Very Really Good #116: Dom Yanks

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all right howdy folks what's up we're back dude we're back i swore already damn it ah maybe i'll bleep that one out because youtube likes to uh demonetize people who swear in the first little bit um even though it does it's kind of weird that their whole thing with that you know like you're not a rated r movie like if someone if there's like a okay jesus christ if there's a movie where they just like they they don't swear in the first like 10 minutes and then the rest of it is like [ __ ] brain you know and then it's what can be rated g it's gonna be rated g for family gambling huh no it's not so youtube let me swear in the first five seconds because that's just with the where talk okay but whatever it's all good welcome back to the podcast this is very really good episode 116 dude i got my hands on my sweater pockets you know we're chilling dude literally because it's freezing in my apartment it is so [ __ ] cold um it's that time of year dude it's that time of year when the the world gets a little further away from the sun and uh it starts to get pretty cold um so i that's why that's why it gets cold right i just [ __ ] forgot science already i forgot science um but yeah it's starting to get [ __ ] cold uh and i don't like i mean i like it i mean i know okay this week this year is different because usually i don't do anything in the summertime and like whenever fall rolls around i'm like oh hell yeah dude i'm gonna wear sweaters i'm gonna be all cozy and [ __ ] i'm gonna you know you know what i mean you know what i'm saying all my where my fall heads at where my fall guys at that's what the video game fall guys is about a bunch of people who really like this season fall fall guys autumn fellas you know those are interchangeable um it's you running around in the game finding a perfect pumpkin to come home and to take home and carve and it's whoever can find whoever can balance on a a knitted sweater the longest wins fall guys it's great um but no it's different this year for me because this summer i like i really got into golf and i love golfing a lot and it like is the only thing where i can like go and do you know that like takes my mind off of like work and everything and everything that i stress about and i can just go somewhere hit a ball for a for like four hours and it's great man i like it a lot but because i live in canada and it's [ __ ] winter time five months out of the year uh i won't be able to play golf for like a long time uh you know this is probably the last month i'll be able to get some rounds in and i know everybody hates me that i i hate that i play golf and i understand and i get it too i don't know why i like it i wish i liked a cooler sport you think i'm happy about this you think i'm stoked about this no i wish i was i wish i liked playing badminton you know that's indoor or basketball i could just play that indoors no i gotta play this dumb [ __ ] sport once november rolls around dude i don't know what the [ __ ] i'm gonna do i guess there's like indoor driving ranges i can go to so it's not the same and i'll just be inside ripping video games all the [ __ ] time probably maybe i'll stream on twitch more i don't know dude i don't know but that's what i'm working with that's what life is like you know sometimes you can golf and sometimes you can't i gotta do dude i gotta move to la i gotta move to cali dude i gotta move to cali it's like yeah i'm uh yeah i'm moving to l.a next next month they're like oh damn you made it congrats curtis you you're you're going to la you're going to follow your dreams it's like nah dude i want to i just want to i want to golf when i when it's the winter time i'd be [ __ ] that'd be weird [Music] nah i mean i would never move to la i'm not [ __ ] down for that at all dude not down i don't like that place well it's cool but it's not for me um so what's been going on huh what's been going on i filmed the video yesterday last night uh it's definitely different from what i usually did it's a it's gonna take a lot less time to edit it's unscripted um i don't know i i just needed i i have like a longer video that i'm working on i'm scripting it right now um that i'm gonna work on for the rest of the month and it's gonna take a [ __ ] long time to do so i just you know i wanted to get a video out you know before uh i really like dove into that one before i really dive into that one i guess um so yeah that'll be up this friday hopefully and uh yeah dude i guess i can tell you guys what it is i i i watched my favorite tick tocks okay because i always make videos that are negative about tik tok but you know i saw jenna marbles and chris clemons do this video where you know you just look through your favorite tick tocks and you talk about them and you laugh about them and it's a great time i cried like four times when i was recording that video because i was just [ __ ] laughing so hard um so it'll be nice you know chill video um what else did we get up to what else happened oh yeah dude trump got covered how [ __ ] crazy is that poetic justice dude how [ __ ] funny is that