Fixing 2% Traffic on Gigantic Eight Point Roundabout in Cities Skylines!

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well here we go another city fixed video and another ridiculously huge interchange roundabouts monstrosity that is backed up with traffic this city was sent in by middle age kids and it is a disaster look at the traffic it is horrendous down to almost two percent which is unbelievable I mean look at it look at it it's everywhere and also before we dive into fixing up all of this stuff I would like to thank buddy who has been a top tier patron of mine this month very much appreciated he's gonna be named as one of my producers of this video there's only three slots left if you also wish to be a top tier patron that will be linked in the comments below a look at his traffic all backed up here he does City skylines videos as well so if you want to go and check those out that will be linked below so you can see that too and yeah let us dive into all of this oh my goodness me oh my goodness me so buddy who's been a talk to your patrons gonna receive a nice mug a Biffle mug from me I've also been helping him out with his YouTube channel and yeah here we go we've got so much to do in this one it is looking nuts why it's the first of all let's just take a look at this roundabout Junction thing in here and just by looking at it and I've been watching it for a while this truck going over the top he's like one of the first I've seen using or there's another one there using these lanes over the top because I mean it's a bit hard to see but if we go into Underground mode and we've got a lot of Metro lines coming down here so don't be confused by this big square in the middle that's the Metro that we can follow this green road here the tunnel goes underneath and then it basically comes out over here and that's how these work so if you want to get from one side to the other and take a turn or that sort of thing there are options available and but not everybody has taken them I want to check first of all whether you have this set up correctly with your plan with your signs giveaway coming on giveaway coming on giveaway coming on you do I say that is fine although you can see all the roads and the tunnels and nose for everything underneath you've done your lane mathematics you got one lane coming over join in another Lane and then they come here then they can come out and go with a lie see a node like that you've got the lanes but you could just do with saying look when you got on actually where's your next node do you have a node down a node a yeah so they can change so when these guys come out you can say you go there there we go you go there you go there and then you go there and that will just get them moving out there a bit but then they're all getting stuck here because they're getting stuck there like we're head over there in a minute and then ideally what you want as well is everybody to prioritize the roads going over the top if they go in in that direction so let's just look at the speeds so the speeds for him and 90 and then a hundred around the roundabout so first of all we're gonna slow down that roundabout if I go 60 and hold shift I'm gonna do all the way around no it's gonna do it Junction 2 Junction so let's just go around and do that slowing it down we'll have the twofold effects of making it easier for cars coming on if this cars whizzing past and they're going a little bit slower ones cutting up is so bad they're just driving over the top of each other yeah there's cars coming round then cars coming over get a better chance of getting on if the cars on the roundabouts are going a bit slower and then we want the ones over the top to be super quick so I would say these could be a hundred degree hold shift on that that will go from one side to the other yeah so if we get these four loads over the top there that one that one's been done this one and this one and then we turn it 90 degrees and deep that one that one that one and this one so that will do all of those over the top the ones underneath one two just oh it's easy to go down like this hopefully there's no junctions underneath it as stopping these change in all the way from one side to the other that one's already been done those are already done yet so there lets you go in from one side to the other by the way as you can see despawn is turned off because that is the way we do things here okay oh my goodness me so what else do I see here what else have we got to work with we've got these big main roads coming down here up there heading out to almost this other big Ring Road that goes around here with these little roundabouts on so let's just take a look at those and I bet these roundabouts haven't been taken care of no they haven't so we need to definitely head along this ring roads and sort these out and just make sure that it isn't gonna yeah so it's just sorting that out we'll just do the give way signs first of all so that is that Ring Road sort of taken care of let's just see if we can follow where it's all getting caught up now this is something that doesn't always work as we've seen all the other times you've done it because you can go around in a circle you follow the traffic so like it hits this roundabout it's going down there they're coming on OK so it's still going this way these are coming on these are coming on these are coming on these are coming on so they're all coming on they're all getting stuck on this roundabout here so the other thing you want to fix which I'm gonna have to go along and do and all the roundabouts as well is this one here and yeah so you've got it set up so people come in onto the roundabout and people going around the roundabout all have access at the same time they won't stop and so what you want to do is turn off the ones this one here for the ones coming onto the Hart roundabout and then if we just watch that for a second or two you'll notice how the cars start acting differently and it won't look they're starting to back up here now leaving we'll follow that in a sec but it'll give the chance for those on there to move and get off and get out of the way which is what you want well that will work if it's not all blocked up here which is at the moment so let's just take a look at this they're