Very Really Good #100: We Did It! (featuring my girlfriend)

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yeah hey guys welcome back to very really good this is a podcast with me you all know it this episode 100 with very special guest my lovely beautiful girlfriend Jenna Allard she's here she's here she made it it'll be good there's no one listen to this thing it's bad it's stupid is episode 100 so thanks been doing this for more than two years now that means right because there's 56 now I know how many years I mean how many weeks her in a year I know many how many years or in a week there's none but yeah this is a [ __ ] I feel like I'm doing this for so long yeah because 56 was 56 what's that 112 21 don't you do this for 21 times so 112 and I'm sure there was like 12 weeks where I miss a probably like yeah two [ __ ] years man we did it and that's it so see you guys I'll see you next time in the next one is yeah this is I guess is the the special 100 episode special um we're gonna chill talk [ __ ] answer mr. question spill tea Jenna made this a cardboard sign you can't you can't hear it if you're listening you can't hear the cardboard sign but if you're watching you can see it says black lives matter um okay so I forgot and there and that's that's that's the real tea we're getting down to how was your day I've been going to bed at the lovely hour of 9 a.m. yeah that's so insane what time we go to bed like midnight 1:30 a.m. just laid there for 8 hours went on take talk for a bit for 8 hours I guess for a bit yeah for a full workday you were is it ok I feel like when I when that happens to me and I don't fall asleep for a while it feels like I've been awake for a longer than I am like you know like like I'll be like all I don't fall asleep till like 6 a.m. but I actually like I was asleep for a bit but it just felt like I was awake the whole time do you think that's what happened you're actually I think I fell asleep maybe for like an hour but also like I think I heard like the slightest noise and then I just didn't say woke up fine like my eyes were not heavy at all like I would just like I was scared to open them because I didn't want to come to the realization that I was wide awake right but like just immediately two nights in a row run 9 a.m. hoping this will change it yes this is a a hammer I'm gonna hit Jen over the head with it and she's gonna get knocked out no this is a yeah we I got a rock champagne out I brought champagne it's a champagne podcast I my manager ship gave this to me this 2008 champagne I think when I got the two million subs I don't know yeah he sent it to me we haven't opened it yet but because you can only drink so much champagne you know that Drake song drinking wait drinking every night because we drink to my accomplishments that's the problem I'm accomplishing so much that I have to drink all these I'm kidding obviously it wasn't me serious so other other than that was the day well I guess across the country so regret about that yeah I think we good how was your day my day was fine I went to bed at a normal time yeah I feel bad your best friend didn't move across yeah I feel bad cuz thinking of you just like so pissed off in the other room being like I want to go to bed and I just well yeah hopefully this works and you took you took precautions - you took a melatonin and everything like I said edible quiet a little quieter than edible yes this case we could do monetize for saying edible Oh true well it doesn't matter also edible is also another thing when you're when something you can eat something so yeah I uh we're gonna ask some questions - I I put on my Instagram story to send questions and whoever's idea and Instagram to make that question thing huge huge call because remember like before hashtag ask Nash Nash maybe he'll be on episode 101 our friend thought Nash Grier was in one direction who thought that again hoodies buddy oh yeah yeah the one with the baby and we're like Liam Payne blue eyes we're like no not Nash Grier the guy who was on mag Conan who was Nash Grier oh yeah Nash Grier that that's so funny I forgot about that it's really funny that I I feel like it's this I wit I'm like so envious of that sometimes to like just not know anything like that just really I don't know battle patients are bestest because I feel like I pay attention to like so much that I know like too much you know so like yeah there's a lot to say about you know blissful ignorance that'd be nice his wife changed forever he was in magcon not the same thing miss that [ __ ] shut up magcon dedicating this podcast in magcon dude come back we miss you a magcon theme podcast I should start that quite a bit to talk about yeah he dissected each each person everything person each tour stop yeah I did watch that a Cameron Dallas show on Netflix when it came out was it good Jason Cameron oh so he just plays himself it's a documentary I think I did all right said show I don't know I think he said show my bad I'm gonna replay this and tell me that I was probably wrong yeah it was bad it was like him it was a documentary of like magcon but when they um when they like brought it back for like three months they brought it back yeah I didn't know that they stopped it like during vine yeah well like at the tail end of vine they stopped magcon and then I think like a year later they like they're like the we're back and we're it's gonna be better than ever and then that's when they wasn't yeah well I'm sure they had high hopes but it didn't it obviously didn't I didn't know that night well he showed you for watching it was good I liked it fight to remember uh I thought it was the other day the other let's [ __ ] um I thought about those [ __ ] that press play I went to in New Jersey that was like so excited to go to yeah and then I did stand-up in like a hotel oh my god tell like Ballroom in broad daylight for people who've never you people have never been to any show to anything ever really they were like kids essentially we were all there to see [ __ ] I don't know Nash he wasn't even there he was like Bryce hall or whatever the [ __ ] that is he was a guy on the other thing whatever he was a guy in the things you know all right should I pop this I guess our fancy box we got a towel down yeah taking it out of how old was on 2008 16 so I was in what grade are you done so I was in tenth grade yeah damn that's old as well as bugs and tastes disgusting it's expired it was expired champagne old lady and welcome back to champagne regime any kind of fire yeah I'm excited about this her boys shame okay but old lady the review the reviews would be is good I like it yeah my palate isn't very advanced as they say yeah whenever we went to a wine tasting in Italy yeah they just like explain everything about it and then every time I would take a sample back it's good my leg I don't think I've ever had a sip of wine that I was like I don't like it no everyone I've had like I'm sure if I drink a lot of this I'm gonna get drunk yeah and I enjoy it I'm enjoying it how do I come up oh I forgot say we got new podcasts artwork nice your new podcast artwork for a hundred episodes the homie Brandon cooked it up nice that's gonna sound so sick thank you yep this is gonna taste a hundred times better than any champagne because it's episode 100 I hope cheers Cheers that's really good yeah carbonate apple juice sparkling apple juice