I Died 30+ Times Beating the Hardest Baldur's Gate 3 Challenge

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balers Gate 3 is one of the best games when it comes to giving players options in approaching combat from a full party of four members two extremely powerful consumable items and elith powers and if all else fails there are a multitude of ways to cheese encounters but what if you didn't have any of those options what if you as a single character with no party members no consumables no elited powers and only honest term-based combat had to clear balers Gate's hardest difficulty surely it can't be that hard [Music] right most people after dying 36 times and losing hundreds of hours of game time might think to themselves maybe I should give up or at the very least change some of my restrictions but I am not most people instead I create the same character a wood War clerc for the 37th time and try again I Blitz through the nautiloid and begin my run how most playthroughs start out by escaping a crashing ship and waking up on a beach I escape a crashing ship wake up on a beach pick up everything that isn't bolted down and send a bunch of homeless people to my camp like the Good Samaritan that I am now most people in their solo runs probably avoid taking fights at level two because you are extremely weak but one of my rules is to not overlevel the encounters so I of course immediately get to fighting the introductory encounters first up the intellect devourers these guys are pretty strong but there's only three of them and so with a surprise attack opener I can easily mop these guys up similarly the next encounter on my list is the ruined Bandits and while the bandits outside are an easy combat thanks to the conveniently located cinder block the bandits inside the ruins are another story I fail the deception check to get into the ruins which causes all of the bandits to stand at attention watching the door so in order to get a better angle on the fight I Circle back outside and go through the hole in the floor this fight is extremely luck Reliant as it is a 6on one in close quarters the conveniently located oil barrel does do a decent amount of heavy lifting instantly taking that 6V one down to a 4v1 but the fight is far from over I Kut the remaining Bandits around utilizing the doors and Sanctuary to slowly Whittle away at the remaining health [Music] bars until I eventually emerge Victorious proceeding further into the ruins I disarm the skeletons before stealthily removing most of the scribes with the scribes gone all that's left is to engage the skeleton warrior in honorable combat and let the turnbas Montage do its [Music] thing [Music] [Music] literally not even Clos with the skeletons defeated I move on to the Grove defeat the Goblin Raiders and make my way inside I sell my collection of items and talk to various Grove residents before heading back out to continue my run I generally avoid picking difficult fights at level three as I intend on challenging the vast majority of the boss fights at level four so in preparation for those upcoming combats I pick off the Goblins Under The Grove pick up an important friend who will be helping out a lot later in this run and talk my way through the Goblins in the blighted [Music] village I then head towards walking's rest to save counselor Floric and to have the Waypoint available for later I head back down the Risen Road and clean up the newborn NS on the road but importantly I intentionally let the normal hyena escape and alert the other null group this will cause the group of nles to move down the road which will be useful for when I Circle back to defeat them later the N encounters are a little too much for my character at her current level but I still want to get the missing shipment inside the cave so I sneak around through the back entrance and steal the Box before making my escape and heading back to walking's rest I then go down to the zent Outpost and deliver the missing shipment to zerus this allows me to purchase the Titan string bow this bow is extremely powerful but seeing as unlocking its power would require me to use strength Elixir it will go into my Reserve items for the time being with all my business with the zent taken care of I strike a deal with the ogres to have them as an ally for later and kill a few more goblins in order to hit level four and now that I'm level four I'm ready to start taking on some of the major encounters starting with the NES but before I just start killing things let me actually explain the strategies I'll be using for the up upcoming series of encounters for my level four combats I'll be swapping between two builds composed of one level in war domain cleric and then either three levels in swords SP or three levels in Assassin these class setups allow me to deal the maximum possible damage at level four thanks to the double attack from slashing flourish rang or the guaranteed Critical Hits From assassin and with my class setup explained let's resume where we left off I use my surprise turn to immediately burst the null Hunters before using my wood elf's increased movement speed to outpace the melee NES and slowly Whittle them [Music] down after defeating the NES I swap to the swords bar build and go to the next encounter on my list the owl bear the owl bear has the first legendary action that I run into on this run and unfortunately for the owl bear she isn't going to get to demonstrate what it does [Music] with the owl bear down I take a quick visit to the goblin Camp to pick up a couple of useful items for my character before heading back to the Risen road to take