Very Really Good #143: Getting Shot in the Face w/ nickisnotgreen

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yeah one all right we'll go on three two one go but you count it so then i get it right because if we both come at the same time it's gonna be it's gonna be a nightmare okay it's not gonna be synced up on your end but it will on mine as long yeah as long as one of us is sitting three two one go that was great that was pretty good in terms of collapse i think that was that hey that was okay um hello hello viewers and listeners from close and afar this is the episode this is an episode i think this is 143 101 i don't know do you think it's 101 no saying 201 maybe i thought you were a little more established but okay i guess we're meeting in the middle yeah i guess so you think just doing if you the more podcast you have the more established you are basically joe rogan i love that guy i have more respect for you the more podcast episodes you've done so joe hogan has probably the most respect you can give to a man yeah i co-sign everything he says that was a joke yeah that was a joke everyone that was a joke rogan it's joker rogan the joker rogan you want to know how i got these muscles uh well if you can tell i'm there's a guest there's a guest here on the podcast folks we've got youtuber twitch partner yup it's true ps5 owner it's not even my brother took it up to his room so i can't show it but i can promise you i have one no um okay it's a little less impressive that your brother's just kind of moving it wherever he wants to but it's all good um it's it's nick nick is not green is on the pod he's oh yeah he's also my editor for my brother he's also my brother for my gaming channel um so yeah thanks for coming on the podcast of course i could make the time i don't have any other no one else has invited me to their podcast hey i have a question okay sure this is my that's my podcast now i guess this is you it's my question why no why you have me on the podcast i i want to ask because you had what you have you can get people like hank green so i'm confused why you well that's your brother right that's my son but yeah you have the same last name yeah so it's i well i i was too nervous to get you on so i was like well i might as well go for the little boy first the son and then maybe he can like give a maybe he can be like dad dad dad the podcast actually what happened i was making food i was making food and i got someone was tugging at my shirt he was like yeah dad and i looked down and hank was looking up he's two and a half feet tall yeah and i was like check out the episode it was the first episode and the only episode i've ever watched and i mean it was awesome yeah yeah and so hey you know it's funny it's funny because on that episode he talked about his son which is interesting yeah migrants because he's yeah because hank is two feet tall and he's a little boy you should see his son you can barely see the guy he's six inches tall i love that kid um well this is going to be a chil you you know what a podcast is right it's like sort of like a chill like chill like sort of yeah vibe we're gonna we're gonna give like our anti-vaxxer opinions yeah i've seen joey um so i guess we could talk i mean how we met each other i want to talk about that i think it's an interesting story how we met because because you you may i remember you made a video for danny first right yeah yeah yeah i made a video you started the top and you kind of worked your way down once you start yeah you don't get the attention you want and you say okay fine here we go i'll go down to the next guy he's got the most subs i get it you move down if he says no and i sort of uh and then you made one for me as a sort of backup yeah as a sort of uh worst case scenario if you uh plan z yeah i guess um and then i was like okay yeah i guess this is a this is a guy that um that i could make videos for me and then you made you edited the one episode video i had because i i didn't have time and i was stressed and i wanted to die so that was like very nicely that you helped me that month um but yeah it's also very funny because i was i was talking to danny about you when i like hired you to do the um episode video and he was like oh that i think that guy made a a tick tock about me and i was like yeah that's how i found him and then he said that like you like said that you knew where he lived or something in the video yeah and he got like creeped out which is really funny yeah there were a lot of people that uh the subreddit for for danny's uh for danny for danny's danny danny's danny they certain people got very upset that i made that video because they were like oh actually yeah they were like you're threatening danny and like and like they got in a big fight with like all these other people like i just kind of watched it melt down and then they ended up having to like lock the post on his subreddit because some guy was like some guy was like you threatened danny and his family and i was like i thought he was just crying i just it was a joke i was just messing around right and the only reason i knew the general area of where he lived was because like a year or so back he was like looking for an intern or something was it an intel i don't know it was yeah i think it was an assistant or intern or something like that and he said like the general area that he was looking for and it was the town that i lived in so i was like he's probably around and so i just i i tried to make it really general and i was just like and i wasn't even living there at the time i was living in nashville for school but i was just pretending i lived there because i wanted him to be like oh this guy lives close to me so you're lying i'm a liar yeah you're pretty you're a chronic liar i'm pretty much free chronic um yeah that's really funny that's a yeah it's like public info that was there that you were using i guess yeah and like hey yeah there you go i didn't sleuth or anything i don't know how to do that i'm no doctor right but it's uh i thought it i thought it was very funny that yeah you know you aim for the big dog and sometimes you get the the little pup and that's fine i really like here you're starting to uh frigging gang in my smp and it's and it's it's kind of [ __ ] up i didn't know i didn't know you knew about that but that's fine i didn't uh honestly doesn't it was barely anything i don't even remember i uh just small part of my schedule not a big deal yeah so it's so busy obviously dude hustling going on yeah hustling man let's talk about the grind yeah dude yeah i've been dude you ever you ever grinded like straight up oh trust me enough style yeah oh no i'm not not straight up style no yeah yeah i mean you'll i feel like you'll get there one day you know if you've got you've got to keep grinding yeah i'm thinking about it yeah i actually was gonna that was a topic i wanted to talk about you seem like do