PTE New Exam Format Mock Test Live | Changes and What to do?

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just wait for a couple of seconds let everyone join in alright yes we are live um all right guys welcome back to another video this video what we are going to do is um as you know pt is going to introduce the new exam format a few changes from 16th of november and they have updated their mock test on their website i've been getting a lot of comments a lot of phone calls lot of messages and all that what's actually going to change um everyone wants to take the exam before 16th of november right so what i'll be doing in this video i'll be taking the official periods and mock test we'll see what the changes will look like what will be the impact what you have to do what you have to avoid and what you need to take care of right one thing another thing which i'm getting from a lot of students is that will the same templates work after 16th of remember everything is going to work as per my knowledge but yes we'll use the same templates which we have been using in the past i'll use the same templates which i've given in the two hour video right pte full course in two hours so i'll be using all those templates in this official mock test we'll get to know if the templates are working or not um what will be the difficulty level we'll get to know that as well we'll get to know the time management thing and we'll have a look at the changes as well what i'll be doing is i'll be sharing my screen with all of you um it will be a long video it is going to be a long video ingredient um it's going to be one to two hours i guess but yes i'll try to do that's what i have to do i'll show you how the mock test works and all let's get going just give me one second yeah so the screen is visible and just bought the mockers what i'll do is before i take the mock test um i'll just test my computer um yeah yeah i'm here now and i'm ready to start learning i'm here now and i'm ready to start learning all right let's start i'm bit nervous support me what i'll ask you is if you want to actually get something out of it try to um you know attempt the mock test by yourself as well so try to take the mock test as i do it see if they have changed all the mocked us to two hours but these mocked this are the same the questions are same but this one this mock test they have added a new one so let me try it for the first time things are going to be new for me as well but yes i'll give my best see let's see how we go um will the test be difficult or not it won't be difficult there's nothing to worry about so you have to surround yourself with positivity students are getting the score nowadays you can see many students are getting 90 as well and they'll keep on getting afterwards as well so nothing to worry about let's start for graduates looking to give something back volunteering either in the uk or overseas is a popular option voluntary projects can cost anything from nothing up to a few thousand pounds and with that in mind it is essential to look into the project carefully before signing on the dotted line for graduates looking to give something back volunteering either in the uk or overseas is a popular option for graduates looking to give something back volunteering either in the uk or overseas is a popular option voluntary projects can cost anything from nothing up to a few thousand pounds and with that in mind it is essential to look into the project carefully before signing on the dotted line a level of competence in chemistry is essential to the professional practice of material conservation an understanding of scientific concepts and a basic scientific vocabulary enables the conservator to understand conservation problems treatments material and techniques in a systematic and quantifiable way which can be communicated which can be communicated not only to colleagues in the profession but also those from other disciplines a level of competence in chemistry a level of competence in chemistry is essential to the professional practice of material conservation an understanding of scientific concepts and a basic scientific vocabulary enables the conservator to understand conservation problems treatments material and techniques in a systematic and quantifiable way which can be communicated not only to colleagues in the profession but also those from other disciplines since its inception the united nations the united nations system has been working to ensure adequate food for all through sustainable agriculture the majority of the world's poorest people live in rural rural this is a difficult one for me to speak live in rural areas of developing countries they depend on agriculture and related activities for their livelihoods this makes them particularly vulnerable to man-made and natural influences that reduce agricultural production [Music] since its inception the united nations system has been working to ensure adequate food for all through sustainable agriculture the majority of the world's poorest people live in rural areas of developing countries they depend on agriculture and related activities for their livelihoods this makes them particularly vulnerable to man-made and natural influences that reduce agricultural production business school admissions officer said business school admissions officers said the new drive to attract younger students was in part the result of a real realization that they had in advertently inadvertently limited the applicant pool by requiring several years work experience talented students who might otherwise have gone to business school instead opted for a law or policy degree because they were intimidated by the expectation of work experience business school admissions officers said the new drive to attract younger students was in part the result of a realization that they had inadvertently limited their applicant pool by requiring several years work experience talented students who might otherwise have gone to business school instead opted for a law or policy degree because they were intimidated by the expectation of work experience the term voice and text are multi-faceted multi-faceted the terms the terms voice and text are multifaceted both have a wide range of possible meanings both have a wide range of possible meanings in everyday speech and academic usage you may encounter the two words used in a variety of ways in connection with different subjects and they won't always mean exactly the same thing the term voice and text are multifaceted both have a wide range of possible meanings in everyday speech and academic usage you may encounter two words used in a variety of ways in connection with different subjects and they won't always mean exactly the same thing so six read aloud so far earlier we used to have around 37 38 questions here so describe image and later lecture has gone down the majority of early pictures in the gallery scare are by unknown artists and fundamental questions such as when where and why they were painted still remain to be answered through the application of scientific methods this project has the potential to unlock key evidence that will allow us to determine determined answers to these questions the majority of early pictures in the gallery's care are by unknown artists and fundamental questions such as when where and why they were painted still remain to be answered through the application of scientific methods this project has the potential to unlock key evidence that will allow us to determine answers to these questions the united states has the largest chocolate manufacturing industry the united states has the largest chocolate manufacturing industry the bus ride out in front will take you to the station the bus right there in the front will take you to the station there will be no classes scheduled during exam week there will be no classes scheduled during exam week just wait a minute i'll be with you shortly just wait a minute i'll be there with you shortly there is only one conclusion to this line of thought there is only one conclusion to this line of thought you should inquire about direct deposit you should inquire about direct deposit we'll study the following two pictures in the next lecture we will study the following two pictures in the next lecture please pass these handouts along to the rest of the people in your row please pass these handouts along to the rest of the people in europe the first step was to establish a baseline of known distance the first step was to establish a baseline of known distance a renowned economist is slated to speak this evening at age a renowned economist is ready to speak this evening at eight when demand for the course rose university authorities took on additional academic staff when demand for the course rose universities authorities took on additional academic stuff all right image that's easy the image gives information about great britain or i'll say the image gives information about journeys purpose journeys it is a very beautiful image and i have to speak for 40 seconds about this image there are different elements in the image which are 500 600 and 700. the image gives information about journeys it is a very beautiful image and i have to speak for 40 seconds about this image there are different elements