Very Really Good #125: Holy Shift

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all right hello welcome back to the podcast this is episode 125. it is uh it is just me this week i don't have any twins with me like last week i'm sorry about that this is a twinless this is a twinless episode all right it's it's sa it's sans uh twins um but i mean that's okay i ca it'll still be just as fun it'll be double the fun even though it's just me um be crazy about it dude twins that's one thing i forgot to talk about in the last episode with the voros twins um like twin i don't know twins are just so interesting like twin telepathy how they uh have they both twin telephones so they both have the same phone it's like what it's like how do you even how does what are the logistics of that you know nah twins are twins are cool i i don't mean to alienate the twins the twin section of my uh follow followers holy [ __ ] man good morning uh it's monday it's um i'm not saying morning it's it's quarter after 12. it's new it's noon 15. um but i'm so [ __ ] tired man holy [ __ ] uh all the time it's hard all the time uh i gotta start taking vitamin d or some [ __ ] dude vitamin d's nuts is more like it uh all right we're back at it dude uh no man i've been [ __ ] like so i don't this like the lack of sunlight is really [ __ ] with me uh especially today it's just snow and and uh and clouds that's it it's so everything is so gray all right and i don't like it and it's been like like the days just feel so weird now because it's winter's shitty enough all right but the fact that like you know last winter i was you know at least i was like doing shows i was touring you know that was cool i was able to like travel and and do stuff while experiencing the shitty weather but now it's just like oh i'm in my silly silly little room again making my silly little videos again for another day and i'm losing my mind it's all good but it's but i'm losing my mind and uh i know i have it very i'm i'm very i'm very blessed all right i i'm pretty lucky to be to be in the situation i'm in right now but still it's like you know it ain't all peaches and cream and i wish it was i wish every morning i walked into my office and there was a bowl of peaches and cream you know that'd be awesome what is peaches and cream i've always said that term but i don't even know what it is i know it's like an oatmeal flavor and it's a [ __ ] good oatmeal flavor but what should what is peaches and cream uh peaches and cream is a simple dessert consisting of sliced peaches and whipped cream oh okay sick i thought it was just like cold like coffee cream like half and half peaches in half and half like milky peaches i love how there's [ __ ] uh recipes for peaches and cream seems like it's just peaches and whipped cream whipped cream sorry whip i used to call it whipped cream i didn't know it was whipped like the cream that would that was that has just been whipped i thought it was just whipped cream you know the same as when i was a kid i used to call them bathing suits instead of bathing you know because i was a [ __ ] idiot but also you're not bathing in them right you're swimming in them so come on you know i'm doing hot takes only on this podcast man why aren't they called swimming suits um not bathing suits i but i i called them bathing suits for just so long and uh it wasn't until i was like probably like 12 where i was like oh bathing because bathe oh what if every time what if every time you had to take a bath or shower you had to get in a full suit like a bathing suit like a tie a vest uh a top hat maybe if you want it was like your bathing suit ah that would be so annoying but but i would look pretty dapper in that shower all right if someone ever walks in on you while you're bathing uh oh you you uh you look like a you look like a [ __ ] um i don't know like you look like a steampunk prince because all the steam is going everywhere from the water and you're in a suit and you got goggles on i'm sure you know you look like a steampunk prince when you're in your bathing suit taking a [ __ ] shower in the morning every every morning in my steampunk shower dude steampunk dude that's so [ __ ] funny man steampunk you know oh god steampunk is definitely for guys named gregory you know any guy named gregory was in the steampunk at least once you guys know steampunk is it's dudes you dress up in like old [ __ ] victorian outfits but like with weird gadgets on it and they're like i drive a train and you're like okay man you work at best buy bro is steampunk real is steampunk dead oh wow that's so funny guys look up steampunk if you haven't seen it before i'm sorry if i'm making fun of any cosplayers who do steampunk [ __ ] but it is so funny to me to have like a fully adult male to be like hmm uh look at my gadgets steampunk was in like wild wild west right that was like the first time i saw anything like that and then the movie with will smith and then all the all the all the dudes on tumblr were like oh yes but what if we wore that to a hotel uh convention room and we all just kind of [ __ ] around and it was all punky and steamy [Music] peem stunk steampunk team stunk how about that let's start our own one called peem stunk okay i don't know what i'm talking about anymore uh sometimes you just talk it in in it and and and and then it just keeps going um [ __ ] what's been going on lately dude you got oh let's talk about that you guys see uh did you guys see the [ __ ] uh all the spider-man spider-man spider-man 3 [ __ ] i'm a big spider-man guy i love spider-man just talking about how nerdy [ __ ] steampunk is and i'm like did you guys see the spiderman news um that's like mainstream right also doesn't [ __ ] matter um the new spiderman that they're making apparently uh well not apparently alfred molina though is that his name molina the guy who played uh dr octopus in spider-man 2 in the sam raimi trilogy he's signed on to play doctor octopus again in the in the tom holland one in the tom holland movie movies movie the third one and then apparently they're talking about oh jamie foxx is coming back he played electro in the amazing spider-man uh dual duology duology is that what's a trilogy but two i don't know duology duology duo luigi in the duolo ouija movies of spider-man oh wait no that's mario that's waluigi yo i gotta do that as a [ __ ] sound board thing waluigi maybe next episode i'll add it on but um yeah they're but they're just bringing like a bunch of [ __ ] people characters from the other spider-man movies into this but to the next spider-man movie um and i think that's awesome dude i [ __ ] i [ __ ] with that so hard i want the movie to be four hours long okay because they're gonna have to they're gonna have to they're gonna have to [ __ ] peter jackson this [ __ ] like it's a [ __ ] lord of the rings film because there's gonna be so much they have to cover right because what's the point if you're bringing like so you got the two spider-man right you got toby mcguire and andrew garfield that they're talking about bringing in that's two characters okay and then you got kirsten dunst as mary jane right and then you got jamie foxx doc and then alfred guy as doctor octopus that's just five that's if even at the bare minimum they do five characters 10 minutes each so like dedicated to each one that's like 50 minutes that's like an hour right how are you going to do that it's going to have to be four hours long okay and i'm and i want that to happen i want it to be four hours long and i want i want toby mcguire to be i want emo toby maguire to be in it you know spider-man 3 when he's like walk it all cool i want that toby maguire and i want that peter parker in spider-man 3 only when he was a dick in the third spider-man because of the symbiote that'd be awesome um and they're making the fantastic four again as well dude so many disney has so much money disney has so much money that they're like you know what fantastic four the third time's the charm oh wait no it'll be the fourth one that'll be the fourth movie that they're making of the fantastic four maybe it'll be the first good one who knows um but no good for them if you want to cast me as um thing that'd be cool i'll book up i'll block up to play the thing big orange guy i'll bulk up no problem i'll hit the gym or you can just put me in a big in a big rock suit i don't care they should get the rock to play the thing in fantastic four because he's made out of rocks yeah dude yeah dude great we did it we found a joke in there was that a good joke absolutely not but was it a joke absolutely um what else has been going on man well okay well here's here's what i've been [ __ ] doing the last few days um i every year i make a video about a bad christmas movie um in the last two years i've been pretty grateful you know i'm pretty lucky to have movies sorta just fall into my lap where we'll hear about it i'll go or someone will send it to me or i'll see it somewhere i'll hear about it and i go oh weird i'll watch it and then i watch it i'm like oh i'm gonna make a movie i'm okay i'll make a video about that movie like two years ago i made christian mingle that was perfect um and the year after i had too cool for christmas slash a very cool christmas and i was like okay great that's perfect i'll make a video about that no problem um but then this year it's it's very it's it's very different um i'm having a lot harder time to find a movie to i think i found one i'm pretty sure i found it um i need to watch it again but it was so much work this year man i had to watch and that's good that's fine a part of me was like maybe i shouldn't have to do this maybe i shouldn't if i have to go looking for it maybe you know maybe it's not worth it i'm like it's not [ __ ] philosopher's stone you know or sorcerer's stone for you americans you know it's like it doesn't matter i'm still if i find a bad one it's and then it's fine i don't have to it doesn't have to just fall into my lap um i gotta work for it and that's fine but oh my god i've watched so many way too many way too many bad ones i watched one movie called elfat saves christmas that's what i think about that one elfat saves christmas oh my god it's so [ __ ] bad and it's like i know the ones that i