there's no apples in it right as a champagne is it I don't know anywho tzer's the docket yeah [ __ ] you want to get into questions it's up to you which I think we also can talk about I'll see what everything written down we're still in quarantine II cannot open it that is true of the one day everyone decided to go to the park actually I saw something on Twitter today what it was like if there's no confirmed effective that there's nothing tracing back to that so they're like they don't think I had an effect on anything who knows probably did it's just fun to make fun of them yeah cuz you gotta be a [ __ ] idiot yeah yeah this quarantines weird I feel like we got a lot of questions about quarantine don't think we'll have too many answers yeah it's like it's the same stay home the only time I leave the only time we're apart really is when I go golfing which has been like twice yeah when I go outside to skateboard for like a half hour then I give up oh not kind of a I'm quite livid okay it's getting questions he's gonna where did you save certain ones oh I saved some [Music] let's get out of the way I mean we've answered this before how did we meet I forget whole baggage the other means yeah through a mutual friend we had a mutual friend where we have one she's dead now she was she hooked us up and that's it and then I said see ya you're gone that's all we need you that's all I need you for the long story is well you tell it we're an hour we got like 40 minutes okay so I met this girl named Hannah through vine and we became friends and then she also was friends with Jenna Instagram and there were friends and then Hannah was like I'm coming up to Toronto for a One Direction concert because ya got her tickets her tickets which is like Hannah was living in Utah and this girl was live in Alberta right and she gave her a ticket to a Toronto show so they both yeah and I just moved to Toronto like a few days prior mm-hmm from Suzie Marie right and I was also given a ticket from one of my vine followers as well for to the show so we're all going to the same show and then Hannah was like you should talk to my friend Jenna she's really cool she has blue Hey I was like say me yeah and then we met and then we started hanging out and then the rest is history now we live together now we have a dog and it's great yeah that was like six years ago almost now August 2014 yeah people don't forget it's been a while in a while and that's that on that now you can stop [ __ ] asking dude that's it shut up people saying that we met out of one direction cause yeah I've seen that too we went together we didn't meet very meadow you know the Ritz Carlton yeah beforehand well you didn't have a room no wizard didn't have money then didn't have any money yeah I was living so yeah I was him with Jacob at that time and Oedipa Koki and had $400 rent and barely made that every month so I wasn't staying at the Ritz carts all a friend was we met there so there's a story yeah it's this way easy to say through a meter yeah in in a non podcast setting I'd understand be like yeah mutual friend yeah not gonna be like so vine and then you ever see you know Satan Styles on remember them oh yeah true do either of you play an instrument that's a good question I started to learn to play the piano and then co vid but along yeah my lessons got cancelled so I have like lesson books and I bought an app but like many things where I'm not really good at it right away I just immediately stopped so I wouldn't say that I think it's I was doing pretty good for a while in the moment I'm just like I think if you also had a place you were like I have to be there at this time yeah I'm a person where like I I cannot do things on my own I need yeah I need someone else depending on me yeah otherwise I'm just like well which is not a good quality but I I can't even oh I get it I'm good enough to admit it the only if yeah I feel like uh I'm kind of the same not easy to learn no it's really not I have like no musical background at all there's like how many he's a thousand I don't know I don't even know I just know my keyboard doesn't have enough excite us have like a dink you that one doesn't ever know there's more than that yeah that's [ __ ] yeah no instruments that have that make no trumpet has three I yeah I could teach you can play a bit I played the trumpet from seventh to eighth grade yeah everybody played the room I did not play the recorder you didn't think I hold on record and say absolutely do not play the recorder what are you doing music class we didn't have musically you know music wow I think it was like 100 yeah that's correct I think it was like one little segment and I remember like playing the triangle oh but it wasn't anything like more than a triangle or a tambourine so just percussion basically yeah no no I think there was a music room but in high school and it was like an elective you had to choose I took art instead right but in grade school elementary you never had no triangle timbre like a full like four-piece band and one of the pieces is a guy jumping on a trampoline great B yeah he'd have the place jumping he would he'd be jumping yeah so yeah I didn't do the recorder that's crazy and grace yeah cuz grade six sorry sixth grade to the american listeners you know you know the Milken but most of my audience is Americans grade six they don't say grade six don't it they say the sixth grade well we're not down there I'm no I'm being nice okay actually you know what [ __ ] it this is my this is episode 100 are you gonna say they're gonna be like oh you should say 100th episode no this is episode 100 you know they say that stuff too I don't know who's to say not me I don't know turn your sound off turn your sound off and let me know knowing great great six I was like a whole thing like a music class that's when we started music was middle school and then I played record you had middle school they didn't call I had pre pre school like pre pre school pre-k yeah and then I had kindergarten okay which was in elementary school elementary school was did you go to the same okay but it was kindergarten now like you were in junior kindergarten senior cannon yeah great was the was one school I was at that whole that same school that whole time okay and then high school nine to twelve that's six seven and eight is middle school no it's the same school it said same yeah I know it was the same for me alright weirdo alright elementary school but it was middle school when he got to six seven eight that was like what they called it that's what it is that's wack I mean you didn't have to call the middle school I'm just saying like that's what it was that's what it was I thought middle school junior high some for some places it is like if you're an if if I went to like he's thinking if I wasn't like if I went to school in like Toronto I'd probably go to like there's probably a school just for a middle school that's what when you say middle school that's on my brain thinks oh no no I was in the same school through all of whoa I'm so I was in during schools but I moved in grade six and that was middle school but was the same school anyways grade six I had a music class and we all played a recorder and then seven and a we got to pick what instrument we played and I picked oh I picked the drums but Jen got it instead oh so you got trumpet so I got trumpet trumpets cooler than drums I think