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hmm oh my god that crunch is divine [Music] gamers hello thank you for the t sipping asmr that corner it's like it's like urinal simulator it's a fine evening gentlemen just zip it again it sounds like just someone standing at a urinal who dat yeah who is this joey hagan yeah the follow-up show joey the anime man friendship with joey the anime man josh the manga we are going to be tasting uh girl scout cookies i'm excited i've never had a girl scout cookie before really have you never ever ever ever ever ever have you i'm kidding i've been had it once as well so what have you had it i've had it when i went to america yeah same but like what i've never understand um what i've never understood sorry is what's the the big deal about girl scout cookies apparently they're made they're [ __ ] delicious dude what does that help them like a lot in america see i you know growing up watching american tv you know watching like ed and eddie and stuff like that yeah there was always an episode where it was like girl scout cookies girl cookies even spongebob had girl scout coach yeah of course and i was like why what is going on here like we didn't have that in the uk yeah we just had cookies how were these girl scouts funding cookies in mess did you have like girl scouts in the uk they're called brownies i think what's okay what what the wait no no not the not the the food items so we had boy scouts and then the girls were referred to like brownies like really the is that where brown like the cake comes from no i don't know where i've never asked what is what what are girl scouts what are boy scouts like what what do they do great what can someone answer this for me because the only thing i know is that all i know is boy scouts do a lot of like outdoor activities and they learn skills outdoors and then they get like badgers for it yeah so what are you jealous of these people what are girl scout cookies that's that's what i want to know what what are girls because the thing is every time i go to america and they're selling girl scout cookies like everyone's like bro we got to get them we got to get them limited time only we gotta get them now how many girl scout cookies you want you want you want two two packers oh you want you want five okay okay uh you know like people have girl scout cookies dealers or something like that like that i don't know i don't know standing on the corner yeah yeah are they supposed to taste better than normal store bought cookies are they like better i don't know like yeah i don't know i mean isn't the whole thing like i think like the girl scouts they make them for maybe like a badge or something they learn how to like make these cookies right and then they sell the cookies to like so are they are they actually like handmade i don't know if these ones that we gotta have apparently they're child labor so the scouts can get money that sounds good i'm always up for that i mean i i always saw it as like the same idea as you know uh in american cartoons where like the kid would create a [ __ ] lemonade stand right yeah yeah yeah like that that's what i thought as well i thought it was like a local thing you know i thought you know local girl scouts you know they go door to door selling cookies and then every time i go to america it seems like everyone has their own like everyone goes goes out and buys girl scouts cookies so is it a brand is there anything is there a brand is there anyone in chat who was in girl scouts all right ashley please answer that for us please put us out of our misery the girl scouts contracts with one or two licensed bakers to bake these cookies which they then sell to fun girl scout activities so the girl scouts don't make the cookies the scouts themselves do not make so the scouts are just out to sell the cookies that feels like a feels like i've been lied to what was that mainland it's a it's a it's a business skill they basically learn how to be door-to-door salesman so now i'm even more confused about what girl scouts are what what did they do is it like do they then like after they've started selling them do they go on youtube and start talking about drop shipping with these cookies is it like is it just like a really early internship like a really young international like i don't know about you guys something here doesn't quite do why don't we do girl scout nfts like why not just go to the next level girl scout metaverse oh that sounds [ __ ] actually yeah yeah but why okay like why cookies why why don't they expand if this is really about entrepreneurship uh like the entrepreneurship spirit why are they stopping at what are they why are they stopping our cookies well why they're like girl scout cakes yeah girl scout cakes girl scout brianna good ghost girl scout bread paninis girl scout rice i'm just saying like all this hype is between all this what i want to know is where are the boy scout cookies that's that right i believe in equality look where are the boy scout products the boys will be boys you know they're two too busy right boys you're too busy climbing climbing trees starting fires bit of arsenal where's the boy scout fire starter yeah cause like the only thing i know about the only thing i know about boy scouts is literally from shows like ed and eddie and like you know [ __ ] american tv shows yeah all i see them do is like they go out to the wilderness and they learn to survive and they sell popcorn they sell popcorn but i have never heard of boy scouts man they really fell off hey fell off plus ratio l post ratio i've never heard of boy scout like popcorn what's the difference between boy scout popcorn and regular popcorn yeah so today we are going to be seeing if girl scout cookies deserve the hype that they do to be fair with the number of times i've had girl scout cookies in america because again it's just like that thing where it's like you have to eat girl scout cookies yeah like that true american [ __ ] flavor or whatever yeah okay to be fair every time i've had it it's been pretty lit okay what's like a good cookie to you like how like is there is there a favorite brand and i swear to god if you're going to say like [ __ ] tim tams i'm like i'm i'm going to l plus ratio ratio you right now [ __ ] joey no i don't know but team teams aren't cookies no they're like biscuits yeah they're biscuits yeah yeah but um i don't know like because there's so many different brands from what i remember i think every time i had one in america it's always been a different brand but they're all just i don't know they're just solid cookies on it like a thin mints girl scout cookies i believe so yeah yeah thin mints were pretty good i think my yeah have you had like petrous petridge farm i think that's a petrified that's the british cookie isn't it what a crisp it's a potato cookie i hate it yeah petridge farm petridge farm yeah yeah those those are probably like out of the brands i can think of those are probably like some of my favorite cookies i i actually some really really good cookies in the uk like when you go to like sainsbury's or tesco's or go up they normally have like fresh cookies that they make yeah i'm gonna i gotta admit it fellas um i don't really like cookies that much i really do like soft cookies though that's where we're talking like the warm cookies yeah you mean fresh cookies yeah see like okay what's the difference sometimes these cookies are like it's it's like trying to get through a wall no no no no no no i i feel like [ __ ] ah i separate the red sea in my mouth i agree like you're gonna be playing a jaw if a cookie is too hard it's that's that's a big turn-off for me it needs to be like a little bit soft oh you hate anzac cookies i somebody sent me an nz cookie one time it's like a rock yeah i i i if i flush it down the toilet i think my toilet would lose yeah i think the toilet would end i think if i i think if you dropped it on a knock your phone i think the knock your phone would lose like yeah that that thing is okay [Music] if you get the crisps at subway you're a clown like you have to get that i'm not even going to cap i've never had a subway cookie [Music] i don't know how so good i don't know how they're always the perfect texture no matter what kind of thing you know like sometimes you go to like a different country and like their cooking process is different so it tastes different somehow subway tastes like a 10 out of 10 cookies everywhere someone's saying the subway's not good no subway the sandwiches are okay yeah yeah the cookies we're talking about these cookies the cookies are so good i think i kind of agree with you connor i don't think now that i think about i don't think i'm very much a cookie person i just think like if i if someone off if i see like a jar of cookies i'm not immediately like yeah give me that [ __ ] i'm i'm kind of like i don't know you know oh yeah it's like i'll i'll have it if it's offered to me but you know like growing up right mm-hmm american tv shows it's always about cookies cooking the cookies the cookie is like the thing yeah but i was always like oh chocolate bars are pretty [ __ ] good though yeah because dairy milk yeah [ __ ] good like to me i will have a cookie if it's soft but most cookies i see are like you can tell when it's hard right when you see a cookie in a cookie jar most of the time it's like rtx mode on yeah i can see all the crinkles yeah yeah yeah hard crumbs that that just like like fall off i'm like i don't want that it's like halfway through mummification you know you can see this cookie mummifying yeah we're just like which is what i was going to ask what's the difference between a cookie and a biscuit right because to me like a hard cookie is kind of that's what i kind of go into like biscuit territory i think a cookie is defined it's very clear what a cookie is it's it's the you know the circular shape normally hard can be soft you know and it's got chocolate chips whatever i feel like everything else that is not in that shape presented in that way is not a cookie so what if it's a brown oh if it's not a brown what if it's a round biscuit is that a cookie no well then you basically just said if it's in that shape then it's a biscuit no this is a cookie a certain way it's like prepared you know and it's presented with cookies no you can have milk with biscuits is it an oreo a cookie or a biscuit no it's a it's a biscuit it's a biscuit it's a [ __ ] to me to me i don't know why why would it be a cookie i don't know why it's a biscuit but i feel like it is a biscuit it's a biscuit i don't know now that what is that what is the definition there's a definitive answer out there somewhere okay okay the cookie is its own separate thing everything else is a biscuit okay this is this cookie's a brand and biscuit is a category cookie's like its own thing and everything else that is not a cookie is a biscuit right there but every every cookie is a biscuit but not every biscuit precisely precisely it's like getting elected like the [ __ ] albatross is a bird but not every bird is now right it's like it's like it's it's own thing but every cookie is a biscuit but then okay okay then okay it's like to go like a small tangent well one like this is what british people made fun of okay yeah what is the hype around brownie edges i don't know what do you mean okay so so okay i don't know i know you mean because we're all obsessed with you know when you you bake brownies in the metal tin yeah i always want the edge slices because it gets a little burnt yeah yeah and like it's people are so people are so obsessed with it that i remember in shark tank someone invented a device that gave you more brownie edges right it's like an ash shape yeah it's like it's like an s shape so um so you get more brownie edges but to me the center is the best i want the soft gooey sensor i don't want the hard edge yeah i don't want the crunch i'm just jealous of people who can get that hype over a [ __ ] brownie like they're nerfing themselves because then they are consciously thinking about which part of the brownie they're eating where is that right yeah yeah yeah like any part of the brownie is good for me any part like to me i i like you know i like the same same with cookies it's like the soft it's like the soft bit it's like the soft gooey bits you know that's not to me with lasagna it makes sense though because like you know when it's crispy on the edge i feel like it stays together a little more oh no yeah lasagna is different because that is that is a savory the middle slice of the lasagna falls apart like like like like wafer it just it just crawls yeah it's like it becomes a mess the moment you stick your your knife in it once it's just like yeah like lasagna edges are like the best part is when it's just a little bit burnt just just just a tiny bit yeah so it's got a bit of crunch it's a little bit crunchy right a little bit crunchy a little bit crispy i agree with the lasagna which is yeah that i brought up i agree with it but i don't agree with the brownie one no because those are two completely different dishes you know i just don't eat enough like brownies or cookies just in general i never eat brownies i love brownies they're definitely esteria in my heart yeah i just never find them good because brownies are only really good to me if they're fresh right it's so rare to find something fresh like to me the best all-around snack um that you know can be enjoyed at most times is a cake you know to me to me like a cake aside from like ice cream if we're talking about like pastry stuff to me like a cake like it doesn't matter too much if it's like fresh or it's like a little bit old to me like i like cookies i like brownies when they're fresh out the oven right i don't know just that's why i don't eat cookies because like it's so hard to get them fresh there are some places that in japan they actually do pretty decent cookies but they're like really small and they're like one bites yeah probably the cookie i find more absolutely not there's just too much cookie yeah they're like when they're big i'm like this is just too much this is ridiculous i just i think i think i'm just not a swedish spouse no there's not any sweets anymore also like how many flavors of cookie can you get well we're about to find out a lot because i know for a fact that girl scout cookies are kind of famous for being like oh i didn't know that flavor of cookie could exist oh can we get the plates actually actually because we're going to be eating a lot of them so yeah we're going to be like eating like yeah