Very Really Good #98: The Heimlich w/ Drew Gooden

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hey guys um this week we have a very special guest my good buddy drew Gooden this is a fun one we kind of just like caught up you know talked for a bit I realized the last episode I did with Danny it was kind of just like it's the whole time and a lot of people were confused and didn't know when we were serious or not and I get that so I'm trying to be a better host I'm trying to be a better podcast host so we got into some good conversation this episode and it was a good time it was nice to catch up and you know shoot shoot the [ __ ] so hope you guys enjoy it and yeah see ya hello everyone watching welcome back to another episode of this podcast this week we get it's it's a little we got a special guest so this week it's gonna be the very really good in podcast what yeah Oh what was it who was who was that oh sorry I'm introduced yet uh nothing just sweeping the floor I'll get out of here that's my that's my custodian my podcast is dirtier yeah my good buddy my good pal drew drew Gooden is on the pot so say hello everyone I'm sure they did right I can't hear ya yeah yeah okay I don't want to I don't want to mess up like I just did hi everybody now what's right away what's fun about this is I you guys can see me Curtis can't see me there's no idea what I'm doing so I'm gonna play some pretty epic pranks on him no I guess you won't even know okay and now I'm gonna be really self-conscious the whole time perfect no you have the upper hand that's the best headspace to be in for a podcast is self-conscious oh gosh isn't worried the whole time not confident be get to the for those of you who don't know which would be odd but Drew Gooden is a is a youtuber he's um I guess I get ya right at some people people get weird about like labels and [ __ ] right Oh like there are youtubers who don't like to be all of youtuber yeah I think so I I mean I don't really mind it but I don't really mind you it because it is it is true I understand for some people it has a negative connotation like oh you're just a youtuber but right it would be it would be weird for someone who watches you to think less of me because I'm a youtuber right like I don't yeah so I spin this setting it's a great introduction right yeah they're okay if I am but if you know no yeah I mean I guess I've I've never really had an issue with that cuz that yeah I don't know even know like what other term mm-hmm or like I I don't know yeah I think both of us like would prefer to be known as like a comedian or I guess specific for sure a comedian although you obviously do more live stuff than I do so you are just more of a general comedian but if someone wants to call me a youtuber because my most by far most known thing I'm known for is YouTube it's like maraca nut I'm not gonna beat you up and pull your pants down and spend your bye dang that's what I want well there's all still do it use that's not what's gonna provoke I'm just trying by the end of this podcast I will know how to do that yeah and I will be spanking your bare butt in person somehow yeah that's the thing you can't see my camera you can't see that I'm actually boarding a plane right now at the borders close but you're but if you explain to them what you're doing I think they'll be fine with it hey idiot I'm getting on a plane we're gonna fly over the border yeah it's fine I need to spank my friend curtis's bare ass right answer sorry sorry drew so I guess man it's a I feel it's weird this whole thing that's going on speaking of the border being closed I guess I was talking to Danny with it about it I think when I talked to him it was like Connor when it first started kind of you know now that it's happened for a while I feel like it it's becoming more of like oh this is a this is a this is gonna be the way things are for a very long time or if it's the very least is gonna affect how things are for a very long time like have you have you found it like any different or any like have it affect you a lot yeah I definitely when it first started I think all of it was just such a jarring new reality and even though things aren't necessarily better now I mean if anything they've gotten worse more people are getting sick and you know it's not gotten better but I think for our own sanity a lot of us have just kind of had to exceed not think about all these overbearing horrible thoughts I think my day-to-day life has gotten a little bit more positive lately just out of necessity just because I can't I just have to not think about you know I have to take the right precautions obviously and do what I can for myself but like if I just sit sit and read the news all day every day I'm just gonna I'm never gonna want to get out of bed yeah yeah I've been yeah I've been having that too it's like these every day it's like [ __ ] Justin Trudeau and Doug Ford they do these like live streams of like it just like updating and Pete like the country on everything and it's like I don't like I every time I watch it I'm like I they're just making me sad but I end up watching them like every morning because it's nice to like be in the know but at the same time it's like I did this is so sad yeah well that see that thing isn't even that new it's just it's just now we have all this specific piece of news but that's kind of always been the case where like there's so much fucked-up [ __ ] going on all the time everywhere yeah you really wanted to you could spend all morning every day being quote-unquote informed right out like you feel like you're learning about all these things and that makes you a more knowledgeable person but it doesn't really affect your life and it just kind of brings you down and it's see yeah there's only so much I can focus on at a time so like I just there's so much out of our control to that's the thing it's like I can't control what people are or aren't doing right love it if people were smarter during these times but they're not but I can't do anything about that it's has to become like well that's their problem I gotta live my life and do my thing I gotta do my best I guess well I guess that's I wish everyone would do that but I don't know yeah it's very uh it's very weird I was I went through like a there's like a good like five day string who I was like this is um I was just like so sad so in the dumps like not like doing anything just [ __ ] playing video games and yeah I remember we I think we texted about that yeah like we were both kind of like I Katie I don't want to film anything right now I feel you know obviously we're pretty lucky in the grand