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hey Adventurer I'm myotis and I have a pack to the blade fiend warlock build for you I think warlocks are one of the most underrated classes in the game typically people like to do a small multiclass dip into warlock either two levels for agonizing blast and Aldrich blast or three levels for pack of the blade and on most difficulties the extra attack from pack of the blade actually Stacks with the extra attack from Marshall classes that's changed on honor mode so I think there's actually a lot of value to go further into warlock instead of just sticking with Paladin with some sorcerer levels they fill two different roles paladins are a lot better at Nova damage throwing all of their resources out on a boss or a few larger enemies but warlocks are a lot more versatile being a slightly weird full Caster that still gets access to extra attack gives them a lot of different combat options and being a Charisma Caster makes them an excellent party face I think that people also don't quite understand how to play a warlock The Limited highlevel spell slots makes it so that they want to cast a few high impact spells but they have one of the most consistent round over round damage options since all of their resources come back on short rests they can basically go all day warlocks have surprisingly good tanking features great damage are excellent party faces and skill monkeys they have unique Battlefield control spells and are capable of doing both good single Target damage and AOE damage since all of their resources come back on short rest they're basically at full power during the entire adventuring day you typically want to start a combat with a big impactful concentration spell and then spend the following turns either eldrich blasting or making attacks with your packed weapon so let's get into building this full 12 level warlock we'll talk about multiclassing options towards the end as well as well as item usage and how to build them into a party composition we'll start with race and I think will is an obvious choice as An Origin character for fiend warlock since that's what he is at default and actually getting to interact with your warlock Patron is such a huge Boon to storytelling you obviously don't have to play as will but I actually regret not choosing will for my first full warlock playthrough in terms of tff and dark urge race selection it doesn't really matter what you choose this is mostly a role playing choice but some of the best options are human for the shield proficiency either Wood Elf or half wood elf for the extra movement speed dark vision and Proficiency in perception similarly Dr give you proficiency and perception as well as a casting of darkness which will come into the build a little bit later and as modius tling also gives you a casting of darkness and hellish rebuke as well as resistance to fire damage which is a super common damage type gith make for excellent spellswords both because they get access to medium armor and a casting of misy step misy step is really important for any kind of melee spell casting build and unlike others a warlock doesn't really want to spend their limited spell slots on a casting of Misty step halfling is another great option their lucky feature letting them roll ones is maybe one of the most powerful abilities in the game but really you can pick anything I'm going to pick a tling cuz I think it's most thematic for a fiend warlock I'm going to pick an asmodus tling for their casting of darkness and hellish rebuke but aaral teeling for their Smite casting is actually a really fitting choice for a pack to the blade user for cant trips we obviously want eldrich blast even though we're going to be focusing on melee weapon attacks it's still a great thing to have in your tool belt for a second choice here you can either take blade Ward casting it before combat starts can help you survive those first few early turns especially in the beginning of the game when you don't have as many hit points as some of your Marshall melee counterparts otherwise you can pick up friends which can help you get through certain dialogue checks but you have to be careful on higher difficulties because it can get you into some trouble minor illusion and Mage hand can also be good utility spells but since warlock makes such a great party face I do think friends is the right choice here for subass we are going to choose fiend for dark one's blessing this gives us scaling temporary hit points on kills based on our warlock level since we're taking all warlock levels this is going to be a huge amount of hit points towards the end of the game now for our first level spells there are a ton of good options here normally I think you would take armor of agius this is a great spell that scales really well with warlock spell slots the five temporary hit points and damage when you get hit really adds up but I think this is actually not as good on a fiend warlock because we're already getting temporary hit points from our passive so this just opens us up for other options arms of Hadar is kind of neat but the damage is so low that it's very rarely going to outscale your alrich blast or your melee attacks I actually like to pick up burning hands mostly because it's specific to the fiend warlock but having some kind of area of effect damage can be really useful when you find yourself up against a lot of enemies command is another great spell this is a great one- turn crowd control spell and you can use it to make an enemy flee