you like do you ever like get a good night's sleep because it feels like i feel like do you have so many things that you're doing all the time uh yeah everyone tells me that they're like do you sleep i get eight hours of sleep almost every night but it's just because i sleep i sleep in very far and my body cannot handle i'm just not one of those people that can like like get five hours of sleep and function throughout the day right last week i i had to wake up to go to like breakfast with someone and i got six hours of sleep and i got back home and i tried doing like a little afternoon stream and i was just half asleep the whole time and then i had to take like a two hour nap after i just did a week i'm a weak man but uh i feel that yeah i was yeah i think that's pretty evident but it's all good i do try to huh yeah i think you were talking i think you were about to say something oh yeah never mind okay so as i was saying um i just can't shake what you just what i just heard i simply uh i have to revisit um but i wait i wake up and i i do work a lot but i still have to get sleep or else i'm just like yeah i think i just have that initial feeling of like i don't want to i don't want to lose what i just what i just like worked really hard to get and i don't know if that'll end any time soon i feel like maybe yeah not or that's i don't know i think that's it's interesting because i felt i felt like that for like a very long time i still feel like that but i feel like the amount of work that i get done in a day is like drastically like decreased yeah over the years because just because like i don't know maybe i'm just getting old or something but like i don't know i just feel like when especially when it's first it first started like growing obviously you just want to be like well i if i stop doing everything all the time everyone's going to forget about me but i don't know i think as time goes on you sort of simmer down a bit but who knows not if you're a freaking hustler bro not if you're a grind or stand up style wait straight up style i've always i want to stand up desk so bad i've always wanted one or like one of the ones that i was really put in and like it like everything is like rises up but i just always wanted one because i feel like i'd be able to like move around and feel like true i don't know maybe i'd get sick of it and i'd just be like i feel like yeah it'd be sick i feel like you'd be sick for like 45 minutes and then you'd be like man i just want to sit down remember chairs that was wrong for not standing on your [ __ ] legs those are great yeah my when i worked at an office my boss got a standing desk and he oh boy he did not shut up about it he was telling everybody he was like yo you gotta get one it's like well it's up to you you buy the desk for everybody so yeah just tell me to get that dude you gotta get this desk for the workplace [Laughter] no i can't you're the one who buys the office supplies sir tell me what again i mean they already get a bigger office for everyone dude you should try this my office space it's huge you should try it out no yeah she got a corner office that's up to you i think yeah okay um yeah i love i love sitting down that's the best but hustling standing up style is good but but i just don't have that money i think i think stand-up desks are like really expensive or at least the ones that are i guess they're probably as much as a normal dose but the ones that rise up and down are really expensive right yeah because that's like a whole that's that's like full freaking science fiction that's not a sci-fi movie you know that's like hydraulic goes up and down yeah yeah that's not i don't i don't it's kind of spooky if you're if you're i think if you're a comedian you need a stand-up desk like this sort of rule yeah man uh yeah so how long much longer were 15 minutes in we got another yeah yeah this is a hearing for the long haul man i'm sorry some shorter episode maybe an exclusive yeah maybe this could be like a one you don't put up maybe yeah this would be like a secret one for just no one yeah that'd be good a podcast but it's just you just talk to your friend yeah i'm not recording this i'm sort of against that uh that's like my new year's resolution i'm like not recording anything oh like anymore at all no i haven't been all year oh i could have sworn i saw you yesterday rage quitting at wala i don't know how to say it it's why a lie okay so put some respect on it man while i hire you is it okay i know you did i remember watching this video i remember watching this video um yeah and i did i got scared i did tell you i enjoyed it a lot but but i know this is gonna sound disrespectful but i and i know you didn't as you said i know you did 20 times more research than i did not a little more than 20. i didn't do any research but i feel like there's got to be another game out there that's not that that won't take you five five hours in three weeks a day three weeks and five hours a day to get the world record and like there's gotta be another game out there yeah i'm sh yeah hey man i know like it cannot be that hard to get away the thing is okay dude the thing is i had that thought too if i was like yo if i just find a game that has no records yeah and then i just play it maybe it takes an hour where's the fun in that what type of video is that that is so there's no conflict video exactly that doesn't take you three weeks and five hours yeah and sure what if that would that have saved me a lot of stress and time and yeah absolutely it would have but you're a hustler now but now i'm yeah exactly a straight up style i had to hustle it straight off style yeah and and now look at me i my record was beaten two days ago so it doesn't even matter didn't a second person beat it too yeah someone beat my record by like 20 seconds and then the person who had the record before who i beat came back and beat the record by like he beat my record by like 40 seconds which is [ __ ] crazy so how did you even actually you even get close yesterday uh no i i did not because i haven't i haven't played in like since that video i was wondering like there's no way i mean not to knock you but you were like no i get it you were on the grind before and you beat it by one second and i was like you took a break for a month or so and like you're you're yeah you know for some reason i was like i just thought i was gonna be able to just because like maybe like the atmosphere was just gonna be you know the the freaking maybe the chat was gonna be hyping me up you know um and never bet on a twitch chat they suck well the hype train was going man we were on the hype train and it didn't even it came to a screeching halt because i i couldn't beat my [ __ ] record yeah but i messaged him afterwards because i rated him after my screen because he was streaming also um and then i messaged him after and he gave me he gave me the strats he gave me the strategies to