on the false paladins of tier these guys can easily end your run if you let the Paladin close the gap on you or get held person so in hindsight I probably should have koed the Caster to avoid this risk but if it works it [Music] works continuing along I swap back to Assassin and go pay the NES a final visit I employ the same strategy as before one-shotting the hunters and giving the remaining NS the Runar around although I will say this time there were some [Music] complications good hands other than the fight getting reset actually got reset a few times I eventually defeat the noes with another fight checked off the list it's time to go down the well in the blighted village for the final major fight in this series of battles I make short work of the initial group of spiders before proceeding to the matriarch's chamber I preemptively clear the spider's eggs to avoid getting overwhelmed in combat and then take on the Queen the Spider Queen really likes standing on her webs making it very easy to continuously drop her for massive amounts of fall [Music] damage after defeating the spiders I quickly visit the under dark to grab failer aliv it and then set off for the swamp I take care of Ethel's red caps and possessed [Music] minions before skipping e for now because I'm pretty sure she'd fooled me at level four instead I go kill the meths and wods on the south side of the swamp these guys can get out of hand pretty quickly if you aren't careful but fortunately the Wess can't jump so I can ignore them until the end of the fight by jumping across the [Music] river I the letter and return to the Grove to expose kaga I explicitly don't try to convert her as I want to kill her for the item that she carries on her [Music] person this necklace is going to be a very useful damage additive in our run so it's important that we pick it up I then return to the goblin camp and pick off a few goblins in order to hit level five at level five I take the alert feet in order to outspeed Auntie Ethel who I'll be fighting next I free Marina and use volo's eye to reveal her which reminds me I got volo's eye surgery sometime in the combat Montage kind of forgot to mention that I then utilize all my damage increasing Buffs and deal as much damage to Ethel as I can I'm very careful not to deal too much damage though so that I can force s to surrender and receive the hag hair buff to increase my dexterity to 18 with Ethel down and my character now level five I've done most of the stuff I wanted to do on the surface so I return to the underd dark to continue my adventure there first up in the underd dark I take on The Spectator I make sure to Sanctuary myself before walking up to avoid being killed on the surprise turn I also utilize scratch to help break the Dr out from being Charmed [Music] after The Spectator I swap to full Battle Master fighter and take on the minur I make sure to avoid putting myself near Ledges so that I don't get gored off the [Music] map [Music] I then get ambushed by the buet although I don't think the buet knew who was really doing the ambushing in this [Music] situation before proceeding to the mikid Colony I speak to omum and then go to the Arcane Tower where I'll be acquiring a few more very powerful items for my build I invis pass the turret and read this book to avoid having to fight Bernard and receive The Guiding Light ring from him I additionally break this chair and acquire the club of Hill giant strength the missing piece I needed for the Titan string puzzle with this club in combination with the Titan string bow I can start dealing even more insane amounts of damage in combat I also go to the basement floor and pick up the staff of Arcane blessing a very powerful staff for Caster builds which while while I'll mostly be doing Marshall builds in this run there are a few fights where I'll be swapping to a Caster to make my life easier I return to Ellum to complete his quest and then recruit glut as a temporary companion I have glut Resurrect The bulette and I use the bulette to clear out the remainder of the underd [Music] dark with the under dark cleared I dispose of glut and then head back up to the surface to defeat the G yane Patrol I call the ogres I recruited earlier for help and while they tank for me I kill off the yane from the sidelines [Music] with the GI defeated the only thing left for me to do on the surface is to finally finish clearing out the goblin Camp so I head to the goblin prison and free hen quickly resp to wizard for a moment and introduce the courtyard to the power of Fireball and then isolate and eliminate each of the goblin leaders I do choose to knock out manthara so I can save her later and Jord Raglin kind of punted me off the rafters because I wasn't being as careful as I maybe should have been with the goblin leaders defeated I'm now fully done with everything on the surface so I return to the underdark and make my way to Grim Forge I avoid the boat fight since I'd rather not risk getting pushed into the lake and once in Groom Forge I strike a deal with elder rbar grab the smoke powder satchels and break near out of the caveen with near freed I side with Briar and play on the outskirts of the fight to avoid taking on any unnecessary [Music] risk once near is defeated I collect his head for the m iids have bthar free the Gnomes and recruit burkus to my Camp since he sells a very important item in act two that I need to get from him with me no longer being on a timer to save near I go around and clean up all the random fights around Grim Forge hitting level six in the process and with that it's now time to take on the final boss