Sitting Down with a Legendary Japanese Vtuber (ft. Kson) | Trash Taste #83

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- One thing I love about American cons is that they have events going on. I remember going to my first British con and you go there to drink. - Half of my panels were in a bar area. So while you're doing your panel, people are lining up to get beer and stuff. (Joey laughing) - I don't even know what the biggest anime convention in the UK is. - Do you count MCM? - [Garnt] I don't count MCM. - Then I don't know what it is. - What doesn't suck in UK? (everyone laughing) - Wow! (slow music) - Welcome to this episode of trash taste. I'm with the boys, once again, you know how it is. Joey and Gar, and of course, we have a guest today. Kson, introduce yourself. - Hello, thank you for having me today. I am Kson the delinquent. (everyone oohing) - Most delinquent VTuber of all! - I didn't think you were a delinquent. You've been really polite so far. - No, no, I haven't. (everyone laughing) - Alright, yeah. - I mean, look at the way she's sitting! - Yeah, look at the way she's posing, she's gonna be doing that for the entire podcast, what? - I can poop here any time, you know. - [Garnt] Oh my god! - Please don't. - That's how delinquent I am. What? - Only two people can sit like this, L and Kson. (everyone laughing) - Yeah! - I think you are the first guest whose ever brought up poop before we have. - Normally we have to apologize whenever we bring up poop. - Poop is our thing. We usually start with poop. - We normally, we've made a pact not to bring it up because we bring it up too often. (everyone laughing) - Look how delinquent I am, see? - Just completely disregard the golden rule of Trash Taste, which is don't bring up poop right from the get go. - But I'm sure many are wondering, Kson, why are you here in your VTuber form and not your human form? - [Garnt] That's true. That's true. - Oh! Why not? Because people love me in this form more! - All right, all right. - Yeah! - Fair enough! - They don't love you in the other form? I'm sure they love you in the other form? - I'm sure they love you in the other form too, right? - Is it that many people? - Of course they do, but yeah, but I kind of feel comfortable in this form too. - I get you, I get you. - Because I don't have to put my makeup on. (everyone laughing) - That is something that I find very envious with every Vtuber. You just turn on the camera, you don't need to like give a shit about how you look. - I usually don't give a shit about how I look. - I do morning streams. I wake up, I look like I got hit by a truck and I'm live and everyone's like, Connor, you look dead. Every stream without fail, someone's like, Connor you look tired. Like, no shit. That's what happens when you wake up! - It could be 3:00 PM and I still look like shit. I just don't care anymore. - I just permanently have eye bags. So you can tell whenever I'm recording something late at night or early in the morning, 'cause I always, always without fail, get the comments of, oh, have you been sleeping enough? I was like, oh, thanks mom. No, I've been sleeping enough, don't worry about it. - Hi, general practitioner here. It seems like Garnt's not getting enough sleep. - Oh my God! - My god. - Wait, do you prefer actually doing Vtuber streams? Or, how can I say, 3D streams, IRL streams? - IRL streams. - You've done a lot of IRL, live action, whatever the fuck you want to call it before. - I call it 3D high polygon model. (everyone laughing) - All right, all right, all right. - Unreal engine four. - It's a model for me. For me, that's super high polygon model. - Right, right. - [Garnt] RTX (indistinct). - Yes! - Before we get into it, do you wanna explain to the viewers what you do and what you do for streaming and everything like that? - Oh yeah, I'm a delinquent VTuber. I debuted on October 16th, so I'm kind of a new one. - A fresh face. - [Joey] A fresh face. - Yeah, fresh face but I've been streaming for ... I've been doing this for like three years and five years ago I started filming videos of me playing games. And then after that, well, I thought I would like, let's do the VTuber stuff 'cause I'm tired of putting makeup on myself and I'm tired of like- - [Joey] Tired of the high polygon. - Yeah. (laughs) - [Connor] Cause you've done a lot of cosplay stuff, right? You did a lot of Cosplay streams, right? - [Kson] Yeah, I love cosplay stuff. I love Cosplay stuff. - [Connor] But that's like the antithesis of putting on makeup. - Like you put a lot of makeup on for that. - Makeup's like step one, right? And then it's like 20 steps after that. - How much prep do you have to do for a cosplay stream whenever you are cosplaying someone? - First of all, I make all my cosplay costumes. - [Garnt] Oh wow! - I make it from scratch. - Really? - Yeah! I'm good at sewing so I make it myself. - [Garnt] Jeez. - So step zero, I have to buy the stuff and- - Wow. - Make it so (indistinct). - You don't just buy from Wish like this guy or whatever? - You don't just buy it from Amazon? - Yeah, man. We're trying to find an adult Minecraft Steve costume. It's very difficult. - I have a shirt and a pair of pants that is the exact same coloration as Minecraft Steve. - I want like the blocks, right? I've been trying to find a Minecraft Steve costume and it's been very difficult 'cause everyone I've purchased or seen is for the ages of six to 12. So I ended up just buying the six to 12 one and fuck it, I'll make it worse. - [Garnt] Squeeze into it? - I'll just rip that thing. - Maybe I can make it for you! - What? - Yeah, you should give it to Kson! - Yeah, give it to Kson. - Can I do that? Maybe I'll do that. I don't know what your rates are. It's probably very expensive. - Actually, I didn't know you made your own cosplays. How long does it take to make one then? - If I concentrate, maybe for like three days, I can- - If you use a hundred percent of your brain. - Yeah, a hundred percent of my brain power and concentrate, well, usually I can't do that so it takes about like two weeks? - Yeah, that sounds real because like I've seen some of your cosplay streams in the past. - [Kson] Really? - Yeah, and I remember you did one for Bayonetta. - [Connor] Yeah, the Bayonetta one? That's the one where I see clips everywhere. - [Joey] Yeah, and I'm like, how the hell did you make that by yourself? 'cause that's better than some professional Bayonetta cosplays that I've seen. - Oh, thank you. - Was that the longest one you did? What's the longest one that took you? - Maybe Bayonetta because her hair! Yeah! It took more time than the costume, her hair. I had to buy like three wigs. - Right. - Three wigs and like mess it up and did you see that? - [Connor] We're putting on a picture on screen and everything. - [Kson] That mountain on top of the head? (laughs) - [Joey] That like hairband thing that defies physics. I don't know how that's built. - [Connor] That's actually Sponge Bob's home that's been relocated. - It was so hard, I had to throw away like three wigs. I messed up a lot of wigs and so much money and time. - (laughs) - I can see why you do this now. - Yeah, Vtubing! - You've had a very long and famous career doing this stuff and it's really impressive. One thing that I am kind of weirdly impressed by, because this is one thing that I find that people really struggle to do, is that you have mainly a, is it correct in saying you have a Japanese audience mainly? - Yeah. - But you also have an English following. - Yeah. - And it's normally really hard for creators to balance two different languages. - In fact, because like a lot of the platforms just don't want you to speak both languages because they want to know, okay, you speak English, we're recommending you to English speakers. You speak Japanese, only Japanese speakers are getting it. How do you find balancing that? Because it's way beyond my ability. - I'm figuring it out to be honest. Like for the Japanese viewers, they don't like me speaking mostly in English because obviously they won't understand. (everyone laughing) - Yeah, but mostly, my viewers are mostly Japanese and I mostly do the streams in Japanese, so ... - Sorry, what gave you the idea to try and branch out to a more international audience? That's what I'm curious about. Or was it just you had a language skillset and you just wanted to flex it kind of? - I don't know. Yeah, maybe, maybe, yeah ... - [Joey] I guess it's like, if you- - Or is it dumb luck? (everyone laughing) - I'm just gonna give it a go, see if it works, kind of thing. - Just wing it. - Kind of like that. I'm like, yeah, let's try it and if it works out, good. (laughs) I'm that kind of person. - Well there you go, it worked out. - I don't really think and like strategize, I just do it. - [Garnt] She's just a genius, what can I say, right? - [Joey] Just five head. - Yeah, I'm just a genius delinquent. Yeah, you could say that. - I'm envious of you being able to speak great Japanese and English. Joey is also. - Yeah, but the thing is I haven't been able to diversify my audience as much as Kson has I feel. - Have you tried to capture a Japanese audience at all? And are you even interested in that? - I'm personally just not really interested in it. Just because it's like, I don't know. Because I feel it's just so different in terms of content and stuff like that. If it's kind of like what Kson does where it's like whole of variety stuff, right? Where you can just basically do whatever the hell you want, then it's a little bit easier to try and branch out, right? But I don't know. It's also a lot of effort to do both, you know what I mean? - Yeah, I dunno if this is correct, right? I could be completely wrong. I've heard some stories about people who have audiences both, like some YouTubers, they subtitle their stuff in Japanese and they've quite a decent Japanese following. The main thing I've been told is that Japanese people have no chill online. That's the one thing, the one criticism that I've heard a lot. - It's scary. - At least that's from an English perspective. I don't know. What is it like having the two different types of audiences? Do you notice a difference between them both distinctly, other than the language? - Other than the language? Well, I don't know. Japanese people, it's just from my perspective, okay? - Of course, it's all opinion. - [Joey] It's all your opinion. - I just said they had no chill. I think I'm in trouble probably. - Japanese people mostly don't wanna see my 3D high polygon stuff. It's not like they don't love me in that style, it's like they could, I don't know, relate more to the anime figure. I don't know. That's the part I don't understand much about. - 'Cause you're the same person, right? - Yeah, we're the same person. - One's 2D and one's a 3D polygon high model. - You're not playing a character or anything like at all, are you? - Well, I am a delinquent. (everyone laughing) - She is a delinquent. - She is a delinquent. - I'm not playing a character, I'm just delinquent. I was born delinquent. And what was I talking about? (everyone laughing) - I guess though, it kind of makes sense because otherwise, if the Japanese audience didn't have this like infatuation with these 2D streamers, then Vtubing wouldn't really be a thing in the first place, I feel. - True. - It's weird though. - That infatuation had to come from somewhere, right? And Japan is already, especially Japan's otaku culture is already so obsessed with the whole 2D thing. - I got the Western brain. That sounds like a disease. I got Western brain. I'm trying to wrap my head around it as to give possible reasons. - It's such a strange concept because like my parents don't understand the whole VTubing thing all, but they're always so curious being like, why is it that people like this? And it's so hard to explain to them why. - They'll never understand. My parents are like that too. - Yeah, but even if I brought up the whole debate of Japanese people love 2D shit and when you put a real person into it, then it becomes more interactive, they'll be like, why not just show the real face? And I'm like valid argument, parents! But that's not how it works. - [Kson] It doesn't work like that! - My parents don't understand anime period. So trying to explain VTubers to them is just like a whole 'nother level. - It's like anime, but real. - My parents haven't asked me yet, luckily. - Really? - I had this the other day when I went back home to England and I had to explain to my family members what VTubers was and there was just so many levels I had to explain to even come close to introducing the idea of Vtubers, 'cause they didn't know what streamers, how streamers made money, they didn't know what YouTube was worth. So I needed to basically explain the internet before I could even start explaining what VTubers are. - Iron Mouse told me a really fuckin' funny story that her mom ... So her mom doesn't understand it either 'cause mouse is really sick and can't leave her house and can't can't do anything really, and her mom thought that everyone who was a Vtuber was sick. And there's just something so wholesome about that, that I thought, awe. I don't know why that just warmed my heart in a weird way where your mom was like, is everyone the same? And it's like no mom, but thanks for asking. - [Joey] It's a nice sentiment. - Yeah, that was really (indistinct). - How did you explain to your parents when you started getting into VTubing? - I didn't explain to them. (everyone laughing) - What did you tell them then? - They know now, right? - [Kson] Yeah, they know now but they will never understand so I just didn't. (laughs) And my daddy still doesn't understand anything about what I do, I think. - Does he keep asking you to get like a normal job? - No, he doesn't do that, but he like what the fuck is VTubing and why does everyone pay money to you? (everyone laughing) - A solid argument. - See, they're they're on step two of parent. Step one is the period where they're like you should go get a real job. And then step two is where they've just given up on that and they just start to question what you do. - 'Cause like I remember when I first quit to do YouTube and Patreon was my main form of revenue. - [Connor] Yeah, my parents, oh my god. - Yeah, and then I had to explain to my parents what Patreon was and why that was basically my monthly salary. So I'm just like, yeah, so just people pay me to be me and do things that I did already, and they're like, no, but what are they paying you for? Like to just to be me. And they're like, no, no, no, no, but what are you selling to them? Like I'm not selling them anything. - I mean to be fair, I feel like you're explaining it pretty badly. You're just like just existing! Just like welfare really, but just specific for me. - I mean, isn't that just what YouTube ad revenue is? - Welfare for YouTube. - Yeah, welfare for YouTube. A bit too generous I think the welfare is. Oh my god. Very generous welfare, Jesus Christ. - When you're starting off, it's like welfare, right? - Yeah, I guess so. - So going back to the language thing, are you surprised how much of a potential there was in an international audience? Because Vtubing until like the last few years was very much a Japanese thing, it was a Japanese idea, and I think a lot of your content made it so that it was more accessible to people in the West. So were you surprised at all with the rise of Vtubing just globally? - I was really surprised. I thought like, just like my daddy had some allergies about these internet Vtubing things, I thought it was the same for those Western viewers to have this anime .... - [Garnt] Anime avatar. - Avatar thing talking to you like that, maybe it will feel weird, but I thought it was a really fun thing and I just wanted to introduce to them, there's something like this and it's really fun. If you don't like it, it's fine, but just take a peek at it. And it went good! - Oh, and they took a peek at it all right! (everyone laughing) - It's kind of crazy how much it blew up in the West, I guess, really. It was almost overnight it feels like it blew up. Was it overwhelming at the time? - Of course it was. Of course it was! - I bet it was overwhelming when it was happening in the Japanese audience as well, right? - Yeah, true, true. Why are all these English people coming in? What the fuck? - It's like you only had to worry about one small island nation worrying about it and now you have the entire world looking at you. It's scary. - It's kinda like anime itself, right? Where a lot of it was originally just everyone thought that only Japan cared about anime and now it's getting to a point where it's just becoming the mainstream cool thing for all your kids to be watching anime and like you're bullied now for not watching anime and now- - Now kids have it easy. (everyone laughing) - I remember I had monthly Discord hangouts where some of the members who are in my discord group have been watching me for like seven to 10 years, and it's like that already blows my mind, but every so often we get someone new into the group and normally, everyone introduced myself by saying their favorite anime and saying their waifu or husbando, and in the past few years, it used to always be anime waifu or anime husbandos but now every time someone new comes in, it's always Vtubers