Turning the world to ICE - Baldur's Gate 3 Honour Mode

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B Gate 3 is host to a bunch of powerful Elemental spells and no we won't be casting any Fireballs today we'll be frosting and freezing our enemies to death doing upwards of 100 damage a spell to find out if it's possible to beat balers Gate 3 with ice only I'll be playing with the honor mode rule set though won't be playing in single save mode for my own sanity I will however only be doing cold damage with my spells for flavor reasons will want to be a dragon born draconic bloodline sorcerer the dark urge so happens to be one though I'll just play as his Tav little brother we grab the only spells that matter and our cold focused draconic ancestry our name galus which will become apparent soon if not already once again we find ourselves on the nautiloid and to escape we team up with our first Ally lasel Who rolls a natural one and falls off well we didn't need her anyways ice knife is plenty strong on its own doing 1 d10 piercing and 2d6 cold in a radius the only thing I'll gain from trying to fight zal is a headache so let's land and get the Run truly started the road ahead is full of perils brain freeze deadly snowmen and falling icicles to name a few but overcoming these obstacles we reach level two unlocking our metam magical potential twin spells our metam magic of choice doubling our potential damage sometimes since we can only twin certain spells ice knife is out that we can twin chromatic orb or our cantrip razor Frost I like razor Frost since we save a spell slot and the slow often helps this will be gaining damage as we level so it'll stay relevant I'm still mad at Withers from last run so not only won't I enter a stupid tomb I won't be talking to him all run the Aral Grove is next which is never too hard we attack the isolated ones freezing them in their tracks and leading them to a cold Icy grave our icy magic leaves them on thin ice quite literally freezing the blood in their veins well I guess the blood outside their veins they'll win this fight when the hell's freeze over now that the puns are out of my system let's start assembling the build Aaron here sells a staff that we calmly trade for the rain dancer lets us create water leaving water for us to freeze but more importantly making enemies wet being wet gives vulnerability to cold damage which is all we care about we'll be getting many powerful stabs but you'll notice me struggling not to use this one we need to get some semblance of a build so let's head to the and pass quickly we get level three just by entering and get our next metamagical choice Quicken spell letting us cast as a bonus action considering the sheer lack of action economy we have this is almost a necessity we also get a visit from our Dream visitor a nice beautiful half she doesn't have any loot for us so I don't care what she has to say back to the mountain pass lady Esther has three pieces of equipment that we want but we're kind of broke we do have enough to buy her potions so she can't use them during our neg negotiations now then our three items we get are the graceful cloth Parry up to wound closure and most importantly the Winter's clutches whenever we inflict cold damage we also inflict them with encrusted with frost giving disadvantage on their deck saves which is very useful when it comes to ice Rush these gloves we'll be wearing them all run now then it's time to say hi to my favorite gabbo Crusher luckily my favorite feature is still in the game we drink an elixir of strength so we can pick him up and use him as an improvised Weapon by traveling to a waypoint while we're carrying him he comes with us we kill Crusher In Cold Blood and get his cool ring giving us extra movement speed okay no more puns I promise I won't go over every level up but level four is a big one it nuts us a feat and Elemental adapt giving us more consistent damage and allowing us to bypass cold resistances very good for later now we head to the underd dark here our Quest lies in a waiting to assemble all three pieces of aend leg AR staff an ice staff and our first opponent that stands in our way is a spectator I recommend casting Darkness beforehand unless you want to lose your run luckily With It Up The Spectator doesn't suspect a thing this is where we'll be stationed all fight on its turn it'll unpetrify one of these stone statues to fight us but hitting them one time will remove its charm instead having them help in the fight we'll want to stay on top of this to keep up with the three actions of The Spectator after many ice spells thanks to our new gloves we're actually able to freeze The Spectator for a couple rounds and take him out easily from there our reward is not on The Spectator as You' expect instead on this corpse what we care about is the ice hel the first of three pieces to our staff the other two if you can believe it are guarded by even stronger enemies