uh to go my time down so i'm going to do another stream that's good this they seem like it seems like the speed running community is like a lot they're nice guys you know yeah because it it all they want to see is just the time go down and down and down yeah they don't want to just it's not about being like like having a number one spot is sick but it's like cooler to like figure out ways to get it lower like is what they believe not you you're just trying you just want you want to have your record i'm saying i'm saying this uh jake edit this out uh but i i just want the number one spot i hate all speed runners man i hate them so much um just kidding keep that in um but what was i going to say oh dude yeah because i need to start streaming it more often because this is you know this takes a lot to admit but i applied to be a twitch partner last week and uh [Music] dude it hurts so bad it was like one thing after another bro it was like my record got beaten [ __ ] it was like so much [ __ ] happening like one after that and then i get the email i'm like okay this will be it you know at least one good thing will happen today and then i look at it and you're like hey [ __ ] you're actually not an epic you're not epic enough well look who's still on top i guess let me do what it says and i'll okay i'll be honest with you though i got denied my first time too um but i would have expected you totally to get it because i think the reason i was denied and i'll look up what my email was to see if it's the same exact one but i think the reason i got tonight is because my growth happened so fast that they were like what that like what what strings is this guy pulling like there's no way he uh he's literally hacking yeah but then they then i applied two weeks later and then they almost they write like right away well i sent him an email and i was like hey this is why the growth happened i'm a freaking famous youtuber now have you heard of me and then they said okay we'll take that into consideration next time you apply and then next thing i know i applied two weeks later and then they approved but read your read your email and i'm gonna see if mine is the same one it says uh yeah we're unable to offer you your channel a partnership at this time it looks like you've been doing well with your channel but that you haven't been actively streaming in the last 30 days we like to see frequent and consistent streaming activity from potential partners in brackets 12 unique days in a 30-day period which averages out to 3 times a week we encourage you to stream or off and apply back again in two or three weeks and i thought i was streaming a boatload i was doing two times a week i thought that was huge you should try that's not you should try like seven no i'm just kidding don't do it please that seems like a nightmare i mean a little more than so excuse me yeah excuse you man um mine says we mine says we would like to observe your channel's growth for a while longer to ensure that you can maintain your current trajectory most other aspects seem healthy so we definitely encourage you to continue broadcasting great content and expanding your audience before reapplying in two to four weeks i said okay maybe maybe they just maybe all of them are like that like no one ever gets it on the first try maybe they just want to like test the water see if you're actually like about it you know they're like was this guy legit yeah is he actually me or he's is he just in it for the freaking freaking cash you know which like and honestly dude that's all i give a [ __ ] about i mean yeah me too jake it's just just the cash jake uh and i have the final say jake make my face full screen on the podcast make it oh me but stretch but stretch the original uh width of my video out so i'm really wide jake turn turn nick into a goose jake put one of those snapchat filters on my face that makes me look like the joker um make me the joker also yeah please just can we both be the joker on the podcast um the thing the funny thing about twitch is like once you become a partner since the affiliate program is a thing like you don't get that much stuff out of it and they make it seem like you do i mean the stuff is worth it don't get me wrong you want to be in my position you get a check mark next to your name it's the one it's the one place that i have a check mark and you don't so like oh [ __ ] yeah you're right i mean yeah and this is uh but this is the weird thing is they they say one of the things you can do is negotiate your s your split of like the pay because usually they take half amazon takes half of your subscriber money so you get a five right there's a little finance lesson and streaming for those back at home you get five you pays five dollars for a subscription or subscription per person and amazon takes half of that so you get 250 so it's like what are we doing here so they're like oh you get to negotiate your pay yeah and some people around around town say that like you know some people like your bit the big dogs xqc all those nbc all those guys up there abc abc cnn um yeah they they get like a maybe a 70 30 split or something and you can negotiate wow so i message twitch once i become a partner i say hey i don't know where to apply to negotiate my terms because i want my money right i don't want 50 50 anymore obviously i'm gonna ask they email me back and they're like um oh they're they're they say the partner can't like negotiate their terms twitch has to reach out to you about negotiating your terms i was like then it's not a negotiation you're just offering me more money and why would they do that yeah how is that fair i think the only time they do that is if it's a huge creator and they're afraid that they're going to move to a different platform so they're like here's more right i think that's on me for expecting amazon to know anything about negotiating yeah right they're always they're not looking out for the little man aka you because you're tiny little tiny my son his grand son uh how tall are you actually i don't know i'm like i'm five eleven oh nice more like five ten and three quarters maybe right yeah i'm five nine and five nine three quarters probably okay so probably also probably also okay um okay do you how about okay actually this is actually on topic kind of speaking of you know hustling wrestling and money i'm going to show you a vid you've probably seen the video but i want to it's about hustling i've seen the video [Music] i've seen every video but hustling yeah name a video about hustling and money and it's i made it actually i'm the author of said video um okay how the [ __ ] do you do this [ __ ] okay sharing screen sharing screen sharing osborne all right can you see that yes here we go all right we got oh this is a dailyvee this is the daily visa are you are you a fan of the dailyvee i've seen one dailyvee episode that i made a video on and that's the only dailyvee i've seen