ULTIMATE SORCADIN (Paladin/Sorcerer) Build for Baldur's Gate 3

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sorcadin the dreaded combination of Paladin and sorcerer probably one of the coolest combinations in the game because of the two vastly different play styles that are smashed together for a super character in this video today we're going to go over a sorid and build by spicing together the melee capabilities of a paladin with the insane spellcasting and meta magic of the sorcerer unlike all my other build guides this is very much a dealer's Choice type of build so we'll go through how those options can present themselves because it will really come down to you in the type of character you want to play if this is your first time on my channel the way I do things is by UPF fronting the knowledge of my videos so you can decide if it's the right one for you so with that being said let me just repeat that this is a build that is going to depend on the type of character you want uh you can go with an even six levels into both Sorcerers and Paladin you can go 10 into Paladin and two into sorcerer or two into Paladin and 10 into sorcerer hell there's even seven Paladin five sorcerer I'm going to go through what each of those combos gives you in the next section but that's what we'll be talking about today how we can make those combos work based off of the needs for the class you have in mind want to be more of a tanky Melee character that can cast here and there go with a heavier Paladin split want to have the ability to melee if someone closes the distance but you're focusing on your spells then lean harder into sorcerer with a little bit of Paladin spice on top but that's really the entirety of what we'll be talking about here today if that's all you wanted to know please feel free to shut the video down and get back to creating your superhero character in the sorcin before you head out please don't forget to like comment and or subscribe each one of those things helps me out in a huge way I currently have 89% unsubscribed viewership on the channel that's a metric I'm trying to change this year so every little bit helps you can jump ahead to any part of the video that Ines the most using the chapters both the timeline and the description and if you need help with any other subject in balers Gate 3 check out my playlist linked below and at the end of the video let's get started here on our best sorc and build for balers Skate 3 let start off off we're going to go into a conversation about those spell slots I've shown this off in a kind of a couple other videos but this is something for fifth edition um I'll put a link to it in the description if you want to use it for your fifth edition uh D and purposes but we've got the Sorcerer And The Paladin right here so I'm going to show you what's going to happen as we spice this up based off the amount of split or what levels we want to invest into things because of the way that this game works it takes a look at your your spell thoughts are basically dictated on your total Caster level like divide it by two round it down or something like that there's there's there's an equation so I'm going to show you what a 12 sorcerer can do so a level 12 sorcerer can cast one six level spell and then you have all your corresponding spells this is just to kind of give you an idea and if we were to do a 10 sorcerer to Paladin we still retain that six level spell now let's do this an even split six Paladin six sorcerer we lose our sixth level spell but we still now have a fifth level spell that we can leverage so this kind of comes down to you right how do you want to play this character do you want just you know what just a little bit in the sourcerer and I really want to lean into some of the abilities of Paladin then here we go you know we've got um a a five seven five sorcerer seven Paladin we don't have fifth or sixth level casting but we do have plenty of abilities of the Paladin that we can leverage to kind of make up that difference or do I really want to just jump hard in the paint on that sorcerer like I said before here we still get that sixth level or vice versa do I barely want to spice into sorcerer I want to go really hard with Paladin so I'm really not touching fifth or sixth again and I'm sticking with that one fourth level spell so you can use this to kind of mix and match before you even go down the road of building out this character but I did want to show you you know that kind of on the bottom end of this build you'd have one/ fourth level spell at the top end of this build as far as spell casting goes the split could get you one six level spell so judge this based off of the needs to this character is this the main character and you really want to cast spells then this is probably a healthier split for you is this really kind of a supplemental character one of the companions that you've decided to resp like say for example uh Lazelle or Lazelle and you're and you're wanting her to be more of a a um more of a tank character with less casting then you know what swap these two numbers around [ __ ] off that that uh he that uh those spells and there you go you've got something like this so just kind of Judge that but take a look mainly at how these spell levels or spell slots are going to uh fall out for you depending on the the role you have in mind for the character moving into character creation let's talk about some race options now you can choose whatever you want for this build um I really actually like dragon born for this because I feel like dragon born doesn't get enough love and I really like the dragon born they just don't really have a lot of the innate benefits of say maybe the gith that can get um tons of proficiencies for just simply being gith right so they get lightning medium armor profic proficiencies short sword long sword great sword proficiencies which are all great they get cantrips such as Mage hand and they get a leap ability they've got so many really cool things going for them and also astral knowledge gain proficiency and all skills of a chosen ability remember your stats are your abilities here you can say hey you know what even though I'm going hard in the paint on Charisma I really need to make a strong intelligence role right now I'm going to use this gith ability of Astral knowledge put it into intelligence and I get uh my proficiency in all skills of a chosen ability being intelligent so really this is going to be up to you um I'm always a real big fan of d i just they're one of my favorite races in the whole entire game um I really like when it comes to casters uh mephistophiles teelings I think they have a lot of really good can trips going for them and I think ultimately too their their lore is kind of very fun for me um when it comes to the mephistophiles teelings I'm trying to get up on the other screen as I try to make close this gap of talking very quickly uh they get Mage hand burning hands and Flame blade as their cantrips which are very cool um conversely asmodus ones they get uh produce flame helish rebuke and darkness which are actually all very good abilities um and zariel teelings uh if you want to lean heavier into the melee side of this they get thury right here at level one but then they get searing Smite and branding Smite you'll get both of those as a paladin so it's not necessarily as crucial in my opinion but if you want to kind of stick stick with that uh route you definitely can halflings are always great because of their lucky characteristic here when you roll a one for an attack roll ability check or saving though you can roll the die unless you roll um also too half works are great if you want to stick really heavy in the melee portion of this Savage attacks when you land a crit hit with a melee weapon you deal an extra dice of depth and damage and then Relentless endurance if you reach zero hit points you gain one hit point instead of being coming down so it's it's nice you kind of stay in the fight a little longer it's worth noting though if you go with half elf or elf and you go high elf cantrip it says Charisma right here but it's actually a intelligence-based ability so if you're thinking oh I'll get an extra can trip and just go with an elf it's intelligence-based which is not going to benefit you because you're going really hard with Charisma so just keep that in mind you go with highelf don't don't worry about it like especially if you're doing one of the utility ones like friends then don't even worry about it but still regardless of the fact that I just want to kind of let that be known so I'm going to switch my uh dragon born over here and I'm going to go uh I like bronze because I like lightning it's kind of cool kind of fun