and we have no time to waste the first of two we need to gain entrance to the treasure room in the miked Colony by killing the dgar the second group of enemies we need to deal with are the hook Horrors which are by far my least favorite enemy they've got high Health pools at 97 High Mobility like really high you'd think this would be a long enough distance away and high damage we're going to be dealing with these guys one at a time otherwise we'll be in for a bad day we do manage to get one of them wet and with a crit we're already doing 28 damage with a can trip which trust me is nothing so far now then as before what we're looking for isn't on the big beast attacking us but this little guy over here he has the icy Crystal part two of three now for the dwar right above where we killed the hook hor is a nice outcropping that we can shoot the dwar from most can't even see us from up here but geek the one that we care about can blink up despite our best efforts we can't knock him back down with what we have but GE can't stand up to our icy barrage with the dwar dead we can return to the mikid camp and gain access to the last item we need some Icy metal interacting with the pieces lets us combine them forming them into the almighty morning Frost this staff is as good as we're going to get for the early game giving us additional cold damage and potentially inflicting chield chill gives enemies vulnerability to cold damage much like wet but if combined with wet it instantly freezes them all in all a great staff it's with these new tools that we Farm up killing everything we skipped over to get to level five now with level three spell slots we're powerful enough to take on Auntie ethyl we have enter her secret lair and gently persuade her door to open up for us I greatly recommend killing all but one of these masks as you'll see in a second most of them are fine to leave alive but just make sure the mask of servitude is dead we start off combat by making Auntie wet and she summons her mask Darlings to come help her of course three of them are dead so she just summons one now then watch this isn't it beautiful 92 two cold damage with a level three chromatic orb That's The Power of times four damage if we got super lucky we could have theoretically done 138 damage but this will do now despite what you might believe the fight isn't over yet our chances to hit are still low and honor mode doesn't help with that luckily we barely do enough damage with a well-placed ice knife and after cowering at Auntie's room for a turn she surrenders wait wait just a tick we ask nicely for her power and the girl and naturally we'll be putting our Boon into Charisma rounding it off at a nice 18 one well deserved long rest and ignored Withers later let's return to the mountain pass and to the gith Yankee Crush to get some remaining items upon sneaking past the guards and speaking with this gith we're summoned to the inquisitor's chambers and it's here where we'll completely ignore everything and loot the treasure in the back particularly we're looking for this necklace just giving us some more damage on our cantrips making Ray of frost even more potent now now for war war Gaz we kill him with our secret technique if you're familiar with barrelmancy this is an advanced form instead of smoke powder barrels we have water barrels unfortunately we don't have an AOE spell yet and where War Gaz on honor mode constantly creates these swords every turn our fire build would have had Fireball by now and our ice equivalent ice storm is a level four slot we can use something though but we need to farm up beforehand so for level six we won't actually take Next Level sorcerer but instead we'll divert for one wizard this gives us some extra spell slot generation but more importantly gives us access to learning spells meaning we can cast a spell I bet you haven't cast often Cliff of warding this like chromatic orb can be cast in various Elemental forms including cold this form does 5 to8 cold damage which is actually really good nearly as much as Fireball which is supposed to be overpowered the best part about it though is we can cast it ahead of time which will make more use use of an NE to what we can do for now though is round up a group make them wet and cast a glyph right on them now there's damage the enemy is on their turn watching awe this is all we want out of the first act now let's move to the shadow cursed lands of act two here presents us with the unique challenge without a light source we're inflicted with the shadow curse so don't forget to grab a torch like I did we carefully maneuver our way through the Shadows is finding a Wandering traveler and in the distance a large sphere of light this is the last Light in and inside are several pieces of equipment we want our icy mits on entering this place we're suspected of being an absolute spy though fellow absolute spy Marcus bails us out we'll have to thank him later now that we're in