your boredom today orange print please don't tell Dan that the first 1000 of our subscribers to use the link in the description will get a two-month free trial to Skillshare two months free don't tell him please don't tell him there's some great classes there's some great classes online like everyday minimalism find calm and creativity and living simply by Erin Boyle if dad knows about that who knows what he'll be capable of they could also learn iPhone filmmaking creating cinematic video with your phone but Caleb Babcock and Myles gray for a moment who oh my goodness that sounds fun no dad welcome to Shrek super party yeah I am Daniel and I'm Erin you we don't know what this game is have you played this Shrek super party oh wait what's happening it's uh oh that's just a demo it's one of these oh you know oh my god all right let's do it it's like weirdly zoomed in for some reason are we just riding around to get him I don't know yeah oh [ __ ] oh that's it really just get in the bugs Wow alright blue well if this is all that it is then I'm gonna be the best damn bug catcher that ever was come over here just set that [ __ ] right into me did I wait why do I have zero I caught a bunch of bugs what the [ __ ] maybe you have 60 yeah you have zero what the [ __ ] am I crazy what why did I get no points for that what is happening you got to drop the ball duh okay oh okay red thing oh that's eight that was an eight sure I am zero swinger color bug around the flower to point at any petal of B lands on then press X the fest you get there more points here I do not understand anything oh I don't think just gonna say why did you whoa whoa I'm swinging okay earn points by bumping harder than you were bumped pick up the gems for bonus points okay we won't tell you the controls or anything you just bump it this isn't being played in fast motion no no this isn't how the game is a game what the [ __ ] this is not this sucks what is that so I'm gonna go to one is that points yeah it's the drops from the end of this oh that's good precious job position oh good good goodness oh my god oh my god this is so ridiculous that 180 our line like way more my hello that one's like the other like he just found out his son died he'll get more person if you get some precious joy could you maybe bring up the the attitude or something my son Justin nice alright maybe we'll get it another day earn points for not being dunked I'll always miss you Clarence it could always be you looks like you could get some precious tree let's see what the next minigame is it's for not being dunked dry very get the ferry you got the ferry that good I don't know okay just the only special one for what take this pixie dust and sprinkle it on your nuts what do I do with it it reduces chafing tell me what to do with it I'll never tell cheese man do you want to +5 yeah you want to blush 5 boodles chose you here you [ __ ] dude okay top though you took the +5 he talked about at night what the [ __ ] are you doing yes yes yeah yeah some kid you can just apply bugs oh yeah we'll get place for you what is happening right now I'm just really enjoying my daddy told me that if we grow big and strong and I will beat up Randy my daddy light me [ __ ] feelings I've got sufferings three of them are Billy why hello there skin grafts it's Gingras all right there's not gonna be enough time that's why what what's happening I need to recover from you need to recover from what you're out of your mind right now you killed me or there will be hell to pay slide your wiener across my lips Peggy does [ __ ] you [ __ ] [Music] I don't I'm not I don't want it I don't want to stop why are we doing so well because I don't know how to play this [ __ ] I don't know what even what you're supposed to do if I'm being on right yeah I'm not I think I'm just supposed to catch the onions and then fling them fling them back oh my god mark what's winning for us Jesus know incredible farc what star can't catch any of his things dude that he's perfect his technique is unbelievable 27 o Lord Farquaad you son of a [ __ ] oh my god oh I can't believe it Wow that's it huh that's all the Parsons all there is its effect for one there's no like look at him on the pedestal of Mr Man 1 what a good boy enable crystal Kingdom helper mode boy this is fun for kids hold on I got a look at the [ __ ] let me check the software manual for details hold on where the hell is it crystal Kingdom Helper option even great explorers need a helping hand that's why the crystal Kingdom Helper option allows a grown-up or older sibling to use a second controller from time to time to assist the little Explorer playing the game yeah actually put me in charge of any time during a completion game see page 15 hold on cross for completion game you will need to perform an action with the analog sticks to fill a completion meter meter in the upper right hand corner of the screen once it is full you have completed that part of the adventure and can continue okay a second player can help out by performing the same action on