Very Really Good #111: Banona

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all right hey guys welcome back to the podcast this is episode 111 um this feels weird i'm usually holding a microphone i'm usually i thought i was like forgetting something when i started this podcast because i usually have something in my hand um but we got a new i got a new mic dude and i got a new stand here okay and i stand it i stand the stand okay i'm a stand stand stand stand can you do the stand stand yes i can do the stand stand here we go standing the stand that's how the song was originally intended to be performed um but yeah i can do the podcast hands-free now dude this is crazy i've never felt so much freedom in my life i can do the wave i could uh i can i can clap um so i was listening on the audio that wasn't with my hands that was my butt cheeks i was clapping with with my butt cheeks uh while i was sitting down um but yeah road [ __ ] like i said in the last episode rode was messaging me about sending me stuff wasted no time they sent me a huge box of [ __ ] so this is a road podcast now all right this is a i'm a road guy all right that's that's how it that's how it's going okay i'm just a lonely man on the road all right i'm on the road again i am on the road again that's that's what i'm going to say at the beginning of every podcast because i am on the rail i'm using a road you know i'm on the road again on the road again i spell r-o-d-e on the road again uh they said a bunch of [ __ ] it was like they sent three of these microphones so once i start doing uh um you know i can get guests on once i get guests i can use all these microphones and [ __ ] um so i'm excited shout out road thanks guys um [ __ ] i was not sponsored by the way they were just like really nice and they sent me a bunch of stuff so it's very i appreciate it it's very cool um and hopefully it sounds better maybe well i was using a rode before but maybe this sounds better i don't know it sounds better to my hands because i can move them around a lot but um this episode 111 thanks for tuning in thanks for listening uh we're gonna get into some stuff today i can't get over how this feels more like a professional thing now that now that this is here in front of me it's crazy it seems like i'm uh seems like i'm like interviewing like a band you know on like a radio show and i'm interviewing them i feel like i should be asking about like inspiration you know of like a song but i'm on a podcast and i can't do that because i would make no sense um man what's been what's been going on huh i uh uploaded a video uploaded um upload a video on monday right yeah a week ago i uploaded uh this video if you haven't watched it yet it's about this movie called goat story from the czech republic it it's it's had good reception which is good i'm always worried like like my videos about movies it's always hard because sometimes it's either really it does really well or it doesn't really do well at all well that's not true it does okay or it does well and i if something does okay to me it's like oh i'm the worst it's terrible everybody hates it um but no people seem to like the goat story one it was fun i had a lot of fun making it um and it was weird because i i posted the video and like it was unlisted which me if you didn't know if you don't know what that means it's like it's on youtube okay it's like on youtube but like no one can find it like you can't search and find it like you need the link to actually like watch it um and i do that so i can upload the video and send it to like the brand at the for this video is expressvpn so the video was unlisted for like a few days um while i waited till i hear back from the brand but like within those few days i had got a comment on it and i was like that's that's weird how does who's seeing this video who how did you how did you see it um and it was from the movie studio that made goat story so i was really confused i was like how did they how did they find it the comment was something very weird it was like okay hold on i'll pull it up really quick thanks for analyzing our movie goat story thumbs up emoji i always smile when someone offends over big breasts or small nudity is it really such a terrible thing for children on the contrary it is completely natural but for americans this false morality is i'm canadian all right so do your research this false morality is probably all so show the breast is terrible but the fact that the problem in every american animated film is solved by violence someone puts someone in their mouth they fight together is completely okay i don't know what they meant at the end there um i i they're probably too busy looking at some big boobies to to actually let me know what they were thinking but and that happens to the best of us or to the rest of us that happens to the rest of us um no obviously i think i mean i don't know if english is the first language so i know i'm not trying to [ __ ] be an [ __ ] about that i don't care but um i get the what they're trying to say they're saying that like it wasn't a big deal that they showed some they showed some boobies um and some suggestive things in the movie because in america there's just violence everywhere and that's fine but literally there's so much violence in the ghost story like that's the guard tried to cut the little tried to kill the little kid when he swung his little weapons so i feel like that's pretty offensive right if you're trying to murder a child but i don't know you know they had um oh yeah an old man's eyeballs were cut out of his skull so that's pretty violent um and that was how they and they said that that's every problem was solved in american movies with violence and they were solving a problem in the in that movie with violence even though it's like a that's a real thing that happened it was based off a true story obviously the guy didn't have obviously a goat didn't hang hang sacrifice himself and get hanged or hung um in real life but you know what i mean some of it was real i don't know man and that was weird because like they didn't copyright claim the video at that