for me well I've always been a fan of that uh these race colors don't correspond to the dragons of fun because uh dragon born are like from like a this is wrong but a different parallel Dimension that's the easiest way for me to describe it and I know it's the wrong description but still nonetheless they're cool I went with that uh bronze dragon born now for our starting class I like starting as Paladin regardless of the split you want to do because what I like about this is it gives me access to every single item simple weapons Marshall weapons light medium heavy armor and shields if I were to start as a sorcerer I only have daggers quarter staffs light crossbows and that's it when I multiclass into Paladin I will get simple and Marshall weapon proficiencies as well as light and medium armor proficiencies but I do not get heavy by and large you don't really even need heavy if you don't want to use it but I really like the option just to kind of have it all out the gate I start with it and I can just move on it's also nice you know you get lay on hands and you get Divine sense right at the start of the game it's just the way I would build this character out for the subass here oath of vengeance is an option oath of devotion is a really good one here but I think oath of ancients really works well with this class uh the combination here is really nice because you get this ability healing Radiance heal yourself and all nearby allies for five hit points and this scales of course with the game regain another five hit points next turn why I think this is nice is that a it's a bonus action so that's a nice capability uses my channel o charges so I I can kind of stay out of the way of spellcasting with my main action if I want and this is a nice way to just kind of get a heal on the character oath of devotion has a lot of abilities that you just kind of get as a paladin so I don't like it as much and oath of the Vengeance um for me I feel like it's it's such a melee oriented oath that it really needs you to go heavy into it and the abilities of it are great like you get Missy step and stuff like that all awesome you get Missy step ancients too so just keep that in mind but I really like uh the oath of ancients here it gives you a lot of support capability while maintaining that melee and spellcasting role you get a lot of diverse options here with oath of ancients it's kind of a a different cooler one with your background please as always roleplay the character choose something that makes sense for you you know uh is this uh um a former criminal who's kind of turned a new leaf and now he's devoted his life to a paladin are you are you an acolyte who decided to take up more of a marshal code but you were born into a family of spellcasters and you've already you've always had a you've always been touched By Angels whatever it is kind of make this hero one that represents the hero you want to play in balers Gate 3 don't just simply Min Maxis because the internet tells you to if you want and you don't want to you you don't want to make that decision you get analysis paralysis go with Guild Artisan it gives you insight and it gives you persuasion both are really good going to use them a ton throughout your playthrough in the game and it's a very fun way to just kind of jump into this um you don't have to worry about anything after that because with your skill proficiencies you're down to since you since I've chosen Paladin intimidation persuasion insight and Athletics so it's pretty easy to kind of choose this insight's already chosen for you and persuasion is already chosen for you so you can just simply choose uh or or religion sorry Athletics intimidation or religion probably Athletics is good for pushing and intimidation is just nice as another alternative when it comes to conversation conversating Paving if you're a big fan of Stephen King uh whatever it is here just go with whatever works don't really touch medicine in my opinion it's just never going to really pan out for you the way you'd want it to now usually I just talk about this section as part of the creating the character but I'm going to save it for its own section so let's jump now into your abilities points when it comes to ability scores this is of course going to be dependent upon you your character what you have in mind um I'm going to to go with a paladin split that is really well balanced between casting and melee so that this is what my split's going to look like there you go I want 16 strength and 16 16 Charisma this is not a loadin right a loadin can use a packed weapon to make it so they only use Charisma but we are not that way and I'm going to focus on heavy armor so my dexterity only goes to 10 I'm going to put my Constitution up as high as I can put it um and then I'm going to take my wisdom and just put it to 10 everything else is fine anything higher than that um for our wisdom is just kind of a nice cherry on top basically my wisdom at at 10 allows me to have a well plus zero no no penalty to resist anything like a frighten a Charmed person a hold person anything that would make me lose control of my character and this puts me in a really good place to have good strength good Charisma for both casting and smites and uh melee attacks and also Constitution here which then allows me to succeed any kind of well helps with succeeding any kind of concentration roles if I wanted to maybe go heavier on simply being a Caster I would bring this all the way down maybe even just to that since I'm using maybe just only Divine Smite for my capabilities um I would bring that to eight and i' actually bring my um my my dexterity up and do something probably like this that way hey you know what I can resist those those controlled abilities a little bit better um I have my Constitution here uh to help me resist any kind of uh concentration rolls and maybe I just have the two levels into my sorcerer my sorcerer so this is how I would do it or I'm sorry two levels into Paladin so this is how I would do it I mean you could even get kind of spicy and say hey I'm going to go sorc it in but I'm going to say I really want to go harder on finesse weapons and not use strength then you can go with something like this that would make sense too right since you're using your dexterity rather than your strength for all finesse weapons you've got your 16 Charisma you're good to go if I did this though and I wanted to go with a palad and build I'd still bring my strength to 10 and the reason here is I don't like dealing with the item management or item juggling in this game I like having a decent enough strength that I can carry a lot of items it pisses me off otherwise so I'd probably do something like this if I wanted to go with more of a finesse Paladin that still uses heavy armor and it's still tanky and it's still up there close imp personal but I'm using the dexterity here for my finesse weapons keep in mind if you go the Finesse route heavy armor is probably not the best thing to do just because your heavy armor is going to negate your AC bonus from dexterity until you get the best armor the best heavy armor in the game then it doesn't matter at least that's I think how the hell dusk armor works but still um regardless or or armor of agility for that matter which is a medium armor that does not negate uh the the P the the bonus that you get um from your dexterity into your medium so just kind of keep that in mind so this just depends on your character if you wanted to go just solely hey I'm going 10 Paladin and two sorcerer that starting one we did is probably still pretty valid here because you still need this kind of split but I think the nice thing about this is this is a really strong ability split for going 66 sorcerer Paladin 57 sorcerer Paladin uh 10 to Paladin sorcerer this is a really nice come all type of ability Point split and I think this is probably the best one for you before we go into progression now let's talk about what the split looks like for these classes look how jankety this is right now but um this is the best way to describe this so you get your sorcerer class on the left you have your Paladin class on the right over here and this comes down to what you really want out of the class at level two for sorcerer you get meta magic create a spell slot and create uh sorcery points you basically get the ability to really lean into being a sorcerer using those sorcery points for meta magic it's it's one of the strongest points of being a sorcerer and why at bare minimum we would take sorcerer to level two on the other end of the spectrum for the Paladin level two gives us our fighting style and the ability to cast spells which is crucial tier spell slots and also Paladin Divine Smite which