for the dude who is like oh man this virus pretty much affects nobody and nobody is really uh no this is nothing really and they're pretty he pretty much denied the whole thing he tested positive dude like you can't write that you can't write better [ __ ] than that bro he got he [ __ ] got covered i forgot i have my soundboard here i gotta make up for lost time i just said seven minutes without using my [ __ ] sound board what was i thinking um i'm messing up my podcast i'm making it stinky uh okay anyways no it's so dude so trump got covered and he apparently he was tested on like uh last wednesday and he tested positive and he didn't tell anybody till friday and he got like 30 people infected hey man you're so dumb you're so dumb absolutely you're so dumb because you can go to your uh so you can go to your [ __ ] debate and act like an idiot and dude it's so funny people who are like happy about trump getting coven because obviously that's hilarious man but the same people who are like yo [ __ ] your feelings dude trump 2020 [ __ ] the libs dude let's ri let's let's kill these protesters those are the same people who are like oh you're really wishing death upon an old man you're so sad that's so [ __ ] up you guys are so violent like [ __ ] you man yeah people are stuck hey hey dude the guy who is actively like taking away people's rights and practically is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths because he handled the coronavirus uh crisis terribly he has he has the the the virus that he said didn't exist and didn't affect anybody how [ __ ] that's hilarious and if you don't think that's funny [ __ ] you right there dude you don't think that's funny that's what i gotta say to you dude because that is hilarious [ __ ] there's something else i wanted to talk about pertaining to trump getting coveted but i forget i don't know whatever i can't remember dude my brain never works um but yeah i hope trump i don't know i don't want okay people got mad at me for quote dude i don't know why i take it so personally man but people i feel like i'm just not used to um i'm still not used to having like an audience where of like people of like such a large audience where like some like everyone thinks a different differently wow dude everyone thinks differently no like there's so many different like viewpoints and opinions and you know political uh leanings i suppose and so when that thing when trump tweeted he was like oh i have covet i quote tweet and i was like sorry if i ever doubted the existence of god he is real and he is great um you know a little joke being like wow god is good because you know he got your [ __ ] justice dude karma's a [ __ ] um karma is a is a thick [ __ ] all right watch out um uh but no so many people got mad at me like dude the amount of times you preach positivity in your videos really really saddens me to see you praying on someone's downfall you know i gotta say to that okay that i i double pressed the button so i only got half of the fart sound and that was the quick fart sound button so i got half of the littlest toot oh that was funny you know what i got to say to that a little fart no dude if you don't know me at all dude [ __ ] that guy right if you know me at all obviously i'd be like stoked that he got covered right it's just so [ __ ] annoying bro and like what have i ever preached positivity in my why are my videos is that what people think my videos are just me being on i i turn on the [ __ ] camera and i'm like guys we're all just humans like living together just let's just love one another why can't we just love one another that's that's just why can't we just do that why can't we just all just up open mouth tongue french each other come on why can't we just go butt to butt hmm is that everything my videos are dude obviously you'd be nice to people who are nice but someone like donald trump dude if i walk past donald trump like it was just me and him on like a dirt road and he's like just he's like five maybe like 10 feet ahead of me and he's bending down to tie his shoe dude i'm pushing him over i'm absolutely pushing him over man there's no second guess i'm like oh he's vulnerable i'm gonna give him a shove and like a good shove too and i'm pretty sure a lot of people would do the same okay i'm not alone in that comment below if you would push over donald trump while he's tying your [ __ ] yeah dude speaking of people getting mad at me uh so last week's episode uh well the last episode i talked about how someone got okay backstory i had a psychic on the podcast okay and then people got mad at me for having a psychic on the podcast because you know i'm well how would you how dare you i'd entertain that idea they just pray on people's death or whatever um but like so does religion and so many other things holy [ __ ] um so i did i didn't think it was that bad at all because and also my argument was if you don't want to watch it don't watch it um and uh so i got mad i defended myself because i you know what this is my podcast i've been doing it for a while and i'm i take a lot of pride in it and i have a good time with it so when someone was like um they were like