or move closer into an active area of effect but I think one of the go-to choices early is hex we can potentially maintain concentration on it all day and the 1d6 necrotic damage is a great early boost when you cast it you give the enemy disadvantage on an ability of your choice but this is specifically for Ability checks people of think that it affects saving throws but that is not the case so typically your best bet is to choose strength so it's easier to push enemies now for background much like race it's kind of up to you based on the backstory you have in your head of your character Guild artisen is an often go-to choice because insight and persuasion are good ability checks but we actually have an alternate way to get persuasion so I'd take urchin for slight of hand if you want this character to be a lock picker or Sage if you want to fill out some intelligence checks Arcana and history don't come up a ton but they're kind of nice to have when they do now for our ability spread obviously the default is trash so we're just going to clear it out I think we do want to keep the plus two in Charisma and plus one in dexterity pack of the blade is going to let us use our Charisma modify our honor weapon attacks so we don't need strength we want our decks to sit around 16 this will give us a plus three to AC as well as a plus three initiative bonus which is really important being one of the First characters to act in combat can make a world of difference you also want this if you decided to go urchin as your background now since we're going to be a Melee character we do want some Constitution it also helps with our constitution saving thrs on maintaining concentration on spells and we're is always going to be concentrating on something so I'd bring this up to 14 you can also dump intelligence since it doesn't really affect anything aside from a few skill checks we also don't need wisdom but it's nice to have a little bit since it's such a common saving throw finally we want to max out our Charisma this affects all of our spell difficulty checks our melee attack rules with packed of the blade alrich blasts chance to hit Anis damage and our most important skill checks I would take 17 Charisma here with the intention of eating a certain piece of hair but you could also take 16 then put the final two points either into strength for a slightly better jump a 10 in intelligence so you don't have a negative one to Ability checks or you can bump wisdom up to 12 I'm going to leave Min - 17 you could also switch dexterity and Constitution if you're a little bit more worried about your health and your concentration checks but since we have dark one's blessing for the extra temp HP I don't actually think we need the health finally we have two skill proficiencies to choose I would keep intimidation but I actually have intentions on taking deception a different way so I'm going to take investigation instead if you went with an urch in background for slight of hand and stealth I could maybe see taking Arcana instead now let jump into the rest of the levels now at level two we get a new spell I'd probably pick up command if you didn't at level one otherwise you could take burning hands if you didn't I don't think hel's rebuke is something we ever really want to spend a spell slot on wi bolt is only really good for very specific lightning themed builds you could have armor of agathys in your pocket it is kind of nice to have if your party needs a short rest but you have leftover spell slots to use up and you don't already have temporary hit points active from dark ones blessing but more importantly we get eldr invocations here these are some of our most important abilities I think it's always right to start with agonizing blast which adds a Charisma modifier to eldrich blast we're going to have packed up the blade next level but there's nothing wrong with having an excellent melee and ranged stability for your second Elder ification you have a few different choices you could take armor of Shadows for free Mage Armor casting if you're pretty confident you're going to be using clothing but you could also have another party member cast it on you repelling blast is great alongside agonizing blast but I don't think it's as necessary for this build since we want to get into melee range you don't really want to be pushing enemies away from you you really only want this for pushing enemies off ledges into other spell effects so I think we will take this eventually but not at this level devil sight is another go-to invocation I do think we want it eventually being able to see in magical darkness is really powerful and as an osmodius steeling we will have access to a casting of Darkness but I'd only really take it at this level if you know you're going to lean into a Darkness build what I actually like to take is beguiling influence this will give us proficiency and deception and persuasion that we didn't pick up at level one so we have a nice Suite of different ability checks and especially as a main character this makes us great at dialogue you could just pick pick these up at level one and pick a different invocation but I really like skill checks maybe that's just tabletop bias finally you can replace a spell this is a feature we're going to use more than I think other classes do since all our spell slots share a level it makes a lot of sense to replace old lower level spells with the new ones that we come across you get new spell levels every other level so you can also use these in between even levels to