Very Really Good #141: Netflix Please Stop

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all right all right brother hello hello hello oh x do the whole do the whole podcast in a british accent challenge go all right bro welcome to very very good i'm not gonna do that that would be so annoying and i'm already annoyed and i didn't even do the whole thing uh welcome welcome back to the podcast this is episode 141 141 uh this is a solo dolo episode i had my buddy jacob on the pod last week it was great it was fun um yeah uh miss that guy uh love that guy and i also miss him i miss him twice and i also love him once it's it's a love sandwich but missing is the bread the bread's missing where'd it go uh it's in my belly because i ate it so this is the podcast unfortunately this is how i this is how we conduct the business of podcasting uh wearing a hat today because uh because the thing about being in a lockdown for six mon a year the thing about being in a lockdown for a year is i don't wash my hair or probably i don't even like shower as much as i should because guess what don't go anywhere you know i've been in my house for weeks months um so you know what smelling good and and sort of having uh clean hair is not a is not at the top of my list you know number one is just don't lose your [ __ ] mind two is like work three is uh dude i don't even know three maybe is hygiene number one it's me and jenna trying not to lose our minds and two is i'm trying to do work um and three is oh maybe maybe i'll have a shower today you know i also i also read that um washing i you like my dandruff long time listeners of the podcast are well aware i got gnarly dandruff uh it's a freaking blizzard up there dude you know they're freaking if you look on my scalp they're like coding world of warcraft games because blizzard is the developer of the world of warcraft series um straight up they're developing the next world of warcraft expansion on my [ __ ] noggin it's awesome dude i love it my head is itchy all the time and hey don't comment use head and shoulders you know whenever i talk about my dandruff everyone's like have you tried that have you tried the most popular dandruff shampoo on the market yes thank you i appreciate the help but i have tried it doesn't work i've tried the clinical strength doesn't work i do the tea tree the mask in my hair doesn't work i need a new head i need a [ __ ] head transplant you know so new head that's what i need uh but what was i saying yeah apparently it's because if you shampoo your head too much if you shampoo your hair too much that also drives it out and it's bad to shampoo your hair all the time news to me right i saw this tic tac this guy was like dude i haven't washed my hair in like three years his hair looks great you know i think it's it's the best it's like it's you gotta like stick it out you know that's the bad part you gotta like because like the first week it's like dude your hair is [ __ ] it's so greasy it's wet it's so greasy that it's wet dude looks like you just got out of a pool but i think like the longer you go maybe your hair just gets accustomed to it you know i don't know so that's why i'm wearing a hat so you guys don't have to look at my greasy [ __ ] hair um but that's just the way it goes man that's life dude we're just all we're just [ __ ] floating on this rock in the middle of the galaxy that literally nothing matters like [ __ ] i can [ __ ] i could i could [ __ ] rip my toe off if i wanted it wouldn't even hurt mind over matter yo should i just say [ __ ] it and become super spiritual you know should i say [ __ ] it and do that become a super spiritual dude like yo i just yo i just manifested the [ __ ] cheeseburger and i and then i and then one fell from the sky and i ate it it was awesome freaking sky burger is lit you ever manifest sky burgers bro you ever just [ __ ] say [ __ ] it you ever just say [ __ ] it manifest skybriggers because if you don't you're you're not you're that's that's that's it that's not epic that is a very low vibration moment all right i sometimes wish i was spiritual man they feel like i feel like their problems are like you know they have like nothing to worry about it's always like [ __ ] people if you have rich parents if you're a white person with rich parents you're you love manifesting you know i feel like i mentioned this before when i was talking about the cosmic energy freestyle girl that is such a rich white kid thing to say like spoiled white kid thing to say like yeah i just manifested it and just like happened yeah i manifested a [ __ ] uh bmw for my 16th birthday and my yeah my [ __ ] i i something happened and it just showed up just it just showed up in my driveway had a big bow on it my dad kept saying i bought this for you i bought this for you with all the money i make and then i was like i don't know why he kept saying that because it was clearly because i manifested it you know um uh but that's good for them though you know that's that's the life you want to live right you got nothing to worry about your biggest problem is if