you think yeah if you two kept with it I think jump is cool and drums damn I should've kept with it yeah I well I think when you're 13 I think nothing is cooler than drum that's true that is the coolest thing is having like long blonde hair and there's nothing cooler when you're that age that's true yeah and I was really jealous of Jen when she got it who's Jen and Addison they would like take turns damn yeah sorry about it it's okay I moved on that's good or did I you should take trumpet lessons back up it'd be fun yeah that's how you do a recorder you could do as well yeah they're like a legitimate instrument it's called the recorder yeah I thought it was a flute flute is that recorders forward yeah it's like it's like a clarinet without the reed so it's easier it doesn't have like an instrumental name to me recorder yeah yeah cuz it doesn't record anything yeah yeah this is a recorder this is that's a recorder that's recording videos for their writing records yeah yeah I guess recorders are recording of how lame you are cuz it's not a cool instrument at all so it referred it records that yeah there's like a world listening oh man recorder community well to me yeah I get cancelled to me recorders are just like it's like it's like a stepping sort of like a real instrument you know it's like a mini pod of instrument wrong with that I wish I used taste stuck with an instrument oh yeah me at myself for continuing to try to play no we'll get there I mean like there's a lot of I took drum lessons for a little bit mm-hmm but they're also taught by my karate teacher and it was after karate my mom would pay like an extra like 40 bucks over an hour yeah he would like teach me how to drum on this rubber-like block cuz he's never jump said I could use oh that's fun yeah fundamentals yeah and then I practiced and I was like this is too hard yeah well I can do other stuff I can't play an instrument I can play Old MacDonald that's good that's playing you can play to an extent but I would never go up to like yeah I play the piano they'd be like place the tree yeah I have to read it off something yeah um I was gonna say something like a party trick at this point hopefully one day I mean that's that's why people learn instruments it's like impressed you go at parties oh no I would never do that sounds terrifying yeah there's a dude in high school who would whenever we had parties he'd bring an acoustic guitar and nobody asked for yeah the thing that always pissed me off is like I guess I was hanging out the wrong people because like whenever he brought out the guitar everyone was like hyped how was the only dude I was like what the [ __ ] what am I supposed to do I might just like clap along with these guys sing songs that like we're like fan favorite no oh what are you saying like his originals Oh I mean he's practicing was he a nice guy yeah he's as we are okay you should have been encouraging at the time but still I will obviously he's like yeah he's a nice guy I'll listen to it but like I'm the back of my head I'm like the [ __ ] yeah plate I'll cruise yeah can you you stop my party my iPod Touch isn't a cup right now I just put my side just took my Smirnoff Apple out of the freezer can you shut the [ __ ] up that's funny kind of buzzed and I and I opes and I my bad third question favorite thing sure okay um this much is from me nice what's your favorite part about when I film videos no I'm kidding hearing it through the wall with no context at all yeah hearing you say the same thing like over and over yeah or when you do like two people skits but you'll just film person one all at once and you pause in between right it's really funny as well yeah except then then it makes no sense at all right yeah we went to a point where when you would fill me would tell me to put headphones on remember yeah I remember that and no yeah I don't think I think I did out of like respect but I could still hear you yeah thanks it's easier when you do the the one character at a time because I'm not I just think it's funny where's your favorite thing about each other yeah yeah that's weird that's a tough question you make me laugh you make me smile you make me coffee I don't know just yeah favorite thing I don't think I'd be a good one I think when you like actually love someone it's not like a favorite thing right like everything is my favorites every one you don't change the toilet paper rules or close the dresser drawers all the way okay I wasn't the question what's your most my favorite thing I'll say you might leave favorite things favorite thing I don't know I was gonna say oh he's made me happy yeah that's nice yeah exists all you really want one thing my fat ass yeah you think eqing you're like always down to do something that I want to do even if it's [ __ ] true yeah yeah that's true no I don't want to go to Italy right I just like have to slowly persuade you into things you like yeah that's the thing we could do and then we always end up doing it true yeah that's true I mean yeah I feel like that that doesn't work to say back to me cuz I'll always I know yeah I think that's why we get along so well miss cos like do things know it's like you if I wasn't for you I wouldn't do anything I don't think because I just like I'm like it's just easier to just stay at home and like just work yeah and then we do it yeah [ __ ] anyway it's not my session yeah me too maybe one day be thinking about you a lot Italy on my mind Oh were you separate oh my god you mention being separate during quarantine no do it into the mic it wasn't a good enough one I'll save it for like a good one okay okay what's your relationship with adulthood any advice for centennial young adults does that mean centennial yeah Bicentennial man with Robin Williams when you use the robot I don't know I feel like I don't really have I have oh is that like the new like millennial Oh perhaps Centennial College is coming up okay good use of word Centennial what's the [ __ ] okay generation right yeah the Centennial generation below us it's the people younger than okay any advice so they're like just becoming an adult like just turning 18 sure I'm in eighteen fourteen years it's a birth it's a birth defect I cannot age I don't think I have the best relationship with adulthood I think it's like a learning curve I was never like forced for anything really and I feel like high school didn't really set me up for success cuz that's not what it does right yeah and I also moved from a small town to like one of the biggest cities in the world probably mm-hmm and had to kind of figure it out luckily I have like clothes and ship with my parents advice and stuff but I don't know I just like figure it out as I go so I'm not I don't have a good Testament says I feel like you're better for this question I'm a day by day kind of person yeah well I I think it's I was gonna say the same thing it's like no one when I think back like being 1819 I remember anyone being like sitting me down to me like this is what its gonna be like when you're an adult no I don't think that happens for anybody so you kind of just have to like um just figure it out for yourself with anything really and that's kind of the best way to do it too because then you you make mistakes and you learn from them I guess but yeah I don't [ __ ] know what I'm doing I try my best all the time you know you have a grasp at least some ways I got