Very Really Good #140: We'd Rather Die w/ Jacob Sharpe

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uh all right all right all right welcome welcome back to you what did you want to say something yeah welcome back everybody to to the very jacob good podcast dude you had one job what you said and you nailed it and you passed you had one job and you're promoted yep been practicing all month i mean i only told you about this like a week ago yeah but doesn't mean i can't practice [Music] just in the hopes i always that most of my day is actually practicing hanging out with my friends yeah you you practice all of our podcast intros it's uh really sad but practice makes perfect exactly well i mean not really because you messed it up but well practice makes uh pretty good i'm just gonna practice harder next month i guess [Music] um welcome back to the very really jacob podcast everyone this is the uh 140th episode that's a lot that's a lot that's a lot man and and we're and i thought the best way to celebrate because this is a monumental episode you know not a lot of not a lot of podcasts gets you 140. yeah the big one 400 as people like to say yeah it's sort of like the 27 club for podcasts it's either if you make if you can make it past 140 then you're you're good you're set so when you make i'm only 26. uh-oh you mean like you why yeah oh shrew me too yeah but oh you got a couple weeks uh left to go yeah well hold on is it 27 is when the celebrities like die when they're 27 yes so we're starting off we're starting off with a positive happy well i'm not i'm not a celebrity so it's fine yeah yet you're not a dead celebrity yet yeah if i die then i'm a deadly yeah exactly every dead person is a celebrity that's one of the upsides to do exactly fame yeah fame thinking your gravestone is fame yeah paparazzi at my grave yeah yeah no pictures please yeah i got these guys to dig a hole for me oh my god [Music] who's gone yeah uh guess who who do you think is calling me from the fifth time today yes it's i know there's i in in my new video he calls twice within like an hour of recording a video i know i like that that day we're all facetiming like like was it yesterday the day before yeah and then he it was like two hours later and i was like and he called me it's like buddy we just what happened what happened in the two hours oh it's so funny he he'll message me and he and uh he'll be like what are you doing and i'm like i don't know like working on stuff and he's like oh i'm like what oh did you want to talk we i just like i talked to you this morning yo what what else transpired what else did you do today in our locked down city yeah i mean yeah god bless him oh i love him just it's always a blast you know he's an absolute sometimes absolutely i'm just yeah he he faced on me last night when i was streaming and i had to be like sorry man i'm streaming and then it's like oh sorry i love being like a little pissed when someone's busy just because you guys because you're not busy yeah oh all right sorry [ __ ] hollywood over here jeez sorry are you a famous dead guy or something yeah what did you die at 27 and now you're famous because you got a rock with your name on it rock would you freaking know about it because you're yo you get to sleep forever now lucky that's like so long island dad to not want a gravestone that's not you think you're a b you think you're a big man you gotta rock with your name be humble don't let anyone know where you're where you're buried that's like those be a man tick tocks oh yeah yeah be a man be a man don't let it don't have a gravestone just die be a man don't let don't even let anyone know that you died don't have a funeral those are crazy oh that's so funny that's great um well thanks for being on the podcast jacob this is jacob i don't even know if i've introduced you everyone's listening this is my good friend jacob sharp he's uh we've been friends for years yep um i feel like the last time we did a podcast together uh you this it was pre pre-cancer the last time you were on mine i think yes that would have been the i think when we did the train can the tranquility yeah i think that was 120 something wow i think oh actually i think it was before the hundred episode i think you're right it might have been hold on let me just search let me just search training real quick get on your oh wow you're right it's number 76 it's it's been 70 episodes later 64 technically but basically 70. who's counting yeah well you super are you have to yeah i have to i have to be the one who happened true this is episode 140 but who's counting except for the chronological order that i place it in whatever except for me and almost everyone else listening but target that's very funny uh so yeah it's been yeah this is a year ago this was uh before coveted before kovid before cancer for cancer holy uh before before a lot of things i was it was in your apartment right i was wearing i was wearing a watch well you watch curtis that's an interesting curtis yeah i haven't had the need to wear one anymore sometimes you do normal like uh normal guy stuff like golf or wear a watch or have like a casual beer and it's super funny to me it's just it just makes me laugh when you're like yeah long day at work gonna have one beer gonna have one maybe two maybe two well you know it depends yeah two is the perfect amount three i just made a tick talk about this actually but i saw that very funny do it remember you know doula peep yeah have you seen that video no that wendy williams video no that sounds funny it's like her saying do do leap and she [Laughter] [Music] most things like uh i probably i i always get memes and internet stuff like a month late you think a month well yeah well it's like a lot of stuff probably like three or four it's probably a quarter you're a quarter off yeah my my quarterly meetings uh are always just just slightly behind i'm constantly i'm constantly lagging yeah you're in your quarterly meme things your your meme meetings you're you're a quarterback meme's quarterback um that'd be a great magazine that would be memes quarterly it rams up all the memes for the quarters pictures of [ __ ] carl weiser i would subscribe to that magazine 100 memes quarterly yeah it's not online either it's like a [ __ ] we mail it to you yeah well they and they strictly do not do online because they're trying to get into the uh yeah the printed media memes are severely lacking in the print media sphere exactly they're trying to get into the newspaper game where a couple of industry disruptors if we did that dude that was like the worst when i was sorry but when i was working at a ink box yeah no shade ink box but dude startup culture is oh it's something else they use they use the dumbest words i think anyone's ever used like industry industry disruptors like is like a common thing or it's like someone made like a like a bidet or something like yeah just like people's like didn't just really weren't on that [ __ ] wet ass game these guys just like weren't on spraying water in your [ __ ] after you [ __ ] and that's why we're disrupting the industry to clean asses i well like i don't know why like tech bros and like like stock bros like try to make that cool like yeah using that lingo and stuff like it's just so funny to be like to think that a startup business is the same as like i don't know like being a vigilante they think it's like the same as like being batman like it's really cool yeah yeah like it's the like they'd write a comic book about a guy named [ __ ] yep we're just dressed in or something we're disrupting the industry it's a dirty job but someone's got to do it yeah they all talk like batman too yeah that'd be really funny your starting salary is 20k we have to but we have oreos in the kitchen we have to short these stocks where are the stocks dude [ __ ] big short if christian bale talked like [ __ ] batman in it the whole time if he just if he was just bruce wayne but if he was just wearing the big short yeah he's dressed like batman but he's a stock genius doctor batman because he's a doctor i mean the big the big short is already a great movie but if christian bale's character was [ __ ] it was straight up batman if it was made by christopher nolan like every two seconds yeah like when if like when uh steve carell said something serious it just went [Music] [Laughter] i uh why so serious about the stock market that's very funny well hey fletcher's heath ledgers or rip or if uh man if steve carell played bain but it was still like holy [ __ ] like this i want to show it everything he owns the stock market i think is there not a stock market scene in dark knight rises oh yeah he walks into the like the stock exchange yeah and he dirt bikes out yeah bay's [ __ ] sick he is he's [ __ ] epic