scheme of things but the first sort of the realization realization of this this new reality is like it was I was so depressed for a while and how my god yeah yeah everyone was kind of going through it but yeah I mean they just opened their opening golf courses this weekend so I'm going golfing on Tuesday I'm really excited for that that's good that's one of those things you can do responsibly like there are some things that can be open in the right way where you know you're not golf is not a contact sport anyway it's like you you know you can kind of that that's good I do miss normal I mean I mean golf they should make a contact version of golf though I think like I'd be pretty cool yeah just like were just like us tackling I guess you wouldn't really have a reason to tackle anybody well there's always a reason it could also be like dodgeball but okay you just have guys running around the fairway just throwing stuff at yeah I guess the wrong call I don't know if the I don't know the obstacle would be you try to hit them or they just become an obstacle and the golf is still played as normal you're still just trying to get to the hole but others like a hundred dudes in the way trying to slap your ball they're just insulting you the whole time make you feel really self-conscious it's you a people I feel people always are surprised when I saw them that I enjoy golf um which is I guess I guess you know understandable because it's like a game for retired men yeah but I actually didn't I didn't know this about you but you were you're a big sports guy I do love sports and I miss sports yeah bye yeah it's well same with you like people don't realize you like golf because it dead like they've decided it doesn't fit your brand right the plan that you put out and also you don't talk about it so it's understandable I don't really talk about sports so when people are like wait you like sports I'm not like offended or like surprised it's like rabid I thought that I would be offended but I'm not surprised it hey I can like I could like ball but yeah I've always liked sports and it's it's yeah it is surprising even to me it's surprising to Amanda that I like sports he's constantly [ __ ] like I wish I've gotten really into basketball this this year before before the season ended and I was warned like every Orlando Magic game and she's just like where what are you so II wasn't one even still after all this time she's still shocked yeah like she kind of gets it but then sometimes it's like this is so this is who I marry this is the guy huh yeah and I'm stuck with this now I'm like sorry that's so funny still like never just getting used to it forever gonna be a few years we've known each other for five years the bat well in basketball is kind of a newer thing for me I've always liked it but I've been more of a football guy and rent the magic started being better and so I was like okay I'll watch them a lot and I just got really into it we were going to games I was I was paying for like a the NBA League Pass so I could watch all the game oh I did it did come out of nowhere I went from zero to a hundred yeah okay that's understandable then yeah I gotta know where you just like I guess that yeah I don't know where you're just really into anything all all like all in if we pretty frightening yeah like if Jenna just all of a sudden was like hey I'm gonna only do pottery now be like okay well let it's like you're watching all these live pottery tournaments every night and I looked at the cable bill and you subscribe to this premium pottery channel and even though that existed enough people don't like PS pn i think it would be e p pn actually I think because instead of sports it would be pottery and I don't know what the other ones stand for well okay what eat you like what does ESPN saying for I should know that everyone sports please now please please now instead it would be everyone pottery pottery please pottery everybody pottery pottery pottery oh that's great yeah I remember on on tour that was like a big thing of like people going to like that one time we tried to go watch the game I don't know what game it was we tried to go - we went to Buffalo Wild Wings and oh holy [ __ ] there was the most people I've ever seen in any one place especially because we were in such a rural I forget exactly where was summer in Virginia it's like rural America where like the thing to do is go watch sports and on a Sunday afternoon yeah if you're if you're not there an hour before all the games start you're not gonna be able to get a table at Buffalo Wild Wings and that's what we learned yeah the hard way we're another hard way that's so I was a hard day what that was when we found that a Jason Derulo song so that they worked out for the best yeah yeah it's mochi balls I don't know I don't think we've ever did you or Danny talk about that anywhere I don't think so honey to other people as it is to us yeah I guess that is still just an inside joke I know Danny talked about it on his Instagram story maybe cuz yeah wasn't he dancing too he did like a remix of it when we were on tour and he was dead right yeah yeah yeah someone use that audio for like a edit or something yeah but no one ever explained the I guess you should just leave it at that yeah it's I was about to explain it I was like what what could I add to it by explaining it it's just a funny song good we heard it exactly it's not gonna be do what here and be like okay that's not really that funny you think playing that song in a YouTube video would get it claimed I don't even know if that big enough for that to happen I don't know we could never be a good test yeah the both of our next few videos we'll just play the entire song throwing avens and let a let nature take its course I guess the nature of the YouTube algorithm or whatever nature of Jason to really have you seen his sick talks no I didn't know he's um he's very weird on there he he does like all the dances and stuff it's either him like dancing a lot or he's like baking like a really like a big boy or something he I did see one where he was baking like candy inside a cookie yeah and I and and he fit into it at the end we're still piping hot and I know that he burned his mouth and it heard for days so I don't know man I got a I saw this on Facebook somewhere I got a do a nice my manager told me to make tic TOCs I don't know burn my mouth yeah it is weird like it's already weird when some celebrities joined YouTube and it's clear they're just doing it because they were advised to and they don't really have like a theme or purpose right but then they go - tick-tock and it's even