coming here what's going on here I don't think there's any give way signs or anything here so give way you go through and keep moving like this is right nearby so guys coming up here gonna get stuck on this one so let's sort that let's also do the same thing where if you're on the roundabout you get priority going around the thing like that and then up here terrible junction I'm actually gonna put in oh there is traffic lights in there already really mm okay what we are now 10% it's gone up a smidge a smidge okay so let's give the game a chance to put all that into action hopefully unclog some of these roundabouts here I want to check the main road that scurrying I've got this big main road through here we've got another one top to bottom and these angular ones going out let's start with this one down here and sort of work round anti-clockwise and I want to check that anybody coming in has the freedom to move and go where they like and there's no problems hold shift and hold it over there you'll get it doing the whole main load in one go and then all you want to do is make sure that when you come down here to the roundabout that this gets changed back again there you go like that so we could do that on all of these roads [Music] [Music] okay so that's all your main highway roads done one more thing we need to do with this roundabout completely forgot is check your Junction restriction so people coming on yeah again you've got this set where people go around the roundabout and people coming on can enter this if it's blocked or not we only want to give access to a block Junction for those that are actually going around the roundabout so we need to go around every single one of these and I'm going round around in circles doing the same ones over and over again dad so what we should be able to see now did we speed that up is ones that are on the roundabout should theoretically keep moving so they've all try and I get into the lanes here which is a bit odd so something you want to check as well as you're using traffic manager we come into the options for the game let's go into here and go into your traffic manager here is you want under game play where you don't want path of evill you want holy city there we go anyone enable advanced a vehicle AI and a dynamic Lane selection at a high this is the more CPU your game will use and but it will help the traffic use the lanes better so I said it all the way up and let's just go back to here and speed this up again and see whether they start using some different lanes look at that and if things just get moving half the battle is won look at that that roundabouts actually on the roundabout it's not clogged up anymore look so now cars can come on cask and keep moving that is getting a bit a clogged eNOS over here so we might just take a look at what's happening in there but that is going fantastic yes we're going to clock up there let's just follow this one down here so what have we got everybody's coming off they're picking their lanes they're stopping here which is a bit odd we don't want the hats we want them to use all of these lanes coming on well we can test that let's have a look yeah you've got that set up to two two and two and also what you can do is you might as well use up the space go through go through go through and just keep them filling up that space and then they're all coming here and trying to turn up this way I think that's just the way it's gonna be there this is just gonna keep getting cool what are we on 38% so it's actually getting there you're what I'm thinking of doing here just to keep this traffic going and use some of these other junctions that we've got is I'm gonna stop them turning right here and it may be sort of a temporary fix and once the traffic isn't so bad we've got lane arrows in there okay and once the traffic isn't so bad you might want to turn that on again there we go and then we'll delete this guy here because you're getting in the way and then that would keep going and also I'm gonna stop the blame switching because they don't need to anymore no lane switching there no lane switching there so come in get in keep moving come through here and then spread out when you get down here so they're not allowed to turn there it's not they can't turn anywhere along here can they turn up here they can turn up there so they might sort of start coming through somewhere else it's a bit silly really stopping all the turns I mean you could pop a little roundabout in there and let them turn but now that that spread out a bit yeah we'll see how that goes but we just don't want the traffic backing up onto the highway like this that is that's that's a real killer so now they look at these are the roundabouts and any other roundabouts are find in the city because I don't think they've all been set up some of them are got the give way signs some of them don't have the correct Junction restrictions on no like this so we want that so I'm gonna go through all of the roundabouts in the city then I will be back with you if ever you've got situations like this where you've got like a little bypass road coming round you really want to do some Lane mathematics here to get this to line up so this little bit here we're gonna downgrade it let's just see if there is a small road with some bus lanes no so we're gonna do it without the bus lanes they'll be fine there we go so we've got the one lane here plus the one lane there equals the two lanes and the buses can sort of sort themselves out once they get down the road so then we'll get that and so you can go there or there if you're a bus you can go there and then coming through it's already sort of down the lane mathematics anyway so you can go there buses have got a turn anyway so that's it so that just keeps these guys moving through and then we'll just say you go through you go through and you go through and that keeps it going you don't have on the other side so that is fine why I'm pretty sure I've got all the roundabouts let's just take a look at the traffic flip you take 70% that is absolutely fantastic still got traffic despawning turned off that is brilliant let's just zoom in a bit and have a look at this look that is just going absolutely brilliant that is going brilliant I mean let's have a look around we're