Very Really Good #146: Ranking YouTuber Apologies w/ D'Angelo Wallace

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hello everyone welcome back to uh the very really good podcast whatever whatever this is mine my podcast not yours today we got a guest a very special guest today he he's a freaking youtuber he's a twitch streamer a cosplayer an icon even uh we've got d'angelo wallace on the pod hi i'm uh i'm a 20 year old man who gives opinions on things on the internet glad to be here and now we're on this part of the internet um funny enough i actually uh i dm'd you on instagram about like two months ago i think um and then just it was just sat there unread you know absolute absolutely power move i gotta give it to you i was really on my t-pain timing but the problem was i forgot that that's a way of communication so i just never check it i i was scrolling through because i was like wait i wonder what's actually over here and then i saw curtis connor and i was like yeah maybe i should read this one did you get any other ones when you went through there like any other or was i the most most famous one because that was you were pretty close to the top but these very strange accounts that seem to be like meme accounts that somehow had more followers than you which was really strange so i was just like i don't think we need to collab right yeah i did that recently too and it was like all um it was either like a weed brand being like hey can we send you some drugs um or like well i guess not drugs it's a plant dude legalizing i mean use your imagination yeah or yeah maybe can we say you heroin in the mail is that okay um it was either that or like yeah like people who are like i don't know i i just didn't know because i didn't know that was a thing either until i saw the t-pain video and i was like oh that's a thing that you can do i was like wait a darn minute i'm sure there's people who tried to contact me this way but honestly i was just happy to see that you had reached out because in a way it's weird that we haven't collaborated until now i feel like we've been taking up the exact same part of the internet for the longest time now yeah literally i know i feel well i've yeah i've watched your videos uh i think the first one i saw um i forget which one i feel like it was a while ago though and that it was before the you made the one that [ __ ] popped off yeah um it was before that but when i saw that like take off i was like let's go dude let's go um i guess we could talk about that real quick um because you uh i don't know if you if you if you don't want to talk about this fine but you recently uh i'm just here to talk okay yeah this is gotcha journalism um so uh you recently uh you had you uh removed that video from you correct the one about uh um the the big guy the big boy yeah not like dude with the channel that guy with the channel um do you want to go over that like why are you uh yeah sure actually it wasn't just that um it was a three-part series that i wound up removing which was a little bit we did all of them yeah two of three are already gone unfortunately um it just wound up being a case where even though i felt pretty good at the vid about the videos at the time currently with the way the landscape is regarding that situation i just don't i don't think the videos serve the same purpose now that they did then and um as much as i would love to leave them up because i did put a lot of work into them etcetera i was pretty proud of them etc i am still pretty confident in my ability to drive new people over to the channel we still have cool videos going up all the time and it's just like honestly i can be more than what happened to be my most popular series so i was fine with it because it felt like the right thing to do and to this day i don't regret it yeah i mean that's i mean respect i feel like it's it's so easy to just be like well it's i feel like most youtubers would be like well it has it gets the most views i'm going to leave it up because it's you know that's what i i need the views right right well i mean i'm not going to lie it definitely wasn't it definitely wasn't pleasant so right yeah 35 million views or something like that yeah whatever it was but i was like you know what honestly if i just leave this here even though it feels like the wrong thing to do this is basically me admitting i will never make anything on this level ever again and i feel like that's a sad way to do youtube in the first place so i was like in a way it was a little bit cathartic to remove that because it's just like i still have it you know what i mean right yeah um so yeah to go over dude yeah i'm so curious to like know your process because i know you all youtubers are obviously uh it's very different how they like go into structuring a video um but what would you so i so you're like second channel i guess you say i guess i mean i don't even know if there is you could call like a main or a second one like you just have two channels um yeah but do you have an editor for like the like your twitch highlight one the ones that you take yes two editors actually oh dang okay yeah that makes sense because it's going up yeah you would not be able to do anything else um not quite but for your uh your longer videos on like the other channel where you put the the main ones um so you do do all the editing for that one yeah no one's ever edited the video that's gone on that channel besides me dang uh so when you're struck for the like the covet 19 influencer 19 video you did which is very good may i add not to thank you not the freaking you know kiss your butt about it but it was really good um uh if y'all haven't watched it you should but um so how long was like the scripting process for that video good question so it depends on you know what we're referring to as strictly scripting because crazily enough i feel like the majority of the time that goes into those videos actually comes from just finding clips in the first place which in a weird way i consider to be scripting because if i download a video to put it in my video i kind of have in my head like an