Very Really Good #128: King of the SoyBoys

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hello hello we're back we're back we gotta go back back back to school again we gotta go back back this is the podcast where i sing the songs from greece too uh is that song from greece too greece as well a grease is it all right two seconds in already fact checking back to school greece too yep yeah it is we gotta go oh yeah because okay dude i know my grease i know my grease all right i'm a greasy guy i'm aware of the grease when uh you know when people say uh use bacon grease in cooking dude i toss a couple of grease dvds in the pan you know i have a hundred of them i got so many grease dvds greece greece ii um greece is there a third greece is it a greece trilogy greece why is it called greece is it because danny zuko's got greasy hair that's a [ __ ] stupid how how have i not how have we not as a society changed the name of greece you know greece it's not about that oh because they work on cars or something grease lightning dude [ __ ] that i mean i love grease anyways well this is my podcast guys this is episode 128 of uh very really good this is your first episode uh well they probably it's probably your last because this is a bad impression i'm making i look like a [ __ ] mess um but it's all good dude it's the it's the afternoon it's monday you know okay so the mondays oh my god don't talk to me if i had coffee don't listen to me talk before you've had my coffee don't listen don't drink coffee before i have to talk to you about coffee uh just kidding i already have my coffee but uh this is the podcast um where i talk about stuff that it's happening in my life happiness it's tough talking about stuff that i s that's been going on in the world and we just shoot the shift for a while it's a good time um [ __ ] man what happened i it's so weird feeling weird on like because like the work week for me is an illusion it's not real because i don't have like a boss that's like hey curtis you got to be your desk at this time on monday morning you know um but still even when it's monday and i'm like and it's i feel i still feel like it's like oh god come on this is so much work even though i was working like last night at like 10 p.m so it's like it doesn't i don't know why i still feel like that but i do you can't escape you can't escape the ever the looming uh the looming hands of of uh capitalism right you know the the boss that of the shadow temple in ocarina of time there's a metaphor for capitalism the guy with the big hands what was his name i think he had a stupid name it was like oogie boogie or something ocarina of time shadow temple boss what was his name bongo bongo see i was right oogie boogie his name was bongo bongo because he hit the he played like a big jump the bongo drums bongo bongo yeah real scary you watch out for the big bad boss he's gonna [ __ ] you up oh what's his name bongo bongo literally like if a kid was playing the game and was like uh what's the name of that we don't have a name for it what should we call it and the kid is like bangabangal all right cool we'll listen to this little idiot child no problem how funny would that be if they named every villain like that like instead of voldemort or something like instead of yeah instead of voldemort his name was like uh his name was like is it zippity doodah or is it zap zooey zips up zoo we killed my parents and they're like oh he you must not be named because his name is so [ __ ] stupid that's why they don't say his name because it's so dumb he's back zips up zooey's back or the joker his name is like funny little boy you want to know how i got these funny little boy scars because i'm the funny little boy yeah this is the this is the hard-hitting comedy that we that you that you've come to expect on the very really good podcast guys literally wrote i wrote like one i thought of one joke in my head dude i've been having a rough go because i know at some point stand up comedy will be a thing again i don't know when or in what capacity but i know that i'll be on stage telling jokes again and i have the desire to keep you know to like write new jokes but it's hard it's very hard um because i don't do anything and also any jokes i do write it's me sitting down and i'm writing jokes for youtube which is a lot different um but i i wrote a joke the other day and it's like i don't even think it's good it's like the most hack [ __ ] joke and i'm sure it's been done before but i wrote it and i was like you know what pat myself on the back all right i wrote one joke and how long has quarantine been a year yeah i think that's good the joke was some the joke is uh and i'm giving it away on the podcast i'm probably not gonna [ __ ] use it uh the joke is um i did i did stand up for a nudist colony and i got so nervous i had to picture everybody with their clothes on i'm hold on here there it is [Music] because you know the joker i'm not gonna [ __ ] explain it i'm going through it guys i'm going through it uh [ __ ] dude well what do we got to talk about actually this week's been pretty uh pretty eventful um we what i've just been well i've just been editing and scripting and i'm just scripting and filming and editing uh this video is going to be really long i'm like i did the first like main bit of it and it's like 25 minutes and i still have like a whole other like interview segment that i gotta do and uh other thing i gotta film so it's gonna be well over 30 minutes um and i'll probably have it up at the end of the month but i've been working hard on that i'm trying to do like different types of videos this year i feel like i get caught in these um routines of like okay what's this weird youtuber i can i can poke fun at or as tick-tock or a movie and i like i don't know i wanna i want to make things that are more original you know instead of like commentary videos about content i want to like more so like video essays uh about things that are just interesting to me or like comedic video essays because then i can like have fun with it and be creative and tell like a story and do more of like a like learn about things and teach people about things so that's what i'm trying to focus more on this year i'm still obviously gonna do like the normal [ __ ] like bad movies and you know dumb tick tock stuff because it's just fun uh and there's more room for me to just be in i could have just make dumb videos like that but i don't know i think this year i want to try more in like really long form like 30 40 minute plus videos about a topic and just like really explore it and talk about it um so yeah if there's any topics like really broad topics or specific ones that you'd be interested in me talking about or learning about um [ __ ] let me know but not reality shifting okay i've learned my lesson if i talk about shifting realities and boinking draco i'mma get in trouble dude but maybe i could shift to a reality where voldemort's name is uh what did i say zip zop zooey [Music] um but yeah let me know uh if you're the day you're listening to this comes out should come out on wednesday if my editor doesn't drag his [ __ ] feet i'm kidding he does a great job just being so mean for no reason uh no he um what am i saying it'll come out on wednesday which is inauguration day hey yo let's get a little inauguration day dude hey can i get to the [ __ ] dj [ __ ] air horn sound [Music] [Applause] [ __ ] yeah dude he's gone that [ __ ] he's gone inauguration day if that happened in the in the in the christmas time i think we'd call it egg inauguration day okay that's when they swear in a new president he has to chug two liters of fresh eggnog and it's freezing cold and he's gotta chug it he's gotta do a keg stand okay there's a kegnog and he's got to do a keg stand of eggnog the president the leader of the of [ __ ] united states is butt chugging and mouth-chugging eggnog it's going in both ends all right it's going in both ends all right he's doing a keg stand drinking it through his mouth and someone's butt funneling some fresh eggnog into his presidential [ __ ] all right how's that for law and order all right how's that for how's that for the free world how's that all right that'd be crazy your body would explode it would just meet in the middle right because the eggnog is going down and it's also going up and it meets in the middle and they go how do you do and they keep going through it the other way and then and then the president pukes out the butt eggnog and poops out the mouth eggnog um it's like an eggnog filtration system it just comes out as water as clean water oh wow that's a scientific breakthrough man president the new president is the new water filtration system he's got a poor eggnog in both ends uh well what the [ __ ] uh what the [ __ ] am i talking about man that's crazy that's the egg inauguration uh but what else [ __ ] happened this week we got a lot of tick tock crap to cover this week um where okay here it is um the man the myth the legend hank green made a tick tock about me okay well not about not really about me about a tweet that i made um i tweeted if i put helium up my ass would my farts be high pitched please this is urgent and it did all right okay if the tweet did a tweet kind of popped off okay it popped off like the lid of a kagnog all right and with the president's lips about to be on it popped off okay um you know just going viral buzzfeed making videos about it everyone's losing their mind i'm going front page of the new york times and then that doesn't matter to me all right hank green he made a tick-tock and this is and this is what he said you know i don't think so but like there's only one way to find out for sure and i was hoping he was going to put some helium in his bung in his bunghole but he didn't do it um hank green gave me some blue balls about that telly i'll tell you that for free hank green blue bald me