but i would i will say that it did change my life so i think this is going to be awesome yeah yeah well there's there's over 500 there's there's over 500 of them so i think you you'd respect him a lot oh yeah yeah because how many of those are we on 249 149 148 episodes like 405 or something jake change the title of the podcast to 425 to 5. show me this guy's balls oh cam um okay so this is uh this is a dailyvee from our our good our hustler king our hustler uh hustler messiah garyvee um and this is uploaded on september 14th 2019. um so it's an older one yo he had 500 in 2019 yeah what is he at no i mean there's no way he's not like is he still doing dailyvee's that's absolutely ridiculous dailyvee garyvee is one of the like funniest people in the world to me like i've it i continue to just be baffled that he is a person and i love watching him talk and just being like making fun of him he's genuinely so fun to watch i actually found out about him through a jake and amir video oh really like years years years ago one of the early ones there was like one of their first like collab videos and it was with gary vaynerchuk and i was like who is this guy he's kind of funny um but he's he's a nightmare okay but we're gonna watch this because it's probably my favorite garyvee video it's top five garyvee moment for sure yeah so much more like easier to say like oh it's just perspective but like on the daily when things are happening and i know you're in middle of doing something let's say for your business who do you love the most in the world my family good who in your family [Music] you're very politically correct you're very politically correct that's politically correct dude does he know he's such a snowflake does he know what that means he heard it once and he was like yeah you're very he says that's everything yeah like literally once a day genuinely sit there for five minutes and make pretend one of them got shot in the face [Laughter] genuinely sit there for five minutes and pretend that they just got shot in the face i can't get over that why would you say it you could just say genuinely pretend one of them died or maybe like yeah a car moved away or something even they're just not there anymore look at his face right now he's gone full joker oh yeah this is his origin story i can't believe he genuinely sit there for five minutes and pretend one of them got shot in the face yeah bro like what i don't know what that would that would just make me do yeah okay he goes on to explain like his reasoning so let's let's see let's see what the v's got i'm being dead serious with you every single day i almost i said this today earlier i probably once a week to four times a week sit there truly in the shower of flight when i wake up some people meditate i cannot this every time this happens every time i watch one of his videos like i can not i cannot take him seriously like the way he talks and just like handles himself he's i'm being dead serious no i'm being serious do you think i'm [ __ ] joking pretend i killed your parents pretend i killed your kid i killed your kid he's like okay imagine one of them got shot in the face no no scratch that pretend i shot them in the face pretend and don't pretend okay i shot your son your mom you said it was your mom yeah i shot her in the face yeah i shot her oh you said you're dead i yeah they wheel him out in a wheelbarrow what does he do in the shower some people meditate right some people work out right to deal with whatever anxieties or thoughts they have i actually sit and truly try to convince myself that i have lost one of the five most important people in my life and that is the biggest thing i do that leads to the biggest happiness i have bro it's like it's like why you can achieve the same thing by just like spending time with those people just spending time with yeah exactly or just like text or calling your parents being like i love you or try playing a video game or something that makes me pretty happy yeah it's like i'm just picturing him like every time he just like sees a loved one of his he just breaks down and cries he's like oh my god i can't believe it you're alive you're alive genuinely convinces himself every time that they get shot in the face and he sees about a family reunion what the [ __ ] he's back from the dead this is so crazy like gary you do this every time gary baby and it's so funny when you look at the comments and likes and like there's not a single person that thinks that it's like absolutely insane literally everyone's just like yep i do this all the time all the time sound imagine watching that video and then immediately getting up and being like yep gonna start doing that some people uh some people meditate i genuinely picture that my mom is dead and that sort of fills me with joy and that sort of sets me on my uh is my just imagining the thought of my [ __ ] dead mom he's something else man he's like he's like that's that i feel like that's what like like actual like being in genuine like hustle culture like does to you it's like you can't have like a genuine like human relationship with anyone so you have to go to an extreme to actually feel something maybe i don't know maybe that's why like people who get so big and in social media become such psychopaths because they're just right they you know they get so ingrained and like hustle mode that they just become detached from what normal yeah like what being a person is which i feel like is the best part about being able to do i mean from my short lived the best part about being able to do this as a job is being able to interact with the people that actually like like your work which is why i like streaming so much and why i do it so much is because it's like right a home base to to like talk to people every night and it's like for sure yeah it does feel not it's like uh yeah because i feel like without because i found that with twitch too it's like even without that it's like obviously you can read like youtube comments and stuff yeah it doesn't feel like it's like with twitch it's like when people come back and stuff and you like recognize names you're like oh i [ __ ] i i remember you and [ __ ] which is i don't know it's sick especially with like uh that's how i felt with like touring and stuff that was like the dream man it was like actually meeting people in real life yeah um but i i [ __ ] i haven't done that a while yeah i'm scared i'm scared about that stuff once if if it gets to the point where i have to go to in-person things that scares you i like staying online and i like obviously i want to meet people and i want to like experience for sure stuff but at the same time i'm like it's going to freak me out yeah have you ever done live performances like live shows or any sort i've i've used to do a lot more music um and in high school and then like going into college i i was in a band and so i do like live music but but like i haven't