attached set of words to go to it so that would end up taking a couple months just of gathering things and it even wound up getting delayed because in some like horrible irony during me making that video my grandparents both got covered 19. now thankfully they did you know turn around everything was good so as far as like gathering everything into one place so i could get down to it that was a couple months of work but then in terms of me just sitting down and like typing that was about a week definitely wasn't more than like six days before i had everything so i could read the darn thing and edit it all together right wow yeah it's that's one thing i i some sometimes like jealous of youtubers who just like don't have to script stuff and they can just like just do [ __ ] off the cuff they must be nice even my twitch streams i have to write just a little bit of an outline otherwise i'm just gonna i'm gonna be all over the place because i just i kind of am all over the place in general right yeah that's what it's like on this podcast it's um i mean it's obviously podcast it's more people expect that more like of course yeah yeah unedited like it fits here this is i'm allowed to be a dumbass on here um i should come back if that's the case yeah i want to be allowed i'm always welcome to be an idiot um but yeah that's the even when i was doing like improv in uh in college and stuff i was just never it was i was always so scary to me to just go into something without having anything like prepared you know yes it's a night yes i don't think i could pull that off especially people who make long videos that are still good like engaging yeah but they're just kind of talking i'm just like wow some people really are talented huh couldn't be me yeah really yeah we we're very good at um tricking people and to think that we know we're doing it exactly as long as people think the delivery exactly that's uh so yeah if this fails we can just be uh we could work for dominoes because it's all in the uh yeah um okay uh what i wanted to talk about um so when did you actually uh you know this is actually you know a lot not a lot of people ask this question you know this is why i pride myself on being a good interviewer but uh how did you how did you get your start whoa yeah not something i've never had to think about um no i actually have been uploading videos to youtube um or let me go back i've been creating videos for longer than i've been uploading them to youtube in a weird way i would kind of say i've just always made videos um i remember being i don't know how old i was sometime around 13 or something like that yeah and we had this horrible horribly slow computer in the hallway that would crash if you tried to run windows movie maker oh wow somehow oh my god yeah so that's where i got my star on the computer that literally couldn't edit so when i discovered like premiere and all this stuff i was like oh this is so much easier right and then um i uploaded my first video to youtube not like to get views it was just because one of my friends asked to see a video of something so i recorded it and i put it on youtube right and then um i just kept doing that but then in terms of the very first video i uploaded where i was like i'm gonna make this youtube video with narration and all that stuff it did fairly well and from there that was around 2018 that's when i decided you know what if that video did well i can probably do that at least more than once again and then the rest is history wow yeah it's always so funny how uh i don't know i feel like that's how it feels like goes for a lot of youtubers i've talked to where it's just like they don't even try at first they're just like well yeah my friend i didn't want to email a video so i could just put on youtube and then i ended up getting reviews um so the what was the like the video did you start the video you first made to like send to your friend was it like a like a sketch or something like a funny one or like a video of like a cool skateboard trick it was a recording a recording of me in photoshop with no commentary okay like a tutorial or something yes it was just a time lapse of something i had drawn in photoshop because they were trying to figure out how i got the colors a certain way and i was like oh that's not hard here i'll just and i got it all together and put it up there where it remains for quite a while and then the video that wound up like getting views and by getting views i mean like a hundred thousand after a few months but it was just the exact same thing which was me in photoshop but with narration but instead of a tutorial i kind of spun it as like a comedy thing it was me trying to follow a tutorial in photoshop and that video is actually still on my channel it's the oldest publicly available video and it's crazy that it says three years ago at this point yeah time flies man i it really does and i always like i hate watching my old videos a lot um even videos from like six months ago i hate watching um i don't know what it is i think anything i'm making at the time i'm like stoked on and then obviously you change every day you're a new person essentially so when you see stuff basically you see that you at one time you thought was good and you're like oh but uh that's bad i could have done that so much better what was i thinking yeah uh most of my old videos i'm just like imagine uploading this ironically when like the quality is this low yeah but when i was making them i was just like i'm improving so much right so it's like it's all relative that's what i try to remember when i think wow i really did like a terrible job and i still got far it makes me think i must have been doing pretty well at the time yeah exactly it's all yeah exactly it's all relative um so i guess what's uh when um i guess well i guess i know how to phrase this but when that the video you you uploaded with uh that really freaking took off got like 10 million views in like like a week or something crazy um yeah the shane dawson one wound up with it was pretty close to tin in just a couple years yeah that's absurd um was a obviously