his or her controller as increasing the speed at which the completion meter fills zero of this is required just hit No oh my god this is Benji the heart is broke [Music] existence is bleeding from God Jesus that's [ __ ] scary yeah all the plants were dying which means the food chain will break down and all the animals will die the new ice age is coming from the sky yep I press it and then I wrote you get past the tutorial in this game is basically Dark Souls for you've died [Laughter] [Music] which one of these items could be used to fend off a crazy person if you picked all of them you're right I don't know what game this is it's another Dora the Explorer oh god are you [ __ ] zero what are you trying to do to me look you wouldn't want to picked it I didn't think we'd play them back to back then yeah why not kind of thought it was an either/or situation is this going to be exactly the same game snowy adventure dude okay god it's the same it's the same same game [ __ ] game they rescanned it oh no it's the only difference so no just like to get out of the blacksmith the president says that when Mexico sends us their people they're not sending their best bet not me making it up that's an actual thing that the president said do you agree with the president oh boy if you don't we'll report you nice so I saw someone holding up a note I sign the other day but it said noise I'm like Hulk Hogan where my pelvis is basically disintegrated [ __ ] 30 years of leg drops a good [ __ ] brother too much sushi gasps ooh she has seen better days Oh God look at his face the fact that they even give you like real footage of woody next to it just to show you how [ __ ] up is character model yeah this is not right his eyes looking in slightly different directions oh yes and so we're his oh boy and Jim is that Jungle Book kid that's Tarzan huh as a kid it's tantor remember nope it's Ryan class that's all right that's a young lady Andy's room let's start with what you know it's gonna be real pressing without any music yes it is oh yeah that heard was that Tim Ellen yeah no no no that is definitely not it sounds like you've recorded on like one of those Dynex mics that cost $10 and you get them at Walgreens can I kick and I like that kick to go first I'm Tim Allen [Laughter] Thank You Man [ __ ] to keep watching the skies pretty freakin nice thanks man oh no she's walking on her own oh really and then I have to command her to stop oh no Arby's stopped now Barbie go watch out for the demons like wow they do a lot of editing yeah yeah that's gonna be a hard turn turn you stup bastard yeah the [ __ ] motion controls are good this is a [ __ ] disaster right luckily you have ten minutes to get to the cup urn turn you [ __ ] ass [Music] there you go there you go okay there you go yes yeah stop doing that stop it no oh my god this is the awfulest that has ever been oh okay trying to play this game of the power glove stop why do you not turn you stupid horse sounded like Tommy weighs over a second it's Bob why not turn you have successfully completed the challenge gratulations why have you not turned I wants hearts to turn your horse could look better he has a hankering for human flesh why don't you feed him some you got some right here yeah that's what all horse trainers do that's what a horse I don't want to give them a [ __ ] blanket where do I give it water where's the water you sound like the world's worst soup kitchen manager you look like you're covered in [ __ ] the Creed have like one of those Czechoslovakian orgies it's called a harem I see you have a similar pornhub search to me ooh what's over here one dick 45 chicks the best please that won't cause any awkward masturbation moments where you're about to jazz and it cuts to the dick real fast and then you gotta be like [Laughter] [Music] wait is this like at the end did I just like dude the game yeah you just beat the game and it's just like well now just do it oh you ran into Kyle ah human here no I'm trying trying it read your mind dude you wanna do try no I'm serious get shot what does one you'd figure it out so far so good you're doing it yes yeah no it's yeah totally you're doing it I'm doing it oh you're doing and this is a [ __ ] breeze dude shut up it's hard this gives me an opportunity to take a sip of water though Oh looks like you ran into a wall I didn't do that only because I only because I mistook where I was supposed to go I thought it was going the same place that's not sure this is the same place as last time you're right we're talking about Lord of the Rings yeah now I remember yeah all right yeah not gonna lie yeah the easiest game in the world no well yeah once you get on this trail it's easy when you gotta make those sharp turns it's [ __ ] it did wigs out on you when you're running into human beings and haven't left the stable yet it's hard as [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] serious when you make those sharp turns wigs out dude oh not faster you didn't beat my time you ass that's because you were dilly-dallying oh