is of course the biggest reason to take a paladin so that's what happens at that base level of two for both now let's progress down over here I'm going to kind of bring this right here and I'm going to bring this right here um at level six for both classes let me put this kind of like there we go so this is like six is here and six is here six for both classes we get a subass feature for the sorcerer depending on whatever that is and of course we get some more spell slots which is very very crucial right we're going to get up to the third level spell slot which is lovely and depending on our subass hint we're going with the draconic ancestry spell slot I'm sorry uh subass uh it's probably the the the the place we would go right that's that subclass feature we would get from sorcerer now for Paladin we get Aura of protection is the one that helps out with that defensive capabilities right I do this oh God not working you gain a bonus to your saving thr equal to your Cal modifier so if I have a plus4 Charisma modifier then everyone around me gets a plus4 to their saving throw so that's why we would kind of keep it at an even split but what happens here when we start to kind of push this in different directions what happens if I go with a five sorcerer would be this right here and a 10 Paladin which would be right here so I'm sorry a seven Paladin so this is this is one of the ones that you know okay you don't get your subass features a sorcerer that's no big deal I mean subclass features aren't always amazing for the level 61 for draconic ancestry we're looking at a bonus to our resistance and to our damage based off of the uh damage type we've selected as part of our dra draconic ancestry but for level seven we get our subass feature so if we since we're going with the oath of Vengeance then we get resistance which is actually quite nice so if you want to be more of a spellcasting male Lae hybrid character that has really good auras to support the team on top of your healing 57 is definitely the split I would go with I think it's the one that that probably makes the most sense if I wanted to just simply be that real center of the of the road for both classes it's the one that where're I'm probably going to Showcase here today outside of that though what if I wanted to take one class to 10 or the other class to 10 and leave the opposite at two well you're going to get obviously an extra feat for both of those which is crucial um and at level 10 for the uh sorcerer you get another thing of meta magic you can choose another meta magic and I'll show those off at the at the progression point for level 10 for the um Paladin we get the aura of Courage right and that aura of Courage here is going to help out with being frightened uh so you don't have to deal with that anymore it's a nice capability it's not the most crucial but of course the capability here is that you're getting an extra feat you're having your extra tack CU you're at level five plus um and you have all sorts of fun stuff you you're getting your subass feature which you've already gotten which is your aura for um oath of not devotion oath of the Ancients you do get an aura if you go with oath of devotion as well there's an aura for them all the all the auras start at level seven for the sub classes for Paladin uh but that that's kind of the big difference between the level 10 of each and I know this is kind of a little convoluted and a little confusing but it's the easiest way for me to show you what you get for both and what you lose for both by going to certain levels again this guy is probably going to bring us to five sorcerer seven paladins so we can take advantage of the uh the aura from Ancients and in my mind the sorcadin is a little more on the melee side and less on the casting side because that's how I Envision this character you can Envision it the opposite way and that that still would be 100% correct so do whatever makes sense for you as far as the progression goes for this character you guessed it it's going to be up to you you can go with sorcerer first you can go with Paladin first whatever it is but I think a really good way to approach this is to get your sorcerer subass online first it'll also turn on a little bit of the casting portion of this for you as well but to start off here at level two we're going to get our paladins fighting style now for this video I'm going to do dueling and because I'm envisioning a sword and board style of Paladin for this build because you get a lot of really fun things with spell slots using a lot of the different shields in the game but I think if you want to go with more of a pure kind of straight melee DPS great weapon fighting is definitely going to be the way to go because there are so many really good weapons in the game conversely though you could just go with protection and I'm sorry uh defense and sit in between both of them and not really have a specific uh thing here that that really forces you in one weapon or or the other right like you say hey you know what I kind of just want to bounce back and forth B depending upon the weapons I get because this you know when you roll a one or a two on a damage die for an attack with a two-handed melee weapon that die is we rolled once or dueling just does two additional damage with a one-handed weapon as long as you are U not using it in any kind of two-handed manner so you can carry a shield in your free hand and still gain this bonus see pretty sweet pretty awesome so if you want to just say hey you know what I'll s between the two just give me my AC bonus there you go I'm just going to click dueling here for the Intensive purposes of this video and for prepare spells really think about this in the sense that you don't want to just go okay and next you want to look at the fact that bless is going to be good for you because you can now buff people gives you a little bit more of that utility in a defensive manner but look at stuff like searing Smite it's a concentration ability um Thunder Smite is not but I think wrathful yeah wrathful Smite is so you have a lot of these things as a paladin this is something I've talked about as a paladin a lot of spells are con concentration oriented right so even though like if I chose all three of these spells in fact all four of these spells up right now are all concentration spells so you can only have one of them active so I would say while it is still nice to have four different kind of concentration spells and kind of pick and choose what you want go with something like okay thunderous Smite is going to be applicable all the time every time it's a bonus and an action so it does it's a heavy cost to you right but at least it's not a concentration spell because I can cast this and that in two separate turns um putting in something like Shield of faith is nice CU it just straight up increases your armor class but it is a concentration spell but this is what I mean wherein you can have two concentration spells and decide which one kind of fits the bill of what you need in the given situation so don't feel like you you're penalized for taking them but just kind of keep in mind what you're doing if you take a multiple concentration spells you're kind of shutting off certain uh casting windows and this is going to be um magnified once you unlock that sorcerer portion of this here right so probably do just something like that to begin with this is a pretty good load um you could swap this out with any of the other abilities um there's tons of different things you can do with wrathful Smite and how you can really lean into the possibly frighten thing CU frightening with a lot of the armor options you have as Paladin are is pretty awesome but that's what we do here at level two and just get our Paladin taken care of just to get some Smite on board uh we've got our weapon style up online and everything like that at this point we are going to segue here into Sorcerer And with sorcerer we're going to choose our subass so this is going to come down to you guessed it your choice and I think that there can be a a thing that can be said uh for storm sorcery that is really cool like you saw that uh the thunderous Smite we chose well Storm sorcery at level six gets some really cool abilities to maximize our damage with uh um lightning abilties so you can have a lot of fun with storm sorcery and cool thing too with storm sorcery is tempestuous magic after you cast a level one spell or higher you can fly as a bonus action until the end of your turn without receiving opportunity attacks this is awesome for your Mobility right because this allows you to say hey you know what I'm not really in range of anyone but let me let me cast magic Missile or chromatic orb open up