Very Really Good #138: Lames Charles

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all right hello guys welcome back to the papa papa to the pod how those p's sounding huh how's the pod picking up those peas uh pick up the p all right hope you guys are doing all right this is episode 138 i believe right let me do a quick episode check yep 138 nailed it um hope you all are doing hope y'all are doing you know uh fart man try not to swear in the first minute because then youtube is like no ads for you no ads for a little no ads for this dad no ad for the podcast dad um but we're out here man you know we're chilling we're rocking we're rolling we're joshing we're brawling had to you had to say that i had to do it um i will say i organically said that before my little free podcast meeting with my with jacob my producer and he told me to use that in the podcast now i didn't have to explain why i said that but i did i felt like i was lying to you guys okay that was a pre-written little joke and i uh and i want to be upfront with you guys um you can see a little bit of my forehead today because i'm wearing a a snapback hat you know i have one of those i'm usually all banged up you know but i do have a forehead um i do have a pretty big forehead and that's usually why i don't show it because it's humongous for most of my life it's been uh it's pretty large you know i could play uh it's been good you know once because all the golf courses were closed in the winter time so it's pretty good because i can usually i could play a [ __ ] hole of golf on my forehead because so big because it's so big you know i uh there's some people i'll be walking down the street and um people will just like you know real estate investors will kind of just stop me if they see my forehead they'll be like hey what's uh how much how much for me to put us how much for me to put a [ __ ] condo building on your [ __ ] forehead bro how much you taking uh you taking offers or what it's free real estate it's for real estate up here man that's all good uh i'm dressed like a frat boy i got my i got my yyu hoodie on my frat sort of like frat letters i'm dressed like a frat boy dude except you you know flip around the r and the a dress like a fart boy dude i'm dressed like a i'm i'm dressed like an mf-ing fart boy yo join my fraternity it's when we fart for an eternity so we sit in a house our fart house it smells it smells our fart house smells our fraternity house um and then you uh we just fart for an eternity we don't go to class we actually didn't even get into the college that that we're associated with we're sort of just just off campus um none of us actually go to uh to dalhousie but you know we are we are loosely sort of associated with them because we fart close to the campus um oh that's funny that's funny uh shaved my mustache if you couldn't tell uh it's been i've been going crazy over here i shaved it off um so it has and it's and i miss it already it's already coming back though like i'm already seeing like a little bit so i'm finally becoming a man you know like my dude my great my gran my uh my papa as i call him my uh my great grandfather on my mother's side um he his his beard is so thick dude his beard's got a big ass his beard's double cheeked up no his beard is like he could shave it and then by the time he's like he can start shaving his left side of the face he'll work his way to the right side and by the time he's done his right side the left side will be back it's it grows so fast it's crazy and thick too and i and i hope i can have that i hope i work up to that by the time i'm his age um because i i i'm gonna because i probably won't have any hair on the top of my head so if i can at least get them on the bottom of my head that'd be that'd be cool also it's weird calling a beard to the bottom of your head like this is the bottom of your head but it's not it's like your chin but no one ever calls it the bottom of your head and this is what we're talking about today on the podcast really uh we're really going deep okay we're we're targeting the hard issues all right we're getting to the bottom of the head all right so no bottom of the head all right uh yeah i'm losing my [ __ ] mind man we're um if you guys didn't know i live in ontario canada which is the absolute [ __ ] dog [ __ ] place to be right now all right we're in a we're in another lockdown um which is funny that they do that because we've been in lockdown since december 26th um and hey why why put us in a lockdown after the the after christmas where everyone's gonna see their families and [ __ ] swap spit well you know what i mean they're not going to be making up you know what i mean why why do that first off and then we were out of we're sort of out of a lockdown sort of for like a week and then guys it's so [ __ ] stupid i don't get it i'mma complain about it all right i get that you have to that we have to be in lockdown because cases are going up because of the variance right because why not because because why not you know uh so we have to be on lockdown i totally get that but the lockdown isn't even a lockdown right like things are still open people still have to go to work like retail is still open ah hey why you know people are dying but yeah i need new all i need i need new shoes from aldo absolutely i do i need new [ __ ] wing i need new [ __ ] loafers bro that's that's essential it's so it's so [ __ ] man so we're in another lockdown um and this guy the premier of ontario his name