in the image which are 700 600 and 500 i can see walk car and bus i can see coach rail and 1995 i can see 97 6 and other modes one of the element is maximum the other one is minimum to conclude the image is very informative my image gives information about switzerland i can see switzerland languages in german i can see italian french and german i can see map blue and green i can see top bottom and left i can see orange blue and green i can see north south and east that's it i don't have anything else the image gives information about languages i can see languages fizzy land and german i can see german french and italian i can see red blue and green i can see top bottom and left i can see north south and east i can see 10 20 30 i can see switzerland languages in german i can see german italian and french one of the element is maximum the other one is minimum to conclude the image is very informative the image gives information about um age volunteer is difficult for me to speak i'll just say h image gives information about age i can see age males and females i can see age group in years i can see 25 35 and 45 i can see 10 20 30. the image gives us information about age it is a very beautiful image and i have to speak for 40 seconds about this image there are different elements in the image which are age group and years i can see rate age and males i can see males females and 30 i can say 10 20 30 i can see 30 40 50. i can see 25 35 45 one of the element is maximum the other one is minimum to conclude the image is very informative image gives information about america what has happened in latin america as a result of globalization well they have had now more than a decade of what is called reform a decade of globalization and throughout the continent people are asking questions like has reform failed us has globalization failed us because clearly things have not worked out the way they were told they ought to just to give you a picture they were told that reform would lead to faster economic growth after a decade what are the numbers in fact recent growth is far slower than it was in the 50s 60s and 70s before reform that is not a very inspiring success story even in the beginning part of the 90s growth was still below what it was in the 50s 60s and 70s but the growth it got in the beginning of the period was not sustainable and it was not sustained throughout the region poverty as measured on the two dollar a day standard as a percentage of the population was actually up i thought it was an image you all have to be very careful about this latin america was the main topic of the lecture she told about latin america reform and globalization she talked about reform field and reform she talked about things not worked out picture and economic growth she told about what numbers 50s and 60s she talked about before reform growth below and not sustainable she told what population poverty in latin america she told about reform globalization and latin america she talked about growth rate period in 1960 she told about 1980 1980 2000 she told about 82 percent nine percent and four percent to conclude the lecture was very informative so let me begin with the notion of a dimension the dimension is simply how many numbers that you need to specify a location so if we think about the surface of the earth the equator is one dimensional you need to specify only one number to specify a location on the equator namely the longitudes the surface of the earth altogether is of course two-dimensional you need to specify two numbers the latitude and longitude to specify a location on the earth the space above the earth is three-dimensional if i want to tell you the location of a hang glider i need to give you the latitude longitude and altitude but mathematically there's no reason to stop at three dimensions a four-dimensional space is simply a space in which you need to specify four numbers to specify a location in that space a five-dimensional space would be one in which you need to specify five numbers etc in fact i claim you already know an example of a four-dimensional space so let's define an event just to be an occurrence that happens in a small region of space at a definite time in other words an event is like a snap of your fingers or a clap of your hands and now the collection of all events if i want to specify an event i need to give you four numbers i need to tell you where it happens in space and when it happens in time all right um dimension dimension was the main topic of the lecture she told about dimension numbers and specified location he told about equator one dimensional and longitude he told about surface of earth two numbers and specify location he told about three dimensional altitude and mathematics he told about four dimensional specified location and five numbers he told about event occurrence that happens and snap at your fingers he told what collections and phone numbers he told what where in space and when in time he told about dimension number need to specify location he told about latitude altitude and time to conclude the lecture was very informative that's it what building on campus can you borrow books from library library in which academic field do people study things that happened in the past history what do you call a person who is receiving care in a hospital patient a jar contains eight black marbles and two white marbles if i select one marble at random what color is it most likely to be black agriculture refers to the production of food and goods through what activity farming what part of a guitar do you strum with your fingers guitar chord what official document protects the creator's rights to his or her invention copyright copyright alright so speaking's done we'll move on to um summarize written text um i don't really want to put in effort i have told you in the video that you just need to copy paste three to four sentences i'll just start with this sentence in exam you won't be able to copy this you need to type it so tim burns lee may be a mild-mannered academic police modestly in boston but as the inventor of the world wide web he's also a revolutionary comma and [Music] this is important galileo william isaac newton we won't capitalize it then we have got furthermore we are on 56 words so we don't have to exceed the word limit as well will go it even grab this and just copy paste this all right since the web has gone global 76 words i'm going more than the world limit i'll just cut something off for the most important club the way we shop just say let's take this off that's it so we have joined three to four sentences three sentences i guess using connectors now i'll change a few words if you easily can let's do this founder changed this will be capital because it's capital in the middle of the sentence or um next to this structure 13 months lee may be madman academically is modestly but they're the founders along with galileo that's it so we've got one summary one essay um it is often what i'll do is i'll just copy paste the template i don't want to waste time typing it as i've always told you you don't have to worry too much about the ideas or the accuracy when it comes to your essay in writing okay it is often said that people's lives are defined by the place where they grow up choose a successful person and discuss how that person's accomplishments were not influenced by the place so my ideas are that he'll get the facilities he'll get environment um he'll be motivated he'll get right direction on the other hand it depends on yourself that what you want to achieve in life that's it people's lives are defined by the place where they grew up has become an integral part i'll just write something else here to cover all the keywords foreign hey okay my opinion people where they grew up okay i don't know i know it's not making a lot of sense but you don't have to make sense so availability upper facilities and access to resources will help one to achieve more in life and be successful according to the research conducted by western sydney university more than 90 percent of the successful people admit that their birth place played an important role in their success okay they have asked us to mention a person as well more than 90 percent of successful people including virat kohli let's say secondly what other advantage a um environment when a person grows up will help him to focus and take the right career path secondly a positive environment when a person grows up will help him to focus and take the right career path leading to his success another and critically point out that now i have to talk about the other side disadvantages of the place is that it completely depends on an individual individual individual what he wants to achieve accomplish is a better word determination anything can be is possible reveals that [Music] more than half of the um [Music] billionaires were born in a poor family to conclude even when there's a lot of gay marriage associated with the with the fact that people's lives are defined by the place they grew up and accomplishment accomplishments accomplish you just changed that's it i'm done i'll just proof it i know a few things don't really make a lot of sense but you don't have to make sense you just have to play with the keywords it's a machine i love playing