Very Really Good #153: Squirt Gun Kelly

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay hi guys hi uh why did i sound like that okay um i like said something into the microphone and it like buzzed my [ __ ] ears hi guys good start jesus christ um welcome back to the podcast this is episode 153 um hope you guys doing all right this is a good episode okay trust me this is a good episode we have a lot of stuff to cover all right call just call me a call me up uh i was gonna say a pool cover because it covers a lot of space call me a highway okay because i we have a lot of ground to cover that that's better we found it i fumbled the i fumbled a little bit but i got there um [ __ ] man it's it's 153 uh i want to give a quick shout out to the patreon uh thanks everyone who's been supporting the pod we're at how many patrons 482 and that's crazy um and i [ __ ] appreciate it man i said once we get the 500 uh we're gonna do bonus weekly weekly bonus episodes because i'm only doing them like every other week so we're gonna do weekly ones okay and um i already said that so i can't go back on it so if you want to support you know we only need 20 more people 18 actually um but yeah just thank you so much for the support appreciate it and the bonus episodes have been really fun you know seems it's a lot more like chill over there you know no pressure and stuff but you know enough of that um what's been going on this week man i went golfing uh with my dad so that was that was a thing i haven't golfed with him in like 12 years so um that was it was interesting man you know uh i hit the ball further than him now so that's cool right i mean he has like a bad back and stuff and he's older right he's not the same obviously you get older you can't do full rotations on your back and your hips and stuff you can't hit the ball as far but still felt good right take that dab you know all the time of him hitting the ball and i gotta you know go walk to my ball and that's not as far as his ball and i go don't worry i'll hit the second one and it'll just creep by yours now look at me dude like a hundred yards past him um yeah i'll be in i'll be in the rough or i'll hit it into the [ __ ] water but still further still further i'd rather be far and out of bounds than shorten inbounds it's all about power dude raw power um but no it's it was fun i was it was so funny man on the we're on like the 15th hole i think and i was like we got paired up with these two older gentlemen and gentlemen uh they were nice very sweet um but we were just talking and i mentioned my dad i was like yeah whenever i get paired up with random people i hate telling them what i do for a living because all it is dude all it is on golf courses bro like older people this is why people hate golf so much it's all [ __ ] old rich people like comparing [ __ ] the whole time they're just like well yeah i was in the like the one guy mentioned his house in florida like it was just a thing right like it was just a thing that everybody has he was like yeah when i go down to my house in florida there's a [ __ ] course right i live on the course i'm actually living underneath the course they don't know um i'm i'm like a little hedgehog i'm a little i'm i'm a little a hedgehog there you don't know me um he he didn't say that obviously but he he was like he kept bringing up his house in florida and stuff the other guy was like so hello what do you do how long you've been on the board of directors and it's all business talk and i can never engage in that because i'm just you know i don't do that stuff you know i go you ever seen you ever watch neil breen movies they're pretty bad huh yeah that's that's kind of what i say in front of a camera um you ever revisit old movies that aren't for you and just make fun of them like they are for you yeah that's what i do um but no i was saying i hate telling random old guys what i do for a living on the golf course because like clockwork dude like clockwork they say what's up tell me a joke oh you're funny oh you're a comedian that's oh i wish i could do that tell me a joke you know like what give me some of your steer you see some of your material right you know so you know i gotta know give me a joke of yours [ __ ] you [ __ ] you man i hate that [ __ ] cuz like he was on the board of directors for like a bank you know what am i gonna do hand them like a 20 bill and be like hey put this in my account serp it's the same thing right tell me to do my job ah tell me a joke put this cash in my bank account sir in my checking account please i might like to make a deposit you're at work for a bank right so i'm doing what you're doing to me okay but you know my go-to response is uh it's my day off you know because then it's like i don't have to i don't have to be funny it's my day off um and sometimes they'll laugh and sometimes they'll feel cheated out of it and then he also asked hey man he also asked if i uh did pr did like