Very Really Good #131: Cancelled by Taylor Swift Fans

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hey y'all hey y'all it's the episode it's the it's the very really good podcast uh we're back again another week um every week that goes by that i do a podcast i feel more and more like a radio host i don't know why the intros are slowly turning into that uh i don't i don't i'm not trying for that to happen but that's just the way it goes sometimes it goes uh what's up guys oh it's billy billy billy chunks and the and the man today we're going to be hitting some crazy crazy stories and also some other a little bit wacky stuff on 98.6 the [ __ ] um hey i hope you guys are doing all right it's it's the episode 131 i suppose i suppose uh no it is i'm correct um this week has been pretty pretty and um god damn it dude my [ __ ] chords are all [ __ ] but i'm gonna i'm gonna leave it all right i don't care [ __ ] it we'll do it live [ __ ] it we'll do it live um been a busy week i'm back in the stew back in the stew editing studio got another video on the way cooking cooking up the beets dude [ __ ] cooking up a new one [Music] yo got this new [ __ ] video i'm cooking up man it's just going to pop off i want you to hop on it we should hop on and do a verse do a verse on this new video bro what if youtube what if youtubers put out youtube videos like [ __ ] like albums once like once every two years it's like you know there's all this hype for it you know i go on a g i do a genius interview to explain my video that'd be that'd be kind of cool i think we should do that because it'd be a lot easier for me because then i could just have to put out one video a year and be as rich and famous as a [ __ ] musician dude um but that's not how it is because that'd be weird and kind of annoying uh this week has been pretty eventful though i've been editing a lot um for a video that's gonna go up this week hopefully um been it's it's been weird because i've been having this like weird i've like when i was scripting it i was like several times i was like i shouldn't make this video it's one of those where i'm like i don't know if this is a good idea because it has to do with religion a lot like heavily has to do with religion and uh that's you know that's never a fun thing to talk about even though it's my youtube channel i can talk about what i want um but you know that no matter how many things disclaimers i put at the beginning saying you know if you're religious that's fine just not for me uh you know and if you say anything remotely bad about religion people get [ __ ] pissed off um so i can't wait for that that's gonna be a lot of fun um but if you're watching this and you're religious and you're gonna watch my video i'd never try to offend people i think that is like [Music] people should know that by now that i never try to offend people when i make my videos but you know people who don't know me are gonna show up to the video and be like [ __ ] you you said god ain't real all right [ __ ] i'm gonna kill you i know that murder is a sin but god told me it's it's legit chill if i kill you for that so but it's all good man i i think i i covered my i covered the bases pretty well i covered my tracks you know you can't i handled and i handled and greteled it oh wait no that's the opposite of covering your tracks that's literally leaving more tracks it's hansel and gretelling leaving little bread bread crumbs what a waste of food dude hansel and gretel are low-key [ __ ] problematic bro i know the witch was trying to like kill them and cook them up trying to army hammer him i know the witch was trying to army hammer [ __ ] hansel and gretel but you know what i think they're pretty problematic wasting food bro all right hansel and gretel is that the right story i'm thinking about you know the little the house that was made of candy why was her house made of candy is that am i [ __ ] up am i like high hansel and gretel how about two weirdest [ __ ] names yeah the candy house where they leave a trail of bread comes because they get lost and there's the old [ __ ] in the hold rich in the forest who tries to cook them and that's a kid's story oh good or good it's a kid's story don't go into the woods or else the [ __ ] witch will kill you and eat you also why do witches always got big ass noses huh why is that i'm asking the hard-hitting questions i'm very really good um i um it was super bowl sunday yesterday uh that's pretty exciting i watched um the game i watched the game as in my video game while i was playing it [ __ ] the super bowl dude i don't i don't know i don't like i i would watch the super bowl like uh two years ago last year two years ago i'd watch it you know we'd go to a bar you know just get super drunk and watch it because that was fun you know it's just hanging out with your friends but i'm gonna [ __ ] sit at home and sit my ass down and watch a [ __ ] football game dude that's so lame if you did it all good but you know not for me just like religion i feel the same way about religion as i do about football you know if you do it if you like it that's fine not for me though um but no i uh i saw the weirdest thing bro about the football because you know how there's like all this buzz around like super bowl ads which hold on so dumb there are commercials man and they're hey the thing about them is they're never funny and they're never good and everyone's like oh dude did you see that one see the super bowl ad so funny