A Beginners Guide to Cities Skylines

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[Music] hello everyone it's phil here from a city planner playing city builders and today i wanted to do something a little bit different i wanted to go over how to start a city on a completely vanilla map now i do have all of the expansions uh in place i'm using the marin bay um map from campus life and uh i chose this for a couple reasons i like that it has two ways onto the interstate um and you start on an island which i think is pretty neat so i'm going to talk about how i would begin on this on this map um if i were brand new and had no mods so it's going to be a little different than my other videos because i am extensively modded and i'm starting with nothing no roads except for the standard you know two lane road so to start out i would want to use one of these roads for my residential and commercial the other for my industrial and link them up so the reason i would do that is i want the people working in the industrial area to be able to get to work easily but i want the industrial area to use the interstate for deliveries and to export um so i'm gonna start out by adding roundabouts um and you can see i don't have one way to load one there one way roads right now uh way to fix that is to actually just place a road and delete it and then they give you that the two lane roads so i'm gonna put a standard roundabout right in between the two dots there i'll go to their markers [Music] and then where that meets up i'm going to put in a four lane road and use the freeform tool to actually create my connections none of this has to be perfect but uh we do want to make sure that the arrows are pointing the right way so that you can get on the highway and we also want to look no no there are no uh the traffic signals there okay so i do the exact same thing over here so i will go to the end of this in between the guides use my curve tool and make another roundabout [Music] [Music] okay now everything lines up correctly so now i have my start here and i think the question you gotta ask yourself then is well what now where am i gonna build my residential where am i gonna build my industrial um and part of this part of the thought that needs to go into this is where's my waste water gonna go where's my water gonna go because those should not be near each other and your water should not be sucking up waste water so i like this area for industrial in this bay for the commercial and residential so i think we need to be very careful looking at our bank balance because we're gonna need to build power plants um water plants lots of uh lots of infrastructure let's be cognizant of that i'm going to try to use the landscape to to make an interesting place too [Music] so [Music] okay so i see that my money is already you know taking a hit from this little bit of development that i've done i'm going to get a real basic grid going for my industrial area because i want to be able to get the power plant in place um i want to have enough power so i'm going to do a coal power plant [Music] i put this pretty close to the entryway to the city the reason for that is i'm going to be exporting all my coal to start out with so it's going to come right off this freeway and pull in here um i'm also going to want to do waste water over here so i can do inland look at the capacity you know 120 000 uh square meters same thing with this cost is the same one is draining into the water the other is not so i think personally i don't want to pollute the water like that so i am going to keep it inland and then i'm going to need water as well and i don't want to necessarily have those mixing so i'm going to put that way over here [Music] i'm going to need to connect these areas up [Music] because i don't have a lot of money i'm going to try to use these as efficiently as i possibly can okay and then i need to get power we don't want to forget about this get the power over to the water we can do that a little bit cleaner [Music] and i wouldn't worry about you know how pretty this is to start out with we will get to that in the future right now we just want to make sure that we have enough money to not die and what you can see is we are already running low on money so i'm gonna use this uh four lane road as my main drag and i'm gonna come off here i like to go one beyond where the guide uh tells you to go and the reason for that is then you get a four by four grid on either side of the road which means you get max density um so as far as your your starting city grid you could do whatever you want cities like salt lake city have monster grids cities like portland have some really really tiny grids neither is right or wrong they have their benefits uh and their their drawbacks the benefits of a big grid are that you know it gives you uh more building per uh you know per area of roadway whereas a smaller gives you more options for places to walk it's just a personal preference really so i'm going to try to use this forest and not intrude too much into it part of that is a financial reality right now we're not doing all that well financially [Music] i think that it might be time to start getting our financial house in order by starting up the sim up until this point i've had everything turned off and that works fine until you start running out of money so we want to start making some [Music] so i'm going to start zoning i want to keep [Music] these areas close one thing that i i know right now is if you are to work right here and you need to go or if you were to live right here need to work over here you have to go all the way around that's that's not ideal i'm going to remedy that soon so you see me doing here is i'm going up four uh leaving four on the other side um i want it to be walkable to get to