oh i that the people are a lot you're allowed to say what you want but the vitriol vitriol is that was the word she used vitriol just [ __ ] use it but use a normal word the vitriol that came from your mouth when you talked about this person was disgusting and i'm not listening to your podcast anymore okay see ya bye dude it's like when i defend myself as now someone's gonna get mad at me for that and it's gonna be an endless cycle of someone getting mad at me for getting mad at them and then they're mad at me what did i even say all i said was don't watch it well i mean i also said that their their dead grandfather has a podcast in heaven maybe that is maybe that's offensive no it's not that's nice they're dead their dead grandfathers is enjoying his time past the pearly gates okay yo that'd be sick though you have any cool guests you could get on your podcast in heaven because they're all dead all the dead people that are like cool that'd be pretty lit guys please if heaven is real and if i somehow get in there and if you also get in there please uh listen to my podcast um it's gonna be it's gonna be lit very really god damn it but yeah that's pretty much all that's been going on i'm not sorry that i had a psychic on my podcast it was cool and i was it was interesting to me and if you didn't like it please change your mind please uh but [ __ ] it dude how about we get into the curtis corner how about we hop into the curtis corner talk about some news huh i'll do the set here we go theme song time three two one [Music] yeah jacob what's good what's poppin uh not nothing at all nothing is popping currently um how it's popping with you uh nothing popping over here either actually yeah so there's no popping currently zero pop nothing to report on damn it okay i was hoping there was at least a little bit but um okay so this week i guess uh this is gonna be a true curtis coroner i guess because i'm i'm the one telling the news to you how the tables have turned uh this isn't like a creative choice i we usually have the meetings on friday to talk about everything we want to talk about on the monday but i i wasn't able to to make the meeting so i i did everything and now i have the stories to tell to jacob so it's maybe it'll be better if not i don't [ __ ] know it'll be the same it'll be us talking about you so the first story we got um are you familiar with um salt bae this guy yeah yeah the salt yeah um so apparently he wrote he opened a restaurant in boston um but had to close like pretty uh pretty recently because they failed uh to meet covet regulations um oh my god is that video of like the girl throwing it back in front of him and then her boyfriend comes in what i wish i didn't even know the other side of this story there's another one you finished your part and then i'll add to it oh wow okay well that sounds way cooler well okay this just says violations listed on the city's website included patron employees not wearing masks along with blocked fire exits okay yeah i mean i was gonna say it just makes sense that that of all restaurants that one didn't follow regulations because like his whole thing is like like fingering your food basically right right he's got his m he's got his mitts all over it even though his is the salt is falling off of his elbow and i don't know how clean that elbow is right well you now you do the elbow that touches so he he might have touched yeah so it's definitely even more dirty it's got everyone else's elbow on like bouncing off other people's elbows pretty much yeah exactly okay i'm gonna drop you a link uh yeah please do so yeah first just take a look at this to my understanding and i'm not on curtis corner duty this week so i have no i haven't verified this is for sure the case but the way i understand it that woman was throwing it back for salt bae um her boyfriend or somebody was mad um about saul basing his girlfriend throwback right i think that guy reported the restaurant to the city and got it no way that's that's what i've heard through the grapevine so maybe this is not true but um that either way that that guy seems like a psychopath i mean good for the restaurant for getting shut down yes it does seem like they were in the wrong guideline wise but that guy seems like a psychopath i hope that woman's okay yeah what the hell just banging on the door terrifying dude like real horror movie stuff yeah like what it wasn't like he she was like actually like having sex with him or something like that would be like pretty infuriating maybe i'm a cuck for this but i would let my woman throw it back all day hey call me a but i would i'd let salt bae look at my girlfriend he made gays that's so weird yeah i why would they open the door for him too right he's banging on the door it seems like he's like a vampire where you have to let him in right [Music] [Laughter] please let me in i can't you got to invite me you got to say the words so i could be mad at my girlfriend that'd be crazy if that was why the restaurant got shut down for inviting a vampire inside yeah well yeah like obviously if this video is recent there's okay like there's like two people wearing masks does