you had like you were getting views before that obviously um but like was there was that like weird or like like a little like scary to deal with yeah i definitely had mixed feelings because i had just been working for so long before that like even though you can kind of look at my channel and it seems like pop and then i had x amount of subscribers anyone who's following me knows just like very um consistently over the past year and a half or even two years i don't know before that i was just uploading video after video increasing my quality like moving from room to room so to unexpectedly just like more than double in subscriber size yeah in a month basically was like obviously super cool and i'm grateful for it but then it was all like well what the heck yeah now what like wow how do i go from like two years of like grinding it out and doing pretty well at least in my conception of doing well at the time to just like one video and it's like fume you got the million right it was crazy so i'll never i'll never forget that month i'm very grateful for sure but it really did show me just how random youtube is like you can do you can do what you think is necessary and like a path to success and you can never get there or you can get there like in one month apparently after trying to do the same thing for two years it's really good literally yeah that's i know i that's it's honestly pretty scary to think that because like i my life changed like in like two three months pretty much when i first people started like subscribing to me and it's like i like almost didn't even make the video that that actually like popped off for me so it was like what if what if i just never did that what like it's so scary how just like one video could just change everything it's also really inspiring i guess for people who are like who want that um but i mean i don't know i feel like success on youtube is like the freaking freaking sorcerer's stone from harry potter you know if you go looking for it you're not gonna get it yeah but if you but if you're harry potter you check in your pocket there you go you know right so much of it is like random and then so much of it is calculated at the same time yeah because um if i like look at the trajectory of my channel just a couple months before the big one i had hit one million views on the video for the very first time okay one or two of my videos had that but it took literally one year of a few thousand videos every month to get there right um but i uploaded one video and they got a million views in a week or something like that and i was like oh this is so weird after two years i've unlocked get one million views on the video every now and then yeah so i did that a couple more times and i was like oh wow i bet one of these days and then i just got 10 million views like 600 000 subscribers before i could finish thinking about what this meant for the future so youtube is literally crazy yeah it's like it's like you were it's like you were like showing off to youtube a little bit you're like hey guys look i just got yeah check it out i just got a million writing i hit it again i did it again they're like five she was just like okay fine yeah here's here's 10 million views fine dude yeah i appreciate it though and i appreciate the viewers i got i think because i didn't just make like a sensationalist video and i'm like guys this is so crazy instead i made a video where like you could tell i did a lot of writing and i tried my absolute best to get everything for sure thankfully i wound up with subscribers who want that yeah it's a lot better to have an audience of people who would rather me make a good video than just to constantly hop on any and every dramatic thing that happens so i really did luck out in terms of the video that popped off because i've had some very off the cuff made in the day videos and if i had gotten like a million subscribers who wanted that i'm like oh no i can't do that true so i did get very lucky yeah yeah like yeah if you feel like keem started up or something and you were just like oh just lying through your teeth the whole time and you got like the worst imagine yeah i guess it's yeah it's easy to tell like when you know when someone is um genuinely like you know passionate about what they're doing and i think absolutely and i think people you know people people people like that and they gravitate towards it um yeah without the doubt um [Music] so i have a i have an idea for us a little uh a little activity we can do together i like activities um so are you familiar with tier lists pretty underground uh pretty underground thing that people are doing i think i saw someone like make a video of one before okay yeah so if you don't know this is like this pretty um it's just pretty um an underground sort of uh vessel for you to you know categorize content i feel like this is right this these are gonna pop off real soon um probably i think every youtuber should upload multiple to those videos that's my opinion i think so too i'm glad we're on the same page um so i think we're we should make one so we get in on this trend early [Music] um so my my producer my my producer the podcast he he whipped this up for us it is stan the producer he stan shun uh it is a youtuber apology [Music] um this is easy [Music] so let me just double record my screen um okay so we will go through these apologies and we're gonna okay for s tier we'll put like if if we're like okay we are forgiven okay and d is like come on like you didn't did you even did you even freaking try you know yeah so first one we'll go for uh the fine bros that was for their they were apologizing for attempting to copyright react yeah yeah reaction they wanted to copyright people's reactions to things that's that's that's out there honestly it's actually pretty i remember when that video came out and they like the way they marketed it and uh and i think i was pretty i was like i remember i don't know how old i was it was a while ago though so i remember like it came out and i was like oh this is good that's a really good idea they like really want to help people