Very Really Good Boyz (w/ Kurtis Conner)

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bad news once again unfortunately i know it looks like curtis is on screen right now but i have on good authority that this is actually an evil twin who's holding curtis hostage is that right well i i wouldn't say holding hostage okay well you may be biased but i would say um keeping them uh against their their will oh right but it's not against mine oh okay so what do you think hostage is uh it's like those little um cakes like they'll oh no those are hostess cakes yeah but i know i can see that oh you might be committing a crime is what we're saying this just seems like i hate to say it i mean you you just seem like a dumber curtis as well like you don't know what stuff means unless he also doesn't or maybe he does and you not understanding it as the evil version hey man i'm so stupid i don't know what you just said well i couldn't even understand how about you get out of here and bring the real curtis you want you want the real curtis sure yeah if you wouldn't mind you want the nice curtis please please stand up nice curtis yeah that would be good commit to the bed oh my gosh that was so fast wow hey guys are you okay that was so incredibly fast and you're wearing the same clothes well yeah that's like a it's like part of the rules that my evil twin gave me we have to wear the same outfits every day no that makes sense you're following his rules yeah and there's there's a long long list of rules that i have to follow every day oh my god he let me do this podcast so that's pretty cool seems like the two of you get along pretty well yeah it's like it's sort of this like uh like tongue-in-cheek like love hate type thing right right like we'd hate each other but like deep down it's like we're in love i hate to say this seems like maybe that's just your brother that's just like a sibling you have i don't i the evil twin seems kind of unnecessary no no you wear the same clothes you hang out together you seem to be in good spirits about one another yeah yeah he was born like a year before i was um wow oh and we have uh different dads but we are we are evil twins evil twins right he might just be another man i think what you are is maybe a half-brother though is the thing maybe a half-brother if not even remotely a twin evil half-brother that he kidnapped you and you're a hostage but in retrospect i think he thought that you're a cake which is also terrible though that does make him seem less evil and more just like a guy with a sweet tooth you know yeah we could be here all day and i could meet trying to explain everything yeah sure that does explain why he takes little uh nibbles out of me like my leg every morning oh my gosh cause he thinks like i'm a cake wow you have to stop well i'm concerned [Music] welcome to sad boys a podcast about feelings and other things also i'm jarvis and uh a little yeah concerned like i said and i'm i'm jordan unfortunately today we are joined by a very special guest the one i was gonna say the one the only but now i'm not even sure that's true the second he's a stand-up he's a youtube he's an all-around very nice boy curtis connor everybody yay thanks for having me yay yeah i know thanks so much for coming on congrats on being a youtube you did it i'm saying thanks to my my evil twin for letting me i don't have to do this bit anymore but no no no wait what are you talking about what do you mean [ __ ] i don't understand yeah it's it's a bit right yeah okay he's like looks off screen is you're sweating bullets curtis is joining us today we're gonna we're gonna gab we're gonna we're gonna talk we're gonna chill this is the gabby show wait let me try and get that url oh that'd be so great if someone started a podcast called the gabby show and they had no idea and that's what we'll be talking about today it's just like and then we just shift into it welcome to the gabby show we're going to have fun we're going to get how do you how do you feel about live shows curtis i i you do stand up you get the tour with the boys uh how do you like being live i've been that's like how i started doing uh comedy is like through stand up so live live performance has always been really fun for me i miss it a lot yeah i miss like being in front of a crowd of people and stuff but maybe one day what was your relationship with it before everything shut down because obviously we saw you on tour at the la show all right and i know you were you were doing because i know that old youtube videos of yours you would upload sets right like or uploaded these clips yeah yeah like while yeah a while back i would say years ago um yeah yeah a million millions of years ago yeah first was it still in your like pre-pre-tour was it still a part of your your ecosystem like five days a week video time sundays are just for me out out on the old steps the comedy stand on the old joke house welcome to the los angeles steps these are uh comedy we don't have a venue uh before he was different before like youtube and everything but even before youtube it was i had like a little bit of a following on vine so i was able to like get like a couple people to come out and like actually see me and support shows but yeah it was like every week we would try to go to like open mics or book shows and just try to get out as much as possible yeah youtube had slowed down quite a bit because i obviously might you know i was spending more time filming and editing and stuff right it was always a common thing and then once like the youtube audience like picked up then people wanted to see me uh live so i was just like doing more shows and stuff it was a lot i mean it was this whole thing is kind of nice because it like has forced me to like stay home for a while because i was [ __ ] i was like every like few weeks i was gone on another tour so it was a lot but you say maybe a portion of that you still miss for sure yeah it was hectic but at the same time it was like it was so it was so much fun and like going places i've never been before and just doing shows for people who like actually like care about me and like me because for so many years i was doing stand up for people just other comics who also wanted to do santa yeah it's not like when you're up on the old stuff in the old comedy step you're just performing for the other guys on the steps who are like they're not laughing yes why would they they've your jokes aren't funny only they're sorry yeah they don't give a [ __ ] success and comedy is a zero-sum game and if somebody's having success then they're taking it away from you exactly yeah i look back at that you're like rose-colored glasses like oh those are the days it was a right it was a rag tag time for me doing open mics right it was the 1940s i think yeah yeah it was yeah it was a ragtag time that was crazy that was a dame you used to come to every show i do it only cost a nickel it's just a set of steps i don't think you can charge for that i guess when video when video was invented you could really only have a few seconds at a time so it was like a pre-vine vine right yeah yeah wow i never thought holy [ __ ] no mine was the blueprint for all moving media i suppose we need to take a moment to just like let that one sink in well yeah and when you think about it if it movies and stuff videos stayed the same no one would be like this is dumb and that's what happened with vine and then it was this is too long losing attention after six to seven seconds jordan i would have started with curtis but i wanted to check in on you buddy how are you doing how's your week hello me little old you i'm okay i don't wanna it's it's the same update i've been given a lot yeah for day ones og listeners you know my things have been even above average turbulent for me for the last several months but just and you know i don't want to exaggerate i'm just a little bit deported and as a result i yeah you know that that it's just a scope just to change my body so let me paint the picture jordan do you mind if i tell the bachelor story yeah please okay so i moved to la a year ago now wow oh congrats man hey thanks buddy um so jordan and i used to work together at patreon in san francisco jordan moved to la like two years ago or something when we were still at patreon and then we left around the same time i left to do youtube stuff full time and moved about a year ago and la is different from san francisco in that it's very spread out and uh i i was having it was hard for me to like hang out with my friends and get them all in one place so i was like i know what i'll do i will have a a watch party for the bachelor or the bachelorette or whatever the [ __ ] is airing right now and uh so i was having everybody over it was a grand old time one day jordan gets a bad phone call and uh proceeds right in the middle of the the old watch right go into your bedroom phone to ear your apartment i had the space to just kind of leave for what like 20 minutes yeah yeah first of all missed out on essential information related to the bachelorette you liked me that was a that was a crazy episode too i don't know [ __ ] about peter anymore that's the worst part of the whole call is that you missed out on that i also did i don't know if i told you but i got a text that was like are you with jordan now and i was like yes and he was like good i'm glad he's with friends and i was like what's about the app oh no a red laser dot through the world uh yeah it was a text from the president i think i have a stream not the one you're thinking of yeah the president of nintendo reggie fisa may would you be [ __ ] kill me it was the last thing you did before you retired he deported you yeah i didn't have a 3ds i get this text and i'm like okay and then you go into my room and now i'm like my heart's beating really fast like what's about to happen like who died like what's the situation turns out your citizenship is who died but the um that was assassinated jordan finds out that he like got denied for a visa for a dumb reason i essentially the story gets there but i essentially threw a clerical error that we didn't know at the time oh my god my my visa have been been revoked months after they asked more about a typo kind of it was like a clear misunderstanding of what the business was and then because with it with a work visa