with a a cast this triggers this ability of tempestuous magic I use my bonus action to just Place me right right in in someone's face so the next turn I'm opening up on them so this is a really cool way you can kind of use storm sorcery to your ability as a Melee character for this character though I'm going to go with draconic resilience because it's just like my favorite bloodline I I've been playing with it since never winter nights 2 um no never Winters one when you sprouted dragon wings now draconic resilience here uh when you aren't wearing armor your base Armor class is 13 will'll never really take advantage of this unfortunately and we have draconic resilience hit points your hit points Max Max is increased by one for each sorcerer level so this just kind of gives us extra hit points and what's nice too about sorcerer which you're not going to see anywhere in here I think it might be right here nope uh I don't think it really shows us but sorcerer is going to add think I see it anywhere here sorcer is adding in a uh specialization in concentr in Constitution so meaning I get an advantage oh I'm sorry use my proficiency bonus when ever I do a Constitution rle which is a concentration check a lot of cons going on here so that's nice to just kind of have a know on the top of your head so as far as our canps go just depends on who else is with you in your in your team having something like friends online is a really good one uh blade Ward is nice take only half the damage from bludgeoning piercing and slashing attacks you're going to be in melee anyway might as well take advantage of it uh shocking grasp is really cool here this is something another thing that can kind of Leverage heavily into storm sorcery and I really like having a ranged ability as a uh canant trip something like Ray of frost I actually really like because it reduces movement but even something simple like Firebolt is still pretty good uh bone chill is also nice because it can um prevent targets from healing it's a very cool little thematic one minor Illusions pretty spiffy but I'm just going to go with that uh for our spells I definitely like magic Missile is one of my favorite spells in the entire game um and I really like chromatic orb because it gives you an ability to spice into any direction of damage if you wanted to though and you wanted to have a little bit more diversity since you are a Melee character having shield on demand is really nice when you're about to be hit by an enemy increase your armor class by five you take no damage from magic Missile and this is a reaction so you can choose to use this if you so wish other big ones that stand out too are Thunder Wave and burning hands because they are um melee abilities you'd use them right and they they pivot off of you and have a 17 range um cone attack so those are some two big those two big ones just to kind of Point those out and for our draconic ancestor it's worth noting too that this will grant us a spell and it has a specific kind of um corresponding element now in this build we are not going to be going to level six but if you were to take tronic ancestor to level six you get a bonus to the resistance and the damage of this corresponding element so if you are that lightning dragon born and you go to draconic ancestor level six you now get a bonus to your breath attacks as a a Lightning Dragon if you want like a blue let's just say bronze because we we said bronze uh dragon born right bronze dragon born with bronze draconic ancestry as a sorcerer now when we get to level six we get a bonus to our damage and to our resistance against lightning including using our our breath attack which is really sick but i' probably go some like blue get witch bolt um this is actually really cool armor of agathys gives you temp hit points and you can deal coold damage to any creature that hits you I really like that one I don't remember how it scales to to be totally honest with you fact you know what I think I might just go with that one because I I'm curious to see how it scales out but that is how that would look and you can choose your tronic bloodline which is cool right you put your SK scales on your character somebody pretty fancy scales not have scal going to character are you but that is that that investment into our um sorcerer here and then I would actually bring sorcerer to level two before I switch back to Paladin the reason behind this is I want access to sorcery points and metam Magic now we're going to get more metam magic at sorcerer level three but just these four are really good careful allies allies allies automatically succeed saving throws against spells that require them um your spells range is increased by 50% so melee spells now get a range of 30 ft extended spell double the duration of conditions and twin spells so cost one sorcery Point per spell slot used can trips also cost one sorcery point the spells that only target one creature can Target an additional creature this is a really cool way to add a little bit more Fuego which is fire in Spanish to your um spell casting that you're doing until you come back to sorcerer we can get another spell in here and we'll put magic Missile in because we've already talked about how much I love it and we'll do twin spell because now I can have magic Missile hit two separate characters which is just really in my opinion really really good um Extended spell uh can be nice distant is nice if we're doing a lot of our melee abilities and careful is really cool too if you have a lot of AOE spell so if I'm going with like Fireball all over the place this is nice because it allows my allies to automatically succeed those saving thr I'm just going to click it and choose it now M two you can uh swap out anything here but this brings us up to character level five so we're going to be behind the power spike a little bit here but don't worry we have plenty of things that we can do and have fun with so don't feel like you're too far behind um now for our level three Paladin we're switching back into Paladin we get our class feature of divine Health Divine magic flowing through you prevents disease from affecting you which is lovely and we get Nature's wrath restrain an enemy they cannot move Attack rules against them have dis have Advantage their attack roles and dexterity saves have disadvantage turn the faithless turn nearby Fay and Fe they are forced to flee and cannot come closer to you you're going to deal with lots of fiends in this game so it's nice and then for our oath spells which are spells that we just get as a as this oath we get speak with animals and snaring strike and snaring strike is nice uh because it was going it's going to ins snare our Target it is a concentration ability though keep that in mind and level four brings us up to the ability to choose a feat so let's talk Feats now for this class so our feet options are far and [ __ ] wide so let's take a look at the top here ability Improvement is always a really nice one if you just don't have anything that comes to mind putting into Charisma is not going to not reward you uh keep in mind though there are lots of ways to increase your charisma in the game and even putting them into strength is also a really great way there is a weapon that is part of a spoiler I'll put this in the equipment section that does uh increase your strength to 18 so if you don't want to do that you don't need to depends on just what you want to do there um some other big ones here athletes always nice just to kind of get a half point if you need a half point but when you're prone standing up significantly reduces movement which is always lovely where is that next one great weapon Master is crucial if you're going with two-handed weapons it's the one I always recommend if you're taking that route he heavy armor Master is one of my favorites if you're going for heavy armor character because incoming damage from non-magical attacks also decreas by three while you're wearing heavy armor this is a half feet as well I mean you get one ability point plus one strength here so you could have started with 17 strength if you somehow wanted and this would have gotten you up to 18 which is always really nice but getting that automatic three off of damage plus heavy armor pretty much almost always giving you two off of damage as well put you at a base of five someone hit you for 10 hit points well they'll actually only hit you for five hit points if it's a non-magical attack so I do really like that lucky is a really strong one here as well you gain three luck points which you can use to Advantage on attack rolls ability checks or saving throws or to make an enemy reroll their attack rolls you got a big Wombo Combo coming up use lucky hey