when gillette was trying to sell us some for more [ __ ] razors that was sick dude yo when tide you see that tide thing yo they sold me pods they sold me [ __ ] detergent so well bro it's hilarious oh man yo it's so funny that these they spent literal millions of dollars on that [ __ ] that's so funny man how much do they [ __ ] cost bro how much what a wood how much does a super bowl ad cost oh dude a 30 second commercial in 2020 for one last year 5.6 million dollars for 30 seconds let's do let's do some quick math alright five point six million divided by thirty that's a hundred and eighty six thousand dollars a second that's more money than a lot of people will ever see in their lives and then they'll just be like tied you gotta have it you gotta have it to clean your clothes you're not cleaning your clothes with todd you dumb [ __ ] all right [ __ ] i'm walking here i'm [ __ ] walking here you dumb [ __ ] bye tide or we're gonna kill you we spent so much money on this app the hell was that somebody just fell for my ceiling i don't know what that was or maybe it was a piece of my dandruff i don't know because guess what guys it's the winter time and my dandruff is just so bad just so bad i'll be like whoa why is it snowing in here i'm inside i'm like oh wait it's the [ __ ] skin on my scalp yeah pretty cool uh my eczema is coming back used to get eczema really bad on the back of my leg when i was a kid and uh it said round two baby it's coming back on the back of my leg and on my head i think uh so that's cool winter time is awesome winter time in toronto oh i love it i'd [ __ ] snort that [ __ ] if i could well i guess i could i could go on the get on all fours and just start snorting the snow um but no dude i saw the weirdest thing before the super bowl dude there was a trailer for an ad i'm not [ __ ] joking there was a trailer like a teaser uh super bowl ad teaser like what was it uh it was for the [ __ ] [ __ ] where was it bro it was a commercial for uh the timothy chalamet commercial i guess he did one where he was edward scissorhands in it for [ __ ] cadillac all right but all i saw was like a video i think timothy challenge posted it i don't know if someone posted it where it was just like him uh pressing an alarm or something and it was like it's coming soon or [ __ ] trailer coming or like commercial coming soon or some [ __ ] for like the halftime or not for that like the ad which is the most like dystopian capitalist [ __ ] i've ever seen it's been like hey get ready dude get ready man i don't think you're [ __ ] ready i don't think you're mentally prepared for the [ __ ] we're gonna try to sell you oh you didn't you didn't want a cadillac before because you couldn't afford it well wait till you see this ad we spent millions of dollars on you can't see it yet though you gotta wait you gotta wait you gotta be patient you gotta be patient all right you gotta wait till tomorrow and then you can see the [ __ ] ad [Music] how what kind of weird [ __ ] thing have they created where people get excited to see ads right it's the opposite every time you're watching anything and a [ __ ] commercial break pops up you're like ah shut up i don't care i don't care about [ __ ] swiffer wetjets bro i let me go back to watching vampire diaries all right leave me alone but then they're just like somehow they [ __ ] weaseled their way into our [ __ ] heads and they're like no you want to see the ads you want to see the ads you need to see the ads it's [ __ ] weird man what if everyone just i think we all just need to stop watching the super bowl one year we just gotta all decide to be like you know what no one no one is watching it and straight up it gets zero viewers oh that'd be so funny man we could do it we can do it you know if there's anything that we can learn from that whole gamestop situation if people just band together you know we outnumber these big [ __ ] corporations we're just in their ivory towers who are just [ __ ] us you know these corporations man these [ __ ] corporations bro but no that was dumb as [ __ ] don't get don't put an ad i mean sorry don't put a teaser for an ad would it like at the beginning of my videos i was just like yo stay tuned to the end of the video so you can watch the [ __ ] ad that i put in i guess people do that stick around to find stick around to the end of video to learn how you can get uh six months of free fingernails uh you know the fingernail company that sponsors all my videos um what else have i been doing lately dude not really too much yo actually we could talk about this uh let me change the subject hold on all right we're switching gears we're switching gears to some uh some pretty big brain [ __ ] all right some pretty high iq type beat all right it's a pretty high iq type beat all right you got to be smart to be able to hear this part um so there's a term that someone sent me um it's called kurtosis all right like k-u-r-t-o-s-i-s so it's my name but os in between the t the curt and the is um and um let's let's let's find out about it we're gonna do a little uh statistics lesson all right like skewness kurtosis is a statistical measure that is used to describe distribution so whereas skewness differentiates extreme values in one versus the other tail kurtosis measures extreme values in either tail okay so let me show you the one quote that i saw that was that was really fitting for me um okay so kratos kurtosis identifies whether the tails of a given distribution contain