me very lucky and I'm trying my hardest to keep it going that's what that's my that is my life every day because if I was not like at this point if I was like still like I'm still a tank boxer [ __ ] and like still making videos like I don't know I probably just [ __ ] give up you don't because you didn't that's true thank you and you never got to the point reset I don't think I should do this anymore you get frustrated but then you move past it yeah so I don't think that's true right I'm calling your [ __ ] blue I mean that's just like with my career and stuff and but like be just the overall like maturity and like being an adult I feel like that's just like exactly mean that's just like I feel like the older you get the more you realize that nobody knows what they're doing no yeah right we're all just like we're still like kids just trying our best to like feel like adults but we just like we just pay taxes now yeah and rent well my dad's an accountant so he does my right I mean the closest thing I've gotten his like since we like adopted Kiwi I know have like some sense of motherhood yeah we have like responses so I have like someone to put before me at all times like I'm and like you're gone or whatever I'm like I gotta leave the club to go I don't go to the club but I got I got it leaves you know like Kiwi oats P otherwise also just being with my dog is like way better yeah being at the club I mean we do love the club yeah we love the club yeah model service yeah people used to call me service yeah about a service boy here he comes bottle service boy and I'd have Smirnoff just in my pockets like poor loose loose man I just poured in my pockets my guys they were like the track you know like sweatpants my track pants it was so good they were like flavor they'd cuz I'd spill so much vodka me so I'd like I need some that'll just like run off that's smart so I'd wear track means and he kind of just like run off and then go into my shoes into my boys mouths like my other bottle my little bottles or his boys we we had a gang the be served boys that's not sure I [ __ ] hate I'll go on the record and say I hate club so much so the question though my advice would be yeah not to be so hard on yourself I feel like that yeah that's important yeah just take it a day at a time do what um you know go at your own pace I guess do what makes you happy but you know also you need money to survive so let's go off the grid that is true it's an option go off the grid yeah which is arguably the most adult thing you could do thousand percent yeah off the grid yeah do you would it either make some money or go off the grid maybe a crazy tax to get from like your friends like hey I'm going off the grid so if you could just say say your good-byes now do you say what you will to me but I'm as of tomorrow I am off the grid whack that's crazy where is off the grid even off the grid [ __ ] yo that's up it's ready she was off the grid yeah for any moment you thought that we had it all figured out we absolutely do not I'd probably give us like maybe we're probably close to like 30% scale I know some things yeah like you know something yeah but I still learn a lot of things each day and I'm like I feel like I should have known that by now but I didn't but ya know I do so it's okay um how does the Chi Yu thing go something learning and gonna be ready for playing the guy using I don't care okay this is okay if you're wondering how to be an adult chi Yu is such a brat this this is the advice you need okay his poor parents [Music] changing each day with mommy and daddy I'm finding my way baby baby to be MS nuts it's up so when you've had enough fun steppin ah there's the adult that's you know each day is learning changing each day but with mommy and daddy I'm finding my way since POTUS goes into the caillou themes yeah that's adulthood Caillou can you tell him Caillou boy tone you talk your [ __ ] yeah he [ __ ] sucks we're like ha you who made that song low B base god yeah base god the Caillou's on his sands are real no next question he's real thick how do you know you seen him I've seen him okay retract my no apparently he's been seen I was the question for me can Jenna just take over the channel for a day she's absolutely not thank you but yeah that was one of the questions that I well let's never all the questions you're like why isn't Jenna in more videos I'm terrified of YouTube yeah I like to consume it I just don't I don't think it's everyone not everyone can do everything no not at all it is ver I've said this before but it's very weird yeah it's just in front of the camera and be like or to go onstage and be like BAM Anna's family knows wrong but I can take drink orders for from a group of 40 drunk adults yeah but I will not make a youtube video yeah that's absolutely you know that's yeah that's where we're different cuz that yeah meet me like I think Mita like you're I think you're like very outgoing mm-hmm and like you're you are though you're like welcoming person those me about going nice well you're nice and you're welcoming you can't you're outgoing though I think you are and like I think you're like I don't know I didn't let you know situations and like if I'm like telling a story to a group of like four or five people even if they're like my best friends like I I want to like crawl in a hole and like die but talking in front of like hundreds of people I don't know then that's like so easy yeah it's weird everyone's good others for me I just say things to person I really like one mean comment about myself and I think about it for eight years so video two years ago yeah so I have six more years of thinking about all the mean things people said and then maybe I'll started YouTube channel then but no I won't but also don't this has been fun so far yeah well I probably won't read the comments on this so if you leave something nice you can just DM it to me instead well if I see you mean one I'm gonna delete it that's a new feature you can put in 3d print it and yeah and I shove it in they mail it to you yeah it's just I'm just not comfortable with it maybe one day we'll be this is like the second podcast had been on Jake it was the first mm-hmm one YouTube with you but it was like not in the style of how you do it was just us eating chicken wings yeah like fake chicken wings which is like way easier and it was before like over two million people watching so let no presh right as much presh yeah that was when I had like 20 or something I had a great time that was fun that's a good time I'm good at like certain things but it's just but this isn't one of them yeah well thanks for doing it no problem my love for you outweighs my fear of the Internet you can wait another two years when we're at 200 okay you can you can do it beyond episode 200 it's like a rare rare sighting if I'm mm-hmm you're like Bigfoot except you have tiny feet they're not that tiny they're pretty average you're right um Jenna look some better off topic but you and Jenna's kids are gonna be beautiful saying that like is a definite thing probably not having kids yeah I that is of things that I want things I say it's a human but of what I who I have what I want happening to my life a baby is I think on the on the last on the bottom of that list another dog for sure yeah and like I don't know the only thing I can think of is like if I had to have a kid I would adopt like an