What is THE BEST BASIC VOCATION? | Dragon's Dogma 2

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Dragon doent 2 offers 10 diverse vocations from  basic to Advanced to hybrid each one delivering   a different utility or bit of offense to your  party but at what point do the basic vocations   get phased out for the new ones when should you  even change to one of the advanced or hybrid   vocations well in this video today we're going to  be discussing just that by looking at each of the   four basic vocs to discuss how they apply their  skills throughout the game if this is your first   time my channel the way I do things is by upfront  the knowledge of my videos so you can decide if   it's the right one for you so with that being said  you can stay any of the basic vocations from level   one all the way to level 200 into New Game Plus  and Beyond without a single problem the advanced   vocations aren't better forms of the basic ones  nay they're simply hyperfocused ones take the   Mage for example Mage is an offensive support and  utility Caster buffing healing and doing damage   the sorcerer is an offensive Powerhouse destroying  things with aoe's area of effects and what have   you both are totally viable in the same party and  I actually have some really fun party composition   ideas so let me know if you'd like a video on that  in the comment section below but really what we'll   be doing here is talking about why you should  play one if not all the basic vocs to a certain   point because this game is so much more about  swapping vocs and party members to get all the fun   augmentations than it is just simply playing one  class the entire way through but that's the entire   gist of this video and if that's all you wanted  to know then please feel free to shut the video   down and get back to enjoying your experience in  Dragon's Dogma 2 assuming your performance permits   it and the performance patch is finally out or  whatever but before you do please don't forget   to like comment or subscribe if this video helped  you as that has a huge impact on my channel if you   have not yet picked up Dragon's Dogma 2 for the PC  you can use the link to my Capcom Affiliated Nexus   store in the in the comment and description this  will get you a key directly from the developer and   I get something like 20% commission which goes a  long way towards supplying my mini Aussie vicious   treat addiction also you can find my Pawn ID in  the description as well but let's get started   here on basic vocations are they the best classes  in Dragon's Dogma 2 starting our conversation off   with the Archer we have a character that has a  lot of really good dynamic range and I've talked   about this in another video but pretty much the  the best thing about the Archer is that it is   consistent DPS and it can constantly deliver  that range damage and as a base class that's   a nice thing to do it has AOE as far as far as a  kind of cone in front of it and its augments are   very strong what I really like about the archers  mment is that I I use them in almost every single   one of my other uh classes endurance increase  your maximum stamina is so good and ambuscade   if I'm using maybe the thief or any of my other  characters that are not front Fighters it's a   really great one because if some I can do a little  bit more damage to something that's not aware   and the Archer I think kind of tis aside from of  course you know the Arcane Archer right which has   a lot more uh damage to do but the one of the top  augments for the Archer is also doing more damage   to weak points so spending the time with the  Archer class which what you'll find when you play   this game if you're not already playing it you're  going to see some quests that basically force you   into playing a specific vocations let say hey you  need to do some archery stuff here or maybe you   need to do some sneaking stuff in this location  what have you and that kind of I I think it's a   game's way of telling you hey to get better things  on your current class play a different class or   different vocation to kind of help add some spice  to it and I'll get into this more when we talk   about the fighter and the thief of course but I  think that the Archer is one of those ones that   I don't think a lot of people typically think  of because they're thinking about the fighter   they're thinking about the Mage they're thinking  about um that kind of typical Trinity but the but   the the range capability of this character is so  strong because there are so many monsters that   fly around or jump around and they kind of leave  your melee attack range and that's what makes this   character so strong and gives you such really  good viability through every stage of the game   now I will say that the Archer is probably I would  argue of the nine classes it's pretty damn tricky   to kind of get your brain around how it really  works since so many of its abilities are kind   of nested in okay if I'm going to Dash and then  press attack I'll do a slide and then shoot or   you can do things with jumping on stuff and then  jumping off of them and then shooting you have all   these really weird interesting kind of nested  capabilities and not that some our core skills   and some are not some are just part of the way  the character actually operates and works in the   actual game world so I think that that's a pretty  interesting thing is it makes the character have   a very cool fun high skill ceiling while at the  same time offering a lot of really fun utility   and mobility and maneuver ability that allows  you to