i i always forget because whenever i think of the batman trilogy i'm just like i only think of the dark knight but i forget how sick of a movie the dark knight rises is a lot of people didn't like it a lot of people hated it but i loved it i thought it was awesome i loved it a lot it was [ __ ] yeah it was sick tom hardy you got joseph gordon levitt dude yeah it's it's a star-studded cast anne hathaway i thought it was a great catwoman oh she's great uh she's a terrific actor and i like that bane because it's less cartoony like you remember the band where he's like like in the the he's got like tubes on yeah like which is like i guess more true to the comic books but they just made him like dumb yeah which he's not supposed to be but like he's a big dumb idiot like to me that in that movie bane seems like uh the monster energy drink of like a villains yeah just yeah cause it's like and the green stuff it does look like the green it looks like it's mountain it's mountain dew essentially that's what it looks like exactly it's mountain dew original yeah none of this code red nonsense it's mountain dew you know vanilla not as vanilla flavored but like plain plain yeah mountain dew vanilla sounds disgusting oh my god also okay mount as we're pretty awesome as it is i know we're rambling a lot but i d i you got me to talk about mount thinking about mountain dew yeah and uh it's so good mountain dew is [ __ ] it's so good oh it's insane it's it's stupid how good it is and it pisses me off that the only restaurant that really endorses it is taco bell but it it makes sense because yeah both are pr are poi are poison but both are so [ __ ] good right together it's yeah two wrongs do make a right in that in that sense i would never also it's funny that it's funny that you said they're the only place that endorses it like it's yeah like they've done some sort of [ __ ] up thing in the past like that no no one talks about the dark past of mountain dew no one talks about mountain dew had a rough had a rough period in the 70s and 80s yeah we don't talk about it what mountain of what mountain did [Laughter] the mountain do's and don'ts oh man we're off to a great start already [ __ ] 15 minutes in i haven't talked about anything but it's all good to the amount to all the people who are left who are still listening thank you to all the people who immediately clicked clicked off it's okay i get it thank you thank you i thank you for your honesty i mean i don't think people listening this podcast are expecting a structured thing so it's all good good um i think that's it's like that's the bad thing if you have like a really high quality podcast then you have to consistently do that that's why but if you that's why i start low sorry go ahead i was just saying if you start low you can only really go oh yeah it's no matter what it's it's you can only climb the mountain dew it's all it's all up the mountain mountain dew from now on it's all up to mountain dew yo with that mountain dew though yeah what that mountain dude yo um so um oh could we who can we start with oh what do you think about this um we think this whole covert thing huh uh [Music] i don't know jury's still not thinking about it haven't made evan haven't come to a conclusion yet still thinking about what i think it's been a year and a half uh maybe by next year i'll have it i'll have a firm stance yeah but come back to me in a year yeah and i'll have something to say on that yeah i don't know sad what are the sad but this uh this new uh this new lockdown at the announcement yeah it's awesome don't you love it it's pretty yeah it's pretty awesome i think because because you know you know how because we've been doing that for like a year oh yeah and cases are like still going up cases are still going up and uh and uh our premier thinks that he's friends with everybody yeah when that's just not the case right yeah it's it's literally nothing more condescending than someone who is just like actively like not you know making life any easier for anybody and for him to start every speech with like friends homies squad well for for a grown man to to be [ __ ] us this much and then to refer to us as a friend kind of hurts yeah if you're gonna if you're gonna [ __ ] us this hard we're more i think we're more than friends doug you've come over you're constantly over [ __ ] me yeah so what are we what are we yeah don't don't you keep leaving me on red yeah yeah yeah and and you eat all my food you constantly use my shower i i'm starting to think that you're just using me yeah that's what it seems like you're not paying any rent no you're in my house you're living with me you've never let me over to your apartment i'm starting to think do you even have an apartment are you keeping us a secret yeah doug doug so you know there's an analogy for that entire situation yeah i don't i don't i don't i don't i don't like it yeah i mean i haven't seen you since maybe november yeah it's this is it's it's been december january every march yeah it's almost half a year cool without hanging out and and and in that time of not seeing each other hospitals uh are are getting more and more people in the icu so that's cool that it's working it's yes it's good that it's for something yeah exactly i don't know i i feel like i always talk about this at the top of all my podcasts because it's so [ __ ] frustrating it's and it's a huge bummer and i you know it's yeah because it's like every day you see it's like how at the beginning of the the pandemic we were all like canada was like dude we're crushing it oh yeah america's blowing it's so hard and now it's like seeing them like cases are going down people are back to like normal [ __ ] um it's like it's like seeing like that you're like bully like get like make out with like your crush you're like oh yeah they're not supposed to that's supposed to be me yeah well yeah yeah that's that is that is 100 like yeah the crush is uh being back to normal right normal life and and we were like we were really building up the courage to ask out our crush right we were we were just about and we told the states we told the states like i'm gonna ask them out and they were like that sounds like a great idea yeah and then you know we took we we we were sick for one day and we missed school and then all of a sudden you come back to school and they're together i was gone for one i told you i loved her i had one tummy ache i stay home in one tummy i only missed a half day i call i had to call my mom to come pick me up hey i just don't want to be at school today you're missing a half day you remember missing half days just getting picked up yeah like a couple hours couldn't just tough it out tough it out for [ __ ] social studies i just mom i just have to go home i just i don't feel very good also i feel like i don't know if it was like just me convincing myself that i was sick but i feel like i had way more tummy aches when i was a kid like now i'm just like if my stomach hurts i'm like okay well i guess i did something to cause yeah well probably because i had eggs and hot sauce and no [ __ ] coffee as soon as i woke up well looks like i'm gonna have to tough that out today and just deal with the farts yeah exactly looks like i'm gonna have to apologize when i fart in front of real people but as a kid i was like this is enough to shut down the day whoops yeah this is uh you don't know and i definitely uh i definitely lied yep i probably made my my stomach works oh okay here uh i probably made your stomach worse my stomach yeah my my stomach works the fireworks that were going off of my stomach my stomach yes i made them a lot worse i for sure because i was like i would rather go home and watch movies and uh yeah cause this sucks because i hate this the best part about uh or not the best part the most fascinating part about staying home from school was like the shows they play on tv i'm like cable during the day seeing why tv's lineup kids are watching or like the disney channel slash if you're canadian the family channel family channel uh yeah the the programming midday on like a tuesday it like it's such a bummer like it's wrong because uh it's all the shows you hate and you almost are like [ __ ] i'm i think i'd rather be at school but then you'll just tough it out like all right maybe i'll watch this [ __ ] this uh this show about a band named weasel yeah sure isn't it awesome when you ask internet providers if this uh if this is if if this is a good setup and if this is going to be a good connection and if it won't you know and you tell them i i do this sort of thing uh for a living and i i i don't like it when it cuts out and they say yeah and then you give them money and then it [ __ ] cuts out everything every single time what a treat yeah i uh i street every