now. - [Kson] Yeah, favorite Vtubers. Vtuber waifus. - It's the oshiis now. - Oh right, Vtubers, a lot of them getting figures. A lot of them getting Nendoroids. - Nendoroids! - Like really official lines which is pretty crazy, right? I think if you'd have said that like two years ago, everyone would be like, no. - [Joey] Well, I think- - Kizuna Ai, right? - Yeah, when Kizuna Ai started blowing up and she got her own figure and stuff like that. - Selling NFTs. - Yeah, selling NFTs. - Oh no! - I was like whoa, what the fuck? This is so weird! - The figures? Yeah, it was so cool. - Yeah, when the figures came out it was nuts. But now it's just like pretty normal. - Yeah. - Super normal. - Yeah, when's your figure coming out, Kson? - Uhhh! - [Joey] Eventually? - I'm just a newcomer! - As a Vtuber you can sell two things: A figure and NFTS. (everyone laughing) - I was wondering where you were going with that. - I was like figure and Nendoroids? - I was like figure and super chats? - Thankfully, we haven't gotten to that point, I don't think, yet, but ... - 'Cause you could sell yourself, right? As an NFT. - Stop, stop. - Is that not what they're doing? - We don't need this idea to be in our brains right now. - Yeah, I just kind of clock out whenever I see NFT now. I just stop looking. I don't read any article, I don't want to look at it. - And yet you're the one that keeps bringing it up on the show! - Okay, one more thing before I stop talking about NFT, have you seen the clip of Keanu laughing at NFTs? - [Joey] No. - [Garnt] I have. - No? It's so good. There's this clip where this guy talks to Keanu Reeves about NFTs and he just starts giggling. He mentions something about replicating it. - [Man] He was like and replicates it! (laughs) (everyone laughing) - [Garnt] It's such a good reaction. - [Joey] I didn't see that. - Sorry for bringing that up. - Just the idea of gacha NFTs, that scares me so much. - [Connor] Don't tell them that, Garnt. - Yeah, you just gave them an idea now. - [Kson] Ohhhh. - Every gacha company's like ... - All I'm saying is gacha companies don't make enough money. (everyone laughing) - [Connor] I think they make more than enough! - That was a sarcastic joke right there. That was /s sarcasm. - Garnt got into fuckin' Fate and their quarterly revenue went up. - [Joey] Yeah, exactly. - Do you play any gachas or any of those games? - No, no, no. - Thank god, thank god, Kson! Thank god. - [Joey] Good choice, you're a real one. - No. - [Garnt] Yeah, stay away. - I'm the real. - You don't need to fall into that hellhole. - What's your addiction, if you have one of any sort? What are you into? - My addiction? Let me think. - Other than Adidas. - Okay. - That's not an addiction, that's a lifestyle. - That's true, that's true. - Adidas squat. See my costume has Adidas lines in it? - Does it really? - See, see? - Oh shit, yeah! - Look, look, look! - [Joey] Oh yeah. - [Garnt] Oh yeah. - Yeah, it's Adidas. (everyone laughing) I can't say that loud. - What's your passion then? Any games or anything that you're super addicted to? - Super addicted to? Let me think. - As long as it's not gacha, it's a win. - [Garnt] Streaming. (laughs) - Yeah, I'm addicted to streaming, of course. - [Garnt] Right. - I'm a full time streamer so yes. But right now I'm addicted to Far Cry. (laughs) - Oh really? - [Joey] Far Cry? - Which one, the new one? - Right now I'm playing Far Cry five. - Oh, are you going through them all? - Yeah, yeah! - Oh okay, okay. I heard they get worse and worse as they go on. - [Joey] Are they? - Spoilers. - I dunno, I dunno. - I've only played three, I think. - Yeah. - Was that the good one? (laughs) - Hey! - I think three is the good one. - I enjoyed it! I enjoyed playing three. - What's your favorite Far Cry so far? - I've only played five. I just started, I just started. - Oh, oh! - [Joey] Okay. - [Garnt] Oh, you've only played Far Cry five? - [Kson] Yeah, I started from Far Cry five. - She's already into Far Cry from five. - I thought she played Far Cry one to five. All right! - [Connor] We're being lied to. - Goddamn. - [Kson] Is Far Cry five the good one or the ... - Ehh ... I don't think Metacritic likes it but you know. - Is that the one with the- - [Connor] The rednecks. - Oh no, I just know the one with Gus. - [Connor] That's the new one, six. - Okay, six. - [Connor] Gus Fring. He's the meme of we're not the same. I can't unsee that meme. - Oh, that guy! - Yeah. (laughs) - All right. - From Breaking Bad? I was gonna say you haven't seen Breaking Bad yet have you? - No! - Have you watched Breaking Bad? - I've never seen it before. - Oh my god! - I only know the we are not the same meme. - It's so good! - Okay, I gotta watch it! Netflix, go on! (laughs) - So you've been playing Far Cry, and then we played Minecraft. - Oh, yeah, I have my own server, I just started it. - Oh, you did? - I'm playing with my friends. - Well, thank you for killing me on my server. - Um, I'm not gonna say sorry for that 'cause- - [Joey] I bet you like top ten anime betrayals I saw that happen. - I was invisible, to be fair. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and then you went and killed yourself anyway like two minutes later so it was okay. I think it was all right. I think it was revenge was well served by yourself. But Minecraft is pretty fun, I enjoy Minecraft. Joey's a Minecraft expert. - No, I'm not! (laughs) - [Connor] He is, he's an expert. - I'm not! - [Connor] He's an expert in Minecraft. - I just tried to get you into it. - [Connor] He's an expert in Minecraft. - I opened the door for you. - So you'd never played Minecraft before you basically started streaming Minecraft? - [Connor] No, yeah, yeah. - I really want to get into it but- - [Joey] The first time he played Minecraft was with me in the old studio. - Oh! - How many times you played Minecraft now? - Um, I just started. I'm just a beginner. I don't know how to- - It's really overwhelming, right? - Yeah! - There's so much to do. - Is it fun? - [Kson] What? - It's a simple question, can I not ask it, Joey? (everyone laughing) - I don't know, it's the most boomer thing I've ever heard! - [Connor] The desperation. - What's this Minecraft thing? - I've never played it before, okay? - Is this mining crafting thing fun? - I want to ask the gamer if it is fun or not. - It depends what you like to do. Luckily, Minecraft is varied so you can do what you want. On the V shoujo server, which I played on, they were just all building things and I didn't want to build things. - [Joey] Like houses and big structures? - I wanted to go and do the raids. - I want to have a goal, that's the biggest- - Yeah, well, there's bosses and raids in this modded one. So I wanted to just go and explore and kill things and level up. - That's the good thing about Minecraft, right? You can do anything you want. - You can do whatever you want, man. - Your imagination is the limit. - You can code in Minecraft. - Can you actually? - Yeah, there's redstone and you can code with it. - Yeah, there's a dude who made a fully functioning computer in Minecraft using redstone. - [Kson] What? - Yeah, yeah, they made Pokemon as well with Minecraft. - [Kson] Wow! - They programmed Pokemon into the game. - They had a working cellphone. - [Joey] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Do you remember? I think it was a promotion with AT&T or something? - [Joey] Something like that, yeah. - At least one of their phones works 'cause normally it doesn't. - Where they code, I think it was something like they coded it into the game so that when you put on a webcam, the blocks moved according to the webcam like pixels, but it's all programmed in the game. - Wow. - It's a very powerful tool, yeah. It's really cool. - [Joey] It's something like that. - It's pretty fun. When you get into it and you start to understand a bit more about the game, it gets more fun. So I think you'll enjoy it. - Whoa! - And then if you get bored, just go creative mode and just do whatever the fuck you want. - True, true. - Is that camera thing with mods? Does that work with mods? - Ohh, I don't know if that's a publicly available mod. It might've been a one off for YouTuber. - [Joey] It might have been a one off thing, yeah. - Was it Captain Sparkles? - Something like that, yeah. It was one of the big Minecraft YouTubers. - I feel sad that I missed the Minecraft boom in some ways. - [Joey] It'll come back. - It's kind of booming now. - [Garnt] It never stops booming. - (indistinct) boom right now? - [Joey] It just kinda does this right now. - Now we're booming with content, before it used to be just songs and shit and that was so funny. Those songs were great. - [Joey] Oh, the animations? Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I loved those. Terrible. - I feel like every time it dies, it comes back with a vengeance. - [Connor] It does. - It comes back even stronger. I feel like- - It's like Goku. - Yeah. (everyone laughing) - Oh god! Oh my fucking god, Joey! - All right, I filled my anime quota for the episode. Let's move on. - Joey's mentioned anime, we're done. - So NFTs, uh. - Proving that I am the anime man, we gotta every so often- - It does come back, you're right, you're right. - [Joey] It does come back, yeah. - Are you a big anime fan? - Um yeah, I think I am. - [Together] You think you are? - You're talking to the anime man right now! - Yeah, 'cause the anime man is in front of me so I can't say (indistinct). (everyone laughing) - He doesn't watch any anime! - The title still stands. I've said every anime on a video so ... - The title is enough. I don't need to- - I have actually named every anime. - He's ascended now. - The title alone scares people. - [Joey] Exactly. - What kind of anime do you like then? - Yeah, what are you into? - I grew up with Dragon Ball. - Of course, of course. - I loved Goku. I can do Gohan's voice. - Ooh, okay. - [Joey] Really? - Yeah, barely dead Gohan. (Kson groaning) - So to explain, this is the Japanese voice, huh? - 'Cause the Western Gohan sounds very different. - What made you want to learn this skill? - I didn't learn it! Some viewer told me that I sound like a barely dead Gohan and I should just go for it. You're good at it, so I practiced. - Yeah, it sounds pretty spot on. - I'm a pro at barely dead Gohan. - You almost kind of sound like barely dead Goku as well. It's pretty much the same voice. - Yeah, 'cause it kind of (indistinct). - Yeah, Gohan and Goku in the Japanese dub do sound very, very similar. - Yeah, I mean they are father and son, it makes sense. - I don't know the difference. I don't know the difference. - What? Of Gohan and Goku? - Yeah. - Gohan's basically that. (Kson groaning) - I don't know anything about Dragon Ball. - And Goku is like. (Kson groaning) (everyone laughing) - Can you hear the difference? - It's a very subtle difference, only Dragon Ball fans. - (indistinct) find the difference between these two sounds. - It's between dying Gohan and dying Goku. (everyone laughing) - Let's run it back a bit, you said you don't know Dragon Ball? - No. - [Garnt] What? - What? - [Joey] What do you mean? Have you ever watched it or read it at all? - No, never watched or read it, played it. - So you only know it through osmosis? - Yeah. I know that they do the kamehameha? (Joey laughing) - [Kson] Oh my god! - I think my dad might know more about Dragon Ball than you do. - I know the spirit bomb. - [Joey] Yeah, that's another one. - I know the hadouken, no, I'm kidding. - [Joey] Shoryuken? - Shoryuken, right? That's it. - [Garnt] I've never felt such a bigger generation gap than now, oh my god! - Here's what happened, right? - So wait, how many of the side characters and their lores do you know? Or anything like that? You know Vegeta, right? - I know Vegeta, I know Piccolo. - Do you know who Vegeta marries? - Bulma? - [Joey] Yeah! - Okay. - That's just from people on Twitter role playing it. I'm like what the fuck is this? - And do you know what their kid's name is? - Tanjiro? (everyone laughing) - Tanjiro! Oh my gosh. - Luffy? - [Joey] No! - What's the kid called? - Trunks! - I know Trunks. I didn't know that was his kid. - Yeah. - I know Trunks 'cause there's a guy who wanted to look like Trunks and he dresses up and I saw that video. - The guy who spent like 70k on himself, right? - Have you seen this video? There's a guy who wants to look like Trunks in the US, I think, and then he does look like Trunks to be fair. - But to be fair, he- - [Kson] With plastic surgery? - Yeah. He gets plastic surgery and he also colors his hair purple and wears the thing. - [Connor] It's really bizarre. - But he's also jacked as shit. - [Connor] Yeah, I mean whatever makes you happy. - [Kson] Wow! - So he looks like a real life Trunks, it's pretty cool. - He seems like he's killin' it. - As long as you're not hurting anyone, as long as you're happy. - Majin Buu. - [Joey] Oh, yeah? - Majin Buu. - That would have been really embarrassing if I got that wrong. - Do you know the villain that comes before Majin Buu? - [Connor] Yes, um, it is ... - I'm just realizing every fucking Dragon Ball reference I've made during the last two years you've just smiled and laughed. - [Connor] No, no, no, no, no, no, no! - It's been an entirely- - [Kson] He didn't know shit! - Our friendship is based on a lie, what's going on? - His obsession with drip Goku was a lie. - [Kson] What's going on, Connor? - Listen, drip Goku has nothing to do with Goku. - Connor's probably like oh yeah, I love that episode where he puts on the Supreme. (everyone laughing) - I love it when he puts on the Supreme jacket! - [Joey] That's my favorite episode ever! - Are you aware of this meme, the drip Goku meme? - Oh yeah. (laughs) - I actually have the jacket. I didn't bring it with me today though, unfortunately. - I think I saw it on Twitter. - Hell yeah! I should have brought it with, you could've been drip. - I want to be drip! - Oh my god. - [Garnt] She's showing the Adidas drip. - Oh true, true. Brand loyalty, brand loyalty. - [Garnt] Brand loyalty. - I know the villain name, I know him, the one who looks like a budget Mewtwo. (Joey laughing) - What? Oh! - I think he's talking about Frieza. - Oh Frieza, that's it! (everyone laughing) That's it, Frieza! - [Everyone] Frieza budget Mewtwo! - I can't believe it! - He looks like a budget Mewtwo! - I'm pretty sure Frieza came before Mewtwo. - Did he? - Yes! - Of course! - Which one's Frieza? - Frieza is budget Mewtwo according to you- - Oh okay, right. - But Frieza definitely came before Mewtwo. - [Connor] Oh, fuck. - So Mewtwo is the budget Frieza. - Oh shit, maybe you're right. Fuck, I fucked up! See, I understand Dragon Ball references because I've been in the otaku anime circle where I understand Dragon Ball reference and I'm like laugh now. - You can't name any story portion or anything like that. - Sometimes I'll make a joke being like oh my god, this is so long, it's like a Dragon Ball fight, you know? What's going on? And people will be like ha, that's so real, Connor knows Dragon Ball. It's like that one time that Vegeta and Goku were fighting for like 20 episodes. - That did happen. - [Connor] Yeah, exactly, right? See? It's easy enough to figure out what Dragon Ball fans like. - To be fair though, that was probably one of the shorter fights. - If you let me go in the zoo, I'm sure I could fit in with the monkeys after 20 minutes of watching. - [Joey] Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's like that. - [Joey] To use that analogy. - I'm sorry, I just wanted to take a jab at Dragon Ball fans. - [Joey] Just assimilate. - I thought you were taking a jab at yourself (indistinct). - [Connor] No, no, no, no. - Getting off Dragon Ball though, is there any other animes that you like as well? - Naruto, of course. - [Garnt] Of course. - So you love Fortnite? - Oh, that's- - How do you feel about that? - What's your favorite Fortnite character? - You love them in Fortnite. - But why the fuck did they do that? (everyone laughing) I mean, Kishimoto san, why? Why did you say yes to that? It's so fuckin' hilarious and I love it. - I think what happened is he saw where Boruto was going and he's just like I've lost all hope with this franchise. - I have to revive it somehow. - To be fair, watching him do the signs, I don't know what they're called. - [Joey] The jutsus? - The jutsus and then just pull out a gun, there's something really funny about that. - I think we call that rasengun. - Just do the hand thing and whipped out an AK, it's like what the fuck? - And then do a Fortnite dance. It felt like a fever dream the first time I watched that. - I think it was seeing Sasuke do the Fortnite dance that just really killed my fucking childhood. It wasn't the gun, it was the Fortnite dance and I'm just like ... - [Kson] That was the best. (laughs) - Just Kakashi flossing- - It's only a matter of time before we get Tanjiro doing it. - Oh my god. - I'm just like this is what Itachi died for? This? Just fucking Sasuke doing the Fortnite dance! I'm just, I'm done. - What other animes are you into? It seems you're into the classics. - [Garnt] The classic shounens. - Yeah, I'm into the classic ones and of course, Kimetsu and- - That's how you fit in in Japan. I've realized if I want to fit in with any Japanese person I'm like ah, Kimetsu no Yaiba. - [Joey] Yeah, I like Kimetsu. - They're