point they're i was just like oh i'm in the clear dude i can sit back and you know i'm and it's all good because it's fair use and then uh and then the video is up for like a day and a bit and then they copyright claim it which is weird because the video their comment started with being like hey thanks for thanks for analyzing the the movie you know we don't really we don't agree with everything you said but you know thank you um so i thought i was in the clear dude i thought they were like okay with what i was doing and then bang a few days later they're like [ __ ] you we're claiming this [ __ ] bro [ __ ] you sir hey you know the thing you spent hours and hours on making you're not making any money from it even though we spent years making the goat story and we didn't and we lost a half a million dollars so i guess we need to make our money back somehow so it's fair i get it it's all good um and that's why i got brand deals man that's why i got brand news on my videos because sometimes that [ __ ] happens even though it's fair use i disputed their claim they were like nope sorry [ __ ] you sir and if you disagree one more time we're gonna strike your channel because you because you're the creator and you get no say in this which i think is pretty annoying i mean but i was commenting on it you know this could and i don't want to turn into a big thing but i don't know people were people were like you know complimented the video it's people like it so i'm happy okay um and i want to go to prague okay i'm going to go to prague i really want to go to prague and see the big clock because it's real it's a real thing all right i want to go to the big clock i'm going to get oh fish in the mouth and and i want to become best friends of the goat and that's going to happen all right but it's just it's sad because my goat story had a bad ending do you hear what i said i said my goat story had a bad ending goat say bear right or is that sheep i don't know who knows i'm a goat in sheep's clothing watch out watch out i'm a goat in sheep's clothing okay you better oh watch out or i might dress up as a big boobed girl and hang myself so dumb well what else i've been up to been been golfing a bunch you know as usual very we okay i i did i booked a solo tea time because i wanted to just golf by myself um but i ended up getting paired up with this old man this older man last week um uh obviously we stayed six feet well more than six feet apart i didn't go close to him we had our own golf carts and everything um but there's this old man named doug and he was something else man he was really something else he was like we played one hole and uh he hit his ball like pretty left of the green and it was like down in some like long grass so he was looking through the grass and he found like a bunch of other people's balls and then he was like getting pissed off he was like these are all terrible balls you know you're playing you're playing this chorus you better play top of the line [ __ ] and i was like hey man they're all they're all small and white and they're all gonna work just fine you know like golf is already such a a gatekeepy type thing you know it's like people like i just it's pissed me off so much it was like that too when i was caddying and it was like people like who were just old as [ __ ] like so old and they just had the hugest barrels on them and they were just like hardly hitting the ball and it's like hey man it's fine just have fun you know they're like well i have to use the best balls i have to use the best equipment hey man [ __ ] you just have a good time right like i was i was some guy [ __ ] some old guy chirp me when i was playing golf a few weeks ago because my turn because my shirt wasn't tucked in oh hey man are you getting married today no you're not are you getting married at the golf course you marrying when you're clubs bro if i see your hey man i'll i'll tuck my shirt in if i see if i see you and your seven iron and a beautiful gown i'll tuck my shirt in all day bro because respect to you and congratulations but if you're just playing golf if you're just having a day out oh man i'm not tucking my shirt in bro [ __ ] you i hated that [ __ ] man some some old guys are just like well this is the way it's done this is the way it needs to be done this is a it's a gentleman's game no man it's not a gentleman's game the amount of times i've heard that and then five minutes later they shank a [ __ ] drive into the water and they're like [ __ ] [ __ ] this [ __ ] game man piece of [ __ ] and they whack their club on the ground that's not a very gentlemanly thing to do man that's your wife you just smashed your seven iron against the ground that's your wife and she's an absolute seven by the way good job literally your wife's a seven iron oh man it's just so funny because like you could like he was and then another thing with doug he was like this was like halfway through the round and he was like so what do you do what do you do he's no this is this is his wording he's like so what do you do where you can have a um a thursday afternoon free and i was like okay well uh and then i explained i'm a youtuber i make youtube videos and then he's like oh that's great i don't understand any of that i don't know how that works um and then uh and then i told him my name and like what i do and then next hole next hole he's playing one of my videos on his phone and while i'm there and he's not laughing so that's great and obviously you can't it's like a 20-minute video you can't like consume that we're golfing man it's just so awkward i hate when people do that [ __ ] if they're watching hey if you're watching my own stuff while i'm there i just [ __ ] hit a golf ball as hard as you can straight up my [ __ ] head and knock me out okay i'd rather be knocked out than to live through that no thank you my hair looks [ __ ] gnarly bro i'm getting a haircut on friday so i need that desperately what else did i get up to man i went to a protest on saturday me and jenna went to a uh black lives matter um you know anti-police protest put on by not another black life um in toronto it