all right and he and that come on uh no yeah because it i was gonna make some joke about mixing green and blue together which would make you yellow right i'm literally so [ __ ] stupid i don't i forget that's what makes yellow right green blue make yellow or is it or is it blue and green make yellow i don't you know what let's oh yellow and blue blue and yellow makes green all right man let's move on and uh just just pretend i didn't say anything just move on don't make fun of me or call me dumb or insult my intelligence um [Music] but yeah that's pretty cool i mean i don't think that's the best uh introduction to me and my content is me being like hey if you put gas up ass does it make poop does it make farther pitch um but i mean at the same time it's pretty accurate you know that's a nice that is the worst intro and the best intro at the same time um so hank if you're watching this i i would like to see you try it i would like to see a video of you of you putting helium up your butt in the name of science okay you know and would that fart stink or would it just be gas coming out a real question would be hank do it stank stank green hank green got that stank peen bars all right ew dude uh that's like an l that's like a that's like an m m line hank green got that stank bean ah charlie sheen looking kind of mean i'm off a bean watching a movie scene the big green yeah that that's an eminem song i think i think i've heard it fun for me just to grab a boob bust my penis gotta attitude have you guys seen that video why does he say that it's fun for me just to grab a boob plus my penis dude what is is he being serious in that video i can't tell fun for me just to grab a boob huh hey eminem and you're the the you're the rap god bust my penis got an attitude bro can i uh can you what even though i just had hank green got that stank peen that is a worse line than what i just said dude it's fun for me just to grab a boob bust my penis got an attitude [Laughter] yeah i busted my penis man because i got an attitude dude i'd be so i'm so snarky that my penis just busts what are you talking about and grabbing a boob that's fun grabbing a boob sounds so i sound so aggressive man fun for me just to grab a boob it's fun for me just to grab a boob plus my penis got an adder too damn he's going in oh eminem oh marshall uh marshall um what else okay we can i'll talk about this crazy more tick tock stuff has been going on and then we'll get into the the curtis corner uh the first curtis corner of 2021 um so i need a there i guess there's no the theme song for this but um so i made a video about uh fresh and fit um the tick tock duo was banned from tick tock for being super misogynistic and just saying a bunch of dumb crap they're like if a girl is says that she can't make it then she then she's a dumb [ __ ] and you should never see her again and just saying a bunch of wild [ __ ] um super misogynistic super brutal um so i made a video talking about them and how much they suck and that i've seen them posting on their stories and stuff about me um like random things are like yo thank you for the [ __ ] free clout [ __ ] free cloud [ __ ] i think i took a screenshot oh kiwi's barking um [ __ ] i knew i took a screenshot but i for i i forget oh there here it is i found it um so they posted the screenshot of my video um three days three days after came out and it said uh when virgins attack don't worry curtis connor we will help you out oh man it's funny that's funny because uh because virgins being a virgin is bad you know yeah because having sex is is a you know that's a thing that is very important to people and and you should if you didn't have sex yet if you have a sex then you're a loser good one man also doesn't matter but i i've had i've done it i've done that okay i'm not trying to brag but i have had i've i've done that before at least once so [ __ ] off and it wouldn't even matter if i had if i didn't okay it's fine if you're a virgin man the whole concept of virginity is stupid but we're not talking about that okay and then they talked and then they uh posted another thing another story saying we are back on tick tock despite dorks like chris connor thanks for the free clout stupid follow us on tick tock at [ __ ] whatever their new thing is uh with a a screenshot of six nine and they said should we cook this beta curtis this week and a poll that says yes or no um so a few things to unpack first let's just go top down dork dork bro that's like the most fourth grade diss i haven't heard that in so long quit being a dork literally sounds like like that's so 80s man be like oh dude you got a [ __ ] like people call people dorks like when they just use the computer in like the 90s you know oh you're on you use the internet you're a [ __ ] dork man come on we're watching tv why are you using it why isn't the computer you [ __ ] dork oh you're on aol okay i did virgin only virgins use aol um and then it's like dude