with machines people slide in the place of the group has become an integral part of the rising debate while the problems of the argument are in favor however the opponents are completely against the relevance of the topic in my opinion place where people grow up and friends of their eye has more positive impact to go into their number of arguments in favor of my belief yeah you just need to be very careful when uh um you just need to be very careful when it comes to your what we call it spellings and that's it i'll just finish 292 words um yeah let's go on there probably few spelling errors but yes i'm done we'll now move on to reading um um the best part is you are more likely to only get one essay so that's better you help you'll have to type less let's move on all right so we have got 15 questions 32 minutes in the official guide line psn told us 30 minutes at max but they have given us 32 minutes i don't know why but yes that's that is what it is so we've got 32 minutes let's do it um i'll just note down the options just to be double shot what i always do is i'll also recommend you is let's say you are looking at four options right what we do is we look at this look at this look at this look at this and then we look at all of these again what i do is i write down one two three four in my notepad if i know one is not the right option i'll just take it off i'll cross it so that i don't look at it again at the local level demanding at the local level demanding funding for repairs and improvement to audit transit infrastructure so i've been planning this they're talking about noise pollution here right kind of so what will urban planning approach will they will kind of take off vanishing disposing eliminating is the right answer because you will plan to eliminate something right eliminate the pollution giving it to bicycle people our green space improving expanding and properly funding public transit removes cars from the road both reducing the sound see i'll i'll um request all of you if you want to actually learn something from it as i'm solving the reading thing try to swallow along with me you'll get to know what difficulty level you'll get and you need to make sure you post your answers in the comment section as well improving expanding and properly funding public transport removes cars from the road both reducing the sound they dash they generate they produce okay they produce they have produced no will produce this future they produce and replacing the talking about something which happens right quite options like trams high speed light rails in architecture power sticks plays a great uh role in all structures greater role is of a location from indian apartment buildings to grandest art museums noise control should be of consideration from the very first planning stage and that's done tackled on better than later after and they're saying that it should be done beforehand rather than doing it afterwards rather than we are comparing the two scenarios so eliminating produce rule and rather you have to time yourself please don't take more than two minutes i have taken a lot of time here the world's atmosphere is forever on the movement is wind is air in motion sometimes air moves slowly giving a gentle breeze at other times it moves rapidly creating gills and hurricanes dash are fears all fears means you have to use a synonym of fears here something strong yeah gentle or fears no or or and is synonym or will be opposite word will always start in the same way so gentle or fierce means either it's less or it's strong it will always start in the same way after the sun moves through the sky it heats up some parts of the sea and land more than others so some parts are more than the air above these hot spots because it is bombed comes lighter elsewhere cool air sinks so this one is lighter and this is rising so light is warm is light and it rises cool will be opposite right heavier winds flow because air squeezed out by sinking colder air is sucked in under rising almost winds will blow whenever there is a dash in air temperature high to low conflict difficulty there will be difference in temperature not difficult in temperature some winds glow in one place and have a local name france michel north americas other parts of a huge circulation pattern that sends winds over the over the globe over the all globe over the main there's nothing main globe over the large there's nothing large global entire globe so gentle hot heavier difference and entire yep it seems we live in a bizarre universe one of the greatest mysteries in the whole science is the prospect that 75 of the universe is made up from a mysterious known as dark energy matter atomic matter matter is fine but matter is used for something which is defined but we we're talking about mysterious right universe will be made up of matter or substance not stuff not fabric substance i guess um since a further 21 percent of the universe is made up from any invisible cold dark matter that can only be dash b means e d form through its gravitational effects the water atomic matter making of the resistance monitored or spotted won't be the right answer either detected or observed observe is something which you can see right but you won't be able to see something with gravitational effects detected these dash these should go with plural s word orders these innovations no not innovations sightings something which we have seen implications we don't have any implications or discoveries because they have figured out something here requires a shift in a perception as great as made after so this person has found out something right but now we need to change what we used to think earlier so when this person found out something surprise admission won't be the right answer disclosure is something which is not meant to be told but has been told and revelation means something which has been revealed right which has been told this sounds better to me this lecture will start by reviewing the history of dark i'm taking a lot of time i have to rush up and this lecture will dash the current evidence we'll overlook we'll discuss will this lecture won't disperse won't recommend lexical summaries here let's move on the prospect of learning something from history to what is what makes sociologists pick it is through dash systematic understanding it is through it is through developed development developing a systematic understanding of foreign can exercise control should should his compulsion will is future buddhist future again can the founding thinkers of sociology who dashed to prominence who rose to prominence who came to prominence bent is passed came to prominence is right for location during the development of what we are pleased to call modernity thought so reading we have to manage time please guys um in the exam as well i don't think you're going to get 32 minutes you'll you're going to get 30 minutes and it's it's not difficult but it's not easy as well so you have to be very careful this relationship is an intimate one because it because it is dash with the social change that such a discipline such as it is just with just because simply with only with also it is also known it is only with right only where do we use the word only it is only with the this is this because it is only the social change that a discipline could exist it is so something is existing right only because of something not also not simply only our sense of cinema as a site of commercial entertainment can be tracked back to a limitless brother in december 19 1895 the dash of fee paying public in paris so a public has paid money to sit and watch images on a screen so they're not connected discovered committed attracted means they have attracted the customers the commercial pandora's pandora's box they opened was to blossom in a few years into a world cinema the commercial pandora's box they opened was to blossom in world cinema cinema club cinema industries cinema activity fast from cinema industry right world industry and and it's speak the fantastical hollywood yet in 30 years in which this miraculous construction was accomplished audience rarely dash difference only watch them so they're only watching it had listened no i had a listen had a listen is out of the way listen is out of the way as well had listened had to listen in these 30 years right so we are talking about these hence the early decades of cinema were characterized by the title silent dash there were a lot of noise there's a comma here so kind of a connector on the contrary on the contrary on the contrary is opposite hence hence after hands you want won't use on the contrary right and after hands you won't use furthermore further more is in explanation to something else be hence besides is apart from this this was silent and there's a lot of noise so we won't use besides because we talk about the same thing in fact there was a lot of noise even so in fact even so the absence of human voice and dash what what what is there in the there is no conversation conversation human voice conversation a movie won't communicate with you right won't interact with you and speaking make the dialogue human voice and dialogue in the movie this is a bit confusing on attracted industry okay i don't want to spend too much time here this one then move on oh i