was really great it was the first protest i went to um we wanted to go to the ones in the past but um it was just scheduling and stuff and um there was a few times where we were like planning on go to one and then the day would pass and be like oh we [ __ ] i thought it was yeah i don't know it was just a whole thing but we went to one and it was it was it was great i um it was hard not to get you know emotional at the end um you know because you hear these being a white person with you know a white a straight white cisgendered male i mean i it's hard to even to even think about what um people of color go through on a daily basis um so it was especially at the end like the end uh we ended the end of the demonstration like at the like police headquarters in toronto where they have like a police museum which is weird i feel like museums should be a thing for like cool [ __ ] right like a plane museum a music museum a police museum cool man here's where we here's where we uh over policed um this uh low-income community and this is this and right here is actually where we murdered an innocent man in cold blood so yeah that'll be twenty dollars um which is [ __ ] so dumb and here's the trough that we eat out of every day because we're a bunch of little oinkers um but no man it was just there was like an old um an older person who uh who who did a speech at the uh at the end of it and was just it was just frustrating because it's like they were like i've been i've been in canada for like almost like like for like 45 years and the fact that i've been fighting the same fight for so long and i haven't seen like any changes it's [ __ ] and it's it's it's it's i don't mean to start this i don't mean to get you know super serious on this comedy podcast but like man it was it's tough man and i feel like we need to you know work harder and this is why i'm you know i i need to be more vocal and do more and i i will um but yeah i'll leave some links in the description for you know some some things about education about uh black lives matter and and um you know what's the problem with policing today and yeah if you're able to you know go to a protest you know use your platform if you got one tell your friends educate people and you know let's try to [ __ ] do some cool stuff you know do some cool stuff i said jesus christ um should we get into curtis corner we're like 17 minutes in 16 minutes in yeah i think it's time i think it's time for the curtis corner so let's hear that jingle [Music] all right it's the curtis corner time and with me again is the podcast probably the best podcast producer this side of the mississippi it is oh it is jacob chow what's good welcome back curtis to well it's your corner yeah don't look yeah don't welcome back welcome back to you how dare you thank you i feel great being in the curse corner okay to be honest with you okay good and you know it's been kind of a heavy week yeah you know some things have happened this week i feel like um it's been kind of a rough one for everyone so i have some really good news unfortunately good this is what we need yeah it is what we need um i know that you miss doing stand-up i know that people miss seeing your stand-up shows well actually there's some good news okay stand up is back no way it's it's like yeah it's 100 back with a vengeance um bag of the vengeance in new york specifically which you know stand-up home yeah stand-up capital of the world stand up is 100 back with no exceptions except for a few okay so it's not 100 it's it's actually 100 okay so the deal is um the club stand up new york i don't know if you've ever played stand-up new york i haven't great great club shout out to them they're bringing stand-up back again 100 except it's outdoors that's number one okay you keep saying 100 but then you keep saying these other uh things that make it seem like it isn't 100 no it's a i actually know for sure what 100 means however um just a few things that are not part of that 100 okay um it's outdoors uh often times during the day okay uh what else they you don't get a mic because they didn't they didn't go for the amplified sound permit so no mic okay um what else what else uh the the shows keep getting shut down because they're not allowed to be there that's the other thing uh this isn't allowed so um so i guess in a way it's sort of like zero percent yeah yeah so pretty much when you think of stand up and all that about all that it has none of it's there you know aside from that yeah none of the none of the none of the intimacy none of the um you know the lighting the the environment that sort of encourages laughter um none of that's there it's in reality it's someone just screaming jokes in public it's just i mean i'm looking at photos of it right now and it's just a guy looking at a group of people spread really far across a park lawn and he's yelling at them yeah that's no different from just new york parks anyway there's always someone screaming about something right it's like in a way the city brought this out of us i'd say what do you think would you do this no chance i feel like there's there's this is like that's my nightmare like no like the fact that like you've done stand-up before you know like when you the the best part of stand-up is not being able to see people you know it's like there's the lights are so bright and like if someone doesn't laugh you don't see that you hear the people that do laugh but you don't see the people that don't but live comedy in outdoors during the day sun is so bright you see every expression that people make and also you hear everything else that's going on you could hear like a breakup that's going on behind you or something there could be a dog pissing on your leg which you would probably can hear laughter less than you can hear just ambient tone yeah right you might hear some chuckles but in like do you have to buy tickets yeah there's a suggested donation so you're not even definitely gonna make money from this okay oh that is a nightmare i don't yeah like i get missing stand up and wanting to do it again but i feel like if you were to come back if i were to do