time i stream it [ __ ] cuts out like crazy oh and uh because it it's annoying because spend so much money yep you know to get the and to be like oh and to be sure this is the best i can get right and they're like yep this is the best you can get and you're like okay great i can't wait for it to experience that and you give them money every month mm-hmm oh yes not just once no every month and then sometimes every single month and then sometimes they uh you you call them and you go hey why isn't this working i just gave you money and they go did you try unplugging it what no no i actually actually didn't did that why if it's plugged in it should be working all the time right that's my dude that's what grinds my gears about technology it should just work me too because if did it forget that it was plugged in did it forget right because that's yeah we can i mean like technology essentially like cured the cancer in your head but at the same time it can't you can't have a steady wi-fi connection for like an hour could you imagine if halfway through my my radiation treatments like while i'm strapped to the bed in this like mask that i just hear a radio technician on the phone being like no yeah i tried that already it's not working yeah so wait you said i gotta turn it off and on again that's it and it should work mr sharp just give us one second just give us a second we forgot the password for getting the password to my cancer treatments yeah we had it we had a lot some other guy like renewed it we had it locked up in an external password vault and they forgot to log into that and that's you guys that's what happens when you get the new guys in you die and you're like hold on you die can i have the seasoned vets here yeah can we just uh can this just not happen so yeah yeah the my internet going out is the exact same as if my cancer treatments just stopped yeah it's the exact same exact consequences are the exact same i do that all the time now i will relate to my cancer to just about anything it's now the only thing i i think i have personality wise something i'm going i mean it's it's fair i mean it's a pretty traumatic thing life-altering thing that you went through so i feel like it's only fair to sort of relate everything back to it yeah exactly even if people just ask me how i'm doing and i go well i just have five [ __ ] answers you're gonna regret asking [Laughter] you're gonna want to stop talking to me oh you made a mistake you made a mistake you definitely made it you made a big mistake no don't even listen to the podcast just uh i'll tell you right now right from the dirty [ __ ] horse's mouth oh that's so funny you were you were asking me though do i have any guilty pleasures tv show wise guilty tv show pleasures either now or when you were younger uh you like watched a lot you really liked me just didn't tell anybody i don't i don't i definitely have like guilty pleasure like well this is i i know i watched dragon tales way too late in my life okay i know that like we at one point in my life but like we just had like bunny ears and i was like maybe i was like like a pre-teen like like i was like 11. and i only got tvo kids and i got really into dragon tales and uh i mean of all kids shows to get i mean that's like probably the most like mature one yeah to get stoked yeah uh i but like so i only had only having access to like tvo kids i i think like those were my guilty pleasures just because like it was all i could watch uh but right later in life when i was like 14 i saw the mario the super mario bros movie on family channel and i've seen the live action action one yep you know yeah you know exactly what i'm talking about where they made yoshi disgusting yeah and the goombas are terrible they're so scary uh and i think oh wait no maybe maybe yoshi hold on let me just search this because i think i maybe have this wrong okay but uh yoshi super mario bros oh i have to specify a movie i just typed in yoshi i was gonna say but then they also there's a character that's just straight up like like a burly woman i think ah maybe i'm wrong who's that supposed to be i can't remember peach no no no who else is like there is hardly any women in this super mario no i know it's it's a super weird the only other princess like girl i could think of is like daisy me too i don't know why i'm maybe i'm yo mario's king mario's [ __ ] canceled bro is he well now because they only got one girl yeah true only in daisy they're like sure here's this girl with no backstory who is she who is daisy yeah i've never seen daisy's backstory in a game she doesn't even have her own game right they're just like well we need a brunette yeah we need another white shirt or another white princess yeah for like double dash they were like fine we'll add one more yeah and then and not even that they added also like baby peach they're just like well how about a smaller version of the one we already have well there can't be any other any other characters we just need a small a smaller version yeah which is well daisy was in some n64 games i think she was in mario party okay and mario party two and three and three and probably four and five and six was she in seven or eight no oh okay she got fired oh why she [ __ ] waluigi oh you can't [ __ ] waluigi you can't [ __ ] waluigi no as much as we all want as much as we're all the golden rules we're all foaming at the mouth for some while luigi snooze i hate all men but when he wow oh that's funny uh you should make that maybe maybe i will probably uh oh my camera stopped recording oh great but yeah uh the super mario bros movie was definitely a guilty pleasure of mine i've seen i've i've seen that's a lot that's a good answer whenever and because obviously it would always be on late night family channel because they needed some sort of programming right and it was on a lot and i watched it every time i had the chance that's so funny but yeah i i uh that reminds me i had a friend named joshua when i was a kid and he was famous super religious did he go by josh or joshua josh okay because you know religious this is this is in one of your videos i remember oh yeah yeah yeah so this is who i was talking about but this is another story about joshua i went over to his house one day for the first time and i was like uh i think it was like dinner time around that time like right before so i was like yo let's watch ytv i think uh like i think yu-gi-oh is on or something yu-gi-oh beyblade pokemon you know heck i'd even take metabots or bakugan you know yeah any of those i was like let's watch one of those shows he's like dude no i i'm not allowed and i was like what do you mean you're not allowed and he was like my i only i'm only able to watch tvo kids and i remember being so [ __ ] confused i was like what why how do you live like this damn [ __ ] you live like this that's so funny like i mean for a kid like uh i'm sure for a kid like you you kind of got a little pissed absolutely i did because you were like a lot of people you were probably like well that doesn't make sense because my house i get to do that so why the [ __ ] is i get to do that yeah literally yeah and then i was like so baffled and then they like got mad at me for eating my spaghetti before they said grace it was like a whole it was a whole thing wow and that that probably you were like can we just eat you yeah i was like food's literally right in front of me correct me if i'm wrong but you seem like the kind of kid who would use uh who would call kids a baby as an insult you're a baby yeah you're a little baby you're being you're being a baby yeah i for sure did that for sure but it's only because older kids would say that to me on my street oh so this i had to continue the cycle of violence so you because you grew up in a in in the type of small town where you had kids on the street like not like yeah it was like not like kids on the street you mean like street kids yeah kids no like uh like like where you would have like they all sold newspapers they all talked in like uh you know what's that accent called that's something atlanta was gonna say the chimney sweep accent when kids were all chimneys holy [ __ ] you know what what is oh the transatlantic accent is that what it's called i have no clue man the transatlantic i wouldn't i wouldn't fact check with me because i just said the chimney sweep accent i mean that is a good name for it yeah the transatlantic accent is like you know how people in old movies are like i say you know you ever ever touched a boo yeah these trains transatlantics who are always talking about like touching boobs or selling newspapers [Laughter] uh so yeah but you you grew up in a in a in like you had like if you wanted to go over to your buddies house you would go like knock on their door be like is so and