do a lot of really fun damage and like   I said too being able to persistently do damage  to things more than any other class because you   know you're you're slowed by casting time on  Mages and Sorcerers and of course the only   class that kind of compares to it is going to be  that Arcane Archer which does a whole different   style of other things in addition to being an  Archer right but you as an Archer just have   such fun capabilities and can really lean into  the mag's Buffs to just add so much capability   and Elemental damage to this vocation so is this  the best DPS one in the game no but I think it's   one of the best persistent DPS vocations in the  game able to consistently throughout an engagement   with any of the monsters constantly provide DPS  maybe not at the spiking levels of a thief or the   heavy ones of a sorcerer or the massive crushing  mounts of a warrior but the fact that they can   just consistently do it I could just sit there  pressing X or whatever the basic attack is on   whatever um platform you're on and just constantly  kind of tick away damage that could basically be   treating myself like a damage overtime capability  as an Archer and I think that's pretty cool it's   something that not a lot of classes have to do  because they need to be in melee range or they   need to have the stamina to do it or they have to  wind up their abilities whatever it is so I think   that the Archer's viability and also it's it's  a lot of godamn fun to play the Archer is one   that is really going to last for the majority of  your playthrough now the next location I want to   talk about is the sword and board Master the  fighter and the fighter is really fun it's a   really great way to play a kind of tank character  to get up close and personal to be able to jump in   the air and smash things down to be able to kind  of use your um shield and have people jump off of   your Shield to do a bunch of really cool Dynamic  amounts of damage to get cool uh maester abilities   like is Fury in the very early portions of the  game to just allow for a flurry of damage all   this fun stuff comes out of the Fighter character  and on top of it the fighter has really really   great augments like metal augments your physical  defense uh provocation increases the likelihood   of being targeted by foes which can transfer  over both of those can transfer over to Warrior   just so well but even more over they get one that  increases your carry capacity as a fight as as an   augment that's a great capability to just kind  of have on every single character and I really   like that and that kind of is one that means that  hey try F out for a little bit unlock that one and   have it really spice up you using um while I was  streaming someone mentioned hey you know what I I   maxed out um Archer to get the increased damage  to weak points and then I maxed out fighter to   get the increased weight capacity and I'm I Mystic  spear hand and Mystic spear hand uh really kind of   hinges upon doing a lot of really cool weak point  stuff so all those things in conjunction make for   just a really fun cool dynamic character but the  fighter in and of itself is the best tank in the   game yes sure you can tank with the uh um warrior  in a lot of different ways but there's so much   direct ways to tank things with the fighter and  draw a bunch of quote unquote aggro to yourself   you have a shield that can just outright parry and  mitigate damage this character is great from level   one and it's great throughout the entire goddamn  game because it's the only one that can do that   everything else has to use other ways to mitigate  their damage other through maneuverability or   specific skills what have you and as we've kind  of seen a lot of these skills and things kind of   take place with the fighter we've really seen that  this is the class that depending on how your party   composition works it's almost best to have one  in the class either yourself or even as a pawn   and I remember in some of my earlier videos before  the game came out I was thinking man maybe maybe   a pawn fighter just doesn't really make a lot of  sense but I don't often play fighter and my main   Pond is usually a warrior and I have a fighter in  my as just one of the other pawns and they Crush   they do a really good job they do a pretty good  amount of damage they they they take the attention   away from things it's a really fun vocation to  have as either yourself or as another character   that that just like I said is going to just has  enough meat on it to stay with you from beginning   middle and end of your playthrough of Dragon's  Dogma 2 so a fighter has some of the best tanking   capabilities in the game The Thief has probably  some of the highest Mobility capabilities in the   game next to the Mystic spear hand you have just  right out the gate you have an ability that allows   you to just jump around and move and dash through  things so that is absolutely huge and having your   weapon skills like cutting wind or Helm splitter  which evolves to skull splitter just allow you to   just jump around either vertically or horizontally  whichever one it is those things are really huge   Shadow click which allows you to stealth around  those are all some really cool things but looking   at the core skills of the thief we get an ability  a passive called bump and lift which BAS basically   every time you use X or carve your your basic  attack you have a chance to um steal an item and   furthermore you have a weapon skill called piler  that allows you to kind of actively steal an item   if