your enemy just hit you for like 9,000 damage and your Vegeta just go ahead and put lucky on them and make them rroll that bad boy always really lovely Mage Slayer is really nice for just if you're playing a Melee character and you're trying to knock out the concentration of an enemy it's always just kind of nice to have um mobile how go Mobile's nice here too your movement speed is increases your movement speed increases and difficult terrain doesn't slow you down when you dash a lot of the melee classes have an ability that kind of gives you something against difficult terrain Ranger for example and Barbarian does too Paladin doesn't so this is nice to have also if you're making a melee attack you don't provoke opportunity attacks from your target I'm sorry if you move after making a melee attack so it's nice that you can kind of dip Dodge and duck out of combat if you so wish pull arm master and Sentinel work really well together if you are going with pull arms especially if you're doing like a five seven split of five sorcerer seven uh Paladin and you're doing Paladin of Vengeance with has so much Mobility that they really can use that large opportunity of attack that the pole arm gives them those two are really well done together a Savage attacker is good if you just want to have pure melee capability when making a melee weapon attack you roll your damage dice twice and use the highest result um some things that are really nice for just Caster spell sniper is always great you learn a can trip and the number you need to roll a crit hit while spells is reduced by one this effect can stack um another really nice casting ability is Elemental adept now this is very similar to what we would get naturally as draconic but uh also somewhat different spells you cast ignore resistances to lightning damage in this case in addition when you deal lightning damage with a spell you cannot roll a one so you can really get kind of creative with this let's say I am a lightning dragon born bronze for my previous example and I go with elemental adapt lightning and I'm a storm sorcerer you can have so much fun with that there's so many ways you can go crazy with that or even I am a bronze dragon born bronze draconic bloodline Elemental abep lightning I am just really doubling down on all these ways to just really ramp up my lightning damage remember we even saw that you've got that thunderous Smite as a paladin you can leverage those quite a bit and the reason I'm trying to talk about that so much is because I I'm not showcasing it enough in this video so I just want you to be sure uh to really make the decision of choosing one or the other because you have plenty of ways you can abuse everything in that game this this truly is a class combination that you can get away with a lot of different ways to approach it and have a lot of fun Shield Master would be the last one I would talk about and probably the one I would go with for this build because we're going with the sword and board you gain plus two deck saving throw while wielding a shield if a spell forces you to make a deck saving throw you can use a reaction to Shield yourself and diminish the effects damage on a failed saving throw you can take only half damage unless it's S one you take you don't take anyone so we'll go with um heavy armor Master we'll take that let's continue our progression now level five Paladin now we have our extra attack and our power Spike kind of matches everyone else for the most part for the rest of the game now extra attack is always a really nice crucial one and I really like it and a big reason too that we chose the oath of nature ancients ancient is is it whatever oath I chose what is this ancients yeah it's moon beam it's really nice call down a beam of light that damages any creature that enters the beam or starts its turn turn in the light can use an action to move the beam 60 ft it's a great capability also we have really good Mobility here with Misty step which is lovely this is a bonus action so you can use it after everything if you so wish now as far as spells go we got we're now into level two with our spells so the magic weapon one is really nice it just simply gives you plus one bonus to attack and damage roles we can use branding Smite we get uh protection from Poison which is actually kind of good in the early portions of the game you deal ton poison traps so putting these into the hit up top is not a bad call in any way shape or form it just just keep in mind this is a concentration ability I like magic weapon CU you cast it and it lasts until long rest whereas a lot of these other ones this is a concentration ability and lasts 10 turns this lasts two turns so just keep those things in mind that's why I like this one you cast it you set it and forget it basically but remember it is a ability so I'm just going to go ahead and press accept here bring our Paladin up to level six where we will get not as a part of our oath but as as a part of being a paladin Aura of protection you and nearby allies gain a zero bonus to saving throws this is based off of our Charisma modifier which we can see is plus three this would be a plus three to saving throws even though so even though it says we're getting even more spell slots pushing ahead now into our final level at level seven to get this so This level seven again is going to really depend upon your oath what you want to do if your Oath a devotion you could probably even skip this one if you want your with the Vengeance it's pretty good still um Aura of warding though is really nice you and nearby allies take only half the damage from spells basically everyone gets resistance from spells the aura disappears if you fall unconscious it's it's so strong and it's a really good one that I really like before though we jump back into sorcerer you need to kind of take a look at this and take a look at all your spells and set them up as you so wish um you can only spe from aimed selection of spells spells prepared outside of combat so you can swap these out just make sure you kind of take a look at them and make sure you know what you've got in your mind before looking at your sorcerer spell so you don't kind of double dip or anything like that and it the game tells you it's got like a little yellow yellow box around if you already have it but my point remains here just like be mindful of what you have you don't want to say oh you know what let me take this uh uh branding Smite and get something that does all this stuff it's got a lot of economy that this costs it's a concentration it's an action it's a bonus action just keep those things in mind as we swap over now to sorcerer we're only going to be able to go level four sorcerer because why would I ever have a level 12 character why would I ever do such things um and then for spells just have fun choose whatever you want choose whatever makes sense for the character you've been playing I mean darkness is a really great spell I love scorching Ray uh cloud of daggers is really fun shatter is badass especially if you're going with a thunder or lightning type of build enhance ability can be good but I would I would probably reserve it for something else uh sleep is a strong spell in the beginning of the game but it does fall off in its usefulness pretty quickly towards the end of the game um we have hold person all sorts of great things you can use uh just play whatever makes sense for you character I'll go with that even go with something like a defensive thing here right attackers have disadvantage on attack RS against that's perfectly fine but we get now even more metam magic right so we have carel we have twined now we can get subtle so we can cast spells while silenced quickened spells that cost an action cost a bonus action instead hint we're going with that one and then heighten spell targets of the spell that require saving throws have disadvantage on their first saving throw Quicken for me is just such a good one such a good one this is just allows you to have such better action economy in a given turn so we'll go ahead and take that and we'll push on to our next level that sourcer level four we'll be able to choose a new feat I'm just going to go with uh Shield Master the video and we'll do something like L of daggers now unfortunately we stop here for our progression in this video but the next level we can get fireball and that's what I would get I would definitely pick up Fireball because that level five is going to unlock those uh those those spell levels for us so Fireball is where I would go um just keep in mind too here's a keep in mind too your spell level as a your spells as a sorcerer cannot be SW spped out at whim you only swap them out when you level up so when you