but it's but like once i saw like actual like you know people's responses i was like oh yeah i guess that is pretty [ __ ] up you're oh buddy you're trying to copyright reacting to things i mean props for the business action i think this is the perfect apology to start with because to me this is a perfect bee right nobody was actually like really hurt by this um but it wasn't a small thing it was definitely insane and the fact that you have to apologize for trying to do that is a lot so i think this is the easy average apology yeah i think i think that's fair it wasn't you know it wasn't anything like it was absurd but it wasn't anything that was like you had to like opt in for it if it was going to affect you absolutely but yeah dude you got to respect the hustle dude if you like imagine if you're like you're a kid and your mom like grounds you and if you want to react to your mom grounding you you have to like pay the fine bros i want to give you i want to give you a reaction mom but i can't um okay next one is iconic our our guy logan of course well who got a shoutout in the new bo burnham special which is oh wow which is it that's how they think of us um bo you started on youtube you can't do this like that of all the people to give a shout out um but no both can do no wrong he he's the best true so along with paul's apology this was logan apology logan apology this is for the suicide forest incident oh yeah he he walked into a japanese suicide forest with a vlog camera and then got surprised that he found something terrible there that should never be vlogged and went with yeah he went into a forest where people um you know take their own life and he he saw someone do that because that's where people do that and then he filmed it and he was wearing a yoda head during it which is just uh so disrespectful so i think greg and all of his all of his subscribers were children literally all of them there were no adult subscribers at that time um yeah this is a dark time this is a dark time for the low gang i'll say that um i'm thinking d or because he has actually given me good he he has shown a little bit more so than jake that he uh is you know trying to become a better person i very strongly agree with that it's sk it would be an easy d by itself if that was just logan paul's entire legacy but yeah i feel inclined to bump it up one just because at least he's not still out here being the worst of the worst encouragement here that seems tiring right it's not like he keeps going back to the forest right um all right i agree with that we'll put him in c um yeah horrible apology video by the way just so we're clear yeah yeah and the hair too you know it was it was a lot to like individually it would have been a lot but together it was actually too much right yeah he should have made a separate apology video for how his hair looked in that apology video absolutely okay so next one we got uh we have actually i put we uh me and sean my producer talked about putting james charles several times because uh he's it seems like he keeps just doing the same stuff um but for the first one we can do the the [ __ ] sugar bear [ __ ] or whatever that was oh yeah i almost forgot about that one there's been so many exactly so well the first one he did about in response to tati right yes um that apology as a standalone was not bad at all because he definitely did back things up he had a lot of screenshots it wasn't flawless and um it wasn't all true but it certainly didn't leave me with a bad taste of my mouth at the time right yeah it seemed like and just in terms of that occurrence it was like i mean he had he had the receipts you know he he really backed and he's hard to argue with it he backed it he backed that thing up and it was it was all right do you think we'll go hmm maybe since he has multiple we can give him a free a for this one because it wasn't that for that one yeah he gets he gets one and then well the next two we can have both of these be the uh oh sorry i sorry i'm dming children um yeah was that both of them well i feel like he's made so many right he really i'm trying to i know he has had three but it's like yeah you're right those both might have been for the same thing i'm searching for themselves james charles yeah okay so that one for sure okay yeah yeah yeah the one the one where he was like i'm holding myself accountable yeah that was um awful that absolutely because that one was about like dude that was the one where he said i'm desperate yeah as his reasoning for for dming minors that follow him and trying to enter relationships with them yeah i'm desperate okay desperation uh i'm feeling a d on that one dude d for desperate yeah exactly d for desperate james charles uh i don't know what the other one was i forget i feel like it's probably the school's double d's on james charles easy mode um okay so next we got the old derby dobie dave redondo dongle dope don ipod dongle dobrik doby daniel dobby yeah uh so the first one he did on his podcast about that was unique that was very interesting he put it dude it's i feel like that's why big youtubers get a second channel so they can just put their apologies on that one yes that's why i have to i know that for sure yeah so just in case you're in hot water you got the the smaller channel the freaking yes dump the apology on when it's too big for your instagram story but you're too embarrassed to put it on me yeah that's why we get second channels um so that one that one was weird it was strange it was very odd because it was like everyone was like because it was like the title was let's talk or something and then all of his comments were turned off you know what just for that it is giving me a bit of a d vibe yeah it was that was pretty bad look in terms of wanting to be seen as open but definitely not wanting anybody to talk about it right yeah it's not really let's let's talk at all it's it's let's how about you listen you shut the [ __ ] up and let me talk apologies should be just so we're clear yeah okay so he's gonna go d as well um it's actually crazy looking at this right now where james charles