the to the main street oh problem [Music] we are we did not get water pipes over here okay hopefully we can get to a population of 300 quickly so we get more money [Music] so sim 200 once we get to 300 we'll get some more money and that'll help all right almost there this is why it's important to time when you start simming um time it well [Music] right little hamlet and uh this will give us taxes loans a little bit of money schools a landfill uh all things that we're gonna need right now because people are gonna wanna go to school uh throw away their trash and and uh and go to the doctor so i'm gonna pause it because we are gonna wanna finish [Music] building our water pipes okay [Music] so we'll speed this up and hopefully some of this will fill in a little bit and we'll be in a spot where we're making a little bit of money [Music] you can see we're already almost making money again so that's good or for the first time i should say not again [Music] so as i go through and do this you'll notice that i just disconnected the power so i want to make sure i get that reconnected so i still make money from this area i'm finally generating a profit we can look at our rci and see that residential is what people need i want to find a way to connect the two of these up again i know that people are going to want to be able to walk to work i don't have the ability to create pedestrian paths yet those i do that [Music] um i do have the ability to get creative so that's what i'll do [Music] so what i'm gonna do is link up these areas and the goal for me is going to oh there i am worthy village get districts loans police department emergency services agricultural specialization self-sufficient buildings yeah firehouse and pd um so we've got some specializations we're making a little bit of money so i want to keep this simming the entire time and work on fixing issues that i see coming up now i do want to provide some way into the industrial area from the residential but i don't want it to mix i want there to be a buffer between them so that you don't have a lot of uh issues with pollution spilling over into the residential area but at the same time you know i want that that buffer well i don't have pedestrian paths this should provide a way to let people in and you can already see people are walking so that's going to take a car off the road that's that's a good thing many people are walking um the other way that i'm gonna make this less desirable is by looking at the junctions and i'm gonna put stop signs there instead of a stop light this one i'm happy to leave is a signal um it's really kind of the main way in [Music] and i think that i'm going to build this area north or not north but north what you see right now i suppose [Music] but we need to start focusing on some of the services that we're missing so a landfill will impact all the districts so we want to give it convenient access to all of them now that i think about it i'm not sure that i want it to load that way so i might redo that just a second [Music] i'm going to expand the industrial area let's give the landfill access to this main road but not take it from it so that all those vehicles are not forcing themselves onto this main road this will also make it easier to connect up our power because we gotta fix that we can actually start eliminating some of these extra power lines too [Music] okay let's make sure we have water there [Music] [Music] and it's time to start thinking about safety we're making some good money at this point so this is loud and it is necessary to keep everyone safe so i'm going to try to keep it on the main road same thing with the police department [Music] so now these will have convenient access to basically everywhere and when you're placing these it's it's it it's important to think about the road if you place it on a local road and you plan on expanding in the future that will actually the buildings that you plop will make it impossible to expand you'll have to move them so this is something to think about what you're placing them [Music] okay so some vehicles using this lots of pedestrians that's exactly what i was hoping for and now there's lots of residential demand and we're a tiny town industry areas getting some policies and we get our pedestrian paths which is what i was looking for fishing routes canals you can start to see that just in a couple minutes things have really opened up [Music] and we have lots of money [Music] so this is actually working pretty effectively so i might just leave it as is and focus on getting more uh residential uses in place so i'm gonna essentially locate the school to be near all the residences and get simming again you'll slow it down a little bit [Music] and i'm thinking that this little finger might be an interesting place to have the next residential area so um the road hierarchy is really important here um we're gonna want to load off from a collector so i'm gonna place the collector there and that's probably a little further than it needs to go and we'll use this to form the street network in this area we've been using that uh 10 by 20 grid here's where i miss move it a little bit it's a mod that allows you to shift roads so we're kind of not really respecting the landscape so to so to speak but uh that's okay might terraform a little bit unless i could make that work another trip tip sometimes if you go past you're able to make it make it work it's a little ugly there let's terraform up a little bit even this out [Music] we have a little bit of money now so we can do some things like that i also want to provide a local access [Music] to this road find a way to join these two grids [Music] that'll work maybe that'll be a park space there hmm i don't love that [Music] maybe being a little bit too particular about this but i