swap some spells around and experiment with different things if you find that you're not casting hex maybe you could Swip it out for armor of agathist and try it or maybe you find your character surrounded a lot in harms of could actually be a lot of good at these early levels and then you could replace it later on but I actually like these early picks so I'm not going to replace anything just yet on to level three so we get up our second level spell here there are a lot of great options at level two you could take Darkness if you took devil sight blindness is a great spell in this game especially against spellcasters hold person and crowd of Madness are both excellent crowd control spells and cloud of daggers is another great damaging spell especially potent if you took repelling blast to push enemies into it after they walk out but I actually like picking up Misty step we're going to try and avoid casting it with our warlock spell slots but it's nice to have when you really need it then we get our packed Boon and we're of course diing packed of the blade this will let us bind any melee weapon into our packed weapon so that it uses Charisma for its attack and damage roles this also means that it doesn't matter what we have proficient in as long as a weapon is bound we have proficiency with it as of patch six I believe you also can't be disarmed and The Binding will actually persist over long rests but you do actually have to be careful because a bound weapon can't be equipped to another party member so you do have to unbind it this gives us a huge array of build options but we'll talk more about that towards the end of the video as an osmodius teeling we get access to one casting of hellish rebuke for long rest this is a nice ability to have as a Melee character and it's upcast it to level two and that's something we'd actually want to spend our limited warlock spell slots on then we can replace the spell since we get new spell levels here I think it makes sense to replace burning hands I always like to upgrade to the newest fire spell from the fiend warlock's expanded spell list and level four we get an extra can trip at level four I actually do like picking a bone chill it's pretty rare that we're going to use it over eldrich blast but bone shell prevents enemies from healing there's a few enemies and especially a boss in act two where this is really important you want it somewhere on your team if you have a wizard or someone with it you don't really need to put it on your warlock otherwise you might take blade Ward or minor illusion maybe even Mage hand if you don't already have someone else with it or I find familiar I'm going to shake bone shill here just because I kind of like it another level two spell I'd probably take Darkness or hold person both of these are great control spells to have access to you can replace a spell if you want to but I don't think I need to right now and we have a few options for our feet the most obvious Choice as ability score Improvement bumping up Charisma as much as we can with the right choices in act one this could give you a nice even 20 roock are also a great candidate for the actor feat this gives you expertise in deception and performance even if you don't already have skill Proficiency in them I wouldn't take this and beguiling influence I would pick one of the other so since I picked beguiling influence I think I won't take this if you're having a hard time maintaining concentration you could pick a foraster this early but I don't think it's that important for this character alert is a great feed for anyone especially on honor mode and if you're finding yourself a little bit too squishy you can actually take a moderately armored it's one of the few classes where this is actually a good choice if you're planning on taking this I definitely have an odd numbered dexterity score so you can bump this up for a plus one but this gives you access to medium armor and shields eventually we'll want two-handed weapons but early in the game most of our best choices are one-handed and until our dark one's blessing is giving us a lot more hit points having the higher AC is definitely good but if you got one of these from your race then obviously you don't need it I actually did take this in my warlock playthrough it really helped with the early levels but I would Respec out of it later so if you're not doing resps I probably wouldn't take this really I think just the best thing is taking the ASI into Charisma and then we can move on to level five now we have access to level three spells warlocks have a couple of really really good choices I think you have to take counter spell even if you have another character in your party that can take counter spell stopping a deadly spell in his tracks is just way too powerful to ignore the wrong spell hitting your team could absolutely end an encounter and in some cases an entire honor mode run we get a new eldrich invocation here at this point you just want to take repelling blast or Devil's sight whichever you haven't already picked up and in my case since I have neither it really depends I take devil sight but if you're already a character with dark vision I think repelling blast is a great choice here as in as modus tling we get Darkness now and then we can replace a spell and on these levels where we get new spell slot levels I always would and I think we want to take what is probably the best level three warlock spell so I'm going to replace one of these concentration spells like hex at this point for Hunger