something is uh flinched or if it's a larger  Target it's been knocked down if you use this on   it you can steal unique weapons or armor that you  otherwise wouldn't be able to get or maybe they're   really expensive or it takes you a long time to  find them in a chest whatever it is an example   of this would be when you're playing through the  early portions of the game and I don't want to   spoil this but the first dragon you encounter if  you didn't know there's dragons in a game called   Dragon Dogma uh the first dragon you encounter  throughout the main story quest which you'll take   paron um if you attack it with a thief you have  a chance to get a unique Mystic spear hand full   arm which is stupid strong and right after that  ability or right after that engagement you get the   ability to unlock Mystic spear hand so Thief is  something that is super viable and something that   like I I struggle to not have in my party either  as myself or as a pawn because of that ability for   it to steal um unique and rare items that's that's  a really really really huge ability that you kind   of don't want to miss and every time I get into  like a really spicy fight I'm wondering to myself   [ __ ] should I have been on a thief here to  try and get some things stolen from this now   that's not the case of every single thing in the  game right sometimes you'll just get a Way Stone   Shard or or or maybe just like something minuscule  but it's still fact remains that there are really   important times when you do want to take advantage  of that ability to steal and piler from things and   get those really good items now augments wise too  Thief has some great augments like um subtlety   here decrease the likelihood of being targeted  by foes that's great on everything that's not   up close and personal doing the damage right  if I'm on my warrior or my fighter I probably   want to draw some attention towards myself but  if I'm my Archer a mage a sorcerer anyone that   I just don't want to take quote unquote aggro  from subtlety is a really great augmentation or   gratification here slightly restores Health when  you deliver the killing blow to a foe those are   really great capabilities that allow you to kind  of just keep your character online and fighting   throughout um the entire durabil or durability  duration of doing any kind of D dungeon delving   anything like that so you don't really need to go  back and try and uh Camp as much as possible so   yeah uh the thief unfortunately too doesn't  have an advanced counterpart right it has a   hybrid counterpart in the Arcane trickster which  is a whole different style of of play but the   thief is a character that like I said earlier in  this section I struggle to not have in the party   because of the raw damage capability the ability  for it to have such Mobility that it's almost like   the first time you put a thief in your party if  it's not you you're like okay I guess I guess   we killed those goblins pretty damn fast huh and  that's a really fun thing about it but then that   added benefit that added utility of getting  stolen items from day one all the way to the   end game and on that is such a huge boom to your  entire party and it's definitely one that going   to keep you on the thief for a long time I saved  kind of the quote unquote Best For Last and it's   not really even like the best best makes it seem  like oh if I'm not a mage I've I've just lost the   game no every party composition that I've made so  far for myself and and experimentation everything   like that includes a mage cuz the mag's utility  in this game is huge you just I just don't want   to say you need one because I don't think you  really absolutely need one you can have a lot   of fun with's like four thieves just going ass  wild jumping all over the place but the Mage   just does so much to your party and you use it  at turn one or turn one at day one you use it   at the end of the game You' got the capability to  add Bon to your character fire lightning whatever   ice and that adds Elemental damage so now you  can attack those Poltergeist or those ghosts   that you encounter at night or this allows you to  smash apart um specific monsters that are weak to   specific elements lighting a Griffin's Wings  on fire makes it so that they cannot land they   cannot take off so if you don't have access to  that through your character the Mage is going to   give that for you or padium which is going to give  you some defensive characteristics when it comes   to um uh uh uh outright blocking attacks for you  and then being able to amplify that even further   and even one moreover you have an augmentation  here that's going to increase the recovery of   your stamina that's great on every single vocation  so the Mage just has so much utility built into   it even even just the basic capability of Lev um  no I'm sorry not Lev uh I'm looking at the spell   Lev which is a uh um a lightning capability but  their basic capability to just simply levitate   to places and and kind of like go go all over the  place uh is is absolutely huge because with that   with that added capability you can simply go hey  I want to get to that that chest over there and   I could go all the way around to try and find  it but sometimes you can just simply do it or   you can actually have a pawn do it for you have  them just levitate up to it and open it up so   having all those things unlocked for you with  the Mage is absolutely huge so if you start as   a mage don't feel like at any point you have to  go go to sorcerer go to sorcerer if you want to   do more damage