so home oh yeah it'd take me less than a minute to get over there and i'd not be like can i play is connor here can i play with him and i'd i'd be we'd be on the street playing two minutes or even if he wasn't there would you just be like can i just come play with his toys then yeah can i just can i just play his n64 again uh he has a game i don't have uh yeah uh he's further in zelda he beat the one level in ocarina of time that i can't beat i can't figure it out i want to make a [ __ ] major's mask just just please let me [ __ ] just let me in your house oh my god uh but because i i i grew up in a small town where you lived like like a solid 10 minute drive away from like your friend's house that's crazy so like if you want like you would have to call make plans and then get an adult to drive you over you could there it wasn't like be home before the street lights are on it's like we're gonna pick you up at four wow so it was like like you were an adult because that's how like adults hang out yeah you make plans you go there you have a set time it's probably gonna i gotta get home i had like because i got i had like a rolodex of how of like home phone numbers of my of my friends that i would be like so we're hanging out tuesday like like making plans because yeah like an assistant yeah and people were like yeah just uh you know i just walked over to my best friend's house and i'm like you walked to your friend's house all right you're crazy and that would take hours that would take you all day what a waste of time yeah that's so interesting i've never thought yeah i guess i had it i had a pretty i think i was pretty spoiled in that sense i had like all my best friends like lived on the same street yeah but like and we're only best friends because we lived on it i feel like that's like a pretty universal experience though for like most people like growing up in like like suburbs or whatever for sure yeah i guess it's like the but for us for us [ __ ] us hard-working folk you uh white collar oh wait no blue is it blue collar blue collar yeah yeah yeah blue color yeah blue color comedy yeah get her done you might be a you might be a redneck should we just if you listen to blue collar should we just become should we just try to join the the blue collar comedy tour i'm down i mean there's definitely an audience there is do you think i have a huge audience the humongous audience they are very popular you you have to have like a mustache which you can do you already pretty much have to do it too i can pretty much anyone who says you can't is a liar and they're jealous and they have no sense of good of good fish of good upper lip hair thank you so everyone everyone leave curtis's face alone please ass yeah uh and you just have to be like a little bit racist if you're on the blue collar comedy oh i don't think it's a little bit buddy oh i don't think they're a little bit racist well i mean yeah on the surface it's a little bit but once you dig down a little bit anyone named anyone named ron white for sure doesn't get other cultures yeah their last name is white and your first name is ron you kidding me wrong ron is wrong the name ron is more white than than than white that's not the whitest part of his name it's rod why it isn't the whitest part they get [ __ ] baptized in mountain dew hell yeah um okay we gotta i'm gonna change the subject real quick we're gonna take a left turn so i gotta press my change the subject sound all right so favorite rock band tell me favorite what is it like is that like a genuine like question like in like in i mean in like like yeah like a straight up rock rock rock and roll [ __ ] no one's really asked me that before yeah that's why they so i'm paying the big bucks yeah exactly your big podcast the hot and heavy questions yeah favorite rocket roll well yeah when i'm when i'm when i'm cracking miller lights with the other neighborhood dads in the shed we usually i'd say some def leopard i can i can get down with some def leppard okay that's a good answer what about you what's yours my favorite rock band has gotta be nickelback nickelback um and i this i'm not being ironic i'm not trying to be silly or you're not freaking edgy you're not goofing on me you're not pulling one of these no i'm being dead ass i'm not going to end up in one of your skits uh well that's we'll see okay i'll watch what i say i guess i do love nickelback seriously they make really fun you know just to you can just turn the brain off rock out yeah um and it takes a certain type of person to be the front man of a band like that oh absolutely could you imagine what it takes to be the lead singer of like [ __ ] buck cherry or whatever yeah or hinder yeah dude um okay can you see my screen thank you thank you for sharing um no problem you can just have that we can you know just give it back to me whenever that's good um so we're gonna look up a little uh a snippet of uh a little little chad kroger snippet that i found that is very fun and i think you'll get a real kick out of it oh is i oh i'm excited because uh chad kroger is uh a variant yeah you're right he's a very interesting man he's a canadian he's a fellow canadian right which is great um so there's this uh a few years ago um rolling stone put out an article um interview with five seconds this summer it was when they were like just getting popular when they were talking about underwear and yes okay yeah um yeah they're hit song check out that underwear brand name underwear we can't get enough of it by five seconds of summer my favorite song by them is fruit of the lord uh but they did an interview with them and they i briefly spoke about their time uh when they were songwriting when they're you know in the studio with chad kroger yeah um so let's i'll just read it to you uh oh i see five sauce are also big creed and nickelback fans um i think australians are just naturally addicted to cockrock says hood uh because i [ __ ] love it the band even did a co-writing session with chad kroger recently but it didn't work out it was just a [ __ ] nickelback song says irwin um and then i'll skip down a little bit at the end of the day uh he chad kroger was like [ __ ] i feel stressed um he's like jack kroger then says you guys ever look up [ __ ] on the internet uh oh we're like what type of [ __ ] oh he's like he chad kroger in response says girl stuff like hot girls dancing hold on and then so chad kroger goes on youtube and types in the search bar hot chicks dancing and they all sat there watching hot chicks dancing it was such a creepy dad on the internet move no way that is a real thing that chad kroger it is the most chad krueger thing that anybody could do oh my aside from being in nickelback and being genuine and having you know and having hair that looks like crinkle cut fries this is girl's dance hot girls dancing and showing it to a bunch of younger men yeah you guys ever look up [ __ ] on the internet like whoa man well like that's so funny because it just shows you that like like hey old guys there's like way more stuff you guys oh yeah it's like it's it's like uh old men on the internet have the same curiosity as like some kid in like grade four in like their computer lab cast classes literally like it's like when you google like butt or i i was i was i was thinking about this the other day i i once googled the word nude and then i and then i closed it right away i got way too scared too scared yet but like yeah they haven't they have that same curiosity where they're just like what happens if i type in boob right because they have the same familiarity level with the internet oh yeah as a child yeah because he's like speaking that like he's the way chad kroger mentions the internet is like these guys aren't aware of it yeah like they don't know about the internet i'm about to give these young men boners yeah i'm gonna put you on to some crazy [ __ ] hot girls things it does not get raunchier than this anywhere on the internet i've been uh i'm a bit of a tech guy so you know i know my way around you know you guys ever go on the dark web and look up hot girls dancing that's so funny i love that so much i had to i had to talk thank you for sharing that that's insane i love that like that they tried to write a song and it didn't work and that jack kroger was like wow there's only one other thing to do look up hot girls dancing well to it's funny because they said that the song was just another nickelback song so chad probably really liked the song so just to celebrate he was like well fellas i got something crazy we could do and he was and he was so stressed about how successful the song was going to be [ __ ] i'm stressed i'm [ __ ] stressed the idea of being we got to look up some hot girls dancing that's the only thing that put that that's the only thing