Game Grumps BEST Skyward Sword Moments!

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The head of arin should look mad, he didn’t really enjoy playing this game that much🤣

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Phorks7777777 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello well I welcome that's Aaron Hanson and I am King [ __ ] of [ __ ] Mountain Dan Ovid I'm and this is what you wanted baby its Skyward Sword it's right here okay oh look at this we're doing it and it's not just like an April Fool's joke where it's us and you have to frustratingly watch it on a tiny window reflection yeah Wow look at all these trees man Skyward Sword I can't believe it well what's going on with that thing right there that's nuts what I love it describe it more and now it has to fit the UM the motif of all our other spoonfuls spoonfuls perfect this might just be spoonful spoonful [Music] spoon please please I already love it Thank You headmaster go that's a pet named Mia and well she's scampered off again oh yeah cat delivery man I gotta get the cat off the roof this I remember that's fun okay alright so for anyone who's concerned aaron has promised that while yes he does not like this game he will not just [ __ ] out it for no reason he will carefully explain why he does not like it in a very reasonable manner yeah and I on the other hand will be captivated because who vines you know what are you 16 year old and 2015 you've got it by the seventh avocadoes you know sky he walks in like what a beauty spoon pose here - outstanding it's encouraging to see you up so early god I'm bloated given your capacity for sleep no doubt today's ceremony had you too excited to close your eyes for once I should stop eating so much if you win today's ceremonial race what is happening with my eyebrows you'll get to participate in the post race ritual with Zelda you don't want to know what that is so give it your best out there anyway I gotta stop by the CVS to get some rope glued these [ __ ] on before you hit a he really looks like he's leaning in does it like just be like you never [ __ ] everyone so tough on Linc are you eating their stamina fruits as soon as you grab them or okay it's what well link go to the plaza and kill yourself here's another thing oh there's a whole little cutscene watch your step there you cannot wish depend on nights like me to swoop in and save you you [ __ ] idiot say yup yeah best part of the whole game you ready for this yeah are you about to get nude oh wait hold on this isn't the right room I thought this is like am I about to see your Skyward Sword [Laughter] so that means everyone's just talking to themselves when they talk to you nevermind sorry a little roly-poly kid that portrayal I think I can what I heard she made it herself man no way was I gonna let some scrawny clown snatch that prize for me subscribe clown snatch [Laughter] I can't wait to win that scrawny clown snatch oh my god looks like I have a new name for my [ __ ] wife I welcome back to game grabs weird [ __ ] you're just expounding on scrawny clown snatch Wi-Fi cuz everyone in the neighborhood would see scrawny clown snacks right right and they'd wonder who it is and then I would want to just like drop hints to the neighbors like you see him walking by and it's like oh yeah you know just watching watching that documentary about Pagliacci you know he was a scrawny clown I would I would do it and try to frame my neighbor for it like I get to wi-fi's and name one of them Dan's wife oh I heard Phoebe's got crossed Ronnie Clown snatch over there you may be wondering why we invited a duck onto the council well put it's get all the glory I'm the video game you get the sailcloth you can out-jump from any height without fear of painful landing oh nice it smells nice - this is supposed to be a secret ritual and in her neck it gets paid again everyone it's for you right before you hit the ground press P to open up your sailcloth just how brave are you if you really feel ashamed of sancho you should just down even use it on 30 are you ready to jump I'm gonna ask you that as I push you off you don't even have to use it unnecessary dialog about like oh there's a 70% chance that you'll be oh my god you want revenge right Jesus Christ that was like no finish him sorry bud I'll pick him up oh I'm still evil I got part of the same great mission I said to 45% increase in your loins we've gone from 6 to 12 therefore you much wish to meet with your friend I highly recommend you take up this soil before you set out to search for her there is a 90% probability that you will [Laughter] except my solder your septic that clip from Turkish spider-man this is no easy task focus the world below is a forsaken place at arisia you must pierce the cloud barrier below it seems like a job for a I got an older fatter man I could use my rope eyebrows to grab onto things in living memory no one has ever done this I'm actually check this [ __ ] out this tablet shows that other people have done it so I mean you're always wrong this have eliminated path to the class to land below take it and place it within the altar behind me okay should you heed the call of destiny I don't know what dangerous you may have to face spoonfuls especially down there but if you've decided to brave the unknown please find my daughter down there and bring her back to me I'm done talking words will continue you do your people proud spoonfuls now go find that glass granny cloud useful stuff I'm gonna start referring to my scrotum is the adventure pouch it would make sense oh hello I'm here to stop your progress [Laughter] my skull is coming out of my body welcome to the scrap shop welcome do you need your forehead eyes or nipples protected I'm your guy yeah I guess we're gonna have to take control oh boy well welcome to game hello welcome to gay robes I am spunk mcconkle and this is Aaron Hanson and we're back with skyward sword cephus mystery it's like that airheads candy remember white mystery remember that flavor - it was thinner then it became my nickname in high school you know what I think that part of the problem is I don't know what furry actually means does it mean you just like animal characters or does it mean you dress up like them in [ __ ] well it means you are sexually aroused by oh yeah oh well I'm gonna take aim at the evil is that is that what are you thinking well it's just that I wouldn't seek it out if it appeared before me I mean Jesus like if you've got two animals mm-hmm and they're not animals they're people they're people with animal heads or whatever but they have people bodies well they they have mostly people bodies they usually still have like paws yeah for certain animal quality ales but I mean they're meant to be animal people for the most part and if they're [ __ ] with their human genitalia well no we typically they also have like dog penises oh really yeah that doesn't do anything for I mean I guess I guess there is a lot of furry porn that has like very human yeah it just doesn't it doesn't seem that different than normal porn to me I guess is what I'm saying okay but like would I ever dress up in a costume and and have sex with someone else in an animal costume probably mmm I mean no on your way out take the contents from the treasure chest with in this room what'd you find I should prove useful for you on your journey Oh my house twinkling again and if you see the FedEx guy