approach that final level for your sorcerer you need to make sure that you've got what you need cuz if you don't the only way to swap it off is to go over to Withers and Respec your character not a big deal it's just tedious just kind of saves you some time and maybe a misclick here or there and have you having you have to do it again which would piss me right the hell off but that is the progression of this character let's take a look at some equipment and some gear actually before we jump into that conversation on gear let me just quickly go over sore three points and metamagic so your sore three points are a resource here that you'll be using to do any kind of augmentation or using any kind of spell slot fun things so you have this right here create spell slot spend sorcery points to unlock a spell slot press this button and we can unlock the corresponding amount of spell slots if we have the the appropriate number of um uh what's it called uh s points here spend that out but I can also do this spend spell slots to gain sorcery points if I say you know what yeah that was all good and dandy I use my sorcery points and I I I got some some spell slots but I I don't need them I need those sorcery points to use my meta magic I would click this ability and this allows me to hey spend a level four spell slot to gain four sorcery points it's a one: one right 3 to 3 2:2 1: one and then those sorcery points then come back over to here which our metamagic panel so metam magic twin spell spells that only cost can only target one creature can Target an additional one or that careful uh spell one or the Quicken spell all these fun capabilities and it's also a big thing that you should take a note of as a what the hell are we sored in right click any one of these little guys or left click it sorry and you've got all of your reactions right here so just just have all that kind of in the back of your mind because you want to click off click on the ones that make sense for you right like oh you know what make sure you ask me to Divine Smite on crit hits this way you just know exactly what's going down I I like to have almost all these have set set to ask so that I know what's up choose whether the reaction triggers automatically or whether the game pauses for your input you know so just take a look at those things don't just kind of keep keep everything on the rails um you can click it on you can turn it off whatever it is like I can make it so you know what I really don't we don't need to be worrying about anything here level two or click these and turn it on uh I think by and large all of us would just kind of have this stuff active if you have too many of these active it's just going to go through a list though it's going to go oh did you want to do a level one Smite okay do you want to do a level four smite do you want to do a level two Smite want you level three Smite so just set these up in the way that makes sense for you your character what your levels are at and how you want to approach them um but just make sure you set these reactions up because this is something that I think a lot of us Skip and don't realize are actually pretty important to the character now as far as Weapons go in the game there's a lot of really cool ones um I'm going to Showcase two of them in a spoiler section at the end of the equipment section so that way if you've not beaten the game I don't want to spoil any kind of cameos or special weapons that hint towards certain things whatever it is I'm reserving it for that section at the end but what we've got right now are a pretty good selection so a nice one-handed sword here is The Black Guard sword on a hit infused with one of your smites the target must succeed a constitution saving throw or become dazed a nice really solid weapon if you're going with a sword and board build like we've done here today some other really cool ones though farara lve which you're going to get in the very beginning of the game um you have the sword of the emperor which going to get an act three this weapon deals an additional 1 D4 against shape shifters or polymorph creatures that's more an act three anything but you're going to get an act three anyway so it's nice but magical durability the wielder has a plus two bonus to saving throws against spells making you just even more tanky a nice Act One ability that you're going to get I'm sorry a weapon you're going to get is Faith breaker here um now this is cool because it's a versatile Warhammer and the nice thing is it's got this ability absolute power so it will do slashing damage it'll or I'm sorry kind of funky yeah it does slashing damage I suppose uh it does a lot of damage damage either way it's a really really nice one it does some Force damage it's really sick and you get it right there at act one and it like I said too it is a versatile weapon so you can use with one hand or twohand it's entirely up to you um now outside of that another two-handed weapon that you can use if you want to go the two-handed route is the corpse grinder this one's pretty cool because it does leverage into some Thunder damage and its ability here Grand Slam is really nice slam you're up into the ground thunderously impacting nearby foes and possibly pushing them away there's a big huge kind of Aura blast around very very fun now some other weapons too that I've mentioned that oh you know what let go over this one first if you want to go with more of just the the sorcerer route this is probably the best one to get you're going to get this in act three here you gain plus one bonus to spell save DC and spell attack roles and alleviate the Arcane burden of spell casting with the power of the staff the next spell you cast doesn't cost a spell slot really nice here and also this cool favor be yourself with elemental energy source from the draconic goddess gresca so you want to go more of just a pure spellcaster with a little bit of melee spice this is for you now some weapons I don't have on my person that are so that good are the everb burn blade which you're going to get on the actual tutorial ship it's a two-handed weapon it's really strong but a nice nice Act One one-handed weapon that you can use for the entirety of this build is the blood of Leander so once per long rest when you hit when your hit points are reduced to zero you regain 2 to 12 hit points allies within 9 M also regain 1 to six hit points a ther's light shed Holy Light in 6 M radius combat fiends and Undead standing in the light are blinded unless they are succeed a constitution saving throw that's actually really strong throughout the majority of act one and two because you'll be dealing with either Undead or fiends or Undead and fiends and you'll need light and Sunbeam is a really strong level six evocation spell it's a plus three weapon enchantment you're going to use it for your entirety if you go with sword and board well Mason board case but those are some of your really fun weapons you can play around with let's jump down to the rest of your gear so two things to start off with that I don't actually have CU I don't have the money for them is the armor of persistence it's very good it's probably the best um heavy armor in the game outside of a very specific one you can get by going through an act three Quest um but armor persistence is all incoming damage is reduced by two and you gain resistance and blade Ward it's that's so strong also disadvantage on stealth checks so who cares you're going heavy armor this is nice you just simply buy this it does cost 16,000 gold though so keep that in mind it's not requiring that you do any specific Quests for any specific outcomes right like certain items you might not get because you didn't want that outcome for the character for your story for whatever it is this you just buy at a vendor right in act three you just got to make sure you keep Damon alive from the Nal um Cove whatever the hell the the Druid Grove is is en Ral Grove I guess that's the only kind of caveat there um there's also the boots of persistence that AR also from the same vendor and they match uh you're you gain freedom of movement and long Strider so it's just they're really really solid boots deck saving throws plus one both those two in conjunction that's also like the quintessential Paladin look they look absolutely but outside of that let's take a look at my character ignore what I'm wearing it would just look really cool so I put it on just Rippling Force male which is you do get this in act two gain Force conduit when taking slashing piercing or bludgeoning damage um damage against the affected entity is reduced by one per the turn remaining if the entity takes damage while it has five or more turns remaining it deals one to four