that relaxes me yeah you guys go for smoke breaks outside some people listen to ocean sounds i watch videos of hot girls dancing on youtube i actually hired two hot girls to just kind of dance around me at all times good night good night chad good night i hate my life i uh i'm not i'm not surprised at all that that's that's a that's a real thing no that is so on character it's insane it's very on brand yeah in character sorry um and okay actually if we could say talking about uh music actually okay um we're gonna move on a little bit to another sort of current event thing that's kind of happening okay um you know uh you know tick-tock right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um so we all know there's a bunch of artists who are you know you can you can pretty much get like super famous from being on tick tock if you have a if you have a song that goes viral you got a little dance to it you know it's game over thing you want to make it as a musician get people to get people grooving get people dancing people grooving yeah so then especially if you're a hot girl and then check sure if you want to try kroger to listen to your music you got to be a hot girl don't be a hot girl dancing um yeah dude if chad kroger ever found a found out about take talk his head would not split he would freak out it's the whole app yeah but wait hold on hold on [ __ ] what does five sauce know about this i gotta tell me guys he calls five six five five seven like three am in a cold sweat guys guys you're not gonna believe this app no stress no more uh five seconds of summer morning five seconds of summer more like 60 seconds of heaven chad kroger as a therapist have you tried watching hot girls dancing now i know you're having trouble getting out of bed well maybe this will happen oh that's funny um so i don't know if you're familiar with this or this is popped up on your for you page but there's a new band okay that's sort of pop popping off on tick tock for all the wrong reasons um they're called uh [ __ ] stamps okay i don't know have you heard of them obviously not buddy you had i recently had to ask you what poggers meant so i don't think i know what [ __ ] stamp is okay i'll show you what they look like this is this is them oh okay oh i think they have a song uh about uh uh i'm not gonna date you because you're a shitty guy yes okay you're you're sort of on track you have a rough understanding yeah i have been on tv talk a few times okay so this is uh this is this is them this is the band they're going um pretty popular uh tic toc for their song it's called i'd rather die whoa um pretty pretty crazy title right um so i thought you know it'd be fun i do this sometimes in my podcast where we do lyric breakdown we go through the lyrics of the song and uh we sort of goof on it i'm very down um so we got the genius page open right here okay uh it's called i'd rather die by [ __ ] stamps produced by this is important produced by paige blue and carol bay i'm not sure that is but page blue is one of the uh the members of the band now is is care is carol bay a a pun on caribou but with bay i really hope not because oh carol bay as the is the pink haired one and paige blue is the blue-haired one obviously because you know okay you know now i'm now now i'm starting to really understand it the album is called we got drunk and made an ep which uh okay okay super cool um dude that sounds like a [ __ ] youtube like yeah that sounds like that sounds like clickbait i got drunk and made an ep i got drunk gone wrong emotional got drunk yeah sure okay so the first verse um i can't remember the last time i slept with someone i actually liked and he went down on me okay okay i can't i can't recall the memory of someone driving home and not asking for a [ __ ] you you um okay that's sure that's fine you know oh yeah you're you're having bad you know sexual encounters with people that's unfortunate that can be frustrating and fellas you know fellas uh are known for being pieces of crap and doing stuff like that yeah you know since you drive a girl home you get to ask you for a [ __ ] not true that's not it's not accurate whatsoever right um so and that's fine that's all that's i don't really have any issue with that yeah but this is where things start to go a little downhill okay is in the chorus um i'd rather die than hook up with another straight white guy i'd rather die than fake it like i'm having a good time i'd rather die than spend the night with another ryan or matthew or john yeah i'd rather die die die die die we're over and i okay and i what and i um so this is this will be funnier this this course in particular would be very funny when i show you something later on okay so just remember that well i'm just um now we go sorry just a side note two things you made an album when you were drunk that's how most albums ever have been made that's like it very famously do people do drugs and alcohol to make albums number two i'd rather die die die die die obviously you were drunk what goes good here die die die die six times i'd rather die die die all of our hair that's different colors um okay verse two let's it's a very short song so we'll be done soon but verse two um i don't know how you think we're gonna [ __ ] when you can't get it up i'm sick of hearing it's the alcohol uh and when you're finally in the mood it lasts like one or two seconds and then you're done and want a spoon i mean come on [ __ ] so yeah that's holy troubling in a sense because it's like and there are people getting pretty mad at them for this verse because it's like it's like the implication of like you're only hooking up with this person when they're [ __ ] up yeah right and i'm sick of hearing you're too [ __ ] drunk to have sex with me all right that's that's enough figure it out you shut up you shouldn't be really saying that i don't want to hear it okay yeah you're never too drunk i don't i don't love the sentiment of shut up get hard yeah and then at the same right earlier they were like talking about how they don't want to be you know essentially assaulted yeah of course you know and then the and the in the verse two just a verse later they're like i am only going to have sex yeah a verse later they're like you're not that drunk yeah like holy [ __ ] holy moly holy moly um yeah and it's like okay yeah we'll keep moving and then the bridge um i'm just saying it's not fair to leave me hanging like this i'm just saying it's not fair to leave me hanging like this okay chorus i'd rather die i'd rather die than hook up with another straight white guy rather die than fagal i can have a good time i'd rather die than spend the night with another kyle or spencer or rob or michael or jason or charlie or jackson or henry or stephen or conor or chad those are the real lyrics man okay uh yeah i'd rather die die die die die we're over an uh okay yeah i'll all kill or no holy moly just um i mean like man just naming white fellas [Music] just naming guys just naming people with like with names like that's that's crazy to me yeah there's no people of color named kyle or spencer rob and michael and jason it's only it's only white guys are allowed to be named rob [Music] um what it's so weird man so there's they've been like a bunch of backlash and there's like this whole theory how they're like industry plants if you're familiar with that term oh yeah like so yeah there have there's this whole theory how like um because each of these girls in the band have tried like their own solo career and they're kidding me carabay tried to go solo and let me show you uh what paige looked like just pretty recently okay paige blue who was producing this song who said i'd rather die than hook up with another straight white guy they are married she they're married to a way and also like the whitest guy yeah the white has got four years of marriage with yeah so like four years of marriage in 2017. so they've been together for what a [ __ ] live laugh love photo oh my god like happily married dude the photo with the dog dude they're playing [ __ ] what game is that playing crib they're playing crib in the park i'd rather die than [ __ ] another white guy but i would love i would absolutely love to have a picnic and play crib with another white guy yeah that's so punk dude this is this is punk is funny i don't think this is anti-white man i think this is just this is pro crib this song [Laughter] i bro i just can't imagine like you have a your girlfriend imagine if like eilish was in like a rock band and she was like i'd rather die than have sex with my [ __ ] boy like whoa are you serious babe you'd rather die you'd rather die jesus christ ouch i don't know if i i don't know if i want to go through with this i think i sort of made a mistake my god i did talk about true colors i'm