is at the top i know oh gosh i'm so glad jenna marbles is coming up yeah it'll it'll set everything right um and then the next one the next apology from david this one was a little better it seemed a little more genuine um you know it was like it wasn't in his fancy podcast studio yeah he just had that was so bad it was just the way that it's so much better not like it was hard to be better than the first one definitely makes me think it should be a seat yeah yeah because it's still like not a good like like middle ground like the fine bros um yeah it wasn't like apologizing for a little thing or a big thing but that was not super serious the the amount of controversy that he allowed to build up before all that was just darn so avoidable uh oh yeah i'd go okay i'd go see um can you remind me what this was about yes jeffrey starr uh didn't like her so he called her out or something like that and her old tweets resurfaced where she was like making racist jokes etc as one does um yeah so it was quite it was quite interesting the um my opinion just as somebody who would have been like the target of those racist jokes yeah they were raised as jokes for sure but um she wasn't giving me like you know flaming forever racist vibes with that but the video itself right that's and that's what we're i guess we're talking about [Music] i remember the yeah the fake the fake crying and stuff oh my gosh which is like i mean i guess kudos for trying it you know true she went put a lot of energy into it yeah she went for the she went for the [ __ ] half court shot but you know he got admired for that but um oh my gosh i'm feeling i mean what is does she still make content on youtube she does she's actually doing quite well for herself okay good for her um i'm feeling like a c i'm not opposed to that i think that's exactly where it should go okay good that that feels right there yeah it feels right um next we got jenna marbles miss jenna marbles the queen uh easy agree the queen of youtube uh mr mr a lot same if you're happy jenna which we hope you are stay happy but also come back please come back uh it's it's like as soon as she left so many bad things happened literally it's very obvious in retrospect that she was actually holding this entire platform together oh darn she was the glue so should we i feel like she's going to be the only s it's giving me an s vibe specifically not just because she's gender marbles but because in this apology video she pulls up the clips in question nobody does that she pulls out the videos of her doing the wrong thing and she explains you know why she's sorry for it or maybe her perspective on it at the time and then she says um her idea of holding herself accountable is leaving and then she did so congratulations for being the only youtuber to actually hold yourself accountable yeah yeah literally yeah very i think that's a great apology video that's an ass yeah so yeah that is james charles take notes that is holding yourself accountable not saying not saying you're desperate yeah that was um for children um and then we got the classic shane dawson shane dawson's creek they should they should remake that show with shane dawson they're just kidding they should they probably i would still watch it actually yeah shane dawson's greek yeah i watch it um so was this one for the the like all the weird [ __ ] yeah the everything everything he did that was the everything apology okay all the racism and the bestiality stuff that he did yeah and the in the weird kid stuff as well right yeah yeah that was a three for one um god i mean he did mention it all in the video he meant he did mention things that things were mentioned it's crazy that that's like a good thing you were trying so hard to find positive things i mean he did say the thing he did so that's good he did that's a leg above a certain other youtubers on this list yeah the bar is literally on the floor you know i feel like at the point where you have to make like a 30 minute apology for everything that you've done in the past 10 years maybe we can't raise it above a d maybe it's a little bit too hard to save at that point yeah i feel i think it was just too little too late you know yeah just a tad i think it's it's gonna go d for dawson i think unfortunately stop being a youtuber and having wait i was gonna say stop being a youtuber and having d in your name but i realize that doesn't because i never yeah no no yeah oh i know i got to change my name to freaking is his daughter just instead of instead of kurt just call me dirt dirt i look like a man it would be dirt so um i would like that to be honest uh so next we got ricegum i believe this apology was for promoting gambling to kids oh oh oh oh that's the video where he said yeah i totally did that but you know who else said that this person and this person this person this person so i'm sorry but what about all these people yeah the that absolves him of any wrong doing right right oh my gosh cause everybody else did it too that was pretty iconic i am what an apology video yeah i mean it sucks cause like i he's i guess he's right like everyone else did do that he wasn't the only person but like still it doesn't make it okay right did he have a good point yes was it a weird time to bring up that point because you were part of your point yeah a little bit right um it's giving me a c yeah yeah i i i think it i think it would go up there i don't even i haven't seen a rice gun video in a while either i don't know what he does but i'm sure he's fine yeah i'm sure i'm sure he's just fine um all right we got three left dumb done done and things will get a bit more even yeah maybe uh we got jeffrey starr my name jeff um so this was when they were was this the apology for the tati stuff i think yes as i remember that couch that's the main thing i remember more than the actual content of the video yeah i mean it's it's so funny like it's like same as when david dobrik did the like the apology on the podcast set right like showing they're like it's a little bit distracting they're like lavish interiors being like i'm sorry guys i'm just literally