you effectively say here's what i do and then here's why my background and university applies to it yeah right they like they straight up just didn't know what it was looked it up kind of understood and then we're like i don't know if a background in entertainment and editing really applies to making a podcast or maybe making a pause it applies to podcasting but pause guys oh of course yeah sorry i mean i listen to the daily on the daily but like i don't know if anything what the [ __ ] is a pos cast i don't think that's funny piece of [ __ ] cass like yeah yeah that's what this is everything they were roasting me we're the paws boys what the hell dude i had to go through such a long process to get my work visa because i'm canadian and i didn't do shows in the states and i they were like this is the questionnaire that we had to fill out was like the gnarliest thing i've ever seen it was like have you ever or planned to commit genocide and i was like like what no obviously not and then what even if i was right now no even if i was yeah if i'm planning on committing genocide i'm not going to tell you guys that's like that's the ah i can't tell a lie oh whoopsie my hands are tied i'm committing genocide oh no he's a rhyming war criminal i love one half but i hate the other the war criminals do you think genuinely there's ever been one yes to that question there can't be it would be pretty funny if it has no impact right right you can't say yes they're like like wait no i said wasn't it weird that there was a question on the on the application that said do you love gin and juice and it was like no that said something completely different you said yes to that and now one of the one of the questions are what is a podcast because it may need to know we took one l we've crowdsourced it and we're officially willing to let you back into the country because we've learned what a podcast is so yeah i find out that news and i react um maturely can i say what happened please uh so jordan tells everybody there's a moment of calm there's a moment of calm jordan tells everybody very calmly we all like are sort of stricken with the news and then he punched a hole in my wall and left yeah which which i understand you know it was it was i genuinely have never been that angry my whole life just got very sad cried and then like 20 minutes later my wall deserved this man i called the taskrabbit the next day wow the phone call was just like hey you got you got to leave it was my friend and person i co-founded the podcast company with separate from sad boys yeah she gave me a call because she got like the text the email that kind of thing because she was the ceo and she was like yeah i don't [ __ ] i know what that means i was like that's crazy it'll be fine it'll be fine you go super safe yeah yeah that is an appropriate response i think so sort of weird it's weird to check and be like you know it's good it's a it's a crazy old week because the standard is angry and sad because i got it back they like we reapplied and they were like oh no actually you should have this oh my god i got the visa and then trump banned all h1b oh sorry funny story we actually can't read here's your visa though bad news we're not currently allowing h1b people into the country anymore uh this very important we actually we missed on your blood results that you are in fact dying we do have the cure we lost it well no we have the cure but the president is angry and he doesn't want to let anybody use the cure right now he's holding the cure he's holding the cure and you can't he's playing keep away actually with the cure he's very slippery oh yeah he is a slipperiest president to date that's that's true we are keeping greasy as president we do think we may live to see a slippier president but for now for now when uh when slippy the frog from star fox is the president which he will be then we'll have the slipping natural coward slippy yeah i think he has a fortitude he's maybe a vice at best i just i learned some random facts about slippy recently i don't know why this is i didn't expect this to come out hold on well one is that uh he's got a huge cop that's the thing how'd you know was it just did he just have bde one fact that will blow your mind well first of all that reminds me of these there's these uh like screen rant type articles like listicles that'll be like 24 facts about waluigi that you like never knew yeah you read one the other day and it was like waluigi once wrote a poem and it's like all right the inspiration for the voice actor for luigi was resentment or something but uh slippy i found out was other than his giant frog dick he was [Music] i do think that like if i'm faced with slippy in real life and he like drops trout i'm not too concerned about the anatomy of it all yeah if it does turn out to be a human deck i might get like a quick second look but yeah it's a humanoid frog the last thing i'm wondering is what his wiener looks like it's not the last thing well that's not the last thing i would do i'm actually truly curious now the truth is like way less interesting he was originally gonna be considered for the original uh smash brothers on nintendo 64. but ah but the dick too big the dick was too big and it's just like they just didn't have the technology to like model it they're rude enough polygons yeah they tried they tried to render and it smoked out every single incident they were like our options are mario in the gang or just flippy's dick so they had to build that's why they built the gamecube to handle slippy's day right because his dick is famously his dick is famously a cube that's that's the deleted final boss of uh a huge slippy day oh no but yeah apparently like uh sakurai he wanted slippy and falco and what's his face to be fox no no no there's another new guy the other guy like pepe pepe oh pee pee yeah they wanted them to be different like outfits spoopy poopy scoop actually [Laughter] he wanted them to be different like outfits or different colors of the same character but he said that it didn't make sense for slippy to be a really fast character like as fast as fox and falcon because he's way down because he's just got his weight down and that third leg of his third leg yeah and so or of course he can run extremely right yeah frogs are pretty fast that's right that's what i thought but it's definitely the dick thing hey guys what uh what sort of condoms does slippy use ribbit wait are we the first twitch team to have uh minus views this is the full dynamic range of the podcast it's like slippy's dick one moment and like i had a bad week in therapy the next and those are those are connected with each other they are yeah it's true it's mostly because of my visions of self slipping i wake up in a cold sweat kind of slippy slippery dick yeah yeah but you know outside of that outside of that like humming rage i'm actually pretty comfy so uh curtis nice what's what curtis we usually we ask how was your week but mine's just going to be what's your what's your [ __ ] deal man just in general yeah man what's your [ __ ] idea what's wrong with you like where do you get off yeah how do you hear a day on our podcast yeah what do you how did you get in here my deal is um uh 21 blackjack i win guys stealer no deal wow he took he took the deal that's wild how in blackjack you can choose the number i'll take it dealer's choice baby that's it uh hit me with 21 please exact number i need of course of course your majesty no no the numbers do only go up to 10 but it seems that this is a 21. it's amazing whenever they real roulette i go can you just not spin it this time can you not spin the thing and just put it put it where i want it yeah i would just like to put it down here and have that be the i would just give me the money is what i'm asking i'd like to win please yeah i'll take that but my week's been my week's been pretty good i get my car back tomorrow okay it was in the shop because i got in an accident oh oh yeah like everything okay i'm dead oh man yeah well the spanking i got for my evil my vote [Music] he's quite considerate because one of the rules is don't get in a car crash i don't think that's that bad yeah i guess yeah okay that is one is the one nice thing is that he doesn't want me in the car crash he'd rather he'd rather be him it's like a single tear rolls down your eye it's like very touching wait a minute i actually have to go uh but no my week's been good been editing went golfing a few times that's it yeah it's been great i know you played the kings game i do i play on the the steps you play you play street golf yeah it's like nba streets with so many more deaths pga streets oh man is that the is that the golf game with fatalities where you're just like yeah you're like straight up snap or what's his neck or whatever and you just shove a putter up a guy's [ __ ] yeah but my week's been uh and all in all it's been good that's great no it's good what defines good week for you independent of like working and that kind of stuff do you just need like nice taste in the air did my hobby like golfing's a great example yeah i think if if i get a video out in a week it's like i'm having the best week of my life but if i don't get a video up it's like if i feel that i've done a good amount of work and then um i'm able to like you know like hang out with my girlfriend and like go golfing and stuff and just like have a day or two days to myself which i'm trying to do more often because when i first started on doing youtube full-time it was just like youtube youtube youtube youtube for like a year yeah and it was a lot so i think i'm like slowly i'm being like if i'm like happy with the work that i did in on a week than any given week then i'm then i'm i'm good i'm happy yeah that's definitely a journey too to get there because i i feel like i'm getting that's like where i am now but it definitely took it took a minute to just like appreciate you know what like we did we did good work this week everybody we can like pack it up yeah yeah yeah exactly it's just yeah it's really easy to get caught in the whole like oh i didn't i see all these other people that i are my friends and they're uploading videos and i didn't upload a video so what the [ __ ] am i doing yeah what are you doing am i valuable as a human being yeah yeah damn i thought i was this whole time