god this looks terrible welcome to kids sports crazy golf it really looks like they were trying to hide the kids yeah like are you ready of putting off 12 crazy kids holes no that's not right I'm sorry I'm just looking at the cover though yeah I mixed up the words in the worst way possible all right welcome dohno Oh God that's quite a huh oh that's a hacking honker that's a beak Oh [ __ ] Skyward Sword NPC right now my god yeah like he's gonna sell you potions or something you can't go out without the wooden shield Oh God for school you look like a gnome that would come in and beat the [ __ ] I mean steal my underwear hello my name is Jake I'm 10 I miss my family so much hmm I ran away from home to join the circus still haven't joined it program that end yeah come on I don't get it no nope not that much no I'm very gentle much oh [ __ ] off there yeah it's really hard is this the only song on the soundtrack you better hope so oh [ __ ] oh my god I just realized when someone says I love you to death it means I'll love you until you die I know I never put that together I thought it meant like I love you so much that you'll [ __ ] die from it oh I love you to death you know exact cut Wow I don't know why I thought that my whole life why you thought it right now yeah well someone just said it to me oh because who was it Joe birthday to say is like just say happy birthday it's like a birthday text that is that acceptable to you no I'm the only one who can love no you you control it what are you because you put in the Oh for [ __ ] sake Nick return to the main menu we read doing this game because Aaron couldn't wait and he had to touch talking about the best friend that you love to death more than me I remembered I remember all kinds of little things about you what the [ __ ] they can remember that one time that I was like Hayden and you were like yeah and I was like cool man and then was that was that ugly and then we didn't talk for five days that was awesome you remember when you came over to my house and you were like this smells like [ __ ] and I was like oh sorry do you remember that yeah it's been like 50 times Oh smells bad it's just smell bad my legs I got two toes oh yeah do that snap the candy canes your string so alright oh God oh there it is there it is stupid come on the [ __ ] stupid hi 13 wishes Wow I'd like to use all my wishes I wish I wish number one I want a third toe I wish number two I want that third Joe to have its own toes oh my god what am I gonna do with emissions all my wishes have come true all right number three I wish I had a bathing suit that fit me and didn't fall off when I jumped in the pool hmm wish number 14 busy for all my mini toes all right I wish I didn't wish for the toe thing do you know about mr. brown iced coffee what so Corp introduced me to this it's called mr. brown iced coffee and someone brought it it's not available in America but someone brought it to the tore up show last night and I saved it because I wanted you to taste it on the air it's the absolute worst I hate coffee already do you do like cigarettes no do you think you might like something that tastes kind of like coffee but also definitely like cigarettes okay mr. brown iced coffee it's ready to drink made in Taiwan the top three ingredients are I'm sorry cigarettes water sugar and powder what yeah is that true yeah well milk powder yeah Coffee sodium bicarbonate that's what they make like tums out I know I know no no you're thinking of yourself calcium carbonate yeah yeah a mole sapphire emulsifier yeah contains milk and soy Oh enjoy it better watch out I'm gonna turn into a brutal moe ready yeah I'm smelling it okay for anyone at home it tastes like well you you sip it first wow that's not as bad as I thought it would be did you get the cigarette aftertaste yet yep oh no no no it's like just kind of bland at the beginning yeah oh that's like smoke in my mouth yeah I know it's weirdly addictive yeah it's like whatever and then I know you get hit with a burning sensation aftertaste and then you have to sip again to get the after taste out of your mouth that's how they get you yeah that is how they get you it tastes like social media all everything about it sucks but it gets you for everyone for anyone who is old enough to remember cars used to have like those little silver flip ashtrays that would come out of the side door did you drink one of those no but that tastes like if you poured coffee into one of those and sipped it out with a straw yikes mr. Brown try it won't you it sucks do you want me to do me to call your parents did they forget to put the game in it feels a little bit like that right like they were look at this 3d environment we've got for our character to walk around it feels like we're missing something but [ __ ] it ship it we've got a vertical slice ready for you to just to walk around the world in you know we don't have any objectives or anything but like just Eve you feel yeah so feel oh wait 13 that's that's how many wishes you need No can you get in there nope why