is doug ford and first off oh wait no first off that's what i think of him he sucks so hard because he goes he does his [ __ ] he does his [ __ ] uh he does his [ __ ] speech thing or press conference about the lockdown and he's like listen guys this is the young people's fault this is the young people in toronto this is their fault all right he didn't exactly say that but he said that and he's blaming young people for all the kovid yet these young people they're front-line workers they have to go to the places that you won't shut down they have to work there and the the only reason and the only way they can afford their [ __ ] apartments is to get roommates where other people are going to do frontline work so if you just shut everything down we'll be fine but he's like no dude i gotta let's just keep going in a lockdown where everything is closed but also open at the same time and i know all the outbreak is in the schools but you know what let's keep the schools open like [ __ ] man i get it and i i'm blessed i'm lucky enough to be able to work from home and follow the protocols whatever it is i'm happy to do that but i you know i feel for people and when you see you know you see new zealand do actual lockdowns that actually work and then when you see america doing like huge vaccinations it's like what the [ __ ] man what the [ __ ] am i doing what are we what are you supposed to do huh what are we what are we supposed to do mate you know it's [ __ ] it's really frustrating man and it's like you want us to to be in lockdown until we can get vaccinated but we can't get vaccinated to like the [ __ ] end of the end of the summer oh yeah yeah it's maddening maddening i tell ya so that's uh so that's what's been going on pretty cool you know haven't seen uh haven't been able to hang out with friends in a while in a [ __ ] long time we're trying our best to follow the the guidelines but you know i can understand why people are getting pissed off and not following them i don't i don't want to put blame on them because like our government is or is literally [ __ ] us in the butt you know well not literally figuratively but as literally but as literal as a figurative thing can get um they're fingering us figuratively figuratively they're fingering us oh my gosh make dude make me the the friggin premier of ontario i'd crush it i'd crush it dude i'd be such a good i'd be such a good premier you know i could do premieres on youtube i know how to do that i could do i could hit the premiere button um i'd be like what's good ontario everything is shut down for a month okay this is the last one we're doing nothing you all get paid sick days you all get you know you know free groceries delivered everybody and then that's it and then we're done because if it was just one it's for sure expensive but you would have saved i don't know i don't know man i'm no i'm no freaking politician all right do you ever roll up the politician please that beyonce song politician it's that song about being in the back of a limo and you're just getting so hot and heavy that you become politicians wherever i'm a politician babe gonna implement some new laws take all the funds i just want to be the mayor you like dude this is i'm gonna do a song parody podcast dude strictly song parodies for an hour it's me just and i don't even plan it beforehand i'm just like see i'm just like what are other songs [Music] i could do one about the hamster dance but it's uh one about prank the prankster dance that's pretty funny right guys um i you know i could do one for that'd be literally the worst podcast but so is this so it's all good um but since we've been in lockdown uh dude i want to talk about this show we've been watching so much we've been watching degrassi like crazy if you guys don't know what the grassy is you know get on board all right get on board the grassy is a canadian treasure okay it's where drake got his start drake used to be drake was a star of the show jimmy he played it he played a uh a high schooler in a wheelchair um and he crushed it dude and then now he's the richest man alive now he's the most he's the most rapper ever um now drake is the most rapper um but it shows like people in high like kids in high school it's a high school like drama you know it's like a soap opera if you will for for uh for children uh and we've been watching it like crazy because um you know all the episodes are on youtube and we've just been crushing it but man every time i watch it i'm like well okay every time i watch it i'm like why is everyone being so dramatic over everything but at the same time i remember when i was in high school and everything that happened was like the most important thing of all time it was like oh this is life or death this is life or death dude if i miss dude if i get if i get a at less than a 70 on this test i'm going to die i am gonna have a funeral for me that was that's how it was um when it's not true at all like high school it doesn't [ __ ] matter at all because school you know it's high school well it matters go to high school and you know graduate but um you know what i mean in terms of like relationships for the most part um in general terms done matter uh so it's very funny to watch like these high school dramas where it's like everyone's just freaking out about everything and let me well i will say that dude the grassy the grassy students the [ __ ] they go through is way worse than regular high school um getting a phone call from a number i don't