like ah, I know that, I know that! I love that one! - Yes, I too know water. - It's like Kimetsu, One Piece, and Jojo. - If you say those, more so Kimetsu and One Piece, I'd say. Jojo sometimes people are like what's that? - Yeah, Jojo's a specific demographic, whereas Kimetsu's just everyone. - Every single, even if they're like 80-90 years old, they know Kimetsu no Yaiba and they've watched it. And Jujutsu Kaisen weirdly now actually. - Yeah, Jujutsu Kaisen is pretty popular now, right? - Yeah, weirdly so. - Did you like Jujutsu Kaisen? - I loved it. I thought it was so good! - I thought it was just okay. - I don't know. Here it is with Joey. - [Joey] I don't know, like- - Joey's like I don't know, it's just a little too popular. - No, no, no, no, it's not that. I thought- - [Connor] Do you like it? - I'm on Joey's side with it. - (gasps) - I thought it had everything that I thought I was going to like but then the end result was kinda like underwhelming? - [Connor] What? - I don't know. - [Connor] Defend yourself. - Wait, wait, wait, before we start comparing, what did you think of Demon Slayer then? - I thought Demon Slayer was good. - [Connor] Better than Jujutsu? - Do you think it's on the same level? - I think Kimetsu's better than Jujutsu Kaisen personally. - [Connor] Holding my tongue here. - Fuck, man, fuck. - Do you agree? - [Kson] Yeah. - What did you think was not good about Jujutsu Kaisen? - It's too complicated. - What? - No! - It wasn't even that complicated! (laughs) - What was it for you, Joey? - I understood everything. - Tell me your argument! - I don't know. It just kinda had every trope that we've already seen. - [Connor] Yeah, but- - That's just Demon Slayer! That's literally Demon Slayer! - Yeah- - I felt like it did the tropes the best. That's what made it stand out is that it took the tropes and it did some other things that were interesting as well, and it just did it better than anyone. - I'm not saying it was a bad show, I enjoyed the show, I just don't think it's as good as people say it is. - I think it deserves the hype way more than Demon Slayer does. - Watching Jujutsu Kaisen and then watching shit like My Hero Academia, it's like going from a five course meal to a plain cracker. - Oh dude, I would watch Jujutsu over My Hero any day to be honest. Do you like My Hero Academia? - Um better than Jujutsu Kaisen maybe. - [Joey] Oh, really? See the different opinions flying around today. - I really regret inviting you right now! - What? - We can't agree on anything. - I didn't think I'd get passionate about anime today 'cause it's trash taste but I'm getting passionate about anime today. - This is like the is Fortnite overrated conversation. (everyone laughing) This is literally that! This is literally that conversation. We're talking about are anime overrated, fuckin' hell. I hate my life. Did you watch Arcane? - No, I don't know that. - Watch Arcane. - Oh, thank god. - [Kson] Okay. - [Connor] Please, it's so good, it's so good, it's so good. Please watch it, please watch it. - Okay. (laughs) - But we all agree that One Piece is the best, right? - Yes. - I haven't watched One Piece. Have you watched One Piece? - Kson, you watch One Piece as well? You've read it, watched it? Read it, watched it? - I read it. - How far did you get in it? - This is like when my mom asked me if I studied. - Sanji joined. Sanji joined! - That's like chapter 20! (everyone laughing) - [Connor] Hell yeah, we're on the same page! - That's not even the epilogue, yeah. That's not even prologue. - I've read zero chapters. - [Joey] But you're going to, right? - I am going to. Again, I've only watched the 4Kids version. - I'm sorry. - Again, I think I've mentioned it before, the stuff I read about. - Tell me when you start reading it and I will also re-read from where I am so that we can all be up to speed. - Okay. - I was kind of curious, do you watch and play stuff that your stream basically recommends? 'Cause I notice working in the field, some of the recommendations I get of what to watch and play basically just come from my audience. So I'm wondering is that how you guys, not just to Kson, but is that how you guys basically choose what media to consume nowadays as well? - Um I'd say mostly yes, yeah, 'cause I don't get any information from other friends. They never leave home, they don't know anything, they don't watch TV shows. (laughs) - Are they in prison? - (indistinct) for anything like that. - I guess you've got to follow your audience to some capacity, right? Just 'cause you are performing, quote unquote, to them when you're on stream and stuff like that. - Do you get a lot of free time? Because we've had previous Vtubers on before- - She's a streamer, of course she doesn't! - Of course! I do nothing! (everyone laughing) - You sounded so happy about that. That felt so sad. - Otaku dream, right? Just doing nothing. - Just do nothing. - Just do nothing. - Initially with Vtubing, what made you want to go for that? Was it purely just for not wanting to put makeup on or was there something about that you were leaning towards with the whole Vtubing that made you want to go for it in the first place? - I just thought Vtubing was cool and it looked like it's gonna make some movement or something. - I thought you were about to say money. (everyone laughing) - Money! - That sounded like a money! - Yeah, money! Yeah. - Did you have any streamers that inspired you to start Vtubing in the first place? - Of course, Kizuna Ai san. She was so inspiring. Did you guys watch the Backstreet Boys, that movie of Kizuna Ai chan singing? Everybody, yeah! - Are you serious? - [Joey] Wait, what? - That was the one that got me into Vtubing stuff. - Really? - Yeah! - Wait, so what is it? - That was an MMD though, wasn't it? - [Man] It was an MMD. - Yeah, I thought so. Yeah, I didn't know if it was Vtubing or MMD but it felt like the animation. - Yeah, it's kind of like a Vtubing ... - So the Backstreet Boys got you into Vtubing? - Not like that but- (everyone laughing) Did I say that? - That's a good sentence, I think. - That's like the domino image, right? - Kson, Backstreet Boys. - Backstreet Boys forms, Kson becomes a Vtuber. - The whole Vtubing industry. (everyone laughing) Backstreet Boys. - Backstreet Boys, yeah. - Justin Timberlake. - [Man] It was MMD models of Kizuna Ai that sang at you? - Hold on, did you just say, did you say Justin Timberlake? - That's Nsync! Fuck! - Nsync. - Yeah, Justin Timberlake is Nsync not Backstreet Boys. - I made a mistake. - It's all right. - So before you started streaming on YouTube, were you mainly on YouTube like watching stuff on YouTube or were you on Niconico as well and other JP sites? - I was on Niconico. I didn't know much about YouTube because I didn't watch it. I just didn't. I didn't find any content interesting for me. - What's the Niconico community like? 'cause a lot of people who obviously can't speak Japanese and especially the international audience, to me it feels like it's it own very tight knit community with it's own culture and everything like that. - For me, it was the only platform I knew. - Right. So your perception of the internet was just Niconico for you, right? Yeah. - Yeah, Niconico. - I feel it was like that though, 'cause I used to be on Niconico as well when I was in high school and they have their own memes that just never leave Niconico. - So were you watching Niconico from high school? - I was watching Niconico ... I started watching when I was in college and yeah, I think I was in college that I started because my parents never let me play games. They were ... - [Joey] Awe, like super strict. - [Garnt] Super strict. - Super strict about it. They were like games make you stupid, don't you ever do that. Those kind of parents! My parents were like that. - Did they let you watch anime? - No, never! - Wait, wait, so what did you do in your free time as a kid? - I was hiding under my bed and reading Dragon Ball. (everyone laughing) - [Joey] The true delinquent! - True delinquent! - The delinquency started from such a young age. - Of course! When they say not to do it- - You want to do it. - Of course! - [Joey] Of course, of course. - And now, look what I'm doing, daddy, mommy, I'm playing games! (everyone laughing) - I'm playing games and talking about Dragon Ball! - And now I am anime! - [Kson] I am anime! - Goes full circle. - Yeah! - So you were watching it in college and then when did you think oh man, I kinda want to join in on this? - When I started working, one of my colleagues he talked to me like do you like games? And he started talking about games and we became good friends because I was really interested in games because I started to make money myself and I was buying a lot of games! - Hell yeah. Hell yeah! - I was living by myself so there was no one to stop me. So I was like buying a lot of games, playing it, enjoying it, and my colleague was like there are streamers playing games online, do you watch it? And I got interested in it and I started watching it, and then he said like I want to stream like them. How about we do it together? Yeah, he suggested let's do the streaming stuff together. We ended up never doing it together because I don't know, he just disappeared! (laughs) He quit the job. (humming Twilight Zone theme song) He got me into this, I want to still do it with you but he just disappeared. So fuck it, I'll do it myself and I started making movies. It was just recording it and just cutting the end, it was something like that. It's not making something. - [Garnt] You mean like let's plays? - Yeah, the let's plays. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Joey] All right, all right, all right. - And I started posting it on Niconico and that was my start. It was like 2017. - So you had a job before you were doing this and you were doing the job while you were posting this stuff as well? - Yeah. - Am I allowed to ask what you did before? - I was working ... Let's keep it a secret! (everyone laughing) - No worries. - Good choice. - I was working hard! - I was on that grind. - At a job where colleagues disappear! (everyone laughing) - Where colleagues often disappear. - The delinquent life has been strong with this one. So how long were you posting let's plays for then? - For like three years, I think? - Oh wow. And did it ever pick up or was it just not that many viewers throughout the whole time? - My very first video that I posted on Niconico came viral. - What? - What? - The very first one, so I was thankful about that. - I need to ask, what is viral on Niconico? - Niconico on viral it means like there's a ranking in Niconico. You guys know Niconico rankings? - [Joey] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Is it like one to 10 or something? - It will display ranking and it was like ranking one to five was mine. - Oh wow! - It's basically like weekly or monthly, something like that, right? - Yeah, something like that. - [Connor] Like old YouTube then. - Yeah, so basically at the front page of Niconico usually there's a ranking for the top videos for this week or the top videos for this month and then they just have links. That's their algorithm thing. - What was so special about this video? - I don't honestly- - I imagine if it's your first video, it's probably bad. - It's super bad! - [Joey] She was just born to be a streamer! - What made it blow up? - I don't know. The very first video that I posted was me struggling with Japanese but trying to play it in Japanese, and the first one I was playing the game Siren. You guys know Siren? - Oh, Fatal Frame. No, not Fatal Frame, is it? No, no. - Is it a horror game? - No, it's a different one, right? Yeah, it's like Fatal Frame though, right? - Was it just you raging at the Japanese? - Yeah! - I could see why that would do well actually. - [Joey] I can see how that would do it. - And I think no one did that before. - And you did that for three years? And it just kept growing? - I wasn't constantly doing that. I was throwing videos on Niconico and do nothing for half a year. - Just disappear? - Just disappear and working. - I relate to that. That's what I did. - Yeah, that's what I did for the first three years. I just throw the video to Niconico and do nothing. Throw some more, do nothing. - I feel though like it's pretty rare on Niconico for there to be content creators that constantly produce because you don't make money on Niconico. - [Kson] Nothing. - [Connor] So it's just for the clout. - Yeah, people just do it because they want to make some shit. - They're just passionate. They're just passionate in their content. - [Connor] Fuck, bro! - Can you imagine? - That's the biggest crime alive. Doing something for free. Hell no, not in this economy! (everyone laughing) - Honestly, sometimes you see Niconico content that gets reposted on YouTube and it's absolutely fucking insane some of the content (indistinct). - Some of the edits are just ridiculous. - [Kson] It is! - Yeah, like seeing some of the mad edits during the peak of the AMV years where you thought there was some mad talented AMV editors, which there are, and then out of nowhere you just get this mad clip that just got posted from Niconico and it was just fuckin' insane what they were doing compared to what you could see on YouTube. - Like all the Vocaloid producers used to upload their shit onto Niconico for free. - [Kson] Yeah, yeah, yeah, they all started from there. - Yeah, it all started from there and they just did it not because they were making money off of it, just because they were I made this song, check it out. - Check it out, how do you feel? - [Joey] Could you imagine? - When I started in university, I did it for fun but that's 'cause in university you haven't got bills to pay. - [Joey] Right. - The loans are paying your bills. - [Garnt] Spare time as well, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, you actually have time as well, so that's fair. - So when did you transfer over to YouTube and what made you transfer over platforms to YouTube in the first place? - Well, the viewers told me. They were like it'd be easy to watch it on YouTube than Niconico. They just told me that so okay, then I'll do it on YouTube, and it felt like it was more easier for me to stream on YouTube because to stream on Niconico, it's kind of complicated. You have to put all those softwares in your PC and it was so complicated for me, and it felt like it was really easy for me to do it on YouTube so I just went to YouTube and here I am! - I think it's also because the Niconico system just hasn't changed at all. - I think it looks like it's on Live leak on Niconico. The quality's so- - Live leak? - You don't want to know. - Yeah, you don't want to know about it. - I remember before, I'd heard about Niconico, as an anime fan you'd hear about this mythical website that all the Japanese people use called Niconico, and I remember trying to watch some videos on it and even just watching a video, with YouTube or basically any Western video website, all you need to do is just go on the site, search up a video, click on the video, and you can watch the video. So I remember clicking on some Niconico links and you have to sign up to a special account just to watch videos or something like that. - Yeah, if you don't have an account on Niconico you can't watch anything. - Yeah. - [Connor] Oh. - And then I remember I couldn't understand what all this text flying across the screen was. (everyone laughing) I was just like what is this? - [Connor] Oh yeah, that's right! - This is ruining my viewing experience! - I can't see anything! - This is blocking the content, how are people watching this right now? - If you watch speed running something salt videos, whenever they have runners from Japan from Niconico and you can just see- - [Joey] See all the comments. - Yeah, yeah, all the things flying across the screen. Oh my god. - I remember one time, I think it was on Niconico, where one of the Madoka episodes got streamed on Niconico and I didn't know how to figure out how to turn off the comments. So basically, whenever anyone quoted something big, whenever Madoka would say a line, you'd see like a line of comments just quoting the episode before she said it, right? So it was literally like that movie experience where you're sitting next to someone who's quoting the entire film. (everyone laughing) It was like that but online basically. - Today's episode is sponsored by honey. - [Joey] We all shop online and we've all seen that promo code field taunting us at the checkout, but thanks to Honey, manually searching for coupon codes is a thing of the past, gentlemen. Honey's the free browser extension that scours the internet for promo codes and applies the best ones it finds to your cart. - [Connor] Honey supports over 30,000 stores online. - [Joey] What? - They range from having tech and gaming products to popular fashion brands and even food delivery. - All right, guys, here's how it works, all right? Imagine you're shopping at one of your favorite sites. When you're at the checkout, the Honey button drops down and all you have to do is click apply coupons, wait a few seconds as Honey searches for all the coupons it can find for that site and if Honey finds a working coupon, you'll watch as the prices drop. (men screaming) - I recently spent a lot of money on plushies, over $100 to be in fact, and I saved $20 using Honey. - But Honey hasn't just saved Connor a lot of money. - That's me. - Honey has found it's over 70 million members over $2 billion dollars in savings, gentlemen. (Connor gasping) - If you don't already have Honey, you could be straight up missing out on free savings. So what are you waiting for? Get Honey for free at That's - Oh my god, back to the episode. Kson, I need to know. - What? - Have you watched Jojo? That's my passion, my love in life. - I'm afraid to say no. - Cancel the episode. Cancel it! Mudon, end the episode! - You dare sit behind and call yourself a delinquent when Jojo practically invented delinquents, I'm pretty sure? - [Joey] Before Jojo there was no delinquents. - There was no delinquents before Josuke, bro. Pay your respects. Okay. - The god of delinquents, Josuke. - He's actually a very nice guy, helps the community out. So he's hardly a delinquent. No, I'm kidding. - I think you would love it though. - I think you'd like it a lot. - Oh, wait, wait, wait. Can I ask you this? Is Kishibe Rohan a part of Jojo? - He is indeed. - [Joey] He's in part four. - How'd you know about Kishibe Rohan? - Oh, I've seen that before! I've read that Kishibe Rohan comics. I know that part. (everyone laughing) - Oh, the immovable Kishibe Rohan. - Yeah, but I didn't know it was Jojo. - You watched the spinoff? - It's a spinoff? (laughs) - That's like watching the Jar Jar Binks web comic instead of watching Star Wars! - It's like watching the Star Wars Christmas special before Star Wars. - [Kson] Oh no! - I've heard of people skipping parts. - [Connor] That's a whole new thing! Start with the Rohan Kishibe. - I've heard of skipping parts which is meant to be the biggest sin to any Jojo fans. What level do we put just starting with the side story? - Were you not confused? - No! - Because that spinoff is confusing even for fans because the episodes aren't in the correct order. - Characters just turn up as well that we know from prior. Did you like it? - I really liked it. - Then you'll love Jojo! - Then you should go and watch proper, the not the spinoff Jojo. - I can't believe, I can't look you in the eye right now. - Am I gonna get killed after this? - No, I'm just disappointed, Kson, I'm just disappointed. - Oh! - Something about your energy though says that I think you'll really become a Jojo fan. - If you loved the Rohan Kishibe one, you will love Jojo. - Really? - 'Cause Rohan Kishibe is just Jojo. - Wait, wait, wait, Jojo has bus right? Ichibu, nibu. - I thought you said boobs there. - [Joey] Yeah, I was like- - I was like Tequila Joseph? - Six, I guess? Yeah, yeah, so it's split up into parts and then each of the different parts have a different protagonist. - [Connor] Different main character, yeah. - But Kishibe Rohan's not a protagonist. - Oh, it's not? - [Connor] He is a main character though. - He's an important side character. - [Connor] Very important, very important. - He's a side character that everyone loves. - He's a side character but he's not in any of the ichibu, nibus, any of the- - He's in yonbu. - Oh, he's in yonbu. So I started from yonbu? - Kinda yeah. - Kinda yeah. - You kind of started from 4.5. - Yeah, yeah. - 4.5? Is that a sin? God Connor? - I'm not pleased that you started there. How did you even start there? How did that happen? Netflix? - No, I read the Jump comics. - [Together] Ohh, okay. - That makes a- - Understandable. - That makes a little more sensewise for that to happen. Understandable, have a nice day. - Understandable but unforgivable. (everyone laughing) - No! - Oh my god, I wish I could have watched you reading it just to see how confused you must have been. What the fuck is going on? - But I enjoyed it! - It's fun. I really liked the Rohan Kishibe OVA. - [Joey] It's a great side story. - The anime is amazing as well. I gotta say, my favorite one, did you read all of the Rohan Kishibe OVAs? Or just some of them? - [Garnt] Side story. - Side stories. - I don't know. I don't know. - Okay, let me know if this sounds familiar. Tell me if this sounds familiar. He goes to a gym and there's a guy who he's running with at the gym. - [Joey] Oh, yeah! (laughs) - Have you read this one? - No. - I love this one so goddamn much. - [Joey] You love that one, yeah. - It's just like, I don't even know how to explain it. He just goes to the gym and starts racing against a guy who then wants to then beat him. - Wait, I know that, I know that story! - It's so good. This does not get memed enough. It's like peak Jojo. Have you seen it? - [Garnt] Yeah. - It's so good. The guy is just obsessed with protein and then oh my god, it's just so good. I love it. Please watch the Rohan OVAs if you like Jojo, you will love it. - [Garnt] Just watch Jojo in general, right? - It's amazing. It's amazing. - Yes, ma'am, I'll start, okay. - But I'll tell you the order you have to watch it in. So you start with one and then you go two. - [Kson] And then two, okay. - And then you go three. - [Kson] And three. - Yeah, and then you go four. - Kson's already broken that. - That's true. - Rohan Kishibe's side story, then part nine probably. (everyone laughing) - First chapter of part nine. - All right, so you haven't watched Jojo. What are you currently into then? What do you on that now? - I'm into Gundam right now. - Didn't expect that. - (indistinct) Gundam. - Like gunpla and stuff? - Yeah, gunpla! I started making gunpla stuff. I'm doing a gunpla making stream and it's really fun! - It's a rich man's hobby. - What's your favorite Gundam? - My favorite Gundam? I'm a fan of Turn A. - Ah, Turn A Gundam, okay. - I understand. - I like (indistinct) too. - I like the metal orphans one. - [Together] You mean Iron Blooded Orphans? (everyone laughing) - I don't know anything about Gundam, I'm so sorry! - I like the metal hemoglobin orphans. - I don't know anything about Gundam! I'm just, again, pretending. - I think we're all pretending because the only Gundams I've seen, unfortunately, are like the mainstream Gundams like- - Like Wing? - Like Wing, 00, Gundam Seed, which all Gundam fans want to forget. - Have you been a fan of Gundam for a long time or is it just recently you got into it? - Recently, I'm just learning. - When did you get into it? - First of all it was gunpla. I love making stuff. - Cosplay, yeah. - Yeah, cosplay. I love sewing, I love making little stuff. I began making Gundam. I got into it, I don't know, because I had time, I'm a streamer! - To be fair, it is perfect streamer content. - It's like a just chatting stream with something to distract you. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - I really wanted to get into it as well, but I know so little about the gunpla world that I didn't even know where to start. - Yeah, you didn't even know about the grades. - I didn't even know about the grading system. - I don't know that, I don't know. - Yeah, there's HG. - [Joey] Which is high grade? - I think it stands for high grade. - Are these all on the boxes? - It's on it. - I didn't know this, why has no one told me this? - [Joey] Me neither. - HG for beginners, so I'm starting from HG. - And 4k. - I just recently made RG, which is- - [Man] Real grade. - Is it real? - [Garnt] Real grade. - Real grade? And on top of that there's MG. - Is this the imperial system or something? - Perfect grade isn't the top? I can't remember. - Oh wait. - [Man] Perfect grade's the top. - I thought perfect grade was- - Perfect grade is on top of MG? Master grade? - We've got a tier list motherfucker. (everyone laughing) - And then PG is predator grade obviously. - Predator grade! - Hell yeah, I can get into that. - The only reason I know about gunpla is mostly through my editor, Alan, who's also a big mecha fan. - He's obsessed with Gundam. - Big Gundam fan as well. I've built a few gunpla in my life. - A Code Geass one? - Huh? Is that the Code Geass gunpla? - Mm-hmm (affirmative), yeah. - Actually, do you want how I started off discovering gunpla? - What? - So my cousin, 'cause here's the thing, gunpla and Gundam and mecha in general was super, super massive in Southeast Asia and I know a lot of people who actually they don't even know Gundam but they build gunpla because they're just a massive fan of gunpla. - Yeah, I think that's me right now. - Yeah, exactly, right? - Yeah, I don't watch much. - The gunplas are more appealing than the show for me. - So I remember every time I'd go to my cousin's house, and if you've been watching Trash Taste, this was the cousin that showed me scary movies when I was a kid, right? So he's basically my older brother, but I remember every time I'd go to his house he had this room and he had this cabinet that was just basically gunpla. It was all gunpla and that's how I knew what gunpla was. So I didn't know you had to build it. So be me, I'm like five, six year old, I see a cabinet full of giant robots, what do I think? They're toys! - I'm gonna play with them. - That's not on six year old Garnt, that's not on you. - Okay, so the first time I remember going to that room, he goes to the toilet for something or his mom calls him, I don't remember, but he leaves me alone in that room for like a good 15-20 minutes. So what do I do? I want to start playing with the toys. (Joey groaning) So I didn't know. - Pain Olympics. - Yeah, so I'm describing the pain Olympics now. So I see them all on the shelf and I grab two, I grab two off the shelf. - [Connor] And they start fighting, right? - And then of course, they're giant robots in my hand, what are they gonna do? They're gonna start fucking fighting! So I started (pow sounds) 'cause I think they're fucking Transformers or something. Was acting like the BBC. But of course, so I started playing around with them, things start flying off. (Joey groaning) I think the fucking laser sword breaks. I don't fucking know, I'm like six year old, and when my cousin comes in, he literally had a bottle of water in hand, he drops it. You know that scene in a movie where the person sees something and they drop the coffee? He actually just fucking did that and I didn't know he was in the room until I heard the water bottle dropping. - Falls in slow motion. - Oh! - Ooh what you say? - And this is the only time I think he's ever shouted at me in my life. - I don't blame him for that. - Yeah. I think that's when he started showing me scary movies 'cause like- - I gotta get back somehow! - He's gotta get me back somehow! - It's just like that scene in Community when he walks in with the pizzas and the whole place is on fire. - Man, I guess gunpla is kinda like sophisticated Legos in some ways, right? - Kind of, yeah. - It's like really difficult Legos. It's like IRL Minecraft. - Because it's cool, yeah. - It is. - The way I think about it is that you know that Winnie the Pooh weem? Weem, you know the minnie the pooh meme with the one- - [Joey] Minnie the pooh? (laughs) - Minnie the pooh? - Fuck my brain. Winnie the pooh meme, the one where he's in a suit and it's like Legos, gunpla. Gunpla. I know gunpla fans will be pissed off if you're saying that they're Legos but come on, they're fucking Legos! - How dare you compare? I had these things called, did you guys ever have these things called Mechano? - I had Bionicle. - Yes? - Shout out to Bionicle fans. - Yeah, there's Bionicle. It was like Lego and then you move onto Bionicle which is like kinda difficult Lego. - Bionicle for big boys. - And then Mechano introduces screws. - Oh, I think I remember this! - Yeah, yeah, yeah, and metal parts and then you can build tanks and shit out of it. - [Kson] Screw the parts together? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, so instead of Lego that just fit together, you get small screws and little hooks and stuff and you actually screw it in. And then on top of that is gunpla, that's in my head. That's the difficulty spike, I feel. So now that I've spent my childhood playing Mechano, I'm like I'm ready for the next step, gunpla. - Do you ever get stressed out building it? When you're trying to fit a piece together that feels like it shouldn't be going together but the guide is like no, no, you put that piece together and you feel like you're gonna break something? I was just so nervous around that. - When I'm building gunpla, it's like zen to me. - I feel like you'd need to be. - Yeah. - I get too stressed out. - No, no, no. - [Garnt] It's very therapeutic. - It's a therapy. - It's like doing a jigsaw puzzle, I feel. You gotta be in zen mode, otherwise you're just gonna rage. - We did a race of a gunpla. - That wasn't fun. (everyone laughing) - What happened? - Speed running gunpla's not fun. - We did a speed run of gunpla. - Oh, god no! - It wasn't gunpla, we were building Asuna from Sword Art Online. So it was like figure making. - It was a model, yeah. - It was still a model kit but yeah, that wasn't fun. When you add a relaxing activity and put a time limit on it, suddenly it doesn't become relaxing anymore, what can I say? - That's why you rarely see jigsaw puzzle speed runs just because it would be so fucking- - [Connor] That sounds fun, we should have that. - That's so stress inducing! I mean, I'd love to do it but- - This sounds like an amazing idea. - Yeah, jigsaw puzzle speed run. - I bet there's strats we haven't developed yet because we're just too afraid. - Everyone's just like oh yeah, just find the corners. There must be a way to optimize them all. Speed runners come on, get on it, get on this, what are the strats? - Are you a big jigsaw puzzle person? - I love jigsaw puzzles. - Oh my god! - Have you ever met anyone who said I fucking hate jigsaw puzzles? - Not hate, I've never met anyone who loves them, they're just clearly not very polarizing. It's a fucking piece of cardboard that you stick together. What's not to like? - [Joey] I guess if you break it down (indistinct). - It's like saying does anyone have any angry feelings towards connect four? It's like no, it's connect four. No one feels strongly about it or against it. - Feel like people who are shit at connect four hate it. - How are you shit at connect four? It's not hard. Thank you actually. - [Joey] Well, tell that to the people who keep losing at connect four. - What about naughts and crosses? What do you call it in Australia? What do you call it? - Tic tac toe? - Tic tac toe. - I call it naughts and crosses in the UK. - Naughts and what? - Naughts and crosses. It's like Garnt saying barometer. Naughts and crosses. - Naughts and crosses. I'm sure tic tac toe or naughts and crosses is stress inducing to people who are shit at it. - [Connor] No! - It's like when you play that one dude who clearly just knows the winning strat. - [Connor] Just go for the middle. - And will just beat you every time. Then I can start to see people being like fuck this, even though it's fundamentally just a bunch of lines on a piece of a paper, right? Can still be stress inducing. - Right. - Haven't we talked about this? - I can't remember. - I don't know how we got onto this. - Going back to gunpla, so what is your favorite model kit that you've built so far then? - I've built a Zugoku. - Zugoku? - Yeah. - I know Zugoku. Why do I know Zugoku? - Sasuyo Zugoku. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's the one that's kinda like short and dumpy, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Why did you just say dumpy? - It's short and dumpy, look at it! - Yeah, and that was my first RG. - [Garnt] Ooh, okay. - It was really hard. I hurt my fingers. The parts have to move around the part, do you know what I mean? - Oh, without breaking it or anything. - Yeah, without breaking, it was so hard. I was about to break my nails. - That sounds stressful. - I have a hard enough time building Ikea furniture. (everyone laughing) - It's like that but if the couch was this big. - Where's the perfect grade Ikea furniture? That's what I wanna know. - Paging Ikea. - [Connor] It's already hard enough. - There's no such thing as a high grade Ikea furniture. It starts on like master grade. (everyone laughing) - I get PTSD whenever I thread the screw too much and then it's like halfway in in the screw and you're like oh no, oh no, I've got like three turns left before this is gone! - And then it starts making that horrible squeaking sound? (Joey groaning) - I definitely like building gunpla up to a point and then you finish it and then you're like what's this thing that I haven't used? And it's the fucking stickers and that's when it goes from a relaxing activity to just the worst thing I could ever hope for. - I wish I liked it. - [Joey] Yeah, right? - I wish I was into it. - [Joey] 'Cause it would just be something you can do on a rainy day, right? But I know there's hardcore- - [Connor] And my kids could play with them. - Yeah. - You can watch their soul leave their body, I think is what happens. - Ah! But I know there's hardcore gunpla modelers in Japan that go to the effort of you know when you snip off the little bits of plastic and there's those little bits of plastic sticking out? They don't just cut it, they sand it. - I sand it too. - [Joey] Are you sanding? - How do you deal with people back seating you when you're building it? Do you have people telling you what to do? - Oh, there are people every time. I punch them in the face. (everyone laughing) - Just like shut up! - No one tells me what to do! I'm a delinquent, I do what I wanna do. Shut up! - I will sand it. I will do what I want but I'm gonna sand it, okay? - I will sand it. (laughs) - As if game back seating wasn't already the worst thing ever, could you imagine someone being like um, you haven't sanded this part enough? - I didn't realize what would be the worst thing to have a back seating experience with until it happened and it's chess. Chess is by far the worst to play on stream 'cause of back seating. Everyone is like E4, E4, E3! Everyone just says shit. - I can't believe you made that move! - Sometimes I wish people didn't know how to play chess. Maybe they wouldn't backseat so much. - Playing chess, because I remember when I played chess in the chess tournament, I had to learn to not look at the chat because you know that sinking feeling where you've just moved a piece and you've realized you've just hung a queen or something like that? Playing with chat is just that feeling but just constantly. - Are you a chess player? - No, I know nothing about chess. - Do you know any strategy board games like Mahjong? - I play Mahjong a lot, I love Mahjong! - You play Mahjong? - Hell yeah! - I'm good at it. I'm really good at it. - Really? I got Garnt into it recently. It got to the point where I bought a mahjong table for my house. - [Kson] Wow! - [Connor] I'll eventually play it. - We need to get Connor into it. - Oh yeah, mahjong stream, let's go! - Mahjong stream, let's go, mahjong stream! - Yeah, mahjong, hell yeah! - If we played enough, eventually the viewers are going to learn the rules of the game. I saw you streaming mahjong and how much were the viewers able to follow along? - Like 10% of them. (everyone laughing) - Some of them were like I saw my grandma playing this once before. But yeah, I think it's one of those games where the more you watch someone play it, the more you start to understand the game. I'm not necessarily good at the game, but I've gotten to the point now where I watch professionals playing it on YouTube and just watching them play it is like oh shit, now I understand more now about the strategies of the game. - Do they trash talk in the middle of the match? - No, they're super quiet. - I wish it was like poker where they're just talking shit to each other the whole time. - [Garnt] That would be so funny. - [Joey] We could do that. - We can start it. - It's like oh really, you're gonna cheat right now? You're gonna cheat right now? I see how it is, all right, motherfucker. That's pretty cringe, bro. - Do you only play online mahjong or have you ever played with real tiles as well with people? - I've never played it with the real ones, only the online mahjong where I'm learning from Ryu ga Gotoku, the Yakuza series. - Oh yeah, yeah. - [Connor] You learned it from Yakuza? - [Kson] Yeah! - I think everyone learns it from that though. - They teach you in it how to play it? - Yeah, so in even Ryu ga Gotoku game, there's a place where you can go and play mahjong in the game. - [Connor] It's like a tutorial? - It's a mini game. - Yeah, it's like a mini game, yeah. - Because that's the thing, where is the best place to learn how to play mahjong? - I learned it through the, you know on the Nintendo Switch there's the 50 classic board games game? - [Connor] That's how you learned to play mahjong? - Yeah, and they have mahjong on there and I was like I'm gonna give it a go and then I just got into it from there. - [Connor] Is there tutorials in there? - Yeah, yeah, yeah,. - If anything, online games are the way to go because I didn't realize this until Joey invited me over to play physical mahjong, how much online games hold your hand to tell you what's going on and what you can put down and what the strats are. So I remember I was a complete beginner at mahjong, barely knew the rules, played once with Joey and suddenly, it was like training with a master and then going back to the novice level when I played online again. I was like wait, they highlight all the tiles for you? And they tell you all the hands? What is this baby mode that I'm playing right now? - Yeah, because the one time I played it IRL with Garnt, we had one of our friends who's way better at it and I think I learned 20 new rules just from that short session. I was like oh, you can do that? - You can drop a tile (indistinct). - I'm not gonna pretend I understand all the rules because there are some hands where- - It's so deep. - Yeah, Maki would do something and he'd suddenly get like 10 times the amount of points that I was getting and I'm just like I'm just gonna let this happen, I don't know what's going on but I'm having fun. It is a fun experience. - Yeah, that's rule number one. Have fun. - [Kson] Have fun. - [Connor] I can't show you. - Do you want to instantly sound like a boomer? That's what you have to say. - Have you ever done any mahjong streams yourself or was it just a single player thing? - Yeah, I did it yesterday. - [Garnt] Oh really? Okay. - Yeah, with my viewers. I play with my viewers and it's really fun. Always having fun. - Do they not stream snipe you either? If you're playing with viewers. Because I did it once on stream and I got stream sniped. - I've had that before. - But there's nothing more frustrating than getting stream sniped with mahjong. It's like getting stream sniped with poker. - Well, they can look at your stuff. - [Joey] Yeah, they can look at my hand just on stream, it's the worst. - I just trust them to not look at my mahjong streams. - You put a lot of trust in your viewers, I'm jealous. (everyone laughing) - Your viewers are nice. Would you say that the Japanese audience is very polite in that sense then? They won't stream snipe you or try to fuck around with you? - Yeah, I think they are. - Well, that's good. My chat loves to fuckin' ruin my day. - [Joey] Same. - That's what they get off on doing. I'm kidding, I love you chat, but fuck you, chat. My god. Oh my god. - Yeah, that's basically a lot of Western people are just like, especially with our audience, they love to troll us. That's where the content is for us, I guess, right? - Exactly, exactly, viewer interaction. - So what are your favorite types of streams that you do? - My favorite types of streams? Types, hmm. Types. - Like just chatting or games. - Or gunpla. - Gunpla. - Gunpla, I'm into gunpla right now so I really enjoy gunpla. - But if you could do only one type of stream for the rest of your career, what would it be? - [Kson] For the rest of my life? Then I'll play games. - [Joey] Games? - Yeah, games like ARK and survival stuff. - You like ARK, right? - Yeah, I love ARK. - I couldn't get into that game, I wish I could. - [Joey] I don't think I've tried it. - Why not? You never tried it? It's a survival crafting kind of like real ... - Like dinosaurs? - Isn't it kind of like a real Minecraft? - I think so. - I thought you guys lived it! (everyone laughing) - I only know ARK 'cause my friends who played the 4xd strategy games, those types of games. - [Garnt] What are they? - Basically strategy on meth. It's like strategy games like times a thousand. They're very hard. What are they called? They make Civ look like it's for babies. There's a bunch that I have downloaded 'cause I tried to play them, but learning them are way too difficult. Those types of friends I have that love those games love ARK and that's a good sign for me to not go near ARK 'cause their game taste is horrible. - It's like Minecraft but there's dinosaurs in it, right? - [Kson] Yeah, there's dinosaurs in it. - You're like a caveman, right? - You have one minute to sell us on ARK. - Oh no! - Go, time starts now. - Don't you want to punch those trees and make your own house? ARK is for you! - [Joey] Sold! - What else can we do, Kson? Tell us! - [Joey] Yeah, what else can you do in ARK? - [Kson] You can poop with your clothes on. Sold! (everyone laughing) - (indistinct) have an obsession with this? - Have you ever wanted to play Minecraft but poop at the same time? Play ARK. - Can you build a bidet? Otherwise Connor's not gonna be interested. - Can you build a bidet? - What? - Can you build a bidet? - Can you build a bidet? I think so, there's a toilet and you can poop in it. - Why are you hitting the P so hard there? - [Joey] Hard P. - What's going on? - Poop! - Never heard poop said with such a hard P before. - Jesus, Kson! - Poop! - So far the benefits to ARK are you can poop. - I mean Trash Taste viewers should love that, right? - Trash Taste viewers are sold. - Yeah! - So you got ARK, what else are you into? - I'm into ARK and you know Conan Exiles? You ever heard of it? - I've heard of that. What is that? - [Kson] Conan Exiles. It's like ARK. (everyone laughing) - Oh my fuckin- - Only no dinosaurs, there's monsters. - [Garnt] So it's like Minecraft. - Okay, okay, what else do you like? - [Garnt] Is that not correct? That's what it sounded like. - It's like Minecraft with HD. - You're not into Apex Legends, the one that every gamer in Japan is playing right now? - Do you like FPS? - I do like it but I'm so bad at it. I'm not good at it. - Sounds like you like the crafting kind of games. - Sandbox games, yeah. - Crafting and sandbox. - You like crafting in game and IRL. - Yeah, exactly! That makes sense. - I'm a crafting person. - How you ever played Subnautica? - Yeah, I love that game! - Oh yes, finally! - That's crafting under the sea, yeah! - Garnt finally finds a Subnautica fan! (everyone laughing) Like oh thank god, I'm not the only one! - I knew there was another person, I knew there were! There are dozens of us! - You can play that in VR, right? - Huh? - VR, right? - You can play in VR, yeah. - I've been meaning to play it in VR. - I've been meaning to play it, it looks fun. - It's hella fun! - Sell me on Subnautica, Garnt. - Okay. - [Connor] It's like Minecraft. (everyone laughing) - I forgot what I was gonna say. - [Kson] (indistinct) poop. - It's kinda like Minecraft but you can't poop in it unfortunately, so that's a tick off, but it's basically like a survival crafting game where if you want to experience thalassophobia without experiencing thalassophobia. - I'll be honest, Garnt, I don't know what that words means. - Thalassophobia, it's like a fear of open water. - [Connor] Did you learn that from that game? - No. - It's a common word. - How often do you say that? - As often as I say archipelago. - Fuck off! Did you know that word? - No! - Exactly! Get out of here! What do you mean you don't know this word? - I actually learned it because I played Subnautica, then YouTube algorithm works in mysterious ways and suddenly I started getting recommended videos about thalassophobia. - Thalassophobia simulator. - I'm just like ah, that's the thing that I feel when I play Subnautica. So it's basically just a fear of open water. So it's like if you see an image and it's just you submerged in the ocean and you can't see an island or anything like that, or you just see deep water that you can't see the bottom, Subnautica gives you such a good feeling, or such a great feeling of that. - I can't imagine that in VR. That'd be fuckin' terrifying. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Connor] I want to do it. - I don't think it's actually meant to be a horror game but my god, there are some moments that fucking scare the shit out of me. - [Connor] I thought it was a horror game. - It looks like a horror game. - Everyone's so scared playing it. Were you scared? - It's really scary when you have to go deep down to find something. There's a lot of things hidden in the deep water. - 'Cause I've seen so many clips of Subnautica where you'd just be swimming and then just a shark comes. Like three frames, right? - [Kson] That's like the most famous part of Subnautica. - So when you off in Subnautica, in the shallow area, right? - The kiddy pool. - The kiddy pool and you can see the sunlight, there's coral around, you're like yeah, this is cool. I love scuba diving, this is awesome. And then you kind of realize soon after, that some of the things that you need to craft aren't in this area that you're in. So you look over to the area next to it and it's just darkness and then you soon realize that you're gonna have to build up the courage to go in that new area. - So it's Finding Nemo simulator basically. - Kind of yeah! Kind of, kind of. And what it does such a great job at is the fear of the unknown because you don't know exactly what's in the water but sometimes you hear a sound, you look around and you're like what the fuck's going on? - Start looking around. - Yeah, because normally I fucking hate horror games because I hate jump scares. I hate jump scares the most and Subnautica, it doesn't intentionally give you jump scares, obviously. It's a natural jump scare but it does give you this feeling of just uneasiness. Like you're swimming in the ocean and you feel someone grabbing your feet. That kind of feeling. And it's just a very fun crafting survival game as well. Is Minecraft like that? I would like to know because then I would play Minecraft. - I mean kinda, there's some places you can run into stuff like that, yeah. - I think whenever you first meet a creeper or an enderman, that's pretty much a jump scare, right? - You die really easy early on so it's pretty scary. - Creeper, not creep. - If you love Subnautica, you will love ARK because ARK, you can go, what are you laughing at? (everyone laughing) What are you laughing at? You can go down water, you can go deep, there's caves. It's ARK! Subnautica is ARK without the poop and the dinosaurs. (everyone laughing) - Why poop specifically? - To be fair, name another crafting game where you can poop in. Other than ARK. Is there any? - [Kson] Is there any? - I think it might only be ARK. - ARK is really famous for pooping, it really is! - Why? - Are you sure ARK is famous for pooping? Or are you trying to make it famous for pooping? - Google it right now, ARK poop! - Why is pooping in the game? What does that help with? - You can use it for manure and stuff like that, like crafting material. - [Kson] Yeah. Dinosaurs poop too and they poop everywhere. - You gotta fertilizer somewhere, right? - I've just seen compilations of Vtubers reacting to dinosaurs pooping in ARK and they just lose their mind. - Does that happen? - Yeah. - Shut up! - [Kson] 'Cause there's a funny sound. - Of course it is! - [Connor] Oh my god, the pooping sound. - Because there's so many Vtubers that play ARK and they all lose their mind whenever they learn you can poop in the game and they just laugh their ass off. I will link you the video. (everyone laughing) - [Man] (indistinct) about ARK poop. ARK poop machine dino and farming essentials. - Yeah, you can use the poop as manure to grow crops in the game, I'm pretty sure. - Yeah, and there's a dinosaur that only exists for pooping. (everyone laughing) what was the name? I don't know. - [Joey] My entire existence is poop. - Yeah. - You know that Twitter account which is just you can pet the dog? Which shows different games and tells you if you can pet the dog. - Can you poop in the game? - There's no poop in this game. This needs to be a Twitter account. - [Connor] Always gonna be no! - Called can you poop in this game? It's an ARK fan account. (everyone laughing) - It's like no, you cannot poop in Legend of Zelda. It's just all of them except for ARK. - So are the dinosaurs actually scary in ARK or does that even interest you to begin with? - You can tame them. - [Garnt] You can tame dinosaurs? - Yeah, you can tame them and you can go to caves with them. They can fight for you, they can live with you, you can pet them. - [Joey] That sounds cool. - [Kson] See? - That sounds pretty damn epic. - Can you do that in Subnautica? - No, you can have a little fish tank where you raise your own fish but that's pretty much it. - You can't really train fish, can you? - You can tame a dolphin. - In Conan Exiles you can tame human. (everyone laughing) - Isn't there a word for that? - Isn't that slavery? - Yeah. (everyone laughing) - I was like I'm pretty sure you can do that in real life as well. Not that you should, but you know. - Didn't we abolish that like a century ago? - That's how they sell slavery in the modern day, it's taming. No, it's taming. - Yeah! In Conan you can- - I can't believe reality ripped off Conan Exiles like that. - With a stick, hit their heads really hard like five or six times, knock them out, and then chain it to some, I don't know, that something but make it like labor. - That's so random that you play Conan Exiles. That game was big a few years back. Does anyone still play Conan Exiles? - I do. (everyone laughing) - Is it still big? - Why'd you call her out like that, man? - I don't know anyone else who plays Conan Exiles still. - [Joey] That is true. - Is there only one? - I remember there was drama between YouTubers and one of them destroyed the other's base or something and it genuinely caused drama. They actually had a falling out 'cause you could destroy each other's base in the game. - Didn't that also happen in Rust as well? - I think so, yeah. - There was drama around that as well. - Can you do that in ARK as well? - [Kson] Yeah. - Yeah, you can do that in ARK. - Griefing, I think that's what it's called. - [Connor] Griefing, that's it. Toxic. - Is there an etiquette to the game? - Normally I think there is etiquette in games like