i'm just so [ __ ] rich okay i can't help myself i have this gold couch in a pink [ __ ] silk bathrobe all right leave me alone one thing i remember about the video which would have mostly been fine but at the end of it he does this pretty weird thing where he's like yeah you know all this stuff is pretty dramatic but um black people are being murdered by the police like brianna teller taylor and i was like oh that's a weird thing to bring up in your apology video for your actions yeah um he actually dubbed over the names for that because he had clearly mispronounced it the first time so i was like unique you couldn't just reshoot it right oh gosh so that in and of itself definitely keeps it on the lower end of the bar sorry what was the context of him saying that was it like basically he was just like um you guys are way too invested in me and tati's drama there's like people dying yeah black lives matter and i was like well you're not wrong however yes yeah no that was weird um since it technically wasn't an apology for like you know nobody was assaulted and nobody was messing with kids or anything like that maybe it could be a c even though it was pretty gosh darn awful yeah maybe it could have been a b if it wasn't for the that we would agree yeah so close jeff so close to no cigar jeff uh okay then we got tati um so i okay so this one this looks like the screenshot from the one against oh wait was this the apology video the no yeah the apology video after she like exposed yeah like a year or so after the fact yeah uh all i can remember from that wasn't it she was like i they like convinced me to to make the video about you james i'm sorry i love you it was pretty weird it was pretty long there's quite a bit of crying yeah um i will say though she definitely did apologize in the video you know it wasn't giving me logan paul or jeffree star or anything like that so it wasn't a great apology video but certainly was not a mess we could it could be a maybe a b perhaps because it was literally just an apology video yeah i'm fine with the b sure sure tati uh we'll throw ya bone uh got him and last but not least we have uh pewdiepie pewdiepie so i feel like was this one for the racial slurs that he was that he said or was the anti-semitic thing that he said oh wait yeah he had two of those i think oh man wait no i'm not remembering apology oh my response yeah okay so he just has one wait what was that for the bridge or did he okay now i'm confused i feel like oh that's really short actually interesting um so i guess that was the one for saying the n word right yeah because it was i forgot what his exact reasoning was actually i think he was on he was on stream he was playing a video game and then he died so oh yeah yeah yeah no i definitely remember that now you know how you die in a game so you scream a racial slur you know how yeah yeah well i mean not doing that you're not really a gamer now are you yeah exactly and we're real gamers over here he did say the gamer word um you know a one-minute apology where you're like yeah i did that yeah i shouldn't have because it was racist is about what i would expect you can't go back in time and not say it yeah um i think it's much better than like a 10-minute explanation for why it actually wasn't wrong etc so right yeah i don't know i can't decide between a b and the a i'll let you take this one i mean i don't know if me the white guy should be should be uh deciding how good of an apology it was imagine if i was just like you know what ass he did nothing wrong like let's make one above s and i'm just like interesting uh you know for for even this is sake so this doesn't bother me let's put him in a because it's gonna look a little bit more symmetrical yeah yeah jenna up there by him herself i may if i was doing this with a different cast put it lower than a but for now i think he's fine he definitely doesn't go around being racist nowadays oh yeah i don't i you know i'd like to think so um great well thank you for doing that that was fun that's the official tier list by the way if you have an opinion other than that go ahead and update it this is what we've got yeah this is we are the taste makers if you will exactly um well i don't know if you've listened to my podcast before but we have an advice segment on here would you feel comfortable giving giving some advice to some listeners yeah of course i'm not qualified but that's never stops me oh neither am i don't you worry so i'm gonna play my uh jingle and then we're gonna get into it um um damn i need a jingle for my advice for my advice segment well now i'm just ready to give the advice that's why i put it there it gets you primed absolutely we've got uh we've got two questions i will keep the names anonymous so these are courses fake names this one comes from bowl bowl this bold um ever since elementary i've had a hard time making friends uh whether it be because i'm socially anxious or i don't find people i connect with i love watching the collabs you do because you and your friends seem like you get along well how should can i approach finding friends that i will actually like and how are you able to find great friends you've been with for a while well first of all i would like to point out that um your perception is wrong i actually hate curtis i've i'm trying to escape from this collab the whole time i'm just kidding i know that's why you left me on red for two months dude no no no that's a really good question though yeah you take it first since it was mostly addressed to you right okay um how can you approach finding friends that i actually like uh i mean it's i always say that it's you know it's easier to make friends with people who you already know uh either do the same thing as you or like the same thing that you do yes like i my two best friends we met my two friends best friends that i met my friends jacob and dean i met them in college went to the same program so there's it right there we already know that we're interested in the same things um i had some other friends in college too but you know you know there's some people who you just get