but then i didn't turn it around this week and i guess yeah i guess i'm a little pissed baby sorry [ __ ] that's your tweet saying that the video is not coming out anyone else's breaks or anything like that where it's just like well they posted this week they did just take off two months but i guess i'm the bad one yeah exactly yeah yeah how was your week yeah a little rough to be honest but i think it's like the it's kind of like the climax of uh slippy sorry i uh that was his final smash ah why does it work so well um smashed me god damn it ultimate it's called a smash ball i'm not having fun right now but there's so much to worry about no but i think i kind of let my kind of self-care [ __ ] fall out of whack and then i was starting to feel bad and i didn't know why and i was working a lot and i wasn't taking care of myself and i was like what gives why do i feel bad i've only not been exercising or eating well and i've only been working for the exclusion of everything else like what gives and uh why isn't my car moving i only didn't fill it with gas and took the engine out [Music] i uh and so i had therapy like i have adhd and like one of the things with adhd for me in particular is this like sometimes feeling rejected by something even if it's as simple as like somebody correcting you on like a spelling mistake or something can can like hit you way harder than it should yeah maybe the visa people had adhd that was the problem hold on hit pause i'm going to hit pause on your [ __ ] citizenship yeah which made me feel really rejected yeah yeah but that's just because of your adhd jordan for no other reason no i don't want this so i had a like a experience in the morning that made me feel like feel like my mood was like hijacked and i was like oh [ __ ] like i was trying to have a good day and now i'm sad you know it's like i'm mad about this and then um i was like kind of in the dumps and i had therapy that day which was ultimately good but i was sitting there in bed like how am i gonna like do anything the rest of today you know and uh had therapy cried a little bit talked about how like i felt like my you know life and career was over and i'm a big fat phony and failure and a piss boy frankly and um and my therapy this was like yes but uh you are a business place yeah yeah you're the pissiest boy i've ever seen i don't know i'm not a great therapist you did study it though like you are you are licensed i gave it a swing which in retrospect actually might be why i wasn't appropriate for podcasting as a visa you gave it you gave it a swing from the steps from the uh pga street steps i did get a text from my therapist last night which is the first time this has ever happened like after therapy like a wellness check like hey how are you doing but i you know it was great it was it was very heartwarming but yeah it was more like i was in therapy with like sort of like a few single tears like running down my face going i know i'm gonna you know where it's like i know when i sleep on this that tomorrow is gonna be totally fine and normal and it's gonna be like none of this happened um that's kind of how i felt the next day but just like now i have work to do like i need to make sure i'm resting and taking care of myself and getting that stuff back back in order right yeah cause everything feels better too when i'm doing that stuff and it's so nonsense that i'm like no i have to keep working and it's like no but jarvis when you like don't drink water you feel bad it's like but that takes time yeah i don't know i'm kind of in the zone right now yeah yeah i don't know if you've seen this script but it's a [ __ ] banger dude and it's like you're gonna die you're gonna die of dehydration yeah yeah yeah and you're just there like nodding along going mm-hmm i could i could die that's true but i'm in the video can't how long have you been doing like therapy for if you don't mind me asking no no i uh so i think about three years now and it's a thing where i don't really have many big problems and that was a thing for me like i didn't want to start therapy because i was like well there's nothing that wrong with me but seeing the value in an outlet of like just like having that emotional conversation or getting the like just getting something off my chest or talking it through with someone who's gonna like validate my experience ends up being such a valuable just like yeah outlet to have that i'm now like very supportive of if you have the means or if you have you know in some countries like somebody dm'd me that like they wanted to try therapy or something and i was like oh maybe health insurance yada yada yada you could do this any other thing they're like well i'm in australia so i think we get like eight free sessions and i was like what like wow wow must be nice i don't know if that's the case in canada i feel like you need to pay still because i yeah i've wanted to like try therapy for a bit i just never tried i went to therapy like i had like three sessions once right like a few years a few years ago and it was like i don't know it was nice to like talk about stuff that was going on because it was at like a really weird time in my life yeah yeah i just like never did you read news it for i had from some i think it was from like my mom's health insurance i had like three sessions okay and i was in college at the time i didn't have any money to like spend on any more sessions so i just like okay well i guess i better be okay now because i'm not gonna go back i guess i'm fixed forever one thing that i don't love about like the way that therapy is like at least the old way of thinking about therapy is like something's wrong with me and i need to go fix it and when it's fixed right like don't go to therapy anymore because i'm in therapy to just continue improving myself you know what i mean like oh okay like situations affect me in this way i don't like like let's learn some coping strategies with that and then let me learn how to cope with this that and the other thing or or one of the things that i didn't even know starting therapy that would be super duper valuable is having someone who's got enough continuity on your life to be like hey i have observed a change in you about how you deal with situations very similar it's like you used to be really upset about this thing and now you seem to have a handle on it and i'm like whoa character development wow that's cool that's cool yeah yeah character development yeah yeah just like in the script i was writing i know you get back yeah it's really good guys i am dying i am dying what does water taste like i forget i can't i uh it's like that spongebob i don't need it i don't need it but yeah so i i recommend it for anyone just to try okay it is a thing that's like dating though because you can not have a good match with a therapist and it can kind of turn you off of the whole deal you know right and your instinct is almost certainly right yeah you can adapt to somebody's like maybe some of their mannerisms will find a way around a communication style but if the things that they're saying don't resonate with you or you feel worse when you leave always right yeah you can probably maybe change yeah one cool thing i would say for anyone who's interested is that in the states while it is like dating and that's already exhausting like when i was at patreon i was like trying not to be paying a lot of money for for therapy so i was seeing a like a phd student who was like getting there getting their certification to do it on their own and it was nice because basically there were two there was like an advisor reviewing my file as well so it was kind of like great two people are like checking me out oh no yeah exactly but then when that ended she just she became a school um psychologist but finding another therapist it took me a good six months just to like wow but only because it's one of those things where it's like well i'm fine i don't really need it kind of like oh i should probably fix that doorknob is kind of weird and then it's like two years pass and then right it's like yeah there should be like a tinder for uh million dollar business idea but yeah i guess one thing to know is that in the states at least you can tend to call up like cold call therapists and they will talk to you for a bit while you're like trying to decide if you guys would be a good fit and i think and you're not charged for that time so because they're trying to get a client and also see if like they could be of use to you so i would say use those opportunities when you're like okay do i want to talk to this person or let me let me call a few people and see who calls me back and like sort of play the field a little bit right so what happens if you go see a therapist and they show you a bunch of rorschach photos and all you say is slippy's penis this is a hypothetical this is totally hypothetical this is not a very specific one that you're giving out okay yeah like when you see dr jones in the you know on mississauga street and then and like office 306 sure yeah and then and you just got back from tour you're in the u.s all hypothetical you get back from tor uh and then your name is curtis and you say um and then you say like oh i see i just keep seeing slippy's big slippery wiener then i'm sorry my name was what no this is hypothetical but you did say in it what was my name your name is curtis your name is curtis yes just be in this scenario the scenario it just happens to be curtis oh yeah oh did i say that yeah i'm almost certain you did because you said it like very clearly and this is about you i'm almost done oh i think that may have been a freudian slippy yeah all right see you guys the evil twin comes back he's not funny he's like not funny he's very serious i just want to talk about golf um hey i heard you guys laughing about slippy's penis i don't think that's a very funny thing are you doing that funny crying what's that called i tried it very briefly but have you guys ever gone for one of those like uh better help or like a remote short-term therapy solution i have not i've never tried that i tried to do one of the chat ones one time but i'm worried that they're like escaped always yeah oh yeah yeah shane dawson asked me to twerk was that normal yeah oh sorry but no i tried one of the text things but then i'm also like