this i'd that'd ruin stand up for me i like i wouldn't want to do it ever again yeah i know for sure that i would never want to do this yeah that's soul crushing not having a mic is big to me because what am i putting my hands in my pockets and yelling jokes just thumbs in the pockets all cool lately like do you do do you do bits about the park you know do you address the elephant in the room you'd have to i mean hold on okay some of these photos the people are holding microphones but are they just for show they have to be just for show because i'm reading that uh none of these shows are permitted to be there so they're not allowed to hook up any amplified sounds so these are prop mics which might be worse yeah i mean i guess that's yeah i don't know it's the same as like having if you did someone doing stand-up with like um one of those headsets like britney spears mics that are just like because like it kind of is the illusion i guess it's like the illusion of holding it's like that's what i guess like didn't like ricky gervais performed that way yeah and then like yeah i'm pretty sure he does what's that other guy that uh what's that other british guy who's like sassy oh the queen yes the queen is the sassiest british guy i've ever seen he's like uh he like roasts people um yeah jimmy oh jimmy carr yeah jimmy carter jimmy carr yeah he's like [ __ ] [ __ ] your mom you know right he's [ __ ] mom i think he just destroyed his career i could do that hang on jimmy car no problem i'll drive a jimmy car all day so what do you think the conditions would have to be for you to want to do stand-up outdoors period um so like can i do like a tent i feel like a tent would be fine hmm that's not a bad idea if you did like because that's still outdoors you could you could have like a roof you know it'd still be at night time so it'd be kind of dark um maybe in a park outdoors at nighttime isn't the safest place for comedy but um right that does occur to me yeah because i don't want to die while complaining about airplane food no no that's i want to die eating airplane food exactly um it would have to it had to be a nice tent um and it would have to be indoors i think the only way for you to get me to do comedy outdoors is for it to be indoors yeah i i think i agree i i don't know if there's any way i'm doing that i was asked to be part of an online stand-up show yeah and i would have had to pre-record my set [Music] okay i feel like in my mind there's real stand up and then below that is this outdoor thing below that is zoom stand up and ten notches down is me in my room alone breaking for laughter yeah and then it's like if no one's laughing it's just like there's long pauses between each joke right and of course no one's laughing because they're at home yeah you know in their bed watching this on facebook yeah at the most you're getting a a little breath out of their nose yeah yeah in quarantine a nose breath is like a knee slapper that's the new knee slapper yeah actually when i when i um when i auditioned if you will for my um to get into my my comedy program and my right that i went to school for i had to send in like a self tape for stand up but i didn't have any like in like at like shows so i just had to like in my dorm room when i was at this other university um trying to like drop out and go to this college it was me in this dorm room like recording myself doing my bits and also my roommate was in the room at the same time and he was like playing league of legends roommate laughs he was like no he was playing league of legends on his computer with his headphones in so i was like i've just got to do this thing and he was like all right man and then i and then i uh and then i left the next day but i wish he was playing it without headphones in he's like heckling me while he's playing you know those videos that are like uh frank ocean but you're at a party in the bathroom yeah this is curtis connor stand up but you're playing league of legends you're playing league of legends with your with the audio turn down um okay so this story ended up not actually being like that much of good news right but it's okay because we have a second story and this one is actually 100 good news okay it's actually really cute this one's about cats so it's like how could this one will that be anything i mean you said last night you said 100 last time for the other story and this time you just said 100 so i'm not really sure if you know what 100 means but um well i was like i was a different person then okay okay yeah i've grown i've done a lot of growing something i don't want to change yeah i've really taken a look at my actions now i just want to say this is going to be a 100 good story okay uh okay so this is uh coming out of sedalia missouri and ah this is cute what's better than one cat two cats 78 cats who were all found alone and sick inside an unoccupied house and it looks like the walls were covered in mucus and snot and uh they had to all be forcibly dragged out of there so oh my god it's kind of cute you think that's cute it's all you know yeah so it looks like that most of them had every single one had an upper respiratory infection because there's mucus and snot and cat's not all over the walls cover yeah apparently apparently the walls were just caked in mucus like the gum much of it dried it was like the gumball but but it was cat mucus yeah i would dare to say that the worst tourist attraction in sedalia is this is the cat my favorite quote from this article is um from batson who's the looks like the head of the animal shelter in town and and batson said it was unbelievable the amount of teamwork that happened that day i have never experienced a situation like that and i would be okay if i never saw that happen again oh my god that's cute i mean it's nice that amidst all the mucus there was some teamwork yeah apparently an unbelievable amount of teamwork it was disgusting how much teamwork was going on how do you have that many cats i don't understand you think at like two or three they'd be like okay i think we're good on the whole cat thing you know i actually i have some