watch that i can't make a video about it's like they're so bad that they're bad like usually there's like a sweet spot where it's so bad it's like bad movie bad movie oh my god it's so bad that it's good and then it goes oh my god this is the worst [ __ ] thing i've ever seen in my life i don't i never want to talk about this thing or show anybody ever again or ever to begin with and that was the case with l-fed saves christmas oh my god it was like this weird elf knockoff where santa gets kidnapped by the mob [Music] and oh my god i wanted to [ __ ] shoot myself on the foot and i watched another one called merry christmas nah no i'm good merry christmas all right why do they call it that because there's a few kisses in the movie that's why and i posted about that on my story and people were like you gotta make a video about it you got here and then no [ __ ] way i'm not doing that it is literally nothing happened in that movie for me to even make a video about it if i were to be like if i were to make a video about it i'd be like well this movie was pretty bad and uh here's the sponsor that's it that's all it would be that's all it would be because nothing [ __ ] happened in it but i found two movies okay and i want to do a video for both of them so i might do a christmas movie a video in january i don't know we'll see um but i finally found them thank god but holy [ __ ] man it was so much work [Music] um what else have been going on uh oh and good things that happened um me and jenna celebrated our six-year anniversary where's the applause six years uh so that was really nice it was a nice day um we made uh we made some i mean some gnocchi you know it was a good time it was it was a nice day so that that was good you know i miss all the [ __ ] [ __ ] shitty christmas christmas movies i gotta watch and the dog [ __ ] weather outside and [ __ ] steampunk people i had i had we had a nice day together so that was good um but yeah man trying to keep busy trying to keep it going trying to keep this gravy train a chugging a choo choo steam this trying to keep this steam monkey train chuggin and juju gravy punk yo okay a gravy train steve punk we okay we're starting gravy punk all right [Music] so everyone wears like um a regular suit uh but they just have like gravy just pouring out of all their pockets and there's like a turkey they got like turkey in their pockets and turkey on their head and and they're eating turkey uh that's gravy punk and we're all gonna start it there's gonna be a gravy gravy punk convention uh 2022 and i'll see y'all there okay tickets on sale for a thousand dollars each right now gravy punk someone please make a gravy punk uh convention flyer okay and we'll all post we'll post them on like polls around our cities um and then someone's bound to think that it's real and be like oh it's gravy punk and then we'll go look it up so we'll also need to have like a website explaining what gravy punk is so um see if it's not taken gravy punk uh punk rock chickpea gravy okay that's it okay so gravy punk isn't a thing yet i think we can sort of capitalize on this all right i'm down for that okay there's another okay there's something else i wanted to talk about um before we hop into the uh curtis corner but it's this thing i saw in tik tok and it is so so weird and i don't know if you guys have heard it or not heard of it or not but i wanted to discuss it and talk about it because it's such a fascinating thing to me um but apparently there's this thing um that people are doing it's called shifting it's sort of like the subliminal thing that i talked about but it's like this um it's like shifting realities is what people are calling it um where uh okay so i'm reading this is on um but it says what is shifting on tick tock apparently shifting sometimes called reality shifting is just a way of training your mind to enter a new reality it's nothing new though the whole thing actually started on reddit a while ago but it's been picked up on tick tock recently thanks to the internet's obsession with draco malfoy uh as you know tick tock uh have basically okay okay yeah shifting allows members of the fandom to transport themselves to hogwarts hagrid's hut or draco's bedroom so people are apparently shifting realities they're going into like a different reality where hogwarts exists and they're [ __ ] draco they're having sex with draco malfoy and i and sure and yeah i'm pretty skeptical of this whole thing for sure and call me crazy call me insensitive uh feels like you're just picturing it in your head it's like you're just having a dream about having sex with draco malfoy it's so weird okay apparently there's a bunch of methods for you to do it like this is a someone texts like put text over their tick tock on how to do it all right this is the raven method shifting to your desired reality and i'm i'm just taking the piss out of this because i don't believe in this [ __ ] really um but if you've ever done this you have any if you have any um experience with this or anything like that please let me know leave a comment or send me an email at vera really good at gmail and maybe