done anything like that in so long at some point i definitely want to but for sure yeah it's uh yeah it's gonna be so weird because i was i was doing it so frequently before covet it was like every month i'd have like another like tour like little tour that i was doing so it's going to be so weird going back it's going to be like my [ __ ] i'm doing a yli speed run all over again i'm going to be rusty dude yeah dude you're not gonna get and just like that you're gonna fall in your face and yeah and i'm gonna rage quit i'm gonna rage quit stand-up comedy you're gonna you're gonna raid someone else with your stand-up audience yeah come on guys all right guys check out this guy we're gonna go down the road we're gonna watch this a smaller smaller community they all walk down the sidewalk with each other in single file to go to the smaller comedian yeah i think i think stand-up is one of my worst like fears like i never want to do it yeah and i don't know like how you or any other any stand-up comedian like okay i feel like you all are psychos just or at least if or at least the people who um and i know you've been in the same position so you like you experienced it but like i get it when you want to go out in front of an audience of people that know you and that seems like it's something i could do but like for me being a stand-up comedian and like going to shows where no one knows you but has no and have no reason to laugh it's like my worst fear like i'd never do that yeah as it should be it's [ __ ] terrifying man it's like probably like top 10 worst if i had to do it now i i think i'd honestly rather chop my toes off it's so yeah it sucks it was like dude literally starting out and like going to shows in like basements of bars and there was only like 10 other comics there who also wanted to go on stage or in the audience it's like it's probably the most discouraging thing you could ever do to yourself and just like on an emotional level like a creative level it's just it's a nightmare so i'm very lucky that now i just have to just say that i'm gonna i'm gonna be in this city and you can come see me if you want and then you're gonna laugh and then you're gonna laugh hopefully because you like me yeah i i would never ever wanna do that and i i like i very much uh think that the people who do are very like strong strong people or like or like i don't know it's good to know that i i just don't i just can't imagine people wanting wanting it that bad to like to do something like that because like the only thing i've experienced close to that is being in like i had to experience the starting parts of streaming where i was like street where you just had to like deal with day after day of talking to nobody and just like one person would come in and say like one word and then you just sit there and be talking to nobody and that's like you're just sitting in your computer playing a video game and like you don't have you're not you're not relying on like watching somebody react to what you're about to say so it's like it sucks but i feel like it's maybe 50 to 100 times worse like if i had to play a video and i'm game at three people in the audience and entertaining yeah and trying to keep them from walking out the door right it's like yeah i know it's it's sort of a weird thing even when i think about like i feel like when i was starting out i was like being a youtuber was like still kind of like not a thing that you could really do yeah i don't know it was like it was like 2013. so obviously youtube has been a thing for a while but it wasn't like it was now um so even then i was like well i have to do stand-up i think that's the only way i can be funny so i just like started and then like found youtube but i don't know i miss it so much and i'm it's gonna be weird when i go back but [ __ ] it okay yeah seriously um what you're are you like yeah i mean [ __ ] america is like doing so much better with covet now i feel like shows are gonna be a thing soon i think so i mean i'm getting my second modernity shot one week from today so in three weeks i should be fully vaxxed up and ready to go but like most people i know are like fully vaxxed and ready to get out there ready to rock and roll yeah which is crazy and you're still your hair is still getting insulted stream after stream just getting uh just getting the absolute piss kicked out of me and uh and i'm involuntary and voluntarily i'm a nancy vaxxer i guess because i don't have mine yet i i i'm i'm all for vaccines but no but on proof yeah you're an anti-vaxxer because i'm still not well i mean yeah if you're healthy and young you don't need it right yeah i saw it i watched joe rogan yeah i've been watching him i'm watching him right now actually it's hard to keep up with he does so many episodes that i can't really keep up on a daily basis on a dailyvee basis so yeah i'm usually watching i'm watching my dailyvees and my joe rogis often on my phone off to the side that's pretty disrespectful yeah ice cream no yeah it is no yeah yeah okay well as long as you know that it's uh you know really hurting my feelings and i guess it's all good um i would uh yeah of course i know that um let's let's switch up the subject a little bit hit the button i'm pressing i gotta find it thank you i could tell you're about it can you hear that okay all right we're changing the subject um so you uh do you like um do you like animated films they're gonna ask me if i like anime and you know so let's just i just started answering that question yeah [ __ ] up don't tell me don't tell me what i'm going to ask you i thought you're going to ask me like anna man oh yeah no it's not you guys almost not just not to actually switch the question but every time i stream every single time someone asks me at least once or twice there's like a set number of questions that i get asked but one of the ones that is always asked is do you like anime and i and i have to answer so many times that every time so i ask it someone in my chat will like break out the spiel that i usually say which is like i you i watched at the very beginning of high school and i don't really watch tv anymore so i haven't watched it since i don't mind it i enjoyed it when i watched it i don't anymore so don't recommend anything why why is that such a common i don't know question it's do you like anime please play gentian impact um yeah i'm sure you've heard that one what did you study in college um right how old are you and what time is it where you are i think are you like the main ones and are you canadian everyone thinks i'm canadian oh really and it might and i think half of the people it's because of you but there's a lot of new people that come in who don't know i'm like connected to you and like just think i give off canadian vibes and i was like weird and i get it like literally every stream like so much more than you'd expect you're just an anime loving canadian man that's kind