outside don't let him get away I'm sick of it leaving his [ __ ] slips I've said just dangling in the breeze just knock already just the package doesn't require a signature the only one here through the door before you and head into the woods I wish you safe travel I am friend dog hello Birds take your time I bumped into one of your kind today but even by your conscience I tell you yes all sorts of weird things going on [ __ ] is not there so just leave this new dog oh you brake for taking care of those guys so let me tell you something fascinating if you remove the bottom two ribs of 50 the buildings are all made of gold and the string of mystical water free the river through the plates won't dip that stuff you live forever there's all kinds of creatures around there the RO he's sucking everything's dick and spaghetti never runs out you can just slurping slurp on one piece of spaghetti it just keeps going I'm not detecting any additional dowsing responses in the area yeah I know they said there were three and I found them all I suggest you guys speak with the key Creole I know he told me to speak with him after I found all three of them boys game hold both your hands and your feet siyou another monster that scare me like that kook oui oh I'm sorry sorry I'm exist sorry I'm exist put that on a bumper sticker God he's so nut like he's got like a bit kind of like got male pattern baldness - yeah yeah he's a male pattern baldness sack with a beak and the Lone Ranger face Wilford Brimley's Quaker Oats mustache let me just fetch it for you right now Queenie pardon me a moment yeah I could feel it Kevin I don't want that I don't want to fall into that very low resolution abyss well well now when I know what it feels like so he can use a sword on the tie rope but you can't I guess shoot him off this is a heart plant use it to get hearts it's real I wonder how many times she shows up in a 15-minute gamegrumps episode on average it's got to be like four or five right yeah which means she's showing up like once every two or three minutes isn't that fun that's too many times Wow it's almost like it's really unintuitive and sluggish cool great there is just no pleasing you is there ye see you in 20 seconds masters bulbous it seems that you've just kind of vibe did you know if you climb up the vine swing honor you can travel I already did that I know but I just wanted to make sure you really knew it let me arm you with information about this tunnel you're about to walk hello I've come it's been 20 seconds I've confirmed the fab life of this area matches that of Faron woods I don't care about jelly blobs well then you're gonna be very upset with what I did on your guest the Jews blub shake shake shake shake I can't cut through these looks like I'm in Adventure Jail I can't go left I can't go right I can't adventure anymore no you know which all work looks like dead it doesn't know how to numbers rapidly he looks like I spent too much time in school smoking drugs and [ __ ] man that sounds like a terrible childhood news all right hey welcome back hello I'm Pete Rottweiler that's Aaron Hanson I'm the Demon Lord who presides over this land and look you look down upon this world you call the surface you may call me Kyra Kyra you're a him I just I just like the idea of like really struggling in truth I very much prefer to be indulged with my full title Lord rat right right right I'm but I'm not fuzzy no no are you not oh oh oh it's beautiful in green oh this isn't broth of the wild that night Academy should be proud to have a student like you find my daughter quickly to Eldon volcano what's in it for me you will receive five gratitude crystals are you [ __ ] serious that sounds like a parody it sounds like what of like a Glick family guy would do if they made like a made-up video game achievement yeah there's another one all right where's the cooky oh oh it's it's a long thing are you [ __ ] kidding me yeah do you think gratitude crystals come easily hold on before we get into this lumpy pumpkin business can I read one of my favorite comments we've ever gotten on a video yes please so it was on the most recent Power Hour which right now was escaping this gaping room yes that was fun and it is I thought Aaron was fat this whole time boy Slim thick skinny legend got me quakin I'm still vaguely unclear on what he's trying to get across there yeah well I think it was a girl Oh even better boy Slim thick I'm gonna I'm on my way to get some gratitude points Oh gratitude crystals Aaron by the way amazing name for a band gratitude gratitude Chris it seems that when humans make other humans happy the happy humans produce a substance known as the gratitude crystal the gratitude crystals I use to eat when I eat them I [ __ ] out fortitude crystal courtesy is a lumpy pumpkin the lumpy pumpkin gives me soup that I use to exchange for various goods and deeds in the black market it also makes me gassy thereby giving me the chance to create more fortitude and so the cycle begins anew five gratitude crystals these crystals are feelings of gratitude and crystallized form that's ridiculous it must have taken a lot of gratitude to produce this bunch of five crystals holy crap alright so check this out bowling teach me Aaron teach me your point like really down okay and then roll oh I love it I'm gonna save it to volcano East because I mean that's the best side of volcano to be perfectly honest there's lots like red coffee shops and bars and like there's so many cool like themed restaurants have you been to parle do the floor favorite bar oh my god Aaron I love this guy roll that in there oh well then well let me just see your technique again real quick yeah yeah yeah okay okay when the mob leg comes up to me yeah and he's defending I just go like this and it totally worked yeah yeah protip anyway get that camera off you [ __ ] clod stop it stop stop it and there you go no it's that work yes I'm gonna say yes it did not win didn't work I gotta do it again go right to that edge right up to that sweet [ __ ] bomb bowling love it that's not bomb boeing's fault hmm is it not yeah you just got to get up right up to the edge right the edge there you go now roll whoops okay and that's so uncomfortable alright I think I did it yes yes alright just got a roll get to that edge oh my god you're gonna die from this Wow liar liar here we go oh [ __ ] damn it Aaron what did I just say yeah well I know alright you just saved it you just saved it it creates a new island in the sky for me to go in poop off I'll have to run off yes and then so silly and then self oh wait who's it go that way go that way you [ __ ] idiot go oh my god revs well done iron wait hold on interface standard Oh oh [ __ ] there oh damn wait is there an interface like gone pro bro bro look at that beautiful clean screen sure I don't remember seeing these flamey keys well I remember you giving me a flaming keys I have to I have to you have to do something that matches the pictures so that I can figure out with it because I gotta be honest with you like when when I read stuff that says if you sprint across the bridge you'll run into a magma that you can speak with names ank wow you know what those things aren't as cute as I thought they were anymore well come on Aaron well it's [ __ ] you gotta aim exactly can you bomb bol it in know Jesus there's something amazing about you feeling no I have to get away from his fire breath with a [ __ ] lit fuse bomb falling into a lot of it so that's straight ahead yes but I need to bring a bomb over there yeah cuz you gotta get past this guy what it would it tilda swinton [Laughter] whoa we did it everybody are you proud of us I'm guessing no no and oh you're terrifying tyrant it's like fall down the lotion stairs okay it wasn't saying like Oh Dan's a furry it was like Dan's a furry you know that yeah tone yeah but uh I don't care man I've been called a lot worse yeah earlier today I got called a lot worse really yeah that guy leaned out of his car and yelled nice driving [ __ ] and I was like in fact you are the one who is an [ __ ] wait you don't have your car right now no I was lying I'm totally kidding it happened like two weeks ago my dad called me yesterday and told me I had hepatitis hepatitis D for day the dad brand 106 you who wouldn't want to sex you up oh that wolf there's that line in there that's like we can do it - we won't wake up and I always thought that was weird it's like we're gonna [ __ ] until we die seems counterproductive you know [ __ ] until they pass out I guess but they won't wake up the Big Sleep yeah the sacred silence whoa two days ago one of the singer one of the Color Me badd members was arrested after pushing his bandmate what oh my god maybe he didn't want to sex him up what Color Me badd bandmates shoves one of the group's singers into a speaker sending him to the hospital whoa are they like on tour right now yes they're insane I was trying to read and talk at the same time daddy can't do that oh my god I hope this happened during I want to sex you up oh my god Aaron look at this look at this crowd Oh yikes it was during I what it sexy mom the one who did the pushing left it was apparently intoxicated and singing out of key okay and then left the stage after the first song they did a ten song set oh my god let that sink in for a while yeah that's pretty serious so he did a 10 song set on his own mm-hm and then at the very end of the tenth song he just came out locked him oh my god that is that is a borderline unprofessional borderline I'm gonna check out some more in this situation it's uh so that's that's what happened it's what I'm gonna do to you when when star bomb tours yeah I just give you a rock god this is song pop oh yeah right and then I'll just stumble away take [ __ ] 15 bong rips and then come out and sweep your leg all right here's the and then make the bridge appear there's a bridge but it does not extend across if you turn just the left of bridge you'll see there's a narrow ledge Lincoln and down from and you're sailing into the abyss pretty bloody dream okay so here's what you do mmm I don't need your help alright but what do I do just real quick it doesn't count as help if you say it fast that's my girlfriend sometimes we lay in bed and I put on Caribbean blue by Enya and I drop some rose petals around her and put essential oils gently on her neck and then I have crazy jackhammer sex [Laughter] actually I have never heard that song so funny but you see that while watching link do it a jaha blow him up okay okay I'm just waiting it oh god oh god well you killed the keys when we're looking for you did right know you got to do all that again when we're looking for no I don't okay do I have to do that all over again yeah here we go Jesus Christmas I loved playing this game yeah I'm good at it I wake up in front of this lizard man with your butt all aflame that'll work mmm-hmm knock them into orders you still can take my penis when I'm when I booty call when I'm like you up you out you up you out you out yeah I'm gonna keep Lourdes rooms Wow so many more rooms ex is what you have to do next is that what I'm led to believe thank you x marks the spot for what I don't know X x marks the spot where the X is stupid that wasn't Tiny Toons it was close enough it was the same our block of programming our block 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. I love coming home and watching tiny tears I love coming home and watching I was like wouldn't it be amazing if there was just total sevens gameplay I love Reading Rainbow I'd still love it oh it's a great show dude it's a great show they get they just get real kids never been on camera before yep and they just [ __ ] tell them that they just tell them to talk about their favorite book yeah it's [ __ ] fantastic and it's just it's just awesome charming it's just I thought it was a great book to enter Oh Aaron you are getting their ass beat anyways and all your bombs oh I'm sorry my name's darchele and I thought this book was really good it was a book about dragon barfing lava and I was writing a novel my dad has ghost club in the woods didn't it but at that [Music] the chunk of grass in there damn can we talk about rhettandlink sure what do you want to talk about I love them we stole their show but we did not steal yes we did the Power Hour is just rhettandlink the [ __ ] mythical morning there's a million shows like that I know but that's where I got the idea from ok so [ __ ] his hairs because we had so much fun on their show and I was like I want a show like that I would you sell yourself out like I'm not selling myself out I'm just trying to give them credit remember so me out like that I'm not selling you out but you are you are I like I was like our show differentiates vary greatly from good mythical morning I'll have you know oh really I want to show where there's both of us and we're on a thing and we'd sit down and talk yeah and do activities school there's like 800 shows like that I know no idea from them now you had to turn this really nice complimentary moment of Rhett link into like I have to defend myself for plagiarism I hope you're happy I didn't you bought about of who he ate all over my body eh we didn't plagiarize you yourself said it was the same as everybody's got a show like open something there yeah that's what I was attempting no [ __ ] so you're trying to blow a hole in that patch in the floor all I wanted to do was be nice yes and I remember that when we had them in for guest crumbs and we were setting up the the set for the Power Hour for the first time and we were showing him around the office and I was like so this is uh this is a room for a set of a show that we're doing and and I was like it's it's it's basically good mythical morning yeah it's uh and then we're like okay yeah oh of course they didn't care yeah yeah but I bet like when I get married and have kids you're gonna be like oh just like rhett and Link they had kids already they cool we make it our own Dan it's because of who we are what I'm saying how we make the show and how Tucker shoots it and cuts it Tucker's a huge part of that and and how we are funny we do the ideas that's actually true Tucker's like the secret weapon because Tucker makes those a lot funnier than they are when we shoot them well all right well we did be honest and we [ __ ] we get drunk and we mail it in and we're like fix it in post stop in the name of love you cannot go tame your grace remember what we discussed no petting he'll follow you home restrain yourself focus at the task at hand [Laughter] [Laughter] I told you it was fire I'm gonna remember this we the spirit men who descended from the clouds is passed through the earth spring and makes her way to a faded place yeah can you play any in the background while this that's where the chosen world's Elda has cleansed