if he could book me for a nightclub i'm sorry name one nightclub you've been to that there was a stand-up comedian you know name one oh my god you can't because that's the worst idea ever dude just a huge [ __ ] nightclub of people dancing and then the dj stops he's like all right guys hold on everybody hold on stop the music stop the music and everybody's like what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] turn the music back on he's like hold on we got a special guest the owner went golfing with this guy and i guess he wants him to do some material and they're like what are you talking about this is a nightclub you want to hear music and he goes give it up for curtis and i walk out and i'm like hello then just as dead silence the movie with those evil ventriloquist dolls i have the top copy of dead silence in my hand but the place is going crazy the place is eating me up but i have a copy of dead silence on dvd uh now the place is in dead silence and i go so you guys have heard because we look at the moon and think it's a bit too high up should be lower moon should be lower to the ground would have been a lot easier for nasa i don't have a joke about the moon and its proximity to the earth i'll say that i don't i'm just coming up with an example um you know and then i get shot in the heart that's what would happen if i try to do stand up in a nightclub i get shot in the heart and everyone no one would scream no dude i'll get shot in the heart nobody would scream let's go yep i i expected that to happen that it's not surprising and i honestly wish it happened sooner [Music] no one would scream or be scared to be like all right music back on now please tonight give me everything tonight and that would happen and i never would dance and they wouldn't mention it if someone asked how their night was they'd be like it's fun typical typical club night you know so yeah don't hire a [ __ ] stand-up comedian for a nightclub obviously or maybe maybe he meant like one time i was at this uh party for some [ __ ] brand they're they're like come drink to celebrate [ __ ] our new shoes or some [ __ ] i don't even know what it was it was years ago um but they had this magician that walked around and like did tricks for all the the party-goers it was awesome you know at the time i was taking the piss out of it you know because i was with dean and we were just like chopping it up in the back of my head i was like oh i love this this is awesome i love magic um so what if it was like that but just a stand-up comedian right just walking to like individual people and be like so uh i was at the dentist's office the other day kid you not my dentist had the worst breath how you gonna have bad breath to be a dentist you know and then they just hand me like tips they throw tips at me for being so funny um but yeah that's how my week is going [Music] um man i'm feeling good it is so it is so crazy like the difference and like just quality of my mental health and um just every i've just of how i live my life when i have a an idea for a video that i'm really excited about when i that compared to me like i don't know what to make a video about maybe i'll do this maybe i'll do that like this the amount of stress that is off of my shoulders there's still way too much that i put on myself um and you know that's the thing i constantly struggle with but and it's a big issue that i have i don't think i'll ever conquer it but you know it is a thing that cripples me uh sort of mentally and physically most days but it's all good um but no it feels so good when i have like an idea that i'm really excited about and it's you know something that i haven't really seen before and i get to just [ __ ] go for it and i don't know man just feeling very uh it just feels good um because obviously to the other videos like i still have a good time when when i make like commentary videos and just try to make little funny jokes and stuff but when i have a video idea that's different from commentary well i can combine commentary with something else it's like i don't know it's just so exciting for me with anything else if you're a creative person you know you like doing the same thing for a while uh you know it gets uh what's the word frustrating i guess it's just a simple word to use um but yeah i got a new video idea that should be up by the end of the month i got like a week and a bit two weeks hopefully i i think it'll be done by that but um yeah just super stoked on that working on that um you know i wish i could tell you guys what it's about but i don't want to spoil it um but yeah be on the lookout for that end of the month huge video i'm excited i don't know how long it's gonna be it's probably gonna be pretty long but um but yeah what else did we do this week oh yesterday we went to um an antique mall um it's in hamilton my hometown of hamilton ontario went to an antique mall uh because we love we love going antiquing and you know