not dude anything about this check your inventory do I have one I don't know I have a resume game okay cool Franky skullet what if Frankie's going the hell are you talking about Frankie's good tam old Oh what the [ __ ] you talking about quickly tam old colectomy ership enemies where the hell are their enemies finished in ten minutes all right am I am I going insane yeah [ __ ] even yeah I can't I can't I can't what is this I can what now it's a thing oh you can do it you get in there nope not working really nope not doing anything oh boy nope definitely not doing anything and pressing the a button would you please just get Franky skillet already I'm trying what is what this door I guess okay a balcony that does nothing is this a prime feeling we're getting trolled let's go to the pool maybe maybe what's just do so thanks for operating into existence he doesn't respond anywhere hello only other person in the universe we turned it on directly around from where you are right now no no that's just like so I can't see what's on that wall nothing that in that a door there what what's that door there on the right this door yeah that's the door I went to over the pool God all right what's that glowing yeah what everybody's that up there alright maybe that's your objective are you [ __ ] kidding me and I missed that how could I miss that no no you were up there oh don't even [ __ ] start with me oh man I'm gonna punch someone in the face probably gonna be me [Music] oh no it's super bomb bad races 2001 not a good year for Star Wars it's gotten bad in the name God no no look at Georgia oh this is Ravi well they didn't put qui-gon and the guys dead he said I'm gonna charge on well whoever bought them really oh yeah you're right you are oh [ __ ] oh god this controls horribly Oh the turns are so tight oh no why did I just crap out of Dimond and then the camera change this is just the worst oh my god is so hypersensitive these weapons this is so [ __ ] there's a shape they don't even really make sense alright I can make sense something at least in Mario it's like Oh banana peel I couldn't matter what that does but in this it's like oh three triangles also has my favorite Star Wars thing yeah he doesn't know how to use the three triangle hello and welcome to the B movie game here's a fun game you can play at home every time Aaron and I say the word b-movie go [ __ ] yourself [Laughter] what is it what is this Cantonese this is how you select the name perfect I love it [Laughter] great my initials backwards far apart from each other yeah of course I do I sure as my name is a game trailer we go alright well yeah okay make your way to hone X well here I am I'm gonna get some [ __ ] honey bee bee why do I need a car I can draw I can fly is this what it looks like it's out of a beehive maybe it's woody when he gets tired of driving or really gets tired of flying rather he drives wait what I look down and now it's a new game what's that right I don't know man I'm just shooting these things is this like really the game yeah I think so oh yeah whatever it's like banjo kazooie but [ __ ] I where's it going right here what a great game this is good well DreamWorks came to me and was like do you have an idea for a movie and I said no that shitty big thing we've got to kick it around and they were like well we have ten million dollars to give you and I was like well then I looked outside and saw a big like and thought about it oh god shake-shake-shake sonoda think about it right she's just stung him dude he had your butt give he'll die wouldn't be statement yeah that's details Campbell and Barry be Benson dice is somebody's favorite game and I think we have to go next our game gross what is happening everybody wave your disembodied gloves dear citizens today can I [ __ ] finish the sentence you're insignificant scum your kingdom of light is nothing only you shall all be my slaves and I shall reign over your world ha ha damn they really just don't [ __ ] pull oh god [ __ ] I will come and get you out to spread some water or vomit on the ground wine it's a screen with the Wii Remote and a hold down the B button well hit look at your vial of vomit what what the [ __ ] he's just barfing he's barfing a path this this is very weird [ __ ] only my body already did that like adjusted it was like oh [ __ ] yeah looks like I'm dropping a deuce in the urinal poop that gum no that's the thing well I mean of course I can believe it make a mess ok said fun for kids while challenging enough for adults you sure about that game step she didn't maybe have like an 18,000 unit backlog on this game informer that comes at dot dot dot undeniably fun to play oh my god I'm saying unless the dot-dot-dot is we could never possibly say that this game is undeniably fun BB BB BB BB Saul about timing each button is [ __ ] jump oh you got it okay [Music] that was her screaming it frays hey yeah Shandra dobisch a half fully packed house run run run run run bee bee bee bee bee bee now we're here glad they introduced us who's really [ __ ] up are you