Building Zuko in Baldur’s Gate 3 - Avatar Themed Builds - Monk/Ranger Multiclass

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today we're going to be looking at what is one of my favorite RPS and that is uh the firebending monk I would call him Zuko but I don't know if I'm allowed to so I'm going to call him the blue spirit that is what he goes by when he's wearing his blue spirit mask in avatar The Last Air air bender if you haven't seen it check it out Zuko one of the best villain uh story arcs that you'll see in any anime anywhere fantastic character we're going to be rping as him today with a monk build this is truly a hybrid build someone known for dual wielding and also known for shooting flames from his fists and it works out that way in the game this is a build that is going to hit hard physically at times and other times it's not going to be the best in melee and it's also going to be a build that hits hard with magic but at times is also not going to be the best magic user and I think that's sort of the you know the best and worst of a hybrid so let's get started let's take a look at Zuko and uh we'll start off in the Character Creator here in the Character Creator we're looking at Mr cotton candy beard here don't worry we're going to hop over to Zuko in a second but as far as creating your initial character you have the choice of any race of course but if we are going to RP uh Zuko I think it probably makes the most sense to be a a full-size character and humanoid uh so I mean technically you could be a halfling but it doesn't quite fit that Zuko build technically you could be a half workk and you can use this build but it doesn't quite fit the RP goals so if you're ever really trying to do the RP goals here you're probably going to want to stick with human or half elf or elf something along those lines if you're just looking to use the fire monk build go for it pick a dwarf fir monk who cares go for it class we're going to pick Monk of course that's where we're going to be for the first couple levels here and then as far as a background goes not 100% sure what the best background would be for Zuko I I think the obvious one is Noble but I I I think maybe something along the lines of like charlatan or Outlander could also kind of fit he this is somebody who's been uh who's been banished from his home country is maybe maybe it makes sense to have him be somebody that's more in the shadows maybe even a criminal cuz he is sort of a bad guy for the majority um of that series but I'll stick with Noble just so that I don't have to think too too much about the RPS ects of it I don't have to tie myself in KN so we'll move on to the abilities in the ability section this is a build that is going to forego uh intelligence encouragement this is not a fantastic face build if you want to make it be the face of your party uh you certainly can you could probably do something along those lines make it a little bit more of a face character but I'm going to really stack into the into the kind of fighting aspect of things here at the top and leave more of the mental capacity things at the bottom I think in the series Zuko um doesn't show the best intelligence or wisdom but just for the fact that this is a monk and we do need wisdom to land our monk abilities I am going to give him wisdom this will be the end of the series Zuko who has been enlightened he's not a charismatic guy he does not want to talk to anybody he's never really a tactically sound person so we'll take the intelligence down he's a fairly con he has a fairly good Constitution he's lean but he he could take a hit he's very dexterous often seen dual wielding and tripping people up um very quick and stealthy and then he is moderately strong you don't want to get pushed around too much so we will allow Zuko to have fairly good strength as far as skill proficiencies go uh we're going to get three of them I think it probably makes sense to go with acrobatics because he is extremely acrobatic in the show I also think that it probably makes sense to go with stealth there's multiple scenes where where he seen sneaking in and out of establishments um and then where you go from there is really up to you I think survival fits a lot this is somebody who spends a lot of time alone living off of the land um doesn't necessarily have a home survival makes a lot of sense um as far as other things go nature will probably make sense for the same reason investigation might make sense cuz he's constantly searching for Ang and maybe it makes sense that it's only a plus one cuz he often times does not find Ang you make it slight ah hand if you want to lean into the sort of rogue build aspect of it uh but I'm probably just going to go with survival I think that makes the most sense from an RP standpoint so let's hop over to the actual Zuko now and we'll take him from level two to 12 all right getting a level two with our monk we have a much more Zuko is looking guy here he's more like goth Zuko but you know I'm not a character creator and this game doesn't allow you to sculpt faces thank God cuz then people would give me a lot of crap if you can design a better Zuko let me know let me know what to pick and please God but mostly I just like this tattoo there's no burn marks over the eye but I think this really fits the vibe of Zuko clearly D something wrong with this eye a focal point of his character monk level two we're going to