in vintage shopping is a lot of fun for us um because i just love dude i love i think i've said this before on the podcast but i love like old like [ __ ] just piece like media stuff from like and just like technology from late 90s early 2000s is like my favorite thing it's so interesting because obviously i grew up with it but it was just like it's at a time where like i feel like a technology was progressing so fast and people were like trying to just hold on to it and be like is this what it's going to be forever i don't know let's try it and i just did that so many times where it's like it branched out and to be so many weird little like fads and uh i don't end like toys and [ __ ] it's just like i don't know i love it a lot um and uh got recognized got recognized at the at the [ __ ] vintage mall and it was so beefy dude i gotta get a sound that's like ooh you know that'll be pretty versatile okay i'll do that because then if i said that picture that you know if i was just like i got recognized at the antique mall and it was like ooh that'd be pretty funny you know so just please pretend that what i'm saying is funny um that's what i say in every five minutes during my stand up routine please pretend everything i'm saying is funny for the love of god please um but i got recognized it was nice you know they were super nice um it's it's always weird now because i i just don't go in public as much as i used to obviously because of like [ __ ] corona virus covet 19. i said coronavirus in like a year why did i say that covet 19. i haven't been outside because that much because of it so i get recognized it's like oh yeah people [ __ ] like my videos um they're like real humans you know it's crazy um so that was cool they were very nice um i it was it's weird because i was only well i the first thing i got was uh george of the jungle on vh was george of the jungle on vhs and i was just walking around the [ __ ] store with george of the jungle and vhs in my hand and they're like hey curtis is like yeah this is what i got today it's this old movie that i like um but no if you've never been to an antique mall or an antique market um bro especially if you're like in your mid 20s late 20s bro you'll find shift that was from your childhood there it's weird because we're antiques now we're getting old so um but i found a a really cool find i found a really awesome find um it was at this booth with like a bunch of old like horror stuff like vhs tapes and [ __ ] and like dolls and action figures and stuff it's like collectibles um i saw a little mermaid case in there i was like that's weird why is that in the case and it said on the front that it had the band cover on it the band cover jake can you put on the screen right now for the people who are watching this is the band cover the little mermaid uh it's not really banned they just like they didn't like halt production on it i just did some research they discontinued the cover of the original little mermaid print because the front cover the original print had uh something in it that looked ex like very similar to a penis um an underwater [ __ ] right there yeah so i was like oh no way i just i just got so excited because i love [ __ ] like that i love that's like a quirky little piece of you know of of history right there man it's like it's like pokemon cards when you know when they're like this is like a misprint or something they're like way more valuable because like it's just rare you know there's more rare than everything right um and it was 30 bucks and i was like you know what that's a cool thing to have it's a fun little it's a conversation piece you know it's a conversation starter it's a real good conversation started if there's ever a lull in a conversation you're gonna be like hear about the [ __ ] on the little mermaid cover and then and then you won't have to worry about the conversation anymore because the person that you're talking to will have left the conversation um hear about the underwater clock little mermaid did discontinued it bandit um so i got that for 30 bucks there's some let's look it up on ebay yeah bro okay this one yeah that's in really good condition little mermaid out of print controversial cover rare first label disney vhs it's in very good condition and it's oh yeah it's got the black diamond logo on it which is very rare as well or not yeah just uh you know those are more like coveted i guess yeah and this is seventy five hundred dollars 7 500 that's wild bro i don't think that they're worth that much because it's open if you had a sealed one maybe and it was like pristine condition but i don't know the thing about that is like anyone can just post anything for any price you know and then people would be like whoa that's that's actually like fair that's a fair price you just but you know i could sell like the [ __ ] a scab from my shin shin scab you know for like three hundred dollars curtis connor shin scab for uh 