before I move on to the mountain pass Grim now while I could just sit up top and throw stuff down at him to kill him safely that's no fun at all so instead I'm going to fight him on ground level the strategy I have for beating him utilizes the forgehammer and a mechanic to this fight that I don't know if many people know about for my build I go one cleric and five eldrich Knight and will eldr Knight may seem like an odd Choice it is because for my strategy I need both access to Mage hand as well as action Surge and extra attack making eldrich Knight my only option I summon scratch and the Mage hand and have them both sneak at the edge of the Ring I also make sure to enter turnbas mode so my Mage hand doesn't time out I then pre-cast sanctuary and begin the fight I immediately jump across and place myself directly under the hand Hammer I'm very particular about where I stand as I'm trying to lure a grim into a specific location what I'm trying to do is maneuver Grim so he has one foot under the hammer and one foot in the lava this puts Grim in a position where he will be able to be both made superheated and slammed by the hammer in the same turn once I get Grim in position I stand between the lava valve and the hammer and utilize all of my actions as well as my Mage hand out of combat to repeatedly turn the lava valve and the hammer lever comboing grim and killing him in one turn with grim down I clean up the meths and claim my adamantine armor prize and now it's finally time to say farewell to both the underdark and the Wilderness as I proceed to the mountain pass in the mountain pass I immediately head to the monastery and take the back entrance into the crush I talk my way past the guards and do a bit of shopping with the quarter mistress before heading back out into the monastery for some Pest Control I clear out the various forms of fauna present all over the monastery before returning to the crush to begin the removal of the pests present there as well clearing the ganki does pose a little bit of risk as they are formidable opponents but as long as I am able to keep each group isolated from each other they aren't too difficult to deal with safely after hitting level seven while clearing I swap to one war cleric and six swords Ward and prepare to challenge The Inquisitor I make sure to go back up to the upper Monastery and receive the morning Lord's Radiance buff to amp my damage for this fight and now it's time for the actual fight this fight is one of the most difficult in the game since if left unchecked The Inquisitor can overwhelm you with his psionic swords and as such he needs to be eliminated first and as fast as possible there's just one problem with that idea the G Yan Parry this ability completely guts most Marshall builds damage especially because if you try to open the fight by attacking him he gets to Parry two times in a row back to back this is where everyone's favorite best boy in the Realms comes into play using scratch I can have him open the fight and surprise all the other gith besides The Inquisitor who has perfect Sentry The Inquisitor has an opening move on his first turn where he teleports up to his vantage point and links everyone in the room to raise his AC and thus he does not kill scratch and end the combat immediately I can now safely enter combat with all my actions intact I next have scratch walk up next to wargas and take an attack of opportunity this removes the inquisitor's reaction thus meaning he can now no longer Parry on this turn with his paries gone and all my actions intact I am now free to DPS check him and immediately take him [Music] down with wargas down I clean up the rest of the fight thus finishing off the crash on my way out I grab the blood of Leander and start making my way towards act two but not before meeting the final roadblock of Act One the death Shepherds because there are a lot of ads and the Shepherds can revive each other my current builds aren't going to do this fight very easily so it's time to swap off a marshall build temporarily and debut the first real Caster build of this run my Caster setups vary based on the combat but they usually contain some combination of two to five levels in Tempest cleric 3 to eight levels in storm sorcerer or 2 to seven levels of divination wizard for this particular fight I'll be going with two Tempest this cleric and five storms I use minor illusion to group the enemies up before free casting haste on myself and create water on the group of enemies this makes them all vulnerable to lightning damage this I can cast lightning bolt on them removing the entire group in one Fell Swoop now that the way is clear I bid Act One farewell and take my first steps into the shadow cursed lands the first thing I do in act two is of course go to acquire the moon lantern from carnice because there is a 0% chance I will be fiddling with trying to carry a light source for any amount of time I lightning bomb the Convoy before calling carnis over and giving him similar [Music] treatment with the lantern in hand I free Dolly and say goodbye to ever having to think about the shadow curse I make my way towards last light as it's time to acquire a bunch of new and Powerful [Music] gear I pick up the UN scale mail and evasive shoes to raise my AC a pair of gloves to increase my DPS output and most importantly the gloves of the automaton from barcus these gloves are going to prove absolutely pivotal for the remainder of the run as they give me a way to get guaranteed advantage on my attacks with my new equipment in hand it's time to do a few combats to test them out starting with the mean loocks