Most Outrageous Couch Stories Ever | Best of The Graham Norton Show

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do you get starstruck when you meet Michael I do sometimes I do sometimes I remember when I was young I and I met Laurence Olivier well that was I used to collect autographs at the stage door and he came out and I remember so distinctly that I started to cream in my knickers [Laughter] I honestly don't think I've ever been more uncomfortable [Applause] [Laughter] I think that's the worst moment of my life are you talking about those mysterious hair loss for women you mean the balding pudenda that's right the balding pudenda Zenda yeah got you what is that Wow in ones you always do I want to know what this but I will just put it there was once a time where I can't believe you don't know yeah can you say forget I can say it again pubic see you're not a doctor but we'll still let once where there was an afro right that I can put beads on and brave yeah there is now Paul Shaffers okay okay empty balls there we go but there's more to it but you have to come yeah Cameron has also been in the papers recently very strongly that all woman should maintain some pubic hair Cameron feels very strongly about this maintain take it out every now and then comb it in terms of my comfort zone I'm far away from it that is an inappropriate metaphor [Applause] we're talking okay can I just clear something up really - if you live okay yeah did you ever ask you a question like why are you there why are you there why [Laughter] I wanna have a direct community [Applause] slightly loud voice my good did your school sing you were very hungover oh yeah tell Tony Foster that story Oh less stories are really cool oh great when I was teaching this is what this show is based on I I went home one weekend and I was in my 30s I was probably 33 years of age I went home to see my mother and then I went back and while I was at home my mother did my washing for me because I was only 33 back on the on the Sunday night I got really drunk and then I went for a curry and then the next day I went into school I'm gonna I went into school and it was a school in Slough and it was quite a rough school but I had a really brilliant hearing-impaired Department so they were hearing impaired kids who you know struggled they were they were really looked after in the school anyway I was really hung over I went there and I bet break time I felt really uncomfortable I thought something's not right you know so I went to the toilet and I pulled my trousers down and some of my mother's knickers have got I've got mixed up in the Washington and I was wearing my mother's and I went oh god now I remember going are you loser this is such a low point you [ __ ] loser and then the Korean food the curry and the booze kicked in from the night before so I I I did like a fecal Jackson Pollock that's like Oh God not this as well oh Jesus so I clean myself up I pulled my mother's pants back went back into the classroom and I saw one of the hearing impaired kids looking at me like this and that's what I remembered that my I had a microphone directly [Laughter] [Applause] weird and don't answer this question if you don't want your mother but I have I don't know why you brought this up but I did hear you discuss you had an extraordinary disagreement with your wife about yourself do you know what I'm talking about by myself you mean yes with interest one night as you do we were talking about stuff and of course being circumcised I said she said she said you're not circumcised I said what do you mean you've only known me a few all my life I remember my mother telling me why because it was fashionable at the time she said you're not circumcised I said that's ridiculous I should know if I'm sorry conversation but the next day I happened to be seeing my doctor I was seeing my doctor for my annual physical of course so what he was down there oh by the way disagreement I am circumcised all right because she says I'm not and he goes so he looked down again and he said hey I'm Jewish I know the difference [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 3,844,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Audience engagement, British comedy, Celebrity moments, Chat show, Engaging talk show, Fan reactions, Graham Norton interviews, Guest interviews, Late-night entertainment, Live audience, Popular British talk show, Popular television show, TV interview show, Talk show host, Television, The Graham Norton Show, TheGNShow Instagram, TheGNShow Snapchat, TheGNShow Twitter, TheGNShow YouTube channel, TheGNShow official channel
Id: ulzqPt1FJTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2017
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