300 would someone buy it i [ __ ] hope not i don't think they would i'm not that cool you know if i was someone super famous then maybe you know maybe found someone famous like [ __ ] machine gun kelly or something if i was someone famous like machine gun kelly then then yeah maybe i could sell a shin scab hey speaking of machine gun kelly we got some videos to watch hold on where's the applause for that [ __ ] segway bro thank you so much i [ __ ] really appreciate all the love this episode is very really good it's sponsored by bud light seltzer folks there's nothing better than a nice cold bevy on a hot day am i right especially up here in canada like we live for the summer time because i don't know we only get like what feels like three days of hot weather and guess what the perfect summertime drink is here it's bud light seltzer with only 80 calories and one gram of sugar per 355 milliliter serving you don't have to feel the way you usually feel after you pound back a bunch of sugary drinks if you know what i mean with delicious flavors like strawberry black cherry mango and lemon lime there's a bud light seltzer for everybody bud light actually had to send me like a second package uh of bud light seltzer because i we drank all the first one and uh we drank the second one too it we we really like it a lot it's great but seriously if you like bud light i don't know why you wouldn't it's bud light it's iconic if you like bud light you'll love bud lights also if you're hanging in a backyard if you're going to a house party or if you're just you know recording an ad read for your weekly podcast bud light seltzer is the perfect pairing and to my canadian listeners there's no need to worry because bud light seltzer is finally available in canada so if you're in the market for a new beverage or if you're in the liquor store you walk by some bud lights else or you can go oh that's the that's the delicious stuff that curtis was talking about i'm gonna try it obviously enjoy responsibly you need to be of legal drinking age to enjoy bud light saucer but even if you aren't just tell your mom and dad about it and they'll be so jazzed that they'll raise your freaking allowance about it so yeah give them a try you won't be disappointed thank you so much to bud light seltzer for sponsoring this episode of the podcast love you so much back to me um okay so it turns out machine on kelly's [ __ ] uh he's he's off as [ __ ] and he's off his rocker um i will say shun we were talking me and sean my producer we're you know we're talking in our meeting and he came with the heat he found this twitter thread um where machine gun kelly two clips of machine gun kelly that that are have been circulating a little bit you may have seen them um and they're they're something else they're pretty absurd um so we are going to watch them and talk about them because they are a [ __ ] trip let me tell you let me just record my screen for my [ __ ] podcast editor sometimes i hope that i'm snagging that don't let me move to la oof i'm finding her counting down the days until she's 18. i'm not waiting till she's 18 i'll go now i'm 23 dawg like i'm not like a creepy age like you know what i'm saying i'm 23 bro she's 17 and she's like a celebrity like no there is no limits right there robert plant who is one of the greatest lead singers ever for all y'all don't know he's sung for led zeppelin dated a girl that was 14. axel rose who was one of the biggest badasses ever dated a girl that was 16 and wrote a song on his first album about the girl that was 16. i don't care say what you want man if kendall jenner is in your bedroom naked and you're 50 you're going so uh so that's a so that's a thing that he said into a camera um i don't know where the [ __ ] he is like yeah like where are you he looks like he's on a set of ridiculousness are you on ridiculousness it should be for how ridiculous that is you should be very [ __ ] ridiculous that is like it literally looks like ro if you pan the camera a bit to the right rob dyrdek would be there and he'd be like check out this guy he got his [ __ ] neck snapped he died in a car accident and everyone's like that's ridiculousness if you've never seen it i'm rob dyrdek i have the biggest shoes and the smallest head and now look at the now let's watch these people die that's how he starts every episode i have the biggest shoes let's watch these people die um back to the video at hand um so i guess the question is uh i guess he's talking about kendall jenner when she was 17. um and he's saying how it that's not a weird age because he's 22. hey man yeah it is i'm sorry to break it to you machine gun uh it is it's a very weird thing to do to say that i'll okay one more time sometimes i hope that i'm snagging that don't let me move to l.a okay weird don't let me move to la i'll be a [ __ ] pedophile out there dude do not let me seriously don't let me go i will be a pedophile there that's what he's