these guys are deceptively difficult since they have a fear Aura in addition to all of their attacks having a chance to paralyze this means there's a very real chance of getting paralyzed and game overed by these guys but fortunately I managed to beat them without getting paralyzed and malt I next take on this group of Shadow Masti in order to receive a very nice ring after the Mastiffs I take out this group of trees who get a little too close to killing me for a random non-important encounter but it is what it [Music] is finally for this series of combats it's time to defend last Light and I really don't want to mess this one up because losing axes to the Traders here would be a major nuisance I barricade Isabelle's room in order to help keep her safe recast a bunch of Buffs including casting Sanctuary on her and begin The Siege defense I immediately blow up Marcus and then get to waiting to take my turn as all 200 NPCs involved slowly take theirs laran if you're listening to this please add some sort of speed up toggle in combat I beg of you waiting through these 50 NPC combats will be the death of me please anyways after I eventually defeat the ghouls I head to moonrise Towers eliminating some measles and saving Roland along the way at moonrise I pick up the Dr throw glaive another damage additive I can add to my weapon attacks by dropping my weapon on the floor and casting Elemental weapon on it after finishing my second round shopping I head back into riwin and go to the Mason's Guild dealing with the shadows and claiming my prize the helmet of Argan Acuity any experienced balers gate player can tell you exactly how useful this helmet is and I'm no exception this helmet is going to be extremely useful throughout my run though probably not in the way you would expect it to be but we'll get to that later for now it's back into wraith wi to start clearing out all the combats around town first up the toll housee lady whose name I don't know how to say this fight is pretty simple just be sure to remove any gold from your inventory before you challenge her so you don't get one shot and then she's honestly not very difficult to deal with I then cross the Town Square taking care of the group of Undead present there before heading on to the house of healing to deal with the next thorn taking on malice i instead of focusing him choose to focus all of the nurses first since the nurses carry a paralyzing poison that I would rather not have to deal with Alice does continuously revive the nurses but they can easily be put back down while keeping malice at a safe distance until I eventually defeat [Music] him after malice is down I head over towards the GI Yan Ambush and Ambush the ambushers I burst The Inquisitor and one of the Rangers and utilize fear to effectively nullify the Warriors after eliminating the gith I go to the last thorm and clear out his ads I don't kill him just yet as I currently lack the means to do so effectively so instead I leave to repair for one of the most annoying fights in this run the Howen portal defense first things first I pick up the dark fire short bow from Damon this isn't actually that relevant for this particular fight but I figured I'd mention it here since I did happen to buy it right before this fight I then Respec to a Caster build with two levels in Paladin one level in Wizard and five levels in cleric the cleric levels are to acquire Spirit Guardians an absolutely pivotal spell for this Strat I also used the wizard level to scribe some nice AOE spells like Fireball and ice storm I take the Dual wielder feet and equip failer Alo and the blood of Leander for the AOE Undead blind and Sunbeam as they are both very useful in this fight next up I build a barrier around the location where the archers Spawn from this will slow them down since they are by far the biggest threat to the portal then I pre-cast Spirit Guardians and begin the defense because of spirit Guardians I could ignore most of the Lesser enemies and instead Focus my attention on the bigger threats I also summon a spiritual weapon to draw some aggro and deal some additional damage I then spend the rest of the combat utilizing the many AOE spells in my Arsenal to clear away the undead and it really does come down to the wire but I do barely manage to keep the portal alive long enough to win the fight with the Portal fight over I go back to finish off visal slowly kiting him and whittling him down with spells and now it's time for stage one of clearing out moonrise Towers the prison break I start out with wiping out all the guards in the prison and to be honest these guards shouldn't be taken lightly since a lot of them are are paladins who can absolutely One-Shot you if you get unlucky or take them too lightly I then free the prisoners and head back out into the shadowlands to fight Oliver and complete how's Quest the Oliver fight is actually pretty risky since his legendary action creates pretty large areas of difficult terrain that deal non-negligible amounts of damage but I managed to keep my spirit Guardians up through the damage and pretty cleanly am able to clear the ads and successfully defeat Oliver after dealing with Oliver I go and take on the shadow cursed Mount now if this was after patch six I probably go into this fight with a more clear-cut strategy but because this is pre patch six I actually just Wing this fight and I still almost die here so don't disregard how strong this thing can be after defeating the mound I go back to the towers and save Menara I specifically avoided interacting with her until after I had completed hen's quest in order to avoid conflicts