insight into it okay just the other day i was talking to um one of my friends who used to live near one of these houses that had like hundreds of cats in it and i don't know if that's the situation here but in that house the lady living there or the lady who owned the house she lived somewhere else yeah she would drag stray cats like out of alleyways and just toss them into the house and close the door okay yeah so so they think they're probably doing something like noble i guess i think it's like some sort of sick collection ah yeah pretty pretty nasty uh i don't think that the cats are getting fed oh no so i guess this ended up not being that cute it had the potential you you hear 80 cats and you're like well okay here we go but then not feeding them and sneezing all over the walls all right it's like the opposite of cute yeah super cute so um yeah you know i aim to bring you good news a little um a few moments of relief every week and yeah thanks man and yeah a lot of respiratory infections this week i okay now here's the real kicker would you do stand up in a house full of cats absolutely i'd be more down i before doing stand up outside i would do stand up in a house full of 80 cats covered in mucus i can i can think of a lot of less or more awkward places to do stand-up than the the cat mucus house right at least you can you know at least you they're gonna be responsive for sure oh yeah you could do crowd work yeah you'd be like so what's the deal with all this mucus cat jerry seinfeld [Laughter] so stupid yeah what's the deal with airplane food the cats are like we've never been i've never been on an airplane yeah imagine looking at 78 cats and being like so i just got a new girlfriend anybody here's single what a weird bit anyway i just got a new girlfriend anybody here single are they trying to find a new one that a replacement already i feel like every open mic that i've ever done it like most of the people's sets will start with them like taking a 30-second pause yeah before their next joke and they'll just walk around and then go like so i got a new girlfriend she hates me she [ __ ] hates me i saw on the news today that i got a new girlfriend like how it's in the news okay he has certainly made the curtis corner the cutest happiest new segment in town yeah jesus these were two awesome stories what percentage would you give them in terms of just being uplifting fun news stories um well seeing as 100 has gained a new meaning this this afternoon i think i'm gonna have to go with a hundred percent best in the biz that's what i said best side of the side best on this side of the mississippi but don't get me started on the other side of the mississippi the amount of bits i have on the mississippi oh i could do a whole stand-up bid in front of 80 cats about it but i won't all right well i hope you feel recharged by these stories i am thank you thanks for the thanks for filling us in everybody um everybody clap at home for for jacob i feel like that's the same reception i might get at the park it's me being like they clap i can't i don't can't tell if that's clapping or a stranger twerking in the background i don't know could be anything it could be anything all right well um back to you thanks see ya all right well that was a a nice a nice little uh nice little visit to the curtis corner wasn't depressing at all um and it felt great and it felt great to me um okay i had an idea maybe we in the this could be a recurring thing that we do in the podcast as well i wanted to um i've made videos about different subreddits you know getting content from separate subreddits and i think it'd be fun to go through some subreddits on the podcast um and you know [ __ ] take the piss out of them dude shove a straw into the into the the juice box that is subreddits and just suckle out the piss take the piss out of it all right um this first subreddit that we are gonna look out sorry for the graphic thing that i just painted in your head but um it's all good um so the first one i wanted to look at is the slash r minion memes um because i've always been fascinated with minion memes like you know the ones that like mothers you know like facebook moms will post and it'll just be like i've you better back when i was a kid i knew i didn't have a phone like if you agree and then it's like a picture of him like kevin and he's like wearing a hat and he's like oh um those always make me laugh so i download i've saved some good ones and we're gonna go through them and try to make some sense of them okay so this one we got a a minion dressed as a caveman and it's and he's all like he's looking all serious he's like yeah right and he says uh i never said i hated you i just said that if you were on fire i might consider roasting marshmallows big difference indeed i could just picture so many moms just keeling over and just [ __ ] laughing so hard at this like i dude if despicable if the minions said this [ __ ] in despicable me that'd be my favorite movie if these were actual minion quotes quirky facebook mom posts that's what they said but instead they're just like married about but you know you know that's all they say in reality the reality if a minion meme should just say if she had a picture of a minion and then it says banona that's a real minion meme i never said i hated you i just thought if you're on fire i might consider roasting marshmallows i i know that's probably not a crime but i feel like that would be a crime you know if you saw someone on fire wouldn't you want to do something about it i think that means you hate them maybe that's a joke i don't know it's not really funny though this is this is a great one this is a minion and um he's got his tongue out and he's he's acting all silly and it says if i ever had to run for my life i am pretty sure i would die who makes these like is there whoever like straight up whoever made the first minion meme was a true pioneer a visionary of sorts they must have had all these clever little tongue-in-cheek sayings and they're like it's missing something it needs it needs some sort of character or drawing to go with it and then he was like