of Hadar this spell has a huge area of effect does some okay damage blinds enemies inside but lets you cast an attack into it without a problem you can also use Aldrich blast with ping blast to push enemies back into it if you need to it's almost always right to start off an encounter like this unless you're against a boss that doesn't have a lot of enemies around it it doesn't seem to be showing us this Anywhere But Here we get a deepened pack so now we have extra attack with our packed weapon so at this point around level five you should have a half decent magic weapon that you can bind as your packed weapon and it's going to outscale eldrich blast damage so you want to be trying to get into melee range but you don't have to rush into it like some other characters would you can spend that first turn setting up and let enemies start to approach you then we can move on to level six we get dark one's own luck at level six this lets us add a d10 to any ability check once per short rest this is actually a huge bonus you can try to save it for really important persuasion checks but you do want to try to use it between every short rest this gives us a huge amount of Versatility that few other characters get bars can help other people's checks but it's a little bit more difficult for them to help their own outside of the expertise this is where the versatility of the Warlock comes in we have some great damage options we're great at skill checks we're growing in levels so our dark ones blessing bonus is increasing and just keep getting new fun spells I definitely pick up Fireball here at level six this is one of the best area of effect damage spells in the game it just continues to give us a ton of good options you could replace a spell here too if you really like something else scorching Ray is a fine replacement after picking up Fireball you could grab fly or fear for more CC Darkness if you're finding your team is building towards it you can even pick up armor of athus now to at least start your day with some temporary hit points and then rely on dark one's blessing as the day progresses or we might be running into more spellcasters here so we can actually take blindness since it doesn't require concent conentration we're going to be starting a lot of fights with hung ofar so having some other non-concentration CC can be really helpful otherwise you can pick hex back up cuz I think it's pretty good against bosses now we're level seven we've got level four spell slots at this level the most important thing for us to pick up is wall of fire I think this is lowkey one of the best spells in the game it's great for laying on top of an immobile boss so they just take damage turn after turn and the enemy AI seems to have a hard time navigating it so they often just run straight into it a well-placed wall of fire can just end en counters it's a nice mixup for starting combat with Hunger ofar get another eldrich invocation here so I'm going to take devil sight at this point you want to make sure you have agonizing blast devil sight and repelling blast if you have all three of those and need to pick a fourth none of these are particularly outstanding I think book of ancient Secrets is quite bad it's pretty rare that any of these spells are going to be better than alrich blast and these invocations that give you a casting of a spell using a warlock spell slot are also pretty bad could pick up armor of Shadows here if you're using clothing still Beast speech is okay if you don't have access to it but it's so easy to get potions for it f dis figer is also pretty bad but if you didn't pick up armor of agathys you can at least start your day off with some temporary hit points mask of manying faces disguise self can actually be really useful but I think it's more useful in tabletop than it is in this game but if you have an item you want to use that uses a specific race type this can be useful one with shadows to become invisible is like okay the problem is that you have to stand still in it so it doesn't work like normal invisibility if confusion ever works properly you could take Dreadful word but half the time casting the spell it seems to just do nothing unfortunately our most important invocation doesn't come until Level 12 but that's kind of why I like taking beguiling influence early so now I have access to all the most important invocations of course it's always wise to replace a spell once you get new spell slot levels might make sense to replace like hold person with banishment it's kind of just an upgrade it takes a much weirder saving throw to save against this than hold person does BL isn't particularly great damage and it's pretty easy for enemies to succeed on the saving throw dimension door is kind of a nice to have although since it takes an action I wouldn't just replace Missy step with it and since we're a Melee character taking fire Shield can actually be kind of useful but I might pick it up at level eight speaking of level eight for our spells like I said I think I'll take fire Shield we can replace a spell here as well I don't think there's anything here I particularly want but if you find you're not using one of your spells I want to try something else this is a great opportunity to do it otherwise we get our second feat if you didn't max your charisma you definitely want to do this at this level and eventually I'm going to suggest great weapon Master but I think we can hold off on it for now that kind of makes warter our best pick since for often maintaining concentration on