seem like probably not a safe environment to be in right if her butt had a mask on then then it'd be fine right yeah like each i think each cheek needs one mask yeah you like i don't know i guess underwear is just a mask for your butt right yeah pretty much i mean if you wear that kind of stuff yeah i personally i'm not really i'm sort of an anti-massacre in that regard [Laughter] yeah you go to an anti-massacre rally going commando all the time what are you talking about well this is not our messaging you've you've clearly misunderstand what we're going for i do hope that woman is okay though yeah i hope she okay if listen lady from boston who was throwing it back for salt bae if you're watching this you gotta you gotta leave that vampire boyfriend of yours for real and i saw so many comments on that that was like i wouldn't let my woman oh man do this either it's like people really showing themselves on twitter like that uh segment always manages to get a little sad okay well let's okay let's get let's get some good news going in the chat uh let's get some so this is probably one of my favorite stories of all time uh but the cyclist ruben lopez spent 36 days traveling 4 000 kilometers from poopoo point to peepee creek uh which is so beautiful and he did it to raise uh bring attention to the humanitarian crisis in yemen come on so what a good guy right he does a hilarious thing for a good cause so poo poo point in washington all the way to pee-pee creek in like kentucky i think how long did that take i spent them like 30 36 days more like more than a month oh my god and this was recently uh yeah like the end of like september 27th he finished his his bike ride i really hope my my guy doesn't have a cough by now oh yeah true where's he sleeping i don't know uh he sleeps just on his bike still pedaling wow i guess he was just camping and there's like this great video of him on twitter he finally like reached his uh like destination and he's like crying [Music] imagine you're just at peepee creek or wherever the destination was and then you see a guy pull up and start crying i know i know he even calls out in the video like this is so stupid i'm crying it's [ __ ] peepee creek it does kind of make me want to go to peepee creek yeah you should i mean why why did they even name it that i don't understand it must be that it was named that in like the 1800s and it's either a different language or it has some sort of other meaning attached because there's no way it's it's about pee-pee right yeah there's no way but then like poo poo trail like poop what what is poo poo aside from poop yeah exactly oh poo poo poo poo point trail go hiking okay go hiking poo poo point okay it says nothing about the name it's just like the details you gotta you gotta address the name you have to address the name if i have a trail that's called like herpes trail right the first thing on my website is like we know you're here for the name yeah we know it was my great grandfather's middle name at the time it felt really sincere okay pb creek derives his name from major paul payne a pioneer settler who added his initials to a tree which stood along its banks oh stones taken from okay well that's okay so it should be just p p like the letters peepee creek but they added the e and the e mean because the p and the p are his initials his name is his name is paul payne i'd be damned if i was him and they changed it to pee pee [Laughter] come on they did him so dirty oh poor guy so but what about poo poo then i'm trying to find poo poo poo poo i got a poo poo trail right here for you it's my skid marks in my underwear yeah it's because we don't wear any underwear yeah the skid marks on the inside are filled with poo poo trails [Laughter] everywhere i walk i leave a poopoo trail hey man i go to i go from poo poo point to pee pee creek about every morning uh okay here we go history the folksy name okay folksy interesting name is a reference to the steam whistle sounds heard through the tigers in the early days of logging oh like there was a man there was a man on top of standing on top of the steam whistle yelling that's so good they really have an explanation for everything yeah and is not what i was expecting i said wow the result is a large clear area used now as a launching pad by paragliders who generally backpacked their lightweight gear up the cheerico trail up the diarrhea trail um wow that's crazy i never would have guessed that that was the meaning for behind poo poo trail i'm glad we know that now mm-hmm that is huge just like my own poopoo trail if you're my bed sheets every morning my peepee creek what a terrible life we live constantly [ __ ] and pissing in our pants in bed i feel like it's pretty much every episode at this point that people learn something new about our disgusting habits yeah it's all poo and pee all the time do we probably have colon tract infections yes most likely but it will remain undiagnosed see colon [ __ ] in csi miami colon [ __ ] infection miami miami uh okay well speaking of shitty stuff we got some uh youtuber news tana mongeau oh shut up but i want to listen this video uh so she's sending free nudes to