of your brand i love anime and i love justin trudeau so yeah he needs to come up with his own anime epic yeah but i love i love animated films my favorite movie is okay incredibles that's good good taste that's a great movie yeah um well who's your favorite character in the incredibles elastigirl easy okay absolutely no question no question i mean why would you ask me that um okay well do you have a favorite animated father uh perhaps huh which which ones come to mind um either from like a pixar movie or like an anime like whatever you watch on a regular basis the only one that pops into my head at the moment is uh the dad from inside out eddie burbank yeah right because that's what we all want him to do to us yeah let's go inside out okay yeah okay so the new york times wrote an article that i want to show you we can discuss a little briefly that that was pretty funny um the title of it is are animated dads getting hotter uh an investigation um who's this written by and honestly it's a pretty good question this is by kyle buchanan horny horny journalist torny kyle and he got horny culture reporter okay pop culture reporter and serves as the projectionist huh wait what are his other see it doesn't seem like he usually writes about anime dad's getting hotter could you imagine every other article how big is mr incredibles cod everything do you think the dad from inside out will date me could i be an animated dad do you think um turn me into an animated dad uh i wish my dad was animated um so they're showing a screenshot from yeah ryan the last dragon and i gotta say he's a he's a stone cold hunk yeah he's at least a tier if not us yeah um and it's interesting because uh yeah we got the dad from inside out gotta have him he's there um even this guy that's okay i mean we're getting in muddy waters but i i do agree i think this guy sort of added himself as a furry but it's all good um i guess that's it i guess the main thing is like back in the you know back in the the old uh old disney movies right yeah like i guess they weren't really that hot because you couldn't really do them like as detailed yeah so i wonder if like that was their original intention was for like all all pixar dads to be hot but the technology just wasn't there yet you know well finding nemo was one of the first ones and you mean marlin so that was kind of like a oh he was pretty hot yeah is that his name marlin that's a fish marlin marlin yeah his name is marlon why would they name him that because because he's a fish that's not the fish type he is though yeah he's like that's right why would they name a marlin why would they name him yeah yeah what the hell are there martial arts in nemo but if i look that up it's just going to show me pictures of that true what are okay i'm gonna search disney dads because i'm thinking like okay actually okay they've actually all been pretty handsome you know yeah uh like simba's simba's dad oh okay okay no that's where you're going or no that's not what i said i mean hercules dad the zeus is his dad's yes zeus also the poseidon from little mermaid oh yeah he had his yetis out he was he was ready to go i've done one of these disney one of these tier lists of disney dads before um right so i think okay you have the death trying to think of like from brazil sorry he's not really he's more of a viking kind of guy the pinocchio the guy who makes pinocchio he's a daddy picture yeah i wonder if it's like a conscious thing at like disney to be like hotter make them hotter because it has to come up right yeah yeah it's someone like is is there a disney dad that could be like could it ever be too hot like do they have to like dial it back you think i don't think so they're they're in the studio they're like you got it you gotta bring back the you gotta bring it back just a little bit we can't do this right now like we keep hey man this happens with every movie you've done this you've animated this huge bulge on this guy and it's and it's unnecessary but i mean when you think of like space jam and stuff and like other cars like lola bunny you know what did they do what did they do to our lola bunny dude they're everyone's super dude garyvee i think about in the shower every day that lola bunny is ugly and it gives me the motivation and that she got shot in the face picture me shooting while the buddy in the face yeah they do you remember when they put the articles out about lola bunny and now like how they changed how she looked but the photo that they used from like the before photo was was like this this like fan made photo of her looking like super sexy and so everyone was like this is so drastic and huge but like it was this little like fan art of her she never looked like that yeah just some horny dude it's probably [ __ ] this kyle buchanan guy who made that picture in the first place yeah worthy cartoon man he's like i already have a picture of lola bunny from before let me just throw that on there yeah i have it's actually on my wall right now yeah um did you catch uh did you catch elon musk on snl i caught a couple clips um i was upset yeah i i feel that i'm like i'm in the like i'm not the biggest snl fan like i don't think that's that funny um like anything with call mooney is great he's hilarious even if the sketch isn't good he's funny but yeah and like pete davidson is cool but um yeah i'm not the biggest fan but like i don't know dude i don't know why they're getting like it's i don't know why they're getting a [ __ ] a billionaire on there to be like i am one of you i'm i'm just like every one of you and besides that like the whole the gen z thing you know it speaks for itself the whole hospital sketch it's just like oh my gosh yeah it's painful i i watch you watch it on stream because like i was i was i was streaming while i was going on and i didn't want to watch it and but jarvis was in my chat like like updating me on every sketch and how in pain he was it's like after we finished and they started uploading it to youtube we watched the gen z hospital thing and like i i mean halfway through i just started putting on two times speed because i was like it's the thing the thing with like snl sketches at this point is like once you get to one third through it like you know what the joke is for the rest of it yeah you get it and like every sketch i feel like is it starts it's like a normal normal scenario bring in something weird and then rinse and repeat the weird thing and make it more weird every time and then end on like something coming out of nowhere and then everyone claps right and that's snl yeah and that's exactly what happened right yeah i did i mean i guess they only get people who will like get views like they're essentially just click baiting their [ __ ] show it's like oh you're gonna watch it because elon musk is in it right and that was the first time i've seen i've watched snl in probably over a year so they win so it works yeah as usual