between the two of them you have a sa place to now it's time to start wrapping up back to and so I head to the gauntlet of sh dealing with the sh imp portals is not that hard and so I move to take out your gear I instantly delete your gear pretty easily and dis despite my haste concentration getting broken I actually managed to dodge pretty much all the attacks while lethargic and clean up the rest of the merun with your gear down I finish all of the Charing trials and then move to fight balazar since I'd much rather fight him here than in the shadow fell for the Bazar fight it's time for me to rebr up the help of Arcane Acuity if you look closely at the specific wording of battle Acuity you may notice that it says you just have to deal damage with the weapon to gain the Acuity not that you actually have to be in combat nor that you need to deal damage to a creature this means to prep for a fight as a Caster I can attack random objects to stack my Arcane Acuity before I actually enter combat allowing me to enter with full Arcane Acuity stacks utilizing the strategy I stack the Arcane Acuity to guarantee my spells will hit and use my lightning damage burst Strat to immediately make short work of Bazar with Bazar down I'm almost ready to enter the shadow fell but before I do I'm going to clear out moonrise Towers this is for two main reasons number one I really don't want to sit through the super long turns of 50 NPCs during the tower Siege and two I want to keep jira alive and keeping her alive in that Siege fight is really annoying so I get to isolating the various guards around Moonrise and slowly taking them out one by one with moonrise cleared I have one last stop before I enter the shadowfell I revisit the Town Square and enter the Charon Sanctuary to acquire the stat buff from these statues each of these statues give you a plus five to wisdom Charisma and intelligence respectively until your next long rest so I will be utilizing these for when I take on cther with everything prepared I enter the shadowfell free the Night song and then head to moonrise to confront cck when I get to cck I immediately take the difficult intimidation and deception checks to make cck surrender as passing these will be a very important step for defeating Merkel later on I burst cck with some help from Dame aen clear out the remaining ads and prepare to enter the mine flare Colony but before I enter it's time for another Respec into a build I made specifically for the Merkel fight Merkel is at least in my opinion the most difficult fight in the game for solo runs since it is the only fight where you don't have any way to escape should things go wrong wrong this fight is also of course even more difficult for me given my many restrictions but I came up with a strategy that I am very confident is so good it would still succeed just as hard even if I had fought Merkel post patch six so what is this build first off I take three levels an assassin now when most people think of assassin they usually associate it being multiclassed with other Marshall builds but what if I multiclass it with the Tempest cleric and sorcerer setup instead so with two levels in Tempest cleric and four soon to be five levels in storm sorcerer I'll show you exactly what this combo is capable of after I enter the colony I clear out various enemies in order to hit Level 10 and get my last level in sort and then free maora and zor and head to finally take on Merkel starting out I summon scratch as I need him to free the Night song I then begin a series of actions and spells to set up I create two additional sorcerer points break a bunch of objects to stack my Arcane Acuity freecast haste summon a mage hand and then attack the mine flare to surprise the enemies and start combat now you may notice that even though I just attacked them I still get pulled into conversation with cck this is one of the two quirks of this fight I'm taking advantage of as this interaction must me persuade KCK into giving up and allows me to skip straight to phase two the other Quirk I'm taking advantage of is that Merkel maintains the surprise status as long as Krick dies during the surprise turn of combat this means my assassin bonuses are still active against Merkel before I can start dealing damage though I send scratch to go stealthily free the Night song and then use my Mage hand to move some chest in front of the ladders up to Merkel this is part of a fail safe plan in case everything goes wrong but it doesn't end up being relevant here now that all my setup is complete it's time to actually start attacking Merkel I cast create water to make mle vulnerable to lightning damage and then actually I'll just let the damage speak for [Music] itself I think you can see why I don't think patch six stops my strategy with Merkel down act two comes to a close and thus Begins the Final Act act three starts out just how you'd expect with this annoying GI Ambush I Sanctuary myself and head straight for the portal to enter the astral prism I make my way for the skull and as much as I don't like the emperor I am unfortunately forced to save him I immediately burst the lead honor guard and then utilize cold person to CC the remaining gift allowing myself and the emperor to finish them [Music] [Music] off I am with the emperor saved I of course reject his tadp offer as I do not need any of his silly Powers I then exit the prism and take my first steps into act three proper in act three I have a whole lot to do so I'm going to speedily cover most of the boring stuff so I can get to the more interesting encounters faster I start by taking on a whole bunch