only fans users who vote for joe biden and the sentiment is um is good i guess because it's like hey you should you should vote um but also she was getting backlash because like you're not allowed to like share your ballot you know with people you can't like i'm pretty sure that's like a crime or something it also feels like you you i wouldn't think it's legal to give somebody a reward yeah voting for a certain person exactly and also um my friend uh lindsay on twitter she tweeted i think i guess she's also uh an only fans uh creator so she was posting a bunch about this because apparently you have to include a tip on only fans to like send a message to someone so like realistically tana montana is like profiting off of people's voting because you have to like if you want to tell her that you voted for biden you have to send her money is it is that like an optional setting can she turn that off or is it like i'm not sure for sure you have to pay oh i have a screenshot it says minimum yeah enter tip amount minimum five dollars u.s i opened the link uh and i'm looking at this picture that tana put on instagram of joe biden yeah bending it down low it is very it is a very sound ass up i like that i will give her that that is a very funny photo and it's actually not photoshopped at all that's the craziest part that is one imagine if um joe biden sent her proof of him voting for himself look i did it he's like so i'm waiting we can't offer nudes to people if they vote for joe biden but um we can definitely offer our biggest smiles you know yeah now i feel like that's that's a-okay in the in the in the eyes in the eyes of the law i think that's fine absolutely i think that'll hold up in a couple if you if you can't beat your meat to a kind smile then and you need help what do you even have going yeah you need help i uh if you can't hey just that if you can't beat beat your meat to that one uh to that one scene in forrest gump when he he wipes his dirty face and it makes a smiley face on that shirt and he can't beat your meat to that dude off if if you can't beat your meat to castaway when he loses wilson then you're too far gone if you can't beat your meat to toy story when woody uh simply exists then what are you doing that was my favorite part we just really love tom hanks on this podcast biggest tom hank stan cast uh yeah we you call him tom yanks because we be yanking on our meat when we see him that's pretty good i like that um we call them dumb yanks [Laughter] that's so good well that's all the news we got for this week this is a this is a good news segment yeah i think ending on dom yanks is probably the best we could have ever asked for yeah i think that that's our out all right well that that was the curtis corner thanks thanks jacob thanks thanks again and thank you curtis curtis corner all right see ya well guys i got some big news i got some exciting news we actually this is the first time in very really good history but we have a sponsor guys we did it i'm a big time podcast now i got sponsors now okay um so uh let's take a quick little break and hear a quick word from today's sponsor ridge wallets all right this episode of verily good is brought to you by the ridge wallet if you 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you try it out for 45 days and if you don't like it you can send it right back i've been using the burnt titanium wallet for the past few days and i really love how it feels you know it's super sleek and minimal and it's a lot smaller you know than a usual wallet like the fact that it can like fit in my front pocket is just crazy to me and also i didn't know this but apparently people can steal your credit card information wirelessly using rfid technology that's crazy but thankfully ridge has rfid blocking technology that protects you from those pesky digital pickpocketers so if you want to give them a go you can get 10 off today with free worldwide shipping and returns all you got to do is go to curtis c that is curtis c and use the code courtesy that's just common courtesy and the link is also in the description so yeah give them a try big shout out to rage for being the very first sponsor very really good that's huge um yeah back to me wow that was crazy we did it we did it guys we got podcast mid rolls going soon i'll be talking about dude if i ever get a [ __ ] me undies one or cash app one it's game over it's game over i'm a huge podcast guy okay guys we got to do this uh poo tube segment okay this is rare youtube i guess it kind of i don't have i don't have a theme song for it that works um so it's when we talk about youtubers doing dumb [ __ ] even though i mean the tinamojo thing was kinda that but i mean i she's trying her best i guess um but this one this poo tube segment sag segment is uh we're gonna watch this video it was taken at a saddle ranch you [ __ ] know what that place is sat okay what is saddle ranch i keep seeing a bunch of stuff about it looks like the ugliest [ __ ] place in the world stakes bulls rock and roll so it's like a country bar so i guess this is a place where everybody all the [ __ ] influencers go like the tick tock people go and they