this is the thing i never understand is like thanks for the whenever people like russell hartley said this too when i made the video about him he's like it's so great to have this awesome exposure on a big channel it's like bro what the [ __ ] are you talking about it's not exposure bro it's the opposite man everybody hates you because you're a bad guy you know it's literally like posting a photo of you like with [ __ ] your pants and there's [ __ ] like running down your leg and you've also got like a i don't know you got like a pigeon like a live pigeon in your mouth because you just like you just like caught it in the wild and there's that your shitty khakis and there's a and there's like a half dead pigeon in your mouth and that photo is like on the front page of the newspaper and you're like yeah it looks like i'm famous like no man everyone's laughing at you because you suck you got a cat you got khakis full of [ __ ] and you got a bird in your mouth that's not something to be proud of my guy i'll never understand that i guess to those people it's like any press is good pressed and it's like no man no they're pressing the uh the delete button in their brain that where you live inside so they can never think of you again how about that that's how's that for press all right not you know not my best work but that's just the way it goes and i play that sound so that means it's funny um and then posting a photo of six nine a guy who's like a convicted [ __ ] pedophile yeah i did nice oh oh i got owned oh man i got owned [ __ ] quoting a quoting a pedophile oh man yeah you really dunked on me yeah oh man i'm so i got cooked for sure um and then nothing really happened for a while [Music] uh and then he uh posted uh a tick tock ab calling me out okay so let's uh we'll watch that really quick guys why you can never take advice from soy boys like curtis connor the reality is this guys he is a celeb he has a blue check he has clout he's gonna get girls regardless of how baited he is you as a normal guy you're gonna get friend zoned never listen to sjw advice from famous dudes okay our man thank you thanks man that is the same dude we about to kiss right now bro are we about to kiss dude this is why you should never take advice from soy boys like curtis connor he's he's popping he's hot he's perfect and he's the best guy in the world and i love him and and he's he literally can do no wrong and i think he's the best guy ever so [ __ ] this guy i like literally spent the whole video complimenting me man that's so funny here's why i should never take advice from little [ __ ] like curtis he's he's successful he's verified he's popular he's famous so you should never take advice from that guy oh my it's also so funny because like i've been in a longer term committed loving relationship for like six years and uh jenna was with me long before i had a blue check uh before any of this was happening so even even when he tries to use that logic it's not correct it's like not it's not true and he also he's says like i was giving advice on how to get girls i never did that and i because honestly i i don't know my my best advice was to like hey maybe just oh dude all i said in my video was like maybe we shouldn't treat women like [ __ ] animals and maybe treat them with respect and just a little human decency you know very very basic stuff you know because they can't even they fail to even do that i was very basic i didn't say anything [ __ ] like that out of that gnarly you know and that's like i'm a s i'm an sjw now because because i was like hey women are people okay dude that's a little much pump the brakes all right like what the [ __ ] man what soy boy huh what is that hey real quick soyboy what are you talking about what is that sounds awesome urban dictionary okay soy boy slang used to describe males who completely and utterly lack all necessary masculine qualities uh this this pathetic state is usually achieved by an overindulgence of emasculating products and or ideologies um okay what are the necessary masculine qualities is it a tight black shirt is that what he means because i could probably find one of those is it a complete and utter lack of self-awareness because he's got that in spades right uh the average soyboy is a feminist oh wait the origin of the term derives from the negative effects soy consumption has been proven to have on the male physique and libido okay um the average soy boy is a feminist non-athletic yep has never been in a fight yep uh we'll probably marry the first girl that has sex with him no and likely reduces all his arguments to labeling the opposition's as nazi what the [ __ ] okay so cool i guess well to that definition i am not but i mean i mean tofu is pretty bomb i'm more of an oat guy though you know i'm more of an oat milk fella so well even almonds is better too i don't really i don't really drink too much soy sauce you know what call me an uh a tofu fella an oat an oat bro