older an older kid yeah like I already know someone who's like 17 and a half said like six months like Virg before they have yeah right I'll be like I'll help you out mmm I guess I'm your mother yeah I have like some internal inside I have like some maternal instinct for QE yeah I don't think it goes beyond like being a dog mom it's obviously right like I love my dog unconditionally with literally murder for him mm-hmm and we have yeah uh I mean anyways but I don't think yeah I just don't think I would be oh you're really like a really cool aunt yeah yeah you would yeah I'll be the super cool aunt who lives in Toronto you already are gotten pretty much yeah I got during Amarillo if you're watching this yeah or Kylie in college I'm okay Kylie's never my sister is on the same page as me I think she's never gonna have kids no yeah that's the other thing like I would if I was if it was possible for my mom to be a grandma yeah with yeah without having kids just so you can watch your parents be grandparents yeah I realize is not a good no it's not at all no no way especially now with what's going on in the world right now no with what's we live in a two-bedroom apartment yeah we also live in a society so I think society's why would you bring a baby into a society may be if like you could be pregnant and give birth I would consider it more mm-hmm but I don't want to be pregnant or give birth I also don't want to be pregnant again gay I'm fine with this guy this guy in one more guy yeah I would Wow I could have three dogs I could have eight dogs if we're getting into it yeah let's not get eight dogs Thanks I was joking okay I went from three to eight right that was the joke was there in the in the leap that I made yeah yeah hey three dogs we could have a hundred yeah I can do that 101 Dalmatians 101 Kiwis and they're all named Kiwi maybe really confusing thanks for thanking we be cool parents though yeah cute kids for sure yeah they'd be cool as [ __ ] but have a big [ __ ] head or a really small one I think they'd cancel they'd have an average hey mine's huge in yours is tiny yet regular head and maybe funniest book mm-hmm yeah they'd be pretty funny to be funny looking yeah from my side what would you what would if we if we had a kid well I we had a baby boy what would you name Gunther I like the name Dylan it's a name fun fact I named my friends baby my friend's baby girl and her name was Dylan Rose cuz if I ever wanted if I could change my name it would be Dylan Rose right are you sure you want us to take this name when if you have kids and I'm like I'm not gonna have kids their baby's name is Dylan Rose and she's so cute and you know own a percentage of that baby yeah for sure because you named it when her high school friends tease her and call her dildo as a nickname because me oh damn yeah you'd ruin that baby's life she's so cute oh that's a sick name yeah I already know like I feel if you got like if you already if you have it if you already know all right the record skipped a bit hit some turbulence you see as you start with if you're a baby yeah if you're a baby all right babies tune in sound off turn the sound on sound on babies because it's too late you gotta go to bed know if you're a baby with like a sick name I feel like your life is already like kind of made right you think you think yeah okay Tony Hawk as soon as that kid was like I'm Tony Hawk everything was fine kids with cool names yeah and they have sick lives problems I can't argue cuz I don't know every baby exactly and I do you got me I know every baby boy I don't know like the name Hunter hunter hunter is kind of fire my friend named her baby girl Brooke hunter I like it for oh right yeah I like name hunter Connor because every name Gunter answered but like traditional ones that people say can go anyway like Alex Jesse yes we've talked about this before how like there's some names I work both ways but like if there's a girl named Frank Frankie though such a cool name okay Frankie's cool weirder like Jim girl named Jim that's what I called Jamie Jimmy I don't think twice about it a bit like Bob Brown okay her name is Millie [Laughter] [Music] so there's a makeup artist how Bobby Brown and there's an actress called Millie Bobby Brown any spelling bee Oh bee bi I'm leaving this in yeah Bobby Brown cosmetics she does a master class oh wow so this is 11 all grown up Mildred Robert Brown oh I guess so I don't make the rules Mildred maybe Robert Brownson anyways what was it what was the question oh I just asked myself oh we had a kid I think I've always liked the name Corey for a girl oh it was my fancy how would you spell it kill all right okay all right yeah that's cool too I think well there's this weird thing my family where all of us oh yeah okay Curtis Kylie Kristen Kelly Karen Kevin Kevin yep so I guess Cory and then for a guy Curtis jr. oh my god sorry there Curtis jr. listening but oh my god KJ is cool but Curtis jr. I'd skip it I skip the jr. I go Curtis the third I don't think that's allowed don't care I think there has to be a second no I think they're courteous the third don't Carrodus I am Curtis the third people call me Tharus holy [ __ ] that's funny anyway third is Connor that's just like your name hello Looney tune it sort of Connor that's funny uh what's your ethnic background Curtis doesn't even know it's too late you having some white guy I'm just the white girl yeah Dana can I make it any more obvious yeah my mom's side is from Italy my Nonna was born in Calabria and my dad's side is french-canadian and matey I'm Draco I miss Canadian I'm just a mix of all I'm like French I almost be French in Irish there's like some Transylvanian in there I think it was a real place thought it was just a movie oh yeah it's a real thing vampires what okay somewhere else we should talk about why we're the most aesthetic couple ever yeah we pretty much get up every morning and we're like what aesthetic thing can we [ __ ] do today well you look perfect all the time so this isn't true oh it's absolutely true please take my word for it this man never washed his face is perfect skin wash my face sometimes I wash in the shower with soap and water and my hormones are rape I was also on hardcore acne medication for like a year still so I I deserve this you deserve I think my skin too you do but my sin doesn't look like it maybe I just have to wash it every now and then was soap soap and water in the shower on you I'm telling you know what isn't it I don't know Oh like cottage core I like that that's a thing this but what makes it like who defines these like when people use no tea or shade of the person who asked this but it's weird when people are like that's so aesthetic people say that yeah oh maybe they mean like that's so aesthetically pleasing but that also means like that's just I don't think I know how to be on the receiving end of that compliment yeah thank you okay thanks thanks yeah I guess you say thanks I will answer that question by saying thanks yeah thanks thanks next cue [ __ ] well you guys haven't moved to LA no no we wanted to but yeah and then we thought about it for more than straight tik-tok versus alternative tick-tock I don't think I've been on straights a talk I've been staring frog tick-tock yeah and now I'm on Jason Earles tick-tock right and that's been my come on that song I've been trying to get out of me horn tick tock yeah there's