like you're you're [ __ ] i don't know you you're you forgot your [ __ ] crystal on your left on your windowsill you know put your crystal in your purse you know yo my you're totally messing up my chakra bro um all the power to spiritual people though you know no hate no hey can't it couldn't be me though i i don't my brain doesn't work that way um okay real quick let's talk biz all right let's let's get down to brass tacks huh let's get down to [ __ ] brass tacks i pressed the first button i saw um what if you went into a [ __ ] business meeting with your boss and he was like all right sit down sit down all right let's start let's let's talk business sorry i sorry i had a i had huevos rancheros for breakfast and uh that's and yeah it's not agreeing with me okay um so i i understand you want to raise sorry sorry you wanna you said you wanted a raise okay um well i understand it's not really in the budget this year uh it's not really in the budget uh this quarter um but what i can offer you is um my [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of my office that is every meeting with a boss you know like a boss okay let's talk brass tacks huh i feel like if i'm dude i keep getting sidetracked there's something about wearing a [ __ ] ball cap with headphones on and a podcast microphone i'm ready to go dude this is the outfit bro this is it it's like when spider it's like when uh when spiderman finally gets like his like you know spiderman outfit he finally becomes like the spider-man you know like in the sam raimi one when toby maguire is wearing that uh the one he made himself when he was wrestling and then that whole thing happens and he comes back and he's like [ __ ] spider-man now he's not [ __ ] spider-man does that mean he'd be [ __ ] himself that's crazy yo peter parker could be like yeah dude last night i gave i gave spider-man a hand job and he's not lying if he just jerked off telling his buddies at the bar he's like yo dude last night it was [ __ ] crazy he won't believe what happened his boys were like yo what'd you do he's like yo you know spider-man [ __ ] jerked him off a gave him a [ __ ] old-fashioned gave him a handy till he blew his load so the blue was a web all over me it was awesome [Laughter] okay let's talk shop i think i just made kiwi bark let's talk shop all right um so a little while ago i think like two years now a year two years i think two years i i had a patreon for this podcast and um i sort of stopped it because i wasn't like i don't know i had other things i was focusing on and i don't know i just i just felt like i didn't want to uh do it anymore but um recently when me and my me and my team me and my team [ __ ] hate that i just said that but me and my people i work with management and stuff we were you know we were talking about podcasts you know uh shun the producer he was you know he we we talked about it and we think we're going to do a revamp a relaunch of the very really good patreon i'm not going to change any of this right this will be the same thing every week i don't want to like [ __ ] it up for the people who have been watching me for so long and you know don't have the you know you don't want to spend money and do that you know this will be the exact same what you're watching and listening nothing will change for you but i want to give people um some bonus stuff you know if you're a fan of the pod you want to support um because i want to do bigger things i want to you know get my own like studio going so i'm not just recording in my bedroom or not bedroom not just recording in my office um i want to get like i just want to make it better i want to and i want to you know connect more with y'all the the die hards the the bruce willis is at the pod you know that's what the the tears will be called the bruce willis the die hard um so yeah i i'm open to suggestions right now i'm thinking like maybe a bonus episode like uh every two weeks maybe um you know uh we could do like special like advice stuff from just the patreon uh enter you know guest interviews on the patreon i'm just you know whatever suggestions you may have i'm open to them you know because if you you guys are going to be the people that are you know uh getting the patreon if you're interested so i don't i want to make sure you guys are getting the bang for your buck um so yeah leave a comment let me know uh if you guys are down um and if you are down you know what type of stuff you would uh you'd want to see you know in the very really good patreon dude um because the last one i did it was like you get a bonus video episode every month but every episode's a video episode now so um i don't know we'll uh we'll [ __ ] figure it out and yeah let me know okay let's let's freaking move on bro [Music] um what what okay we got a we had a bunch to talk about this week dude we have usually uh we're like scraping for topics but this week has been absolutely packed dude it's like a jelly down that it's like this week was a jelly donut it was every whenever we do we like our we do our podcast meeting me and shun it's like well what