there was like a controversy controversy about them and uh oh yeah i don't know really but i think they're they're they're fine i did have access to like my regular therapist so i never really got into it but my therapist is remote so i do have like experience i used to go into an office but then my therapist moved and i knew i was moving to la so i was like great let's just do remote because i'm going to move anyway that way i don't have to find a new therapist when i moved to la and it turned out to i had a lot of foresight because now you know like my therapy wasn't disrupted by kovitz because i was already doing it remember you predicted the future i might have curtis are you interested in doing it again like actively all right when things maybe iron out a little bit and i don't have to be remote or i do have to be remote maybe it's finally time to take another swing at it or it does it's not a burden i don't think i'm in any like big rush i definitely want to try it see if it would help me because there are some days where i'm like really feeling it just like pressure and stuff and like and like goals that i set for myself that i don't like reach and then it's like i don't know it's just so i i think i i'd be down to give it a try yeah i'm in like i'm in like i need to go to therapy now right right but even just like basic strategies for dealing with situations that come up all the time it's like oh you went to school and you have like a framework for thinking about this fantastic like give me the deets yeah yeah like a good manager doesn't need to give you context on why you should do something it might sometimes be nice to have it but it's like man i feel lost at work i've worked on 15 different things this week and i never felt impactful or satisfied with any of it yo uh cassandra what the hell should i do oh that's just a solution great because you know your stuff and i don't need to double check it i like trust what you believe it's that same it's handing over one of the more stressful parts of your life like i'm going to go to a coffee shop to get a coffee because no matter how much i make it at home it's pretty much always going to be better so i don't understand why it's different i just don't i think it's because i like to have someone else make it for me i think that's what it is yeah when you get like when you go out it's like same as hearing your favorite song on like the radio you know it's so it's more interesting like you hear that i'm like you're at home all day i've never heard that those things compared and they are the same i like to bring a coffee with me to trade what why i like to bring a coffee with me to give to the the barista oh it's huge that you did this for me i'm not that good i'm just practicing but maybe you could give it a taste test and let me know how i could improve they've had 40 people keep giving them nice camp rock shirt by the way i should have worn my high school musical jersey thank you this movie was actually filmed maybe like two hours away from my house so well maybe three hours it's it was pretty close ground zero the set was your home yeah it was like a couple minutes from my bedroom so i found this shirt at a thrift store it says crew on the back so like whoever someone was working on the crew of camp rock was sweating in this shirt in the skoka hot sun or somebody somebody who worked on that is really cold right now yeah who's my sure years yeah there's like a freezing cold there's still working crew for camp rock no one has the heart to tell them it's wrapped many years ago they can't leave set because they're still looking for it you can go home you know that i need my shirt i need my shirt he's holding a boom bike he's just like not willing to give it up yeah you go to the camp rock and there's a frozen man there [Applause] he's fully preserved it's like his mouth is in this shape where's my t-shirt you can sometimes you can still hear him say that yeah yeah yeah with with a low hum of uh demi lovato and the jonas brothers in the background i it's so funny watching those movies it's i think drew made a video about like old disney movies but like it's so there's so many of them that like really aren't very cool at all and like they don't hold up at all oh no like when you're a kid it's like well actually this is different but because high school musical 2 is my favorite oh i'm working on a video about high school my youtube origin story is i uh when i was 14 i had a viral video of me dancing to work this out from high school musical to you let's go i remember i yeah i used to know that dance too yeah i forgot it continued you're preaching to the choir yeah i was saying like that i mean high school musical 2 is like the exception because that movie is still very cool every time i watch it but i watch all the other ones i watch it on stream this weekend because i'm working on the you're working it out i was working it out frankly and you can bet on it there are so many iconic things about high school musical too yeah everything i think is iconic because it's really just like the first movie was like a good try it you know it paved the way high school musical 2 somehow hit the perfect amount of polish yeah it had everything you needed everything was like you had zac efron the bluest eyes you could ever like i don't know they color graded that movie in a weird way where his eyes were like extra blue what's the high concept of two like what what differs from one i know one kind of oh well uh i mean courage action do you want to take it away okay so one we all know it it's you know the the inner you know the struggle of like this this is what i want to do this is one of the this is what my father has in mind for me this is what like what it is yeah yeah basketball dad and then singing girlfriend the the oldest story in the book he was a basketball dad [Music] girlfriend um and then second one gets him out of the school okay i know it's high school musical but it's but now summer the country club yeah it's summer summer summer summer another now they're in the the country club and uh there's all this pressure from you know uh troy he's getting all the success you know sharpay is you know kind of getting her rich grooming kind of yeah it's like a it's a weird it's a weird power play sharpening where she's like come meet these uh college recruiters come like hang out with my weird dad and and play golf with us golf again on these steps i think that's why i play golf now to emulate bet on it yo i i want that sell that can we talk about the bet on it reflection the highest the highest art in cinema is uh when zac efron when you see yourself and don't recognize your face because your face is poorly transposed onto onto a pond yeah that's okay that's the one thing where it's like okay that does it disney you have so much money you have the most money and you can't even do a good scene on putting reflection and i feel like i could have done it yeah no i agree i might try i do think that there's a lot of little details in high school musical too that i have now picked up watching it over and over again well okay well there's obviously the miley cyrus cameo famously in uh all for one which i also know the choreography too wow because i i learned it in high school in order to dance along yes oh i actually have uh in the other room i have the i don't know what was it called it was called like some sort of special edition of the movie that has all the dance alongs on it i i found it at a thrift store for a dollar in la and i was like it was it was in its original wrapping i felt like i was finding a diamond in the wrap this one in particular is it sounds like the second movie is the summer that we wanted yeah we finally got it yeah are you open currently to slash all for one eyes go i do you know i'm not really a computer guy i wouldn't know but it's certainly yeah i think no i think i think we described it in such a way that you just you kind of understood the whole plot and one of the and you happened to reference one of the lines in the movie oh yeah i don't know how long we get to stream today but each day we'll be together you know and now and yeah so wow can i just say can i just you have no idea you have no you are close to the lyrics you are we this is incred i'm losing my mind um this is not wow high school musical three i feel like the only thing it does for me is if i watch the end of it it makes me cry because like the once a wildcat always a wildcat [ __ ] with like the yeah the re the reprise of like the high school musical song oh that's here we're graduating and we're you know what's next yeah exactly and and you know what's next it's that vanessa hutchins is gonna deny that kobit should be a problem in july and zac efron's gonna become big buff man and star in a show where he goes to a lot of countries where people of color live but he only interacts with white people unfortunately this is a hell of a call you made considering that movie came out what 13 years ago i know more like whack efron i know but i still i still stand frankly i just can't i can't once you stand you can never understand i think that's the rules yeah i think that's such no one's ever said i'm understanding no one's ever said that it's actually in the terms of service and the extended version of stan by eminem featuring dido yeah a lot of litigation around that track there's actually a lot of lauren yeah there is yeah the radio edit doesn't include the uh the two and a half hours in the center that's mostly about bill and laura delivered by paul rosenberg eminem's lawyer or whatever it's all legal jargon okay crazy idea all right hit me let's take it to the beach take it here together i mean let's celebrate today because they'll never be another sorry wait what's this song about uh celebrate today because they'll never be enough yeah yeah yeah they all die at the end it's like it's like a jim jones situation what is three about it's a ritual suicide at the pool oh no and then the third movie takes place in heaven whoa it's like lost all over again yeah they're on the island the whole time on the island the whole time the smoke monster is sharpay there's a really weird line in high school musical 2 that's one of my favorite quotes where sprinklers turn on and troy and gabriella are playing around on the golf oh yeah