it's even more meaningless because then they're just doing trends yeah and it's like I feel like if you were to join for a celebrity to join YouTube it's like you need at least a little bit of a plan or like it takes a little bit of effort but at Tiktaalik it's like you could just [ __ ] do whatever and it takes it's so weird so fast I feel it's I like that really never happened on vine though I never like I feel like that was like a different time for like even though it wasn't really that long ago and you think about it but but yeah I think I think it was still during a time where maybe those traditional managers who were kind of managing these artists wouldn't see the value in vine as much as now tick-tock it's just like why everyone's on tick-tock so it's all about expanding your brand and diversifying and here's the plan at the time the only celebrity I remember on vine I'm sure that I'm sure more will come back to me but Bo Burnham was great oh yeah he was really funny he was so funny cuz it was just really good original jokes it wasn't like it wasn't like the novelty about how Britney Spears is doing something and there's interesting is like he was they were just funny yeah yeah he was like genuinely like creating like a good original like content on it yeah yeah I'm her he was I saw his he came to the Toronto YouTube space when that still existed and he did he like they did a viewing of eighth grade there he don't like this Q&A after was really cool but he was like as soon as like he said someone ask something about vine and he was like yeah as soon as people started like as soon as someone that came out to him and was like oh you're the guy from vine like that's when he just stopped making them because he was like I don't know I don't want to be known for that which was yeah it's pretty interesting I guess but I mean I guess I don't know a vine was it seems like he was so like it was so long ago but I mean it really wasn't I don't know it wasn't yeah well I understand him yeah I guess you don't want to be put in that box yeah I don't I wonder if you would have a different well I was gonna say I want to be at it's a different opinion about that now but I guess that was pretty recent that he would have said that but yeah yeah I get it but I also like I don't know just because someone knows you from something doesn't mean yeah right yeah sure like if you were like if someone was like oh you're the roadwork guy you'd be like all right [ __ ] you I guess I'm going I'm gonna like delete that from the internet and make sure no one ever sees it again yeah exactly no but who am i the question beau he's also like my favorite person in the world so yes and he could be like him do no wrong yeah he could literally say anything he'd be like I fish a fish or now Daleks I'd be like yep okay yeah that's fair he could he could be beating both of us to death right now and I would ask him to focus more on me please smack my bare ass harder than you are a Curtis oh yeah I guess we could talk about I wrote down guidelines that I wanted to talk about all over town was vine question mark oh dude I did uh I [ __ ] I did some video with Mashable like last like a few months ago and the title of it it's like I did I followed like a Bob Ross tutorial and it was really fun but the title of it I'm gonna find it but the title of the video that they put is Curtis corner YouTube comedian and Vine Star follows hope of Ross tutorial and this came out two months ago and they said a vine star that's not even former vine by worldwide vine sensation Curtis Connors 2020 vine sensation yeah it's so irrelevant though especially YouTube comedian and Plus didn't you have way less fine well you and I both never really got that big on vine and now I'm Way bigger on YouTube so it's weird to be like yes oh and also the thing he did that led him to youtube yeah at this point I don't I don't know why they went with YouTube comedian and Vine Star I don't know I don't think I owe her a star of the app yeah the one of the Mount Rushmore it was King bench and yeah lately popping Lily pons Thomas there's yadus Connor that that is a dude I got they gotta make that for sure that's almost as irrelevant as that if the title was like YouTube comedian and former high school graduate really matter anymore yeah I guess it really relevant to what you're doing and food eater Curtis cough infamous the infamous Peter did era I feel like I remember I remember seeing one of your I don't know what vine it with the first vine I saw of yours was but I feel like it might have been the the the diary one oh yeah I feel like that was the first one I saw hey like whenever I don't know any [ __ ] year that was that was one of my I remember that was one of the last ones I did or at least that was when vine was sort of starting to yeah decline because at that point I had moved back in with my parents mmm-hmm so yeah was things were going great for me what's that a was that after camp on plugger before that was after yeah okay so I knew okay that's not I'm wrong then I saw something like I knew of your vines before the camp unplugged thing happen cool cuz I I think we were following each other yeah cuz I remember when that came out I was like oh that looks so cool I was like so jealous of every woman I still can't believe they asked me to do that I was like everyone there had like two million followers and I had like dude 300,000 maybe nice okay sure yeah that was so cool yeah all those I mean it's good to know that like a lot of those okay um yeah I mean it's good to know that like a lot of those people are you know still doing things yeah well that's that's that makes me happy yeah everyone so many like I have the poster still and I look at it all the time and there's like yeah and then Cody's doing good [ __ ] and yeah Tom Harlock has it as a pretty popular YouTube channel Mikayla is great like all these people kind of figured figured that there's stuff out it's it's great it's so cool how we all branched off yes it makes that makes me very happy it was like [ __ ] before a new YouTube [ __ ] worked out for me it was so [ __ ] that was hot it was [ __ ] hard man it's so hard to like figure out what to do so how long was the transition for you between like when vine shut down and then when YouTube was sort of like popping off uh it looks like a good like couple of years I think like because I got some vine went like shut down like right when I went on like a little like I did like a five city like tour and then they shut down like right when that was happening and then when I got back I started working full-time at like an office and I