get um we're going to get additional key points I believe that makes it three at this point and then we're also going to get unarmored movement if you're willing to not wear armor of course the choice is always yours but if you're willing to not wear armor you get extra an extra 3 meters of movement we also get all of our um monk specific actions we get patient defense which gives us much better defense which might be useful since this is uh not the most bulky character with with low armor and moderate con we step of the wind Dash to help us move around quicker and step of the wind disengage to get out of trouble so we'll go from there and we'll take it on to monk level three this is going to get us access to sub classes where we have monk of the four elements we have the way of the open hand and the way of the Shadows I think the only way to really go here is the way of the four elements it's it's almost like it's tailored around uh it's it's tailored around the Avatar builds it is very much the Avatar Style build we're only going to take fire aspects from it but this is what we're looking for we're looking for a monk that is equal abilities to punch and to Flame I will have later builds with people from Avatar like um aula who will probably be a shadow Monk and maybe even the Avatar himself who will probably be a way of the Open Hand monk but we'll have to wait until I get around to making those ones by picking the way of the four elements we're going to get some spells and we're also going to get Harmony of Fire and Water this is a pretty crucial ability especially for this build uh because key points are at a premium so while you're not in combat you can regain half your key points rounded down as far as spells go I think there's some obvious ones I think burning hands is the first like I mean it's it's technically called sweeping Cinder strike but it's burning hands it is like the quintessential Firebender move it is you're shooting flames out of your hands it's a great early game move and it makes a lot of sense from an RP standpoint I think the second one I'll probably pick is the fangs of the fire snake this is not only what I would personally think is probably like one of the best ones but also fits the RP really well we're going to shoot somebody in the face with a flame and then afterwards your next melee attack deals an extra one to four fire damage that pairs really well with flal blows or your next attack in general um and then there's there's kind of a few more options here none of them fit perfectly obviously we're not going to pick any of the ice ones um you could technically pick touch of the storm because he does deal with lightning and his family deals with lightning but it's kind of a lackluster move Thunder Wave same thing he does deal with lightning but there's not really any point in time where Zuko in Avatar blasts anybody off a cliff so what I'm going to do is pick fist of unbroken air um I think this could be rped as anytime that there's such a powerful move it literally knocks somebody back I think it's a fantastic kind of example of um of a monk and pure power that Z and Zuko is a power guy he's knocking people around our next level is where we we are going to take a break away from Monk and we're actually going to go into Ranger so you might be saying but but we're only two levels away from extra attack and this actually is going to be a build that never experiences extra attack we will however have other options that you'll see as we move forward with our first level of Ranger we're going to get a couple of options if you really want heavy armor proficiency you can get it but I'm probably going to leave this unarmored you can pick Bounty Hunter which will allow you to use ins snaring strike much better you can choose you can get Arcana proficiency from either one of these two or you can get sacred flame sacred flame actually probably makes a lot of sense from an RP standpoint but from a purely usefulness standpoint I'm going to pick Bounty Hunter and snaring strike will be very useful and Zuko is a skilled Warrior the idea of him and snaring somebody is not out of this world as far as natural Explorer goes we never really see him with any animals or companions in the show Urban tracker does probably make a lot of sense for his more rogish style but I think the obvious choice here is Wasteland Wanderer fire getting resistance to fire just fits it just makes so much sense here so we're going to go ahead and take that he's a fire bender he's resistant to fire and we do get an extra um skill proficiency spend it where you like I'll just toss it in a stealth it fits his character and uh we will go from there we've got three more levels in Ranger at level two we're going to get some spells which is nice we're also going to get a figh style which is kind of key actually to this build as for spells we're definitely going to take in snaring strike because uh we have that advant well enemies have disadvantage against it and I think Hunter Mark is not only one of the best options for Ranger it also makes sense because he spends most of his time going around and hunting the Avatar it makes a lot of sense that he would be marking his prey as far as fighting styles go he's often seen especially as the blue Spirit dual wielding so we are going to grab two weapon fighting and that way we get that um when you make an attack with your off hand weapon you can