of non-important easy combats all around Rivington and the lower City in order to hit Level [Music] 11 after which I decide now would be a good time to deal with doore I approached this fight carefully using Sanctuary on myself before entering the fight as doar carries paralysis poison that he can easily use to kill you and I would rather not take that risk I utilize Glyph of Waring sleep to keep the group under control as I clean up the fight with doar defeated I take his belongings and head to the murder tribunal at the tribunal I choose to be become an Unholy assassin as this is the only way for me to acquire three extremely important items for my buildt once I become an assassin I go to the echo of abigal and purchase three things the balless armor Raider flesh gloves and doar amaris these three items are absolutely crucial to taking the DPS of my build to absolutely absurd levels so with these items in hand why don't I go and demonstrate just how much damage I can now deal I head to the elf song Tavern to take on the GI in the emperor's Hideout I surprise the GI and utilize my new items to immediately delete almost all of them I also make use of a mechanic with the balless armor in which I position myself in the small window where enemies are affected by the aura of murder but I don't receive disadvantage on my ranged attacks this lets me double my rage piercing damage with no [Music] downside I then head back out into the city to clear out a bunch more non-important encounters for XP I additionally in the process of hunting for easy XP quickly Return To wors Rock Castle to clear all of balon's Trials and while doing them I spend like 3 minutes trying to do the chess puzzle legitimately and to be honest as I'm rewatching the footage to record this voice over am I just stupid it's so obvious what the correct moves are like come on past me figure this [ __ ] out already Jesus Christ after I finally figure it out though I claim my XP and returned to the lower City to attempt to save Volo with a major emphasis on attempt sorry Volo I didn't know they actually fix this fight to have the fire damage tick properly my bad bro even with Volo getting sent to orbit I still hit Level 12 during that fight and can finally complete my build so for my completed build my class levels are as follows previous viewers of my channel might recognize this build as being very similar to a certain build but with a few alterations I swapped out the original Gloom stalker levels 4 to fighter and one war cleric as this allows me to maximize the number of attacks I can take during my surprise turn I'm not going to go into all the details of my build here but the general idea is surprise the enemies stand next to them to make them vulnerable to piercing but not so close as to get disadvantage on my attacks and then delete my foes from existence so enough talk about my build it's time to Showcase it in action against some actual boss fights first upon the chopping block it's time to pay kazador a visit I infiltrate cazador's Mansion remove his minions and make my way into the dungeon to face off against the man himself unfortunately pador has alert and so I won't get to show off the full power of my build just yet but even at half power it's still enough to make quick work of him with the boss down I then begin the very long arduous process of clearing out the remaining ads I'll kill them all [Music] eventually [Music] eventually now that I'm finally done with that next up is Loro again I get aen and Roland in on the fight and honestly they're more of a hindrance than a he since they prevent me from surprising the fight and I also now have to worry about their safety but even with that added level of complication I beat Lakin and head back to worm's Rock to go and take care of the first potentially difficult boss answer it's going to be very ironic that I called him difficult given what I'm about to do to him but I do mean it when I say he's difficult as he is one of the bosses in this act that has the highest odds of killing me now normally I would trigger a fight like this while invisible to avoid getting pulled directly into combat but the oner fight trigger actually breaks invid concentration so I can't use that here instead I just immediately run away on the fight start so I can re-enter and surprise oner now that he's surprised let me show you what my build is actually capable [Music] of [Music] yeah I do a small amount of damage just a teeny bit after on sir I head to the blushing mermaid to deal with Ethel again I lack any method of anti-heal to make dealing with the mushrooms easier though instead I just Brute Force the mushrooms down turn invisible to exit combat and then knock eel out to free vanra I then go to the counting house to meet a certain baldheaded Ranger and follow his traces into the sewers once there I defeat him and his hand alerts in order to add another freeloader to my camp with mink saved and many of the bosses defeated I decide that now would be as good a time as any to take on one of my side challenges for this run in addition to my large rule set I also gave myself some additional challenges to try and complete in my run one of them was to try and achieve a good ending for all the companions hence why I put so much emphasis on completing hen's Quest and saving Menara Jahira and M the other challenge is to successfully save every single hostage present in the iron [Music] throat now when I set that challenge I wasn't even sure if it was going to be possible to do but after many hour hours of planning and coming up with a strategy I came up with something that I