extreme values contain extreme values so the tails you know if the tails contain extreme values so if like you know tail they use tail for like butts you know a tail is like your butt um and extreme values so it basically measures if you have a huge ass and i that's not what it means at all but that's how i'm uh you know interpreting it um i have a huge ass well i used to it floated away and became a star when i hit a million followers but i do have a huge butt that was like my bit that was my long-running bit that a huge ass so how crazy is that dude and there's a formula to find kurt literally the thing the abbreviated thing for kurtosis is curt so to find kurtosis you have to you know you have to you have to divide the fourth central moment by the standard deviation i mean and i know what that means i know you guys might not but i do and i know you'd want me to explain it i know you probably want me to go well curtis if you explain if you know it if you understand it why don't you just explain it to us in uh you know in layman's terms and i'm like and i'm just like you know what if you gotta ask then you don't know so i'm not gonna explain it all right because i do know it that's exactly why i'm not gonna explain it and how dare you and how and how [ __ ] dare you challenge my intelligence just because i can't explain something i can i just won't idiot so there is a [ __ ] formula to find kurt how cool is that man not many other people can say that is there a [ __ ] formula to find dave no i don't think so dave formula no no there isn't you can't point out a graph and like and go hey show me hey show me kyle not gonna be there you know unless it's a graph showing the frequency of males you know punching holes in walls then you'll find a kyle but if to find curt in a graph pretty easy i'm in every graph because you'll be in my graph yes you'll be in my graph from this day on now and forever you know that phil collins song yeah find phil in a graph [ __ ] you can't kurt's there though kurt's in every graph all right you know the other formula for kurt is my parents [ __ ] that's how they found kurt they looked at this thing they looked at that for me and they're like yo this is too confusing we should just have sex and then they're like all right fine and then nine months later i i showed up i said hey it's me you found kurt that was my first words when i came out of the womb hey you found me it's kurt and i wasn't in a graph i was in a hospital i was on a doctor's arms he just pulled me out of a uh so that's pretty cool i i really want to make kurtosis merch that'd be cool just like the definition you know of like kurt kurtos of curt and then maybe a graph on the back i don't know i gotta find an artist i gotta talk to an artist to make i wanna be like really i want it to look like um i don't know how to explain what i think of that's the worst part about like just coming up with merch ideas and talking to an artist to be like i want it to look like i don't know if you could just look into my brain and then see what i mean that'd be great that's pretty sick that there's a [ __ ] formula dude about finding a thick ass yo check that yo that yo that [ __ ] got some kurtosis going on that's funny someone saw me they're like yo that guy's that guy's curt levels are off the charts so i'm like yeah cause that's my [ __ ] name so that was a big that was a big discovery um what else [ __ ] happened this week man oh dude dumb as [ __ ] dumbest [ __ ] ever happened man uh someone found an old tweet of mine which is always a good way to start a story um someone found an old tweet of mine sorry i didn't even change the subject bro i'm so bad at my podcast someone found an old tweet of mine from like 2013. um this was the tweet that i [ __ ] tweeted in 2013 this was almost like this was seven years almost eight years ago so i was 18. how old am i i'm turning 27 this year and it was seven years so i was 20. i was like 19 or 20. hey yo math check um so i tweeted lol wow taylor swift writes a lot of breakup songs lol wow lol lol lol laugh out loud like maybe it's her lol lol wow lol so obviously that was me being sarcastic and making fun of people who say that you know all these people who are like taylor swift she's she's the problem she's writing all these breakup songs but they never say that for like you know like someone like john mayer or something um or other dudes who write [ __ ] breakup songs who are their only br their only thing is they do is like miss you hold you why'd you go you left me because i gaslet the [ __ ] at a hill you couldn't handle my gas light you stuck in the dark let me [ __ ] let me gaslight the way you stuck in the dark babe let me gaslight the way you know that song um [Music] from their hit album gaslight in the way um so i tweeted that to like make fun of that and then yo i got all these [ __ ] swifties bro these swifties who are [ __ ] probably [ __ ] like 10 years old who don't understand anything um who are like oh wow flop ratio wow i can't trust men this guy's i and there it is and he's canceled and he's dumb all this [ __ ] bro someone said i hope you lose your career rat whoa man hey uh huh hope you lose your career damn damn it where'd my career go yo does anyone see my career yeah i lost it lost and found can't find it it's stuck in between the cushions my career stuck between the cushions um so yeah i got a bunch of people like i just looked at my mentions it was like [ __ ] like 1am i was