Reacting to MUSIC made from our WORST song ideas - Game Grumps Compilations

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Been loving these compilation reaction videos and this one immediately became my favorite. Just a chill sesh, sitting down with the boys, going down memory lane and seeing them react and reminisce about their musical careers. Kinda gives me podcast vibes. God knows I need a Gamegrumps Podcast again...

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Monvie_UX 📅︎︎ Feb 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love the idea of Brian trolling Dan with absurd song names and Dan earnestly trying to make a song out of them.

D: Really? Tits-splosion? You think that'll work?

B: It's the greatest idea I've ever had.

D: Alright man. Get on the keyboard.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/rezerection 📅︎︎ Feb 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Is SBassBear editing for them?! The smile emoticon in the corner at the beginning makes me feel like they are!

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/IcedThatGuy 📅︎︎ Feb 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

Seeing Dan in that Monokuma onesie has given me life. Thank you, boys.

also, it's been a while since we've seen Arin with his hair down! I always forget how handsome he looks

e I don't know why, but I'm not even 20 minutes in and I'm getting cramps under my jaw from laughing and smiling so much. oh this is fantastic

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/trainercatlady 📅︎︎ Feb 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

I was hoping this song I released at the beginning of January would have been in the comp:

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/InsaneIan 📅︎︎ Feb 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

I loved this video. All the songs were great. My favorite is the rock all night fish all day song.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/tobormax 📅︎︎ Feb 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Anyone know if the song in 27:56 is real or not? Could've swore I heard it before. If it is, can someone tell me what it is?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/GrimKSA 📅︎︎ Feb 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

My whole world is shattered. Can't believe space bear is the pronunciation

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Houeclipse 📅︎︎ Mar 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

If you told me Rockin all Night, Fishin all day was a yazuka song, i wouldn't question it