we'll interview you on the podcast or something i don't know um but only if you've like [ __ ] seriously done this okay so this is the raven method you have to lay down on your back and lay in a starfish position you can listen to relaxing subliminal dude someone just spread out on their back in a starfish position i want to go to hogwarts take me to hogwarts come on slowly count to 100 and think about your desired reality after a while you should be able to feel some tingles on your body okay oh and you have to be half asleep yeah yeah don't forget that you have to be a half asleep starfish how do you okay after you count to 100 visualize a scene from your desired reality then go to bed and you should wake up there so this seems like just like wouldn't this just be like lucid dreaming or something or like just meditation there are many methods to try if you would like to become a shifter but the two most popular seem to be the raven and alice in wonderland methods okay the alice in wonderland method the shifter needs to visualize themselves running after a person from their desired reality and jumping down a rabbit hole with them okay that is so yeah i just i just can't buy it you know i can't i don't [ __ ] buy it dude this screenshot of this person's tick tock it's 4am i just woke up from a shift of 8 months at hogwarts i want to go back let me leave all right okay you know what i'm calling [ __ ] okay i'm sorry uh i call [ __ ] i just woke up from eight months at hogwarts what the [ __ ] if that is true dude you're [ __ ] up your like brain that's gotta [ __ ] you up man right and why aren't people shifting to a reality where gravy punk is just a thing huh where gravy punk isn't the main technology a society that runs on gravy okay you know that meme it's like society if if uh you know if like everyone knew how to spell restaurant or something or a society if a bobby shmurda never went to jail right it's like society if if it was run on gravy and it'd be like a utopia shift into that reality dude okay it seems like people are okay so you write down what you want to happen and then you you lay down and you picture in your head oh yeah that's just called [ __ ] thinking that's called daydreaming isn't it oh my god i don't know again i'm just taking the piss out of it maybe it's maybe it's maybe it's real but the thought of like imagine like you have a kid they're like i don't know 15 or something and you walk into the room they're on their back on their bed with their eyes closed and like a [ __ ] starfish and they're like 72 73 74 and you're like hello hey what are you doing they're like oh my god you [ __ ] it up i was going to hogwarts dad i was going to i was going to gravy punk hogwarts all right and you [ __ ] it up get out get out dad i'll see you in eight months i've class at hogwarts i have transfiguration you [ __ ] [ __ ] but again if you've ever done this or if you have any experience with it let me know and then i don't know we'll figure something out because that'd be funny to have a to talk about someone talk to someone who's done it um after just [ __ ] making fun of them so much uh okay how about how about we shift into another reality uh the curtis corner uh reality uh here we go [Music] hello what's up how's it going you know you know yeah i'm existing we're doing all right how's your how's your back not great actually so i have a herniated disc yeah and um i have to i can only sit down if i'm sitting on this stability ball that i got oh man because like normal chairs make it worse jesus christ and i can't bend over so my my three states are standing lying down completely horizontally or bouncing on my little ball so does it when does herniated mean like hernia does it have anything like i don't think so it's so you have so many vertebrae in your back and each one of them has this little cushion called a disc between them and like two of my vertebrae kind of smashed together and squeezed the disc and the fluid inside the disc came out of the disc and then got one of my nerves all wet oh yeah so now like you got some wet wet nerves my nerves got wetty and now um it's like my leg will be like ah oh my god like my butt will be like ah that's so brutal i'm sorry yeah it's rough it's been going for like three months and uh supposedly i have like three or four months left of it so holy [ __ ] i just live in in butt hurt city now well hopefully some current events will ease your pain actually my chiropractor said there's nothing for sciatica and a herniated disc like discussing current events so yeah somewhere is that also my my earbuds i normally wear broke so i had to take these half broken headphones out of my like my little trash bin i keep in my room and uh check this out look how chunky these are yeah those are big boys i feel like a star wars robot or something yeah it's like a a star wars robot or like a dj in the 90s like with headphones these big i better be able to hear animals thoughts hope so that'd be crazy the whole time you just hear like what dogs are thinking i can't even hear you i don't want to know what dogs are thinking i'm using these to shift