gonna have a few spots that are still very red just because they're so busy so your cargo train terminal is stuck at this speed it will take vehicles in and a set speed it'll spit vehicles out at set speed this is the slowest the whole thing will go so then you need just have space for all of your guys and girls your trucks to back up without backing up onto your main road which you sort of got going on here it's been affecting this road here it's affecting this road up here soon this will back up here and affect this road so we need to do something a little bit different over here do you know what I think I'm just gonna rebuild it out here that's just gonna be the best way to do it okay there we go we've got this set up out here now so we're gonna have to give it a few minutes for the traffic to work out where they're going to but when they come down here as you will see they will turn light they were head up along here so we've got a nice bit of queuing space and then when they come down here I probably need to just make this one lane actually rather than - that's better there we go and then this one here doesn't need to be this wide Bend there we go and then just stop anybody going round again we say nope you go up there and Hugh go down there there we go excellent and to make sure they keep moving just put on the inter block Junction thingy there just keep moving through and there we go that should get that moving much much better there we go and then what we're gonna find is this traffic here is not going to be as bad and this is definitely going down it was all backed up - up here yeah there we go that's fine that's all moving excellent what are we at 76% I am shocked I've got to be honest I am shocked this one here look we've got a situation with a slip lane coming up not enough lanes and loads and all that sort of thing let us sort that you don't need us like you got oh you've got bus stops why bye my pet peeve light by and flipping roundabouts and you've got my stops all the way over there look let's take those out don't need them that's where you sort of need to use commonsense and say that is really not gonna help okay it's taking a bit of fiddling and finagle in but we've got this junction working here now so we've got three lanes coming down this way that won't concern right have used the lane tools these two can go straight on is an asymmetrical road here and then we've got those two lanes into those two lanes on it goes coming off we've got one lane plus one lane and then they can join here and again this is because of the asymmetrical load one lane coming this way and then these two roads coming in from the top and the bottom I've made them so they only turn this one only turns light and this one only turns right and we've got the roundabout so either in if they want to turn round and come back and it's helping it's keeping things moving I've removed the bus stops on here you don't want bus stops on a big main road going through like this because you've got so many buses look I think I need to look at how many buses you've got on some of your lines but that has helped that has helps a lot let's take a look overall wow that is so much better look at this this is fine most of the red is just busy rather than traffic couple oh I think there's a couple of lane things we can sort out here yeah what you want here is you don't need bus stops right by the light by the turn but also I'm gonna change that load there to be at one of these ones here where is it where is it this one here there we go so we get dedicated lanes for what we're doing I'm gonna move those bus stops and let's move them back there let's move that back there let's watch the people run for the new bus stop and they go it's like a marathon who's gonna win the guy the Owen shares in the lead everyone's following that behind got a few tourists there we go now on the new one and then when you come to here you've now got enough lanes if we use this tool here to say one lane for light one lane for straight on one lane for left and that will just keep all of that move in and then because we're going from one sort of road to another we're gonna say no Lane switchin there so you can go straight but then no one's ever gonna turn right are they what I normally do actually is just take out the bus lanes it just makes it a bit silly and there we go and everybody can come up and do that you could do the same on the other sides but that should hopefully get that moving and you could even add a traffic light in there there we go it's a bit of a hit girly Pig would he mess in the middle but look that's now all cleared up going down there brilliant your bus line so I'm looking on here like twenty two buses on there four hundred and three people and if you have a look all these empty buses so I mean good grief get that down to like ten have the buses on that so yeah always worth checking at sixty two vehicles ah because the way the game works I think it adds more vehicles depending on the length of the line or how many stops there is something like that there's not like an automatic way of having it do the correct amount for how many people look for here three one zero three two three zero zero zero so really buses with like nobody is nuts that is not I mean I'll drop that down to twenty and then what you want to do is come back and check that a bit later but that's gonna stop all of these stupid bus bus caterpillar lines that are just going everywhere and yeah making a complete mess of it all but there we go so we're finishing up at 85% traffic I think that is absolutely brilliant water you reckon let me know in the comments below we have just fixed the world's largest roundabout intersection in the world check out the next video on the screen as well I'm sure you'll enjoyed that and don't forget to leave a like I would very much appreciate that and subscribe - see you all soon take care everybody bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 1,268,770
Rating: 4.925704 out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines expert, roundabouts, cities:skylines, cities skylines roundabouts, cities skylines traffic management
Id: aJWfvcG0-B0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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