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AlwaysDragons 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone welcome good morning students time for another beautiful day yeah i'm excited i um someone from game grumps inc dropped off a monokuma onesie to my house and uh i'm gonna wear this all the time yes definitely mine's still at the office i wear it during important meetings yes particularly with outside people that have no idea yeah oh aaron from game grumps hey uh what's your company do and just smash cut to me in the [ __ ] oh i didn't think i'd be talking on this call they're not familiar with danganronpa at all yeah so some kind of some kind of like cookie teddy bear hold please yeah it's beautiful that's better okay let's what are we doing today aaron well we've got a a very special compilation uh that we're gonna watch uh it involves um all of the fake band names that we have ever either come up with or were like star bomb fake songs or just just that sort of topic of just like coming up with fake names of songs or bands i love it i don't know why that took me a good 30 seconds to get out when it was the easiest tweet-worthy concept no problem also uh spacebear did something yes there is some special little interludes that we will discover as we go i love it also uh space bear you probably know them from the internet as sebas bear it certainly took me a hot minute to know that their name was pronounced space bear but i think i think there was definitely like a good several months where we were like it's it's spaz bear it's gotta be what else could it be and then and then i think he emailed us directly like it's pronounced bass bear they're brill they're brilliant musicians yeah i really like them um all right let's do this okay awesome brian and i are starting to work on songs for the fourth ninja sex party album [ __ ] yeah yeah trying so stoked yeah but don't get excited that [ __ ] is we haven't written one word for it yet [ __ ] is many moons away well i trust your ability to write music how nice of you so i'm stoked well we were talking about this off camera but like it was just funny how like you've kind of offhandedly unintentionally like created songs for us because you were saying like yeah you should probably write a song that the internet would love you know some stupid [ __ ] like [ __ ] unicorn wizard and like and like i think susie was like yeah that's that's dumb and i was like unicorn wizard awesome so yeah a lot of stuff happens like that because there's no idea too stupid for a ninja sex party to write a song about so with the the way brian and i like get ideas going sometimes is that we'll just like write down like 70 song titles each and just send them to each other and like uh if one jumps out like oh that would make a cool song like the other one will say like yeah these are the ones i like and then sometimes we'll write a song that's how dragon slayer why i cry let's get this terrible party started like those were all from this like exercise that we do so i found like an archive of old [ __ ] that we had rejected it is beyond terrible um let me share some of these yeah i gotta hear them um i mean there's tons like just like hugs one man biker gang like [ __ ] like that uh but rock all night fish all day [Laughter] yes so great that the smash cut between between the rocking the day and then the night yeah i want to see i want to see the music video for that yeah i i want it to be very frantic and then very relaxing that's wonderful that's so great fish all day uh that's exciting yeah surfing for puss and the tide is high [Laughter] how are these rejected well because like i mean they'll they'll make you laugh but like then you try writing a song and beyond the song title there's just nothing there you know like um you can tell by my swell uh oh here's one i liked uncle carl's garage basement ultimate thumb wrestling championship final match edition final match edition that's so good planet bachelon uh did i [ __ ] say you could stop partying it's the picture [Music] wow i love it i love this i was not informed uh i just knew that we were doing a compilation today i was i was not informed what it would be what the structure would be or that this was a thing um i i love this already yeah uh it's it's interesting did i did i [ __ ] say you could stop partying turned into rock party usa which then became everybody shut up i have an erection wait is that oh is that right is that possible that's a pretty big yeah well i mean like they all they all become different things like when you when you sit down and try to write it no no no i'm sorry not uh not the erection song it became mansion party oh okay yeah so it that that's it it's interesting to hear like because that had to be 2016 if we hadn't written anything for the fourth nsp album which became cool patrol um so yeah cool patrol danny don't you know like a lot of our best-known stuff came from that album so it's weird to think that like you know it's weird to hear that conversation from a time before um any of that stuff was either feeling all trepidatious about it and like oh i don't know it's probably not gonna be good but dude that is every every time we sit down to write an album we're like we're we're out of ideas we're [ __ ] hacks we can't like you just think the notebooks are empty and it won't come but then fortunately like so far it's always been there i really wish that that that song really did become uh everybody shut up i have an erection because that that leap of just like the creation process of like we have a song all right let's turn it into this song all right what if we wrote a song that was completely different it had nothing to do with this song yeah but it evolved from this song it's how it goes man i'm sure you've like started on art pieces or or um early internet videos where it just keeps changing and changing as you work on it and then you're like well now the new changes are so good i guess i better like change the original stuff so it matches and and by the end it's just a completely different thing