got another one that's it don't worry about it after a crash he can sell this this one i've done before this one's repeated um during his tenure on the mail route no this one after finishing first in the inspired training lindbergh took his first job as the chief pilot of an airmail route this person's name he this guy flew the plane to springfield and till chicago during his tenure and after a crash this one i've done you can get something repeated in the exam you may not get something repeated as well they will not be the first sentence oh my god um we have got two second preorder some examples they because these this will be the first sentence for sure now embryonic stem cells are valued by scientists because the cells descendant can turn into any other sort of body cell uh see this one won't go here because we have only one advantage here right that they can turn into any sort of body cell and this one says these medical applications so we only have one application and this is plural so this won't go here some exam they might be used for treatments and these are the diseases right so this will go here they are cells they can be used for treatments for diseases that require replacement of particular loss cell type and then this which diseases and this one so these are cells they can be used for diseases these are the diseases and these medical applications i think so here oh i got another three reorders man it's difficult reorders are sometimes you know very confusing and then i'm running out of time as well in language learning all in the knowledge and all analogy can be made now this cannot be the host because they're comparing something right knowing the high record is not the same as driving we don't know what a highway code is separate from what he or she he or she we don't know he or she in actual driving however however is contradicting this one will be the right answer in language learning there is a distinction between competence and performance competence is a state of the speaker's minds what he or she knows okay he or she he or she let's relate this right see high code and highway code they are going to go somewhere together somewhere so they are something related but they are not related with um something here we don't have anything about highways and all separate from actual performance what he or she actually does while producing and comprehending language in other words competency is put to use through performance so performance and competence and then how competence is put to use through performance knowing the see if i place this here it won't really relate right and analogy analogy analogy analogy can be made means a comparison can be made for this language learning can be compared with the highway code for driving drivers and they know the coach and have indeed been tested on it too just how you know you have to put your competence into use through performance to get your driver's license then we have got um in language learning there's a distinction that's fine competence and performance he or she knows then he or she actually does and then a comparison can be made to a driver who goes through a test to get the driver's license knowing the highway code is not the same as driving in actual driving however they have okay see um i think this is the right answer but at the last moment i'll change my answer because this one says there right they we don't have any plural over here we don't have any people over here but if we put it here there we have got drivers and that's it i'll do this and move on oh my god now we have got these ones huh studies of pine matins in scotland have shown that the diet varies the diet varies not literally not preference seasonally can go decision establish small mammals paris in late summer they're talking about seasons here you see it's knowledgeable that's the best thing with small mammals berries small birds being the main foods recent work in a plantation recent work in a plantation has shown that martin's dash their home ranges these birds i guess these are birds right birds are kind of animals something like that their home ranges in areas dominated by forest and dash shops let's fill this one first what will go with shrub not lately not preference not decision dense shrubs with home ranges so they are building their home right recent work in a plantation has found that margins establish their home ranges with home ranges martens utilize areas of grassy vegetation within the forest which are typically associated with micro test walls for which a strong selective dash strong selective not lately preference can be the right answer strong selective decision where do we use the word decision decision decision decision no decision over something right over something so preference over something so seasonally establish dense and preference yeah see um in the exam as well you'll have a few things like this you won't be able to spend a lot of time you can't waste a lot of time you have to just go on um you know select the best shot because we have to be careful about this i have covered up the time because i knew one pre-order i didn't even spend 10 seconds on that but you have to be very careful because we can get something difficult afterwards right let's move on it sounds something it sounds something it sounds it sounds some like something out of a science fiction movie or 19 millions of honeybees millions of honeybees stash dying off their bodies never found scientists have dashed the phenomena have ediform right how many have united no scientists not have united the phenomena named the phenomena this is the name but they are not dash on the reason they are not happy they are not possibility they are not deliberating on the reason suddenly let's fill this afterwards theories are bound as to the dash of mars die off so a lot of bees have died so there's various theories which surround what is the cause of the mass die off ranging from unlikely cell phone affecting the bees to the more so ranging means going from this is unlikely means this is least possible to the more though still debated widespread pesticide use so this is this is of a higher possibility right possibility the more possibility to the more possibility see possibility word is fine but to the more possibility is not grammatically correct to the more possible is fine do we have possible we are plausible that is kind of probable right so this will go here it sounds like something out of a science fiction movie or a nightmare millions of honeybees possibility suddenly dying off suddenly dying off but they are not so scientists have named the mass die off of honeybees this but they are not dash on the reason so they are different theories means they are not together on the decision united means they're not together over here so suddenly named united cause and possible yeah that's the best thing i think as research the people they're saying that you can't see it okay let me zoom it for you then i think you're able to see it now as research has shown emotions are contagious and empaths are especially attached to other emotional energies emotions can spread contagious means something which can go from a person to another because they are so attuned to other they can get easily exhausted in crowds be drawn into codependent co-dependent you always use the word relationships codependent relationships exhaust themselves trying to solve other problems or burn out from too much caregiving yet empathy is also a gift that brings greater greater see understanding is a positive word right so something with um and means similar over to understanding not confusion not issues issues both negative words you will never say brings greater sensitive you'll see greater sensitivity and resistance is again kind of um stopping right so insight and understanding as research has shown emotions are contagious and empaths impacts our people right as especially dash to other emotional what will people be not confusion not issues not sensitive so sensitive relationships and insight so 13 of 15 is done the people of alaska's european islands have long been acquired stumped to shipwrecks they have been part of local consciousness since the japanese villainship ran dash near the western end western and ship ran end of 100 miles volcanic dash in this one i think i've done before i don't remember it but yes i have seen this somewhere consciousness since a japanese villainship ran it vessel succeeded ground so ran aground means went off volcanic skull no working succeeded no subsequent vessel no this word um this i think means something island right volcanic island yes this wreck in advertently named one island yeah island see one island many i group of islands in one island rat island when the ships rodents dash ashore and made them not succeeded rodents right scurried up yeah that's fine i think so i'm a bit confused but this is what i think yeah see i've got a few things which i knew i didn't spend even a single second on mcqs and still then i'm running a bit short on time right you have to be extra careful now i've got five seven minutes left over here i'll say spend time because there's no point of not spending time the experiment in the passage is designed too varnikan and thomasello placed 48 toddlers in a room one at a