good idea yeah they're quite big right yeah like how how many do we have it's a decent size there's a shitload we've got eight flavors of girl scout cookies and we've got surviving three or four okay could the chat hear that oh you want to tell them yeah yeah uh chad we've got eight girl scout cookie flavors and we've got like three or four japanese cookies yeah so we have mixed in just to compare oh thank you for the five gift subs so i can't really hurry half and half curry half and half um yeah we've we've mixed some japanese cookies with the girl scout cookies to see if the girl scout cookies are indeed more hype than the japanese so when i said why are they doing this they don't like cookies i don't dislike cookies i'm just not i'm not i'm not i'm not crazy about cooking i'm coming in with this no bias yeah yeah we are doing this we are doing this to test the hype of girl scout also we can bash on america yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah basically everybody wins wait wait is is girl scout cookies only in america or was it like canada oh that's a good question well it's technically american it might it might be canada north america north america north america okay i've never heard of it in like australia or europe no no i mean we don't even have girl scouts in europe do we yeah yeah we do do we it's called like i said it's called brownies in the uk it's called brownies i have never heard of google it so there's people in chat saying that they were a brownie that sounds awful i'd have canceled yeah yeah yeah that's that good why brownies now i can't say it without thinking about being here [Music] i think maybe the other brownies the colloquial term might be brownies maybe maybe the official name is the girl guides aka brownies brown yeah brownies there we go oh okay what's up girl scouts and it came up as brownies wikipedia brownies brackets scouting brownies are the section in the girls guides or in the united states girl scouts organization for girls aged seven years uh seven years old to ten years old okay so oex is different like there's different tiers of scouts right it kind of sounds like are you a tier three girl scout kind of that kind of sounds a bit culty to me you go you got these girl scouts you've got different tiers they get they're going around selling you there's products you know that's just like oh what is it like a pyramid scheme like you got the geek you got the girl scouts and they're going to sell as many girl scout cookies as possible you get different you get tears you know we smell a daughter in this house where is she i know it's a bit early boys but i saw somebody asking in chat what's with all the digimon stuff on the table well you'll be happy to know ladies and gentlemen that's the spot yes thank you so much for i was waiting for somebody to say it so we could transition in nicely into our sponsor today which is bandai spirit oh my god thank you is that is that a device it is short it's like a digivice yeah guys guys let me tell you about today's sponsor please this stream is sponsored by premium bandai usa one of bandai's official online merch stores that offers a premium lineup of high quality and limited run products from many of your favorite shows such as gundam dragon ball evangelion demon slayer and so much more today they have asked us to show off some of their digimon products they are currently available for pre-order and eligible for their limited time free shipping campaign until march 9th 11 59 pm eastern time as well as all the items displayed on our table today they have sent us this wearable digivice which is the same thing the protagonists of the digimon franchise using the anime to digivolve their partner digimons okay this is what i didn't mess this up this is this is actually really really cool so it's basically a fitness bracelet and what you can do right this is this is off script because i was just playing around with this earlier but what you do is uh basically you you know it's like any other fitness bracelet you work out you exercise the more you exercise the more you level up your digimon okay correct that's actually sick that's cool as [ __ ] and not only that but you can like after you level up your digimon you can actually battle your fitness bracelet digimon against other digivice users so if you see another person you'd be like yeah battle so it's it's like this five head move to like get weebs to work out it's it's genius it's actually genius right i just want to say two weeds in the gym just being like yeah yeah bruh bruh come on what level are you coming out come at me yes you can touch grass with this actually yeah um also known as the vital bracelet digital monster digivice v is basically it basically works as a fitness tracker that powers up the digimon living inside additionally right now they also have two new items of the digimon card game up for pre-order so if you want to you can go and check out the digimon card game playmat and card set 2 floral fun and the digimon card game tamers set 4 on their website and get yourself free shipping by typing in the command exclamation mark bandai in the stream chat or for those watching this on youtube by clicking the link in the description down below and once again thank you to premium bandai usa for sending us all of this awesome stuff yes and i guess that's add time over go get one of these so you can grind irl this is you can literally just have like a digifly's tournament arc just like open fields like from every direction like all these they're just like just all like the giga chats coming in with like did you voice like rip this [ __ ] in like what level dude that's what bandai should do they should they should sort out an irl tournament arc with their digivices that's so cool yeah let's hope they're watching that's why they're watching please do that at the next corn oh my gosh this tea is so good yeah this to use yeah man i just love tea what's the uh going going on random tangent what when was the last time you guys had like how how can i word this it's rather it's the most bored you've ever been right now uh i don't know like okay in what context like okay so it's like nothing to do okay so like you know so i had like an interesting morning today um because uh i had to like wake up super super early to go apply for uh my marriage visa with sydney's because i'm gonna be flying over to england to get married there yeah um and so we sorted everything out we sorted out the appointment for the visa place and uh on the way there i realized i forgot my phone because i'd woken up very early it was i was very tired and i'm just like uh whatever what's the worst that could happen what's the worst that could happen uh apparently a lot of bad things can happen because we get we get there and uh i find out at this visa center that you know since sydney is the one applying for the visa um only she can go in okay and so i have to then wait outside and you didn't have your phone and i didn't have my phone right and so and so sydney was telling me okay don't worry it's it's only gonna take 15 minutes it's only going to take 15 minutes right and so and so like i realized my mistake that because i'm so used to having my phone i'm just like all right see you in a bit and i walk out of realizing that i don't really know like where i should wait how long i should be waiting for should i go home um and so i go outside and this it's like this it's it's a visa center it's the most bureaucratic building you can think of there is no there there is no decorations or anything right and so the only place for me to wait is the room outside this elevator right and they don't even have a place to sit down and i'm just i'm just waiting there um they don't have a seat so i'm just standing there and uh i kind of realized [ __ ] what do i do how long is this gonna be right um and so i have my backpack on me at the time and so i'm just like at this point i'm just like okay i'll read i'll do it maybe you know you know you know you know that feeling when you come when you go in the toilet and you forget your phone yeah that was like me but like but like time said because i'm like i don't know how long it's a visa center i don't know how long i'm going to be yeah yeah yeah yeah so so i've reached two i'm like searching my backpack for something hoping i've put something in there i'm like of entertainment yeah yeah and like i'll take a ball yeah yeah yeah yeah and like i reach in and i'm like i feel something and it's i remember i put my nintendo switch in there and i'm like oh thank god oh my god god is watching me right now thank you god for giving me some entertainment james j man's like yeah and then and then i i press the power button and i'm like my heart sinks the battery is empty and anybody have usbc like creepypasta yeah i'm so like and so like okay so i've realized that i don't have my phone i don't i literally have nothing to look at i don't have anywhere to sit um and i'm trying to like figure out what to do like i'm trying to figure out okay um sydney says she's going to be 15 minutes so i i'm like i could i can do this i can wait 15 minutes no worries no no no no worries and so like i start pacing um like i start pacing like what do you do right what do you what do you even do at this point because i'm like do i go home and i'm like do i just do i just [ __ ] off home and just leave sydney here even though i told her to wait here yeah and i'm like no because this is our marriage visa and she might need me for something and i'd feel pretty bad if i [ __ ] up my like getting my marriage visa because i'm too [ __ ] bored and lazy um and so i you know i started thinking back to like previous trash taste episodes and like i remember that uh i remember that story that i talked about me watching pokemon episodes in my mind right so i'm just like maybe like i'll just get get in touch with my childhood again and try to do that and then i realized [ __ ] i'm not a kid anymore like i don't remember i haven't like rewatched things as often right so i just like to think like your memory of like a pokemon episode is so like fragmented i gave myself a seizure and so like i go to like i guess the next best thing which is i guess like something that i can i think i'm trying to think about something that i can recall from memory and no shows come to mind so i'm just like maybe i can like sing to myself maybe i can like sing a song i am actually serious out loud huh out loud no like like just you know in your head just in my head just like mumbling i i actually don't i actually this is why why would you do that what is wrong with you so i'm just like what's like the longest song that i can think of to like pass the time right that sounds even more like mind numbing than just thinking i don't think so so so here's so like i'm just like the world one hour edition sounds like bohemian rhapsody that i could like actually remember from heart right so it's like a five minutes like this so i'm like so i'm like okay oh so i'm like okay so i start imagining bohemian rhapsody in like the corner i i feel like i'm in like a jcs [ __ ] interrogation room right now because like there's just me in the corner standing there going you've like no notes or anything you can't take notes no no i don't have a pen i don't have a phone i literally have nothing and i'm scared if i like watch out or something then [ __ ] was it i just thought i just think what was in your bag what was my bag um just like it had like the original documents that sydney was carrying for the visa thing um and so she had all the documents you couldn't like find a bench to just like sleep all right no no no it was because it was like okay so here's how it works it was like we could we take the elevator up and it was a it was the room it was the elevator room then a long corridor and then there was the visa room and you had to like buzz in to get in the visa room so there was like no one there right right so so sydney was buzzed in in the visa room so i was just by myself in a corridor um with nothing to do uh and i i i was afraid that if i left then then uh then you know then something would go wrong and it would get [ __ ] up how about you i gotta be honest like the last thing i would do is you start singing to myself this is some castaway bohemian wrath i would like to actually start counting the tiles that's before i did that that's like that's like insanity i wonder and obviously she's still not out so i'm just like i actually like start getting into it because i'm like that's pretty dumb i like i work my way through like the [ __ ] queens queen's like best hit album no they were gonna or something and then i was like self realization like damn queen kind of slap how long how long are you doing okay so so like so i was actually waiting in that room for an hour and 15 minutes so i was going through like the entire that's a very long time yeah yeah yeah yeah so so like i how the [ __ ] didn't they section you they must have seen anything like that i would have i would have called it like what about like just like going for a walk or something i don't know i know because i she told me it was 15 minutes and i'm just like it's never 15 minutes i i know i know i know i would i would just think like oh what you know what i got to do what videos i gotta make you know you gotta like brainstorm the problem is i had like i would have done that but i had like i needed a pen or something to note it down so like it was like it's so it's so like bizarre because this was like the first time in a long time that i had like zero things to work with and i had to like just i i had zero like what's the wrong word like zero like stimulation what was in this room it was it was a white room it was it was like it was [ __ ] off it wasn't just pure white okay it was white and it was like blue it was it was like a blue [ __ ] floor okay all right and uh old tiled floor it wasn't tight all the time you'd rather count on the tiles yeah i would ride it for an hour and 15 minutes i don't know i think i think i had a pretty i haven't i think i've done that before in like doctor's office from like before i had a phone just like count the [ __ ] ceiling tower yes so eventually like when she came actually uh so i'd moved off of queen and i i was on a i was on stairway to heaven by led zeppelin right so i was actually yeah yeah i was using all like the ballads right because because i can remember all the ballots i know i remember the lyrics and i remember like getting lost in the song because like you know you know because