are we what are we talking about this week i don't know we're like scraping the internet you know to find [ __ ] fine stories but this week we were like we had the frigging we just had to put our hands back like we were spiderman getting a hand job man we just had to put our heads back and chill it was awesome um first off uh that [ __ ] derek shoving piece of [ __ ] guilty on all charges dude let's [ __ ] go that's that's incredible i hope that guy rots in jail forever and he will uh which is great um and it's just so i mean it's it's good that that it's amazing that that happened but it's like so insane how like um there was lit literal video there's literally like video of him murdering someone and then there was still we're still like shocked that he's guilty you know that just shows how [ __ ] crazy it is and how much like the like the legal system favors [ __ ] police officers man so obviously it's like that's still so much so much like more work to do right but definitely a good step that um uh what am i trying to say obviously thank [ __ ] god is what i'm saying that he [ __ ] is going to jail forever because what a piece of [ __ ] it's what he deserves and there's literal video evidence of it so ah you know um but guess who [ __ ] there was obviously a lot of like backlash of people you know from people being like who were bummed about that for some reason um one person obviously uh was our was our uh good great friend not friend he's the enemy ben shapiro i was gonna say good friend because we talked about him on the podcast and that segment was really funny but his book where someone was paralyzed by political correctness um so home depot this is what's going on home depot uh i guess didn't they were staying silent um on uh unlike just like political issues home depot didn't want to like speak up about it um i just got an ad for a memory card that's 600 what the [ __ ] okay sorry so much money um okay yeah so ben shapiro made this video of him like shopping at home depot um and it's gotta be like top five uh probably like worst things i've ever seen in my life um i'll play it right now all right as you can see i just went shopping at home depot you should do the same this one this board this magnificent poplar is now mine here we are at home depot as you know controversy has now involved home depot as people are encouraging people to boycott home depot because home depot is not getting involved in georgia's voter law controversy from people doing exactly the right thing because after all they are in fact home depot they are not in fact in the business of housing because you should be buying from companies that are not falling to the world left home depot so far one of those companies so here's what we're doing i encourage you to do the same i'm gonna go in there i'm gonna buy some stuff and then i'm gonna leave dude what a [ __ ] [ __ ] loser bro i just hop at home depot this mute this beautiful piece of wood this magnificent piece of wood is hard as [ __ ] so am i i am literally torqued the [ __ ] up dude i'm coming in my little trousers right now because i am mine from a company it's making me come when i buy from this company what a loser bro also the windiest day and the smallest shirt he's wearing the smallest shirt i've ever seen anyone wear because he's a little boy dude he's doing like a [ __ ] pro bono brand deal for home depot because they didn't speak up about political issues once okay you know what once ben shapiro stops talking about these [ __ ] his political views i'll do a brand deal for him once he shuts the [ __ ] up i will be like you guys are going to check out benjamin he's great he finally shut the [ __ ] up and i'll wear it the smallest shirt in the world i will i'll wear a kid's medium i'll wear it in a [ __ ] venture pr parking lot this wood this beautiful piece of wood i'm a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] [Music] he's like thank god a company didn't say anything i love them for that it's so i don't get it like it's so easy to just show a little like compassion right i can't read the rest of the article because i gotta pay for it [Music] um but this was about the states was about atlanta's like strict uh voting law um so i'm i'm guessing it's it makes it hard for people to vote so since he god what a [ __ ] you know sorry and i'm trying not to use that word so much but this is a [ __ ] this is a [ __ ] move i'm just some card just behind him being like ben again bang it out of the way home depot employees have to be like dude stop you're here every day piss off [ __ ] home depot man we're going lowe's low's the whole way um this magnificent piece of wood dude that's him [ __ ] sending a sex to his to his [ __ ] wife this beautiful piece of wood this beautiful hardwood so here's what we're doing this wood this board it's it's ripe for your picking babe um okay okay actually okay we'll change the subject we got a bunch of uh we have this segment it's like sort of a halfway segment that we uh um we like to call it poo tube where we talk about uh youtube but youtube and youtubers