they all hang out there they just hang out and they it's pretty much an anti-massacre tick-tock rally because nobody ever wears masks there and they're all just being idiots and then they all have that hollywood life or whatever is outside the front and they're like guys we doing boys what's up i heard you made a new tick tock and i was like yes yeah i did he's like what well how do you can i be in your tech talk it's like now you're 48. i'm just going to take a video of you that's fine because uh this is not weird at all um so this guy bryce hall he's a tick talker and he's very cool he does all the dances and he he takes his shirt off you know he's got the bangs and he's and and and that's and that's all you really need to be a star to be a starlet um so this is the title of this video that we're gonna watch it's called bryce hall and the sway house boys gets very hyped at saddle range very hyped all right let's watch this dude apologies in advance this is the dumbest video of all time okay so those uh watching this bryce guy is standing on his chair in this crowded restaurant he's standing on his chair he's got his mask off all his boys are filming them and he's like giving this speech because you know so obnoxious and stupid all right guys so it's saturday night the one night of the week where the boys can just be boys [Applause] let's do everything that no one's ever done in their [ __ ] life let's do it let's take it enough to kill a small individual moose you're gonna have to kill my dad wow and then they all just yell a bunch dude this [ __ ] makes me so sad [Music] and everyone's like just laughing at this and they think it's hilarious i don't know maybe i'm too old dude well no this bryce guy's in his like 20s right how old is [ __ ] how [ __ ] old is this guy he's got to be on famous birthdays he's 21. danny won 21 he's giving a [ __ ] pep talk speech at some [ __ ] bar dude bro shut the [ __ ] you had a bar shut up i don't know if he's trying to be funny like is that is that what that was dude in the comments literally he's the life of the party bryce is such an extrovert he seems so fun to be friends with jesus christ well okay now that's some real bryce hall stuff i just can't imagine like sitting down to like one of my friends standing up and being like we're gonna drink so much and have sex and then me being stoked about that i'd be like hey man making a fool out of yourself sit down be a normal guy come on come on oh don't be shy be a normal guy come on don't be shy be shy please be shy please be shy like me and sit down in silence and have no one look at you please dude his sweater says pain awesome three i have three days grace pain without love pain i can't get enough pain i like your rough cause i'd rather stand on the table and give a pep talk to my friend i just like dude a pep if anyone gives a pep talk we better be going into like a fight or like a like a oh no not even a fight a war a battle if someone gives me a pep talk and i don't have a sword in my hand [ __ ] off that's the only time i'll listen to a pep talk if i have a broad sword and a shield and armor and i'm on a horse you know i'm on a horse you know i'm gonna be on a horse if i'm not on a horse with a sword and shield don't try to hype me up all right don't try to inspire me dude if i'm just i'm just if i'm just having a beer leave me alone but the second i'm on a horse and i got some armor on and a shield and a sword dude you better hype me the [ __ ] up i need that and you better be male gibson too and you better have half your face painted blue bars oh man what what are we at 40 something i don't know 30 something 40 something probably 40 something um okay finals final conclusion on that bryce hall guy he's weird he's a weird guy maybe it's just because i'm so the opposite of that i don't know he seems happy and people seem to like him i guess um but also [ __ ] him because he had those all those parties right during covid uh and he's going places without masks so [ __ ] him he's a dumbass someone's probably gonna get mad at me for that too you know i gotta say to that little fart little fart that's my rap name uh okay guys i haven't done this in a while we're gonna give some advice all right so hit it um we'll give you some advice damn i need a jingle for my advice [Music] for my advice for my advice segment shout out to dylan uh again for that theme song uh but let's let's go hi curtis i'm a senior in high school right now and as a subject may suggest everything sucks ass oh okay i have no drive to do anything related to college or learning or whatever other [ __ ] i'm supposed to do to get a higher education and become a real adult a real adult is capitalized is there any actual benefit in going to college even if i don't want to go should i just not go and try to establish myself without any higher learning i feel like college is a waste of money and time but everyone around me is pressuring me to go uh that is a great question that is something that i i'm sure everyone struggles with right um yeah i mean if you have no drive to really go to college then i don't you know you don't really have to go right there are