know so not gonna answer it um and that's [ __ ] life one on one dude if you get a number if you get a call from a number you don't know you don't answer it they can leave a message um but and that's just a [ __ ] life tip for you dude uh but no like literally and i'll like i'll be watching an episode like we'll be watching an episode of degrassi and then like this literally happened yesterday i went upstairs to like get a bit of work done i come back down like an hour later one of the characters now has a coke addiction ah what i was gone for an hour i was gone for two episodes and this person already developed a drug addiction and they're in tenth grade it's like whoa man imagine if high school is actually like that like you you uh you go on like a you take a sick day right take a sick day like you have to [ __ ] call your principal and check if that's okay how many do i have left is that all right can i still get paid um can i still get grade uh no like you you're you're sick you stay home one day because you're sick and you come back like one guy has like lost his arm you know another kid is like it's a drug problem your teacher is like in a wheelchair now and you're like wait what happened guys and they're like this is the grassy okay you don't know if you miss one day you're [ __ ] okay the school exploded and they had to rebuild it this is a new school you're in and you're like what it's been one day and they're like no it's actually been 10 years you've been in a coma and you're like huh and the [ __ ] theme song comes in whatever it takes i know i can make it down that's the other thing dude it's like youtube intros where it's like those someone will just say the most gnarly [ __ ] and then they're like upbeat intro will play like a degrassi intro would be like babe i'm pregnant and on fire the baby's on fire in my stomach and then i'll just cut to whatever it takes i know i can make it blue everyone's so stoked and like whoa dial it back there's a baby on fire in someone's stomach maybe we should address this before the [ __ ] theme you know oh man it's great though i love it i love degrassi um can't wait to i went and it's a real school too it's a real school in toronto we want to we want to go see it you know it's very iconic that's like the one that's what we did with uh it's like when we watch a show we just get so freaking uh obsessed with it we when we watch dude when we watch prison break for the first time holy [ __ ] um we were obsessed dude we actually like we're on a road trip and we like detoured to like to joliet in illinois i think to where the prison is that they filmed in kind of and uh sketchy little town but we just needed to see it because of the show we liked um but yeah shout out to grassy shout out everyone who's ever been on that show if anyone's ever been on the show and you watch my podcast i i'm freaking out right now i can't believe you're watching thank thanks for the support i i'm okay i'm pretty starstruck right now no i'm now i'm nervous do you think drake is watching right now dude drake's best work was on degrassi sorry i know you know views from the six was you know a pretty good album but jimmy got nothing on jimmy um [ __ ] i was gonna say something else but i forgot hold on i'm gonna drink some water yo dude other [ __ ] that's been going on we hit 100k on the gaming channel uh let me find a friggin yeah dude 100k on the gaming channel on curtis parker uh crazy crazy man two weeks had it for two weeks and then already got to 100k [ __ ] let me get another plaque blackjack call me a [ __ ] dentist bro i'm doing plaque checks i'm soaked it's gonna [ __ ] up the feng shui because i have an uneven number of silver ones compared to my gold one but that's just my life man it [ __ ] sucks all these plaques bro [ __ ] all these [ __ ] milestones man drinking every night oh wait drinking every night because we drink to my accomplishments fading too much i'm floating in and out of consciousness and they saying that all right i had to quote some jimmy real quick had to call the jimmy um what else is going on should we change the subject dude y'all see that y'all see that little nausea video dude y'all see that [ __ ] old town road what was up with that guy that was my impression that was my impressionation of a guy who's a podcast who is a year behind but it lines up perfectly with something else that's happening in the same with the same person very specific character but i think it's pretty funny um do you guys hear about james charles the tati stuff man crazy do you guys hear about donald trump he might run for president that's crazy and it would never happen podcaster who doesn't watch the news he only watches the news from five years ago uh it's pretty good character i could develop um but no people were dude the little nazix video is sick um also when you say lil nos x really quick sounds like lil uh nah sex so just a little uh observation i could throw out there if you don't mind um but no his video is so cool for montero call me by your name is that what it's called um he was like you know sliding down that stripper pole into hell gives the devil a lap dance dude and then he kills him crazy you're you're crazy for that it's sick though you know um and oh boy oh boy did religious people get absolutely pissed off because obviously they need something they need something to to freaking rack their brains over right they're going crazy um so when they see someone use any sort of imagery um from the bible