if you know stairway to heaven there are a lot of repeating bars yeah yeah so i'm i mean i'm here in my head being like is this like five bars of like the [ __ ] of this guitar bit or is this like six bars i don't know right but either either way either one my favorite part of that song is the [ __ ] solo it's the [ __ ] stairway to heaven guitar so one of the best solos of all time i agree and i remember like i was in my head and then i was like getting to the point where the guitar was like oh i was just like oh it's coming it's coming and then just as the solo hit sydney comes oh my god i'm here i'm like cindy could you wait another just two minutes i was getting to the good part please you basically just because like i guess the reason i ask right is because i haven't done this in so long because i remember that when i was a kid right you know when i was like working in uh what do you call it like uh right like retail and stuff right you didn't you'd have hours you'd have hours where like there was no customers and you just had to sit there right or you had to just like kind of kind of just sit there and just be there and i remember like the pokemon thing wasn't the only thing i would do i would also like just imagine songs or imagine like try to [ __ ] entertain myself right yeah and so i mean that's something mcdonald's i should just like remember like code geos episodes in my head yeah yeah so that's the reason i asked like i just wanted to know am i the crazy one do they have a camera in the room i have no idea maybe like all the employees like crowded around watching gosh go like yeah what if what if in god's mind he was like i'm singing this in my head but in real life he was just like air guitar [ __ ] crazy in a white room like this man's literally gone insane no i i i do that sometimes too so i get what you mean yeah because like the reason i ask is because it's been like that when i'm not bored it's it's been so long since i just like because i think i've been so used to having a phone and having like constant stimulation that this was the first time in literally like years and years since i probably was a teenager that i just found myself in a situation with zero stimulation zero things to work with stimulation i don't know what else to call it honestly like distractions distractions that's that's probably a better word thank you stimulation how do people how did people pass the time before phones yeah i know that's that's how did people in the 90s do it yeah that's that's what i was thinking and it was a good thing i did stay as well could sit because sydney actually did need me about about an hour in so so this this uh this uh made-up concert that i that i held for myself was actually useful and like yeah the first thing i the first thing i did when i got home before i got ready to come to the office was uh put the speakers on full blast and play led zeppelin just that was my shitty little [ __ ] anecdotal tangent of the weird uh lesson learn uh charge your [ __ ] switch yeah charge my switch and don't forget your [ __ ] phone yeah because what's the worst thing that could happen uh you sing led zeppelin let's uh let's go to the ad break let's go to the outbreak with the uh cookies oh wow adele what is this presentation this is so fancy for a cookie this is so it's on the board the wooden board for the cookies it's like the world's worst traffic light it's the most useful it's just like is it brown or is it brown like [ __ ] when do i go damn we really got that budget huh we bring out cookies on the balls yeah this [ __ ] this [ __ ] says bon appetit and everything damn the kind of board they used shot shot or something short shot was the board called again do you guys know what the board is called the no no no no it's like the type of um what's the name of the sword oh no no don't say that does that don't shut it hurry chatuteri charcuterie charlie chartuteri car shark tank shark tank pitch me a deal oh no i guess we don't know yeah thank you can we figure out what the name of the board was shah kutari shakur dairy charcutes the home board yeah they are really good [Music] after we get the flavor right yeah okay okay okay oh should we try and guess the flavors yeah yeah yeah okay oh welcome back welcome back cookie and uh we i don't really know what formula we were going with with the with the layout of this but apparently we'll be tasting it guessing what the flavor is yes so i first first thought about these cookies uh i don't know which flavor this is um this is what i would call a biscuit i would never call this a cookie this is a biscuit yeah right no cap right girl scout cookies more like girl scout biscuits come on come on girl scout beakies let's take one right let's take it take a biggie my copper with the bicky all right couple with the beaky i think i smell peanut butter yeah it's peanutty yeah okay i like this one a lot which one goes hard i like this one this one's quite kind of just tastes like a reese's piece yeah but like like rooster's pieces are like intense like the peanut butter is like this is like reese's piece like if it was toned down to like a two yeah this one goes hard okay this one's good this one's good this is like this is every day i like that because i what i was expecting when i was biting into it is the chocolate was going to be hard but somehow they've had like they put enough of a layer of chocolate that there's like there's like a soft part to it and then you get the crunch as well is it just peanut butter though is that what it is i think this might just be peanut butter peanut butter and chocolate i think so yeah so the flavor are we gonna guess the name of the flavor i don't i don't even know i'm peanut butter and chocolate that is that is the flavor how many out of ten i'd give this like a eight i think i'll give that like a seven i'll be impressed if i get a better one than that i don't know the the range we're working with yeah could it get better than that i don't know i don't think so that's pretty that's pretty good out of like out of like the cookies that i've had like because i compare this to branded cookies and branded biscuits that you can buy in the supermarket right this is better than pretty much all of them unless they are fresh so i'm gonna give this a good eight solid eight solid little baby man nut don't say that i don't know that's the one that's the worst one you could have read about you can buy to the supermarket not in japan you can't all right okay that's definitely not a japanese cookie you can yeah for sure you can't have that in japan dude is there even like peanut butter flavored stuff here in japan you can buy reese's pieces what in japan what yeah but that's like convenience that's like right yeah that's yeah i found them in companies what oh you can you can what but i don't count that because that's like american import right well hold on where did this happen i've never seen it i kind of wanted another one hold yours there's like 17 more to go can you reveal to us what that flavor was it was girl scout right girl scout yeah that was a girl scout scout cookies yeah is peanut butter patties so you are right yeah but okay let's do this we all have to instead of individually we should all work together to decide the flavor and we as a team we decide all right all right trash tastes working together couldn't be it can be cooperation connor's cookie game fell off what about me fell off el poseration i ate one cookie by the way those peanut butter patties they're also called tagalongs um just depends on which factory maintenance tag-alongs this is uh i'm gonna call it i don't even need to eat this is the filipino this is a japanese cookie like flat out i don't even need to eat this to tell you that how do you know is it because it looks bad i can't tell man does it look bad yeah it does i think it looks alright it looks like it's more like brick and dust okay okay so it sounds like the one that would start crumbling so here here's gonna be the big deal about this one there's gonna be a chance that i bite into this and it's going to be like yeah and it's going to be like a [ __ ] hard piece but there could also be a chance that it just kind of crumbles yeah right if it crumbles i will it will be accepted can i have this one yeah yeah can i just i don't know if the camera can see this look at the lack of chocolate chip this poor poor cookie doesn't feel good this this cup that doesn't feel good this is like this is like when your parents are why does that feel oily look at this this is like when your parents are like no no we don't have a favorite son but then this is the son that they they're like they're trying to convince we got girl scout cookies at home okay okay i like like let me let me let me let me test there's nothing on this okay let's test the hardness oh that's brutal that is not crumbling i don't have three two one oh [ __ ] [ __ ] it oh that's dust oh it has you know what this consistency is it's like if you grabbed a bunch of sawdust i went no no you know uh this is compressed sawdust with a bit of a little bit of flavor the one indiana jones movie where the guy picks the one grail and turns into dust that's what it would taste like if you compressed him it back and if you ate it and then you ate it that's what it would taste like like what what is this flavor what is this aftertaste that i'm tasting here like fake sugar i don't know it's like it's like artificial cream it looks like a chip chips ahoy but chips are horrible no this is this is this has got to be japanese this is called japanese is this japanese i think this is japanese what do you think okay okay okay america would never do this if if america could do this this was girl scout cookies i will have serious questions about the hype behind girl scout cookies if this is a girl scout cookie how many out of ten honestly two i do not want to eat any more of that yeah i had one bite and it was one bite too much i'm like i wish i did what connor barely took a bite you ain't like getting off the [ __ ] cookies i'm saving myself because because if all these cookies suck i want the tagalogs again dude those are amazing uh yeah i'll give that like a two as well yeah i'll give those thanks i'm not wasting my my cholesterol ability on this thing cholesterol ability i've only got a bit a few years left of cholesterol goodness i'm not wasting what's the name of this flavor do you think sawdust it's probably just engineering i i i i'm calling it like chocolate this is japan's basic chocolate chip cookies yes can you reveal ashley i shall reveal it to you these are walker's chocolate chip shortbread uh it says on the packet product of scotland so that's not british that's not scotland let me see that thank you i think i've seen that come get your man it's not that's not it i've actually seen this actually i've actually i've never seen that have you never seen i've actually seen this that's your guy's side of the family not much i have actually seen that this is so [ __ ] that i could all i alm i believe it could come from the uk british chocolate chip shortbread why is there shortbread in the cookie no guys it's not british it's scottish it's not scottish no it's not it's not british it's not british it's scottish all right yeah no thanks sorry scotland where did you get this from 7-eleven 7-eleven yeah okay i had it's so like it's so flowery it's like it's not even too flat it's not even good shortbread because i've had good shortbread in the uk that is not good shortbreads that's what walkers is not scottish yeah i don't i think it's it i i swear i've seen i it might not it might be a different brand but i swear i've seen that pattern sell those kind of cookies it's from uk it says yeah i don't know where you got scottish from but on the packages from the uk doesn't say product of scotland on the front the packet like at the top this is why they made a product of scotland established 1898. okay this is what that definitely tastes like it's from the 18. this is why they're amazing at like whiskey because like they don't want to actually like taste anything afterwards it's like because i made this [ __ ] that's awful yeah even even for shortbread that's bad yeah like i like shortbread that's sure shred could should be way more crumbly yeah yeah this i i bit into that and it was like biting into a rock you know like there was way too much crunch there shortbread should just kind of crumble off i just don't like that maybe you know maybe this might taste good if you're in scotland and you got it like fresh but obviously being shipped across the world yeah like in a package and stuff this is definitely i don't i don't like the look of this okay it doesn't look as bad as the previous one but like here's here's what i see like you know you know when it's like it's not burnt but it's like well cooked you see like it's it's okay okay how can i word this it looks like he has crust on it right you know what you know what i mean you know what i mean i need you to shut your mouth and give me a call no i'm just giving me the cookie i don't want to listen to you this also might be like short british okay this actually this actually feels like a proper shortbread yeah yeah all right let's try it out that's good it's just like milk right milk cookie mmm yeah like a milk cookie yeah all right we kind of have these in australia as well like milk cookies very milky though they're very milky it's better than the previous one not by much definitely better than that um this is something my grandma would give me yeah it reminds me of my grandma's place i still think it's a bit too crunchy for my liking i like my shortbread to be a little bit more i like my cookies it's got to have some crunch card i don't know you're just eating paste at that point you're gone come on eats the cookie dough oh honestly cookie dough [ __ ] slaps what can i it kind of does as long as you don't get salmonella from it no just because i don't have like a like a weak ass [ __ ] stomach like you connor that just gets food poisoning every other day yeah but you apparently have a weakness because you can't handle a bit of crunch yeah you apparently have a weakness you apparently have none of those jaw muscles it's a preference it's a preference you're just taking out me because you have the the the palette of a child don't don't take this out of me what's that got to do wearing a palette over here oh my god crunchy tomato i'm not making my teeth 31 he was like no crunchy foods for me i can't my my jewelry what would you give this out to them would you what