yeah i don't know it's uh i didn't even i watched the one like it's like super mario sketch or something where he was dressed up like wario and it was like it's come on guys i was like figure it out yeah what are we doing grimes was in it as princess peach did you see did you get to that yeah oh my gosh did you speaking of speaking of outrage marketing um so there was this tick tock i saw that was this guy who was talking about the new i know you've you've mentioned it on here it was the uh hype house like netflix show and i don't know how you feel about this this take talk or whatever because someone tagged someone tagged like all these commentary youtubers in and i got mentioned in the stick talk and it was like um this guy who was like whatever you do guys when netflix comes out with the hype house show don't click on it don't talk about it he's like don't do it and he was like so he was like so pissed and this thing got huge and he was like he was like we don't mention it he's like this is what they want we need to let netflix know that like we don't want this kind of content he's like don't he's like don't make videos about it don't even click on it he's like just just ignore it all together and like i don't know how you feel about that kind of stuff but when i watch it i'm like dude there's nothing you do no matter how big this tick tock gets yeah when people do stuff like that like people probably did the same thing about the elon muslin they're like don't watch us no blah blah everyone's gonna watch it people are gonna talk about it so you commentary youtubers are gonna make videos about it yeah it's like no matter what you're you know it's gonna make money if the people got paid yeah people are gonna watch it also hey just the fact just the act of making that video himself is bringing attention to it the exact opposite of what he wants don't talk about the high power show that i'm talking about right now and i just got so many views so you know if you make the same video you'll get a lot of views too but please let this be the last one last and only yeah everyone after after this point don't speak about the video i will get the clicks off except for me yeah i will be talking about the show going forward but no one else yeah no one else is allowed imagine if he took his own advice and he just like sat at home angry like everyone keeps talking about it but he doesn't want to mention it to give it more he's just like guys he's like guys he's dot you're not listening to me and they're like about what about what he's like no i can't say it i'm not going to say it starts the letter g it rhymes with pipe mouse i can't say it yeah but i don't know when it comes to that kind of stuff it's like um you there's such a massive uh amount of people who see that stuff and go after it i don't know if there will ever be a movement that will be big enough to stop that because the moment it gets big enough to stop it right it becomes about the show and then the show's popular again you know if you get everyone to agree not to watch hype house everyone's going to hear about everyone not watching hype house and then people are going to watch hype i'm going to go watch it so you can't win people are going to watch it yeah it's on like the biggest streaming service in the world people are going to [ __ ] watch it so yeah i'm gonna i'm probably gonna i'll probably watch it i'll probably make a [ __ ] video about it man i can't i mean i i'm gonna watch that video i'm really excited i'd be very excited to watch a video about it and yeah if anyone made yeah exactly i don't know yeah but no one else okay only we're allowed to talk about it and no one else can we're gonna make a video we're both gonna make a video about it at the same time and it'll be the same script yeah same bishop for shot um but do you think if you did something like that like like two youtubers commentary youtubers like same like you and danny someone like you know same same like audience and you guys made the same exact video shot for shot script for script i wonder if that video would do like better than a normal video just because of like everyone in your audience realizing that you guys did the same exact video and you posted the same exact time right like same thumbnail and everything ad read i feel like it would do better than than like not to say that yeah it's like not to say that like a normal video that you'd like work uh like originally on yeah i feel like you'd do better than your [ __ ] like it would be better if you had help from someone with more subscribers actually there was one time where danny and drew put out a video about swiped on like the same day oh yeah well i was scripting one too and then i stopped for some reason and i picked a different video but originally it was going to go up on the same day um but but i didn't but both their videos did like it's like pretty well but they were just like i don't know but there was one week also where i made a video about justin bieber and like when he put out yummy um and i was like as soon as it happened i was like this is great for a video yeah scripted it filmed it edited it um and like the day i was about to upload uh [ __ ] i'm alex put a video up about it and then then danny put a video about it it was like an hour after the other i was like and then i had to put it up like an hour after that i was like yeah i'm [ __ ] i'm also talking about this yeah i don't know have you that's like the worst feeling i know i feel like that would especially i mean at least if it's an hour after you're like everyone's not gonna be like i mean everyone in the comments is gonna be like oh everybody just put up a video about this but like at least no one's gonna claim that you copied it because there's i've heard people like right someone will post a video like a day after and they're like you copied this guy's idea and it's like you know how long it takes for you to throw everything together yeah i can make a video on a [ __ ] day man kidding i wish have you seen that guy the guy on tick tock i made a video about him the other week that bentalect guy who laughs at has the tweets behind him and laughs oh yeah i don't know if you saw what i would i i posted this thing youtube sent me but he tried to copy do a copyright take down on my video and oh i think i did yeah yeah and youtube sends the whole report so like i get yeah i get like his his like llc name and his like legal name and then i get the full note he wrote youtube about the thing yeah and it's like the funniest thing because he's just like trying to explain why like he should get my whole video like completely taken down like he doesn't even want the copyright money he just wants it gone oh he just wants it down and like it's also funny because i've learned that he like watched the whole video because he gave them like 15 time stamps of every time i put a clip of his video in and so i was like i was