racking his brain he was like what the [ __ ] what kind of how can i make these quirky little jokes go viral on on the [ __ ] on the book you know and then he was you know he was at the movie theater and he's like yeah one for despicable me please and then uh he was like he went into the movie and then the first minion popped up on screen and he was like holy [ __ ] he screamed it and everyone was like what are you quiet i'm trying to watch this pickle with me and he was like i [ __ ] got it and he ran out of the theater and he rushed to his computer and he added all the different minions on it and then uh and then he changed the world and that man was stephen hawking stephen hawking made minion memes all right tell everyone about tell that everyone right now next time next time you're like exchanging fun facts with people say that be like yo do you know stephen hawking made the first minion meme yeah he's actually the originator of the minion meme tell people that and they'll they'll believe you um okay this one is probably one of my favorites this one is dressed like a spartan or something it seems photoshopped because i don't think there's ever been a spartan minion i just had a little talk with myself and things didn't go too well now i'm freaking grounded [Music] i just had a little talk to myself things didn't go too well now i'm freaking grounded so you've grounded yourself and then the the web and then this okay and then the minions overalls it says so is this an advertisement gap bat gap okay it's not bad it's not gap bag app it's gap bad gap um i don't wanna i don't wanna go on the websites i feel like i'll get a virus because when you search gap a gap gap a gap it's all minion memes is this the [ __ ] originator is this stephen hawking's website should i click it i'm really scared i'll put on my vpn okay never mind took too long to load those always catch me up when a website takes way too long to load that's that's bad news you know a website should just pop up it shouldn't just be like hold on we're getting everything ready well okay no no no just let me let me see it they're like no no we gotta we gotta get it all sorted first you know okay well i'm just gonna not go ah damn we almost got him um okay and this one okay we'll look at one more this one's actually like [ __ ] really funny um this is like an old minion he's wearing he's like a cane he's got male pattern baldness he's got a long beard so he's an old minion and it's weird because minions already are bald so i i don't know why they put just a little bit of hair on the side of him to make him look older but all minions are bald right bald kings are minions born bald i don't know what are minions though that's the thing do they ever explain it does gru ever explain it i don't know so but this minion grew some hair only on the side it says it's b4 not b4 like the letter b4 it's b4 not b4 i speak english not bingo and how about you pull your dang pants up while you're at it and they censored dang with an asterisk so maybe it means dong you know pull your dong pants pull your penis pants up while you're at it spelled w-i-l-e it's b4 and up b4 i speak english not bingo it i'm trying to think of another bingo pun but i can't it's g g6 what is this an airplane or bingo even though g6 would never occur because it's too high of a number and ucgs are higher numbers than six idiot bingo noob i'm a bingo noob i'm an epic i'm an epic bingo noob oh man i've played bingo in a while i gotta do bingo we should dude curtis town bingo hall that'd be fire you know all these you know all these youtubers they're they make these you know they do these tours so dumb these stand-up tours so stupid i'm doing a bingo tour you know i'll be the bingo master i'll call the balls and everyone will have to get their own bingo card dude that'll be so much fun and it's gonna happen all right bingo oh 69 lol okay i wanted to talk okay do we have time for all this man i don't know i've been talking about crap a bunch of [ __ ] we're like 40 something right okay well let's talk about this really quick and then we'll do some advice this might be a long one who cares um so this is kind of shitty tick tock of the week but not really it's just like it also falls into poo tube so this is like a combination of the two so okay there's this if you guys don't know there's this guy on tick tock who dresses up like willy wonka and does like thirst trap videos and insane i know um because like people are actually like down for it they're like damn it's like it's actually kind of hot which is it's not even it's not the gene wilder one it's not the gene wilder willy wonka it's the johnny depp one um which makes a little bit more sense i guess the gene wilder one would be would be awesome i'm gonna do that i gotta start a gene wilder rival thirst trap willy wonka tiktok account and i'll talk and i'll say you lose you lose i got an everlasting gobstopper right here for you dude ew um but no um all that weird [ __ ] aside do what you want i guess he has like a lot of he's like millions of followers on tick tock and then there was this psychic tick tock user um who like made a video about this willy wonka person okay i'll try to find it for the thing but there was this there's a psychic on tick tock who was saying that this willy wonka person she was like i'm getting bad vibes from this person you should unfollow them they i think they're like a predator okay i'm psychic specifically clear cognizance which is just a gut instinct but i'm always right never literally never wrong and the second disable you won't get something filled off something feels very dark i also don't know if he's done anything all i'm going off of is what i feel and what i feel to be true so just be careful around him especially if you're a minor like a psychic said that they were like hey guys listen i'm a psychic okay which is first off not a real thing um okay actually hold on i did have a person dm me saying that they're a psychic and they want to give me a reading on the podcast so let me know if you guys would want to see that i think that'd be interesting um so let me know