worked there for like a year and a half two years so I get yeah I was for like two years before anything ever like actually like took off for me yeah ten years filled with just like should I peak already and will I ever yeah doesn't self-doubt is rough oh yeah man it's and it well it doesn't go away it still it I deal with it oh for sure every week yeah now now we sort of have this impostor syndrome I think we experience every once in a while where it's like I just forget how to make youtube videos sometimes and I'm like oh the the last one was so easy and now I'm like I don't not being funny and I just say yeah it's it's just constant yeah it's rough I like I feeI want to say I've gotten better at it but I feel she's gotten worse I don't know it's weird yeah I feel like I've gotten more consistent but it's it never goes away like I kind of stay good longer but then it's inevitable that I will eventually have sort of an existential crisis right what am i doing and I think it hits a little bit harder when it's like now our audiences are so big and it's like I have too many subscribers and people watching me for me to feel like I don't know what I'm doing it's like I don't know it's just weird it's a weird and weird feeling yeah I feel like YouTube doesn't help either cuz that whole [ __ ] staying that as soon as you open it it's like hey last video is [ __ ] your [ __ ] you should 14 out of 10 go [ __ ] yourself and they added it to the mobile version of the app now so you didn't even avoid it yeah before it was like alright I know this video is not doing well I just won't go on a desktop YouTube studio but now it's like I just want to read some comments and it's like did you know that no one likes you anymore you idiot yeah they should just the next time they should just send like people in YouTube shirts to your house or just beat the [ __ ] out of you let's break your kneecaps that's bad yeah don't tattoo 9 out of 10 carve it in your [ __ ] chest yeah which I guess I'm realizing as I say that I'm sure I guess people doesn't know what that means that just means like the ranking of years so cuz nine out of ten normally sounds good oh you're nine out of ten that's that's 90% but here it's like it shows you how few views your new videos getting in this time frame compared to your last one and it's like I don't need to know that only if it's good why would you ever tell me that what [ __ ] if I couldn't propose that and what [ __ ] was like yeah good idea and then and then the it comes with like a little sentence that's associated with it and it's like very condescending like I guess people just aren't as interested in this topic as usual try again next time it's like you kind of sounded like a little [ __ ] in this video you need to not be such a [ __ ] next week yeah we're just more of a [ __ ] really kind of on the fence next week you better come up with your you with your dick between your legs and that's okay I think I saw something very funny today on Twitter you think you saw something very funny today yeah tell me about it okay I can't be I can't be certain but I'm gonna send it to you on my breast cord don't don't read the link just open it and then and then tell me what you think I don't know if you've seen this yet all rights gonna pop up I did I did okay so to those people who aren't watching the video there is a there is a fleshlight okay let me let me set this okay remember remember in a bug's life there was the big fat caterpillar who had a mouth that when you looked at it you just thought I wish I could [ __ ] well now you can and it's $2,000 fleshly I fit you're gonna have to give him the Heimlich after because he's choking yeah we're yeah if if if I use that and then am in need of the Heimlich don't even bother I deserve to be resuscitated I says this is it the Holy Grail one of four in existence it's like it's a dragon ball there's more than water I I don't know what okay never publicly released I'd yeah I'd hope not never publicly released only given to a select few high ranking pics our executives for okay I can't be real what will also never publicly released yeah I would hope it wasn't it that were like Toys R Us oh no yeah the sex toy section of Toys R Us sex toys r us I guess yeah oh there's a video of it too okay well not a like in years but that is I don't I just looked I'd love to know the thought process of that like were they watching bug's life and they were like damn yeah I don't like what that entails that someone who probably saw a bug's life when they were a kid and then carried this don't life I just don't like it's always been in the back of their head yeah they've never been able to connect with with anyone man or woman it's been trying to figure out why that's because the only person they've ever loved is a 3d caterpillar that makes me so upset that whatever they're there like they overhear someone choking at our restaurant like give him the Heimlich they're like I wonder if there's other Pixar characters that they've made if you had to I don't know exactly where you're going and it's mr. incredible oh yeah I I'd agree with that I'm mr. incredible flashlight oh that's so gross it is I don't know why I'm still trying to think of other Pixar characters what in the for the most part it's like you can't really pick one because then it'd be like Oh what like bestiality I guess because they're like all mostly animals I think yeah and you don't want to do that you don't want to do that was one thing I've learned well not learn oh you know what I mean I've heard yeah I've heard that it's good I'm happy you've already seen that that's good I wish when you saw something for a second time you would actually be on seeing it and then that's where I could be right now right you just cancels it cancels it out but instead I've just seen it more good the things people make that's great um the things people [ __ ] yeah true are you uh okay I saw another tick tock that I I haven't like these weird Dee used to talk a lot um I do yeah I I go through periods where I do it too much and then I have to sort of police myself and get off it because I just succumb to the endless scroll of all right there for hours yeah yeah they're uh they're like algorithm thing is it's great it sends me they have figured me out yeah mines like skateboarding people like falling down and like people doing like weird [ __ ] like stupid jokes it's it's really good but I also have like these other I don't know why but like these other videos that pop up on my for you page are like people talking about the drug trips that they go on and like okay or like the weird things they