add your ability modifier to the damage that way we're getting really high quality dual wielding we'll move on to our next level of Ranger at Ranger level three we get to choose our subass now we never see uh we never see Zuko with any Animal Companions although I suppose he does ride one of those big beast lizard things and he is a Hunter of sorts so those could possibly make sense but I think gloomstalker makes the most sense he is a very stealthy character this will allow him the dread em ambusher hide to hide with a bonus action he'll also be able to become invisible when obscured it also gives him dark vision which is sorely uh needed if you do go with the human variant I here you can see I went with the high elf variant because he comes from royalty and high elfs are very Royal and you do get dread ambusher which will help not having extra attack dread ambusher will be fairly key and disguise self just fits into that sneaky roguish style we do also get to prepare a spell and the good thing is that we are a wisdom character and Rangers are off of wisdom so additional spells never help hurt uh I would probably grab an RP something to help out here I'll just grab long starter just cuz it's never bad to move more and we'll move on to the fourth and final level of Ranger for our fourth level of Ranger we have the option to replace a spell which we are not going to do but we are going to grab the Dual wielder feet we get plus one bonus to Armor class when dual wielding which is awesome it's basically half a shield if you think about it that way it's actually quite nice and then of course we get to use du wielding weapons which is awesome who doesn't like going around and double attacking people it's sick and that's going to be the last level of Ranger because next level we're going to take maybe a turn that uh from an RP standpoint doesn't make the most sense um to some people but let me let me explain it to you it makes sense we are going to hop into cleric now as far as cantrips go I think thury makes sense because bone uh buffing intimidation I think is is pretty on point and then from there I think produce flame makes a a ton of sense and sacred flame makes a ton of sense it makes a ton of sense as far as sticking to the RP that is Zuko now as far as subass goes I think there's really only one option we have to pick the light domain and this is what's going to allow him to uh stay alive a little bit better in the short term and in the long term be a little bit more of a force with those fire spells it gives us light as a can trip which is fairly useless it gives us burning hands which we already know but we can use this with a spell slot instead of a key point so we can start to kind of ration our key points versus spell slots also gives us fairy fire which is great for gaining advantage and also has the word fire in it so it fits the vibe a ton most importantly it gives us warding flare as a reaction which is just tremendous allows us to make enemies roll every single turn we can make an enemy roll their attack on us uh which is just fantastic as far as deities go I don't know if there's one I I'm going to be honest I have put like a ton of thought into the deity go ahead and pick whichever one you think fits him the most Tempest war and Soldiers with a little flame on the logo probably makes a lot of sense moridan the god of Smiths but it does say dwarf and it probably doesn't make a lot of sense I'm going to go with Tempest it that that if that's not the most fitting RP picture for here I don't know what is as far as actual spells go this is where it gets a little bit uh kind of off of the RP if you don't pick specifically bless definitely doesn't make any sense for Zuko command does however he's very bossy makes a lot of sense Bane you're going to knock people you're going to negatively affect people on the battlefield that's very fitting I think Shield of Faith makes a lot of sense this is a person who is not traditionally faithful in the Paladin sense but is definitely driven by sort of sort of bound and driven by his initiative his goal it sort of drives him and then uh from there I think inflict wounds probably makes the most sense this is somebody who is you know out to kill so I think that makes a lot of sense even though it's not a fire move this is somebody who will wound you and so we'll move to cleric 2 and we are going to take cleric all the way out so depending on what we get I will uh speed it up a little bit turn on Dead's not bad an extra Channel Divinity is also not bad uh have the option to change your day if you're not happy with it we also get Radiance of da which is an epic move this is an AOE move that we can use with our Channel Divinity and I think also makes a lot of sense there are a lot of moments in the RP where Zuko sort of is knocked down and bursts with anger with it and and sort of there sort of unleashes an AOA around himself and and impacting everyone around him I think that can sort of be rped with the radiance of da it's not necessar necessarily A Radiance of Brilliance as much as it is a Radiance of M malice but it doesn't say a nice radius it just says a Radiance as far as adding another spell um I suppose you could pick cure wounds this is somebody who um who is trained as as a military member probably knows how to field dress wounds you could also pick Sanctuary this is somebody who like I said spends a lot of time alone and