that. If someone fucked everything up, you're like he's not allowed in servers again. - Yeah, just ban him from the server. - [Connor] Yeah, he's banned. - I imagine this is the perfect concoction for that fuckin' South Park Warcraft episode where there's just one guy killing everyone, right? - Classic. - Pretty much. - You've been Vtubing independently since October? - October, yes. - How has it been being independent? - Well, it's really fun, yeah. I'm havin' fun, of course, but it's really busy. I made my first merch in October, it was my debut merch. It was really hard. I hired a manager first time in my life. I didn't know I was gonna do that. My daddy is so, so surprised. I told him that I hired a manger. What the fuck? Anime girls need a manager? What? - Every anime girl needs a manager. - Yes, father, this is 2021. - It's 2021. - Or I guess 2022. - Is the merch still on sale? - It's not on sale right now but it sold well. (everyone oohing) It sold well. - That's how you can get into gunpla. Sold so well, I'm getting this real grade, is that what it is? Real grade? - Have to make a real grade Kson gunpla. Real ARK-y. - I'd be down for buying a Kson gunpla, are you serious? That's the next stage because plenty of YouTubers have figures now, no one has gunpla. Owning a waifu isn't enough, you need to build it yourself. - You gotta build her. - [Kson] Build your own waifu. - It makes the intimacy stronger. - It's like I built her. - Yeah, 'cause when you started in the Vtubing, I think you blew up pretty quickly. Did you expect the reaction that you got from doing the Vtubing? - Oh no, no, no, no, no. Honestly I didn't expect anything. When it happened I was like ... - Yeah, 'cause especially now, the indie Vtubing stuff is so massive and so insanely competitive. It's like getting- - New Vtubers coming up like 10 Vtubers in a day. - [Joey] Yeah, exactly. Yeah, it's crazy. - Debut streams, debut streams every day! - Yeah, I feel every time I go onto Twitter, another one of my friends is becoming a Vtuber. - I see a lot of Twitter accounts that have pre debut or something. That's the one I see now where they're going to debut but they haven't debuted yet, but they're on Twitter as their- - Oh okay. - [Joey] They show a two second clip, yeah, yeah, yeah. - They're saying like they're preparing. - Yeah, I see a lot of those. - It's like three days 'til debut or something. - Yeah, yeah, a lot of those. - That's just the magic word, debut. We have like fucking what, alpha debuts now? What else can Vtubers debut? - New updated model debuts as well. (indistinct) now. - 3D debuts. - You did that, right? You got a new model made from the original one. - Yeah, this is my model 3.0. - [Garnt] Ooh! - I saw a model that was quite interesting where you just had half of your body. What was going on with that? Where did that idea come from? Have you seen this? - [Joey] No, what is it? - Do you want to explain this model? I'll let you explain, I don't want to explain. Explain it to the boys. - Um, you've seen the one with my real body and Vtubing head, right? - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Connor] This was so genius from you. I have to say this was big brain. This was so smart. - [Kson] I used my camera and I didn't want to put my makeup on so I cut my head off and then wore the same costume as my model because I had the costume. I made the costume myself and then made the model. - [Joey] Oh okay. - Yeah, so I had the same one. So why not just put my head off? - [Joey] That's so smart. - Her head was here and then you could just see her chest and I was like Kson, what are you doing? It was so genius. - I never seen that. I thought that was Photoshopped. I thought that was meme fan accounts just making that. - I did a whole stream. (laughs) I can do it now. - That was genius, I have to say. I was very impressed by that. How has nobody thought of that? That's so big brain. - But some fans hated it! - Wait, why did they hate it? - I don't know, my Japanese fans, like I said before, doesn't like to see the real world, I don't know! - [Everyone] Real world! (everyone laughing) - For lack of a better way of phrasing this, are they scared of real boobs? - No, it's not like that, they just want to keep the fantasy I think. - [Joey] So yes. - So yes. No real boobs allowed. - It's like that clip from the Simpsons where Smithers is in the club and the women are grinding on him. - [Joey] And he's like ahh! - Sorry, I'll show you later this clip. That is so strange though that they would get angry. Were they angry or just they didn't like it? - Some people got really angry. - Really? Wow. - I guess it breaks the illusion, right? - But why would they get angry about it though? Maybe dislike of it I could understand, but getting upset over it feels so stupid. - Yeah, me too. (everyone laughing) - I'm glad you agree, I'm glad you agree. - I'm like what the fuck? - It's a weird thing to get angry about to be honest. - What you should do is you should just slowly lead them in. So maybe start off with 10% 3D and then like 20% 3D. - [Kson] Oh, so maybe they didn't' like it 'cause I went all the way. Oh yeah. - So every stream you do, just take off a pixel. - Do 50/50, right down the middle. - Down the middle? - Down the middle. - Right. - [Joey] You can be like Harvey Twoface. - Yeah, like a movie poster. You should try that next. - I'm gonna make someone mad with that, yeah, let's do that. - I guess it's the same logic of people who love, say for example, an anime character but they separate the anime character from the voice actress. - Yeah, they want to keep it separate. - Because they want to think to themselves oh, this 2D character is an actual real character, not played by anyone but it's like a real thing. It's that fan. - I understand that in an anime setting because these lines are recorded and they are then given to said character, but when you're streaming, I feel like it's different. There's always a person. - Yeah, I still feel that there's a lot of Japanese viewers who haven't differentiated between the two though. - I just don't understand how you could 'cause the whole appeal of, if they wanted to be obsessed with 2D models, they would just go and watch anime. - But it's a 2D model you can interact with through the chat. That's where the selling point is for a lot of people. - So when you do do IRL streams, is it your Western audience that gives you more positive reception? - Yeah, definitely, definitely yes. - I think the phrase here in the Western community is touch grass. (everyone laughing) - [Connor] Referring to what, Garnt? - I don't know! - (indistinct) Japanese viewers? - No, no, that's what we tell each other when people are too far off the deep end and they can't tell reality from fiction. - Yeah. Before you decided to become Vtuber Kson, was there a point where you were like 50/50 or you weren't sure whether to go IRL? Or was it just you're like nah, I'm just gonna go Vtuber right away, there's no doubt in your mind? - Mmm ... (indistinct) (everyone laughing) Let me say I'm still struggling. - Oh, I see. - Going back and forth with real life and Vtubing, what should I do? Because some people really like my real live streaming and some people hate it. And some people really love my Vtuber streaming and there's, I don't know. - [Joey] It's tough, isn't it? - It's really tough. I don't know what to say. There are a bunch of people watching right now. - I think you can be honest about it. - [Garnt] Yeah, you can be honest. - To be honest? To be honest, it's really easy for me to use this model than to do the real life because my face is always messed up and my real room is really messy. I do not want to film in there. - I would disagree but all right. - What? - I don't think your face is, quote, messed up. - You do not know me when I wake up, it's so messed up! - You're beat up? - Point me to someone who is not messed up in the morning. - [Connor] That's everyone! - Everyone looks messed up in the morning. - Yeah, I would say in general, just do whichever one you think you can keep doing for the longest time. I used to do only fucking, oh my god, used to only do Sebastian from Black Butler. You know Kuroshitsuji? - [Joey] Kuroshitsuji? - Oh yeah, I know! - My channel, the way I started my YouTube channel was I used to just do his voice in English, sound really posh English and all my videos are me just prank calling places as Sebastian. - [Joey] I remember back in those days, the good old days. - Like cool people like this, yes, I suppose, I'm really British. - Oh dude, the ouji fans are creaming right now. They're like ah! - But that's what he sounded like in English, so yeah, I did that for a very long time but then I was getting to the point where I was like you know what? I don't think I want to be a character anymore, I just want to be me. I think I want to be me and that was what happened for me. So I don't know. - You know what? I don't think I will. (laughs) - But you know I got a lot of pushback when I started doing, well not pushback, just no one turned up. Nobody wanted to watch. - That's so normal though. When you drastically change your shit that much it's like yeah, of course. - What do you mean you're not a butler in real life, what is this, what is this? - Unfortunately not but I wish. - Who makes the coffee? - The intern. - The real butler. - The real butler. But yeah, I'd say if there's a part of you that's like yeah, I would like to do more IRL stuff I'd say just go for it. - [Joey] Yeah, just go for it. - There's always pushback in the start, but you will gain the audience of people who appreciate- - You can't please everyone is what I want you to know. - [Kson] That's so true. - Never ever ever let the viewers, what they want, decide what you want to do. It's your life, not theirs, right? - True, that's so true. - I love you viewers though, by the way. - [Joey] Surprise! (everyone laughing) - Let us know down below what you want to see from us. - Yeah, sorry if we don't talk about anime but clearly, we've made that choice not to. - Exactly, exactly. - If you're doing content that is to appease someone, you're not making the best content you can make. You're making content that you think is the best content. - And you're only gonna be able to do it for so long until you get to that point where you just want to throw everything away and be like fuck it, I don't want to do this anymore. - There are some times in the Venn diagram where they overlap in what the viewers want and what you want, absolute win. - Right, happy, everyone's happy. - Happy little accident. - Unfortunately it doesn't happen often. - Yeah, the only problem is that Venn diagram's like this. It's tiny! - So before Vtubing you said you were into cosplaying, so how did you get into that? - Oh, it's a long story. - [Garnt] Ooh, okay. - I used to love, do you know visual kei bands? - Yeah. - [Joey] Of course, yes, yes. - Yeah, and I was a fan of visual kei bands and that's where I started cosplaying. My first cosplay was a visual kei band cosplay! - What was the band? What bands were you into? - I don't think you guys know it but it's called Gazette. - Oh yeah, Gazette, yeah. - Oh you guys know it! - I don't know. - The Gazette. - You don't know? - I'm not gonna pretend I do, I'm sorry. (everyone laughing) - I used to cosplay as a member of that and other visual kei bands. That's where I started. - Like Nightmare and Gilgamesh and all those guys? - You know Gilgamesh? - [Joey] I love Gilgamesh. - Oh! Yeah, yeah. - Cross Faith as well. - I love Gilgamesh as well, my favorite character- - Gilgameshu! My favorite Fate character! (laughs) - I love Gilgamesh. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. - Gilgameshu! - [Kson] Gilgameshu! - Yeah, that makes a lot of sense actually- - My cosplay started from there. It wasn't from anime. Everyone thinks it's from anime but it wasn't. I was banned from anime by daddy. - I was banned from anime until I became- - Was visual kei allowed though? - I don't think so but my parents didn't know anything about it so they weren't able to ban it from me. - Because a lot of visual kei bands are pretty raunchy. - [Connor] I know that. - If you listen to like Dir En Grey it's like oh my god, I don't want my kids listening to that. Jesus Christ! - So did you start off making your own cosplays? Or did you buy your cosplays at first and then you learned it along the way? - No, I was making it because my mommy is really good at sewing. She teach me how to sew when I was little and I was kinda into sewing. I was really interested in the costumes. The visual kei bands costumes are really complicated. You guys know it? It's really cool, it's insane! So I saw it as art and I really wanted to make one, so I started it and then I ended up being an anime girl! - Did you do the visual kei makeup as well? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I used to have no eyebrows. (laughs) - Wait, why? - [Joey] So you draw it on. - Oh! - They don't have it. - Oh. - Most visual kei people don't have eyebrows. - I did a video with a visual kei band and I don't remember if they had eyebrows. I'm trying to remember if they had eyebrows. - It's not a requirement. - You made it sound like it was thing where it was agreed upon. - It's like oh, you want to be in a visual kei band? Get rid of the eyebrows. - Funny image of visual kei bands with the eyebrows photoshopped out. Have you seen someone without eyebrows? It looks really weird. - It looks super weird. - [Kson] Scary. - I wouldn't know 'cause I had to shave my eyebrows off because when I became a monk and that looked like ten times weirder than me having a bald head, right? But bald head meant nothing because all I could see was just my eyebrow less fuckin' face. It's super fuckin' weird, I can't describe- - Wait, did you have the shaved head with no eyebrows? - Yeah. - That's a double whammy. - It's just like fuckin' Mr. Potato Head or something. Even he has fuckin' eyebrows, doesn't he? (everyone laughing) - [Connor] He does have eyebrows. - Big bushy eyebrows. - When he loses his parts and it's just like his eyes and a mouth, that's what I looked like. It looked so weird. So I've noticed in some of your streams, you've done a lot of meme reviews. - Yeah! - Yeah, so what? - That's good, what nothing, I'm smiling! Connor's smiling, what is that? (everyone laughing) - Yeah, so I wanted to ask what's your opinion between Japanese memes versus Western memes? Because I only get a glimpse of Japanese memes every now and again, so I don't really know what kind of memes are even hot or popular or what the sense of humor is. What is your opinion on that? - Well, I only review Western memes so I don't know much about Japanese memes, but I've seen some and I only review Western memes because I understand the jokes. - Are you trying to say you don't understand Japanese memes? - Are you trying to say Western memes are better? - To be honest ... - It's not like it's better. - Something like drip Goku. - To be honest, I prefer the Western memes over the Japanese memes. - Yeah. Japanese meme, it's ... - [Joey] They're so weird! - So weird and complicated for me. Sometimes I really don't understand why they're doing this. - I feel the baseline Japanese meme is the same level as a multi layered Western meme. It's reference over reference over reference to fully understand it. - Do they have anything like uh oh stinky in Japanese memes? - [Joey] I don't think so. - You know uh oh stinky? - I don't know that. What's uh oh stinky? - It's a really dumb meme. - Next time you do a meme review, you gotta put that one up. - You gotta put uh oh stinky up. - I want to see her reaction, I want it on film. - Let me see. - We're getting a live meme review with Kson right now. - Okay, this is one of those clips, bear in mind, this is one where you hear it first time, this is I don't like this, and then you hear it five times, you're like why is this so funny? - Right, so me and Joey are gonna talk while Connor ... - [Phone] Uh oh, stinky! (laughs) Poopies! Funny poopies! - What am I watching? (everyone laughing) - The pinnacle of Western memes, Kson, that's what you're watching. - [Connor] This is like trying to explain my job to my mom. - [Phone] Haha, poo poo poo poo poo! Poo poo poopy! - This is like you playing ARK, right? - Oh yeah, that's like playing ARK! - She just walks up to a dinosaur and goes uh oh, stinky! - [Kson] Uh oh, stinky! Poopie poop! - That has 27 million views by the way. It's why I thought you'd know. - No! - I can vouch no, Japanese memes are not like that. - I don't know why we have that kind of humor in the West. Well, that's some of them but there are a bunch of other ones as well. I do like our memes, very fond of them. - Yeah, sometimes I like anti memes as well. Sometimes, I don't know, I can't even get my own humor a lot of the time. Sometimes memes just don't make sense. What? - I don't know. It is true because it's like the more memes I've seen from both the Japanese side and the English side, the more I don't know what's funny anymore. - I don't know what's humor anymore. I can watch a standup comedy thing and be like yeah, that's comedy and then I go to memes and I'm like, is this comedy? I'm laughing. - Is this funny or is it entertaining? - [Connor] I don't know. - Can you guys describe