you were gonna get so well like okay what a weird there's so many weird adr lines like you didn't have to put that line into the movie they didn't say it out loud does he say you're gonna or i thought it was weird i think it's you were gonna but maybe it's we are gonna we've gotta get to the bottom of this we would make hold on let's i'm gonna put can i pull up the screen yeah yeah okay hi google musical to ritual death scene is what i'm saying yeah yeah that's right that's right yeah it all complete right it's uh what team wildcats what team wildcats and then on the third one everybody drinks at the same time yeah well catch get your dead in the game make sure it's not humor [Music] we can't we can't make it we don't need to talk about it uh because it's uh it's kind of appropriative as a song and it wasn't even it's just in the extended version oh no i'm just reading this i'm watching the scene right now oh yeah they're about to kiss yeah hot sprinklers are on sprinklers are on now they're dancing a little bit okay okay they're dancing okay this is good oh wait this is good jarvis you're right oh they say you are gonna get so wet that was like the reason i remember that so well is because i did go to a high school musical to watch party in 2007. and and i remember rumor was real as a 14 year old having a very very bad sense of humor and that was a thing where we were just like oh yeah that's hilarious yeah and i do know what that means yeah my butt's gonna get all sweaty soggy sexy soggy wow that's crazy i didn't know this he said that that changes everything i know it changes the whole lore you're crying wait there's so many good moments in this movie that i want to keep talking oh yeah the the the outfit swap between you wait you literally that was literally what i was about to talk about i was about to the outfit swap between chad and ryan during i don't dance that is never a dress friend of the show 24 frames of nick made a video about the outfit swap and talking about the the theory of it and it's a it's a good video but yeah i don't know what what to say i think i read that the director or the writer originally wanted them to have like a gay relationship well ryan was originally gay and right it was just like disney there's there's a few moments that are like coded kind of homophobia i feel in that movie like because uh ryan's dad is like this very he's like golf dad he's like the rich dude rich douchebag sweater vest kind of guy and ryan's like wearing his hat to the side and the dad's like straighten that hat and it's like oh yeah hey it's like hey dad like let me let me be myself let me let me express that that was disney's way of saying we don't like ap it was a metaphor it was a metaphor that was their their way to say where they could straighten [Laughter] also have you seen the ryan and sharpay like 10 years later singing um what was it bop to the top it was like a rearrangement yeah i think i did see that video i forget what song it was though yeah it's uh what i've been looking for oh okay man so many bangers so good dude when that's when that movie came out i was well actually before i knew bet on it because my sister my sister downloaded an illegal version of it from limewire like three months before it leaked so early and i i was on [ __ ] pirate bay downloading that [ __ ] so she had that version she had the mandarin version of the song that we were listening to we i know she like memorized all the lyrics of the mandarin version of bed on it that's actually the sickest [ __ ] in the world holy [ __ ] i mean it's good for job interviews yeah i i can speak mandarin only i can only do an inspirational song about my change of character yeah i know a lot of words in a very specific context in a very specific order but yeah the when i saw that movie i was out i was like on vacation with my friend in like this kind of like trailer park complex that was like kind of similar to the uh country club so like it kind of felt like i was i was there experiencing the movie myself it was just a magical time it was a great it's like vr yeah the original vr going outside to a place the reason the reason that i did learn all these high school musical dances was because i had like me and some friends in high school were going to like record them like as a group and so i learned all these dances to teach them to people we had we met and we had practices wow it was like filming logistics that's the reason that we never got it done and then everybody just kind of forgot about it but it was just a cast and crew problem you know yeah they didn't have any she didn't have any shirts yeah that was the problem it was actually just the boom operator that was in trouble we called him but he was frozen to death up in the north i'm not sure how the timeline exactly works out because camp rock hadn't come out yet at this point he was frozen it checks out we're shooting for a very long time there's a long shoot our shivering sound guy is the worst too he's just like yeah that's true like the world is pretty dark right now and so i needed to check out and the the way that i checked out was i i watched uh 1999 disney channel original movie smart house which is an absolutely way ahead of its time oh my god there's a lot in i literally currently have a 5 000 word script that i need to cut down on this movie there is so much to say i genuinely i have seen three dcoms in my entire life the the other two are xenon and underwraps the very first one i gotta tell you would struggle to name a single event from both of those two because smarthouse has eaten up most of the real estate in my long-term memory i don't remember math i don't remember the faces of my family but smart house stages can i give you a few fun facts about smart house please yeah one fun fact is that it was you're supposed to be in in super smash bros that's crazy the house that had a so it was directed by levar burton no way yeah and so i found a tweet recently uh or it's like a year ago but still the it's the 20th anniversary roughly of smart house and there's a few songs that only exist in the smart house universe and they're absolute bangers i know they only exist in the smart house universe because they're like one minute long when you like go find the song one of those uh jump jump the house is jumping like that's that's all the song is and levar burton somebody was like 20th anniversary of smart house and then levar burton's tweeting like jump jump the house is jumping and there's choreography there's a british boy man named five uh spelled the number five i-v-e that is a real band i learned there's oh my god there's just so many great things in that movie i mean wow i didn't know katie seagal like from anything other than being the voice of leela in futurama so leela from futurama is the smart house uh she's also in like married with children and sons of anarchy and stuff but i know her leela from future she's leila yeah yeah she's known as that by her husband and close family and it also stars that guy uh ryan merriman who was uh in the luck of the irish another disney channel original classic he rest in peace wow oh wow bree larson auditioned for the role of angie and just had to take the l is that true yeah sorry bray damn only six pieces of trivia on the smart house imdb that seems whack i uh should be a lot more you should contribute i i now have a lot of i got some ideas well what i realized is that like i have so many comments i don't know what the format is because i can't make a 50 minute video about smart house but yeah i've got to find like i don't know maybe i'll make an extended version on like a second channel or something dude when i script videos for especially for movies when i make videos about movies i have to essentially like cut it in half i have to cut out so much stuff because if i let the whole thing it the video would be longer than the movie because there's so many things you want to say yeah and then you get like comments feeling like people who like my most recent one i put out it was like people who watch my video then they go watch the movie yeah and then they come back to the video they're like why did you not talk about this one part it's like i yeah i had to i died i know i'm sorry i couldn't i am but one boy the worst is like that experience but you actually in the like edit cut out a joke or a reference and it's like i had actually recorded this joke it's in there like and then i was just like it doesn't serve like it doesn't serve whatever i'm trying to do so i gotta leave it on the cutting room floor you got to put it on the only fans brother all right well yeah that's what i'm gonna do i do wanna also wanna throw out i was like well i'm sure there's more interesting facts about smart house i'm the seo is a bit limited because they keep showing me smart houses but the breakdown on i was like trivia tropes yeah people are always filling up trivia trips there are two available facts one of them is just a about the fact that they watch a cartoon that was real and the other one was the fact that one of the moans of imac yeah there's an imac in the movie there's also war propaganda in the movie it likes smart house turns into an episode of black mirror in the third act and we don't talk enough about this it like turns into a straight-up horror film where he wants to kill them the smart house plans a party for the kids the big bully that's been bullying ben through the whole movie comes over and uh the smart house ridicules him and then strikes him with lightning like it's like straight up like or maybe he dodges it but it's like a whole thing the movie's terrible that's crazy a lot of people when i posted about it on my story dming me that like this movie scarred me before i rewatched it and i was like why and then i was like oh the moment where like she bolts the [ __ ] house closed and like becomes an airbender and like causes like a [ __ ] hurricane inside of the house yeah no that's gonna scar some people and then at the end of the movie spoiler alert they keep her around she's still like making food and everything's chill i was like what about when you tried to kill us like what was that yeah move no she changed move from the smart house yeah move away or t turn it off right because there was just like a big button what if the show a smart guy was