bro all right let's see what we got okay yeah what do we got first story you ready for this one yes curtis i want you to you know what we're gonna practice a little shifting right now actually oh shift okay give me give me some closed eyes yep and take a deep breath and just imagine 20 21. wow you shift to that place in your mind all right i'm i'm there and draco what colors are you seeing [ __ ] me in the head he's there too yeah oh what uh what kind of colors are you seeing what's your palette in 2021 i'm seeing uh i'm seeing a lot i'm seeing a lot of red a lot of uh just deep deep black and just any uh just just bad just bad colors just really sad violent colors well uh pantone would say that you're wrong what pantone has selected two colors as its colors of the year for 2021. holy [ __ ] gray and yellow wow thanks guys yeah that really i guess helps set the tone for the year right okay so pan yeah they do this every year where they where they buy a color for the year yeah i guess every year they pick a color but i don't know what it is yeah like yeah like how does pantone make their money like what did they do i i'm actually really confused by this i was doing research today on what pantone if there's some sort of like color illuminati how they come to select colors it's not even 2021 yet so how do you know what the colors are right they're like they're yeah they're they're like psychic uh like interior designers it seems like like picking like paint colors for the future like a cabal of like occult interior designers they picked blue for 2020 and i don't know that i think blue was necessarily the vibe no i don't think this year was blue well i mean like in terms of like in terms of like how they say like i'm feeling blue like i'm i'm sad like yeah but i guess it was blue yeah so maybe next year will be a lot of gray and gray and yellow i love it's just so funny that they're their whole it says it's optimistic it's like optimistic promise of a sunshine filled day yeah gray nothing says optimistic sunshine day like a nice muted gray yeah these colors could also be like peeing on cement yeah yeah that's what that's what 2021 is all about piss like a like a really dehydrated piss on some new cement yeah so i mean it's that could be it i guess we'll see yeah this time next year we'll have to do a year-end decision on whether or not these were the vibes what it okay so if for 2021 we got to pick our own and we'll call it instead of instead of pan pantone we'll do we'll call it pant two pants pants panties instead of pant pant one we're a little better i and we'll pick our own colors what uh here we'll each do one color for 20 21 yeah okay my color for 20 21 is a really really really dark green where it's like almost really dark like it's like it's so green that it's barely green you know i like that i'm gonna pick that same color but one shade lighter so it kind of just looks like a like an old leaf or something yeah like a decomposing leaf the color pantone colors are yellow and a slightly brighter yellow i think those are the two colors they're so similar [Laughter] like you can hardly even tell the difference you have to really squint yeah you have to take it into the photoshop color picture and see the difference yeah i guess it doesn't make like a little uh palette swatch for us oh that's so funny all right well that was story number one story number two nice i've never listed them numerically like that i should say this is weird um okay ellen's back ellen is back now i don't know how much like your your youtube ad revenue is or anything like that but do you think you could spare 54.99 extra a month a month well every month yeah well it depends on it depends on what i'm i'm spending it on okay of course you're spending it on cup keychain okay little little bag of wipes and that's about it and is that a is that a thing to keep paint like a yeah i mean it better be for all these colors we're heading into the new year we're gonna need it for all these yellows and lighter yellows so basically ellen has a subscription box she launched called the be kind box okay and yeah i mean it looks it looks like stuff it definitely it's definitely stuff it looks like there's stuff in it um definitely looks like she kind of just walked around her house and put stuff in a box yeah there's definitely there's no theme no theme i totally get subscription boxes when it's like you know grooming products right something you need yeah yeah or like the spider-man box just yeah it's like yeah spider-man [ __ ] but this is just general stuff yeah it's just like i'm on yeah i'm on the be kind by it's just socks like an eye mask and then like a bandana and like a scarf so i don't like it's just like random [ __ ] and they don't all really match i'm gonna pick some stuff off of my desk right now and you tell me if you would rather buy my subscription box or ellen's okay candle is it ready is it lit when you send it yeah it's it's lit in the box a picture of me picture of you okay what else um and then we're gonna go french chapstick and it's and it's definitely been used oh yeah yeah i mean there's a little