doing that again is that the exact same result it is let's try resins to it oh no Robert it's very Fergus gurgles I'm sorry you're just drinking at the wrong moment [Laughter] otherwise who's ready for some hot red on red actually shows my joke you stole no I'm just [ __ ] you were gonna forget it cuz I'm helping I did forget it actually I forgot I joked was let Holloway up and I don't know did it choose yeah I'm sorry I was under the impression that I'd be Mel Gibson but apparently I'm a homeless guy with a jacket that's too big Mel Gibson is my favorite actor did you know that really no [ __ ] him if you have a chance to change your feet yeah would you change your feet to wheels his name Kevin McCallister yeah I don't think Mick is his middle name but whatever does he does a set called um Oh Mike what's his name would call the Culkin's iPod like every week at a club you like comes in and hooks up his iPod nerdy party's fantastic so he is MC coughs I'm all about it yeah this is good look it never mind about dad I'm Joe Pesci who's the other guy I'm Daniel Stern Bob Harvey that's him forget it we're playing we're playing the feared the plaza let's do it looking about long what weight off [ __ ] and oh God a big pizza this muggy game throws you right in the thick of it yeah the thick of what what is this you know this is a horrible noise Jesus Christ captain Nolan hmm oh my god Nolan is an insulin used to control blood sugar in people with diabetes it comes in three forms novel and our novel and N and Captain no boys serious yeah this is an anti diabetes game whoa captured mayor Gooden of Pineville who has enough diabetes supplies to last 48 hours someone must save them from the world and from these evil invaders this sounds like a job for y'all is truly captain over SiC in there and he's like finally a diabetes related crime are you [ __ ] serious amen how's diabetes doing oh my god this is a game this is a game before breakfast wait am I supposed to choose shoes I'm okay I'm okay right now okay okay how do i how do I go it's low it's low you need to give it a lot you just have to pick the right answer don't forget to take the insulin dose i prescribed you got it oh my god do you have to stick yourself right now this is weird [Music] bowl of cereal glass of milk baby oh my god the hell alright did this time don't [ __ ] up dude did the world of diabetes is what was relying on you Luke glucagon makes you glucose breakfast really fast wait what I'll tell you who it is was that guy yeah that's it he looks really smart yo know it update Wow creatures led by mister the mayor who's them is he also annoyed yeah I don't know it's that John Mayer cuz that was not spelled the correct way for a politician annoyed or is he the noise also how fast do they think we read that [ __ ] just flew by yeah especially for children who are hopped up on Domino's Pizza yes for anyone who doesn't know the noid was my oh my god this is already terrible is the whole world floating up and down I might barf Oh God whole world is floating something's [ __ ] with me like because like the front water it's like totally sedentary yeah it's like it's like a GoPro is mounted on the water it's making me a little barfi like when you watch like a slicker [Music] the area champion goes first what the [ __ ] is going on okay how many pizzas do you uh three what is happening well that didn't prove much it's funny how the Domino's Pizza they didn't even [ __ ] like make it Domino's this is pizza for how many pizzas do you want it's just - Pete this place this one I want bottle many pizzas what the hell is [ __ ] going on yuck red pepper I can't eat that I'm so confused right now how many pizzas do you want Aaron three okay yum yum yum boy that's delicious did I do it you barely won that one am i literally just like picking a number that's higher than the other number yeah I think that's what's happening are you [ __ ] serious with you got it it's a counting game the area champion goes first are you [ __ ] serious Hey oh [ __ ] you don't have more than three double yeah three three times tail check that [ __ ] out yeah that's more huh isn't that overdoing it there this is the worst game ever been played by humankind good day how many pizzas oh [ __ ] that's gonna be a draw I don't waste my tooth I guess I'll do it yeah god there's so much strategy well that didn't prove much she is games where I can't believe this was [ __ ] Yoshi adrift at sea for like 32 inches face she's like a five o'clock shadow like a light bulb II Potato Head and why is the flag made out of tinfoil she looks like Edward monks The Scream with a dress welcome to Mario's preschool adventures yeah preschool party my image tool works company are you serious this wasn't a [ __ ] Nintendo or I you know what I can't believe it myself Moo if there's a dude I don't know why I went straight to dude yeah I wonder if there's a dude who loves like suckin on floppy wieners there has to be it's like you know like it never gets hard and it's like oh oh oh yeah I [ __ ] will die