tons of people who didn't go to college and they've made great you know you can still get a great career obviously if there's you know there's some things you do need to call it to cut some things you do need to college for there's some things you do need to go to college for obviously like if you're gonna become like a an electrician you should go to college obviously because if you don't know how to do stuff and then you just go you show up at someone's house you're like hey i'm the electrician and then you don't know how to do anything uh oh i'm gonna start a fire or something uh but no to go to college just for the sake of going to college i don't think is very necessary um you know if you are in the financial opportunity if your parents are paying for you to college for you to go to college um you know maybe you could go i don't know um but if you can save some money and if you're paying it for yourself then i don't you know i don't really see it because i don't see the point you know you can get a job without going to college yeah or if you're it all depends i don't know what you like to do or you want what you want to do um but i will say uh college is you know as much as i talk [ __ ] about it uh it was a great experience for me i met a lot of great people um you know i met jacob and dean at college um in college at college on college we weren't on we were in college and we we met at college and um you know that's pretty much the best i pretty much paid like two-year tuition to make two really good friends and honestly i'm cool with that you know i had a great experience i learned a little bit and it was you know i'm glad i did it so again there's no pressure you don't have to but it all depends on what you want to do down the road okay uh next one okay hi curtis i just found out one of my really close friends from college is a trump supporter i'm hispanic and it really broke my heart that she su that she supports that very hateful piece of [ __ ] i unfollowed her on everything but i keep going back to see her instagram stories and see all the hateful [ __ ] she posts should i confront her uh yeah i think i think you should you know i think don't be like you know super mean about it but i think because you know i just spread positivity and just like good vibes and just like being happy all the time um no i think you can message them and be like hey i was i know you're probably wondering why i followed you but you know i'm i was a really close friend and it really hurt me to see that you support someone that is actively trying to take away my rights um and is also just a hateful stupid dangerous person um and just yeah to say where you're coming from and uh yeah i hope just try to explain how you feel and i you know what i can almost guarantee you they're going to be like well [ __ ] your feelings trump 2020. but i think it's good to get to let these people know you know let them know that what they're doing is like it can hurt people you know it can really like hurt people's feelings it's not just like it always bugs me when people are like wow you're gonna really like you're really gonna lose lose a friend over just some political opinions yeah yeah dude if if they're like hey uh if someone if someone straight up is like yo um abortion is murder and mexican people shouldn't be in america then you know what holy [ __ ] yeah yeah maybe we don't get along actually it's one thing to disagree on like i don't know tax brackets or like stupid dumb [ __ ] like that tax brackets are dumb i would go on record no they're good we need those um but no you know what i mean if it's stuff that isn't like directly like endangering people's lives yeah because trump supporters he's a white supremacist he's like a racist so obviously don't be friends with the racist um but i hope i hope that helps yeah my answer yeah talk to them let them know how you feel uh hey curtis i want to start by saying how wonderful it's been watching your okay you don't gotta thank you okay my question let's skip all the the nice stuff okay thank you for the burp thank you for the applause burp um applause for my burp okay i've always wanted to even just try an open mic type event i don't know if i would ever actually do more than the occasional mic but stand up has always been something i thought i want to do in my life i like to think i'm pretty funny probably the funniest person i know i just don't know how to go about something like that and not crumble under anxiety or doubt i guess this is a long-winded way of asking what your first few experiences were like and what process you personally find best in preparation do you write your bits extensively just wing it or have a general base of content and kind of roll with the subject did you attend a few open mics such as an audience member before taking this age yourself okay i've got this question a few times but i always like answering it um because some people don't listen to certain episodes and maybe they missed it but i think well once we're able to do stand-up again because now is a terrible time to start probably the worst time ever to start um i mean santa was already on quite the