one tick tock that I saw this is it unconfined this be great you've seen this tick-tock call to action this is the one group the the gripe I have with tick-tock is with vine you could like search it on YouTube you could search like the words in it something and could find it like there was one vine that me and Jacob loved it was one it was a baby he had this plastic spoon and he's so funny I saw a search baby gag spoon vine found it easy but there was one you can't just search tic TOCs you can you find it it's so hard to do so there's one tick tock that I saw and it was he didn't favorite it by the way I didn't like it for some reason I don't know but it was like a dad at the dinner table and he was like just going to town on a piece of corn on the cob I love Jenny loves corn as one absolutely sugar corn is at I don't get excited about corn yeah like an ungodly amount but there was one he's like this stepdad I don't know what his name is but there he's like eating he finished his last piece of corn there's a bunch of other pieces of corn on his plate and he's like I'm done and then off camera you don't see them but you hear the whole family they go one more corn one more corn you'll be talking about something and then you'll get something sort of related on your tik-tok because the government's watching yeah so Curtis and I just throughout the day will be like corn I love corn is good one more corner more corn would be awesome one more corn I would love to see a dot eating corn right now yeah boy I'd love to hear a family chant at their father Teeter corn we're on day maybe five of this and so far no luck yeah so corgis gone but anyone has seen it or has it in their favorites yeah please let me know please I just want to see this tick tock and that's a thing like I feel like I'm I hiked it up too much no I just like from the explanation it just sounds like it'll genuinely make me happy okay good yeah speaking of tick tock we have to go to the segment that I have a tick-tock of the weta the audio someone sent me in a theme this morning well I've gotten three submissions so far if you have any more send them over but yeah this is time for the shitty take talk of the week that's great [Music] that was from I lost the email but I'll put it on the screen right now thank you so let me go to my favorite so I'll find it what is it have I seen it I have a couple okay is that 100 so we'll do with you there shitty like cringy yes okay so this one you might have seen it ok the caption is the life of a straight white Christian male and it's him he's falling out there's one thing he pulls out uh it'll be on the screen oh he says he pulls out his backpack and it's like guys he's gonna pull out a gun ha ha ha and he's like what and then someone says look at this cracker and he's like yo that's racist and then ok and then people are and then this one thing is like are you two ok it's just him being like it's so hard being a white guy being called a food teacher he joy call me at whiskey call me a quack he knows I'm allergic to gluten I just like I can't picture how come you have to be to see all these tick talks about like black people being oppressed and [ __ ] like murdered for ever and then being like well sometimes people say I might shoot them okay man yeah like genuine density of the brain yeah like a [ __ ] dog you have to do yeah yeah holy Sh do not grasp that symbol Monica my life's are - when someone discreet says a mean thing to me because I'm white it's almost as it's worse I think it's worse being called a cracker my guy I got some more that's like a really shitty one but a beanie above his ears and a white hoodie yeah explain it enough and you're also wearing a logic sweater holy [ __ ] okay this next one I I actually don't know if this is serious or not or if it's like a bit I think it's a bit but it's like a bit serious or a bit no it's like a bit like someone doing a joke no that's not absolutely not if it's if he's being serious I love this guy so much the only thing making me think it would be serious is the fact that he's wearing cargo shorts yeah and his shoes and the way he shoots it's like that Gabriel Gundaker vine but in real life he's like this is the end racism is so funny I love that guys I know it's like if it's if it's a joke it's like so well done thank you brave soldiers okay and one more okay so is this guy he's wearing a red muscle t3z this one oh my god this is why did you break over there she was out of your league and this is his response [Laughter] okay can't see it he you can't even know just go watch it yeah just go watch the video but he like twirls his finger when he says something like he's a [ __ ] Disney character I give him points for the song yeah but even though it's a remix in the original like he's casting a spell or some [ __ ] when Guardium Leviosa I've seen the duet I haven't seen like the actual one that's all I wanted to show you those are good worst one for sure is the [ __ ] white dude yeah but like if some what if I was talking to someone if I was like yo why why didn't you go up with that girl and there it is like well I'll tell you like that I'd puke I do you can say you're no longer my friend actually yeah that'd be a Redemption yeah my friend yeah ok favorite Jesse McCartney song go huh that's hard never heard that one I had like a whole CD burnt of just McCartney songs you said it on fire just so you know would like get me in my feels yeah like I felt like the thing is with Jesse McCartney whenever he's saying a song I genuinely thought it was about me right like a thousand percent he was singing that song about me yeah that's fair his songs are so easy to like those memes that are like you look out the window pretending you're in a music video you can do it to any single room Disney McCartney songs just so you know yeah that's true yeah I thought I heard that song was leaving is huge what's a what a loop Bay oh that's what C pain yeah language body language yes shake is huge as a huge track from now on shake shake yeah did you see the thing that he went to the club in Vegas with t-pain and t-pain gave him I think it was t-pain it make sense save yeah he gave him like a couple thousand dollars to spend on shippers and he just took the money and left Jesse did but I remember reading that being like paint gave Jesse McCartney thousand dollars to like throw strippers I'm pretty sure with Ebola ones and he just took it home yeah let's go Jess yeah that's huge that's so [ __ ] fine I would've done the same thing that makes it like even better yeah like it already makes it hilarious if he's not it's way funnier every single night is one of the cash I'm good put this on black and see what happened Wow if that's true he's gone up like he's already very high but he's gone up a while I thought it so of a girl who had him sing at her sweet 16 I think I saw that was at a bar miss for her son oh hi sweet 16 I think you're right think cuz it'd be weird for a guy to have Jesse McCartney at his sweet 16 or an out of Barbara's foot damn ghouls are used to me my friend Brayden in animation class we would finish our work in like 10 minutes cuz animation classes will joke in high school and our teacher was showed him his Barta she was such a [ __ ] awesome teacher she didn't give a [ __ ] we would like it she was sick we like finish our work in like 10 minutes and she's like yeah that's great