time with a parent and an experimenter who sat at a table in the corner apparently doing an unrelated task like placing balls in a basket and clipping napkins together the experimenter pretended to accidentally the experimenter pretended um the experimenter pretended to accidentally drop one of the objects on the floor and reached for it while looking at the toddler waiting up to 30 seconds eight children refused to leave their parent trend didn't complete the task and 36 became reliable helpers returning the object five times so the experiment is not compared not distract yeah that's the one i think so we're done with reading um listening no break um remember this thing you need to get your headphones on i'm tired okay we have got summarize spoken text now we need to take notes [Music] it seems to me that architecture is very much something that causes us both pleasure and trouble i live in a part of west london where i feel that many of the streets uh where i live are really really ugly and this distresses me every time i walk to the supermarket or walk to the tube i think god why did they build that and the terrible problem with architecture is that it lasts so long you know if you write a bad book or do a bad play you know it'll have a short run and then be shelved and no one will suffer a bad building has a serious impact for could be hundreds of years on the people around it and so i suppose that the book arose a little bit from a kind of frustration almost anger that there was so much bad architecture around and then i realized that if you talk to architects and you say um why buildings not more beautiful they'll say how can you use such a word as beauty that's a really arrogant word um no one knows what's beautiful it's all in the eye of the beholder and i couldn't help but think that actually well you know we all tend to agree that you know rome is nicer than milton keynes and that uh you know san francisco has the edge over frankfurt and i thought well if we can make that sort of generalization surely there are some things we can say about why a building works and why it doesn't and so the book is really an attempt to to suggest um why architecture works when it does and what might be going wrong when it doesn't work but fast one um i'll copy the template for this one as well and then put in the keywords the one which i gave you in the video um yep we have enough content even if i don't want to type the template i'll just take this sentence off the main focus of the lecture was architecture the first crucial aspect revealed in the discourse was west london and it's ugly treats for the other another significant or not for the point let's say mentioned in the lecture was for the modern lecture was bad buildings impact for 100 hundreds of years additionally the lecture provided important information about beautiful is an arrogant word omar beauty is in the eye of the beholder yeah we are almost running out of boats to conclude the lecture suggested that buildings in rome frankfurt and san francisco and his school are beautiful now i've got i've gone more than 70 words the main focus of the lecture the architecture the first crucial aspect was just take this off irrelevant things i need to add as many keywords was west london and it's ugly streets furthermore another noteworthy point mentioned in the lecture okay you just take this off as well mentioned was the bad buildings impact for hundreds of years additionally the lecture also executed all i've got a few more keywords which i want to add architecture gives pleasure and trouble um but again i cannot go more than the word limit the likes are also expected bad books hundreds of year anger no more beautiful okay that's fine i don't have any option right what i'll do is i'll proofread and move on the main focus of the lecture was architecture the first first crucial aspect was west london west will not be capitalized because they're talking about west part of the london west london is not a city and it's ugly streets furthermore another note for the point mentioned was the bad buildings was that the bad buildings impact for hundreds of years or reasoning let's take this off information about building not buildings buildings the main focus of the lecture was architecture the first clue okay i'll just add one more keyword right here and architects r key x i want to add as many keywords that's what i want you to do the main focus of the lecture was architecture and architects the first crucial aspect was west london and its ugly streets furthermore another noteworthy point mentioned was that the bad buildings impact for hundreds of years additionally the lecture exhibited that beautiful is an arrogant world and beauty is in the eye of the beholder in conclusion the lecture suggested that buildings in rome frankfurt and san francisco are beautiful whenever you proofread proofread it backwards that will give you a better idea because um most of the students they don't get the score um most of the students don't get the score because what they do is they have a lot of spelling errors in summarized spoken text listening fill in the blanks and right from location another thing whenever you guys practice i have seen a lot of students in the lab as well they practice they have ten spelling errors they look at the spelling errors and move on even if you have a single typing or spelling error in listening in listening module you need to make sure you note each and everything down if you don't note it down you are just practicing you are not improving don't just practice to practice practice to improve so make sure whatever you have practiced all the students at life you i know you you've been taking a lot of mock tests you have i've got students who have taken 30 mock tests as well for listening go through all the mock tests note on all the spelling errors so that you don't repeat the same in the test spelling errors in listening is the key reason why students don't get the score i don't know if i've got a few spelling errors i don't think so but probably yes because when we proof it we don't read what's on the screen we read what we think or what we have written um beautiful our san francisco frankfurt room yeah let's move on all right only one sst again we have to write less so we've got mcqs in his book the man who mistook his wife for a hat and other clinical tales urologist oliver sacks relates the tale of a medical student who one day woke up and found that his sense of smell was so acute that like a dog he could walk around identifying people places and things by his sense of smell and what a wondrous experience it was like a visit to another world he said normally we humans don't have a sense of smell as acute as many other animals we tend to rely more on what we see or hear to tell us about the world still our sense of smell is powerful most of us can detect 10 000 different odors from cigar smoke to a chlorinated swimming pool from curry to a city sewer and think about how a particular odor can instantly conjure up past memories maybe it's fresh cut grass that makes you think of childhood summers or baking bread that reminds you of a special holiday i think yes this is the right answer for sure um i'll select this one as well let's move on let's select two this time um mcq multiple what do the students say about the current residence hello uh what can i do for you um we were hoping that you might be able to give us some advice about accommodation for next year where do you live at the moment um we're in one of the halls of residence oh is it okay yeah it's okay yeah but a few problems um it can get a bit noisy some night so hard to study yeah and also um the internet connection just keeps going down it's a real pain oh no that's not good is it so you want to move out um yeah uh possibly renters accommodation well it's very common most students do this in the second year it's far more private you know you get more independence well of course you know you have to pay for it it is more expensive isn't it generally yes but there's a range um also you may have to pay for services sort of on top of your rent like gas and electricity oh and the television license yeah but are still probably better on balance uh how do we go about that well here's a list of approved accommodation you contact the owner direct to arrange a viewing and any problems just come back to me right that's you're very helpful thank you so much see this is the right answer for sure they told that it's noisy and it's difficult to study there there's a problem with internet as well um this can be the right answer but i'm not too sure because it's very rare that you have three options which are correct yes it's noisy but they never said that noise from other residents disturbs them right and then if this is not the right answer they did not mention about this i think this rent is fine but the rent for next residence or the residence they're looking for will be so i'll just select these two and move on if you're confused select one i'll say listening blanks lead in time is the amount of time that elapses between a business placing an order with a supplier for more stock or raw materials and the delivery of the goods to the business businesses want the lead time to be as short as possible so