in bed like just scrolling before i went to bed and then i see a bunch of mentions being like oh you're done you can't so i was like oh man which is probably the scariest thing ever um i was like what i do i don't think i did anything and then i see that and it's like okay holy [ __ ] twitter makes you want to goddamn kill myself sometimes man so i quote tweeted it saying not the swifty's trying to cancel me for this when it was so obvious sarcastic jesus christ i [ __ ] hate this app um so i got a lot of people you know you know they had my back which was good um but man it's just so funny to be like someone you out of a misunderstanding of a tweet of a sarcastic tweet they're like you're done so yeah you're dead you're done because we say so say goodbye to your career yeah because you said something that was i didn't understand i didn't understand it therefore it's bad and you suck yeah twitter's awesome man really giving those swifties a bad name bro i love taylor swift man i'm not like her biggest fan but i don't have anything against her i think she makes good music and i uh you know i appreciate what she uh what she does but you know some people bro gotta you know take a step back just [ __ ] think about stuff for one second it's like people don't think like before i was i had like a larger following that i was also [ __ ] around all the time beforehand like it's twitter man right all i do on twitter is shitpost all i do on social media except for youtube all i really do well all i do is [ __ ] post that's all i [ __ ] i just want to like it's fun to [ __ ] around right and be an idiot and do dumb [ __ ] and make people [ __ ] upset not upset like grossed out or uncomfortable or just like i don't know it's just funny to me um you know i just like act in a fool and it's just like people who are like who find [ __ ] from years ago and being like oh this is cringe that you did that it's like i was i was [ __ ] around [Music] but you know that's the thing about the internet it lasts forever you can't really delete everything it's so you gotta you know you gotta face those things head on i suppose oh yeah yeah yeah um but whatever bro sorry to taylor swift fans that i offended but it's your fault it's your fault for getting offended by it oh my internet [ __ ] crashed that's cool and we're back that's [ __ ] weird um okay really quick i wanted to go through the subreddit really quick because i haven't gone through it in a bit um and i saw one thing the other day i wanted to talk about because i looked through this like every day so you guys didn't know there's a subreddit chris connor um so i wanted to scroll through it and we can go over what everyone's been talking about so um this video of me petting kiwi nice yeah he's the best [ __ ] dog ever dude he pisses me off all the time but i love him someone posted this video on twitter and was like uh is this harry is this him this is harry or curtis it was like a photo and someone responded and they were like this is curtis i'd recommend that crusty white dog anywhere and again you guys are [ __ ] bandwagoners dude bandwagon ass [ __ ] who hate these white crusty dogs i love them they're cute any white crusty dog the crusty or the cuter man i love them you can have your preferences but you know you're wrong uh what else we got what else we got a nice meme says hey citizen why do you always wear that mask and under the mask it says once upon a time curtis forgotten extra greeting let's keep this on okay that's pretty funny i did forget yeah i got so many comments last week too about like because i made a joke off the top my last video that like i'm tired of saying the extra greeting everyone was like damn i think we kind of ruined this guy's life because i cannot say it um oh dude this build interview i did i well i rewatched it because i was like i it was a long time ago i want to watch it it was during the tour and i got so sad bro i got so sad watching that interview there was just like a big group of people in a room no masks a bunch of people walking outside no masks you know i got like really sad watching it because i miss that [ __ ] man um but i have a story about this day that's really funny so this was the morning of uh our show in new york uh at the playstation theater and they my um they like set up this interview so i went and did it and then uh craziest thing man i got a stepping out of that building and there was just a crowd of people like wanting to take a photo uh with me which is cool i felt like [ __ ] i felt like i felt like a [ __ ] star dude like a celeb i felt like a straight up celeb bro um so i was taking photos and stuff i was like taking like you know being picture selfies and like huh being in picture selfies i was being in people's selfies um it was great and then um this one so one girl came up to me and uh i remember she handed me her phone number and i was like what are you doing and she was like can you give this to dean first off kind of rude uh but second off you know pretty humbling you know there i was being like yeah everyone is here for me everyone wants to take a photo of me that's nice and then this girl is like hey can this is for you i don't wanna i don't give a [ __ ] about you i just wanna i would just like to text your friend [Music] would just like to text your friend who is handsome is that fine oh man that was so funny dude and uh guess what i did with it i threw it in the garbage all right there it is i threw in the garbage