a Japanese meme that you found funny? If you found any funny. - That's the trick question, isn't it? - You know the one that everyone always sung praises of? Japanese Vine. Everyone said that was really good. - I thought Japanese Vine was good. - Japanese Vine was really good, yeah. And a lot of Japanese TikToks as well, minus the ones where it's just hot girls dancing. The ones where it's like actually the Vine energy coming back onto TikTok, some of those are pretty funny but it's I feel like a lot of Japanese memes are very surreal where it's more like what the fuck is this? More so than this is funny kind of thing, would you say that? - [Kson] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - We look at it and it's like oh, this is really weird but also kind of entertaining. But you don't necessarily laugh at it. - [Man] Do you know the Japanese guy standing and he's like yamena dekiru? - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - I know that one. - [Man] That's so funny. - That's not a funny meme. - [Connor] It's just great, I love that. - But that's a meme, that's a Japanese meme. - That's an inspiring meme. I'm like good for you, good for you. I can get behind that. - Yeah, but that's the thing, I feel in Japan, memes are used more as a creative outlet as in like people take a meme that is not necessarily funny but they recreate it in different artistic ways to kind of be like look what I can do with this one thing that everyone knows kind of thing. Whereas in the West, you get uh oh stinky! (everyone laughing) - [Connor] Sus. - And sus, where it's like it's funny, is it creative though? I'm not too sure. - There are a few words that meme has just ruined for me. Among is one of them. I can't hear among anymore. - [Connor] Amogus! I love memes because they almost paint the picture of the current time accurately. You can really get a sense of the feel for the time with a meme I think. - Memes are almost like a language. - [Connor] Yeah, that's how they are. - [Kson] It is. - [Connor] Put them on a CV, creator of memes. - You know what? In fuckin' 100 years, maybe memes will become a language in itself because sometimes you see a meme and you don't understand it at all, but sometimes you see a meme and there are so many layers that are being conveyed in this one meme that you just get it instantly. - But then the problem is with explaining memes, like to people who don't get it, is you look like a fucking idiot when you do. They're like why are you telling me that you find all of these things individually funny and then when it's combined you also find it even funnier? What's wrong with you? - Okay, okay, but have you ever had a meme where you've never heard of it before. Someone shows it to you and you're just like what the fuck is this? They explain why it's funny and you're like that's not funny. - I just saw it. - Every time. Every meme at the time and then I like it. - Rewind five minutes ago and it happened. - Eventually you see it a second time and you're like ah, that's kind of amusing. You see it a third time and you give yourself a little chuckle. Come like the 100th time you see that meme and you're like pissing yourself at one note in that meme or something like that. That's memes to me nowadays, especially (indistinct). - It gets to the point where you just have to listen to one millisecond of it and you start laughing, right? - I've asked a lot of people this, what's your favorite meme? - My favorite meme? - Off the top of your head, what came to your head first? - Right now that came to my head, the invention meme. Do you guys know the invention meme? - Invention meme? I don't know this one. - Something was invented in 19 blah blah blah, but before that boom, do you know that? - What is this? - I'm looking it up. - I'm looking it up as well. - [Kson] You don't know the invention meme? You gotta Google it. - Has lesson in meme culture made a video? - [Man] Invention meme? Is it just text and then- - [Kson] Text and images. - [Man] Oh, hold on. - What about that meme do you like so much? - Oh, oh! Like this one, right? - Oh, I get it, I see. I get it, yeah. - Like depression was invented in 1856, people before depression. - Yeah, that one, that one! - It's like a smiling dude. Oh these ones, yeah, I've seen these. - It's better than uh oh stinky, that's for sure. - [Joey] True, true. - I feel like uh oh stinky has the staying power. Sometimes you see it enough times and you're like this ain't funny anymore and you wake up the next morning and you're like okay, this is pretty damn funny. But that's the best memes. The worst memes are the ones where you see on Twitter one day or you see on Tiktok, they last literally a day. I've seen memes last a day and can you even call them memes at that point? - No, it's just a funny image. That's all it is. It's just some dude posted a funny image and a lot of people liked it. I guess that's what a meme is, isn't it? - Yeah, I guess that is. - I guess that's what a meme is. - [Connor] Congratulations, Joey, you- - I figured out what a meme is. - [Kson] That's a meme. - I mean a may may. - That's a may may. - [Kson] May may. - For the longest time I thought it was may may. When troll comics were first a thing. - It's melee, right? - [Joey] What? - Melee, like when you hit someone. - Like Super Smash Brothers Melee? - [Connor] Yeah, melee. - Yeah, it's melee. - When I was a kid, I could not. - [Joey] Melee? - Melee, melee? - [Joey] I called it melee when I was a kid. - [Kson] M-E-L-E-E. - Because when you see melee you're like melee, melee? - That's another one of those words where I remember me as a child, I just did not know which one it was and I would be like Super Smash Bros (whispers). - Wait, so is it melee or melee? - I say melee. - [Joey] It's melee. - Melee. - What do I say? I forgot what I said now. - [Garnt] Melee. - Melee, melee. - Melee. - Okay, I'm getting a fuckin' what's that moment called where your memory is different than what people- - [Connor] Oh the uh ... - Mandela effect. I'm getting Mandela effect right now I think because I swear when you booted up the game, the announcer pronounced it melee. - [Connor] No, he didn't! - He definitely didn't. He goes like Super Smash Brothers Melee! - It wasn't an American accent, I swear to god it wasn't. - But the guy doing it is an American. - [Connor] Yeah, he's American. It's Xander, right? - It's Xander who does it. - He's the one who does the main voice of- - [Joey] He does (indistinct). - He did that? - It's the same guy. - He did voice acting for that long? Holy shit, okay. - He's the announcer for Smash. - I did not know that. - And I'm pretty sure he says melee, right? - [Connor] I think so. - Does he, does he? - I think. - Kson's mind is just blown. - I know nothing about Mario. (everyone laughing) I don't know anything about Pokemon. I know about nothing about Mario. - That says a lot about society. - [Joey] That says a lot about society. - When you play a game- - [Joey] (indistinct). - I'll let them finish. I'll let them finish. When you play a game, English or Japanese are you picking, which one are you going for? - The first one that popped out. - [Garnt] The first one that popped out? - Yeah, if it popped English- - Oh, you literally like either or? It literally doesn't matter? - Doesn't matter for me. - Oh, wow. - I guess 'cause you can play both, right? - [Kson] Yeah! - [Connor] Oh my god. - I guess it's kinda the same with me as well. If it's originally a Japanese game, I'll play it in Japanese unless I have to stream it, but if it's made from a Western studio, then I'll play it. - It's like Swiss people with European versions. They're like oh which language? I speak all of them, doesn't matter. (everyone laughing) Fuck off! Fuck off. Yeah, so now that we've discussed a lot about your Vtuber activities, I'm wondering though, what's the grand plan for Kson? What do you want to do? What do you want to achieve? - Where is Kson going in 2022? - Kson 2022. - Anything you're allowed to tell us. - [Garnt] Yeah, it's 2022. - Don't remind me, Garnt. - I don't know. I just started off just being a normal delinquent. I want to be a worldwide delinquent. - Worldwide delinquent. - The world's most famous delinquent. - Pitbull step aside, there's another Mr. Worldwide. - Mr. Worldwide delinquent. I don't know, I just didn't set a goal for myself. - Yeah, just taking it day by day? - [Kson] Yeah. - Are you the kind of person who makes goals for themselves in daily life or anything? Or are you just kinda like a I'll do whatever I want kind of person? - I'll do whatever I want kind of person. - [Joey] Yeah, that makes sense. - I feel like that's very common amongst creative fields. - Really? - Well, I mean there are people who are compulsively planning every little detail of their creation, but I think- - I tried to do that once. - [Garnt] What, plan? - What happened? You said it like something went horribly wrong. What happened? - I did that once! - Yeah, it just broke me down. My brain couldn't do it. - So when you are making cosplays, you're just kind of winging it? You're like I'm eyeballing it, you wouldn't measure anything? You're just like yeah. - I never measure. - Oh my god. - I just brr and if it went wrong- - I feel that's true talent though, right? It's like people who are like I've never cooked this thing in my life, takes a two second look at the recipe and it's like yeah, I can cook it perfectly. - People who don't know how to read the piano, they just learn it by ear or something? - [Joey] Oh yeah, people can hear from music. - That's crazy, that's crazy to me. I can't even play DDR in general. - I can't play DDR either. - [Connor] How are people good at that game? - With practice. - [Connor] It's insane. - I don't know if someone can explain it to me but can you explain why some of the most famous composers to ever live were deaf? Yeah, how does that work? - They just knew. I guess that's the biggest mystery. Like Mozart was deaf but he wrote his first symphony when he was five years old. No, both Mozart and Beethoven were deaf. I'm pretty sure Mozart was deaf. - I'm pretty sure Beethoven was deaf. - Yeah, Beethoven I think wrote his first symphony when he was like five years old and he just knew. - Shit man, what was I doing at five? (everyone laughing) - I mean back then- - Destroying Gundam figures. - Shitting my pants. - Back then there was only like now that's what I call music one 'cause there was like two songs around then. I'm sure it was easier to get away with writing a symphony, you know what I mean? Come on, there was no music. - We all know Beethoven invented music. - Name a song before Beethoven. - Cave music? - Exactly. - [Man] Joey, Mozart was neither blind nor deaf. - Oh, really? - Mozart was blind? - No, no, he wasn't. - That's Helen Keller. - [Connor] I'm glad we fact checked that. - Helen Keller (indistinct) - Helen Keller was born blind and deaf. - I know there was piano battles they used to have back in the day, that sounded so cool. - [Joey] Yeah, it was like a rap battle but on the piano. - Where Mozart wiped the floor with another famous composer or something I think. - [Joey] Something like that, yeah. - He was just such a badass, bro. You should've seen his hair, have you seen his hair? Insane. - I mean everyone had that kind of hair back then though. - It was insane, bro, the man had a massive mane. - [Joey] He had a do. - That man was makin' music. - Man discovers Mozart in 2022. - [Connor] He was makin' music. - You know that new guy, Mozart? He makes some bangers, dude! - Oh my god. - Do you go to conventions? Anime conventions? - I've never went to the conventions before. - [Garnt] Would you be interested? - [Joey] Yeah, would you ever want to go? - Yeah, of course! - Okay, here's the thing, would you go- - [Kson] I never leave my house. - Would you go as your Vtuber model or would you do the full RTX render and attend in- - Like a cosplay. Would you attend in cosplay? - I would love to attend in cosplay with this shoujo cosplay. - That'd be pretty cool. - [Joey] That'd be dope. - Imagine getting a picture with Kson IRL RTX turned on, HD 4K 24 hz. I'm sure people would freak out. - [Joey] Yeah, that'd be awesome. - Do you want to go to cons in America as well? - What? - Do you want to cons in America as well or just Japan? - I would love to go to America and do that, of course. Never done it before. - American cons I imagine are quite different from Japanese. - It is? - Yeah, I'd say so, yeah. - From what I've heard. I've not been to a Japanese convention right now, but what Japanese conventions are there aside from Comiket? - Sorry, not Comicon, Comiket. - I haven't been to Comiket but I've just heard not good things. - From what I've seen, it's just a line that you join to buy things. - Yeah, it's a doujin convention. - Get in line, buy it and then get in another line, buy it, get in another line. - Credit where credit's due, I think America has the best cons and they do it good. UK sucks. - [Joey] Really? - Yeah, it sucks. It's so bad. - UK don't have cons, they have drinking parties with some anime figures involved. - Drinking in cosplay. - But it's always in a venue where you'd have a school dance. It's never an actual venue. It's small. - [Joey] It's not like a concert hall. - No, it's literally just a place to go drink for people who like anime. - One thing I love about American cons is that they have events going on. To me, I remember going to my first British con and seeing what their events schedule was and it was basically nothing. You go there to drink, right? - Even now? - [Connor] Yeah. - Even now, yeah. - Half of my panels were in a bar area. - [Joey] They have their priorities straight. - Yeah, you would have the panel, if you were perpendicular to it which was a bar. So while you're doing your panel, people are lining up to get beer and stuff. - It was basically doing a pub show. - Basically because they most often are. - I don't even know what the biggest anime convention in the UK is right now. - Do we count MCM? - [Garnt] Is it MCM? - I don't know. - What doesn't suck in UK? (everyone laughing) - [Joey] Wow! Round of applause for that, ladies and gentlemen. (everyone clapping) I would shake your hand, Kson, but I can't unfortunately, but I'll do a virtual handshake. - [Kson] Oh, good. - Hold up, where did you hear this from? Who told you the UK sucks? Who told you this? Who told you this, huh? - Um, what? I don't hear anything that doesn't suck! (everyone laughing) I just needed some information to change my mind! - We destroyed the most 5G towers per person, I think. - The UK doesn't suck, change my mind. - [Kson] Change my mind. - Do you like pubs? - Uh yeah. - As a delinquent you should, then you'll love it! That's what we have going for us. - [Joey] You get nothing but pubs. - We have lots of pubs. Gregg's, you wouldn't know what that is but I think you'd like it. - Gregg's. - There's a certain chain called Tescos. - [Kson] Testicles? - No, not testicles! (everyone laughing) - [Joey] Testicle meal deals. - I'm in shambles right now. - What name was it? - We've got a Harry Potter tour. - A Harry Potter tour? - Do you like Harry Potter? - I don't know about Harry Potter. - The royal family is there. - The queen. - The queen, Buckingham palace. - I'm really finding it hard to have ways to sell this. - [Joey] Do you like fish and chips? - Fish and chips! - I don't eat fish and chips in the UK. - I also don't care about the royal family in the UK. (everyone laughing) - We're good at taking ... - Doctor Who. Doctor Who is from the UK. - Welsh, Garnt, actually, it's not UK, it's different. Please differentiate. - [Joey] Nando's? - Well, that's South African though. I will say what we're good at in the UK is taking other ideas and- - [Garnt] Or taking other things period. - Don't ask where the British Museum got all their stuff from, that's number one if landing in the UK. - You heard of devious licks? That was a TikTok trend that UK started back in the 17th century or whatever. - We are used to foreign food. We have a lot of it, it's really good. I'd say you can get some pretty good authentic everything, I guess because we don't have our own food that's very good, so we just have all the other countries' food and let them teach us how to make it. - [Joey] It's kinda like that in Australia as well though too. - Northern Ireland and Scotland are beautiful. - Wales is beautiful. - [Joey] Yeah, they're there. - Have you seen the Welsh flag? - Welsh flag? No. - Castles, we have castles! - UK has a lot of castles. - Oh! - I found something, yes! - I thought you said curstles. - Curstles. - Castles, okay. Castles, yes! - It rains a lot. - Oh, that sucks. - [Joey] Stay inside. - I hate rain. (everyone laughing) Looks like it still sucks! - No, stone henge is shit. Actually, do you like theme parks? - Oh yeah, of course. - We have some really good theme parks actually. Alton Towers. Thrill rides. - [Garnt] Here's the thing- - Actually really good. - Yeah, so if you like the, when you go to theme parks, do you like the thrills rides or do you like- - [Kson] The rides, the rides. - [Connor] Then you'll love it. - You'll love it. - Oh! - I'm gonna say it, we have some goddamn good theme parks. - [Garnt] We do, we do. - The smiler. It's so good people lost their legs on it. - Wait, okay. - It