herself in the waters of this fountain drink the water I know you want to dirty [ __ ] so the information for the message I just imparted I predict she is traveling to a region known as Lang if you transport this tablet back into Statue of Scylla a new column of light will appear that will allow you to travel to the land in your region and then the walk through I mean your insight yeah said that the iron shield wasn't good yeah cuz we're about to fight enemies that have electricity i I did some research I did some I did some Zelda research I see so we could do this could run a little more smoothly well I can't wait to buy it and not use it to him great thank you got a wooden shield alright clap travel welcome to game where you use the claptrap joke already did I don't oh this didn't work out well to pick it up I don't know just I feel like like with any like relationship you know you it goes for five years and you kind of hit this like you can get your slash fix ready also was it you that like when we went to Disneyland that one time you were like the world I think so yeah it sounds like something oh yeah I thought about it 800 times Goblin what crack I never noticed they had that Oh spackle that crack oh I got an ancient flower while he's in the middle of dying I could well Zelda will you show me this flower going into my inventory and then taking off one on where it is thank you oh I have one already Oh luckily there's a bush there's a bush you can you can show up down you can chop down to bush I believe dad the bush I think you should chopped out the bush in a shop have you thought about the bush have you thought about chopping chopping down a bush I bet you'd like to book I would add wood and I do and also congratulations to Matt Pat and his wife Stephanie we had the gender wrong the baby is a boy but like I told him via text boy was our second guess yeah we would have nailed it on the second shot I agree so full grant full credit us 100% is credit to us I think we should deserve all the credit for the BN for the baby frankly yeah cuz we yeah I supplied the genetic material and you carried it to term hello Skyward Sword for the love of God please I beg of you show me where in my inventory it goes oh it's right there I think okay hop up little buckaroo look at me I made it boy I'm a little squirrel aren't I do you think that's like like when he gets into a fight with his wife or something and then I think it's really sad about it it's like me I think he's just like when they're at a Disneyland with the family and the kids don't aw dang it yeah that's funny and the kids like can't decide which ride they they want to go on and he's just like that's what I think Oh oh that's not good the baby's in the stroller and he's like don't you wanna keep stroll and trollin trollin trollin oh man and then if it's like his grandma's and one of those like ECB's that you control electronically and then she like runs into a wall is he like back up back up and they get then they get to the Star Wars Star tourist section he's like I did it all for the walking Oh limp bizkit I'm amazed your music hasn't aged well I do [Music] Aaron has the heart of the lion and the rage of a squirrel wait what part of a lion rage of a squirrel you never heard that redo was cool oh my god can we dress up like squirrels and just walk around la communicating with each other like that you wanna do a man on the street bit where we just dress the squirrel oh my god or not even just just like one of us is sitting at a cafe in a squirrel costume and there's like lots of people just kind of wondering what's his deal and then I come in also in a squirrel costume and sit across from you and and then the waiter comes over and is like can I get you guys anything and we're like at the same time like we're just like no thanks yeah a chamomile tea please coffee black like my men they black like my soul or something yeah okay fair enough like my men yes like all my men black like a very small amount of squirrels are and then and then the waiter is like alright I'll be right back or immediately geez what's with that guy's attitude anyway can I get a breakfast sandwich and oh boy I can't quite get it up there oh nice Matt Ryan can you isolate that audio so it says it's just Aaron saying I can't quite get it up I can't quite get it up thank you send it to my phone no well okay good matter never mind ask the really cut up audio of you just saying I have a small dick my penis is very small and I am proud of my small penis all right I mean Matt Ryan can you just cut aaron saying exactly that my penis is very small I have a small dick he just said it all Oh gratitude crystals yay oh thank goodness I have gratitude crystals these crystals are feelings of gratitude and crystallized form in case you forgot yeah you have to pass them through your dick though that's like a really painful kidney stone it's gigantic too just like they just start floating above his head and you're like yeah by the time they're out your gratitude is mostly that it's over helping people feels good when your timing is right also join my voice to your harp many miles to hear the melodies it's the thing from Star Wars that they fly out of oh crap look at that thing it's the creature they didn't bother to design theories [Music] [Laughter] karaoke together I got my the Slenderman looks pretty good each fire is placed inside of a cheesecake I don't even think there's a out of the closet on Sunset finite it's a sweet thrift store there so there's one on Santa Monica there's one on the one near the sizzler LenDale Boulevard something like that in Atwater yes that's the one you're this is there bro there's a sizzler there hell yeah there's a sizzler there have you been there hell no it's a sizzler why do you remember there's a sizzler there because I was like oh my god Oh youth guided by the servant of the night goddess unite earth the sky all the way and bring light to the land that's the first part but as I recall there's a second verse to the so yeah Oh Youth show the way to fills the way to the light tower and before you can pass open and a heaven willy song here damn it sounds like suggesting that if one of these if what you know what I'm just gonna take a self it sounds like the song is suggesting that if one shows these whirling sails the way to the tower something will happen really sure of yourself headmaster go but how do you go about doing that and what does it mean to whirling sails hmm I wonder if there's two whirling sails in front of the light tower yeah it would be like tails from Sonic like a whirl around but are they whirling around in his butt how's it around it drives me crazy are they whirling around it is but are they coming out of his butthole and there's a gear in there buboes hello game grumps say it again god damn it fee congratulations master spoon pose thanks you have passed this trial you now have the power to proceed to the location of the first sacred flame that will enhance your sword you now have the power to proceed to the part of the place where you will have the power to proceed to get the sacred flame location which will send you to the location where you will find and proceed the goddesses sacred gifts the sacred gift is served by the water it is the dragon the water dragon scale the Great Spirit of the water dragon has a scale as provided you with the ability gifted by the water cut under the wire fairy