well no i didn't i threw in the recycling because it was a little like piece of a like a starbucks cup and that's recyclable can you give this to your friend no no i will not i certainly will not makes me a good person because i recycled it that was just like the most humbling thing ever just being like oh all right [ __ ] i guess you don't give a [ __ ] about me but that was fun man i miss doing stuff i miss it what i would give to be humbled like that again you know uh what other photos we got hard to swallow pills that meme and then it's okay curtis golf's in his free time all right no i don't i do not now because it's a winter time but you know what maybe this is the a good thing hear me out you know golf is is always observed as this you know elitist old rich white guy sport um but i'm not old hahaha [Music] [ __ ] that that was the grossest thing i've ever done no i i don't like that either i don't like how there is a very this elitist type thing with golf and even with even when i get paired up with old dudes in the summer you know when i got paired up with old dudes who was if i was just like playing a solo around and they're like you're gonna play with this guy today i'm like all right [ __ ] every time it's like you can just tell that they're like why is this guy with or when i play with my buddy like chris who's like we both have like a bunch of tattoos and whenever we go out it's always just like you can always just tell people are like what the you guys supposed to be here because chris has got his [ __ ] like whole neck tattooed and [ __ ] but you know what i think that's good you know we got to change it for the future because i think it's a good you know maybe it's not the best for the environment but you know i'm not perfect it is the only thing that makes that relaxes me and if we you know down the line i think we can change it to be a good thing all right so just i'm sorry just put that out of your head that i don't call say i pretend that i'm mini golfing in this fight um all right well how about we i mean we could take a trip to the curtis corner we'll talk to my good good good podcast producer jacob show and we'll shoot the [ __ ] about goofy current events do i have a bowling sound effect i need to get a boiling sound effect oh man i don't have one what am i doing all right i'll play this out i'll play the [ __ ] theme song though uh here we go [Music] you like how i raised the roof i do uh yeah that's kind of like this new new dance move i've been working on oh you you came up with it yeah yeah i sort of i was sort of just uh you know brainstorming uh like dance new dance moves we could do and then i was like what if one were to you know i was at first i was like let's call the you know elevate the ceiling and i was like that's doesn't really you know it doesn't really roll off my tongue yeah so i was like uh raise a roof and then i sort of just wow i think that really has the potential to catch on you think yeah man i really do think thanks man i really appreciate that i was pretty nervous so today on the curtis corner you know here in the curse corner we uh we don't pay much attention to staying up to date now well we're we're breaking records today with um this is a story from may 1977. very topical over 10 years old [Laughter] at least um but this is a this is a good one it was making us chuckle so you know we had to come through with the reporting we had to but c-3po got a big penis see star wars three c3po from star wars from i mean he's in all of them right isn't that he's in every single one he's it he's in a lot he's in most of them yet i thought he was in every single one is he in every single one yeah maybe not like one hold on c three p because that'd be really impressive i think he's in all of them so um he's like the only like through line through all of them like the same same well i guess not kind of he's not in solo a star wars story okay okay but aside from that he's in every single one that's that's really cool i'm proud of him yeah and what we didn't know it's in every single one he was one costume error away from having meat from having shmeet so we know this because uh a 1970 issue of a c-3po trading card shows my man absolutely strapped up man it's fully torqued uh so good i've spent so long looking at this i showed my roommate i showed all my loved ones um i introduced c3po to my single friends yeah he's i mean mans is packing he's absolutely packing um yeah and i mean this is like he's just out walking around i gotta assume that this is him not like in the zone you feel me right so this is yeah this seems like um this is like a paparazzi photo of c-3po where he wasn't ready this is a straight candid bro yeah this is [Music] a c-3po candid and he's got a [ __ ] boner you know what i would love does it say why that is there is like is it is it actually like a dick or is it just like a weird there is an explanation and i'm i'm not gonna tell you because it it's less fun than just okay thinking he has a dick okay please don't tell me then i'm i'm not i don't want to ruin the magic for you guys [ __ ] gold dick i really need somebody to like photoshop him into the bang bus photoshop in the way the bang bus like sitting on the bench the last couple weeks it's been a lot of hard penis puns on the curtis corner but yeah and we gotta start we gotta change the name of it i guess also it's like um do you think he has balls [Music] you know i actually hadn't thought about that and um