like it's almost it's practically empty yeah if anything it's like the draw to this box is that i've used all these products yeah that seems more of like a cohesive theme i think i'd rather i think i had it right i'd rather buy yours also it's so funny to be like be kind when after she was just like outed for being a [ __ ] like [ __ ] it's definitely ironic yeah but maybe it's like that's what the box is it's like a joke yeah she's like no trust me i'm nice i'm over i'm charging you too much for [ __ ] that doesn't make any sense the box should be all items that seem nice but they have like an evil purpose to them yeah and like like those pens pull the pen and you shock yourself this eye mask that says be kind on the other side where your eyes go it says you [ __ ] idiot so you're staring at that the whole time you're just crying underneath the [ __ ] eye mask also on the on the website it says two hundred dollar value in every box and the price of the box is two hundred dollars oh wait no that's eight it's like 200 value in every box each box 400 [Laughter] come on be kind give me your money you want to be kind right it's oh it's be kind to ellen i never thought of it that way i mean people seem to be buying it they really uh they really like it does it seem like people like the box um unless unless these are like fake or like okay they're all ellen i mean people are ordering them i don't know i gotta come out with the subscription box and it's gonna be uh i just your open the box and it's going to be a note that says thanks for being nice to me thanks for the cash thanks for being kind to me [ __ ] [ __ ] and it's got a picture of me flipping them off all right how's that for story three story three and before i go into it i did just notice that this story on forbes is written by a guy named bruce lee bruce lee yeah bruce lee wrote this oh [ __ ] that's crazy a man can do it all his skills know no bounds well let's see what he's an expert about can the coven 19 coronavirus cause long-term erectile dysfunction [Music] uh well that's yeah and by the way the answer is um yeah probably yeah yeah probably a lot uh long term well i think hey won't be long if you aren't getting boners not much is gonna be long around here yeah you know what i mean uh i was thinking of this sucks obviously but you know what would really suck is if you were completely asymptomatic except for erectile dysfunction like you're totally fine but you just can't get boners yeah people are like did you have any symptoms and you were like yeah one [Laughter] i can't taste my boner anymore when i suck me off double whammy whenever i actually i didn't get the energy i need to shift to a place where i can still get that rock hard [ __ ] i can shift where i still got that shaft i can shift some blood flow about the wrong shift shift some [ __ ] [ __ ] um yeah but yeah so yeah you shouldn't get coronavirus i don't i just don't uh see how they can figure that out from like from thing like now you know if we're gonna have long-term erectile dysfunction i just it's weird how they can know that now we don't really know for sure our longest term case is like a like a year old right yeah exactly it's funny to me that like these articles cite guys who did interviews with them and they give them first name last name i don't know like phil jeffries from new jersey says he hasn't gotten a boner in months i mean he may not he may not be able to get a boner but he's got some big balls to be able to do that and they're growing every day that's the other thing they changed one person's name they said art parentheses name changed for inaudible and i wonder if he chose the name art [Music] i know if so fart more like fart this guy named fart can't get boners fart parentheses name not change real serious name also i just think it's um i just think i like i just don't think if you have kovid like you're not going gonna be getting a bunch of boners right like i feel like you're gonna be pretty bummed out right yeah i would think so so like maybe that's the correlation um that's a good point it's like people are just sadder now yeah like i'm not gonna be like yeah no one's sexually aroused when you're like hacking up a line well you know whose mood has nothing to do with coronavirus is uh these trump supporters oh [ __ ] we we got um our final story story four perhaps we should play the video first yeah okay i'll play it so we asked these trump supporters why they don't wear masks frequency to hold host that virus and i taught her that so if you if you don't have that vibrate vibrational frequency right here you're not going to get it yeah i you we don't have the vibrational frequency to get covered correct do you know that everything in this universe vibrates it is alive there is life with that that's what i'm talking about i don't put wipe in the covet i'm not going to wear a mouse i'm not going to wear a mask either i never wear masks ever holy [ __ ] so everything that vibrates lives i guess what's funny to me is that trump supporters are going so far down their little trail that they're kind of rapping back around to like astrology