either hunger of Hadar hex or wall of fire advantage on those roles is really useful depending on your stat spread you could also take resilient Constitution Instead This raises your Constitution by one so you want to make sure you have an odd number you can always resp to make sure that all works out but I think I'm going to take more [Music] Caster at level 9 we finally have fifth level spell slots we have three level five spells to choose from and I think we want all three of them I'm going to start with cone of cold because helps diversify our damage we also get another eldrich invocation minions of chaos is okay here summons are always good to have around but it's important to note that this does use a spell slot otherworldly leap is also okay especially since we have a bad jump with our low strength score but at level 9 you probably found a way around this already but if you don't like any of the other options you can definitely pick it up I think the minions of chaos are a little bit more useful to us but it's really your own choice I'll also probably upgrade Fireball to Flame strike this does 10 D6 damage but half of it is radiant so it can help get around the fact that fireball is fully fire damage which is the most resistant in the game other than maybe poison we can head to level 10 we get fish resilience at this level which lets you pick any damage type to become resistant to indefinitely and then you can change that resistance once per short rest this is a huge defensive buff if you have even a little bit of an idea of what damage types certain encounters are going to be using the most of this easily doubles your health pool I think piercing is probably one of the best go-tos so that your resistance into bows and crossbows as well as a lot of weapon types but you might want fire resistance for some fiends necrotic against certain Undead I think this ability is really glossed over since most people are multiclassing a few levels into Warlock and never getting deep enough to see this ability even but it's actually wildly good it also doesn't take action economy to change up the resistance type so if you find yourself in danger of something you can swap it up get another cantrip here I'll probably pick up blade Ward although if you have it already this is where maybe i' take up bone chill but pass act two I don't think that's as important so you could take minor illusion or true strike just to flex get a last level five spell slot here with hold monster which is just a solid CC spell for anything in the game basically and you can replace something if you want to but I don't really think we need to at level 11 we get a lot of different stuff also worth noting at level 10 our eldr blast went up to three blasts but you probably have a good enough magic weapon that if you're not specifically building into eldrich Blast Your Weapon should still out scale to three eldrich blasts we get Mystic Arcanum here so this gives us one level six spell that we can cast once per long rest I really wish this was once per short rest that would be very warlock but maybe that's too good sadly not all of these are particularly great circle of death is okay but the damage is slow and the AOE is so huge that it's almost impossible not to hit allies with it arcan gate can be okay but I never found myself wishing I had it in any of my playthroughs so far ibite is often an okay spell but it takes your action to continue to reapply on enemies and we really want to be using our actions to make melee weapon attacks flesh to Stone is an interesting one the problem is it takes so many saving throws to go into effect that you're probably just killing the Enemy by then anyway I think the only option that really makes sense is create Undead you just get a free mummy every day then especially if you took a conjure Elemental earlier we can start amassing a small army we also get our third warlock spell slot at this level this gives us nine level five spell slots a day this makes all our spell casting so potent we also get extremely boosted by a bird if we have a third short rest now we're getting 12 level five spell slots they honestly have a hard time using them all now for spells we have to pick stuff level five or lower so you could pick up something that that you got rid of before and maybe could use now maybe I'd really like to try crown of Madness dimension door can be really helpful in some of the act three encounters and fear is a pretty solid CC spell if you want some situational AC that doesn't require concentration you could also pick up mirror image it's kind of dealer's choice at this point even helish rebuke L late upgraded to a level five spell slot can help you finish off enemies these last few Spell choices are really kind of dealer's Choice it's whatever you want to play around with kind of like hellish rebuke probably not going to replace anything at this point now we're level 12 this is our crowning Jewel so we can take a spell or maybe take Mirror Image at this point then we get our last Elder invocation so we're absolutely taking life Drinker this adds our Charisma modifier a second time to our melee attack damage we're going to at least have a plus five to our Charisma you do have to watch that it's necrotic damage and some things will have resistance to that but flat damage bonuses are almost always better on average than rolled damage bonuses and this takes no resources this is the ability that we are going 12 levels into warlock 4 kills are now also granting us nearly 20 temporary hits