i'm zooming in right now and the answer is no i don't think he has balls or maybe they're just they're inside of him because you know how dogs dicks go inside of them yeah did did you know that um i want to say it's alligators or crocodiles their penises are always erect but it's just a matter of whether they're inside their body or out as i'm saying this i'm realizing it was years ago that i read this and like misinformation could have entered this at any point so i may not be correct about that but that's my understanding that sounds right there and i think that like some dinosaurs worked that way too they just always had boners yeah always and they could like unsheath them when the time is right oh dude that's i don't know if that would be sick or kind of like terrible because it's like what it it's like if you're eating cake every day it's like it kind of loses its luster right if you just have a boner all the time it's like what's the there's no there's nothing exciting about a boner like if we saw this c-3po thing and we have boners all the time it's like well that's normal yeah right it's like if i'm c-3po's significant other and i'm seeing this every single day at all times right yeah i don't i don't know if the magic is still there yeah it's a couple weeks in if c-3po's boner was as consistent as c-3po's appearance in star wars movies i don't think it would be interesting where's the consistency and uh how does r2d2 feel about it and what is the consistency of his uh his stuff it's definitely like viscous very uh i mean it looks very well polished so yeah he's he'd probably be like don't get any fingerprints on it i'd have to microfiber it again there's a hand print on it so this is like there's a a c-3po hand print yeah oh oh that's so funny so the c and c-3po stands for [ __ ] confirmed and then that's canon the three is for triple penis penis orgasm so his full name is [ __ ] triple penis did elon musk name him yeah seriously the second child ah that's so good well that is now star wars canon well um that's our only story so i'll just leave it there that was perfect i think we learned a lot i feel like i yeah i learned a thing or two about crap well i'll throw it back to you but um long live the c-3po meat long live the c-3po [ __ ] triple orgasm my favorite star wars character all right thank you jacob no doubt see ya oh wow that's fun i am so happy that we're the curtis corner has taken uh a sharp turn into very goofy absurd uh stories um all right folks let's get a into let's do some advice i've done some advice in a bit so we'll hop into that and we'll wrap it up or i could do uh i got two things i really want to do no we did take talk last week i'll do advice all right um i gotta find my i just have so many things to talk about i'll do that next week here we go um um we'll give you some advice damn i need a jingle for my advice all right this one comes from jedediah fake name um my father is a pastor pastor i hardly know her okay he has worked at the same church for over 20 years and makes a lot more money than other pastors because of his loyalty okay i grew up in the conservative church my whole life anyways growing up in this church made me suppress my mental illness and my sexuality i was put on the youth worship team and forced multiple times to sing a song about converting gays to christ holy [ __ ] my dad recently found out that i'm gay i was outed oh my god and he is still grappling with everything it sucks because he is so focused and scared on losing his job that i feel as if my well-being isn't important if the church ever found out i was gay he would be fired oh my god he doesn't trust me with coming out to anyone and he also doesn't want me on social media anymore i understand why he's afraid in fact if he lost his job we would lose our home our dog our devices and probably be forced to move out of the state my grandma would advocate for conversion therapy if she ever found out and she is completely intertwined in our church oh my god um anyways my dad is depressed working like this and so am i my dad doesn't know how to control his anger so he ends up taking out on us i'm 100 safe but just worried i'm only 14 and i have the pressure of keeping the house for the rest of my family why can't the world just accept that not everyone is straight anyways what should i tell my dad i want to encourage him to let me love who i want and tell and want and tell who i want but i don't want to get yelled at what would you do in this scenario wow and literally right there is why i and so many others have an issue with uh religion especially like you know conservative churches and you know christian churches and stuff like that um i'm so if you're listening i am genuinely so sorry that you have to go through this it sounds like [ __ ] hell and you shouldn't have to worry about that you shouldn't have to [ __ ] feel like you aren't allowed to love someone or you know be attracted to someone of the same you know like that's i mean personally like i i if i'm thinking if if your dad like if you have a kid who is like hey this is who i am i'm i'm gay that's who i am if you have a kid who says that and knows that about themself and and if that goes against if your [ __ ] daughter's happiness will get you fired from your job oh get a new job that's the weird thing about being paid by a church being a pastor right that shouldn't like to me if you're gonna do that you know church should just be like a hobby right having