girl yeah like they're talking about the vibes now yeah did you know everybody has a vibration do you have do you believe in crystals i think you should they're yeah they're starting to say things that i really believe when i get a little stoned yeah yeah exactly it's like yeah like the there is there's weirdly a lot of overlap now with like trump supporters that are so like ant like anti-masters that are there's so much correlation between that and like people who post themselves doing yoga on their instagram story like they're the exact they're almost one the same i'm like half a joint away from kind of agreeing they went to a different conclusion than me but yeah i do feel the vibrational frequency it's also so funny how like auntie mask how like wearing a mask has become like oh so you hate trump like that's with that yeah like the only anti-massacres are there's no like i don't know it's just fascinating that like oh you wear a mask then you must be uh you must be a democrat yeah i don't know so just down here in texas i like couldn't tell you if anybody here has worn a mask that i've seen that's so crazy people will like in stores um people will be like you know you don't you don't have to wear one of those in here like this is a safe space right yeah you're all right you're not gonna you don't have to do that here we have you are you aware of the vibrational frequencies here i think you're good hey you're you're right buried in hard enough that you don't have to wear that i keep a vibrator inside of me at all times so i'm i'm straight i'm good you're not my getting that [ __ ] i keep a a little vibrator square up my ass all day yeah i keep that's keeping the virus at bay i keep that thing in me i get that thang in me so i think i'm fine imagine someone being like yeah i keep that thing in me like hold on you yeah you know the saying right yeah keep it in me keep that thing way inside of me deep deep inside of me i like to mention they have one of those ones you can control with your phone and if they get near somebody who has the virus they just push that [ __ ] up to a hundred get away from me get away from me i'm gonna make myself have such a boner that i can't get covered oh must already have it no so uh yeah the those are our stories wow um mostly good news mostly yeah we have some good ones i'm uh i can't wait for this gray and yellow gear like that i can't wait to have a green different green i'm gonna get wiz khalifa to uh do a remix of his hit song black and yellow but i will do gray and yellow for 20 21. the same song but a little worse [Music] all right well thanks for another great uh edition of the curtis corner no doubt keep it freezy goodbye jacob all right that was great um what what are we at huh we got [ __ ] 40 some 40 something 50 something all right let's do uh some advice really quick and then uh we'll wrap this up we'll wrap it up like a [ __ ] ellen gift box all right all right so here's advice um where's the [ __ ] um damn i need a jingle for my advice [Music] for my advice segment okay this one is from yo or dad i just wanted to know if you have any advice on how to figure out what you want to do after high school i get this one a lot i'm in my junior year currently and i feel like i have no plan or idea of what i want to do and it makes me feel very stressed and unprepared since a lot of my friends already know what they want to do i also have very bad anxiety so the thought of going to college already stresses me out so i have no motivation in trying to research any colleges uh that is that sucks i hope you figure it out uh next one uh now um junior current so your junior year you have so that's grade 10. that is so you got two years and so you got a piece wow [Music] um so you have like two years so i think i don't know i feel i feel like well even if you don't then you don't have to go to college right like it's not like a if it's a thing like if you don't know what you want to do yet like don't feel like stressed to like go do it you know you know i went to college with people who were like already went to a university program and they were like oh i didn't want to do this so i just want to go do that um so if you don't know what you want to do yet don't feel stressed to like go to college right i like i a lot of the times like you don't even i'm sorry sorry to go [ __ ] gary vee here but college isn't you don't it's not necessary anymore all right are you crazy are you [ __ ] stupid i don't know i just think if it brings you a lot of stress and anxiety and then you know [ __ ] school stay don't stay out of school okay um i think you should only go to college if you have to and because and if you know what you want to do um that's me personally because it's a lot of money too so um all right next question uh i was supposed to move into an apartment in in the city uh with my boyfriend of four years after i graduate in march we picked out an apartment and everything and we were planning what we were going to buy and how we were going to style everything uh lots of inspiration from your place with jenna she's incredible interior design nice