Graham Norton LOVES The Scottish! | The Graham Norton Show

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but you've also done is it uh did you do a punching game this is hard game she invented this game what oh i know we're so close don't touch me i just wanted to protect my drink she taught us this game i didn't i brought it you did bring it we used to do in the hunger games in like a normal way because you're bored you know you spend minimum 12 hours on set so it's like you know you see the circle you get punched and on hunger games it's normal i brought it to these psychos and now it's it's truly truly dangerous did you look that's normal and that was like that's terrifying i was like this is what a vagina looks like [Applause] something's going to happen like e.t with a beard how do i get unloaded [Laughter] oddly you met your wife on the set of dr who yeah but she is the daughter of a doctor who yes which must drive doctor who people into a frenzy i mean it is statistically quite unlikely yeah um but it oh there we all are look there's the three of us yeah oh that's so embarrassing i'm wearing the seam suit come on [Applause] that doesn't make me look very when swept and celebrity-tastic i mean it's a very nice one you wouldn't want me to just wear it once right now no no you know you know it works you know it works well it's like someone's it's our friend our mutual friend 30 year old friend eddie is a massive fan of not that old we should say he will be one and he will be sorry but he's a massive fan of oprah as we all know and oh you don't but he is and uh and like really mega fan and so so so the so the the books called that because a story in the book um is the title of that so what happened was i uh was invited to this big event where oprah was getting honored getting an award and so i thought i've got to take eddie as my date so i did and we got there and he was just like friends he was like i've got i want to get a photo with oprah i want to get a photovoltaic that might not happen eddie and i'm not going to guarantee it and i am not going to be because i thought if that does happen i'd have to go and say oprah my friend everyone i'm not going to do that you know you just have to it might happen but just you anyway i said then you know how when people come up to me in bars and we're having dinner and they ask for a photo and how pissed off you get about that on my behalf and he went i see a point i still want a photographer so so we we're at this thing and there's a big dinner and it was like crazy like oprah was at this sort of central big table like steven spielberg and jesus and everybody and we were we were all like at these tables going around we were sort of like satellites you know kind of going around oprah and barbara waters was hosting the thing and uh and here's ishtak perma he's and here's jesse norman she's singing away and then it's just like full-on and then at one point she goes and now we're going to have a break and after the break oprah and we're like oh my god and so gail oprah's friend came over to say hello to us and uh and we were at this kind of siberia like table we were like not we were kind of near the loose and i could see eddie a bit later and so but gayle came over so that was like the nearness of gail because she's oprah's best friend and then and then she turned around to talk to someone and eddie said ed said her bum was right there and i did take a picture take a picture i take a picture of gail's bum and eddie's head and then and then he went and he's so pressured over there and he said take a picture of oprah far away and me and i think so i had this camera i was trying to zoom it in and it wasn't my camera it's my husband grant so i was a little unusual trying to zoom in and i got her in focus and then suddenly she stood up i was like oh [ __ ] you oprah she stood up and started and i was like ah christ and then i realized she was coming towards us because she was going to the loo and i was like eddie she's coming she's going to come she's going to come right by here she's going to totally come this could this moment could happen and so i'm trying to unzoom the thing together he's all freaking out i can feel his energy he's like a tingly little thing and then he and he stands up and he kind of blocks her path and i and and i'm trying to fiddle the thing and i hear him in this little choir boy voice going oprah may i have a photo with you it would be my dream oh bro [Laughter] [Applause] i snapped a picture and this is one of the worst pictures i've ever taken i'm sure you have it for us to see this is the picture that eddie dreamed of guessing i actually think it's perfect because you know it's absolutely what that moment was like oprah oprah is a goddess and she can only be half present but eddie it was a bloody mess but it was 1995 and that was a very special year for the man sitting beside you peter capaldi because that was the year you won an oscar i won an oscar yes for a little short film i didn't even know that they gave oscars for short films but i'd made this little short film because i was interested in filmmaking and the next thing i knew i was being telephoned and being told that you were nominated for an oscar i thought we didn't even have any money we didn't know how to get over there all right but we managed to cover to get enough money to get over there and we found ourselves at the oscars with yourself and lots of other um film stars and they called my name and i got up on the stage i looked down and it was a huge auditorium like this and it just looked to me as if it was full of um you know an arnold schwarzenegger look-alike you know what steve martin look-alike tom hanks looked like except that was the real thing uh and it was sort of orgasmic i don't know how it was for you but for me but i knew it was my last organ but i do as well it wouldn't last because obviously when you've just made a little short film it doesn't have quite the same impact uh on your career and also i was an actor so that just confused three billion people saw you yeah but as you know they take you backstage and they put you on a kind of conveyor belt and they take you into like a hangar which has got the world's press in it and they put you on a stage