they friggin shard about it they have an absolute biblical shard about it okay they absolutely pray their balls off about it um i prayed so hard my balls fell off about this little nas x thing yeah i'm just getting so worked up over my my balls fell off so yo my balls fell off low-key they used to be on top of the charge but they fell off yeah my balls low-key fell my balls low-key fell off bro they're nowhere near where they used to be prayed so hard i prayed so hard i'm hard about it yeah i mean this lola nazax video got me so worked up about god and stuff it it got me so offended i got a boner about it what's what's up with that huh this little this little nos x video was so was so messed up i and it pissed me off so much i got a boner over it what's up with that guys like some preacher who was like who else got a boner watching it everyone's like hold on what he's like yeah i i mean it or f okay no one else did i think it was because of the the devil the devil was the devil was there and he was kind of jerking me off i think i mean it was my hand because i got so you know hot and bothered from it but it was my hand and the devil was sort of you know doing that doing that for me right you're like everyone's like i think you just really i think you just really like that video and he's like no i'm not allowed to i could i could never oh that's so funny you get so you're doing like this big like heated speech about it you're like this is the work of the devil this this music video is a work of the devil and lucifer it got me so worked up i got a boner about it i [ __ ] over it and everyone's like hold on i also worked on my jizz over it and i just all over everything and i just i just on everything i saw and it was and this we need to stop little nazaks we need to stop him everyone's like hold on go back would you say would you say oh that's funny um but no that video is sick dude and it's so funny how people get so like the same people who would be like who call other people snowflakes would be the people to be like what how could he how could he make a music video you know relax you know it's not your music video it's not yours you know i don't know it's so funny people get so they get their they get their they get their freaking they get their freaking panties and they're not over it if they get their freaking robes in a knot um but i think it's great if i had the budget and time to do stuff like that that'd be amazing my green screen effect of me if i did a green screen effect of me sliding into hell on a stripper pole it looks so jacked up i love that idea though it's very funny it's very uh he's always had really great visuals i like his i like his music videos um uh okay should we let's switch let's switch gears oh you know that uh you know that freaking transformer sound that they did when they change you know oh man i'm losing my marbles um okay what should we do we're at like 20 28 something i'm trying to think yeah okay let's how about we skip that you know what we're gonna do guys speaking of james charles i mentioned him uh before um we are gonna do an apology video review okay i've never done this on the pod before but i think it could be fun right we'll roll watches because i haven't watched his apology video yet um you know for being uh and i guess trigger warning here for um grooming and you know you know predatory behavior um so how about we watch this thing and see what he's [ __ ] see what he has to say for himself for himself uh if you didn't know he was accused of um you know talking to people under the age of 18 several times like a bunch of [ __ ] times which is weird as hell um so and which is weird because like he's made several apologies for this stuff before and it's never been like i'm i'm doing bad stuff and i'm gonna fix that it's just like i didn't know how am i supposed to know it's their fault right which is [ __ ] up so how about we uh without further ado let's [ __ ] watch this thing it's called holding myself accountable it's got 6 million views um all right here we go hello everyone james charles here and today i'm going to be making a very important video about a very important topic as many of you guys know about two years ago now i was involved with a very public online scandal in which some fellow youtubers made some very serious accusations against me and within the past couple of weeks similar accusations are being made again and yeah so two two years ago so this is like a thing that's this is a thing that like keeps happening right it's not like this is a one-off yeah the top comment is once is an accident twice as a coincidence and three times as a pattern and this is like the fourth or fifth time i don't know i think it's very important that i get on camera and talk to you guys honestly about what is going on when this first happened two years ago i uploaded a video to my channel called no more lies and that video was a very planned video it focused on receipts and screenshots and defending myself in the situation but i want you guys to know that this video that i'm gonna be making today there's nothing like titling an apology video you know no more lies holding myself accountable i'm [ __ ] sorry you know you gotta get those you gotta get even even in when you're doing an apology they're still like well i need a [ __ ] good ass title huh i mean i get it but i mean what else you supposed to title it i know but still epic apology james charles epic apology going to be nothing like no more lies uh