being dumb and shitty hence the poo tube we don't have a jingle for it so it's not a real um segment yet so maybe we can get one going um so there's a little little improv you know a little uh little um acapella if you will um okay first up high house is getting a netflix show what the [ __ ] all right um netflix has swooped in to land a reality series about the hype house a group of digital influencers in la that have more than 120 million thick duck followers um so i don't know who the [ __ ] thought anybody wanted this or was even remotely thinking about this um i just don't what is it so it's like a reality show right like keeping up with the kardashians but like the like the low end right and that [ __ ] dude okay actually the weird thing about it too he's all in it that david dobrik wanna be guy his uh girlfriend another name uh thomas petto pechua we talked about my high post video uh little huddy that guy this guy that or oh his name is larae i think yeah larae um that girl that guy and nikita dragon yeah nikita dragging these nuts off all across my netflix app because i'm and all the way over to my to the disconnect button to done subscribe button the key to dragging my nuts to the disc to the unsubscribe button how old is nikita dragon 25 and you're hanging out with kids you know how old is everyone else in the hype house isn't that little huddy guy like [ __ ] 19 he's 18. thomas petru age he's 22. i don't know man like what are they gonna what are they gonna even stress about i don't know what dance to do guys i'm just i'm just really sad i you know i'm i'm usually really getting i'm really usually good at doing the whop but i sprained my ankle when i was i sprained my ankle when i was uh when i was um playing playing basketball with with lebron james and and i just can't do the whop as good as i usually can you know you know a lot of people think it's it's like a talking head from the show you know a lot of people think it's easy to do or do and and they're and they're right they're absolutely right it's and it's hard you know it's hard knowing that it's so easy to do to do sort of whatever also dude under my understanding is that the hype house was called the hype house um because when someone was going really viral on tick tock wouldn't they say like they have hype or they have the hype right so they like named it after like [ __ ] like charlie dimelio right this is my understanding they like named it because like oh charlie has the hype they have the hype right now and they named after the hype house when i guess she was like a part of it or some [ __ ] and then she's bailed she's not in the netflix show because they got their own shell and now they're just like this is still the hype house you know it seems kind of weird i was like yeah literally that's like if i had a uh imagine if i had a house a content house called the curt the curt boy mansion and then and then i was like you know what i'm moving out you know i gotta i gotta go on bigger better things and then the people like still live in that house who i lived with and then they're like all right we got a friggin uh we got a netflix show it's called the curt boy curtis connor house and curtis isn't in it but you know it's like netflix will cancel so many shows that people actually like you know and then they're like okay sorry guys i know you really liked that show you know i know you really liked the you know the daredevil show i know you liked sense8 i know you liked every all these i know we hear you but how about how about something you don't want i i see your uh sadness about the cancelled show that you like and i raise you a show that you didn't ask for and don't want now what i mean people are talking about it i'm talking about it so [ __ ] and i guess i can make a video about it but wheelhouse chief strategy officer ed simpson told deadline that okay he said that these influencers want the legitimacy that a service like netflix provides so many of these influencers don't feel they justify the attention that they're getting they put up content up on you they put content up on youtube or tick tock and the algorithm does its magic and they think i've got millions of people looking at me and all i've done is just be me he added when they start to think about the long-form world in the linear world there's a huge demand and desire because it creates a validation for them and for their talent it creates a longevity for their careers as well if you look at the average length of a blah blah blah blah blah blah hey man you said nothing in that whole set in that whole paragraph yeah sue and like influencers think about the longevity and their followers and the algorithm and the likes and the comments you don't really perceive it as a career move but in the in the in the prospect of the career move of the longevity is the streaming service of which we will um capitalize on the the monet on the monetization and uh capital gains of the of the likes and dislikes so when you put it like that it's pretty much a no-brainer so watch the [ __ ] show all right you know what