saying he's fighting her counting down the days until she's 18. i'm not waiting till she's 18 i'll go now bro why is this track behind who is just pleasantly plucking a guitar right behind yes i'm literally not waiting till the girl is of age dude i'm 23 dawg like i'm 23 okay i'm worse i'm not like a creepy age like okay dude he's contradicting himself like literally seconds after i'm 23 i'm not a creepy age even though i'm an adult and she's still a minor it's i'm not creepy hey dude if you're you should be in a high school if you're 23 years old and you're talking to a girl in high school you're a [ __ ] weirdo there it is man and that's and that's how it goes and that's and that's what it is if you're if you know of anyone or if you are or if you know anyone who is 23 years old an adult if you're 23 and you go to a [ __ ] antique mall you're gonna find stuff from your childhood uh oh you're an adult and if and if you're trying to have sex if you're trying to even just flirt or engage at all with someone who's 17 in high school buddy you're a [ __ ] weirdo you're a weirdo they have class you know they have pe all right they have pe they have physical education if you're 23 don't talk to someone who has physical who has pe class and i'm sure maybe someone in college is going to is going to college for kinesiology i'm sure they have a pe but you don't want to be talking to someone who's going to school for kinesiology because what is that i'm kidding i'm a [ __ ] youtuber i shouldn't be talking [ __ ] i just don't know what kinesiology is straight up one of my best friends in high school he went to college for kinesiology and to this day don't know what it is but happy for him um i was trying to make a joke but what i was saying you're a weirdo if you're 23 talking to a [ __ ] kid you know what i'm saying even if there is a nice man playing nice music behind you okay it doesn't matter she's 17 and she's like a celebrity like there's no and she's a celebrity so that's fine okay there is no limits right there robert plant who is one of the greatest lead singers ever for all y'all don't know he's sung for led zeppelin dating a girl that was 14. axel rose who was one of the biggest badasses ever okay so just because like these guys in like the [ __ ] 70s and 80s uh dated kids that makes it okay [Music] imagine you're in going to court you're in court for like murder and you're like judge your honor [ __ ] jeffrey dahmer did the same thing okay what's the big deal oh my god terrible terrible defense all these other people did it so i get so i think it's okay as well like if you're this bold to say this like if you're this bold to just say this on into a camera that would be like distributed he's gotta he must have been doing like weird ass [ __ ] right they had a girl that was 16 and wrote a song on his first album about the girl that was 16. i don't care say what you want man oh also that was oh that was so lame he's like trying to sound like tough but like his like voice quivered a bit i don't care it trust me i don't care i don't care that's someone who that was his impression of someone who cares so much he just noticed that he was like too deep into it that he couldn't backtrack so he's like [ __ ] i gotta go all then i guess i don't care i don't care i don't you i think you do man i think you kind of just went a little too far and then uh you regretted what you're saying say what you want man if kendall jenner is in your bedroom naked and you're 50 you're going okay i hope they're not friends after this because that'd be weird and i feel like because he's he's made music with like travis barker and [ __ ] and she's like date and he's like dating one of the kardashians right oh yeah they're in a photo together they're in a photo together eh no i don't like that uh so we'll give that one a one out of uh one out of ten because um yeah you should be uh you should be looking for people your own age machine gun shouldn't be looking for [ __ ] [ __ ] squirt guns you should you should be looking around for [ __ ] squirt guns okay look for other machine guns okay then we got one more video he's on like a red carpet um i don't know what like a ward show this is or what premiere or some [ __ ] but um let's let's watch it my child is black oh we didn't know that black girls give the best head now this is what you all do now is it y'all either give the best head or you say you don't give head white girl they just give that you know like it's just like it's so the ones who said they don't usually give the best no no i'm just saying i'm saying with black and what you're with what you're saying you're saying we're told you're not gonna it's not you don't give the best heads just that most of y'all say okay man where do you think you are there's like a [ __ ] ford logo in the background he's like so getting your dick sucked it's sort of like this don't do that unless you're my man you know what i'm saying like