and all those pictures you see if people holding up their oscar they're sort of taken on that stage and then they say would anyone like to talk to peter capaldi winner of the short film uh for 1995 one part of aging has affected you the uh additional grooming that is required i like to groom yeah yeah they well are you you must be already please all over well yes you get have you have you gotten a little idiot no no really when you're a young young young man i like to take a tweezer what do you do i like to take a tweezer and get the odd hair out of here oh no i need a flymo it's just like well i don't want to get them i don't want to shave it you know that's an option i like to get them out at the root and i kind of it's like weeding it's like the the thrill of we the delight of weeding because you get that thing and you uh you're clean as a whistle look at that and you know you get them it's nice if you can i got it i got it so there's that and then there's noes the the nose issue i how about a bit of that have you yeah what's your may i ask it's a trivial and mundane and not interesting thing but i ask you because i'm interested in it it's like you would imagine i do which is [Applause] out you have a you have quite an odd technique i think no i don't pluck them out nobody plays them you're not you're serious about that you don't use the bug that's not the right idea i mean i guess he does it when he's on his bike it's personal no i had for a second i had somebody had given me because you can buy one of those yeah i've heard from those you do yeah and you know those things well it's meant to it's kind of a rolling thing and you go and you go like uh i don't trust it and i'm much much better with a pair of scissors i take a nice pair of scissors well not to get too detailed but here i take my razor i take my gillette number two this part right here i i razor that very carefully very carefully because you can get it very close and then there's something going on here and all around there and i get a scissor and there i am and i know just and i know just what to do and this happens now about once a week i'd say yes i get i get i'm i'm i i guess i'm living you know i things are happening well it looks good on you it looks good i did it recently so it's it's quite quite good isn't it yeah and do they tell you what it's just oh we'd like a meeting or do you know that you're going to be the new assistant um well my agent called me and said they're looking for a girl to play the new companion for the new doctor so um so that's all i knew and i just did an audition with the casting director and um and then i got a recall and i had to um go into the bbc sort of studios and say i was auditioning for something called panic moon which is an anagram of companion so they take it that seriously they take it that seriously yeah it is top top top secret i can't use that anagram anymore [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but now the reaction to you has been told me and you were have you been voted to declare everyone just said you're the sexiest doctor who assistant of all time yeah what's that all about well you were a stripper in the first episode weren't you a pictogram not a stripper a kisser yeah not a stripper no is it kista grandma stripper yes oh is it true or not that you you kept a lightsaber i officially don't own a lightsaber props guy gave me one no i didn't because we bought some lightsabers which i like they're pretty good aren't they no oh that one's on already oh hang on oh no you have to know what you're doing with these you see you do though is that the which one would you like which one looks like yours um the one in the middle is i think uh the the one i use that's that's alec guinness one oh they're the shores yeah yeah oh my god this these are really nice it's amazing how do you turn them can you bang them against each other will they break oh no they won't but you make the sound effects yourself do you want to do you want one not at all come on there you go there go go go you get a good sword oh look at that what that's fantastic but can you make the noises oh can i is it true that you did this thing i'm sure you've been asked this a thousand times yeah like in rocket they did this in rocky as well where they had to you would make the sound effect yourselves so they had to go back and like sound was a nightmare because it was a bunch of people going no it wasn't to begin with it was quite difficult not to make the sound yeah and also when it goes away because it makes that nice noise when it goes down oh yes have you heard that in rocky the partly like the in the first film particularly it's just loads of sound effects of sylvester still all good [Laughter] okay let's look at the light let's put the lights down let's the lights down because you have to you have to start them up oh okay so off off how do you do that uh much deeper on there oh there there it's all now oh there you go there you go okay so when you put it on it has to make this turn nice [Music] nice you're so good at it i did it i spent months doing it mine keeps going off though when i twirl it i could oh break they'll break how much are they cost 150 quid each [Applause] if i are you going to cricket if i throw you something can you get over do it over here hang on i'll throw this here wait who's who you just there you go actually i should be can you can you throw a ball chris oh don't be like that i can't throw anything don't be done no you go you go you go you go okay okay here we go all right we're good let's baseball baseball it's dead okay yay [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 1,779,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton, The Graham Norton Show, Graham Norton Funniest Moments, Graham Norton Funny, Graham Norton 2019, Graham Norton 2020“ Graham Norton new season, Graham Norton new series, Graham Norton best moments, ewan mcgregor, alan cumming, david tenant, james mcavoy, peter capaldi, gerard butler, karen gillan, ewna mcgregor graham norton, alan cumming graham norton, graham norton scottish, karen gillan graham norton, james mcavoy graham norton
Id: W23eCs-6ZNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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