but i don't really believe in that stuff um but who knows but they're like a psychic tic talker and they're like listen this person's bad i'm getting bad vibes from them and you should unfollow them because i think they're a predator and they're a bad person which is a crazy [ __ ] thing to say and people were like believing them like they're believing the psychic and listen i'm like i understa i get i understand like getting bad vibes from people you know you look at someone you're like oh something's up with them that's fine but like to make a crazy claim like that that's and off of vibes off of vibes psychics are officia are psychics are professional vibe checkers master that's your occupation it's just so baffling to me like you wouldn't be like you're under arrest sir i'm like what i do what did i do and then the doc and then the and the person's like yeah ah you got some bad vibes all right hey hey what are you in for what are you in for my vibes are off yeah my vibes are big time off i had a i got vibe checked by by lady justice and now i'm in a numb in the clinker where the vibes are really off all these prison vibes are whack bro i mean give it a few months if the if the willy wonka person gets exposed for for being like a bad person i'll eat these words okay i'll eat them up i'll apologize and everything and i'll be a full-on psychic believer all right but then i saw the but but then i saw her face then i believed in psychics not a trace this song was in track i'm in love okay enough of that i don't need to sing a [ __ ] song on my podcast but i mean shadow to uh that guy pretending to be a a kid's character uh a character from a kid's movie and then uh app doing the [ __ ] grind on me challenge what if willy wonka was actually like that in the movies it's like welcome to my chocolate factory and he goes run on me he does that body roll thing all the kids will be like whoa all the parents would be like hey okay we made a mistake i think we it's like hey we're gonna i think we're gonna go i'm gonna take my kid home and willy wonka's just like grinding on the floor all the oompa loompas are like yeah all right and they're like squirting they're like squirting chocolate on them and he's like yeah squirt that chocolate on me and all and all the all the parents and the children are like all the parents like covering their kids eyes like violet charlie we gotta get the [ __ ] out hey i know our hey charlie even our [ __ ] rundown house for all of our your old [ __ ] relatives share a bed that's way better than where we are right now and then willy wonka's like you probably made a good you probably made the right choice all you kids were gonna die anyway all your kids were gonna [ __ ] die today and they're like okay we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna call the cops or something we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna take you down you're a murderer willy wonka and you're doing the grind on me challenge [ __ ] that's funny imagine like i gotta do there's like another there should be another tick tocker account that does that for like other characters like the cat in the hat like thirst trapping 80 cats in the hats in a mucus-filled home doing the grind on me challenge oh that's great okay let's do some quick advice um and then we'll wrap it up because we've been going a long time it's so much easier to talk without me holding a [ __ ] microphone the whole time i just got it right in front of my face i can use my hands okay um all right so let's read this one hey curtis this is very strange and difficult to write but i feel like you're as good a person as any to ask about this i have been in a relationship for just over five years at this point we started dating in high school and were able to move in together a couple of months ago congrats we have been extremely close to the entire time saying i love you to each other after only a couple months of dating to openly talking about our mutual desire to get married and have kids in the not too distant future none of that ever scared or worried me because i knew she was the one all that being said that sureness has been wavering more recently i feel slightly less interested in sex and i find myself slightly excited to have time alone at the apartment do you think that i'm just adjusting to living together having natural apprehension about [Music] staring down the potential of lifelong decisions or is this more serious and do i really need to consider if i want to be in this relationship forever i really admire how you speak about your relationship with jenna and would absolutely love your advice um good question that was from uh craig that was from um crunch rap jimmy and crunchwrap jimmy i have a good answer i think um if this is your first i i'd say give it time you know you're just moving in you know obviously you're moving in together recently after being uh together for five years i like um [Music] yeah it's gonna be different i think you know obviously give time to adapt to the whole situation obviously everyone you're so used to having your alone time right and then you you're changing all of a sudden you don't get so you feel like you're not maybe getting as much alone time as you used to so it's a it's a big change man um but it's a big change and i feel like you should give yourself time to make to adapt to the changes i think it's natural to want alone time you know i'm sure um you know it's natural for everyone you know you got you know you sometimes it's nice to just be by yourself and you know do what you got to do you know um but yeah i wouldn't jump to the i wouldn't jump to like should i dump her after five years because i'm feeling a little weird after we moved in together no i think moving in is a big thing you know um you know me and jenna did it rather early in our relationship and you know we were able it was just the right move for us we're already spending so much time in each other's houses all the time so every relationship is different and i just think you need to take some time and um you know and obviously talk talk to your partner um before you make