dragon [Laughter] I must conclude that this flame is like a gift from the goddess from the dragon the dragon in the water and the sleep [Laughter] [Music] this is so exciting for the fans now they can watch us be [ __ ] idiots and you lost in real-time yeah there's no there's no stopping the capture now it has been a pleasure I like that dudes in nipple clamps Sam I want to just pull on him you know go ahead and save this speaking conversation [Laughter] the goddess gave the same with the water dragon a Great Spirit the precise overbearing woods is that she left the blame in the care of Walter dragon the water well I'll do Jagan well g-dragon burg there's one day the mighty dragon could pass it on to the one person you seek work I've got a hunch that the goddess was talking about you lad well that settles that you must seek out the mighty Walter dragon heya molted rain I'm a demon lapa 2005 said you guys should play lollipop chainsaw I think Dan would like it but not Aaron he hates everything I hate everything [Music] [Laughter] this is no place for one such as you do you like my Wiggly techniques you must stimulate my head [ __ ] [Laughter] those with mad as a dress be as fair and warden of the woods I have never retreated from a comment I've made sorry that's a dragon are you sure this whole this whole time we've been speaking to a dragon no okay I guess it is that way huh see a boo kind of look like a snail monster I'm not a snail monster dragon dragon right here certified I have my ID oh I dropped it in the healing water and it dissolved yeah I guarantee my driver's license does not say monster , snail gotta get around in these hard times you know hey if that dragon has them as a head [ __ ] does that mean she can remind but master I have information to report I bet you do that's now Percy with the heavy weight No oh sweet I got the BDSM item now Zelda's gonna turn into a [ __ ] The Legend of [Laughter] keep it going man everyone else no food and [ __ ] I got the super rare gold cartridge of the legend that was really refreshing that is water to spray on me right now okay what next where am I going pit of water you got it can one of you more creative Oh talented artists at home create a legend of my wiener a game box yeah legend of my wiener a dick between cheeks [Music] all right Miyamoto playing the harp giant [ __ ] monster I've never seen one that big real comedy I've never seen one that big Aaron came in while I was doing my vocal warm-ups and I said hey Dan how'd you phrase it we got Goma oh oh I was like oh that Goma fight would have gone differently if we if we just like Goma let Goma and then I was like okay and then Aaron stood there in the doorway smiling for about 30 seconds and I thought maybe I didn't hear him right and I asked him to repeat himself and he he just said we need to let go MA and I said that Goma and then he said go ahead iron let go my nut which is really really good stuff one of those moments where I thought hey this is the man who I've hitched my career wagon - I love how you like came out of the room just like shame me about it well you know what I I knew that you were probably going to go into the room with Ryan and Matt but Matt's not here today but Ryan in this case and say dude I just totally got Dan and I about ten seconds after you left I just got a rise of pure agony within me and I thought I cannot allow this to stand I just want to know that I didn't fall for it on the first four or five opportunities jafe Armond eight says Aaron if Grape Ape equals kaiju then does that mean Clifford the Big Red Dog equals sky absolutely Clifford the Big Red Dog is 100% a kaiju Wow we get into this kaiju debacle again I will absolutely go toe-to-toe with Aaron we'll die on this hill it's 100% true how is he not because he's just not we yeah that's a kaiju Rosco King Kong's a big gorilla Rossum are we talking about grey paper Clifford the Big Red King Kong absolutely King Kong is a kaiju 100% how was King Kong not a kaiju he's just a big gorilla gorilla was huge they'd be monstrous guys stop are you really gonna fight Aaron over his mic really gonna do this cuddle with Aaron okay so here's my here's my question to you Aaron hey you think it helped into the budget no because that's its normal size yeah play that's different no it's not no but like elephants are fight that's not great these are giant ape apes aren't that big I love it when it like reignites I'm right no it doesn't who says that not a single person says that no to be the size of a building okay great babe before everyone is Oh No grandbabies a cartoon that came out like yes and it's a purple gorilla and he rides a little car he was great very snow read that big is he he's not that big but he's bigger than the average I'm taller than most people Amaya kaya - that's a big-ass cow oh my god I didn't before I saw the it would have been a kaiju if that cow didn't exist I'm putting the cow in chat Roz oh yes I'm doing it okay that's debatable that kind of thought I was I do think that cow is pushing kaiju status I feel like the distinction for kaiju is that it's like something that is normally small but it's suddenly freakishly large such as this chicken Clifford the Big Red Nose lizards when they become large and vibius ocean-dwelling creature Jory stop shaking your head at me this is very it'd have to be big enough that if two of them thought the buildings would be destroyed to be a lot of property damage that is that is so not the definition of kaiju well it's my definition that is a very lake that is a very well it'll be so lame [ __ ] could with a big red dog and great bait we're going at it all right well maybe the signpost we get Ben Oh Aaron you have to play video games the term kaiju translates to strange beasts it is a science fiction and fantasy giant creature that often takes tonight yes Giants yes in that chicken larger than you normally are so a large chicken I'm a giant exactly the size Dan needs to be to be damned yeah if Dan was twice the size guy do Dan oh wow damn oh my god yeah Ross [ __ ] drop the mic on the way out Paul Bunyon a kaiju yes Oh Dan I mean Ross Jesus Ross do you want to get you just what you want to get served right now you want to get served for us is coming back to get served there is an additional term called die kaiju that is specifically for kaijus that are as large as buildings so die kaiju is a bigger kaiju Erin would you play [ __ ] Zelda please yes it's right here in the Wikipedia article for gauges that's not know this means a larger kaiju Ross do you wanna play Zelda okay nobody says that it was in the Japanese title for the Rodin movie Sora no die kaiju rad on alright it's it's a term that came from 1908 now daddy has to play Skyward Sword are you happy thank you this is yes Big Bird is absolutely a kaiju 100% his name is Big Bird like come on do you remember that Sesame Street movie follow that guide you Brent's dick is not a kaiju anything but [Music] I could definitely see Brent session played him an hour and 42 you have endured for an hour and 40 minutes congratulation current play time is [ __ ] out I always forget you announced it a greyhound track yeah I'm not proud of it really no Greyhound Racing is awful why they're really fast you think they'd be good at it they're really really love it running the guided fire take this one for a ride over here Six Flags I don't like the way your cannon pulsates when you