would you give this out turn oh okay four or five it's not good it's fine it's medium all right it's like below medium i would say just just say it it's mid you just say no it's this isn't mid this is worse than mid this is below mid sorry this is five no this is uh that's a good that was a girl scout cookie though what did i give that i i would give that a three are we in agreement this is a milk flavor i think that's a milk milk it tastes like a milk you want the answer yes please cookies they were shortbread oh okay just shortbread okay that's fine they're also called trefoils uh like yeah you could also get them truffles but they're essentially the same thing what truffle oils i think it's like the shape of like the girl scout badge or something a badge or something oh that makes sense southern mid that's what we call bad things now submit yeah we call good things high mid high mid uber mid what's wrong with us what's wrong with us but something's really nice all right this is maybe okay i don't know why i'm thinking about this now okay but now why why haven't we done the wine tasting from all over the world we need to do that oh yeah why haven't we done that ashley ashley write that down write that down from all over the world i'll i'll try oh this this looks okay this also looks like shortbread but it might have more of a flavor to it right it might have a lemony flavor the shape of the lettuce yeah yeah it looks like a lemon why should i show the chicken slices yeah i don't know if they can see it but it is they can this feels way better yeah yeah this okay look at that it's got like a kind of a chocolate kind of oh yeah that's definitely lemon oh my goodness that is strong that smells really good okay hell yeah i love that oh good that's so that's like not too sweet too so you can just like keep eating it that was like a cup of coffee this is actually really good i like this i like citrus my flavored i like citrus flavored sweets yeah i love lemon flavor yeah i'm i'm not too fond of this one i don't know like lemon flavored stuff i thought with a coffee this would be much better because it's so acidic yeah i i and this is like the texture i like in a short in the short bread is it shortbread i actually prefer the other one more really yeah this one's like a little bit more crumbly you see you can't see close up but it's like it's it's slightly more crumbly and i like that the bottom it's just a la it's just a cookie with lemon juice sprayed on it i'm gonna be honest i'm gonna be honest with you guys it's a cookie with someone when someone dropped the lemon juice on it no no [Music] i'm just not like the other boys here's the thing though here's the thing right you buy cookies or you buy like a biscuit in the supermarket i would never buy this you know what i mean like i never got out of my way i never got out of my way to buy like kind of like citrusy or like flavor basically flavors outside of chocolate i don't know if that's just me no i would definitely buy that in the store you would buy that in store what's this bottom layer what does that taste what am i getting lemon lemon is that where the lemon's coming from the lemon is coming from there oh so it's literally just like a normal cookie without anything it's just like a regular bread with like the lemon on top but uh yeah it kind of it's like a it's it almost has like a similar taste like lemon cake i think or like a lemon tart yeah it's like a lemon lemon sugar yeah like a lemon tart with short shortbread it's it's mid nah nah this is to me this is like this is this is like pro-mid what's what what what number on the scale like seven i'd say so you would put this near the the first one yeah yeah yeah because i can't take chocolate now because look look look this one feels really really light yeah like it's it's not like too heavy on the stomach i could i could have like like a lot of these yeah the chocolate ones i could maybe only have like one or two the problem with the first one is that you have like i finished one and i'm like i could go for another i want to go for another but like it's heavy it is that this one's like this one feels really light fluffy have you eaten all of them so yeah joey's blessed and i'm all yeah i'm eating them all right i'm like my fault all the ones i like i've just eaten them all as you can see only the walkers has remained on my plate i i uh the the more i ate of it the more it grew on me i think i would give it a yeah you gave it an eight did you say or seven seven i gave it a high i'd give it a seven just below like i would give it just below the peanut butter i think it could get a six in my head you know a five or a six you eat like a lot of like lemon flavored stuff though like like uh citrusy stuff no not really yeah because i love like citrusy stuff i love citrusy desserts yeah right it's the perfect like it's the perfect dessert if you have like a heavy meal and you're just wanting something light on the stomach exactly that's well that's why i really i actually really like this um so that that was obviously a girl scout cookie yeah that was girl scout the quality is there okay so okay honestly we're going from like the quality is showing they're living up to the name man what are you showing for girl scout cookies here what was it called those were lemonades lemonades it does kind of have a lemonade like flavor to it i thought it does a little bit like lemonade flavored things no no no it was just lemon i still enjoyed [Laughter] uh it answer your question from earlier where the lemon flavor is coming from it's topped with lemon flavored icing that's the bottom of the other oh yeah yeah lemonade i like that all right all right what's the next one what is this one oh no you have to feel that yeah sorry she's like let me tell you they look good oh no this looks like that's definitely good this looks like diabetes central look at this thing look at this thing it's got chocolate on them oh my god okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i think i've seen these hold on is this coconut hold on let me let me let me oh it's coconut okay okay i could tell immediately let me let me see oh yeah to the america thank you thank you americans for this i actually think i'm really going to like this i love coconut things i love coco yo i didn't know they were doing coconut flavored stuff yeah these are samosas right i think i i'm just going to eat i've definitely had these before yeah i've had this oh how about this this is so good why is it like used cardboard in the inside though this is great the outside's amazing but the inside is weak you gotta admit the inside is weak i agree i wish it was coconut filled yeah oh dude i love [ __ ] dude this is so sad this is literally like i can't cut back i'll say that this is like you are you are so close to perfection well i think this is my favorite one so far this is a nine for me easily this is straight up on nine holy [ __ ] this is these are really good i've i've had those before like what i love about this in particular like coconut flav a lot of coconut sweets like this is that it's not really dry right okay if the inside wasn't iron if is this this cookie in particular but like this mix of things i love maybe if it was fresh i would i would go ape [ __ ] for this but i don't know how old this cookie is or whatever even from the bag this [ __ ] slaps dude yeah the inside of this is just weak as [ __ ] though it's like wet cardboard it's not any different from any of the other cookies no the first cookie was amazing i would eat that over the first cookie any day yeah the flavor is better but the texture isn't as good i i agree i agree that the texture is not the greatest in the middle the best part is when you bite in you you know chew the middle first and you get a little chewy coconut bits at the end yeah i like the kind of like chewy texture i like i i feel like the coconut horses yeah not samosas sorry samoas [ __ ] yeah i had a samosas i mean i'm insane the most is a god team yeah samosas are also good dude i could live off samosas man oh they're stuffed so good like the chocolate that they used paired really well with the coconut as well like it's like it's like the not too like punchy chocolate because sometimes you have like a coconut chocolate sweet and the chocolate just [ __ ] overpowers that coconut to the point where it like you can't really taste the coconuts at all this one was like it wasn't too sweet and i feel like the coconut flavor really shone through and but like i think i really like these because they remind me of lamingtons which is what we have in australia which is basically this but in a cake form like a sponge cake form i don't think they needed the chocolate i want to say it really i think the coconut carries itself you know no it's yeah i think i think i think it would have been better without the chocolate no i think i think the coconut is so good that just let the coconut shine ratio dude like that no no no no is it always that i'm different for one time can one of you agree with that what's the ratio you feel like i will have to disagree with you um oh i've never heard that before i've never heard that been said to be respected respectfully respectfully i'm yes yes yes yes yes yes you disagree no wait why don't you like the chocolate i think that it's like it's you know when you put too much [ __ ] on something you're like you're getting a mis-mash of flavors isn't really like none of the some of the monsters there's more chocolate on the first one you know what but it works because the peanut butter is so strong if i would pick one thing to remove from here it's the biscuit part actually yeah yeah but what i'm saying is when you're when you're talking about putting too much [ __ ] on i think that i'm eating this cookie not for the cookie part i'm eating it for the chocolate and for the for the uh uh chocolate i don't know man i really like it i could i could eat a box of that easy yeah you can barely taste the chocolate the coconut's overpowering what's the point you're just adding like calories because it gives it a bit more of a creamy taste right it gives it a bit more of a creamy texture it's creamy you can make it creamy with no not okay not the flakes not the flavors you could have added coconut cream no that's keeping the bread that's too much cooking that's too much that's just a coconut slice uh so is this girl's like girl sucker that's cool yeah that's a girl girl scout cookies like strong nine so strong nine what the [ __ ] bro oh my god uh that's just that's like alpha male 6 alpha mid alpha that is like gigamin dude now gigamin's 10. i'll give you guys a 10 alright yeah alpha mid yeah these are also called caramel delights which is what we have in the box here caramel there's no water where's the carrot where's the caramel ask the girl scouts i guess i don't know is that what they used to uh is that maybe the texture in the middle no oh it's what they used to glue the uh the coconut the coconuts again because they could have done something else why can't i can't even taste it none of us could taste the caramel none of us knew that they had had caramel that's true caramel delights crispy crispy because i think crispy cookies topped with caramel toasted coconut and fudge stripes oh fudge they're not even chocolates it's fudge stripes i want to read the the the packaging sorry can i which is that uh serving size two cookies oh my god how many calories there's uh uh in uh one cookie there's uh 10 grams of carbs oh my that is a lot of cars my arteries just went [ __ ] holy [ __ ] i'll tell you who's getting l plus ratios now it's my [ __ ] stomach yeah it's my cholesterol that's ridiculous my heart rate is about to fall off ten grams of carbs in one can i show them how small that cookie is actually that cookie is tiny like that what the [ __ ] that's the american dream right there excuse me that's a lawnmower who cares i care my doctor cares i think your doctor cares dude look how tiny that is yeah 10 grams oh my god the whole thing is like 8 grams that's that's barely 10 grams oh my god nothing but carbs in this boy god damn [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i urge this is japanese isn't it i can already tell no no no wait it smells all right it tastes strong very interesting like the bottom the bottom is a little bit too burnt this is flour cover all nine thousand taste buds egyptian egyptian yeast a taste all right thank you all right [ __ ] me oh [ __ ] that's that's just sugar it's just sugar there is there is no biscuit it's just sugar this should be like amazing if i i had no if i had no other foods this would be amazing if it didn't exist look look if why are we calling this a cookie when i could just go into my kitchen spoon and just spoon like a bag of sugar and just eat the spoon like why why why are we calling this a cookie yeah this has got to be uh this is gonna be the one bought in the combination this is this is a this is the worst one yeah it's a one it's way too like i had i had the tiniest of bites and my tongue not me i read it i feel like i'm getting diabetes from this one little bite yeah this yeah that's that's that's uh that's that's pretty bad yeah yeah is that a japanese one that is a japanese it is a japanese okay the name i have in the box is oh it's a milky cookie where's the milk tokuno extra thick milk apparently thank you thank you h ward for the tent for the five gifts i'm sorry that's like a [ __ ] shortbread yeah it was just not very good yeah it wasn't very good ah it doesn't it does this looks like pasta packaging not yeah not like a cookie it does look like pasta it does look like you get pasta oh my god it does milk cookies oh it uses hokkaido cream no it doesn't no that's what it says on the package [ __ ] hokkaido cream wow i didn't think hokkaido could mess with food but uh oh it's three percent three percent three percent hokkaido cream oh wow well three percent of course of course i i'm three percent hokkaido milk after i have a just drink of it like this okay that's japanese lads what do we think what do we think i don't know that could go either way that just looks like the most generic chocolate cookie though yeah but the thing is like i feel like chop chick chop chip cookies choc chip chop chick chop chop chop chop chicken i feel like chopped chip cookies are like even when you say it correct it sounds wrong choc chip sweet chili philly thing of the five um this is like the baseline of cookies right like because yeah because this is like chocolate chip cookies are like the vanilla of