Force it's kind of a cool thing I think honestly its Effectiveness does fall off um but taking a look at some of the some stuff you can use is adamantine um scal mail this is the medium armor just think of this as the heavy armor version which in that case all incoming damage is reduced by two rather other than one and reing lasts for three turns other than two that be your big difference also attackers can't land crit strikes on the wear also it has a base AC of 18 though it's a pretty cool suit of armor that you get right there at the end of act one and it's going to last you for a good amount of time until you get something better uh either at the end of act two through Krick or uh sometime in act three with these suits of armor The Black Guard plate which is one of my favorites all incoming damage is reduced by one advantage on wisdom saving throws it looks really cool too here take a look not pretty sweet I put white and scarc Dy on this it's really cool and thematic um also we have the potent robe if you want to go with just something that's a little bit more focusing on being a sorcerer this is the best sorcerer robe in the game that I can think of your cantrips deal additional damage equal to your charisma modifier well-liked and well fortified at the beginning of the wear's turn the Rope activates granting them temporary hit points equal to their Cris modifier and armor class plus one so if you wanted to stick with that 10 source two Paladin this would be a really good robe to use even DED it it looks really sweet on my character look at that pretty cool right do Burly as hell good Lord um but that's some pretty good armor that you can use far as gloves go I have these on quick spell gloves so the quick spell finger is a um right here it requires sorcery points oh no I'm sorry it doesn't it does not it does not sorry cat trips that cost an action cost a bonus action Instead This effect can be used once per short rest so it's kind of like adding in a little bit of spice into this fun this here uh we can just kind of Click our cant trips and so we can use all these as a bonus action if we want like hey you know what that guy's got plate armor on I'm going to use shock and grasp on this this spell has a advantage on creatures with metal armor and I'm really going to have some fun and then I'm going to go ahead and go to go to town with everything else or you know I didn't get the armor persistence so I'm going to bonus action cast blade Ward it's just kind of a fun way to get more out of your can chips if you so wish those are a good set of gloves outside of that though gloves of heroism from act one are very good Channel o spells that you gain heroism when you cast them and strength sa and throws plus one gloves with the battle mage power when a weapon attack roll inflicts a condition the wielder gains Arcane Acuity Arcane Acuity is nice because you get a plus one bonus to attack rolles and spell and spell DC also it's a strength saving throw plus one cerebral Citadel gloves charm or frighten creature to gain a plus one D4 bonus to attack rolls and saving throws and there's plenty of ways for you to charm or frighten either as a sorcerer or Paladin uh you can use the the the psionic uh uh Smite right there's lots of ways you can do that but really good one here too is legacy of the Masters gain plus two bonus to attack and damage rols with this weapon or with weapons sorry and saving strength saving throws is plus one they're really really solid gloves um honestly gloves or heroism are just going to last you all the way till act two or three when you start getting these other talked about as far as boots go just use anything that gives you Misty step or any kind of movement cap cap ability I've got the black guards griev on because it gives you long Shredder and plus one Athletics that was good enough for me long Shredder is that plus 10 to movement right plus 10 t plus 10 feet so whatever boots you find that just give you some sort of Mobility that's what you should use um as far as our Shields go the shield of the UND devout is one that you're going to get from The Black Guard as well The Black Guard all get you get from three black guard at one specific spot in act three bows have disadvantage on saving throws to resist your spells or actions that inflict Fe here so if you went with an oath breaker this would be particularly good right same thing with these these gauntlets um and you can even use that one Smite that that does fear but you gain plus one uh level one you gain one level one spell slot which is lovely it's kind of why I focused on uh shields for this build this one right here you gain one level one spell slot you also just get Aid which is cool and shield bash in general is really cool so when you when a foe hits you with a melee attack you can use your reaction to not get prone unless they succeed a dexterity save and throw remember one reaction per combat round so keep your reactions just in mind kric Shield plus one gain or you gain plus one bonus to spell save DC and spell attack roles so if you make any uh casting spells with this bad boy on it helps you out you get advantage on Deck saving throws and lastly you have just the Adam anti Shield which is really easy to get but attacker can't be crit hit and when a melee attack misses you the attacker is sent Reeling for two turns so nice combination of items right there uh for our helmet I have the flawed hell dusk helmet on that wielder has a plus two bonus to saving throws against spells just kind of adds that spell saving throw DC and con saving throw plus one which is always lovely but a nice one that you're going to get an act one is helmet of smiting when you apply a condition with one of your Smite spells you gain temp hit points equal to your charisma modifier which is plus four nope nope nope plus three remember you can only get 10 pit points from one source so go with whatever is going to give you the most temp hit points and then lastly birth right here uh this is just one I put in maybe more for casters but it just gives you plus two Charisma you could even just swap that on like hey you know what I'm a sword and board guy I'm just going to not have anything on my head you can even have a cool ass hat and and plate armor if you want um but this just gives you straight up two Charisma bringing us to plus four to our Charisma checks so if you want to be a Caster you can use that you want to use it on your plate armor you definitely can whatever sense for you as for jewelry I have got the Amulet of the Harpers here which gives me a free shield and advantage on wisdom saving throws but another good one here is the spell Crux amulet which gives us spell slot restoration which is always nice for a sorcerer which relies upon their spell slots quite a bit for our Rings we have The Crushers ring which increases our movement Speed The Ring of mental inhibition when a foe fails a saving throw against one of your spells they gain mental fatigue so a minus one penalty to wisdom intelligence Charisma saving throws lastly Killer's sweetheart heart when you kill a creature your next attack rle will be a critical hit once spent this effect refreshes after a long hit uh Rest Long rest but this is a reaction you don't have to let this go off so you can kind of save this for a big boss to guarantee a critical hit which is really nice especially if you're using two-handed weapons uh spur ban during combat when the we wear starts their turn with less than 50% hit points they gain momentum I don't know why I have that on but it's there use it if you so wish last slot to talk about here is our cape I really like this cap I don't see it used in a lot of builds but I think it's one of my favorite ones so absorb Elemental damage once per short rest take half damage from the next Elemental attack targeting you and deal an additional 1d6 of that element type of your next attack so if you are focusing on lightning and thunder you can really kind of use this to have a lot of fun it's a cool looking cloak too looks like a carpet um but there's another fun one here with vious cloak you gain seven temp hit points after casting a spell while in melee or cloak of prote oh my gosh cloak of protection plus one Armor class and plus one saving throw here it's a really nice one it's really default you get it very early in the game and it just gives you some pretty nice uh defensive capabilities you could use this cloak the entirety of the game and not have a single issue all right this next portion is spoiler oriented so if you have not completed the game or gotten through most of act 3 and you don't want to have any spoilers please skip this section just go ahead and look down and jump ahead I'm going