see when they like meditate and I've fallen well that's pretty much it it's just like it's weird that I don't know what it take talk with what I don't love what made them think I would like that but right that what sumption they're making about you yeah and what you do in your free time but like I've fallen down YouTube rabbit holes like that before I just there was one time where there was i I got really interested in watching people talk about what they were experiencing in the middle of like an acid trip oh not it's just I don't know why I don't even really care that much like I I did acid once in college and I never really need to do it again right and it's you're just kind of speaking nonsense the whole time thank you you finally understand the universe but there's literally no way to verbally communicate right your thinking and your brain and then if you try to remember it it's just so but I yeah that they should be showing that to me basically yeah okay I'll I'll give you my like low again I guess you could you could yeah we'll just swap logins yeah it's like wife's water but take dog logon spot and you you scroll through now and you see a bunch of like caterpillar wait I guess true like yeah like go to your house at some point you have all four of the flashlights yeah the exodia of fine well I have the other three okay and then this guy advice is is trying to sell his but I wouldn't don't mind and you might think like how do I use all three of them at the same time but yeah I'll let you know I have one dick into balls and that's all I'll say about that okay but you but you use all three at the same time yeah I usual three at the same time because so in one for the and then two for the yeah okay one for each of the balls okay fine a flashlight and if I think dipping your ball in and out it's a lot of work I like it that's yeah that's what sex is mm-hmm it's a ball dipping yeah they will not let me around like fondue or chocolate Mountain anymore because I have one at my grade eight graduation and I just could not get my balls out of there me trying to get me off of there but I was like no I'm not moving yeah the grocery store employees always wonder why I'm stocking up on salsa so much this is like I like what I like yeah leave me alone you step to shopping carts full of sells a loose salsa it's falling through the shopping cart you open the salsa Qatar's pour them into the I mean I it's really funny because I put this shirt I'm oh I meant to say that well I brought up never mind I guess that in a second but why lie why I brought up people talking about other dimensions and tripping and stuff because I feel like uh I don't know what it I am like when I see stuff light like that or like someone's like yeah I like meditate and I went to like this other dimension and I met these like these otherworldly beings and [ __ ] and I see that I'm like there's no [ __ ] way present right there is no way I don't know if I'm like I'm just like there's no like I feel like you can be spiritual I guess but like when I see stuff like that it's like bro like how it's it's just so easy to make up story like that too it's like you you just have to kind of yeah those people on the internet are lying yeah it's just so what a weird and specific thing to lie about though - yeah but they could pretty much say anything and I guess a lot of people would be like oh that sounds like yeah that happened to me too I so like that that that was because you drank one beer having to me too and I drank one beer that's [ __ ] up I used to die so why so much now as a kid I use a lie a lie all the time all the time just about everything yes I right dude I was I've been digging at about that a lot actually lately it's funny you say that I remembered telling it was just the dumbest [ __ ] idea when once I could speak German it's like say a word in German and I just went I made up a word and I was like darkened park or something whatever I said whatever word I made up yeah I was like that means hello and he's like no it doesn't I was like he called me out on it instantly oh that's so yeah it is I think about that so much like just being a kid and just like I don't know I'd like you maybe you just want people to think that you're like more interesting I don't know but I just don't think that's what it is I told I told my friend that I was gonna be in the next Harry and like when this is one Harry Potter 3 came out the Prisoner of Azkaban I was like yeah I'm gonna be in Goblet of Fire and he was like oh my god really I was like yeah I'm gonna be I'm playing Draco Malfoy's brother and he was like I read the books he doesn't drink um oh if I doesn't have a brother and I was like oh they they wrote they like they added them in for me just for the any like believe me up until the movie came out and then when it came out he was like you you like you lie to me that's so funny it's like I can think of a million of the littlest lies that I said for no reason all the time and then would and any time I got called out on them as I should have I my heart would start beating really fast like oh [ __ ] they figured it out right why did I will have to lie in the first place about yeah why would you subject yourself to that stress when I was in fifth grade I remember telling someone they were like absent the day before and I told them that they missed out on like a career day and a man once someone's dad was like an Olympic athlete why did I say that that's so specific what and they so easily fact checkable if they just talked to someone else yeah just for no reason I I guess I don't know um yeah there was I mean it was a Louie CK bit I guess he's he's you know he's been yeah but it's it's that was hard to want to reference his bits because he did have some good bits yeah my knowledge of his exact wrongdoings yeah yeah they're still valid bits that one bit when he's saying like you have to tell your kid not to lie but lying is that like the thing that fixes like every problem yeah like that's such a good day is so true like when you're a kid it's like you know I know I'm not supposed to but it's like it's just that's what's gonna fix what I want to do right it's because we're too stupid as kids to figure out what I don't know I remember god I lied to my parents all the time yeah oh my god yeah my sister was really good at knowing when I was lying because I would she would call me out instantly every time I would like we used to play roller coaster tycoon a lot as a kid and I remember telling her that I saw a guest throw up in a trash can which think that doesn't happen in the game it's just not coated into the game