the cookie world right yeah they're the chocolate chip is that vanilla cookies yeah oh that sounds great yeah but vanilla like what i'm saying is vanilla is nowhere near as popular as chocolate chip yeah cookies right i never understood the heifer chocolate chip not even gonna lie what do you mean like i just think they're okay i agree i i'm they're pretty mad to be honest like i don't know we'll see two cookies on it okay this is just solid that's sorry it's like that's too cool it doesn't have to be the best part of chocolate chips are the chocolate chips this is way too hard for my liking way too hard do you have a jaw like yeah it's the same it's the same as everything else we've had no it this is this is about as hard as like the one and two out tens honestly i've never i've never just seen someone who picked up a chocolate chip cookies like too hard connie this is what this like it's it's cookies like this that i don't normally eat cookies okay it is literally cookies like this soft mate you're soft wow okay i can verbalize like just like jojo friends it's never too hard it should never be too hard can't okay the reason i hate hard cookies is that i feel like the harder they are the drier they are right okay but this is a million times better than the walker's choc chip i agree this is [ __ ] no this is a girl scout i think it's a girl scout because the outside is crunchy a little bit the moment you you penetrate the outer surface it just flakes apart the thing is this i know this is girl scout because it doesn't crumble as much as the walkers mm-hmm like all the it tastes better as well yeah and all the girl scout ones like it's crunchy on the outside but they don't crumble away they kind of just like break away this is actually pretty though you know gaunt said i didn't want to drink water the other day so it was too wet this time apparently i don't know joey you're right this is mid this is this is actually mid i'm telling you man chocolate chip cookies are mid this is awesome no i i you know what although i like this one to be fair i think that might be one of the best chocolate chip cookies i've had i like this one no i i think this is much out of out of all the chocolate chip cookies i've had in the world that one's probably the best one i've had if i had like a okay this tea is fine but it needs like the the heavy british tea with like milk in it a little bit just sort of like wash your mouth but this is really good though i mean that's again a million times better than the water the coffee this should go down and treat yeah because like the coffee's just so strong needs like this is a cookie that needs coffee though because to me like it's it's too dry it's too dry connor being contrarian again no no i mean jerry on the same side here yeah don't don't put this on me yeah we're going to dance the one who's being weird why you got a different opinion once again god's not one that's like i can't eat this guy i'm using too much of my jaw muscles to bite down a lot i think that one's a seven for me i would give that like a that's about as perfect as a basic cookie yeah i would give that like a like a light seven apparently we've got [ __ ] me 100 sure uh oh [ __ ] wait it'd be the boss or it'd be the boss my bad with a hundred bucks i love the podcast been watching slash listening since day one mostly only get time to listen on spotify thanks dude 100 bucks you hate our faces but you're but you're also making chances thank you thank you for the mega chad yeah this is this is literally a five out of ten five out of ten no that's better than a five out of ten this is seven that i would i would give like strong six to a light seven i'd say deep deeper grooves that's it scratch is level six steeper grooves at level seven strong six star lights uh i would say i would this is girl scout this is girl scout right it's what you're saying i think i think that might be girl scout it's girl scout or it's like why is everyone saying 420 am i confused i don't know either i don't know it's either it's either a girl scout because oh wait 420 votes oh it's either a girl scout cookie or do we have non-american cookies that aren't girl scout no [ __ ] uh it's either a girl scout cookie or it's not well some of the japanese i know that because adele has written a sign that says girl scout cookie or japanese gombini and it's girl scout there's gold cuts oh no it's not it's a japanese cookie yeah really chocolate chips cookies choco chips cookies i know what tastes good wow wow what was it what did you say what do you say it's one of the most generic chocolate chip cookies you can buy japanese so it's literally the definition of mid right because that's like what the most generic that's like what the most generic cookie can be right it's mid right i don't even know what brand it is i guess this is there any brand uh bourbon is the brand you know it's a generic brand when they put like [ __ ] wheat on the front they're like yeah you put some wheat on it yeah that's true yeah it's made from real wheat we use waste in this flour uh yeah i mean it is the most generic chocolate chip cookie i've had um oh yeah i like those japanese everywhere i'm doubling down five out of ten choco chips cookies what's the what's the nutritional value tell me nutritional value nutritional value 55 calories per cookie uh 2.5 grams of fat 7.4 grams of carbs but that was way bigger than the other one that wasn't that sure have we given a girl scout cookie below a five yeah i don't think we are yes which one oh no we haven't five is the lowest i think so far yeah everything all right what's the next cookie that i suppose next cookie i like these food tasting streams i feel like a connoisseur for a second and then i realized i have i have no idea what i'm talking about for sure look at that look at that oh [ __ ] say here's your one i'm just holding up just pick one up and show it stop stop feeding the floor i want to show the oh [ __ ] why don't we use that it's like it's it's if they can see that you can just hold it up i will do it for you here you go here is the cookie it looks like a slice of bread can't take him anywhere he's dropping it all it's got you fell after him we don't need a top cap distance we can just show you from here no because it's like this it's clear on the top cap oh it's french toast right no no is it all right oh it does kind of smell like french toast cinnamon cinnamon oh cinnamon cinnamon cinnamon cinnamon roll this is french toast it's going to be french toast it's got cinnamon on it and it's got like the it's like the french kind of coated arms but like this morphed what is yeah cinnamon cinnamon toast yeah cinnamon toast it could be cinnamon toast that could be i i [ __ ] with this one i quite like this one i i can tell though and this is awful for you yeah this is terrible for you that's good say it kind of kind of like the my hero academia of uh cookies french toast doesn't have any cinnamon what do you think about there's so many french toasts that have cinnamon i think it's good it's good like it's uh it's it's it's the light here academia of girl scout cookies it's inoffensive it's it does everything it needs to do uh it's not amazing it's not it's not incredible you know i do like i do like the uh i do like these uh the cream on the bottom you know it's it's like a really [ __ ] threw that down like that this is like a seven six seven i give that a seven i'll give that an eight it kind of that's delicious i like that one yeah it kind of just tastes like a cinnamon pop tart i think pop-tarts taste better if it was a pop-tart it would be like a good it doesn't what do you want we had a pop-tart we had a pop-tart taste like cardboard dude we liked it it was like toast one the cinnamon is the only good one though but like the every other every other one but that's because it's good because of the cinnamon because cinnamon [ __ ] overpowers everything yeah that's true that's true that is true yeah every other flavor pop tart is just well like i feel like the pop tart had a better texture to it nothing's ever good enough for you what are you i'm saying the pop-tart had a better texture i didn't even say this one was bad like i didn't even say this one was bad i'm like i'm like it was good i just prefer the pop-tart over this jesus oh apparently you like the pop-tart joe yeah the cinnamon one oh yeah yeah because we have the cinnamon one because again i like the cinnamon flavor because it overpowers everything i think what did you give it seven seven like a like you went on like an ign [ __ ] friend and then said seven i said it was good i said it was like he called it the my hero academia yeah this much to be like you know i'm going to defend it i'm just like yeah it's good i'm not going to eat season two [Laughter] i enjoyed season one you know like i i i would stop after three bites uh so you know that's uh i'll finish this but i won't reach the second one if that makes sense just like your academia [Laughter] yeah are we are we saying cinnamon toast is that what we agreeing on cinnamon yeah cinnamon cinnamon crunch cinnamon toast something like that cinnamon cinnamon something yeah girl scout right what is it what is it those were girl scout cookies they're called toast yays what's host what did kanye fund these i don't know isn't it toasty yay great yay oh yes you drop them now oh like why a y i think i cannot find cinnamon anywhere on like my notes here french toast inspired cookies dipped in delicious icing and full of flavor in every bite yay all all i'm saying is all i'm saying is deku is a cinnamon bun so you know shut up shut up there we go oh dude the package is so what is the flavor of the icing it just says icing is it cinnamon it says delicious icing there's zero milligrams of cholesterol zero milligrams of cholesterol okay about uh 10 grams of carbs in each cookie oh and 70 calories oh that's not too bad actually oh i would [ __ ] with that because that's a big cookie as well the surface area of that cookie is impressive yeah compared to like this that's that day compared to this like you're getting way more like way more of your calories worth for surf for like surface eric oh my god it'd be the boss man with another hundred dollars i never got a chance to catch your after dark stream so here it takes some more money holy [ __ ] thank you very much you are you are the boss as your name suggests thank you dude do we have any more uh donations to read out that we missed uh let's see the next cookies uh i like this one okay this one's good yeah if the boys like coconuts we all agreed with that yeah oh this one looks delicious well that was good does this one look if the boy's like feast for the eyes [Laughter] daily just said like if the boy's like coconut then joey needs to get them some australian flamington which is what i said yeah what's the hundred to one again read the hundred one again i didn't hit that one and you're like with us all right i haven't read the hundred again it's a hundred dollars i never get a chance to catch you after dark streams like he takes some more money the boss gave us a hundred bucks we paid a hundred bucks yeah we should have the volume to match a hundred dollars yeah i did and you were [ __ ] we're trying to appreciate our donations and connor's going yo god but that's sorry look at that this cookie slid into my peripheral view and it looked delicious okay all right are we done yeah [Applause] all right this is full choc chocolate coated this is a mint one it's got to be mint that's a thin mint that's nothing smells good mint choc chip yup ten out of ten these are the best didn't mean i love these oh no they're not yellow think about it i have think about it i'm thinking real quick they're [ __ ] delicious love these meleen did tell us um that apparently these are the best served out of the freezer okay and i i so i'm eating wait did they come out of the freezer no it's room temperature yeah i was about to then why didn't you put it in the freezer so i do understand now actually after eating it i do think they would be better if they had like a crunch yeah this is this one well no he wouldn't be able to bite through that no no no no for once i'm just like this one wasn't hard enough yeah yeah yeah i want it because i want i want to feel a bit like you know a bit like an after rate you don't feel like an after where you just it's it's you just like bite it off and it just like breaks off right um it would be a 10 if it came out the freezer it's a it's a nine or eight right now i'd say i'll give these a 10. these are my favorite really yeah i love thin mints i i really like mint choc mint yeah mint chocolate yeah mint yeah i mean chocks mint chocolate chocolate mint i was i was gonna i was gonna say mint choc chip out of like out of like i recently demolished a pack of after eight what's that you know yeah i know after it's [ __ ] beautiful beautiful thank you anna um they're like these chocolate mints with like kind of um it's chocolate inside there's kind of like a like uh like the texture of caramel but it's like mint like it's white it's white sugar puree yeah that sounds good and like it's like like that but it tasted way better okay i would rather have those you'd rather have those than afterwards okay i actually i agree with you just because of the soft inside right yeah uh after it's a god tier hell like that but like you're you're comparing cookies to something that isn't a cookie you know like my point was is that if i was going to have this kind of flavor i'd rather just get the the other one okay yeah i mean same i would yeah sure they eat yourselves a 10 out of 10. yeah in terms of the cookies but like wait no tonight with me like it's a [ __ ] banger all round it is a banger okay i you're comparing a cookie to something that isn't gonna kick you like yeah i i i i like chocolate chip cookies but i think i would prefer chocolate chip ice cream you know that's you know that's you know exactly i don't know i just like i like mint chocolate i think it tastes good i do like mint chocolate a lot um i mean this is the one cookie that i mentioned before we started eating the cookies so yeah this one's bad this one's about the same level as the coconut one for me the samoa yeah yeah yeah so it's good i think i think samoa and thin means like top two good night outside yeah dumb okay okay girl scout cookies yeah girls go yeah what do you give it six six what oh come on why why is that so surprising that isn't that do you like that do you like mean chocolate yeah i love after eights that is basically an after