just like if you're a fighter if  you want to do more damage as fighter then go to   Warrior and you still be a defensive character  as a fighter into a warrior yes can you still do   some of your utility capabilities as a sorcer  actually no um your ability to just outright   heal heal people is baked into being a uh Mage so  you'll lose a lot of those capabilities ities and   that's the biggest thing right is Mage is the sole  character that can heal no one else can do that   you've got the Arcane Archer who can resurrect  someone who's downed which is a huge capability   but and that that's also kind of worth noting  here too is that the arcan Archer is a Arisen   exclusive vocation versus Sorcerer And Warrior  can both be Pawn vocations um but I think Mage   more than any other of the basic classes is one  that I think that you will guaranteed use from   start to finish um I could see myself not playing  a fighter anymore I could see myself using subing   out a warrior for it or I could see myself not  using an Archer and maybe subbing out the magic   Archer on myself where I I I almost main uh almost  mainly use Archer um and I've said it's it's it's   a struggle for me to to not want to bring a thief  just because of that capability to steal things   but the Mage defense the Boom the healing the  utility it's just so insane that I just I just   don't see myself ever not wanting one in the  party and every time I want to like oh let's   try something different I'm like but I miss the  boons even if I take the wrong Mage Pawn from the   pool I'm like oh man I missed the boons I got to  go back and get another one now so that just shows   you how strong this vocation is even as a basic  vocation that's open from from from day one so   at that it brings our video here to a close and  I just wanted to kind of break apart these basic   vocations so that when you jump into the game or  if you're in the game right now and you're like   oh man I I'm rushing to get to Magic Archer I'm  rushing to get to miss spean and I'm I'm afraid   I'm I'm losing time in a basic vocation you know I  I don't want people to think that they're jumping   into this like oh I got to go play that one class  because I'm so used to playing video games where   I jump in I select my class and I'm that class  the entire game this game encourages you to swap   your vocations to swap your pond your main pawns  vocation to get different Pond vocations all those   things kind of set up for yourself rather than  simply playing the same thing over and over and   you definitely can right I mean my main character  um I usually play an Archer and I'll usually set   my main Pawn to a warrior but I've set him to  a thief sometimes and we kind of have this cool   little like oh Robin Hood Thief thing going on  and then I'll get myself a Mage and a fighter   as my other backup pawns whatever it is and I  just encourage you to try all these different   combinations out because you can see that the  basic vocations even though they kind of unlock   a style of an Advanced or a hybrid um well maybe  not directly unlock it but they they give you that   kind of taste of that of that gameplay there's so  much you get from the augmentations of these basic   vocations that you should be definitely dipping  into them trying them out and you'll find that   jumping into them at if you were to play the game  all the way through as just a mage or maybe even   just to get to level 50 as just a mage jumping  over to a warrior or I'm sorry over to a fighter   doesn't mean that your fighter is underleveled  it's a level 50 fighter but with rank one meaning   they just don't have a ton of weapon and core  skills and augmentations unlocked so your uh   stats will scale to your level of the vocation  you choose so swap these around have fun with   them try the basic ones out and really get access  to these augmentations that's going to make your   basic Advanced and hybrid vocation gameplay go  through the roof but as always guys thank you   so much for watching here today like I said you  can find my uh Pawn ID in the description if you   want to bring tiger here along you in your Many  Adventures but if you have any additional things   you want to throw in here hey yeah you know  what he brought up a really good point about   this make sure you get this augmentation or make  sure you really go down this path first I found   that doing it really helped me out and I now a  my spear hand and I have all these capabilities   or now I'm an Arcane trickster and this really  helps me because I I did the Mage thing first   and I wanted the stamina recovery or the ability  to uh attack people and do more damage to them   since they're not in a combat stance whatever it  is just let it be known in the comment section   below but as always guys thank you so much for  watching here today have a good one and take [Music] care
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 14,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Basic Vocations: ARE THEY THE BEST CLASSES? | Dragon's Dogma 2, dragons dogma 2 vocations, dragons dogma 2 best vocation, dragons dogma 2 vocations guide, dragons dogma 2 figher vocation guide, dragons dogma 2 gameplay, dd2 best build, dragons dogma 2 all vocations, dragons dogma 2 classes, dragons dogma 2 vocation tier list, dragons dogma 2 which vocation to play, dragons dogma 2 class guide, dragons dogma 2 basic vocations, fighter, mage, thief, archer, archer guide dragons dogma 2
Id: qAgQ4SoTB1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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