kind of well i'm kind of i'm angry i i i waited for marriage um but i i'm trying to find their because they had an apology video of apology post of course for their song i just i can't i can't get over the the amount of times that they just name names yeah like that's ridiculous that's crazy also there's also another theory that like this band [ __ ] stamps is uh they're running their own stan account which is a power move for sure that's um hey whoa so this well i'm starting to understand i'm starting to understand you guys might have blown it right here literally they said they were talking about the band uh this this stan account was talking about the band it says they were harassed by trolls spreading misinformation and forced to remove the sound from tick tock because their sound was taken down oh and then the person responded said no i'm asking where they're located at like is the band from new york or something and the stan account said we are currently located in tennessee wow oh you fumbled it well oops guys well hey guys you blew it and how like it's it's also obvious to me to just put stan [ __ ] stamps in your like as your name yeah like just just to do that alone is like it's it's it's just too obvious right it's too yeah like we we know man to go we or to to say they uh that this happened to them and then be like we are here we are here we're right we are we're the band this is us we stand ourselves there's nothing illegal about standing yourself you show me the law show me the [ __ ] law show me the [ __ ] law [ __ ] fine i'd rather die than see that i'd rather die than not stand myself um so yeah there's been a lot of backlash so they uh they posted a text post on their instagram cool okay here um they started it with high [ __ ] so that's a good oh wow well i'm glad uh i'm glad you're taking this seriously tramp's dancing hi [ __ ] [ __ ] stamps here also don't dude don't go [ __ ] stamps in bold here and then period yeah i think we could have used an explanation point here [ __ ] stance here hi [ __ ] imagine like james charles and his apology video was like that hi [ __ ] yeah in his what oh what i dm'd an underage kid sorry this is my millionth video about saying sorry man um okay well okay this yeah i already missed our nation life i'm trying to see uh so they dispute the whole thing about how they're uh um not an industry plant and then at this part it says as soon as we started sending these songs around just about every label a r was wanting us to sign with them which is interesting because like how do you have these contacts at these [ __ ] major label right yeah not the average person can just send the song to like universal and they'll be like oh okay like it's not that easy no it'll it you could but they won't they won't listen to it they're not gonna listen no yeah you think every [ __ ] label is just like oh finally like finally someone's sending music yeah like we haven't been sent to tape since the 50s finally [ __ ] crazy there's been no music since then we're running out of music um so that's like a they pretty much shot themselves in the foot right there because it's like you can't say that you're not you know like an industry plan or at least like with help from the industry by saying like well we send all our contacts at these these major labels and they wanted to sign us oh my god um so apparently marissa had some racist tweets um in the past one of the members had racist tweets when they were 15. which is like you know they're younger they can move on i'm not you know yeah i'm not i can't really forgive them because i'm sure it wasn't offensive to right it wasn't like directed at me you know like i can't forgive that right um if they said like the n word or something yeah so um but they just said this language is not true to the person she is today nor does she or the bank condone that language in eight years people grow up and change no apology yeah just really more of a small justification to be honest yeah now let's talk about the race of swedes and then it says shall we move on to ageism oh my god okay enough i mean the racist is whatever the ageism i oh yeah that's the realest all right i didn't mean it i'm not sorry i didn't mean it anyways can we move on to something that really pissed us off [Laughter] they're really grinding our game yes oh my god what's that uh what's that lion king community it's like i can excuse racism racism but i draw the line at animal cruelty and then she's like you can excuse racism um our oldest member is 29 years old and that's for sure the married one yeah for sure there there was another photo of her i don't think i i saved it but it was her on like a on like a dirt bike oh oh there was a tick tock of it oh yeah oh my yeah oh my dude i i'm i'm i'm not much of a conspiracy guy but i'm in on the the the industry plan because like yeah it's like as soon as they started the band all of them like dyed their hair their roots are the exact same length they died at the same time like it's like we got to be punk we gotta appeal to young kids i'm 29 let's sing about prom dude and there's nothing less punk than a [ __ ] snowmobile i'm sorry dude crib crib and snowmobile now yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna get an actual [ __ ] stamp of a crib board and a snowmobile [Laughter] that's crazy um yeah so that's i wanted to talk about them because the whole thing is just so fascinating and i like i'd like to think that like i don't oh wait uh i don't think that like whenever i see things about industry plants i'm like that's that's weird that's silly like people are like freaking out about billy eilish before how she's an industry plant but i'm like maybe she's she's just a great artist yeah well the billy irish one um i don't think she's an industry plant that one doesn't add up for me no uh but maybe i'm being biased because i'm a fan of hers but this one and if unless someone showed me a photo of billy eilish on a snowmobile then i'd go ah you know what [ __ ] maybe yeah yeah if you've ever been on a snowmobile you're an industry plant yeah that's what we've learned yeah you can't hold on everybody dying your hair and driving a snowmobile listen uh no that that that's wild yeah i i think it's very funny that they're still like they're not even like like they're really digging themselves as a whole by starting an apology with hey [ __ ] yeah well like i that to me that feels like it was written by like uh like an industry person like someone like that like to be like you know what's so punk if you guys don't really say sorry if you guys don't give a [ __ ] that'll throw them off the scent that's like yeah i'm in a sp and i'm wearing a sports coat right now so i would know yeah you know and yeah you know what would be great maybe uh i have an idea for a song i'm a white guy i think you guys should make fun of white guys i don't know that's just me ever ever heard about that yeah i'm pretty i'm an industry distressed yeah yeah [ __ ] um well what time what do we have like an hour holy do you want to do some oh i usually wrap it up but do you want to do some advice really quick together i would love to do some advice in this [ __ ] hell yeah i uh yeah that all right i'm i'm still in shock with that that that band all right let's do a let's do a little palette cleanser all right um we'll give you some advice damn i need a jingle for my advice [Music] for my advice for my advice segment oh it's lit um all right so this is the advice segment we're tag teaming me and jacob um i will preface this um we're not professionals no uh people send in advice and we do our best because we're you know we like to help out and um i don't know we try our best yeah so this first one we're gonna keep the names anonymous this one is from billy crystal oh um i love your work yeah i wonder what he needs help [Music] hey curtis before i start i just want to thank you for giving me something to look forward to every week okay thank you thank you um but anyway i'm a male in grade 11 who got involved in his first relationship this year wow we have been dating for just over four months but she has become quite distant i asked her what was wrong and she is quite scared of commitment and is very hesitant to continue our relationship however even though she doesn't want to continue dating she still wants to maintain a sexual relationship so like friends with benefits basically um i mean i really like this girl and as far as i know she really likes me or still really likes me a big part of me wants to try and move past this problem with her and continue dating on the other hand as a horny teenager uh a relationship that is purely sexual sounds like the [ __ ] dream so should i fight for the relationship with this girl or live the dream of many boys my