has the most loops in any single rollercoaster, I think. - Yeah, unfortunately the best rides are every time you go there, they're probably gonna be closed down for some reason or another. - [Connor] That's true. - As they always are. I can't remember that one ride in Alton Towers, the full park, that was just the big dip- - [Connor] Oblivion? - Was it oblivion? I can't remember. - [Connor] Yeah, that's oblivion. - Okay, so one thing I've never understood is theme parks that I guess are actual theme parks because to me, theme parks are the thrill rides. I only care about the rides. I don't give a shit what kind of theme it is. I don't give a shit what the characters are. Basically what I'm trying to say is I don't give a shit about Disney. - [Joey] Yeah, you're really throwing shit at Disneyland right now. - I'm going to Six Flags and going to Disneyland. - [Joey] That sounds more like it, yeah. That's why I don't go to amusement parks because I don't care about thrill rides. - I don't know what's wrong with me, but when I go to Disneyland, I just feel this creepy corporate energy of them trying to shove some kind of happy childhood on me that I didn't have. - It is kind of like happy pills, isn't it? - It is. It feels like something out of Black Mirror when I'm in Disneyland. I know it's not, I know it's not. - [Garnt] Do you like going to those theme parks, Joey? - [Joey] No, I hate theme parks. - I'm not saying everyone who goes to Disneyland is being fuckin' fed some fakery. I understand if you grew up with it and you like that, that's totally fair, but for me, when I'm there, I get this weird energy that I'm just like (hisses). - I just don't like theme parks in general because I don't like thrill rides. I don't like rollercoaster or anything like that and it's the same thing, to me, the amusement parks are the thrill rides and the rollercoaster. So if you don't like thrill rides and rollercoaster, I'm not gonna like amusement parks. I'm probably going to go to like the movies. - I think it's 'cause I'm over the age of 12, I think as well. - What, with Disneyland? (everyone laughing) - The amount of people that I know that you've just called out with that one line! - Basically every female in Japan you called out. - I know that's a big thing, a Disney adult, and there's a lot of Disney theme park YouTubers, did you know that? - [Together] Yes. - I know some of them. - And when I watch them, it's like they're speaking in a foreign language to me. I don't understand. - [Joey] What do you mean? - 'Cause they discuss the optimal route for Disneyland and argue about what their optimal route of Disneyland is, and to me I'm like how about you all just get turnt up? Do you need to plan everything? - What is the selling point of Disneyland? - I don't know. - I want to know. - Do you like Disneyland? - Why are you looking at me right now? - 'Cause you're the closest person to a Disney person. - That is true, my girlfriend is a Disney fanatic, yes. - By osmosis, you must know kind of (indistinct). - I really am not trying to insult Disney fans, I just don't. - As the only one who has a girlfriend who is a Disney fanatic, I can say that I think the thing is, Aki's not the kind of person who goes to Disneyland by themselves 'cause there's a lot of people who do that. - [Connor] That's crazy to me. - She's like I go with other people to show them around if it's their first time or just to see what's updated. Just enjoy the rides obviously, and enjoy all the activities that you can do at theme parks and stuff like that. - What activities are there? What do you do? - I don't know, I don't go with her. - You must have been with her once before, right? - I've been with her once. - What did you do? - I waited around until she was finished with the rides. (Garnt laughing) And ate a bunch of popcorn. - I don't have a strong appreciation for the characters and stuff. - I think that's what it is because she's a Kingdom Hearts fan, so naturally she's going to like Disney shit as well. - How do you feel about Universal Studios or that kind of thing then? - I like Universal Studios over Disneyland. - You're more invested, right? - I feel like it's chill as well. It didn't feel as intense. I don't know why. - It is more chill than Disneyland, I feel. - I understand that theme parks have those actors that are there for the kids but there's something just weird about it. For me, I'm like whoa. When an actor person tries to speak to me in character, I'm like- - [Joey] I don't really have a problem with it. - No, no, I don't have a problem with it, I'm just like confused. I'm like oh, what? I don't know why, it freaks me out. - [Joey] Why? - I don't know. - [Joey] Because it's not real? - You don't want them to be in character? - You don't want them to be happy? - Kind of. It's like it feels like they're being held hostage when they're talking to you. - [Joey] That's the most British thing you've ever fuckin' said. - I know they like it. I think it's a British thing, that I'm like ... - [Joey] They shouldn't be happy. - I'm like just talk to me like a normal person. I don't care if you're Tarzan. - It's like real life Vtubing. - I don't know, I don't know. I think I'm just too British in some senses. That's my excuse for a lot of things. I don't know why I can't wrap my head around it. What's wrong with me? - I think it's because you know the meta behind it. You have to be- - The meta? - [Connor] I can't immerse myself. - You have to immerse yourself, I think. That's the best way to enjoy Disneyland or anything like that. - I can immerse myself in somewhere like Six Flags or Alton Towers 'cause all I gotta do is just get on that ride and shit myself and have a good time. - But that's the biggest difference, right? Disneyland sets itself up as it's another world, it's like another country. - I have no issues with Disneyland. I don't want people to think I'm hating on Disneyland. I can't get into it. But I always wonder this, what if you made a theme park with all of these new characters that no one knew, absolutely brand new characters, and it was exactly like Disneyland just with characters you didn't know. If you went in there, you would think it's creepy 'cause you don't know any of these characters. - [Joey] I guess? - 'Cause you're like what is this? This is like Black Mirror if you went in there. Picture it, you could literally just picture it. It would be like a Black Mirror-esque thing if you didn't know any of the characters, right? - I just don't even think I'd be able to immerse myself if I didn't know the characters. So I would just be like oh look, there's a guy in a costume. - But it's only not weird unless you have characters you understand, right? And you understand why they're doing these things. Otherwise it's like why are these people dancing around and pretending to be happy and this stuff? It's strange, you know? - I think you're reading way too deep into it. - [Connor] I don't know! Maybe there's something wrong with me. - It sounds like you don't like happy people. (everyone laughing) - The UK has trained me well, Kson, what can I say? I do like happy people. I do like happy people! Thank god, thank you. - I don't know if there's some irony with- - The other Brit. - The two British people and they're just like I get you, Connor, it's weird to me too. I've never enjoyed seeing people in costume. - You would be freaked out if you went to a place with no explanation, with characters that you didn't know, just doing this stuff and it's all branded and stuff. It would be weird! - [Joey] Yeah, I don't know. - What do you think, Kson, am I crazy? - [Joey] Would it be weird? - With new characters? - Like if you went to a theme park- - That's like a debut stream of a Vtuber. (everyone laughing) - I'm leaving, I'm leaving. - Have you ever gone into a debut stream and be like oh, that's weird? - No, that's the start! That's the start of the story! - Yeah, but you don't go into a debut stream commenting being like uh, am I only one (indistinct)? - Connor, Connor, I got it, I got it. A theme park of Vtubers. - What would the rides be? - I don't know. - Ride your favorite Vtuber! - Uh, that doesn't sound good. - A rollercoaster model. - Do you normally go to theme parks, Kson? Have you been to any of the theme parks here in Japan? - I want to go to Fuji Q. - In Japan? I went to Fuji Q. - That's the one I want to go to. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, and I went to Disney world with my friends, Disneyland with my friends too. - Wait, there's a Disneyland and a Disney world? - There's Disneyland and Disney City. - [Kson] There's no Disney world in Japan. - It's Disney city, Disneyland. - [Kson] I went to Disney city and Disneyland, yeah, I went there. - Soon there will be Disney sky as well. (everyone laughing) - I love learning about Disneyland. I watch all of Defunctland's videos, it's pretty good. I love learning about Disney, I just don't like Disney. - [Joey] You don't want to go to Disney? - No, I just don't want to go to Disney, I don't know. - Any good rides in the USJ? - Yeah, one if you like thrill rides, one. The raptor one, the Jurassic Park one. - I don't go on the thrill rides, dude. - You don't go on the thrill rides? - No, I hate thrill rides. - What? - I hate rollercoaster. - Why do you hate rollercoaster? - Why would I pay money to get scared? - It's not scared, it's a thrill. - It's adrenaline. - I don't like that. - What? - I don't like it. - You don't like adrenaline? - No! - You don't feel adrenaline when you do something exciting? - To me, that's not exciting, that's just scary. - [Kson] About theme parks, that's the only thing. - That's the only thing I like about thrill parks too. - I like when you don't feel like you're (indistinct). - That's why I don't go to amusement parks though! We've established this. I don't go to amusement parks! - I thought it was just Disneyland you didn't go to. - No, all amusement parks I don't like. That's what I was saying, when I went to Mario World at USJ a while back. That's like the first time in 10 plus years that I went to an amusement park because I just don't find that enjoyable at all. I'd rather go to the movies. - [Man] Everyone loves thrill rides, Fuji Q- - Fuji Q I've heard is the best in Japan for thrill rides, yeah. - That's one I want to go to. USJ maybe 'cause you guys have been really bigging up Nintendo World. I think we called it Mario World for a second. - Have you been to USJ? - Yeah, yeah, once. - Have you been recently with the Mario thing? - No, no, I don't know that Mario. - She doesn't know Mario so why does she care? - [Kson] I don't know anything about Mario. - She called Super Smash Brothers Melee Mario game. - You don't know anything about Mario? - No. I wasn't allowed to play games when I was little. - You didn't play recently? - [Kson] Um ... - Like any Nintendo game at all? - Well, everyone grew up with Nintendo, right? Mario and now I can't go in. - You can't grow up again. - I can't grow up again with it, I'm too old! - So when did you start playing games and watching anime then? - Oh that was when I was in college. - Oh my god. - So basically when you started streaming then? - [Kson] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Okay, so what were the first games you played? - The very first one was Monster Hunter. - [Together] Oh, okay. - Checks out. - You went in deep right from the get go. - [Kson] Yeah! - Jesus Christ. - What's your favorite game of all time? - Of all time is Yakuza series, Ryu ga Gotoku, yeah. - [Joey] Hell yeah. - Why are we clapping? - It's a good game! - Just win an award or something? - It is a good game. - You've never played it before? - I've never played it. - I played Yakuza seven and zero. - [Connor] It looks fun. - Is that like Jojo? Do you have to start on one? - [Connor] It's basically Jojo the game. - I know it's basically Jojo the game in a lot of ways but- - I heard from my friends who like Yakuza that it's best to start with Yakuza zero, would that be correct? - Is that true, Kson? - Is that true? - Um well, Yakuza zero I think is really the best but to start? I think Yakuza one would be better, the remastered version. - You don't condone skipping parts? - You start with one and then you go two. (everyone laughing) Three. So what would you say is the best Yakuza game? Zero? - I would say, my favorite? Is best. - [Joey] Ishi? - Do you know best? Yeah, I think that was the best. - Is that like the Kishibe Rohan of Yakuza games? - [Kson] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it is! But before you play best, you have to play all the Yakuza series to know more about- - So it's literally the Kishibe Rohan of Yakuza. - I feel stupid explaining this. - No, no, no, it's fine. - It's fine, it's fine. - [Man] Imagine the Yakuza series characters within Edo period setting. - Yeah. - Okay, okay. - [Man] That's best. - That sounds fun. - How would you feel if we started with that game? - Um ... - If I messaged you and said I'm gonna start my first Yakuza game and it's gonna be Yakuza best, what would you say to me? - I wouldn't say anything but- - She won't reply. - You won't understand it because all the characters that's on the best, it's the character that used to be on the other series. - That makes sense. - It's gonna be hard to understand the characters if you start from best. It really makes it ... - See, that's how we felt when you explained that you saw Kishibe Rohan manga. - 'Cause a bunch of the side characters turn up in that one. Like Josuke turns up. (everyone laughing) - I think zero is supposed to be a prequel to one. So you can technically start with zero but it would make more sense if you played one first. - [Kson] Yeah. - [Man] So you know the mechanics. - Because zero came out after one. - My brain is already hurting just hearing this. - Every Jojo fan is like yes, I understand completely. - So before we wrap things up, is there anything you want to say to your viewers or fans or our viewers and fans? - Of course, I need to tell them I love UK! Thank you UK viewers, I love you guys so much. - You can't say that if you just shit on us. - Did I? - Yes, you did. - There is now an entire highlights clip of Kson shits on the UK. - I can't believe this! - Oh no! - That's okay, you're basically UK if you do that. You're basically British. - You're an honorary Brit now because you shit on the UK. - Only the French could fuck the UK as hard as what happened right now. I guess Kson just proved us wrong, right? - Where can people find you, Kson? - Me? Anywhere on YouTube. I stream on YouTube, mostly on YouTube, but I stream on mildom, it's a platform you can mostly use on your phone. It's a Japanese platform. - [Garnt] Oh, okay. I've never heard of that platform before. - Me either. - Oh really? It's pretty new. - We'll have all these links in the description of course. What else? Twitter? - Oh, and Twitter too. Ksononair, I'm there, please find me. - You gotta be way more aggressive about plugging. You gotta get into it, Kson. You gotta be like fuckin' here's where you go, smack that link in the description, I'm live every goddamn week! Like that. - I'm not like that. (everyone laughing) - How often do you stream? I don't think we asked that, but how often do you stream? When can viewers find you live? - Mostly I stream every day like once or twice. - Oh, wow! - I'm a full time streamer. - You know people that work full time, they take weekends off, right? - I don't. - I'm not saying (indistinct). - You know one week has seven days? - [Kson] Mm-hmm (affirmative). - And some people decide to only work five days? - Um, Japanese people don't. (everyone laughing) - True that, true that. You know what? Roll the Patreon. (everyone laughing) Just show the Patrons! Can't even argue with that. I just had to, I just had to. - She's just destroying every culture right now. - I know, I know. - What do you think about Australia, Kson? What do you think about Australia? - Do you like Australia? - [Kson] Oh yeah, of course! - Yes! (everyone laughing) Yes! - What do you like about Australia? - I think they're fun people! - Hell yeah we are, dog, let's go! - Are British people fun? - I've never met British. I thought British people doesn't exist. (everyone laughing) - Well, I am a happy boy. - You know what? You do the fuckin' outro. I don't want to be on this podcast anymore. - Gotcha. Enjoyed the show? Make sure to follow us on Patreon. Also follow us on twitter, send us your memes on the Subreddit, hit up our playlists on Spotify and of course, go check out Kson at all the links down in the description below. But thanks for coming, Kson. - Thank you for having me today! - Hell yeah! - Kson, on this podcast, we're meant to clown on Americans, not the Brits. (everyone laughing) - I can't believe I don't exist. Fuck! - All the Americans are like, first time? But now you know. - Is this how the Americans feel? Fuck, man, fuck. - I'm leaving! - All right, have a good one, guys. See you next time! - Bye, guys! - Bye! (slow music)
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 2,047,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Id: BzgyXd4Rfss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 54sec (8214 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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