and definitely knows how to weave his way in and out of battle and we'll move our way onto cleric level three continue contining to work that um that RP we're going to get some new spells but per perhaps more importantly we get some great light domain spells we get flaming spear which is spear flaming sphere which is a summon which is absolutely fantastic and scorching Ray 6 D6 fire damage whenever we want fits the RP Target multiple people it's awesome and then as far as prepared spells go if you're not loving the RP of any of the ones that you have in there you can grab hold person this is somebody who's literally trying to lock somebody up in prison old person makes a lot of sense you could also pick something like blindness not necessarily um a spell that you see somebody cast but the idea of tossing dirt in the eyes or or using some sort of advantage to Blind the enemy is not out of scope of this RP at all you could also pick protection from Poison if you wanted to RP him as somebody who's you know aware of his surroundings um and can avoid poison and and sort of preps his day with an antitoxin that could also make sense Cal emotions is also a very good RP although not the most useful spell this is somebody who constantly deals with emotional outbursts so I think a calm emotions as a spell would make a lot of sense as he sort of regathering himself so we'll move on to the last two levels of cleric here where we will get our fourth level of cleric which means another feat now this is sort of an interesting one as far as the cantr goes we're probably just going to pick whatever you want same thing goes for spells I've laid out a couple options already but as far as the feet this is a very interesting one simple option here is probably take the ability score Improvement this is our last feet so this is our only way to get up to 18 however if you know the game and you know that you can get up to 18 with the mirror at in act three maybe you feel that you can get by with 16 dexterity and then you can start to dip into the defeats and kind of RP something else you could always you could always magic initiate one of these things like sorcerer and grab an additional cantrip and spell that might fit but I think that we've really worked through a lot of the Spells I don't think that there's a lot of spells that really help at this point so I think what makes the most sense probably for me uh where the heck is it where the heck is it you could pick something like spell sniper which is going to increase his critical hit chance this is a very precise fighter and then uh uh the last one is going to be the spell person I don't know where it is Elemental Adept sorry what what what might make the most sense um and I haven't tested this exclusively with monk stuff I've I've played with elemental adep before but I haven't a ton with I haven't played a ton of Monk cuz it's not maybe the most beginner friendly class I don't think it stands out as much so I haven't played a ton of monk so I haven't tested this with the monk abilities but I'm assuming it will work with the monk abilities if you take Elemental fire Adept spells that c that you cast ignore resistance to fire which is fantastic cuz we have only fire spells thanks to our RP in addition when you deal fire damage you cannot roll a one which is awesome because things like Fireball and uh Ray of fire and scorching Ray etc etc are going to really benefit from that it makes Fireball and instead of the base line for Fireball being eight the Baseline is 16 I think is what it is now moving on to our last level once again a chance to change our deity and uh but perhaps most importantly we get this auto spell here 86 fire damage or Fireball automatically added to our spell list which is absolutely fanastic I love it from an RP standpoint it's also a fantastic spell and with um Elemental Adept this will be 16 to 48 damage as opposed to 8 to 48 damage so the base the Baseline has brought up quite a bit we also will get destroy Undead which is just a nice little perk if there's ever an undead around you you can just kind of Zap them and they're turned and they get Damage Done to them which is fantastic we also get access to third level spells now the only ones that really fit here in my opinion I think are probably these two in the middle Glyph of warden can be used with any um sort of spell damage type has a lot of different damage types that can be used it does include fire so you can use it as fire but I also like the RP of Zuko being like I said somebody who's tracking and hunting and planning and trapping and the idea of him laying down a trap that puts people to sleep or the idea of him laying down a spike trap is not out of this realm of possibility so I think it makes a lot of sense for Glyph of Waring to be added as well as the fireball that we automatically get from this level and then also I don't hate Spirit Guardians as well just because if you watched the show The Avatar you know that there's a lot of people that are sort of Haunting and helping Zuko his uncle iro is always there literally literally as a guardian in his life I don't hate the idea of him summoning the literal Spirit of his uncle iro to help him in his battles dealing radiant damage around him or necrotic damage if you have a more Sinister outcome and then also I don't hate the idea of him having these haunting Spirits his father who banished him all these