age where i don't have to worry about the responsibilities that come from relationship but still get sex whenever i want it i am very conflicted and your perspective would be very much appreciated thanks dude cool this is a this is a a good question it's very interesting i think my first uh thought is it can be very uh tough if you s i mean i i've never really experienced that but i mean like if you're still have feelings for someone yeah and you're just in a strictly like sexual relationship it's going to be it's going to be very difficult to stop feeling those feelings yeah uh that's a tough one i i i would say it's all up to like comfortability i guess and like this is actually a pretty mature situation absolutely for for someone in grade 11 yeah like i like wow uh i mean it's definitely like you know relationships come and go and you know it uh it's especially high school relationships but like man you're kind of stumping me like i would say like go with like i like this is this is the type of thing where i would assume communication is like really really important like you know if you were to continue a sexual relationship like like and i don't know what the right answer there is like you know that's that's more up to like your guys's comfortability and like what you would really like uh what you want uh but like yeah like and communicating on that being like you know i feel comfortable doing that or i don't feel comfortable doing that or i feel comfortable if we do if we you know do this or like that's that's just something you know sex is tough yeah but it is like it is something that like you have especially with something like that like that has to be talked about i think absolutely and it's tough because it's like once if you stop dating and sort of move to just like a physical relationship or just a sexual one or whatever it's like that's sort of a breakup in itself and then if one person wants to stop that's like another breakup in itself too so it's like it's weird it's like you have to go through it like twice essentially yeah especially if you like the person well and that's the thing it's like and you know i'm sure it'll be tough like you know you don't want to be suppressing feelings for somebody right and then continuing something because then like yeah you might you might be that's not healthy because you'll be like trying to get something that you won't they won't be able to give you right uh but yeah and also you know don't don't feel pressured by like the like being uh being a a male in grade 11 and like that you should want this like it's it's all about it's all about your own comfortability just because like it's supposed to be every dude's dream it it it if it isn't it isn't it doesn't need to be yeah it's all what you know it's what you both i mean feel comfortable with what we both want and community i feel like this is the answer to a lot of questions i get but it's like communication is very important so important and it's something that like you will have to work on for your entire life it's not like communication in relationships is like the constant constant thing like absolutely i struggle with it everyone oh absolutely and you know i mean you're talking to two to absolute simps right now but talking to two guys who absolutely uh would kill for their wife but hey yeah we're the kings or the kings of the sims sims um but yeah that's i think that's it does show maturity yeah that's that's that's that's like a very mature thing to to to take on absolutely um okay next one is another uh relationship one and then we got one more that's sort of just like a personal issue cool um so this next one is from john goodman nice i need your i need your advice i'm trying to attract an impression he has a very deep voice um i need your advice with the situation i found myself in um my car i have to run on my [ __ ] legs because i'm a flood stone um there's this girl that i used to go to school with we both graduated since uh that i crushed on then and i'm still crushing on now i don't think we ever had a full conversation in our school years and i've only been seeing her social media posts and photos how do i strike up a conversation with this person that i really like but have never properly talked to before do i declare my emotions in a one-off message or just said hey i do be kind of shy and have no idea what to do i do believe we would be a good match and any advice would be very much appreciated um like every single pic on the gram like yeah go back right go back to our first photo like and comment share on your story sharing your story yeah uh just kidding don't do any of that just uh mark it i would say like you know uh you know this might be me being a friggin an old an old fella but like i don't know i would say you know just just saying a nice hay or like you know i like i'm not sure what like your covid situation is or like if you guys are on lockdown but asking to hang out is is always like a good thing and uh you know i sure do know how it feels to be like to be crushing on someone that doesn't feel the same about you um that's hap we've all been there uh and i think the thing to remember is like whether that person has the same feelings for you or not uh you know i would say it's it's not a great move to just go i'm in love with you because especially if i wouldn't do that because if you because if you haven't hung out with them like how would you know that if then it's pretty off-putting to get that from yeah and you've never done it you don't want to freak people out but right you know i would say just like just trying to talk to folks and i know it's scary it sucks i hate i hate yeah like saying hey to people i i spent yeah because it's so yeah it's like very it's just a vulnerable thing saying hey is so vulnerable yeah it's scary but just i would just say like you know just prepare to like if if nothing comes of it it like it that's okay and i know it'll suck and it'll hurt but like it's it's all right and you did try and that's the thing there's that there's a beauty in that you did you know you really did try you you put yourself out there yeah and that's and that's admirable in itself and i feel like a cliche but you know even and that's not even for relationship stuff like saying hey yeah like someone you want to be friends with is [ __ ] that's hard it's even in like a like a work setting too even like if you're even if applying for a job or something or like a connection you want to look like that's the scariest thing ever is like when i even just like if i'm like following a youtuber that also follows me and that i like their videos yeah it is i always feel so much like pressure to be like hey i really like what you're doing it's really cool i like your videos but it's so scary absolutely and like but especially in that sense like people are just people absolutely yeah you know and it's it's never going to be as scary as you think it is right like i i and maybe they feel the same way and they're thinking the same they're having the same issues they could be crushing you never know who knows maybe this is the maybe the person you're crushing on is the one who sent this email yeah whoa that's a that's a mindful dude holy moly dude that's like that top 10 podcast mind [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] take that joe rogers yeah um that's that's what i have that's some good advice just you know i mean i at the end of it i feel like i just told you to just like go for it but like you know just yeah in a respectful respectful way just you know say what's up say hey saying hey is the best you can do hey hey that song by the lumineers yeah send that link to the music video yeah nothing here nothing else or just send a photo of the lumineers or maybe not because that song is called what hey-ho oh yeah it is oh ho hey either way i wouldn't do that maybe i'll do that find another song without hay in it make sure it's appropriate yeah uh okay one more advice and we'll wrap it up thank you john goodman for the question no problem okay um okay uh this this one is from leela from futurama oh she's got one eye purple hair another less popular feature of leela from futurama right she could be a [ __ ] member of the [ __ ] stamps bro uh oh um okay i've been feeling really inadequate with myself i'm a junior in high school 11th grade so i'm graduating soon i do amazing in school i volunteer i help around the house i like to think i'm a good child i really want to start breaking away and trying new things but my parents are super overprotective and keep me sheltered because they're worried about me i totally get it they're my parents but i still feel like they don't trust me enough to do my own thing and i don't think i give them a reason not to i feel like it