let's get provisioning firstly we get our first cloak the cloak of protection from quartermaster T and in this bedroom beneath a loose floorboard is the snowb burst ring which will have have a permanent home on our ring finger doing cold damage now leaves a ring of frost on the ground causing rough terrain for our foes making them either jump out or slip trying this is a good time to mention that I let near die by long resting too many times in order to get his boots the disintegrating night walkers for how our Battlegrounds are going to look now these are basically a necessity now then Marcus wants to kill Isabelle and despite being the dark ur's brother I'd rather not let that happen so we'll be trying to save her we'll be casting an inconspicuous magic circle on the ground for later and blocking off the entryways with Furniture so no enemies can enter we make Marcus wet and Trigger the dialogue we can hear Isabelle muffled through the sheer amount of stuff we put in the way and get this Ambush started the ambush of Marcus that is our magic circle chunked a good portion of his temporary hit points and our chromatic orbs chunk him for a large portion too Isabel barely holds her own for one round against Marcus but fortunately we can deal with him next turn now everyone else has been dying in the meantime to these Horrors so we'll have to help out else they kill Isabel unfortunately I forgot to block the inside of the room as well so Isabelle tries to help I decide to use my Scroll of ice storm in a feudal attempt to save Isabelle in time it's not enough and Isabelle dies promptly after the protective barrier surrounding this place Falls and Everyone Falls to the shadow Cur soon after well not my fault not my problem we promptly drink an invisibility potion and move on with our lives as disastrous as this scenario is all it really does is prove a minor inconvenience later we got our blessing from her so we can Venture into the darkness without a torch now if we want to go even deeper though we'll want to Ambush this Caravan fortunately for this encounter we don't need a fight at all our words are strong enough to convince him to give up his Lantern plus the added bonus of driving them into the Shadows if it is a Majesty's will but this Lantern we free the pixie trapped inside who gives us her blessing as thanks the shadow curse is no longer a threat sneaking our way past the toll keeper we make it to moonrise home of one Krick thorm one of the absolutes three chosen will need to kill we'll deal with him after dealing with AOA she'll be our best friend later we'll be stocking up on Scrolls and Potions here when we can we want to play along being an absolute cultist for now and that means working with sell who wants us to go to a forgotten Char temple in search of a powerful artifact and blah blah blah whatever give me Bard's room key this little Necromancer has a secret little room and to get in we rip the heart out of a corpse and jam it in the keyhole works every time why am I so antsy to get here our new hat a wizard isn't complete without one and we get the cold brim hat which gives us even more encrusted with frost this happens anytime we inflict a status including wet or even encrusted with frost itself plus it looks cool every spellcaster needs a cool wizard hat before we head out to our new Quest I want to be leveled up so I go looking for trouble here's some IE candy for all you numbers enjoyers this level just gives us some extra damage letting us add our Charisma modifier and we get an all important level four spell slot we still don't know ice storm though but the good old create water combo into W git still does good work we fight our way through the Shadows Landing ourselves in an abandoned Hospital which is concerningly not abandoned now is a good time any to show our full power we can make our enemies wet then cast Glyph of warding which only detonates on enemies and we haven't aggroed these ones yet so when we start combat with say an ice storm the best part about all this isn't even necessarily the damage but the ice we created this makes them move horrendously slow and occasionally slip and waste their whole turn which is really good for this fight since malice here's gimmick is based around his assistance walking over to him and giving him a powerful attack as the combat goes on only more and more of the arena is getting Frozen and we're safe thanks to n's Boots the ice build really is the best doing insane burst with setup and afterwards slowing freezing and frosting the enemies in the arena until nobody can move malice clearly wasn't all too happy I also killed a blob called fald I failed to record it though this icy week behind him should give you a good idea of how it went basically he wasn't able to move now there's one more boss I snuck past earlier gingo the toll collector we hop up on the roof gather them all up with minor illusion and cast an ice storm Gango has a massive