i'm an oat bro how about that yeah just [ __ ] and then uh guess what uh me being the you know the the beta that i am um i made a a tick tock duet to that video and i was just like it's just me saying like uh damn bro if you want to kiss me just say so um and then because you know i'm such a beta and then and then uh and then that alpha male he uh deleted a sick talk that he made about me so um pretty uh epic alpha move is to talk [ __ ] and then when i make a joke at you you delete your [ __ ] thing because people are starting to disagree with you oh dude you're a soy boy [ __ ] man it's just so funny same thing with russell hartley makes a video about me i respond i [ __ ] make some jokes and they delete it oh so confident and then you may and then you people a bunch of people call them out and they're like okay let's just let's just delete the thing i said i don't know very funny uh but yeah i guess we're [ __ ] i'm a soy boy now so soy boys rise up and eat and drink drink a big glass of soy milk you know what they actually make soy eggnog oh my camera died as i was saying soy boys rise up there's soy eggnog we're all gonna do keg stands on a keg of soy eggnog and we're gonna drink it and we're gonna pour soy or coconut eggnog into our [ __ ] and then we're the next president um all right well guys i think it's time for the curtis corner first curtis corner of 2021 with our good friend and and podcast producer jacob xiao so we're going to hit that theme song real quick [Music] hello yo yo what is pop i'm kind of out of practice it's it's been a minute since i've done this i know this is uh you're you're rusty i can already tell you're not wearing the same headphones as you usually do so you're you're off your game yeah i got ones that work so not allowed if i'm gonna have the same flare no you remember when i uh when i first did this and i was bald yeah that's how long it's been yeah now your hair's long as it usually is when it when i'm completely bald in the back yeah that hair is gone for good i don't know what happened i actually i took it off and i put it over here oh that's pretty nice yeah anything behind the headphones bald bald nothing there i'm proud of it too all right so i'm uh i'm psyched for these stories we got some light ones some pretty um some pretty funny ones nice in my opinion um first one is this uh this millionaire guy um has 220 million dollars locked away in a bitcoin vault and he forgot the password oh man right and there's um the i guess the way it works we found out while researching yeah because i don't you know i don't know [ __ ] about bitcoin neither yeah neither do i i yeah look like we said i i've watched so many videos about it for people trying to explain and it's it is still a mystery to me i'll never understand it's it's confusing and it really fortifies the money is fake but regardless apparently the way it works is um because it's like decentralized there's no one authority that has your password so when you make a password that's just between you and yourself okay so if you forget the password nobody's gonna send it back to you so this guy um i guess he he has um 10 tries to figure out the password and he's gone through eight of them [Laughter] oh no if he if he uses the last two and he doesn't get in he's done and he can't get his 220 million that sucks so hard well how you know that it's just password too yeah like how old is how old is that like bitcoin like when did he does it say when he's like made the password no but i bet it wasn't even that long ago i'm sure it was like because that's like trying to remember like your like [ __ ] myspace password or your neopets password but with with that it's like i'm sure they could send it to you but the fact that you have to remember it yourself that's insane yeah i mean i guess you just gotta write it down dude the amount of times i forget that my password the things that i use like weekly like every day yeah just imagine if like every time you forgot that password yeah you're locked down for 120 million dollars on the line dude there's got to be some sort of super hacker that can just crack the code right yeah that's like the guy they get in movies who's like well i hacked your bank account while we were sitting here yeah yeah he's in like that guy he's like in his mom's basement and he has a bunch of computers and he stinks and he's eating he has hella monitors yeah yeah he's got like 4 000 monitors you can't even see him because he's just he's covered in monitors it's like a ball pit he sleeps in monitors on a bed of monitors and then his blanket is monitored yeah and there's a baby monitor in there for some reason doesn't even have a baby just any type of model any monitor is good monitor i hardly know her uh also i continued reading on this article yeah and it turns out that this is really common um 20 of all bitcoin it is lost because someone forgot the password and it's worth 140 billion dollars so 140 