eight in cookie form yeah which is like the inferior form of an after right you don't have to make everything a discussion you know like i'm not trying we can all just agree i just like i just we did we agreed on the cinnamon toast connor being contrarian once again i'm not connor's right i saw somebody say connor's right i'm gonna ignore all the connor fell off comments but connor's right thank you to that one person thin mints look at this yeah they're great i would like to okay what is this it looks like every other [ __ ] box you've looked at what is this i don't know i don't i don't like canoes all right i'm gonna say that right now i'm not a fan i don't like kids i don't like canoes i don't like kids everything i hate on a box look how happy they are no one's that happy in a canoe you're just [ __ ] [ __ ] no someone's not pulling their way they're not even in the canoe yeah because they're under the happy once again the canoe it all falls apart because somebody somebody in the canoe when you're a kid never [ __ ] pulls their weight right they know this is coming because they're happy now they're like let's just make the most [ __ ] while we can but we have to actually work together and hold the [ __ ] canoe jesus oh okay okay what i saw the life like like exit connor's eyes for a second there i thought it was i thought it was uh 22 grams of carbohydrates per cookie uh but it's perfect why are you just looking the carbs listen i need to know because that's how i can kind of like most people look at the calories but like i i don't know why i keep constantly waiting for you to like okay it's this many calories and you just you just keep talking about the carbs it's both i look at both how many calories a per cookie yeah uh 16 divided by four uh 40. okay no no that's right yeah mike brendan [Laughter] who made that fall there's a there's a mod that wants something my mods always want to insult my boldness i feel like the multiplayer would want to ban themselves now yeah it's just like i'll pan out myself yeah i don't know i i love those i love thin mints yeah give me those more brilliant what's invert sugar what is that what's invert sugar it's like when you get sugar and then you control eye on photoshop right yeah what is the in what is invert sugar i've never heard of this how many cookies do we have left by the way why are you ignoring cats i think answers can't [Laughter] [Laughter] you know sometimes you hear a statement and you're just like i i'm not even gonna like i think we should get down [Laughter] so what is inverted sugar it cancels the sugar out right it's sugar that cancer is it like an opposite way it's like negative sugar it's an edible mixture of two simple sugars glucose and fructose that is made by heating sucrose with water it's sweeter than table sugar and foods that contain invert sugar retain moisture better and crystallize less easily than those that use regular it's like it's like it's like sugar what does that mean what i don't get it i didn't get it it's just like sugar mixed with sugar right to create a more powerful sugar how does that invert it like inverted sugar in my mind makes it like anti-sweet right it's like salty sugar do you understand these best buy dates i cannot for life me figure it out yeah i know that's why you're always thinking there seems to be a series of numbers that i can't decipher those are so far in there okay come on all right if you're so smart tell me when these cookies expire they probably don't because they're american they lost to like they last to like look he's flipping upside down okay no no no no it's 0.901 2022. so it's uh what's the two two nine so september the first twenty twenty two yes what's oh no i know what right now then what's two two nine i don't know what two two nine is but that's that's an ad why is it maybe or maybe it's the number of years the only reason it confused me was because it was like american dates uh american date formats but yeah it's uh the first of september 2022 i don't know that's the bachelor number batch number probably why would they put that right next to the expiration date to confuse people to confuse you like watch this see how many people get sick from these i can see why conor argued that food poisoning isn't an illness anymore it's a mindset it's a grind set it's a lifestyle i'm sorry um all right those were delicious let's get the next ones which ones okay oh yeah here bring these over here as well i'm kind of getting a bit cookied out right now like the sugar is like taking over yeah there's a lot can i get some like can we get some more tea actually geez that's a big [ __ ] cookie yeah oh that's what did you feel the rest i know man i just turned up just trying not to get diabetes and we ate 10 cookies today more cookies than i usually don't know half of mine are still on the plate oh my god i ate most of mine which okay which ones didn't you eat joey let's have a let's have a look see the [ __ ] walkers one yeah they made choc chip one the milk cookie that's right draw my cinnamon and the this thing yeah okay so the only ones i've eaten fully are the thin mints the peanut butter and the uh the uh coconut one i think diabetes i got damn diabetes i'm not getting out of here tonight they feel my legs i haven't felt them for the past 30 minutes i lost them in the water [Music] [Laughter] legs well these are in different colors [Music] oh you smell bad really it's more like why did you say it like that really unbelievable gosh are you for real right now it was just inquisitive you know like really really why is that being brought up el paso i'm not even well it doesn't exist he can't hurt you l plus ratio plus connor's not welsh these are crumbling tastes like my mother you should just make them yeah what's that smell oh it's like it's almost like a savory smell you know it's like salty yeah it's like salty what is that smell salty milky tastes like a there's like a cookie i don't like i don't like the smell from this it's kind of like sulfuric so fury what the [ __ ] it doesn't smell good it smells like farts yeah oh yeah sulfur oh that's almost taste that aftertaste oh my god it's um i have this in the uk a lot well i've had these in australia as well what are these these are very um very these are extremely i've had this so many times in the uk my grandma used to because because right you know i don't know if you enter this con but like i don't know why but in the uk middle aged white people love biscuit boxes they're obsessed with them it's just like for some reason they see it in the supermarket and they just can't say no yeah like oh there's like 15 types of cookies double layers stacked in the tin to pick up the tin and when you're the first layer when you're done with the nice cookies oh there's more down beneath oh [ __ ] and then and then they and then they love it because it's a metal tin when you're done with it there's the utility of putting it in the cupboard oh my god i just realized yeah that's that's where i've seen that before this is literally where you get them in this is literally i've seen like i haven't seen these packets but i've seen the metal tins you guys know what i'm saying exactly i know exactly what this is exactly always in there yeah yeah with this exact pattern my whenever my mom's friends came over when i was young they'd always have to bring a metal tin yeah my grandma used to put all of her sewing kits yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah like i've i've never actually seen a metal tin with biscuits because it's all like universally sewing kits it's always the sewing kit every family has a sewing kit in a cookie tin that's why that's why why is it always the sewing stop who's eating the cookies in order to like empty in order to empty the cookie tin for the sewing kit grandma's just like buying the chips [Laughter] my mom definitely used to have tea with her friends and they always used to bring a tin yeah of cookies or so short of breads yeah yeah yeah they'd always keep it in yeah what are those though i don't i i've never i've definitely had these as a kid i've never figured out it's shortbread right is it just your breakfast it's it's very short shortbread i don't know i don't know what the [ __ ] is that i i don't know i'm just like i'm just like you you take you take what you want you take the uh you take this cookie and you like multiply the aftertaste that it has and you get that and i think it's disgusting honestly um that's like a wasp yeah yeah it's disgusting bread it's like i just pulled i just put water that's that's just lightly seasoned water this is a this is piss water yeah that's pierce um fresh couple pieces yeah that's a one for me that's that's a one that's um yeah what what hold on one oh come on yeah it's it's a one it's the one it's not great i'd give that maybe like a three five five that's five that's decent five you cannot tell me that is what a [ __ ] cop i'm choking from that [ __ ] taste you can't tell me that's one degree below the thin mint yeah [ __ ] off it's not chat these guys are being dramatic it's it's not it's a five it's it's a decent it's a decent it is not it is noisy i wouldn't say it's a one it's definitely not a five if i wasn't predisposed to these living in the uk but maybe i would wouldn't like them but it's nostalgia it's nostalgia what are you yeah it's the nostalgic glasses talking yeah i don't know i don't know what it is but this is definitely like something you get in the uk a lot i don't know if it's girl scouts or japanese i i think it's japanese japanese do we have total left by the i agree boss i agree i think then just because the girl scout cookies none of them have been like this thick and large the cinnamon one was pretty large but it wasn't thick the gut the girth of the girl scout cookies is not this girthy it's not this girthy what do you want it's not this girthy how are you making this an argument well if you want to believe me rally behind me we'll go for the jet we'll call it japanese kombini and then i'm right and then we'll know that it's girth wait what was the argument this is too girthy to be a girl scout cookie okay i i think it tastes too [ __ ] to be a girl yeah i think it's too earthy to be a good it's way too it's a three out of ten therefore it's a [ __ ] japanese called mini cookie yeah yeah we're right yeah because it's good who would have thought it had nothing to do with the girth it just has to do with the flavors yeah this is what it is again this is this is british man this is a british style wait connor what did you get what did you give this one i think five no four three two one i think you gave i think we all gave this like a two right yeah we all gave that a two that was [ __ ] that was both sure this one tastes better than this one no let me let me see dude that one this one's a highlander you're also now none of the girl scout ones are girthy none of them are girthy it's just none of them just they're all good girl scout ones are good mate they taste like that one tastes worse than this but like this one i i think what what nothing how many carbs how many calories 12.6 grams oh my love oh i think what made this one slightly better was the chocolate chips it wasn't bad the chocolate chips hit the tape the aftertaste of that like they're both pretty [ __ ] they're both they're both pretty [ __ ] they're both pretty [ __ ] yeah all right how many cookies before i explode we got three left three more yeah all right let's go ugh okay why are you giving it to god because i'm i'm the nearest oh i already know what these are we have these in the uk creams i already know what these are i ate these as a child see now these are girthy but these are different types of girth this is stacked girth it's different it's not unanimous girth is that a cookie it's it's a biscuit it's a biscuit it's a biscuit this is a biscuit we can all agree this is this is as much of a cookie as oreos is yeah oh what the [ __ ] this is a [ __ ] custard cream it's all right why is it like orangey are you tasting that yeah i like that i like the citrus oh my oh my here we go again it's like well i had these as a child i think i think the orange the citrus save this saves this from being [ __ ] what [Laughter] like one's going on this is [ __ ] and then they couldn't get a good flavor and like everything they're like i'll just [ __ ] put orange in it [ __ ] weirdos like orange no one wants orange anything no one likes oranges like the only good thing no no no no you can't get a dog orange zest like it has like the aftertaste of like orange why would i want orange zest in a [ __ ] biscuit orange zest tastes good it tastes good they couldn't figure out a good flavor you just don't like sprinkles you just don't like citrus you like just just just admit it you just don't like citrus you just don't like oranges i like i don't like i like slimes i like them why would you want a biscuit though honestly like i don't have this in the uk her majesty outlawed this [ __ ] like we we just had a lemon biscuit so what's wrong with it that was way better than this it is way better than this but i would say they saved it what are you on about so what would you give this one generally you gave the lemon out of ten yeah the lemon was like a seven this is like five this is mid there's a five i'm gonna say five just purely because i had these in my in my 19 years of living on the british isles i never once encountered a custard cream that had [ __ ] orange in it that never happened never happened i i've met so many i've met i've met so many grand mars in my time never once did they bring your orange custard cream okay we're judging we're judging these sweets as they are now you know we're not judging these based on nostalgia factor yeah okay i'm just saying this is a reason why we never okay we've [ __ ] taste in the uk i'll admit that one thing that we have far too much variety of is biscuits and if we don't have this that means it's [ __ ] no it's just not explorative enough no no no no we we don't have this but we have this wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait this is okay hold up let's see what the poll says do they orange in their snacks and please tell me i'm right no because they how smart it's not even that big of a difference it's it's close enough okay it's because creams are amazing it should be easy enough to get a really good flavor profile without having to add [ __ ] mate you're you're holding a different argument these are japanese they don't give a [ __ ] about the child yes they're biscuit i [ __ ] had this