yeah sometimes you like draw an arm up here and then you want it like over here yeah exactly thank you that's right that's what i was talking about yeah let's move on see what's next is that what tom cruise does yeah he ate the placenta oh cool yeah you know what he ate a placenta meter centimeter that was another one of brian's uh band name suggestions placenta meter along with whitney houston we have a problem and wet wet and nope for starbucks we were trying to come up with bad names and ninja brian wrote out like 70 all of which were completely unusable we were like oh wow extra credit he did 70. it's awesome yeah and then we looked i was like man i'm behind my game yeah we looked at the list we were like no no no no i think that the i think the only good one was probably like a thousand ten thousand years into the future or something like that oh that was kind of cool hey shine welcome to smush grumps yeah my name is george this is lairs wait what was the name of we were trying to write all right so ninja sex party has this song we've been trying to write for [ __ ] like four years now uh and it's about ninja sex party's rival clan samurai abstinence patrol and uh one of the things was like what you just said hold on let me see if i can find it um yeah we were trying to come up with like other names for those clans can't find it i wanna i wanna know yeah me too better tell me damn it i'm dying oh no died push police swoosh [Laughter] smoosh police is a great name for for a band depending on your definition of great absolutely [Laughter] yeah gosh you can tell you can tel man god we've been doing this a long time the because the super mario sunshine yeah star bomb hadn't even been named yet because that must have been 2013 um you can tell we're we're still we're still in the phase of recording where there was one mic in the center of the room and we were you know um we didn't we didn't have our own mics yet and uh yeah it's it's crazy that three albums and what seven years later seven plus years later um start there there was a time when star bomb wasn't even like conceived of uh yeah because now i can't separate those songs from like that blue pink and magenta yeah logo that you came up with and that that uh aesthetic as as the kids say these days hey man you gotta you gotta start somewhere that's that's what that's what i've always found interesting about like game grumps and star bomb and stuff is like when you just have an idea and you have like because i draw and i can design logos and stuff like that it's not amazing but it's like i can do it so just do it and then eventually you know it's like we have a new game grumps logo that was designed by a professional logo designer but it's like it still harkens back to the old one so that that's it's it's weird to think about like the first starbomb logo was something that like was just so boots on the ground um it's really really fun to think about how it's evolved since then yeah and well as someone who has no visual artistic ability whatsoever star bomb logo looks good to me man i guess i should just be on top of it when i drop it yeah on top when i drop top and drop that's the new reality show on madonna's channel that was another uh name for a song we never did that brian wanted to do uh i pop when you hop on top [Laughter] that's just the title that it just needs to exist on its own i know it doesn't need a song attached that's exactly the problem it's one of those it's one of those things where it's like one of those fake commercials where it's like and now the greatest is like something they do on who's line yeah exactly exactly look in who's line when um he uh he was the reporter or no the newscaster and he was like hi i'm packed nicely yeah is that where you got whenever you use that on game grumps yeah greg proops from uh that was that was the name of his news reporter character that i lo that killed me the first time i heard it holy [ __ ] yeah that's that's i mean i was about to be like you don't remember me bringing that up in wind waker which we played eight years ago the one where i couldn't press a or whatever is that is that what happened that was like that was like the part where i wouldn't press a or like it was saying it on the screen and i was like what do i do and it was like on the screen we've had so many freaking train wrecks throughout the years i can't game play train wrecks like i can't i can't keep them all straight man could you imagine revisiting wind waker that would be wild you know uh wind waker and mario sunshine just looking at them i'm like god i love the way these two games look uh i mean they're both from 2002 right you in years man i don't they're from when we played them and also before that okay okay sorry i just i remember i i seem to remember them being from the same like summer of my life that makes sense i mean it's gamecube so yeah yeah um i just love the way they look uh except the wind waker we played was a restored version right yeah the hd remaster hell yeah don't eat s video anymore all right i can't open up the story in my life just [ __ ] go to page 738 and think you know me [Laughter] oh i was gonna say i've definitely googled weird butt stuff more than like two or three times because brian and i were gonna write a song called that and we were like whoa you're not anymore uh probably not just because awkward nice yeah you say tomato i say what are you doing in my house every time you masturbate an angel gets its thing an angel gets its like what the [ __ ] were we thinking i bet i can eat more pancakes than you yes yes i still think we should write that song i know it's pretty good i and then in parentheses we ripped off from a more successful artist [Laughter] yes it's so close [Music] that's wonderful oh man you got to sample something like really man yeah but this is this is brian's public masturbation is so much fun it should be illegal [Laughter] he loves the long song titles oh i think that's it you can always count on bry to go a little too far he always always he he always like does the [ __ ] like way too long