any crazy decisions you know you know check in with them see how they're feeling see if you can make any changes you know but that's my advice all right um because it's a big move man dude it's a big move but i appreciate you thanks for the question and uh i hope that helped if not sally okay this one is from burrito bill i'm 15 and my mom has a boyfriend and they are planning on getting engaged later this year married sometime next year and then we're all going to live together i really like the guy but i'm nervous about blending our families sometimes it just is weird because it feels like my mom is replacing my dad who died in 2016. i know that you have a stepdad and i was wondering if you could give me some advice on what to expect when i'm having a new parent in the house and just stuff like that well first off sorry uh sorry for your loss that is um that is really sad to hear um and it must be strange you know it must be really hard going through that i mean i i was i pretty much lived my whole life with a stepfather so i it was never like a big like drastic change for me i was like three years old when my parents split up and then my mom started dating my stepdad when i was like four or something um maybe even younger i don't know so it was like my whole life but it reminds this question reminds me of the pete davidson movie um king of staten island and i can only imagine how weird it is for like you know you lose a father and then your mom is just like well here's your new dad that must be crazy um but you got to remember you know your mom how if you think it's weird and difficult your mom is having it way harder you know because your mom wants is trying to move on god you know bless your mother she's trying to move on she's trying to you know be happy and find love for herself and worrying with all this with all the troubles of like a new relationship now you got to worry about your kid if they like them if your step parent if that guy is going to be good to your kid like there's so much dress so give your mom a little bit of a break and just know that your mom is you know she's a human being too you know she needs um she needs companionship right so buffalo burrito bill i think just give your mom a break all right [ __ ] i'm kidding um no dude i'm so good at advice that's that's not advice that's dad advice for you all right there's some dad vice advice about dance and we'll do one more all right we'll do one more question okay so this is from taco tammy so for almost a year now i've started to feel as if my life is just on loop every day is the same thing and the only joy i ever get is from the imaginary stuff i make up in my head in order to distract myself from my real life i just want something to change or something exciting to happen because i'm honestly just tired of absolutely everything being the same but i don't know how to change it i don't care what happens good bad or whatever i'm only 15 so i know i have my future ahead of me whatever so this is probably just me overreacting but i'm just really looking for something to happen now even if it's something small any advice on how to get over this see you're 15 and you think life is boring and redundant and repetitive just you wait [Laughter] uh no i'm kidding i don't mean to diminish your feelings or anything like that by being like you have it so hard because you're young i'm not saying that at all um no i think well before it was easy to you know have feel like life is good and normal because we could actually do [ __ ] but now because of quarantine we're literally not allowed to do anything um so it's i've been feeling the same way it's like you know i have the schedule i record my podcast on monday i put it on tuesday i edit i i i record a video i edit it i post it and then i do everything all over again before touring i was moving around i was doing stuff i was seeing stuff i was eating stuff i was just doing everything i was going to dave and busters it was great um but it's interesting the thing i read is you the joy you get is from imaginary stuff you make up in your head that's good you know turn that into maybe you could turn that into art creating you know create you know draw it you know write a story um right make a video make a short film about it you know do that maybe give that a cr give that a cry because maybe it won't go as well and you'll cry but give that a try i mean or maybe start a tick tock account where you pretend to be um a character from a children's movie wait no don't do that don't do that i remembered you're 15. don't do that that's creepy um i take it back um so yeah maybe write a story try to create you know that's a good time to that's a good way to pass the time that's what i've been doing because that's my job but um but yeah that's it and just wait till you get older oh man you're gonna have it so much harder you a little i'm becoming the thing that i hate and that's all good um but we're wrapping it up we've gone a long time it's all good that was hunt episode 111. um hope you guys enjoyed it let me know if you want to see the psychic on the podcast i'll find that dm that i got and i'll uh i'll bring her on um as always send some advice to very really good at gmail and um yeah i'll [ __ ] see you next week hopefully there should be a new main channel video up on friday it's a new episode video so hopefully that'll be up by then if not it'll be on the weekend um but yeah love you guys thanks for tuning in rain review like comment subscribe thank you for 200 000 subscribers by the way holy [ __ ] we just hit 100. crazy crazy [ __ ] but i appreciate you guys thank you love you and um yeah i'll see you see you next week peace out [Music] you
Channel: Very Really Good
Views: 533,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: very really good, kurtis conner, vrg, podcast, kurtis conner podcast, willy wonka tiktok, tiktok cringe, psychic, comedy, minions, minion memes, reddit
Id: hk7E1zchwpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 44sec (3524 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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