hit points from dark one's blessing we're reaching a point where we're almost unkillable you can replace spell a final time if you want to but then we also get a feat and at this point we should have a really solid two-handed weapon so we're going to take great weapon Master a lot of builds want to take this much earlier on in leveling but the Warlock doesn't have a super solid way to either give themselves advantage or add a bonus to hit so we're better to take this in these later levels when we've itemized up enough that we can offset the minus 5 to attack rolls more easily this gives us another plus 10 to damage rolls and since we're going to be fishing for kills our dark on blessing bonus we're also going to make great use of the bonus action attack on kills from great weapon master so this level 12 spike is huge we're getting an extra 15 damage per melee attack and potentially making a third attack many rounds on top of already being a great spellcaster we're extremely tanky we're great at ability checks we really just do it all let's talk briefly about some alternate options before we go into itemization you could stop at level 10 Warlock and take two levels of Paladin you'd have two level five spell slots every short rest so you could have some pretty massive Divine smites a few times times a day but that gives up a round over round damage with life Drinker and you'd have to take a great weapon Master a little earlier so you trade out consistency for Nova damage which is often better in Dungeons and Dragons but you can have other members in your party for that and have the Warlock fill a much more Universal role if you really want to lean into the melee combat you could take three levels of Battle Master for a few Maneuvers in a fighting style or five levels of Swords Spar for weapon flourishes that come back on short rests alongside your warlock spell slots sword Spar would also give you expertise so it helps improve your outof combat ility you can get the stacking extra attacks from pack to the weapon and extra attack from any of these classes or others but I think that pure warlock has even more value and honor mode now you have a lot of item versatility with this character I like vision of the absolute as an early game weapon pickup potentially blinding enemies is a great additional way to debuff them you can also still hold a shield with this weapon if you get it from your race or a feet follow Lou is a great pick as well you're going to be in the thick of things so pre-c casting the melody either on shriek or sing is a great additional way to boost your allies this character is also a great candidate for the blood of the ther the light it produces is pretty important in act two but I actually really like the baneful on this character baning enemies on a hit is a really powerful effect and since this weapon only works as a Bounder packed weapon there are a few other characters that can actually make use of it like you can shattered flail is also a great option but again you can literally pick any melee weapon so whatever is left over from your companions is an absolutely fine Choice since we're making weapon attacks costic band is also a good choice but it might be better suited to a pure Marshall character if you find starting out a lot of combats with a casting her to of eldrich blast then the Ring of Arcane Synergy giving you extra Charisma damage on your melee attacks after that can actually be a really powerful effect I really like the Amulet of misy step on this character for basically the whole game you don't really want to use your warlock spell slots at misy step unless you really have to so having one free cast per short rest can help save those spell slots for more impactful spells the Warped headband of intellect is also a great early pickup this really helps improve some otherwise bad ability checks because of our low intelligence score alternatively you can eventually pick up the diadem of Arcane Synergy inflicting a condition with the baneful makes it really easy to gain Arcane Synergy from this item bracers of Defense can be really useful if none of your other characters can use it since you might be using clothing in the early game instead of armor otherwise the gloves of dexterity serve a similar purpose bumping your dexterity to 18 for better AC and initiative you can get the boots of striding relatively early in act one since concentrating on spells like hex is important to you this helps you move around the combat and avoid going prone when you otherwise would ending your concentration early but you'll probably replace them with the disintegrating night Walkers once you get them these are some of the best boots of the game and you'll probably use them until late into act three similar to The Necklace the once per short rest myy step is really useful if you're using Shields the adamantine Shield is probably the best shield in act one otherwise you could be dual wielding light weapons for an extra attack with your bonus action although it won't be as good as your main packed weapon attacks in act two you can pick up the helmet of Arcane Acuity I think there are other characters that use this better than the Warlock can but depending on how you pick your spells combining this with the Ring Of The Mystic scoundrel in act three can be really useful but it's probably at its strongest on a swords SP since we're always concentrating the strange conduit ring is a great thing to pick up and your best ins slot armors in act two are either the potent robes although