Repeat Sentence PTE Tips and Tricks

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man is this an english test or memory test as soon as the recording begins my mind goes blank and i feel so dumb and how should i practice repeat sentence sounds like you i know you've been waiting for this and i have all the answers about repeat sentence in my own little secret in this video hello to all my subscribers this is jimmy sam all the way from sydney australia your free pte tutor now for all the newcomers i plan to cover all my pte tips and tricks and some english tips along the way so welcome and join us if you haven't checked out read aloud reading and writing fill in the blanks right from dictation tips and tricks video you can also visit those videos as well i'll link it right here so let's dig into one of the most difficult and challenging part of pt repeat sentence so let me go through the basics first verified by pt official guidelines and mock tests now there is no doubt that repeat sentence heavily impacts speaking and listening in pte and i'll get to the details later in another video you get a three second preparation time then you listen to the audio sentence and then you repeat it as you hear it with your own voice the question length vary from three seconds to as long as 9 seconds long you do get 15 seconds to answer the question but there is a three second micro where if you don't say anything for three seconds the mic cuts off automatically in a single test you will get between 10 to 12 repeat sentence questions depending on the length of the sentences some youtubers get this wrong but there is no beep sound in the beginning of the audio so you have to pay attention to the screen timer at all time there is a one second wait time before you start recording your voice so don't start immediately after the audio finishes wait one second before you start speaking into the microphone now i have those basic informations out of the way let's get into the tips and tricks now these are the repeat sentence tips from pt official textbooks and i'm going to say something big here doing everything that pearson pte textbook tells you to do can make this test actually harder than it actually is if you were to do pt without these tips and tricks or any tips and tricks you would have to be really good in english to get 90 in everything and i bet even the people with english speaking background wouldn't be able to get 19 everything in their first attempt so that's why i don't follow all the tips and instructions from pearson because they're mostly general english tips not pte tips and tricks which means i agree with some of the tips but i don't agree with others just think about it they would hate for you to know all the tips and tricks wouldn't they so let me go through the tips one by one and tell you what i think firstly scoring system there's no doubt it clearly says in the guidelines that in order to get the full three points in content in repeat sentence you have to get hundred percent right all the words correct and anything below that between fifty percent and hundred percent two points and below half fifty percent you get one point and if you didn't get anything you'll get zero in content i find this a bit interesting though because when i tested these out in the official pt mock exam i didn't get everything correct i didn't get all the words correct and i still got 90 in repeat sentence i don't have a photographic memory i get about 85-90 of the content right and i can still achieve 19 speaking so there is no need to be perfect there's no need to panic either you don't have to get everything correct some of the youtube tutors out there say that in order to get 100 in content you have to get above 75 which can be true i think i don't think you have to get 100 content correct in order to score 19 speed now i want to stress my importance on pronunciation and fluency and i know that everyone knows about this fluency and pronunciation about five points each which are greater than content which is only three points so the fluency pronunciations are more important than content so how you speak contributes more to the score than what you say most people know this already next try to follow what the audio sounds like try to mimic their pattern of voice their stresses and their tone and i'll show you what i mean the meeting is always on the third wednesday of the month the meeting is always on the third wednesday of the month now their next tip is pay attention to grammar when speaking now i don't agree with this now when you're doing this you don't have time to think about grammar and i said this before if you were that good in grammar you wouldn't be doing pt you'll be doing ielts wouldn't you now the next tip is the tip about word stress and sentence stress which i agree uh it is very important and it's very true and i tested this out with the official mock exam and i'll show you later in another video my message is yes word stress and sentence stressors are important now the next one is very obvious don't mumble don't repeat yourself or self-correct and i've mentioned this already in read aloud and in repeat sentence the same goes so which means if you make a mistake don't stop just keep going and this will be very difficult at first because your your natural instinct is to correct yourself when you make a mistake and that's why you have to practice not correcting yourself while you're practicing now it seems that most people out there say that accent does not matter i think it matters a little bit now when you book the exam you choose the language that you speak at home which will be your mother tongue and the most tutors out there believe that this will affect the student's score it is fair to say this it's quite reasonable i understand why they're saying this considering that a lot of the indian speakers out there get 19 speaking and they don't sound like british or american or australian so it doesn't seem to affect certain ethnic backgrounds especially indians however for koreans this is not always the case when i help and correct korean students with their korean accent they seem to improve their speaking scores drastically and i think this is because it will be quite difficult for the computer to pick up the differences between accent and the lack of fluency so in terms of accent i think it depends on the language that you speak the next tip given by pearson is to understand the sentence not memorize of course they'll say this of course they don't want you to memorize the questions of course they want you to practice and understand the sentence so i partially agree with this now the reason why i only partially agree with this is because they pearson is in a position where they have to pick out they have to categorize people who are good in english from those who are not while it is true if you understand the sentence you can memorize and stay in your head for longer this is very difficult for the people who speak english as a second language and pearson didn't make repeat sentence as a memory test they did their