to give you 1 2 3 4 5 Seconds now we're scrolling down so some other really good weapons and items to use is sarahx horn helmet you gain dark vision if you needed it but the number you need to roll a crit hit while attacking is reduced by one which is sick you can't be frightened which is awesome and you get plus one to your con throws it's a really really good helmet um also too is sarahx sword of chaos this just gives you free hit points it's really strong you have a nice amount of special abilities with this too you can do bleeding you can do a charge you can do a cleave I really love this sword does necrotic damage it's just so fun but another really good mace if you decided not to go with that Max roll on dexterity is strength is hand maiden's mace you get this from from viconia this has innate poison built into it and it just sets your strength to 18 very very cool but another really solid weapon here nope nope Shield here is viconia walking Fortress it Bonia or Bonia I played all these goddamn games you think I remember um so she has a different shield bash rebuke of the mighty when a foe hits you with a melee attack you can use your reaction dealing It 2 to8 Force damage and knock it prone unless they succeed a sa a deck saving throw spell guard you gain advantage on saving throws against spells spell attacks against you have disadvantage and then you get two cool abilities reflective shell a reflective shell that envelops you reflect any projectile Target at your back at you back to the their point of origin for two turns as a bonus action that's so sick then just warding Bond so you have a lot of really fun things you can do with this and it looks just absolutely sick it just really fits that overall look that you've created here for a sorcadin it's probably one of my favorite Shields and especially if you take Shadow heart through the kind of good path if you're going with more of like a a holy holier than now Paladin this just fits so well into the theme of everything we jumping into that we want to make sure since we are playing a paladin we do our oras properly HG up to them one and then there's two before we actually showcase the combat I wanted to talk about that cuz just make sure you're doing those things or else you like oh man I totally forgot about doing those and they're going to last here they're permanent right they're lasting until our long rest jumping into combat let's have some fun show off some stuff so right now I'm out of comat physically outside of threaten range so I can c have spells I can have fun I can do whatever I want and we have the ability to use our primary action to go and attack throw fistic cuffs use Divine Smite whatever it is and we can also just simply cast spells all sorts of stuff keep in mind too we have the channel oath here so if I say you know what I see Shadow heart's kind of low and I see Will's kind of low I could go ahead and do this and heal them both right now get a little utility going in this situation or I could try and say hey you know what I'm going to get a big heal on Shadow heart cuz she's just super low right now now go ahead with that but I can go greater healing I can go cure I can go lesser healing whichever one I kind of want to do for my lay on hands I have four whole charges of that which is really nice but let's try and maximize our action and bonus action so we're going to go ahead and use oh good where is it quickened spell spells that cost an action cost a bonus action instead so let's try and do this we have four of these right let's click this okay so now we can cast some stuff you know what we can do that instead if we wanted so we'll just use one of those we can cast uh uh you know what I'm going to do chromatic orb here and there whatever I want to do but we're just going to go with this quick and spell in fact it's my favorite ability I'm going to use chromatic orb um and let's go with fire if I can launch one of these bad boys just right into him ah that was that wasn't nearly what I was thinking I was like maybe I can get some pretty fun with that right and just to kind of show you twin spell here I can go one two three and then choose another one one two three but I'm not going to uh let's go ahead actually level two lot let's do that that there that'll do we' casted moon beam that was our bonus action we still have our primary action to do some stuff if we so wish I mean I could still use a sorcery twin spell attack and do something else if I so if I if I wanted um you can just cast two spells right use that to use your bonus action then use your Prime action to cast another spell if I want whatever it is right but let's go ahead over here and let's attack something you know what maybe this guy and now I can decide cuz I did a critical hit and all my reactions are online to do a divine Smite let's just kind of Jack us up to level four and just really toast him I broke my oath of course because killed An Innocent but hey it's a YouTube video we do what we got it I'm going to go over here and do this one as well and they're go they're they're gone ahead and dead so this just gives you an idea of how we can spice this character around right you make sure you set your reactions to and everything for all your Divine smites and all your sorts of fun needs um I could have just doubled down on on Divine smites there I could could have casted two different spells I could have done so many different things different approaches that if I wanted to you just kind of have some fun with this um and that's what I really like about this class I think honestly this is like the superhero class I think only one that kind of comes in comparison this would be the Baden that can do pretty much godamn near everything right The Bard kind of has a lot of those those skill monkey mechanics that you can combine in with the fact that you're both using Charisma for everything you do but I think what's so fun about the sorcadin is it it's really dealer's choice you can go heavy sorc you can go heavy Paladin you can go and even split you can do any one of the different sub classes to make this a very diverse and different build and I think that's what is so fun about this here is that you really can do a lot of really cool things with this so hopefully this gives you a better idea of how this class plays out and how this class can ultimately I think it's like this is like the main character right Paladin I think is is is a really good main character but a sorcerer Paladin holy crap you've just done so much in so many different directions and you have all these bonuses to your conversational skills because you have such high Charisma keep in mind just really quick before I close out um one thing I want to exemplify is how Aura of warding and Protection work they're both active right and doesn't I can't get this to damn well they're within 10 ft that the or the aura is active so you'll see here this is 10.2 ft and carlac is about 11.9 ft away from me so she doesn't have these two icons on her right because I'm too far away same thing with will will is like just out of range but if I move over here he'll get them back on so just keep those in mind with your auras that you do need to be around people and it's probably going to benefit you and any other front liner or you any other backliner if you're with them but again hopefully this video helps you in deciding how to build out a sorad in there's so many ways you can approach this you have any questions comments or you say hey you know what I'm using this in my sorc and build and it is straight bananas it's so damn good I really recommend you go with that instead or hey you know what um I see you went with this with the sorc in what I did was I splashed two levels into Rogue to get more bonus actions whatever it is let it you know in the comment section below always down to have some fun but my Bros thank you so much for watching here today have a good one and take care [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 122,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ULTIMATE SORCADIN (Paladin/Sorcerer) Build for Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, paladin, bg3 sorcadin, bg3 sorcadin build, bg3 sorcadin guide, bg3 sorcadin vs lockadin, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldurs gate 3 paladin guide, baldurs gate 3 paladin build, baldurs gate 3 paladin, bg3 sorcerer build, bg3 sorcerer multiclass, bg3 paladin multiclass, bg3 best paladin multiclass, bg3 best paladin build, bg3 best sorcadin build, bg3 best sorcadin feats
Id: 7OvUfyBNHK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 40sec (3880 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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