UK Versus The USA On The Graham Norton Show!

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john you got to spend time here absolutely yeah now is it correct do we need to apologize were we not that welcoming to you no no most people are so welcoming um customs agents not so much i'm sure customs is a pain for everybody right it's a little bit of like i got somewhere to be no you guys love it they live here it's quite easy you just walk around i'm in the line of 1800 no i went up to when she was shooting i was shooting something in montreal so i flew back to see the kids and and my wife um and uh i remember going through customs everything was fine and and then one week just got unlucky and there was a guy about my age seemed a bit grumpy and he said um let me see he said yeah he said uh you're an actor and i said yeah he goes what do i know you from i said i don't know if you'd know i mean we did the american version of your british office strike one yeah i love that show the uk version i get it i get it and then he said who are you visiting i sent my wife and he said is she an actress and i said yeah he said would i know her i said i don't know and he said what's her name and i said emily blunt as he was writing something and he went you you yeah and he goes all right get out of here like stamped my passport with a fury john also i i did encourage him that he would be welcome more if he stopped wearing a baseball cap because i just said you look so american nobody has baseball caps oh that makes it better you look so american i just wanted you to blend in it's just called prejudice is what he went out and bought himself a tweed flat cap no he looked awesome was that good no we don't like something i have a guy ritchie film you look great and he walked down the street and it was like the sun came out because suddenly a guy turned him and he went all right what what does that say about your country that it's like well if you lose the baseball hat just wear a tweed that's what it says what do you need it's that simple then and was it nice because you're presumably having your children spending time here with white ice yes because are they american children you said it kind of sneering neither oh it doesn't happen weirder yeah put your cap on you'll be fine you're like dry heaved you're like are they american [Music] [Applause] it's worse than the film and then an american came out of here i mean they are semi-american they do become um quite uh well my oldest daughter became quite british sounding over the course of the year that i was here for mary poppins and she was sort of saying things like bath and water and now she's back to water you have now learned how to do the voices from towie yeah sort of yeah well i we love that possible we love that garbage tv back in in the states my wife was crazy about it when i was here filming guardians we shot guardians of the galaxy here in in london and and my wife anna came out to visit and she fell in love with this show towie the only way is essex it's this show that's like basically their jersey shorts the jersey shore from right from here it's like this uh town somewhere essex i guess and these folks are just like the worst and it was like i'm a parrot a little bit and so when i hear when i hear it all the time i just started picking it up and started like i could pick up their accent and do their accent a little bit yeah i'm okay this is going to sound this is really embarrassing to do in front of a whole room full of brits here but i'll try it anyways so it's like so like honestly i saw this guy because he's telling me he's like you know i miss you or whatever [Applause] that will never be useful that would be useful but that's very good now i want to watch the show i love the fact that you spent months in england and that's what you talk about so tom do you want to start you do you do one question one to him and one i don't think i am i don't know nicole if they don't know the answers i'll throw to you sure don't ask me question number one okay what did captain kirk call mr spock in the spores infection episode that forced him to blow his top and put his fist through the enterprise console as he was trying to beat his captain to a pulp oh was it was it something like you like it's something half breed right it's is it so close so close so close worthless that was the first part then he called him jojo the dog-faced boy no you remember that i'll be in the cage right next to jojo the dog face boy you knew that right was the ear guy okay here we go here we go next question okay harry mudd returned in a sequel to his first season episode muds women what was that episode called i am harry mudd thinking about it that was a season three mod sister so he he probably came back again would have been his second appearance so technically are we giving the boys [Applause] the rest of their lives nicole would you go get us a couple of dinner time this lady came up to us we had a bbc party she came up to the tour we were chatting sharing our wine straws and uh she went i do disability at the bbc whatever that means and then she looked at him and what did she say to you well she said that i qualify it was a hype thing [Applause] since we had that meeting when the lady told me that i was technically as far as the bbc is concerned disabled i had a member of a i won't know where tell me that i could get a parking badge the rest of the couch is so jealous right now parking pads i won't forget the day that ryan gosling high fives makers because i'm officially disabled so i'm real for you no there's part of that where i thought i'm not sure this could happen i don't i don't get it really well i wish i could but i can't believe that it would it's not very unlikely to happen isn't it i watch the avengers i go wow never going to happen how can i say this isn't rich coming from you because didn't you didn't you write for a children's comic i i did yeah i oh suddenly oh avengers no i don't think so which is more realistic the avengers or dora the explorer because that's what he wrote dorian explorer i used to write for dora the explorer magazine yeah i don't want to don't want to brag but now i've i've got a copy said that's great he's an actor and he couldn't deliver that line [Laughter] that was incredible that was sincerity now we've got we've got an issue of the magazine that uh josh contributed to no it wasn't contributed to i wrote the whole thing mate you wrote this whole magazine can i say it's only six pages i think it took like a day there's a nice poem in it i wrote the poem yeah yeah silly steps it's about how to do a funny dance yes and can i just say before you read it out this isn't my finest work this issue this issue this job really so stretch and pull your mouth and why to make a silly grin squid your face between your hands go on squish it in rhymes now this is the bit where i think dora really would dora sing this stick your bottom out behind you and wiggle it wiggle it to and fro could i just say this was a different time now make your favorite silly face and do the silliest down to you no yeah i think it rhymes it scans it's lovely it works and you know what else it was a job yes yeah is this for kids though no no it played big in the 20 to 30 year i've seen you do a thing and i like you're on a suit but can you do it the the deadlift thing she needs some space no no no no no oh oh wow [Applause] but let me tell you something december 26th of the master square garden won't be so gentle [Applause] [Music] so emmerstone had to finger me uh in order to sort of avoid finding anything that you shouldn't have about because it's sort of under the sheets like that and she said i'm a little bit worried about it don't worry don't worry um we'll uh i know i know so i asked makeup taught if they had a sponge and so i put a sponge there i said there was a balloon it was a big wet sponge so you made up this story afterwards her face was a picture she's going up my leg and she went [Laughter] joffrey cersei in payne the mountain eric dondarrion soros of mir the red woman tom hanks anthony joshua yay [Applause] please kill me you
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 2,057,593
Rating: 4.9519415 out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton, The Graham Norton Show, Graham Norton Funniest Moments, Graham Norton Funny, Graham Norton 2019, Graham Norton 2020“ Graham Norton new season, Graham Norton new series, Graham Norton best moments, chris pratt, john cena, emily blunt, john krasinski, ryan gosling, greg davies, ryan gosling graham norton, greg davies graham norton, tom hanks, simon pegg, tom hanks graham norton, maisie williams, maisie williams tom hanks
Id: H3884KbH6Co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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