the same thing like he just tried to kill everybody at the end and it was like he's a smart guy yeah yeah when you mention the uh the lightning hitting someone i always found it fascinating in like kids movies like family movies like for example someone would get like in an explosion and as long as they're like fine and walk away from it they just have like their hair is up yeah they got like powder yeah they're in blackface but like it's so weird because they can show that like the the act of it is totally fine to kids it's just like as long as you don't see the the actual results yeah home alone the first one has a lot of like oh man that would kill you if you're in real life like it storage box with their heads etc which is kind of irresponsible when you think about it because that's a thing that a kid can do yeah that kid has rocks right whereas the second movie goes pretty bug wild with like the physicality of that universe at one point marv gets like shocked and you see his actual skeleton which is actually probably one the funniest scene is it the first one or the second one where does he take like a nail board to the crotch or something oh no a nail gun shoots him in the crotch oh oh yeah i think that's one second yeah those are easy things to do you could put toy cars at the bottom of the stairs you could put broken glass by the front door it's all relatively easy it would be pretty great if the next home alone movie is just rock focused he's just throwing rocks i was gonna say we've talked about this before mostly in reference to like the kissing booth or something but yeah the it's so weird to me that we have weird rules about what we'll subject kids to but like violence is generally like pretty okay and it's like yeah just like or but all these harmful ideas like depictions of very like [ __ ] up violence or even very bad relationships that you shouldn't be teaching kids like about are like right totally fine johnny brava johnny my brother is great well joey bravo's okay because it's a story about acting obnoxiously will get you nowhere in life i guess so yeah for the most part and get jacked because it's cool yeah i just realized that on the back there's a synopsis of the movie it's high-tech hilarity the whole family will love when high school science whiz ben cooper goes online to win a computerized smart house specifically designed to make life easier oh what a convenience like i thought it was going to make life harder nothing else happens of consequence don't worry about it but instead his family's existence becomes more troublesome than ever existence when ben tries things when ben tries to put a glitch in existence yeah when ben tries to put a glitch in his widowed father's love life the smart house takes on a virtual motherly identity who not only becomes overly possessive of the coopers but replicates herself into pat personal applied technology an out of control mother like no other smothering stubborn and dangerously undeletable oh no oh it's up to ben to match wits with pat's central intelligence and outsmart it's a fun because of the name the smart house once and for all i think most moms are undeletable for the most part it's just murder right yeah yeah yeah well so then smart house is like a lady when she's just in the kitchen can you shoot her with a gun no can you shoot because one of the options there's a moment where like she passes through them and it's like he's like you can't give us hugs and then and then she's like oh no i can't give you hugs no but i mean like a hologram like a really good gun oh okay well then no yeah you could totally shoot her great okay really good guy anyway that's it for d d comcast is slippy i do want to get to two things and i as soon as i said that i cannot remember what they were so what do you got jordan cody yeah you wanted to talk about that one time when you were a kid and you um you you peed on that anthill and it was really [ __ ] up because it was just a like a pretty scent it was just a senseless act of just hate i filled out that immigration form i was like have you have you genocided anyone and i was like um this is i guess i might have actually seen all those animals and all those uncles oh yikes i have some uh twitter questions that we got through oh nice yeah yeah let's do that ooh what do you want your next tattoo to be oh shoot i don't know any ideas in your brain i have a few i want to get my first car tattooed on me it was uh it was a 2003 oldsmobile alero uh it was my my grandfather's and it was just a [ __ ] cool car yeah i don't know maybe it's not but when i was 17 and it was a car that i had i was like this is the [ __ ] coolest car i could ever have that'll probably be my next one i don't know where i'll put it but do you have any ideas for tattoos jordan and i should get because neither of us are tattooed up and uh genuinely i know this is like such a weird idea when i don't have any tattoos but my entire life i've wanted to be tatted the [ __ ] up and like really by the end of 2021 that was my goal wow now they won't let me in keep knocking on the door a lot of them just won't let me inside cowards i show up butt ass naked ready to go tattoo ready to go and my therapist comes out and she's like you have to leave people always ask me like what should my first tattoo be or what [ __ ] and it's like i don't i never know because it's my first one was this uh orca whale on my oh nice so it's pretty ballsy to get for a first tattoo because it's pretty big and like in like a pretty open spot but right i wish i probably got it somewhere else but i mean i can't really change it now but um wait what you can't i'm glad i didn't dive into this head first oh i'm thinking of hannah where people go wrong is they try to put too much meaning into one tattoo it's like this chair represents this my the four brothers and sisters i have and then the the daisy that's on top of it represents the other four brothers and sisters oh i was thinking of getting like like four brothers and sisters like across my chest for the four brothers for the brothers and sisters i'm thinking about having i do very sincerely plan on getting a jar jar binks tattoo and there's no reason to continue talking about it do it you have to oh [ __ ] really do i i was called jar jar binks a lot in elementary school oh that's cute jar jar inks hey write that down that's uh that's the tattoo parlor you go into and it's like miso they immediately turn around how the hell have you guys stayed in business holy [ __ ] oh god this is horrible oh curtis i have a question for you okay you're a podcaster in your own right yeah how how the hell do you do a podcast by yourself i drew and i were talking about this it is the most impressive thing i've ever uh witnessed like those are my favorite type of podcasts they're just the solo ones um i mean like solo everything that happened uh i used to listen to a lot of uh crystallized podcasts okay um yeah before i knew he was uh you know i must you must still be listening right again i am coming out of a three-year coma yeah he's man he's on top of the world right now man it's crazy um i've got a live show tickets coming up they're in his house but yeah i was listening to a lot of his podcast and that's kind of what inspired me to start my own one and it's like it is really hard to do it every week even like recently i started i have like a producer now who like sometimes comes on for like a little segment which is nice to have like a little break for me to like bounce ideas off of and stuff and like talk and like do this with instead of just me being like so this is an idea for a bit i have and i don't know hopefully that's fine okay that's the next thing um but i think it's all i've always viewed it as like a challenge i guess to be entertaining for an extended period of time because i think that was the whole thing with vine it was like i was so fixated on like setup punchline and then that's it that's that so i was like once i started once mine ended i started doing like form stuff i like it even translated to my stand up to i wanted to do like more like fleshed out stuff and i think the podcast helps out as well so it's just like i don't know i it definitely it's definitely gotten easier it's a cool skill set to develop too yeah yeah i think it's it helps everything because like i script like 90 of my videos but the other 10 percent i can leave for like if i think of something and i can see where that goes for sure and then same as stand up if someone yells something or just like heckles or some [ __ ] or if i think of another punch line when i'm talking i can yeah just kind of go out and explore that and then get back to it but yeah it's it's a lot of fun though it's like reporting the podcast is like the highlight of my week it's like it's a good time not so rad dude how many episodes are you up to i just put out a hundred and eleven that's so that's so awesome congrats yeah dude thanks it's a long a long time is that the official season finale 111 nice and symmetrical first season's done now yeah every season is 111 episodes with a full arc with different characters they're all you but they are different do they actually represent my four brothers and sisters my evil half-brothers and sisters it's like in mandarin where there's different tones and pitches for like for different words you have different characters that are just like slightly pitched up and toned differently right that's why i knew the mandarin version of that on it exactly yeah yeah there was a question i have to point this out that was just a question of somebody i'm so sorry i lost you because you deserve the credit but somebody said do you have an evil twin called curtisn wow they asked if i am an evil twin named kurt isn't curt isn't uh do you get it dude who are you who are you looking at is he still over there he's sort of he's kind of going like that oh oh right that's like an international science friendship i think yeah he's rubbing his finger along his neck i think i mean yeah i think he's gonna like give me uh an adam's apple massage because he usually does it anyway it sounds incredibly unpleasant yeah and absolute massage it is but for him it's great he loves right again right like it's yeah um it's against your will but not his as well to it is just yes he is an evil twin he said