the boom you know quite the uptick but now i think once covet is done it's gonna be even more because people can be like [ __ ] i need to go do [ __ ] um but i think once you're able to start again my best advice is to write like a five to seven minute set of stuff that you think is funny okay stuff that you would laugh at don't care about whether people laugh at don't even [ __ ] think about them don't think about other people at all think about yourself all right you got to be selfish when it comes to that um because if you're not making yourself laugh then what's the point you know what's the [ __ ] point of all this if you're not giving yourself a good chortle all right you got to give yourself a good [ __ ] turtle this is why i got this why i have this [ __ ] soundboard dude because this [ __ ] makes me laugh every [ __ ] time that's so that's hilarious and it's fine and if you're having a good time other people can have a good time but i think the best thing is to write write it out how you want it how you want it delivered and if you have if you have a thought comes to your head or someone says something you gonna um change a little bit then you know there's room to improv there um and just yeah don't i know it's hard but just don't think about it just don't think about it you just say [ __ ] it and do it it's only what five minutes and if it sucks it was only five minutes and you got the rest of the night to just get so [ __ ] drunk about it and you're fine but i wish you nothing but the best i hope uh i hope it goes well and i'll be there front row um okay we'll do one more advice and then i'll we'll wrap it up we'll wrap up a gift and put it under the the tree for old saint nick for old taint dick for old for old taint dick [Music] um okay advice my girlfriend and i are getting married she keeps adding people to her wedding party but i don't have any friends so i can't match them sorry for laughing so i can't match the amount of people that she has in her wedding party the problem is we would both we would like both sides to be even i mean i guess it doesn't matter where people stand but it's sort of nice for it to be equal should i just ask random people should i just have uneven wedding parties i mean i guess it doesn't matter because it's going to be a gay wedding and nothing is going to be like an average wedding i don't know what to do she has six and i have four i just don't have as much friends or family and it's bumming me out anyways do you have any advice about this i mean what would you do should i care about the fact that i have less people on my party um i don't know i don't i don't care no i'm kidding uh i don't think it really matters you know you don't want to just add random [ __ ] people you don't want to like add the bus driver you know the local bus driver just because just to have an even number you know you wanna have people you actually like love like the close people i feel like that's gonna happen with me and jenna because we we each have like two friends so when that happens it's going to be very uh um there's going to be like two people up there being like yes so we might have to invite the bus driver too was the other whole like fortnight meme when you thank the bus driver we gotta go one up we gotta one-up that [ __ ] you gotta invite the bus driver to your wedding um no i think [ __ ] it dude it doesn't matter if you have like it you even said it it's gonna be a gay wedding so it's not gonna be like your normal wedding or average wedding i guess um so you can say [ __ ] it dude [ __ ] those traditions haven't have an odd number have all of your your your your your wedding party do handstands that'll take all the emphasis away from the unevenness of it right because if you look at if your wedding party is all doing handstands you don't even care how many there are you're like wow they're doing a handstand that's awesome so there's my advice have your wedding party do handstands easy as that bro but no seriously [ __ ] it who cares odd numbers are cool and you can do what you want weddings you know what you can do what you want i don't care or have them all stand on their hands uh okay well we'll wrap it up there guys thank you for watching that was epis are listening that was episode 116 uh thanks to ridge for sponsoring um first sponsor ever crazy um and yeah i'll see you next week guys comment below some youtubers or some funny people i should grab and get on the podcast um because i want to get more guests on here and uh yeah that's it als like comment subscribe all that [ __ ] rate review really helps out and um yeah i'll see you guys around thanks for watching and [ __ ] peace out let's get a come on let's get some yeah there we go okay goodbye thank you thank you thank you all right see you guys [Music] you
Channel: Very Really Good
Views: 226,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, very really good, vrg, kurtis conner podcast, bryce hall, tana mongeau, comedy podcast
Id: 4Jlde28nkS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 48sec (3228 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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