it be your livelihood i feel like there's so much conflict in that because things like this happen like if your child is is gay and your dumb [ __ ] grandma wants you to go to conversion therapy um that just [ __ ] everything up right because if you're a good dad you'd be like well this is [ __ ] up this is my this is my daughter and she and this is who she is and if you guys if that's gonna make me lose my job [ __ ] you i'm getting a new job because you can just get a new job you know go past go go to another church that isn't so [ __ ] bigoted right i'm i'm really sorry i i wish i [ __ ] could help you somehow i don't i think okay you want advice what to tell your dad just be like and again i don't i'm not the best person to be talking to about this obviously but um i guess just try to be honest with your dad to be like this is like this isn't a choice i know it may say that in the bible but i mean that it's wrong or something but it's really not just because i love someone doesn't mean i still can't believe in god and be religious you know just because i you know just because i'm gay right if you still are you know being like a like a good christian or whatever religion you belong to and it's fine right i just don't understand why they have to worry about like what you're like who you're dating it doesn't [ __ ] matter dude that's why religion like that is so [ __ ] annoying man yeah i don't know i'm really sorry though i hope that even helps a bit it was mostly just me complaining about you know religion and that but i'm really sorry going through this if there's anyone if you feel safe or comfortable um you know maybe leave a comment on the video podcast and then because i know people watching this will support you and have advice for you and want to help you so um and yeah [ __ ] your grandma dude sorry [ __ ] so annoying conversion therapy ah the old bat sorry no offense um i'm sure you love your grandma still but that's well maybe don't okay sorry that just [ __ ] makes you really upset um okay what else we got one more one more then we'll wrap it up uh this may seem like a weird question but hopefully you'll have some insight i'm a grade 12 in hamilton oh that's where i grew up that's where i went to that's where i went to high school and in the middle of finishing university applications uh the problem is my dog i got her for my 12th birthday and she's with me basically 24 7 especially with kovid she never leaves my side i want to go to university and start my life but i know i have to leave her behind she'll have people to take care of her but i feel like i should take a gap year to have more time with her this might seem extreme but she means a lot to me and might only have a few years left i know you love kiwi a lot so what would you do here's some pictures for reference oh my god um i'm sorry you gotta stay home i'm sorry hey you gotta stay home i took a gap year and it was the best thing i was probably the best thing that ever happened well not that's not true not at all but it was it very helped it helped it very helped me it helped me a lot to decide what i wanted to do with my life so i recommend gap years to everybody especially if you have a cute dog who loves you a lot and doesn't want you to leave i'm biased because um [Music] me and jenna love kiwi so much and we bend over backwards and do everything and we spoil him so much um just because we love him man because your dog like your dog only has so much time you know they don't live as long as humans and you want to make sure that their time on earth is the best it can be you know that's why we spoil kiwi all the time it's like sure sometimes he misbehaves because he knows he'll get away with it but i don't care you know he's happy he's happy as he can be so you know what stay home don't ever don't ever get a job don't ever move out stay with your dog um you know what i mean though spend some time man that dog is cute as [ __ ] and give us some give them some pats for me all right um all right next week we'll get into the stuff i want to talk about i got some good videos to [ __ ] look at that they're really funny so next week's gonna be a good one but yeah that's it thanks for uh i'll wrap it up how about that what do we have 40 something i got to say the thing and the sun is creeping through on my face and i don't like it um anyways uh that was it that was episode 131 hope you enjoyed it um like comment subscribe these are weekly a lot of fun check out the subreddit uh you know for advice if you want advice send an email to what else at vrgpod on tiktok and instagram gonna be posting some highlights there every week and uh yeah man we're [ __ ] hitting the ground running this year dude uh but yeah thank you for listening seriously um love you guys appreciate you so much and uh yeah i will see you around this light is not flattering at all looks like the cover of uh you mean no me myself on irene you know that movie has split down the middle that's what it looks like okay anyways thanks for watching slash listening love you so much peace goodbye bye bye bye now
Channel: Very Really Good
Views: 191,230
Rating: 4.9683018 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, very really good, taylor swift, timothee chalamet, superbowl, comedy, podcast, funny, news
Id: 9NThUGEzjlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 52sec (3232 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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