that he said that that's how it goes which means he isn't i guess he's saying yes i am an evil twin oh i don't know what to believe anymore unreliable narrator narrator i hardly know her [Music] so um expand on that no please please no please what i didn't uh yeah i think i said an awesome joke and we all laughed and then we kind of moved on it sounds like a narration to me wait somebody looks like curtis just walks in i don't know how did he get there so fast i have several i have thousands across the planet across the planet across the universe all right somebody else like a question that i'm actually i'm not even gonna like over contextualize because i'm not sure i fully understand what direction they're going with it but i kind of want to get all of your reads on it love it has anybody ever taken you and your career for granted ackerby wrote that thanks i could be has anyone ever taken me and my career for granted yeah no next question yeah i'm like i don't know what that means yeah expand on that sure now i'm gonna lose sleep thinking that there is someone i can think of a few half-brothers who might have something to say quite a few actually they'd be singing a different tune if they're on the mic right now specifically a different pitch actually i want to point out i feel like since there's thousands and thousands of them i can't help but feel like you're the deviation and also they're older than you i think it's weird that you get to be the main one no i never said that did i you sort of implied it like he's your evil it sounds like you are just a brothers with a lot of people i have i'm one man yeah i'm like sort of gotcha i'm i'm curtis tries to convince us he's one man i don't know so much about that i'm sort of the uh the the trunk of the tree okay and then all my evil half brothers and sisters they're uh they're like the branches and the twigs and the leaves and the caterpillars and the squirrels so yeah i'm sort of like the hub for all of them they all report to me they'll have a we all have a slack there's a slack for my brother not a discord but a slash more professional it's a very professional relationship no it makes sense makes sense you guys all share an email domain like you've got a whole google organization and i gotta say even across time zones you're very very respectful about your work-life balance yeah well we're all in eastern time but but let me there are people who are who live on like pacific the one in my house for example yeah yeah he you ask what time that person is going to bed it's going to be like 11 p.m eastern time on the dot that's really weird every day 11 pm we lie down we close our eyes and we're asleep it takes no less than a second incredible do you have like a remarkable do you have some sort of like shared consciousness like inside of your mind like are you guys hanging out in like an internet chat room in your collective brains surprisingly enough no it's all we all have our own three fathers you're oh you're because you're half brothers you all of your own like we all have different fathers same mother and she gets around i mean clearly let me tell you but yeah but it's just like we all have the same you know like goals and viewpoints and opinions but we all have our own like we all think and like do the exact same things but we all have our own like free will so it's all good but and they're evil twins that agree with all the things you do and act the same way yeah so they like they're not they don't really see themselves as related to each other they're all just related to me okay right and i see because it's sounding increasingly like you're all the same and you were just poorly raised people i also didn't know i see a way you could make that argument yeah i did take note of uh of when you said that they all have free will you kind of broke eye contact and looked away as if uh you know to be committing a lie or a fit right just because they're like no you know like body language you know like there's certain towels for i just like you think they don't have free will because they look down at my little brother who's on his knees begging for free will that's what i'm saying call me crazy call me a conspiracy theorist but you think that they don't okay yeah okay hey everyone can we get a hey what the heck can we get all together uniformly for me for papa all of my evil brothers and sisters are watching that's it well that's all wow okay before we wrap up i do want to talk about sorry i just goddamn well we answered everyone's questions without even having the questions you know how they say that some some clothing has memory like like you know this is a ancient you know passed down whatever whatever uh i don't know if what i'm saying makes sense but what i like to imagine is that look just go with me here well what i was just imagining is the camp rock guy like curtis do you ever wake up like with your arms like holding a boom that isn't there yeah and i'm getting yelled at by christian bale yeah oh my god let's move out of the way this boom upgrade is prolific he's worked on a lot of stuff no well that christian bill breakout happened on this side of camp rock yeah christian bale famously just he had nothing to do with the film but he does like that operator he just hates boom operators he travels set to set yeah to terrorize move up he's got a six he's got a sixth sense for him he can sniff him out boom operator killed my mother it's like it's like it's like taken but for boom operators it's like they do have a very specific set of skills he collects the infinity shirts too many shirts man there's an affinity of them it seems so that's too many okay real quick not real quick actually before we before we wrap up the show i do want to talk about some more feeling stuff specifically like there was a tweet that you posted curtis that i mean i related to but yeah mentioning that you were like feeling a little bit unmotivated in that moment and i thought we could talk a little bit about motivation and specifically if you wanted to speak on how you were feeling in that moment or how you're feeling now or or anything like yeah but we could all talk about our experiences too for sure so yeah when i i tweeted that i was [ __ ] that was like down on the dump so i was like the worst i felt in a while i was working on one video for just so long like longer than usual yeah where it got to the point where i was like i don't even this is this isn't even [ __ ] like remotely funny just like hours and hours of working on it and then haven't uploaded in a long time and then there was some other [ __ ] that was going on that was just like it wasn't like things that would normally piss me off but it was like things that were like it just adds up yeah yeah so i was just like [ __ ] this is it i'm done no i think i'm i'm not funny anymore and this is it i'm gonna [ __ ] this is this i'm done my life is over and that's it but then i finished like the next day i felt a lot better because then i was like i woke up early i was i got a lot of work done i finished the video and i was like okay i feel a little better i got stuff done but it was just like dude yeah the the highs are great but the lulls are just so insanely low that like like i never felt the shitty when i wasn't doing youtube full time right no i yeah i don't mean to be like this is the worst job ever like not at all this is like literally like a dream come true but i'm just saying it's like the palette is like emotional palette extends both ways you you cannot just ask for you know like the moment you start doing heroin the crashes are harder right you just can only feel a certain degree of joy with context for what the the negative is and that's why it's true away from we all we all know what heroin is like yeah mm-hmm yeah scary because some people get away from heroin and i don't [ __ ] with those people [ __ ] a collective tear fell from five thousand uh five thousand other people curses i relate to that i also think that i don't know what it is but there's something about the job that it feels hard to rein in like typically in in life you want to be like have a little bit of external validation that always feels good have people outside of your sphere who don't know you say you did a nice thing but hopefully you've got like an internal validation that's like i i know who i am i know what i'm contributing to the world i have a strong community vibe and i don't know if it's the like solitary nature of youtube sometimes or the fact that there's a lot of external validation at play but there are like very weird like i know the feeling of like putting out a video that does well is like the highest of highs but then you put out a video that's like 10 out of 10 in your [ __ ] studio and you're like is this is this the end or i haven't had a win in a long time maybe this is a sign that it's all going downhill yeah which by the way is the most [ __ ] up feature they could have added to youtube studio i don't know why they did that yeah it's just so so crushing every time you open the app it's like hey you're not doing so good you could be doing a lot better yeah i've noticed it's actually not even relative to the channel it almost always says curtis which seems weird yeah it's i don't know why they put that on everyone's like hey curtis yeah my yeah my analytics are completely useless because they just say hey curtis you're not doing so good no numbers yeah i think youtube's just super mean to me for some reason i guess yeah i can't believe youtube did something unkind yeah i would consider it it's really out of character i'm trying to think of like how i would frame this but i know for myself when i take creative risks and they don't pan out it's very it's a very vulnerable feeling like i don't feel like i'm too big to fail i feel like at any moment the algorithm could like not pick up the video and it's like game over like nice thanks for playing and that's you know when i'm not in my best of spirits but do you relate it all to that feeling i feel that way all the time because i kind of put a lot of my eggs in the vine basket and that went away like overnight basically yeah um so i feel like that's kind of like ruined how i think about my success right now i just think it's all gonna go away at any time yeah obviously it's different because fine was it