titles like um there is nothing wrong with making an honest living by selling illegal drugs um i like the parentheses ones like uh i mean that's basically his twitter post yeah exactly exactly um puts them into song titles oh [ __ ] rock the night and then in parentheses or day depending on your availability that's a good one i recommend i like that a lot actually apparently past me thought so too what if your whole life was a play a really stupid [ __ ] play is that the name of the song yeah stinkled mctinkles oh that's good yeah oh yeah that's a classic climbing the ladder of success up to the roof of butt sex that's paul brian oh brian of course no question who else but bry with the butt sex things will never be the same and then in parentheses i've applied too much ketchup to this hamburger still my favorite yes yeah wow [Music] it finally has music oh this is exactly the type of thing we would have done with it like a very very moody so somber cinematic so good this is really fun i'm enjoying this a lot this is a good time i was kind of hoping maybe there would be like uh like a like a just like a losing your mind sort of like interlude of just like it just gets really hard near the end yeah it's so it's so weird to hear this because when did we play katamari it had to be like five years like a long ass time ago yeah and um we tried to write uh um what was it oh [ __ ] it was just brought up oh uh rock the night or day depending on your availability we've tried to write that song no less than four or five times and it just never never happens for us wow that's interesting hey someday someday it'll turn into everybody shut up i have an erection you never know man usually the ones i found the the best songs at least from our own songwriting experience are the ones that just come out of nowhere and they're just there you know um generally the ones where we we have to grind like to really make it work and um we labor over it for a long time generally those don't you know measure up over time in my opinion um and maybe maybe you know things are just meant to be a certain way you know i think we were talking about this on another episode of game grumps but like that's so true of most artists when it's just like the the weird passionate like i have an idea i'm just gonna do it those usually end up being like the things that really travel because there's just so much energy in them there's so much like electricity um and there's there's always that thing on like on twitter or whatever where it's like oh the thing i shout out in an hour got went viral and the thing i was working on for 10 years you know nobody saw it because it's like it's so true it's just like those concepts are so electric like people just want to be a part of those kinds of concepts yeah it speaks to the possibility that um the and and i always feel like such a hippie when i when i say stuff like this but a lot of artists feel this way a lot of famous artists that you know you might love their uh books or uh movies or music they kind of feel like this stuff is just out there in the ether and we just channel it you know like we're not really writing the the stuff that we write it it just um kind of works its way through us and uh i don't know i think it's an interesting concept and it kind of takes the pressure off a little bit you know i it's so true mitch hedberg used to say that and for anyone who doesn't know mitch hedberg h-e-d-b-e-r-g uh i strongly recommend you check out his comedy he was just brilliant so funny and a really like out there kind of comedian i'm sure i've said this on game grumps before and his idea of his ideas were so left of center that people didn't really know how he came up with them that was a question he would get a lot and he said uh well the creative process for me isn't so much uh i'll just be in a hotel room and i'll kind of relax and just sit there with a coke and maybe an orange and just try to chill out and let stuff come to me you know he was he was like the he he said that essentially like these jokes are just floating out there and he's like it's not it's not so much sitting down to write jokes as it is putting yourself in a relaxed mental state where you can catch jokes more easily and uh yeah i thought that was really interesting and to a degree i've experienced it myself i think it's important to allow yourself to to see that aspect of it too i remember i would have dreams all the time of like characters or jokes or like a concept for something or whatever and i just wouldn't i wouldn't use them because they didn't feel like they were mine um you know when i came up with stuff it was it would be like it would be in the moment and i'm awake but if i'm asleep it's like it's not really my i hadn't put effort into coming up with it so can i really claim it but it's like yes first of all it's yours because it's in your head and then second of all it's like who cares like it's just a good concept and you know execute absolutely and it's it's a good it's a good way to keep your ego in check you know because you'll never think like i am a genius you know it's just like well you know i was just sitting there and this thing got whispered to me and then i wrote it down you know um i don't know it's it's a cool way to look at it i like that a lot wow this was yeah this guy this got unexpectedly deep [Laughter] all right moving on to the jokes cool all right that's enough i [ __ ] love doing this i think uh parenthetical song titles are my favorite thing ever they are very funny they are very funny like i just that's what happened when we were trying to name all the star bomb songs for the first album it was just like there's just too many like oh yeah yeah and then we realized we had to put like the the video game that we were like referencing in parentheses yeah so like there were like double parentheses situations no one needs that no nobody needs dual parenthesis i like i like song titles where like like the thing in parentheses has [ __ ] nothing to do with anything in the song like it's such a douchey like tonight we're gonna