would be cool if nikita dragon was a legit dragon if they see jeed every scene with nikita they did like a body double they did like uh like you know how like the lord of the rings it was like andy's what's his name andy circ circus andy circus he was actually like doing all the movements of golem or schmiegel right and they just like did cg over him and stuff they should do that for nikita but like a like she's a legit [ __ ] dragon that'd be hard as [ __ ] i'd actually watch that i'd be hyped to watch that show and they just never addressed it all their talking heads she was like a a dragon that would be awesome and that's the only way i'll watch a show all right man i don't know obviously like they're getting so much backlash too it's like and they're all like so shocked that people are like knocked down like what did you what did you expect man what did you expect netflix you really [ __ ] this one i mean i would still very like a netflix special so don't any netflix executives listening uh how about you give me a netflix special and i'll we'll call it even all right we'll call it even give me santa special and uh we'll call it even but if not i'm gonna punch my hand again man of all the youtubers who give shows you know it's [ __ ] [ __ ] give those you know those you know that group where it's like they uh that that youtube channel where they just build like structures in the forest right they get like [ __ ] 40 million views it's like time lapse of them building like a pool and like a forest and you're like yes dude give them a show man give them a netflix show not [ __ ] little heady yeah dude i just like i don't know if i can get i don't know if i can go to [ __ ] rodeo today guys i'm just not feeling it yo thomas what's wrong i don't know man my [ __ ] new yeezy boost didn't come in the mail yet i just can't absolutely stunt on these [ __ ] peasants if i don't have my easy boosts on bro it's fine just wear your freaking uh dude just it's all fine just where you're [ __ ] off whites bro it's not that simple chase it's not i can't wear the off-white it's not right and it cuts to the and it cuts to the [ __ ] talking head he's like i can't believe chase i can't believe how chase would just uh suggest to for me to wear the off-whites when he knows he knows i've been waiting for my easy boost for days i'm i'm thinking i'm gonna kick him out of the house oh [ __ ] man but hey it's content i guess i'll make a video about it dibs i did zip clip this all right if you see any other commentary guys making a video about this i dibs it all right i made the video about the hype house first i did it first so you know what you gotta let me do it it's only right and if you don't let me do it well there's the next boxing match dude there's a nice youtube boxing match [Music] uh all right next uh next story in poo tube we got the this jeff wittek [ __ ] um this like documentary series he's doing about the whole david dobrik situation how he like literally almost died because of a a prank not prank like a stunt that like david dobrik they're gonna like do like a comeback of the vlogs um like during covet i guess um which is crazy because i thought they were just like he was not vlogging because kovid right but they're like no it's because [ __ ] jeff almost died um but yeah i feel [ __ ] bad for him man all this stuff it's like the video is like the documentary series is really good but it's so it's so weird seeing like david talk about the the of what happened like in these videos because it's like so like he's like laughing like nonchalant about it and i i understand that's like a you can that's a way to cope right i do that too i guess when things are uncomfortable i just i try to make jokes and laugh it off but like i don't know at a certain point man you almost killed your [ __ ] friend right um and in the new episode he was like yeah i did jeff was so good he like really he made us all feel better by being himself and making jokes about it it's like man don't he's that's not your that's not his job to make you feel better you almost killed the guy right you know i don't want to like [ __ ] like this isn't like t you're [ __ ] i'm not coming for anybody or drum or anything but i don't know it's just so [ __ ] weird it's such a weird environment to me that whole vlog squad thing it's like you put all your friends in these like crazy situations and it's like for what right like if i was like maybe this guy's like who we are i guess but if i was like guy if it's like jacob and dean and stuff and i was like guys i got an idea for a video um you guys gotta do you guys gotta skydive skydive naked you gotta you gotta pee off you got no you gotta poop off the plane poop take [ __ ] [ __ ] off the plane and then you gotta dive skydive and if you reach the ground before your poop does i'll give you both 10 grand and bonus points if you land on the ground and the poop falls on your head i'll give you another 10 grand right they'd be like [ __ ] you man it's a [ __ ] weird idea you're you're an [ __ ] you're an [ __ ] for that you want you want [ __ ] to fall on our head on the internet all right man [ __ ] you right i mean that is a pretty funny idea i feel like they'd be down [Music] all right never mind but you know he puts them in these like weird situations and it's like well you got to do it for the vlog this is our livelihood by ours i mean mine um like this one clip from his uh [ __ ] architectural digest video choice awards and it was like a really really big deal for me no one no one else cared this is my bar cart i actually don't drink this is here for my friends i get most of my work done when my friends are super drunk because i oh i film basically everything oh oh hey huh oh that's a big red flag uh yeah man is that a billy talent song or an architect architectural digest video because that is a red flag dude weird as [ __ ] like actually so weird to be like yeah i don't drink this is just my friends because they get super [ __ ] up and they do crazy [ __ ] and i film them i exploit them um i exploit them for mine for for me for money for me you know like that's weird right it's one thing to be like yeah i don't drink it's not for me i just like my my friends drink uh so i just have this for them right um to be like a good friend right to like give them stuff to drink right i guess but like to film it like that's like bully [ __ ] you know get someone super drunk get them all [ __ ] up and then you film them anywhere else if it wasn't david dobrik you'd be like [ __ ] him that guy's weird he doesn't drink he just gets us drunk and films us he's a [ __ ] weirdo bro you know like i always said that like so nonchalantly too i don't know i feel bad for for jeff man it's [ __ ] crazy [ __ ] to go through um docuseries is great though um and i i never met i haven't met david before i met jeff once uh and he was very nice to me he said he said me and jenna were cool and he seems like a good guy you know i i just i don't know i i mean i'm just i just wanted it from an outsider and i wanted to talk about it but mostly for the fact from that clip for the architectural digest video yeah hard to digest that one you know um what else what else been going on oh the jake paul fight let's talk about that um so as all of you know i won the jake paul fight um jake paul was fight he fought ben askren um and he won and there's this whole thing about like people think that the fight was rigged because it lasted like i don't know [ __ ] like a minute and ben askren i've seen videos of him taking like he's literally gotten the [ __ ] kicked out of him like like batman bad guy like common batman crook had this [ __ ] you know batman just [ __ ] whales on guys for like selling weed that's how much he's been [ __ ] beat up and he like kept fighting because he's like a ufc guy right or wrestler but like one punch and he goes down and it's like and they're like all right it's done it's done it's done don't hit jake don't him don't punch him don't hit him he's done he won right okay the only good part about that whole fight if it was a if it was rigged [ __ ] fine ben that bad astron guy made like like 1.5 million dollars for like a five minute fight i get knocked out i get knocked out for a [ __ ] million 1.5 million dollars for sure hey this is literally a call out jake paul if if you want to punch me in the face with boxing gloves on you want to punch me in the face like we're boxing and give me one and a half million dollars i'll do it that's fine i think anyone would say that i'm not being crazy um it would hurt but you know so would my back from carrying all that cash to the bank that's what would hurt more jake um but the only good part about that uh um she got a text in the group chat from jacob and it said but it it was probably something else in the group chat not to what i just said but i'd like to think that it was um the only funny part about the only good part about that fight was pete davidson just being a [ __ ] the whole time and just being a douche to jake um and apparently jake paul didn't like that of course because he does not have a sense of humor i want to see jake paul versus pete davidson oh yo hey can i fight that little piece of [ __ ] oh my god i'll listen i'll put him on the set how is he here he's the gp oh listen he's not real he's like six three six four hey you know the thing about having podcasts is have two guys have two maybe three guys you know don't have eight guys on a pod you [ __ ] morons i can't hear anything yeah can i fight that guy can i also fight that guy i would like to punch him with my fist yeah i'd like to kick him with my boot these are all like the most [ __ ] hyper masculine news on a podcast bad idea too much man i'm [ __ ] let's go you [ __ ] him i know i'm fight let's go after i beat his ass i'm a [ __ ] savage you gotta do it hey man can we get security man it's only water oh [ __ ] dale yeah pete davidson uh i think he took the mvp i'm gonna be honest with with you i mean there was a well jake took the enemy okay look when you got the mvp there was a lot of people who were just not fans of the event yeah and and he spoke directly to those