negative things that that are working in his life maybe the spirit Guardians are are necrotic damage and they're more of a negative Force around him maybe he can't control it but it comes out uh every once in a while in the form of spirit Guardians so I don't hate Spirit Guardians being added either so I will I I I think that probably fits the RP otherwise maybe bestow curse fits but other than that I don't think most of these really fit the RP let's hop into a battle and see how it all Blends together all right there's our boy the blue Spirit ready to go uh I just gave him a couple items that I think are fitting this is by no means a super optimized build the whole point of rping this is not to really make a final build but to kind of make a full game RP through the whole game build so showing just a final build just an assortment of weapons that kind of make sense and or look cool and I'll start with the weapons for that reason this is the salt Scimitar is not very good but it looks cool as hell and then the knife of the undermountain king is very good it knocks your uh critical hit down by one which is spectacular and gives you advantage on lightly obscured foes which I think fits for somebody who's considered fairly sneaky I gave him this ring the fetish of color D the ring that gives him invisibility and then for a helmet he has the mask of so perception which is just a plus two bonus to attack rolls initiative and perception which is you know fantastic fantastic helmet plus two attack rolls is awesome give him the C of protection just for a little buff to Protection Plus pretty cool I think the most fitting two are probably these last two the hell dusk armor not only is it a very good armor you're automatically proficient in it when you put it on uh but when you succeed in a saving throw the cter receives earning for three turns so by using your dexterity um I think we have plus two so by using your moderately good dexterity of 16 if you dodge a spell you're going to inflict burning on the person who pass it which is awesome and you have resistance to fire damage and cannot be burned which is also awesome although we already have resistance to fire damage but not being able to be burned and taking three less damage from all sources is fantastic and then lastly the hell dust gloves 1d6 damage of fire to all of our weapon attacks um and our unarmed attacks deal one6 necrotic damage which is awesome literally punching the life out of people and it also gives you raise of fire which is right here I just went through I have kind of all of our monk abilities I have all the fire abilities and then a little bonus raise of fire here so let's start some Ruckus and uh we'll see what we can do he's too close for me to get advantage on let's kill this guy Benji was annoying oh wow actually take quite a bit and it is just me so we'll see how things beir the good news is uh you have a lot of Versatility with this class you normally wouldn't have fly but from very earli on you're going to have something like um step of the wind Dash so normally what would be very far I can get all the way over here and go ahead and whap Benji knock him out or kill him and even though we don't have an extra attack like I like you saw there we do get that dread ambusher and we're going to be able to punch people so we are going to have a lot of Versatility and dual wielding we're going to have that bonus action dual wield option let's see if klouse can can take us on and that was actually a very good example of we we were saved for that spell so now clouse is burning which is spectacular although I don't can't say I know a lot about the burning effect just 1 D4 not amazing but very very thematic and then the best thing about uh about this class is it's just the versatility so I can go ahead and I can just I could dual wield right now and strike them with both weapons or I can strike him with the first and then I can go in and punch him and we're getting increased damage from the 186 per punch from those gloves he's still burning and pushing and then he's going to try and get on the run here and we can go in and just cleric Fireball see you so this is a class that if you the way that I'm looking at it is I think I mentioned it before it is right down the middle hybrid you are not going to have extra attack but as you can see here 10 to 30 damage from your Flur blows also you get your offhand attack right here you've got raise of fire that's for free and is ignoring resistance confirmed our monk abilities do ignore resistance and they get that necrotic bonus and then when all else fails you can just go ahead and drop a fireball and everybody's fine well not them so that's Zuko uh we're going to go deal with these murder charges if there's anything else that you think I could have fit into this build let me know if you like the build off let me know and if you have any other Inspirations for builds whether that's from a show whether that's just from your own brand let me know and I will uh I'm going to go check out this C I'll catch you later
Channel: Gym Leader Rob
Views: 1,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BG3 Builds, BG3 builds guide, bg3 monk build, bg3 monk build guide, bg3 muliclass build, baldur's gate 3 monk build guide, best bg3 builds, bg3 multiclassing guide
Id: ipBbES6wVZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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