this is not exactly planned i don't have a script i will let you guys know that i do have just some notes in front of me of points that i want to make because this is a very very serious topic dude this haircut sucks his hair sucks in this video i'll say that and that's coming for me dude that's coming from a mullet that i haven't cut in three months it looks like someone like it looks like there should be like one egg in the middle of it you know legend of zelda when you get the bird you get the bird egg it's in that nest that's what that looks there should be one so just someone put one egg in the middle of the haircut and be like yo dude that's a straight up nest but today's video is going to be from the heart and i'm going to focus on what happened uh the conclusions that i've come to and most importantly holding myself accountable for my own actions first and foremost i okay sorry um i owe a massive apology to anybody that i've hurt or anybody that i've made uncomfortable with my actions and i also want to say i'm sorry to my friends family and fans that have to watch another one of these videos because you have to and yeah that's a good point james shouldn't you shouldn't have to do it once you shouldn't have to be like hey sorry i was uh be say of sexually advancing towards a child you shouldn't have to say that once you know because wow man so easy to not do that it's actually so easy dude it's actually the easiest thing in the world to not dm sexual advances to a child it's crazy how easy it is you just don't do it you know because first off you're dming you're they're always fans of him which is [ __ ] weird too um because there's already like a weird you know power dynamic right and then but even if that was like fine to do when you're talking to someone you should be like well maybe you know ask them how old they are maybe go to their other social media but he's just putting himself in such a [ __ ] situation when you're already dming your fans to be like yo send me a picture of your [ __ ] balls like it's so i don't know man conversation and many people have shared their thoughts and opinions and i want to take some time to address literally everything in today's video um but before doing that i want to make it really really clear all right i also just want to make a quick note as well that i'm filming this on the night of march 31st it is currently 12 54 in the morning um i'm alone here in the studio and i know that when i upload this tomorrow it is going to be april fool's day which is awful timing because this video is brutal is not a joke in any way shape or form uh and i don't want anybody to think that it is but i also don't want to wait any longer to speak about this i want you guys to know that this is very very important to me and i'm taking this very very seriously uh the last thing that i want to say before i just get into it is that i think it's important that i provide i'm surprised it has more likes and dislikes but it's pretty close within the past couple of weeks two different people both under the age of 18 have recently come forward saying that they had inappropriate messages with me on social media one of them being from last year and one of them being from more recent in both of these cases i added these people on snapchat asked how old they were right away was told that they were 18 believe them engaged in a flirty conversation and then later on found that they were actually 16 upon finding out i was immediately embarrassed and blocked both people later on when i saw them making videos about it my immediate reaction completely honestly was to be really really upset i wanted to get on camera and film another no more live video where i gather all my receipts and all my screenshots and try to tell my side of the story and then just move on from the situation and now yeah i mean i did see some screenshots and i i know you can't always who knows yeah right but i did i remember i see him seeing screenshots of someone like telling him that he or not like explicitly telling him that he was underage but you know you know i don't want to just say stuff because i i maybe i'm remembering it correctly i don't want to like just speculate [ __ ] and like someone to take this and put it in a [ __ ] t-spill video but you it's just it's just again it is so easy to not do that james lames [ __ ] lames charles bro i [ __ ] up and i needed accountability for my actions and most importantly apologize to the people that were affected by them these conversations should have never happened point blank period there's no excuse for it there's no if ands or buts and i take full responsibility for that i trusted the information that was given to me rather than information i could have and should have gotten myself in both of these situations doing research into these people's public social media profiles would have revealed their true ages and therefore these conversations would have never happened in the first place oh it wouldn't happen in the first place if you weren't dming your fans on snapchat where's that clip i wanna just jump to really quick and i finally finally came to a conclusion it sucks and it is ridiculously embarrassing to admit this but i think i have to and that is that i'm desperate ah that's oh no oh oh whoa whoa hey man hey man let's backpedal a bit oh that is the worst why would you say that man i'm desperate ah oh no it is one thing to be desperate and down bad but that doesn't mean you dm your underage fans sexual