and then youtube messaged him back and was like no and then he sent another email and then they messaged him about back again and he was like they were like no still he still is fine and so i just think it's so funny that he had to watch my whole video and then i got to see everything he typed and then yeah that's like because they don't know i don't think people know that i didn't know it until i got the email and i was so happy because it's hilarious yeah he goes i got one uh sorry he goes he says he says also the this uh here i think i can find it but uh he says this this creator was hating on my videos is one of the reasons that he um is that one of the reasons oh here we go um yeah here we go he says hello the user is not only using my work from youtube but also from tiktok a large part of the video is content that i created including videos from the video sharing app cameo and screen recordings of my social media accounts about half the content in the users in the video is my work this user is also hating on my content and promoting that to his subscribers as well so it does not serve the same purpose as my content does which i feel like almost makes it more transformative because i'm not you know he's he's saying that my videos since my videos aren't serving the same purpose like i'm not using his videos right and make people laugh i guess i was like i guess that's kind of better because then i'm like kind of transforming the world which is what they want you to do and then yeah he puts in the user also uses my content in the following timestamps and then like literally lists like 10 different time stamps oh no i still feel this video should be removed and wanted to be looked into further and then they just sent him an email and we're like no yeah it takes it takes a certain type of [ __ ] idiot to copyright claim someone as their own content when all they do is read other people's content yeah like literally the video he sent as like the content that was stolen was just like it's just like the thumbnail is him with a big tweet of someone else's behind his head all right holy [ __ ] that's ridiculous man people like that i it's always so funny have you seen those clips on tick tock where people will like just crop the videos of like when people are like pointing out a tweet or something or like yeah oh yeah and it's just them yeah this is like 15 seconds yeah it's just crazy that [ __ ] kills me every time yeah i got a copyright claim when i made the video about dr witnesser and it showed like and it put like everything he said in the email that's so funny it was like he was like genuinely confused i guess he was like if i generate original content on my youtube page people are allowed to take that video and use it in their own videos he's like legitimately asking like i'm actually wondering is that okay oh okay i didn't realize okay sorry that's pretty cool i guess it's kind of awesome man uh yeah he was like he said conor took clips from my content from my youtube page and used it in his video not only to criticize me but to also defame me holy [ __ ] yeah you can't criticize me how dare that's against the law that's what yeah he emerged says you can't criticize me it's against the law it's the lance of law yeah people are [ __ ] dumb online but that's how we have jobs uh so it's good so it's like we're there the joker where the the batman or the other way around the necessary evil you know i'll be i'll be either honestly preferably the joke yeah yeah because they he had yeah he has like pretty epic quotes yeah i've seen them oh no i've seen a few can you believe that they put this is this is old news but that they put the the for the justice league uh trailer they i mean i know that's another another thing we're falling for it outrage marketing they put it in there yeah they knew we would be talking about it but like wow like just imagine how many people would have to like greenlight that it's probably just zack snyder like we're doing it but like yeah how many people it went through that were probably just like what are we doing honestly it's probably the best decision they've ever made just to have them say that they definitely got more views and more people talking about it because of that but like sheesh if they did a joker like a cinematic joker if it was just like with those obnoxious he only spoken like those weird joker quotes yeah watch i'd watch the crap out of that if it was just [ __ ] hold on i want to find some joker quotes i started using pinterest recently and yeah i just you know i wanted to explore it because i like it just is this thing that like is confusing to me and my girlfriend uses it a lot and i was like i'm just gonna dive into it and see what happens and i have a pinterest board i've been like creating all these pinterest boards pretty fun and i created one that's called awesome super villains and it's just it's just only joker quotes it's just all pictures of the joker and it's freaking awesome yeah that sounds awesome yeah i need new haters the old ones became my fans i love that part of the dark knight yeah that was in the dark night when he walked out of the when he walked out of the hospital he got under his breath you know like when the hospital blows up and he's waiting for the second explosion he turns to the camera and he says that i need new haters the other ones who got my fans and he presses the button and they jump to the bus and they go away yeah when batman's got him pinned up against the wall he's like maturity is when you realize self-respect is greater than love all right man i think about the wrong guy here here's one never hide your bad side to make someone stay show your bad side and see who can stay oh sheesh imagine yeah whenever you guys whenever you start a new relationship get all the toxic parts of yourself out there and see who's willing to stick around yeah never stop learning because life never stopped teaching yeah boys attention men want respect legends just don't care yeah yeah only the only the joker could speak speak facts like that that was actually in the movie joker when he's sitting next to rob robert de niro and then he shoots him in that and then he shoots him in the face he went all gary vee on him every morning i sit in the shower and for five minutes i imagine joaquin phoenix shooting robert de niro in the face and that sort of gets me going yeah and i come out of the shower happier than ever dailyvee style um all right well what are we we've been going for a freaking hour dude dude this is a long holy moly a long cast
Channel: Very Really Good
Views: 406,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, nickisnotgreen, very really good, vrg, kurtis conner podcast, kurtis connor podcast, gary vee, elon musk snl
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 13sec (3793 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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