that they can meet their customer orders and minimize the time between paying for the stock and receiving the revenue from the customer however this may not happen due to a number of factors such as delays in the supplier receiving the order or the breakdown of the suppliers lorries delivering the stock to the business materials yes make sure you note down as while the audio is going on that's very important customer orders and minimize minimize minimize materials minimize receiving the revenue the number of factors with s if you're not sure what else over here you can say you know figure out according to the sentence as well there are number of number of boys not boys or factors with us and suppliers lorries delivering d e l i v e r ing materials minimize revenue factors and delivering delivering spellings are correct i think i'm bad with spellings okay um yes i think yep let's move on the new south wales government has apologized for yesterday's transport chaos in and around sydney harbour during the visit of the queen mary ii and the queen elizabeth ii roads were jammed traffic ground to a halt while train and ferry services were swamped with thousands of additional passengers with most services delayed for hours premier maurice humer says that plans were put in place to deal with the congestion but the number of visitors well exceeded expectations on the harbour itself there seemed to be as much congestion as there was on the roads but everyone agreed it was an amazing spectacle what was the last one spectacle amazing spectacle means view right view spectacle i think apollo has apologized apo apollo apologized apollo apologized finn and ferry ferries f-e-r-r-y expected exceeded expectation expectations expect patience amazing spec see apologize very expectations and spectacles so two listening blanks all right correct summary i always prefer to take notes here [Music] so what is wildlife ecology well traditionally i guess going back to the 1800s and early 1900s wildlife ecology was really about the management it was really wildlife management and it was about managing species that had economic value or that people hunted so the the people that we consider to be the pioneers of wildlife ecology folks like aldo leopold really came about um at a time when it was all about management it was all about managed managing hunted species and that's still a part of wildlife ecology we can't really ignore that but today wildlife ecology has become so much more than simply managing hunted species and really today it's about studying the incredibly complex interactions between wildlife um and their species and and their community members or the other species with which which with they live but also trying to understand the impact of humans or the things that humans do the impact of human behavior on wildlife populations and communities trying to understand more about economic potential of wildlife in developing countries and developed countries it's about understanding wildlife disease understanding trying to understand wildlife invasions and wildlife extinctions and these are all things that we'll talk about okay these are difficult ones world of ecology is dynamic field that has grown from its beginning as a field primary focus on includes wildlife distinctions the economic potentials this can be the right answer see what i always do in highlight correct summaries i always eliminate the options so we have to manage time as well biology used to include human behavior as well as this now the field focusing done it used to focus on hunted species before as well so this is incorrect the field is in flux of two groups of ecologists one group wants to know this is incorrect the management of wildlife is one of the fundamental and although nowadays it has grown to many others however potential economic advantages of protecting especially in the a better understanding this or this um better understanding which one yeah i think this one yeah i don't want to waste a lot of time it can be confusing it could be an indication of efficiency but not necessarily effectiveness the royal commissioner in new south wales followed international um principles in recommending that wherever possible you disperse across a range of institutions those prisoners who are most difficult and and most aggressive now the reason for that was to avoid casting some people in such grim terms as to warrant very heavy and indeed previously brutal treatment of those people i think that principle is still applying in other countries i think it is still worth upholding here you see there is such a strong theatrical dimension to what we're discussing you create that institution you enable a premier a previous premier of new south wales to say we're cementing them in now the the social climate of the prison is a very fragile thing if people both display an attitude by that kind of incarceration and then proclaim that this is an acceptable way of doing things it brings to use an old australian expression the the the worms out of the the woodwork that that tension that disposition to treat prisoners in ways that are unhelpful to all of us is always lurking there so i i haven't seen it i would look very critically at it and i might have to change my mind but it's a general rule it's much better to disperse these prisoners so i think he was talking about dispersing the aggressive prisoners means um keeping them separately on maximum security presence because trenches smear to this type of heavily god um not talking about increasing the security of the prison they were talking about how to keep the criminals this is incorrect internationally the preference has been to strengthen this is fine when this this can be the right answer but this is this is correct the information is not wrong but this is not the main thing i think the speaker recommends that highly aggressive criminals should be placed together this is incorrect they have to disperse them and keep them separately while the speaker was originally proper and dog he changed after visiting presents he never went to other countries i think by setting up dedicated prisons for different types no they have to spread the aggressive criminal so this is incorrect this is incorrect this is incorrect b will be the right answer i guess yep let's not waste time what is this mcq single answer the attitude expressed towards political staffers [Music] i think there are too many people in the federal parliament ambiance at the moment who take themselves extraordinarily seriously and that's not just politicians it's a lot of the staff of police politicians the the ministerial advisor thing has grown out of proportion out of all proportion and you get these uh you see them in election times they're all strutting around in hugo boss suits talking on mobiles uh when a politician has seen on the television and all these staffers and so on they're very self-important people usually they all want to be politicians when they grow up so the last few things so that staffers are self-important people they want to uh become politicians and then what else they're busy not supportive obviously i don't think so tentative is certain no a low for this staying pool either of them this is difficult if you get something like this don't waste your time because half of the time our time will we'll waste your time understanding what these words actually mean i think so to stay in full is someone who is not that prompt to help i think you'll hear recording about local history we see it also in the area of local history i'm not an expert on local history but i have been struck when one goes to find out about the neighborhood in which one lives you know it's past and so on how much of that work has been done by amateurs non-university non-university university scientists no collectors colleagues university researchers internet-based humor and thirdly and maybe most importantly these are based on [Music] childish visual slapstick humor which i think tend to cross national borders much more easily than other types of humor a man slipping on a banana pill would be probably regarded as funny in many parts of the globe even if you don't know the man you don't know what language he speaks about he speaks you don't know his culture he will be probably regarded and funny so i believe that the popularity of these on the web may be connected to their uh so popularity of these may be connected to what the girl was talking about girl was talking about um uh um a purse person who fell off a banana peel will be considered funny in any culture despite the language you know right so on internet you can even if you don't speak the same language you have few things in common why because high stretch or no not caliber universal or global appeal can be the right answer because it is accepted universally or understood universally not individual felling off the banana pill is not something of an individual thing a minimal no this is the right answer i think because these and these are important but not the most important i won't waste time oh my god um we have got dictations left as well we are here to remind you of the most important eventual and believe it or not common sense parts we're here to remind you of the most important essential and believe it or not