yeah and she was like no you didn't why do they make that because I'm so boring and we have no real stories so we have to just make stuff up that's just flying for fun when I was like there's another thing I did I think I talked about on my podcast before but there was this kid on my street named Eric he was a lot younger than us but we convinced him that he had super speed and he would just he would just run like down the street we'd be like whoa that was so fast how did you do that oh that's kind of me tell me you build up his confidence yeah we thought we convinced him they had a superpower and then like one day we told him that like we were lying to him any [ __ ] like here at home crying it was really me that's what you do when you're a kid I guess I I think I feel like I saw a video that recently have like up not that specifically but a parent convincing their kid that he was invisible or something and then so he thought oh yeah oh yeah that prank that they were doing while Bella pranks oh yeah big prank guy yeah what I was saying about I like we went through all this trouble to find this shirt to wear it on on this broadcast but I can't even see you and you can't even see me okay I'm wearing the that we are two different people tour shirt yeah which was a thing that we all did last summer I guess we could talk about that for a bit it was of I feel like it was such I can't believe we did that I agree when I think back on it I don't even like I have memories of doing it but I cannot put myself in the head space that I was in yeah back when it became so normal to just go and perform for an hour every night like I can't imagine doing that right now right was a time where I was like I wasn't even getting nervous before these show how I can't how was that happening now the idea of someone talking to someone at the grocery store gives me anxiety so it's like how did I I don't identify with the person I was seven months ago yeah yeah I feel the same way it's like every I mean like I still I've done like I've toured a bit like after that but still it's like yeah you've been doing a lot like still the the size of the rooms that we were doing and like the frequency of it was just it's yeah it's crazy man like how like how many places we went in such like a short amount of time even though it was it felt like a forever and like being away from home for that long I don't know like that was and I was wrong do you think you'd ever do a thing like I mean I guess now be a lot harder right now right now it's easier to say no I won't do that because I was already sort of leaning against or leaning towards not really wanting to do something like that again even though a lot of it for us was like we've never done something like this we think we could be good at it it's gonna be a learning experience and I do feel like the show's got better as it went on I felt like we got really comfortable especially our bits at the end with me a dancing match like that was so fun every night that was my favorite part of the show yeah it was like improv a little bit we'd find like new bits within and just do them again or change that that was so fun and I feel like we learned a lot of how we could improve it and it would almost be a waste of that to not do another tour but I also don't think I ever wanted to do that again as fun as it was and as proud as I am of what we did right I have nothing else to prove yeah myself you accomplished what needed to be accomplished I think I think just something to that scale to like I I I mean like I loved your standup I would love to I I wish I had started back when you did because that's just now I'm still putting it off I'd love like just it's so much easier to do that not know that I'm saying it's easy to do stand-up but just in terms of production it's like you can kind of just go and you don't need it yeah it's such a big crew and it was such a like everything you had a problem with like well we can't do this tonight because the stage doesn't and it's like right if I could just go and talk or did you see a mill addition scorch so Schwartz song uh yeah I was gonna bring that up yeah it was so well done it was great I love those guys and I like the first live thing I ever did really before even vine was I started doing improv and I would I always dreamed of doing a show like that and it's improv is something that I historically doesn't translate that well to like a recorded setting it's much better in person but the way it was filmed was great it was I felt like I was there maybe part of it it was because we've just missed live performances so much so it was so yeah a victim timely I think what it was I've I was like shocked that when I saw the when I was like oh wonder how that's gonna like I could even be like really really good or just like like painful to watch I guess but but I cried laughing yeah it was the most wonderful thing we Amanda and I watched him and we tried to spread them out as much as possible because there were only three and we wanted to make them laugh so we watched one and then waited a few days in Washington it was like yeah it's so great but I would love to have the ability to do what they could do oh my god just go out and do it you know make a bold show and have it all make sense and not have to worry about lights and all this yeah yeah that's like it's yeah it's basically like because a lot of I feel like by the end of it especially the the show that that like that we are two different people like show it was like there's so many things that just weren't a part of at the beginning like like you improvise like so much but yeah I think we were we were all capable of doing improv but I what was what was comforting was always having the structure to fall back on I think if it was just to be like well let's go do a 3-man improv show I just could see it being a disaster yeah and then if it didn't if it starts to go off the rails it's not like you just go back to the line that you had right yeah gotta learn Matt where we could experiment yeah that's that's why I'm profit always scared me like I did it when I was in like college but I don't know I I always just felt so much more comfortable with stand-up cuz like you can like still improvise a little bit when you drink stand-up but it's like at least you still have that like those set jokes you can like go back to yeah it's funny because I feel like kind of the opposite where stand-up scares me a lot more and when I have been in places in my life where I've been doing improv consistently and it's not as scary because you have all these other people but doing like a two-man improv show