people those people were dude it's so i love how it's like they think it's so manly to be like well i'll [ __ ] fight him how about that i'll kill him i'll punch him i think that's so manly but it's like literally the opposite because that it only goes like because he know he they know that he was right you know he was right to like [ __ ] talk all that [ __ ] he knows this is a joke like deep down that's why they're so angered by it and like well i'll fight you what if i hit you really hard with my hand because you said those funny things about me like why do you i don't i don't get how you can take yourself seriously like anybody i don't know anybody could maybe if you're like a brain surgeon yeah you have to take yourself seriously but if you're jake paul dude you did it you made it every day bro you know it's every day bro like i don't want to see so why were they watching if they weren't fans of the event wait hold on hold on because nobody because everyone hates you man like is he vast he's either a genius he's how he has to be right he's either a genius or the biggest [ __ ] idiot in the world why are they watching me if they weren't a fan we're all laughing at you sir nobody literally nobody likes you that's your whole shtick people want to see everyone wants to see you get knocked out yeah they want to see me die they want to see me get [ __ ] up because they love me dude yeah man for sure for sure that's what it is ah [ __ ] man i just don't get like why doesn't he just fight a boxer he's trying to be a boxer right why not fight other boxers be funny for like his next one his next round he's like yeah i'm fighting a boxer big up it's a mystery it's a boxer you won't know until the the day of the fight but it's for sure a boxer and it's and like like in this corner jake paul and then they're like who's it going to be who's the boxer who's he going to be and like and the next other corner it's a boxer and then literally the dog breed boxer comes out like and he's literally fighting a boxer dog a beautiful purebred boxer dog and he loses and the dog he's wearing gloves he's wearing freaking boxing gloves and he [ __ ] beats jake paul he's he he his fighting against humans he's great but dogs will [ __ ] him up dude the dogs like smells like up dog in here and jake's like what's up dog and the dog's like these fists gives them an uppercut i mean that'd be friggin epic dude that'd be epic i'll watch a boxing match if jake paul is fighting a boxer dog and then i'll watch the hype house show if nikita dragon is a legit dragon all right jake paul versus nikita dragon that'd be a pretty clutch fight that'd be cool and then logan paul is fighting floyd floyd mayweather in like like next month or something floyd mayweather the guy who's never lost a boxing match is going up against a [ __ ] guy who dabbed on youtube for three years what is going on the guy who dabs you know the you know the guy you know the guy who dabs yeah he's [ __ ] fighting the he's fighting the best boxer in the world like what the hell that's like if i went in like a [ __ ] debate against like neil degrasse tyson me neil degrasse tyson versus me [ __ ] intellectual debate who's winning oh i wonder guy who dabs on youtube or or the or the literal genius who dabs on humanity hmm that's a head scratcher for sure dude dude neil degrasse tyson would wipe the floor even in a boxing match dude he'd [ __ ] kick my ass he knows like physics and [ __ ] to like horn like biology too he can like harness his like his [ __ ] like bio energy his bio energy dude and i talk about [ __ ] spider-man hand jobs so we're two dif two two uh two different two different people um okay we got a little bit of time left i have like one thing of advice that i thought was interesting that we could probably get to and then we could probably wrap it up um we'll give you some advice damn i need a jingle for my advice all right it's time for the advice segment um this one i'm doing we do we don't say the real names on here this one is from spyro the nikita dragon so okay this is the advice here's what i've been thinking about no one is sharing a hundred percent of their life online but i think it's fair to say that a lot of public figures share enough for some viewers to develop like a crush or something if you think about it people go on dates based on dating app profiles alone which give way less information about who people are than like a public figure who uploads weekly 30 minute videos uh but there is this taboo about dating fans right obviously there can be a power imbalance in some cases and i agree that no one should be taken advantage of should that rule out every possibility of a public figure going out with a fan though i guess what i'm trying to ask is in your opinion what would be a way to approach a public figure in a way that they would actually consider you as a love interest on one hand you obviously don't want to be like oh my god i'm a huge fan i watch all your videos can i get a selfie but also could we get a drink sometime but you also don't want to pretend you have no idea