things right oh yeah yikes judge uh your honor i i think your misunderstanding one part of this whole equation i was desperate like [ __ ] [ __ ] off dude and there's another clip i wanted to show you guys okay so this is actually a uh a clip from the h3pog or frenemy's podcast that i'm bringing up they're reacting to a clip on their podcast i'm reacting to the podcast on my podcast so this is like inception in the worst way yo what if inception was simply a podcast um okay let's play it like i'm much more mentally and emotionally mature than a lot of people my age i'm not physically attracted to older guys which sucks like i would date like the absolute youngest like 1819 that looks a little bit older um bro it's just like you can keep saying that it's like not it's just a coincidence you know he's not trying for it to happen but like when you see [ __ ] like that it's like bro why that's just weird that's just a weird [ __ ] thing to say like how old is james charles he's well like 58 right oh he's 21. got anyone yeah i mean so he's like early 20s but still man it's like you're just find someone your own age it's so easy it's it's literally so easy bro oh man i didn't you know his apology video was [ __ ] super long and i honestly think that i owe it to you guys to kind of walk you through the reflection that i've been doing um so you know that i'm taking this seriously how i came to terms with my desperation and how it led me here in 2019 my dating life became even more public than it already was when i was labeled as a predator you guys i feel like at this point i'll know the story so i don't want to go back into details but you guys already know i'm a predator so i don't want to go back over that i had all the receipts to back it up but at the time i also recognized that i definitely needed to change the way i was going about dating because clearly something was not working okay yeah i think that's i think that's good i don't want to watch the whole [ __ ] thing because i'll just probably get pissed off but i don't know man it seems like he's just going to keep doing what he's doing and people aren't gonna you know do anything and he's just gonna keep making videos for some reason this guy just keeps [ __ ] no matter what happens to this guy he just he just makes an apology video takes a month off and he's back uh you know he's back to the original programming so what's the [ __ ] point you know but i [ __ ] hope he just figures it out and stops like praying on these like kids you know because they don't know any better kids you know how about we end this on a [ __ ] positive dude let's do some advice let's hear it let's hear it bop let's hear a quick little pop huh shall we um we'll give you some advice damn i need a jingle for my advice [Music] for my segment jingle for my advice segment oh okay okay guys we're going to do some advice this is the advice segment if you want to email questions advice stuff you need advice with advice 4 it's um very really good at so uh this one is from oh i can stop recording my screen oops okay so this one is from professor banana i said i wanted to ask you how long it took for your skin to get better when you went on accutane accutane question since i'm a girl my doctor recommended i take a certain type of birth control typically used to treat acne before giving accutane a try i just want to know how i just want to roughly okay i just want to know roughly how long it took for your skin to get better for reference my acne is moderate and also how did you deal with the severe dry skin that acne medication causes my skin is irritated and really dry and any amount of moisturizer doesn't seem to help i'm thankful for masks true oh yeah true dude this would be a clutch time to go on accutane no one has to see your face bro i wish kovid was a thing when i was in when i was on accutane that'd be awesome um because oh boy was i insecure accutane sucks so hard when you're on it but it rips when you're off of it i'll tell you that accusation [ __ ] rips when you're done because you know i get zit sometimes like these exits are finally going away i guess it's like on my side of my face sometimes on like my cheek but that's about it and the scars somehow run away um so just know how it took for my skin to get better it took like a year when i was on accutane it was like a 10 month i was on it for 10 months i think they extended it to a year though my original thing was 10 months they sent it to a year and then it got better around the 10-month point and the last two months was sort of just like it was like a big build up and then uh in the last two months was like a big explosion of good stuff so um so that was that was cool definitely took a while but yeah man it's hard dealing with it just because like acne is already like mine was so bad my whole face was red all the time i had a bunch of little tiny ones and it was just a [ __ ] nightmare um and it sucks man because you can't like go outside you can't like like you can but like it's just you can't enjoy yourself because you're always like well what are people looking at my acne are people judging me or making jokes about me um and you couldn't wear white shirts because sometimes the zits on your shoulders would just pop and there'd be blood on the tops of your white shirt gross as [ __ ] you know but that's what it was because i had bacne too dude i had it all um crackney can you back me in your butt crack um no i that's funny uh so it took a while and it's