where so much of it is on your shoulders oh yeah to really listen to everything my favorite thing in improv my my go to like where I'm most comfortable was always like the scene is already established and I come in as the wacky third character who just has a couple funny line yeah but I don't have the responsibility of maintaining the story or whatever to accomplish that's where I'm most comfortable is that supporting here the the comic relief of the comedy show yeah I would and I would always like I'd have shows where like my friend would be there and be like you had the funniest line in the whole show well good about that but I did so little within the show it's just like I'm sighs I'm submit in two minutes watching the scene thinking of the perfect entrance so it's barely even improv at that point planning it all out in my head and then I don't know what to do once I'm in the scene right but as long as you got that compliment and this I get that one line and it goes right to my head all right job well done yeah I mean that's pretty much all what stand-up is either - it's like you have like one like good improvised line - you're like and everyone loses it or something like when you do like if you like respond like a heckler or something like that always gets a bigger laugh than an actual joke that I write and work on for months yes because people know if there's something so magical about that thing that we'd witnessed and it only existed in that moment and right that specific interaction will never happen again and if you shut down some [ __ ] that everyone hates anyway it's it's great right yeah I guess like you oh my god people that I could think honestly looking back if I'm being on a set it's probably another reason why I'm a little bit hesitant I just don't know I mean I love our fans right I'm grateful for every single one of them but I just don't know if if we have the right fans for what we're trying to do because you're a little bit younger and they haven't been to a lot of shows and they didn't really understand the rules of like just cuz you're here and you can see us doesn't mean you can talk to us while we're performing and just because sometimes we ask for input from you guys or we ask for suggestions doesn't mean that that's a constant thing where you can just say something at some point right and then people would get upset we would kind of tell him to stop and people would be like upset we'd get tweeted after the show how rude it was and it's like do you not understand those people were no one else came here to listen to some random seventeen-year-old from the audience talk they can't see us they spent like 30 bucks to come see us all right we're trying to do our show that we've spent putting together and you think that you have something funnier to say we're more important to say and the idea that not only they thought it was the right thing to do but then they thought it was rude for us to be annoyed by it was just yeah that was yeah that [ __ ] pissed me off a lot that still happens a lot well when I were going on tour and I would call people out like I think someone yeah someone tweeted I mean they were like Curtis was so rude if to this person who who asked and they asked okay this is what the person in the audience asked me what my [ __ ] favorite Jonas brother who was during my set and I was like I was I think I said who whichever Jonas brother doesn't interrupt show and then and then they work out they got like super like sad after that I guess and then the person who saw that tweeted me and they were like if that was so disrespectful this was someone who just who had the courage to ask a question and he just shut her down if I was Curtis I would have gone into the audience and given her a hug what do you know what planet do you live on bro earth I would any a comic would ever do that ever oh my god yeah I get that I mean that's one thing I don't miss about touring right now Israel doing with and we and I don't want to if anyone is listening to this Nick came to our shows we had some great audiences oh my god mature audiences yeah then we had some shows where it was just the percentage of loud children was worse was just much bigger and yes yeah yeah it's tough because like you're grateful that they're there it's like it's great that they want to come see you but at the same time it's like you got a you know there's a time and a place for audience interaction we built that into our show to have it and then if we're and it would think we'll bothered us to was like we would have sort of pauses built into the show where like Danny's I say something he's reacting and so there's a few seconds of silence and the reason that's built Amos because there's the silence and there's attention and then the punchline comes in and it relieves the tension and that's right it's all structured that way and someone just shouts something during the silence because they see it as an opportunity to say something and they ruin the next line right it's like you're messing up the show by doing this we appreciate that you're here but yeah don't go to watch some other shows and watch the audience at a show and see what they do and do that and then come to our show tonight I don't mean to sound ungrateful for the people who came but no I yeah I don't think you sound ungrateful it's just it's it's there is there should be like I mean like we even like said at the beginning at some point but some points to be like don't like don't take videos don't say stuff so it's like I don't know people keep we're gonna do what they do and then if they got to learn the hard way by you know me yeah or maybe were Danny being kind of semi like passive aggressive to them that's I mean sorry that's just kind of how you would learn something and then that that shouldn't be like oh man he ruined my night it should be like oh he was probably right I shouldn't have done yeah do that again when I go to shows yeah exactly it's like it's okay to it's your own fault I don't I don't feel bad for you that you got yelled at but that I mean all in all though that that's always a lot of fun we had a great time so yeah that was so much fun yeah I was thinking thinking about it recently and there's there's so much so many great memories I have zero regrets I'm glad we did it the way we did it I think we learned a lot I think we had I'm proud of what we did I think we had very few we had a couple shows where it was just weird the vibe was off and we never really felt yeah but for the most part we had really great shows every night the energy was really good and mm-hmm I feel like we really put everything