shoot it yeah oh yeah you like that you like that you got it buddy boy look flippity flavour boy excuse me I'm a flavour boy I've got 13 flavors that are ready for your testing number one peach cobbler number two apple cobbler number three soap cherry cobbler I thought those were just for sending nudes to minors I will I will say when I got its snapchat for the first time I made it public yeah I am I got like 0% boob pics and like 99.8% people saying dude you're gonna get boob pics my favourite boob pic I ever received was this guy he was like a fat Mexican dude with like like a kind of like a mustache and he was wearing a sombrero and he had like it was intentionally like slightly crossing his eyes and smiling and the caption at the bottom was like what you see it's my favorite I had I'm so hungry guys I'm sorry my food didn't come I'm so hungry I just had a handful of peanuts don't make me jealous Oh peanuts Thank You Jen the punk furry mom fairy mom sorry sorry we see what we want to say that is fan woods wow wow wow wow you're right dude all right control that is probably aside from groose that is my favorite thing about this game it's pretty fun basically if if anyone if someone says something's dopest [ __ ] that's Hannah and if someone says anything super racist that I thought you would say something about not that is liable I'm sorry but yeah Ali would never say anything racist but she does talk about orgasming with the term nut alliance that's not it's not it's just not it's not same wait what what's the difference between there can be emotional not absolutely emotional nuts what you gotta explain this today well it's just like it's not it's just a word like yes it's true nut came from maybe like but like the truth is it's just an explosive show of emotion or also I guess not in that case it could be like heart chiz essentially like an emotional splooge all right all right Ali oh sweet what does he coli do it makes you die it makes you really really sick and have lots of diarrhea and then you die I love diarrhea yeah yeah wait you could like eat some romaine and then not know that you have eco life for like three days yeah yeah hospitals the doughnut romaine and also if you did eat romaine go to the hospital wait so you're telling me that my boyfriend can't toss my salad like his name romaine [Laughter] [Music] what oh when I'm high yeah I see like death in the existence and all of the end of the world like every time so yeah I decided I was not gonna do that anymore because I didn't want to just laugh harder at movies and eat Twinkies way too much yeah it's real bad and now and now because I've had those negative experiences I have all these like weird triggers whoops it's like the number four is a weird trigger and like old-timey music like music that's recorded unlike really old-timey sounding stuff like I can't listen to anymore oh my god I'm going to make a Victrola recording of me singing about the number four this is not gonna help quell the danza free rumors but I look not one bit I love that horny squirrel encouraging them what's it I'm not no I'm not I'm not a furry Suzy wait whoa damn hold on just a second all right well you know what it depends on what your definition of furry is because from what God we can't go down this rabbit hole again but yeah so hot we can't go down this hot sexy rabbit hole again I just think like some people have said furries are you dresses to dress in animal costumes that have sex with other people in animal costumes or furry is just liking animal characters and if that's the definition then everyone at Disneyland is a furry yeah but you didn't say I'm a furry you deflective and said everyone at Disneyland is a furry well I'm at Disneyland sometimes see you're free some so you can't you can't just admit it are you embarrassed are you ashamed I'm totally afraid under those circumstances okay well there you go and I also want to dress up as an animal and [ __ ] other people too just that oh and I just want to [ __ ] animals why do they have sorry Jesus so on that note Dan these are donations that I want you to read I that was it's it's it's almost been since grade school where I've had so many people simultaneously put the brakes on something right in the booty exactly no you get me [ __ ] learned in German you boil me make me do your worst boy you'll be where I killed myself today where am i singing if you're seeing this tape I did tell my wife engage y'all going to my cat the only one I love what do you think Wow outstanding am I done with this temple or what the [ __ ] is happening there's a lot of scratch all right you know we came there and over there you [ __ ] idiot no oh suck me off yeah nice up above above you dumbass motion control PC Oh [ __ ] hate Zelda it's gonna be very new ringtone every time you text me [ __ ] hate Zelda it's just the old woman seeing your life she is just into this guy on a slice of it she cut away from the land it was like really thin crust delicious that slowly rot became the new home of our people in time it became to be and it was it became clear that the seal would not hold long against his fearsome power she knew that if he put three again there would be no stopping him but then he was like I reckon you better stop and it's the demon king with wings I I fell asleep [Laughter] where will she feed himself it would be the end of the world for all beings of this sling in order to put it into the demon king he'll add about two separate plans it sets a pulse it's emotion the first one was to serve as a single purpose to his sister chosen here on its mission she hasn't found him yet hmm her second plan was to abandon her to find farm insurance for her so to the body of a mortal that's probably me she made the sacrifices you may have likely cos so that the supreme power created by the baby is anybody following this by God's all of its power can never be wielded by one but one can wield the power of the Gods if the gossip its joy the power upon the one that's carries the sword there was the first plant but the second plan was to put the body in the body knowing this for was her last and only hope the goddess gave up her divine powers in her just because she wants this place in this month but you're never and it was it but she's young here now and it wasn't her it was to refresh yourself and no memory and all of my existence is Hayley Hayley Hayley hi Leah but even in his hideous status [Music] I'm so lost I can't tell her how every other kind of [ __ ] was it twice I thought it was three times to reach this place including and not the least of which is me telling you oh [ __ ] I've never been to church I feel like this is what a monkey like yes oh the goddess is bless your plate of the Magister sword is a lesson what is this narrator the yeah I'm here now this sort of power to drive back demons and only spoon pose may wield it snow pose before say another word if you see the marker check force on your hands symbol of the greatest power [Music] which reminds me actually yeah I'm extremely you see the three separate parts you had to overcome many trials and awake in the hair within yourself to me you can we have the supreme power trials such as number one I can't eat tacos are too delicious they're like if I put my mouth around the end of a cannon and had the can and blast through all the way out my anus that's like what tacos would be for me oh no you want to tell me but