I love a [ __ ] flaccid dick all around my face I found the one which is hot is there anything left me Mario yes math oh thank God I'm assuming that's what this it's never a good sign when I'm like oh thank god math I don't know he'll bear [Laughter] soldiers kind of thought we'd go for the eight colors there no it's fine we can count to one one a little too skinny Yoshi a little he'd definitely like catch it from his grandma take we have plenty of ganoush Yoshi you you speed all my macaroni now you're not even touching it no she's like I don't care mom I'm gluten-free and extremely weak I thought silly axe disease I don't it's not see if I still do it celiac Cecilia not silly actually you're silly the the yellow mask represents move before we started playing and the blue is after Sesame Street count down [ __ ] starring Jerry Nelson as the count is it really him yeah wow so they really got him yeah respect they paid him that that's sweet fifty dollars they were like you're Jerry you're gonna hop your run gonna hop some more whoa let's play the feud let's do like a much more intense game than semi street countdown they're big birds weren't a bandana an eye patch I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm trying to do here I don't either oh okay okay all right I guess you want to get the highest nothing I meant to do something yeah all right yes yes 10 that is 10 that's what the number is whoa okay all right it's just oh oh do I not can i watch we're not the football oh you want to get something that's ten oh so you [ __ ] up say you dumb you don't know goddamn anything about numbers ah I like to look up he's like oh [ __ ] play cool oh [ __ ] play cool oh my hometown ah I blend in with the bushes my dress like you've eaten one-two-three psychedelic mushrooms let's have another number adventure okay what's your favorite number mine seven like answers one two three four five six seven eight not today Belle's try what are you throwing a feast of bear everything I'm throwing everything discussed am I trying to kill this what is I Oh God that is some [ __ ] that's not even nightmare fuel that's a nightmare fuel to coup like for the nightmare bus they drive off the nightmare Oh God can we do anything about this Jesus man boy it is so disturbing that the head moves completely so it's ever gut what what is the purpose of all of these foods dude I'm having like a silent nervous break let me go no no I'm holding a tornado right now that being said I'm cool with death now yeah just because of this yeah well in general but also certainly because of this wait what are you getting existential on [ __ ] super troll adventure it just happened one day I was like I think I'm okay with this whole like life situation the fact that it ends is what gives it value and that's really beautiful yeah exactly I agree with that and then also playing this game made me happy to die oh no droids oh my god destroy time so it's terrible I'm gonna take out the dress one by one one two three and then for sued if we get I'm my goal is to get through this entire thing without your doing one Yoda um funny joke well I can't even do that right now I my voice is shot oh so well even if I wanted to do uh even if I wanted to do it yeah I wouldn't even be able to well even if you know what what kind of what kind of phone does what kind of phone does Emperor Palpatine use look at what kind of that Yoda in Android hey since she's naked put something on it on her boob also probably the bird superimposed yeah keep them there keep those birds there yeah what the hell you talking about it's the bird oh you are out of control right now Boyce you found the dead naked tree all right it's time to tell you the truth about your mother he has a lighter this is no smoking on it I love it it's very symbolic dude maybe it's just to light campfires Oh finally after all this time not looking at the road yeah I finally lived my dream of crashing mm-hmm oh [ __ ] this gun this crash is taking a long time it's slow fast motion dude yeah what is this game trying to be I do not understand I wish someone [ __ ] waited this sir mix-a-lot the video and was like excuse me sir mix-a-lot its baby has bad and and and by the way who is this baby are you talking about a child because that's gross [ __ ] baby this is so fun that's not gross so much fun sir mix-a-lot it's a so fun game no really yes it's a commonly mistaken ii thing Thank You captain grammar I would love to be [ __ ] County grammar and just like come in and like actually like correct the thing that they say but then [ __ ] it up so much fun now if you'll excuse me I away alright we're gonna do it we go that uh yeah can you give us some [ __ ] amazing running music yeah oh [ __ ] right now so fired up God dang that musics really getting me just really getting me jazz only four lengths of a football field to go you know super jazzed right now and I'm running I'm exhausted boy I would donut with a lollipop stuffed in it it takes like two seconds to get my stamina bag yeah now I'm running for