think just might work I respect to a Caster build and pick up spells like Misty step haste Mage hand and dimensional door as these will all allow me to cover more ground and assist the prisoners as I maneuver through the throat with my levels and gear in check I hop in the submersible and head to the prison itself the first thing I do upon arrival is to begin my super long series series of preparations including summoning my Mage hand which is able to pull levers and fly making it the perfect helper for this situation and TN casting haste on myself and the Mage hand with my Buffs prepared I exit the submersible and am greeted by omum way earlier in my run I made sure to do ellum's Quest and intentionally did not give lady Esther the GI egg as this causes omum to be present in the iron throne my odds of success significantly higher I descend the ladder and immediately burst the nearest saw hogon I head down the southern Corridor first prioritizing getting omum out as soon as possible additionally this is the corridor that Alisa haagan will be spawning from so the sooner I can clear it out the better I use my Mage hand to free the prisoners in the main room and then head down the Western Hall on my next next turn I successfully free omela and use my Mage hand to free some of the prisoners in the western room this is where I run into an unforeseen issue Ellum has access to a move he can use once per turn called teleport to the submersible this allows him to TP himself and an ally directly to safety now what I didn't account for was that when I use this move on my character to take her back to the center it would also move all my summons to the sub as well because of this my plan starts to fall apart a little and I'm forced to improvise as all of the prisoners in the southern hallway have made it to safety I seal the southern door locking the majority of the Sagen away from the prisoners I then M the step down the Western Hall to clear out the enemies and free the remaining prisoners there I send Ellum scratch and the Mage hand all down the Eastern Hall as the final prisoners are all there I join my allies in the Eastern hallway and use magic Missile to open all the cages and deal damage to the remaining fish before having Ellum finish it off the Duke gets held by Missoura and with only one round remaining before the whole place comes crashing down I need to ensure that I also so don't die here I do what I can to help the remaining prisoners Escape using dimensional door to teleport the farthest prisoner to the exit before getting to safety myself I have Ellum escort the Duke and then all I can do is watch and hope that the remaining prisoners have enough movement speed to escape on their own and so yeah I just barely managed to full clear the iron throne since I've just freed the prisoners I decide to continue along with that Quest slide and head to the steel watch Foundry I clear out the bay nightes saving what gundian I can but I'm not trying too hard to save these guys as they sometimes willingly stand next to exploding steel Watchers and I cannot take responsibility for their lives when they themselves don't seem to want to live I clear out the Factory and then with only this many spell slots remaining decide that I think I can beat the steel watch Titan without long resting I buff up and enter the fight I immediately cast chain lightning as many times as I can which clears away all of the Hellfire Watchers and just leaves the Titan to take on Titan enter its defensive protocol and I fortunately still have enough spell slots to finish it [Music] off with the Titan dead I destroy the factory overthrow wolin because that guy sucks and then head for the house of grief to defeat the charin I clear out the guards outside and enter without going through the heart mapping once inside I use minor illusion to gather the guards at the outer edge so I could eliminate some of them without starting the full-on combat I then use my summon to surprise the enemies and enter combat by upcasting create water I utilize chain lightning and lightning bolt to clear out all of the [Music] charin with the charin dead I quickly let shadowart free her parents and then visit the mirror of loss to acquire a permanent plus two boost to my dexterity after the House of grief I decide to visit the other house and go to the House of Hope to take on Raphael I lurk around the Cliff's Edge of the house to reach the budoir and take out Harlot I then grab the password and head to the archive to grab the Hammer Hammer in hand I make my way across the house taking out the Denis along the way and head into Hope's cell to free her I almost killed myself fighting the prison guards since I forgot that these enemies reflect radiant damage but while mathing out the damage to avoid killing myself I take out the guards and free hope now the only thing left to do is take on Raphael I enter the dialogue with myself and hope both invisible thus avoiding starting combat immediately I said send hope far away as she's more of a hindrance than a help for me and then buff up and surprise the enemies unfortunately for me though when I surprise the combat only half the enemies get pulled into combat immediately so I can't do the entire thing in one turn like I was planning on but even with that setback I still managed to show Raphael who really the cat in his metaphor before clearing out the remaining cambion over the next few [Music] turns with Raphael defeated there's only Mystic Carion to take on before I finally challenge the other nether Stone holders in order to kill Kion I need to get his funerary earns and ironically