like it to look good all right [Music] okay struggling a little bit with this that's where i use my freeform tool get the road straight and the reason why this is a little bit of a struggle is because i have this road which was wider and i i went ahead and went 11 over in each of the spaces so that creates some oddities shoot i think the pet is gone for good did not mean to do that bummer well it's gone so it's might as well use it create some interesting areas over here [Music] let's get that connected by water the entire time i'm just letting it sim making my little bit of money in the background which i think is a really important thing to do when you're starting the game so the other thing you'll notice is that now we have these intersections very close i do want the stop light on where the intersection where the two collectors come together but going into our info menu and into traffic routes looking at the junctions like now is a good time to start managing these junctions and thinking about um whether we need stop lights or not they're probably not warranted there they would be here especially if you think about the location of this this would have pretty spectacular views in the in the future you might want to upzone this a bit [Music] so i'll continue my pattern making [Music] along the uh i'll zone along the collectors with [Music] commercial again no right or wrong here but it makes sure that everyone ever makes sure that everyone has the ability to walk to a residential or to to retail uses go back this up a little bit there as well [Music] and now we're a little money short of the clinic by little i mean a lot so let's speed up our simulation [Music] we'll take a look [Music] coming along quite nicely still lots of residential demand so i assume this will fill in just a couple seconds i'm definitely going to be a need for that clinic um one of the things that you don't have access to right off the bat is death care um that's certainly something that we'll need too we're getting close uh that'll be probably the next building that we plop after the after the uh the clinic [Music] while we're realist we should we should look at the junctions elsewhere too probably not we probably don't want traffic signals here get away with just having a stop sign [Music] now if you look here you can see that most of the traffic is actually using this arterial rather than going down this slow path some workers know the the back way see how our roundabouts are doing some traffic is utilizing our roundabouts and a traffic flow very very good as we expected this early but we're also being very diligent about making a community that is going to have good traffic flow [Music] so now we have enough for our clinic and i think that we're just gonna make this public services corner so we've got our clinic here our fire department police station all we need is a post office [Music] 100 people away from our next level up [Music] let's take a look at some of the other things we have available to us now so i do have all of the expansions you just kind of see some um some of those options available to me right now i'm thinking it might be fun to do some custom zones boom town oh let me look back at what we got here [Music] taxis level three buildings walking tours lots of policies some interchanges we have highways now some mass transit more water pipes so we have some fun stuff that we can do now so i'm going to keep this sim going quickly we're not losing money so you might as well and let's fix up some of the problems that we left behind [Music] okay [Music] actually i'm gonna do a little bit of lame mathematics here as best i can and then [Music] there's no reason to [Music] not just convert this over to a highway piece so i'm gonna do that right now too really promote the speed and ease of use here i don't need to change that all right [Music] kind of fun now so i'm going to make this kind of a uh oop actually power will be fun because we are running low on electricity [Music] this might mirror what we had before put this by that one stop light make sure it's close to the interstate and let's look at our other services as well so we're doing good on water we do need a cemetery now so when we put that on the [Music] these are difficult to move so i want to put it in a place where it's not going to necessarily need to be moved so close to downtown close to the residence it's [Music] and now i want to build this district so first i'm going to set a city-wide policy um you know power is a problem up front so you could set power and water those are good ones to to to set setup right away um so i might do that it'll make the power that i have go a little bit longer [Music] and then nothing else is really all that appealing to me right now um so i'll leave it there [Music] let's see what they did to our oh and that killed our budget so maybe we'll disable those for now we're okay [Music] see if that fixes our budget problem [Music] much better [Music] so this is going to unzone everything here but i thought it might be kind of fun to have kind of organic and green area right here so if you click on this uh the name of this district you can set specific policies for this district and let's say that in this area they like to recycle [Music] and we will build them a recycling center as well [Music] [Music] the nice thing about the recycling centers unlike this landfill which will fill up it's already 19 full um you can keep using that indefinitely and these people will now prefer it you can see the buildings are changing uh so these eco-friendly houses [Music] and uh stores a little more catered to these particular residents the eco center all right so let's see what else we can do here [Music] it might be fun to play with transit a little bit too that might be something good