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hello Tiny Tim hello oh but it looks even worse when I see this mr. Norton I'm so excited about your Christmas show but Sir there there be that's all you've got bar you can't if you not drive at all no but do you know what I've seen people do it you can't drink and drive so what's the point that's sort of why I learned I can't drink not worth it both rebel and bad have talked about working with you Ricki and that it's quite annoying not for me well what they mean is I don't know what I mean they probably just mean I'm annoying you're annoying that's like happens like every four seconds no it's fine it's so much fun to work with Ricky because he does up a lot and what happens is we start doing these scenes and we start improvising and he'll start to laugh and sometimes you think oh he's laughing it's something funny I did but usually he's laughing it's something funny he did I know this because sometimes we'll start the scene and nobody said anything he'll start to laugh that's because he's laughing it's something funny that he thought of a picture of you in your pop career yeah that is a curious eyebrow that is well what's going on over there what's along with that that two-piece what is that that's called Shauna dancing let's move on what's see I know what you're doing you're going oh look at you that you know I'm not embarrassed by that I'm embarrassed by this yeah well I collect stuff from movies that some of the movies I've done but really mainly Star Trek memorabilia cuz I love Star Trek never been in a Star Trek but I love the original series so I have like I have the Gorn head from the original series from the episode arena where what the Gorn is the Gorn from Star Trek we're gonna give you the gold you have a lovely way of using social media as a tribute to your partner Jane yeah I just yeah I like you're in the bar faces that you do I get the bar faces but then I also get pictures with we were out or something I I sort of like lag behind and get Jane by herself with no and I take a picture of her and I tweet Jane with all their friends I don't know how funny Jane finds these so here's one you choose of Jane Jane thought you've made a new friend but it was just a shot what you're describing Jane thinking about making new friends [Laughter] where is he where is it he sees the tweet is Jane is looking so happy because her new friend hasn't walked away yet when you're when she's posing for one of these pictures does she go is this one of those pictures where you're gonna make me look like I have no know there had to be there had been a few words at home after you posted this one just found this photo of Jane when she was little [Laughter] thirty years is it true the story about getting the call from Stephen Hawking yeah yeah well I I did I got a call from this guy how'd you know it was him yeah I really loved the idea of being surrounded by exotic animals so in my house I have like a zebra and I have a giraffe as well Wow but not like a real one but like oh it was real before natural like the flu you got high ceilings down in your house very always drinking drinking animals they just the time today but it's not funny Russian accent hell are your balls my balls I don't know how that happened he just it just morphed into why I'd have to be Russian he'd come to work and go and here comes mr. Bendele with his big balls with this suspicious round ball yeah but not Russian accent that's it he had to play America and I didn't want to play American I made Kelly with I'll play America never was America except me I just wrote in these from reading I never knew you were this weird I'm so worried that I am the only one that's made it along with that growing up in my family it was like everyone was winding everyone up I was the youngest of like four and I remember once when my sister um she must have been about I don't know 25 or something I was like eight and they just they turn out in the woods and I used to be followed you know still of insects I know about spice and everything and I found a perfect little discarded snakeskin and I picked it up and my sister was scared of it and I certainly thought oh I've got her and I was teasing and she was gonna put it down it's got germs right and I was running around chasing her and she went you're not coming the car with that so eventually I left it there and then when I was about 15 I was at home with my lights I decided to wind her up when I was I started teasing her about and she was scared of snakes I texted with a snake skin and she chose that time to tell me but I've actually been running around with a used condom [Laughter] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 11,901,303
Rating: 4.9354448 out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton new, graham norton full episodes, Chat Show, ricky gervais, Graham Norton Funniest Moments, ricky gervais graham norton show, david brent, Graham Norton, the Graham Norton show, graham norton funniest moments, ricky gervais graham norton funny, ricky gervais graham norton full episode, Graham Norton full episode, Graham Norton Show, ricky gervais graham norton
Id: WGcqICKfi9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 23 2018
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