who they are because that's just weird i mean that's not even getting into how it could work in a dm scenario a lot of times the content people put out is so intertwined with their personality that it's like yeah i'm a fan but i also think you're as cool as heck as a person we really like to go out with you not curtis you universally okay i got it am i making sense okay interesting question right um i mean we'll go paragraph by paragraph but i think when you share enough for some viewers to develop a crush or something i guess it's different because even like right now who i am on this podcast it's more of who i am compared to my main channel videos because those are scripted edited heavily right um but even this it's not who i am right this isn't me this is me doing a podcast it's not me you know i'm still i'm not i'm not like this all the [ __ ] time i'm not just trying to you know improvise some jokes and and talk about stuff and shoot the [ __ ] for a while it's not who i am right it'd be a nightmare i'd be so goddamn annoying everyone be like hey man not a podcast this is real life shut the [ __ ] up um so this is an exaggerated version of me i think even on here um and it says a lot that's pretty [ __ ] boring on here too um but i think the difference sure you can find out about people like wait you can find out way more about someone just by watching third like their videos then on like a dating app but i think the thing is on a dating if they're on a dating app they're actively you know looking they're looking for someone right they're looking for that connection that uh that relationship maybe but if someone's youtube video they're not for the most part they're not making videos to be like so this is dan life also date me uh this is my top 10 shirts also here's my number go on a date with me you know so i think it's the intent right like just because you know someone because they're uploading the videos doesn't mean it's like they are like being like come on date me you know um and about the power and balance yeah i think it's i think it's uh it is definitely because it's like you already it's it's not like a regular human interaction right if you're like dming someone and you know them you're a fan of them and you're like hey i already know so much about you you don't know me at all but i i know uh your dog's name i know your favorite movie i know i can like reference things you've said before it's not normal you know and you know i like it or not i mean it's like no matter what there always is going to be a weird you know like power imbalance thing it's like a weird it's just weird it's a weird situation to be in i think personally you know i'm sure maybe this has happened before and it's been it's been great but a best way to approach a public figure if you consider them a love interest i mean yeah i don't know because you you really gotta who am i to say like that can't work you know i don't know i don't i listen i don't know but i think in a lot of times it's setting it's setting yourself up for like i don't know like a a bad time because maybe they aren't the person you thought they were right um because you don't know i feel like a lot of people when they meet this is me for example obviously it could be different but when a lot of people meet me i've seen so many comments and sub tweets and [ __ ] be like yeah i've i've met curtis before he's like he's really awkward he's really quiet or he's like definitely different in person or shorter you know than you think um so i just think you can do that right you can dm them if you want you can shoot your shot i'm not saying don't do that but i don't know i guess just be prepared to like you know be prepared to meet someone or talk to someone and then maybe they're not like they are in the internet because people are none of this is real we're we're dude we're all just [ __ ] leaving on our we're all floating on the rock dude yeah this is how you freaking start a relationship with someone a public figure you freaking manifest it like a sky burger i don't know best of luck to you though um i want to end this podcast before my uh camera runs out again so i got 30 seconds folks we'll wrap it up there thanks for listening this is episode 141. have a heavy poo tube segment most of the episode actually covered a lot of ground again let me know your patreon suggestions like comment subscribe all that crap check out the twitch streams having a great time over there um you know check out the curtis parker channel ram fun all right we got 10 seconds left thank you so much for listening episode 141 this is very really good i'm curtis goodbye see you later bye bye peace thanks
Channel: Very Really Good
Views: 272,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, kurtis conner podcast, kurtis connor podcast, very really good, hype house, hype house netflix, jake paul fight, david dobrik, jeff wittek
Id: 3LiToxTAqck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 14sec (3374 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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