as a child i i i think these are japanese these are these are literally biscuits for children but yeah i mean i think these are just for children yeah this is a five this is a five it's like a solid fight i should do baby formula next week i should just [ __ ] try baby first i'd still i i'd still eat i'd still eat it okay it's a lot of cookies and biscuits for kids okay you know that's easy i would [ __ ] eat that over this [ __ ] yeah i would eat biscuits god you're falling off so hard dude yeah b-school yeah these are three yeah yeah i would say that literally snacks you would give to kids give them the cookie the cookie was banging the chocolate chip one give them that wait which one which one uh this one the one that they have in the the conbini this one was banging just give them that yeah i also gave that one a five yeah literally if it's for kids it's like a 5. it's like the most like just inoffensive cookie yeah it's just inoffensive i like the orange tinge like little citrusy tint i just like citrus who doesn't like it who doesn't like citrus the whole pack is only like 10 carbs 100 calories that's quite quite a lot in there then isn't that japan looking out for kids health oh my god oh there's quite a lot you get oh jesus that's probably why there's like no flavor though they just had to put orange zest because they couldn't actually put like enough sugar in them to make them taste good yeah well that's probably what it is do you reckon they taste like you would never eat this now right of course i would no you wouldn't no no no i mean i mean like like to me if it was given to me i definitely like it but you wouldn't go to the store and buy these of course i wouldn't buy any of these no i mean i would buy the size i don't need cookies wait the thin mints you would buy yeah not here yeah true yeah yeah i wouldn't i wouldn't buy any cookies here but when i go back to america yeah thin mints and the samosas for 100 yeah yeah not these [ __ ] walkers no the walkers okay here's what these are for right okay in reality okay this is so when you have this it's not meant to be eaten like this you put it in the tea and this can actually absorb one whole cup of tea this thing it's something i know and it's so thick and then you eat it okay well like you can you can use that argument with a lot of cookies you know you can use the argument with all these yeah like a lot of a lot of cookies taste better with the tea or coffee that's this yeah this one you'd never ever eat alone this literally just takes out all of the tea in the drink it's all gone like other other ones you dunk it in right no these [ __ ] take the whole cup of tea right they absorb it it's just so you're eating just a sponge yeah you are what is this this looks good does it what is that what is this give cherry one of them before you drop it oh i feel like i've had these oh it's got a good weight to them i feel why have i had these oh i smell more peanut butter oh there's peanut butter oh yeah this is definitely a girl scout cookie well yeah because that no nowhere else use pizza yeah yeah yeah as we have established but like i've i think i've figured out like this size cookie is usually we're gonna cleanse the palette oh [ __ ] there's a palette all right it's good to go oh my god that crunch is divine all right that's really [ __ ] good no joey please back me up here man come on it's way too dry i don't like peanut butter no what this is so good the first one the first peanut butter one was better i don't like peanut butter this one [Music] i'm okay i'm all right with peanut butter it's this is just way too dry it's like i'm like literally having trouble swallowing it because it's like so dry [Laughter] i mean we can't even make this [ __ ] up dude people think this is like scripted it's really not this is this is good this is really [ __ ] good i just don't like peanut butter i'm sorry like i don't like peanut butter or anything this is like it's way too much flavor for me it's like a six six yeah it's six yeah even even if even though i don't like peanut butter i i i do like the cookie like the consistency of it people in the chat like this i could i could i'd still give that a six these are really good i'll give this an eight it's a six i mean like the [ __ ] is this you're like it doesn't taste good it's a six what is this i'm i'm giving it the respect of dessert it tastes tastes like above just above average i could do one of those a year like it's like way it's way too much flavor it's it's really heavy way too heavy i don't know if i'm yeah i'd give it a six i'll give it a six yeah like a low six light six yeah i'm not like to me peanut butter i don't like i'm not a massive fan of peanut butter i don't get it like that is like i don't mind peanut butter flavored things but when you're like a sandwich but when it's just like when it's just like pink like straight up peanut butter on something then it's like way too much like the first peanut butter one we had right that one was good because the peanut butter flavor was subtle but this one is just like they literally just lathered the peanut butter it's like way too much when do i get my american citizenship like surely i must get it i like the peanut butter i like it i like the peanut butter i like the peanut butter please do you like pb j sandwiches i've never had one which means you've never had one i've never had a peanut butter and jam sandwich not hard to make why would i have made it though peanut butter and jam i'm not going to make it i want someone who's accustomed to making it to me what if i lather too much peanut butter what if i love it i need the ratio it's hard to [ __ ] it up what the [ __ ] how did you [ __ ] up i think if you [ __ ] up a pb j sandwich you should never be allowed in the kitchen again i want an american to make you can can you make buttered toast then you can make a peanut butter jelly sandwich like my [ __ ] god all you need like oh you do have hands listen listen i want to have it in the american setting i want to get immersed in the peanut butter and jam experience right you make it out to be like some grandiose dish it's not a [ __ ] sandwich it's like it's like uh it's like if you make your own crumpets in the u.s i'm like no it's not a crumpet you need the shitty store-bought ones in the uk you got to be in the you got to have a cup of tea you got to be standing in the kitchen with your mate you're hungover slam those warbiton uh that's got nothing to do with the dish no i'm trying what i'm trying to say is right is that to experience the authentic peanut butter and jam i want to be in america i want to have the [ __ ] american bread i want the [ __ ] american jam i want i want to i want it all to come together can we get the next cookie please if i make it myself i'm going to make it like mine i want the american version what are you talking about the american version i want i want it the way that in america i'm not even going to entertain this man just bring out the next is this so weird to understand yeah i just i just want to have it in the place i don't think that's weird okay okay next ax would next a yeah next [ __ ] ax i will make you a pb and what happened today nothing happened to me today i'm just saying i think i would like to have it like i think he's zonked out from the amount of sugar he just ate dude i think you're on a [ __ ] sugar sugar high right now because you are saying something like i mean you say some pretty whack [ __ ] most of the time but like you're like the black level is eleven right it's like saying you know you want fish and chips outside of the uk it's like no you want fish and chips inside of the uk right you want it it's like you want this that's good no no you want no no you want the dish you're the dish and jelly sandwich okay i think you're putting peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on like way too high of a pedestal what that's like saying that like every peanut oh my mic i'll flash it hold on um i want i want the like the american ingredients right like because you can get american ingredients it's not that hard to import americans like you can import american peanut butter american peanut american jelly i want the american bread too you we we have the [ __ ] like aki's mom sent us the [ __ ] p peanut butter and jam mixed together concoction yeah yeah because i have that in america it's disgusting and guess what no one's touched it in like three months you can have it like like just just to compare like a pb and j sandwich to like like a proper cuisine it's just like making me lose brain cells right because you know i would get it if you were just like well i want to have ramen japan sushi uk fish and chips america a french omelet unless it's cooked in france with french eggs okay you know see people are agreeing with me in chat there's some people they're clowns okay clowns they're all clowns if you have beans and toast right you make it in america it doesn't count you gotta have it in the uk okay but like if you import the like british beans okay no i'd have it in america it's like you're literally using british bread you're literally using the same [ __ ] ingredients as you would in england no you need the british bread you need the you need like the the thing where it's made i need someone to mute this man's mic like i'm with connor on this one i saw yeah you're all [ __ ] why i think was it grow up what because i want to give your your culture an authentic experience it's it's it's not it's fun i want to be authentic i am american i want to experience it in the american way a little midnight oh my god i want to experience it in the american way i need the immersion what are you talking about by immersion i need a really uncomfortable like uber ride get out of the uber somebody offers to make me a pb j sandwich and later we'll be going to denny's i want the whole why are you eating a pbj sandwich out of an uber ride and then i want to be offered a a pb j i feel like you just you don't actually want the pb and j you just you just want to feel like an american you you just you you you're like a [ __ ] ign reviewer nine out of ten makes me feel like an american because i feel like an american if i bite into the peanut butter and jelly and i don't immediately get flashbacks to my my american kindergarten experience then frankly it isn't doing what i think it needs to be doing it's like a city pop makes you feel like you're in the 80s in japan on the yamanote line going i don't want you talking about music bro you know what i mean like it's their kind of thing right like our beans and toast makes you feel like you're in world war ii in the uk it's like it's an authentic experience okay do you want to turn around mate because you're like you're you're clearly talking out your ass might as well put the mic where the sound is actually coming out here man um let's let's get to the floss jesus christ is this the last one yeah that's the last [ __ ] cookie all right this one looks diabetes and juice yeah this is diabetes wait what is it is that like a layer of caramel and then chocolate is that caramel or is that peanut butter it's it's oh this looks good all right oh crap oh that's hard i like this hardness though i want to set my opinion first just so he doesn't [ __ ] i don't like this one breaks jaw i don't like this one either what no way i i actually like thank god god this one that's just too much chocolate and cheese it's a lot of this is so like you put like caramel by itself is overpowering as a taste right it's like because i mean caramel is just like pure sugar it's just too much they've thrown too much on it it's caramel it's just sugar it's burnt sugar and then like you throw chocolate on top of that with a sweet cookie as well it's way too sweet it's good but yeah it's like again i could do it it is too sweet but i i i feel like like the the function of my legs dying i feel like this is a girl scout cookie though oh definitely yeah like this is one where it's like first taste divine second taste it's like oh okay this is a bit of a strong let's go world peace [Laughter] did you guys get the screenshot of that that's when the peace treaty was signed that's that's a historical moment right there on trash stage boys they agreed on something i just took us how long two hours took us two hours that one was like it was hard that was very hard i don't really i don't really mind the hardness it's just a lot of flavor harder than a jojo meetup god damn i think this is the first time i'm going to give a girl scout cookie below five why do you say it like you're like you're about to insult her i'm gonna say it i'm gonna say i'm gonna say it i don't care this doesn't taste good i'd probably give that yeah that's probably like the lowest what's this one called is it like inspired cookies topped with caramel flavored cream with a hint of sea salt what the [ __ ] they're just throwing [ __ ] together and hoping it works right that's just like what what swedish you want how about them all that's like did a child design this cookie because i feel like my child definitely named this cookie that's for sure adventure falls she's like brian what do you want your cookie oh can i have like a brownie a caramel i kind of like want some some sea salt as well oh oh it's just what girl stands for on the back here okay girl the acronyms you know what stands for like uh small great intelligent reliable loyal no on none of those close on a few of them though would you reckon i thought it's something like that um i have no [ __ ] clue gamer that's it go getter innovator risk taker leader tm that's that's been trademarked actually the acronym has been trademarked girl's been trained wow girl girl the acronym in that sense has been trademarked in a risk taker they're like [ __ ] 10 years old what risks are they taking eating eating eating these ones the risk to their health going doors the girl the girl scout mission girl scouting builds girls of courage confidence okay and character make the world a better place hey man i can get behind that i can get by that hell yeah that is the uh spirit of uh what was it like innovation entrepreneurship that we were going for right right what does boy scout stand for [Laughter] big old years so here's what here's what the the girl scout cookie program is all about okay is the largest girl-led entrepreneurial program in the world of course that is the word entrepreneur through it girls learn five essential skills number one goal setting girls learn how to set goals and create a plan to reach them because boys don't