The Best Feel Good Moments On The Graham Norton Show | Part Three

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and we thought we'd seen you play everything but first witch mostly [ __ ] my first witch but i hear you went through a phase you got offered a lot of witches when i was 40 when i turned 40 i was offered three which is in one year and it was sending me a signal i felt about hollywood and how they felt about people turning 40. so i felt uh bad and i and it made me sort of i had a like a little my backup you know and so no i didn't want to play them so a lot's changed in the last five years for you [Music] [Applause] that was so smooth it never works like that hello hello hi what's your name uh james james lovely james and what do you do uh i'm a civil servant a civil servant lovely in london here uh yes in london are you from the london area uh no i live in london but i'm originally from um suffolk oh oh yeah it's a suffolk massive yeah is he mentioned in the song probably yeah what school did you go to um so i went to brandeston oh sweet yeah i went to primary school yeah oh okay did we know each other [Applause] glasses what do you yeah james hello yeah james yes me that's the one what the [ __ ] dude he was my best fate growing up and now you're talking to him on a monastery i'm not having my specs and he's like oh my god can we not flip him and just get him out of here do you have a story or do you well yeah i did but please let it be about edge is about it okay okay tell your story then we'll flip you and then i'll sit with you okay okay cool so um yeah this is so random mate yeah it's really weird um yeah when we were younger ed used to come around to my house and yeah like you're saying we used to be quite good mates and i remember one time um one time he was coming around for tea um and i forgot to tell mum he was a vegetarian um at that point anyway and um so mum cooked i think the sausage and mash for tea um and ed said you know after the meal these are the best sausages i've ever tasted you know where did you get them from a mum had to lie because she had no clue um and so yeah 16 years later i'm really sorry first time i ever had me and also the first time i ever watched the simpsons episode was around your house now a lot of people don't know this but uh eddie is in fact a highly trained master magician now you remember the magic circle um no [Applause] wow that moment was one of like deep despair and lost that was a dream when i was a child never happened yeah please tell me you're about to you're about to your no because i know that i know that you can do amazing magic because we have here just a totally ordinary coloring book oh this is totally ordinary oh but eddie can do magic with it isn't that right eddie i mean are you sitting comfortably children [Applause] so i loved paul daniels you probably weren't who will tell you as well the late paul daniels was an amazing magician that used to be on telly every saturday night i was obsessed with him and i this is my moment to be on television doing magic when are you ready i'm ready i'm ready this is a coloring book there is nothing weird or bizarre about it other than it says the word magic on the front of it uh there is actually nothing in the coloring book i'm showing you you see there is nothing i can see there's nothing in it but ryan yes will you blow on the coloring book i thank you fun no harder than that [Applause] let's see what that's done shall we [Applause] [Laughter] okay so the next stage is so we've got now we have pictures ben we have pictures we have pictures i can see the questions will you blow on it give me your full smog okay good one was it [Laughter] i'm a wizard [Applause] [Laughter] like wizarding crossover the potential of doctor strange will you give us a spell ben as a cajon yeah vegas actually better than drum roll uh [Applause] you are a proper nerd aren't you uh i mean when it comes to harry potter i'm a massive massive nerd we know that because you posted this book is this your 12th or you're about 12 or 13 here this is margot robbie look how uncool do you know what's particularly pathetic about this picture a couple things really um number one i'll let you point them out number one it's my birthday that's how i chose to spend my birthday what was in the cup uh number two i'm drinking tea number three i'm wearing glasses even though i don't need glasses i lied to the optometrist because i wanted to have glasses like that now daniel i think you were were you a harry potter fan i love harry potter i just to get round to reading the last one okay so i just i are you kidding me so you've read one to six and you haven't read the seven yeah i don't know are you actually kidding good and bear for twins i'm not going to be able to sleep tonight worrying about you life is a game you mean so i just like you it's just you keep it on the edge i mean this is insane to me do you know another fun fact my husband is [Applause] [Laughter] tell us so i'll stop hijacking the show after this because i'm not here to publicize harry potter my husband is in the harry potter movies i know i was like had you told me sooner we would have been married very quickly but he was um an extra he was like when he was a little kid he's like one of the slother extras you know when draco like pushes some kids out of the way to to see buckbeak in the third book yeah he pushes my husband out of the way oh yeah were you ever an extra in harry potter no no someone i had a my friend was an extra at school then i asked him like how did you get into acting and he didn't tell me because you i posted a picture of yourself so you posted a picture of yourself as i don't know how old you are you're a little boy here and uh you look like you could be in hogwarts here you are good you showed me that when we were filming i love that i feel better about my photo now yeah i know people you went to school with must be so surprised you could you could um kind of fill in as your host as quiz master because we've got some questions we've got some questions this is a this is uh this is like a friend's trivia oh oh oh she's gonna win oh i don't know that friends no well really i think you you there's some free there's some of you all know if they don't know that i'm sure the audience will know okay now do you hear the questions okay okay julie no cheating uh well yeah christy you're you're all competing yeah yeah i know the answer so i can't uh i'd like you to put your hand up if you know the answer yes sir no no no is that fair enough yes are you ready yes sort of yes question what is rachel wearing in her first ever scene oh oh richard oh i can't answer that yes you can a wedding a wedding dress is the correct answer [Applause] all right next question what is the next line after this is about you being a brat wanting what you can't have reese can't have the only thing i can't have is dairy correct [Applause] because i said it on this one [Applause] chris how did rachel ruin the british trifle oh oh ow i put i i i the uh i put beef in it beef at the bottom i layered beef into the trifle well you didn't you didn't sh you put shepherd's pie oh right and the separate spa is not made with beef it's made with lamb sheep wow he's firm but fair you'd expect a landlord to know that yes yes [Laughter] what song does rachel sing to get her daughter to stop crying baby baby got back is the correct answer that's one for the audience and for a bonus point jennifer would you like to sing the opening line of the song uh i like big butts and i cannot lie there's an extra point i know yeah i thought you meant the opening line of the theme song oh cause i could have told you that do you want to sing about it so no one told you that it's gonna be this way yes and this is for for you for me oh no the question is when ross dated rachel why did he feel it was fine to sleep with other women and i know it's because he said we were on a break [Applause] very good you
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 2,097,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton, The Graham Norton Show, Graham Norton Funniest Moments, Graham Norton Funny, Graham Norton 2019, Graham Norton 2020“ Graham Norton new season, Graham Norton new series, Graham Norton best moments, Graham, Norton, show, 2020“, Eddie Redmayne, Benedict Cumberbatch, Meryl Streep, Mark Ruffalo, Ed Sheeran, Margot Robbie, Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon, Ed sheeran red chair, Mark Ruffalo Meryl Streep kiss
Id: T21Sb6DmO4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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