billion dollars of bitcoin is just gone pretty much because no one will ever guess it but here's the thing it's not gone it's fake money is fake bitcoin is fake why don't we all just say okay it's not gone and if we all agree then it's not gone right yeah exactly because money yeah money is a made-up concept we created bitcoin is even more made up yeah bitcoin is i'll you know yeah bitcoin does not exist it is not a real thing even though they use a little picture of a coin every time they talk about it the coins don't exist as much as i would use that picture to make it seem like it exists yeah but it doesn't exist it's not and also yeah that's i think we can make the the claim right now that says you know what they have their money back they have it it is theirs that's a good i think we could start this here on the podcast if we all agree that they have their money they have their money yeah i'll second it that's two people right yeah exactly it's like the so now we all need to come together we need to do a celebrity imagine style video where we all sing a song about all the people who can't access their bitcoin i don't know what song it could be but i mean if soy boys are allowed then i'm sure they'll let you in oh yeah they gotta okay so comment below on the podcast if you think the bitcoin people have their money now and they will and if you comment and say they don't have their money then i'm gonna feel some type of way yeah and you wouldn't like when i feel you wouldn't like when jacob feels some type of way the hulk says that you're gonna make me like some type of way and you won't like me when i say gen z [ __ ] boy hulk yeah and you won't like me when i feel some type of way bro you wouldn't like me live you feel some type of way a [ __ ] boy hulk [Laughter] he just turns into more of a [ __ ] boy his skin is very green you won't like me when i'm horny [Music] instead of the avengers it's the gaslighters and uh when he grows uh the only clothing that tears off is his pants yeah reverse he has [ __ ] deck his green deck is [Laughter] all right so it's settled they they have their money it's back that's back in their account and i think as a reward we get some of the cash oh yeah oh yeah i'm not doing this because i care about them so you know i want some of that sweet bitcoin i'm trying to get that money i can't afford to pay my rent i haven't eaten in about six months you know i mean i don't sleep with a blanket i sleep with monitors it's freezing all right uh let's move on to this next story um this one really made me giggle oh so we're all happy about the vaccine oh yeah yeah i'm happy about it well yeah yeah i'm well i'm happy that it's you know that you're that we can't take it because it's gonna give us a crazy uh disease i'm anti-vaxxed now i i thought i should let you know and honestly understandable no i'm kidding i'm very excited with the vaccine i'm gonna i'm gonna drink it we're all excited about it we're all gonna squirt it in our mouths um so this guy sammy cramer 20 year old amateur pilot decided that his way of celebrating was he's gonna make a giant syringe in the sky uh over germany as a you know as a way to commemorate the vaccine you know like they'll do they'll write like a heart and it'll say like jeff loves carla in it or whatever yeah so it's just like that except there's no trail you can't actually see it he's literally just flying in a flight a flight pattern shaped like a vaccine right like a needle like a big syringe yeah so it's like if it's like those people who who do those running when they run and it shows the trail that they ran and it makes like a penis or something and it's funny but they go from like pee pee to poo poo yeah whatever but it's like so it's a flight path in the shape of a syringe but but no one knows he's doing that if you were to see what he knows he's doing you'd ha you have to go onto this like one website that shows people's flight paths right in order to see it additionally the syringe that he trace in the sky is enormous yeah it's like uh 200 uh 170 miles 280 kilometers oh my god so it's like he's flying over like multiple cities yeah it's i thought when i when you first said that the name of the the article i was like that's cool that he drew one in the sky for people to see that was like the cool thing but this is like it seems cool you would have to drive very fast underneath the plane and watch and see which way he's going to even figure out but even then you i don't think it'd be that clear it'd be so impossible to know what this guy is doing and it's such a stupid way to celebrate the vaccine it's not doing anything it is kind of like a it's a detailed drawing like he does fill yeah and like the insides of the drawing it's not just like a outline right additionally the front tip of the needle has drops coming off it and the back tip of the needle either has like a lanyard on it or like a big drop a big drop so i think if i'm confused