the next book another was that another medal that's all I care about anymore give me the medals they're worth $30 Ceram please write a straight line this is gonna take for [ __ ] ever I'm just looking for metals dude I just want to be rewarded for my honor of running around on a road my Medal of Honor dude this is Emily what she gets a lot of attention from me she gets total attention not cool women they're crazy right well I'm found game over I said he's really good no I didn't design the game lady Wow look at that it's so beautiful beautiful other water does that naturally she looks like Claire Danes yeah don't want that he's so dreamy when he talks to himself I'm the bassist for the darkness take a picture of the last phrase that's what everyone calls me who's everyone yeah I don't like the sand we all wear leather chaps around the way you city folks are walking around in your suit and tie everyone here I recently killed some zombies and found these still think I'm crazy whoa cool you're sure yeah you're weird chair and now this is my rich grandfather who I will inherit all of his money little man how do you know he's old gas mask Gary I wonder why they gave him that name guess we'll never know yeah seems not even Gary it's dead your eyes focused on your footing as we she's so dreamy so says mr. Stewart Patrick Stewart or didn't make it rhyme like that but whatever come on I've been watching a lot of starch nextgen how did you the star checks star checks it's the tastiest kind of chex mix it stays desire country ham mm-hmm mmm all those slices I carry them around in addition my bag when I have a moderate amount of hunger I like to tear into a good old fashioned country ham and entire ham that we don't appreciate black coffee around she was a fairy goddess I'm sure she is playing with those animals even now but she's dead she's dead you see dad don't you get it kids like grab somebody don't you get it when you die nothing god it's just black really looking up for me oh yeah oh I'm gonna get him no he's the [ __ ] killer [Music] [Music] dan dan sorry I blinked out of existence for a second I'm back go hey hello [ __ ] doors hopefully more zombies well thank my prayers were answered for each hour through models raised even like like Super Mario Brothers like a game from 1986 had introduced more enemies by this point in the game why what are you talking about I think my brain just roulette it just landed on double zero you started laughing like right after you said it why did I say that all right [ __ ] yeah oh the game grumps are playing more deadly [ __ ] premonitions games saw it certainly looks that way dick wow man [ __ ] episode 19 it suddenly like explodes out of him over the [ __ ] moon about this game dude it sucks my ass open you must be chair how is our continent continuity are in a game you're not filming anything you just change it you know what uh-huh remember when we played Chester cheetahs to fool the wall the fool and like you floated into the sky like two minutes in and never came down yeah glitch I like that a lot more than this kid attack attack this tree did I get it yeah you knocked it down mr. Stuart says I'm a farty stupid so says mr. Stuart I'm extra gas smack my bum bum says they should do it [Laughter] does everyone touch their head around here did I start doing it I touch my head - yeah Wow wouldn't use dropper whoa sorry I didn't realize you were there Fiona everybody touch their head [Music] what's gonna go back to my room and squeeze one out maybe we could go back to your place and you could knock my junk around small Bell Billy Bob this is what a smallmouth bass looks like I hate this game noob never do I'm dog boy they cook I was gonna save a puppy but hey Polly try to kill us all barrel ah honey I just couldn't get sleep and I can't think of why [ __ ] how do I get back Jesus this [ __ ] place is a goddamn maze how the hell am I supposed to enjoy art if I get other than that it's impossible I've lost forever that's me I hate those city stores you can't find anything except for when everything's labeled how to raise vegetables to be able to easily make am i hallucinating does it not say that up in the corner sure does dan I'm gonna get a car wash too yeah simonize that [ __ ] thank you that's all the water you need damn fifteen blocks alright we've encountered this whole game
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 1,179,976
Rating: 4.9393392 out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, funniest moments, laughter moments, game grumps compilation, best of, best moments, dan avidan, arin hanson, game grumps compilation rage, game grumps compilation arin rage, laughter moments game grumps, best laughter moments, game grumps more, best of game grumps, game grumps best of, best of game grumps 2016, best of game grumps sonic, best of game grumps doki doki
Id: _uRpwgYCydM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 18sec (3738 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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