along with better here you just like understand on a more like you know personal level so um yeah if you're having trouble i think also it always a lot of my people who send questions are like in high school or like younger sometimes and it's like you have literally so much time you are so young you are a baby and you have all the time in the world and you're gonna make so many good friends um yeah but i think that's probably the best advice i can give is like you know if you can maybe if you like anime you know maybe join a freaking anime club if that is a thing if you like if you like soup maybe join a soup forum online true you know we've all done that we've all been there we've all joined the soup forums what would you what would your advice be for this person um well first of all that's a good question i definitely i definitely remember periods of my life when i was in a new environment and i was just like well i know nobody right now so i guess i would just never have friends ever again but the reason i wound up always just you know connecting with people there very similar to what curtis said finding people who have some other interests another thing that i find helps me a lot is finding people with similar goals so like i i don't know you for example but say you're super creative no matter like what you do if you can just surround yourself with other creative people you're absolutely gonna flourish you can like raise each other up that's what my friends and i do right um funnily enough i met them all on a small youtuber's uh forum like a while back [Music] yeah interestingly enough at least just the ones i talk to the most nowadays and so um because we all had the drive and we're like we're going to do something good and people are going to listen to us and now they do and that's not that's scary don't ever listen to me that being said um it helped a lot because if one of us was like you know what forget youtube i'm gonna upload to vimeo said no one ever right we could be like well you know what we're still working on our videos and you know even if no one else like watches your stuff we're gonna like it finding people who will be down because they want to see you thrive as much as you do or even more than you do i find is the secret to like perfect friendships that last for years so absolutely yeah you don't even really have to put yourself out there i know that's what everyone says like well put yourself out there you have social anxiety stop well no no just hang around people who have similar things and yeah before you know it you're going to be in their group already for sure yeah that's great advice also i think there's people who get sort of hung up on the fact that um online friends can't be real friends but that's just not true um yeah that's pretty like there's people online that who are if you have just friends on the internet so they're still people they're still friends with you you don't have to have like you have to be able to like poke them in real life you just book you know if you could poke facebook is the same thing you know they exist yeah they're they're out there well yeah unless unless they're like a you're like a 60 year old like weirdo who's pretending to be somebody but who knows don't want that but you know what i mean um i think another thing too is like with the pandemic it's really shown me that so much of this is a social construct all that matters is the people who make you happy it doesn't even matter like where they are whatever you've got to do to stay in contact you do that so exactly honestly like online friends friends that are within your city do you connect with them you know what i mean do you help them do they help you that's all you've got to look for is what makes you feel a certain way not what other people say you should or should not have dude you nailed it you freaking nailed it i'm glad to see you um all right we got we got one more um let's go from uh thaddeus magoo like that name uh it is it's pretty good for on the fly thank you um okay i'm not sure how much you'll be able to help with this but it's worth a try recently you never know uh recently i auditioned for a musical oh yeah i can't [ __ ] help with this [ __ ] all right and a podcast i'm kidding uh i auditioned for a musical i don't do theater but this show has been my favorite since i was younger i thought my audition went well and i was really really excited about the show but they never sent me an email about callbacks uh they didn't even email me to say that i didn't get one it really hurt because i was looking forward to it and really thought i had a shot my question is how do you get over rejection of this sort it's a really painful heartbreak for me and i don't know what to do thank you oh that's showbiz baby i know deal with the kid i was on the team they tried to send you an email and i stopped them and i intercepted it i hacked it you don't got what it takes you don't got moxie kid that's actually a really good oh my gosh i've been in that situation no not with musicals because imagine having talent but um yeah i am i think i mean i did say it's showbiz as a joke but in reality it kind of is like you wouldn't know this the best actually unfortunately yeah done a lot of a stand-up actually yes uh yeah that's like how i started in just entertainment i guess but um so unfortunately that you will people will say no to you like there is i don't think there is any successful person in show business quote unquote that has has that no one has like not said no to at some point you know it's especially if you're like an actor going to auditions and stuff you are you're going to get a 100 knows until you get a yes and that's just how it goes because there's so many people um but i think it's just if you really like it you know you just you just kind of have to stick with it and the more you do it the better you're going to get so the higher your chances are for them to say yes but the amount of times i when i was starting out like trying to book my own shows around and like i didn't have like a booking agent at the time or anything that was