Health pool but loses a large chunk every time a skull is defeated this makes the fight quite simple kill all the skulls and kill her dead also be careful fighting her when you're carrying money anyways our Quest Quest that's right the sh Temple looking for some artifact or something by some Stroke of Luck I didn't die on this puzzle for once it's actually embarrassing how many times this room fills with Darkness this whole place is filled of traps and enemies and frankly I have an artifact to steal so let's do this the easy way we only need to complete one puzzle in order to get to the end and we might as well do the same selft trial this trial someone's an exact copy of everyone in your party though in this case just me which is surprising to both of us and we spend turn one just in awe of each other this guy truly is an imposter though since he's opted for Fireball instead all of our gear is Frost focused so this guy's a chump completing this trial gives us one umbrell gem which is all we need to get to the end we only need one since we need to operate this lift I'd recommend saving before taking this elevator since it's been known to kill plenty in honor mode run we make it down safely and find a Contraption which needs three more Umble gems I Fain interest in cast knock on the door puzzle solved let's head down and get this Loot and we never killed Bazar The Necromancer we are sent to help which means he gets first dibs unless we going to fight him this is a path I've never done before though so let's see what happens at the bottom we find Bazar with a uh Woman This Is The Relic Thor spoke of yes it is and it's the source of his immortality balthazar's task was to bring it to moonrise towers and our task was to Aid him well you know where we're headed next back in Moonrise catrick Thor wants an audience with his good little cultist since apparently we got credit for Isabelle's abduction works for me let's get our reward we pray at the altar and accept the Absolut Embrace I uh don't particularly know about this anymore okay definitely don't know about this anymore luckily our prism comes to save us now unfortunately we get abducted and wake up in balthazar's egg sack it's from here we have to break out and fight our way to get to Krick inside here we're silenced but fortunately ice knife has the caveat of being castable while silenced now that we're free we run away not with the intention of letting him live though I just want to get the jump on him for a necromancer he sure doesn't like the cold too spells are all we need to delete him he's just the appetizer though things are about to get way worse heading down this lift it's time to deal with a maker and breaker of runs kri thorm along with a Merkel I always Advocate killing this mind flare first and yes I remembered my bottles of water with a crit we can one-hot him and move on to rescuing Krick Thor's Relic alen the Night song the nice part of this route is aen actually starts at full HP which helps us significantly let's be honest anyone that's done this fight knows that this isn't the hard part we can kill Krick easily enough but here's where it gets [Music] tricky Merkel usually does his turns like this gaze of dead on someone then call the damned if he can't swing at anyone if he can he'll instead tend to use a Reaper Scythe but will tend to fight him at range here's the real kicker Thor mode gives him a bonus gaze of dead as a reaction when getting hit to avoid a good portion of his attack I recommend either Darkness or fog Cloud to Blind him besides all of this there's one glaring issue Merkel has cold resistance that's not so bad you say we have elemental adupt and we can pierce it a wrong only our spells can Pierce him any spell Scrolls still get their damage reduced additionally this means if we make Merkle wet he doesn't get damage vulnerability but instead just loses his resistance honestly I can go 20 minutes in depth about how Merkel screws us at every angle but let's focus on our Triumph it's simple money I shopped at rowa stacking up on all the Scrolls we can carry from the underd dark we also got handy haste for flasks and I use both of them this fight this is no time to be stingy we can get as powerful as we need after but Merkel needs to die here one thing that'll let us turn the tide a bit are water and ice Elementals which both do cold damage all in all this fight is grueling this isn't even counting the fact that he's healing this whole time I'll spare you my torment as I write this script and look through the footage there truly is nothing good for me to talk about except the fact that it's over all in all I use two haste Spore flasks three kjra Elemental Scrolls three conjure minor Elemental Scrolls four Scrolls of ice storm two Scrolls of cone of cold and many many potions I need a cold shower ice cold we get level 9 giving us ice storm finally and another feat I'm just going to get the plus two Charisma no need to