looking at the picture of it yeah you'd be confused watching it happen he didn't yeah he didn't do a very good job imagine i know this is well it didn't happen so it's fine but imagine like the the plane went down and he died because of this wouldn't that be the worst way to be like you know what the vaccine is here i'm going to live a lot longer now because i'm not going to get coronavirus and then he dies in a plane crash imagine if it happens when he's at the front of the needle so it looks his flight path looks like vaccines spraying out all over germany his final act is like sharing the vaccine with everybody i think yeah it's like you could have used that fuel that you used for i don't know something better that's a good point how much did this cost yeah exactly you could have donated that you could have i don't know use that to distribute more vaccines i don't know how the logistics of that obviously but still i mean i'll give him this i love the attitude i love the positivity you know i love the creativity maybe a little too creative but it happens and uh now i mean his plan worked the entire world is celebrating his flight path yeah this everyone's talking about it yeah i mean i guess that we're doing a good thing and sharing this with others so that his message is like it gets out there yeah i mean that's so i guess comment below if number one you think those guys have their money and number two if this makes you really excited about the vaccine launch i wasn't i was nowhere i wasn't excited at all until about it but then i saw this and then oh man i got [ __ ] stupid prior to this i was actually pro corona virus [Laughter] and now uh this nice sammy kramer of course his name is sammy kramer this is such a sammy kramer thing to do yeah kramer it wouldn't have been a sammy seinfeld thing to do yeah kramer you you flew the vaccine vile syringe in the sky you can't even see it you can't that's so good [Music] all right those are our stories those are nice a lot of um a lot of good public perception based causes today yeah very uh very uh high uh what's it what's it what's it called um i don't know what i'm trying to say when it's very very high level i guess you know very um existential maybe what is money you know yeah yeah yeah we can what what is the flight path what really is a flight path [Laughter] well uh all right yeah you know that that that's really all i gotta say go go vaccine go bitcoin oh and crazy that this is coming out the inauguration day yeah i mean it i don't wanna eclipse that i i feel like this might get a little more attention than that but um so sorry to joe but uh sorry joe to joe uh to joe isn't it it wasn't him is it joke what's the button isn't joe budden the the guy who worked for complex that rapper yeah you know i used to be his co-worker really not yeah i um when he was on everyday struggle with uh dj academics i worked like on the same in the same office as them like the same floor damn yeah cause i used to be an intern there so i would like my first day ever going to complex like to start my job i bumped right into joe budden wow you bumped into the next president of the united states and his running mate dj academics [Laughter] what a nightmare can you imagine if it's like uh every news article is like the vice president called lil uzi vert's new album trash [Laughter] thoughts uh it feels like just yesterday that we were on here like begging people to vote yeah literally yeah i remember we had we're very adamant about that and look it worked we did it hey if we could accomplish that we can get the money out of the box we can get these [ __ ] rich people their bitcoin cash yeah very important cause imagine if um joe biden puts out a statement that's like i was disappointed that no one tuned in to my inauguration live stream because they were all commenting that guys have the money i i would bet on that that's probably gonna happen um well thanks jacob for another great segment of the curtis corner good start to the year good start to the year all right well goodbye hell yeah um well um what are we at 40 something 50 something i don't know we could do some quick advice and then wrap it up um so here we go um we'll give you some advice um all right this advice is from billy bob the goose so my sister and i share a room and have since we were both pretty little i'm 15 she's 18. but in the past two years two years or so she's become a major stoner which is totally cool but it's just not really my thing the problem is that she keeps smoking in our room after i've repeatedly asked her not to it makes our room smells like [ __ ] sorry it makes our room smell like [ __ ] and the smell doesn't go away for hours am i being really dramatic i've talked to my mom already and she wasn't any help what should i do dude i think you gotta become a stoner dude yeah it just took up sorry talk up i'm kidding terrible advice um i mean i mean my thing was was gonna be like we