this fight against the undead guarding the jars is significantly more difficult than the actual fight against Carion himself I slowly clear out the undead break his earns and make extremely quick work of the man himself now that the side bosses are all dead it's time to take on gorach and Orin and begin wrapping up this challenge first up gorach now considering Gort doesn't have the alert feet I don't think what's about to happen to him will be that [Music] surprising with Gort dead and buried it's now time for the more difficult of the two chosen or it considering I am not the dark urge the Orin fight is actually quite risky as I need to break through her Unstoppable Stacks to even deal damage to her and if she ever doesn't get to use her legendary action I could be at risk of being instantly killed so I decide I'm just going to bypass that issue by killing her in one turn I go with my storm sorcerer set up as the only way I'm going to break these Unstoppable Stacks is with magic Missile I also going to make use of an item that I picked up a while ago but didn't mention since it's been completely irrelevant until now the helmet of grit in order to one turn Orin I need to be able to cast four spells simultaneously on my opening turn usually with this build I can only cast at most three with my two actions and my bonus action using Quicken spell but with this helmet I can gain another bonus action allowing me to get another quick and spell cast off giving me enough damage to delete Orin completely after all my setup I use magic Missile two times in a row to break all of orin's Unstoppable stacks and then use two lightning spells to finish her [Music] off I then clear out the remaining ballis and claim the last nether St so with all the nether stones in hand I could go straight to the brain but I have one last stop to make I return to the murder tribunal as I did not kill sovok earlier I take out sovok using the same lightning burst [Music] strategy and then prepare to take on the final Encounter of the game I swap back to my assassin build head for the mor pool have a bit of a goofy battle against the brain rats and then leave to confront the brain I sneak by the intellect Devourer swarm because I can't be bothered to deal with this encounter and confront the brain I unfortunately don't pass all of the domination dice rolles which while unlikely would have made my life a little bit easier and get pulled into the prism once there I tell the emperor to piss off and free orus letting orus sacrifice himself and become an [Music] athit I choose to do this for two reasons number one I don't like the emperor and so I want the opportunity to kill him in the final fight and number two because while I can't use elid powers myself having orus as an athid gives me access to all the powers which will be very helpful for the final encounter with orus free I leave the prism receive my allies Buffs and start heading towards the final battle I sneak around the edge of the castle since while I could slowly isolate and pick off each of the enemies here I don't really feel like fighting a bunch of nothing enemies when the finish line is so close in front of [Music] me I reach the brain stem have orus fly up to skip the stairway and then turn both myself and orus invisible before ascending the brain because were're both invisible I am not pulled directly into combat and thus I'm able to fully buff myself up I use all my Buffs and have orus apply volatile shield and enhance perilous Stakes under my character I then surprise the enemies and begin the final battle I have orus lower the dragon's AC and stun it to prevent it from using it legendary action I then walk myself up into Aur of murder range and essentially delete every single enemy at top the brain in one [Music] turn next turn I finish off the remaining enemies and have orus begin the channel to take the fight to the brain itself inside the brain psyche I utilize everything I have to deal as much as I can to the brain and while I'm not fully able to defeat the brain on my first damage route I avoid the orbs mitigation and once it defenses drop say goodbye to the brain and that's it the challenge is finally done I do hope you enjoyed this video as making it was a new experience for me given how different this was from my usual videos also I obviously had to cut out a whole lot of stuff to keep this video reasonably length so for those of you who would like to watch a full unedited VOD of this run don't you worry I'll be uploading the full vods once I record some commentary over them since I didn't talk at all while I was actually playing also I've started a patreon page and if you really like my videos and would like to support me monetarily your donations would be greatly appreciated I'll be using patreon to post behind the scenes content and my image assets like the Pokédex entries that I made for this video so if you want to see that kind of stuff or you just want to support me consider subscribing to my patreon well that's all for me like comment and subscribe if you enjoyed the video and want more like it and I'll see you guys next time bye
Channel: Stealth
Views: 203,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: balder's gate 3, bg3, bg3 build, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, balders gate 3, build, guide, OP, bard, college of swords, college of lore, flourish, solo, honour, mode, honor, no consumable, no illithid
Id: f8k1uD0Jpeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 8sec (3548 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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