i'll tell her unfortunately his mom won't let him move in with me i'm taking it very personally even though he says i shouldn't she's going to pay for his housing for another year since he still does have one year left of school and she is threatening that if he lives with me he'll have to financially survive on his own as a full-time student with a part-time job jesus i'm feeling stuck because now all these plans are ruined and i don't know what to do with my living situation after i graduate wow i hate him to go through that is weird have you and jenna ever experienced anything like this uh i wonder why after you graduate in march so like high school you guys are 18 right so i guess his mom is just like i mean that's the tricky thing it's like because i guess the mom is paying for him to be living so i guess realistically she could make the rules but i mean like why like when you want your son to be happy when you want your son to like enjoy his time he's a [ __ ] adult man like i'd be pissed at my mom if she was like that right i think that's fair i don't know i think just like figure out why she wants that and maybe go from there does she think it's going to be like distracting or something because that just shows a dis like that she doesn't trust her son that's kind of [ __ ] up listen i know my dumb ass son he ain't gonna do [ __ ] if you're there so not not all right i think you just have a discussion with her maybe and be like hey what's the [ __ ] deal huh huh do that say that to her excuse me bruh why you got it why are you [ __ ] with me hmm forgot i had this um okay i'll do one more question and then we'll wrap it up this one is from bill murray hi curtis i have a bit of dilemma i'm turning 17 next month and have to start getting ready to move out when i turn 18. uh the thing is i have a lot of stuff you mentioned a previous pod episode that you also get attached to stupid as [ __ ] inanimate things i have tons of dolls and legos and action figures etc that i occasionally still use but when i move out i doubt i'm going to have room for them i can't leave with my family or they'll just throw it all away i can't bring myself to donate any of it because i really don't want to lose it i've had most of these things since i was a toddler and i don't want to look back and regret giving them away what do you think i should do get a storage unit buck up and just donate it what would you do in this situation well bill murray that is a good question uh yeah like i said before i get attached to [ __ ] inanimate objects a lot me and jenna are both like that so we have a lot of stuff as well um we're just very like sentimental about things like from when we were younger i guess like me for example i have this chair in my basement now that i it is so old it's older than me i've always had it when i was like growing up and it's just so [ __ ] comfy it doesn't match anything i just can't for the life of me i just can't give it away um so you're really asking the wrong person but uh i think um i think you can you can condense i think you know maybe get everything together make like you know a pile of like i need like i can't live without these things i need need these things and then make a pile of stuff that you know i would like to keep or maybe donate um and then a pile of like just garbage throw it away that's like what we've been doing um and it works really well to like organize it like that um like imagine there's a fire and then you're like well okay what could i grab that i really really need that's what you need to keep in your like keep thing okay so how about this all right here's a little advice all right if you're trying to downsize on stuff set a fire set your house on fire okay and then that'll kind of put you in in high alert mode you know and then you'll be like okay what do i need and you know grab everything you need and then you're fine and all your other [ __ ] burns to a crisp don't do that obviously but you know what i mean um like maybe if you got like a you know like all your steampunk stuff like grab that and then and then everything else is probably just like garbage grab all your gravy punk stuff um but no i think organizing it to you need and then donate and then fine if this goes away then whatever you know that's what i do um that was some advice i don't know anything about anything but i try my best um well thank you so much that was episode 125 i'm gonna wrap it up here uh thank you so much for watching appreciate you guys love you um you know like comment subscribe all that crap rate review uh and uh that's pretty much it man i'll uh i'll catch you on the flip i hope you guys are staying safe and uh yeah thanks again for the support love you guys and uh keep it keep this gravy train at chugga chugga choo choo all right goodbye
Channel: Very Really Good
Views: 387,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, very really good, vrg, podcast, kurtis conner podcast
Id: iGQZ2VeEqB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 30sec (3450 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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