boys can eat [ __ ] number two decision making girls learn to make decisions on their own and as a team boys little [ __ ] that need assistance this just sounds like every generic answer in a job interview what can you do i am good at decision making money money management girls learn to create a budget and why does this feel weirdly misogynistic girls don't know how to learn girls can't handle money yeah we need to teach them how to do it [Music] people skills girls find their voice and build confidence through customer interactions boys use sign language this is this boys are icky and stinky and rub each other's dicks [Laughter] business ethics girls learn to act ethically both in business and life boys are unethical as [ __ ] to be fair i think half of the half of the business world scanned i mean all of them are like men yeah so so why is it when you see any like female entrepreneur on like twitter or [ __ ] linkedin they don't have girl scouts on their cv so i want to know don't give them credit they've already trademarked it sorry you can't put a girl they're like um are you saying i can't say girl in that acronym you cannot go unfortunately guys we we we're about to get sued because we said girl let's say female of course sounds like child labour i'm saying i'm telling you it's like it's like sounding a bit cultish yeah a little bit bit cold cult of girl yeah yeah here's what i'd understand it says girl scout cookies proceed to stay proceed stay local right stay local [ __ ] gigafactory yeah like as we just established it it's made in the factory right and it's sold all over america maybe they started as a local thing perhaps uh there are regional limited flavors so the ones we've all had today they're all from north california oh okay did they originally used to bake them themselves like that's what i want to know maybe that's where the locals did they start out of like you know like yeah like a lemonade yeah like a like an honorable you know go get a boys or girls in this case yes come on you can make these cookies or sell them you're loyal you're independent you're transparent skills sell those you're an entrepreneur i feel like i felt like cornish on a sugar rush right yeah yeah i mean i think it's bedtime for connor we need to put him to bed and they're going okay we have the scores okay um what did we rate the highest i think we've rated the highest the uh the mints yes uh connor almost brought the score down wow but uh no uh we the thin mints were the highest rated with an average of 8.33 i'll take that the second highest is the first one the peanut buttered patties with an average of seven point six no they're not even in a cab i don't even remember what they taste like yes you do they were yeah they were good they were i know they were good but like i've had just too much sugar to this point it'll just leave the third one the third highest rated one was the lemonades the citrus one i can agree with that uh with a 7.5 that's a lit uh again well almost didn't give the peanut butter sandwich at five you said i gave it a three i did not give it a three you gave it an eight he gave it an eight oh this oh it's because the last score's one in yeah okay well sorry i take my anger oh no the lowest rated ones were the rich milk cookies the sugar ones which which ones were those the ones that were basically took a bite the the tin can once no no it wasn't the japanese ones the blue box was that one it was that one oh yeah yeah yeah yeah the the the giga thick milk ones and here's here's we did write one exactly five so the trash taste mid cookies the most mid cookie the mixed taste with an average of exactly five yeah is the shortbread oh i thought it was the choc chip where do we put the cinnamon one what's that one called the french toast one is that toastier toasted yes that is that is uh with a score of exactly seven the my hero academia of girl scout cookies with a score of exactly seven good yeah not amazing first one great not inclined to check the second one one is enough for me and uh that was girl scout cookies so so so now for for the two of you who've never had girl scout cookies up until this point girl scout cookies yay or nay no still nay i'm i'm not gonna lie i wasn't that impressed overall i would say i don't know i don't know because we're if we're just comparing them to uh really bad japanese konbini cookies um just like just like on its own for like supermarket brand cookie yeah it was good uh it was better than pretty much any supermarket brand i can buy oh yeah yeah if you compare it to like fresh cookies obviously then yeah but nowhere even close to subway cookies who's buying like hard cookies this day and age like the ones in the packets like it's gonna be better it's team age we have so many good snacks why but that's what i mean like just overall as a snack like i don't really rate cookies all that much like yeah i don't i won't go to a cookie if i want snacks yeah i would not buy any of these mostly because i'm just not a big cookie person and yeah again i could do like a little bit of like you know thin mints or like a samoas like maybe like once a year you know how people treat because like with cookies knowing that there's a fresh one out there makes it harder to want to get excited about either the basics fresh cookies i'm not crazy about uh but they are all good though because they're good if they're given to me they're good but i don't i don't but i think knowing that fresh cookies exist that drastically change how you view a cookie because it's like oh yeah of course it's like there's no there's no fresh doritos burritos are doritos right maybe there is a legendary fresh how good would a friend okay okay that does sound amazing straight out of the machine dude like could you imagine you do the conveyor belt like just all of that dude fresh flaming hot cheetos oh i bet that i bet they're amazing nuts they like it comes out fresh they put the seasoning on it go you eat it the only reason you're having doritos is because you've never had fresh treats that's true that's true can you air fry a dorito perhaps i don't know like actually what makes a doritos factory can they can we arrange that trash tastes special can we go to dorito factory and eat fresh doritos honestly that'll be pretty lit honestly i'd be very much up for that yeah i got to bring like a whole two liter of mountain dew to that one yeah but like cookies you like mountain dew no it's just sugar ward in it dude the first time i went to america i was so hyped for a mountain dew you don't have any here no no really we had a version that was like taking out the green stuff yeah i think it was oh i think we might do now but we definitely didn't when when i was like growing up right right but mountain dew is like way more yeah i found out that the mountain dew in japan and everywhere else in the world is like on a completely different level to the one in the us right like the one in japan when you have it it's like holy [ __ ] that's sweet right it's like straight up a lot of japanese japan yeah yeah let's sell the vending machines no i've never seen it yeah yeah they sell the vending machines 100 yeah mountain dew but the thing is that's the thing is it's not the same mountain dew as the one in america because yeah someone in the chat was saying like some of the ingredients in the american mountain do are like so like sweet and like potent that like yeah countries are just like uh no we're not putting them in a [ __ ] drink somebody said they went to a doritos tour in college and said that apparently it does taste infinitely better off the line oh my god i'm inclined is that almost that placebo now we need to go you've put this idea in my mind now you've put this idea in my mind i've i've realized i've gone 31 years of my life without tasting a fresh doritos we've got people go their entire lives doritos could you imagine you need to go to the factory one us one us bottle of mountain one u.s bottle of mountain dew uh has 67 grams of sugar in it do we have any donations joey yeah uh let's see please stop texting in the group chat my phone is going crazy [Laughter] let's see i'm i'm like getting turned on over here it's so close to it come on turn him on silence silence jesus christ smash the doritos what'd you do that's how the game is [Laughter] now i'm ready this is such a loud vibration hearing this we can all hear it so loud type something in the someone send something in the group chat so doritos did you just hear that was that loud enough for you guys i don't know just turn your phone on i don't want to hear how loud it is i i think people know what a vibrating phone sounds like [ __ ] loud vibration they can't hear [ __ ] you're so sad yeah it's all right we're on the metal device this is an american thing well smashing doritos and like sprinkling on stuff they do this with flaming hot cheetos i know there's like a pop-up restaurant opened up about um flaming hot cheetos yeah every dish had flaming hot cheetos incorporated in some way and apparently no it was like michelin star really it uh i'm an american navy veteran studying abroad in japan and i'll absolutely make your pb and j sammich connor i would love to i imagine there's no more american peanut butter and j sandwich than on like a military base that sounds like the mo like we shoot some guns and then in between we take baits out our pb and j and then i come out from like behind the curtains like ha i'm the one to spread the peanut butter and jelly connor how does it feel how does it feel i found the most american experience oh my god you didn't do it as a prank the pb and j prank we should do that we should do that oh let's see wait what is this is this like a british thing conor's thin mints take hertz more than lexington and concord [ __ ] is that i have no idea what a british thing lexington and concord i don't know what that is i have no idea what it is i'm sorry john johnson uh concord these nerds lexington and concord i don't know what that is oh it's okay it's it's uh it's a battle in the uh american revolutionary war yes let's all just repeat it yeah that's all individually and uh hates peanut butter but likes vegemite australia is truly upside down don't even [ __ ] bring that [Laughter] yeah we're kind of right though he kind of got a point there joe no no no i'm not even gonna entertain that vegemite is just like salted sewer paste bro you guys have mama you can't talk mama it's delicious it's the [ __ ] it's beta vegemite it's literally beta vegemite [Music] there's me and joey glitching again yeah uh we'd we both our brains were both like end it ended now right now you're in danger i'll be like end it before conor can speak once more watch how dare you end it connor you need to be taken to bed oh [ __ ] it'd be the boss with another 50 fresh hot cheetos would be awesome you're right you're in day right i'm thinking about this a lot now and i really want to go to the factory well okay you go wait do you need to go to the american factory and uh where is it where is the church because japanese doritos tastes like [ __ ] have you had them they don't taste good no you've had them right even japanese cheetos don't taste good japanese doritos are weak bro yeah i don't know why you talk about doritos or cheetos i like it yeah but i like the taco flavor but that's the only flavor i like it's barely a flavor though it's like no it's definitely flavor to bed man we need you to stop bro mute this man's mic it's like they're lightly seasoned why is he only somebody sneezed on like the whole line why is he on this show dude yeah oh he has to be corner all right anyways guys thanks for joining in uh what are we doing next week uh this is the streets i wish there was a clown juice oh the lyrics clown juice so next week uh we're doing another quiz this time we're doing a guess the lyrics quiz yeah so we're going to be talking about music so joey and you all fine and you will find out why uh this weekend yes because it came out of a conversation exactly even though you can probably guess what that conversation yeah yeah i wonder i won't know what it is i mean i've already talked about how i don't listen to lyrics so i'm [ __ ] i've been like unless it's like what if it's unless i mean if it's a song i don't know i'm also [ __ ] so who knows but uh all i'm looking forward to is conor's guesses sounds like dmca no it's not dmca because we are trying to get songs purely from the lyrics so there's no music playing no music the lyrics are going to be read out and we have to figure out what the song is yeah super easy yeah that's next week same time same place uh yeah and if you're watching this on youtube hey subscribe um and if you're not follow us on twitch yes that was it that was it i don't know what i felt like because because when you say the trash taste like outro normally it's a lot longer and then like if me and joey are going to be doing a jump king race yeah tomorrowland people have been telling us to do it we're finally going to do it yeah i'm also doing jump king tomorrow are you actually i'm doing a stream with ludwig where he's he's blindfolded and i'm directing him oh [ __ ] hell so we're jumping two jumping events happening tomorrow what time are you doing uh in the morning okay starting at like 11. oh okay so he's doing in the morning we're doing it in the evening damn so you can check out both all day jump kids all day long jumping all day all night jump kick and then you're watching yeah yeah exactly i think me and jogging is saying like seven-ish i reckon yeah something like that would tweet about it yeah we'll talk about it anyway who should we raid who's online who is online let's figure it out uh bean alert think of the five gift [Music] i've had way too much sugar is making a trash taste intro in after effects oh hell yeah let's rate him then yeah raiding mood on raiding man the myth the legend the machine new dawn mouse doesn't need any help mouse has got plenty of you guys so don't worry about it yeah go go check out go all right so we're going to send you guys to mood on go give him your love um and we'll see you guys tomorrow on our separate streams [Music]
Channel: Trash Taste After Dark
Views: 1,115,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trash Taste, Trash, Taste, Streams, Twitch, The Anime Man, Gigguk, CDawgVA, girl scout, cookies, american, japanese, rating, biscuits
Id: 9dZiDzhrvgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 43sec (7963 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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