and then we would just blast Jesse McCartney on repeat in the computer lab for the whole rest of the period just so annoying it was that and Fergie just everybody hated us I respect that um what do we have an hour already fuss seriously yeah how long do you know and then go for 40 minutes the greens are four questions crazy do you want to cut it we can cut it okay oh there's any other questions you want to answer do you want to search I'm gonna look through em really quick I'll pick one okay there's go your screenshotted ones are you sure yeah there'll be too many too I don't wanna be scrolling forever scrolling forever there's these ones oh well Jenna looks for a question I'm gonna sing a song that I've been writing this one does this fart question mark yes once upon a time there was a boy in jeans his jeans were mean and so was he the jeans are big but not very big they're just big enough to fit me man do you find when you hit and then just let me know when you go away and then the Jean machine pulled up to the scene rip the jeans seem to seem gene the gene boy his name was also Jean he bought the jeans from a vending machine I don't know I'm spitting bars though so that's the story all about how Jean wants his jeans holy cow and like to take a minute just sit right there I'll tell you how we got the jeans back from a town called bel-air oh this is already a song isn't it you're not vibing with these questions yeah that's fair describe each other's style that's fine we dressed the same yeah I would describe Jenna's style as Curtis and then Jenna would describe mine as Jenna probably share a lot of clothes change a lot you so where's skinny skinny jeans Mariah Carey jeans yeah that's what they're called yeah they used to wear the top man spray on skinny jeans I just think was what they were called they weren't actually spray ons that's what they look like they were very tight because that's what I thought was cool now we just share clothes yeah I think yeah I think these were very form-fitting stuff I used to like dress a little fancier yeah I swear like heel booties mm-hmm me too yeah we did hats I'm still her hat sometimes but cut more casual hats yeah I just really I think I just I care a lot less now style has since like I think I get it I just like being like comfortable I like big shirts little baggy pants [Music] yeah I do I was [ __ ] I actually still really like Tommy I got a nice sculpture from taught me recently I mostly mostly try to wear thrifted stuff yeah it's like yeah like thrifted graphic tees or like our favorite it's like our 50 flannels and yeah the Value Village in my hometown yeah goldmine yeah Ontario go to the Value Village if you live in a big city like if you like thrifting I Drive like half hour 45 minutes out of the city and then go to a thrift store cuz I get so so much good [ __ ] yeah cuz nobody knows what's like cool yeah it okay yeah I was gonna say should we ended it with that I'm gonna say yes what were you gonna say I was gonna I just wanna say thanks everyone for listening should I do that right now and then end it with that yeah okay um I mean I don't really I don't even know I didn't play anything but yeah thanks to everyone for listening seriously 100 [ __ ] there's a hundred hours of me talking basically on the internet which is wild but yeah thank you if you've been listening since the beginning or if this is your first one thank you I appreciate it it's a lot of fun I feel like when I started I was was I was working I think box when I started and I didn't know what I was doing and I wanted to make content but didn't have time to make content so I start being podcast and just worked out and I feel like it's helped out a lot with just like everything I do with like my standup my videos just my overall like confidence to entertain people so it's been great for me and it makes me happy that you guys enjoy it as well so I hope you enjoy this episode I hope you would keep enjoying it and yeah Cheers 200 more hopefully I almost drank my megaphone that's it thank you love you so given the current climate of what's going on the world obviously thought I wrote down some things to talk about sorry I'm not really good at this so I had to write it down that's fine obviously we've all been talking about black lives matter everything that's been going on I know we've both been posting about it mhm so I already can link you to like a million resources that are out there but if for some reason you need a reminder we'll give you now so first of all I feel like the most thing people have gotten if they can't donate if they can't go to protest some other things you can do call email text tweet at officials representatives sign in chiapas it petitions reminder to not donates though from what I've read the money does not go right to where it say it's going it's also so easy to sign like crazy say your name write your name and say you're not a you have to do your own name no you have two taps and if he likes if you're signed in you you just a signed in yeah and then it will prompt you with ten related petitions right and you just have to click sign this petition yes super easy and I seriously encourage you to do it there's so many out there going Twitter search BLM petitions to sign anything and those threads upon threads upon threads on threads down it's like a t-shirt there's so many threads go educate yourself acknowledge your privilege especially for all my fellow white folks out there it's important to know where you stand and what you stand for and I think like take the time to figure that out and recognize you it just recognize your privilege you have to you have to and use it for good don't use it to be an ass black businesses again there's like so many things you could search make up health beauty everything mmm everything you need food [ __ ] Home Depot yeah BOC Home Depot bro all my homies hey Home Depot yeah some things to watch again there's more there's way more list with a lot of different things I wrote when they see us I personally that [ __ ] me up for sure a really good one to watch and I believe that I'm 13th also on Netflix I recently just watched the hate you give you can also read it also made me cry these are just things you should be watching just take a break from I don't even know what do people watch [ __ ] outer bangs are the [ __ ] you're watching Riverdale wait alright yeah another reminder what I've been seeing if you go to protests or Fatah taking pictures of protests or shearing make sure to blur out protesters faces and keep their identities private I always told you it's better than like a like a black black where there because apparently you can that's just especially if you're just if you're going and you want to I understand that I've seen people turning the other way what if they want to take a picture so you're it's just the back people's heads yeah we're live-streaming or videos pointed to the ground your audio is still on what else right oh this one's important reminder to not tell black folks how to feel how to protest or how to mourn I think I need to explain that any further yeah I think there's no way the white person could ever even remotely understand what it's like yeah I yeah could there's no way to even to someone to a white person who's like who could even yeah it's insane to think that we could ever ever imagine the like what it's like to be a