common sense parts of effective selling unfortunately common sense is not always common practice the basics of sales have been forgotten under a mountain of new ideas and information that were fed in books courses and sales conferences yep that's it i mean it saves so much time if you just enclose the page numbers for any quotes that you have written on i mean it saves so much time if you just include the page numbers for any quotes that you've written down everything have you been have you been doing that no i haven't actually um i've been keeping a note of of the books and obviously who wrote them and and their editors and things like that but no i haven't been keeping the actual page numbers right well just just from from my own experience when i when i was a postgrad i found that i just wasted so much time when i had to go back because because the thing is you will have to revise the work that you do and you can save so much time if you've actually got all the page numbers written down as well because it means you can go back to the exact quote that you found and and work on it there um educators experience i think so yes i've got everything correct so we probably have right from the questions after this one you have to be prepared i have to take notes um one two three four seven one one close writing additions experiments rewrite and just spend okay let's move on okay we've got first dictation many graduates of journalism get jobs in the communications field however this this stops my heart rate from rise from depression money graduates graduate graduate graduate graduates how do we write graduates backwards of journalism realism journalism get jobs in the community patience communications field communications field many graduates of many graduates of journalism get jobs in the communication field many graduates of journalism get jobs in the communications field oh my god observers waited nervously and with baited breath for the concert for the consort observers waited nervously and with baited breath for the concert um observers observe worse weighted nervous p and with baited breath for the concert observers gated nervously and with baited breath for the concert i think so yeah not bad ah also very nervous and with weighted breath yep let's move on last question rivers provide habitat and migration pathways for numerous aquatic species aquatic species rivers provide habitat habitats or habitat epithelium migration pathways for numerous aquatic species rivers um provide abby at and migration pathways for numerous aquatic foreign rivers provide habitat and migration pathways for numerous aquatic species rivers provide habitat and migration pathways for numerous aquatic uses that's it we are done still have a minute but we have to be very careful with the time management and listening that's one thing i've noted let's submit it let's hope for the best um i think i've got everything correct yeah yes submitted all right um we are done i think we are done so we are done with the mock test what i've noticed is what i have noticed what i think is it's not difficult templates are obviously going to work as far as i have researched i'm concerned i've you know been in touch with a few people who are closely you know following pt as well so templates are going to work plus it is not difficult but in listening you have to manage your time properly one good thing is you are less likely to have two essays so you'll have to type less you have only one summary one essay one summarize spoken text the good side is you have to type less the bad side is these four easily scoring tasks i mean in swt in sa sst you have got the templates you were not really supposed to do much in these ones now what i think where i will lose a few points i think my speaking will be fine my writing will be fine as well because my dictations went fine my listening blanks were fine my summary was fine right probably a few points in writing i'll get around 85 86 87 if i have got a few mistakes in reading writing blanks then listening i think i messed up a few repeat sentences one or two and listening mcqs highlight correct summary select missing words mcq single answers i wasn't 100 into these um means i'm not 100 sure because earlier we used to ignore it but i think it won't be that much because we have got less mcqs and all but their weightage will slightly go up so if you're aiming for it earlier i used to tell um all the students that don't worry about mcq single and multiple now also you know you shouldn't be too concerned about these but you should practice a few at least a few days before your test because um everything will be important you have less number of questions means any mistake you make will have a big impact slightly big or slightly um you know heavier impact on your scoring so these are few things what we'll do is we'll wait for the result and meanwhile i'll take your questions um just give me one second i'll just go get water we'll get the result in 10 minutes um if we do get in 10 minutes i'll show it to you otherwise i'll post in the comment section but i want to see now i'll just give me a second alrighty um so you've got a few questions you can post all your questions yes only three you will probably get three or you will get four so three to four are not more than that um when will the mock test will be available according to new pattern on our website a few mockers with new pattern are up we are adding them continuously we'll be working on them next week so they're around six seven uh market is available according to the new pattern and few will be out very soon um then we have got okay just give me one second i have taken date for 9th november feeling nervous nothing to be nervous about remember this thing um students to get 90 right now they will get 90 afterwards as well i always say don't panic don't let the changes impact you it's getting shorter it's getting easier you'll be home after two hours nothing to worry about just be positive um focus on what you can control certain examples are working sometimes after that yes so um one thing which i'll always recommend this is very important when you go and sit for the test ask them to provide you at least two markers and always place the lid on the marker because they dry out very soon and earlier students used to take new markers when they used to go for the break after reading module but now you'll not have any break so it's very important you take at least two markers in the beginning please then we've got um sir summarize spoken text will there be any issue if we copy and paste um we'll get my result very soon we'll get the result in 10 minutes i guess so we'll see if there's any issue or not then we have got so when can we take exam i mean before 16th or after sections if you are prepared go for before 16th if you're not prepared um i've got a few students who are just booking the exam again and again they're not prepared if you're not prepared taking the exam before 16th won't really get you the score you need to make sure you're prepared and then go for the exam doesn't matter before 16th or after 16th doesn't matter please doesn't matter um gulshan renewal best tutor thank you gulchin um i appreciate it um simran you can contact us you can contact one of the tutors if um if um you're facing problems contacting the tutors just um email me your query on varun language academy dot com dot a u will be fine um i'll try my best to help you don't worry about it the result of this test so it will be out in 10 to 15 minutes don't worry i'll show you the result i'm not running away anywhere if not if it's not out it can take up to two hours as well i'll post it in the comment section don't worry about it how many extra words can we add added right from dictation yes you can add a few words in right from dictation which section is more important read aloud repeat sentence describe image and write a lecture you will get less so you don't really need to worry much about them now um nothing much to do there reading blanks reading writing blanks extremely important right from dictation top then you have got listening glance and summarize spoken text will go a bit low now because earlier we used to get two to three now we have only got one or maybe sometimes two right um so summarize spoken text still important and then you highlight incorrect words and focus a bit on highlight correct summary as well rusty method do we have to prepare answer short questions um don't worry much about them just cover we keep on uploading videos on youtube answer short question october prediction september prediction just cover that particular latest video two days before your test you'll be fine don't worry about it navdeep um i've taken the test i'm not able to read seven each navdeep you can um email me your scorecard on i'll try to analyze and help you as much as i can but focus on read aloud 20 read-alouds every day 30 repeat sentences every day and then we have got um three describe image three read a lecture after that focus on 2020 reading blanks memorize the essay template to summarize spoken text 10 listening blanks 30 right from dictation um osman um summarize written text won't really give you a lot of points in reading just three to four points and then each and every mock test from