do anything fancy the worst is behind us let's get to act three and beat this thing we take take a well-deserved nap and prepare for the trk to Boulder's Gate ha you thought just as you've dealt with the hardest boss in the game it throws another curve ball I hope you enjoy evasion cuz I don't a good chunk of my ice spells are deck save based meaning they'll do no damage I hate this I hate this worse than volo's stupid dumb face at least we have Raya Frost there's hope for us yet I recommend saving all of your resources until this goal especially if you didn't long rest beforehand It's Not Over if you don't want to get one shot play some darkness before combat I can't quite tell through the darkness but I think it's our Dream visitor and we need to help them I am your ally they do seem a bit taller than before all of these brains have come to assist us making this a 6 V4 shouldn't be too hard okay a 2v4 jeez remember all these guys have evasion I didn't fortunately evasion can't save you from slipping on ice our best option in this fight is to distract the GI Yankee by hiding in darkness and letting the emperor deal with them all sure enough we can Whittle down the honor guard with relative ease despite the skewed battle and we best the last GI with the help of our summons as is tradition we eat this guy's tadpole giving us some better lied abilities really all I care about is flight since it's much more convenient than walking so B's gate am I right a place so nice they made it Thrice we've got three gos here kill Orin kill Gort and kill Raphael who's Raphael I don't know I haven't seen him all game but something in my blood wants him dead or and Gort are the other two prison bearers that we need to kill to beat the game there are some very important Mage items we'll be picking up first all located at the sorcerer Sundries in balers gate so let's get a move on as cool and cold themed as our hat is we can't say no to plus two to Charisma we'll of course stock up on Scrolls when we can now then it's time for the annual Looting of all the ran stuff we never got volo's eye so we can't see invisibility but there are invisible switches here and we can hit with spells or just use SE invisibility we luckily managed to get the robe and the staff and we'll be using both of them the staff gives us a spell called carisa's favor and the only variant we care about is Frost of dark winter this gives us some extra Frost in our attacks plus giving us free castings of KAC cold and ice storm the robes just give us some nice bonuses that I prefer over plus two to decks and this is all we'll need to take on the House of Hope we do want level 10 first though level five spells will be a big help you saw earlier but kic cold is one of the most powerful spells that we can cast dealing 8 d8 cold damage in a cone you steal this ritual bag from helli and head upstairs the ritual bag contains everything we need to make a portal the instructions are on the table but if you're anything like me I couldn't be bothered to read it there is nothing to gain by invading the devil's home and everything to be lost here in the House of Hope we'll be grabbing the orphic hammer if only to anger Raphael the orphic hammer will be necessary for the ending I want and to get it we'll need to firstly kill Raphael's self sesting succubi harap who has cold resistance but isn't really a problem we nearly wake him but fortunately he decides to go back to bed letting us carry on with waking him our own way with our new highle spell slots we're slowly reaching a point of devastating potential we are constantly using all of our best spell slots though there just so happens to be a long rest found here though so we can dump all of our spells to our heart's desire with the orphic hammer obtained we'll need to act fast if we want to get out of here fighting our way through his guard we make our way outside to this cave entrance all to save the namesake of the house hope 110 coold damage now there's a new record it doesn't do cold damage but I hope you'll appreciate the combo with shatter freezing an enemy gives vulnerability to thunder damage so it's a decent enough combo well anyway let's shatter these chains and free ourselves an ally actually the first of this run if you don't count my summons she'll be in the invisible corner so she doesn't actually help this fight and what fight is that you ask of of course it's against the Master of the House Raphael and I still have the orphic hammer on don't I don't worry I'll realize this embarrassingly late we really don't want to be standing in here so we'll be fighting everyone in the hallway with hope invisible all the enemies Rush towards our position and if this view isn't already creating a dopamine Rush maybe this will we just about live to see the next round and we get our revenge much like our fight with malice earlier our arena is slowly being coated in a layer of ice and after summoning a literal wall of