wasn't making anybody any money and it was just you know it was just bound to fail but did the transition feel obvious to you like oh well this boat's gone down so i'll hop on the life raft kind of i don't even want to call it a life raft but like here's the obvious next thing to do right uh it didn't really it took me like a long time to figure out what i even wanted to do on youtube because it was so so different i really only like found any sort of success when i started like copying like danny and drew and cody yeah um we've all been there yeah it was it took a while like i didn't know if i wanted to like just keep making short videos on like twitter or like making the same type of content on another platform but i kind of only like went to youtube because i was like i still wanted to make videos and that's just like that's what everybody else was doing and it seemed to make the most sense so i was like i might as well give it a shot i guess it was weird i was working like a full-time like office job at the time too so it was like it was weird to do both yeah i don't know it was a very weird time what did you go to school for well i went to a two-year program um at humber college is uh for comedy writing and performance so it was pretty cool it was like there's only like two schools in north america that like have that sort of program i don't know how much i really learned right because it was basically like a two year long like drama class but it was great i made some really good friends and i mean if anything it like kind of forced me into like the stand-up scene i guess like it kind of just like they really encourage you to get out and do shows and stuff and they like taught me how to like structure like a script and stuff which was obviously like valuable but i'm not sure if i it is what i'm doing now i don't know how much i would credit it to that but right right because there was nothing in the curriculum about like online video production or anything like that the teachers were people who were very successful in comedy in like the 80s like the 70s and 80s who were like well i know this is a steady job in what i know how to do i guess so yeah yeah actually my state my stand-up teacher was something else man he was really something else he was like a frog i think yeah and he had a huge dick on him it was crazy why do you know that huh what do you know about the dick that was a curriculum it was like yeah that's the main thing i did learn uh but yeah it was just like there was a person in my class who was like he's he's a native he did his like set and our teacher was like you should do like you should really do some uh some indian jokes like really like uh like just like super super offensive stuff and then he was like no i'm i'm not gonna do that that's literally what i hate the most there's a lot of that being like people being like let's not let's not say offensive slurs and then maybe not be like well it's still the 80s so i think we're fine i think i think i've gotten away with it so far yeah don't forget it's the past yeah all in all it was good i made some good connections and stuff one thing that i was going to sort of circle back to on the point of um can it all go away and like having the experience with vine i would say another way to think about it though is that it's proof that you can do it again like even if youtube were to go away tomorrow like you've already done it once and done it again you know um oh man do i really not want that to happen again i know right yeah yeah but i know yeah that is the positive way of thinking of it that like i've i've done it i think yeah i think for me i think for me i'm always like reminding myself that i have skills and like getting to the point where that is not a function entirely of luck like obviously you could be lucky in a in a number of ways than i have been but if i had zero and i was starting from zero i can sort of start to pull myself back up by my own boots right i suppose it's the uh imposter syndrome right what they call it yeah yeah i think where you don't think this is what yeah i feel like i have that all the time it's like it was a fluke that i'm somehow people are subscribed to for sure i mean i guess and that's another thing i've been trying to like remind myself is that like i'm pretty good at stuff i think i'm okay at things i know how to write a joke i know how to edit a video i don't know how to post a video yeah yeah um because supposedly you crush that i know it took me years to figure that out almost all of your videos have been uploaded that's pretty cool actually we're proud of you you know take take or leave the writing and video production but yeah there's i watch your videos and i'm like these are [ __ ] uploaded dawg damn these are like honestly man i'm i'm like so close to watching one of them seriously that i can tell yeah there's probably some content in there i see that you know i see the num how long they are and i got like two minutes or so i don't i don't get anything okay but um that's my little necklace he's crazy about computers he's always watching that stuff playing the fortnites he's always watching these four nights yeah i'm just kidding man your videos are seriously starting to get really good damn thank you almost almost finally but could you finally getting there could you add a little bit more offensive humor maybe some slurs i don't know oh yeah yeah youtube loves political yeah oh my god yeah okay i'll drop i'll say the n word in the next video is that funny my man it's so funny it is just it's crazy that not more people are doing this hilarious thing objectively hilarious yeah you remember when louis c.k would say that stuff oh no dude what a guy anything how great would it have been remember shane came out and he was like the whole blackface thing i didn't know there was a history to it how great he said that about the n word no wait that that's what it is that's the whole thing around now that's what tana mojo said about saying the n word wow um yeah was it uh she like never apologized for it do you see that [ __ ] about rico nasty no but the name doesn't inspire confidence she was like xxl freshman this year yeah she makes some great tracks collaborates with kenny beats a lot but she on a live stream i think maybe in a track used the c word for people of chinese descent oh no and how do you straight up find them like the bargain bin at like racism if i'm sure if i heard it i'd have to check i'm pretty sure that's better that's like that's like calling you a colored like i'm like like how did you even get here like yeah whoa this is dustin's wearing a top hat and a monocle yeah [Laughter] she did an apology on she had to do two apologies since life because the first time she apologized and said the word apology oh my god it's such an easy problem rico nasty come on you being nasty that would never fly on the pga steps oh uncle rico come on oh man we we've had some good some good grand old fun here today yeah this is great and we can just flew by so thank you so much curtis for joining us um of course thanks for having me uh you're welcome back whenever you know you managed to escape the deep but danny and drew are still are still down there so oh yeah i had this thought i had this thought earlier okay really quick so you had danny and drew before me right yeah on the tour i had to go 30 shows opening for them yeah but now you're the [ __ ] closer guy i'm the headliner of this podcast because you guys aren't doing any more after this no we're done it's it's the end yeah this is it jordan we haven't talked about this but he's right it's the end this is the end i'm the headliner oh okay i mean i you've had a good run we had a good run and it's time and i do need it for financial support but at the same time at the same time curtis i do want you to feel better about the tour thing so what's more important you know your livelihood or my army feeling a little better yeah it's you you're right you've reinvented yourself a few times you were an american for a few years and now you're back to being a brit i did my best and now i'm back in a famously stable and affordable country with no problems no problem hold that if it's a blank piece of paper and they cut it into an out yeah and they did that like that frat like college font thing where it's got like all the little yeah it's like the smart house spot here i got that out i drove to java's house and punched a hole in this wall i just have the tax rat the tax rabbit that's uh a new startup that i'm doing where you call someone to do your taxes yeah you take the taxes but uh the tax the tax i give up on that actually wait isn't the other the other star fox character is around yes wow could you give us some insight maybe on what they're packing heat it's like it's tiny it's a tiny tiny crazy because they have so much sex and so many kids and so many it's true that's why it's impressive over time all right well we learned a lot today we started on animal dicks we're ending on animal jakes that's what we call arc book circle is that why we're ending the show because we keep doing that i think it's because peta is knocking on my door and they've got something to say no please stop but yeah thanks so much curtis for joining us is there anything you want to plug or follow me if you want but if not i you can follow my brothers and sisters that's fine okay i'll think about it and you share an account right it's all my account yeah yeah so if you want to subscribe to my brothers and sisters it's my account you all share an account and a consciousness yeah well that jury's hello sure still out we don't know but yeah i don't know be nice to people yeah and that's it i like that yeah be nice to plug in kindness except my stinky little stepbrother oh wow your stinky little step brother gets the worst treatment over all of your brains and now he's rubbing a a real neck across his a really thank you thank you for having me on oh yes of course we end every episode of sad boys with a particular phrase we love you and we're sorry take my money go away
Channel: Sad Boyz Podcast
Views: 123,978
Rating: 4.957911 out of 5
Id: zt1q6CbxmmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 31sec (4951 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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