speaking in reading you'll get different scores because the pattern the number of questions in each and every mock vary so let's say if you've got six read aloud in one mock test seven in other contribution from read aloud will vary so it's not that straightforward but yes summarize it index does contribute to your reading not a lot but somewhat yes um baba sagwal love from harana love from sydney i'm struggling in listening can you help me listening if you're struggling first of all focus on your um repeat sentences that's that's the most important part that is something i always tell all my students focus on repeat sentence you are not able to get hundred percent that's fine repeat 80 in a free and clear manner read a lecture see one thing especially in india right i've got a few students from not a few quite a lot now from india the problem with students in india is that they want to get knowledge from everywhere which is very good but you should follow which you personally think is right i've got a student who is actually prepared who if he goes for the test tomorrow he'll get the score for sure but he is listening to xyz he's listening to experts that each and everyone is fine i won't say that someone else will guide you in the wrong way but what i'll say is you shouldn't have conflicting or different information if you have three essay templates you'll be confused i won't say follow my template i'll say follow one and stick to it you have to stick with something which you have learned don't complicate things please don't complicate things that is one reason why a lot of students don't get the scope they want to get they want to follow this thing they want to follow this thing they want to follow this thing they want to follow everything you don't really need to do that you have to follow one and you have to stick with it follow anything no tutor in the world will want that his or her student um doesn't gets the score every tutor wants every academy every incident wants their students to get the best goal but you need to make sure that you follow anyone but follow them religiously please right you didn't use read aloud strategies in the mock test certainly i'll use it in the one which i'll upload on the portal if we stuck in blanks so we've got this comment read aloud and row repeat sentence is more important yes they are important because describe image data lecture have gone further down so their contribution will go up in your reading and you're listening and you're speaking as well we've got this comment um chopped up always i've got triple seven eight with language academy thank you to ample wish all the very best the result is not out yet as well it's been a while not out yet once it is out i'll just share my screen what i think what i'll be scoring is um i skipped the mcqs right and i think one of the reorder was bit tricky so around 83 84 in reading if i'm not wrong um yes one thing one thing one thing so do highlight correct summaries right i think uh messed up those highlight correct summaries so those are going to impact my reading plus listening a bit in summarize listening in highlight correct summary as well so this guy i'm always stuck below 65 and listening i don't understand which part of listening part i'm weak um probably in your clarity work on your clarity that will boost your listening clarity and repeats and tensor that's very important okay which english do we need to use american or british um you can follow either but you have to stick with one you cannot mix you can use american english uk english but you have to stick with one you cannot mix so can you do with mask yes i've done one mock test a few months back with mask on you can check that all right let me check if the result is out all right the result is out something similar to what i thought um yes masks are necessary especially in in sydney they are let me share my screen with you how much i have scored reading was difficult i told you all right all right all right all right okay give me one second um pt academic so that's the score 87 listening 82 reading 90 speaking 90 writing so means essay is fine summary is fine a few students were asking will this work but the most annoying part is we don't have the enabling skills this is really annoying this is really really annoying because it will make it difficult to analyze the scores but yes we'll find a way why reading and listening are low probably because we got two mcqs right i didn't even care about them so around two to three points there three points in mcqs for sure and then listening is 87 writing is 90. 90 means my right from dictations are perfect my listening blanks are perfect my summarized spoken text is perfect where we probably lost points in highlight correct summary in highlight correct summary um probably that impacted listening and reading both but yes it's not a bad score i could have done better but one thing which i think we have to focus equally on each and every task especially you have to manage your time in reading part speaking is fine 90 so what doubts you all had first out was summarize written text will that work it worked that's why i've got 90 in writing reading you have to manage your time you need to be careful with your reorders plus you need to make sure you focus a bit on if you can if you are well ahead of time if you know that you will be able to manage time focus a bit on mcqs if you are aiming for it if you're aiming for six or seven don't worry about them and then highlight correct summary as well please practice five every day because highlight correct summary um we have the number of questions in listening has gone down so the weightage of highlight correct somebody will be slightly more as compared to the previous one so you need to make sure that you focus on your speaking part that will boost your reading and listening plus reading blanks were difficult this time i found a few difficult being honest and you have to manage time that's that's one thing which will pressurize a few students but don't stress after 16th or before 16th students are going to get 90 as well i'm going to go for the test i'll show you what i score i'll try to do my best better than this but remember this thing students are going to get 90 as well you need to make sure you give your 120 um plus what we have got yes very important read aloud repeats intensity are important yes read aloud repeat sentences both are important extremely important you need to make sure you practice every day i'll give you a plan what if you're aiming for it what should you should be practicing so 20 read alouds 35 repeat sentences if you're not familiar with the template practice three describe images and three detail lectures answer short questions don't worry about it and then we have got summarized written text just to the way i have done it essay memorize the template 20 reading blanks 20 reading writing blanks 10 reorders mcqs i don't really want to practice um if you want you can practice five because if you try and solve mcq multiple answers as well right you'll waste time over the end then you'll mess up your reading blanks and then after that you have to practice to summarize spoken text 10 listening blanks 30 right from dictations five highlighting correct words and five highlight correct summaries as well so one addition please make sure you practice highlight correct summaries as well from now on because they're going to contribute in your reading and listening and we have to make sure we get a perfect 90. all right um this template can be used you can use in any um there are no details there are no enabling skills remember this thing you won't have enabling skills from 16th of november and then um you can use this template in any of the essay you don't really need to make sense out of it you don't really need to make sense in your essay so that's it from this video if you need any help if you need anything if you are in australia um you can contact us on this number you can visit our website to take a free mock test new mock test will be out very soon you can whatsapp us contact us call us and we'll be happy to help you if you're in india you can visit our challenger branch there's one more branch coming up in punjab i'll be announcing that in a few days you can guess where the branch is um you can leave down your name of your city in the comment section or you can contact whatsapp us on these numbers and then if you want to take free mock test if you want to practice use your computer and go on language all the doubts you have you can let me know in the comment section and if you found the video helpful please do like share and subscribe and do share it with your friends as well so that along with you they get their desires for as well if you think the videos was helpful do let me know in the comment section thank you all the very best and make sure you get 90 in your next attempt varun from language academy i'll see you very soon thank you guys zekemon you have got it right
Channel: Language Academy
Views: 38,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IKan61jGjVo
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Length: 115min 13sec (6913 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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