whereas you just need to show your skills because black girls give the best head 100 okay so then okay okay uh so then something happened this is i guess this is the person interviewing edited this video together uh she put of course the black woman behind me gets offended and walks away so someone just overheard machine gun um talk say all that stuff which is pretty inappropriate right uh so she walks away and this is what he says in response to her walking away it's just it's just the [ __ ] the difference [ __ ] walk the [ __ ] away then you [ __ ] dirty big [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] weak ass dress and fake ass leave the time first i'll go in on this [ __ ] you are a man he's got problems bro also i will say he uh i think he was very close to saying something that he's not supposed to say got it's just it's just the [ __ ] the difference [ __ ] walk the [ __ ] away then you [ __ ] dirty big [ __ ] yeah man imagine being that angry about anything imagine calling someone that you don't know a dirty [ __ ] because she didn't like that you're saying a bunch of wildly offensive stuff you have a bandana on man holy man yeah it's scary how close he was to dropping the [ __ ] just saying the n-word let's do that one more time it's just it's just the [ __ ] the difference [ __ ] walk the [ __ ] away then you [ __ ] dirty big [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] weak ass dress dude relax man i hope he doesn't say all these things to me if he sees this and then another tweet from him uh in 2010 i guess oh wait no this is 2006. i wish 13 14 15 year old girls weren't allowed to be hot so i wouldn't feel like such a creeper when i look at them i'm still 19. just i'm just saying oh man what a weirdo i mean to you know to an extent i understand like you know people could change people like can grow but like i don't know those two videos seemed kind of recent so i don't know that sucks because my mom's name is kelly they're not all like that okay not all kelly's oh my god okay let's let's change the subject a bit in conclusion actually that's [ __ ] crazy i said all that stuff uh machine gun kelly never really the biggest fan of him anyway but you're weird this will all bite me in the butt one day i'm sure of it maybe one day i'll be super famous super famous comedian and i'll meet him we'll do a movie together and then he'll be like a [ __ ] ever you said dude i'll [ __ ] kill you and i'll be like shut up pig pig [ __ ] [ __ ] whack ass [ __ ] fake louis vuitton [ __ ] that's what that's what i'll say to him and i'll grab them by the caller and i'll go change your name buddy that's my mom's name you got change your name or i'm gonna rearrange your name or i'm gonna rearrange your face hmm and then he'll be like hey can i can we get this guy off set and i'll be like and the director will be like sure yeah and i'll be like change change your mind please i i want to be here please change it please reconsider i'm sorry i apologize for my behavior i won't grab any more shirts and he's like you're grabbing my shirt right now and i go i'll change your shirt for you i've changed your shirt then i take his shirt off and i put him on put on a new shirt for him what the [ __ ] am i talking about [Music] um that's what he said in that video he called her a pig [ __ ] crazy never heard that before let's change the subject [Music] okay so i wanted to talk about these tweets man yo i gotta talk about these tweets bro um so ufc some ufc thing happened the other week uh last week conor mcgregor broke his leg or some [ __ ] i don't know i'm not the biggest ufc fan um if my boy logan paul ain't fighting i ain't watching the thing um but i guess uh addison ray was there the tick tock tick tocker addison ray was there um as like a i don't know she was there as herself you know she was there you know making videos and [ __ ] i feel like super rich famous people just go to stuff [Music] yeah put that clip that please clip that dude most smartest thing i've ever said we're super rich of famous people just go to stuff you know what i mean though they're like just at this event and you're like what the [ __ ] what are they doing there because like it's just a thing that you do and you're rich and famous you just go to stuff um so there's this tweet that she did it says i studied broadcast journalism in college for three whole months to prepare for this moment and it was her like holding a ufc microphone to like interview people obviously a joke right even i can pick up pick up on that [Music] um right she wasn't being like this is me now i actually studied for three months because she put three whole months that implies that she knows that it's not a very long time um that's obvious that she's [ __ ] around pretty funny right you think everyone be like oh come on that's not that's not enough time for you to be doing that um and these are all the dude people got pissed the [ __ ] off at