you can't she's dead hmm I understand I'm sure you have good reason for keeping quiet well that's a very calm and collected father to the torture chamber with yeah well I guess you have a good reason for not telling me what with your sword and your a covered in blood face I guess my daughter can stay missing I'm getting older and I lack the vigor of youth but I can still [ __ ] you're good [Laughter] not now but wait actually what couldn't you tell you about the Triforce 3/4 what do I do have the Triforce nothing did you hear that that's where you grabbed three guys dicks at the same time it's impossible [Music] in a triangle create a triangle shape it's true that there's tax risks there's no way to grab the last 60 years mr. signore chase says i annoy my wife by watching grumps at full volume while I poop Thanks okay so there's a meme that's going around of ASMR roleplay bayonetta orders are incredibly complicated Applebee's but it's not real do you want a good prompt and I agree I'm upset when it's like not well I saw that and immediately I was like I have to hear this and I looked it up yeah and first of all so many people have looked this up that when you type in like ASMR bayonetta it's a thousand results like a thousand autofills come up of like Applebee's Bayonetta Applebee's in it Bayonetta Applebee's order like but it doesn't exist it's not a real video why would they do that to me didi Kong walks you through filing your divorce papers oh my god have you seen friendly funky Kong picks you up from the airport Huckleberry Hound gets his yearly prostate exam thank you oh but the goddess didn't trust me with a hint as to the triforces location a hint was it's over there this is the clue is a song meant to be played on the harp you hold it is known as the song of the heap it's in the closet [Laughter] Thank You bun boy thank you Sam Kirsten thank you oh she uni hey guys my mom loves watching the ten minute power our Nancy Drew series and she made me buy the game so he could play it together I hate wait what did you say I hate your mom what what it was a [ __ ] joke I was speaking from the kids perspective look I'm really sensitive right now I'm so on edge right now like I just want this to be over yeah I love streaming I love hanging out with the fans I love being here but [ __ ] lord I hate Skyward Sword this game is awful how does anybody like this [ __ ] game look at it I'm fighting this guy for the fourth time [ __ ] christ who couldn't hate this I don't care how positive you are I don't care if you were [ __ ] seven and this is your magical Christmas oh my god there's enough boys out there waiting around the floor I'm sorry I you served your test take the score and collect all my little musical threats out there no each one should require about three hours of searching tad tones are in each group I collect them to bring the best to me I like this image of link because it's like that mean with the mass flying it is amazing this is a [ __ ] mainland mainline Zelda game yeah and it's asking me to collect like [ __ ] like 60 things Western Harvey says thank you for the years of laughs he's living in Japan currently want him to send anything send all of Japan back home to me yes cool I'm gonna [ __ ] scream thank you to Gary Busey Luffy [Laughter] oh yeah got him I feel empty inside as I did before well there's a thing that's not a note so it doesn't matter to me but I'll get it anyway just to make me so feel something did you feel anything no [Laughter] Brosius Fischer back swim for your life they can't follow you if you dive deep ok le bean says it's my birthday Karen and Dan beatbox a short happy birthday for me she just turned 26 happy birthday thank you to Justin gyros [Laughter] donations are coming in fast and furious dude I'm loving these donations man it's very nice dude I'm talking about pure kindness I'm talking about gosh dang support I'm talking about I'm talking about extra money for cream that I will apply it to magenta cream getting cream pull the genitals cream getting cream general criminals Jena cream Jana Jana I just brought up the Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword review from IGN ten out of ten The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword is the greatest Zelda game ever created it's the best game for Wii oh and one of the finest video game accomplishments of the past ten years the game has once again raised the bar and forged new territory for an iconic and innovative franchise it's not enough that it finally establishes a powerful stirring origin story or that it features near-perfect pacing ooh what puts Skyward Sword what puts Skyward Sword over the top is it's layered dense absolutely perfect gameplay it manages to not only nail motion controlled combat but remarkably offers a stunning level of diversity pairing itself with Wii MotionPlus skyward swords 1:1 combat is a revelation I never want to play a Zelda game any other way again no oh oh can I can I call this man and playing through this makes me wonder why we didn't see motion control of this quality before the responsiveness and intuitiveness of the entire arrangement is superb the new combat system requires skill and patience though impulsive unpredictable waggling can get some results most enemies are programmed to react to such behavior and I'll punish you for have it's not true is this the first game this person has ever played I don't know it's like the most it's like got the most like basic buzz words and then they it hits on a list of facts about the game that are like just like simply exactly there's a lot of worlds and when you use when you do combat it's like you're swinging your sword the verdict will The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword will be remembered for revitalizing a franchise that had for a time seemingly settled for being merely great instead of revolutionary once again Nintendo is demonstrating its unparalleled ability to craft some of the greatest gameplay this industry has ever seen move remarkably the Zelda game manages to reshape its control scheme design sensibility and pacing all at once while still telling a brilliantly powerful story feature some very memorable characters it's fitting that Skyward Sword arrives on Zelda's 25th anniversary because it truly pulls from the franchise's entire history no it doesn't even addressing the winding narrative directly within its story it captures a grandness and scope that we haven't seen since the 2d era this is the Wii game we've all been waiting for through all of the minigames and odd sports collections many wondered if and when Nintendo would ever find a way to deliver a deeper experience that still fulfilled ennui as limitless potential Skyward Sword makes good on that promise 10 masterpiece masterpiece my favorite shredders edge wants to know my favorite Pink Floyd album is it's a tie between animals and Dark Side of the Moon and Aran can we get some sweet beatbox action oh my god it was my very part of the whole day today oh there's the tree angels I am together with I've got a mean set of pipes and I know how to use them this will clean out those ears boy so brace yourself okay oh did you do it already it's always been it's a little it's a little disturbing when they're after you yeah and they might my controller vibrates too so I like to put it on my grundle obviously it eases the pain making the best out of a bad situation