like with an agency that could be like hey this guy's this guy can sell tickets just book him here um like it took years for me to get to that but before it was like me just like sending like cold emails to venues being like hey can i i have followers on vine and i can maybe get them to come can i have a show here and yeah there i got a bunch of no's i got um yeah it was mostly nose it was uh it was a lot um uh i remember one venue in i won't say the venue but it was a venue in america somewhere i hate them already well okay all um they uh i messaged them and i was like hey can i i would do a show here i have like my friends out there it's gonna be i can get people there it's gonna be like pretty cool um and they're like yeah i don't we don't really know who you are and you need to have more experience before you come here um so that hurt to read because that you know really takes the [ __ ] wind out of your sails but but i mean i performed there like two years ago so let's go so there you go as if you if you go so if you stick with it i mean that's you're gonna get rejected there will be more opportunities for you if you uh if you have the uh you know if you have the desire to pursue it but um have you ever been you know rejected like that in this in the well not in the in the sense of like i mean you've seen me of course not but i'm just kidding anything from just dream dreams that i've had dream positions that seemed right in front of me just like uh no or never hearing back to just me not getting a job at the grocery store down the street for some reason yeah um and it all feels pretty darn similar what i have to say is first of all definitely do feel everything that you're feeling right now um if it feels awful that's it means you cared about it a lot but after you kind of gone through that for a little bit i legitimately need you to rack up as many of these as you can like the first one's gonna be pretty bad but you legitimately just have to keep getting these rejections because um and i know like this sounds a little bit cliche but take my word for it it can't always be known it can't be know forever the more work you put into just getting better and better and the more audition material you have to show for yourself the more little things that maybe you get your foot in the door and then those can actually go in a portfolio versus just trying to make your way there the more of that happens you're to be pretty easy to say yes to at some point without you even realizing it so you almost have to go on the rejection speed run soon you're just going to be expecting the no and when you finally get it it's going to be like what the heck did this actually work is this real so i am pretty sorry to hear i'm sure you would have crushed it um and it's okay you can say it was cats the musical and he wanted to play every part but um just keep going don't stop that's absolutely the difference between people who make and people who don't nobody who you see in a position much like kurdish said instantly like glitched their way into their like right just keep hitting the floor yeah unless they're like unless their dad is like [ __ ] kurt russell or something true my dad works at nintendo my dad works at epic games he can easy he can delete your account you're getting banned uh well that was the uh that was a great question actually yeah i don't think i've ever had one like that and that was a and that's a real struggle and it's gonna if you wanna again it's so biz baby if you wanna work in this business you gotta do it yeah you know what to do well that was the advice segment um i think i vibe with that okay good we got the the the check mark on the vibe check easy it's verified this podcast gets the d'angelo wallace stamp of approval coveted it's a verified vibe um well we've been going for like freaking 40 50 something minutes how i know the time just i know we're having such a blast dude that's crazy um so we could probably wrap it up people are probably getting bored of us or bored of me imagine watching such a long video were you guys bored or something could it be me like you got nothing else to do or something jeez yeah oh my gosh this was fun well i feel like i have to come back i feel like we have so much more to talk about this is just the beginning well you're always maybe you've actually got to come on my twitch stream or something like that yo i'm down let me know i'm always uh yeah and you're always welcome back um easy mode where uh where can people find you other than the description down below oh snap all the description links thank you thank you um of course if you just want to do it the manual way just search for d'angelo wallace on youtube um instagram twitter or twitch and i will pop right up i have live streams going up usually three times a week got videos going up usually three times a week so yes six days of content it's quite a bit but i really love doing it and i would love to see you there if you're interested in commentary very similar to credence's videos hell yeah dude you crushed it yeah do you know what don't don't click the link in the description search it the manual like go up to the search bar type out d'angelo wallace like the way like the way god intended it okay the way we did back in my journey yeah before uh well d'angelo thank you so much for uh coming on everybody loves you thank you so much for having me of course anytime you're welcome back uh whenever and uh again check out d'angelo wallace uh you know follow all that crap you know what to do it's the [ __ ] easy mode uh this is very good episode one forty i think i don't know well thanks for listening or watching i'll see you next week and uh yeah thanks again angel no problem bye bye
Channel: Very Really Good
Views: 531,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, very really good, vrg, dangelo wallace, d'angelo wallace, tier list, youtuber apology, ranking apologies, kurtis conner podcast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 9sec (3429 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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