black person today there's no way so yeah that's yeah yeah important thing to keep in mind I think I'll say I was gonna say I had a thing I said before I forgot call out your friends and call your family casual racism is still racism if you hear something say something about it mmm-hmm I don't you're gonna lose friends during this time regardless I know I've already unfollowed some people yeah it's just it's gonna happen and I think it's for the best yeah you can take the time to educate someone I think you should for sure especially it's just like people people can change their minds and again if you're on the opposing side just don't like and don't be afraid to accept education and changing your opinion is okay yeah there's nothing wrong no it's a good it's like the best thing yeah so learning something new and growing from that I think like if you're able to change someone's opinion and that's like mm-hmm just educate them call them out call them on their [ __ ] yeah especially now and I've gotten a lot of comments got a lot it I got like several dams yesterday being like it's really offended me when you say like all cops are bastards [ __ ] cops I what that means is like you can there are good people who are cops but there are no good cops like the act of being a cop is bad because it's a it's it's a like a like a very like dangerous it's like they've killed they've murdered innocent black people forever and their whole the whole like criminal justice system is based off systemic racism so just being a cop adding to that is bad I'm sure like your mom or wherever the [ __ ] is a cop I'm sure they're awesome sure they're macaroni and cheese is fire or whatever and they're sure they kiss you on your head but like yeah they're bad they're a bastard because they're contributing to power-hungry racist police force that's what we mean like it's not like it's not like [ __ ] whoever is your friend as a cop you know you go you're calling Tony a bad guy I'm sure he's fine but him he's not a good cop he's a bad cop so that's it that's what that means I posted that take talk of the person calling the cops or oh yeah and I've had so many Dan's of people saying how mean it is and how it's not funny oh my god you know what else isn't funny those same cops going and abusing yeah beating protesters peaceful protesters but you're choosing to get mad at someone calling a cop short ways my god he's saying I think you need to take a second and think about what's going on I'm sorry that you're all so short maybe that's why that hurt your feelings right sure they pushed over an old and cracked his skull but dick called is short they said he was little oh my god this made me so like this is what though that's the issue for you out of everything you choose to say that that's mean from riot club short that was just outrageous that videos hilarious no joke so funny chirping a guy for me yeah look at this good i included a few few some good news points his name I don't care Derek show yeah his murder was increased a second degree that's thing that happened yeah we [ __ ] did that things we did that three and the other three officers are now being charged have been charged also a thing that didn't happen right away again things we did and you guys did that Brianna Taylor's case is now being reinvestigated mmm-hmm I wrote reopened but then I further read that it hasn't ever been closed it just never came to I don't know how correct that is but another thing Louisville police chief was fired after David I so sorry for parents last name I'm McAtee mmm-hmm was murdered also didn't happen when it should have but now it has because of what's going on everything so those are some nice things to note yeah things are happening it's good again just like even if you have to go to my Instagram go to anywhere like I have two highlights that are titled BLM I have so many resource on there go to the BLM hashtag yeah you be it's so easy to there's so much information out there that is literally being spoon-fed to at this point all you have to do is accept it yeah like I people I think like they don't want the they don't want to take on being wrong about something for sure so they choose it just like not further it yeah but be wrong about stuff like especially stuff like this be wrong about this [ __ ] I've been wrong about plenty of [ __ ] you know I'm learning yeah and now like this is the time to just take it all in and admit all that stuff I just listen to well I didn't finish the whole thing but your favorite murder my favorite murder that podcast yep the episode titled Jenga they explained it so well they're so articulate I could never in a million years they've also been doing the podcast for years so I'm not gonna hold ourselves that standard but go listen to that they explain things so much more especially I mean we're not American hmm so I don't I didn't learn about same things I mean I know a lot of people didn't learn about the relevant things yeah I try and absorb as much knowledge about the US as especially we're literally connected to Canada's all fine and dandy were not yeah I think it's just like this this year in particular is gonna be like look back on and talked about for the rest of our lives in really history is being made like in in front of us yeah of Twitter smartphones yeah so it's just like you just want to think about like what do you want to tell your kids how are you meeting Tilian were you on that yeah sure this is almost it's [ __ ] [ __ ] you Michael Moore I refuse to call you an officer or chief because you don't deserve those titles you are disgrace suck my dick and choke on it are you of my time thank you nice King me Jamie fridge fresh I believe King [ __ ] King [ __ ] I want to end on that there was my podcast so there is a who I forget where oh I think was Eric Andre I made a video about Michael Moore I'm into my decor comments it more like Michael less oh yeah where we had our 20 Danny no it's all good I've known Jacobs we just from two hours I just talked a lot it's all good episode 100 we gotta give them what give them what they want thanks for listening to me thanks for it thanks for coming on no problem thanks we think about everything I said next 10 years okay I know you had a you know I wanna travel to get here one drive Kiwi shut up about it - um yeah again thank you for listening thanks Nina Jenna you can follow her on Instagram at Jenna lard Jenelle any Cola mr. Follin sing about exist here yes I'm dead yeah time to make sure that is the photography account that is not me people always think it's me because there's only pages of you but I would like to reiterate that you're the only person I see on a day-to-day basis true he's also so photogenic it hurts it's just so easy to take pictures around we all turn out so good at anything if I guess okay but lives matter yes bye guys matter [ __ ] cops [ __ ] the cops and you chose McCartney is titus book to see you guys rate and review all that [ __ ] thank you love you but you [Music]
Channel: Very Really Good
Views: 794,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: very really good, kurtis conner, kurtis connor, vrg, kurtis conner podcast, kurtis conner girlfriend, podcast
Id: SDLClWeF838
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 30sec (4890 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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