not and it also sucks when your skin gets super dry and then your nose bleeds every day uh and your lips are all [ __ ] because you're so dry um but i'll tell you this it is a nightmare for how long you're on it uh it's gonna suck but dude when you're done it it is so worth it it is absolutely worth it um so you know what you just gotta say you just gotta you know suck it up you know sucks to suck i guess because when you're done it's gonna be lit dude your skin's gonna be your skin's gonna be um popping and not in the acne way it was popping in the zitway before but you know not anymore bars uh okay let's uh let's go to another question this one is from z zane this one's from zayn malik from one direction so i'm 16 and up until this weekend uh i hadn't had my first kiss uh last weekend my friend invited me to her party and i decided to go despite never having met anyone else she invited anyways i went in and it was really nice at first from the beginning i was looking at this one girl who i immediately found attractive i didn't know if she was straight i didn't think she was so when she approached me i just came out and asked her she said she was straight but she wanted to experiment at this point she had figured out i was bi so she asked me if i found her attractive and i said yes then she asked me if i would have kissed her and i said well i haven't even had my first kiss yet after i said that she turned me around and kissed me without asking me first oh no okay i'm still not sure if she actually found me attractive or if she just decided to start her experimenting right then because after that i avoided her for the rest of the evening i've always been a huge romantic and i know that no one's first gift is perfect but i at least wanted mine to be consensual and with someone i hadn't met literally an hour before i felt really uncomfortable after it happened and honestly a bit violated any advice on how to get over this am i overreacting does this does me calling her attractive countless consent well no first off no it does not uh i'm sorry that that happened um you know i'd like to think that this person wasn't this person didn't have any you know ill intentions with that maybe they were trying to be you know flirty or something you know i like to give them the benefit of the doubt i guess but also don't do that you know don't just kiss someone after talking to them for like one second uh yeah i mean this kind of hits home i guess a bit my first kiss i guess well i mean not really i don't really count it as my first kiss because it wasn't consensual uh i was in like third grade and this girl uh brienne um she got her i was swinging on a swing uh she got her friends to like i was coming down the swing like you know up on the ark i was swinging [ __ ] high dude i was getting some air and i came down and her friends like grabbed the swing and they wrapped me around they spun me around so i and like they like held me and then brienne like ran over uh and kissed me because she had like a crush on me um so and i didn't want i didn't want that you know i was a kid right i did as a little child um that's not like you know it didn't really affect me that much like that wasn't like traumatic for me i was just like ugh cooties [ __ ] off i didn't say [ __ ] off i was just like yo cooties i didn't like it but i was just like you know i was able to like free myself after a little bit because you know i'm a strong little lad but um so i think that's i guess i don't even know what my advice would be maybe don't count that as your first kiss because that you know it's only it doesn't it doesn't count right it doesn't count some idiot just freaking laid one on you [ __ ] them dude that doesn't count they didn't take your first kiss the first kiss is the one that you decided to be okay because if we can play so much importance on a first kiss then i think we should be able to you know decide which one it is okay and i'm sorry i had to go through that and just know that you're totally fine to feel the way you're feeling you're not overreacting and just calling someone attractive doesn't mean that's consent you know for a kiss oh my stomach's growling um i'm hungry yeah um but i hope that helps i'm sorry maybe my anecdote helps you you know you're not alone i guess um but i'm sorry i had to go through that i am um all right we should probably wrap this up we're at like what 50 something crazy dude uh but thanks thanks for uh thanks for watching thanks for hanging out this is this is a good one this was fun um hope you enjoyed it you know like comment subscribe let me know who you want to see as a guest i want to get more guests on here so let me know who you want to see um you know my hair is flipping out of here it looks so dumb whatever um yeah subscribe do all that [ __ ] do what you want i don't care check out curtis pogger dude and that's it just take care of take care yourself take care of each other um and i will catch you on the flip why'd i say and i will catch you on the flip why did i say it like that um all right well thanks thanks for listening appreciate you and uh yeah enjoy uh enjoy your week peace
Channel: Very Really Good
Views: 374,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, james charles, vrg, very really good, podcast, comedy, degrassi, lil nas x
Id: 1et-FY8yvpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 23sec (3083 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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