rock my shoes are untied like the [ __ ] oh god what's a good example and i don't hate this band but um our lady piece had a song called right behind you and then in parentheses mafia [Laughter] i believe they mentioned no such thing in the song okay do people in [ __ ] werewolf costumes come out and beat the [ __ ] out of you because that's what i'd want there are some that are like horror themed i think barry did one where there was like a zombie in the room he like kills you if he touches you okay quote unquote kills you right he just gives you a straight up hand job yeah he's he's just like you're dead now dude by the way another nsp song title that brian has been trying to write this song for years and we can't do it [ __ ] uh zombie hand job zam job zam jobs zan's job zan it's try writing that song it's not [ __ ] easy it was originally going to be like a monster match like zombie but like it actually ended up like our traces of ideas for that ended up being crashervania that's right really that's right i mean so that shows you how long we've been trying to work on this yeah some ideas just like are funny in a vacuum but like really hard to turn into songs that's interesting i um i bet you could the only ideas i can come up with are that like a song about the zombie apocalypse or something but then like oh [ __ ] what is that i have no idea where any of these red coins are yeah i see that um what the [ __ ] was i going to say show you about zombie hand jobs so the only idea i could come up with is that the zombie hand drive would be the punch line so the fact that it's named zombie [ __ ] will be a giveaway ah be all like dramatic about like a zombie apocalypse and it's just like you just grab a hand oh that's actually really funny like we're so scared of like the [ __ ] end of the world that like it just turns out to all be about one gross slow undead hand job boy again in a vacuum making us laugh got a funny feeling once we sit down to write the song that's true it might not work very true dude [ __ ] jesse eisenberg have you seen zombie porn just like cut right at the end dude have you seen zombie porn i was i was too busy i was too busy making fun of i just hear you say [ __ ] i can't ever hear you say [ __ ] with a pause without thinking jesse eisenberg man but at the time put it at the time oh yeah geez zombie hand job that's another one that uh will probably never happen but yeah it was a song about a guy who's like in a graveyard and he falls face-first onto the dirt and then like the head comes up oh yeah this is going to be our halloween song but we just it just it was so not funny when we tried to write it every time [Music] all right it's the dude from assassin's creed how did i end up in this game we hang shitty games oh oh yeah i said it yeah said it ass assen's creed oh damn yeah you can see him a little better up there oh yeah he's gonna start shooting sometime i think we've told that story that like we were going to try to write an assassin's creed song for star bum 2 but the best idea we had was that like someone pronounces it ass ass creed and eventually to be fair yeah yeah that's an amazing song when you see the moon low in the sky the extra air between you and the moon makes the moon look reddish yeah wow wow there you go that's simple all right cool now i know a thing yeah also the moon illusion what's that one of my favorite when the moon looks bigger when it's near the ground the moon illusion is a great name for a band it is nice bigger by comparison this is absolutely a song that the moon illusion oh no doubt the rubber gloves are off-putting i just want to put a put on a poncho and drink some wine how are y'all doing out there tonight [Music] i just i just i just feel like bar mitzvah dj that that has to be like how's everybody doing out there y'all having fun yeah enjoying your non-alcoholic cocktails but it's funny because we actually did put the assassin's creed joke in a star bomb song finally in the in the not surprisingly in the song about rejected song titles that sucked so many of those people need to understand we're on our list of song ideas to make a song about yes there were only a couple that were made up just for the song yes if you don't know what we're talking about on the third star bomb album the third and probably final star bomb album um the last song is called this song sucks and we decided like let's just empty the notebooks completely and make a song out of all the garbage that did not like did not connect in the seven years we were uh coming up with ideas for it and uh it turned out to be a really fun song at the end so yeah that made me feel really good i was like this is this ties everything in a nice bow and also i believe there were a lot of concepts that didn't even make the song that were just like too bad or didn't fit the rhyme scheme or whatever yeah yeah concepts that sucked so hard they couldn't make it into the song called this song sucks all right wait what does it say so when you see the moon like rise against like a a landscape or something it looks huge right but it's actually totally just the same size it is when it's in this when it's like high in the sky really yeah show me and that'll be the last thing we'll do because i got chicken nuggets coming here delivery style and i ain't got time for the creek they're [ __ ] hellions so excited so excited for your chicken nugs bro i'm pumped for those nugs oh so many [ __ ] nugs bro oh i think we just figured out the new ninja sex party album title for those nugs pumped for nose attitude city wasn't supposed to be the original name yeah remember i was actually there when you were like maybe we should make it the album title yeah we were originally going to call it new holes and like that was brian have the picture be like brian and i in astronaut costumes over the moon [ __ ] you you're out of here you're [ __ ] out of here yeah yeah aaron great job you did it now we can continue with the playthrough you don't have to give up much like uh one of uh one of ninja brian's rejected ninja sex party song titles