should tell your mom but you already did and they weren't any help which is weird oh excuse me i think it's different when i was a when i was a teenager because i had to hide the fact that i smoked weed for my parents like crazy but now it's like legal and [ __ ] um [Music] so i don't know that's weird that your mom was just like yeah it's fine let her smoke that should seem so foreign to me um i mean that is pretty disrespectful for your sister to to be doing that and show her this show her this video hey your sister asks you not to you share a room okay you're 18. grow up okay smoke outside dude you know what kids these days have it so easy man you guys have it so easy you know back in my day i had to walk uphill both ways to smoke a little bit of [ __ ] weed all right i had to we had if i smoked weed my friend we had to smoke in his basement right by a window an open window and have to blow the smoke out of a window all right just so we wouldn't smell and they would have to light a bunch of incense because it smelled like weed we did everything we could to make it not smell like weed and that's what you gotta do we gotta bring that back all right we used to go we used to go to the church by my house and smoke and and share a joint in my car because we didn't want our houses to smell like wheat so you got to do that all right you're not being dramatic all right so tell them to [ __ ] go on a walk all right and smoke or take an edible man i don't know that's just disrespectful if you're sharing a room with someone and they asked you do something several times and you're like no and it's something that you can so easily not do all right [Music] um now let's get that one oh yeah we'll skip that one um okay next one is from jane not james singular james james hi curtis i'll be a senior in high school next year and i've been in band class for the past three years but i really hate it and i want to quit so badly but i'm afraid that my current band teacher will kill me if i do oh uh well it's a red flag to be honest she's one of the only reasons i want to quit uh because that mofo is so annoying i'm also very bad at the trumpet why are you still doing it i'm scared to quit because of what she might say she has a history of guilt-tripping kids to stay in this in this in the class i know if i try to quit she'll ask me about it and i'm not sure what to say to her when she does any advice um that's a shitty teacher if you're like hey i don't like doing this and i think i'd be happy you're not doing it they should be like great all right i'm glad you gave it a try and i'm glad for you being mature enough to realize you don't want to do it anymore great go figure out what you want to do they shouldn't be like well we need another we need you we need you in your bad trumpet skills you're vital to this band because you're bad at trumpet every band needs a bad trumpet player why the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] you doing [ __ ] your teacher man if they ask you why you don't want to do it anymore you'll be honest and you go i just not i'm just not my passion i don't want to do this i don't want to spend my time doing this and if they try to guilt trip you you go hey um ever heard of uh you ever heard of uh the the beethoven symphony symphony in in indeeds minor and they're like you say d's minor and you go yeah these nuts all right and you tell them to suck it dude there you go you go lit hey uh sorry i can't i can't be in the band anymore i got a bad case of ligma and they go huh what's ligma and you go ligamer balls you can do whatever you want man don't let some old [ __ ] band teacher tell you not that tell you that you can't okay there you go they're a band teacher relax they should be banned from being a teacher fun for me just to grab a boob quit the band class gotta attitude uh okay well we should probably wrap it up wrap it up i said issue wrap it up uh this was a fun one man i had a good time uh great time so you know what thanks for listening like comment subscribe all that [ __ ] uh rate and review you know follow me you know you can follow jacob i'll put all this crap in the description do what you want i don't care but no i appreciate you guys uh thank you for listening watching um i'm doing uh twitch streams every thursday night okay that's a thing i'm doing this year so if you're watching this now and you're still listening hang out come hang out it's a good time and i got a video coming end of the month and that's all i got love you guys thanks for tuning in and keep keep keep being safe all right bye bye bye bye now bye
Channel: Very Really Good
Views: 416,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, very really good, kurtis connor, fresh and fit, kurtis conner fresh and fit, soy boy, inauguration
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 18sec (3498 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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