research they did their study according to the former president of pearson alistair van moore they believe that a sentence longer than five words require understanding and it is no longer a memory dependent but understanding the question in a short frame of time is very hard now the vast majority of pte students including most korean students that i teach speak english as a second language so this can be a problem so i have put the translations in my repeat sentence practice videos to help better understand the questions for them i can't speak any other languages so sorry for all the people who speak other languages as a foreigner understanding all the repeat sentence questions can be demanding so you should focus on familiarizing with the questions by understanding them and practice consistently based on that think about it of course pearson doesn't want you to memorize all the questions that will go against their purpose but we have to figure out a way to get a high score no matter what don't we next tip given by pearson is to listen to the sentence in groups dividing the sentence into several parts i agree with this so i made a practice video that does this for you and help you practice easier and familiarize faster i'll talk more about this in how to practice repeat sentence later in this video [Music] so now let's go through some of my secret tips on how you should practice repeat sentence number one be careful with the s sounds pay special attention to whether the noun is a singular or plural for example the rules on breaks and lunch hours vary from company to company the rules on breaks and lunch hours vary from company to company did you hear the s sound number two visualization when you practice questions understand them and use visualization skills to help you familiarize questions in long term even with the permit finding a parking spot on campus is still impossible so with this example i visualized the school the campus that i went to sydney uni and picture a parking spot there with a packed parking spot with full of cars there's no space to park now the tip here is that you have to visualize something that relates to you personally something personal not something random or an image that you found on google it has to be something that's related to you now the next tip is something that i want to stress and emphasize note taking now there are some debates on whether we should be note-taking writing down something as we hear as we listen to the audio and i think that the baby is half and half about 50 of the people say don't other 50 say yes you should so what do i think yes i think you should take it i do it myself as well but think about it if you listen to the people who say you shouldn't be taking notes and just focus on the audio without writing anything they are mostly from english-speaking background or born or and raised in an english-speaking country like myself i came here when i was very young and i understand why they're saying that me too at first it was very difficult for me to listen to the audio and write anything down it was actually easier for me to just focus on the audio and repeat what they were saying at first i think we have to be very careful here the reason why it was easy for me to just focus on the audio is because when i listen to it i automatically understand it it's because it's my preferred language but for the people who speak english as a second language this can be challenging so like i mentioned in the right from dictation video write about one or two first letters of the key words that you hear and this is going to help you a lot especially those long sentences now with the short sentences it might be easier for you to just repeat what they say without having to write down but get used to writing down the first one or two letters of the keywords but for the long sentences the mismatch between the intended and reported uses of the instrument becomes clear good luck recalling that now don't get me wrong i'm not telling you to write every word that i hear the audio is too fast for that write down instinctively quickly and for keywords only so i don't write down the initials for the prepositions or articles and i can guarantee you this is the stable way to get points in repeat sentence tip number four according to a german psychologist hermann ebbinghaus he figured out that the most efficient way to memorize things is to repeat it about four to five times but when you repeat it is very important he found that in order for you to most efficiently memorize anything is to repeat it right after you have learned 20 minutes later six hours later and come back after 24 hours and repeat it so here's what you can do to practice repeat sentence go to my channel jimmy sen find repeat sentence practice videos part a and here the sentences are divided into groups for you already and do a minimum of one round you can do more but minimum of one round one round is ten questions by the way and when you're finished set a timer at 20 minutes and come back after 20 minutes and complete the repeat sentence practice video part two this will only take few minutes after that set another timer at 6 hours and come back after 6 hours and complete the practice video part b again and finally set a timer at 24 hours and come back after 24 hours and repeat the practice questions part b again and test yourself and challenge yourself repeat this cycle for a month at least for example and you would be you would have familiarized yourself a minimum of 300 questions minimum trust your brain power and it will surprise you now not all of you but i know that most of you work and study at the same time so you need to find the most efficient way to study you can't be sitting around all day and studying if you are able to do that you're very lucky so i want you to study smart all the smart people study smart and they find their own little ways to stay efficient and stay smart to find the most efficient method to to get things done memorizing 500 rupee sentence 500 right from dictation 500 fill in the blank simply is impossible so i have no magic pills to sell it to you but i provide the most efficient way for you to practice and provide you with resources to make it easier for my students and you so why not press that like button and share it with your pte friends good luck i wish you all the best my name is jimmy sam and i'll see you in my next video you
Channel: PTE Jimmyssem 지미쌤 피티이
Views: 143,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: repeat sentence, PTE study, 피티이, PTE RS, pte speaking, repeat sentence pte, pte repeat sentence, pte tips and tricks, pte repeat sentence 2020, pte rs, pte repeat sentences, repeat sentence tips and tricks, pte repeat sentence tips and tricks, repeat sentence practice pte, repeat sentence pte tips and tricks, rs pte, pte repeat sentence tips, repeat sentence 2020, tips for repeat sentence in pte, tricks for repeat sentence in pte, pte speaking repeat sentence
Id: ohJ7bJEZgqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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