i always believed in your tits it's a good it's a good title yeah it's pretty good not quite good enough to it's not clever at all i wonder if good nonetheless oh my god aaron either you're on fire today or or you're literally on fire yeah that was another song title rejected ninja sex party sewing title i'm literally on fire i love that one that might have been my favorite song can we just i i completely forgot that we did this and i'm so glad that i was reminded of it right now for the kirby's epic yarn play through it was back when we didn't change the thumbnail between between episodes the whole series had one uniform thumbnail and then the number changed but for kirby's epic yarn we gradually made the kirby bigger yes i remember throughout the thumbnails and uh at one point i think it just filled the entire screen and i think it started getting red like like as if like it was like a horror movie that was a wonderful playthrough it was really fun that i've i've been pulling the strings by the way we need to refill the water cooler yeah it's a little gamey in there yeah it's got like goldfish swimming in it oh my god the goldfish on the water cooler i would adore that goldfish water cooler yeah goldfish water cooler yeah what an awesome name for a band we all goldfish cooler whoa oh my god dude sip it good sip it good i'm gonna sip that piss yeah ooh baby it smells like [ __ ] really that that you should see a doctor it smells like piss oh okay but you know [ __ ] is just a general oh yeah sure so that reminds me of another unused uh song title of ninja sex parties which is one of brian's favorites your ass smells like tits and then in parentheses and your tits smell like hats and i'm like really brian are you sure about that one he's like i 100 stand behind him of course he would i'm 100 behind this he comes up with the he comes up with the winners yeah boy whose idea was eating food in the shower eating food in the shower was that's him i think ryan brian wrote the the song the title yeah and then i wrote the lyrics okay yeah that's good it is good it is very good i have a lot of trouble um this is why i'm better at like um musical improv than regular improv because like when i have something to work with then i'm i'm good to go but like if i have to start with nothing it's it's super hard for me oh sure so like with songwriting it's usually brian's titles that end up getting used and then um and then i run with them not episode but the name of this level is when it rains it pours oh i thought you were going to name it oh you could name it we could name it an unused nsp song title okay go for it uh how about um what's one recently oh uh abc one two three t he he okay yeah all right how do you even write that song we don't know yeah this is very surreal actually to see someone turn these into music because that song title has just been an empty title for forever yeah um boy thanks space bear making dreams come true over here it's really really genius work with it hey man he's just like you he just needs something to start from and then he can musical improv it right well it's two guys really yeah the space and the bear i didn't know that yeah i think wait now i wonder i've never seen their faces no i think it is i think it is two guys i've only seen the guitar yeah but their hands look different yeah it's got to be two guys wow yes yeah that's like that's like my new song which apparently is a song written by our friends jack and dean i didn't even know about so cancel that song i was gonna write which song but my song was called i like [ __ ] [ __ ] in parentheses but only with their consent is that a jacket dude song apparently they wrote a song that's extremely similar to that those guys are [ __ ] really funny and awesome yeah that's that reminds me of uh the brian uh nsp idea that we've never been able to work which is rock the night and then in parentheses or day depending on your availability it's like two years later we're still talking about that so you can help me up here so i can help you get barrels this is this is me helping you helping me helping you it's really the meta of this me helping you watching me humping you is that an nsp song it's it's a song that brian wanted to write a thousand times and i'm like it's not funny it's like it's super funny and then he'll bring it up in front of a group of people and no one laughs and he's like [ __ ] you [Laughter] what does it mean me i think it's me wanting you watching me humping you that's right i think that's it it's a good one see yeah exactly the way you said that tepid response that's fine sure it's okay oh wow that was it oh sweet dude a lot of gems in there a lot of gems that never need to get turned into actual songs yeah but if you at home want to turn them into actual songs why don't you tweet them at us yeah by all means look at them yeah that those song titles are a freaking wasteland for us so uh have at it by all means um and and thank you to space bear for for bringing some of our dumbest ideas to life we still might try to write things will never be the same i've applied too much ketchup to this hamburger that's so funny that's the only one i i feel in my heart there might be something there that is a good one um i'm very much looking forward to that song and if you need a rap part you let me know because i also am in a band i don't know if you've heard of them they're called star bomb they sound stupid all right well uh i guess we'll see we'll see y'all next time yeah on this uh the compilations boom goodbye
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 1,032,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, funniest moments, laughter moments, game grumps compilation, best of, best moments, dan avidan, arin hanson, game grumps compilation rage, game grumps compilation arin rage, laughter moments game grumps, best laughter moments, game grumps more
Id: ZVd-51YdBXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 22sec (2302 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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