we had into it and yeah it was yeah it was I remember watching it for the first time and I was like [ __ ] this is they did a really [ __ ] good job and it was great and I'm I'm glad you guys brought me along it was good yeah it was fun it was just fun to hang out to I saw my favorite memories are like being like I well I I don't know like what like just hanging out in a tour bus afterwards and doing bits and it was so funny to see by the end of it I think I saw a side of Danny I had never seen before he got so loose and silly by the end he doing these characters buzz yeah he socks on his ears and been saying being on keyboard is like what is this it's like I loved it yeah I think yeah he lost his mind halfway through I think yeah we all did for sure yeah that was fifty medicine holy moly okay I guess we could we could play wrap it up yeah we can wrap it up I gotta go do nothing sir okay and I'm late for my afternoon nothing I got these uh I got these hind legs that are calling my name but yeah thanks thanks for coming on the pod man this is this is fun to those listening you can you know go check out drew watches YouTube videos follow them everywhere well not in real life follow them on Instagram and Twitter and just you know around they follow me around yeah actually please don't do that don't do that I'm kidding that's bad I will say about the quarantine mmm I haven't gotten recognized in public in a long time and I think that's actually been kind of good because as much as I like that - there have been times where I'm just like oh I don't please no one notice me here I haven't showered I just want to do this thing and then it's like hi can you take a picture it's like yeah but yeah yeah that hasn't messed true that hasn't happened in a in a while I mean yeah my magenta already knows who I am so she doesn't like mm-hmm have you had any I don't know if that's something we talked about or I don't know if that's something you want to talk about this and I know you're wrapping up but now I'm curious if you've had any really bad or awkward like fan interactions in person but I guess if you don't want to call someone out I don't know they might listen to this I don't know if you wanna talk about that but I mean I feel like for the most part I've been pretty lucky with fans like they've been very like respectful and nice there was there's all these some people who like just you know say I don't know well I don't like there was one person who left a note on my car I didn't like that I don't like that at all and I didn't it was weird because I I do like hmm I live on like some like this little street in Toronto and I do like Street parking so my my car is never liked by my house it's like a little bit of a walk away all the time but then I went to my car and then there was a little note on it I was like oh did I like get a ticket or something and then I looked at it and it was like hey I don't know if this is your car but I love you I think it is I love your videos Curtis and then that's and they said put their like their Twitter and Instagram handle on it and I was like I love I thought when people do creepy [ __ ] like that and then put there where you can find them like yo Jimmy be like thanks for putting that note on my car yeah that was like the weirdest thing it's like yeah why they be like and this is who did it me yeah imagine I don't know that's funny they were like I don't know if this is you if it's your car but I love your videos Curtis imagine they put it on someone else's car everything would be oh my god what videos oh it is someone else named Curtis but they don't make videos so they're like the worst thing for me with that is again I love meeting my fans there's so many I've had wonderful interactions people are so polite and yes about it and they don't linger I love when people just like just want to say hi and big fan and then they go on another day they don't act like we're friends now and we're gonna hang out but the hardest thing for me has been going to concerts kinda sucks now yeah is that the last concert I went to I got recognized by like 10 people before it even started and I like to get a light kind of loose at concerts and act a fool and yeah exact be dumb and not worry about people seeing me and I felt self-conscious all the time and I hated that yeah yeah I know you mean I went to uh yeah it's just so cuz yeah you want to just like have fun and enjoy the music but the whole time it's like well as someone watching me or someone don't know what I'm doing suddenly I'm thinking of like I already am like a bad dancer I don't wanna be self-conscious of dancing when yeah I the 975 show I went to in Chicago a few months ago I I got [ __ ] blackout drunk I got so hammered and then I was I guess I spilt some girls drink behind me on her because I was just all over the place and then she knew who I was it's like tweeted me because usually when you spill a drink on someone that's that it's like with the fireman and you move on but then it's like oh you know who I am and I just and she probably thinks you're this like raging alcoholic yeah so that's that's another thing well but you know that being said what I wouldn't give to go to a concert and for things to be normal right now oh my god yeah I would I'd love to be silently judged by maybe I I can't believe that once my most hated problem was that people would look at me it's a tough life man yeah okay I guess well what we gonna wrap it up it's right for exhale you don't have to do the whole outer again thank you for having me oh yeah man it's I hopefully we'll get to see each other soon at some point I was supposed to be in Florida for my [ __ ] birthday this year but didn't happen right yeah and then now you just got to be at home yeah and it's a home not Florida I'll tell you that but yeah I miss you it's thanks for hanging out I guess old I'll talk to you soon this will probably go up but next Tuesday and then I'll see you on Thursday for game night and it'll be sorry [ __ ] you ain't invited B jeez that's pretty man I'm so I didn't mean that yeah sorry that was yeah baby ones if anyone still listening [ __ ] you thanks for having me on bye-bye bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Very Really Good
Views: 908,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, drew gooden, kurtis connor, podcast, kurtis conner podcast, drew gooden podcast, very really good, vrg, very really good drew gooden
Id: fw0tMso3hyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 2sec (3602 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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