to learn about right off the bat so let's do that not enough money yet so it's thirty thousand dollars for the bus depot biofuel is a little bit more differences pollution um and electricity needs a little bit less for the biofuel bus depot i might be willing to wait for it but probably not i guess we could take it alone for the first time that might be yeah why don't we take out a loan and build a bio biofuel depot so this is where all the buses are going to originate and now we should have the ability to place bus lines so i think the thing that beginner players can can lose track of is that people are willing to walk to the bus so i'm going to start this line off in the industrial area [Music] and this this first line will be used primarily to serve this new neighborhood that we've created so i'm trying to space the stops appropriately so that you know they're close enough but and mirrored so that they're predictable but i also want them to make some sense so these should be close enough to all these resins that they're willing to walk let's create our second line i'm actually going to create it from this original stop you might think why would you do that actually why don't we mirror it this time then we're going to serve the downtown area here so this is close enough that you could walk between the two so transfer is possible [Music] and then we'll go into this residential area [Music] kind of just do the reverse of the last route around here the reason i decided to do that is i i don't want these to to get caught queuing um so i don't want them stacking and and creating traffic messes and we already are gonna have a lot of pressure in this segment of road [Music] so you see all the buses coming down [Music] i got 17 people a week taking it let's look at our traffic 93 traffic flow still so very very good keeping people walking and on the bus is going to help a lot with that [Music] um so our options are relatively limited right now we do have the ability to create ferries if we wanted to buy another piece of land um we could have a ferry going back and forth might be kind of neat to do in the future [Music] we also have street cars [Music] but to have a streetcar need to have a streetcar depot so this might be kind of fun so why don't we take a look at street cars as well [Music] we're going to overlay that a bit with our bus route so you need 40 000 for this [Music] we actually have need for more of basically every type of zone pause it because i know that we're gonna impact our power line situation so let's pause it for a minute rebuild those lines look at our water all right so we've got that going [Music] thinking i'd like to put some more visual buffers in between the [Music] residential area and the industrial area yeah so if you were looking you can still see it but it's gonna block some of that noise let's see we don't have any parks yet else i don't have a high school that could be useful [Music] we don't have a children's health center that would be helpful to have as well and we could start industry specializations and that's one way to really start making some money too maybe that's something that we could do back here [Music] maybe have a forestry [Music] um we need lots of residential though so i think that's what we're gonna focus on [Music] i think i'm gonna go just a little bit further and then uh kind of call it a day on the tutorial um [Music] so i'm kind of modifying the grid that i established before to build upon this a little more [Music] [Music] we'll do something similar at the other end we're gonna need to really watch these because that'll kill our traffic flow [Music] our junction [Music] [Music] i want to leave space for a future arterial coming through here let's we're a collector actually i'm gonna undo that it whenever possible meeting up at a 90 really improves traffic flow so that's something you should probably contemplate as well [Music] it's close let's make sure we have water available here and then we're going to zone the whole thing [Music] stick in the same path commercial middle residential on the outside you could also mix it up too i'm a big fan of that having neighborhood uh commercial spaces so it'd be something like [Music] uh taking a four by four square here [Music] throwing into commercial i mean i'm a character of this particular community and that is the character here [Music] um let's add that buffer back visual buffer [Music] missing some of my landscaping tools that i normally use [Music] but this works too just click a whole [Music] bunch all right i'm gonna continue to let's see getting close to our next unlock [Music] so i'm gonna start i'm gonna complete this train gonna actually have it turn around here and then i'm gonna do some work on the [Music] junctions [Music] any one thing you'll notice is that this really touches on all of the different um the different zones now you can walk to it from a house you can walk to your job or go to a shop all right let's take a look at our junctions don't need to stop here this one's probably a good place to have a stop now because of the tram line [Music] this might have earned itself a stop because of the tram although i think oh no actually it's up here i did that purposefully that's right i didn't want to have to add a signalized intersection here so i made sure that the tram came up here which already has a signalized intersection for that turn and now we just need to wait till we have enough money to place that you know i'm impatient and i know that we could pay this off [Music] take out a new loan maybe just a little bit away from being able to afford it so that is exactly what i'm going to do [Music] and because i know that this is not an area that i'm really super interested in developing i'm going to just load it up with greenery [Music] maybe a nice big city park [Music] with a [Music] pedestrian connection over to the neighborhoods over here which will also serve to provide access to stops over here [Music] right through a couple more parks and before we we end it's hard to stop playing once you get going [Music] what you can see here is that this is improving the desirability of of the these lands this is kind of a commercial area park throw one in there [Music] and then we'll give a park over to this neighborhood as well [Music] so let's place our tram line so i'm going to start over here [Music] we will have a stop right by these buses same thing here we'll spread these out a little bit we'll make this the fast way to get around [Music] we'll mirror all of our stops so it's [Music] predictable there we go let's take a look at our traffic 92 percent a little pressure some of these areas particularly right here there's a lot happening and only one way out which is something that we would probably want to address soon even potentially right now let's pause it for a quick second so i do not like how this is getting used anymore so i might improve our connection here and add that pedestrian path noticing a lot more traffic coming through it still would be desirable to have some way for trash collection to occur outside of loading up this collector but i'm more concerned about keeping trucks out of the residential area so that's what i'm going to focus on [Music] let's see [Music] turn off road guidelines [Music] and that gives us the opportunity to kind of fill this a little bit more too now we still have that pedestrian connection [Music] someday i'll wait the next [Music] option which is when uh or the next unlock which is probably where i'll end this as well i would one of my favorite policies is to encourage biking it really reduces your traffic but at this point we have a a good transit network people are using it people are walking we're still you know 89 traffic flow there are certainly things we can improve this is a real bottleneck here so as this but we've worked on it we're trying to encourage people to walk places back into the 90s for traffic flow we've got parks see our property values good in our downtown area drop a little bit as you go out think this would be a good time to think about you know more education options um i think believe the next unlock would give us [Music] offices and more density so that's when you start thinking about the college and things like that let's do a little bit more zoning to get us up to that next level [Music] make sure we have water okay this will fill in quickly i'm guessing because we have a lot of demand [Music] there we are now we get our bigger buildings tours tourism [Music] more roads so lots of beautification that you could do now larger fire and pd more power plants a big hospital lots of new unique park buildings and lots of tours and buildings so at this point i am going to call it i do want to let you know some of what i would do to this city i think this would be a great area for tourism and that's one of the reasons why i put the roads so close i think it would be a great place to kind of have some hotels a nice view mountains in the bay i could also do that up here another reason why i thought having a collector kind of come all the way up here would be neat put it by some of these ruins um but i think we're at a good spot we are our city's functioning well we're making tons of money and if you were starting and this is your city traffic is good money's coming in and you're in a place where you could continue to rock your roll at this point you have the ability to purchase multiple tiles you could do something you need cat ferries going back and forth you could buy over here add another interchange and continue to build out here lots of different options or you can bridge across too but because you've thoughtfully constructed the beginning of your city you really you have unlimited options going going from here so let me know what you thought of the video if this is a logical build in your mind let me know i will save this and post this on the workshop i'll leave that down in the comments later you can play with this this build if you want um and let me know if you want me to continue building this and there's a lot that could be done here i think it's interesting it could be a kind of a a side by side with my main uh build that i'm working on right now bluffside crossing check it out if you haven't already uh let me know what you thought about this build let me know if your if this helped you let me know if there's anything else you want me to dive into further i'd like to do some more tutorials and and uh you know continue to share my knowledge of the game and and wrapping real planning uh expertise and knowledge into the game so thank you so much again like the video if you liked it subscribe if you aren't already and are interested in more content like this and hit that notification bell if you want to be notified as soon as i post new content thank you so much [Music]
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 223,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start your first city, cities skylines beginners guide, cities skylines beginners guide 2020, cities skylines how to start your city, city planner plays cities skylines, how to play cities skylines, city building basics, cities skylines beginners, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines tutorial 2020, cities skylines how to start 2020, cities skylines how to start a city, how to start your city, cities skylines, cities:skylines, no mods
Id: WuRgazNsUxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 1sec (3181 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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