some people call it the backboard because that's what you hit your balls against but you know what some people say some people I definitely didn't come up with it yeah yeah my friend Craig crayola crayola my friend Crale oh he's so good right now yeah you know he plays bass kira science you see how accurate this is Wow all right what yeah yeah pretty sweet no not that door another door link stop not that door I know I told you to go through it but you're an idiot Aaron drew something more like kite mixed with a soup ladle I tried it definitely worked I did my best with what the motion controls were giving me yeah again it decided to save and quit when I was clearly telling it to save I think I think it's probably because you you know your skills aren't that sharp because maybe you haven't been animating [Laughter] really what what you're gonna do another sequel is oh oh I got excited it's doing a bit oh dang it haven't thought about video games in [ __ ] 13 years are you guys talking about consuming more kcals isn't that the exercise that makes your vagina kick kegels oh is it Keeler is a Kegel I always heard of Kegel but I'm sure I'm sure your father can I do so yeah people yeah muscle structure it's it's you know when you like sort of like yeah yeah I'm doing right now like you know when you you know when you like you have a you have a give a boner yes move up a little bit you know when you have a boner and all the girls that's it's cool right but that it's that muscle you'll feel it like your butthole clenched yeah I can do like I could do three sets of twenty god you guys maybe you should go to the Kegel Jim is it Jim for that absolutely not but you shouldn't make one all right cool great kegels good I'm gonna we do one of these streams or instead of the mics we just have the SMR headset out and we're just like all whispering and like a full fully live ASMR my sweet angel it is time for me to share my true feelings wanna give you something special tonight I'm going to be all like [Laughter] turn up the heat and then I'll make it all like slow like dog food stuck on my dog bunch suckin on my dog you're a little Bunch Beauty please don't tease me Ashley told me she thinks I've got a cute butt and I was like that's where poopies come from I just couldn't say anything else in that moment I don't know why will you be like I'm over here I best ever [Laughter] I got away from my stamina to rebuild which is always a good time Aaron a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go to hell oh is this medicine is this making my life better improving the quality of my life this is the sickness stand what is your toilet paper ply preference to play what else to point yeah but one ply I took one ply is a cruel joke exactly my honest where do they make more than two ply well I would assume Charmin is like beyond it's like excessive or something you know the extra soft [ __ ] hmm I don't know if it's Technic to apply or if it's like cloud ply yeah we'll use the Sherman stuff we as in the Royal we fly I think the double stuffed Oreo what about the most stuff yeah Oh Aaron you got the third Triforce piece who cares she woke up cuz the seal or whatever but she said she was gonna be gone for like a million years well we didn't do that Chris this is my boyfriend's boo-boo he's my boyfriend [Music] [Laughter] that's demise wait are you kidding me oh my god [Music] [Music] [Music] Aaron is on record I don't know if you knew this when you made that comment Ali no I knew this but I also have like a weird like obsession with Jillian where if you're not in the same way yeah yeah I believe and I asked Darrin if he had a Hall Pass with anyone in the world from Susie and his answer was Killian Murphy a surprising answer but I would top or bottom you know either way would you be a power bottom I make me afraid of it Scarecrow my friend Ashley not my girlfriend Ashley my friend Ashley the one who did send me the does Bruno Mars is gay sent me a delightful tweet of someone trying to write some sex fanfiction she start riding on his penis on top of him as if he were a car and she was driving the car oh wow she moaned the pleasure crazy like a big storm my penis feels so good it's hard and this life is crazy smacking his lips yeah she nodded her tits were there raw and the world should be under my foot for eternity I will make a soup stock out of it yeah I will sip the soup store dumb eyes I see you've not brought the hilly and shield required for the beatings me as says so by the chat Hey look at you shielding bro oh dude oh my god Aaron you can continue shield okay I hate this and never want this to be ever in my life okay somebody said do you think demises carpet matches the drapes this boss is gaslighting me I just whooped him the first time and now he's like no I block every time and it's like no you don't hey Craig you so don't jeez this is a nightmare are you kidding me hey tuck that's the way mm-hmm take your time ZZ oh yeah yeah the first time it won't always maybe it's learning good job yes yes my hate never perishes believe me mine doesn't either it is born anew in a cycle with no end an incarnation of my hatred shall ever follow your kind dooming them to wander a blood-soaked sea of darkness for all time ha ha ha ha ha ha kind of funny right I think it's hilarious is there a third form no you did it no way Aaron beat Skyward Sword everybody arrow beat sky [ __ ] [Applause] yeah that guy sucks no I have confirmed the eradication of the demon king really okay Aaron Hansen shall ever be synonymous with Skyward Sword wherever the to wherever one is mentioned the other soon shall follow forever and eternity they don't make out I swear to God I'm sorry now you have to beat demise in the future well you know just glad I could help make myself useful I'm just I'm happy things turned out okay hadar pretty sound up here what do you say guys ready to head back to our own time master I must speak with you in private don't date that [ __ ] once you go blue you always shoot gu driver started to the pedestal before you and I will return to the sword to enter a sleep without end before you and I return yeah super then I'm gonna miss you just kidding but now at the end of my journey with you as I prepare to sleep within the Master Sword forever I experience a feeling I am unable to identify probably existential terror I like sophisticated to be sure of my conclusion but I've believed this feeling correlates close as to what your people call a penis can I have your happiness would you like to feel happiness masters boom may we meet again in another line gonna cry you gonna cry a little baby boy you gonna cry but who will annoy me the goddess is chosen Guardians I gladly welcome this duty everyone wants to play Twilight Princess I say that that is next if only in the game grumps timeline we will play Twilight Princess sometime in 2019 how about that [ __ ] go take a [ __ ] uh thanks so much for joining us today this today was a big day was big triumph you guys completed we did we did completed we completed it was a very long dry unsatisfying completion
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 1,153,021
Rating: 4.9267564 out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming
Id: Sg4q6ULUo_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 25sec (6565 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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