shouldn't affect me as much because i'm graduating so soon and i'll be able to make decisions myself but i just want to start finding myself and becoming a little more independent how should i deal with my parents and are there any ways i can start doing things my own way slash expressing myself without giving my parents a heart attack thanks so much face tattoo all right leela get a face tattoo yeah yeah that's what i was thinking too yeah just cover your face so you're not even recognizing it get a face tattoo of your mom's face and your dad's face get yeah get if gets so many face tattoos that your your iphone doesn't even know who's freaking opening this phone your face id don't you exactly then instead of face id it's called face idk yeah i don't know who it is facebook i don't know face i don't know i don't know that's a face i don't know i don't know yeah the new apple app the face i don't know and it's just tons and tons of people that you do not know you don't know it's a database of people you can say hey you do uh yeah then that's an apple keynote that's a new feature i'm gonna say that's another good one i would say like yeah people came in with the bangers these are these are very good questions um don't do the tattoo thing i would say tattoos and piercings are a good thing to stay away from depending on what your parents stance on that is uh but yeah whether they stand yeah whether yeah do they stand tattoos or do they stand the the [ __ ] stamps which if they stay in tattoos they probably stand the [ __ ] stamps uh yeah it's true you know well not that kind of yeah exactly uh i would say i don't know like style seems like an easy one to ease like that seems like a good one to ease people people into it yeah i think yeah i think i'm struggling um okay they want to like they want to like branch out and do stuff right so is that like like extracurriculars maybe maybe they don't want them to do that oh okay because they're because they feel like they want to try new things right right go and do new things but i think well i mean there is sort of um you could always like learn a new skill i think that's something really uh like hobby that you could pick up yeah right um maybe a new if you like writing or something you can try doing that or like art um yeah there's a bunch of things you could learn now and just start trying right that's a great way to sort of express yourself especially in like artistic ways i think that's very important definitely like i i remember i i uh didn't even do my first play until i was in grade 11. right and now that like changed the whole course of your life like i i was just like playing sports and like and i was like well i'm gonna just go get a degree and like just like you were the zac you were zac efron before gabrielle exactly and then i was like troy before gabriel and then i was like watch watch this yeah i can do that exactly and then i did and then i was like i have a song called bet on it that's pretty intense it's pretty lit pretty good um pretty lit summertime james so yeah i i would say like you know and even then like when i joined like uh and then i joined like drama council and then i you know started doing more stuff like that so like i would say you know maybe even explaining to your parents or like having a like be like i would like to sit down with you guys and talk to you to talk to you guys about like you know right that's another thing communication like just being honest like you know you know i'm sure that that's like a scary conversation to have you know and i don't know what your family dynamic is but like you know hopefully that they'll understand if you're like you know if you talk to them in a mature way yeah especially if you're as good as you say you are yeah exactly i think they'll even respect it even more and you're like sheesh they'll be like swag kids earned it they've earned it yeah um so yeah i i that's another good one i like that that also like but it depends on a lot of different things but i would say you know uh another thing is like todd like just i i mean talking to to teachers uh like that are that that like might be involved in the thing that you're interested in that's like a yeah that's a huge place to start because they can like kind of help you like get get started and they can kind of help you like you know find where you fit if that if that makes sense yeah true those are adults that are like literally their whole life is devoted to like helping you grow exactly in like the best way or talking to a guidance counselor i was like very good friends with my guidance counselor obviously yeah i joined drama council so i was pretty in with the uh the admin staff all the other councils and counselors i did the announcements so i knew the office ladies pretty cool yeah they were kind of my school they're kind of like my gang uh well that's some great advice yeah hopefully well hopefully that helps you know we're not we're no i think it did i think it's uh i think we did a good job sometimes i feel bad because i like can't help sometimes but i'm like i just i i'm sorry i'm trying my best but and i i i've i don't want because i also don't want to give people bad advice i don't want someone to come back and be like i took your advice and it didn't work right now they they kicked me out no i'm sorry they kicked me out they grounded me forever the opposite of kicking you out never leaving the house or leaving the house yeah someone gets kicked out well at least i'm not grounded right i wish they i wish they called the lockdown getting grounded you're all grounded ontario's grounded i mean that's the amount of angst that we all have about it it might as well be grounded oh yeah there's probably more drywall fixing appointments being made because everyone's just [ __ ] going to town on their walls and i have a wall dedicated in our apartment to just punching just punching it's hardly a walling no yeah nope it's mostly holes oh we are like that movie the structure of our building is at risk because we can't handle our oh absolutely um well i think that's a good place to wrap it up we covered a lot of ground today we covered uh we had some we had a couple of goofs some good times always a blast to have you on hey buddy it's always a blast like i said it's been a [ __ ] it's been a long time since i had you on so it's been nice hopefully next time won't be that long it's been too long okay been too long my friend brother actually next time you're on my podcast it'll be in person i'm speaking it we're manifesting i hope so i would really i would really love that that would that would make me very happy ah well let's putting out into the universe dude i'm gonna [ __ ] rub a crystal on my balls and see what else oh yeah that's what manifesting is crystal's on the balls crystals on the ball um crystals out of balls yeah uh well everyone you can go follow jacob his info will be in the description uh you know check out his podcast called mr friendship um you could go to his youtube channel call jacob sharp um it's great it's great we're all pumping content we're all pumping content you can check out curtis i said this the podcast you're listening to now they don't want to listen to this no neither do people listen to this hate that [ __ ] yeah they're like ugh they've turned it on just yet just to hate it just to hate it yeah just they sort of punch a hole in your screen they project me on a wall and then they punch hole in the wall oh yeah there's a beautiful like it's like a beautiful uh painting almost of your face holes in my f yeah like it's a beautiful like welsh like it's gorgeous like well shaded like really detailed yeah hole in the wall of your face [Music] yeah it's like they go it's time for a big heart attack and then they punch on the wall a bunch of times absolutely until this that's the art attack that is that is what it is and that's and there um it is what it is all right everyone it is what it is um thanks for listening everyone you can you know rate and review if you're listening you can throw it up on instagram story i don't care like comment subscribe um tell your friends about it sounds like you care um i i i don't i i really [ __ ] i don't i [Music] that's only what i i live for um but all right thanks uh thanks for listening everyone i'll catch you next week peace the freak out oh yeah
Channel: Very Really Good
Views: 620,927
Rating: 4.9627242 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, jacob sharpe, kurtis jacob, very really good, vrg, podcast, kurtis conner podcast, kurtis connor podcast, trampstamps, id rather die, tiktok
Id: KEjJP8Jz3-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 50sec (5210 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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