we're not focusing on our Alish blasts or the yonai scale mail if you have medium armor proficiency otherwise just the best light armor you can find you can also pick up the cloak of protection for extra AC to protect your temporary hit points from dark one's blessing and act three some of our best helmets are the Helm of Balan if you have the proficiency for it otherwise Birthright to boost our Charisma is really good here with the mirror of loss we can actually get to 24 Charisma which means between the pack of the weapon and life Drinker we're adding 14 damage through our Charisma to our attacks this character is an also a great candidate for the entire hellus armor set although we don't need the immunity to Blind it so much because of devil site but hellus armor doesn't require proficiency so we can wear all of these pieces husk boots are kind of just an upgrade to the disintegrating night Walkers the gloves give us extra fire damage and plus one to our spell attack rolls and spell save DC so it really boosts everything that we do be able to cast fly as a bonus action helps improve our ability along with all our castings of Misty step and Hell crawler I like the cloak of displacement in act three as well for this character but cloaks are pretty versatile so you can kind of use whatever one you like the best if you don't feel like you need the misy step from The Amulet you can switch to the face semblance amulet so that you're much tankier against spellcasting you use the cryp Lord's ring for extra create undeads if you need to you're not super reliant on any ring slots so you can kind of pick whatever your companions don't need I like having Gunter mail in our range slot for the casting of haste and for our act three weapon since we don't use strength we can't really use the Giant Slayer but Raven guard's long sword is actually one of our best in slot choices giving our allies temporary head points as well as ourselves based off our Charisma modifier is really excellent there are a few characters other than maybe some bars that could use this as well as us it also gives us a nice little plus two to our Charisma although it doesn't stack above 20 although it doesn't say it there this is pretty hard to obtain though and I haven't tested it on patch six if you're dual wiing rap city is also a great choice again we're going for kills so getting the plus three to our attack rolls damage and spell save DC is pretty easy but I think one of our best choices is actually the sword of chaos the healing combined with the temporary hit points from dark one's blessing makes us literally unkillable you can go toe-to-toe with some of the hardest enemies in the game and very easily mitigate the damage they deal to you especially with the Parry uptic W closure but again the choice is kind of yours and if one of your other characters could make better use of any of these weapons then you can slot in almost anything else it would also be possible to build this character around radiating orbs reverberation mental fatigue or if you're a GI you could make use of all the GI specific equipment a few other notable items might be the Elven chain and elegant studded leather as your best slot main armor equipment outside of the husk armor Amulet of Greater Health which would give you a huge con boost and mean that you don't need to take War cter The Infernal Rapier is a great option for extra summons and a second weapon that uses your charisma modifier without having to be a packed weapon and the infernal robes from Act One finally let's talk about some team options the versatility of this character means you can fit it into almost any party but I think specifically this kind of warlock wants second Frontline fighter to go along with them to help draw some of the aggro off them especially early game they won't have as much HP and it could be be hard to get a ton of AC until late game especially something like a battle master that can knock enemies prone giving the pack of the blade warlock extra hit chance bars are also excellent in a party with warlocks since the extra short rest refreshes all of their abilities outside of Mystic arcum you probably want somebody else that has expertise in slight of hand as well as a stronger lock picker and trapis armor this character can do it but not as well as a rogue Gard they're great in a Darkness build because of devil sight they can wear almost any equipment you get cone of cold for wet builds they can make use of Ring Of The Mystic scoundrel with hold person hold monster command and banishment it's just overall a really fun and thematic class if you liked this build be sure to like the video and subscribe for more this is the first of many planned bers gate videos so stay tuned of course if you disliked it make sure you unsubscribe and leave a hateful comment rather than focus on overpowered builds like throw zerker and gloomstalker assassin I prefer thematic synergistic builds that are still viable and help make each run through the game feel fresh until the next time happy adventuring
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Views: 28,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, BG3, Baldur's Gate, Build Guide, Warlock, 5e, DnD, D&D, Dungeons and dragons, larian, larian studios, build, class, pact of the blade, fiend, fiend warlock, pure class, mono class
Id: d3A_xEenUXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 55sec (1735 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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