ice Raphael and his demons can't move an inch while they struggle with that I'll summon a water Elemental to distract them and take a nice long deserved nap with our arsenal of highle cold spells renewed Rafael learns the true meaning of a cold day in hell and that it's today Cal down finally with love 11 we can pick up the conjuration wizard school to learn create water though if you're planning on doing this build with friends I highly recommend evocation instead now to restock and fight Orin not before a very important wardrobe update in order to find her we'll need to take the credit for a series of murders and what better way than to murder the murderer we claim our prize and head to the M tribunal unnecessary step to fighting Orin and it's here we're presented with a dilemma either we kill an innocent creature or fight Sak oh that's right dark urg's brother now that we're an assassin of ball we can head to the sewers with the entrance to the Ancient ballis Temple is we summon our boys and head right into combat and immediately get stunned on our next attempt our plan is to kill all the surrounding bists they all have sanctuary but as an ice sorcerer we have plenty of ways to do AOE damage nice and icy this is good since on honor mode we're cursed to kill an enemy each turn by ball plus Orin has Unstoppable 12 and the only way we're removing It Is by stopping the ritual which stops all the befor mentioned Buffs hooray achieving this took all of my spells so as we did to waph I'll Fly Away and take a nap afterwards this fight is no trouble at all the whole platform is made of ice and soon ore dissolves away becom one the ice blood to blood now how do we kill Gort I originally went in normally and it's pretty easy to do this way since there's a defective machine that gives him Elemental vulnerability each turn but there's not going to be another chance I'll be able to Showcase this so let's kill Gort with snowballs there's a spell called 's freezing sphere which we can cast in a portable variant this blows up after 10 turns and does all right damage we happen to stock up on eight Scrolls so let's cast them go invisible and find out what happens when we walk in at Cortes I'd recommend killing the steel Watcher first unlike what I did it fails to detect me though and I'm able to stand still for eight rounds and finish him off with our [ __ ] cone of cold [ __ ] come on with both of the chosen down our last obstacle to beating the game is killing the Elder brain we head to the morphic pool to end this thing we find the Elder brain has a evolved into another brain and we can't control it this time around we're actually able to roll well and get our natural 20 this will help us in the final fight but as you'll see it's unneeded we stole the oric hammer so we'd might as well use it to free orus son of lacka don't think I'll be becoming a mind flare though I'll leave that to orus the nether brain will be only too pleased to claim me even Even In My Darkest Hours I knew it was my destiny to save my people I could never have imagined this would be the way give card Tav Keem [Music] crashed cool so any whoers let's get a move on and during the Final Chapter Withers is mad we didn't talk to him all game and chastises our lack of allies we don't need them though since we've got cheese if you have the courage to do this fight at the end I envy you personally I invisibility past them we're at max level and full build anyways so there's no point personally what I've done before this combat is going invisible to avoid it but it seems the devs have fixed it damn you larryan Studios it's all right though since we have a back pocket Strat I've been saving by casting Fain death on yourself and going invisible after entering the arena with orus voila you may be confused since orus is still visible but let me Enlighten you we disabled all of their Ai No amount of attacking will trigger combat which uh does mean orus will be channeling forever but luckily we're bailed out since below the surface are some tentacles that can Ambush us and Trigger combat letting Orphus finish channeling and letting us gear up for our final encounter in honor mode after the nether brain takes damage they become immune to that damage source for a whole round fortunately for us we can do a million cold damage a round oh 122 is our new highest damage we use the second round to wait patiently for our opportunity to strike and come round three they never stood a chance res it's impossible pain so remember that in the dark urg's brother OPP my dagger isn't made of ice but I think this is one cold way to end a [Music] campaign together conquer rule command in my name
Channel: Pheeon
Views: 119,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BG3, BG3 Lonewolf, BG3 Tactician
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 59sec (1919 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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