this [ __ ] which is so weird uh someone said i had to go through a whole semester of calm theory and a crazy news writing professor plus getting a masters in calm and addison ray just had to do three months of calm for this lol okay this is disrespectful to all the people who go to college and work their asses off for jobs like this and sometimes don't even get them but because addison has clout she gets them over qualified sports journalists i'm getting so pissed for no reason i i'll talk about this in a second but i got to read all these let's put on this sad music hold on [Music] i can't tell you how many talented and hard-working journalists i've watched not get opportunities because they don't have the camera looks it's unbelievable [Music] stealing jobs from those more deserving very classy it was a lot of that it was a lot of people being like you this is unfair this is unfair i went through [ __ ] i went into student debt to be a journalist and i didn't get anywhere now you who's super famous and can get a bunch of viewers on on ufc and you have a i have a huge following gets just waltz on in yeah that's kind of how that happens man it [ __ ] sucks obviously but also she wasn't actually the [ __ ] main correspondent she was never paid by ufc to do that right i just posed for a [ __ ] picture man she's always just joking around how many times when i started doing stand-up and i would wait two three hours to do a five-minute set and when it was finally my turn the host of the show would be like hey sorry man uh yeah this guy he has a he has a just for laughs showcase tomorrow and he's got to get his he's got to get as much stage time as possible can he go you know can he go can he take your place and i'd just be like you know just get he wouldn't take my place but i would get bumped down the list it would get bumped and bumped and bumped until i would perform to [ __ ] nobody man that's how it goes [ __ ] shit's unfair but also she didn't do anything she didn't take the [ __ ] job from anybody that's the thing i get that it is frustrating when someone who didn't put the same amount of work as you gets more than you i totally get that right but that's not what happened here so i don't know it's so funny that people were just like [ __ ] freaking out you know but yeah she i think she like quote tweeted it and was like um damn you guys got me fired because everyone was just so pissed at her and it sucks man because i was like that's funny addison ray that's funny that's a funny tweet and then dude she [ __ ] it up [Music] i was rooney for you you we were all rooting for you because what did [ __ ] addison ray do she halfway through the [ __ ] ufc match that donald trump is there as well he's like front row she goes up and is like hey hey i just have to say hi hi i have to say hi hi donald trump i'm addison [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi i'm madison i have to say hi hello all the all the millions of people that you pretty much killed because you were handled coveted terribly and all and all those kids that you kept in [ __ ] uh those [ __ ] camps and [ __ ] yeah i just have to say hi yeah when you said dude when you said you could just grab them by the [ __ ] oh man i have to say hi and all the comments were like to this in response to this we're like oh what you can't say i out of the president it's just weird right like go out of your way you're not gonna do that to someone you disagree with right i feel like most people should disagree with trump's ideologies right like if you [ __ ] don't like trump you're not going to be like i i have to say hi how are you i hope you're doing well you're not gonna [ __ ] do that man so it sucks i was rooting for edison and then i saw that and i was pissed off um what are we at 40 something all right folks we'll wrap it up we'll wrap it up big yawn from the kid okay big thanks again to the patreon supporters if 20 more of y'all support uh we will do weekly bonus ones and it'll be a good time um but uh yeah thank you for listening if you enjoyed it you know slap a like you know leave a comment and [ __ ] leave any topics or stuff you want me to discuss you can send some advice to be really good at you know is very really good you can check it out um subscribe all that [ __ ] i don't know do you want just support you know i appreciate it big stuff coming uh yeah all right that's it i'll wrap it up thank you so much for listening that was episode 153 appreciate you thank you so much and enjoy the rest of your week see ya [Music] you
Channel: Very Really Good
Views: 165,409
Rating: 4.9671049 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, very really good, vrg, podcast, kurtis conner podcast, machine gun kelly, addison rae, donald trump, reaction
Id: bnLQZBaIUxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 33sec (2853 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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